#anti j2 tinhatters
sapphyreopal5 · 28 days
The part about 3 of Cups got my attention.
Jensen is now going to be a regular in three different shows. Jared will be in 3 episodes of Fire Countey. Danneel will be doing 3 conventions this year (2 OTH charity events and a SPN one).
Hello Anon, thank you for your ask. For anyone who is interested in a synopsis of what was said in the other post about the 3 of cups, here it is below:
I mentioned the 3 of cups earlier having a possible interpretation that "3's a crowd". Interestingly, the Page of Wands happens to have 3 peppers on it. Often times this card is a very positive one and indicates a time of celebration, friendship, creativity, and even hardcore partying. I believe however that while this card offers a silver lining in that things will turn out okay overall for all parties involved, it won't be the happy ending certain parties involved are hoping for. In this case, the said wishes for Jensen of being involved with Jared as more than friends, and also any and all current lovers and relationships. I personally think that it's partially true what tinhatters believe but it's alot more complicated than what people want to believe. I've generally held more positive views of Jensen in previous posts. I still believe there is some goodness in Jensen somewhere. However, based on learning more things about Jensen, looking at his mannerisms and especially when I went to the main panel physically at the Charlotte convention earlier this year, my views of him have admittedly shifted some. After noticing some things personally, what I felt in the room during the main panel along with what I've learned about their dynamic, I believe Jensen has a so called "dark personality" for multiple reasons that in itself is for another possible post. Jensen can advocate for Jared all he wants with words BUTt based on the events and funny timing of when things were announced/aired surrounding The Winchesters versus Walker and YANA, along with other things, his actions sing a very different tune...
It is interesting you mention the 3s regarding new shows going on for Jared, Danneel and Jensen. We know Jared said yes to showing up on The Boys for at least 1 episode and kripke keeps teasing of a possible Winchesters reunion onscreen. Given these talks started before Walker was canceled, it's possible Jared could have a bigger role in The Boys (or not, I'm not positive).
It's also interesting now this post is being brought up in the context of Jensen buying that house in CT. Since I made this post back on Oct 22, 2023, it seems Jensen also has put up 3 of his Austin properties up for sale (FBBC taproom that is for sale as of June 10, 2024, the condo by that hotel that was sold back in April 12, 2024 for about half of its original asking price, and possibly that B&B that seems to possibly have been sold effective June 3, 2024). I'm also aware Jared sold one of the farm houses he owned back on March 3 of this year over a couple months before Walker was canceled.
Not sure if there's a hidden 3rd major event for Jared going on behind the scenes or what but my overall point here is that it seems their lives are certainly headed in different directions. Happy endings? Perhaps but it's not what people were hoping for sure. I say at this point people need to just accept it, their lives are going in different directions and so are their careers. I don't the prospect of any so called Supernatural revival happening next year to be a bit laughable. Give it a few years AT LEAST if not more.
Also, with the so called Geneva trip earlier this year according to Clif, pictures or it didn't happen. Even if it did, they would've been seen with a fan, cause they were never shy about taking selfies with fans as far as I'm aware and who cares if it's a friend's trip? Hint: no one does! Clif has claimed many things over the years to supposedly support the tinhatters' theory (ex. Showering together, sleeping together, etc.) and according to one person has said other things about the Pads' marriage that's... interesting to say the least. If you ask me, Clif is questionable at best and frankly needs to go.
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lol-jackles · 4 months
There's quite a few hellers out there claiming Jensen Ackles had his agent with him over this recent con. Why would any agent accompany an actor to a convention? Thoughts?
Not this anon and I don't know about "quite a few hellers" (but I also have a lot of them blocked because they are generally insufferable) but the only instance I did see of this being mentioned (and then people talking about that ask - not anyone saying they heard the same thing, just rehashing that post) was from an anon ask on an anti-Jared/heller blog, and not just any one, the one who admitted they didn't watch the show and only joined the fandom because they love starting drama - cynifer.
