#and they always disliked how the other ran their business
cafelattaes · 9 months
beat you at your own game | hrj
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summary : y/n has a crush on renjun, who's not that great with people. despite his standoffish nature, she makes an effort to be friendly. but things take a twist when she starts to ignore him.
pairing : renjun x fem!reader
genre : college au, romance, fluff, angst
word count : 3.5k
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huang renjun, how exactly would you describe him? well, for starters, he can be a bit cranky. he's all about having his own space, not a fan of dragging things out, and gets things done in a flash. he’s also straightforward and not afraid to speak his mind. people have mixed feelings about him because of it. but oddly enough, it only adds to his charm, making people naturally drawn to him, much to his 'i'd-rather-not' demeanor.
needless to say, you just had to develop a crush on someone who’s the total opposite of you. you’re a people-pleaser; you’d much rather say things that would please others rather than express your genuine thoughts. confrontations make you uncomfortable, and you lean towards making excuses for those who hurt you on purpose. you also always try to avoid conflicts as much as you can, and resort to suffering in silence instead. you're trying to change that aspect about yourself, but you grew up having those traits, making it hard to break free. nevertheless, you're working on it.
you never intended to let renjun know about your feelings, but your friends were determined to embarrass you whenever he was around, constantly teasing you. it didn't help that despite not being close to renjun and his group, some of them were friends with your close friends, so they eventually joined in poking fun at your crush. one day, you decided to dismiss their incessant teasing and initiated a friendly conversation with renjun. at first, he responded out of courtesy. you weren't stupid though; you could tell that renjun was clearly fed up with his friends and wanted nothing to do with their antics.
he began to dislike being associated with you, offering only short responses and not acknowledging your presence more than necessary. you didn’t pay it much mind, since getting close to him wasn't your original goal. your aim was to ease the awkwardness and shed the embarrassment that accompanied your interactions. you happened to share some classes with renjun, coincidentally, those were the ones where both your friends weren't around. sitting next to him became a default habit, as he was the only familiar face in those particular classes.
one morning, you found yourself running late for your 8am class, prompting you to dash before your professor arrived. you accidentally collided with renjun, who happened to be holding an iced coffee. to your horror, more than half of the drink ended up spilling onto his shirt.
“oh my god, renjun, i’m so sorry!” you looked at him in fear, and it took everything in him to remain calm.
“why are you running around a busy hallway?”
“i’m really, really sorry. i’m late for my first class and i didn’t think i’d bump into anyone.” renjun let out an annoyed sigh.
“wait!” you opened your bag to bring out your alcohol and wipes. “do you need them?”
“no, thank you.” he proceeded to walk past you, but you held onto his arm.
“what about the stain?”
“i have a spare shirt. can you let me go now? i thought you said you were late.”
“shoot, you’re right. i’m sorry again, i promise i’ll make it up to you!” you shouted as you ran.
“please don’t,” he grumbled.
later on, you found renjun at the library working on your assignments. you sat quietly next to him and began doing your own. he didn’t spare you a look and just carried on with his work. you spent a few hours completing them, and both of you got it done at the same time. as you got up to gather your things, you spoke to the boy beside you.
“renjun, do you have anything to do after this?”
“there’s this new diner that just opened up nearby. do you want to check it out? my friends have prior commitments, and i wanted to make it up to you for spilling your coffee earlier.” you already knew he was going to refuse, but it wouldn’t hurt to still ask.
“sorry, i’ll have to pass. i need to get home quickly.” you nodded in understanding and smiled at him.
“no biggie. take care on your way home!”
“thanks,” he simply said before leaving.
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“so, what's the deal with you and y/n?" jaemin asked in a teasing tone. "any progress? are you going out already?” renjun scowled.
“shut up. i want her to back off, honestly.”
“you want everyone to back off.” jaemin pointed out.
“yeah, but most especially y/n.”
jaemin's eyebrows knitted together. “uh, why do you sound so annoyed with her?”
“because she's annoying. i turned her down multiple times, but she can’t take a hint. nothing’s worse than someone who forces themselves on others.”
“relax, man. aren't you being a bit harsh? you’ll see that she’s nice if you give her a chance.”
“what exactly is nice about her being fixated on me? this is mostly your fault, you know. if you guys weren’t such busybodies, she wouldn’t be so pushy.”
you walked away from the scene, ensuring they didn’t notice your presence. you wiped away the lone tear that involuntary fell from your eye. it wasn’t often that you heard someone openly talk about their obvious dislike of you, and hearing it from the person you were supposed to like was quite disheartening. it wasn't your intention to impose your presence on him or force a connection that wasn't meant to be. you reckoned it was time to reevaluate your feelings and accept the need to let go of your futile crush on renjun, sparing both of you from any further confusion or misunderstandings.
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renjun had grown accustomed to spotting you in your regular seat during your shared class. however, he was met with surprise when he noticed you had moved to a vacant seat considerably distant from your usual spot next to him. he was a bit confused at first, but chose not to dwell on it. he also noted that you didn't notice his entrance into the room, as you were engrossed in some task.
you continued to maintain a distance in your next classes with renjun. he was uncertain if you were oblivious to his presence or deliberately avoiding acknowledgement, given the lack of glances his way. he found it a bit strange that you refrained from initiating any form of interaction, but he didn’t mind. he thought he felt better. at least, for now.
however, renjun was not expecting your odd behavior to persist. it brought another surprise when you ignored him again the following day. even when your eyes accidentally locked for a second, you quickly averted your gaze. renjun wasn’t sure if you really didn’t see him or were just pretending not to. you weren’t wearing your glasses, and your eyesight wasn't the best. but even if you did ignore him on purpose, he didn’t mind… or did he?
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it’s been a while since you stopped talking to renjun. at first, he thought he felt a sense of relief, thinking it gave him some space. but after a week, he was confused about why you suddenly stopped. the following week, he could feel his stomach churning seeing you leave class, secretly hoping you’d look back. then, the week after that, he felt a wave of anger because there were more than a few times he bumped into you purposely to get you to talk to him, but you did not utter any word other than a quiet apology. now, nearly a month later, he started to feel dejected because no matter what he did, you always acted like he wasn't even there. renjun wasn’t sure what he did wrong to make you so determined in avoiding him completely.
“renjun’s going through 5 stages of grief,” jaemin said with a smirk.
“what are you talking about?” haechan looked at him in confusion.
“y/n’s been ignoring him for a month.”
“WHAT? WHY?” jaemin shrugged.
“no idea. we’re not close enough for me to ask.”
“what about jeno?”
“he doesn’t want to pry.”
“maybe she got tired of renjun’s grumpy attitude,” chenle piped up.
“could be,” jaemin turned to the boy in question. “look at him, he’s miserable.”
“shut up,” renjun muttered in discontent.
“stop provoking him. it’s his first heartbreak,” chenle taunted, making renjun roll his eyes at their ridiculousness.
“you know you could just talk to her right? ask what’s going on?”
“if she wanted to talk, she would’ve reached out to me by now,” renjun said flatly. his friends could only shake their heads in disapproval.
“don’t be stupid.”
“and i’m begging all of you to mind your own business.”
“if you keep this up, you’ll end up in a situation you can’t fix.”
haechan nodded vigorously. “yeah, don't say we didn't warn you!”
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you kept quiet about what you had overheard from renjun in the last month, choosing not to share the details with your friends. you figured they would eventually notice renjun's absence from your life, and when they finally asked you about it, you dismissed their probing questions. you casually informed them that your crush on him had simply faded after getting to know him better. you were quite good at making believable lies, they were convinced by it and dropped the topic quickly.
unexpectedly, renjun sought you out in an empty classroom to confront you about your sudden disconnection. you looked like a deer caught in headlights when you realized who had just entered, walking in long and quick strides to your direction. in your mind, you were already conjuring up excuses to explain yourself.
“why are you ignoring me?” his question broke the silence, leaving you with no room to escape.
so much for attempting to evade this confrontation.
you took a moment to gather your thoughts, unsure how to respond. you tried to conceal your distress as renjun stared down at you while waiting for you to talk. it seemed like he was determined to stand his ground, expecting you to tell him the truth. with a frustrated sigh, you finally spoke up.
“i’m just staying out of your way,” you said after a moment of silence.
“yeah, so why?” his voice was demanding, it ticked you off a little.
you questioned why you were initially afraid of renjun confronting you and why you bothered coming up with excuses. after all, it wasn't his place to interrogate you when you were simply doing what he seemed to want from the start.
“i don’t know why you’re asking. isn’t that what you want? you should be happy.” you began to gather your things so you can leave, but you heard him speak again.
“i never told you to avoid me. if you have a problem with me, just say it.”
“you're right, you never told me directly. you just told other people.”
“what are you talking about?” you turned to face him.
“renjun, i don’t get you. you push me away, you're openly annoyed by me, and you tell everyone you want me gone. now that i’m doing exactly that, you’re still upset with me? what’s your problem?”
renjun ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident. “stop speaking in riddles and just tell me what's going on."
“fine. last month, i was passing by the library and i overheard you talking to your friends. you were complaining about how i couldn't take a hint and how you wanted me to leave you alone.” renjun looked a bit puzzled at first. when you were about to walk away, his eyes widened in realization.
“no, y/n, i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean any of what i said-“ you shook your head lightly at his predictable response.
“don’t be. you were completely right, and i’m not even angry about it. i just don’t want to do anything with you anymore.”
“please, listen," renjun said, his voice urgent. "i blurted out those things in the heat of the moment. i regret it, especially now that i know you were there to hear it… it’s not how i really feel about you."
“it’s okay, renjun. i didn’t tell you all of this to get an apology. i’m only telling you why i’m doing what i’m doing, like you asked, and to make it clear that i’m done.” as you turned to leave, renjun stepped in front of you, blocking your path.
“hear me out, alright? i was being overly sensitive back then. my friends were pushing my buttons, and i didn't know how to handle it so i lashed out. i treated you unfairly and you didn’t deserve any of that. a month without you made me realize a few things. i had to confront what i really want and face some truths i'd been avoiding."
he paused, studying your face before continuing. “i miss spending time with you, y/n. and... well, i realized i've got feelings for you, more than i thought. it never crossed my mind that you'd actually distance yourself and it hit me hard. the idea of losing you if you choose to walk away made me lose my mind.”
your heart raced as he spoke, and his confession stirred up a mix of emotions. your confusion lingered, but you decided to reason through it, pushing aside the sincerity in his eyes as you gave him a skeptical look.
“are you… getting your feelings confused with something else? did you consider that maybe your mind is playing tricks on you and making you think you like me because you're used to others chasing after you?”
renjun winced, trying to ignore the implied criticism. it was a struggle for him to open up about his feelings, only for the girl he liked to question it and suggest that he couldn't understand his own emotions.
“i wouldn't be here asking why you've been avoiding me and opening up like this if i hadn't thought it through." he said quietly. "it might be hard to believe right now, but if you give me a chance, i can prove it to you."
“i don’t think this is a good idea,” you said, watching his face fall. he felt lost, trying to find the right words to convince you. taking a deep breath, he gently placed his hands on your shoulders, meeting your eyes.
“please, just give me a chance to make things right. i feel like i've wasted so much time.” the desperation in his voice was clear. still skeptical, you removed his hands as they fell down to your arms.
“i’ll think about it,” you said, turning to walk away, leaving a lingering sense of uncertainty in the air.
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renjun’s friends had been observing him for a few days, and he’s become unusually quiet. they contemplated asking him what’s wrong, but they wanted to give him some space. it was glaringly obvious that something was bothering him, and he didn’t want to talk about it. jeno couldn't help but express his concern.
"renjun, you've been awfully quiet lately. everything alright?"
"yeah, i'm fine. just dealing with some stuff." jeno and jaemin exchanged knowing glances.
"we're here whenever you're ready to talk." jaemin assured, patting his back.
he had been feeling down since your conversation days ago. your words had been weighing on his mind and creating an internal turmoil. the fact that you continued to ignored him in all your classes didn't offer much comfort. renjun couldn't help but cast a longing look in your direction whenever he saw you. he wondered if there was a way to make things right, or if he had to live with the consequences of his past actions.
meanwhile, his confession has been replaying in your mind. the idea of him reciprocating your feelings caught you off guard; it was something you never saw coming. after some contemplation, it became apparent to you that renjun really felt apologetic and was filled with remorse. could it be that he genuinely likes you? even if that was the case, you're still unsure whether it's the right move to start something with him.
maybe i should stop overthinking this.
you took a deep breath before releasing a loud sigh, unaware that the boy who had been occupying your thoughts, stood right in front of you.
“y/n,” you looked up to see renjun. you waited for him to speak, but it seemed like he was having a mental struggle, debating whether to say what was on his mind. he mustered up the courage to ask if you were willing to give him a chance. staring at him with an unreadable expression, he didn't know how to interpret the situation. was it a bad time to talk?
“why?” you finally asked. although renjun was hesitant, he answered.
“i was wondering if you already thought about what i said? i mean… i can wait if you need more time.”
“if i say no, are you going to leave me alone?” your heart sank a little when his face fell.
he took a moment before responding. his voice barely above a whisper. “if that’s what you want... i guess i would have to."
“renjun,” you said, causing him to look up.
“let’s give it a try.” his expression became hopeful.
“yes," you nodded. "you said you liked me back, i'm choosing to believe that for now. just... don't let me down."
“i won’t," he promised, a smile slowly spreading across his face.
before you could react, renjun pulled you into a warm embrace. you found yourself returning the hug, allowing yourself to relax in his arms.
"thank you for giving me a chance," he murmured, his words muffled against your hair but filled with sincerity.
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“i’m happy for them, really," giselle said, eyeing you and renjun across the room. "but watching those two make heart eyes at each other is sickening."
chenle snorted. "this is nothing. you should see renjun at the dorm."
the group's attention snapped to him. "oh?" karina prompted.
“let's just say personal space is not in his vocabulary anymore."
“huh… i would've expected y/n to be the clingy one."
“yeah, no. but i guess it makes sense, considering how he acted before."
giselle and karina exchanged amused glances, intrigued by the dynamic between you and renjun.
"amazing what a change of heart can do," jaemin mused.
karina nodded, a hint of approval in her voice. "guess he learned his lesson."
the group watched you and renjun for a moment longer, a mix of amusement and fondness in their expressions. it was clear that renjun had undergone a significant change in the way he acts toward you, transforming his initial aloofness to this new, affectionate version of himself.
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“i have the dorm to myself this weekend.” renjun said, a hint of mischief in his eyes.
you raised an eyebrow. “and what exactly are you suggesting?”
“you know…” he trailed off, his look suggestive.
“i’m studying for finals," you replied flatly.
“exactly. i find myself more productive when i’m with you.”
“right. because we get so much done when we study together."
“don't you want my hugs and kisses?” he pouted.
“not when i’m trying to pass my classes.”
“i'll behave, i promise.”
“you always say that. i don’t believe you anymore.” renjun's pout deepened. cute.
“maybe i wouldn't be so clingy if you paid more attention to me. you’re always busy, you don’t have time for your boyfriend.”
“renjun, unlike you, i have to put in extra effort to get good grades. i’m not as smart as you are.”
“excuses.” he mumbled.
you rolled your eyes, but couldn't help smiling. “you’re so adorable,” you cooed, giving him a quick peck. “i never imagined you to be the clingy type.”
“baby, there's a lot of things you don’t know about me.” he said, his voice lowering.
“oh? like what?”
he leaned in close. “like how great i am with my hands."
your eyebrows shot up. "is that so?"
“yeah. apparently, i give one heck of a shoulder massage,” he finished with a grin.
you burst out laughing at his endearing silliness. the sound of your laughter made renjun pause. he watched you, a soft smile spreading across his face. suddenly, he felt an overwhelming surge of happiness. taking your hand gently in his, he pressed a kiss to your fingertips, capturing your attention and prompting you to look at him.
"you make me feel the happiest," he said softly. "i love you."
your heart skipped a beat, the euphoria of hearing those three words from him for the first time washing over you. it hit you then - this unexpected journey with renjun had led you somewhere you never imagined. he, too, held the key to your happiness.
“i love you too," you whispered back.
you closed the distance between you two and your lips met his. as he wrapped an arm around your waist, you let yourself fall to his embrace, deepening the kiss.
renjun was met with the realization that while you fell for him first, he descended later, but with an intensity that surpassed a thousand falls.
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venuscrashed · 10 months
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just a quick Drabble
Spencer Reid x Older!Male!Biker reader
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Dr. Spencer Reid had never been the type to fall for someone inordinate or someone at all really. He typically developed light crushes with people he knew he would never see again. Yet the light, fluttery feeling he gets in his stomach when he sees you makes him all giddy inside. He can’t help but blush and wants to hide when he sees you. A lovesick puppy is all he is. 
Spencer hid behind the files on his desk once you walked in. He discreetly peeked over the top to see you walking in with your biker helmet in one hand and a cup holder in the other. Spencer knew the routine by now. You’d come in with your helmet and coffee for you two to share. Every time you get his order right, and every time he starts thinking about your guy's future.
