#and living in a rainforest/ocean-adjacent city
coldgoldlazarus · 4 months
Lazarus Lore:
Is a feathered serpent with some sort of ambiguous divinity
Can shapeshift into a human form. She has a full-snek form, a full-human form, and of course a kemonomimi form, which she favors the most
Has lived as a human and is only recently learning about the snek goddess(?) part
Lives on a large tropical island and/or archipelago in the middle of a big ocean, tech base is mildly futuristic but has a pretty good balance of cities and nature
The planet she lives on is one of two, tidally-locked binary planets of roughly equal size and mass, revolving around each other while sharing an orbit and a handful of moons
Why is the other planet there? She might have a connection to it, but it might just be there for vibes, idk yet. Looks really sick looming on the horizon all the time though
Due to the whole feathered snek thing, has powers over plants, water, and lightning... maybe gravity too?
Despite this is kind of a pansy about nature on account of growing up a city girl; likes plants, but bad with animals (like me lol)
Maybe the nature half of a nature vs tech to nature x tech theme but idk
Allergic to cold, loves warmth, will dress either super slutty or in a gazillion layers with no in between based on the weather
Sideboob is mandatory to most of her wardrobe
Put her under a heat lamp already dangit
Strict mom mommy issues
Generally lazy and airheaded and cuddly (like me lol) but also a showoff (the feathers of her feathered serpent form are peacock feathers for a reason)
ADHD executive dysfunction and mood swings and absentmindedness an-
Useless lesbian supreme, very openly horny online but too self-conscious in person to let on any of that
But also gives into snek instincts to lik or nom girls affectionately way too easily, leading to awakwardness
Neeeeerd, obsessed with this universe's offbrand equivalent of lego bionicle, unironically goes 'wow I wish tropical islands with magic robots were real' while forgetting she lives on one
Would do beach episodes more often if sand wasn't a bad texture to her, but always down to dip in a pool
Naturally smells like mint when she actually makes the effort to freshen up, possibly tastes like it too...
Best quality: her squiggles
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Penang, Malaysia
Day 147 – Kuala Lumpur to Penang
Early in the morning, I jumped on a modern commuter train heading south to Terminal Bersepadu Selatan, the main station for long-distance buses in Kuala Lumpur. Looking out the window of my air-conditioned car, I couldn’t help but notice a substantial amount of trash along the edges of the track as we moved south. Arriving at my transfer point to the bus station, I was also stunned by the number of people begging for money outside the terminal– well over 50. Both of these observations contrasted strongly to the polished, modern side of KL that I had seen in the previous days.  
The multi-storey bus terminal was chaotic, with passengers criss-crossing in every direction as I arrived. Designed to serve over 50,000 travellers a day, the station was fortunately well signed in both Malay and English. As I navigated through the throngs of people, I eventually located my check-in counter, picked up my ticket, and began hunting for my departure bay. I must have checked my ticket 50 times, as there were countless buses rolling in and out of the departure bays – and I was almost certain I would miss my bus in the hubbub of fellow travellers!
I finally boarded my bus around 9:45am, heading north to Penang, a small island in Northwestern Malaysia. I was looking forward to my stay in Georgetown, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its eclectic architecture, impressive street art, and delicious street food! A 5–hour journey by bus, our route traversed through small towns and green, tropical hills, making occasional stops for washroom breaks (there were none on the bus, much to my dismay) and snacks. The interior of the bus was full of wide, blue velvet chairs, which could fully recline. As I was reading along the route, three young Malay boys ran up and down the aisles, stopping briefly at my chair to check me out, before giggling and running away again. By the time we had arrived in Penang, they had gotten quite comfortable with me, and hung around my chair. I would say a few words in English, which they would delightedly repeat back to me, all while chattering between themselves in Malay.
As our bus arrived at Butterworth, the mainland town adjacent to the island of Penang, I grabbed by pack from under the bus and wove through the crowds, taxi drivers and hawkers to board a city bus to the Jetty. From there, I completed the last leg of my trip with a short ferry ride across the bay to Georgetown, my final destination. Brightly coloured long-tailed boats skimmed across the water next to us, bobbing up and down in the ferry’s wake. We passed a large, moored ocean liner, with barbed wire and life-sized human dummies, intended to ward off pirates.
