#and late in the season it was potroasted in the heat
ssaalexblake · 2 years
I feel like, after like 2 years?? of asking for it, expecting that eventually somebody will buy me fruits basket s1pt2 is foolish. 
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lunarfae714 · 8 years
more poems, a few seasons past
how lucky to have breath
stop & ask why we live
question our structures
question human history & wor ship
find out we know nothing.
just be.
an open container
for Spirit.
twenty Worn tetherballs
in the plain view of
concrete charade
people in heavy metal boxes
on wheels shrugging off
piss-stained balls
in unmarked yards
i wonder if you
saw the roads,
high ways
concrete carplays
in the colors of the mental play
of each driver
would they be
colorful, or still grey?
grateful or stray?
what strain of gasoline
fuels the minds
of mindless drivers
what excites us
while our earth decays
who makes our day
when the culture is so far away
from deep roots,
holding neighbors' hands
what can we plant
& grow too?
return to our mother
to our tribe.
without divide.
possession at the rainbow gathering.
sacred fire
not so sacred afterfall
as the village dissects the chip
from the backside of her ear
she stops talking to rosemary-
who haunts her waking,
green eyes that travel
like a bouncy ball,
in a void.
let these hands transform
to portals to open doors
from playing the piano of dirt,
sparking fruitful dance of the earth
Gaia feeds us when we feed her
when we pour out love, it comes back in
we let another cosmic spiral begin~
to serve our creations of the now~
for our hearts, our ears, our old souls
in strange flresh want to be stirred, not shut down
conduct our hands & our throats
as intruments of Light, sailing the eternal boat
help us let go of illusions of fear,
discomfort, darkness we know
help us let Go
the light comes in nothingness
it comes in silence
our shared dream
our family
our energy
recycled & renewed
cleansed with intention
our energy reflects
pictures for what
at the sevensacredpools
high rockpiles
tourists drenched in neon
not stopping to be
but to get a photograph.
as the water that freefalls
with the wind, the breath
of the Sea & i came
by foot, naked under a raincoat
to watch the sky sitcom,
color show,
highfive cows
on the silent jungle road.
the sole palm on the mountain
anal, how we can be selfish
not giving all we can like the
monkeypods give the wind,
the rain gives the stream,
we plant the seeds for our earth
or ourselves
what is really greater
and yet
we destroy it
but the pictures are pretty
what moment is worth capturing
when memory distracts us
from growth?
glorify the photo
the still
eternal film
how can we be fre
from our memory?
newyearseve at the potfarm
when we broke the wood splitter
after sunsets 
cum & dirty animals
on the trail
fingering a carcass
shoegaze & bodyshots
on couches that aren't ours.
& the girl on the phone
asks what i'm doing with
my poetry degere
when i am blind
i can really see
how the sun reflects the rocks on the shore
a million suns line the sea
& mother moon takes up half the sky
the light is grand when i can see.
plate lunch
found bliss in darkness
you are the white light in my dream
when our chests align
runs through our body line
nightlightning strike on
these cages of flesh
these brains
of judgment &
fear, weight
with the light
when i am only
white light
the game creatures of the system
fully charged
to give the white light to
next emotional vagabond
the sleeping dream is
the waking dream
and we are the fingers to turn the switch
kitttens in the palm of my hand
detachment meditation
the ever-moving train within
we become the beauty
of earths afternoon rainsong
bamboo creaks of delight
aesthetic throatsing
sweet simplicity of hot water
and ginger.
the bowl sings
when the wind moves
over our head.
remove the mask
and truly see everything.
above the monkeypods,
touched by south-blown aire,
the breath of old-man Saturn
we wait among
nebulas of cyberlit selfiesticks-
modern self-sacrifice--
wait for the moon to rise--
to wait
a lost practice
in the fast-paced
culture without gratitude.
on layers & layers
of sacred stone.
with the knowledge
inside these bodies
we were once the hands
that carried the stone,
the bled freely,
that knew the reflections
of the planetary drama:
the sky-show on Earth
the sacred Nature
& geometry of it all-
even the rocks wait with us
in our collective breath
in this cloud of illusion
brought by the family
of dragonflies.
the darkness inbetween
flashes of consciousness
like drowning air
the hidden woodpecker
or the muted tree
the distant shotgun
melody, off-key
or how the cobweb tangoes
from the liquid gold
coasulates 5pm power of afternoon sun
a never quiet forest
forever beckoning yet
i forgot the magic
down the tree talk
leave the thumbprint acrons
speared dry pine tears
the worms and the thorns
the rhythmic bubbles
of breath like the hotsprings
synsthesia woodspell
mesmerizing & dulled
with my blank stare in the pan
my body that will tremble no more
to reel in the
brother & sister shepherd
until the bites swell
my skin once again.
i take a baby pinecone
& wait to exhale.
neruda aftertastes of lovepoems
i come in your nothingness
like a passing rainffall
thoughts lost before
the sun's descent
i come in your mayan silence
like a bite of garden candy
in the middle of a fast
you come to me in dreams--
even in dreams, you lift me
with wonder, divine light
two nude chests perfectly align
sorrows dissipate like dew
the other eve, you were the water
of my illusion. you sobbed
shoulders hunched & heaving
for you, for me, for
the static of our living movie.