“Hey Lighting Bolt,” you rounded the desks to sit next to Spencer. It was always faint but you could see the way that his eyes light up when he sees you. A smile came onto your face as you distributed the coffee and sat on his desk. “Got a bunch of files there. You’ll finish them in-what? Two hours?”
“One in a half actually,” he meekly said as he sipped on his coffee. “Hotch said that he was going to give you some files. Said it’s supposed to keep you busy since we can’t go on the case.”
A groan escaped your lips. Spencer chuckled, knowing your dislike about not being on cases.
The team went on a case and left the two of you behind with Garcia. Spencer was injured, being shot in the leg and all, so he couldn’t go. The case was a kidnapping so they didn’t need the forensic guy there. Which meant that a good portion of the team was left behind and got to deal with the paperwork. Penelope was ecstatic with company but the both of you could only wish to go back with the team.
“Hey bolt,” Spencer hummed as he looked up at you. The happy puppy look always got to you. “I got you something.”
“Me?” Heat rose up in his cheeks with that boyish smile he always does. His heart started beating while his mind went through all the possibilities of what it might be. “You didn’t have to do that. Todays not special or anything.”
“I know. But I was out shopping and this reminded me of you.” 
A thick book sat in your hand. It was leather, Spencer basked in the Euphoric feeling. He quickly took it and opened it. Second hand but the original copy of a classic in German. He skimmed through the pages, quickly reading all of the annotations from the previous owner.
“Wow there Spence. I don’t want you to finish reading it here.” You lightly chuckle while running a hand through his hair. 
He let out an audibly “oh”. “Uh. Well. Thank you! I always wanted this one. But how did you find it? It’s sold out at every place I go to.”
“I have my ways,” you said with a finger over your lips and a wink towards him. “Hope you enjoy it!” You got up, took a sip from your coffee, and started heading out.
“You’re leaving me?” The slight tremble in his lips and the furrow of his eyebrows would have been enough for you to fall to your knees but you had to keep composure.
“I got to help Penelope with the case. I’ll be back once you’re done with the files.”
Spencer watched as you walked out. His heart rate rocketed with the memory of your smile. He beamed like a schoolboy as he looked at the book. Your future with him ran through his mind as he covered his face and let a couple of lovesick giggles. Acting like a teenager girl in the chick flicks but he still didn’t care.
“He’s just a friend, Spencer. Just-a really, really good friend. Yeah,” a pause. “Oh I'm in love with him.”
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hxney-lemcn · 4 months
See You Again — Your Fav Twst Guy x gn! reader
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summery: you don't realize just how much he loves you
tw: pining (idk)
a/n: uhhhh here you go. Another insert your fav character but twst version.
wc: 0.7k
Master List
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You live in my dream state Relocate my fantasy I stay in reality You live in my dream state Anytime I count sheep That’s the only time we make up, make up You exist behind my eyelids, eyelids Now I don’t wanna wake up
As he falls asleep, his mind always seems to slip to you. Going over all the times he saw you and how romantic even the smallest of gestures were to him. Even if you only smiled at him the same as you did with your other friends, when he closed his eyes, he imagined a world where your smile towards him is warmer, softer, more affectionate. Imagine a world where you’d lean in close to him as you laughed at his joke, where you’d rest your head on his shoulder as you stared up at him lovingly. A world where you’d just lean over and give him a kiss-
20/20, 20/20 vision Cupid hit me, Cupid hit me with precision, I Wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind I said, I said I’m sick of, sick of, sick of, sick of chasing You’re the one that’s always running through my daydreams, I I can only see your face when I close my eyes So…
He watched as you sat with your friends. A warm smile on your face as you watched them squabble. Did you even know what you were doing to him? How he managed to fall so hard for you without you even trying. It was tiring. It felt like all he could do was think about you, your preferences, your likes and dislikes. Perhaps he could try and take you out today? Or were you too busy? It seems like no matter how hard he tries, he’ll always be one step behind you. The only place he can actually reach you is when his eyes slip closed…
Can I get a kiss? And can you make it last forever? I said I’m ‘bout to go to war And I don’t know if I’ma see you again Can I get a kiss? And can you make it last forever? I said I’m ‘bout to go to war And I don’t know if I’ma see you again
He wished his dreams were real. To know the taste of your lips, the gentleness of your hold, the warmth of your love. He never wanted to wake up, his dreams leaving him longing once he awoke. Then there was the dread, the fact that you weren’t from here, that you could go back to your world and he’d never see you again. It was a vicious cycle. Daydreaming of you, remembering it wasn’t real, then the dread of never seeing you again leading him to daydream about you once more. 
I said okay, okay, okay, okey-dokey, my infatuation Is translating into another form of what you call it? Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, I ain’t met you, I’ve been looking Stop the waiting ‘fore I stop the chasing, like an alcoholic “You don’t understand me” — What the fuck do you mean? It’s them rose tinted cheeks, yeah, it's them dirt colored eyes Sugar honey iced tea, bumblebee on the scene Yeah I’d give up my bakery to have a peace of your pie
His infatuation had turned into love for you, and it started to feel suffocating, and he wasn’t sure if he should even act on his feelings. It would only make things more confusing for you. Yet he couldn’t help his longing for you, how his love seeped into every action aimed towards you. He hated when you waved him off, not understanding how deep these feelings ran through him. How he found every aspect of you endearing, You were the sweetest person he’s ever met, and you attracted him effortlessly. He’d give everything and anything for a chance to be with you. Please, just give him one chance to show you just how much he loves you.
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, o— (La la, la la la la, la la) Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, o— (La la, la la la, la la) Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, o— (La la, la la la la, la la La la, la la la la) One more time?
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imfoive · 3 months
The Youngest Son - Chapter 1
Minho x Reader (fem.) Genre: non-idol au!, Suspense, Angst, Romance, Mature Warnings: mentions of drugs, cursing, death, physical assault, somewhat proofread WC: 2.8k A/N: A short read, just want to gauge if I should continue. Feedback is always welcome, enjoy! ── MASTERLIST
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Synopsis: The youngest son of the Lee family was stubborn, he was arrogant, he was conniving. Hiding it all behind the mask of a calm and collected man, the youngest son was a master at mind games. Playing a dangerous game where trust is a luxury and betrayal lurks around every corner. He had sworn once, to not let family ties or any feelings hold him back. Yet, against all odds, she had him completely wrapped around her fingers, and he had no desire to break free.
CHAPTER 1 ──────────────────── The youngest son of the Lee family was stubborn, he was arrogant, he was conniving. But he did a very good job at keeping it all hidden behind the persona of a perfect son. A calm and cool-headed man. The youngest son of the Lee family was a master at mind games.
At age ten, he learned that the woman he had called “mother” for as long as he could remember, was not his birth mother. Her unnecessary prejudice against him and cold shoulder she gave him out of the public eye, all began to make sense. He was a constant reminder of the unfaithful deeds her husband, his father, had done unbeknownst to her. At age ten he learned why he was treated differently than his older, dimwit brothers. enduring beatings for the slightest mistakes, weren’t for nothing. He learned from a young age that staying besides his grandfather, the patriarch, would keep him safer than he was alone. The old man didn’t pick favorites between his grandchildren, even if one was the product of a master-maid affair, afterall it was Lee blood that ran through the kids’ veins.
At thirteen he was sent to boarding school, abroad to soon learn the ropes of the family business. Though he fell at the bottom of the hierarchy in the Lee family, every member had to play their part, because that’s what it took to run one of the biggest industrial companies.
At fifteen, he met her. A enemies-to-aquaintances in the midst of a school filled with children from affluent families, where donations greased the wheels. Despite everyone trying to curry favor with him, he maintained a facade of a well-behaved young master. He wasn’t sure when this persona took root or how he managed to suppress his true emotions so effectively, but it became ingrained over time.
While others sought his friendship and the girls aimed to get closer, hoping for a future with the Lee family, she was the exception. She saw through his polite smiles and gentlemanly demeanor, refusing to play along with the charade. He found her scrutiny unsettling, as she saw past the facade he worked so hard to maintain. He didn’t like it one bit. 
The young master disliked the smirk on her face and the unreadable look in her gaze when she had him cornered. He felt vulnerable and was painfully aware of her intentions. She was establishing dominance, laying a foundation that challenged his carefully crafted image. And it didn’t help that her family was business friends with his. 
Business friends. 
They smiled for the cameras. Mingled in social gatherings. Shook hands, sent gifts. Their mothers would frequent the parlors together, shop together. But behind closed doors, they hated each other’s guts. Like every other conglomerate dynasty. But still, he couldn’t threaten her, or put it through her head that he was the one in charge. So he only kept tabs on her, letting her push him around, letting her be the boss. He was the class president, number one in the whole school, but bowed down to a brat who read him like an open book.
At twenty five, his heart pounded loudly against his chest, his eyes wide, cheeks feeling terribly hot as he stared into her own shocked gaze. Pressed against one another in a broom closet, his hand still pressed against her lips, he could feel her hot breath against his fingers.
The line between hatred and attraction began to blur.
He still vividly recalled the bitter taste that surged in his mouth when he heard the announcement of her engagement. Anger gripped him tightly, his hand clenching around the champagne glass. For a fleeting moment, his emotions flashed across his face before he regained his composure, masking his feelings as swiftly as they had surfaced. But it was too late—she had already caught that brief flicker of raw emotion.
Their eyes locked amidst the applause from the crowd, celebrating her and her new fiancé on stage. A chill ran down his spine at the intensity of their gaze. He hated the fact that he couldn’t decipher her expression as easily as she seemed to read him. Her father pulled her closer, placing her between himself and her future husband, while his own uncle chuckled, posing for the flashing cameras with his arm around his son's shoulder, nudging him towards her. Nearby, his cousin beamed at her, already envisioning their future together as husband and wife.
She was to marry into the Lee family. Becoming the bride of his older cousin—a union orchestrated for business rather than love.
He was pissed. And he didn’t understand why.
He understood why, but still he smiled, clapping like everyone else in the crowd. Seeing his smile she copies, her fists clenched her dress into balls at her side, tearing away her eyes from him. Turning to the reporters and offering practiced smiles to the cameras. And he hates every bit of it.
After a few more glasses of champagne, several smiles exchanged with other businessmen in the hall, he finds himself lightheaded outside the event room, in some empty corridor of the hotel. Leaning against the wall with one hand, the other pressed to his head, his gaze fixates on the vivid red carpet beneath his feet. The vibrant color stands in stark contrast to the turmoil churning within him.
When did he drink so much?
Normally, he was adept at maintaining control over his alcohol consumption, always maintaining a balance between sobriety and intoxication. But right now, his head was pounding.
    “Hey Lee Minho!”
He recognized her voice instantly, a sound etched into his memory after a decade of hearing it call his name—whether sober, ill, or in any other state. 
Startled, he turned to see her approaching with purpose, her dress billowing around her in the wind stirred up by her hurried steps. Before he could react, she had him pinned against the wall he leaned on for support. He was disoriented, his eyes struggling to fixate on her furious expression while he attempted to stand upright, hand instinctively returning to his forehead. She intercepted his hand, pressing it against the wall alongside his other one, effectively trapping him.
The closeness of her presence, her firm grip on his hands, and the intensity in her eyes broke through his haze. He met her gaze, their faces mere inches apart, and in that moment, the barrier he had been building between them, built on years of tolerance, misunderstanding, and unspoken desires, began to crumble. Minho clung to that small bit of conscious control he had left, determined to remain stoic despite his trapped circumstance.
    “Why did you leave the hall?” Her question pierced through the heavy silence, her fingers tightening around his wrist as she searched his impassive gaze for answers.
    “I felt light headed.” He replied evenly, his voice betraying the turmoil swirling within him.
Her brows furrowed, uncertainty flickering in her eyes as they briefly glanced at his shirt before meeting him again.
    “Did you know about the engagement?” She asked softly, her voice tinged with vulnerability.
Minho opens his mouth, but his gaze flickered towards the distant sounds of people chatting down the hall. In a sudden move, he grasped her arm, surprising her, and swiftly ushered her through the nearest door.
    “What are—”
His hand presses against her lips, her whines could wait. The dark broom-closet was the last place someone would look in search for either of them. He didn’t need another mess of people catching him with his future sister-in-law pressed against each other in the halls of her parents’ hotel.
Except when he finally sighs after the footsteps outside the door fade into the distance, he realizes that was the exact situation they were in, but closer. Much closer. 
    “Minho.” She whispers, fingers pulling away at his hand that covered her mouth. 
Maybe it was the alcohol fully taking over, but her skin felt hot against his, the rise and fall of her chest brushing against him in a way that felt searingly hot. His heart pounded louder with each passing second. Her gaze hardened, a reminder that her anger hadn't dissipated.
    “Are you happy that I’m engaged to your cousin?”
Minho remained silent, swallowing hard to soothe his suddenly dry throat. Leaning his head back, he stared up at the dark ceiling, that bitter taste in his mouth returning. He could feel her eyes on him without needing to glance down at her, acutely aware of their proximity. His arm raised, maybe to pull her even closer or to push her away, he wasn’t sure exactly because his hand faltered in the air before dropping to his side, defeated.
    “Yeah I am.” 
No he wasn’t.
He looks down at her, smiling his fake smiles.
    “Congratulations, sister-in-law.” 
He hated it. 
The tears had welled in her eyes, and he chose to ignore them. He exits the closet, squinting at the bright light that seemed blindingly brighter after coming out of the dark room. He does his best to not look back, trying to walk-straight, away from her. Any longer and he might go back in there and do god knows what.
She remained frozen in the closet’s stillness, staring at the closed door where moments ago, they had shared a fleeting but charged encounter. It took her a moment to collect herself, wiping away the tears that had escaped her control. Then, anger simmered beneath the surface. She’d make him pay, she’d make him take back his words. She was good at doing that. 
Returning to the bustling main hall, she scanned the crowd for Minho, but he was conspicuously absent. Instead, she felt an unwelcome touch at the small of her back, causing her to flinch involuntarily. The fingers belonged to someone else, a reminder of her imminent future tied to the Lee family.
    “I was looking for you Y/N.”
Her fiancé, Jae, offered her a glass of champagne with a smile, his other hand deftly retrieving it from a passing server and passing it to her. She managed a forced smile of gratitude, accepting the drink amidst the constant click of cameras capturing their every move.
    “Thank you, Jae.” She murmured, the formality in her tone belying the lack of intimacy between them.
There was no respite from the public eye, no chance for a private moment. Reporters hovered nearby, snapping photos incessantly, amplifying her frustration. She longed to push him away or unleash her pent-up anger, but she restrained herself. Instead, she stood composed, facing him directly. Her fingers instinctively reached for his tie, straightening it with practiced precision.
    “You reek of alcohol.” She commented casually, her smile unwavering as she rested her hand on his jacket.
Jae smirked, glancing around briefly before leaning in closer to her.
    “Already starting to nag, huh?” His tone was more of annoyance than tease.
    “Better get used to it then.” She retorted, raising an eyebrow and tilting her head subtly, a hint of defiance underlying her compliant demeanor.
Jae had long understood her independence and resilience, attributes shaped by her status as the sole heiress to her family’s wealth. It was clear to him that she didn’t tolerate disrespect from anyone. Yet, Jae possessed his own confidence and a streak of cockiness, and he wasn't about to let her forget his presence.
    “We’ll see, baby.” He chuckled, his tone dropping as he drew her closer, a move intended to assert his control over the situation. Her involuntary shudder in response only fueled his ego, reinforcing his belief that he could handle her strong personality and keep her in check. ─────────────────────── Minho stood in front of the restroom mirror, the icy water splashed on his face offering a jolt that helped clear his mind. The cold sensation contrasted sharply with the heat of his skin, instantly sobering him up from the alcohol-induced haze. As he stared at his reflection, the running water echoed loudly in the otherwise eerie silence of the men's room.
His eyes locked onto his own, but his thoughts raced elsewhere—to the intense moment with Y/N in the dark broom closet. He vividly recalled the heat of her breath against his hand, her eyes fixed on him with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. A part of him wished he had kissed her, he had marked kissed bruises down her neck, claimed her as his. But his sane side reminded him of the harsh reality, suppressing his desires. Still, the memory of her pressed against him replayed in his mind, stirring emotions he struggled to reconcile with his usual composure.
He mutters, almost pounding the sink handle shut.
He didn’t realize how long he had been holed away in the restroom, or exactly how long he had been thinking about her afterwards. Returning to the main event hall, he noticed that the crowd had thinned considerably, with guests beginning to depart as the night wore on. His secretary easily found him amidst the lingering attendees, gently pulling him aside to deliver news of an impending family meeting at the Lee estate the following morning. And to head home now that all the important guests have left.
So he does as he’s told. Like always. With a smile.
Minho found himself in a haze as his car pulled into the underground parking lot of his apartment complex. He was awake but disconnected, his mind lost in a whirl of thoughts and emotions from the evening. He mumbled a thank you to his secretary before stumbling out of the car, exhaustion weighing heavily on him.
The elevator ride to the fourteenth floor felt excruciatingly slow, each ding echoing in the eerie silence that seemed to follow him. Fumbling for his keycard as he approached his apartment door, he froze at the sight of a familiar figure crouched beside it. Her head turned at the sound of his footsteps, meeting his gaze with a mixture of relief and distress.
