#and jewelry souvenirs too!! he keeps receiving jewelry gifts from the people he helped and he keeps them close that would be so cute
nouverx · 1 year
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Some post-timeskip Luffy redesign sketches because first of all I hate his wavy shirt and second of all I wish he could be more decorated, with jewelleries and tattoos and stuff
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Nothing definitive just yet ehe.
But I was overcome with more Tighnari and puppet reader bonding. He brings over flowers that are safe to use for cosmetics and Scara does get jealous actually but no worries because they only put red eyeliner on Scara. Having tea breaks and discussing mundane things like the next thing puppet reader plans to make and maybe they show him how. Origami with tea sessions? Tighnari with origami flowers. Tighnari learning how to make them and gifting them to Cyno, adventurer reader, Karkata, and Collei. When Scara’s away, puppet reader can be found with Nahida or Tighnari.
Oh, and I do have earrings that are mini Japanese wind chimes and they do chime! So there’s jewelry potential here, lol. But puppet reader selling some of their creations could be fun. Traveler can see them in several nations because they can never escape. Huh, would that mean puppet reader potentially meeting the rest of the Sumeru cast? Doesn’t Tighnari also tinker with things? Because that would be another thing to strengthen their friendship. Oh no, I’m starting to consider puppet reader helping Tighnari wear a yukata. Tighnari noticing how puppet reader smells like sakura no matter where they go. Help, I’m starting to think of a playlist for them. Hm, Childe unknowingly buying puppet reader’s crafts as souvenirs and Dottore noticing. Lol, Ei putting Yae on probation after learning about the reason for puppet reader’s kintsugi. Cmon, Yae, you can’t just fry her sister’s kid like that.
I do have this idea that their house has a silk screen and puppet reader usually is behind it when Scara receives guests (Traveler) but when it’s Tighnari visiting, they lift up that screen because they’re excited to see their (first?) friend. Nilou would be a good friend, too. There are endless possibilities if I keep thinking about it. Nice in the way that puppet reader’s social circle expands and they “grow” as an individual. Albedo can also have a temari ball as a treat.
Bloom anon
There's a lot to unpack here and I'm still sleepy but *equipping glasses* Admittedly I forgot that this was in the same universe as CtM but off the top of my head, Adventurer Reader is the one providing the materials sourced from Inazuma
Just the fact that Tighnari got a bestie out of this when both his lovers are busy to visit, while also being close to Scaramouche of all people. But the souvenirs are so cute aw especially if he makes it himself. I don't think Tighnari or Cyno would let their lover near or alone with puppet or Scara since they're the weakest out of the bunch
And wind chime earrings? Oh bloom anon you make me jelly, those must be so adorableee but yes, business and Tighnari are good assets. AND YES YES TO ALL OF THE THINGS IN THAT STRIKETHROUGH TEXT GHNHHHH
The silk screen like when we first met Ayaka I assume? Scaramouche must be so over protective despite the goodness of the Traveler pfft he needs to stop projecting Inazuma traditional culture. So now they have Albedo, Tighnari, Zhongli, Nahida, and Nilou as friends, yes soon that silk screen would disappear and they'll be surrounded with more friends
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Could you please do love languages for the mafia boss? Thank you 😊
Quality Time: He‘s really laid back about spending time together. If he’s busy or you’re busy, he doesn’t mind the space. Unless it’s for more than a few days, then he wants to see you again. He’s honestly okay with just chilling next to you, doing different things, or sitting without talking as you do something relaxing. He’s pretty lenient about letting you into his personal time, too. Although he‘s fine with space, he’s also just as fine with you needing extra time with him.
Whenever he finds an event to go to or activity to do, he immediately thinks of bringing you with. He likes experiencing these things with you. And he’s proud of himself if he invites you to something that you enjoy. And whether you or he chooses an activity, he loves to see you having a good time and doing it with you, even if he doesn’t enjoy the activity itself.
Physical Touch: This guy is super touchy. He loves having you close to him even in public. He just really loves the feeling of any touch shared with you, and cuddles and hugs comfort him a lot. A nice tight hug is how he usually tries to comfort you, also. A good hug always helps him feel better, so he thinks it will be the same for you. So in giving you physical affection so much, he loves getting affection from you as well. Your touch can fluster him so he’s speechless, or soothe him until he’s relaxed. He’s quite receptive to any touch.
