#and jeremiah was a bullfrog of all songs too
babymadeofbones · 5 months
i actually can't fucking stand mulder and scully they drive me cuckoo crazy bonkers insane
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is-on-its-way · 7 months
If I were the king of the world
Episode: s05e04 Detour 
Everyone knows the lyrics to Joy to the World, a pity they cut Scully off early in one of the cutest scenes ever.
Part of the Scully is a human Series
“Joy to you and me” she sang the last line of the chorus
She hesitated, knowing the next lines of the song all too well from that one year at a summer camp in Pennsylvania. Eight girls scream signing in their cabin late at night, jumping on beds when it came on the radio, titillated by the “dirty” lyrics. Always getting caught by their counsellor, who sometimes when she was in a good mood and it wasn't too late, joined in the singing with them.
She hesitated, singing them to the air in her cabin at age ten was different than singing them to Mulder. Mulder who she unbidden had thought of more and more often during and after her cancer. Mulder who seemed so broken at the thought of losing her, Mulder who was so supportive, the only one she felt comfortable telling at first. The only one who hadn’t made her feel badly about the way she wanted her treatment to go. Who had not guilted her, had respected her throughout so fully.
Sometimes she had to look away from the sight of him because the fluttering in her chest threatened to burst out fully fledged as some sort of winged animal.
Mulder quipped “verse” in that boyish voice he used when he wanted to be cute and get his way. He did know how to get his way with her. She smiled and started the song again.
Jeremiah was a bullfrog Was a good friend of mine I never understood a single word he said But I helped him a-drink his wine And he always had some mighty fine wine Singin' joy to the world All the boys and girls now Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea Joy to you and me
Mulder shifted as if waiting to see if shed go on. She sang
And if I were the king of the world Tell you what I'd do I'd throw away the cars and the bars and the war Make sweet love to you
Mulder turned on her lap with some effort so he could look up at her in the night, the moon bounced off his eyes making them almost glow. Her hand rested on his chest now, he didn’t seem bothered by it.
She went on, finishing Joy to the world All the boys and girls Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea Joy to you and me
“Thank you Scully." He said finding her hand and squeezing it. She felt a pang of adrenaline and her heart sped up.
“Well we are in the middle of the wilderness, no cars or bars here.” He said
“Technically, this could be classified as a war Mulder, or at the very least a battle.” she said matter-of-factly.
“You veto all my ideas”
“You vetoed mine last night” she smiled.
He tilted his head to the side looking at her in the moonlight.
“Technically we’re not in a motel so this isn’t considered fraternizing” He said a touch more seriously than Scully was comfortable with.
Her cheek flushed red. She thanked the darkness. She pushed his messy hair from his face. She loved his long hair, she absentmindedly kept stroking it looking around for any signs of movement.
“I don’t know about you but this has been quite the team building experience. Much better than some dumb conference.”
“Yes Mulder, almost getting killed in the dark of night, by god knows what, beats a warm comfy bed any day, and possibly a jacuzzi.” She continued the sarcasm competition, cursing herself for actually enjoying it.
“I knew you were a rough and tumble kinda woman.”
Again she blushed. Her father used to be so proud of her for being a tomboy. He’d say ‘That ones a wild one.’ with a laugh. She hadn't been reminded of that in a long while. Maybe that was the reason she so enjoyed working these thoroughly weird cases. She was just that little semi feral girl at heart.
“Maybe” she said lost in thought.
He reached up to her cheek and she leaned her head into his hand looking back down at him.
“Sing another song Dana?” He asked softly.
“What do you want me to sing?”
“Know any Elvis? If we’re about to be murdered in the trenches, Id like this to be spiritual” He dropped his hand and found hers again playing with her fingers.
Scully scoffed and rolled her eyes, but searched the recesses of her mind, she wasn’t as big a fan of Elvis as he was
Blue moon You saw me standing alone Without a dream in my heart Without a love of my own Blue moon You knew just what I was there for You heard me saying a pray for Someone I really could care for Wooo wooo Without a love of my own Blue moon You saw me standing alone Without a dream in my heart Without a love of my own Mmm mm mm mm mm mm mm
He had tucked his face into her stomach and was sleeping already snoring softly still gripping her hand. She smiled to herself and picked up her gun in her other hand listening to the bugs playing a symphony and for anything out of the ordinary.
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joy to you and me
(A/N: a lil drabble but hear me out. Harry is one of my favorite minor Seb characters because all we know is he has pet frogs, and I love frogs. We also know that he smokes a lot, owns a pinky ring, and once wore an Edgar Allan Poe shirt. Also, if you've never seen "Spread," don't watch it. It's awful. Also, I had no idea how to tag this, lol)
(A/N 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UfOZdZLuuw)
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That guy was back. She found herself peeking around the corner to get a glimpse at him. He was examining a container of earthworms with a furrow in his brow that would be adorable if he wasn't so annoying. She had no idea where he learned to interact with women, but it wasn't appropriate. The first time he came into the shelter while she was working, he had sauntered over and spent a good fifteen minutes leering at her as he made shallow conversation. She had noticed his friend shooting him subtle thumbs up like the guy was actually winning her over. She eventually managed to slip away with a grimace, hoping he would never return.
But here he was again, and he was standing precisely where she needed to be. She set her jaw and walked over because she was an adult. Hiding would not get her anywhere. There was no way he would remember her anyway, as 'experienced' with women as he said. Humming along to the song stuck in her head, she began to restock the reptile food. After a few minutes, someone coughed to get her attention. She set a feeder mouse in the freezer and turned around.
"Can I help you?" she asked politely.
"Yeah," said the guy, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked nervous, which was completely different than last time. "Do you have any waxworms?"
"We do, yeah. I was just getting to restocking them," she said, handing him a container.
"Thanks." He looked thrilled. "They're my frog's favorite."
"I hope your frog enjoys them."
