#and its like ... u have no idea of the conditions of duress in which i moved into this place.
seraphim-soulmate · 6 months
I think a big thing that pisses me off with the living room getting rearranged is that means people are going to be in it more (or have the potential to be). and that means less time for me to be in the kitchen, and more of me being pissed off because there are people in a space where I need to be cooking, more time of me being in pain bcs of my hunger bcs I'm afraid to have to interact and I'm overwhelmed by hearing sounds.
like when I first moved here, it was clear that the dining room was a glorified utility space. no one actually used it. and it looked ugly as hell, but at least it avoided some interactions. but now it looks nice. people are going to want to bring others over. and for some reason, when one of my roommates has friends over, they all stand around the kitchen instead of going into the dining room? I've had multiple occasions where I have to ask people to actually physically get up or move because I need to cook in my kitchen where they're sitting on the counter or blocking the fridge??
and I just fucking hate sound in general. i dont want to hear people talking i dont want to hear them walking i want it silent where I live!!! I want peace and to be left tf alone!!! i don't want to live here. I barely want to live in fucking general but I certainly don't want to live in a place where I continue feeling scared to leave my room. where I'm worried I'll be confronted and people will think I'm being a dick bcs I'm in extensive pain
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quasi-la · 5 years
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12         THE MATRIARCH
              When ever I hear people talk about their god they always refer to Him, but who on this old Earth has ever seen the divine gonads? Of course that question is irreverent, but not irrelevant because all His-story shows us that such abstractions of the ego are way more dangerous than a game of words... Anthropologists will tell you all single god hypotheses are an extension of the male ego, but in fact the ontogeny of this deeply 'embedded' conviction goes back a little further than a heart beat ago – when Adam was still a boy! The clear light of understanding began to emerge when Jane Goodall started studying the gorilla's natural social behaviour close up, since then a great deal of work has been done on other primates as well, and particularly the chimpanzees which are by far our closest relative, in fact something like 97% of our genes are homologous. Which is to say the same but different, as in the difference between one human and another...
                                                                                                                     It was 1974 when lethal raiding was first observed among chimpanzees living in a natural environment and social groupings, before then it was thought that 'we' were the only species that killed their own kind in situations not necessarily about survival. Those who invented the single-white-male-god also taught that some kind of original sin had condemned us to suffer this unkind behaviour; but this flies in the face of newly observed behaviour – the reality is our chimp cousins also kill and rape for thrills! Female chimpanzees are generally not picky about their sexual partners, they find most males acceptable but something inside tells them to refuse their brothers. Most of the time that's the end of it, but occasionally a brother's ego can't stand being denied, the more she resists and avoids him the more he becomes enraged, he beats her and holds her down – there's nothing she can do. Measured tests have shown that even average chimps are four or five times stronger than human athletes in top condition, and right up to now they are the only species beside Homo saps that still tolerate these degenerate characteristics AS IF there is nothing We could do about it?                        
                         If you take the time to read the reports and papers coming out, you will see the male violence that surrounds and threatens chimpanzee communities is so extreme that just being in the wrong place at the wrong time from an other group can mean death by murder-squads. Just as territorial by nature as we are, ALL the elements of political degeneration are evident as well, including genocide, so our 'human nature’ as it is invoked by many an old fool – is not so unique after all! Its just too obvious that the patriarch which easily dominates women in primitive cultures so closely emulates the behaviour of our chimpanzee cousins. And this pattern is carried on and on by primitive religions...and then the thousands of rapes and murders committed by U$ troops stationed in Japan since WW2 become more understandable, even though (their) gorillas still can't be tried in any Japanese court - because Japan is still an occupied country? 
                                                              Over the past four decades much new knowledge has been gathered, needless to say it hardly gets mentioned by mass media, but the comparison of murders and incarceration rates speak for themselves. As the research piles up the gap between us and the chimps keeps shrinking, already it is genetically provable we are closer to them than they are to gorillas! Facts like this are an anathema to religious institutions, in the daze of their rule they would simply be rejected outright and the offenders burnt at the stake; while another awe inspiring cathedral is built somewhere... For those still capable of rational thought the single most gripping fact about chimpanzee behaviour is that their society is (also) male bonded...and their borders are defended and/or extended with potentially lethal violence. Any one can see similarities that go way back 5 million years, when chimpanzee ancestors and human ancestors were indistinguishable. In fact there may have been several Adams but mitachondrial DNA has revealed an Eve, a particular black African women was the mother of every single Human on this old Earth! 