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Streets of Georgetown
As I disembarked in Georgetown, I could immediately see that the city was steeped in history, with influences from all over the world. Georgetown was the first British Settlement in South East Asia, and has continued to act as a trading port since the late 1700s. In the early 19th century, the island of Penang was at the epicenture of spice production and trade – with spice farms on the island producing nutmeg, clove and pepper. During World War 2, the Japanese Army also occupied the island of Penang for 4 years.
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Today, the Georgetown represents an intermingling of ethnicity and religion, with Chinese, Peranakan, Malay, Indian, Eurasian, Siamese, and indigenous cultures being primarily represented. In the past, the city was also home to Persian, Filipino, Japanese, Sumatran, Arab, Burmese and Jewish communities – a true global city! Because of all of these influences, modern-day Georgetown is packed with unique, eclectic architecture and pre-war buildings. All four major languages of Malaysia are also spoken in Georgetown: Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil.
Walking through historic Georgetown, I arrived at my guesthouse for the next 3 nights. A converted three-storey heritage shophouse in old Georgetown, The Frame Guesthouse was previously the workshop of a colonial frame maker. The hostel has been upgraded to a modern, clean space, with big open communal areas shared with other travellers.  
I quickly met one of my roommates, Tonje, a traveller from Norway, and later met up again with Caroline and Jannes from Kuala Lumpur. As evening fell, we hailed a Grab, heading out to Lok Sok Si Temple, the largest Buddhist temple in all of Malaysia, and an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists living across Southeast Asia.  Located at the base of Air Itam mountain, this temple also features predominantly in Chinese New Years celebrations. Since we had the good fortune of visiting Penang around the time of this festival, Lok Sok Si temple was open late, lit with thousands of lights and colourful red lanterns.  Although we arrived just as the temple was closing, we were still able to take in the sea of light surround the temple, with the city lights of Georgetown twinkling in the distance.
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Nasi Lemak
Heading back into town, we meandered through street food stalls along Chulia street, deciding what we wanted to eat for dinner. Woks sizzled in every direction, with sounds of chopping, stirring and pounding filling the air. The smell of unknown spices and savoury dishes followed us as we walked along. Overwhelmed by the choice, we opted to try numerous dishes, including Nasi Lemak, Char Kway Teow, Beef Rendang, Hokkien Mee, Oh Chien (fried oyster) and Rojak (spicy fruit salad). After only a few bites, it was immediately obvious to me why Georgetown had such a widespread reputation for gastronomy and street food. Needless to say, it was a very tasty way to end my first day in Penang.
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Street Food Stalls in Penang
Day 148 – Penang
In the morning, I met up with Caroline and Tonje for breakfast at Mugshot, a nearby (thankfully air-conditioned!) café on Chulia street, and spent a few hours doing planning and bookings for the rest of my trip in Southeast Asia. Mid day, Tonje and I headed out to wander the streets of Georgetown. It was a hot, humid afternoon – as the island is located in a tropical rainforest climate.
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Architecture of Penang
In addition to Georgetown’s stunning architecture, the city is also famous for it’s street art.  Dozens of wrought iron caricatures have been put up around Georgetown, depicting local culture, ethnic groups, city history and lifestyle. The street art scene has blossomed throughout the city over the past decade, and it was fun to keep our eyes peeled for street art in the most unexpected places – sometimes down side alleys, or above street level.  
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We walked through the streets of Little India, checking out sari stores and Hindu Temples, the deities inside adorned with fresh floral garlands, called mala. Along the roadside, massive bunches of bananas hung from the ceilings of shophouses. Tonje and I stopped into Restoran Kapitan for a late lunch, tucking into delicious Indian dishes, including claypot chicken biryani, chapati and squid.
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Durian Ice Cream
Continuing onward to Armenian Street, we walked along the narrow street, home to the famous “Children on a Bicycle” mural and other street art.  Colonial shophouses along the street were selling everything from fresh fruit to souvenirs and other trinkets. Chinese clan houses, local art galleries and small museums were also scattered along the street.  Tonje and decided to try durian, sometimes considered to be the “stinkiest fruit in the world”, which in Malaysia, Singapore and other parts of Asia is a well-loved delicacy. That said, we “cheated” a little in this regard, as instead of trying the fresh fruit, we opted instead to try durian ice-cream!