She tucked the last of the food away and gave the guy a brief but slightly awkward smile. When it looked like he wasn't about to say anything else, she headed back in the direction of the reptiles' cages. She could sense him following her a few steps behind, and she closed her eyes, groaning internally. If she got upset with one more person, she was going to quit; required hours be damned. She loved volunteering here, she really did, but the people ruined it for her. She decided to ignore the guy. She stayed near the back, next to her favorite snake. The ball python was abandoned outside and brought in by a nice couple. She had spent two days pulling ticks off from under every scale. It was apparent he'd been a pet because he was so friendly. It was dangerous working here- she wanted to adopt everyone.
"You got new frogs," the guy said. "Cool."
Damn it.
She grimaced before turning to him with her 'customer' service smile.
"Yes, they were surrendered."
"I'll never understand why people get a pet only to give them up later."
"They don't understand how to take care of them and think they're easy pets. At least surrendering them is better than just setting them loose," she explained.
The guy nodded. "Do you have frogs?"
"No, snakes, though."
"I've got tree frogs and a bullfrog," he offered. "Dupin, Usher, and, Jeremiah but I'm the only person who knows their names. And now you, I guess."
"Cool," she said, feeling strangely honored.
They stood there for a moment; he was rocking back and forth on his heels like he was nervous. She was about to pretend that she was going to the bathroom before he spoke again, looking at her with earnest blue eyes.
"Look, I wanted to apologize for before," he said. "I was a dick. And you were working. I'm sorry."
"Thank you. I appreciate that."
"It's just my friend. He- used to get me into trouble, you know?"
"Do you do everything your friend tells you to?"
"Well, I mean, he's an asshole, er, was an asshole. We aren't talking right now."
"Things go a lot smoother when people are nice, don't you think?" she hinted.
She wasn't planning on it when she first saw him, but she was forever a sucker for a guy with a dimple in his chin who knew what his pet's favorite treat was. This was another chance she was offering him. She only hoped he understood. And it didn't take him long to. His pretty eyes lit up, and he thrust out his hand.
"Harry," he told her.
She shook his hand, wordlessly pointing to her nametag. He repeated her name, a small smile playing on the edge of his lips.
"So," he said. "What kind of snakes?"
"A corn snake named Mango and a ball python named Ghost."
"Is Ghost albino?"
"Nope," she grinned shyly when he laughed. "I've just always wanted a snake named Ghost, and I didn't care what color she was."
"Did you rescue her?"
"They both were rescues, yeah. From here, actually."
"Have you worked here long? It's just, heh, I've never seen you," Harry rubbed the back of his neck again. "Before that first time, I mean."
He looked nervous again, and she felt like she was in some sort of an alternate reality. He did not act like this before. Was the influence of his friend really that strong, or was he bullshitting her? She shook her head. She always tried to see the best in people, and she wasn't fair to him. Truth be told, she'd been friends with some people that got her into trouble, too. She couldn't judge.
"No, I started a few months back. Just volunteering a few hours a week, you know. I had to do something after I moved home."
"You like it here?"
"Better than being around people." She closed her eyes, muttering a curse. "Sorry, that was rude. Don't let that 'reflect poorly on our establishment.'"
"Ah, it's okay. I get it. And I deserve that."
"It wasn't technically directed at you."
"No, it's just been a bad week. Abandonments and surrenders galore."
"Well, we could get a drink after your shift. Talk more. If you wanted, I mean," Harry said.
"I would love to, but I don't drink."
"You- what? Nope, never mind. Uh."
She debated apologizing, but for what? Instead, she said:
"I like breakfast. If you eat that sort of thing."
Harry lit up, and she felt her heart flip at how cute he looked when he smiled like that.
"I know a good diner. You free Saturday? Say, around eleven?" he asked.
"Eleven," she agreed.
"Could I get your number?"
"I don't keep my phone on me, but here."
She took out a pen. Harry offered his hand, looking shy and trying not to be as she wrote her number on his palm. He looked nervous again, and she thought it was adorable on him. He was so different than the guy who first came in, hitting on her with lines that wouldn't work on anyone over the age of seventeen.
"There," she said.
"Cool," he said.
"I should get back to work."
"Yeah, I gotta go feed my frogs. See you?"
She bit back a smile. "Bye."
Harry rocked on his heels. "Have a good rest of- uh, see you Saturday."
"Hope your frogs like their worms."
She waved and watched him go, already looking forward to Saturday. She hoped she would be seeing this version of Harry- this soft, nervous, pink-cheeked man who talked about his frogs like they were his favorite thing on Earth.
"What do you think, Otto?" she asked the ball python in the cage next to her. "He's one of the good ones, right?"
Otto's tongue darted out.
"Yeah, I think so, too."
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boyneriver-fraser · 5 years
You enjoy the singing, @boyneriver-fraser? 🤔 Roger that. I got the music in me. 😉
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I really enjoy listening to Roger sing and play the guitar. I thought it would be fun (😝) to collect his music-to-date in one place. Who knows? If Show-Outlander sticks to Book-Outlander, this post could become a collector’s item. 😬 We’ve got gifs! We’ve got YouTube and Tumblrer videos! We’ve got lyrics! We’ve got song credits! What’s not to collect? 😃 Don’t think I can’t hear you, me ol’ pals among People Of Earth who care neither for Roger nor his music. You’re rolling your eyes so loudly, Keziah Beardsley could hear it.😂 Who knows? Roger might favour us with some more tunes ⚠️ Spoiler Alert ⚠️ before he hangs. I could create a follow-up post! 🎉
Roger’s rat satire S2E13 Dragonfly In Amber (Jennifer Yale, screenwriter, 2016)
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🎶 📹 https://youtu.be/KYDK2oDlX5o (lyrics under the cut)
The Devil In The Kitchen S4E3 The False Bride (William Ross, composer, 1880s)
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🎶 📹 https://thewanderingace.tumblr.com/post/180327351436/rogers-set-at-the-scottish-festival
I Once Loved A Lass S4E3 The False Bride (Traditional folk song)
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🎶 📹 https://youtu.be/IUqTljdrLNM (lyrics under the cut)
L-O-V-E S5E1 The Fiery Cross (Lyrics by Milt Gabler, Music by Bert Kaempfert, 1962)
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🎶 📹 https://youtu.be/c6vRmWzlGGI (lyrics under cut)
Joy To The World (Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog) S5E1 The Fiery Cross (Lyrics & Music by Hoyt Axton, 1970)
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🎶 📹 https://youtu.be/b6XPKDOkt4Y (lyrics under cut)
Abide With Me S5E2 Between Two Fires (Lyrics by Henry Francis Lyte, 1847, Music by William Henry Monk, 1861)
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🎶 📹 https://thewanderingace.tumblr.com/post/611092259988979712/roger-singing-the-hymn-abide-with-me-outlander (lyrics under cut)
Roger’s rat satire S2E13 Dragonfly In Amber (Jennifer Yale, screenwriter)
Ye rats ye are too many
If ye would dine aplenty
Ye must go, ye must go
Go and fill your bellies
Dinna stay and gnaw my wellies.