                                                        In reality the most likely scenario is that early humans were less violent and way more social, and then a backward and violent variant has arisen in relatively recent times, and now that mob threatens to take us all to hell with them! Its a fact not well known that Neanderthals had a larger brain and many studies suggest that Cro-Magnon replaced them through enhanced brutality, not intelligence as we would like to think. The ultimate truth may never be known, but many of the Nazi leaders came from devout Christian upbringings...and dehumanised “wolves in sheep's clothing” are now threatening our continued existence on this old Earth; and ALL fall back on one male-god-construct or another to justify their actions. Moreover the link between male violence and 'putrid' patriarchy is self evident in almost every human culture as it is with the chimpanzees, the statistics on violent crime within a community show the same gender-biased pattern, women can kill of course but everywhere the globally consistent trend is that males are the 'specialists' in violent crime.
                           In the U$ for example men are nine times more likely to-be killers, seventy eight times more likely to rape and ten times more likely to commit armed robbery. Even in non violent crime the same gender-bias is equally strong, so the obvious question now before us is why are advanced 'democratic' societies still living under the spectre of male dominance? The simple answer springs to mind (some) men with brutal tendencies seize power and repress everybody because the pattern already exists in their genes and/or memes. This I$ patriarchy worldwide and throughout history, written by the victors with the unspeakable brutality filtered out of their stories; but the origins are now detectable in the social lives of chimpanzees! All the way up to the 'gorillas' at the top of ANY hierarchy, and these throwbacks are holding back Eve-olution; “man is still more ape than any ape” 
                         Yet it goes without saying that western societies could not be dominated by such ape-men unless they were aided and abetted by the women close to them, their wives and/or lovers for instance, and even their mothers and daughters! No one has figured out how to change a paradigm yet but everybody knows that power as the ultimate addiction has many disguises. Just because certain behaviour patterns have always taken hold of power doesn't mean they can't be changed, all the incredible achievements of our species could never have been realised without genius and our common Humanity – in spite of the gorillas in our midst! The fact that everywhere the feminine is now in the ascendant shows any open mind that A matriarchy is all but a fait accompli, and the light shining through the fog of current events are memories of A future so bright it will pale into insignificance all that has been achieved under duress... 
                                   To even see the final destination its necessary to understand the past, our origins and the link to primates past and present is a given, but the continual escalation of destruction and violence as a means of political economy must become obsolete or we shall join the dodos. Considering the weaponry at hand any sane mind can see that future is no future at all, once we dispel the delusion of being special and above Nature we can solve many many problems that have been consigned to the too-hard-basket because of human nature. Another aspect of primate behaviour that is observable in our societies is the hundredth monkey effect...so that when around a hundred monkeys (or humans) learn a new trick, other monkeys anywhere given the same idea or inclination will rapidly acquire the new skills and/or paradigm. The collective nature of consciousness reveals itself as Jung predicted and one can easily imagine the snowball effect when the media barons decide that having a future is as worthy a cause as fat margins! 