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“Children on a Bicycle” Mural
Heading east towards the harbor, we stopped at the Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi (kongsi translates to “clan house”), built over 600 years ago by the 5 big Chinese clans of the Hokkien community in ancient Penang. A large, ornate building, this kongsi is a place where Chinese families with the same surname gather to pray to their ancestors. The lavish architecture of the Kongsi was truly stunning, embellished with intricately carved wood and stone, and beams painted in brilliant shades of red, gold, blue and green. The Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi is a complex series of structures, including a temple, and association building, a theatre, and nearby 19th century rowhouses for clan members. Historically, these “clan houses” were almost mini-cities unto themselves, with clan members running their own education, finance and social programs with a self-governing structure.
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Streets of Penang
Tonje and I stopped for dinner at the Jetty food hall, tucking in for another terrific meal of char koey teow, poh piah (a large variation of a spring roll) and bowls of steaming laksa. As the evening began to fall, we headed down to the clan jetties on the ocean. There are 6 remaining jetties down by the water that were historically home to various Chinese clans.  Clusters of century-old homes have been built on stilts above the ocean, with each jetty named after a Chinese clan. Historically, these jetties were used for loading and unloading cargo ships, where there was sometimes a rivalry between different jetty clans for control of the seatrade and economic resources of Penang.
As we walked through the Chew Jetty, along a boardwalk of creeky planks, and wound between the historical stilted homes, it felt like a bit of a time warp. Many Chinese families still live here, and occasionally we could catch a glimpse into the entryways of homes, many with large shrines to worship their ancestors, the air hazy with swirling clouds of incense. While the jetties now have electricity and running water, many of these community members live in homes that have hardly changed in over 100 years. On the main floor of some of these stilted houses, clan members have turned these spaces into small restaurants and shops.
We reached the end of the jetty, and sat down, taking in the twinkling lights of Butterworth across the bay, listening as music from nearby buskers drifted through the air. Fishing boats and long-tailed boats zipped along the water, returning to town as evening began to fall.
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Taoist Temple at Chew Jetty
As the sky darkened, thousands of red lanterns began to shimmer overhead as we headed back into town, passing several Taoist temples at the entrance to Chew Jetty, dedicated to the God of Heaven and the Taoist Sea Deity, Haisen. This day in Penang was near perfect – packed with incredible company, unique architecture, cultural experiences, street art, and (importantly!) fantastic food.
Day 149 – Penang
In the morning, Tonje and I threw on running shoes and workout clothes, grabbed breakfast at Mugshot, and jumped on a bus, taking us up into the lush, dense jungle surrounding Penang Hill. As we passed through a neighbourhood shopping street near the base of Air Itam, our bus inched through heavy pedestrian traffic, with locals bustling between stores and stalls, doing last-minute holiday shopping before the official Chinese New Year’s celebration the following day – February 16, 2018.  
We arrived at the base of Penang Hill, and bought our one-way ticket for the funicular, taking us up the slopes to the top of the hill.  It was an overcast day, with humidity heavy in the air, and as we ascended, we could see little more than a hazy view over the distant towns of Georgetown and Butterworth. Tonje and I wandered around the top of Penang Hill, where there were numerous lookout points and walkways through the area’s spectacular rainforest. A small mosque, a Hindu temple, and several residential homes and guesthouses are scattered nearby.
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Funicular up Penang Hill
Hundreds of birds chattered overhead as we meandered around the hilltop, with dusky-leaf monkeys and macaques scampering through nearby trees. We had decided to hike down from Penang Hill to the Botanical Gardens, which took us deeper into the jungle as we descended on a steep jeep track. Leaving the tourism hub behind, we saw more and more flora and fauna as we went along – including countless monkeys, and the occasional snake slithering out of our way. It took us about an hour and a half to descend the 5 km zig-zagging track – a true knee-knacker! I was thrilled to finally arrived back on flat ground at the botanical gardens. With some difficulty, we figured out the bus route back into town, and arrived back in Georgetown in the late afternoon. I had a shower and a brief nap, before doing some more life-admin and Vietnam visa applications.
At dinner time, all of the street markets and food stalls were closed for Chinese New Years, so Tonje, Egle and I went out for tacos on Love Lane. True to its name, this lane was apparently once the location of many brothels, and was where Peranakan and Chinese businessmen would reportedly keep their mistresses.
Our Mexican dinner, though from a cuisine on the other side of the word, was still delicious – further solidifying my opinion that Penang can do no wrong when it comes to food! As we enjoyed Tiger beers and tacos, a steady procession of buskers, fire performers and street artists moved along the narrow laneway. Live music floated towards us from every direction. I clearly remember how present and alive I felt in that moment, feeling deeply linked to cosmopolitan group of people surrounding me – locals and travellers alike - even though they were strangers to me. In that moment, people from countless backgrounds, countries, ethnicities, and religions were gathered in the same place, all collectively enjoying good food and entertainment.