Y/N stood up abruptly as he approached, and before he could react, she ran towards him, her arms enveloping him in a tight embrace. Caught off guard, Minho stumbled backwards, her grip unyielding.
Tears streamed down her face, and Minho felt a surge of anxiety as he struggled to comprehend the suddenness of her presence and emotions. Her crying and shaking embrace were overwhelming, stirring conflicting feelings within him that he wasn’t prepared to confront.
    “What’s wrong—” He begins to say as he pulls her to face him, only to fall silent. 
His words faltered as he noticed the red mark on her cheek and the cut on her lower lip, dried blood marking its edges. Shock widened his eyes as he took in the sight, his mind racing to grasp the situation.
    “Jae-h-he attacked me.” She whispered through a sob.
His expression hardens at her words, she buries her head back into his chest, sniffing back cries loudly again, her cries echoing in the corridor. It was the first time he had ever seen her in such a vulnerable state, and it shook him to the core. His initial confusion and concern quickly turned to a fierce protectiveness, a surge of anger rising within him at the sight of her injuries.
Gently, he pulled her into his apartment, closing the door behind them. Without a word, he guided her to the couch, his movements careful yet urgent. He dressed her wound after finally calming her down. She’s been to his apartment plenty of times, uninvited mostly, bothering him. So seeing her in such a vulnerable state fascinated him, yet his heart clenched painfully. 
Minho knew exactly what it was, and why it was. But he was in denial.
There was no way he could want her.
Was he even allowed to feel that way?
As he studied her, he couldn't ignore the intensity in her gaze, how she watched him with a keen awareness that unsettled him.
But was she aware of the control she had over him?
That she had him completely under her spell? 
Closing the first-aid kit, he looks back at her, blood-red eyes and tear-stricken face.
Minho seethed with anger and frustration. He shouldn’t have let her leave that damn broom closet. He shouldn’t have let her get hurt. The thought of Jae laying hands on her ignited a fury within him he hadn’t felt in a while.
He gently rested his palm against her cheek, his touch surprisingly tender despite the storm of emotions raging inside him. This newfound side of him, fierce and protective, startled even himself. His gaze softened as he caressed her face, leaning in closer.
    “Should I kill him?” ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ to be continued.
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finelinevogue · 1 year
family will get you through
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summary - you go through a life changing operation but you have a strong family to get you through it
warnings: brain tumour, anxiety, self deprecation, swearing, kissing n fluff, hopeful ending, i wrote this 2 years ago so it’s not up to my usual writing standards unfortunately :(
word count: +6.8 k
pairing: husband/dad!harry x reader
Everything was occurring like normal. You were making the kids lunches for school as usual. You were cleaning the breakfast away as usual. Harry was on his last day of tour. Yet, somehow, within 24 hours, your life was going to be turned upside down.
For the worst.
During the hoovering of the carpet you heard your phone ring. After spending 10 seconds to find the bloody thing you finally picked up.
During the hoovering of the carpet you heard your phone ring. After spending 10 seconds to find the bloody thing you finally picked up.
"Hello?" You asked, not recognising the number.
"Hi there. Is this Y/N Styles speaking?" The male voice asked, on the end of the line.
"Yes it is." You answer.
"Hiya Y/N. It's Dr Hughes here." He introduced himself, but it didn't comfort you any more knowing who was on the other side of the phone. Your doctor never calls you unless it's bad news. The last time they called, it was because Sofia might have had suspected appendicitis. She didn't, but still the doctors remained the bearers of bad news.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, Dr Hughes?" You asked politely, with a hint of sarcasm dripping in your tone.
"Unfortunately I bring bad news, again, Mrs Styles." He began, making you gulp down your worries unsuccessfully. "The tests that we ran on you, a while back, came back and unfortunately there is a problem." Your heart relaxed slightly that there was nothing wrong with your children or your husband.
"Okay." You urged him to carry on, disliking all the tip-toeing sounds the problem.
"Mrs Styles, there is no easy way of me telling you this." Dr Hughes took a deep breath before announcing the news. "You have a brain tumour, Y/N."
Luckily you were stood by the sofa and were able to collapse on that, when your legs gave way, otherwise you'd have landed on the floor. You covered your hand over you mouth to muffle any noises that threatened to escape, as you were in pure shock.
"It's not an overly large tumour and it will be able to be removed, with quick and efficient surgery, which we can offer, but we needed confirmation that you are willing to go through with this first." Your head was spinning and you couldn't tell up from down for a minute. It took a few calls of your name, from Dr Hughes, to pull you back.
"Um... Sorry. Is there any chance I can come talk to you in person?" You sniffled, but cleared your throat to try and stay strong over the phone.
"I'm free all tomorrow morning, Mrs Styles. Please feel free to drop in at any time." He kindly offered.
"Thank you." You said.
"I'm sorry, Mrs Styles, but if we act quickly you'll be alright. I guarantee it." He assured you and with you final goodbye you hung up the phone.
With him no longer listening to you over the phone you were able to break down in tears. You never thought something like this would be happening to you, but yet here you were. With a brain tumour, no less.
Your cry's were starting to hurt your chest from how heavy they were. You couldn't calm yourself down and all you wanted right now was Harry. Harry... What would he think about all this? Would he leave you? You hated that your brain went straight to that question but that was the hard hitting reality of the situation.
You tapped on Harrys number and called him, hoping he wasn't too busy. He always told you, whenever you needed him, no matter what time, he'll always be there. But would he still want to be there when he finds out his wife has a brain tumour?
After two rings he picks up.
"Hi love, everything okay? You're lucky I was up otherwise I would've been asleep!" The soothing tones of his voice calming you down.
"Shit, H, i'm so sorry." You sobbed loudly down the phone, not being able to bravely hold it in anymore.
"Hey, hey. It's fine Y/N/N. No need to cry over it love." He coos, not fully understanding why you were having a full breakdown over potentially waking him up.
"No. No i-it's not that H." You lean on your knees and cup your hand over your temples to soothe some of the pain, from the headache that was forming.
"Okay then. What's wrong baby? You can tell me, it's alright." His voice slightly trembling, hating the sound of you heavily crying without him there to comfort you.
If you did ever cry like this either Harry was right beside you, hugging you like there's no tomorrow, or you'd get through it by yourself - if he was away. You felt selfish dumping your problems on him when he wasn't right there to comfort you through it. Today was even worse, though. Today was Harrys last concert for the Love on Tour, tour, in L.A. Not only did he have a duty to preform to his adoring fans, he was also thousands of miles away. He wouldn't be able to do anything, other than offer some calming words, but somehow, this time, you didn't see how that was going to be enough.
"I got a call from Dr Hughes." You began and taking a deep breath before continuing, only imagining where Harry's head was at with those words. "H, i'm so sorry. He - uh - he told me I have a brain tumour. He said, with surgery, it can be removed but I need to act quick. I-i'm going to see him tomorrow, but I just needed to tell you."
You expected Harry to cut in at some point, but there was only silence. He was only ever quiet when he was shocked or had nothing left to say, and it terrified you that he was feeling that way.
"Harry?" You trembled out, wondering if he was even still there.
You heard him clear his throat before talking. "Um, yeah okay."
You were taken aback by how little words he was using. You couldn't work out whether you'd rather have had him say nothing at all. Your heart strings started to break a little at the thought that he was, most likely, thinking of different ways to divorce you and so forth. His life was too precious for him to be left with a damaged wife. God knows what you'll be like after surgery, and Harry didn't need to be stuck with looking after you when he should be touring with his adoring fans.
"Sorry, H." You murmured before hanging up, knowing he wouldn't have anything to say back. You regretted not wishing him look for his last concert date tonight, but it wasn't at the forefront of mind right now. You knew he would smash it anyways - he always did.
What if that had been your last goodbye?
You placed your phone on the coffee table and hysterically cried to yourself.
A few hours later and you had called your parents over, after telling them, to pick the kids up from school - seeing as you were too emotionally unstable to be doing so. It made you feel like such a disappointment not being able to be strong enough to pick up your children, but you were worried you wouldn't be able to focus when driving - and you wouldn't put your children in danger.
Your parents had arrived as quickly as they could and spent hours reassuring you that you'd be okay, and that Harry loved you too much to ever say goodbye. You had a hard time believing them though, considering Harry had said all of two words to you - none of which implied that he still loved you and was going to be there for you through it all.
It was times like this when all you wanted, and needed, was your Harry, but unfortunately that just couldn't be the case. If Harry were to leave you, you wouldn't know what to do. You have kids and you always promised Harry that none of your kids would be raised from a broken home - you just couldn't put them through that. Yet, now, it seems inevitable.
After the kids had got back from school and had dinner, which you sat around for but didn't have anything, you and your children had cuddled up to watch some Netflix. Your parents had gone home, telling you that you just needed some time alone with your children. They never questioned what was wrong, but they could tell something was up. It took watching 5 episodes of The Big Bang Theory until your children were all on the verge of sleep, and so you'd shuffled them all along to bed.
"Mummy?" Sofia asked as you turned off her main light and turned on her bed light. You walked over to her single-bed, that was decorated in princesses and flowers, and sat down next to her.
"Yes sweetheart?" You answered. Sofia had been quiet all evening, but you just assumed she had been tired.
"I missed you picking me up today." She told you with her sad eyes. You brushed her hair off her face and behind her ear.
"I know. I missed you too, but mummy had some news today that wasn't very nice and so I didn't want to upset you with me being upset." You told her, not feeling like you had to hide anything from your children.
"Are you going to be okay?" She asked sincerely, with a little wobble of her rosy lips to signify she was worried about you. You hated that your children had to check on you, and yet your husband hadn't, but you also appreciated it greatly.
You thought about how to answer her question, because it was hard to answer. Of course you were going to face complications and re-percussions, later in time, after surgery, but you also would if you didn't have surgery. It was just whether or not something went wrong in surgery, or it actually turned out the surgery was no longer viable. You wanted to tell her so badly that everything would be okay, but you also couldn't lie to her.
"Mummy's going to be just fine." You turn your head to see your gorgeous husband standing in the doorway, looking like he'd been crying due to the red puffy eyes. They were probably similar to yours, however you'd tried to hide yours from your children.
As soon as you made eye contact with Harry the tears fell freely down your face. There was no stopping them either. Emotions were flying all over the place, but the one that stood out the most was relief. You thought you'd have a runaway husband but instead he was right here. He'd flown all the way from L.A. just to see you. You had no idea what was happening with the tour but you couldn't think of anything other than the man stood in the hallway.
"Daddy!" Sofia screamed, like she'd just gained 100 pounds of energy, and jumped out of her bed to run to her dad. Her little legs could only make her run so fast but when she got there Harry was ready to scoop her up in his warm embrace.
"Ohhh I missed you, my love." Harry pressed light kisses all over her face and Sofia started squirming in his grasp, giggling as Harry continued to attack her.
"Did someone say dad is here?" You heard Will day from down the hall, but you'd buried your face in your hands, in disbelief and shock, to truly acknowledge what was going on.
You listened to the sounds of them reuniting and getting bombarded by kisses from Harry, until it got a bit too overwhelming. Harry was actually here and that was something you thought would be a distant dream, and hearing him play with your children was such a joyous thing to hear. You decided that you needed a minute away, and to yourself.
"Excuse me." You announce softly, working your way past the pile of people that were now on the floor. You wanted to laugh at how your children had tackled Harry down to the ground, but your tears prevented you from feeling that way.
You walked to your bedroom, and outside onto the small terrace that was attached to it. It let you have a stunning view of the city in the distant, but you could also had the pleasure of having the rolling hills, and stunning fields of gold, in the foreground. You shut the sliding door over, trying to get the atmosphere as quiet at possible. You rested your elbows on the stone railing and placed your hands on your forehead, before continuing your hardened sobs. Ever since the dreaded phone call this morning, you don't think you've had a second, after it, where there hasn't been a teardrop on your skin.
After 5 minutes, give or take, you heard the sliding doors open. You didn't need to turn and look to see who it was to know who it was - his comforting presence alone telling you.
You turned around quickly to see he had been stood infinitely close behind you, probably apprehensive about touching or comforting you. The way you immediately brought your arms around him, to give him a hug, took him by surprise, but within seconds he was embracing you back and tighter than ever. You buried your face in his chest as the tears continued, but he didn't seem to mind at all.
After a minute or two, hugging in comfortable silence, you tilted your head up and looked from his eyes to his gorgeous lips. He noticed you looking and started to lean himself down slowly, still being wary of how you were feeling towards him. You couldn't take being away from him any longer, and so cupped the back of his neck to bring him down faster.
The feeling of his lips on yours made you feel invincible. You forgot about all yours worries when he was pressed close against you. It was as if nothing else mattered, but only you two. He made you forget that he had been a jerk on the phone. He made you forget that you had a bloody brain tumour. He made you forget every small detail you'd been worrying over for the past 14 hours or so. Even though it only lasted for a minute; he made you forget.
The sound of smacking lips detaching one another allowed you to breathe again. He was good at making you feel breathless and savouring every minute moment he had with you. You both stared in to each others eyes and let them talk to one other. You could tell by his emerald, doe, eyes that he was unimaginably sorry, and he could tell from yours that you forgave him no questions asked.
"I thought you'd left me." You honestly let him know.
"Never, baby. I promised i'd always be there for you, and some fucking tumour, isn't going to change that." You loved that Harry could find the light in a situation like this. It's one of his charming qualities that never ceases to amaze you.
"I have th—"
"Daddy?" You hear from behind you both. You see Sofia standing there, in her cute lilac polka-dot onesie, looking at Harry with adoring eyes. She hasn't seen him in a month or so, and so seeing him, earlier than expected too, has turned her into a little sheep to follow Harry - wanting to spend every spare minute with him.
"Sof." Harry sighed, reluctantly detaching himself from around you. "I told you, sweetheart, that I need to make sure mummy's okay for a bit, alright?" He reminded her, his words filling your heart with so much love and happiness you thought it might burst.
"But daddyyy..." She whines, stomping her foot delicately on the floor.
"No Sof. It's not fair on mummy is it?" He crouched down to her level to caress her soft cheeks.
"H, it's alright. I'm alright. Go and see to her, and the boys too if they want you. I can wait."
Harry stands back up, after seeing how his daughters expression changes to a much more excited one. He walks over to you and cups both your cheeks with his large, veiny, hands.
"You're so annoying, you know that right?" Harry teases you, probably frustrated that your intimate moment, that could've turned into something more intimate, had been interrupted. He gives you a quick kiss on the lips and you pushed him along to go sort out his children.
An hour and a half later you and Harry were sat in the bath together. You were layed back against his chest and his arms, along with yours, were resting on top of your stomach. Your legs were interwoven and your head was back against Harrys shoulder, his cheek to the top of your head. You'd argue that this is more intimate that anything else - to be so desperately close to one another, and yet still hold back from all pleasurable interactions. Sure, the moments leading up to you both needing the bath had been beautiful and raw, sending all kinds of sensations flying through your body, but this was something special.
If you could freeze time, this is where you'd like to be frozen.
"Will you get angry at me if I apologise again?" Harry asked, nodding his cheek further into your hair - which apparently smelt like 'heaven' according to Harry.
"Most likely." You chuckled, knowing that you wouldn't but you'd become irate about it. You'd lost count of the amount of times that Harry had apologised to you this evening, but he said he couldn't ever put a number on how many times he should apologise because it would be too big. He vowed to use the rest of his life to show how he'll love you till the end of your time, and prove he never intended to leave you. You thought he'd proved himself enough over the past few hours he's been back, but you weren't going to stop him from showering you in more love.
"Sorry." Harry buries his head in your shoulder to hide away from your pretend wrath.
You move around in the warm, soapy bath water until you're straddling his legs. The bath water sloshed around as you moved, but luckily you were agile enough to not let any spill overboard. Harry couldn't take his eyes off your mesmerising body, and you had to tilt his chin up for him to lose contact with your chest and gain contact with your orbs.
"You're the worst." You tease him for apologising to you, again, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your chest up against his - hissing at the cold contact against your boobs.
"Don't I know it." He rolls his eyes and gives you a smirk, holding on to your back tighter.
"But I couldn't love you any less." You tell him, kissing his lips quickly but enough to send butterflies through your body.
"Hmm. Well that could be a compliment, depending on how much you love me already?" He asked, pointing out the flaw in your nonsense.
You thought for a minute before answering. "I love you more than you love me." You slyly smirk, knowing how badly he hates comparing your love. He's such a sore loser and finds it bruising to his ego when you say you love him more than he does you. He belly laughs at your statement, not being able to control himself.
"Not only did you just deflate my ego, and boost your narcissism, but it's cute that you actually believe what you said." Harry starts of lightheartedly but you can tell he became more serious towards the end.
"But I—"
"I don't think so Mrs Styles." He brings you even closer, which you thought was impossible.
"I love you H."
"I love you... even more." Harry returns, and you drop your head, giggling, on to his shoulder from giving up with him.
2 months later and surgery had been successful.
