#and like in my head i’m like ‘i wanna go home’ but then j go home and my loved ones r all spread out
doyeons · 5 months
i think maybe there’s a bit of misery swirling around in me
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softspiderling · 4 days
like, ever | j.v
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“Hey, I’m worried about you.”
You glanced up from your laptop screen to see Rhaena standing in your doorway, her arms crossed.
She gave you a look, before her eyes roamed your room: your textbooks stacked half-hazardly on your desk, two empty ice cream tubs, another half melted one on your nightstand, an empty tissue box on the floor and you on your bed, wrapped in your blanket like a burrito.
OR; You and Jace break up because of a stupid reason, but you’re both too proud to apologize.
pairing: jacaerys velaryon x reader
warnings: kinda toxic behavior from both of them, but like the usual issues in communication that’s so common in people our age idk what to tell you
word count: 4,1k
author’s note: modern au!jace is the president of the frat Alpha Draconis (it's co-ed, Rhaenyra was president during her time at uni), Jace/Aegon/Baela and their respective siblings are all cousins, but this is NOT in the same universe as can I go (where you go). thank you to my wonder sister wife beta @eldrith as usual <3
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“We broke up.”
“No you didn’t.”
“Yes, we did.”
Baela gave you a look, narrowing her eyes at you as she pushed her Econ 1 assignment away. You dropped down on the couch next to her, leaning your head back.
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” you huffed and Baela whacked you in the arm.
“You just came home and dropped a bomb like that, you can’t just not talk about it.”
“Not talk about what?”
You internally groaned when Helaena’s voice floated from the hallway, the front door shutting behind her. An intervention was inevitable at this point. At least Rhaena wasn’t home yet, you knew she was volunteering until six.
“She and Jace broke up,” Baela told her and Helaena paused in the doorway to the living room, a frown on her face as she undid her braid.
“You didn’t.”
“That’s what I said!”
“You know, normal friends would offer ice cream if their friend was going through a break up.”
“I’d offer you ice cream if you were sad,” Helaena pointed out. She sat down next to you, patting your shoulder. “You don’t look sad.”
“Well, I am sad,” you sniffed, but Baela fixed her brown eyes at you until you threw your hands up in frustration. “Fine! I’m mostly mad, okay? Pissed off, actually!”
Baela folded her legs under herself. “Tell us what happened.”
“I don’t know, she just rubs me the wrong way. It’s like she knows you have a girlfriend and she chooses to ignore that.”
You and Jace were laying in his bed, your head on his chest. He had been telling you about the new pledges of the term, and you weren’t exactly fond of one of them - Laura, a nursing major. You were aware of her being especially touchy with Jace, twirling her hair while she was talking to him and always searching him out at every event. Which was fair, he was the president of the frat after all and at first you had told yourself that you were just projecting but the you noticed that she was laughing at all of Jace’s jokes. She was definitely into him. He was not that funny.
“I don’t know, it’s just the way she is, I think,” he said, and you frowned at him.
“Jace, come on, she’s totally into you.”
“Well, good thing I’m into you,” Jace pointed out, turning his head to nose along your neck but you pushed him away, starting to get annoyed that he wasn’t taking this seriously.
“I mean it, Jace.”
“So do I,” he answered, irritated. “Why does this bother you so much?”
“Because I don’t like another girl’s hands being all over you?”
You sat up, leaning away from him with a frown and he only sighed, laying his head back on the pillow, shutting his eyes. He was starting to piss you off.
“She’s not into me! Everyone tries to butter me up because they want to join the frat. And even if she was, why does it matter?”
“It matters because it bothers me and you clearly don’t care!”
“Of course I care,” Jace sighed. He opened his eyes, reaching out for you, and you had to admit your resolve was starting to crumble. “You’re overreacting.”
And just like that, the wall was back up.
“Wow, thanks.”
Your voice was biting as you spoke, tugging your hand out of his grasp and standing up, grabbing your hoodie. Jace was quick to follow you, brows furrowed. Great, now both of you were mad.
“You’re making a big deal out of nothing!” Jace snapped and you only glared at him.
“Thanks for invalidating my feelings, Jacaerys,” you said sarcastically. “If I’m making a deal out of nothing, maybe we’re both nothing.”
Jace’s face fell and he stopped in his tracks, letting out a huff. “You don’t mean that.”
Maybe you didn’t. But you weren’t about to backtrack now. You were a woman of your words.
“Yes, I do.”
You pulled the door open and rushed out of his room, slamming the door shut behind you. Distantly, you could hear Jace call after you and you secretly hoped he would chase after you, but by the time you made it downstairs to the front door, he was still nowhere to be seen.
Baela and Helaena exchanged a look and you frowned at them. While you hadn’t expected for them to immediately spring into assuring you that they were on your side - you were dating their cousin after all - you also didn’t quite imagined them being so… Shocked.
“What?” you asked, suddenly growing insecure. “I had a point.”
“Well, yeah,” Baela started, “But so did he.”
“Why did you immediately jump into breaking up?” Helaena asked with a soft voice, the voice you knew she used when she didn’t want to hurt your feelings. You lifted your shoulders, then dropped them again, unable to answer her question.
“Did you want to break up?”
You tucked your chin against your chest, a pit forming in your stomach. Did you maybe overreact?
“I was just mad,” you said, frowning, picking at the hem of your shirt.
“.. And you wanted to hurt him?” Baela said, finishing your sentence. Your head shot up, a denial on your lips, but your mouth closed when her words sunk in.
“… Maybe.”
“You two really are hotheaded and stubborn,” Helaena pointed out, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You only glowered, the anger from earlier dissipating and instead was replaced by misery and a little bit of guilt? Luckily, Helaena and Baela left you to your wallowing after they realized you needed some space and you fled to your bedroom, trying to bury yourself in your assignments.
There was only one slight problem. You couldn’t find school bag anywhere.
“Where did I leave it?” you muttered to yourself, checking under your desk for your bag, even opening the drawer for good measure. You were crawling on the floor looking under your bed when it finally dawned on you.
You had gone over to the frat’s house right after class, with your school bag. And after the fight, you must have forgotten to grab it.
“Ugh,” you groaned, dropping your forehead on the floor You’d rather crawl under your bed and sleep with the dust bunnies that have been collecting under there than go back to the frat house right now. But you had no choice. The assignment was was due the day after tomorrow and Professor Cole already was in a bad mood because his date went badly.
“Fuck me,” you muttered to yourself, turning to lay on your bad and cursed the Gods for making you miserable as you stared at the ceiling, collecting your wits.
Luke Velaryon, Jace’s younger AND biological brother, stood in the doorway, apprehensive. He had always been the more sensitive one between the two brothers, but he was also unwaveringly loyal. You had no doubt that Jace had already told him everything about your fight.
“Hey Luke,” you said, giving him a wry smile.
“Hey,” he replied hesitantly. “Jace is not here.”
“I know.”
Luke pressed his lips together, his eyes darting around as if he was expecting his older brother to come out of the bushes any second. “Are you okay?”
You let out a small laugh, shaking your head. What a sweet boy.
“Yeah, alright enough I guess,” you replied, sighing. “Listen, I forgot my bag in Jace’s room and I really need it to do an assignment, could you let me in?”
“I don’t know….” Luke answered slowly. “Jace should be back soon though. Maybe you can just wait until he gets back? And then you guys could talk?”
Bless him.
You bit on your lip, running your hand through your hair, exasperated. “Listen Luke, I really appreciate you trying to look out for Jace, but I really can’t see him right now.”
Luke exhaled, shifting on his feet like he was undecided. The longer it took for him to decide, the higher chances were you’d run into Jace on your way out.
“Please, Luke, I just need to grab my bag really quickly. He won’t even notice I was there.”
With a loud sigh, Luke finally nodded, opening the door wider and taking a step back.
“He’s gonna be back soon, you need to hurry up.”
“Thanks Luke!”
You hushed past him into the house, walking the familiar way up the stairs to Jace’s bedroom, shutting the door behind you. With a small sigh, you looked around, trying to discern your stuff from his. It was harder than you had first anticipated, your belongings strewn all over the room. Picking your favorite scrunchie off of his nightstand next to a picture of the two of you during New Year’s Eve, you put your hair up as you narrowed your eyes, feeling relief settle in your chest when you saw your backpack lean against the desk.
“Thank God”, you muttered, grabbing it quickly. Just as you headed to the door, hand on the door knob, you could hear voices down the hallway through the closed door. You cursed, recognizing it as Jace and Cregan.
Immediately, you let go of the door knob, taking a few steps back, trying to come up with a way you wouldn’t be caught standing in the middle of Jace’s bedroom. Did you have enough time to make the climb out of the window and scale down the roof?
“- it’ll blow over. I’ll give her some time to calm down and-”
Before you could make a decision, the door swung open, and Jace entered. He was looking back at Cregan, who raised his brows when he saw you in the middle of the room.
“Wha-?” Jace turned his head, his mouth dropping open. “… Hey.”
Cregan glanced between the two of you, narrowing his eyes. Meanwhile, Jace was rubbing the back of his neck.
“Did you forget something?”
“Yeah,” you answered - LAME! - lifting your backpack.
Jace nodded slowly. “Was there anything you wanted to say?”
You frowned at him, confused.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know,” Jace said, shrugging with his shoulders. “I thought you were here to apologize.”
Cregan groaned, leaning his forehead against the door frame as you felt all the anger from before welling up again.
“Me apologize?” You repeated, your voice shrill. “What about you? I bet Laura’s thrilled to hear we broke up.”
“You just ended things for no reason! Laura’s not even into me!” Jace snapped and Cregan pushed himself off of the door frame.
“Maybe we all should just calm down.”
“Shut up, Cregan!” You and Jace yelled at the same time, your anger very briefly directed at Jace’s best friend.
Cregan flinched, raising his hands defensively. “Jesus, sorry. I’ll never try to help again,” he muttered. “Let me give you two a minute.”
He stepped out of the room but you held your hands up, stopping him with a scoff.
“No, I’m done here,” you huffed, shaking your head in disbelief. With one last angry look at Jace, you pushed between them, running out of the house, smoke coming out of your ears.
You spent the rest of the week distracting yourself. Burying yourself in assignments and reading, eating ice cream - there was a deal at Whole Foods, five for three, your freezer was full - and you only cried once.
“Hey, I’m worried about you.”
You glanced up from your laptop screen to see Rhaena standing in your doorway, her arms crossed.
She gave you a look, before her eyes roamed your room: your textbooks stacked half-hazardly on your desk, two empty ice cream tubs, another half melted one on your nightstand, an empty tissue box on the floor and you on your bed, wrapped in your blanket like a burrito. You sighed, letting the blankets fall from your shoulders.
“I’m fine, Rhae.”
“Hey, did you convince her to come?” Baela skidded to a halt next to Rhaena, looking from her sister to you. Rhaena only sighed while you narrowed your eyes at Baela’s get up. She was wearing black leather pants and a brown corset; she looked like she was going out.
“Come where?”
“Alpha Draconis’ summer term opening party.”
Right that. The party you had helped Jace plan. Before you broke up.
“I don’t know guys,” you sighed, leaning back against your headboard. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go.”
“You don’t have to go,” Rhaena assured you but Baela shushed her, shaking her head.
“No, you absolutely have to go,” she insisted. “We’ve let you wallow in your misery long enough. It’s time to put your big girl pants on and face Jace. You broke up with him for a shitty reason and yes, he was being a jerk, but you were being a bitch. Now suck it up and get your man back.”
You gaped at her, and Rhaena whacked Baela in the arm, but she only shrugged, ever the unapologetic brutally honest one.
“What? You know I’m right,” Baela only said, frowning at her twin before she turned to you. “So?”
With a groan, you closed your eyes. You knew Baela was right, in a way, and it was no use sitting around when your friends were going out. You had to see him eventually.
“Fine,” you gave in, pushing the blanket back as Baela cheered, immediately disappearing. Rhaena only shook her head, stepping into your bedroom, helping you clean up a little.
“I’m driving,” she told you. “Just tell me if you want to leave, okay?”
You nodded, giving Rhaena a grin when something soft just hit you in the face with no warning, courtesy of Baela having returned to your bedroom.
“Put that on.”
The projectile fell to floor, and as you picked it up, you recognized it as a dark red dress, tags still on.
“Hel’s headed to the party from work, so we’ll meet her there in an hour, go take a shower and I’ll do your hair,” Baela said, reaching for your hand to pull you up. “Come on, up up up!”
Begrudgingly, you let Baela usher you into the shower, shutting the door behind you very decidedly. You stared at yourself in the mirror, eyes rimmed red and hair a mess and you allowed yourself a minute of respite before you turned the shower on. If you had to go to that stupid party, you’d make sure to look the absolute best.
“Am I crazy or is it even more crowded than last term?”