Here‘s a post where I list off some ways he likes giving and receiving physical affection.
Not very physically affectionate? That’s alright, if you’ll just stay close to him. Or perhaps you can do something low contact like holding hands. He can find other ways to show you affection, he’s confident.
Words of Affirmation: It actually takes him quite a bit of thought and courage to flirt with you; he wants to say just the right thing. He usually goes for a sweet or romantic kind of flirty, showering you in compliments in a low tone. When he’s feeling confident, he can keep rolling for a while, just laying it on thick. But if he gets flustered during it, his words become more sparse.
He compliments everything from your appearance to your personality to how you make him feel to your abilities. He’s got a lot to say when he manages to say it. So usually he delivers his kind words in flirting or in a “saying everything he can think of until he runs out” session. He usually says such things to you during romantic moments, when he’s feeling especially affectionate, or when he’s trying to cheer you up. He doesn’t make short comments very often otherwise, sometimes even being quiet for a notable while.
Now if you say anything sweet to him, all of his composure comes apart. All you need is say one little thing to him and he blushes and avoids eye contact. Firsts in words, like saying “I love you” or calling him your boyfriend will effectively turn his thoughts into “!!!!” Every little kind word you give him lingers in his mind for a while. When he’s feeling down, hearing or remembering sweet words from you lifts him up and motivates him to keep going. And sometimes remembering several of those moments can make him emotional.
Gifts: Buys (gets through shady means) anything and everything for you. He’s got a lot of money and a lot of underlings, and he has no qualms about using them to make you happy. He gets for you anything you ask for, or even that you’ve mentioned possibly wanting. He easily catches on to what kinds of items you like, and details like style and color. Soon enough he’ll be gifting you anything he thinks you might like based on that. He also gets you new versions of things you already have, if your old one stops working or starts showing age.
A favorite of his to gift is clothes, accessories, or jewelry. He thinks you look beautiful and loves seeing seeing you in something he knows he had a part in. And he loves if wearing any of it gives you a confidence boost.
Besides just the shiny and new, he gets you anything you might possibly need. Cold? He has blankets, he’ll get you the softest and warmest one. Or he’s throwing his jacket over your shoulders. Hungry? He’s making or ordering something right now (nothing from the rest of the mafia though, he’s not letting you get food poisoning). And no matter how much power he has to get near anything he wants for himself, he loves everything you get for him, no matter what it is, because it’s from you. Stuff that he would never think of for himself, handmade gifts, or anything around a memory (like photos or souvenirs) really touch him. There’s no need to give him anything extravagant, or give him gifts often, just that anything you give him has some thought and care in it is enough to make him happy.
Acts of Service: His main way of showing this is to have somebody else do work for you. He has lots of people he can boss around, and if he can get them to handle something for you, he will. Well, except that they’re not always the most competent…then he steps in.
When he knows there’s something you dislike doing, that‘s when he steps in. Maybe that means taking on chores that wear you out. Or maybe that’s handling arrangements for you so you don’t have to make a phone call.
He does really appreciate you doing things for him, though. On busy days he can get quite tired or even forget about things he needs to do, so anything you do to help him out relieves him a lot. He can get pretty tense when he has lots to do.
Usually in the moment, he’s just relieved. But later he’ll reflect on it and get hit with gratitude and affection.
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ohmrlove · 5 years
Hi! Can i ask a scenario for the mlqc boys as mobsters and thinks Mc is just the everyday civilian, when they find out Mc is apart of some kind of gang too? Thanks
Hi there! The boys as mobsters, hm? Interesting.
I could see Victor being a boss-type, Gavin being a hitman or right hand, Lucien being the under-the-table-arms-dealer who sometimes operates as the medic/cleaner, and Kiro relies more on his cannon role as Key, hacking and supporting from the tech side (and maybe makes music on the side for fun). I think he’s too friendly and likeable to stay undercover  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Slight warning for Lucien’s part because they talk about murder by hogs. Brief warning for Gavin’s part, as it mentions death.
🍷  Victor 🍷
He’s not lying when he says he’s a business man
Victor’s plays the CEO role so well that he sometimes forgets it’s just an image booster.
