#and like obvi he'll chase down the bad guy
haveihitanerve · 10 months
What all of the Questers were ready for when they went on a ‘quest’: swords, claws, being attacked, getting stitches, having to fight, being covered in blood 24/7, possible internal bleeding, having to fight someone while your guts are splayed across your bonds back and you are half hanging off of them
What the Questers were not, in fact ready for: all 800 lbs of rage daddy coming and slamming into them to shield them when the going gets tough
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aanoia · 1 year
Remus Lupin x reader words; 1118 song; Daydream by Adele (19 as fics) why did i have such a hard time writing this? if you'd like to request a song, literally any song in the world just use my inbox (tell me who, obvi, the song and who it's by, also obvi, and then if you want a scenario) I suggest reading about what this song is about it SHOCKED me, and then this fic might make more sense too. I can't get the song to link :(
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Sitting on the sea
Soaking up the sun
Remus gently rubbed circles into my hand as he talked about the book he was currently reading. His brows furrowed softly as he began speaking about a part he did not enjoy one bit, talking about how it almost ruined the entire book for him and he was ready to just stop reading it. 
The small waves of the lake crashed gently against the shore, creating a calm aura between the two of you. Never would you think something so unexpected would happen.
He is a real lover
Of making up the past
And feeling up his girl
Like he's never felt a figure before
“Y/n/n, you don’t understand. Nothing ever happened between us.” Remus reassured me as I rubbed my arm nervously.
“Are you sure, Remus? It’d make sense, you two are best friends.”
Remus smiled at me softly and placed his hands on my waist, “I’m very sure, my love.”
A jaw-dropper
Looks good when he walks
Is the subject of their talk
“Look, it’s him!” A first year squealed and I looked up from my book, curious as to who they were talking about. A proud smile crossed my face at the sight of my boyfriend looking around the hallway. I looked back down to my book, tuning into their conversation. 
“And have you seen him with-”
“Hello, love. I finally found you.” Remus said and I smiled up at him.
He would be hard to chase
But good to catch
And he could change the world
With his hands behind his back, oh
“There you go, all patched up.” Remus said, smiling down at the first year boy who scraped his knee pretty bad. The boy sniffled and hugged Remus tightly.
“Thank you, Remus.” The boy mumbled and ran off with his friends.
“You’re such a sweetheart.” I said behind him with a smile. He looked up from his spot on the ground and smiled.
You can find him sitting on your doorstep
Waiting for a surprise
“I’m sorry, what?” I asked James, my eyes teary.
“Y/n, I love you, you’re like a sister to me. I had to tell you, I’m so sorry.” James said, rubbing the back of his neck as Remus and Sirius came down the stairs and into the common room.
“Y/n? Why do you look like you’re about to cry?” Sirius asked, before looking to James with wide eyes. “Prongs, you didn’t…”
James shook his head, “I’m sorry. It wasn’t right. She needed to know.”
And he will feel like he's been there for hours
And you can tell that he'll be there for life
“Y/n/n, please, stop!” Remus yelled after me as I ran out of the castle and into the pouring rain.
“I can’t belie- I can’t believe you!” I screamed back, thunder booming behind me. “You told me nothing had ever happened- nothing ever was going to happen! You liar!” I sobbed, falling to my knees. The slick mud seeped through my pajama pants, sending shivers up my body. 
“Y/n-” Remus breathed, kneeling in front of me as I grabbed onto the wet grass, trying to ground myself.
“You- you cheated on me.” I mumbled, barely audible.
“With Sirius. I mean- I knew- I knew you liked guys and I don’t care, I don’t. I don’t.” I repeated, mostly to myself. “But you cheated on me. With Sirius.” I sat defeatedly on the ground. “No, don’t touch me!” I said, pushing Remus’ arms off me. “Don’t ever talk to me again. Ever.”
With eyes that make you melt
I sighed as I watched Sirius smile lovingly at Remus, who had the same glint in his eye he used to have when he looked at me.
“Oh, Y/n/n.” Lily sighed, hugging my side. “It’ll be okay, love. It’ll be okay.”\
He lends his coat for shelter
Plus, he's there for you
When he shouldn't be
The entire Great Hall watched silently as Sirius and Remus argued, both of their voices raising loudly. Not even the teachers dared to step in between them. Sirius pushed Remus away from him and the room gasped as Remus fell backwards, hitting the ground hard. Nevertheless, as Sirius stormed out Remus jumped up and ran after him, desperately calling out his name.