You winced as you followed Baela and Rhaena through an especially crowded spot in the house, glancing around.
“No, it’s definitely more people,” Baela agreed, squeezing your hand to make sure not to lose you in the mass. “Has Helaena said where she is?”
“She said she was in backyards,” Rhaena replied and Baela steered you in the direction of the backyard. Meanwhile you tried not to let your eyes roam too much; you didn’t want to seem like you were looking for Jace, even though that was exactly what you were doing. Just as you reached the patio doors, Helaena appeared, stopping you in the doorway.
“Hey guys,” she said, breathless, her eyes flitting over to you as you greeted her. “Should we go get drinks?”
“I’m not dragging my ass back through that crowd,” you moaned, shaking your head. “Let’s just sit down by the pool for a second before we go back in.”
You nudged Helaena out of the way gently, but the blonde grabbed your arm, trying to pull you back.
“But I’m really thirsty.”
“Hel, come on,” you laughed. “You’ll survive ten more minutes without-”
The rest of your words died on your tongue when you caught sight of Jace sitting by the pool, surrounded by his frat brothers and of course, Laura. Now you knew why Helaena was so adamant to get you away from the backyard. It was too loud to hear what Jace was saying, but he must be telling an extremely funny story with the way Laura was laughing, touching his shoulder. They weren’t doing anything scandalous, but it still hurt you to see him still talking to her after you voiced your concerns. You tried not to let it get to you. It wasn’t your business anymore anyways, but you were still a little sick to the stomach.
With a scoff, you turned away, embarrassment burning your cheeks as your friends looked at you with pitiful eyes.
“Sorry,” Rhaena said and you only shrugged with your shoulders.
“Whatever,” you muttered, clearing your throat. “I told you, she was into him. Now he’s free to do as he pleases.”
Baela winced. “We can leave, if you want.”
“No, I’m not leaving because of that clown.”
The girls let out a laugh and Helaena wrapped her arm around you. You gave her a wry smile, leaning into her.
“Let’s go get you that drink.”
As Helaena dragged you away, you couldn’t help but glance back to Jace and for a split second, your eyes met. You quickly turned away, feeling a lump form in your throat. You couldn’t wait to get drinks. After getting to the kitchen, the four of you did two rounds of shots, knowing where the boys kept their expensive booze; Rhaena then mixed you some drinks before you settled on the couch in the living room. Taking a careful sip of your cup, you immediately pulled a face, looking at Rhaena.
“What the hell is in this?”
“I think Grey Goose and Coke.”
“You think?” you asked, wincing when you took another sip. “This is awful Rhae.”
“What is awful?”
Aegon, Helaena’s brother, one cousin of many in the Targaryen family, suddenly plopped down on the couch next to you.
“Oh great, Aegon is here,” Baela deadpanned and Aegon only mocked Baela as he reached for your drink.
“Sure, just go ahead and take my drink.”
Aegon took a big gulp of your drink, humming. “It’s not bad,” he said, offering the cup back to you but you politely declined. You didn’t know where Aegon’s mouth had been in the last 24 hours, there was no way you’d drink out of the same cup he had.
“So, what’s this I hear about you and our cousin breaking up?” Aegon asked, throwing his arm around the back of the couch and you scooted forward, trying to escape his touch.
“You heard right,” you said, throwing him a dirty look and Rhaena rolled her eyes.
“You’re a dick, Aeg.”
“What?” Aegon exclaimed. “’t was just a question, no harm done, right?”
You let out a deep sigh, pushing away from the couch.
“I need some air,” you told the girls and Rhaena furrowed her brows, worried.
“Do you want me to come with you?”
“We can make Aegon leave,” Baela offered and Aegon made a noise, frowning at his cousin but you shook your head,
“Nah, I’m good. Just, text me if you guys go somewhere, okay?”
“Are you sure, babe?” Helaena asked and you nodded, patting her shoulder gently.
“Yeah, ‘m fine. I promise.”
With a small wave, you disappeared into the crowd, hearing the cousins starting to argue, but it was background noise to you. Instead of heading to the front door, you inconspicuously headed upstairs, past a kissing couple, and to the bathroom on the second floor. The door was shut, but unlocked and unoccupied as you opened the door. You let it fall shut in its hinges after you, walking over to the window, like you had done so many times before, but never alone. Clicking the window open, you carefully climbed out to the roof, sliding the window closed behind you again. You traipsed over the roof, before settling down on the small nook that sat right above Benjicot’s bedroom, stretching out your legs.
Jace had shown you this place when you first started dating, and sometimes when the parties got too much, the two of you snuck out here to be alone. It was probably risky to go here; but it was the only place you felt like you could retreat without having to go home.
The noise of the party downstairs could still be heard, especially the conversations in the backyard, but to you, it seemed quieter as you closed your eyes. It had cooled down significantly since you had come to the party, but you enjoyed the bite of the cold on your bare arms. A deep breath escaped your lips, your chest heavy.
Looking back on it, you knew what you had said was wrong. It was words hurled in the heat of the moment, chosen to provoke a reaction out of Jace and if you could take them back, you would. But now it was too late, it had seemed like Laura had already sunken her talons into Jace as soon as he was available - not that she had cared much about whether he had a girlfriend or not - and he seemed to be lapping it up.
“Stupid,” you muttered to yourself, wiping the tear that escaped your eye from your cheek with the back of your hand. You froze, when you heard the bathroom window slide open; not daring to look back. His steps were careful as he walked towards you, as if not to spook you, but before he came into view, a soft jacket was draped over your shoulders, engulfing you in his scent. You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, tugging the jacket tighter around your body when Jace sat down next to you.
The silence between you stretched on, before Jace cleared his throat.
“You were right.”
You let out a small scoff at his words, glancing over to him.
“You’re shitting me, right?” you asked in disbelief. “She was all over you like that and you still thought she wasn’t into you?”
Jace winced, ducking his head.
“That’s fair. Maybe I was a little oblivious. It’s just…” he paused, sighing. “I didn’t see it, because I don’t really see other girls. Ever since we met, it’s just been you. I didn’t even realize that she was flirting with me until she straight up asked me if we could go upstairs.”
Jealousy flared up in your chest at his words, and you frowned, quickly giving him a once over.
“Well, did you?” you asked, your voice tight. Jace gave you a look, his hands dropping down on his lap.
“I’m sitting here with you, aren’t I?”
Relief flooded your veins and you ducked your head to hide your face. Jace glanced over at you, his face vulnerable and you bit your lip.
“I’m sorry too,” you then said. “I didn’t mean what I said. It was petty and stupid, and I’m sorry.”
“Well looks like we both got to work on some things,” Jace said, tentatively reaching out to take your hand; out of reflex you immediately laced your hand with his. He quirked a smile at you, scooting closer to you and you glanced up at him, almost shyly before you leaned in, as he met you halfway, your lips touching. Jace wrapped his hand around the back of your neck as you kissed, and if you hadn’t felt warm before, you definitely did now.
“What’s happening?”
“They’re kissing!”
“No way! Move over!”
“You move over!”
A crash sounded and you pulled away from Jace, just to see Luke and his cousins spying on you from the bathroom.
“Nothing to see here, carry on!” Luke yelled, quickly sliding the window back down, but their bickering could be heard through the closed window.
Jace snorted out a laugh, leaning his forehead against yours and you only grinned lazily at him.
“Come on, let’s go face the circus before they break the window and we have to scale down the roof,” Jace said, offering you his hand as he got up. You let him help you up, as the two of you walked back to the bathroom window.
“You know I thought about scaling down the roof when you caught me in your bedroom?”
“You’re joking.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
author’s note: tell me what you think <3 also will add the taglist tomorrow bc i’m so tired but wanted to post🫶🏼
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nightfalltales · 4 months
show me how much you missed me
parings: jiyan x fm reader
cw: SMUT - size kink bc hes so massive + bit of foreplay + fingering + overstimulation + penetration + jiyan eating you out; dom!jiyan + sub!fm reader; needy jiyan & him being a horny little bitch; explicit
word count: 1k+
summary: after not seeing you for so long, jiyan wants to show you how much he misses you in bed.
author’s note: i’m FINALLY on summer break so i’ll write as much as i can and i got wuthering waves 3 days ago + got jiyan in 30 free pulls WOOO help i’m obsessed with that game and him (also this feels rushed my apologies)
smut below (18+) !! MINORS DON’T INTERACT !!
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“jiyan? is that..”
“yeah.. it’s me.”
you were taken aback by how quickly he returned home after being gone for two weeks. however, you can only imagine the amount of work he has to accomplish as a general of the midnight rangers and a busy man. considering that he leads and manages issues, it's likely that he just wrapped up early.
he shut the front door of your shared house and gave you a quick embrace, his warmth relaxing and comforting you. you hugged him back, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“sorry i wasn’t home for a while, y/n.” he apologized, hugging you even tighter. 
“it’s okay. you’re the general anyway. you must’ve really dealt with a lot of work.”
knowing how understanding you are, he grinned.
“i’m just glad i can finally get a break to see you.”
“i’m also glad you came back to me.”
for a moment, you both stood motionless, taking in each other's warmth and comfort. 
then you two kissed each other tenderly the following second. however, a tender kiss quickly becomes passionate and hotter.
together, you made your way to a shared bedroom, where he helped you remove your shirt and you removed his top and equipment, even untied his hair. he then gently lifted you up and placed you on the bed, continuing to kiss you throughout the entire process. 
his hot body was pressing against yours. he must have waited for this particular opportunity. to express to you how much he both physically and emotionally missed you.
as he kissed down to your jaw, you felt his hand slithering to your back. you let out a gasp as his warm lips touched your skin. 
“jiyan..” you whimpered as he unhooked your bra. 
he raised his head up.
“am i going too fast?” he asked as he was about to stop, but you pressed closer to him. 
“no, it’s not that.” you shook your head, unable to find the right words to say. 
jiyan cocked his head to the side as you at last inhaled deeply to express this feeling.  
“show me how much you missed me.”
jiyan’s eyes widened. he didn't anticipate you being that bold.
“are.. you certain?” he asked. “i don’t want to hurt you.”
“please.” you begged. “please show me how much you missed me. you can be rough if you have to.”
his golden pupils glowered at yours as his gaze deepened, and you felt yourself getting wet from that.
“you know the rules, right?” he asked as he brought his face closer to yours.
“i’ll give you signs or let you know if i wanna stop or if you’re going too hard.” you nodded.
he grinned, thrusting his tongue into you as he kissed.
and he is now engaged in that. not on your lips, but on your wet pussy.
you both were fully naked. the only difference is that he's on his knees on the ground, while you were sprawling out on the edge of the bed.
you moaned as you felt his tongue overtake you, the fire in your chest getting out of control.
“j-jiyan.. please..” you begged. 
“mmh?” he groaned. 
you gripped the bed sheets and moaned his name. you could even feel the vibration of his groaning from his throat, thrilling you even more.
“faster..” you whimpered. you really want him now. you want him deep inside you.
he craned his neck up to gaze at you, replacing his tongue with his finger, penetrating deep inside you.  
“patience, darling. i’m just prepping you.” he chuckled. 
sometimes you find this hard to believe. the seemingly distant general of the midnight rangers is on his knees eating you out.
you met your climax a few minutes after he returned to lap you up.  
your body shook with pleasure as you again screamed his name. your torso raised as the climax intensified and the heat became more unbearable. he even continued eating you out after you came!
you knew he wasn't done, so you inhaled deeply and tried to relax yourself. still, you told him to be rough.
and once more, you were correct. as he rises from the floor and joins you in bed, you can clearly see the oozing of his thick precum from his cock. 
he’s now on top of you, pressing his body into yours. his wide shoulders are encircled by your arms as he thrusts into you as if there's no tomorrow. he put one arm over you to make sure you stayed still and took him well while the other gripped the headboard.
"fuck y/n.." he groaned, feeling your warm, damp walls. 
because of his size in general and how quickly he was moving, you are burned by his touch, and he growls against your neck whenever you squirm.
you moaned together as a result of your mutual pleasure. you were both in bliss as he slid his immense, girthy cock more inside of you. 
“jiyan please! i’m close! i’m close!” you moaned and panted, realizing you were losing self-control. 
“close?” he teased. 
“yes! i’m gonna..”
he chuckled. “i’m close too, y/n.. we can cum together then?”
“yes! please!”
he gave you a short peck on your lips and grinned. 
“then let it out.”
as he descended more and farther inside of you, his tempo quickened. you swore you saw stars. 
you both put your arms around each other and panted each other's name like a chant as you both were about to reach climax.
and without even blinking, you both came at the same time.
you came on his cock as he came deep inside you. you could feel his warm, thick cum splattering and painting your walls.
you both gave each other long embraces to relax and take a breather. however, you both knew that the evening was not over yet.
his gaze peered through yours as he saw you came earlier, eager to witness your response once more. 
with your consent, he proceeded to pound you once more after giving you an intense kiss. 
safe to say that you both go all night and he stayed by your side to clean you up and himself. 
guess he really did miss you.