The day of the surgery you'd never felt more nervous for anything. The nerves you felt that day even beat your pre-wedding nerves. It was such an intense and overwhelming feeling, and none of it would have been possible if it weren't for Harry being there for you the whole time. Your children were all superstars too. They continuously showered you in love, and although it was Harry buying the gifts, they treated to you flowers whenever you were down. Whether it was a bunch of roses, a bouquet of different flowers or a single sunflower to plant in the garden, it always managed to cheer you up.
You had surgery a couple of days ago and you were still in and out of sleep, not having spoken a word yet. The morphine dosage that they gave you, along with all the other concoctions of medicine they gave you, had been really strong. The doctor had explained to you, after surgery, how you might not come around, properly, until a few days after surgery. No doubt Harry stayed by your side through all of it.
Lying subconscious in bed allowed you to think a lot. It terrified you as to how you were going to be after surgery and how dependent you were going to have to be on other people for a while. Apparently your legs and arms become really weak, because you brain has been out of action and a small proportion has been attacked by a tumour, and that scared you. You didn't want your children to see you helpless - what kind of example would that set to them? You probably would have to be fed for a small amount of time, and either use crutches or maybe a wheelchair, and you, being the strong and independent woman you are, hated that.
Today was different. You could feel it.
You woke up, from your light slumber, with a heavy presence on your hand. If you hadn't become so accustomed to the feel of Harrys hand you probably wouldn't have known what it was, but you'd recognise that soft, bony, feel anywhere.
You open your eyes slowly, letting your eyes adjust to the light in their own time. You noticed you were in your own private room, something that they had very limited numbers of in hospitals here, and it was no doubt due to Harrys constant nagging and persistency that you were here. Looking to your right you confirmed that it was Harry holding your hand. He was slouched in a chair, facing your direction, sleeping, but holding your hand nevertheless. It took another second to realise Sofia was asleep in his lap, looking like the princess she was. There was another few chairs in the corner of the room and you realised your sons were all sat on them. Thomas and Eric resting their heads on each other and Will sat with his hood pulled up over his face.
It was beyond comforting to know your family was still here and waiting patiently for you.
You softly ran your finger over Harrys hand, trying to cause a disturbance. You'd attempted to voice your actions but nothing came out, due to your throat being so dry. You noticed a cup of water next to your bedside table and decided to help yourself. You turned the best you could, with Harry still holding on to your hand, and then moved your arm to the water. It was hard, really hard, but you managed to do it. You held the plastic cup as firmly as you could, with your trembling fingers, and sat up a bit further to take a sip. You managed a few sips before your fingers gave way and you dropped the plastic cup to the floor, spilling the rest of the water on the floor.
The noise wasn't loud but obviously loud enough to wake people up. Everyone except Harry - whom didn't wake up for anyone. He could sleep through an earthquake if he tried.
"Mum!" "Mummy!" A chorus of your children's voices echoed throughout the room, eventually waking Harry up in the process. Thomas and Eric came over to stand next to your bedside, taking your hand in both of theirs. Will rested on the end of the bed, giving you a soft smile which you returned. Sofia jumped across from Harrys lap on to your bed and engulfed you in a hug.
"Umph." You let out the noise when she jumped on you, still feeling a little sensitive all over your body.
"Hey, hey. Sof. You need to be careful with mummy, alright?" Harry comes and removes her slightly off of you, so you don't have to carry as much weight.
"Sorry mummy." Sofia apologises, going to sit next to you, her little legs dangling off the bed and miles from the floor. You gave her a small smile to signify you were okay and that you didn't need her apology. Harry stood nearby her in case she fell.
"How are you mum?" Will asked. Even though Will acted like he was too cool to get involved, you knew that he did honestly care and his question warmed your heart that he was taking an interest.
"A bit achey, not going to lie. I also find it really hard to move my legs and arms, but that was to be expected." You try and say with a strong and brave voice, but you didn't even convince yourself that it was.
"Will, buddy?" Harry asks, catching Will's attention. "Could you maybe take Sofia and the boys to the vending machine?" He hands over a handful of loose change. "Just get some crisps or chocolate for yourselves, please?"
Will obviously understood that his dad was asking for a couple of minutes alone with you.
"Sure. Cmon Sof." Will cheerily spoke, holding out his hand for her. Harry helped her off the bed, and Thomas and Eric both squeezed your hand to show they were here for you. Once they all left, Sofia rambling on about her favourite chocolate bar, Harry came and sat down by you.
He wrapped both his large hands in your smaller, and frailer, one. He leant down to plant a long-lasting kiss to your forehead, the sparks remaining even after he'd moved away. He then rested his forehead lightly on yours, looking in to your eyes the best he could from this angle. You had a feeling he just wanted to be as close to you as possible. You'd be lying if you said you didn't want the same thing.
"I missed you." Harry whispered against your face, your lips ghosting each other.
"You've been here the whole time, H." You  remind him.
"But it wasn't the same. Not being able to see these beautiful, dreamy, eyes. Not being able to annoy you whenever I want. Not being able to cuddle up next to you in bed every night. Not being able to hear your angelic laugh." He stops to look down at your lips. "And not being able to kiss these pretty things." He nudged his nose against yours.
"Well nothing's stopping you now." You smirk.
Harry lets out a small chuckle before rushing down to meet your lips with his. It was as if it was the first time he was getting to do it. He was so excited and you could feel the happiness radiate off him as his lips moulded against yours. You had to pull away to catch your breath.
"Yeah. Definitely missed that." Harry stated, making you chuckle.
You tried to move your hands up to cup his cheek but it was difficult to raise it past a certain point, your muscles being too weak to allow it. You sadly sighed to yourself and flopped your arm back on the bed beside you, closing your eyes in disappointment.
A second later you feel Harrys hand lifting your arm. You open your eyes to glance at him and he's reading your facial expressions to make sure what he's doing isn't hurting you in any way.
"Together." Harry firmly tells you, finally resting your palm against his cheek. He leans against it and you can feel the warmth radiating off his skin. Harry makes sure to hold your hand in place so you aren't doing all the hard-work.
"Sorry." You look at him through your sad eyes.
"For what, darling?" Harry looks deep in to your eyes, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
"For all this." Your nod your head down to your body, referring to how you were semi-immobile. "I know it's not what you signed up for, but—"
"But I love you no matter what." Harry finishes your sentence for you, not wanting to hear your criticise yourself any more than you already had. "This isn't your fault, baby. You know that. I know that. Everyone knows that. We're going to get through this. You're not alone. That, I can promise you."
His words brought as tears to your eye but Harry manages to kiss it away, leaving him with salty lips, before it can truly fall.
2 weeks later, you were out of the hospital now and back home. It was been very overwhelming the last couple of weeks.
You still were unable to walk properly without the support of crutches, or a wheelchair and sometimes Harry. It was a blessing in disguise that your children were still at school, because it meant that you were able to have a lot of time to yourself, and with Harry, without constant interruptions or fussing over you.
Your children had been brilliant. They helped around the house when necessary, and every weekend, when they didn't have school, they delivered you breakfast in bed. Sofia made your cards, that had messages inside that were all spelt wrong, and drew family portraits for you. Sometimes you'd end up with a blue face and green hair, but you didn't love it any less.
As for Harry. Well he was just another level of amazing. He cleaned around the house, even when you insisted you could. He was very firm and layed out the ground rules early on. You weren't to move without his assistance and it had to be with good reason. I.e. apparently getting yourself a glass of water isn't good enough. He picked up the kids from school and dropped them off, sometimes you'd come along if your medication hadn't made you too drowsy. He did allow you to help cook dinner, what with stirring the pan, to let you feel like you were doing something, but he didn't want to overwork you.
Harry and yourself were currently out in the park, and it was very amusing.
You were in your comfy clothes, whilst Harry was in his running gear. He was running laps of a swimming-pool-sized pond, whilst you were walking indescribably slow with your crutches to assist you. Every time he jogged past you he would joke about how you were 'catching him up', but that was far from the truth. You'd barely gone around half of the pond, whereas Harry had done four laps of it, so far. You found the whole thing hilarious.
Harry was catching up to you again and you attempted to go a bit faster to make it seem like you were racing him.
"Oh I see. You're trying to get away from me now, huh?" Harry shouts from behind you. You laughed to yourself as you continue to place the crutches out in front of you before moving yourself forwards. "I don't think so.." Harrys voice becoming more apparent now, from obviously being able to move faster than you.
You suddenly feel his arms wrap around yours and he twirls you around in the air.
"I've got you. I won." He attacks your neck with kisses, probably leaving a mark or two. Acting like this with him makes it look like you were still falling in love with each other, not being married and have four kids already. You wouldn't want it any other way though.
"You only win because you're a sore loser." You tease him as he places you back down on the floor.
"Shut up." He mumbles.
You go down to pick up your crutches, which you'd accidentally let go of, but are stopped by Harry.
"It's alright love i've got them." Harry tells you, knowing how hard it is for you to bend over and multitask by picking something up.
"No. It's okay. I want to try." You shyly tell him, feeling stupid that you're even requesting it. Harry proudly smiles at you before you lean down to pick them up.
Harrys hand ghosts over the small of your back, just on stand-by for support in case you need it. You let out a groan half-way down, not wanting to give up but realising that this was more difficult than anticipated.
"You've got this baby. Keep going." Harry comforted you to carry on, even when he knew you were struggling, because he knows you can do it. The mere thought gives you enough strength to keep going and power through the ache.
With one final push you're able to pick them up and stand back up. Harry slinks his arms around your waist and picks you up so he's carrying you around his torso. Your legs instinctively cross over his back, and your arms find way to his neck.
Without any words Harrys lips press against yours passionately, and you know that he is proud of you.
A year later had come another milestone for you.
You'd successfully managed to drive the kids to school, and back home. Harry had sat in the passenger seat, making sure to help you with the wheel or change of gears, throughout. You were both anxious. You, more about ending up having an accident and Harry more for wanting you to prove to yourself that you could do it. But you did it.
The kids had been over the moon to hear that their mum was driving them to and from school, complaining that their dads jokes were getting too old now. Harry was mildly offended and continued with his jokes as punishment.
You'd forgotten the route and ended up at a pig-farm, upon trying to get to school, but Harry found it funny and it made you relax. Minor-amnesia was a product of the surgery, and it was times when you were trying to drive somewhere that it became an issue. Other times it was actually quite useful. For example when you'd genuinely forgotten someones name, you can blame it on the surgery, or if you were meant to collect something and had forgotten you'd be politely excused.
After having dinner with the kids, which was an Indian takeaway from your favourite, you made sure they all went to bed before spending some time with Harry downstairs. He'd mentioned how he needed to talk to you about some things this evening.
Both of you were snuggled up on the sofa, with you practically lying on top of Harry. Harry had a can of beer in his hand and your glass of water was carefully placed on the floor. You'd been advised not to drink alcohol for a while, just until the migraines settle down.
"H? You alright? You've been very quiet." You asked, as you kept your eyes on the TV where the BBC News was playing. You weren't really watching it, but it was just there to fill the background noise with anything other than silence.
"Um, yeah." He clears his throat. "I've been thinking a lot lately."
"About?" You ask, not exactly being able to read Harrys mind.
"Life. You. Kids. The future.." He answers, but you can sense he his nervous as his heart is beating considerably faster than usual.
"Okay?" You press for him to continue.
"I'm going to give it all up." He just blurts out, catching you if guard and making you stop breathing for a few seconds.
You twist around so you're sat crossed legged over his legs. "W-what do you mean?" You ask, confused over his proposal.
"I mean, I quit. I'm done with that part of my life." He answers as a matter of factly.
You close your eyes and shake your head to try and process what's actually happening right now.
"H? What are you doing?" You ask, flabbergasted. "Music is your life.."
"No, Y/N. You are my life. Those children, sleeping soundly upstairs, are my life. Music is a passion and a relaxation. It is a way to express my emotions when I don't have you around."
"I know, I know. I'll miss the touring and meeting all the amazing fans, but leaving you is just something i'm not willing to do anymore."
A few tears slip down your cheeks when you realise what you're doing.
"This is all my fault." You begin to cry, covering your face with your palms to hide yourself from Harry.
"Hey, Y/N/N, no it's not. You hear me? It's not." Harry tugs your hands away from your face so he can see your beautiful face. "Look at me, darling." He tells you more than asks you.
"Sor—" You start.
"Sshh. I don't want to hear it. I mean, you having surgery is part of the reason, but there are so many other things that are bigger than that. Y/N/N, I love you so so much. More than you could ever believe and I just want to spend the rest of my life with you now. Of course i'll continue to write, produce and publish music, but i'm just not up for touring, like I did, anymore. From now on I want to become the family man. I want to be there every day for our children, no matter what. I need them so much more than they could ever need me."
"But money H..?" You sigh, even though your spirit is so happy from Harrys insight into the future.
"That is not for you to worry about, right now, alright? I've been planning this for a while now and I have things in place and such. I just needed to tell you, because your my other half - my better half - and I felt you deserved to be involved."
It went quiet for a little bit as you let everything Harrys told you, so far, sink in. You'd stopped crying, mainly because Harry wasn't giving your tears a chance to run down your face. You started to smile to yourself at a life where 365 days of a year you can wake up next to your husband.
"What you smiling at, gorgeous?" Harry chuckled, caressing your cheek.
"You." You cheese. "And how I get to be with you for the rest of my days."
"I can't wait to start living the rest of my life with you." Harry softly says, kissing your nose briefly.
Rest of your lives. You could get used to that.
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imaginaryf1shots · 7 months
My Girls (VIII) | Max Verstappen
Words count: 1.4K
Driver!oc X Max Verstappen
Summery: Cecilia Hansson daughter of a Swedish billionaire, a race car driver, with a dream of making it big in Formula 1. However she has a few secrets that may hurt her as women are disliked in the sport.
Series Warnings: google translated french, dutch, cursing, child abandment, absent father, drinking, car accidents, Jos Verstappen, misogyny, Christian horner (tell me if i missed anything)
This is a secondary blog so I won't be able to respond but I'm adding you all to the taglist.
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Max Masterlist
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It’s inbetween race weeks, the couple are back in Monaco, and after Cecilia talked to Sophie and her parents she decided to host a family dinner. Jos is also invited, with both families present Cecilia had a hope that Jos would come around and he’ll change his mind about her and her daughter. He’ll get a chance to see Max with Nattie and she knows that seeing how in love they are with each other it would change his mind. Max is his son after all and she found that whenever he’s with Nattie he has always a type of happiness that isn’t there when he’s doing anything else he loves, it’s a type that is only reserved for a father and his daughter. Even if Nathalie doesn’t call him dad and Max never referred to himself as her dad it’s not something they have to say for it to be true.
Cecilia and her mum were at it in the kitchen for hours the day before preparing everything so they’d only have to cook and finish everything the day of the dinner. The couple’s house wasn’t as big as her family's, but they did make sure to have a big dinner table to host dinners and family gatherings and to welcome Max’s family whenever they’re in Monaco.
Nathalie was having the time of her life with Victoria’s children and Laurent’s(her brother) children, the kids had a bunch of toys out on the living room floor with Max watching over them with Börje and Laurent. The women were in the kitchen finishing up, gossiping and waiting for Jos.
Cecilia heard the bell ring, while she was busy in the kitchen. She looked at Sophie in question, who shook her head. Cecilia nods to herself knowing her dad and Laurent will leave a good impression for her, she hadn’t told them about her conversation with Jos, only that he was a bit hesitant about her and that she wanted to win him over. Cecilia reassured them that Max didn't care about what his dad thought but she wanted to win him over nonetheless, it would be for the better good of everyone if he did.
“I’ll start taking stuff out.” Laurent’s wife Layla said with Victoria following after her. Cecilia heard Layla and Victoria greeting Jos.
“I’ll go say hi.” Cecilia said wiping her hands on a hand towel, she was feeling nervous, the female rarely felt nervous, she drives cars with speeds over 300 KM/H for a living but Jos always left her nervous. On her walk to the living room she passed Laurent who was going to help bring things out of the kitchen. The kids were unaware of the little tense atmosphere that settled on the adults in the room. “Hello Jos, thank you for coming.”
Cecilia put her hand out for him to shake, with the eyes of his son and her dad on him he couldn’t refuse shaking her hand even if he didn’t look overly happy about it.
“No problem.” He said stiffly but Cecilia smiled at him nonetheless, she stepped back and found herself stepping into Max, he placed a hand on her back, his thumb moving slightly in comfort.
“Food is finished, we can move to the dining room.” Cecilia informed them right as the mothers called for their children to come to eat. Nathalie looked at Cecilia and Max before she too jumped up and ran to Max, pulling him.
“I’m hungry.” She whined, Max pulled her up in his arms as she squealed and the group moved to the dining room.
Max and Cecilia had some food made for them to fit their diets, and who's to say that they didn't eat something their trainers wouldn’t be too happy about, what they don't know won't hurt them. They’ll just run an extra mile to burn it off.
Cecilia thinks that her dad has some type of magic powers because how did he get Jos to smile and laugh with him like they knew each other for years. Börje is a businessman, he's a smooth talker and he's seen all types of men and knows how to deal with them. He's seen the likes of Jos before and he knows the type of man he is, he's not the happiest about him being related to his daughter, but he'll never disapprove of Max because of who his father is.
