#eddie: hardworking
chickensoupleg · 8 months
Me: I should continue writing my witch AU.
Also me: Hey wouldn't it be mad funny to write Jason in the Pokemon universe and its just a meet cute with Eddie.
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mawphead · 1 year
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the neighborhood’s most hardworkin men deserve a good break
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indecisive-dizzy · 26 days
Eddie means me and Mr. Krabs are friends?
being so honest right now, I have No idea what this means or what it's referring to 😅
but you know, I don't think Eddie and Mr. Krabs would be friends. They'd be acquaintances at most
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sky-neverending · 2 years
Me when Tattoo artist Eddie: yeah
Me when Singer/Musician Eddie: yeah
Me when poet Eddie: yeah
Me when mechanic Eddie: yeah
Me when teacher Eddie: yeah
Me when actor Eddie: yeah
Me when Eddie has any job AU ever: yep. makes sense
In conclusion: You could give Eddie Munson any job ever in a fic or headcanon and i would be like “yeah. that checks out.” he is so goddamn versatile. why is this man like this?
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princess-glassred · 5 months
Do you think Beverly was ever designing something and indirectly took inspiration from the loser's club.
She's working on a 1980's throwback look and for some reason cannot resist putting coke bottle glasses in all her sketches.
She decides to start expanding her range of clothing to include plus sizes as well as regular ones as she vaugely recalls a boy from her youth who'd often complain about a lack of accesible clothes for fat people.
Her clothing is always super soft to avoid skin irratation like Eddie would complain about all the time.
She creates an entire fashion show themed off birds since she had a ton of the rarest ones memorized after Stanley drilled them into her brain.
Her favorite model to work with for three years was an african american male model for the sole reason he reminded her of some one from her past, some one she recalled as being hardworking, smart, and handsome.
And before every show, she'd always give her models and grand speech about how lucky she was to work with them, no matter how nervous she was, becayse she can recall some one from her past who ALWAYS rallied the troops no matter how scared he was.
It's just too bad she couldn't put names or faces to any of these inspirations, because if she could, she'd surely thank them.
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hypnautic-cereal · 4 months
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Introducing a new au Ive had in my back pocket for a little bit
Welcome Home: Get It Together!
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This is essentially an (*sort of?) au where the neighbors of Welcome Home get shrunken down to chibi-sized and have to complete microgames
There’s no overall plot with this au, I just wanted to cross over Welcome Home and WarioWare: Get It Together
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I have each of the characters game mechanics planned out already, but I’ll introduce them all as I draw all their practice sheets out :3
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Eddie Dear
This hardworking mailman can’t seem to catch a break. Eddie Dear can be quite forgetful, but he wears his heart on his sleeve. Frank Frankly is always there for him when the going gets especially tough.
- Eddie in his new mail truck can travel left and right. Hold A to perform a high jump with Eddie’s mail truck.
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Julie Joyful
Julie Joyful is always up for a game to play. Whatever junk can be found, she knows how to make it into something fun everyone can enjoy! Her bubbly attitude is quite a contrast to her best friend Frank Frankly.
- Julie’s skates won’t stop going until her yo-yo does! Her skates keep going left to right, but her yo-yo can go in any direction.
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*I say it’s a sort of au since very little/nothing changes between the designs or personalities of the regular Welcome Home neighbors and the ones for Welcome Home: Get It Together, but it’s still different from the regular WH cast
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goober-bn-saffron · 6 months
Been thinking about Eddie. Been thinking about how Eddie doesn't get his own phone. Been thinking about how Eddie only receives calls from others but never the one to call someone up and that's why he doesn't get a phone of his own. Who is he going to call anyway?
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I've been reading some analysis about Eddie Dear and I too had a thought. This isn't the best analysis but I thought I'd share.
Every other character is pretty distinct and their distinctness bounces off each other pretty well in the show I'd image.
Home is a lively living house, that's unique in it of itself.
Wally is soft spoken and curious.
Julie is full of energy and quirky.
Sally is bold and theatrical.
Frank has a matter a fact thinking which can make him come off as sour puss.
Poppy is fearfully of everything and motherly.
Barnaby has his witty humor.
Howdy is a charismatic salesman.
And Eddie is reliable, hardworking and nice which would make him kinda boring in comparison to the rest of the cast in the show of Welcome Home itself. Eddie being nice doesn't make him stand out because everyone in Home is already nice.
A lot of post about our Dear speculates that during the shows run Eddie was being phased out of the show because He and Frank were being gay for each other and because it was the 70's Playfellow didn't want that, so they lessened Eddies and Franks screen time together and got rid of Eddie all together. But why Eddie? Why not Frank? Because Eddie was more expandable, Frank just had more personality than Edd.
Can you imagine? You got booted out of existences because you were just deemed too boring? Too boring to exist.
A single pea for thought.
