#and like super apologise for the whole fiasco before even living back in the house
sd2006 · 1 year
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My new special interest for x amount of time: BEETLEJUICE! The demon himself! "The ghost with the most"! Good ol' Beeble.
And to be clear I Stan the musical! Beetlejuice.
(I also would like to state that I do not appreciate beetlebabes as a concept. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.)
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i-loves-my-lemurs · 4 years
Hi, I was reading your writers commentary. I love it so much! Do you have any commentary on "Shadows and Terror"? Its my personal favorite. I'd also love to see some commentary on your lovely sugarbuns fic.
Ah, thank you! Sorry it took me so long to get to this, I'm still drowning in coursework and stuff, but I appreciate the ask!
This was my first oneshot I wrote for this fandom, Ted centric this time! I just wanted to see the characters acknowledge their trauma a bit more, so I wrote this for Ted and Pancho. Enjoy the commentary!
*One jab after another at his skin with that sharp spear... water suddenly burst from every wall and flooded them and-*
Ted's nightmare was a mash up of his various scary experiences from Exiled, because of course I couldn't just pick one! He was scared while fighting the war, combined with the loneliness and terror of being cooped up in the submarine, thinking he was trapped alone with a monster. As well as the sub sinking, that couldn't have been fun for him.
This takes place some time after the victory party, but slightly before the first episode of season 5. Just enough time to put some distance between the adrenaline of the war and the partying, and allow the weight of the experience to truly catch up with Ted.
*his eyes wide in terror. He frantically looked this way and that, checking the shadows around the room*
The title of the fic is incooperated in this paragraph, but it actually took me a super long time to pick a title. I eventually re-read some sections and thought, yeah this sounds good. Shadows and Terror still sounds a little fancy for this work tbh.
*looked up to see Dorothy standing about him*
I decided not to being Ted and Dorothy's marital problems into this, so they're very sweet with each other and they both care a lot.
(Also instead of about it's meant to say above, argh, embarrassing typo!)
*She quickly released him, seeing how jumpy he was*
Dorothy doesn't quite know what's going on with Ted, but she's trying to be supportive the best way she can.
*it reminded him of those long nights in the submarine when Julien*
Ted's train of thought runs away with him here, he's still half caught up in the dream poor guy, and suddenly he's having a flashback to the sub.
*Pancho was whining about their whining*
I can see Pancho just getting very fed up with consistent negativity when he's trying to focus on driving the sub, even if he too is just concerned about the kingdom. I wrote this fic before I started shipping panchulien actually, the early days.
*Ted had just quietly sat down in the corner of the room,*
Poor Ted, I imagine he definitely wasn't complaining as much as the others, he had been alone on the sub for longer than them and just needed a hug.
*All he could hear now was his own breathing, short and panting, and Dorothy, oh heck, she was talking*
Ted zones back to reality, the fic is written from his POV so you can read along his thought process. As he comes back to reality, realising Dorothy is talking completely throws him off guard.
*I just... I guess I'm still jumpy from the whole mountain lemur, submarine fiasco."*
Ted sort of dances around the issue, he doesn't even want to directly mention the word 'war'. He only hints at the things that are scaring him to try and keep Dorothy's worry to a minimum, and because talking about it will make it even more real.
*rubbed the fur on his head, something which he often found soothing*
These lemurs need to groom each other more!!! I get the feeling Ted and Dorothy might like physical contact if one of them is upset (not if they're upset because of each other obviously), but grooming would be a comfort to many of the lemurs, especially physically affectionate Ted.
*tried to force himself to relax*
Poor leem, he just wants the scary stuff to be over so he can be alright and be sunny old Ted again, but unfortunately for him, things aren"t that simple.
*his tail stiffening like it did under imposed threat. He even heard a low growl being forced from his throat*
I'm not sure if I actually researched if lemurs do this, or if I made it up on the spot, but it seems like something they might do when threatened (any experts want to weigh in?).
*She could tell Ted was still tense from the way he was clutching his tail. "Look, maybe you should see Doctor S?"*
As much as Ted tries to hide it, Dorothy can tell something is wrong. Despite their problems, it's obvious that she cares very deeply for him and she just wants to see him be himself again.
*Yep!" Ted tried to sound as merry as he wanted to feel.*
Ted is definitley the sort to try and put on a facade of everything being okay, especially when Dorothy is involved. Secretly he knows it can't be like this forever, but he wants to pretend for as long as he can. Kind of like his marriage. That's also why he wants to be away from Dorothy. He knows she can see right through his little facade and he's not ready to face the truth yet.
*"At this time of night?"*
This takes place at around two in the morning, late enough for Ted, Dorothy and most of the kingdom's subjects to be asleep, but still early enough for Pancho Horst and Willie to still be partying.