                              Hollywood has been en-powering women in their portrayal of our nature for some time, in fact Humans never act without emotions and the wrong emotions are the cause of aggression, now this might sound familiar; male chimpanzees compete much more aggressively for dominance than females do...a male (chimp) in his prime organises his whole life around rank...the male behaves as if he is quite driven to reach the top of the community heap. Interestingly once they get there the alpha male's tendency to violence reduces dramatically, then they may become benign rulers or mad dictators, but either road up its the same. Power is the most addictive and unpredictable 'drug' there is, and when testosterone plays its molecular role as the catalyst, (it) becomes the most dangerous force in the known Universe! All of Nature IS locked in a mighty struggle, but for reproductive power, among hierarchical societies the difficulty of getting to the top is what induces aggression. Pride obviously serves as a stimulus for much interpersonal aggression in humans, and we can hypothesise confidently that this emotion evolved during countless generations in which the males who achieved high status were able to turn their social success into extra reproduction. Male pride, the source of many a conflict, is reasonably seen...as another legacy of sexual selection. (Demonic Males – Apes and the Origins of Human Violence)
                         The problems really get out of hand when the ant-colony version of human existence comes into the fray, because villages, city-states and even today's mighty nation-states act out the same pathology. The first great multi-state war ravaged ancient Greece for a quarter of a century, the cause was finally put down to the rise of military power in Athens, and the fear it caused in Sparta – who had been allies in the past! This pattern has been repeated so often it brings on feelings of nausea and apparitions of ape-men fighting each other because their hierarchy exaggerated some danger before (it) happened. Always there is the hidden agenda and always in their heart of darkness they see a potential to gain power, either personally or politically, which boils down to the same primitive archetype. Certainly not all men in our time are so afflicted they cannot moderate their ape-nature, but the corridors of power are still overcrowded with testosterone units. In 1914 the badly trained dogs broke loose from their tether and repeated the same pattern, and we are still living under the lengthening shadow of that barbarism – now that machine wars are very good for business it belies any attempt to place our common Humanity above the market-place morality of mass murderers. These 'errand boys for grocery clerks' are the political scum that create nothing, while their spin doctors write their speeches the old warriors get out their medals and the same old pattern sucks us all in again and again... 
                                                          Forgetting for a minute that mythical beast 'human nature’, and the delusion that (it) will never change; the truth is they don't want it to change because societies have been ‘developed’ with a dependency on top down command structures - by individuals genetically closer to you-know-who! It wasn't until 1928 that scientists discovered a ‘new’ species of primate now called Bonobos, the reason is they are so similar to chimpanzees even experts find difficulties telling them apart. An early primatologist had one for a pet and lived with him for years and still didn't pick it, but he was constantly amazed by “Prince Chim” and his unique behaviour. In his words “doubtless there are geniuses even among the anthropoid apes”, and even the local tribe of humans called the Mongandu, who live in the same forest never hunt the Bonobo because their god tells them they once lived as brothers! I don't know the sex of their deity but this mob are not shy vegetarians – they've wiped out just about every other creature big enough to barbeque! 
                          The Bonos weigh on average about the same as the smallest chimps, with small heads, longer arms and legs and slightly different facial features, scientists know that the Bonos descended from a common chimp-like ancestor, rather than the other way round, with genetic dating putting the split somewhere between 1.5 and 3 million years ago. Though they are clearly a distinct species, the differences are less than the average differences between many human populations – but their social behaviour is like chalk and cheese. Compared to chimpanzees these are gentle apes, they have a much reduced level of violence in relations between sexes, between males and between other communities; after twenty years of close observation there is no evidence of males raping females, battering adult females, or killing infants which is common among gorillas. On the surface bonobo social life is very similar to chimps, living in communities of eighty or more, with a shared territory, moving about in various size parties, male kin groups that defend their borders against outsider males. Also the same size difference between males and females, but among chimps (and many humans) every adult male is dominant to every adult female...and he enjoys that. She must move out of his way, acknowledge him with the appropriate call or gesture, bend to his whim or be punished. That can be a slap or a belting, kicked and dragged around screaming till her throats cramps – a reminder to grovel next time. None of this crap among the bonos, here the sexes are co-dominant, there is still a ranking system but the top female and the top male are equal, and this extends all the way down the line. A whole different system of politics has developed that doesn't always resolve to brutality.
                        In the Bonobo system sons are almost inseparable from their mothers...they stay in the same party all their lives. A mother's support is crucial when competing with other males because the females bond into fighting groups rather than males...so those whose mothers are alive tend to be high ranking, and it goes without saying that these kind of alliances tend to be much more humane! Among Bonobos, the mother-son relationship is the closest bond there is between males and females, and if a mother calls for help, her group (of females) is always liable to counter attack in her defence. In contrast males don't cooperate with each other, either to defend themselves or to attack females, so that even the alpha male can and will be defeated by female power...