Go, ye rats, go
I Once Loved A Lass S4E3 The False Bride (Traditional folk song)
I once loved a lass
I loved her sae weel
I hated all others who spoke of her ill
But now she's rewarded me well for my love
For she's gone to be wed to another
I saw my love to the church go
With bridesgroom and bridesmaidens they made a fine show
And I followed on with my heart full of woe
She was gone to be wed to another
I saw my love sit down to dine
As I sat down beside her I poured out the wine
I drank to the lassie that should have been mine
Even though she'd been wed to another
The men o' the forest
They ask it o' me
How many strawberries grow in the south sea?
I answer them a' with a tear in my ee'
How many ships sail in the forest
Dig me a grave
Dig it sae deep
And cover me over wi' flo'ers sae sweet
And I will lay down and tak' a long sleep
And maybe in time I'll forget her
L-O-V-E S5E1 The Fiery Cross (Lyrics by Milt Gabler, Music by Bert Kaempfert, 1962)
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can
Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can
Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
Joy To The World (Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog) S5E1 The Fiery Cross (Lyrics & Music by Hoyt Axton, 1970)
Jeremiah was a bull frog
Was a good friend of mine
I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him drink his wine
And he always had some mighty fine wine
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls, now
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me
If I were the king of the world
Tell you what I'd do
I'd throw away the cars and the bars and the wars
Make sweet love to you
Singin' now
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me
You know I love the ladies
Love to have my fun
I'm a high night flier and a rainbow rider
A straight-shootin' son of a gun
I said a straight shootin' son of a gun
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea 
Joy to you and me
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the world
Joy to you and me
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls, now
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me
Abide With Me S5E2 Between Two Fires (Lyrics by Henry Francis Lyte, 1847, Music by William Henry Monk, 1861)
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with me.
Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day;
Earth's joys grow dim; its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see;
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.
Not a brief glance I beg, a passing word,
But as Thou dwell'st with Thy disciples, Lord,
Familiar, condescending, patient, free.
Come not to sojourn, but abide with me.
Come not in terror, as the King of kings,
But kind and good, with healing in Thy wings;
Tears for all woes, a heart for every plea.
Come, Friend of sinners, thus abide with me.
Thou on my head in early youth didst smile,
And though rebellious and perverse meanwhile,
Thou hast not left me, oft as I left Thee.
On to the close, O Lord, abide with me.
I need Thy presence every passing hour.
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.
I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness.
Where is death's sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.
Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.
Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.
March 2, 2020
Gifs: @thewanderingace​ (L-O-V-E x 2), @outlassed​ (Rat satire), @thebookboyfriendharem (I Once Loved A Lass) Screenshots: @boyneriver-fraser​ from @thewanderingace​ (The Devil In The Kitchen, Joy To The World, Abide With Me)
#Outlander #Roger Mac: Greatest Hits Volume 1 #Because People Of Earth are demanding Volume 2 #Roger’s rat satire #The Devil In The Kitchen #I Once Loved A Lass #L-O-V-E #Joy To The World (Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog) #Abide With Me #DIA #S2E13 Dragonfly In Amber #Drums Of Autumn #S4E3 The False Bride #TFC #S5E1 The Fiery Cross #S5E2 Between Two Fires #Brianna MacKenzie #Roger MacKenzie #Jemmy MacKenzie #192 #030220
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nerianasims · 4 years
Billboard #1s 1971
Under the cut.
Tony Orlando & Dawn – “Knock Three Times” -- January 23, 1971
Lounge lizard smarm. Coming on to a neighbor who doesn't even know you is not going to end well, especially when you're bugging her by note in her own home.
The Osmonds – “One Bad Apple” -- February 13, 1971
Gah, another little kid singing a love song. And one that would be sleazy if it were sung by an adult. "I can tell you been hurt/ By that look on your face, girl/ Some guy brought a sad evening/ To your happy world." Or maybe she has indigestion. Or maybe that look on her face is because you're being a total creep at her. Go away, shut up, and grow up. This song is terrible.
Janis Joplin – “Me And Bobby McGee” -- March 20, 1971
Janis Joplin finished recording this song three days before she died. Always the good ones. In this case, a great one. This is one of my favorite songs.
The Temptations – “Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)” -- April 3, 1971
The narrator is in love with a woman he doesn't know. Whether the woman even exists is an open question. He's dreaming of finding a love to have a nice life with, "a little home in the country." The background strings give the song a fitting dreamy quality. Brilliant and moving.
Three Dog Night – “Joy To The World” -- April 17, 1971
I've loved this song since I was a little kid, and it's easy to see why. "Jeremiah was a bullfrog! Was a good friend of mine!" My favorite part now is "If I were the king of the world/ Tell you what I'd do/ I'd throw away the cars and the bars and the wars/ Make sweet love to you." It's a song I have to dance to (while sitting nowadays), and is another of my favorite songs.
The Rolling Stones – “Brown Sugar” -- May 29, 1971
Whoo boy. Okay so. I didn't know what the lyrics were to any part of this song but the chorus until a couple years ago. Mick Jagger was capable of singing clearly, but he chose to pull the marbles in the mouth technique on this one, and you can see why. If people had had the internet to look up the lyrics easily in 1971, would this have been a hit? I'm not qualified to say anything else about it.