Cecilia is grateful to her dad being able to get Jos talking and laughing, before he went and said something negative towards her, because if this happened then her dad would make sure that Jos was never in her vicinity and that would certainly make family gatherings awkward.
“What are you talking about?” Laurent asked seeing his dad and Jos in an intense conversation.
“Just sharing our stories on raising F1 drivers.” Börje said with a teasing smile aimed at the couple, Nathalie sitting comfortably on Max’s right, engaging in an animated conversation with her cousins.
“How did Cecilia get into driving? I don’t think I’ve ever heard that before.” Victoria asked, interested in where this conversation was going.
“Oh god.” “Here we go again.” The Hansson siblings groaned knowing how much their dad loved telling this story, their mum laughed at the identical look on her children’s faces.
“What? I haven’t been asked this in so long.” Their dad defended himself to the amusement of Max’s family. Max had his hand on the back of Cecilia’s chair, he pulled her closer to his side and kissed her forehead as they settled in for the story. “So, Cecilia is around four years old and my brother is watching a Nascar race on the TV, she sees how much my brother, who she was obsessed with back then, was into the cars, and because she loved him so much she wanted to copy him in everything, she became to me begging to drive a car, didn’t matter what car, she wanted to drive a car.”
“She was relentless.” Her mum added.
“After like five weeks of insistent begging and crying I took her to a karting track.”
“And me as well.” Laurent interjected, he remembers hating karting and doesn’t know how his sister could be so into it.
“Yeah, yeah, but you hated it, finished a few laps and was already out of the car, your sister was in the car for as long as they allowed her, and when the time was over we couldn’t even get her out of the kart.” Börje had a smile on his face as he was telling the story. “Again she cried and cried, got her one of those video games simulator things for kids, and every weekend we’d be at the track, when my brother was over from Sweden one time he came with us and saw her drive, said she had potential, and that it looked like she’s doing good for her age, so when Cecilia didn’t show any signs of wanting to stop we booked her lessons and started looking into academy’s, she was young when she started racing and met Charles and Pierre, it was nice meeting families with children who had the same interests. My Cece always did so well.”
Cecilia smiled at her dad, who had the proudest look on his face.
“And I’m here, helping run the family business and he still isn’t as proud.” Laurent said knowing it’s not true, but he likes to keep his family on their toes.
“That’s not true.” “Laurent!” His parents said at the same time one in defence and one in scolding.
“So why did you want to be an F1 driver and not a NASCAR?” Sophie asked Cecilia.
“I grew up here in Monaco, so every year the Monaco GP is like the biggest event, and I remember hearing the cars back then and just loving the sound of them, and when we got tickets for the GP when I was six, I felt like I wanted to be there, driving those cars.”
“But it wasn’t easy.” Max stated, making Cecilia look up at him and smile.
“It wasn’t, but it’s never easy for anyone to make it to F1.” Cecilia shrugged, brushing off her struggles to get into F1 just because she’s born a female, and the time she had to take off while she was pregnant. “It only gave Max a head start.”
“Look, we both know who the best driver in this house is.” Max smiled.
“ME!” Nathalie exclaimed, making them all fall into laughter.
“That you are, Schatje.” Max kissed her head and smiled at Nathalie.
War is over I guess… for now.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
— How dare you?
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Pairing: Yandere Douma x GN reader
Summary: While Douma is busy with other things, he has assigned a follower of his to watch you. But, what if they dislike you?
Warnings: Yandere behavior, details of decapitation, and a dead body, abuse towards reader (not by douma), threats.
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The room was uncomfortable. It was quiet, odd… different from when Douma was here. 
You were used to his loud and teasing voice, physical touches that were too tight, and his playful tricks that always warmed your heart. But this quietness was…. A difference. 
“Nyaa~!! You’re so cute!” Douma expressed while pinching your cheeks — his grin showing off his very pointy teeth and reflecting eyes. You hummed in response, gently pushing off his pointy claws before rubbing your cheeks. “That hurts, Douma.” 
“I couldn’t help myself! You’re just so adorable,” He stated in excitement, his black crown tilting to the side with his head as his hand rested on his cheek, looking at you with his rainbow eyes. 
Your body and face were hurting, bruises forming from how mad and irritated the so-called ‘follower’ had hit you. When leaving, Douma had summoned a follower — a trusted woman who promised to adore and watch over you as he went out. 
But as the hours went on, the more irritated she was; looking at you with such hatred and jealousy. While you did try to make conversation with her, she never replied or did blunt ones; an occasional hum or a ‘yeah’ thrown your way. 
While she was quiet and ignoring you, she had left a few minutes ago to retrieve food for you. Which you were grateful for as you were hungry. 
It felt like hours — days even since Douma was gone. You wanted him here, gently caressing your skin as he kissed your forehead.
His sweet lotus and warm sun to an amber fragrance that always helps you calm down. 
“Your hair is so dirty, Douma-san,” You say loudly while helping with Douma’s hair, brushing the knotted blood and leaves stuck in his hair.
He hummed in response, leaning more into you as he let your mind run — either letting you know he listened to what you said, or simply agreeing with your statement. Who knows?
But, the minute he saw you looking at him in the vanity mirror, watching you smile to yourself while brushing his hair. It made him feel somewhat special — a feeling he’s never felt before. 
“You’re so mean!! Pet me, darling!” He states with a smile, his rainbowed eyes shining in the orange lamps nearby as he pulls your waist close to his face, which makes his teeth nip at your torso. 
A tear ran down your face, which you quickly wiped. Wondering how long you’ve been locked in this small, crowded room. You do miss him, don’t you? 
Suddenly, the shoji slammed open, causing you to flinch and let out a pity yelp. 
“Why are you still on the ground? You’re haori will get dirty.” The follower snickered.
She walked in and placed a food tray onto the small-lowered table, consisting of miso soup, soba, some side tangerines, and a rice bowl, along with a steaming cup of green tea. 
It looked somewhat appetizing.
“Eat up, this is all yur’ getting.” She stated while turning her back towards you, walking to the mirror to fix up her hair.
But as you continue staring at her, she makes direct eye contact with you in the mirror. 
Gulping, you looked away and averted your gaze to the floor, unsure of what to do. This is very awkward.
You heard a sigh coming from her, “Really? What a waste of food. Y’know, people would die for that kind of stuff.” She scoffed, almost unbelievable at you ‘wasting the food’. 
It’s not that you weren’t hungry — you very were. It’s just… you were intimidated by the woman.  
Hesitantly looking at the dish, you reached over and grabbed the tea, smelling the cup.
It was steaming — you felt it on your nose and cheeks, grazing against it. You were hesitant to drink it, it smelled off. 
“Stop worrying so much, it’s like I didn’t poison it!” The woman stated, pushing the drink more down your throat, forcing it to pass your sealed lips and into your mouth.
It burned. 
You couldn’t breathe. The taste violated your throat, burning and crawling at the insides as it went down.
It sunk into your tongue, choking and corking it.
You spat out the hot water, ruining your outfit and staining the floors. 
“Hey! Watch it!” She screamed.
“What is wrong with you!” She yelled at you again, getting up while brushing her dress that was drenched in hot tea. “You ruined it! Look at it, you imbecile!” 
“I’m sorry!” You apologized, coughing at the burning taste as your eyes water. “I– am, let me help!” Grabbing tissues nearby, you reached over to start dabbing at her clothing before she pushed you away.
Hitting the ground, you let out a small ‘ouch’ before yelling out in pain as the woman kneeled and grabbed your hair, yanking it back with a fist full of your hair. 
Struggling against her grip, you tried to scream but she slammed a hand over your mouth. 
“I’ll kill you right here and now!” She screamed at you, looking at you with her face turning cherry-red. “I don’t see why Douma-san likes you! You’re worthless, idiotic, and a piece of garbage that deserves to be burnt!”  
You stopped struggling. Tears soon form in your eyes and fall down your cheeks. You grasped her hands as they tightened against your scalp. 
“Please let me go, it was an accident!” You requested against her rough palms.
At this point, she went crazy. Her other fist balled up, making its way toward you with such speed that you didn’t even feel the wind graze against your skin. You expected — almost felt the punch. 
But, the hit never reached you. Instead, you were greeted with her entire arm being held in a tight grip by Douma’s hold. The sounds of the woman's failed gasps could be seen and heard.
“How dare you.”
Douma’s rage was indefinite. His eyes highlighted sharply in the lamps, and his veins and stoic face showed so violently as his fan was raised to his face, closing with the golden marks shining. 
“How could you say something so cruel, Kimiko?” He asked, his head tilting. His eyes were completely emotionless — a different look from how he looked at you. 
Her face dropped. A look of fear rose instead of anger. Immediately, she started stuttering, words failing to come out in a complete sense. “Do–uma! I’m so sorry, p-please forgive me!” 
But, her words were drowned out by the sounds of her bone cracking, her agonized screams shot through the room as she tried pulling away from his tight hold. But to no avail, he kept holding and tightening his shift to make sure she hurt. 
He continued crushing her arm, his face staying the same as she continued screaming.
Screams that were begging, pleading — horrifying sounds that were telling him to ‘let go!’ and ‘I won’t do it again!’. 
Finally, after what felt like an entirety, he let go. But continued staring at her with his emotionless eyes.
Stumbling upward onto your knees, you reached over and pulled his shirt; slightly catching his attention as you saw his hand twitch.
However, he ignored you.
Within a second, he raised his hand with his fan and blood splattered throughout the walls and floor. Her head was separated from her body, disappearing and exploding in confetti amongst the walls in deep red.
It happened so fast that you didn’t get the time to blink.  
“What else did she do?” He asked bluntly.
Turning towards you with an angered face — his veins popping out, his engraved number growing in size, and fangs barring with a slight hiss.
Although they immediately shrinked the minute he sees your stressed-out face. 
He reached down for you, in which you were swept into his big arms and carried to the bed. As Douma plopped you down onto the soft mattress, tears started forming in your eyes again, falling from the event that took place.  
The tears were wiped away with sharp fingers. As you reopen your eyes, you connect with bright ones.
Sitting down in front of you, Douma gently grabbed your face, turning it to the side to examine the forming bruise. 
“What else did she do while I was gone, hm?” He asked, but sounded more like a demand by the tone of his voice.
His playful tone came back, watching you as you reflexively pull at the damped haori.
He looked at the haori and saw what you were doing, which he grabbed it, and peeled it off from you.
“I’ll call the maids to clean this–” He smiled and hinted at the scene behind him, “–and get you some new clothes.” 
Suddenly, he grabbed your hands and brought them to his lips. He licked your finger, and you winced at the slight sting; not noticing you had gotten a cut. 
He giggled, laughing at your reaction. His hands slid behind your back and pushed you closer to his chest, making you lean on him. Taking a deep breath, you were assured of safety with his presence.
Feeling his slow heartbeat, it was calming — something you needed.
His chin lays on top of your head, his grip tightening as his other hand traveled to the back of your head, slightly massaging your sore spot.
“Nobody touches you without my permission.” 
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drak3n · 8 months
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ꨄ. SYNOPSIS: perhaps you shouldn’t have waited so long.
ꨄ. CONTENT WARNINGS: unrequited love, mostly angst, hurt & some sort of comfort? best friends trope, one mention of murder at the beginning, a little bit of baji x reader
bold italic quotes = letter excerpts
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“it’s impossible for anyone not to love you. has anyone ever told you that?”
there were times in which even a district like shibuya — always vibrant and full of life — was eerily quiet and void of people.
people you’d want to be around with, at least. people who made you feel safe roaming the streets at this hour. right now, you didn’t feel all too comfortable walking past streets with alleyways looking awfully sketchy.
every tiny sound made you walk faster than before, it be a cat scratching at a trashcan, a breeze howling against buildings, or leaves crunching under your shoes. you just wanted to get this over with and head back home into your trusted four walls.
you grunted as your ran face-first into someone you hadn’t seen, which you wanted to blame your terrible night vision for.
the figure didn’t move and you tried to stay calm. you uttered an apology and tried to rush past them, careful not to draw too much attention.
maybe they were just minding their own business. they didn’t have to be a murderer or anything.
“you shouldn’t be out here by yourself at this time,” the person suddenly called out. you halted. “someone got murdered right over there two days ago.”
the shiver that ran down your spine at the husky words was inevitable, your eyes darting over to where he pointed to show you the place was just a couple feet away from where you were standing. it didn’t help that the boy said it with so little emotion.
“thanks for telling me… i just really need to drop by at the nearest local duty pharmacy,” you responded. under the halfway functioning street light, you recognized a very tall boy, perhaps around your age, so 15 or 16 years of age.
the dragon tattoo on the side of his head drew your attention. it didn’t necessarily elicit bad thoughts, it just looked very unique.
“i’ll accompany you.” his offer took you by surprise; it wasn’t like you had been used to others being nice to you before. when he continued walking towards your destination, you quickly joined him, barely able to catch up with his long strides.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“how could a person be a best friend, mentor, older brother and father all at the same time? you made the impossible possible.”
hanging out with the boys was exhausting, to say the least. there wasn’t anyone you particularly disliked, but they could be a lot. you didn’t really mind that they were all part of a gang, all that mattered to you was that none of them had ever made a move to hurt you or others.
“i’m saying, that’s not how you solve that question!”
rolling your eyes at the first division commander discussing with you, you threw your arms in the air. you were currently all lounging off in the warehouse, with you having joined them after they had finished a meeting.
draken always insisted on you never, ever joining a meeting of the tokyo manji gang. he would never want you to get involved with their business.
“baji, are you seriously telling me i’m in the wrong?” you shoved your purple flip phone out of the pocket of your school uniform skirt, unlocking it to click onto the calculator function. “you must be stupid if you think that three times 24 is 72–”
the whole warehouse went quiet after that. blood rushed to your face, your entire head and ears feeling steaming hot as the brunette started laughing at you. the others were too immersed in their own thoughts to listen.
“who’s the stupid one now?” bending down to your height, baji flashed you his cocky smirk, revealing sharp canines. your eyes stung with tears of humiliation.
before he could tease you a little more, because you were so easy to tease, a hand shoved the boy with long hair back to create a distance between you and him. it was him.
“baji, that’s enough.” draken’s firm voice made said boy shrug and back off. “it’s just a dumb mathematical equation.”
when you sniffled and crossed your arms in front of your chest, turning away deliberately to hide your embarrassed self from the others, a palm settled on the top of your head.
looking up, you saw draken grinning down at you ever so gently.
“don’t worry about it, everyone makes mistakes.”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“i failed to tell you. i thought my actions would be enough to prove what i felt. perhaps you knew all along, but decided not to talk about it. you were always thoughtful and considerate. but i wasn’t special.”
it was a gloomy day for you today. you were excited to see draken, putting in a lot of effort while getting ready and wearing one of your best outfits, just to see that he hadn’t joined the otherd at the usual group hangout today.
“wasn’t it emma’s birthday today?” mitsuya recalled. mikey wasn’t there either. unbeknownst to you, baji’s eyes wandered to look at how you’d react.
as someone who wore her heart on her sleeve, you were terrible at masking how you felt. he didn’t miss the way your face fell.
draken and emma were always close to each other. of course they were, as her brother and draken have been inseparable since middle school. you couldn’t compare to her. you’d just met him not even two years ago.
you were slowly realizing that despite him doing a lot for you and always being there for you, you perhaps didn’t mean as much to him as emma did.
after all, draken was nice to everyone.
“someone’s grumpy,” baji commented slyly, and this time, you didn’t have it in you to bicker with him. this time, there was no draken to tell him to stop either.
the two missing blondes joined you hours later, with mikey nudging his taller vice’s side teasingly while talking about how sly kenny was for having found that plushie emma had wanted for the longest time.
it made your mood even more sour than it already was, and you pondered about an excuse to leave, wanting nothing more than to curl up in bed and forget about it.
forget about your stupid feelings for someone whose heart was already taken, and who saw you as nothing more than a friend.
“hey (f/n), that’s a pretty outfit,” mikey commented, “you going somewhere?” draken glanced down at you curiously while you forced a tight-lipped smile on your face. you inwardly thanked the leader of toman for saving you like this.
“yeah. i’ll see you guys.”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“would things have been different if i’d just confessed to you while i still had the time? it would have been selfish. she was the first to know and love you, after all.”
ken and mikey had dropped out of high school at 17. they had big plans of opening a workshop for cars and motorcycles. by the time you graduated high school, they already had their small, cozy shop. toman was no more, and everything was well.
objectively speaking, it was. but subjectively? you weren’t too sure about that.
by the time you entered the italian restaurant, the table that caught your eyes was already pretty crowded. it wasn’t a surprise anymore, you were always late, after all.
too late. those two words echoed in your head as you looked at emma and draken sitting next to each other, her blushing feverishly when he removed something from her hair.
that could have been you.
“let’s go.” hearing baji’s voice behind you surprised you, and even more did it to feel his hand on your back, guiding you towards the table. as much as he was a jerk, you didn’t believe he did it out of ill intent to humiliate you.
the hours went by, and you had all eaten to your hearts’ content, now exchanging light jokes and future aspirations to one another. emma mentioned wanting to be a housewife, and the ken getting married to her made you want to throw up everything you’d eaten today.