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sketalya · 8 months
✨The Steam Team✨
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The Steam Team full ref's
And here are some of my headcanons about them (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ
1) Thomas | 26 y.o | 165 cm
• Cheeky, a little naive, hardworking, friendly, and very loyal
• He didn't have any family left after his older brother Timothy died. So Edward, who is Timothy's friend, decided to take care of little Thomas. And that created a strong sibling relationship between them
• Really admires Edward and always tries to be the best to make his brother proud of him. He even dyed his hair (Thomas' hair was blonde before) and chose to wear blue uniform to look like him
• Teasing grumpy seniors is his daily routine
• Can be a bit stubborn and pushy. But don't worry, he always learns from his mistakes (even though it usually will happen again)
• Always ready to help his friends
• Really likes new challenges and adventures that might cause problems. Don't know how he always makes new friends after that. But yeah, that's what makes this puffball famous isn't it
• Has a huge crush on Lady after saving her. But unfortunately they have to separate because Lady has the responsibility to keep the Magic Railroad alive. Thomas didn't get to express his feelings at that time and now he only hopes to see her again one day
2) Edward | 34 y.o | 175 cm
• Before being the wise Eddie that everyone know, Edward used to be a trouble maker for his brothers and sisters in the past. But after a fatal accident that took the lives of all his siblings, Edward felt guilty for not being a good brother to them. And that made Edward turn into a good older brother figure for all young drivers just like what his older brothers and sisters did
• Always reliable for everything. In fact, because of that, sometimes he gets assignments that actually give him difficulties, but he always tried to do it himself because he didn't want to disappoint people
• Pretty good with children too. He sometimes takes his time to play with the neighborhood children. And all the kids really like him and are very excited every time he comes
• Has his own way of disciplining young drivers who like to cause trouble, Bill and Ben for example. Usually he would just advise patiently but he also don't hesitate to make a little prank to teach them a lesson
• Not very good at understanding jokes and that often makes him misunderstands it
• Actually very tired from everything but trying to look okay (He needs a little help)
• He has quite severe scars on both legs and he also has insomnia...Never let this man get drunk
3) Henry | 29 y.o | 192 cm
• Quite shy, very easy to feel anxious, gentle but can also be a little rough, one of the strongest but people sometimes forget about that because he is quite timid
• Gets along well with young drivers. But he can be a bit mean to them too when he's with other seniors. But slowly he changed now
• Has health problems and has a large scar on his body from the Flying Kipper accident. It makes him feel insecure and try cover it with his turtle neck clothes
• Really likes nature, likes to spend his free time in the forest, and his room is literally filled with potted plants. Has venus flytrap plants that he names Fairy, Bubble, and Lala that he talks to and considers them his pets
• Sometimes he would fish at night after delivering the Flying Kipper and sometimes he would ask Percy to come with him if he wasn't busy and chatting about lots of things together
• Whenever he felt anxious and had a problem, he would usually talk to Edward or Emily about it
4) Gordon | 30 y.o | 192 cm
• Overproud of himself, grumpy, and always seems to look down on young drivers and diesel drivers. But actually he also has a soft side that he doesn't show openly to everyone because of his pride. His face would change when he smiled
• Sleepyhead even though he's a coffee addict, likes to eat a lot, and sometimes smokes in his spare time
• Only likes to take the Express, and would be very lazy if he got another job besides that. Will feel annoyed if other people take the Express even if it's his own friend. But he didn't mind if it was Rebecca
• Very stubborn, only Edward and Sir Topham Hat can deal with that
• Comes from a famous family but he doesn't really like it and doesn't care. Because he has a bad relationship with his relatives and is even awkward when he is with his brother Flying Scotsman
• Really loves all his friends even though he doesn't say it. He will usually give gifts as an apology when his friends are offended by his behavior. He has a hard time accepting new people and can't let go of his friends easily
5) James | 27 y.o | 180 cm
• Splendid, a little narcissistic, and sometimes looks down on others even though he doesn't really mean to
• He looks tough but is actually sensitive, easily offended and will cry silently if someone insults him. That's why he always wants to be the best so that people will praise him more often
• The gossip in the group, literally loves to talk about any drama with the others
• Has several piercing scars on his ears from his emo past. He also has big scars on both arms from an accident but he covered them with fire tattoos and it makes him feel cooler and more confident than ever
• Doesn't like anything dirty and hates insects, especially bees
• Very knowledgeable about fashion, likes to go shopping for new clothes every weekend, happy to give advice on outfit styles. Emily was the one who helped him dye his hair
• Likes collecting cute little things but never tells it to anyone except Emily and Percy
6) Percy | 26 y.o | 160 cm
• The youngest in the group and is often teased by his friends and seniors. Cinnamon rolls but doesn't hesitate to say bad words when he gets really annoyed
• Literally can make friends with anyone even diesel drivers. But a little cynical with Harold because he calls him "Dirty Percy"
• Animal lover, friendly with wild animals, and has many pets such as dog, cat, fish, and even has a collection of insects in his room. Sometimes he liked seeing James' frightened expression when he brought his insects pet
• Admires Henry and considers him his older brother. Henry thought it was cute and was okay with it. In fact, Percy's current uniform is actually Henry's old uniform that was given to him because Percy didn't like his own uniform
• He likes to stay over at Toby's place to play with Henrietta's pet dog. And he thought it was a suitable place to write poetry at his free time (Yes, he likes poetry)
• Percy is quite often asked for help writing and sending love letters by his friends. That made him know about everyone's crushes on Sodor
7) Toby | 40 y.o | 175 cm
• Introverted and doesn't really like being around a lot of people but he still socializes because of his wife. Wise and actually always able to give useful advice but he is quite often underestimated by young drivers
• Always doing things slowly and relaxed, he doesn't like being rushed. Even every lunch time, when his friends had almost finished their food, he still on a few bites. Henrietta was the only one that patient enough for that
• Bookworm and will only wear glasses when reading. Percy says that he looks different when he wears it
• Very good at cooking and often brings food to his friends but he always says that it was made by Henrietta (He doesn't want people to know about it). But of course Percy knew about it, and every time he came to his place, Toby would make cakes and other snacks just for Percy
• He prefers to spend holidays with his wife at home or playing with his pet birds, so sometimes his friend had to push him a little to get him go out together
• Secretly has trust issues and anger issues. He doesn't put much trust in other people who he only considers as ordinary friends. He usually tries to be quiet and patient when someone bothers him, but he can become very out of control when he loses his temper.(Better no need to know what he's do and just don't make him angry)
8) Emily | 29 y.o | 170 cm
• The mature ones in the group, bossy and stubborn in the past but now she has learned to be more open-minded to other people's suggestions (Still a bit bossy sometimes but at least she tried)
• Perfectionist, always wants everything to work well and can be a bit strict about it
• Love pretty and shiny things, she and James often talk about their favorite things
• James sometimes helps her with makeup and choosing outfits every time she goes out somewhere. Which was challenging for James because Emily liked goth style
• She also often talks about flowers with Henry, literally can spending a lot of time just talking about them. Grows lots of flowers in her room with Henry's help, and as a thank you, sometimes she gave Henry some insects to feed his pet venus flytrap (Don't know where she got them but Henry is always happy to receive it...Don't worry, she didn't take it from Percy)
• Likes to borrow novels, especially thriller and mystery genres, from Toby. But that often makes Toby annoyed because she always forgets to return it
• Love to playing with her friends' fluffy hair. Percy, Henry, and Edward are always be the victims if they are careless
• Unlike Edward, she's quite strong and can drink a lot without getting drunk
Sorry if this is too long...I had a lot of fun writing all this ;D and in the future I will always use this design for my AU ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃
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call-me-eds · 6 months
The Boy is Mine (call-me-eds version)
I was not tagged in @carolmunson 's writing challenge, and encourage with her for other small writers to jump in and participate in anything that sparks interest or creativity! Find the guidelines here and check out her ongoing masterlist to see all of the other incredible editions :)
A romantic night in at the trailer. 