*Ted couldn't help but clutch at his tail as he walked....bit his lip as he tuned into the sounds of the jungle all around him.*
Ted would totally hold his tail like a snuggie to comfort himself. And since he's already jumping at shadows, being alone in a place where the war was just fought would terrify him. Even though he's lived in the jungle all his life, the war has left him so wary of danger that everything feels very scary and unfamiliar.
*Snoring lemurs who weren't paralysed in fear by nightmares and memories.*
Ted feels a little left out and jealous as the rest of the kingdom is able to sleep and move on from the war. It makes him feel isolated, which is why finding solace with Pancho is important for him later in the fic.
*Sweet mango juice, what was he thinking*
I tried to copy Ted's exclamative speaking style here, but it doesn't quite match up to how it sounds in the show. Oop.
*sign that read 'MANGO TANGO'*
Fun fact, I tried to get the bar's title to be in italics, but a03 glitches on me and turned the entire text into italics, and because coding is a nightmare and I just decided to have it in caps instead.
*Ted recognised Horst, Willie and Pancho.*
These guys are drinking buddies. CANNON!
*"The stinking drink's in your hand, you buffoon!" Pancho said grumpily*
I'm not 100% happy with the way Pancho is written here, but it is pretty good for a first attempt. It kind of makes sense though, Pancho was having a good time with his pals and is a little annoyed that their night has to end. Also he's annoyed at himself for letting Horst get into this state.
*Pancho winked at him*
Small hint at panched in there, it was my first ship for this show and I still think it's neat.
*which he promptly collapsed onto seconds later.*
Poor Willie, he's just very done now, and needs sleep. Pancho just didn't want their partying to end, so he unwittingly wore his homies down on their night out.
*"You wanna come back to the Mango Tango with me?"*
Pancho is still very desperate to keep the night going, even if it isn't with his drinking buddies. He just needs company.
*Pancho released Ted almost immediately. "Sorry, I just, don't want to be alone." Pancho muttered, looking embarrassed.
Ted was a little surprised by his outburst, but deep down, he knew he might have done the same thing.*
Ah, poor babies. I thrive off the angst.
*exited Willie's hut and shut the door behind them.*
*Together, they climbed*
Ted and Pancho sort of have a kindred spirit vibe going here. They're both going through similar experiences and avoiding them by being out at night. They need each other, even if they don't know it.
*tall tree that had many different people's huts in it*
Baobab tree? Is that what you were going for, past me?
*Pancho chuckled as he continued to stare out across the jungle. "I'm not sure if I ever went to lemur school." He said eventually.*
Now that they're up above the village and everything, Pancho's beginning to slow down and their conversations become more meaningful. He's put some distance between his late night drinking and now he just wants some solidarity in his pain and meaningful company, which, thankfully, Ted can give.
*he really didn't know much about Pancho's side of things.*
I have to wonder what the POV of people who weren't directly involved in Panchurian would be. I think Ted would probably be quite confused about what happened to Pancho, and why he suddenly has a house now and everything. But hes too polite to ask, so it's only now he finds out.
*Ted sighed and glanced up at Pancho*
Ted sort of looks up to Pancho after seeing how brave and badass he was in Exiled, and he's always veiwed Pancho as this macho, confident swagger guy, and hopes that he might be a source of consolation that could help Ted feel 'normal' again.
*"but even when that something's over and you know it's never going to hurt you again you just can't help being terrified"*
All this would definitley resonate with Pancho and the first thing he does is to encourage Ted to do what's best for him because he cares. He doesn't want Ted to end up like him because of trauma.
*"Don't apologise." He said. Ted glanced back at him. "It's, uh, it's alright to get scared by that stuff"*
Pancho shows Ted that it's okay to be scared, because if Ted continues to bottle up his feelings then he won't be Ted anymore.
*"You know I got brainwashed, right?"*
Poor Panchy just wants to open up to someone. He's been shoving his feelings down, but now it's all coming to the surface because of how he relates to Ted right now. He needs some more chances to talk about the things that haunt him.
*"Soft!" Ted exclaimed, hands on his hips.*
Ted was a little hung up on being a 'tough guy' after Exiled, so that shows through here.
*"And I'm assistant captain of the ringtail guard!"*
This little rant feels very in character for Ted. I enjoyed writing it.
*"but I just can't bring myself to pay them a wedding visit!"*
A wedding visit was a custom in the olden days of England, and I can absolutely see Ted doing it and bringing the newly weds gifts.
*leaned back against the branch they were sitting on.*
At the beginning of this scene, Pancho was clutching the tree trunk, now he's relaxed. He's feeling more comfortable with Ted.
*"Why don't you talk to your wife, she'll help."*
Helps to establish a functioning support system. Pancho knows Ted has people he can turn to, so encourages him to do so.
I am completely all for this friendship. Ted would help Pancho with his issues without hesitation, and obviously I wrote this with the idea that nobody would be completely okay after Exiled. I just wanted to explore their issues further, and for my first fic in this fandom, I think it's pretty good.
And that's it! Thanks again for the ask :)
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