why did i leave neverland
for another open hand?
i will be the Bliss you bring me.
a late february migration
not spending a dmie
bicycles where the cars pass
down the volcano,
in a musty trailer with bellyaches
distracted from the new colors
of flora 
i still feel it-
in the folks who lift us up
in the backs of their trucks
in the washed-up tortoise
& freefalling passionfruit,
mellow music & polynesian words 
like medicine of
slow-moving people
on a slow-moving island.
cream-colored fairies before noon
wave after wave, stretched & bird-like
transforming into waterfowl
flowed with breasts & freckles,
whiskey shadow gods explain
narratives of the dead kings
and holy mothers from Spain,
december sweat
underbelly portal
left open too long
can the body forget to breathe?
can the chicken be born again
to walk out of your potroast?
the belly rolls of dead madron
the rolls in the way
between a clear mind
and the state of distraction
don't linger on loves lost,
the lack of drive
december sweat
from my armpits
to the hole under the madron
to water the earth
as i burrow my bones.
santa cruz
twenty-two days to reach enlightenemnet
crowded redwood trails
this morning made our
separation a scene
to be by the sea
the water that mirrors the wild in me
light colors here hide the darkness
the oversized pastel homes
the white skin that reigns
worriless over white sand
when you cook close
sun reflects the glass, for grains, charcoal bark
in the dark solitude of the mountain
i went a little mad.
winter solstice
black panther spirit in an abandoned field
when we slept in the church van
Bast, or an old Indian
reminding us of the white man torture.
with my spirit guide beside
desert trips where there used to be forest
california is dead.
christmas tamales inspired by the border
my season of depression.
my dance teacher once told me
making the bed each day just makes the whole house look nice
instructing the direction of my hips.
music is in every moment
music already abundnat
frequencies & fractals
geometry of movement
death is stealing new cycles
the animals of our bed
change with the temperature of our tears
the cycle of our mothers
we communicate here
travel through the galaxies
warm tears of sorrow & joy
faces in everything
trees remind you of the people you miss in yourself.
counterclock spirals
in the half-lit cabin
we watch fire like a television,
the sound of fallen wood tongues
we roll the dice in the manifesting mind
read wet eyes of my lover
always surprise me
candelit rest
in the pyramid home.
-fluid static-
lullyabing nightmares
the appetizers we dream in the mid-afternoon
bells of bedridden in our sacred triangle
madron, smoke & mirrors,
high-hung hiding termites and antlers,
a dome to sky pines.
spirits flash in to watch
the dark shadows of grace float ---the creatures.
what are street drugs?
laying on the bench outside the coffeshop,
run by a wealthy church.
overheard conversation
"not much to talk about=not too bad"
they hold their books from the Free Bible room
"have my bed its not weird, its not weird"
so removed in my head on narcos & weeping
in public from the way we treat each other & our pathwhere
i lost it
"it is easy not to look"
suburban sidewalk study
they look at me & look away
i needed a break from the noise
the orchestra of voices
loud women constant concerns &
biology notes & lost boots left
the churchgoers car
nice drums or jazz
monster of control & demand
well dressed church leaders
the church folk always look happier 
the safety in identity,
acceptance in anonymity
Which do you prefer?
the anonymity of white privelge
smiles from passing men or children
or the constant attention of a white girl
in central america
smiles from passing men
both kind and undressing
to fade or melt in fake empires?
new mexico first
midnight coyote call & elk herds
push shower & chocolate oatmeal on a campstove
cacti spruce & mesquite
empty roads & desert
adobe & forests
dry heat, redwillow, aspen and mullen.
crescent waxing
in the Sky's midnight cloud paintings
leaving Pueblo into the Rockies
in the valley by river end
sunset moonrise
folk music & free firewood
grandfather faces in a redrock mountain
the most constellations under
the clear sky with lightning storms afar.
befriending bibcycle junkies
outside the donut shop
in the town where i dont belong
sunshine cupo'joe to calm
a long night of meth.
hidden hundreds
in a fake locked book,
jerry garcia
eases the sneeze & aches
roadhead to ease the fights
bald cop with traveling advice
sleeping & sneezing in reststops
free food and kind strangers in memphis
latenight roadsodas 
stovestop cooking
cement lots with new friends
for naked boatrides,
on a manmade lake
until the elder tells us to come back
the universe always provides to the Lovers
friends, meals to eat, where to rest,
water to bathe, towns that like a little color,
soul music, spoken word and dancing hips.
self-titled pais of
corporate stores of things that no one needs
restaurants with deadly ingredients
people stay in their boxes
drive in their cars
cops lurking hyjenas to cuff
those whose feet
graze, tease the edge of the boxes
the white-dotted lines
so the animals can return to boxes,
and the president
in his great white box
declares war and shows us
to spend money we dont have
perpetual enslavement
taxes to start another
generation of animals.
train emergencies
when they can really know
the nature of themselves
in disappearing grass.
lumberjack love
of foreign lands
stinkbugs & cicadas
orbit my lobes
in red kitchens
while houseflies
frolick on treasure island
and our bubblegum mattress on wheels-
the birds of paradise
to the insects of now.
my lover
who moves & speaks through the sea & moonlight
has human hands again.
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