Fluff | WC: 2.5 K
“I ran out of, like, nice cups, is this okay?” Eddie extended a plastic souvenir cup with the Cubs logo half chipped off, and it took everything in you not to slap it out of his hand. 
The gravity of this night was not being taken seriously by anyone, and it was driving you up a wall. You could only give your own 100%, nothing more, but apparently you’d need to drag the effort from the Munson’s with your bare hands.
“No, it’s not okay! This is a date, you need to make a good impression,” you abandoned your station at the counter to start rifling through cabinets. There were three open bottles of whiskey in the trailer but not a single cocktail glass. Eddie’s soft voice barely pulled your wandering thoughts from wondering how long it would take you to run home to get two of your own glasses.
“Baby, do I need to remind you that neither of us are going on this date?” he asked, avoiding the urge to come behind you and put his hand on your shoulders to manually relax them. He didn’t want to lose a limb and you were dangerously close to the knife block. He looked on, feeling helpless in his own home while you ran around like the queen was coming over.
Whatever, it could have been possible that you were going a little overboard, but all you wanted was for Wayne to have a good night. He was so kind and hardworking, and putting up with Eddie was an exhausting job. The man was a saint.
So you messed with one of the lightbulbs to dim the light, fluffled the one throw pillow that the men had, and convinced Wayne to take his time getting ready while you and Eddie made a round of drinks that didn’t come with a tab or need a bottle opener. 
“We don’t have time for reminders, just line the rims,” you said, carefully putting down the only two matching drinking glasses. They weren’t the martini glasses in your vision, but they would have to do. 
“Vanilla frosting?” he confirmed. “What, is this Christmas-themed?” he joked, but took care in looking at the photo on the recipe you ripped out from an old home magazine you found. He gently inserted the glass and spun it around. No matter how much he teased you, you knew that he wanted the night to go well for his uncle just as badly as you did.
“So what if it is? Who doesn’t love Christmas?” you asked, going back to arranging the food you put on a tray you found that might have been older than Eddie. He finished his task, taking the care he knew you would have, quickly swiping his finger through the sugary substance when you were turned away.
“Everyone does, it’ll be a hit,” he said, maybe just to make you feel better, and licked his finger clean before you could catch him. “But if you don’t relax, you’re going to hit the floor,” he side-swiped you and pressed a kiss to your cheek, going to the sink.
With the self-imposed expectations you put on yourself to ensure your boyfriend’s father figure had a great night was the guilt that came from forcing your man to anticipate your wants for the night. There weren’t any canceled plans, and just a few snippy comments, but you were sure there were other ways Eddie would want to be spending his Saturday night off from work. Between ironing the one tailored shirt in Wayne’s closet and taking your own laundry down from the clothesline, you told Eddie to call Steve and make plans to meet him and Robin at The Hideout for a few drinks. 
Non-peppermint drinks. Which smelled like Macy’s in December and were definitely from the holiday edition of the magazine. You didn’t have time to overthink your out-of-season choice, though, because Wayne was coming out of the bathroom smelling suspiciously like Eddie when you went out on special occasions. A mental note fleetingly popped into your head to buy your boyfriend his own, different scented, bottle of cologne.
“I could have sworn I told you two to scram,” Wayne said, a hint of sincerity in his mocking tone. His eyes scanned over your spread with equal parts appreciation and confusion. Fine, maybe wintery cocktails, carrots, and crackers didn’t exactly go together, but you were working on a tight timeline and whatever you could scrounge up from the Quick-Mart.
“We’re going soon, I swear,” you promised, mixing the combination of ingredients that you thought might be on the sweet side for Wayne’s preference, but were sure that his date would prefer to a Heineken. There wasn’t a cocktail shaker at your disposal, a measuring cup and a fork would have to get the job done.
Eddie could read the two of you like a book. The nervous energy you were emitting had him wanting to stay out of the way, so he washed and dried the few dishes you dirtied in record time. The domestic act may not have been as exciting as ripping a guitar solo, but it was just as sexy to you, especially when you didn’t even need to ask. Not that you were paying a speck of attention to him at the moment.
“Now Sally’s just coming over for a little while before we go to our rummy game,” Wayne said, sounding like he was warning you both to behave before leaving you with a babysitter. “So you don’t have to be out all night, but I don’t want you making her feel crowded,” he pointedly looked at Eddie this time, who couldn’t even pretend not to understand.
The last time the two of you had been around when Wayne’s “friend” Sally came over, Eddie wouldn’t stop asking her questions about her job, her family, her weekend routine, and you feared he was getting dangerously close to inquiring about her medical history and savings account.
“We’ll be out of your hair, don’t worry,” you confirmed, doing one last sweep to make sure there wasn’t a trace of Eddie in the living room. As endearing as he might be, your boyfriend had a tendency to leave anything that belonged to him in the shared space of the trailer. 
“Now listen, here, partner,” the dark-haired Tasmanian devil strode up to his uncle in imitation and smacked a hand on his shoulder. “We’re not going far, so if there’s any funny business going on under this roof I will know about it.” The two of you heard a version of the same speech any time Wayne was going to the bar or leaving for a shift and you two would be by yourselves. It had the opposite effect, making you act all the more quicker so you’d be put back together when he came back home.
“Son, I was getting into funny business before you were born,” he responded, knocking Eddie’s bravado right off its kilter.
“Oh, ew, I don’t want to think about that!” he whined, blush appearing faster than his hands could cover his face.
“Well, if you don’t quit it, we’re going to have a problem, then.”
“Leave him alone, let’s go,” you said, grabbing the bag of snacks reserved for you two from your grocery trip. “Have fun, Mr. Munson,” you smiled. Even though you were setting him up for a night of romance and intimacy, you still couldn’t bring yourself to call him by his first name. 