Their first ask was this one saying Jensen was supposed to vaca with Jared and Clif in Sweden (between PurCon in Germany and DarkLight in Paris) but had to "go home for work". Then they sent in another to clarify why they were the only one who seemed to have heard this info (no one could corroborate so they now claim it wasn't from a panel or M&G but from their autos... somehow still no one overheard that convo though 🤔) and then added that Jensen had his agent with him "at autos and throughout the con":
The thing is, it doesn't even make any sense that Jensen would have to "go home for work" in between overseas conventions. He was in Germany one weekend and due in Paris the following weekend, what could he need to do for work that couldn't have been done over zoom? Filming is the only thing I can think of but even then with flight lengths to fly from Germany to the US and then back to France he would only be able to be in the US to work for 2 maybe 3 days tops. It just isn't logical. And what would his agent have to do with that anyways? Agents don't generally accompany their clients to each job and certainly not overseas cons. And if the agent was needed for whatever "work" this anon is claiming they could and probably would just meet Jensen wherever he flew to in the US instead of going with him to Germany for 2 days just to fly right back with him to the US.
Obviously you have different insights into this, but from my point of view it sounds like this anon is trying to prove a couple things - that Jensen is "booked and busy" and also that he would rather do anything but spend time with Jared. Especially given the blog they sent that "info" to. If you only share your super sekret Jensen personal info with a very well known Jared anti blog?? Yea, I'm going to be supppppeeeer skeptical.
Huh, I'm apparently blocked by Cynifer. How did that happen? I've never heard of her.
Regardless, going by your description, yeah the whole thing sounds like self-soothing fanfiction that the person misheard or misunderstood during the autograph session. I'm guessing German cons are run similar to American ones where it's quick and you only have a few seconds to interact with the celebrity.
Jensen in the same convention as Jared is of course going to drive hellers into over drive to find any implausible ways to separate the two. J2 tinhatters are similar, they'll find a way to get those two together if one is not at the con, especially when Jared had personal crisis that forced him to withdraw from conventions and somehow Jensen will fly to the U.S between international cons one week apart just to check in on him.
Sounds like Hellers use Cynifer as an outlet for their self-soothing fanfictions because as you said, she is ignorant and just accepts everything the hellers throw against the wall. Even BNF hellers have to abide with certain standards or reality in order to keep their cred, like Will (of Team Free Will 2.0) hunting down sources. I've seen past BNF hellers stand up for some of Sam Winchester's choices because they had to acknowledge real life phycological sources and not just the sake of personal agendas. But Cynifer lets hellers have their full fantasy, no question asked.
Anyways, you are correct, there is no reason or purpose for Jensen's talent agent to travel with him all the way to a fan convention in Germany. Doesn't make any sense. If Jensen is doing a commercial in Germany, he still doesn't need his agent for that.
An agent typically has about 50 clients. They are constantly making contacts and building relationships with journalists, TV bookers, radio pluggers, and brand marketers.  Meeting celebrities is actually the least useful part of their job because it’s not going to get the clients work.  Remember kids, don’t become an agent or publicist to meet celebrities because they’re not the ones going to help your clients' careers. 
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mrswinnie04 · 9 months
I agree with your take about posting about j2 under the actor /spn tags. I’ll be sure to do the same for cockles and destiel. Also if there’s any Jared padalecki hate, that shouldn’t be under the anti tag. As it’s about Jared, whether good or bad, it should be under the normal tag. Cheers. :)
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(I’m answering both of these at the same time because I sort of want to put this discussion to rest)
Anons, I completely respect your right to your opinions and beliefs. I’m not here to convince you or change your minds. I’m not here to force you to align with me. I’m not here to fight you either. That’s the last thing I want to do.
I want to put this to rest, on my blog at least, because my stance has not changed.
Supernatural is made up of so many ship-fandoms. There are so many smaller communities within the SPN fandom that are about shipping characters/actors. It is my strong belief that all of these ship-communities have a right to tags.
Part of what makes “being apart of a fandom” so fun is that all of us get to be apart of smaller communities where interests and passion align. For me, that is the tinhatter community.
It seems to clear to me that what a lot of anons are conveying to me through these statements are that they don’t agree with J2 tinhatter content. That’s totally fine. It is not my job to convince you or force you to believe in the things I do. I respect everyone’s right to ship whoever they want and to be able to tag those posts there without hate.
There are some ships in the SPN fandom that aren’t my cup of tea. However, I will NEVER tell them that they can’t post under actor tags. I will never police them or tell them they are wrong. I have no right to do so, and I respect those communities. I respect their right to enjoy those ships together.