The Honey Cone – “Want Ads” -- June 12, 1971
Her husband is cheating on her, so she plans to advertise for a replacement, specifically a "young and single and free" one. It's Motown, but not the best type. The chorus is memorable, and the song is fun, but it's nothing too special.
Carole King – “It’s Too Late” -- June 19, 1971
Carole King, with her husband Gerry Goffin, was one of the biggest songwriters of the 60s. By 1971, she'd divorced her husband and released one of the most successful albums ever, Tapestry. I've got the CD. It's a song about a breakup, but not heartbreak. They tried to make it, but it's over now. It's a resigned, adult song about some very tired people. It's not my favorite song on Tapestry; that's "I Feel the Earth Move." But it's a really good song.
Paul Revere & The Raiders – “Indian Reservation (The Lament Of The Cherokee Reservation Indian)” -- July 24, 1971
Well, it's progress since "Running Bear" and "Custer" anyway. It's well-meaning, probably. And that's the only good thing I have to say about it. Moving on, as quickly as possible.
James Taylor – “You’ve Got A Friend” -- July 31, 1971
This is another Carole King song, and her version's on Tapestry. I prefer hers. It's a little faster, and I don't like James Taylor's voice.
The Bee Gees – “How Can You Mend A Broken Heart” -- August 7, 1971
Speaking of voices I don't like. This is before the Bee Gees got into disco. I think the song itself is probably pretty okay. But the way the Bee Gees sing it is too slow and overly mannered. At least there’s no falsetto.
Paul & Linda McCartney – “Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey” -- September 4, 1971
Um... what? I think this is Paul apologizing to what the Baby Boomers would later decree was the "Greatest Generation." Sort of. There's a bit of "sorry not sorry" about it too. It hardly feels like an intentional song at all though. More like Linda and Paul were screwing around in the studio.
Donny Osmond – “Go Away Little Girl” -- September 11, 1971
Seriously? Okay, Donny Osmond is a little boy, and a little boy telling a "little girl" to go away is more odd than creepy. But also, he's already in a committed relationship and so doesn't want to be tempted to cheat when he's what, twelve at most? Sheesh. People's taste is a mystery to me.
Rod Stewart – “Maggie May” -- October 2, 1971
UM. An older woman lured a young man away from home. A really young man. A really, really young man. Not a man, but a boy. He's obviously supposed to be under 18 -- I'd guess 16 at most. The lyrics are very much about grooming. It's musically good. And the lyrics don't excuse Maggie or anything. But it's not a song I want to listen to a lot either, considering the subject matter.
Cher – “Gypsys, Tramps & Thieves” -- November 6, 1971
I had no idea "gypsy" was a slur until a few years ago, or even that it was connected with the Romani people. I think most Americans probably still don't know. And they really didn't know in 1971. The narrator probably is not Romani, but who knows. The point of the song is that she's part of an underclass that's insulted and abused, but then "every night, all the men would come around and lay their money down." A 21 year old man seduces her when she's 16 and now she's pregnant, and he's nowhere to be found. What else is an underclass for, after all? Cher sings the hell out of it. So that's two songs in a row about an adult sexually exploiting a teenager.
Isaac Hayes – “Theme From Shaft“ -- November 20, 1971
Some levity is welcome. Especially when it's this good. Damn right.
Sly & The Family Stone – “Family Affair” -- December 4, 1971
This song has a slow funk beat. Slow for funk. It's also kinda repetitive. As for the lyrics, I don't know what's going on. It starts seeming like it's going to be about how kids in a family can turn out different, but they're still family so everyone's gonna love each other any way. Then it veers off into newlyweds who are still checking each other out. I think. And then... I don't get it. The song sounds good though, whatever it's about.
Melanie – “Brand New Key” -- December 25, 1971
Roller skates used to have keys. My mom liked Melanie, so she had an album with this on it, and so this song is how I learned about that. Also, I'm pretty sure this song is about sex. "I've got a brand new pair of rollerskates/ You've got a brand new key/ I think we should get together/ And try them out you see." It's a bouncy, fun little song.
BEST OF 1971:  "Me And Bobby McGee" by Janis Joplin WORST OF 1971: "One Bad Apple" by The Osmonds
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3/27/21:  It was 50 years ago today, March 27th, 1971, Three Dog Night would enter the U.S. Top 40 with their biggest hit ‘Joy to the World’ which would peak at #1 and hold the spot for six consecutive weeks.  This song feels a lot like a transitional moment, from the late 60s optimism into the darkness of the earlly 70s... or maybe an end to the anger of the late 60s and the mellowness of the early 70s... or maybe it’s neither, I don’t know.  Either way, this is an awesome song, with supposedly all members of the group singing, not just the three vocalists.  The song was written by Hoyt Axton, a singer-songwriter who penned many songs of the era, and may be better known by Gen X’ers as the Dad and narrator in the movie Gremlins.  I think I heard the song first over the closing credits of The Big Chill... freaking boomers.  Anyway, it’s very difficult not to like this song... instantly catchy, love it.  You should too.  Jeremiah was a bullfrog indeed.
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frangipanidownunder · 5 years
5 times Scully sang joy to the world to Mulder again after Detour !
Fic: Four times Scully sang Joy to the World and one time Mulder did
She’s humming the theme tune to Shaft and he’s pretending to write a report but she’s seen the doodle of Dracula he’s been perfecting. She leans across to reach a pen and he tilts his head in that infuriatingly sexy way, giving her a view of that sharp jaw.
           “How’s it coming along, Mulder?”
           “I’m just getting to the pointy end.”
           She doesn’t give him the laugh he’s looking for. Instead, she hums again.
           “I did not sing that song,” he says, jabbing his pencil into the paper so that it sticks through.
           “Fine. I can always sing another tune.”
           “Yeah,” he says, screwing up the report and pitching it towards the trash can. “Got much in your repertoire, Ginger Spice?”
           She smiles calmly, “I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want.”
           “What do you want, Scully? Really, really?”
           “I want you to start that report properly, with a big boy’s pen, and I’ll buy you dinner.”