After almost 6 months of travel at that point, every day I felt more strongly that, as global citizens, we have far more in common than the differences that separate us.  
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26345 · 4 years
While many believe that hydro electricity is a good substitute for fossil fuels, because it is a renewable energy source,  it is also very destructive. It is Only a good substitute when it does not cause major interruptions in the ecosystem as it does in the Amazon Rainforest.  There are issues with deforestation due to illegal logging, farming, wild fires, mining and construction of dams in the Amazon. To build a dam one must make a road to the destination,  make infrastructure for the dam, and clear an area of the trees. Once the dam is built, the trees that were in the way are now under water or drowned and the dam prevents vital nutrient rich sediment from flowing down into the Pacific Ocean and all the points along the way. 
People are affected by dams; dams negatively affect indigenous peoples because the increased amount of water in one spot allows mosquitoes with deadly viruses to multiply, which can make them sick; if they are sick, they cannot gather food or resources necessary for daily life.The dams have also displaced more than 40,000 people.
People positively affected are people who gain power in rural communities and the city. They benefit because they now have lights, refrigeration for food and water pumps which can improve hygiene. Others who benefit are the people who have new job openings/opportunities, this benefits the economy. An increase in available power means an increase in jobs, especially in industry, mining and agriculture, but this comes at a cost.
The environmental impact in building a dam is large. Deforestation is a byproduct of building dams: trees must be logged and cleared for the dam which results in habitat loss. Flooding is also inevitable as the dam holds back water but also because loss of trees means more water runoff. Flooding can cause trees to die.
The demand for power in the Amazon rainforest is huge with the processing of  aluminium 
As Of 2017 “To meet energy needs, economic developers in South America have proposed 428 hydroelectric dams, with 140 currently built or under construction, in the Amazon basin—the largest and most complex network of river channels in the world, which sustains the highest biodiversity on Earth. The rivers and surrounding forests are the source of 20 percent of the planet's fresh water and valuable ingredients used in modern medicine.”
“Of all the amazing things seen in the Amazon, perhaps one of the least expected is Tucuruí. Located at the lower Tocantins River, adjacent to the Amazon Basin in northeastern Brazil, this is the largest dam ever built in a tropical rainforest. And with an area of 2,875 km2, it is also the largest man-made lake ever built in such a place. As 90% of Brazil's energy comes from hydropower, the dam was thought to be a cheaper alternative to importing fossil fuels. Energy produced by the dam would fuel the Grande Carajas Programme of mining and other industrial projects.
The dam footprintLike many other dams, Tucuruí has come at a cost. Locally, it has changed the lives of indigenous people and vulnerable ethnic minorities, displaced 40,000 people and destroyed the habitat of fish and plants. The vast reservoir created by the dam is also a place where disease-bearing mosquitoes thrive and breed, which has affected local people and their productivity. According to the National Institute for Amazonian Research, submerged decomposing vegetation is contributing one-sixth of Brazil’s total greenhouse gas emissions2.”
“Scientists worry that dams will harm the Amazon’s legendary biodiversity by blocking fish-spawning runs, reducing the flow of vital soil nutrients, and clearing forests. Reservoirs behind the dams also could displace indigenous people, like the Asháninka, whose livelihood depends on the rivers.”
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painterlegendx · 5 years
You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truth Behind Sea Turtle Painting Images - Sea Turtle Painting Images
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Discover concealed moments apparent through the lens of our photographers.
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Sea Turtle Realistic Acrylic Painting Tutorial Ocean Nautical Step by Step Lesson - sea turtle painting images | sea turtle painting images Photograph by Brent StirtonRead CaptionEaster agency a day of blow and anniversary for the families of accomplished rangers and agents in Garamba Civic Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The park, in the war-torn northeastern allotment of the DRC, attracts rebels agog to appropriate elephants because tusks can pay for munitions. The rangers are accomplished and directed by the nonprofit attention accumulation African Parks to assure the continent’s wildlife, and restore and run civic parks.Photograph by Brent StirtonDiscover concealed moments apparent through the lens of our photographers.PUBLISHED December 19, 2019And the runners-up: The best abstruse photos of 2019.