You don’t have to agree with my content. Nor do you have to believe in whatever I’m saying. It’s not my job to mother you. However, tinhatters r just as much apart of the SPN fandom as any other ship. We should be able to enjoy the tags as any other ship or theory blogger.
If you look under Jensen and Jared’s tags, anyone and everyone posts their theories and takes there. Everyone posts ship posts, etc… that is their right.
During this time, I wanted to also address the anon that got a little aggressive with the “it’s okay for me to post anti-Jared since it’s about the actor”.
It is my hope that everyone on here knows what human decency is. It is my hope that there aren’t people going online to rip apart an actor. I mean, i really do hope there aren’t people out there who actually “anonymously” write horrible things about actors because they suddenly have courage sitting behind their computer screens.
But again, i am not your mother and I will not mother you on why it is disgusting to cyber bully other human beings.
My point is, what makes SPN community beautiful is that all of us like the wonderful show and have found communities/content that we are also passionate about.
My blog on tinhatter content has never posted anything to harm J2. I DO NOT Believe in posting hate or harm on my blog. If anything, I came to be a blogger because I love and respect the actors so much. As I have stated in my posts before, all of the things I post are OPINION-BASED! Which means you don’t have to agree or like it if you don’t want too.
Me, a tinhatter, posting my take on an interaction or event between J2 under their tags doesn’t harm anyone. In fact, I blend right in since there are so many others with different theories about J2 or the individual actors.
I understand that not everyone will agree with what I have to say. I respect that, but my blog will continue to post J2 content. I’m not forcing you to believe. All you have to do is scroll past my posts, but tinhatters should be just as welcome to any of the tags as any other ship or theory blogger.
We are a community with different ideas and different minds. That is what makes us unique and beautiful. Please respect other people, their ships, and their beliefs.
Kindness is always contagious.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
The whole Alma spec is making me laugh so hard! I never cared enough to look her up cause 'there are HINTS in her POEMS' is not my thing, but I unfortunately do love gossip. I'm not sure what the anon(s?) think they're winning by trying to convince everybody Misha's in a relationship with this woman since most cockles shippers and friendlies assume it's poly so like... he has a gf (too)? Good for him. I mean, I've read Vicki's book-according to her, they were in a serious triad relationship with another woman for a while--I don't remember the exact phrasing but it was like 'involved diamonds and trips to Paris'. And he antis think Misha having a girlfriend now would somehow be a game changer? For what? Cockles shipping? Lmao. Straight! Misha proof? Please. Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I hope that man gets ALL THE PUSSY he can and the antis die mad about it
basically, yeah. and now that it got tracked down that 2po started the mistress rumor because he was sharp enough to realize he had a live in buddy but not sharp enough to find out who it was, i realized what happened is he pumped his nonsense into them, caused their spiraling J2 tinhat Omg Jensen Betrays Jared madness, leaned on the roommates nonsense of ancient j2 as frat dudes. And like. Oh that makes sense. So they assume roommate was/must/has to be someone he's fucking in a dramatic way for soap operas. Until everyone was like. bro. it was misha. he stayed there for years. And their heads catch on fire and they point and scream TINHATTER
no bro like. it was a thing that was real that the morons trying to stalk jensen sucked at bc literally like half of fucking vancouver knew. Nobody cares. Acknowledging two dudes rooming doesn't mean you're saying anything else. They're basically like bitching at me that THEY'RE hateshipping cockles because they can't think like normal people.
Now all of them are imploding and, if you check and rotate to his blog, his new desperate attention attempt is "Min claims Eric Kripke wrote Supernatural based on his life." and yet again, WHERE, MOTHERFUCKER.
He's somehow missed the receipts I've reblogged three times now, and pinned, while saying HUH NOBODYS ANSWERED I CANT READ SUDDENLY about his conman bullshit that he lied and said didn't happen, so OFF HE SWINGS to "writing RPS about ghost of bobby again, new version: kripke wrote spn based on GOB!" or something. Like there is literally no end to the nonsense this man spins out of wholecloth or chasing shadows.
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bi-impala · 2 years
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there's always a spn connection
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Well, Jensen manages to talk without saying anything. He’s good.