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jjkilll · 3 months
the one where your cat has jk’s tounge
- pairing I bestfriend jk x y/n
- warning I smut, oral (f receiving)
- song I cat got my tongue - trey songz
- wc | 2.1K (this was way longer than i intended... whoops)
“i know you probably don’t want to hear this but that time i slept with jungkook-“ you screamed covering your ears. “nope nope. i don’t wanna hear it your right.” you scream at your friend maya.
“i’m just saying he gives amazing head, like if he wasn’t so non-committal i would have snatched him up by now,” she says. you slap her shoulder “come on you know he’s hot. i don’t know how you two haven’t fucked yet. i mean i wouldn’t be able to last ten minutes around him with his shirt off.” you roll your eyes, “he rarely has on a shirt and he’s never seen me that way.” you say.
“but you’ve seen him that way?” she asks. “no.” you lie. “oh shut up tell me now.”
“no it’s not even like that, he just- i heard him one time. he thought i wasn’t home and he was- he was umm-“ you trail off thinking of if you should even say what you’re thinking.
“um um- come on spit it out.” she urges
“he was jerking off, and he’s just so whiny. that shit sounds so hot but then once i remember that was him… he’s my best friend.” you explain.
“but he was like begging, i swear it was the hottest thing i ever heard.” you chuckle. “once he saw me he was like super embarrassed and asked if i heard him. i lied of course told him i had just got in.” maya whoops, “you have to fuck him. i just saying that woman to woman. that man can fuck.” you groan.
a text from him pops up on your phone
[j-kay] hey wanna watch a movie when you get back? my date got canceled.
“aww his date got cancelled,” you tell maya.
“poor girl just missed the best dick of her life.”
“enough about jungkook’s dick, maya.” she shrugged. “well i gotta go, he wants to watch a movie.”
“leaving me for a man. i thought we were friends…” maya dramatically sighs. “hush it’s just jungkook.”
“correction! big dick jungkook.”
“maya!!” you scream.
“okay okay, im sorry that’s it.”
“it’s not. i know you,” you say rolling your eyes.
“you know me so well.” she replies
“whatever see you later.” you say leaving the cafe
“hey your back!” jungkook says, of course, he’s shirtless.
“you didn’t text. i thought something was wrong,” he said watching you get settled in.
“no, nothing wrong,” you say trying to convince yourself.
“what’s wrong?” jungkook asks quickly.
“i just said nothing's wrong.” you both say in unison. somehow he already knew what you were going to say. “am i seriously that predictable?” you ask staring at him. “no, you just can’t lie to me.”
“nothing happened i went out with maya.”
“maya? like the maya i-“
“okay you slept together, i get it.”
“oh! you were talking about me.” he realized.
“whatever just let it go.” you say not even wanting acknowledge his realization.
“what did she say about me?” he asks following you to your room. “nothing.”
“she said something or you wouldn’t be acting so weird.” jungkook says. “she said i had a small dick didn’t she?” he groans. “no, stop asking.”
“you know i do the opposite oh whatever you tell me right?” he says with a chuckle.
“just tell me. whatever it is isn’t that serious i promise.” he explains.
“no.” you protest against.
“seagreen.” he says simply.
seagreen is a code word for you and jungkook, once one of you says it whatever the other has to reveal will come with no consequences. no one gets upset, you just listen and try to understand. you both get two each year. this was jungkook’s first of the year.
“no.” you say simply, you look at him in disbelief. “i don’t want to say it jungkook.”
“you can’t say no, i said seagreen. tell me.” he pushes. “i’m sure whatever she said wasn’t even that serious.”
“she said you give good head.” you crack under pressure. he looks at you with wide eyes before he laughs. he falls onto the floor laughing. “jungkook.” you call as he laughs louder.
“that’s what’s got you all upset. i give good head?” he laughs again.
“and you have a big dick,” you say and he starts screaming with laughter.
“i thought- i thought she told you some stupid shit. mean while it’s just that i have a big dick.” he hold his stomach trying to calm his laughter.
“seriously is that why you’re so upset?” he asks.
“no.” you say realizing now your going to have to tell him what’s really wrong.
“so what is it?” he asks.
“i don’t want to tell you.”
“y/n seriously i’m done with the back and worth. tell me what’s wrong.”
“don’t make me beg.” he says. your body shutters. “i heard you.” you say simply exhaling. “you heard me what?”
you look at him in silence for a moment. “y/n.” he calls you.
“i heard you masturbating, and you were like…” you trail off. he stares at you. “you were like whimpering and begging.” the silence between you is thick. “i thought-“ you start.
“you thought what?” he asks tucking his bottom lip between his teeth, laser-focused on you.
“i thought is was kinda hot. no like really hot, and im a girl. there’s only so much i can really take. you are always shirtless, you like drip sex. you all any of my friends talk about is your huge dick.” you rant.
“so… you’re upset with me… because i have a big dick?”
“no, you treat me like a dude! i mean am i not hot? you don’t respect me as a woman. im sexy and hot, yet you don't ever fuck me.”
“i don’t respect you? i cancelled my date for you. i try not to punch any guys who get up in your face on some bullshit. you know how bad i want to fuck you? huh, but i hold back because i do in fact respect you. i respect the fact that you’ve never made a move on me. i respect the fact that you’ve never seemed interested in me. so i’m sorry i fucked maya and not you. you have to open your fucking mouth because closed mouths don’t get fed.” he’s angry now. his neck is on fire and he’s getting ready to explode.
“you want to fuck me?” you ask.
“oh course i do! i have for years. so do all of my friends! taehyung asked me last year to take you out and i was on the bench for a week because i choked him in the lockerroom.”
“i haven’t had a date in months because of you?” you push him. “fuck yea! nobody deserves you. all they wanna do it get in your pants.”
“you make me so fucking mad sometimes. if anything you don’t respect me. you strut around in those revealing ass outfits with your ass hanging out. don’t even hold back your moans when you’re masturbating, i hear you all the fucking time. you’re a fucking hypocrite. when we play just dance you don’t ever wear a bra. you’re tits just fucking bouncing. do you know how hard it is to care about flo rida when a hot girl’s tits are bouncing in your face?” you look at him and laugh.
“what’s so funny, y/n?” he asks finally cracking a smile at your laugh. “it’s not- not the situation but it’s just- holy shit it’s just the question itself is like funny as fuck. “do you know how hard it is the care about flo rida when a hot girl’s tits are bouncing in your face!” you scream laughing. “it founds fucking ridiculous!” he laughs along with you. “it does i know.” you too both laugh so hard you fall the floor.
“come here,” he says after your laughs settle. you shuffle over to him and hug him. “i do respect you. you are the most beautiful and smart woman i’ve ever met. i really do want you and not just sex. i wanna do everything with you,” he says rubbing your back.
“you really cancelled your date?” you ask with a pout.
“to kinda put into perspective how many dates i’ve cancelled, i’ve never got canceled on. all me. that’s why amber from the coffee shop hates me.”
“that explains why all my teas are gross,” you say frowning your face. he laughs brushing your hair behind your ear. you smile at him. “how did you guys even get on the topic of me giving head?” he asks. “well you remember the guy i was with?” he rolls his eyes. “yea that dumbass dylan.” he laugh. “he didn’t want to give me head but always wanted me to give him head. he’d tell me he didn’t feel like it or that he didn’t do that type of stuff. i was just asking maya how it felt and that’s when she told me how good you were.” he nodded but then stopped. “wait you’ve never gotten head before?” he asked shocked.
“i mean we can still change that if you’re down.” he offers. “if im down?! maya says your head is life-changing, lay it on me.” you say opening your arms wide. “you’re such a freak.” he says laughing.
“lie back.” he says lifting up the little yellow sundress that covers you. your white lace panties on full display. jungkook rubs over your panties and you moan. “oh shit, you sound so pretty. whose whiny now?” he asks as you buck your hips up onto his hand. he uses his middle finger to slide your panties to the side. “oh you’re soaked.” he says taking his middle and index fingers and sliding them between your folds, he licks the slick of you off his fingers. “you taste so sweet.”
you groan. “come on you’re teasing.”
“patience, baby. just relax,” he says calmly bending over and kissing your lips. they were so soft and plump and you love the feeling of his lips on yours. he kisses you deeply this time, sliding his fingers into you. you moan giving him the chance to stick his other fingers in your mouth.
“shh the neighbors will complain.” he teases fucking you with his fingers you’re a moaning mess. “aww my little toy.” you use your hand trying to push his fingers away as you become more sensitive. “no you can take it. you haven’t even had my tongue yet.”
“you can take it can’t you?” you ask taking his fingers out of your mouth. you moan uncontrollably and he pulls out slapping your pussy. “come on answer my question, baby i’m talking to you. too fucked out to focus?” he continues rubbing circles on your clit. “yes- please please i need you- please just keep going.” you beg, squirming under him.
without warning his fingers plunged back into you fucking you quickly. “look how wet you are my god.” He groans eyes locked on your pussy and how pretty you look submitting to him. his hand wraps your throat. he curls his fingers and hits your g-spot repeatedly. “right there! oh my god! oh fuck! i’m gonna cum.” you scream grinding against his hand. right before you come undone jungkook takes his fingers out of you. you clench around nothing trying to catch your breath. “jungkook, what the fuck?!”
you sit up and he giggles. “lay back baby, i want that cum on my tongue.” you moan bucking your hips up at jungkook lays on his stomach in front of you. he blows cool air on your pussy and you whine. “please don’t tease me. please let me cum.”
“okay, okay im sorry baby.” he smiled before kissing your thigh. he licks a long stripe up your pussy before spitting and sucking on your clit.
your mouth forms an O as you have trouble breathing. you breathe in deeply before moaning. “oh my god! what the fuck? oh my god!” you whine sitting up on your elbows and watching him as he fucks you with his tongue rubbing your clit with his hand. you grip his long fluffy hair in your fist. “i’m-“ you babble something unintelligible. “uh-huh” jungkook hums flicking your clit with his tongue as you cum all over his tongue and mouth.
you weakly fall back onto the floor, your thighs shaking as he continues to slurp you up, licking you clean. “you taste so good.” he says with a smile lying beside you.
you look at him, your eyes half wide. “you can only eat my pussy forever.” you whisper to him and he lets out a big laugh. “i’m serious.” you laugh with him. “you’ve like ruined me for anyone else.” you say.
“oh, my dick’ll drive real you fuckin crazy then.”
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princessbrunette · 4 months
pogue!rafe who you call over to fix every minor inconveniences.. theres a cockroach bothering you or your ac’s acting up and rafe is the first guy you call 🙂‍↕️ he acts all nonchalant being “you could literally call the ac guy or your neighbor or someone. youre saying i come all the way here for this?” but you js go “but you’re the only one i trust rafey!!” and he eats that shit UP 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
: ・ෆ・┈・┈・ᕱ⑅ᕱ・┈・┈・ෆ・ :
perhaps you have strict kook parents who don’t let you bring men into the house — but rafe has worked on the house, they trust him — so he’s allowed right? he really doesn’t wanna come all that way just to press a few buttons on your ac that he knows you could do yourself — but he can’t help it, he’s just a man and you’re feeding his ego when you say stuff like “i’m not good at this kinda thing rafe, you’re all smart n’know how to fix things. oh, and my parents like you so they wouldn’t mind if you come here whilst they’re not home!” which makes his ears perk up like a rabbit of course. he reluctantly agrees and heads straight out.
it’s a specifically hot day, so when he turns up you’re walking around in just the tightest tiniest bikini because the ac is broken and you just couldn’t bring yourself to put clothes on.
he’s being his usual mean self, telling you to stay out of his way whilst he figures out the problem, and then once he figures it out starts telling you that you could have done it yourself — but you’re just smiling, barely listening, staring up at him looking all soft and grabbable which makes it hard for him to concentrate. you’re finding ways to get him to stay longer, offering him iced tea and food to which he declines every offer. before he leaves you get all upset, brow furrowed and pouty and he can’t stand it.
“what, huh? why are you looking at me like that?” he throws his arms up from the doorway to your bedroom, watching you sit on the bed sulking.
“why do you wanna leave so bad?” you mewl, genuinely sounding like you’re on the verge of tears and he sighs, scratching behind his ear.
“doin’ my job, kid. you’re not payin’ me to hang out and besides — m’not taking your money today.” he waves a hand and for a second you lose focus of your goal.
“wh— why?”
“i came over n’pressed a few buttons. s’not rocket science.”
“i’m still gonna pay you.” you cross your arms stubbornly and he spreads his palms carelessly, looking around.