                              However its much more than a simple role reversal, females rarely assert their power, because under this regime a male rarely loses his temper bad enough to hurt a female. All available observations tell the same story, thru cooperation female bonos turn the tables on men, but its not based on kin; just like chimps when the girls reach puberty they leave the family and migrate to a new community – most of the women they bond with will be unrelated. In their societies sexual activity is greatly enhanced, even the sexual organs are larger to facilitate greater utility, an instrument of politics as well as procreation! When entering a new community a young women identifies an older one to befriend, by a gradual process she shows respect and affection until they begin sexual relations...and from there on build up a network. In our language it might be called love, but one thing is certain; in their culture it forms the underlying bonds that hold their communities together.  
                                Unlike males they don't feel the need to display aggressively toward each other, tension and even aggression occurs rarely but they tend to make up quickly, so these kind relations among females make for a peaceful life. Bono males treat other males much as the chimps do, both compete for status and form hierarchies, but only the latter are prepared to fight fiercely and risk a great deal to be the boss. Aggression among the Bonos often leads quickly to resolution, and both parties taking their turn to bend over with obvious sexual excitement! Chimps take their time about making up, also attacks between Bono males are mild in comparison with less competition for rank, and not forming political alliances makes for a peaceful existence – which all turns on sex. The reason males are much less concerned about who mates with the females is they are unable to tell when ovulation occurs, Nature seems to have engineered a way to hide the scent that normally triggers the testosterone response! Humans like to think they're the best, but this mob can mate dozens of times a day, eagerly engage in hetero and homosex; manipulate each other's genitals by hand or mouth, copulate in numerous positions...and it all begins long before the onset of puberty!
                                             A matriarchy could mean much more than this; even more interesting is what Bonos do with their sex, they use it for much more than making babies, they (too) use sex as a way to make friends, to calm some one down who is tense, and to reconcile for aggression. And the last of these applications is the most important; when travelling parties meet at their boundaries they can even get friendly at a time when the chimps would be smashing heads! Its still true that small groups usually avoid large ones, but if two large groups bump into each other at some food source for instance, more often than not a stand off ensues. After half a hour or so one female will cross the neutral zone and hook up with a female from the other – bingo. Altercations between males can also be neutralised by females from their respective groups literally hooking up with the antagonist! The game changer is that friendliness is always initiated by females – at the end of ego's aeon?
                            Even other species in their territory benefit also, male chimpanzees everywhere hunt and kill mammals (other monkeys included), they kill often and the reaction to a successful hunt is intense excitement. The prey-monkey may be eaten alive, shrieking as it is torn apart, dominant males try to seize the prey for themselves leading to more violence on the side – its blood lust in its rawest form. Bonos like meat too, they sometimes grab small antelope babies, flying squirrels and even earthworms, but they never eat other monkeys that are so close to their own kind it borders on cannibalism... Certainly they could catch them if they wanted to, but the theory is that the suppression of personal aggression carries over to the suppression of predatory aggression? Their common ancestor hunted monkeys and probably each other as well but they evolved above and beyond the blood lust of simple predation as a means of survival...
                       The litany of parallels with our hallowed human His-story speaks for itself; cannibalism, genocide, rape, domestic violence, truly massive disparity and war after war – what MORE evidence is required? On the other hand (and gender), A new age of much more peaceful existence is literally waiting behind the bedroom door, where ego is not a dirty word! The only mob that stands to lose from the shifting power base are those greedy egotistical jerks that fear female power and would stop at nothing to hold them back. Another blinding fact is that less than 1% of child sex abuse is committed by women, and only now after centuries of impunity the full activities of these wolves in sheep's clothing is being revealed. Its no coincidence that every institution from the church to the military is male bonded and jealously guards power for their own ego's ends. Behind the facades presented by the political pundits are the bank managers, bureaucrats and generals that keep the steam roller stoked up and flattening any real opposition to the pestilence of their putrid patriarch.
                       Questions please!!! Why isn’t this Truth being taught in the gov/church schools? For how much longer will a tidal wave of mass mediated madness enable a single swollen ego to crawl to the top of the heap?? The lessons of His-story are there for all to see...she doesn't suffer quite the same affects from exposure to power. Of course there are examples of women who acted the same under the prevailing paradigm; but past performance is not the only indicator of future 'behaviour'. By extension, when all politics becomes ‘secret women's business' will ALL institutionalised patriarchal hierarchies based on brutal power “wither away” - just as Marx predicted???