675 notes • Posted 2021-03-07 22:29:45 GMT
did someone show the new fans the crypt scene gag reel part
681 notes • Posted 2021-07-01 13:32:50 GMT
They hired a LGBT specialist at Chaos Machine and the first thing they do is to piss off Jared Padalecki and his fanbase of stans and J2 tinhatters. An immediate win for gay rights
2059 notes • Posted 2021-06-25 12:57:46 GMT
“Supernatural is bad” “Supernatural is good” they’re absolutely meaningless assertions. Supernatural is highly enticing. You start watching and you’re lured in. Is it bad? Yes and no. Is is good? Yes and no. Is it somehow extremely appealing and addictive? Yes.
3194 notes • Posted 2021-03-13 18:15:58 GMT
The thing about Supernatural and Good Omens is that they’re completely different kinds of storytelling and definitely different experiences. You watch Good Omens in a couple afternoons and you enjoy it very much, maybe you watch it again a few other times, maybe consume or even produce some fanworks. You inject Supernatural into your bloodstream and it does to you what anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorist think that vaccines or 5G do to you
5992 notes • Posted 2021-07-04 10:04:53 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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msgrumpygills · 2 years
About this ask: *I find it so odd how many people are saying they “ship cockles in the sense that I see it as a possibility"...*
I don't ship real life people because I'm not interested that much in some strangers' love life but I think Cockles is a possibility, as much as J2 or Mishalecki or Misha/Darius or Misha/Felicia Day etc are a possibility. Fictional shipping is different because in a story there are deep details or themes that can pick up my interest but we don't see "themes" in real life and we don't see "deep details" in strangers. It's just gossip.
So I struggle to get why a real life ship should be interesting, but I struggle to understand the other big "anti" reason (beside disinterest) as well, that it's impossible that the people in the ship are actually together. It's not impossible, it's like claiming to be sure that two random people who are talking in the street are not a couple. It's just more likely they aren't together because the romantic relationship are a minority in all kind of relationship, but low probability =/= null probability.
Besides, I'm not saying you do it but it's commong among who dislike slash RPF, it bothers me that the argument is that everyone is supposed to be straight until proven otherwise. Straight is the most common, but not enough common to be default. In Gen Z, 20% identify as "not straight" and it's a value which is bound to get higher as the homophobia gets weaker. If someone has said nothing about his sexuality, their sexual orientation is unknown and not straight. The same is valid for monogamy, allosexuality and cis gender identity even if the burden of proof put on gay and bisexual people bugs me the most because it's a personal issue for me.
I have similar objections against tinhatting, even stronger because if we can't claim it's impossible X and Y aren't together, also we can't claim X and Y are together and it's a far less likely guess if X and Y aren't a public couple. People who claim to know that two strangers are secretly together are delusional, but I wanted to focus on the option that seems rational because to me it isn't rational at all (that is "X and Y are just friends and it's a fact").
This may seem an ask with an agenda but I ship no one and I wouldn't start even if I was flooded with real evidences that tinhatters are right. I ship a real pairing only if I have a extremely detailed story to study in order to get attached to some dynamics (this has never happened for now) or if the couple are my personal friends so I know that being together is doing good for them and I care about what's good for them too, this happened sometimes.
I don’t really have anything to add here, this is a really good point and very well thought out and explained! Thank you for sharing! 
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lovecforever · 4 years
I'm searching for friendly cockles and j2 tinhatters like:
I love Jensen, I love Misha, I love Jared, I love Dean, I love Cas, I love Sam, I have no problem with their wives or other characters or actors,
I just enjoy seeing proofs that J2 are married or Mish and Jen are married, (no antis)
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Oh I forgot!! tinhatters whom their tumblrs' base is only bottom!jensen and bottom!dean!!!
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#bottom dean #bottom jensen #forever
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sapphyreopal5 · 5 months
I saw that you pointed out people noticing the romantic undertones of Jensen’s post and I believe you said before that Jensen probably isn’t completely straight and I’ve thought the same thing about justin cause apparently his last ex wife “knows” things about him…… Is it possible there’s something there between Jensen and Justin? Like more than friendship?
