#col tag
seiwas · 9 months
baby blue, when i first loved you - col #0 --- you fall in love with gojo at 17.
title tba - mini series within the larger col series --- a series of almost's taking place between col 1 and col 2
build this love a home (it's wherever you go) - col #5 --- tba
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cheir · 1 month
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Lemon. Will produce good silk? Must try. Afterwards? Can weave cloth?
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mermer404 · 7 months
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Hi! Can't believe you noticed little old me. Great to have you.
I never meant to hurt your feelings, or anybody's. If you were celebrating the death of civillians you deserve to be called out, but not, at least in my opinion, bullied. I think bullying is mean and counterproductive to anything, but it's nice to see someone having fun at a time like this.
I understand you need to keep feeling like your online activism is helping, like it's strong, because the world is fucked and you can't do much about it, so you do whatever you actually can. I get that. We're all human. But once that gets in the way of you being a person, once your need for self importance makes you hate those who fight alongside you, you are not only being a bad person, you are being a bad ally, and you are weighing down the movement.
The Israeli left is immeasurably valuable and does actual footwork. I will not name or link any organizations or details here, your minds and hearts are too small to have any dignity towards them. But the Israeli left get the Palestinians you tokenize medicine, food, a platform, donations, homes. Meanwhile what do you do? Post Twitter screenshots? Tear down posters of kidnapped children?
I don't know what caused your hearts to become so small and withered, and I am sad for you, and I am sad for the movement. Activism guided and centered on hate is no longer activism, it makes you a hate group.
You are guided by hate. I'd say you do nothing but harm, but honestly you just do nothing but Tumblr drama.
Do some actual good instead of posting hate speech. See how that makes you feel.
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braisedhoney · 9 months
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say hello to the first Official Canon Characters aboard the HIVE o7 (joking, but they are legit ocs which is kinda weird to say 👀)
random lore + some extra tidbits below the cut
OKAY this is all pretty loose bc i don't wanna get top restrictive with it, the vagueness is half the fun. but here's what i got:
in the “HIVE canon”, sector heads/ranking officers (which for now is just leander and COL ig until i eventually cave and make more lmao) are specifically given custom uniforms and number prefixes instead of the CR[insert number here] format.
the “M” in front of leander’s stands for medbay. COL didn’t pick one so it’s just his name lol.
crewmates can wear any accessories they want as long as the base uniform stays the same (bee arm patches, grey, etc). all crewmate numbers gotta start with CR to be canon, but that doesn't apply to shitpost comics or like. general vibes
(there’s a reason the crew uniforms are grey. it’s the same reason leander made the captain’s gloves. )
the ship shuffles itself! it's not random all of the time, sometimes you open a door and end up in the room you were heading to like a shortcut, but other times you can open a random door and end up in the kitchen, or the training hall, etc etc. i just think an eldritch abomination ship is funny.
weirdly enough though it doesn’t do this in crisis situations. guess it’s only fun if the pranks are harmless ;;
if you get lost, call the captain (ello! o7) or COLONY over comms. they can generally get you wherever you need to go bc COLONY is directly connected to the ship and the captain’s able to make [INQUIRIES], which let us pass freely.
it’s kind of hard to tell if leander has a similar ability. the running theory is no, but he never seems confused?? when he enters a room?? so either he has one or he really just rolls with the punches. both are equally possible tbh.
in actual lore these two were probably some of if not the first few people to be recruited. obvs that’s a retcon now but shhh.
random characters from fandoms still get dragged into our shenanigans. at the end of the day this is all just for fun, and that’s one of the best parts, so hell yeah i’m keeping it.
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anxious-bisexual-0 · 12 days
Can I PLEASE have someone, a wonderful writer, a perfect and lovely writer, write a modern Polin story based on the story “Coffee” by Chappell Roan?
“I’ll meet you for coffee cause if we have wine, you’ll say that you want me, I know that’s a lie. If I didn’t love you, it would be fine, I’ll meet you for coffee. Only for coffee. Nowhere else is safe, every place leads back to your place.”
It fits so well with Pen’s insecurity in his affection for her, especially right after they get kiss. Like “I want to see you and spend time with you but if we do anything other than coffee I will end up in your bed and telling you I love you. And you don’t love me, obviously, so let’s just keep this really chill.”
I would love love love love if someone wrote something like this. Modern and angsty and sexy and ya know ends in a cute confession and then ya know sexy stuff hehe
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layla-carstairs · 1 year
also for my tmi reread I kinda want to keep track of all the times one of them nearly dies/does die because I feel like they're always nearly dying 💀
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Belongs to @braisedhoney
And I don't remember where I found the colours lol
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omarfor-orchestra · 7 months
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Ma che siamo pazzɜ
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king-col · 8 months
Hey a reminder to everyone that you can just get bluestacks (android emulator) and newpipe (youtube without ads for android) on your PC and you can just ignore youtube's shit adblocker changes entirely :) ! Links below so you don't accidentally download malware !
Bluestacks Link
Newpipe Link
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unwinthehart · 11 months
Sanremo 2024: 6-10 Febbraio Martedì: tutte le canzoni in gara Mercoledì: metà delle canzoni. I cantanti che non si esibiscono saranno co-conduttori e presenteranno loro i colleghi in gara Giovedì: come mercoledì, metà delle canzoni in gara. Cantanti che non si esibiscono, saranno co-conduttori. Venerdì: Serata delle cover. Niente più obbligo di duetto. Sono ammesse cover nazionali e internazionali uscite fino a dicembre 2023. Sabato: di nuovo sistema col podio a 5 e poi votazioni aperte di nuovo. Niente più giuria demoscopica! Giuria della sala stampa/tv/web, giuria delle radio nazionali (che sostituisce la demoscopica) e televoto. Regolamento fuori 10.07.2023
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moments to begin a legacy
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seiwas · 10 months
conversations on love #3 (gojo x reader) lil snippet sneakpeak!
Print photos aren’t as important anymore when cloud storage spaces are just as–if not more–accessible, but Gojo is admittedly sentimental despite every front he puts up to hide it. 
He’s kept every single gift you’ve given him and camouflaged it as decoration in his office, and the family drawing 10-year-old Tsumiki made is still folded between the pages of a self-help book Yaga gave him when he first decided to teach. 
When every moment is experienced so vividly, seen through a muddle of infinite energies, there are those he wishes could stay still—ones that take up space to remind him: ‘this is real, it happened, and because of it your life is irrevocably changed’.
For the longest time, Gojo has kept a photo hidden, locked away in the drawer by his bedside as if keeping it there means the memory will stay guarded forever—untouched, unspoiled, unruined.
It becomes clearer to him then, by the look in your eyes and remembrance soft-spoken, that what good is a photo unseen? 
What good is a love unwitnessed?
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cheir · 6 months
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*crawls out of finals week covered in blood*
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fiorellosupremacy · 1 year
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Ami chi ti ha fatto del male
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braisedhoney · 8 months
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oh this hallowed eve o’er the HIVE…
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anxious-bisexual-0 · 3 days
Just got my wisdom teeth removed. I get to sit at home and rest for the next two days.
Also please tag spoilers!!!!
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