“well uh, i’ll send it back.” he sarks and you huff, staring at your feet. he watches you for a moment, before giving in just a little and leaning on the door frame. “still upset? huh?”
“yes.” you pout.
“whats the problem now? you kook girls have got plenty’a shit to entertain yourself with alright you— you don’t need me for that. not a god damn babysitter.”
“you’re not babysitting. not even that much older than me, anyways.” you whine, only seemingly proving his point and he huffs out a laugh.
“jeeeesus christ.” he drawls under his breath before he strolls over to stand infront of you. you don’t look up at him, pointedly, so he taps beneath your chin twice. “hey.”
looking up, you look so sweet — he couldn’t deny it. “whats the issue?” he reiterates, and from his clipped tone you can tell he’s not gonna ask again if you refuse, he’ll just leave.
“want you…” you murmur, eyes getting hazy and low, pupils dilating before his very eyes like you’d flipped a switch. it’s tempting, very tempting but he backs off anyway.
“nah, nah you want a toy. go fuck on a dildo, m’not your slave.” he huffs tiredly as he drags his big body over to the doorway again. in almost a panic you let out a devastated noise, tears welling up.
“no i want you. rafey, c’mon… you have no idea. s’hurting.” you complain, and now his interest is piqued, turning around once more he licks his lips irritably at the back and forth, blinking at you.
“you think that shits not gonna hurt with me? huh?” he tilts his head, reaching down and boyishly grasping at the shape of himself through his jeans. “this shits bigger than any of the other suckers you’ve had. trust me, you don’t want this kid. go back to playing with kook boys.”
fed up and whiny, you bring your feet up onto the bed, spreading your thighs as you pull your bikini bottoms aside. he freezes on the spot, eyes locked in to the sight, only just taking in the pained look on your face. you weren’t lying, your cunt is a mess of slick, practically pulsating and clenching around nothing infront of him.
“i can take it. make me take it.” you request quietly, peering up at him. he exhales hard out his nose, looking around the room helplessly before storming towards you.
“yeah? alright. i’ll make you fuckin’ take it.”
: ・ෆ・┈・┈・ᕱ⑅ᕱ・┈・┈・ෆ・ :
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astralis-ortus · 4 months
beyond forever and eternity
✱ husband!bc x fem!reader
— love cannot survive on luck alone.
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w.count → 0.8k genre → fluff warning → chan referred to as chris, quite the amount of kisses, mild cussing, and the usual very ew-you're-so-in-love behavior. also, reader is addressed as wifey twice! a.n → based on this request! but friends, i think you need to stop me from all this domestic chan thing because i!! am!! dying!! from!! all!! the!! cuteness!!ㅠ /j ⋆ see masterlist
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the past year had felt like the best time of your life.
sure, the first 6 months were filled with one heck of an emotional rollercoaster—a bunch of final wedding preparations, taking care of all the confusing legal papers, making sure your new home with chris was up to both your expectations, and actually having the wedding within the span of 180 days made you wonder if everything was real.
the latter part of the year is when your new reality starts to sink in. some days, it happened when you woke up next to a softly snoring chris—curls as messy as a bird’s nest, yet you couldn’t help but tread your fingers through those dark locks. some others, it happened when you watch his back while he showed off his newly acquired cooking skill, giggling away while chris convinces you—though it sounds more like he’s trying to convince himself—that eveything’s going exactly to plan.
other days, however, it happens simply when you caught a glance of the stack of beautiful silver bands on your ring finger, gleaming softly under the light of your cozy living room. you’d then look at your husband sitting next to you, faint crease decorating his forehead as his gaze focuses on a project he’d been working on for the past hour or so. you’d gently bring your finger to tap on those crease, immediately erasing its existence as chris shifted his focus towards you, gaze softening along the appearance of his dimpled smile.
being married to chris had felt like coming home—like he has always been everything you’ve been looking for and more.
“has it started?”
chris’ soft voice along with the warmth of his arm snaking around your waist swiftly snapped you out of your trance, gaze returning to your husband’s smile. you silently shook your head, instead wrapping your arms around his waist and gave into his warmth while allowing a content sigh to slip past your lips. “wasn’t paying attention, honestly,” you admitted, to which he immediately returned with chuckle.
“you’re sleepy?” he gently planted his lips on your forehead while running his palm on your side. “wanna call it a night?”
“no!” you whined, lips pursing in protest. “i’m not sleepy. besides, it’s only like 2 minutes till new year, and i want to spend the first seconds awake with my husband,” you playfully emphasized—and there it was. the rosy bloom across his face quietly surfaces despite chris’ attempt to play it cool, and it never fails to amuse you.
guess it won’t be hard for you to bet that you’ll never be the only one in love in this relationship.
“gosh, wifey,” looking at you with a scrunched nose, chris finally let the adoration bubbling in his chest win when he playfully ruffles your hair—which, of course, earns a string of protests from you, “do you really love me that much?”
“think so,” you stuck out your tongue, eyes twinkling as you decide to further tease your now-red-as-a-tomato husband. “i think i love you so so so much to the point i might pass out. i mean, how can i not? you’re charming, you’re adorable, you’re handsome, you’re hot as fuck—how do you expect me not to? i’m just—“
you haven’t been paying attention—but again, how could you? your gaze had been fixated on chris’ beautiful features, taking notes on every minuscule scar and freckles painted across his blooming face; but as the plush of his lips shuts off your rambling ones, warm hands cradling your equally warm cheeks,
you could hear the fireworks within you harmonize with the colorful blasts outside the window of your hotel room.
you know you’re lucky—despite believing in the concept of soulmates, you know there are universes where your path with chris’ remains as distant, separated parallel lines. you know that nurturing your relationship with chris will have its ups and downs. you know what you have now with chris will forever be both unbreakable and fragile,
and you’re determined to turn your every day with chris as special as it could be.
“happy new year, wifey,” he mumbled quietly, lips fixed into a smile as it grazed against yours when he finally pulled away. pads of fingers tucking the stray strands off your face, chris followed the kisses across your face—on your forehead, your closed eyelids, your rosy cheeks, your soft jaw, before he returned his lips home onto yours.
“thank you for staying with me—for promising­ your forever to me, and i’m looking forward to spending my eternity with you,” with a smile apparent on his lips, his gaze were soft as he tenderly peered into your glossy ones.
“i love you—more than words could ever explain.”
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
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turcott3 · 7 months
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juraj slafkovský x fem! reader
warnings?: angst, sadness, unprotected sex, p in v, and fluff
positions fics masterlist
~oh, ‘cause nobody ever loved me like you do, i’d love to see me from your point of view~
you sat on the edge of the bed and stared down at your bare nails. one of the wives invited you to go with all of them to get your nails done, to which you hesitantly said yes. though it wasn’t exactly in your budget, you still agreed to go and bond with them.
“so what are your plans today baby?” juraj asks stepping out of the bathroom, brushing his teeth.
“the girls invited me to go get my nails done, i’m going but i won’t get anything i haven’t gotten paid yet.” you say making broken eye contact with the boy.
“one second.” he says re-entering the bathroom so finish brushing his teeth before exiting the bedroom. in your previous relationship, your boyfriend never helped you. he would poke and tease at things that weren’t funny, comment on your body and you weight, tell you how to act and went so far as to hit you from time to time. truth be told, getting back into a relationship scared you because you thought all those things would happen once again no matter who you were with. the last 4 months with juraj had been hard for you. he made you happy and was always kind but the voice in the back of your head always told you to keep him at arms length, no matter your label.
“here, take my card and get whatever you want.” he said re-entering the room, holding his card out for you to take.
“are you sure?” you replied softly.
“yes baby, get whatever you want. it’s on me i promise.” he says again, shutting his wallet and tossing it on his nightstand.
“thank you.”
“of course, i don’t want you to sit there and be left out.” he says kissing you on the head while he collected his clean clothes off the bed next to you. the way he made your heart dance was an all new feeling to you. every time he touched you it was like a butterfly sanctuary busted loose in your abdomen, every time he spoke highly of you, you felt like it wasn’t real.
“i better go, i don’t wanna be late.” you say checking the clock and standing up off the bed, grabbing your purse from the dresser.
“have fun, text me when you get there safe.” he calls from the room as you exit the apartment.
“so how’s everything with slaf?” arber’s girlfriend asks.
“oh he’s been great, he’s such a sweetheart.”
“he is, me and arber are very glad he has someone to love. he has such a big heart he deserves someone as beautiful as you.” she smiles at you.
“awe thank you steph.” you smile lightly, not being able to even accept the compliment in your mind. you’d never felt beautiful, you felt cute from time to time, but never beautiful. after two long hours, you were finally able to leave which relieved you. you didn’t feel like you fit in. all the wives and girlfriends were so beautiful and kind and radiant. none of those things fit you, or so you thought. you entered your apartment to see slaf still in bed watching tv.
“i’m home.” you say catching his attention. he gets up and shuffles into the entryway.
“let me see let me see.” he says asking to see your nails. you picked a simple red design on nude nails, considering it was now february it felt right.
“do you like?” you ask.
“they’re gorgeous. i love them.” he smiles widely at you kissing your hands before placing two gentle fingers under your chin pressing a short kiss to your lips, which you gladly accepted.
“thank you.” you blush, a full smile never cracking your face.
“what’s wrong?” he says noticing your shift in demeanor.
“it’s nothing.” you say pushing past him to enter the bedroom, grabbing your pajamas.
“it’s not nothing.” he says following hot on your heels.
“j, it’s fine.”
“baby tell me.” he says grabbing onto your biceps and pulling you closer.
“i don’t deserve you.”
“what do you mean?” he says, a look of confusion taking over.
“all the other girlfriends and wives, they’re so beautiful and funny and kind, i don’t feel like i fit in with them. it’s like they always are put together, have money, happiness and like they just do everything so effortlessly.” you say, failing to hold back the waterfall behind your eyes.
“no my love.” he says wrapping you up in his arms tightly, rocking you back and forth.
“i don’t deserve you.” you repeat.
“you deserve more than me actually. i feel every emotion you feel everyday. i know you’re scared, i know you don’t feel any of these things about yourself but you don’t see yourself from my point of view.” he states.
“you’re so gorgeous and sweet and smart and thoughtful. you make everyday so much brighter for me. i was so lonely when i first came to montreal and you’ve flipped my world upside down. you make everything better y/n.” he says and all you can do it cry. you have no response.
“i don’t know what to say j.”
“you don’t need to say anything, let’s run us a shower and get into our pajamas for a movie night okay?”
“okay.” you simply replied smiling lightly. the two of you stepped into the bathroom, him turning the knob of the shower to warm. you slowly stripped down, suddenly feeling very aware of your body. you hugged yourself hiding your chest and stomach while slaf stripped down in front of you. he finally looks up at you, eyes showing the sadness he felt at you stance.
“stop hiding, you’re beautiful.” he says pulling your arms away from your body. he reaches into the shower to feel the water finally warm. he steps in, lending you a hand in assistance. he pulls you under the water with him as you laid your head on his chest and arms wrapped around his waist. his hands wandering their way down your back, landing firmly on your ass.
“yes?” he replies as the two of you lock eyes. you say nothing and simply reach a hand to the back of his neck pulling his lips to yours anxiously. his hands moved up your back as he pulled you impossibly closer to him. you pulled away, placing your hands on his chest as your body is flush against his. the look in his eyes read far more than lust.
“let me love you y/n.” he says, running a delicate thumb across your cheekbone, his eyes locked on yours. your hand found his way on top of his as you smiled.
“i will.” you reply quietly. he reattaches your lips hastily, giving you a light tap on the ass. you jump, latching your legs around his hips, not once losing contact. the sexual tension in the room rising quickly. lifting your hips, he pushes himself inside you, burying his face in your neck. you moan out in pleasure as his tip hit the sweet spot deep inside you. he used his arms to guide you as you moved up and down on his dick at a consistent pace, losing your breath quickly. you wrapped your arms around his neck placing your head in his shoulder, trying not to deafen the brunette with your moans. at this rate it wouldn’t take you long to finish. noticing you clenching around him, he picks up his pace.
“so beautiful y/n.” he says breathlessly as you slap a hand on the wall for better stability as your skin slapped against each other. he made you feel things you’d never experienced. your eyes squeeze shut as you begin to see stars, knowing you were nearing your witts end. you feel all of your muscles relax suddenly, your legs becoming shaky at the sensation as he buries his own climax deep inside you. the two of you slowly come to a stop, him not placing you back on the ground just yet. you lift your head off his shoulder dazily and he kisses you lovingly.
“that was amazing.” you giggle, pulling him out of you.
“yeah it was.” he laughs setting you back down.
“i love you so much.” he simply says causing your heart to flutter.
“i love you too slaf.” you smile finally grabbing some kind of soap.