Hello Anon, hmmmmm interesting thought. So one of my best friends and I have been talking about this possibility lately. We all know about the J2 stuff with Jared and Jensen and the tinhatters and the hellers and things like that. It's interesting that you ask about Justin and Jensen, Anon. My best friend and I were talking about this some like I mentioned earlier. I'm big on talking about things like synchronicity, divination, sometimes numerology, and other spiritual related topics. I'm passionate about discussing these kinds of things, always was and always will be. I couldn't help but notice the weird "romantic" tone in 1 of the 2 photos Jensen used to announce he is going to be on Tracker or at the very least very friendly. It's funny Jensen called him brother, but the only instance I could find of them hanging out publicly was a photo Clif posted on his Twitter on 12/31/2012 of the 3 of them out and about in Malibu.
I couldn't quite find a source for this ex wife saying that referring to Justin, which I assume you mean may be Chrishell? I am aware that Justin and Chrishell "broke up" via text with Justin informing her he had divorce papers signed, all of which supposedly side-blinding her about it. Justin married his now third wife Sofia only a few months after his divorce with Chrishell was finalized. Her former co-star and on-screen nemesis Christine Quinn apparently "lied" to the media at one point saying she heard Justin and Chrishell were in therapy before filing for divorce, which Justin cited the reason as "irreconcilable differences". Hours later, Chrishell fired back at the media while saying Christine knows nothing about their marriage. Whether she was truly side-blinded or not we will never really know. It's interesting knowing that Chrishell's last 2 men she was with didn't want children but she did, yet now is married to G Flip (who is by the way a woman) as of last May. Awful funny how Chrishell ended up marrying a woman and was also on Days of Our Lives from 2013 to 2015, hmmm... For anyone interested in a said timeline for their relationship, here it is. Point is, it's possible Chrishell said something like this off the books or indirectly as she said a lot of things while devastated about their split.
I decided to look into some things and I could not help but notice today more parallels between Jensen and Justin. I wrote here a few days ago about other parallels between Dean on Supernatural, Russell on Tracker, and even between Jensen and Justin's personal lives. I realized after making that post that both Chrishell and Jensen were on Days of Our Lives at different times; Chrishell married G Flip last May in Las Vegas (and has implied she is "bisexual" but still likes masculine energies). This might explain some things about where Jensen might've REALLY gotten the inspiration for his daughters' names from. This post here that shows Jensen with Clif and Justin was posted on Clif's (now defunct) Twitter "yesterday" with the post being dated January 1, 2013, making it so the photo was originally posted December 31, 2012. Weirdly enough, THIS is the ONLY photo I could find of Jensen and Justin hanging out publicly together like EVER and it's hard to find when or how exactly they met and have yet to find a solid answer.
This Forbes article talks about how Jensen let Justin store his brewing system in his personal shed for at least the better part of a year if not longer. The article stated cut back to 7 years ago, with this article being dated May 2018 which puts things to 2011 or maybe 2012, assuming Jensen was being more general than specific. Did they rub elbows while doing auditions on the show Smallville all those years ago, as someone else speculated on my last post about Jensen and Justin? Interesting, if they're such good friends why have we heard so little of them hanging out and being friends?
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This magazine article shows around January 7, 2013 is when Danneel and Jensen announced. When I was doing research on Justin, I realized something strange while thinking about this earlier today along with Jensen's daughters. He has 1 daughter who was born July 3, 2004 named Isabella Justice Hartley. Jensen has 1 daughter who was born May 30, 2013 named Justice Jay Ackles. According to this tinhatter's post, Jensen's nickname for Jared is Jay. My best friend asked another tinhatter about if Jensen ever calls Jared Jay and said "may be a couple times?" In the con videos I've watched of Jensen referring to Jared he ends up calling Jared well Jared or something else many times over. Jay, I haven't heard him call Jared Jay at least yet.
However, this screenshot here does show Jensen referred to Justin as J in a comment made on Justin's post from October 12, 2021. Is it just a funny coincidence that the one public photo of Jensen and Justin, who has a daughter named Isabella Justice, hanging out TOGETHER and PUBLICLY was about a week before it was announced Danneel and Jensen are expecting their first child together they ended up naming Justice Jay? Did Jensen really just simply like the name Justice after talking to Justin about his daughter's name knowing he and Danneel are expecting? Does "Jay" REALLY refer to Jared or Justin or himself? Hmmm...