He swipes up a pencil, throws it upwards. It digs into the ceiling. Then drops out, clattering onto the desk. 
She giggles, then sings. “Jeremiah was a bullfrog…”
It fits that she’s waiting in the dark. Every breath is audible in the still. His apartment smells of old leather and Drakkar Noir. The occasional car on the street casts light across the prints on the walls. Her nerves are flayed, but more than just the stone-cold fear for his safety, is her rising anger. She’s angry that he kept her out of the loop. That he still crusades alone. That out of misplaced gallantry, a wish to protect her, he never sees that he risks driving her away. The fish tank filter bubbles. Watching the mollies glide and turn, she thinks of his head in her lap.
           “Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea…” She can barely hear her own voice.
           The door opens. He stops just inside, inspects his finger.
           “Don’t be alarmed,” she says.
He doesn’t answer her and Kenny Loggins is singing the Caddyshack theme song. She settles back, sips more beer, wonders what that big brain, that big heart of his wished for. At the end of the movie, she’s almost asleep, head heavy on his shoulder. Her feet are cold.
           “I’ve been thinking, Scully.”
           “Thinking and watching at the same time? Wow.”
           He nudges her off him and she reluctantly opens her eyes.
           “Do you know the all lyrics of Joy to the World?”
           She straightens. “Joy to the World, the Lord is Come!”
           His face melts into a maddeningly sexy grin as he lets out a soft chuckle.
           “Oh, you mean Three Dog Night’s version? Well, I am a medical doctor, a physicist, an Einstein rewriter, an ace investigator, a better shot than you, so,” she stretches out the word for emphasis, as his eyebrows rise, “it should come as no surprise that I am able to sing the entire song, word for word.”
           “But not in tune.” He taps the inside of her knee with the back of two fingers.
           Trapping his hand there, she says, “do you want a rendition or do you want me to go home, Mr-I’m-not-going-to-tell-you-what-my-last-wish-was-for?”
           His fingers pressing down over her thigh are her cue. It’s not just friction that runs through her, but the flush of new love. “There’s a verse that goes And if I were the king of the world, Tell you what I'd do, I'd throw away the cars and the bars and the war, Make sweet love to you.”
           He squeezes harder, slides closer, lifts the hair from her neck. “How spooky of you to know that was my last wish, Dr Scully.” He nuzzles her neck. “And by the way, you left something off your role call of epithets.”
           “Hnnn? What was that?”
Her navel has protruded. Silvery lines crisscross her lower abdomen. Her breasts are full, nipples larger and darker. Tracing the linea nigra she marvels at her fruitfulness in such a barren, bleak time. There’s snow falling. Skinner is waiting downstairs, drinking tea with her mother. She can hear their murmuring, soft concern that will whittle away her resolve if she doesn’t block it out.
           The black suit holds in her body and her dignity. She brushes her hair, thinks about how Mulder loved to do that for her, swears she feels his breath on her neck. She rubs at the spot, places her fingers on her belly, connecting.
           “Joy to the world,” she whispers. Then louder, “All the boys and girls…”
He’s holding her close, hands flat against her shoulder blades. Swaying. They’re swaying to some godawful country song in a bar in some hick town. Their movements are entirely too slow for the rhythm of song but she’s bone tired from driving, bone tired from living out of a suitcase.
           “Hungry?” he asks into her hair and strands stick to his mouth. He pulls it away and smiles down at her. A weary smile.
           “Not really.”
           He hugs her tighter and they turn in a slow circle. The band plays another number. More people walk to the dance floor. They’re smiling and energised, laughing. This is their bar, their music, their life. She feels like an intruder, has done since their escape. An intruder in the world. They both have no place. They’re orbiting, in a holding pattern, and she just wants to land. A young woman, clutching the hand of her young beau, approaches the band and the bassist nods.
           “Oh, we know your song, Kayley.”  The crowd claps wildly. There’s a rush of energy in the room. “We play it every darn week.”
           The bassist strikes the chords and Mulder chuckles. “A propos, Scully.”
She bursts into laughing tears and presses the side of her face into his chest as the vocalist begins, Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman.
           “Do we have a song?” he asks later, laying her on the bed, kissing the bones between her breasts, moulding his hands around her hips.
           She hums as he moves lower. She can’t make the words come out of her mouth but he lifts his face to hers and says softly, “was a good friend of mine…” before sinking his tongue deep into her, and for a while she believes that she’s landed.
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HC: DEH and pets
I started thinking about Kristoyn Lloyd talking about Alana having pets on twitter/instagram and then I thought about all the deh kids with pets and yeah
- Wants a dog so so so bad
- Big dogs make him kind of nervous but he so badly wants a little dog 
- His mom probably couldn’t find the money to get one
- Evan got a beta fish instead that's blue and red
- Probably named after a type of tree or plant like Lily or Oak
- He likes to watch it swim around and rest in the large clam shell he bought as a tank decoration
- Talks to his fish sometimes, has conversations about his day or life in general with the fish
- It’s actually kind therapeutic to talk to it, helps Evan talk through his problems a little
- Super determined to own a dog one day
- Really he just loves all animals because they don’t judge his stuttering or personality or anything
- Has something unique like a bullfrog and/or rhinoceros beetle
- Got them because 1. cool and 2. the reaction he gets from people from telling them those are his pets
- Names the bullfrog Jeremiah (”Like the song, Evan”) and the beetle Dim (”Bug’s Life, Evan”)
- Likes to snapchat feeding Jeremiah its worms and other creepy crawlers
- Likes to carry around Dim on his shirt like it’s a brooch and poke at its horns
- Screamed the first time he found out Dim could fly
- Wants to make his pets fight to see who would win
- His money’s on the beetle
Zoe and Connor:
- Got a cat as a joint christmas present
- Probably named Princess or something that Connor thinks is stupid, but boy does he love that cat
- Princess loved Connor right back
- Slept at the foot of his bed every night and came running whenever Connor walked in the front door
- Princess loved Zoe too but not as much as Connor
- That was until Connor started yelling and screaming and throwing stuff and now the cat hides whenever Connor is near
- Zoe usually finds Princess under her bed whenever Connor starts having one of his fits and she lets her hang under there until its over
- Sometimes the cat will come out and cuddle with her
- Zoe wants a hamster or something small and adorable but too afraid of what Connor might do to it
- She’d name the it Peach or Berry or something cute and let it roll around it one of those plastic rodent balls
- Has a small white German Spitz named Jane Pawston and 2 guinea pigs, Barack and Michelle
- She adores her pets and makes sure to make time for them in her busy schedule 
- Loves to have her piggies sit on her lap while she’s working on homework
- She’s really good about cleaning their cage every single week
- Attempted to teach them tricks, it didn’t work
- Jane Pawston is very bad about yapping when she’s trying to skype someone
- Loves walking her dog around and taking her to parks
- Alana would never put her dog in clothes but she would buy a bunch of fun and colorful collars
That’s all. I just love animals and want these losers to all have pets too.