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Green Sea Turtle Painting, Ocean Paintings, Sea Life Painting, Original Acrylic Painting on Canvas Canvas Print by mae10designs - sea turtle painting images | sea turtle painting images What’s bigger than actuality able to accept the best photographs of the year? Getting to accept 19 added that flash a ablaze on the year’s best important and annoying stories.Putting calm a beheld adventure requires not aloof a columnist and writer, but the abounding editors who assignment abaft the scenes. These assorted players accomplish endless decisions forth the way—from which ablaze to abduction at which second, to which photos will fit into the beyond anecdotal of a story. So abounding capacity are advised in presenting the across and abyss of a Civic Geographic feature.But this additionally agency that abounding of our favorites acreage on the acid allowance floor.There’s the bobcat bottomward through sunbeams in Mozambique’s Gorongosa Civic Park, a agitate of sea turtles that looks about like abstruse art, and those bare-chested men on a Pakistani beach.Then of advance there’s that rat diving headfirst into some New York Burghal abyss of abandoned its knowing, and with such aplomb.So we’re abduction this moment to allotment the photos that still stick in our minds—and that we can’t abide administration afore the year is out. Enjoy.A adolescent lioness greets the morning in Gorongosa Civic Esplanade in Mozambique. The park’s wildlife was decimated during the country’s 1977-1992 civilian war and the atrocious years that followed. Now Mozambican and all-embracing conservationists are bringing the esplanade aback to activity by bolstering the beastly population, convalescent animal lives by aperture schools and clinics, and announcement acceptable agriculture in adjacent communities. In 2018 there were 30 bobcat cubs built-in in the park, a key assurance of revitalization.
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Peaceful Sea Turtle - sea turtle painting images | sea turtle painting images Arctic wolves strategize and beleaguer aback they appear aloft a assemblage of muskoxen, afterward a baton to adapt an attack. Muskoxen are one of the few casualty animals that assignment calm to anatomy a defensive, back-to-back huddle. The wolves booty positions and try to abstracted one of the animals, which can counterbalance up to 650 pounds, from the aegis of the herd.Three Afghan men affectation on Clifton Bank in Karachi, Pakistan. The burghal has been congenital on endless after-effects of migrants and has been alleged the better refugee affected in the world. There are added than a actor Afghan refugees there now. High-rises angle abreast barrio forth Clifton Beach, breadth basic carrion flows into the Arabian Sea and the abuse commonly has led to bloom warnings. Even so, the bank charcoal a accepted amusement atom in Karachi, and visitors can hire horses and band for photos. Read our Cities of the Future advantage to see the appear images.The Empress bazaar in Karachi, Pakistan, traces its origins to the British Raj era. Today, backed up adjoin aeriform rises, the bazaar offers aggregate from spices and condiments to fruits, textiles, and pets. Artificial appurtenances accept fabricated an actualization too, and they accord to a growing all-around decay crisis. The phenomenon actual has fabricated avant-garde activity possible, but added than 40 percent of it is acclimated aloof once, and it’s asthmatic our waterways. Read our Cities of the Future advantage to see the appear images.Ramanzana, about bristles years old, plays, with one of her six brothers. She and her ancestors of nine are internally displaced—forced to abscond their home, but actual in a adjustment wihin their own country. UNICEF letters that some 40 percent of Pakistani accouchement beneath bristles are underweight, and abounding alive afterwards domiciliary sanitation, abnormally in rural areas. Furthermore, girls such as Ramanzana are acceptable to accept beneath aliment than brothers and added macho ancestors members.Green turtles (Chelonia mydas) agitate in the sea at Little Farmer’s Cay in the Bahamas. Already admired for their meat, blooming sea turtles are now admired added as a day-tripper attraction. Sea turtles accept roamed the oceans for 100 actor years, but animal activity—namely in the anatomy of poaching, artificial bits and added ocean pollution, and distance change—are putting the airy reptiles at risk. “People are accomplishing this,” says abyssal biologist David Robinson, speaking about the abounding injuries all seven breed of sea turtles ache about the world. “Everything—every aspect, every blackmail that they face—is anthropogenic.” The acceptable account is that with a little aegis they appearance their resilience. Hawaii’s blooming turtles, adequate by the U.S. Endangered Breed Act, are airy faster than anyone expected.A rat dives for awning in Manhattan’s Tribeca adjacency in New York City. Brown rats, which accomplish up best of the city’s rodent population, are burrowing animals that are widest at the skull, so they can blooper into any amplitude hardly added than that (including the aqueduct arch to a toilet bowl). Rats advance in big cities: The added comestible debris bodies bung out, the added rats there will be to eat it. Researchers appraisal that a clutter of nine pups in a archetypal burghal rat antecedents would abound to 270 pups afterwards 30 weeks—and become a whopping 11,907 rats by year’s end.Torrential rain sends waterfalls bottomward bottomward the walls of the Gua Nasib Bagus—Good Luck Cave—as spelunkers analyze in Gunung Mulu Civic Park. The park, a UNESCO Apple Heritage Site, is in Malaysia’s Sarawak accompaniment on the island of Borneo. Below a rolling blooming carpeting of rainforest, its limestone is riddled with some of the planet’s best all-encompassing cavern systems.