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NOW, as for Arrow, well according to this website: "And when it came to Ackles' daughter, they started off choosing her initials and took it from there. “We wanted an AA name and we both liked Arrow,” he explained. Ackles and Harris married in 2010 in Ackles' hometown of Dallas, Texas, after falling in love on the set of the 2007 romantic comedy Ten Inch Hero." Funny, this website is "SheKnows". Is this some strange hint from the seers "she knows" as in Danneel as to why he liked the name Arrow? I say this because I realize Jensen and Justin both played different roles at different times on the show Smallville. Jensen was on it for season 4, Justin from season 6 onward. Jensen played Jason Teague, while Justin played Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow.
Here is this article showing that Jensen by the way will be returning to Tracker more for season 2 and how Justin said Jensen "would be perfect for it", the role of his brother. Hmm.... In the article, you can find the quotes I mentioned below. However, I doubt they were at all surprised when Jensen wanted to join the show. Jensen did like multiple of Justin's posts regarding Tracker, so I'm sure Jensen and him started talking a little bit before he actually joined the show.
The casting of Colter's brother was also a pivotal decision, driven by the need for a strong actor to portray this complex relationship. “And then, when it was time to cast Russell Shaw, I was like, ‘We built this whole thing up. It’s important that we get somebody in there that is just a juggernaut. Somebody that you would believe because he’s gonna go toe-to-toe with Colter, in a good or bad way, and that you also believe is his brother.’ And I just thought Jensen Ackles would be perfect for it," Hartley explained. He was initially unsure about securing such high-profile actors but was thrilled when both showed eagerness to join the project.
In this, Justin also stated:
Hartley also revealed that his This Is Us co-star Jennifer Morrison would be making an appearance in the finale, and confirmed the return of several key characters, much to the delight of fans. “[Sofia] is coming back. Jensen is gonna come back. Melissa is gonna come back. There’s another leak for you. They’re all coming back,” he stated.
When my best friend and I were talking about this, she said "I can't move" because she was in such great shock about this connection. Maybe within 15 minutes of her saying that, she told me she felt an earthquake and that her entire bed moved as she was laying on it. This was actually not even an hour before this article posted, showing Jensen will in fact make more appearances on Season 2 of Tracker. I asked my best how far she is from where this earthquake with a magnitude of 4.1 hit and said about 20 miles. I mentioned before that Russell/Jensen and Colter/Justin on the show hadn't talked in about 20 years. Assuming another Tumblr user's speculations are correct about meeting during auditions for Smallville or close, seems like Jensen and Justin may have met over 20+ years ago or even through some work related event through the CW. I'm sure we'll eventually figure out exactly when they met but I've been noticing the number 20 show up a lot with Jensen and Justin. The numerology meaning for 20 is quite interesting, given what else I've said about the number 11 being bad for Jensen and 12 possibly being good. According to the Google overview of what 20 means in numerology:
The number 20 may also indicate a potential for spiritual growth and the beginning of a spiritual journey. Numerology encourages people to trust in the divine powers and follow the spiritual guidance they receive, leading to personal development and achieving one's soul mission.  Some say that people born on the 20th of any month tend to have a natural inclination towards harmony and cooperation. Others say that these people are often diplomatic and fair-minded, and that the number 20 bestows a strong sense of intuition and sensitivity upon those born on this day.  The number 20 vibration may experience a test of patience and humbleness. It may also symbolize a new beginning or new perspective on life.
Like I said in my last post regarding Justin and Jensen, are they the new J2? Is it possible they have had some romantic ties in the past or do they just like to joke flirt the way Jensen and Jared do? I don't know, you decide...
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lol-jackles · 2 years
Are you worried about upsetting tinhatters talking about their weird take on J2? I remember live journal days of them wishing d*ath to the wives and being just as vile as c*ckles shippers. Drag them all, I say.
Not at all. I used to have an anti-J2-tinhat tag but eventually became interchangeable with my J2-tinhat tag.
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j2inlove · 4 years
You and the rest of the j2 tinhatters/bibros sicken me so much. Go kill yourself asshole #anti-j2 #destielismyotp #destieliscanon #fuckyouasshole
This is the kind of people hellers are.