“Thank you, Darlin’, I’ll see you later,” he said, reaching out to ruffle Eddie’s hair before he was out of reach. 
“Hey!” You opened the door to separate the two before a wrestling match broke out and a button popped or a hair came out of place.
“And if you don’t start opening doors, boy, you won’t even be in amusing business, nevermind funny!” he called after the two of you, making you laugh. He kept walking, grabbing your hand and waving it around so his uncle could see the small act of romance.
The two of you strolled in between the trailers as the sun was dipping below the horizon. You let the stillness of the evening come over you, decompressing from your few high-string hours. The adrenaline seeping out of you made you more tired than you should have been before sunset, and you accepted that your actions were a bit overkill. But you just couldn’t help yourself.
“Your uncle looked really nice,” you commented, smiling at the thought of him deciding what to wear and pulling out his fanciest belt buckle. “Like a real gentleman.”
“And you like that?” Eddie asked. “You’re not exactly dating the swankiest guy in town,” he flicked the hand that wasn’t holding yours up and down, gesturing to his sweatpants and t-shirt. You wouldn’t dignify his self-deprecation with a response, so you just squeezed his hand.
“He was nervous, it was cute,” you deflected. Eddie sat down in one of the chained-down adirondack chairs that the trailer park had surrounding a few singed logs that were last tended to before you had even met the Munsons. He reached down to grab the security measure and tug another chair as close as it could possibly get to his.
“I don’t understand why we couldn’t have just stayed in my room or something,” he said as you sat down. “I could have behaved myself.” Even as the words came out of his mouth, his mumbling was evidence even he didn’t believe it. “Whatever, I’ll just read about it in his little notebook later that he pretends isn’t a diary.”
“Eddie!” you laughed. “Let him have some privacy, he’s a grown man.” As you and Eddie got older, he tended to treat his uncle more like a roommate than an elder. When you first started dating he would have taken his arm from being around your shoulders when Wayne walked into the room, where now he tried to convince you that walking around in his boxers wasn’t weird, it was like wearing your own shorts.
“You love him more than me,” he deduced, flopping in the chair like a depressed fish.
“Aw, don’t be like that. that’s not even true,” you swung your leg over the arms of your chairs, and his hand drew like a magnet to your calf, starting to rub it with the amount of pressure he learned you preferred.
“Yes it is, that’s why you always want to come over to my place. You’re using me to get to him and his union insurance,” he teased, sending you into a further fit of giggles.
“Would someone that bought you your nasty snacks be using you?” you asked, handing him the plastic bag with the beef jerky he loved so much.
“You do always say this will give me a heart attack,” he smiled, ripping open one of the packages with his teeth. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, Eddie’s massaging hand lulling you into a level of relaxation that let you both know you wouldn’t be joining Steve and Robin at the bar like you originally planned. With all of his talk of malintentions on your front, you were pretty sure that he was trying to lull you into the state you were in now so he wouldn’t want to go out. 
Eddie talked a big game, but when faced with the decision to hit the town or stay curled up in bed with you, he was hiding your shoes, boiling water for tea, and putting a blanket on the radiator for maximum comfort. 
“Hey, you know I appreciate it, right?” he asked through his chewing. 
“What, the snacks? They were like, two bucks,” you told him. He pinched your skin lightly, chastising you for making him talk about how he truly felt,
“No, you doing all of that for Uncle Wayne.” You kept your eyes on the stars that were starting to dot the sky. It was always so much easier to spot them from the trailer park, even more so with Eddie by your side.
“I was happy to,” you reassured. It wasn’t a secret how much you loved spending time not only with your boyfriend, but with his uncle. He always made space for you in his home and trusted you with the most important thing in his life. 
“I know, but it still means a lot, Sweetheart. I love you,” he lifted your leg slightly so he could lean down and press his lips to your ankle where your leggings separated from your sock.
“I love you,” you answered automatically.
“Next week I’ll make sure he goes out so I can give you a romantic evening,” he promised.
“This is a romantic evening,” you hummed.
“Baby,  I know I’m white trash, but don’t let me drag you down into thinking this is romance,” he laughed. You sighed and finally took the bait from all of his negative quips.
“Okay, what’s your idea of romance, then?” 
“Not helping my uncle get laid,” he scoffed. You pulled your leg from his grasp to lightly kick at his chest. “Alright, alright. If I had unlimited cash I would start by hiring a chef to cook for us so we wouldn’t even need to leave the house,” he started, cajoling your leg back into his grasp to continue his massage.
“Does that mean I wouldn’t have to dress up?” you asked.
“Ideally, you wouldn’t be wearing anything,” he said, fully meaning it. “I’d have a new piece of jewelry come out with every course, so I guess you could wear that. And after we ate, maybe I’d hire someone to play us a concert, like Prince or someone. Then we’d go fly to France for dessert on my private jet and come home to the penthouse and watch the sunrise,” he finished.
“That’s not romantic at all,” you said. “That’s just expensive.” You pulled away this time not to punish him, but to get closer. His hand was warm from the work it was putting in on your muscles as opposed to the normal chill. 
“Okay, so then what was the right answer?” he asked. 
“This, just being together,” you said, knocking the air from his chest and the canned response from his lips. 
It was a simple answer that held much more beneath the surface. What you weren’t saying was that every time you were with him felt like you were winning the lottery. The idea of a five-star meal and some diamonds were nice, but you’d take Eddie heating up a can of soup on the stove, a bracelet made of string and beads, and him playing the same guitar riff over and over for hours over anything he could cook up in his mind.
Despite the nice picture he painted, running through his mind was a more similar scene to yours, except there was a ring on your finger.
“I guess that sounds good, too.”
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 months
You think Kunikida was just the Eddie Munson of his school? In the sense that he'd also get up ontop of tables at lunch time and start passionately ranting about conformity.
Except Kunikida's not concerned with school cliques at stuff. He's talking about the real world, how the little guy gets trampled on.
And the only reason the teachers don't immediately get him to sit down is because occasionally Kunikida brings up them.
How they aren't treated fairly, their unfair wages and how hardworking people get nothing.
Teachers are just like yeah we'll punish him in a sec, let him cook.