“how about you?” mitsuya asked you, who had talked the least tonight. “any plans for college?” you smiled awkwardly when you felt draken’s eyes on you.
he had always wanted you to go all the way with your education, having supported you whenever he could. you were more than thankful for that.
“i actually got an admission for law in osaka.” the blonde sitting right across from you smiled so brightly, and you were sure it would have made you melt if emma didn’t have her head on his shoulder.
it was almost childish how you had tried to interpret every single of draken’s actions as a possible chance for something to develop between you two. your chances were long gone.
you had never stood one to begin with.
“i knew you could do it! you were always a smart girl.”
his compliment made you feel worse than it should have.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“you told me to go and pursue my dreams. i knew that if you had told me to stay, i would have. how idiotic of me, right? i ended up leaving and letting you slip from my grasp without you ever having been in it.”
after moving away for college, you hardly visited tokyo anymore. and to be quite honest, you preferred that. it was good to stay away from the source of what had drained you for so long.
draken hadn’t taken advantage of your feelings for him, no. he was the last person on earth who’d be willing to do that. but that didn’t mean it hurt any less to be trapped in a web of unrequited love.
you were in your fourth year of law school when an invitation laid in your mailbox. you just knew from the second you looked at the envelope without even opening it. it was exactly what you’d anticipated it to be.
a marriage invitation, for you to join ken ryuguji and emma sano for the most important day of their lives. you stood in front of the mailbox, staring at the piece of pretty paper for at least twenty minutes, as if it was ever going to change.
he was going to get married. not to you.
all of your dreams of walking down the aisle in a pretty, white dress, approaching him with his sweet smile, crushed to bits and pieces.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“i have never wished you anything else but happiness, and i still do. she makes you happy, and that’s all i could have ever asked for. i saw it in your eyes that day. you never looked at me like that.”
the wedding reception was nothing short of beautiful. catered to everyone’s tastes, it left nothing to the imagination.
the wedding of your dreams had always looked like this.
it was bittersweet how another woman was going to live that dream to the fullest, with the man of your dreams, at that.
thankfully, you weren’t left alone with your thoughts while you waited for the couple to come to the rented hall after they would get lawfully wedded. mitsuya and his sisters kept you company, making sure to recommend you everything they had tried at the enormous buffet.
“pretty sure they’re coming now,” mitsuya informed you as he stared at his wristwatch. you gulped and looked into your glass of soda.
oh what you wouldn’t have given to be in her shoes, taking on his last name… waking up next to him every single day, having his children.
you felt absolutely and utterly horrible. like all those years you’d spent away from this had caught up to you, leaving you to drown in your unrequited feelings.
before you could excuse yourself to the bathroom and ruin your perfectly done makeup by indulging in a five-minute breakdown, you were stopped by a hand finding your shoulder. it felt as if life was sucker-punching you in the gut once again.
“hey, baji.” your voice was low, and you didn’t notice mitsuya leading his sisters away from the table. his formerly wild, brown hair was much shorter now, tied up in a ponytail, and he wore a dark gray tuxedo.
when he opened his mouth, you shook your head. “i can’t take any teasing today. i mean it.”
your words weren’t even harsh, you just sounded exhausted. his grin disappeared, soon replaced by a frown. “i’m aware,” baji stated, “i couldn’t have attended if i was you.”
with a raised brow, you stared at him to explain what he meant. “i’ve known since back then.” you looked down, pursing your lips to stop them from trembling and giving it all away. you were asking to change the topic until the two would enter through the door and make your mood plummet entirely.
baji knew you better than you could have guessed. so this time, instead of poking fun at you, he actually tried to make you feel better
“by the way, i’m moving to osaka for med school for the next semester. i finally got in.”
it still stung when you saw draken and emma entering the hall hand-in-hand. you couldn’t compare that sting to any other kind of physical pain you’d endured in your life, it felt worse than broken limbs or a cut that needed to be stitched.
but he was happy, the way you never saw him be. he had never smiled as purely as he did when he danced with his wife, kissing the back of her hand that now adorned a ring to bind them to each other forever.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“i’m sending this letter even after it all. even though i know i’m too late. don’t get me wrong, i have deliberately not added your new address. you will never get this letter. this is just for myself, to liberate what i’d held onto for multiple years.”
you picked up the call after one shrill ring, holding your phone against your ear while your eyes were plastered on the tv. it was your episode today, dealing with your letter.
the show was muted so you could hear exactly what you’d hear on the phone. with a deep breath, you spoke first. “hello?”
“good evening, miss! we are very excited to be hosting you on today’s show for TO ALL THE MEN YOU’VE LOVED BEFORE!” on the screen, you saw the main host move her mouth with a smile plastered on her perfect face.
you sat down on your couch, taking another deep breath. “thank you for having me,” you responded, “i can already guess what you are going to ask me.”
you heard sweet laughter from the two hosts while you were busy picking at a dried scab on your thumb. this was making you more nervous than you’d wished it to.
“if that’s the case, then we would love to hear your thoughts,” spoke the co-host, “our audience is very excited to learn about your motives and what exactly has made you not put an address for the letter to be shipped to!”
the camera angle was switched to show multiple rows of people of all ages sitting and awaiting your response. it made your throat go dry.
“i have made this decision because,” you looked away from the screen, “they have found someone else. and they are very happy.”
the hosts showed faces of surprise. for a second, you wondered why you’d even done this to begin with. but it felt too relieving to speak about this for a bunch of strangers to listen. it felt too relieving to hang up now when you were so close to just letting things go.
“which was why i just wanted to send this letter to… get rid of it. to be able to live on and stop holding onto those feelings that are never going to be reciprocated.” you had no idea if the words you were saying made any sense to them, but to you, they did. they made perfect sense to you, and they described exactly how you felt.
“that is very mature, and we admire you for having collected the courage to take this step.” the host clapped her hands, obviously looking moved. “love isn’t all about having happy endings together, right? sometimes, it means to let go. for their, and for our own happiness.”
hanging up not long after, you sank back in your couch and chuckled to yourself. this wasn’t so bad. in fact, you haven’t felt as good as you did right now in a while.
when the door to your apartment unlocked, you watched a mop of brown hair appear in your peripheral. the smile on your face only went brighter.
“i’m home. did i miss it?”
“just did. let’s rewatch it together, kei.”
“i wouldn’t have it any other way, because it was thanks to you that i found my own happiness, too.”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
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jflemingology · 8 days
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You're a Fleming now | Jessie Fleming x Reader
In which: you meet Jessie's parents
Warnings: bit suggestive at some point, nothing too explicit bar some making out and wandering hands
WC: 2.3K
A/N: reminder that my requests are (for now) open! Feel free to send in anything and I'll see what I can do :)
Divider: @cafekitsune
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"What if they don't like my accent", you sighed, frowning deep. You would've missed the slight smirk on your girlfriend's face if you hadn't looked over at her from the passenger seat.
Having gotten used to being the only one with a British accent when tagging along with Jessie's Canada or Portland teammates, you've grown accustomed to the banter that came with it, you and your accent often the butt of their jokes.
"Babe, please," she started. You hadn't realized you were absentmindedly plucking at your lips until she grabbed your hand, pulling it away from your face. "They're not gonna dislike you because of your British accent." She squeezed your hand affectionately and placed it in her lap while her other hand was expertly manoeuvring the steering wheel.
Jessie and you had been dating for a couple months now, and the Canadian thought it was a good time for you to meet her parents. You'd talked about it for a couple weeks, waiting for an opportunity to open up. When Jessie's mum called last weekend and invited her over for a family weekend in Ontario, and it lined up with her weekend off, you knew it was the right moment.
Jessie decided not to tell her parents that you would tag along, she wanted you to be the "surprise of the weekend", in her words. She thought it was a cute gesture, but it didn't help settling your nerves at all. What would her mum think when a complete stranger suddenly turned up at her doorstep?
Nerves aside, the journey went by quickly. Jessie and you had taken a plane in Portland and hired a car in Ontario to complete the rest of the itinerary. Besides the rush hour traffic that you found yourselves in at the moment, clock hitting 5pm as you were nearing the destination, everything ran fairly smoothly.
You must've gotten lost in thought a bit longer than intended, because when Jessie announced you were 5 minutes away you didn't feel like you were ready at all, which she noticed.
She rested her hand on your thigh, rubbing up and down affectionately, before giving it a light squeeze.
"You're gonna be fine baby, I promise. My parents just want me to be happy. You make me happy. They'll love you, just as much as I love you. What's not to like about you? Don't talk to me about your accent again."
A light chuckle escaped your lips as you closed your eyes and leaned your head against the headrest. She had a point, you knew Jessie was happy in your relationship, more than satisfied - on all aspects.
Jessie pulled up to her childhood home and you saw how her eyes twinkled upon seeing the place where she grew up all those years ago. You couldn't help but smile at her excited expression, and you tried to settle your nerves a bit. You knew how much this meant to her, and as much as you could go on about your nervosity, she must have been be nervous too.
Jessie came out to her parents a while ago, so they were aware that their daughter liked girls, but she had never brought anyone home before. She always claimed to be too busy for relationships, but was secretly hoping for the right person to come around - your Canadian was a hopeless romantic, as you'd noticed quickly in the beginning of your relationship.
You unbuckled your seatbelt and shifted in your seat, turning your body so it faced hers.
"Let's do this," you exclaimed.
"Let's do this."
Jessie knocked on the door, and before you could panic about anything else (you'd gone through the whole lot now), a door swung open and you were met with Jessie's mum, immediately pulling her daughter into a bone-crushing hug.
You noticed how your girlfriend relaxed into her mother's arms. It had been a while since they had seen each other. Ever since Jessie's move to Portland she hadn't really been anywhere else, Canada camps aside, because she wanted to take some time to herself to settle into her new surroundings. This family weekend though, came at the perfect time. Jessie pulled out of the hug first, slowly opening her body up towards you.
"Mum, there's someone I want you to meet."
You got pulled out of your thoughts upon hearing Jessie speaking, your cheeks flushing a bright shade of red when both their heads now turned to you.
"This is my girlfriend, we've been dating for a couple months now and I really wanted you and the rest of the family to meet her. So I thought it would be nice to bring her along this weekend."
You noticed a slight shudder in Jessie's voice, you clearly not the only one affected by the novelty of the situation you found yourselves in.
The silence felt like it was going to last forever, your thoughts going a thousand miles an hour thinking about all the possible scenarios that could happen right now, but they were cut short when you saw a smile growing on her mother's face. Before you could protest, she pulled you in a warm hug too.
"Oh darling, it's lovely to meet you. My name is Michaele. Please, come inside and join us, we were just about to have dinner. It was about time Jessie brought someone home", she snickered. You let out a chuckle before turning your head back to your girlfriend, who was smiling widely. She winked at you, silently reminding you that she told you there was no need to be nervous.
Jessie and you were led to the living room where almost all of her close family members were gathered together. You let Jessie take the lead, you walking behind her and receiving all the warm hugs and welcomes, immediately feeling a sense of home with your girlfriend's family.
The rest of the evening went by quickly. Jessie and you only arrived at the house by 6, so before you knew it the clock was nearing 11 and the both of you were spent. The long day of traveling was finally starting to take it's toll on you, and with most people already having gone up to bed, your girlfriend and you decided to follow suit.
Jessie walked you two upstairs and led you towards her childhood room. You couldn't suppress an excited giggle when she turned the doorknob and opened the door. Immediately you were met with an overload of football stuff. Posters and pictures littered all over the wall, a couple balls stored in the far right corner of the room, a scarf from her childhood club hanging over her desk chair. It was all so... Jessie. You didn't miss the three cameras that were positioned carefully on the side of her desk, as you made a mental note to ask her about her photography later.
"This is nice, baby. It's so... you. I love it." You traced your hand along the soft duvet that was covering her bed.
Jessie closed the door, came up behind you and threw her arms around your waist. She nuzzled her face in the crook of your neck and spoke after pressing a few soft kisses to your exposed skin.
"I've had to suppress an 'I told you so' all evening, so... I told you so."
You giggled, leaning your head back against her shoulder. "I know, I'm sorry for having been so nervous. I think, in the back of my head I knew it was going to be fine, but I couldn't convince myself of it." You placed your hands over hers, reveling in the intimacy of the moment.
She placed her hands on your hips and turned you in her arms, with your chest now facing her instead of your back. You circled your arms around her neck and looked up at her.
"You did perfect. They love you, really. I could tell in the way they were engaging you into every conversation. Especially Elysse, she was really enjoying herself tonight."
You felt a weight fall from your shoulders upon hearing those words. You looked up at your girlfriend and pressed a hard kiss against her lips, trying to pour every ounce of love and appreciation into it as you pulled her impossibly closer.
You started playing with the baby hairs at the nape of her neck, softly scratching your nails on the skin, as Jessie licked your bottom lip quietly asking for permission to slip her tongue in. She hummed into the kiss as you opened your mouth and arched into her, digging her fingers into your waist before she walked the two of you backwards, you sitting down once you felt the back of your knees hit the mattress.
Without breaking the kiss, Jessie joined you on the bed, laying down and pulling you on top of her. You softly took Jessie's bottom lip between your teeth as you went to break the kiss, letting it go with a soft pop. You could sense something had shifted in the air since you two had gone to her room.
Her hands grew restless and wandered all over your body while she pulled you down into another kiss. It was rougher, your teeth clashed as your tongues were fighting for dominance in your girlfriend's mouth. The air felt thick, not a sound to be heard in the room apart from your heavy breathing and the rustling of clothes being brushed against eachother.
A long day of traveling filled with nothing but a few quick kisses and lingering touches had you pent up, now subconsciously rolling your hips against Jessie while she squeezed your ass hard.
"Babe," Jessie started but was cut off by a moan escaping her lips at a particularly good roll of your hips.
"Fuck. If you keep doing that, I don't know if I'll be able to keep it in my pants." You chuckled at the use of words, before pulling away from her neck and getting some distance in between the both of you.
"Who says I want you to?", you counter, continuing your movements as her hands now grabbed your hips to stall you.
"My family are right there baby. As much as I would love to make you feel good right now, I don't know if they will be as friendly with you tomorrow morning when you kept them up all night screaming my name."
You blushed at her words. You knew you had a hard time at keeping quiet whenever Jessie pleasured you, so she definitely had a point.
You reluctantly slid off your girlfriend's lap, laying down next to her as you threw an arm around her waist and entangled your legs. "You're right," you started as you pressed a sweet kiss to her cheek. "I'll be good for you," you exclaimed with no malice intended, but realized it might've come out a bit different as you noticed Jessie's thighs pressing against each other upon hearing your exclamation.
When you had both come down from your little moment, you fell asleep rather quickly. The tiredness from a full travel day paired with the homely feeling of being wrapped up in Jessie's arms in her childhood room, lulled you to a uninterrupted 9 hours of sleep.
The rest of the weekend was pure bliss, to say the least. Saturday morning you all went for brunch in a cute little café down the road. You were sat between Elysse and Tristan, with your girlfriend in front of you. The four of you talked about anything and everything, from telling you embarrassing stories about their sister to asking about your work and what you did in life.
Winter was slowly but surely hitting Ontario and that's why you spent Saturday afternoon curled up on the couch with Jessie and some of the others. You were sipping on your second coffee of the afternoon, brought to you by Jessie just the way you liked it, as Michaele spoke up. "What's everyone's thoughts on an evening walk through town? The weather forecast says it shouldn't rain or snow anymore tonight."
You saw Jessie's eyes light up, you knew how much she loved a walk. Especially back home, she couldn't wait to walk past all the places she used to spend countless hours at back as a kid.
An hour into the walk, you all slowed down and came to a stop when you found a scenic spot. You had walked up a small hill and had come across a bench that looked out onto the Ontario skyline.
"You should take a family picture here," you squeezed Jessie's hand, where you fingers were interlinked, and quietly spoke. She nodded, appreciating the idea. She let go of you and spoke to her mum, who rallied everyone together on and around the bench.
You stayed back a bit, silently deciding to be the photographer when Michaele spoke up. "No, I'm not having that! You'll have to put up your phone against something and join us. You're a Fleming now, no more escaping the family pictures."
You blushed, taken aback by the kind words of Jessie's mum. You smiled appreciatively at her, quickly finding something to post your phone up against, starting a 10 second timer and quickly making your way over to the bench. Jessie had left you a spot in front of her, her arms circling around your waist and her head leaning on her shoulder when you went to join her.
You saw your phone screen shutter, signaling the photo was taken, but Jessie didn't let go of you. "A Fleming now, huh?" You leaned your head back against her shoulder and looked at her, love and adoration clear in your eyes.
"Easy, I'm not going by that name until you do something about it."
You pressed a soft, loving kiss against Jessie's lips that was full of promises for the future. You knew you were home.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 7 months
The goddess of chaos,and reader fucking has wings!
I LOVE THAT???? THIS IS SO GREAT, also im so sorry this took me a while to finish ): ugh
Warnings- profanity, beating someone up (what’d you expect tho), mention of blood
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As your mother didn’t have a cabin, you spent years in the Hermes cabin. You were her only child, no sense in making a new cabin, plus, Dionysus and the others didn’t like Eris at all, she was one of the most hated among the Gods.