But he stays all the same
Waits for you
Then sees you through
“Oh my Godric, not again.” I mumbled to myself, and stood up, shoving my book into my bag as the yelling started again. 
“You’re still in love with her, aren’t you, Remus?” Sirius asked and I froze, looking up to meet Remus’ gaze.
There's no way I could describe him
What I've said is just what I'm hoping for
Remus nodded, “I am.” 
I scoffed and shook my head, catching Sirius’ attention who also looked at me.
“And you?” He asked me.
I shrugged, “I’m not.”
But I will find him sitting' on my doorstep
Waiting for a surprise
“Sophie, c’mon sweetheart, you need to go to be-” I was cut off by a loud knock on the door and the toddler I was trying to coax to sleep shot up from her bed and ran out of the room. I sighed and followed after her, mentally cursing whoever was at the door.
“Hello, mister, what’s your name?” Sophie asked.
“Sophia, how many times must I tell you not to answer the do- Remus?” I froze behind my daughter. Remus looked at me, his bottom lip shaking and tears filling his eyes. “What happened?” I asked quietly, taking Sophia into my arms.
“They’re dead, Y/n.” My heart clenched, I immediately knew who he was talking about. “They’re dead and Sirius killed them and I didn’t know what to do so I came here. I’m sorry, I-”
“No, no. Come in.” I said, stepping aside and he hesitantly walked in.
And he will feel like he's been there for hours
And I can tell that he'll be there for life
“We can’t just kick him out, Alex. He lost his people.” I whispered to my husband who watched hesitantly as Remus played with our daughter.
“Y/n, I-” he sighed. “Okay. He can stay for the night.”
I kissed my husband's cheek, “Thank you, love. It’ll only be for tonight.”
I turned around and paused as I saw Sophia asleep in Remus’ arms, snoring softly. I sighed as I thought about what could have been, but wasn’t. Remus looked up and smiled softly at me and I could just tell. He was thinking the same thing.
And I can tell that he'll be there for life
taglist (if you wanna be added just comment);
@loving-and-dreaming @1lellykins @poetrypirate
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Okay so we really just aren't allowed to know shit about this road trip huh?
i really do think there’s SOME reason the lab/military/cops/etc might still be chasing them, even though they already have el. because. home invasion. i have a few theories about what could be going on so i'm just gonna say them i think bc i wanna be able to say i called it if im remotely right ab anything. prepare for an unorganized mess.
so there's that sullivan guy who think he knows how to stop the evil in hawkins. and there's some mystery dude who looks like it could be sullivan defending the boys from the home invasion. he's not seen in majority of the trailer (which makes sense considering that is the trailer for NINE MOVIES) besides that little clip. so either he dies- unlikely since he was notable enough of a character to get introduced in the same post as argyle and eddie- or there is something sus there.
i made a post about this before but i def think the lab could be returning for will. he's got a connection to the upside down that they want to take advantage of. this time, with the news that brenner intercepted el, jon is like hell no and refuses to let will go. thus home invasion. maybe this is also what sullivan thinks (or he was a part of the military team connected to "investigating" the upside down and went rogue either bc their ethics were shit or maybe he's the evil one, i'll get to that later) but he wants to keep will far away from them and he was too late to protect el.
another far fetched theory on sullivan is that HE is how they get into contact with kali bc i am not giving up on that. either they are allies or he is one of the "bad men" she is tracking down and when she finds him, the sbpg is there and they're like OMG EL SISTER ANOTHER NUMBER. bringing kali into this to rescue el as they race to find and save her before they themselves are caught.
also theorectically sullivan could double cross them and i think that would be neat. i def think he's gonna die eventually just not right after the home invasion. maybe he'll get injured. but he's dead before hawkins.
i kind of would like the sbpg to get caught by the lab etc etc before they save el. bc i really feel like that is the key to el unlocking her powers. not the hatred and pain kali taught her, but love. the need to protect her friends is so overwhelming in el that i want that to be the thing that finally breaks through. (i think the reason she lost her powers is a mental block bc of how much pain is caused her the last time she used it. and here she needs to Not Care to save her friends.)
hmmm i feel like i had other thoughts. oh yeah: how and why do they go to suzie? no idea. i'd rather it be kali i really rather would. that would be very cool.
anyway yeah i really just think there is more to it, especially bc finn specifically described their plotline as the "action/thriller" compared to the hawkins horror. there has to be some action for it to be like that tho... so.
(though i am a mike vecna nightmares thruther so i feel like that could be going on to, as well as all the actual character arcs obvi. this is just exciting exploding plot stuff lmao)
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