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iamharryhale · 1 year
Captain: I’m your captain tonight, we’ve got a problem.
Captain: I can’t fit this many people on my boat.
Buck: No, no, I was told you could take 30.
Buck: I have exactly 30 guests.
Captain: Plus 6 not gonna help, you gotta drop a few people.
Buck: Come on, there’s must be something we can do here.
Captain: Well, we have bigger boats, but this is the best I can do on 2 hours notice.
Athena, coming over to them: What’s the problem?
Eddie: Apparently Buck started planning my birthday party 2 hours ago.
Buck to Eddie: No! I did not.
Buck to Athena: Apparently, we have too many people for his boat, so…
Athena: That’s crazy, I’ve seen more people clinging to a floating door.
Captain: I’m sorry, ma'am, it’s a safety issue.
Athena, pointing at him: No, you’re going to have a safety issue if you don’t take me away from this well.
Captain: Ok, little too much finger, little too much attitude.
Bobby: What’s all this?
Eddie: 2 hours of Buck's hardwork going down the drain.
Captain: Look, I can’t fit more than 30 people on the boat. I was just explaining to the lady here.
Bobby: First of all, that lady is my son…
Buck: He wasn’t… he wasn’t talking about me, dad.
Captain, pointing at Athena: I was talking about her.
Bobby: Oh, her… oh, it’s her now.
Bobby: Well, her happens to be my wife.
Bobby: You got a problem with her. You got a problem with me.
Athena: No, no, Bobby, calm down.
Captain: I didn’t have a problem before, but now I’m starting to.
Bobby: No, your problem is about to get a lot bigger.
Athena, placing a hand on his arm: No, Bobby. I know you think this is what I want, but it’s not.
Bobby: I got this, Thena.
Athena: No, love, I was just being stupid today.
Athena: I love that you’re calm, that you think first and you act second. I need that in my life.
The 118 family: 🥹
Captain: Yeah. So walk away, grandpa.
Athena turns around and punches him: Nobody call him grandpa!
Christopher: I do.
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llove-me-anyway · 6 months
something pisses me off about the people who get angry/don’t want to watch the show anymore because Buck got with Tommy and not Eddie.
and it is NOT that they’re stupid i just don’t want to elaborate further but it’s mostly because wdym buddie potential was the only reason for you to watch the show??? not personal stories of first responders that get so often overlooked? not the deep and rich and elaborate personal lives of all the main characters? not the amazing production that outdoes itself every year? not the stellar performances from all the incredible actors? not the hardworking team that makes this show possible behind the scenes? not the lesbians? not Angela Bassett? i’m getting carried away here but you get the point.
if your only reason to watch the show was to see two men maybe form a romantic relationship then, and let me quote a wise man, you are not required to announce your departure.
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 7 months
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If you enjoy any of the below fics please reblog to share with your followers and leave a nice comment for your hardworking fanfic writers!
Some recs are 18+ so reader discretion is advised, please head any warnings and tags! Any with a 🔥 will contain smut! You have been warned (or pointed in the right direction!)
Touch by @readychilledwine
Touch Me, Hold Me, Tell Me by @thesistersarcheron
Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz (911)
Twice Bitten by @spidermans-l-o-v-e-r 🔥
Bucky Barnes
Exchange by @ pretty purple ink (AO3)🔥
Groucho Barnes by @jobean12-blog 🔥
Look At Me by @ellemj 🔥
Never Saw You Comin' by @nickfowlerrr
Passenger Princess by @little-miss-dilf-lover
Poppy Fields by @buckysfaveplum
Red Carpet Ready by @late-to-the-party-81 🔥
Take My Heart and Start A Fire by @cloudystevie 🔥
This Spells Love by @jobean12-blog
Uncertain and Sure by @buckets-and-trees
Valentrope Drabble by @gaysindistress
Your Little Ritual by @fanfictionaries 🔥
Indiana Jones
Relative Dating by @youvebeenlivingfictional
Whip Ask by @dejavvu 🔥
Be Mine by @lokisgoodgirl 🔥
Linden Leaves by @buttercupcookies-blog
Narratives by @mochie85 🔥
Slower by @lokisgoodgirl 🔥
Welcome Him Home by @sarahscribbles 🔥
Worthy by @xalygatorx
A Mountain to Climb by @late-to-the-party-81 🔥
Multiple Partners/Poly
Filthy Sweet Beginnings by shadowriel (AO3) 🔥(Azriel x Elain x Cassian)
Subspace by @myfictionaldreams (Batboys x Reader) 🔥
We'll Always Take Care of You by @danikamariewrites (Azriel x Rhysand x Reader)
Ransom Drysdale
He Rules the Air and Turns the Tides by @the-iceni-bitch 🔥
Loyalty, Honour and a Willing Heart by @late-to-the-party-81
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actually it is kind of fucked up that so far eddie's been nothing but a hardworking, sensitive, well read, just generally stand-up guy whose worst crime is being bad with names but for some reason this seems to have made him the target of a Near-Universal Cain Instinct. we see it the most with sally and howdy, but we know from "eddie's big lift" and other records that the other neighbors taking his willingness to help out for granted is something of a running gag.
even frank can't seem to make up his mind about him - they come the closest to sticking their neck out for eddie in "eddie's big lift" and clearly feels comfortable enough around him to actually banter with him and for the two to exchange various -isms, (i.e. eddie using "frankly" as a sentence starter in one of the bug videos) and they even have names that they Only use for each other, but it's like every time frank gets Too close, something kicks in, and suddenly it's all "UM UH UM - I'M NOT HELPING YOU UP" or "UHH - HAHA YOU'RE SCARED OF BUGS? LAAAAME. i'm still gonna show you there's nothing to be scared of." even those names they Only use for each other - they're just each other's last names. a self-imposed formality. the fact that it's eddie who slips up and calls frank by his first name before correcting himself makes me think it was originally frank's idea, too - but why? does frank even know? does he know that it's some kind of preventative measure, but not what it's supposed to be preventing? what is he trying to avoid, he asks himself. what is it? what? what? what?
... anyway. i don't think there's a Literal force behind all of this, but i'm excited to be there whenever things hit their breaking point re: eddie.