Most of his mob work happens through a very encrypted connection on a smaller, private laptop that he hides behind his huge desktop. Every now and then he organizes meetings at Souvenir, as it’s so exclusive and open at random
Victor was in the middle of telling Mr. Mills that everyone needed to leave (for an upcoming meeting) when he sees you and suddenly he doesn’t know what to say
Thankfully, he’s not wearing the apron. He just looks like a regular suit coming in for a chat
Mr. Mills plays wingman (acts as a regular host and chats you up) and help him get a little info on you
Victor gives you free dessert
He held a half-assed meeting that night
It’s a slow and steady venture into dating but after about 4 months he’s semi-regular at your apartment
Being the boss of a mafia branch, Victor has a growing suspicion that you’re also in one
You’re oddly organized, have unlabeled planners and journals that you never seem to mix up (but he can’t find them when you’re gone), and always have conveniently believable excuses for random outings
Your knife work in the kitchen has a deftness and purpose that catches his eye. It’s not the finesse of a regular chef.
Call it a hunch, but Victor knows He proves it by getting you jewelry with a tracker in it–anticipating that you won’t reject it because you don’t know that he knows–which leads him to a nondescript hideout of a female gang
Victor confronts you after you get home, opening with something disarming like ‘we have something else in common’
Neither of your factions are in a war against each other so it’s awkward for the next few days but ultimately there’s a peace of mind knowing you don’t have to worry about each other because you have the same kind of ‘family’ looking out for you
 🔬 Lucien 🔬
Lucien probably figures out you’re in the mafia pretty quickly. He’s big on body language and analysis
He has a hard time believing someone as gifted and beautiful as you is a simple maid but you do always smell like cleaning supplies (the story checks out).
You like to watch crime documentaries together
When you joke about wanting a pet pig for personal safety, Lucien knows that you know some stuff. Evil stuff. He’d casually but deliberately tell you something incorrect like, ‘Did you know a pig can eat a whole human if it’s really hungry? I’ve heard it works best with a lactating sow.’
“One pig can’t eat a whole human,” you correct him, “I’ve heard one pig can eat 10-14 pounds of sow feed in one sitting. And they also have trouble digesting teeth and hair. You’d need at least 10-15 pigs to eat an average-sized person.”
There’s a moment of silence where he gives you that ‘gotcha!’ shit-eating grin
He mentally compliments you for brushing it off so calmly. Nonchalantly. “Heard it on TV.”
But it’s the way he shifts closer and cozies up to you, tilting his head, that lets you know you’ve been caught
“Technically I don’t know anything,” you shrug. “I just clean.”
“Perhaps we could enlist your services sometime.” he plays with your hair and strokes the back of your neck with his thumb
It hits you. Of course he’d be in the mafia! He’s already tall and wicked smart, too good to be normal, right?!
Depending on the size of your mafia, Victor may write up a business deal to make you allies or just absorb your clan into his
📢 Gavin 📢
You were on your way home, vaguely aware of being tailed
It was actually a regular guy, not someone you’d been told to look out for
You planned to let him follow you around the corner, then beat the snot out of him, but an officer had different plans
Gavin had received several reports of a strange guy following girls home from the station and out of restaurants. He’d been playing a frustrating game of tag for about an hour, relying on reports
The perp was bouncing from girl to girl, likely just being obnoxious and walking off after too many rejections
He finally spots him, intending on checking him for weapons and to inform him of the many complaints
Gavin doesn’t know if he tackled him first, or if you roundhouse-kicked him back into the tackle
The guy’s on the ground, Gavin falls on top of him, and just stares in disbelief
That was cool! That was hot!
Gavin stumbles through a small statement/interview, asking if you’d reported him or had been around any of the other girls who’d reported him that nigh
tA few days later, he checks up on you. Now he gives you a nod when you pass each other in the streets.
Somehow it turns into dating. Gavin goes hardcore on the nighttime safety lectures and how to keep yourself safe at home (lock the doors, lock the windows, etc.)
You show him your pepper spray, your taser, and run through what you’d do if someone broke in
He’s a little nervous but has to admit you know your stuff. You give him this cute little smile that almost disarms him.
You’re really too calm running through all of this, like you don’t think you’d be in any danger. The suspect meter goes up.