“might as well make use of the shower.” you giggle, pouring shampoo into both of your hands. once the two of you are out of the shower and changed you’re found nowhere other than your bed, wrapped up in each other.
“so how do you feel now?” he asks, his thumb lightly stroking your side.
“i feel a little better.” you say.
“how so?” he pries.
“i feel beautiful and i feel wanted.”
“that’s because both are true my love. if you ever don’t feel okay please come to me. i’m here for you always.”
“okay.” you say, fighting sleep to the sound of his rhythmic heartbeat.
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uluvjay · 9 months
Just stay- J. Drysdale
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Jamie Drysdale x fem! Reader
In which jamie begging you to stay the night turns into you asking him if he really has to leave.
Warnings?; suggestive, kissing, angst, cursing, self doubt, anxiety, crying, hardly proofread, sorry for any errors, this was originally going to be a cute fic but the ducks decided to break my heart so I’m breaking yours!, also we’re gonna pretend the ducks don’t play Tuesday so I can include z and mason!!
You whimpered as he kissed up your body, lips switching moving slowly as his teeth lightly nipped at parts of your skin along his path.
“Jamie..” you breathed, hands tangling into his hair as his breath fanned over your overstimulated cunt.
“Hmm” he mumbled into your skin as he kissed up to your waist, butterflies filling your stomach as his large hands come into contact with your thighs.
“I-I got to get going soon, I have a lab in the morning.” You spoke breathlessly as you did your best to pull his adventurous lips from your body.
“So?” He questioned, swollen lips finally parting from your body.
“Baby, the drive to campus is thirty-five minutes from here and the labs at eight am. Easier to leave from my place.” You spoke lowly as you ran a thumb across his rosy cheek.
He groaned as he snuggled his face into your stomach, large body positioned comfortably between your legs.
“Just stay.” He whined
“Baby as much as I love you I don’t wanna get up even earlier than I would if I leave from home.” You laugh lightly.
“I’ll drive you.”
“What!? Come on plea-no don’t get up!” He whined as you began to move from your position underneath of him.
“You have practice tomorrow morning, you won’t make it back in time.” You reminded him as you searched the sea of your mixed clothes on his bedroom floor for your underwear.
“If I drive slightly illegally, I will.” He groaned, flopping onto his back, naked body on full display.
“Jamie! I’ll be back here waiting for you once you’re done with practice, we won’t be apart for long.” You laughed, watching him amusingly as he got off the bed.
Making his way towards you, now dressed in boxers and ducks T-shirt in hand he grabbed you by the waist.
“Come on baby please, we can order a pizza and watch a movie.” He pleaded looking down at you with his bright blue eyes in fully puppy mode, lower lip slightly pouted.
“Jamie..” you spoke and while you didn’t like the smirk that overtook his face knowing he had won, the idea of getting to sleep in his arms would always sway you.
“You want me to order from the place down the street or the one a bit further?” He questioned with a lingering smile.
“The one down the street.” You grumbled trying to hide your smile.
“Okay-oh, here.” He smiled unfolding the shirt in his hand and pulling it over your head.
“Meet me in the living room after you clean up.” He leaned down pressing his forehead against yours before giving you a small peck.
“I love you, you know that?” You blushed, a hand coming to rest on his scruffy cheek.
“I know, and I love you more.” He gushed, eyes locked on yours.
You let out a soft hum before giving him one more soft kiss, “go order our pizza big boy, think we worked up quite an appetite.” You smirked, poking a finger into one of the marks you’d left on his chest.
He hissed lightly but it was mixed with a soft laugh as your bodies parted and he left a soft swat to your butt as you took off causing a loud giggle to break from you. The sound following him as he walked into the living room to order a pizza.
However he didn’t get very far as his phone began to ring and he found it to be his GM calling.
“Hey pat” he answered warmly despite the sudden anxiety brewing in his lower stomach.
“Hey son, um..look I’m really sorry to have to break this to you over the phone but um…Jamie we’ve traded you.”
Jamie felt as if the world around him was spinning, traded? He was being traded? And they had to the nerve to tell him over the phone.
“Jamie? You there?” The man on the other side of the phone questioned after a few beats of silence.
“Uh-yeah…sorry, um where am I going?” He coughed, swallowing back the quiver in his voice.
“Philadelphia..” Pat spoke quickly with a flinch at the scoff that sounded through the phone.
“When do I leave?”
“In two days, they have a game against Pittsburgh tomorrow, then a day off. They want you there by Wednesday for their game against the Canadians.” Pat explained.
“Okay, I’ll be down the arena tomorrow to get my things.” Jamie spoke lowly.
“Listen Jamie I really am sorry, you’re an excellent player it’s just that things aren’t working out..”
“Don’t worry about it, I mean it’s part of the job right?.” Jamie choked out.
“Right…Well I’ll let you go. See you tomorrow kid.”
“Yeah, see you tomorrow.” Jamie puffed as he set his phone down on the couch in front of him before sitting down himself.
Every emotion ran through the boys head, was he not enough? Did he do something wrong? He’d never know but it didn’t stop the aching in his heart.
His eyes pricked with tears as he looked around his house, the place he’d made countless memories with you and his friends. At the thought of his friends he began to wonder if a certain loud brunette a few doors down knew about the trade.
“Baby? Are you okay?” The sound of your soft voice brought him out of his thoughts and as he looked up to find you in the doorway of the living room and that’s when the dam finally Broke.
“Woah, Jamie what’s wrong?” You rushed as you sat down next to the boy and pulled him into your arms.
“They traded me.” He whimpered into the comfort of your neck.
Shock filled your chest at his words, traded? Where? And when did he have to leave?, every question crossed your mind but you knew you couldn’t ask them. Not as you felt his warm tears on your skin.
“Oh baby I am so, so sorry.” You whispered as you ran a hand along his back.
You two sat like that for a while until his chest finally slowed down and his tears dried up. Pulling away from your chest his bloodshot eyes met yours, dark hair messy and stuck to his forehead while tear tracks were present on his pale skin.
“I have to be in Philadelphia by Wednesday.” He whispered.
“Yeah, amazing right?” He scoffed bringing a hand up to wipe away the stickiness on his face.
“Do you have to go in to the arena tomorrow?” You questioned quietly.
“Yeah to clean my stall and get my stuff, then I’ll be packing and on my way to the east coast.”
“I still have to figure out what to do with the house, I mean I sight the lease for a year and no-“ he began to worry but you quickly cut him off.
“Don’t worry about that, I got it okay? I’ll do my best to help you out from here. Maybe mason can move in or something for the time being.” You spoke trying to ease his nerves knowing the boy was currently sharing a place with Trevor.
“Wh-what does this mean for us?” He questioned quietly.
The question stubbed you, you loved Jamie with your entire being and you couldn’t bare thinking about not having him in your life but you hadn’t ever tried long distance before.
“I-I would like to try and stay together. I love you Jamie and I don’t want us to breakup just because you’re in another state. The school year is almost done and so is the season, we’ll be back together in a few months.” You spoke.
“I love you too and I don’t think I’d be able to survive without you, right now you’re all that’s keeping me together.” He admitted.
“We got this baby, it’ll be hard but we’ll make it through.” You whispered.
“I pinky promise, you’re stuck with me forever baby.” You smiled as you linked your pinkie with the tired boys.
Tuesday you found yourself standing between Trevor and Mason as Jamie stood in front of you three with his hockey bag and suitcase.
“I guess this is goodbye?” He laughed but you knew there was no true humor in it.
“No, it’s a see you later. No goodbyes.” You heard Trevor speak.
“We’ll see you soon man, love you.” Mason spoke as he pulled Jamie into a hug.
“Love you too.” Jamie spoke as he hugged his friend tightly.
When they pulled away he was quickly brought into the arms of the tall New York native on your left, their hug just as tight as they shared a few words.
“I’m gonna miss you Jim, I’m glad I got to spend my first few years as your teammate.” Trevor spoke lowly and by his quivering voice you knew he was crying.
“Me too, you’ve been a lot of help throughout all my highs and lows Z. I’m glad we were able to share the ice together for so long. I love you man.” Your boyfriend said as he gave his dear friend one more tight squeeze and pulled away.
You already had tears streaming down your face by the time he got to you, his strong arms wrapping around you as you sobbed quietly into his chest.
You could hear the boys take a few steps back in order to give you the the tiniest bit of privacy.
“Are you sure you have to go?” You whimpered.
“Sadly I do baby.” He smiled down at you sadly, a hand coming up to wipe away your tears.
“You can’t just stay? Say fuck them and come home with me?”
“I’m so sorry baby, if I could I would have never put you through this. You don’t deserve it.” He choked out as his own tears began to fall faster.
“I love you so much Jamie.” You whispered.
“I love you more.”
You hugged him one more time before you heard the boarding for his flight being announced over the intercom and soon you were pulling away from each other.
“See you later?” You questioned.
“Yeah baby, I’ll see you later.” He smiled as he pulled you into one last kiss, the salty taste from your tears mixing in but neither of you cared.
He pulled away with one final peck and waved to the two boys behind you before he was turning around and walking towards his gate.
“I’m going to miss him so much.” Trevor spoke up from beside you.
“‘Me to Z, me too”. You nodded along as you three watched the love of your life walk towards his new life.
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scenezfreak · 1 year
YUHH HI 🍑ANON 🤭 ITS OK IM IMMATURE TOO LMAO, also imma start adding better images to my posts so it isn’t just a fucking red line 💀
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Jeff, Liu, and Toby with a slutty S/O
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• He’d probably get fed up with you constantly needing his cock and would fuck you dumb so you couldn’t even ask for more.
• He would have you bent over a surface roughly fucking into you saying “Take my cock since you want it so bad”
• He wouldn’t fuck you just once, god no- he’d fuck you until you’re begging him to stop and even then you’ll be lucky if he even decides to give you a break
• When you do ask him to stop he’d grab your face, forcing you to look at him and say, “You’re the one who begged for my cock, so now you’ll take it.”
• You guys do have a safe word if it gets too much for you but you truly don’t want him to stop and he knows that too
Bonus: Jeff forced you to bend over a counter in an unknown house, you’re too needy for him to wait until you guys get home so he takes you in the house of the people you guys had just killed. “‘m sorry, Jeff…you just looked so hot fighting and killing that guy…” you whimper out, he puts a hand on your head, forcing your face to squish against the countertop, blood from his hands smearing on your face and on your hip from where he’s grabbing you. He starts grinding against you the curve of your ass. “Since you wanna act like such a whore, I’ll treat you like one.”
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• like Jeff, he’d fuck you dumb but on accident..
• He just wants to please you and accidentally goes too far, tbh I don’t think he’d be able to stop himself either
• How could he say no when you’re begging so nicely for his cock?
• He’s literally so in love with you it’s insane, he’d be giving you more than you asked for
Bonus: You had just cum for the 5th time and he’s still going, you can’t get enough of him and he can’t get enough of you. He starts speeding up and you can’t help but dig your nails into his back as he bullies your insides. There’s cum everywhere between your thighs and on him. The wet slapping sounds fill the room along with your moans and his grunts.
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• HE would be the one begging for sex and of course you’d comply since you were always horny for him
• He’d fuck into you so greedily like he hast just ruined you that morning
• After a round he’d ask, “Come on, one more for me, ok baby? Just one more” he demands it but it comes out as more of a beg
• Poor baby would make himself brain dead from cumming so much
Bonus: “Fuc- Fuck!” He groans as he cums inside of you again, keeping himself still inside of you he looks up with his puppy eyes, “Please j-just one- one more?” He asks. Breathless from just cumming you nod your head and he goes in for a kiss, his hands on your hips, using them as leverage to fuck into you again.
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Eyeless Jack:
• He’s busy a lot so he doesn’t really have much time to fuck you when you’re needy
• BUT if you’re persistent enough he’ll definitely fuck your brains out
• On his heat tho?!?!?!?!? GYAT DAYUMMM. HES the whore then…
• Constantly begging for you, and who are you to refuse?
Bonus: “Y/n I can’t, I’m busy right now.” He says sternly. You huff and get on the ground to crawl under the desk. He jolts when you unzip his jeans, pulling his cock out. He starts to harden at the sight, you on your knees, your eyes big and begging as you rub his cock. You licking your lips as you bring your other hand to fondle with his balls. “Please Jack..?” You said pathetically. He stares at you for a while, you feel him twitch in your hands. “I guess a small break won’t hurt.” He says.
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overtrred28 · 3 months
So high school | Jessie Fleming x reader
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Summary; The story of how you and Jessie were brought together one fateful night in college and didn't leave each others side ever again.