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
aew stars reacting to their gfs being a boss ass bitch 🤭
nick wayne x female reader, darius martin x female reader, hook x female reader, action andretti x female reader, dante martin x female reader, Eddie kingston x female reader, ricky starks x female reader! even for fun throw in anna jay x female reader, skye blue x female reader, and/or Julia hart x female reader????
AEW Stars React to: You Being A Rich and Famous CEO
Pairings: Nick Wayne x Fem!reader, Darius Martin x Fem!reader, hook x Fem!reader, Dante Martin x Fem!reader, Eddie Kingston x Fem!reader, Ricky Starks x Fem!reader, Julia Hart x Fem!reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Supreme Speaks: hey all sorry for being late/m.i.a, i started school (senior yearrrrr) and been trying to adjust my schedule. i is back now . thanks to my baeee @hooks-martin for requesting. i hope everyone enjoys it. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: this is my perspective of a "boss ass bitch" may have indications that reader is a suga momma (hey at least you got money), I kind of cut Andretti out cause I didn’t really know how to write him without being repetitive
Taglist: @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @wwenhlimagines @triscillal @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey @cassie0sstuff
Every woman must ask themselves a question:
How are you a boss bitch? WELL BITCH LEMME TELL YOU
You are the CEO of a popular brand (cooking, makeup, clothing, etc.)
At one point you were featured in Vogue, Forbes, TIMES, everything
Rich? Check. Gorgeous? check. Smart? Check. YOU CHECKED ALL THE BOXES (and you do irl, don’t doubt yourself)
Everyone bowed to you as you displayed class, poise, and grace
But also you weren’t afraid to get tough if pushed in the wrong way
Which is what made you so likable and relatable
And that’s what made your boyfriend fall for you
Ricky Starks
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This man was made for the luxury lifestyle
Don’t think this would be a one-sided relationship
Flowers, nice ass clothes from unpopular brands, things even you didn’t know existed
Would constantly brag about you on Instagram and in promos
“I think y’all are just mad that you don’t have a smoking hot, hardworking, intelligent, and rich girlfriend.”
Will do anything to make sure you feel well taken care of
Will play jokes on you like pretending to use your card when paying for dinner
“I mean you can spare 15 dollars…what do you mean no? Cheapskate.”
Nick Wayne
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He found out by accident tbh…I think he genuinely didn’t know that you were rich
Or he didn’t know how rich you are
Nick is so sweet and I think he would be so humble about this
He doesn’t know what he did to deserve you
Will feel at first weird about receiving gifts from you
I think he would be a little bit insecure about what he can do for you
But over time will start accepting them
Your attitude? He loves it
He loves how you’re able to take charge in spaces
“Babe, it’s just ketchup. I don’t like but I’ll eat it- please don’t argue with the cashier.”
I think he likes being taken care of…..cause he’s a lil baby
Darius Martin
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Mans was enamored with your intelligence and your determination
Truly loves how your mind works and he uses you as a form of inspiration
Loves how you can tell off haters and people who dare to challenge you
Sometimes will forget that you have money or that you’re a CEO
“How did you get those shoes? Those came out this m-wait, you’re rich.”
Is always surprised with how much time you can make for him in your busy schedule
I feel like Darius will spoil you too like Ricky but with stuff that you would not really buy
Like lil trinkets and food
Would quietly brag about you and your accomplishments
Darius will post pictures of your achievements on insta and will block people who dare to trash talk you
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Hook loves how humble you are about it
You would never flash your money to people just out of nowhere
But he also likes how you would quietly flex
Like he would get random gifts from you when you were away from him
Taz: What are these boxes?
Hook: Oh, Y/N got me some Jordans, new hoodies, and hair products……they were on sale, I think
As he is a private person, no one would know about your relationship except for close friends and families
And ya’ll prefer it that way; no eyes, no pressure, no one in your business
I also think that Hook would try to stop you from paying and buying so much
Sometimes, he’ll buy something before you so that way you can save money and not waste it
Knowing you, you’re gonna send that money to him and continue to shop
Dante Martin
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Like Nick Wayne, HE’S A BABY
Like his brother, he would often forget that you’re rich
Because of the fact that Dante likes you for your personality
Doesn’t know how to react to your gifts
Feels overwhelmed, and grateful, but feels kind of embarrassed (cause he’s not used to this type of affection)
Is grateful for everything but assures that you don’t need to buy him anything
Will try to buy you things, but forgets that you basically already have it
“I got you this-oh you have five of them already.” (Cue you throwing the ones you already have away)
I also think he would do things that he thinks is unique for you
Like mans would create a finishing move and name it after you
Eddie Kingston (I’m finna go in)
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Also did not know how rich you were
Like he is in denial that you really like him, and would try to make sure that you don’t spend any money
Sometimes, he thinks that you’re spending money on him as a pity/sympathetic move
Cause of that, you two agreed that major presents/spending are only acceptable for special occasions
I think he also keeps track of how much you have spent on him and puts himself in debt to you
Becomes self-conscious around you, it was like pulling teeth with him to tell you
“Doll, I just think I can’t do anything for you. I don’t deserve you at all. But I love you so fucking much.”
Y’all give each other another perspective of the world and slowly Eddie starts accepting that you guys belong together
Julia Hart
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Like Ricky, this woman THRIVES in this relationship
She would be private about your relationship like Hook, barely making any posts referring to you
But takes everything you give her with a smile and gratitude
Cause do ya’ll know how expensive goth and alternative clothes are?
Loves to go on shopping trips with you, loves to travel and try new things
“Can we go here? Yeah I know we went there last week but it was pretty”
You also start using her as a model for your company
This would be a beneficial relationship for the two of you as she always gives back
With dates, gifts, and straight-up surprises
She also sets you up with security services from the House of Black
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miss-bushido · 8 days
you make me feel like I am home again
Written for @steddiesmuttyseptember week 2: prompts ‘backseat’ and ‘clothes on’
Rating: Explicit (very explicit)
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October 3, 1988
Steve leaned against the column just outside of the Arrivals exit at the airport, lightly tapping his finger against his arm. Eddie’s flight had been delayed coming in from Boston: he’d opted to take a different flight than the other guys so he could take a quick trip up to Salem and see all the quote-unquote spooky shit up there. Steve had teased him about coming back with a witch’s hat or a spell book or something, and Eddie had threatened to put a spell on him if he didn’t be quiet. Steve had laughed and pretended he was going through a tunnel and had to go.