Everything’s confirmed on date night. It’s a nice night–kind of chilly–but you’ve just finished eating at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant and were heading back to your car when that spine-tingling sensation of someone coming at you arose
You didn’t know if they were there for you or Gavin (being a policeman can make a lot of enemies!) but you had a throwing knife in your pocket ready to go
The man ends up being mortally wounded but Gavin doesn’t ask you any questions until people who ‘owe him a favor’ get rid of the body
He was just grateful the area didn’t have a lot of cameras.
Once you get back to your apartment a small fight explodes. He learns you’re in the mafia, and you learn he’s in the mafia.
“You are worth that sacrifice,” you told him. “I don’t care who they were after. I just didn’t want them to hurt you. You mean a lot to me, you know?”
“That’s my line,” is all he says. There’s a huge, soft smile on his face. Both of you are tired from the yelling and the screaming, but the way he pats your head and presses his forehead to yours lets you know it’ll be okay.
🎤 Kiro 🎤
He has multiple personas and works very hard at keeping them organized. Kiro’s always juggling the public persona, the person he is with his boss, and being your boyfriend
It can be a tough job but he wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world! While hacking he’s erased hospital debts and all kinds of stuff!
When Victor gives him assignments, it’s mostly to canvas an area through cameras or dig through the financials of opposing clans to have insider knowledge to bring up during deals
Since he never really shows his face during deals (more Gavin than himself), Kiro’s content to keep at his little tech business. He helps people repair their electronics for next to nothing (Victor’s money keeps the lights on).
He met you while fixing your computer and boy is a NERVOUS MESS
Like, he dropped a screwdriver, hit his head on the counter picking a screw off the floor kind of flustered
Even through all the nervous babbling he’s cute and charming. You agree to a coffee date and Kiro’s sold
It isn’t until your phone breaks (you refuse to get a new one because they’re expensive) and you won’t let him look at it that he gets suspicious
You haven’t let him look at it for almost a week, and then suddenly it’s at a repair shop
Kiro gets the bright idea to see if your phone’s really dead, hacking into the GPS system
It wasn’t broke. You were just making trips to your mafia HQ.
He doesn’t know if he’s hurt or impressed that you could pull one over him. Then again, he never really looked at you that hard because he loves you.
Kiro decides to confront you, and waits until you get settled back in at his shop. The cameras are off (can’t let them see the confession), the blinds are down, and the CLOSED sign is up. His heartbeat is in his throat, but he lets you know that he knows
If you look like you’re going to leave, he throws himself under the bus.
It makes you come back to him, straddle him in his little work chair, and demand proof.
Once you see you’re in the same business, you relax. Kiro does, too.
“You can buy my silence with hugs, kisses, and food!” he jokes.
“Can I make a down payment?” you look up at him through your lashes and he turns beet red. He didn’t think you’d play into it!You break the work chair.
Hope you liked it!
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bennywithgun · 5 years
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Extremely long bio for Delaware
Character Chart Character’s full name: Delaware Smith Reason or meaning of name: She picked her name when she saw it on a tacky souvenir in a gas station. Smith is just a generic surname she chose just so she had one.   Birth date: July 4, 2248 Physical appearance Age: 33 How old does he/she appear: She mostly looks her age, maybe appearing a few years older due to the wear and tear of the wasteland. Weight: 120 lbs Height: 5'7” Body build: thin, but toned. Her legs are the most muscular part of her body. Shape of face: Rectangular Eye color: Amber Glasses or contacts: Neither Skin tone: Brown Predominant features: She has a hooked nose, full lips, and sharp cheekbones. Hair color: Brown Type of hair: Coarse Hairstyle: Braided and kept out of her face. Voice: Her voice is rather gravelly and deep, with a slight drawl. Usual fashion of dress: Anything that is practical and comfortable for her line of work. Favorite outfit: Her duster and any loose shirt and jeans. Jewelry or accessories: She wears a bandanna around her neck and a hat, but that's it as far as accessories go. Personality Good personality traits: Loyal, kindhearted, responsible, reliable Bad personality traits: Detached, aloof, impatient, secretive Mood character is most often in: Despite having 'resting bitch face', she's usually in a pretty good mood. She just isn't good at showing her emotions on her face. Sense of humor: Sarcasm and bad puns. She loves Arcade's jokes. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: First it was losing her mother and not being able to do anything to prevent it, and after that, it was getting shot in the head by Benny. Character is most at ease when: She's relaxing under the shade of a tree, with a good book. Bonus points if it's by water. Most ill at ease when: Having to socialize with people she isnt' close to Enraged when: Innocent people are killed. Biggest regret: Not being able to save her mother. Biggest accomplishment: Taking over New Vegas with Yes Man. Minor accomplishment: Opening up her own local courier business. Goals Long term goals: •Get revenge against Benny (done) •Take over New Vegas (done) •Wipe out Caesar's Legion
