#and jason is worried because oh no a bad influence (eddie just looks like that don't worry)
chickensoupleg · 8 months
Me: I should continue writing my witch AU.
Also me: Hey wouldn't it be mad funny to write Jason in the Pokemon universe and its just a meet cute with Eddie.
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘔𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘍𝘦𝘮!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
summary: Eddie and you are in a happy relationship, until your asshole of a brother tries to ruin it all.
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨: Angst to fluff, established relationship, implied virgins (Eddie and Reader) suggested sex, swearing, bullying, Jason carver being an asshole.
Requested by @borhapgirlforlife19
A/N: its not as long as I'd like it to be, but this was kinda hard to write for me, and I am not sure why...
Having the reputation of being Jason Carver sister, comes with many advantages and disadvantages. you’d like to think the advantages out-way the bad ones. but really its just not true, not when the love of your life is at stake. not when Eddie is out there waiting for you. out of everyone, he’d chosen you. his enemy sister? it would be foolish if Eddie didn’t know what he was getting into with you.
regardless, Eddie adored the shit out of you.
you had given him most of your firsts, kiss, date, prom. it was only a matter of time until it was all of your firsts, sex, and the “i love you” but Jason would never let that happen, no. not on his watch.
needless to say, Jason carver doesn’t like Eddie Munson. because he for one, Worships the devil, is a freak for having different style…oh and the freak is dating you…Jason carver’s sister.
Jason had already “expressed” his feelings when he found out, which you’d both already been dating a few weeks before he even took notice. his first words to you were
“what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” followed by his friends behind him as he burst through the door of your bedroom. you hadn’t been doing anything in particular other than sitting on your bed reading a magazine. you had answered in something close too “meaning what?”
he then continued to have an extremely angry rant in your bedroom about how hes a freak and bad influence…or something? you hadn’t really listened at all.
you couldn’t bare to hear him talk about Eddie, your Eddie.
a few weeks later, when you’d been at school awaiting the love of your life by his locker, he had yet to show up…in fact he never showed up. you’d figured he had probably gone home early and hadn’t thought to much about it.
however when he didn’t show up to his locker the next morning, you took that as a sign to maybe you’d done something towards him.
nonetheless ‘one more day’ you thought, if Eddie isn’t there tomorrow. you’ll actually do something about it. because what if it was all for nothing? and he really just was busy after all?
while approaching your house, you made notice of Jason’s friends cars parked outside. not unusual they all practically lived here anyways. that was until you walked inside…and they were all huddled around a piece of paper, pen inside Jason’s fist.
“What are you all doing?, I know you don’t do assignments” slipping off your shoes, then dropping the school bag. the second you tried to get a peek of the paper, you were pushed away, a scowl instantly making its way to your features.
“nothing, don’t worry about. go to your room or something” Jason muttered, continuing to write on the mysterious paper. “whatever, wasn’t interested anyways” you muttered, walking halfway up the stairs before listening to them. it was muffled, but it was something along the lines of “that will teach the freak” or maybe “he will learn to stay away” you kept in mind to tell Eddie tomorrow he was planning something. then rushed off to bed.
you’d expected to not see Eddie at his locker, but he was there. instantly making your way to wrap your arms around him, in a hug. but when he didn’t wrap his hands around you. and whisper your favorite sentence “hey sweetheart, looking gorgeous” you almost instantly recoiled. looking up at him with a confused gaze.
it was a few seconds before he seemed to finally gather the words to speak. “Get away from me.” what? that was absolutely not the thing you had hoped to hear from your boyfriend. “Eddie? Baby, what are you talking about?” that only seemed to make him more mad, he used his hands to cover his eyes. most likely to shield tears from your vision.
“how are you still talking to me, right now? after the shit you said?” now the tears had made way to your own eyes, they leaked down your cheeks. hot, wet and shameful.
“w-what did i say..?” your voice was quiet, shaky. he seemed to notice but took no care in that moment, instead walking the other way, nose sniffling. your heart shattered, watching him walk away angry. something you wished to never see.
you thought about following him, but chances were that he’d just leave again. so you waited until he had no where to go.
the one place that Eddie would be no matter what. no matter the time or day, he’d always show up.
so you did exactly that, waited…and waited, in fact you waited hours until hellfire had started. a little anxious to enter the room, had he told everyone what you ‘said’? did hellfire now hate you? a million thoughts rushing through your head, but eventually just opening the door. deciding to face the fears of your relationship.
as soon as you opened the door, it was all eyes on you. a few eyes rolled, a few sighed and looked the other way. but not Eddie, oh no. his eyes were locked onto you.
“…I’ll be right back, boys.” Placing his keys on the table, he walked outside the Hellfire room. shutting it behind you both.
“What are you doing here?” He immediately whispered, clenching his fists by his sides. “Eddie…I…I never wrote any note to you, i never said anything about you” the tears came rolling back in against your will. hands clawing at his chest, trying to get him to believe you somehow.
“save the act, i have the note right here. Carver” You think, you might’ve actually flinched at the last name, ‘Carver’ as Eddie shoves the paper in your hands, they immediately go to open the scrunched up note. hands shaking and wet with tears.
eyes widening as your eyes scanned over the harsh words on the paper.
Dear Eddie,
It took me too long to come to my senses about you, i should’ve listened to my brother and my friends when they said you were a weird freak.
i am not even sure why i said yes to go out with you, other than feeling bad for you. I am over pretending that i love you. goodbye forever.
from, your Ex-girlfriend.
it was cruel note, and you understand why he didn’t wanna talk with you. hands ripping the paper the second you had finished reading it, “this is a disgusting note” you looked up at him, “yeah no shit” he answered, still convinced that maybe it was you who had written it.
“Eddie, i swear i didn’t write this! it must’ve been Jason. I-I Swear, i saw them writing something a few days ago—” it was like something had clicked, he looked at you differently.
like he had now believed you.
eyes red, puffy from crying. hands shaking, in fact your whole body was shaking like a leaf. you were many thing, talented…gorgeous, a sweetheart. but not a liar. no, you hated liars. and never wanted to be one.
he almost in an instant, wrapped his arms around you in an embrace. chanting “I am so sorry, baby” over and over into your ear. it seemed to calm you almost instantly. god, you loved him.
“what did you say” shit.
“uh, n-nothing” did you say that you loved him, out loud?! it was true, you did love him. you’d meant it for awhile now. but you hadn’t planned for it to go like this.
" Nuh-Uh...you can’t take it back now, Princess” your stomach burned, a matching blush on your cheeks. " I love you…Eddie” then he gave the biggest, goofy grin ever. one you’ve grown to adore.
“I love you too, sweetheart” leaning down to kiss your lips, which were also. wet with tears.
you had gone through so many emotions at once, confusion, anger, sadness, love. you feel in love all the time when his in a certain distance of you.
that night was full of many ways to show love, hard panting, loud moaning, the loud screams of “i love you” over and over, and over again. you opened it with open arms. any time of everyday.
you’d give him all your firsts any-day.
“Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold.” – Zelda Fitzgerald
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