“You’re on the phone in the kitchen!” Eddie had scream-laughed as Steve made his words fade in and out before he clearly yelled back, “See you at midnight!” and then hung up.
Delayed Flight 5498 now arriving from Boston. Baggage will be available at carousel number 4 sounded over the speakers.
Steve checked his watch as he stifled a yawn and shifted his stance. He was tired- it was after midnight after all- but he knew that he was going to get a burst of energy soon. Being around Eddie always did that. His energy was infectious even under normal circumstances. Especially when he hit you with that dimpled smile. God, it made Steve weak every time.
It would be more potent now considering how long it had been since they’d been in such close proximity to one another. Eddie and the other members of Corroded Coffin had done a mini-tour of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Their Wraiths on Wings Tour had started in late August, kicking off in Indianapolis before moving to Cleveland, Columbus, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Syracuse, New Haven, Providence, and finally culminated with two nights in Boston. Steve had only been able to go to the one in Indianapolis, but he’d been more than happy to support Eddie doing something he loved. On the numerous phone calls they’d shared after each gig was done, Eddie had gushed about how electrifying it was to be on stage. How fucking awesome it was to be able to play on the same stages that bands like Dokken, Metallica, and Iron Maiden had years before.
Steve was so proud of Eddie, and the other guys, and he always made sure to let Eddie know that. The praise always made Eddie’s tone turn soft on the phone, almost bashful. Whenever Steve heard Eddie ask, “You really mean it, Stevie?”, that was when he dialled up the praise: telling Eddie what a good boy he was, how hardworking and dedicated he was. And all of the things Steve was going to do for him once he got his hands on him again. He sincerely hoped that none of the switchboard operators of the hotels they stayed at ever listened in on their phone calls, or else they would have gotten an earful of the lead singer of Corroded Coffin and his boyfriend having phone sex more than a few times while the guys were on the tour.
Apart from the quick call earlier in the day, the two of them hadn’t been able to connect before the show in New Haven five days prior. As it was, Steve was itching to get his hands on Eddie more so than normal. The fact that the flight had been delayed was like rubbing salt in the wound. He just hoped deplaning and getting the baggage wouldn’t take too long. And while he didn’t drive like Eddie did, he was planning to go a little bit faster to get them back to their apartment sooner rather than later.
About ten minutes later, he saw the shadow of a familiar figure making its way through the arrivals corridor towards him. It rounded the corner, and there stood Eddie: looking every inch the rockstar sex god he showed to the world. He had developed an on-stage persona to play to the audience, which allowed him to separate a little from how he acted onstage to how he was normally. Onstage Eddie was more cocksure, ten times more brash, and he exaggerated his movements as he played and sang, really milking the sexy rockstar angle. The clothes he wore- tight black jeans, a tank top with a deep v-neck (or sometimes no shirt at all), combat boots, studded bracelets- and the way he carried himself fed into this, and the audience couldn’t get enough of it.
Eddie looked up and broke into a big grin as he saw Steve at the end of the corridor waiting for him. It wasn’t Onstage Eddie. It was His Eddie. Still sexy and brash, of course, but also nerdy; shy at times (which always surprised Steve when those times happened); in constant motion even when he was sitting down; and happy to stay in rather than going out and partying.
Steve stood up straight and gave him a little wave, immediately holding out his hand for Eddie’s suitcase as the distance between them closed. The Warlock was in its case across Eddie’s back, and Steve had learned very early on that only Eddie would carry his beloved guitar. “Good flight?” Steve asked as they fell into step, moving out of the airport and into the cold damp air of the Indiana night. “How was Salem?”
“Decent flight,” Eddie answered, brushing his hair away from his face. “Salem was nice. Kind of crowded, though. I want to go again. One day wasn’t enough to see everything.”
“Did you get a spell book?” Steve asked as they approached the Beemer. He opened the trunk and put the suitcase in, letting Eddie maneuver his guitar on top of it, before they both got in the car.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Eddie asked as he buckled up.
Steve shook his head, giving him a smirk as he started up the car. The radio came to life at the same time the engine did, the last few chords and lyrics of ‘Hazy Shade of Winter’ by The Bangles filling up the car. As Steve drove them out of the parking lot and down the road, INXS’ ‘Don’t Change’ came on.
Eddie smiled. “I actually don’t hate this song.”
Steve raised an eyebrow, putting on the windshield wipers as he turned onto the dark back road. “Really? I didn’t realize you listened to INXS.” It was beginning to drizzle, so he slowed down a little.
“Not usually,” he admitted. “Just this one song.” He turned his head to look at Steve, the orange glow of the passing street lights reflecting in his eyes as they drove. “It makes me think of you.” As if the radio heard him, the lyrics he was thinking of came on, and he couldn’t help singing along with Michael Hutchence:
Resolution of happiness, Things have been dark for too long. Don't change for you, Don't change a thing for me
Steve reached over and took Eddie’s hand in his, bringing it up to kiss the back of it. “You’re sweet.”
“You’re just saying that to get into my pants,” Eddie countered, sliding over a little. He kissed Steve’s wrist and took his hand back, sliding it up Steve’s arm and onto the nape of his neck. He used his nails to slide up the back of Steve’s head, feeling him shudder at the touch.
“Babe,” Steve breathed, adjusting in his seat. “I’m driving.”
“I know,” Eddie said, massaging the back of Steve’s scalp. He leaned in closer and kissed Steve’s neck. “You look so sexy. And I don’t know if I can wait until we get back home.” He placed his other hand on Steve’s inner thigh, mere inches from his dick. Steve gasped and gripped the steering wheel tightly.
“I’ve really missed you, Stevie,” Eddie purred, sliding his hand from Steve’s inner thigh to his bulge. He squeezed him lightly, his own moan echoing Steve’s at the feeling of his cock pulsing inside his jeans. “I want to taste you, baby.”