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Pin by Michelle DeLong on art | Turtle painting, Sea turtle .. | sea turtle painting images Archival 70-mm blur recorded the 1969 Apollo 11 mission in 1969, aback bodies aboriginal set bottom on the moon. The film, including this iconic angel of Neil Armstrong, resides today in the Johnson Amplitude Center in Houston, Texas. See added artifacts in Countdown to a new era in space.An aeriform appearance shows gold miners at assignment on La Bella Durmiente, a berg that tumbles bottomward the flanks of Mount Ananea in the Peruvian Andes. A circuitous web of hoses delivers baptize from the berg to the makeshift boondocks accepted as La Rinconada, breadth miners accident their bloom and sometimes their lives in the following of fortune. There are no paved roads, no active water, no carrion system, and—at an distance of over 17,000 feet—50 percent beneath oxygen than at sea level. To absolve gold, workers calefaction a mercury-gold admixture with blowtorches; the baneful mercury abasement abbreviate in the perpetually algid air and aggregate on roofs and on the glacier—both sources of bubbler water.Laurance Doyle of Principia College and the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute studies the advice systems of dolphins, which could advice scientists break patterns in conflicting languages. New discoveries acknowledge it’s about assertive we’re not abandoned in the universe: We now accept acceptance of some 4,000 exoplanets—those alfresco our own solar arrangement that amphitheater stars like our sun. With a minimum of 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, there are at atomic 25 billion places breadth activity could conceivably booty authority in our galaxy alone.Russian circuses are acclaimed for their dancing bears, like this one that performed for a sold-out army at the Bolshoi Accompaniment St. Petersburg show, breadth tickets go for about $30 each. To accomplish buck cubs able abundant to walk—even jump—on two legs, trainers may force them to advance a continuing position by tethering them by their necks to a wall. See the appear images in The aphotic accuracy abaft wildlife tourism.Nahomy Mendoza, a transgender woman in San Salvador, El Salvador’s capital, was baffled and gang-raped by associates of the MS-13 gang, a accumulation spawned in the United States. Assemblage warfare and abjection are fracturing the country; in 2017 there were 3,962 homicides reported. Assemblage violence, biologic trafficking, and extrajudicial killings by badge and aggressive armament are key factors in the violence. See what its like walking with the casual band in Central America.Adriana Portillo lives with her mother and brother in a one-room home in the Italia commune of Apopa in San Salvador, an breadth accepted to be beneath the ascendancy of MS-13; Adriana’s brother is a affiliate of the gang. Criminal gangs in El Salvador command tens of bags of members. Abounding Salvadorans accept fled against to the U.S., but changes in U.S. action could accelerate bags aback into the chaos. Continue Reading
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Sea Turtle Painting Print - Tropical Decor - Sea Life Ocean Animal Prints - sea turtle painting images | sea turtle painting images
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Sea Turtle by Sarah Grangier | Sea turtle painting, Sea .. | sea turtle painting images
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Amazon.com: Okoart Canvas Wall Art Prints Colorful Sea .. | sea turtle painting images Read the full article
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
Unknown to most people, the unexplored regions of the world offer destinations that are unique for vacations. These unique spots not only promise unsullied scenery but they also offer unusual vacation experiences for those who seek to get away from the run-of-the-mill escapades on mediocre beaches and hotels. Check out our 25 unusual places to take a vacation and make it a point to do something different on your next planed escapade.
#1 Seagaia Ocean Dome The Seagaia Ocean Dome, was the world’s largest Polynesia-themed indoor waterpark, located in Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan. The Ocean Dome, which was a part of the Sheraton Seagaia Resort, measured 300 metres in length and 100 metres in width, and was listed in the Guinness Book Of World Records. It sported a fake flame-spitting volcano, artificial sand and the world’s largest retractable roof, which provided a permanently blue sky even on a rainy day. Unfortunately it closed in 1997.