Words; 2050
Pairing; Jessie Fleming x UCLA reader
A/N; Mother Taylor has inspired me and a tiktok that paired a footballer with an academic girl and I had thoughts. Then I was wondering who to do it with and THEN… UCLA J FLEM. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do because I’m in a Jessie mood rn. Btw this has been sitting in my drafts for literally like 2 months and I haven't had the inspiration to finish it until today. Enjoy loves xx
Jessie was more than kind of uncomfortable right now.  She was tired after a full day of classes and an early morning training session, wanting to flop into bed after her long day and sleep away most of the weekend. But here she was, nursing a cup of coke in the corner of a frat house and wishing she had declined the invitation to come out with half of the soccer team. 
“You good?” Teagan had made her way over, leaning against the wall and looking down at the midfielder who was seemingly lost in thought.
“Yeah, fine.” Jessie nodded her head, hiding the fact she desperately didn’t wanna be here anymore. 
“Why don’t you try and go talk to someone? I’m sure there are plenty of pretty girls catching your eye right now.” Teagan nudged her shoulder with a smirk, downing her drink before walking away again. Jessie sighed before taking another sip of her coke and walking to another section of the house where more people congregated. 
Her eyes filtered through the room, trying to take the goalkeeper's advice but giving up after noticing every pretty girl making their way over to someone else. Eventually her feet mindlessly walked her over to the back door, the glow of the pool under the moonlight catching her eye first before she spotted you. 
Your friends had practically dragged you from your dorm, insisting you had to come and party with them, but where were they? Probably inside making out with frat guys and forgetting you actually came with them. That’s how you had found yourself sitting on a deck chair outside, avoiding the loud music and heavily intoxicated 20 year olds celebrating the start of their senior year, after your friends ditched you early on.
It didn’t bother you, them leaving you alone that is. And you could have gone home but you wanted to stay and make sure your friends made it home safely. 
Jessie only saw the side of your face from how you were positioned on the chair but immediately found herself drawn to you. People may have called her crazy for falling with just one look, but when you know, you know. 
You didn’t hear the sliding door open, too busy looking up at the moon and wondering what else you could be doing right now if you stayed in bed. It wasn’t until you heard the chair beside you creek that you finally noticed her, snapping your head at the noise and becoming encapsulated by her big brown eyes and freckles immediately. 
“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” She apologised, her eyes somehow getting bigger and more beautiful. 
“I-it’s okay.” You let out a breath. “Just wasn’t expecting anyone else to be out here.” You shared a soft giggle and she finally smiled. 
“Yeah, not really my scene.” Jessie shrugged and began sitting back in the chair, copying her movements and turning your head to face her.
“Me either.” You smiled before reaching out a hand to her. “Y/N.”
“Jessie.” She connected your hands, ignoring the tingling she felt in her fingers while you pushed down the butterflies fluttering around your stomach. 
You two spent the rest of the night talking before she offered to walk you back to your dorm, after finding out your friends had already left with guys and you were left alone. Well, not so alone now. 
The next few weeks would find you and Jessie with each other as much as possible, save for your individual classes, and you were happier than ever. You weren’t dating, no but it began to feel like it, especially when you ran down the bleachers after she won her next match, Jessie catching you as you jumped into her arms with pride. 
After almost two months since meeting you finally had your first kiss. It wasn’t super romantic but exactly how you would have wanted it to go. You and Jessie were hanging out in her dorm, you studying for an upcoming exam and her pretending to catch up on classwork but really spent the whole time staring at you. 
“Jessie.” You were focused on the millions of highlighted poems and texts that sounded you on the floor but could feel her eyes burning in the back of your head. “I can feel you staring.”
“What?” Jessie acted dumb, biting her lip to hold back a smile as she watched you turn your head, raising an eyebrow.
“You know that if you don’t get this work done you’re not playing this weekend. And I already cleared my schedule to watch you soooo.” You sat up fully, leaning back on your arms to look up at her on her bed.
“Can we not just take a small break? We’ve been at this for hours!” She whined, tilting her head at you, a fake pout accompanied by some puppy dogs eyes. 
“It’s literally been 45 minutes.” You deadpanned as you got up and jumped up to sit next to her. 
“45 minutes too long.” She huffed and you stifled a laugh as you looked at her. 
“What would you rather us do then?” You asked while shaking your head at her, letting out that laugh but stopping when her silence was noted. You looked up to find her staring, no, gazing into your eyes, a look on her face she had many times but this was the first time you noted it. She looked lovestruck. 
Your mouth opened to speak again but you were cut off when she was suddenly moving forward, one hand reaching up to hold your cheek and the other moving down to hold your waist. Before you could process anything, her lips were on yours and it was as if you had been transported into another world.
After that kiss your relationship didn’t seem to change that much, still spending almost all of your time together, though this time spending it a little closer and with a lot more kissing. Something about your relationship felt so young and naive, like you were back in high school making out at parties and never spending more than a couple hours apart from one another. 
You now went to all her training sessions, sitting in the bleachers finishing homework while she prepared for their next match. Jessie loved you just being there but was getting a little annoyed that you weren’t fully paying attention as she ran rings around her teammates in an effort to impress you. She knew the perfect way to get your nose out of your books. 
“HEY BABE!” Jessie shouted up to you across the pitch. The sheer volume and urgency of her voice caught your attention instantly, looking up to find her waving her arm comically in your direction. 
“What?” You laughed alongside her teammates who were standing on the pitch waiting for something to happen. 
“WATCH THIS!” She yelled again before running back to her starting position, eyeing up the cones and dummies she meticulously laid out and the ball that laid in wait for her. You bit back a smile at her excited nature, waiting for her to begin whatever trick she was about to show off. 
She began dribbling the ball skillfully through the first few cones that were placed closely together. Yourself and her remaining teammates watched her feet intensely, quite impressed with how precisely she was keeping the ball in and under her feet. She made it through her round of cones and looked up towards you in the stands, making sure you were in fact watching her and whether or not you were impressed. But what she failed to notice was how close she had positioned the steel dummies that were part of her second skill test. 
Everyone saw it happen before she did, running straight into the dummy, too distracted by you to realise she was running into it. You heard the ding from halfway up the bleachers and within seconds you were racing down to her on the pitch, trying to keep your laughter at bay so you could seriously check on her. 
“Jessie, are you okay?” You knelt down to where Jessie was now sitting up, legs splayed across the grass and a hand to her temple, soothing where she hit her head. 
“Don’t laugh. I was just trying to impress you.” Jessie finally spoke, avoiding your eyes and producing a pout, meanwhile her freckled cheeks were getting redder than they already were. 
“Oh baby I know. It was very impressive till… you know.” You directed her eyes back to you with a soft smile, biting your lip again to hold back your laugh. 
That night Jessie continued to pout, even when you were giving her all your attention, laying between your legs as you held an ice pack to her temple and babying her all night long even though you didn’t put the dummy there, she did. 
After graduation you moved with Jessie to England for her contract with Chelsea, you managed to land a position at the University of London, teaching in the English department, a great start to your life together in a new country.  
Jessie proposed to you in January of 2022 after three and a half years of dating, keeping it private and personal by dropping down on one knee as you were getting into bed one cold night. 
Clad in flannelette pyjamas and fluffy socks, just having got out of the shower, you walked back into the bedroom expecting Jessie to be curled up in bed and waiting for you. But as you turned the corner she was bent down on one knee and holding a ring in her shaking hands. Jessie had prepared a whole speech about how much she loves you and wants to spend the rest of her life with you but in true Jessie fashion she got nervous and the only words that came out were. “Marry me? Please?” 
You both took the next year to plan the wedding for Spring 2023 before the world cup, wanting to make sure you knew what you wanted and to enjoy being engaged before being married. 
The big day finally arrived and you hadn’t seen Jessie in more than 24 hours, both of your bridesmaid groups separating you from one another for practically the first time in almost 5 years. 
It was a beautiful ceremony filled with all for your close family and friends to celebrate your love and unite your families. You cried, Jessie cried, everyone cried. The reception though was one massive party. Everyone danced, everyone drank and most of all you got to have fun with your wife like you did back in college. 
At the end of the night, after the party ended and everyone went home, you and Jessie were sipping champagne on your hotel room floor, giggling with one another in the silent room while wearing matching pyjamas. 
“I love you.” Jessie said as she stared, no gazed, in your direction. “You’re so pretty, will you marry me?” Her words were slightly slurred as her tipsy frame swayed back and forth every so slightly. 
“Too late, already did.” You laughed as you brought your left hand up to her face, showing off both of your shining rings. “Look.” You brought her hand up too, showing her own ring clad fingers to her, shock adorning her freckled face. 
“We’re married already?!” Jessie shrieked and you knew it was time for bed. 
“Yes, now come on. Time for bed my love.” You placed a kiss on her lips before putting your flutes down and pulling Jessie up with you from the floor. You dragged her over to the large bed, crawling alongside each other to then assume your regular positioning. Jessie waited for you to get comfortable against the pillows before laying herself across your chest, her pillow. 
“Baby?” Jessie spoke after a few minutes, tilting her head to look up at you. 
“Hmmm?” You respond as you begin to stroke her hair gently. 
“Tell me about the first time you saw me.” Jessie asked before setting back down against your chest. You let out a small breath, a smile donning your face as she asked you. 
“Well, I was sitting at a party next to the pool…” 
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alimaybankkk · 2 years
summary: jj never really thought of loving a girl before. it was always a hit and run, but you were something else.
warnings: fluff. that’s literally it. like major fluff
pairing: jj maybank x innocent!routledge!fem! reader
you were outside of the chateau, chilling in your yellow sundress when you heard his voice.
“hey, y/n,” jj said, sitting down next to you.
you grinned, tying a knot on the bracelet you were making. “hi, jj.”
he looked at you in deep thought for a moment, noticing it was the first time he ever loved the way his name was said.
“is john b here?” he asked.
you didn’t let your smile fade, although you were pretty bummed. you wished he’d come to see you, but you shrugged. “i don’t think so. wanna hang with me for a little bit?”
he looked like he was thinking, but he eventually shook his head. “i’ll just come back later.”
he wanted to stay with you. in fact, he needed to stay with you. but the thought of loving someone the way he loved you was terrifying. especially if it was his best friends little sister.
he stood, starting to walk but you followed after him. “well, where are you going?”
he shut his eyes as he stopped in his tracks. “home.”
you shook your head. “jj, can you stay with me? i’m bored.”
he shook his head. “i got work to do, princess. maybe another time.”
you suddenly looked at him with puppy dog eyes, gripping his bicep. “please?”
he bit his lip. damn, if he knew how to say no to you, he would have done it. but he didn’t. he grabbed your hand and took you back to where you were sitting earlier.
“pick a color, jj,” you said, putting your old bracelet off to the side.
“um,” jj thought. “i don’t know.”
“come on, j, just pick one!” you rested your head on your knees.
“um,” he said, looking around. his eyes fell on your dress, which he loved a lot, but was too nervous to say. “yellow.”
you looked up. “like the sunshine, right, j?”
he sighed. “yes, princess, like the sunshine.”
“it’s very warm today. i was tanning earlier. look how much sun i got,” you said. you showed him your arm after gathering a few different strings to put together.”
jj smiled. “cute.”
“so, what did you need my brother for?”
he shrugged. “pogue stuff.”
“i’m a pogue,” you muttered. “why can’t i know?”
“because, honey, it’s secret.” he brushed it off like it was nothing, but you wanted to cry.
your hair was in a half up half down style, one that jj had never seen before on you, with your ends blown out and complimenting your hair color. you noticed he was looking at your hair, which gave you an idea.
“j,” you said, rummaging through your bookbag. “can you tie a bow?”
he shrugged, catching sight of the yellow ribbon you threw onto the grass. “sure, princess, i can.”
“tie one into my hair, please.”
he sighed and you turned around. jj wanted to hold you close to him and cuddle you, but he had self control. he looped the ribbon around the ponytail at the top and began tying as you leaned your back against his chest.
“you’re making it hard for me to tie, here, princess.” he chuckled, having to restart. he had goosebumps from how close you were.
you almost fell asleep. “you’re comfortable, jj.”
he squeezed his eyes shut, forcing himself not to leave a trail of kisses from your ear down your neck.
“done,” he said, starting to twirl a few strands as he waited for you to get off of him. “you can sit up now.”
“no,” you shook your head and forced him to lay down, cuddling up to him.
“come on, princess, sit up,” he said, tapping your hip.
“j, i’m comfortable. please?” and for the second time in five minutes, you looked at him with the puppy dog eyes.
he sighed, pushing your head back onto his chest. “remember how john b said you were off limits when you turned 13?”
“yeah? and you said never in a million years would you want me?” you asked.
he winced. he regretted those words every day, wishing he could go back and take them away. “yeah. yeah, that time.”
“what about it?”
“nothing. take a nap, princess. you’ll get even more tan.” he said.
“okay.” you agreed and fell asleep.