Steve groaned loudly, slowing down as he pulled the car over, the gravel crunching under the tires as he made his way off of the road. As soon as he put the car in ‘Park’, he undid his seatbelt, and pulled Eddie almost onto his lap to kiss him in one fluid motion.
Eddie smiled against Steve’s lips, fumbling for the seatbelt to unhook it. Once he did, he straddled Steve, kissing him hungrily, hips grinding against him. “God, fuck, I need you so badly.” he groaned.
“Me too,” Steve moaned, sliding his hands up into Eddie’s hair. He moved his leg and hit his knee on the steering wheel. “Ow,” he hissed.
“Backseat?” Eddie asked, almost breathless with desire.
“Backseat,” Steve agreed.
Both of them scrambled over the front seat and into the back, limbs tangling as they resituated in the backseat. Steve pulled Eddie back on his lap, hands sliding up the back of his shirt. The familiar feel of his skin and the muscles underneath made Steve gasp. “God, I missed the feel of you,” he said against Eddie’s mouth. “I missed your mouth, how you taste.”
“I missed you, too, baby,” Eddie moaned, breath catching in his throat as he rolled his hips, feeling Steve’s erection below his own. “I want all of you. Your taste, your smell, all of the sounds you make. The phone calls helped, but it wasn’t the same. How you sound in person? Fuck. It was all I could hear in my dreams.”
Steve tilted his head back, sliding down in the seat. The new position made Eddie loom over him, his hair falling around them. “I want to fuck you. I need you so much,” he rasped.
Eddie grinned, all teeth, as he resumed kissing Steve. His hands travelled between them, quickly undoing Steve’s belt and the button on his jeans. He unzipped him and gave his jeans a tug. Just enough to move them from his hips to the middle of his ass. It allowed his briefs to be pulled down, too, so Steve’s cock could be released from the cotton confines of the briefs.
Putting his thumb in his mouth, Eddie sucked on his finger pad. “Touch me, Steve,” he breathed.
Steve made short work of getting Eddie’s cock out of his jeans, too. Steve’s tip was wet, but Eddie’s was wetter, precum streaming out of him to drip down onto Steve’s lap. He let out a deep groan at the sight of his boyfriend’s cock, mouth watering at the image of wrapping his lips around it.
“Thought about you every night, Steve,” Eddie rasped, rubbing his wet thumb over the tip of Steve’s cock, making his hips jerk forward. He wrapped the rest of his hand around him and began stroking, the slick sounds of precum filling the car. “Thought about deep throating you, spreading your legs on the bed and fucking you hard into the mattress. Thought about cumming all over your face, having you lick all of it up and then beg me for more.” Steve let out a sharp gasp at this, eyes rolling back into his head.
“Thought about you too, Eds,” he managed, panting hard as Eddie stroked him and put all those pretty images in his mind. “Thought about eating you out from behind while I stroked your cock. Thought about you using your handcuffs on me to keep me in bed, fucking me over and over until we’re both spent.” As Steve spoke, he had also begun stroking Eddie.
“Stevie,” Eddie whimpered, closing his eyes as he bent forward, his forehead resting on Steve’s shoulder. “Oh fuck I’m so fucking close.”
“Me too,” Steve gasped. “I thought about you riding me, my hands gripping your hips as I fucked deep into you. Your cock was dripping all over me, and when you came, you covered my chest and stomach. And after I came deep inside you, I fingered you until you came again while you straddled my shoulders and your cock was deep in my throat. So I could get every drop you had to give me.”
“STEVE!” Eddie shouted, hips thrusting forward as he came hard, the loud groan turning into a whine. “Oh my Go-o-o-od!”
The sight and sounds Eddie made meant Steve followed with his own orgasm no less than ten seconds later. He repeated Eddie’s name over and over before he kissed him hard, still feeling himself pulsing for a good minute afterwards.
Eddie caught his breath first, giving a few breathy chuckles as he pushed his hair out of his face. The back of his neck was sweaty, his cheeks were flushed and his throat was raw. “That was so fucking hot!” he exclaimed.
“Mmm,” Steve hummed in agreement, blindly reaching with his free hand for the hand towel he kept in the back of the front seat. Ostensibly, it was to get rid of condensation on the windows, which he did use it for: they had steamed the car up something fierce. It was also a good way for them to quickly clean up.
Eddie kissed him hard before he threw himself to the right, extricating himself from Steve’s lap so he could catch his breath and get his pants back up. He watched as Steve did the same, cheeks ruddy and mouth wet as he got himself together. “Let’s shower together when we get home,” he said, reaching out to run his hand up Steve’s arm.
“Yes,” Steve breathed, leaning over to kiss Eddie on the mouth. “I want to fuck you on the stairs before I eat you out in the shower.” He gave Eddie’s lower lip a quick bite before pulling away. With a grunt, he pulled himself back into the driver’s seat, getting himself situated once more.
Meanwhile, in the backseat, Eddie watched Steve, wondering how he’d gotten so lucky to deserve him. His sweet, handsome, surprisingly kinky partner. He zipped his own jeans up and moved back to the passenger seat. “Sounds like you’ve had this planned, huh?”
Steve gave him a smirk as he put the car back in Drive and started off down the road. “I guess you’ll just have to find out when we get back to the house.”
“It wasn’t a spell book,” Eddie said abruptly.
“What?” Steve asked, confused until their earlier conversation came back to him. “Oh. What was it?”
Eddie didn’t immediately answer. It was only when they were at a red light, about two miles from home that he finally said, “It was two rings.”
Steve bodily turned to look at Eddie, eyes wide and shining at the implications of this purchase. “Eddie,” he breathed.
Eddie leaned over and kissed Steve on the lips. “Get us home, big boy, and I’ll give you one of them.”
Steve seemed at a loss for words until Eddie kissed him again. “However far away,” he sang-spoke quietly, “I will always love you.”
“However long I stay,” Steve responded, also sing-speaking, voice thick with emotion, “I will always love you.” He kissed Eddie once more and then leaned back, wiping his eyes. “Since when do you listen to The Cure?”
“Not usually,” Eddie answered, watching as Steve continued the drive back to their house. As he parked in the driveway, Eddie continued, “Just this one song. It makes me think of you.”
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