Past Hometown: She was born further down southwest, in what used to be New Mexico. Type of childhood: It was rough, with just her and her mother, and soon it was just herself when she was 13 years old, which is when she ended up wandering up to the Mojave region. Education: Her mother taught her reading and writing, and basic mathematics, saying that a good education was important for everyone to have. She learned medicine during her few years with the Followers of the Apocalypse, and learned to shoot from an old gunslinger shortly after arriving in the Mojave. Present Current location: Tops Casino in New Vegas Currently living with: Yes Man Occupation: While technically the leader of New Vegas, she leaves the day to day stuff to Yes Man, while running her courier business on the side. Family Mother: – Relationship with her: Her mother was her only family when she was a child, and they were very close up until her mother was killed by powder gangers. Father: – Relationship with him: She never knew him, and resented him most of her childhood for that. Siblings: None Spouse: Joshua Graham Relationship with him/her: It's very good. He's patient with her, and understanding, and doesn't try to force a reaction from her. Their quality time together is cuddling and reading a book. Other important family members: while not actually related, she considers Yes Man, Arcade, Raul, and Cass to be family. Favorites Color: Red. Least favorite color: She doesn't really have one. Music: She doesn't really listen to the radio very often. Food: A good Brahmin steak. Most prized possession: Her duster; it had been a gift from her mother, but she had been too small to wear it when she received it. Habits Hobbies: Reading is her only personal hobby, but she also enjoys target practice even if it's just to keep her shooting skills up to par. How he/she would spend a rainy day: In her suite at the Tops Casino with a good book. Spending habits: She's frugal about her spending, rarely buying anything just for fun. Smokes: Her smoking is a pretty bad habit. Drinks: Only if someone else is, and offers her a drink. Other drugs: She tried jet once, but chems just aren't her thing. What does he/she do too much of? She smokes too much, and she isolates herself a lot. Extremely skilled at: Sharpshooting Extremely unskilled at: Anything to do with technology. She can't hack terminals to save her life. Nervous tics: She chews on her lips when she's anxious, or she'll duck her head when embarrassed, hiding her face with the brim of her hat. Traits Optimist or pessimist? She's more practical than anything. She knows things will turn out well if she puts her all into it, and thinking negatively won't get things done. Introvert or extrovert? She is extroverted to the extreme. Daredevil or cautious? She leans more towards cautious, but will take risks as is needed. Logical or emotional? Logical, mostly because she has difficulty processing emotions. Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat. Organizing helps her relax. Prefers working or relaxing? Both in moderation. Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Again, a bit of both. She's confident in her skills when it comes to survival and her work, but not in herself when it comes to most social things. Animal lover? Oh yes. All animals. She'd have a pet deathclaw if she could. Self-perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: She has no lack of self-confidence when it comes to her work. She's good at what she does, and she knows this. But you put her in a social situation, and she looses all confidence. She doesn't talk a lot, and making eye-contact makes her nervous, and she desperately hates that about herself. What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Her reliability. What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? How awkward she is. What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? She doesn't really think about anything like this very often. It's not important to her. What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? – How does the character think others perceive him/her: Awkward and generally uncomfortable to be around. She doesn't put much thought into it, but she's usually genuinely surprised when she finds out people  consider her a friend. What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: She would like to be better at talking to people, and connecting with them. It's hard for her to find things she shares in common with the people in her life. Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: She tends to only have negative opinions of people if they give her a reason to. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? She is always honest, because she doesn't process or show emotions properly. Person character most hates: She doesn't get along with Veronica at all. Best friend(s): Yes Man and Arcade Love interest(s): Joshua Graham Person character goes to for advice: Raul Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: None, really. All her friends are responsible for themselves. Person character feels shy or awkward around: Joshua and Cass Person character openly admires: Cass Person character secretly admires: Joshua Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Her mother After story starts: Joshua
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