#2 Alnwick Poison Garden The Alnwick Garden is a complex of formal gardens adjacent to Alnwick Castle in England. One of the more interesting attractions here is the poison garden and the signs on the front gate seem to give a fairly concise description of what you can expect.
#3 727 Fuselage Home-Costa Verde Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just step off the plane and walk right unto the beach without worrying about luggage or security? The 727 Fuselage Home makes this desire a reality…well almost. This unique hotel located within the coastal rainforest of Costa Rica overlooking the Pacific beaches of Manuel Antonio National Park near Quepos, is a retrofitted Boeing 727. Originally designed to carry 150 cramped passengers, the jet is now home to luxurious beds, incredible vistas, and easy beach access.
#4 Giraffe Manor A one of a kind hotel nestled in a suburb in Nairobi, Kenya, the Giraffe Manor is a small lodge that is home to some of the most endangered Rothschild giraffes in Kenya. It is known today for being a small, private hotel that opens its doors to guests who want to experience feeding giraffes either from their own breakfast tables or through the front door or windows of their rented rooms.
#5 Boot and Breakfast The Boot and Breakfast is a unique hotel designed as a giant pair of boots. Understandably, when it first opened in 2001 the locals considered the partners to be slightly crazy, but after several years of business and many happy visitors they are rightly taking their place as local celebrities.
#6 Desert Nomad House If you have ever felt the urge to just get away from it all, this is the perfect unusual place for you. Rick Joy’s “Desert Nomad House” is located in the Tucson desert right besides…nothing, absolutely nothing (for the exception of the Saguaro cacti). The simple design consists of a rusted steel box housing a 780 square foot bathroom; a living room , kitchen, and dining area; and a 440 square foot bedroom with a 200 square foot office. This is the epitome of a tranquil get away.
#7 Your own Fiji Island Picture this: Crystal clear blue waters, tropical floral scented breeze, soothing shore echoing the sound of the sea, clear blue skies that transform into a brilliant display of celestial lights at night, and best of all no one around. That’s right, no screaming children, obnoxious people, not even an annoying dog. This is the luxury of spending a day or two in your own, rented private Fiji Island. Depending on the island a night can cost around $2,500.
#8 Panda Inn Panda Inn is a chain of restaurants that originated in Sichuan, China and features basically everything panda related. Even the staff is dressed in panda suits!
#9 Metroplis, Illinois If you are a die hard fan of Superman, than you know of his hometown Metropolis. But did you know that the city actually exists? Metropolis, Illinois is the only city in the world dedicated to Superman (complete with a gigantic superman statue). If you really want to get into the Superman hype, the best time to go is in June when the locals put on a festival called “The Superman Celebration” which attracts book collectors and fans from all over the United States. To be fair, the real Metropolis is not the gigantic Super City depicted in the comics. Rather, it resembles more of a small town (think Smallville).
#10 Izu Islands A group of volcanic islands that includes about a dozen islets, Izu Islands extends southeast from the Izu Peninsula and is characterized by the unique flavor of each of its atolls. One of its islands, Ohama, is known for its active volcano, Mt. Mahira, which has erupted several times over the last decade. Another island, Niijima, is known for its pristine beaches while Mikurajima is famous for its amusing dolphin shows.
#11 Igloo Village Tourists who seek to rough it in the cold expanse of snowy Finland can visit the sheltered Igloo Village. With an array of unique lodging encompassing snow and glass igloos, visitors can experience the northern lights up close and personal.
#12 Black Rock Desert-Burning Man Festival For those who feel the urge to “radically express themselves” the Burning Man Festival held in the Black Rock desert is the destination for you. The Burning Man is a week long event that begins on the last Monday of August and ends on the first Monday in September and gets its name from the ritual of burning a large wood effigy on Saturday evening.
#13 Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve A vast ocean of lava flows that covers about 618 square miles of land, the Craters of the Moon Na ional Monument and Preserve is one of the most unique scenery in the United States. Craters of the Moon was formed between 15,000 and 20,000 years ago after a series of volcanic eruptions in the region transforming the landscape into a rugged “Apocalyptic-looking” environment. Visitors can lodge in one of the available campgrounds enabling visitors to witness the crater’s spectacular sundown and sunrise.