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charcubed · 4 years
I agree with your opinion on ?no thing and wanted to ask what do you think of jackles saying his number 1 reservation about 10.05 was destiel mention. People also use that as a proof that he is/was homophobic, which I tbh can't agree with, bc there's like a million reasons someone can dislike a ship involving their character and it's not fair to immediately make the worst conclusions possible? Idk, can you share your opinion on that?
Part 2:  Forgot to add: and even saying that those reservations mean he dislikes the ship is already an assumption anyway - 10.05 anon
Hi anon! 
First thing I’m going to say is that I think it’s frankly bonkers for anyone, in any fandom, to call someone homophobic for not loudly supporting or maybe not understanding a gay ship. Of course this is a blanket statement and in some ways it can still depend on the situation, because could someone be outright homophobic about a queer ship? Sure. But that’s not always (and tbh, probably rarely) the case in situations like this. As you said, there are a million reasons someone can dislike a ship or simply not understand fandom culture with that kind of stuff; if one is unfamiliar with it, it does take a certain level of PR coaching to understand it more fully. I’ll go back to that though.
I looked around for ages, and for the life of me I can’t find a source on Jensen saying that the Destiel mention was his number one reservation. If that was something he said, can you (or anyone reading this lol) point me to a source?
All I know of–and found in my search again–is this video / article, where he talked about his initial reaction to the episode.
"I didn't have a positive reaction," Jensen Ackles told E! News. "The first time in I think 200 scripts I went and sat down in the showrunners office and said, ‘What in god's name are you doing?! Why? I need to understand why this is happening.'"
It took some convincing from executive producer Jeremy Carver for Ackles to finally come around to the idea.
"He gave very eloquent answers and did a great job of explaining why we were doing what we were doing," Ackles said. "I guess I had been aware of this 'fan fiction' for a while and I felt like maybe if I ignored it, it would eventually go away. When I read it in the script that is what I do for a living and is my work—I'm very protective of these characters and the story and I think we have a right to be—I wasn't angry. I just wanted to understand why and what was the message we were ultimately sending with this script and story. By the end of it, I felt good and it gave me all the confidence I needed. It was better than I could have ever hoped."
He continued, "I never should have even sat down in that office, so Jeremy, I'm sorry."
So from the perspective of this quote (if that is indeed the quote in question):
No part of this is anti-Destiel lol. I think it’s very clear what he meant by having concerns about this episode. I’d even go as far as to say that if he has said something about worrying about the Destiel name drop (if there’s a source on that I don’t know about), then it was still in this context: he wanted to know what message they were sending with this story. 
I think it’s also key to remember that he’d been aware of fanfic and ignoring it. Why? Because he was also primarily aware of w*ncest fic and J2 tinhatters and the like. There’s a sordid history there, and it’s not unrealistic to say that it caused problems. That was Jensen’s first and primary encounter with fanfic and shipping as concepts, and it makes sense that his method was trying to ignore it and not focus on it. 
Then, the flip side: maybe he didn’t want the fans to feel ridiculed either. What kind of message were they sending with this episode? aka is this going to be a nod to fans, or be seen as making fun of them or even getting their hopes up about a ship?
Then clearly things were explained to him, and he understood, and felt good about it. That counts for a lot. After that conversation, he clearly liked 10x05 and often said as much in other interviews too.
Overall, look, ultimately... I don’t know Jensen as a person, obviously. I wouldn’t ever claim to. But I think he seems to be the kind of person who just doesn’t like being back into a corner, especially very publicly such as at conventions. I think he–like all other actors–know they don’t write the stories and can’t promise things on behalf of the writers’ rooms. This applies to any instances people dredge up across the board.
I think he also–especially in the early days–didn’t understand what fandom wanted from him when they asked him leading questions about Destiel... because even at the best of times sometimes fandom doesn’t know what they want, and because without being coached in the best kind of responses no one would know how to answer perfectly especially back then. A mere 5, 6, 7 years ago, social media was still growing, talk of queer rep was still actively evolving and becoming louder, and fans were becoming emboldened (not necessarily in a bad way) to demand more of stories–but that didn’t mean everyone (especially actors) were engaged or educated on what that all meant for the ways they had to respond including on the spot.