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faunafcrged · 4 years
CHARACTER BLURB. // super rough wip edition.
latest oc bc i apparently make ocs when i am miserable who knew (everybody knew): she’s a sort of modern day nephilim, her mother was saved by a miracle - the healing power of an angel, before her mother knew she was pregnant.  her default verse is enmeshed with faith (said angel @faithsreward ) and kara @orphanedshadow - set in a post apocalyptic / zombie setting but applicable to any apocalyptic / supernatural setting and or the old guard if anyone wants to write with her in that verse too.
easily adapted to other verses so open to any aus / crossovers.
her main plot picks up when she was fourteen - the outbreak of said apocalypse, supernatural event, zombies, what have you - she was killed during the first few months of said outbreak, came back (not zombie) and was promptly abandoned, maybe even persecuted / hunted / killed again by the group she was with initially out of fear of her being some delayed undead or new strain etc.
her abilities began to appear after her initial death - while she doesn’t know the full capabilities or limitations, she can control and mutate / accelerate growth / crossbreed / cross-pollinate etc any living, carbon, non-sentient life forms - plants, lichen, bacteria, some sea life, insects, some invertebrates etc. - she can make them grow faster, can make them bear fruit / cross breed fruits, flowers, can control hives of insects that share the same mind - things of that nature, via touch for something she hasn’t grown or mutated herself - if she controlled the creation of it then she has limited control over it when she’s w/in a certain radius.
things that jem has / will make in a post apocalyptic setting include: giant ass lightning bugs, bio-luminescent / glow in the dark lichen and ivy etc that soaks up sunlight and then glows at night to illuminate her home area w/out using fire if she doesn’t want to; honeybee hives -everywhere- with a multitude of variants of flavor bc she has a ridiculous sweet tooth; brambles that latch onto anything moving like the strangling vines in harry potter only they also have slow acting paralysis poison in the brambles; all kinds of fruits and vegetables with crazy ass crossbreeds like oranges that are spicy and pecans that are fist sized, and whatever else; uses her abilities to create water proof lean tos out of branches, ivy, leaves, undergrowth etc; has lots of pit fall traps and things around her home area for the undead; also has created a special grain that has a paralyzing neurotoxin that infects the meat of those that eat it - she feeds it to certain herd animals that she leaves staked out in certain pit falls for the zombies as the zombies will be attracted to the sounds of distress and eat the prey animal and in turn the neurotoxin reduces their nervous system to jelly and makes them unable to move, in turn making them easier to kill or avoid; there’s more but yeah.  
Also pre-death her name was Jennifer Marie Stewart; after her death / after taking off on her own she adopted the name Jeremiah Katherine Bates - nickname Jem.  (It’s a play on the scientific term for bullfrog.  Jeremiah was a Bullfrog was one of her and her mom’s favorite songs way back when and she figured, why the fuck not.)
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Small why did I do that moment...
Let’s go back to 2005, when Panic! At The Disco had just released their song I Write Sins Not Tragedies, my school was having the Twirps dance aka the Sadie’s Hawkins dance where the girls ask the guys. I was a freshman in high school. Please keep in mind I was only 14 not yet 15. I had social anxiety, hadn’t had a boyfriend yet, wouldn’t get my first boyfriend till after this school dance, that’s a whole different story...
My parents encouraged me to go to this school dance because my brother didn’t go to any, like I was the daughter that actually had friends, even though she had problems. So my dad gave me money to buy a rose for this boy, I sort of had a crush on at this time. He had this Ryan Ross/Adam Lazzara look going for him.. He even played guitar you guys!
I ask him before school, he looks me in the eyes you guys, he looks me up and down and he’s like no. Right in front of all our friends too and they just look at me with wide eyes. I just look at him like cool. I took the rose back like it was the Bachlor and I walked off to find my cousin, she was with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend Stephen, knew what I did was like what did he say? I was like he said no. Stephen, was like he’s a bullfrog anyways.
Well, Jeremiah, who I had asked comes and finds me and ask if he can have the rose so he can ask the girl he really wants to go with. I don’t know why, but I gave him the rose. All day she carried around the rose I got Jeremiah, that she thought he got her. I was just so heart broken, and I look back on it going, why did I give him a rose to begin with?