And since you’ve been there for so long, you became close with the Hermes children as a child. You became especially close with one boy named Luke.
Growing up, the two of you would pull pranks and mess around with the heads of camp. Dionysus, the old counselors, Chiron, and at one point the Gods themselves.
The Gods disliked you and your mother never talked to you, you were bound to cause trouble.
You had proved to be quite a problem around camp, and somehow managed to still become a counselor.
Now you were skipping stones on the lake, after cancelling the lessons you had with some campers.
“Thought you had lessons.” A voice said, coming up behind you. You didn’t have to turn around to know it was Luke.
“I cancelled.” You replied, only turning when he came next to you.
“Why?” He asked, picking up a stone from the ground and skipping them with you.
“Didn’t feel like it today.” You said with a small shrug, your wings were tucked but slightly fluttered as you moved.
“Mmm.” He mumbled, and you both skipped the stone at the same time.
“Looks like I win.” You said with a smirk on your face. He groaned.
“You always win.”
“So, why are you here?” You asked the boy, turning to him now.
He shrugged. “Bored.” Lie. He wanted to see you.
You nodded. “Well, i would say we should fuck something up but I’m guessing you’re busy.” You spoke, looking around the scene.
“Never too busy for you.”
You rolled his eyes at his flirtatiousness, you two often “jokingly” flirted and teased, you shoved his shoulder and he just laughed.
“You’re weird.” You spoke, walking away. He followed and was soon walking next to you.
“I’m weird?” He scoffed. You gave him a glare.
“Sorry, I was joking.” He held his hands up in defense. You walked back to camp, new campers were being brought in.
“Hey, uh, I’m really sorry, but do you think you guys could show the new campers around? I have a uh… emergency.” One of the Aphrodite counselors spoke, coming up to you both.
You furrowed your eyebrows.
“What’s wrong?” You asked her, not believing her for a second.
“One of my sisters is in the infirmary.”
Before you could speak, Luke spoke. “Okay. Yeah. Sure, no problem.” You nudged him in the arm.
She thanked you and ran over to another cabin.
“She’s lying.” You motioned to her now running over to her boyfriend, kissing him with a smile on her face.
“Jesus Christ, you need to learn not to be so nice to everyone. She’s an asshole.”
“One of us has to. Why’s she an asshole?” He shrugged, looking at the campers.
“Because. I can just tell.” He furrowed his eyebrows and just began to talk to the kids.
“Okay, hello, everyone! Welcome, to camp half blood. I am Luke Castellan, and this is Y/n L/n. We are going to be giving you your tour instead, on account of…”
“On account of him being a naive idiot.” You spoke to them, a small smile on your face as you motioned to luke.
He rolled his eyes. “Ignore her. Any questions before we start?”
“Uh, how will we know who our parents are?” One asked.
“Well, if your Godly parent is nice enough to, you will be claimed after you show some sort of glory.”And if you’re lucky enough, you’ll get your own cabin. Clearly I did not get lucky enough.” You told them, mumbling the last part.
The campers looked confused.
“Okay… any more questions?” luke asked.
“Why do you have wings?” One asked, their voice curious.
“Yeah, I’m not answering that. Any non-personal questions, you jackasses?” You asked, loudly.
Luke’s hand flew to your mouth. “Let’s get on with the tour, shall we?” He said, a nervous smile on his face.
The kids didn’t seem to have any now. They walked as Luke spoke, showing them around. Luke didn’t notice however, that you had snuck off to somewhere until he turned around to ask you something.
He sighed, calling your name out. Of course, you came back with a bloodied nose and knuckle. He groaned, all the new campers whispering and talking about it.
He came up to you, grabbing your wrist.
“I leave you alone for 10 seconds! What the fuck happened?!”
You shrugged, feigning innocence as the same counselor who lied was dragged out from behind, you whipped your head the other way.
Wiping the blood from your nose, you had a proud smile on your face as you turned back to the kids.
“So, how was the tour?”
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orphiclovers · 18 days
ahem ahem. What if sp x 1863 hsy!? Can you see the toxic vision!?
I want to so BAD you have no IDEA. SP and 1863!HSY are my favourite characters, yoohan is my favourite ship, this should be perfectly tailored to me, right? And YET, I've never gotten farther than "someone should make this a thing...."
But I'll try for you.
They do have some canon interactions going for them. Namely, we know that SP made a covenant with her to do some unspecified thing in the 1863rd regression.
It's not certain how many of the messages he sent to KDJ's channel were actually him personally, and how many one of his kkomas, and while I think a couple of them in the important moments was actually him, I headcanon he spent most of his time watching the alt-1863rd round. For Han Sooyoung I imagine he was a cold and distant figure who sent few indirect messages but whose attention was always hanging over her head. She had to rely on his satisfaction with the way she ran the world for him to hold up his part of the deal and give her a new worldline.
And we know he wasn't satisfied, because when he sent KDJ there, he said "I hope you're not as disappointing as the last one." So clearly there was some kind of disagreement between them.
Despite all this fun context, I don't think they have many strong feelings about each other other than mutual dislike. Neither of them spend time thinking of the other except for when they have to interact for the sake of the covenant. They're relationship is purely business, and they don't leave a huge impression on the other's psyche or change the trajectory of their lives forever. (Unlike, for example, 1863 Yoo Joonghyuk does for the both of them.)
Only thing they have going for them is their love triangle with 1863 YJH. It's the kind that doesn't end in a thruple for once, but where they both stay feeling entirely neutral about the other corner.
The Big Issue for them is that SP gives HSY a task he doesn't actually wish to be achieved, but HSY has no choice but to do her best to attempt anyway. And when she does come up with a perfect plan to achieve the death of Yoo Joonghyuk, the thing SP supposedly wants, he gets cold feet and sends KDJ in last minute, saying he's 'dissapointed' in her. Why? The plan would have worked. But he didn't want Yoo Joonghyuk to die at that point.
What he actually wanted her to do was fight radically change the world like Kim Dokja did. (This comes up in the SP/999 fight or sometime around then.) She never could have lived up to that expectation.
And in the aftermath of Kim Dokja's visit to the 1863rd round, all their plans were ruined anyway. Maybe she neutrally told him she 'wouldn't be leaving this round' and that their deal was off. SP said nothing, since obviously everything had fallen apart at that point. I think Secretive Plotter, much like Kim Dokja, doesn't care for a world without Yoo Joonghyuk in it. That was probably the last time they spoke to each other. The 1863rd round became completely irrelevant to him, including the Han Sooyoung left there to pick up the pieces. And she was obsessively fixated on Kim Dokja and didn't have time to think about SP. That was all over and done with.
But I'm very willing to hear anyone out if they have a HSY/SP vision. I want to be persuaded on this!
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Eddie Munson x cheerleader! Reader 🩷 Eddie knew reader from highschool, but he's surprised to see her with Max Mayfield at Max's trailer, later when she's gone, Eddie goes to Max's and asks her what was reader doing there and Max tells him that she's like her babysitter (or something like that?) And Eddie tells her that he wants to take reader on a date, and Max decides that it'll be funny trying to help Eddie to get a date with Reader, (maybe you can write like an Eddie and Max making a friendship bc of planning a way to invite reader to a date with Eddie) , and it works, and they start dating, and Max is happy for them bc her two friends are dating, and she always makes fun of how Eddie needed her help go plan a date
This was fun! I love Max
I hope this is what you were looking for and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
Helper Max
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Eddie was minding his own business as he played his guitar. His speakers were loud as he practiced a new song. Not hearing the pounding on his front door until the song finished.
"MUNSON!" Eddie set the guitar on his bed and walked quickly to his door. Yanking it open to see the familiar redhead at his door with a glare.
"Can you keep it the fuck down? I'm trying to study." She growled, her eyes filled with fire as she crossed her arms. Eddie smirked down at her.
"My bad, big red. I'll keep it down." Eddie winked as she rolled her eyes. She turned around as she marched back to her house. That's when he noticed Y/N standing there with a smile. Eddie quickly straightened his posture and fixed his hair. Why was the cheerleader in a place like this? How did she know Max? And she just watched him get cussed out by a child.
The second Y/N left, Eddie raced over to Max's. Pounding at her door as he waited for her to open the door.
"Yes?" She asked, holding open the door.
"What's the cheerleader doing at your place?" He asked, immediately getting to the point. He felt a little nervous when a smirk stretched across Max's lips.
"She's my tutor, what's it to you? Does someone have a crush on the pretty cheerleader?" Max mocked, making kissing sounds.
"Oh shut up. What do you even need a tutor for? I thought you were the smart one." Eddie teased.
"For math. Thanks for stopping by." She said, closing the door but Eddie slammed his foot in between. Max sighed and opened the door.
"You guys friends? Like does she talk about her life with you?" Eddie asked.
"Yes, we are friends. And yes, she's single." Max said, slamming the door closed.
Eddie fist-bumped the air as he ran back to his trailer. She was fair game.
Eddie stared out his window, waiting for Y/N to leave. He thought about how to ask her out for a week and got nowhere. He knew he had to ask Max for help.
Once she pulled away, Eddie raced to Max's. Her annoyed face stared back at him when she opened the door.
"Now what?" She sighed.
"I want to ask her out, and I got nothing. But you know her! I need you to teach me everything about her." Eddie said, his eyes pleading as Max thought about it.
"I'm not going to teach you everything, but I will help you ask her out, but what do I get?"
"Free rides to and from school," Eddie promised.
Over the time of two weeks, Eddie and Max met up almost every day. Max taught Eddie Y/N's likes and dislikes. She tried to connect to things she knew they both had in common. Max also had to learn who Eddie was before she decided if it was a good idea or not. But she learned that Eddie wasn't bad at all.
"Hellfire canceled, got to go!" Eddie rushed out towards the boys as he ran out the school doors.
Mike, Dustin, and Lucas all looked at each other confused when Eddie got in his van....with Max.
"He canceled to hang out with Max?" Mike asked out loud
"That shit is weird, even for Eddie," Dustin said, confused as he watched Eddie drive away.
Eddie paced in his room, filled with anxiety as he waited to start the plan. He knew he wanted to ask her out, and even Max had a good feeling she would say yes.
Once Eddie heard the knock on his door, he knew it was only a matter of time. He took a deep breath and opened the door. Acting surprised, "Y/N? What are you doing here?"
"Max's mom is coming home, and she doesn't know Max is paying me to tutor, so she sent me over here to wait it out? Max said you'd be fine with it, otherwise, I can go in my car and drive up a block." Y/N explained, her nervous words flying out fast. Eddie made her nervous. His dark exterior and reputation excited her in ways that it shouldn't.
"All good, come on in gorgeous." She felt her knees go weak at the nickname and smirk on his face. She swallowed and stepped into his trailer. The linger of weed filled her nose as she looked around. Eddie walked to his couch and patted the spot next to him, his arm thrown over the back, a smirk still on his face.
Max said Y/N liked confidence and control.
"Take a sit, I don't bite unless you ask nicely."
Y/N shuddered as she sat next to him, his jeans scraping against her bare skin. She yanked down her cheerleading skirt the best she could. Feeling exposed under his stare.
"Cheerleader and a tutor? Must be a really busy girl. Do you have any time for your boyfriend?" Eddie asked, he knew she didn't have one, but he wanted her to fall into the trap.
"Oh, I don't have a boyfriend." She shrugged it off easily. A smile on her face as she corrected him.
Eddie clicked his tongue, his arm thrown over the couch where she sat, leaning forward. His finger picked up her chin, her eyes stared into his.
"How can a pretty girl like you not have a boyfriend?" He teased, his eyes looking down at her lips as she nervously licked them.
"Um, no one asked." She whispered, feeling nervous as his nose was almost touching hers. But she didn't want to pull away.
"And if I did?"
"You did what?"
"I asked you out on a date, and then another one, maybe a third. Then I'll ask you to be my girlfriend if the dates go well." Eddie explained to her, his arm behind the couch moving down to touch her back.
"I'd say yes."
"Can you stop making out for five minutes so she can check my answers?" Max snapped, waving her paper in the air.
Y/N blushed and pulled away from Eddie. An apology on her lips as she moved off the couch and took a seat on the floor next to Max.
She went over the answers as Max glared at Eddie over Y/N's shoulder. Eddie sat behind Y/N and played with her hair.
"Sorry, red." Eddie shrugged his focus back on his girlfriend, playing with the strands of hair that fell out of her bun.
"Sorry, my ass. I'm the whole reason you even got together. Don't push it or I'll make her dump your ass." Max threatened
Y/N laughed as she handed Max back the paper. "Very nice job."
"I'd like to say, I got her because of the amazing dates we went on." Eddie defended.
"Because I planned them all! If it wasn't for me, you'd still be staring from your window across the street." Max smirked, watching as Eddie grew embarrassed
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @ahsrulez420 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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animemensblog · 1 year
What you deserve
Akaza x reader, some of Douma x reader
Summary: Douma found you hiding under a blanket, behind a small home. He killed your abuser, then took you in- but still hurts you like the last. Well that's until Akaza walks in on Douma hurting you.
Warnings: they're demons, so yes violence is almost guaranteed lol. This involves an abusive/degrading relationship, smut/fluff with Akaza- praising, dom!Akaza/sub!reader, oral-f!receiving, overstimulation, soft sex with him <3
I wanted to do human Akaza but I think it's more precious when a demon falls for a human🥲
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The bed shook slightly as he turned away from you, causing you to awake. There he was, Douma lying contently after a fulfilling night, or so he thinks. As much as he likes to talk big, he's not much into pleasuring others. He's selfish in every way and nothing turns you off more.
You were embarrassed.
Disgusted, even.
He's a demon who will live until his head comes off, technically has all the time in the world. Yet he can't take a few extra minutes to satisfy you. It's odd to prioritize this considering your situation, but it's all you can do.
You lean over to see if he's sleeping before leaving, knowing damn well he's not going to wake up soon after fucking him.
On your walk, you ran into many servants and guests, almost all of them asking where the rest of you was. You were talking with a maid when a particular guest turns the corner. When you look over, Akaza is already staring at you.
There's only been one time Akaza and you talked with Douma present, all the other times it's just you two. He knows your interests, likes and dislikes, knows your favorite flower and book, even knows your everyday scent. The day he met you, he knew you'd be his sole reason for visiting this dreadful estate.
Akaza practically runs over to you, and places a small rock in your hand. He's got the cutest smile on as cradles your hands in his.
"I found this. It's the prettiest f/c rock I've seen so far"
"Thank you", you were inspecting all the lines and chips on the somehow smooth surface while he was admiring you. Akaza is always proud when he makes you smile, it's his goal each time he visits.
You two realized your closeness when a loud voice booms down the hall, forcing you to step back. Any smile on your faces fell as Douma came closer, you could feel his stare.
"Akaza! How lovely, wasn't expecting you." He says as his arm wraps around you, his gaze falling on your little gift. Doesn't take him long to connect the dots.
"I know, I only came to return this gem you left at our last meeting." He gestures to your gift hoping to cover your ass, Douma doesn't take the bait.
"Nonsense, we don't carry around these things. Here let me," he states before taking and throwing the rock away from you "excuse us, we have business to attend to". Akaza was wanting to reach out to apologize, to remind you what's about to happen is his fault, not yours. Akaza knows he shouldn't give you anything unless it's for Douma too.
All you hear from Douma is mumbling before he tosses you on the floor, moving over to grab some rope. "Did Akaza take you?" He says loud enough for just you to hear.
"I'm not sure I understand my lord"
"I said, did Akaza take you? Did he free you from that monster? Is he the one who cares for you?"
"No my lord" you say as your head moves to the floor
"Then don't accept anything from him, he doesn't deserve your attention." He ties your arms and ankles together, then kicks you towards the middle of the room. "I don't get why he gets your attention. Everyone says when he's here, you're there with him."
With every comment and hit, you could feel his anger spilling over. Then when you don't acknowledge his words, he moves to grab a cane that happens to be in the room (he put it in there knowing who you were visiting) and beat you with it.
Your body couldn't be covered and you knew no one would save you until after he's finished, that's if he allows them to touch you.
A soft knock came before the door slid open, your cries and shaking immediately stop, hoping Douma sees your effort to hide his abuse.
"Akaza! Hello again, I thought you'd go back by now."
"Forgive me but I can't this time" Akaza states
"What would you need to ask forgiveness for? You should know it's her fault for tempting you and using you." Douma says before going back to his 'business'.
"I wasn't talking to you." Akaza walks over and starts to untie you, noting all the damage. He sits you up and fixes any stray hairs. "Are you okay enough to walk?" You drop your head and refused to say or do anything. He opts for just picking you up and holding you against his chest.
During this, Douma couldn't pull himself to speak. He was confused but intimidated that he was that brave to interrupt. So, he lets Akaza leave, fully believing he'll let this happen then go and collect you.
As he held you, he grabbed your hand and put the same rock from earlier in it. "I really wanted you to have this" he mumbles against your head. Soon after, you fell asleep as he walked you back to a place he is staying at. He sets you down on the bed while he cleans up any wound. Wiping up the blood, covering cuts and bruises, then cleaning off your skin.