* honestly, jj felt like a creep. he’d watched you sleep for at least thirty minutes, but he couldn’t help it. he loved the way your chest rose and fell slowly. but mostly, he loved that you even smiled in your sleep.
jj’s legs were starting to cramp. he couldn’t move without waking you, but he didn’t have a choice. your eyes fluttered open and you turned to him, startled.
“‘m sorry, princess.”
you smiled an ‘it’s okay.’ and sat up. he followed, starting to realize how sweaty he felt. he brushed it off and took a sip from the water bottle that was there.
“jj, that’s mine,” you told him and grabbed it back, drinking it until it was gone.
“someone’s thirsty,” he commentated and jabbed you in the hip.
you giggled, throwing the water bottle at him. “i got to get back to my bracelet,” you said to yourself and went away at knotting .
he watched you contently for five whole minutes before saying, “do you still love the stars?”
you froze. it was something dumb you’d told him when you were eight. you never had expected him to remember, but you nodded. “yeah.”
he grinned, thinking of how cute you would be on a blanket pointing to the little dipper.
“wanna watch them with me tonight?” he asked. he bit his lip, waiting for your answer.
your smile grew wider. “okay.”
he slapped your back, chuckling. “it’s a date then.”
you turned around and have him a thankful look that he wished he could take a picture of in the moment and look at every second of his life.
“jj,” you said, looking past his shoulder. “john b’s back.”
jj would be lying if he said he wasn’t upset. he was bummed that it was no longer the two of you. he was upset that there probably would not be another cuddle session that evening.
to be honest, he’d only realized his feelings for you a few years ago. at least, he’d recognized them. he’d always felt the same about you, but only around three years ago did he realize it was love.
you had loved him knowingly since the first time he held your hand on the way to school while john b walked beside him, defending you from the bigger and meaner kids at school.
you’d always had that puppy love for him.
and he’d always had that puppy love for you.
“right.” jj said back, standing and approaching john b.
he turned around. “stars at my house, okay?”
you smiled and nodded, gripping the grass and ripping a few blades out.
* jj had set out a few pillows and a blanket on the roof of his house. he was quite comfortable on his own, snuggling up into the pillows he slept with every night. he couldn’t get over the fact that soon he would be able to lay his head on a pillow that smelt like you.
after a few minutes of listening to the crickets, he heard footsteps. “jj?”
he sat up and peaked over the edge of the roof. “shh, princess, don’t go inside.”
he watched you look up at him, smiling as you locked eyes with him. your eyes reflected the moon and the stars. they looked no different from how they usually did. well, maybe they did; jj usually saw the whole world in them.
“jj, i can’t get up there,” you whined. he climbed down the ladder and grabbed your hands, smiling at you.
“hi,” he said.
he ordered you to go on his back and you climbed there, fighting your fear of heights. he climbed the ladder with no problem, placing you gently on the fort he’d made. you leaned back and laid down as he laid down next to you.
jj knew how small he made the little circle. he wanted to be as close as possible to you. you loved it, too.
“oh, baby, your ribbon’s all messed up.” jj said, mentally kicking himself for the pet name.
and you mentally kicked yourself for almost fainting at the nickname. he’d never called you that before. “what did you say?”
“i said… i said your ribbon’s all messed up.” jj said nervously.
“before that.”
he hesitated. “baby.”
you squeezed your eyes shut, turning to face him. “i liked it.”
he helped you sit up as you leaned against his chest and he retied your ribbon for the second time today.
“i like your hair like this, baby.” he said, smiling as you shivered at the nickname.
“thank you,” you said, leaning your head into his neck.
he nodded and kissed your forehead.
what are we? he thought, resting his chin on your head.
you were looking at the sky through the side of your eye and you launched your finger out. “venus.”
“what, baby?” he asked, his attention being drawn back to you.
“i can see venus.” you pointed. he followed your gaze but didn’t see anything. he pretended he did.
“very beautiful, princess.” he said. just like you, he thought.
you nodded, turning back to him and reaching into your pocket of the shorts that were under your dress.
you pulled out a yellow chevron bracelet. the one that you had not finished before he left. it warmed his heart to know that you had not stopped thinking about him when he left.
“you got a gift for me, don’t you, routledge?” he asked, not accidentally holding your hand for a little too long when he grabbed it out of your hand.
“like the sunshine,” you told him, pointing to the yellow.
he grinned. “just like the sunshine, princess.”
“i would love some sunshine right now,” you said.
“i have some,” jj blurred out without thinking.
you raised an eyebrow. “how?”
he couldn’t go back now. “in a way, baby, you are my sunshine.”
you grinned, your face lighting up. he knew the sun was your favorite star in the sky ever since you were eight .
“i’m your sunshine?”
“my sunshine.” he told you, cuddling close to you. “if i’m upset, you make me feel better.”
you didn’t even think about it, but you gave him a kiss. on the lips.
it was something you did a lot—kiss him—but it was usually just on the forehead or on the cheek.
he froze. you sat up. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to—”
but he smashed his lips against yours, drowning you in passion and love.
“i love you, baby.” he told you.
“i love you, too, jj,” you said, smiling wide.
“oh and this bracelet reminds me…” he started, reaching into his pocket. he pulled out a neckless. it was made with clay beads, a type of bead you enjoyed.
it was yellow.
“i made it for you.” he told you as he adjusted it onto your neck.
* a/n: so fluffy
part 2? idrk
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antoncore · 5 months
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just relax, and i’ll take care of you | s. es
now playing: mary j blige - mary jane (all night long)
contains: smut (minors dni), fluff, softdom!eunseok, oral (fem receiving), lots of praise, reader is kind of a pillow princess (as she should after a stressful day!!!) and extremely fluffy ending!!
word count: 1k
synopsis: you’re at home on a friday night after a hectic week and watch a movie to relax. you can’t relax so eunseok has… another idea
5pm on a friday. finally. the weight of all the responsibilities and stress of life are finally gone (for a couple of days, at least). you just couldn’t wait to get home and relax. you walk through the door to see your boyfriend eunseok who was making himself a peach iced tea. he didn’t even need to turn around to look at you to sense that you had a stressful day. “hey love” he said in a calm voice, “rough day?”. “yeah, it’s been a hard day” you said, holding back your tears.
eunseok walks over to you wrapping his arms around you. “i’m sorry, my love,” he said in the most soothing voice knowing his voice often calms you down. “at least you’re home now, we can spend all night together and i can help you feel better. sound good?”. you nod, feeling the relief from both his arms around you and his comforting words. “you’re the best, eunseok” you whisper. “only for you, my sweet y/n,” he said smiling, “now go and sit down, i’ll make you some dinner and peach iced tea”. you sit yourself down on the sofa, getting yourself comfortable as eunseok prepares dinner for you.
he comes back with a tray of pasta (which you both loved) and peach iced tea with the warmest of smiles on his face, “here, sweetheart. wanna do a twilight marathon? i know that always makes you feel better. and also we need to get you into something comfy, ok sweetheart?” “of course,” you reply as you smile at him, feeling so much gratitude for having him in your life. he comes back with one of your oversized t-shirts and a pair of his boxers (which you always stole from him because you loved how comfy they were) to put on. he turns on the tv, choosing the first twilight film to watch as you both start eating.
as the night continues you change positions on the sofa, cuddling with your head on his chest. while you felt calmer than when you first walked in the door, you still felt tense (which of course eunseok picks up on). “how you feeling, y/n?” he asks with a gentle voice. “still tense” you reply with a frown. “i know what i can do to take all the stress away, just lay down” he says with a loving smile as he stands up. you do as he asks, lying down on your back.
he kisses you, starting from your forehead all the way down to your thighs, touching and leaving hickeys along the way too. it was kind of embarrassing how wet you were simply from the kisses and his touches but you couldn’t help it; you loved the way his lips and hands felt on your body. “what do you want, hm sweetie?” he asked, smirking at you. “i think you know, seok” you replied. he quickly replied “hmm, i think i know too”, kissing up your thighs and on the boxers you were wearing. he couldn’t help but notice how wet you were, simply from kisses. “so wet, sweetheart. don’t need to do anything, just let me take care of you” he said softly, making you feel even more relaxed. he pulls off your boxers, revealing your bare pussy. he wastes no time and starts slowly rubbing your clit in circles just as you liked. “feels good, hmm?” he asks gently, looking up at you. you nod at him, telling him everything he needs to know to keep going.
he starts using his mouth, kissing your clit gently and using his fingers to tease your pussy to get you ready for him. he then starts licking you slowly ensuring he takes his time with you, his pretty girl. “so good eunseok, thank you” you moaned, knowing that he loved when you moaned his name while he made you feel good. “so pretty for me, y/n. gonna make you cum i promise” he says before going back to making you feel good, going faster than before. he places your hand in his, warming your heart from how intimate it felt to be holding hands as he eats you out. he starts sucking on your clit, making you moan loudly from how amazing it felt.
he keeps going as he looks up, loving your reactions as he does it. his lips and fingers work together together, hitting all the spots to make you feel relaxed. “mm seok, think i’m close” you whine. he goes slightly faster, making sure you cum for him. your moans get louder and louder as you get closer. “that’s it sweetheart, cum for me. you deserve it after your stressful day” he says as he uses his fingers. “hnnn eunseok, i’m gonna cum,” you moan while trying to hold back your tears from eunseok eating you out so well. you cum as eunseok licks it all up for you, making sure he doesn’t waste a drop. “fuck, thank you seokie. that’s exactly what i needed,” you say between breaths. eunseok laughs softly as he pulls away from your pussy. “let me clean you up and then we can go to sleep, sound good my love?” he says breathily as he smiles at you. “mmm yeah, feel a bit lightheaded after how well you made me cum,” you reply, giggling.
he grabs a cloth from the laundry room, wetting it with warm water and then cleaning you up gently, making sure everything is cleaned up. as you get up, he holds out his hand for you to hold as he smiles at you. you think “god he’s so beautiful, how did i ever get so lucky?”. you both walk to the bedroom, getting into bed instantly. you both get comfortable with eunseok spooning you like you loved as it always made you feel safe, peaceful and at home. “i love you, seok” you whisper, thinking that he’s already asleep. to your surprise, he responds with a soft “i love you more, sweetheart,” which melted your heart completely. you could both feel each other’s heartbeat, feeling so connected and close to one another as you both drift off to sleep. you smile contentedly, knowing that eunseok will always be there for you no matter what and you’d always do the same for him.
a/n: i loved writing this, i’m a huge eunseok soft dom enthusiast!!! hope you guys enjoy :D feel free to send in requests/asks <3
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mopopshop · 3 months
Ok so for juju what abt her going to (fem) reader dorm/apartment after practice and being all cuddly and needy cause she’s really tired and wants attention? I just need more juju fics bro 😭😭🙏🏾
Soft (Juju Watkins x Reader)
i like writing juju stuff so send requests for it yall😟🙌🏾
You’re just finishing up some studying when you hear a gentle knock on your dorm room door. Glancing at the clock, you realize it’s later than you thought—practice must have just ended. You smile, knowing exactly who it is.
Opening the door, you’re met with the sight of Juju, your girlfriend. Her usually vibrant energy replaced with a weary but affectionate smile. She looks exhausted, her hair slightly damp from a post-practice shower, her eyes a little droopier than normal.
“Hey, baby” she murmurs, stepping inside and wrapping her arms around your waist immediately. The warmth of her embrace melts away any remnants of stress from earlier. “I missed you.”
You chuckle softly, leading her to the bed. “You were only gone for a few hours, J.”
“Felt like fucking forever,” she mumbles, nuzzling into your neck as you both collapse onto the soft mattress. You run your fingers through her braids, feeling her relax against you.
She shifts, draping herself across your lap, her head resting on your shoulder. “I’m so tired,” she whispers, her voice almost a whine. “Practice was brutal.”
You press a kiss to her forehead, your heart swelling with affection. “I can see that. Just stay in my lap for a while, yeah?”
She nods, her eyes fluttering shut. “That sounds perfect.”
You continue to stroke her hair, the room falling into a comfortable silence. Juju’s breathing evens out, and you can feel her muscles gradually unwind. Her neediness is endearing, and you’re more than happy to give her the attention she craves.
“Thank you,” she whispers after a few minutes, her voice soft and sleepy.
“For what?” you ask, gently.
“Just because, I love you .”
You laugh. “Aw, you’re welcome babe. I love you”
She snuggles closer, her arms wrapping around you more securely. It’s clear that her exhaustion is making her clingier by the second.
As the minutes tick by, you both settle into a peaceful rhythm. Juju’s fingers trace lazy patterns on your thigh, and you can feel her body slowly but surely relaxing into yours. It’s these quiet moments that you cherish the most, where words aren’t necessary, and the simple presence of each other is enough.