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sandar4 · 8 years
Island Princess Cruise 4
February 28th to March 15th, 2017 Fort Lauderdale – Aruba, Cartagena (Colombia), Puntarenas (Costa Rica), San Juan Del Sur (Nicaragua), Cabo San Lucas (Mexico) – San Francisco New passengers are always so enthusiastic and bright eyed. I love it. The passengers this cruise were amazing. So grateful and full of positive energy. They loved to dance and be involved in all activities. I had a lot of arts and crafts this cruise. We did Mardi Gras masks (which a few ladies wore to the Mardi Gras production show that night), Origami, Box Making, Scrapbooking and Panama Mola pouches. Lots of participants and lots of positive feedback. I never knew how to do any of these crafts before, now I can’t stop. It’s madness. I hosted lots of karaoke this cruise. I had to sing a few songs in the beginning of the cruise until passengers worked up the courage to sing, or finally realized there was karaoke on the ship. I always sing Hanson, Grease, Hairspray or Joy to the World (Jeremiah was a bullfrog). Not that I’m good at it. In Aruba I got off the ship nice and early and joined passengers on an excursion. We got in an old school bus and took a scenic drive to a dock with a Pirate Ship. Sailed around the waters, stopping a couple times. We went snorkelling to some reefs and even enjoyed an open bar on the ship. The Pirate Ship even had a rope swing. I did some crazy jumps. We had another crew drill in Colombia and I did not get off the ship. We left at 7pm and sailed towards the Canal. The Canal was another beautiful day. It rained in the morning but cleared up nicely. Paola and I worked out in the crew pool. She had a bungee rope that we attached to each other. We swam and ran in the pool. We had a successful Panama Party in the Atrium at night. DJ Gonzalo led the party, he was passionate and amazing. We celebrated my roommate’s Birthday. She turned 23. She wasn’t sure what kind of cake she wanted. Couldn’t decide between red, cheesecake or coconut. So I asked the pastry galley to make her a cake that was a cheesecake topped with coconut and strawberries. It was delicious. And spot on. She loved it. We had a lot of game shows that night and it was formal night. I surprised her with a cake at dinner and we drank in the crew bar later. Hannah and I also bought her a necklace that she loved. In Costa Rica I joined Paola on an excursion. We took a scenic drive and enjoyed a cultural show performed by children from a local school. I joined in when they did a dance about Bull fighting. Sweet kids. I bought a bracelet made by the children with local seeds. After the show we went to a market and I had a delicious mango smoothie. Had another fantastic Pub Night that night. In my big Old English dress and character heels. Passengers always take some time to recognize who I am. But they love it. Sing-a-long songs, passenger games, drinks clanking, funny dancing and shouting. We couldn’t stop in San Juan Del Sur, as it was too windy creating large swells. We tender in San Juan, so there was no way we would be able to do that in strong weather. So it became an impromptu sea day. Passengers did not seem upset. There were so many at all the activities and we had the Love Boat Disco Deck Party that had the most passengers I have ever seen at one. They were full of energy and couldn’t stop dancing. The rest of the sea days, Greg did line dancing, Hannah did Zumba, I kept at my cruise long trivia and arts and crafts and Mariana showed her love for ballroom dancing. I even got to do my juggling classes again. The passengers were doing amazing. A few of them got to 3 balls by the end of the 45 minutes. So fantastic. I have to buy more balls, because I get too many participants. I already have about 12 sets of 3. I’m going to have an extra luggage to take home just because of my juggling. When we got to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico we had tenders. There was a beautiful view of the Sea of Cortez and the famous arch. I browsed the huge market there. Then jumped on a water taxi with Diamond Dilena from the party band. We went out to the Sea of Cortez, saw some seals and lots of fish as the taxi was a glass bottom boat. Then the taxi dropped us off at the public beach. It was full of spring breakers. Oh my! Beach was jammed packed with young drunk college students. The last day of the cruise was a sad one, saying goodbye to such wonderful passengers. I will miss them all. I am sure I will see them again sometime. There are some passengers that sailed with me on the Star Princess. They recognize me too. It’s a great connection. We said goodbye to them all in San Francisco and got ready to welcome new passengers. #cruiseshiplife #adventure #islandprincess #cabo #panamacanal
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frangipanidownunder · 6 years
The Workout: fic
This is for @poeticsandaliens who sent a prompt to write a birth story similar to Seth Meyers’ second child’s dramatic apartment entrance. It’s a little long for your dashes, so it’s partly under a cut. Tagging @today-in-fic
 It wasn’t really pain, more like a kind of rolling disconnection. It wasn’t quite physical either, more insubstantial, ethereal almost. It was disconcerting that control over her own body was slipping from her grasp. Mulder slept on, untroubled by the silvery light filtering through the crack in the drapes, untroubled by another life growing in his body.
Last night, her abdomen bowed and flexed, a foot stamped on her bladder, an elbow jabbed her ribs. Mulder was fascinated by the whole thing, having missed out on her pregnancy with William. He loved to watch Bean play under her skin; he prodded and poked to get a reaction as only Mulder could.
She watered the peace lily that stood on the windowsill in the kitchen. She listened to a podcast as she ran through a gentle yoga session. She sat, cross-legged on her mat, running her hands over the bump. She whispered to their unborn, the familiar lyrics that had become a regular lullaby, Jeremiah was a Bullfrog.
She hadn’t thought about the song in years, but since the pier, since they walked away from the Bureau, since she confided in Mulder that William wasn’t dead, she’d had more visions, more messages. And this song… just stuck.
 Mulder made her raspberry leaf tea because he insisted it would bring on labour.  He had a litany of other methods lined up too.
              “There’s spicy food, castor oil, Evening Primrose oil,” he said.
She pushed the laptop off his knees and replaced it with her feet. “And then there’s the one where the father-to-be massages the mother-to-be’s feet and stops coming up with ways to induce a birth that involve vomit-inducing tastes.”
“How about acupuncture?”
“How about not.”
“Nipple stimulation?”
She dug her heels into his groin and he yelped. “And now sex is out of the question. Mulder, the baby will come when it’s ready. If not, I’ll be induced. You never did have any patience.”
He rolled her foot in his hand and she let her eyes close. The strange sensation started again, as if the baby were mimicking the movements of Mulder’s hands on her feet. Her insides felt like they were rolling and rocking.
“How did you know William was coming?”
“Aside from the excruciating pains ripping through my body every few minutes?” she said, opening one eye. His pained expression softened her mood a little. “I may also have yelled at Monica to stop doing whale song impressions.”
He chuffed. “That is so Reyes. She would have been a good doula. I could do whale song, Scully. If it would help?”
“Mulder, I gave birth to our son in a rundown house with no water in a dusty, dead town in the middle of nowhere. I was surrounded by strangers, aliens or supersoldiers or whatever they were. I had no pain relief. I was terrified for my life, for our baby’s life. I…” she took a deep breath. “This time I just want the birth to be in a modern, clean facility surrounded by professionals. I want to be mentally ready, I want to feel safe.” She pushed herself up and his hands traced the mound of her belly. She kissed him. “But most of all, I want you to be there.”
