#and meanwhile yuri is absolutely blissed out
hellofastudysession · 2 years
fanfic idea the ddlc club goes to the beach
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Mafia AU (Inspired by John Wick)-Submitted by Anonymous
This is not exactly a fic but more of a collection of ideas. I don’t know what to do with it. So maybe others could have a go at it.
Victor is an ex-assassin for the Russian mafia mourning the death of his husband Yuuri. Vicchan, Yuuri’s beloved poodle and sole reason why the two of them met, was left in Victor’s care. While coming into terms with his grief by visiting the first place he met Yuuri, Victor has a run-in with Yurio and his friends which ended with him losing Vicchan as well. This triggered the bloodiest war waged against the Bratva yet.
With Yuuri and Vicchan gone, Victor loses all of his mercy and morality. He slips back into his old assassin persona and becomes hellbent on killing Yurio. It doesn’t matter who stands in his way.
As the top assassin in the world and a former associate, Viktor becomes the greatest threat to the Bratva since Yurio is its heir. They scramble to set up defenses on his inevitable onslaught, call in favors for further support, and even raise a bounty on Viktor’s head.
Meanwhile, the Russian government and the Interpol see this as an opportunity to bring down the mafia. They become an unexpected factor in the war as they would sometimes blatantly back up Viktor or take advantage of the chaos the assassin leaves in his wake during his hunt. 
Many allies, both fake and sincere, tries to keep up with Viktor but he constantly leaves them in the dust. He prefers to work solo and he made a vow to never let anybody close again. Yuuri and Vicchan and their memories together will be enough to sustain him until he could avenge them properly. After that, Viktor looks forward into seeing them again in another life.
- Like John Wick in the movie, Victor uses Yuri as a scapegoat for his mourning and loss. Yuuri, an ex-competitive figure skater, died because of a brain injury gained after a bad fall while demonstrating a quad jump to a young fan. It was an accident and Victor couldn’t cope properly with it because he needed something or someone to blame. He felt helpless. So when Yuri and his friends killed Vicchan, he releases all of his pent up frustration and aggression at them.
- Viktor also has a lingering resentment against the Bratva. They made him jump through multiple hoops before finally letting him retire and live in peace with Yuuri. Had they let him go sooner, he would have spent a longer time with Yuuri and Vicchan. He could have been happier for so many more years. He blames them for his “stolen time” with his husband. This resentment grew worse when he discovers during his crusade that there had been attempts on Yuuri’s life by the Bratva before. The reasons for it were unknown but the fact that they tried is enough for him to desire vengeance.
- The “war” goes on for a longer time than the movie because the Bratva is careful in this AU. Yakov knows there will be no negotiating with Viktor so he didn’t bother placating him. He also didn’t underestimate him and straightaway made preparations for the worst. Yuri is smarter as well and is more mature with his reaction against the threat of Victor. He even think of it as his “coming-of-age” test. If he beats Victor, no one will question his authority anymore even if he’s just an adopted son.
- Otabek is Yurio’s only friend and his closest body guard. The rest of people with him when they harassed Victor were just leeches that he had been forced to make nice with for the family’s sake. Those idiots were the ones that grievously harmed Vicchan. Yurio stopped them too late because he was busy with Victor. He’s not a dog lover but he doesn’t condone animal abuse and mercy kills Vicchan to end his suffering - a scene that is forever seared negatively in Victor’s memory. Once Yurio realized how much of a colossal fuck up the incident was, he punishes the idiots accordingly and manages to blackmail their families into helping them in the “war”.
- Lilia Baranovskaya works with the Russian government. She has a history with Yakov Feltsman who is the leader of the Bratva. She doesn’t talk about it but there is an obvious respect between them even if they are on the opposing sides of the law. She also personally knows Viktor.
- Celestino Cialdini and Phichit Chulanont work with the Interpol. Phichit personally knows Victor through Yuuri and genuinely wants to help the assassin.
- Chris Giacometti is a fellow assassin and the only person in the world that Victor might consider as a friend but is extremely dangerous since he is Heel Face Revolving Door trope personified.
- The entire Russian Skating Family had been and/or is still with the Bratva.
- Yuuri doesn’t know about Viktor’s life as an assassin but he can recognize the signs that he was part of the mafia before. It was easy for him to spot them since the Katsukis are yakuza. He grew up in the underworld but eventually escaped from it through competitive skating. His family didn’t resent him for not following the tradition and was truly proud of his accomplishments. Mari was instead groomed as the next leader of the yakuza.
- On their wedding, the Katsukis became suspicious of Victor until Yuuri assures them that his husband really had left his dark past behind. The man is truly enjoying the normal domestic bliss that they share together in Detroit. The family was not entirely convinced. Yuuri allows them to make only idle threats so they will finally let it go but not before extracting a promise from them in return. If ever Victor gets into trouble, the yakuza will help him as they would with Yuuri. Mari would later make good of this promise once she gets a wind of the Viktor’s “war” in Russia.
- Yuuri and Victor met during the Rostelecom Cup. Victor was on a mission at that time when he got “mauled” by an escaped Vicchan. The poodle followed him everywhere and he begrudgingly let him stay with him for a night. He later posts a picture of the dog with some details online in hopes of finding the owner because Vicchan is messing up his schedule. Yuuri later shows up at his rented apartment to pick Vicchan up. They were instantly attracted with each other. Sadly nothing else happens except for an exchange of names but Victor definitely looks up Yuuri Katsuki in his free time after that.
- They met again at GPF Sochi. He was free at that time so Viktor was able to watch Yuuri’s freeskate. Yuuri performed badly because he just received news about his father’s death that morning. Viktor had slipped backstage to check up on Yuuri and heard him crying in the restroom. With no idea how to help Yuuri, Viktor ended up inviting the skater for a drink. Yuuri agreed, blows off the gala and the banquet, and got absolutely smashed with Victor at the club. That night, Victor realized that he actually cares for Yuuri and wants to keep the man close to him. Their night ended with them cuddled up together in a cheap motel dead drunk and half naked. Victor wakes up first that morning and leaves. He left Yuuri his personal contact number so they could keep in touch along with some medicine and water.
- Victor and Yuuri kept in touch after that. They meet up “accidentally” sometimes when Yuuri is competing. They slowly fell in love. They had their first argument and first kiss in a parking lot before the Cup of China gala exhibition. Their first official date was in Saitama during Worlds. Victor finally decides he wants “out” in the mafia after he and Yuuri exchanged rings in Barcelona.
- Victor and Yuuri got married in Detroit. They decided to live there together with Vicchan as soon as Yuuri retired. It was perfect since they both can start a new life far away from their dark pasts together there.
- Victor became suicidal after Yuuri and Vicchan’s death until he meets Makkachin during his crusade. She’s a big old poodle he had “borrowed” from an impound he had broken into during an escape. Makkachin become his Hope Spot.
- No character is safe but between Yurio and Otabek, one will definitely die as the other lives at the end.
- Viktor earned the silly nickname “Old Man Winter” because of his silver hair. The name became synonymous to Boogeyman soon after in the underworld because of Victor’s clinical and efficient kills. No one beats his record yet of the highest body count.
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