“Fuck my back hurts,” Juju blurts out, flinching and reaching for her back, breaking the silence. “Think I tweaked it last practice, been bothering me since” she giggles.
You gape at that news. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier, you should be sleeping, getting better and— and—“
Juju laughs harder at your panic and sits up, criss-cross, in front of you. Placing her hands on your thighs. 
“Baby.. I’m fine, chill” she grins, rubbing your legs. 
You can’t help but smile back, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. “Still, you need to take care of yourself, J. You work so hard.”
She sighs, her eyes closing once more as she nestles her head against your shoulder. “I know. But it’s worth it when I get to come home to you.”
Your heart flutters at her words, and you lean down to kiss the top of her head. The two of you lay there for what feels like hours, wrapped up in each other’s warmth. You talk about everything and nothing as the outside world fades away, leaving just the two of you in your little bubble of peace.
At some point, Juju’s stomach growls, and she looks up at you with a sheepish grin. “Man, I forgot to eat after practice.”
You laugh softly, giving her a gentle squeeze. “Wanna order something?”
She nods as she buries her head back into your neck, so you grab your phone and open the doordash app. 
“Chic-Fil-A?” You ask and she nods once again into your neck.
The food arrives a little while later and you both sit up on your bed eating. 
“You spoil me, you know that?” she says, her eyes twinkling with affection.
You shrug playfully, handing over her food. “Just taking care of my girl.”
She takes the plate with a grateful smile, and the two of you sit in comfortable silence, sharing a simple meal together. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s perfect in its own way.
After eating, you both clean up, changing into some pajamas, and lay back on the bed, settling in for the night. Juju cuddles up to you once more, her head resting on your chest as she lets out a content sigh.
“Thank you for tonight, baby” she whispers, her voice filled with gratitude. “I really needed this.”
“You’re welcome J,” you reply softly, running your fingers through her braids. “I’m always here for you.”
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blackdollette · 6 months
ooou i watched jack goes home last night & besides rory’s incredible acting, he just looked … so so good
i get nervous to send asks - but there’s BARELY any dry hvmping on this app and it makes me go INSANE.
so … maybe jack & r dry hvmping?
he looks so good in that film it's insane! anyways, bon appetit. i had fun cooking this one up :))
"my clothes still smell like you." | jack thurlow
body electric. - lana del rey
✮⋆˙ [tags] @faesucksass @lustkillers @angelsanarchy @mayathepsychic1999 @josibunn @livingdead-materialgirl@romanroyapoligist @oliviah-25@si1nful-symph0ny @auggiethecreator @vanlisbon@livingdead-reilly @imoonkiss @lankysimp @nom-nommmm1 @xxbl00d-cl0txx @k1ll3rh0rr0r @wildathevrt @mommymilkers0526 @greenxgloss @wild-rose-35
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female!reader x jack
word count: 917
contents: dry humping, a little fluffy
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jack clicked away at his keyboard as he sat motionlessly at his desk, the long hours of the day having taken a toll on him.
you were sitting pretty in your nightgown on the bed as you stared at him from behind. it was a few minutes pass 10pm, and you were waiting for jack to come and hold you as you two drifted off to sleep. “you finished yet, jack?” you asked for the millionth time, sounding like a broken record. 
“not yet, hon. go to bed without me. i’ll catch up… eventually…” his voice trailed off, his head slowly nodding off to sleep before he shook himself awake. you pouted, lying down and wrapping yourself in the blanket as the click sound from his keyboard gradually became less frequent until they completely stopped.
you lifted up your head to look at him, seeing that his head was held back with his eyes shut as he snored quietly. you sighed, standing up from the bed and making your way to him, placing your hands on his shoulders and massaging him gently. “you must be so tired…” you whispered, tucking a strand of his hair back into the bun at the back.
he grumbled, spinning his chair around slightly and grabbing your waist, pulling you onto his lap and resting his head on your shoulder. “damn right i am. i’m exhausted, baby…” you sighed, putting your legs on either sides of his lap as his hands trailed down to your hips. he looked up at you, his eyelids dropping with fatigue. “i hope you’re not mad at me, baby.”
you shook your head, pressing your body into his. “of course i’m not. i just wish you didn’t overwork yourself…” his head found your chest, pressing his ear against it so he could listen to the soft thumping of your heartbeat. your voice dropped to a hypnotic octave, one that was made to make him believe that everything would be okay. “i wanna help you, jack. i dont want you to be so stressed all the time.”
your chest against his face brought him more comfort than anything, his body beginning to respond to the subtle yet intimate touch. his hands gently caressed your ass, your nightgown shimmying up a little. “you wanna help me out, baby..?” you nodded, breath hitching softly as he pulled you into him even more, your clothed private parts coming into contact. there was no denying the lack of sex that had settled in your relationship. so maybe that was all he needed…
his hands slowly started to move your hips against him, your clothed pussy rubbing against his boner. “c’mon, baby. make me feel better…” you placed your hands back on his shoulders, slowly rolling your hips against his erect manhood, his sweatpants providing a soft landing for you.
jack groaned quietly, leaning his head back as his eyes fluttered shut. “j-just like that, baby. use me…” he pulled your nightgown away from your ass, squeezing the soft flesh as the friction of your movement made him shiver. our panties soaked with the juices of your arousal as you got him and yourself off.
your clit throbbed, begging for an end to the teasing. but considering jack’s state, you knew that penetration would be too much. for now at least. jack moaned shakily, staring at your chest as your body rose and fell. he squirmed in his seat, his hips bucking into yours with as much strength as he could muster. he mumbled inaudible little things under his breath, looking more relaxed than you’d seen him in months.
your cunt puffed up in the same way his cock strained against him. jack drooled slightly as he looked at your face, taking in your soft features through his blurry vision. “c’mere…” he muttered, pulling your lips to his and kissing you slowly. your tongues travelled eachother’s mouths, the rhythm of your hips quickening up just enough for needy moans to slip from his lips.
you greedily rode his lap, chasing the orgasm that was taunting you. you could feel a patch of wetness seeping through jack’s pants, signalling that he was getting close. he dug his fingers into your hips, firmly moving you against him as he moved in the opposite direction. your arms wrapped around his neck as the kiss intensified, his body beginning to tremble underneath yours.
he panted like a starved man, strings of saliva connecting your lips as he pulled away for just a moment. you had never cum with penetration before, so the sensation of your body heating up and your pussy throbbing was surreal. your movements became sloppier as convulsions shot through your body.
as your two picked up the pace, jack tossed his head back, a strained groan cutting through his throat as he came through his pants. you felt the warmth underneath you as the band in your guts snapped, your back arching as you moaned right by his ear, the sound soothing every nerve in his body.
he looked up at you, a tired smile on his face. “i feel better already.” you mirrored his smile, nodding in agreement. he picked you up bridal-style, carrying you over to the bed and laying down with you on top of him. “i really don’t know what i’d do without you.” he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, your eyes fluttering shut as he held you close to him, feeling a sense of ease at last.
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author's note: stream "body electric"
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princessbrunette · 6 months
omggg i adore kitty!reader so much shes so !! me !!! how do u think jayj would put her in her place … i feel like whenever shes having her mini tantrums people get equally as frustrated bc she gets feisty but jj has like .. magic on him or something 💭
you’d been in a bad mood since coming home from work. bartending wasn’t for the weak, especially when the locals constantly harassed you and berated your drink pouring skills — which was mostly put down to being a woman. by the time you get back to jj’s empty house, the blonde sat on his messy porch with a bottle of beer when you got back — you had quite the attitude.
“if it ain’t my favourite bartender. how’s m’girl, come over here.” he opens his arms and you storm right past making his brows shoot up, lips pressed together as he adjusts his cap. “alrighty, guess someone’s in a mood.” he pushes up onto his feet, swaggering in through the open door.
“‘somethin’ happen? what’s up?” he calls after you, spotting you in the kitchen angrily opening and closing cupboard doors as you try to make yourself something to eat.
“where is my plate?” you demand, clearly frustrated. he blinks, thinking back to your special plate that you always ate off. some cutesy antique thing you found at a yard sale, a beloved item of yours. he silently winces, eyeing it sat in the sink, soaking in bubbles.
“yeah uh, so basically i ate my lunch off it ‘cus i forgot to do the dishes, uh — again. that’s my bad. i got paper plates you can use? great thing about those is that when you’re done with ‘em you don’t gotta wash ‘em. you just throw ‘em away. makes me wonder why we even buy regular plates in the first pl—”
“no i don’t want a paper plate jj j want my plate! i just want to eat my food and— and you’re here just— just—” you explode, still refusing to offer him even a glance as you continue hunting for something to eat your leftovers off.
“hey, hey— put them claws away kittycat. no need for that. c’mon pretty girl where’s that smile?”
you spin around, fists balled at your side, tears of anger in your eyes.
“dont tell me to smile! go away!” you yell before turning away with a loud huff. jj drops his head down, tongue in his cheek as he nods, thinking for a moment before approaching slowly.
“easy, alright? you’re not gonna take that tone with me, mama i’m on your side.” as he speaks, you feel the warmth of his front press to your back, an arm cautiously sliding around your waist to keep you stable. his other arm snakes around your neck, pulling you into a light headlock, just enough pressure to ground you. he lowers his head to talk into your ear as you stare directly at the cabinet, already melting a little against him. “you wanna talk ‘bout your day? y’already know i’m all ears baby. but you gotta watch that attitude, yeah? you’re home now, i’m here. just… dial it back.”
there’s some silence, and you nod — releasing a shaky breath as you feel some of the grossness from your day leave your body. “uh-huh, that’s all you needed wasn’t it babydoll? needed to be told. that’s okay, i get it.” he kisses your temple before removing his arm from your neck, using both hands to squeeze your waist and turn you around.
the gaze he receives from you is nothing short of guilty, doll-like eyes blinking up at him slowly as you take deep breaths. “now what you’re gonna do, is sit that cute lil ass down and let me fix you up a plate. you’re gonna eat that shit, then, you’re gonna talk to me about your day,” he walks you backwards until your legs hit the chair at the table and you drop down to sit in it. he leans forward, hands cupping your cheeks. “and after that, oh i’mma fuck the shit out of you. like, you’re not even gonna remember what day of the week it is— let alone what shitty customers ran their mouth at you today. that sound good?”
“yes, jj.” you respond, pupils pretty much taking up your whole eye like an entertained kitten.
“thats what i like to hear, ma’am. alright, wait there. i got you.”
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cathers-world · 1 year
Wilbur NSFW alphabet
Warnings:NSFW (duh)
Not proof read!
A: After care
So sweet will cuddle you give you kisses gets water makes sure you use the bathroom<3
B: Belt
I SAID IT ONCE ILL SAY IT AGAIN (and maybe write a one shot about it) he will spank you with his belt and if your bad spank you on your clit
C: Cum
loves loves LOVES cumming in you likes watching his cum drip out your pussy AND WHEN YOU SWALLOW IT UGH
D: degration
Will call you his pretty little slut, whore, doll, and cum slut, things like that
E: expedition
Will take you anywhere but would rather your house/apartment
F: Face fucking
100% will make you faint by shoving his dick down your throw for too long, also because he has his weird taste thing if your self conscious about like “tasting bad” he would feel bad that you felt that and he wouldn’t really care about what you tasted like he just wants to eat AHHAAHHA
G: glutton
HEHEHEH like the other he would go DOWN just eat you up like a little cupcake
H: Hair
This is a silly one but I’ve also said this but pushing his hair out of the way as he’s rearranging your guts and just seeing his big ass four head-
I: intimacy
I feel like he would wanna go out for a little bit till you guys fuck
J: jiggle
HE WOULD LOVE CHUBBY GIRLS (I’m DEFINITELY not chubby and biased) but like seeing you cubby bouncing just AHHH
K: Kitten
This is a me directed thing, if you couldn’t tell by my user name my full names Catherine and so I sometimes go by Cat and just like him calling me kitty/kitten<<<<333
L: Length
He’s long have you seen the Tom Simon’s total wipeout vlog LIKE OMG FUCK ME TILL I CANT BREATHE
M: Minutes
I feel like the longest would be 1 hour because he doesn’t wanna hurt you
N: Neck
O: Outside
Like I said he likes the privacy of your own home, but like if you had a garden-
P: Punishment
Like I said belt, but this is a little dark but like waterboarding- idk just him filling up the sink pushing your head down in the water and fucking you
Q: bitch tf starts with Q
R: Ruin
Would have a Ruin kink I don’t remember what it’s called but you know what I mean
S: Spit
On your body in your mouth on your pus-
T: Teeth
Will bite your neck and maybe clit
U: Uncut
… yeah
V: Vagina
He loves yours<3
W: Whimpering
I don’t know what to do the the last three (sorry)
Hope you liked it
Feel free to send in requests!!!
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