She couldn’t face lunch. The overwhelming need to move had taken over, despite her size, the nagging pain in her lower back and her swollen ankles. She pulled her maternity yoga pants out of the closet and found one of Mulder’s old tees. She pinned back her hair, grabbed her gym bag and filled her water bottle.
              “Where are you going, Scully?” He’d been in the yard, digging and there was mud caked to his jeans and boots.
              “I’ll come with you.”
              “I’m fine, Mulder. I’ve got my phone. I’ll be in town. At the gym. I just need to do something by myself.”
              He pouted. “Give me five. I could do with a workout.”
              “Mulder, you’ve been working out in the yard. You’re filthy. I’ll be back before you know. I don’t need you to be my shadow. I’m a doctor, remember? I’m fine. I’m not going to have the baby on the rowing machine, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
There was more lean muscle on show than the butchery. She felt instantly self-conscious in her baggy top and last year’s sneakers. She started on the walking machine and turned up the volume on her iPod. Florence + the Machine’s Rabbit Heart started and she picked up her pace. Her back spasmed and she felt a twinge of cramp in her lower abdomen. She backed off and slowed her breathing. She walked on, gripping the handles every time the hot pain flashed across her back and down the front of her thighs. Feeling a little braver, she picked up the pace again, striding out. It felt good. She felt strong. Until a hot dribble of fluid made its way down her leg. She looked down in horror as it left a trail on the black vinyl base of the machine. There was a woman on the machine to her right, oblivious, but the bulky man to her left had noticed and he took out his earphones.
              “Are you okay?”
              “I’m…fine,” she said, but she clutched her stomach and doubled over. “I’m…fine.”
              There was a small commotion during which she found herself sitting on the end of the walking machine, feet planted on the floor, head bent over and a flurry of people jamming their cellphones to their ears calling the paramedics.
              “I’m a doctor,” she said, when the pain subsided. “I’ll be fine. I just need to call my partner.”
              She looked up to see Mulder tearing through the foyer. “Forget that,” she said. “My partner’s about to make a dramatic entrance.” She doubled over again and panted through the pain.
              “Scully, are you okay? I’m on the phone to the paramedics. How many minutes apart? What do I do? Can you walk to the car? Here, let me help…”
              She batted his hand away. “Leave me alone, Mulder. I’m fine. I can’t concentrate when you talk too much. I just need some time.”
              “Your water broke.” He was squatting before her, touching the damp material of her yoga pants. “Her water broke,” he said into his phone.
              “No shit, Sherlock. All over this machine. I’m so embarrassed, oh…Mulder. I think the baby’s coming.”
              “No shit, Sherlock,” he said back, and grabbed her elbow. “Here, stand up. If you can walk between contractions I can help you to the car. The paramedics are on the way. We can meet them halfway.”
              “No, Mulder. I mean it’s coming. Right now.” She looked down as he helped her up. The bulge between her legs was comedically obscene. Her pants stretched and her legs bowed out. She supported it with a cupped hand. Mulder was staring, on the precipice between laughter and tears. She felt the flutter of a giggle stick in her throat. What a fucking nightmare, but what a ridiculous fucking nightmare.
              “Holy fuck, Scully. You can’t have it here. She can’t have it here,” he said.
              “I wanted clean and modern,” she said, wincing. Someone brought a pile of towels and laid them on the floor. She let herself slip down onto all fours. “Besides, I don’t have a choice. You’re going to have to take my pants off.”
              As he eased them down, his voice cracked. “I can see the head. There’s the head.” He yelled out like he was watching a baseball game.
The pain grew and she groaned from the pit of her stomach. Looking up, she saw the other gym goers had formed a line around her, looking away, but effectively providing a small private area. They might not be health professionals but they were being as sensitive as they could, given the awkward circumstances.
Mulder rubbed her back and told her to push. She could hear the tinny voice of the paramedic on the line and she clenched her teeth, bracing for the next contraction. It came on rapidly and she pushed again. In a gush of heat, she felt the baby slip out.
Mulder yelled out. “That’s a catch!” and a roar erupted from the gym goers.
She slumped back onto her heels, took a few deep breaths, before turning carefully over, knees akimbo, naked butt on the towels. Mulder was cradling their baby in his arms, shock and awe written over his face. His eyes watered as he handed the baby to her.
“Skin to skin, Scully. She needs skin to skin contact for body heat.”
“There’s no sleeping bags, Mulder,” she said and looked into the face of her infant daughter, wise eyes open, nose scrunched up, hands fisted on her chin. She fell in love.
Mulder wrapped her up in a heat blanket. He shook hands with the gym goers and chatted but never took his eyes off her, off his family. When the paramedics arrived, she was already crooning Joy to the World and William had blown his baby sister a kiss.
“Must have been the raspberry leaf, Scully.” Mulder sat on the floor next to her, peeking into the swaddling.
The paramedics set up the gurney.
“Must have been the right time, Mulder.”
He kissed her cheek. “What are we going to call her? There are some cultures where babies are named for the place of their birth or local environment.”
“We are not calling her Treadmill, Mulder.”
He chuckled. “I was thinking more about the name of the gym.”
Her mind was a blank. She’d never given it much thought, despite being a member for a number of years. She allowed herself to be lifted onto the stretcher and the baby let out a sleepy cry.
“This is the Rose Hill 24 hour gym, Scully. Rose. She looks like a rose.”
The sting of tears and the plug in her throat prevented her from talking for a few moments. “Rose is beautiful, Mulder.”
“Yes. You both are. I can’t believe you gave birth in a gym, Scully. What a champion.”
“It was a pretty good workout,” she said. “I just want to know how you got here so quickly. Did you follow me?”
A flash of guilt passed across his face. “I’m sorry, Scully. I felt a little odd. Like my mind was disconnected from my body for a bit. And when I went inside the house, the radio was playing Joy to the World and I just had the most compelling feeling to get into the car.”
The baby opened her eyes and stared up at her parents. And Scully could swear she saw a glimmer of a smile on her tiny mouth.
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