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pencilsforlives · 7 years
Insights of a mystical Guru
“Let it go See what stays” - Osho
It's been a long time that I have hung up with something of my journey with u folks. This time its all about a book that I had read recently.
Not a religious follower of this spiritual guru, but deep inside a part of me, who truly understand the inner selves is viewing Osho or can view Osho, as someone who took the topsy turvey world in a complete another dimension; the apex figure outlooked the world in a way that none among us has approached to see it with our real eyes,
Hailing from the Madhya Pradesh, of Indian subcontinent, Shree Rajneesh a.k.a Osho was controversial guru that was a top topic discussed worldwide when he propelled his ideas and beliefs. Leaving the body at the age of 58, he named himself as ‘Osho’ that expounded himself as ‘oceanic’ of ‘experience’.
Many appraised him as the most radical spiritual person in the world, especially religious organisations. Hence there are reports that evidences his death was as a planned murder which still prevails to be a mystery. The all time celebrated master visioned to shape the world and its human race in a unique avenue that disturbed many sleeps. 
Beside interviews he rendered during his ecclesiastical life, his teachings went on by voice recordings during his sessions, has always connected well with the people that later got published into books; that too in many languages crossing across  seas and mountains.
Book Of Women - Osho 
Consequently this is a book that a must-read not only just women as name indicates but also men in order to understand the womanhood. Himself being a man, Osho talks in this book not as even a human but just as conscious. The author signifies her serenity and delicateness as a charisma that has to be admired and appreciated in the whole world. The existence of woman is a gift to the mankind. Born as a girl or a boy, the mortal is an amalgamation of both male and female. While according to Osho, marriage is an institution invented by man to monopolise woman; to suppress her dreams and motives. Whereas on the other hand prostitution is a by-product of marriage. I might sound as a feminist but we must reap that the true face of reality assorted with philosophy that is barbaric and wicked than we grasp. 
As of Osho’s  perceptions, the women existing today, including you and me are not the true women. It’s a crippled, suppressed human form under the male chauvinistic society that how a peeress should me. Gautham Buddha, ascetic sage once commented that man is the crossroad where you can go anywhere - to enlightenment which notes that he was a male chauvinistic according to Osho.
Every pain has its own sweetness; its own miracle; its own joy,
It is there(women) innocence that adds beauty, Man’s dominance, torture and reduction to nonentity has made woman ugly.  Osho says its the dominance of man over woman is the first slavery in the world. Today ladies across wear pants shirts, cigarettes etc like men, but according to the author, these are just imitations rather than liberation, fulfilling ourselves that we too are capable of anything and everything like man does. In the emergence of such thoughts that perforate in us, we ladies forget to celebrate the femininity!! Only then she can flower! The first person who started talking about freedom, equality were men itself. Hence, a woman remains feminine, a man remains masculine however imitations each other does. For whoever approaches is graceful, whoever initiates is courageous.
Children belonging to the commune will learn much, will be more friendly, will be more available to all kinds of influences.  
You shout and the valley shouts; or you sing and the valleys sing. Each heart is a valley. If you pour love into it, it will respond. The first lesson of love is not to ask for love but to give love.
Aloneness has beauty and grandeur, a positivity; its the moment we find ourselves. Loneliness is poor, negative dark and dismal.
While being pregnant, a woman should always be in her purest form, as your climate is his/her climate; climate is the mood of the mother, Every human that exist has the need for sex at some point of time. Isn’t it cunning that even sex has a formula to be followed always perfectly? Man can never satisfy women in any aspect because of her orgasmic factors. Isn’t it miracle that a few people like Zarathustra, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Buddha have escaped from social structure. from family conditioning.
The meaning of the word ‘husband’ is farmer like husbandry. Osho have said that do not do sex just to make babies, but has to be done with love and its always the art of giving the love by men and getting the consent from woman is the success of sex; success of a man; rather than duress her. Woman taking up the control, starting to control the world without just reproducing will make the world a better and beautiful place to live because she connects with people through heart and love, not through brains unlike men,
Tantra - the religion of body. The cats’s sleep is something to be learnt - man has forgotten. The calmness it enjoys; and so the peace in ourselves has to be brought back whenever possible at least. Some of us has even forgot the art of sleeping 
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