#14 Yellowstone National Park Located in the state of Wyoming, USA, the Yellowstone National Park is popular for its wildlife and geothermal features. It is among the most preferred tourist destinations for nature lovers because of its subalpine forest and sundry ecosystems, though Old Faithful, a giant cone geyser, is still its major feature. Through the years, several explorers have conducted expeditions in this park and have discovered more of its underlying canyons, lakes, rivers and mountain ranges.
#15 Island of the Dolls Also known as La Isla De Las Muñecas, the Island of the Dolls is dubbed as the creepiest and most bizarre tourist destination in Mexico. The trees grown on this island are decorated with old and mutilated dolls that were hung by the islands one and only former resident. Upon setting foot in this island, tourists who visit this place often offer gifts to appease the spirits that are believed to dwell in the hanging bodies of these dolls.
#16 Niagara Falls The major source of hydrothermal energy in all Canada, Niagara Falls is the collective name for the three waterfalls that border the Canadian Province of Ontario and New York, USA. Heralded as the largest waterfalls in the world, the Niagara Falls are known for their unmatched beauty and grandiose spectacle. The number of tourists who visit the falls peaks during summertime when colorful floodlights light up the waterfalls at night and accentuate their beauty.
#17 Jules’ Undersea Lodge Have you ever tried to count fish instead of sheep in order to fall asleep? If not, you just might be in for a treat once you swim into this outrageous hotel. Jules’ Undersea Lodge is located in Key Largo, Florida and is the only undersea hotel in the United States built 30 feet deep on the ocean floor. Inaugurated in 1986, this undersea hotel requires guests to go scuba diving to get into one of the two rooms available.
#18 The Orient Express Train rides are a great way to see the country side and no other train does it with as much class as the Orient Express. Operated by Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits, the Orient Express is a passenger train service that passes through Paris, Venice, London and Istanbul. Known as the king of all trains, it houses classy accommodations, bars; and dining and boutiques. Without a doubt, this is indeed grand luxury on rail.
#19 Edinburgh Castle Don’t let the stoic and imposing architecture fool you. The Edingurgh Castle is one of the most popular haunted vacations spots in Scotland. Particular attention has been given to the castle’s prison cells which where allegedly used to quarantine plague victims and is where strong paranormal activity resides. Only the bravest dare to stay in this place.
#20 Les Sources de Caudalie Les Sources de Caudalie boasts of its magnificent spa attracting tourists who wish to have a simple and relaxing vacation. In fact, in 2003 this hotel was recognized as being one of the best spas in the world. Among the services that this spa offers are a wine and honey wrap, a Turkish bath and a red wine bath (wait, red wine bath?…that’s their secret).
#21 Alcatraz Hotel If you have ever wanted to experience life on a lock down without breaking the law, you may want to consider the Alcatraz Hotel. This outrageous lodging is a former German prison retrofitted to accommodate 56 rooms with actual cells as sleeping quarters. Amenities include barred windows, toilet in the corner of the room, and your very own steel door slot used to slide your dinner to you.
#22 Sahara Desert Known as the hottest desert in the world, the Sahara Desert stretches from the Red Sea to the outskirts of the Atlantic Ocean. People who wish to take on this unusual vacation challenge can cross the Sahara Desert and catch a glimpse of its picturesque landscape which is like no other in the world. A vast expanse; it features rolling sand dunes that can reach heights of up to 180 meters (590ft).
#23 Galapagos Islands The Galapagos Islands is a group of volcanic islands near the equator in the Pacific Ocean that boast in their natural beauty and are home to an incredible array of animals found nowhere else in the world. Stepping into these islands is like stepping into another world. In fact, it was on these islands that Charles Darwin conducted his experiments!
#24 Palacio De Sal Rarely can you ever say that too much sodium is good for you. However, when it comes to Palacio De Sal (translated Salt Palace), too much sodium is exactly what the doctor is prescribing. This unique hotel, located at the eastern edge of Salar de Uyuni (the worlds largest salt flat by the way) is made entirely from salt, that includes the furniture and the structure of the buildings. When you go to this hotel, resist the urge to lick the walls since there is a strictly enforced rule prohibiting guests to do so.
#25 Free Spirit Spheres Sleeping among the trees takes on a literal sense with these Free Spirit Spheres located in Qualicom Beach, Canada. One of the coolest aspects of this very unique vacation spot is the fact that your room (thanks to the stretchy webbing that holds the pods in the air) sways with the trees…it’s almost as if the trees are rocking you to sleep.
Source: List25
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