Akaza found every sound you made adorable, any sigh or grunt when he touched your injuries. All the times you crinkled your nose and tossed your head, he thinks he could watch you for hours. That's creepy isn't it? He thinks to himself, letting out a scoff as he stands up. But seeing how uncomfortable you looked, he couldn't pull himself away. So he laid beside you and kept watching.
Until you tossed over too fast for him to react and smacked him, in which the impact woke you up. It took mere seconds to realize you were trying to fight him.
"I'm so sorry Akaza,"you say while holding his face, soothing the red spot. Holding back your giggles, "I swear I didn't mean to"
Akaza was tossing his head back and letting out a loud laugh, trying to tell you its okay but couldn't breathe long enough to.
"Do you think my strength is that pathetic or what?" You say, letting your giggles escape
"No, not at all. It was rather painful, actually" he holds your hand against his face.
"I'm sorry" you whisper to him before placing a gentle peck on his opposite cheek. You say it again when you place one on his forehead, he moves your hands so you can leave another.
His hands found your back and started moving down, following your spine. He hums every time you kiss him and whimpers when you reach his lips. Your hand holding his chin as you start to move above him.
Akazas grip gets tighter and sets you on your back, he kisses your neck and hugs you. Your nails rakes down his back as his kisses become licks, and licks to sucks.
Your legs wrap around his waist and pull him closer, rubbing yourself against him. It's been so long since you've wanted someone like this, and you're not scared to come off desperate.
His kisses trail to your lips and he moans into you, grinding hard enough to make you slightly bounce. He barely stops himself when he feels your nipples slide against his chest, he wants to be rough but he's scared to when you're hurting.
You release his hips and start sliding down your dress, revealing yourself to him. He sits up, taking the rest off then took off his pants. "I've always been curious about how you feel" you say as you pull him back down.
"I can't say you're the only one. I know there's a reason he was keeping me away from you." He kisses you again but messier, tongues in each other's mouths and hands exploring every spot. Your hand reaches down to rub his tip between your folds, causing Akaza to gasp and pull away to look. He watches as your wetness collects before you move it to your hole, he looks backs at you and thrusts in.
"Will you tell me if-f I- if it hurts?" You can only nod as he pushes further. A whimper that sounds like a cry escapes your lips, then your face crinkles, he stops.
"Why did you stop?" You moan out
"I think if I move right now I'll cum too fast" he claims, knowing damn well he can last longer. He just figured if you didn't say it hurt, you were scared to say something. He leans down to kiss you then continues moving until you're full.
"You feel s-so good" you toss your head against the pillow, back arching off the blankets. His thrusts start out slow but got faster the louder your moans got.
His head nuzzles into your neck, making sure you're the only one who hears his moans. "You're so tight- fuck, sucking me in". He pants and nibbles against your ear, one hand reaching for your breasts and the other finding your clit.
As he makes small circles, Akaza feels you tighten around him, making him stall. "God damn- fuck, you're a little too tight y/n. I can't fucking move" a soft laugh leaves his lips.
"I think you might be too big"
"Impossible, I fit perfectly just a minute ago" he spreads your lips to see you clench around him. "Sweetheart, you have to relax for me."
He forces himself to move and pushes further than last time, making a small bulge appear. Your moans changed to screams and his grunts turned into whimpers and deep moans. His hand that was on your clit moved to your lower stomach, feeling how full you were.
His other hand leaves your chest and swirl your throbbing nub once again, sending you into a frenzy. Your hips raise off the bed, and he forces them back down, then cages you in with his forearms. Your arms reach around him to pull your upper half against him, hovering enough to kiss him.
"I love how needy you are" he says, angling his hips to find that soft spot "you're taking me so well."
"Right there, p-please don't stop" you fall back against the pillow as he rubs your clit faster. "Fuck, Akaza, baby it feels s-so gooddd."
"Yeah? Right here?" His head drops to leaves marks along your neck. "I want you to cum for me, please y/n, I wanna know how it feels." A moan is all you can manage to get out, scratching his back.
He brings his mouth to your ear and whispers, "cum for me, sweetheart. Please." Next thing you know, your eyes are shut and you're creaming all over him. Now you can feel every vein and throb, every sense being enhanced. Akaza sits back up watching your pussy and how it reacts.
He doesn't stop thrusting and playing and feeling your pussy lips with his thumb, he's so lost in how you two look he doesn't realize the tears slipping down your cheeks or your legs aggressively twitching against his thighs.
Akaza's thrusts get sloppy and slower, "where do you want me?" You're so overstimulated you can't give a response, instead you wrap your legs around him holding him inside.
"You're so fucking tight, it's unbelievable. Your moans are so beautiful. It's like music- fuck" he continues his praising, still missing how you're falling apart underneath him. Akaza let's out one more moan and cums in you, keeping you close until he stops throbbing. His eyes were shut, his fingers caressing wherever they landed.
When he opened his eyes he looked at you, and decided that's not enough for him. He pulls out quickly and places his head between your legs, forcing your thighs on his shoulders.
He doesn't wait to dive in and clean you up, licking up your cum, taking in how well you taste. Your hands find the blanket and grip it, trying to ground yourself after so much stimulation. Akaza's tongue goes deeper and slides up to your clit. Sucking and nibbling it, aiming to pull another orgasm. Didn't take too long to cum on his tongue, and you couldn't wait any longer- you had to push his head away.
His eyebrows furrowed and a small pout forms, bummed you're stopping his meal, until he sees your tears and twitching.
"I'm so so sorry" he speaks as he wipes it all away, "I got lost in you. You're just that good, honey" he kisses your dried tears and massaging your thighs, he was trying so hard to calm you down.
"It's okay" you mumble, "it felt good. Better than I thought it would."
"Heh, I'm glad. Still, please forgive me for over-doing it." He jumps straight to cleaning you off, licking his fingers clean of your juices, then tucked you both under the covers.
"Thank you", you pull him closer replaying everything that went down. From him saving you to devouring you ~ pun intended hehe.
Although you made that comment, it took Akaza hours to realize you've never gotten off before, took even longer when he figured out he was the first and only guy to do it.
He's silly, protective and loving; no one better than him to be your savior.
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shinobuscanonwife · 2 years
Hmm, Muzan, Enmu and Akaza with a s/o who has like... 7 siblings that love them and their demon partner? like once the s/o tells that they're moving into the infinity palace the siblings just come in and tackle the s/o with love XD (also I LOVE your writing!)
I'm not sure if you wanted the siblings to be younger or older than the reader but most of these mentions the siblings are young children around 6-8
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It had been about 2 days since you moved into the infinity palace with Muzan. You don't even know how they found the infinity place but when you and Muzan were sitting in his office while he talked to you about work you heard the door slide open and 7 children ran into the room tackling you and Muzan. Muzan had met your siblings before. He didn't really like children all that much but he put up with them for you. He didn't really move or do anything when they tackled him. He looked over to you and saw you talking with some of your other siblings while the 3 that tackled him were trying to get his attention. He picked the ones that had tackled him up and set them on the ground gently. Your siblings stayed for the night since you didn't want them going out by themselves at night and Muzan didn't want you walking them back home at night. The children tried getting Muzan's attention the whole time they were there and Muzan eventually caved and agreed to play with them for a bit. You had left the room for a bit and came back to 3 of your siblings sitting on Muzan's lap braiding his hair, One of them had fallen asleep and was leaning on his arm and the other 3 were talking to him about you. Muzan started to grow fond of them after that night. Even if he would never admit it he started to enjoy their visits.
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Enmu doesn't dislike kids he just doesn't know how to take care of them properly. This is why whenever your siblings came over he always kept his distance. Well, he tried to. All your siblings love him and try to play with him every time they see him so he can't really stay far away from them. One night when you and Enmu were on top of the Mugen train you heard a bunch of people coming up to the top of the train. This was strange because nobody was on the train at the moment so Enmu thought it was a group of demon slayers. "Stay here," He said as he went to go see who was on the train. Before he could get up he had been pushed back down by 7 small children. He was able to get up eventually because your siblings had gone over to you. Your siblings stick around for a couple nights and Enmu eventually gets used to them, however. He started spending more time around them and slowly he grew fond of them.
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Akaza doesn't really like kids. He thinks there loud and annoying but he makes an exception for your siblings. He treats them like they're his own children and loves spending time with them. And they love him! they are always so excited when they get to spend time with him. They think he's cool because of how strong he is. They don't know he's a demon they just know he isn't human. They don't think much of it though there just happy to have someone to play with when your busy:)
Thanks for your request! Have a nice day/night
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sadist1224 · 7 months
Part 1 https://www.tumblr.com/sadist1224/742379650222784512/i-need-the-mafia141-au?source=share
Part 2 https://www.tumblr.com/sadist1224/742405536052543488/i-still-want-mafia141-au?source=share
The Mafia!In which you, a former second lieutenant of the police, were kidnapped by unknown people while 141 were in another city on their mafia business.
The first alarm is raised by Val, who does not find you at the bar, although you always arrived on time. The woman starts calling and texting you, but your phone is out of the network area, so the second thing she does is go to your apartment nearby. Not finding you there either, she decides to wait before acting decisively, but don't worry. The waiting period will not be so long, in an hour her people will interrogate passers-by in search of witnesses.
Just imagine Price's face, which Alejandro calls right during the interrogation, and on his work phone, while the Ghost beats the next drug dealer to a pulp. The captain stops the lieutenant as soon as he hears the latest news that Valeria has started making a fuss. Her people are questioning civilians, looking for something. Price asks to keep him informed and hangs up. I have a bad feeling in the back of my head.
The guys immediately sense something wrong with this call. Johnny and Gaz exchange glances with the Ghost.
Kyle, who was able to get Van's phone number almost before he left, just in case. In fact, he wasn't even sure if he could call you or not, but that doesn't mean he didn't want to.
Therefore, when they dial your number 5 times in a row, and you still haven't answered them, their anxiety increases significantly.
Alejandro was actually surprised by Valeria's unusual behavior and watched her actions all day, until eventually he and Rudy came back to the bar to interrogate her. And, of course, they didn't find you there.
You, who always smiled so friendly at them when they met and who had already learned their favorite positions on the bar list. Of course, they couldn't help but flirt with you, but how else would they behave with someone like you? How witty and at the same time cute you could respond to Rudy's flirting and to the same extent you could interrupt absolutely any disliked thing addressed to you. You definitely knew your worth, you made great jokes and could support even the most insignificant topic, or at the right moment take the conversation in a different direction.
You are the perfect bartender, and absolutely the man who completely captured the attention of two Mexicans. In fact, Alejandro has already been thinking about how he can lure you to their establishment. You would absolutely fit into one of their restaurants or casinos. If, of course, the guys from 141 hadn't already had their eyes on you.
Yes, the British liked you just as much as they did. The way Johnny ran after you, how easily and often Gaz communicated with you. Or how the Ghost and Price looked at you.
Alejandro is not stupid. He knows how the familiar coldness in the Ghost's eyes changes when he looks at you. Or how Price's eyes look at you with undisguised interest when you once again bring them the best whiskey from your stock. And how masterfully you manage to ignore it. Alejandro is ready to give a standing ovation to your stoic, even expression when you refuse to let Sope join them.
You're a professional. And you're not that simple. The Mexican likes this mystery about you. Only a very attentive person will notice that you've been through some shit. And it seems that the Ghost and Price have already guessed this.
But now, you're not here. Alejandro knows that he has to call Price, tell him about the disappearance of "their" favorite bartender. And he is already ordering Rodolfo to gather his men and comb the streets, because they all know very well how dangerous members of other groups can be. And they have plenty of enemies in the city and beyond.
Johnny, who just can't find a place for himself after the news of your disappearance, cuts circles around the hotel room. If you could see how worried he is… The man is ready to take off right now and go in search of you.
Gaz, who has been sitting tensely on the couch all this time, clutching his phone and nervously glancing at his watch, waiting for Price to finish the conversation with Alejandro. Of course, what did they expect, appearing so often in a bar, and even in your company?
The ghost knew that sooner or later it would happen, but that doesn't mean he's calm. In fact, he already imagines how in one of the shelters he will clearly show your kidnappers that they should not even pull their hands to what already belongs to them.
Of course, they've almost claimed you. You're almost there, even if you don't know it. Price had already thought about it. He already had a rough plan in his head how he could lure you into their family. Of course, he already had the idea to buy out the bar to begin with, but Valeria sent him far away, even with a very profitable offer for her. So the simplest option has disappeared.
But, never mind, he has plans to the last letter of the alphabet. In his head, you fit perfectly between the four of them. In every sense.
But he just can't choose between you and their job. The latter was still more important. That's why Price decides to finish all the business here first, and then deal with your kidnappers. After all, Vargas and the Couple care about you too, so they may not worry a bit.
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findafight · 1 year
Jonathan’s line about Steve in vol 2 was so…. I don’t know. I mean yeah it straight up confirms that Nancy and Jonathan make fun of Steve behind his back, and like I get that I have never been in Nancy’s situation so obviously it seems more mortifying to me, but I would have felt so guilty in her place. I can’t imagine not shutting Jonathan up if he started shit talking about Steve. Like Steve would have been straight up unmentionable if I was Nancy. Idk.
I get that Duffers don’t treat their characters emotional lives seriously, but like. That’s why Robin being kind to Nancy in s5 despite Nancy’s uh.. well frankly appalling attitude towards Robin, makes zero sense to me. I really wanted Nancy to struggle being in Steve’s group. Not in the “she deserves it bhahaha” way, but like… Steve dumped his friends for her (which was good for him), and her expecting to get the same treatment and meeting Robin instead? Who actively dislikes her and for a good reason? Who is smart and cool and kind? That’s way more interesting than people kissing Nancy’s ass the whole season, while she is actively putting Max’s life in danger. Like, yeah in high school she is the chief editor of the newspaper, and at home she is the eldest sister, and with Jon she makes fun of Steve, and now none of these people are here, but Steve is here and so is his bestie. And Steve is as kind as always, but Robin dislikes her, and it is not just prejudice
Nancy Wheeler you wild girl! She has no guilt lmao She's like yeah steve was dumb and annoying and didn't enable my investigation, and jon goes yep, what an idiot. All while Steve is just like. bumpin around making friends with little nerds haha. Minding his own business blaming himself for the end of their relationship. You're right, it's kinda bonkers because even if we take the stance that Nancy didn't cheat (which I believe she did) like. she still had him as her second choice and as soon as he pushed back a bit and didn't give her the kind of support she wasn't telling him she needed (until talking about exposing the lab in the library where anyone could hear) she jumped ship and ran to Jonathan. Why would she want to talk about Steve? Why wouldn't she want to try to forget he ever existed as anything other than Mike's friend Dustin's older friend? Is that not weird for her?
(i think you might mean s4? but i can work with s5 too haha) It's so much more compelling to me to have Nancy and Robin at odds with each other because Robin is like a little guard chihuahua holding a grudge for Steve. She holds grudges so well let her do it more!! like jesus give him someone in his corner! And also for herself! She got so nervous and tried to explain and defend herself, and Nancy only really started to listen once they got into the hospital. Nancy has a not great plan that puts one of the kids in danger, one of the kids Steve is close to. (Max wrote him a letter!!) I think Robin would really see Steve's people as her people, even if she wasn't personally close to them she'd still feel comfortable around the younger teens because Steve is? Let robin be critical of this plan. Let her call it out or something. Give Nancy someone to push against, it's no fun if there's no resistance! I want Nancy to be the one wanting friendship with Robin, and Robin not being receptive to it. Nancy not having a relationship handed to her would be refreshing and I want to see how she'd try to win Robin's friendship.
Let Robin not want to work with Nancy because she's heard the rumours about how her and Steve ended, even though he only mentioned that he wasn't a good boyfriend ans wasn't what she needed so it didn't work out. Robin saw that one week Steve and Nancy had a fight, and a day later she was ditching with Jonathan? yeah something is fishy there to even the most socially oblivious person. Let Robin know Steve well enough that she knew he at least thought he was telling the truth but that there must have been more. Let Robin decide she was going to do the most cliche best friend thing and not be very nice to the ex that broke her bestie's heart.
ooooh anon what you're saying is so interesting because, yeah. Steve dumped Tommy and Carol for Nancy, and that was good for him, and then Nancy got with Jonathan who doesn't really have any friends in Hawkins. So she's always been her boyfriend's main person of similar age they're close to. But now Steve's got Robin. Who is funny and kind and weird and loyal and smart and sarcastic. Who is obsessed with Steve and who Steve is also obsessed with. And that, from a s5 stancy pov, is so interesting because now Nancy is now competing (in her mind) for her boyfriend/potential bf's attention with his best friend. Like Jonathan was focused on his family, obviously (and this caused strain for them too) but it's not the same socially as a best friend taking priority. Steve would still hold those relationships, because they're good for him and good for the others, and there's zero reason for him to abandon them this time.
I think Nancy would hate it. Like Steve would obviously give her tonnes of attention, but with him having actual close friendships not just with Robin but Dustin and Max (at least) too, she'd still feel like she was bartering for time with him. That is suuuuch a fun potential dynamic between nancy and steve and also nancy and steve's friends.
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