SPN season 10 aired in 2014. Same sex marriage wasn’t legalized country-wide in the US until 2015. Lexa died in The 100 in 2016, and I mention this to put in perspective where queer rep conversations were at the time, using a marker many people know about. 
Is it so surprising that an actor in a show from the early 2000s–with the baggage of w*ncest shipping debacles, network pressures, inability to speak for writers, and already many years’ worth of playing a character who felt personal to him–wouldn’t have known that fandom wanted to hear the exact phrasing of “I’m not sure Destiel is where the story is going but all interpretations are valid and if you think Dean is bi then of course he is” anytime he was asked a question practically designed to trip him up?
It’s not homophobia to have a cocktail of concerns surrounding a topic like that, in context like that, and especially in very public spaces like conventions. (Homophobia is shit like “not everything is about the gays, okay gay people?” Lol.) There are many reasons an actor could dislike a ship, but even more so, there are many reasons an actor may not understand fandom culture or not know how to perfectly address a ship / queer question because they didn’t know what the fans wanted to hear.
Basically, in summary: I agree with you and I’ve never personally seen anything from the backlog of history that Jensen’s said that struck me as either homophobic (a big word people should stop slinging around!!) or deliberately anti-Destiel with malice.
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arkvark2 · 6 years
Me: I wonder if lol-jackles is still pissing off the fandom *open his site"
..."bangable Jesus"
........ "emotional tampon"
..............."Hillary Clinton is the anti-christ"
......................"J2 Tinhatters have erection problems"
............................."Tyrion is a stupid depressed shit and saying that doesn't make me anti Tyrion"
Me: glad to see he's mellowed and made friends
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nyxocity · 6 years
Curious what you think about fandom issues. What about tinhatters? What about destiel? What about anti’s? What are your thoughts on yaoi?
Tinhat your heart out. But don’t be an asshole. You can tinhat and not be an asshole to J2′s wives just because they exist.
Ship whatever you want. Shout it from the rooftops. But don’t be an asshole about it. Don’t push it on the actors/writers or hate on fellow fans over it.
Mostly I DON’T think about anti’s. There’s so much wrong with the world I can’t believe fictional stories is where people want to start. The back button and tagging exist for a reason.
For my thoughts on yaoi, please see my fanfic ;D
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dv-samgirl · 7 years
It will never not be funny to me that some of the most avid anti-hellers are also j2 tinhatters. They bring forth solid points like Dean calling Cass brother, calling him a best friend, that two people can hug each other and all it means is they are friends. All true, then why can't the same be true for Js?
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sapphyreopal5 · 4 months
Hmmm, so I've heard about the whole people talking about Cordell Walker and Russell Shaw fanfic they want to show up going back to the same tattoos they have. I know they and Jeffrey Dean Morgan all got the crown tattoos together in 2019 but it seems to me Jared just joined in while they were discussing what tattoo they wanted. Jensen got it because it was a nod to being crowned Mardi Gras king that year. Jeff specifically requested for that design to be included as an available design, so it's clear he was going to probably get it from the start.
It seems Jared decided to join in to get this tattoo as Jensen and Jeffrey were looking to get that tattoo. They affectionately called themselves the 3 kings but I just find it interesting that had Jared not seen them at the tattoo stand in the wedding looking at tattoo designs, would he also have gotten this tattoo? Seems like it's possible he didn't want to feel left out. The crown tattoo in question contains a W in it and is said to stand for Winchester.
Hmmm, funny how JDM and Jensen got matching tattoos without Jared at another wedding in Tulsa, Oklahoma but all 3 did get this crown tattoo together. I don't think this is a so called J2 thing like people are proclaiming it to be. Jared wanted to get it because he saw them and realized they were getting it and didn't want to feel left out. In other words, Jared wasn't originally part of this conversation or part of the said "plan" to get matching tattoos but instead joined in. Sure they may not have minded Jared joining in to get this tattoo but facts are, it was NOT the original conversation.
Bottom line, people please get your facts straight.
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THE LUCKY FEW tattoo - this tattoo is for Levi, Jensens’s nephew who has Down’s Syndrome. The three arrows represent the three copies of chromosome 21 that cause Down’s and indicate rising above the genetic condition. #theluckyfew #downsyndrome
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