#and it's also the fic i've spent the most time on (2 weeks omg haha)
seiwas ยท 11 months
tell me about love is receiving so much love since i posted it and it's makin my heart tear up a lil ๐Ÿฅน thank you so much to everyone for taking the time to read all 7k words of it ๐Ÿ˜ญ and for all your very kind words about it โ™ก
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jeongjaebae ยท 3 years
get to know me !!!
tagged by: @skrtbabe ๐Ÿ’“ ty for the tag!!!
tagging: @wavesmp3 @sftwrmfics @flrtwoo @starrytxt (only if yall want to ofc!! ๐Ÿ’– pls don't feel obligated to read my ramblings lmaooo)
tldr: tbz drink it, music analysis, and like one embarrassing story in the middle
what is your birthday?
cancer sznnn aye haha it was a few weeks ago
what is your favorite color?
what's your lucky number?
as i quote "luck doesn't exist, it's all a coincidence"
do you have any pets?
a dog!!! he's big and dumb and cute (but i mean... aren't all boys)
how tall are you?
166cm / 5'5.5 the last time i checked
how many pairs of shoes do you own?
idk, just enough
favorite song?
how can anyone just pick one??? atm it's tbz drink it โ€” yall please listen to the final chorus of the song, especially younghoon's voice at 3:00... man his lower register is insane i will never stop talking about this. ok but also sangyeon's voice!! his part in verse 2 right before the prechorus + the first half of final chorus. ugh absolute perfection. and then hak!!!!! omg i cannot get over how well his rapsy rockstar voice suits this song. would definitely pay to hear this live. the other vocalists' parts are very well placed and definitely heighten the song! pls creker can we get more songs like this? (have high hopes for nightmare rn tho!!)
favorite movie?
again, how to just pick one!!! i'm really into thriller/suspense tho! rn looking forward to seeing escape room 2 (i've literally had this one my list since seeing the first one a couple years ago haha)
what would be your ideal partner?
@ any of the lee boyz from tbz ๐Ÿ‘€
ehh honestly don't have an ideal type anymore?don't really believe in love anymore
do you want children?
not atm, maybe in the future idk
have you gotten in trouble with the law?
not... yet... LMAO
what color socks are you wearing?
oh please no i hate wearing socks
bath or shower?
favorite type of music?
does dark kpop boy group music count? hAHAHA ok anything upbeat and in a minor key!!! bonus if there are V chords (sorry, inner music nerd poppin out here). i'm very versatile when it comes to genre or instruments or whatever tho. can probably find something i love in any language and genre!
how many pillows do you sleep with?
just one!
which position do you sleep in?
what you don't like when you're sleeping?
i don't like when i'm sleeping LMAO it feels like a waste of time when there's soooo much to be doing! so much to see in the world!!! ok but i do like it when i get nice dreams with cute kpop boys hahaha
what do you have for breakfast?
cereal, at like 2pm LMAO
have you ever tried archery?
yes omg it's a lot of fun and i wish i could get another opportunity to do it again!!
favorite fruit?
hmm strawberries? exotic answer would be mangosteen maybeee
favorite swear word?
f u c k
do you have any scars?
scar by the boyz
i got a couple of scars in freshman year when i tripped and fell into a construction zone on campus... you know what maybe i'll write that into a fic it was EMBARRASSING AF but also bloody and very painful so like. yeah. no cute guy to help me up unfortunately
are you a good liar?
mhmm very good when i choose to be!
what's your personality type?
enfp, though i spent most of my life believing i was intj LMAOO. guys the mbti test isn't accurate, you rlly gotta study the cognitive functions to know ๐Ÿ˜‚
what's your favorite type of girl?
you know sol and jiwan from nevertheless? man they're both so attractive uGHHHH. also bitna omg she's HOT. ok you know what. everyone in that drama is freakin attractive.
innie or outie?
if ur referring to bellybuttons then innie lmaoo
left or right handed?
right! though i'm decent with my left
favorite food?
ddeokbokki ๐Ÿ˜ the spicy kind with cheese. oh man juyeon... please don't add so much water to it alfjkdajf i died laughing at this ep. bb come here i'll make you ddeokbokki!!!
are you clean or messy?
depends on what you're talking about hahaha. files are organized, room is not. brain probably isn't either
favorite foreign food?
i love bun bo hue, does that count as foreign
how long does it take for you to get ready?
ready for what? can range from 10 mins to 60 ish probably
most used phrase?
"omg" according to my twt
are you a good singer?
hmm decent! duet me sometime ;)
do you sing yourself?
i usually practice singing in my closet LMAOOO i mean i don't think i suck but yknow. still don't want to be a source of noise pollution in this world
biggest fear?
a lot of things but hmm maybe deep water... please do not show me pics or vids of bodies of water ๐Ÿ˜ญ
do you like long or short hair?
team short hair! just got my hair done last week and my hairstylist made me HOT (but omg the damage is real. idk how kpop stars do it)
are you into gossips?
well. aren't we all LOL. i don't gossip much but idk, if it's harmless it can be kinda interesting
extrovert or introvert?
introverted extrovert, as i like to say. i spent most of my life believing i was an introvert, and it wasn't until recent years that i realized the truth LMAO. literally idk why it took so long. i have always HATED when friends cancel plans on me. hated staying in and being alone. i would walk friends home all the time just so i could cling onto them a little longer!! but at the same time, i'm terrible at talking to people ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
favorite school subject?
science! especially chem and physics ๐Ÿ˜ (whoever's reading this is gonna be like wtf is wrong with u, I KNOW)
what makes you nervous?
right now, the job search. nervous for the future i guess
who was your first real crush?
HAHA this guy in grade 3. and he liked me back!!! but unfortunately my family decided to move right after so i did not live my y/n dreams. though i moved back to my hometown for uni and we did reunite...
how many piercings do you have?
eight! four on each ear but i retired two of them. BUT getting two more next weekend!!!! omg i'm excited
how fast can you run?
if i'm running to line up for a tbz concert then maybe really fast?
what color is your hair?
black naturally but just got some nice colouring done last week!!! streaks ranging from caramel to ashy blonde ugh it looks so nice and diff and i haven't dyed it since 2014 so this is THRILLING
what color are your eyes?
what makes you angry?
when things are unfair... like being blamed for something you didn't do...
do you like your own name?
haha why have one name when you can pick a diff pen name for each blog (-โ€ฟโ—ฆ)
do you want a boy or a girl as a child?
how about neither lololol. but i mean, as long as they're a good child it doesn't matter
what are your weaknesses?
2 shy 4 life, don't have enough discipline. too in love with the possibilities of life to mature or settle down
what are your strengths?
i learn and adapt quickly! and i'm generally a positive person!!
what is the color of your bedspread?
some kind of floral pattern or smth
color of your room?
light blue with clouds!!! kinda want to repaint it pink tho lmao
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