#and like theres only so much david tennant regenerating i can take in a certain time frame
Sick and twisted that some Christmas specials are regeneration episodes. Because I watch the specials to get into the Christmas spirit but I have to hype myself up emotionally to watch the ones where the Doctor regenerates. I guess I could just not watch them but I still like them! They just break my hearts.
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Doctor Who S10 E11: World Enough and Time
RIGHT so i watched this one episode of doctor who the night it came out except i always seem to forget that it is on when it actually does come on its just a thing so anyway i watched it on iplayer obvi about an hour later after my mum said is doctor who not on tonight and i thought oh yeah it is well it has been probably because i dont know if this is actually the case but i just have it in my head that doctor who has been changing time slots every week so this time it was on at 18:45 i seem to remember it being on at like half 7 at some point but anyway enough about me lets get straight into this review of Dcotor Who??!
so as far as i can remember the episode starts with the docotr on a snowy planet about to regenerate and i remember thinging to myself wow those special affects dont look as good as they normally do when he regerantes like even in the other episode when he played a TRIK on bill and fake got shot the gold particles were a lot more thick and had a certain weight about them while in this case they seemed as thick as one part ribena 18 parts water  they just didnt seem like they had much effort put into them and then the title sequence played and i thought ugh not this again you know because i dont really like the new title sequence well to be honest thats not strictly true i do like it much more than a few of the matt smith ones but nothing really beats the david tennant and rose theme song im not actually sure if it is different in any way to the christopher hecklestun version i just got different vibes from it ygm anyway so that happened and then what oh yes LO AND BEHOLD missy steps out of the tardis and says helooo im the doctor whouuoo the way she does now let me tell  you how i feel personally about missy personally you dont have to agree with me and thats ok thats the beauty of opinions alright ok ? i can have how i feel and you can have how you feel and ne’er the two shall meet ok right well in my personal opinion i think that i feel that missy is the best character in doctor who to be honest now i know that might be quite an unpopular opinion among some people now im not quite sure who seeing as im not really part of massive doctor who fandom i just watch every episode like twice and then talk to my friends about it after they watch it with their awful sisters who for some reason fail to function if they found out something happened without them now i am an only child so i have the benefit of doing whatever the heck i want without being cyberbullied by the friends of any potential siblings well thats not strictly true this girl who is friends with the sister of my friend but who also is the sister of this really suspicious boy who has basically molested the whole of my year group and also half of the rest of the school and i walked past him outside gregs (greggs?) on the way home today and i spotted him as soon as i turned the corner i always do i have a sense for people im sure you’ll find out about this more in future reviews anyway so he hugged me while i was walking and said alright bae and i shook my head and he said whats wrong and i said im talking to you and he said awwhhh and i dont know what he expects this is the same answer i have given him since year 8 and anyway his friends just watched this and ate their food products and anyway yes so his sister “waved at me” on messenger a couple nights ago and im really not sure if thats something that messenger does itself to try and stimulate conversation or if thats something you have to do manually yourself and to be honest im really not sure which reality would be worse ha i guess you could make a doctor who episode out of that! lol seems like an amy and rory style episode although bill does seem to be quite down with the kids until she died which i will get to later on its still early days in this review dont worry
so missy gets out, pretends to be the doctor, another blue guy shoes up and really honestly im beginning to wonder what is the role of the blue people in this show because they were on the spaceship to watch earth blow up when cassandra became a thing and also they have just popped up around places over the years and i like them but who are they i want an episode just about the blue people so anyway he shoots bill and i was like oh no haha bill got shot but then she got taken by some spooky people now these spooky people were for me the highlight of the entire episode because im not sure really they went for like a real spooky hospital type thing kind of the empty child but also kind of call of cthulu vibes now im not going to put myself out and say that i know exactly what call of cthulu is but i think that it takes place in like a mental asylum or something similar and to be honest thats all i really know about it i think theres a spooky doctor which there was in this episode as well so anyway this hospital i LOVED the scenes in the hospital like they were just creepy and the way they had set out the beds was very reminiscent of the empty child indeed and bill just cleaning and the the fact that the drips weren’t pain relief they were just volume controls was v spooky and dark so i liked that  and then i liked the black hole aspect of the episode and how time was different speeds on different levels i liked that 
so then it turns out that the patients are being turned slowly into the first stages of cybermen which i guess was kind of obvious but nonetheless i liked that i also liked how they had sent troops up to floor 507 but they never came back now im not sure if that was because they actually did die or if it was just because of the time difference thing and the squad was still just up there looking around but it had been hundreds of years down below so anyway basiaclly bill is a cyberman she is the first cyberman and i liked how she cried and that was like a reference to the actual future cybermen’s teardrop eyes also i know missy will die somehow or be locked away at some point but i wish she doesnt get that happened to her i like her v mucc and also i remember something about the doctor dying on floor 507 or somthing related to that i dont know i might have just made it up but anyway he cant die next episode because he still is in the christmas special
overall i liked it i think it is nice how bill was the first cybermen but also im not really 100% on the actual history of the cybermen because they just seem to pop up everywhere and im not really sure who makes them or why and when because if these are the first and im guessing doctor who defeats them all then ?? but also in the old series what these models are from the mondasian cybermen how can they exist if these ones are from mondas but came into being on a spaceship which im guessing never makes it back to mondas are there other people back on mondas who also decide to make cybermen around the same time as this episode just by chance? also i got vorkuta off black ops 1 vibes from when the mission exodus you know step 1 get the keys step 2 skewer the winged beast etc etc um i wasn’t too fussed over the old master coming back i think it would have been a bigger thing if the marketing hadn't spoiled that tbh um yeah i cant really think of anything more right now so thats it i guess i know i did have points but i cant remember them and i didn't bother writing them down because im just so professional i can remember them in my head i have a special compartment for reviews
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