#and most of these -except the habits and the wedding dress and the skates-
copiasblair · 2 months
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finally finished my ghost self-insert ref sheet after like. a year of working on it on and off,,,lots of outfits in no particular order + some accessories
full res here since tumblr killed the quality -_-
from left to right starting on the top row: underwear, the outfit they were wearing when they first met copia, "default" prequelle era (so what they're shown in most often), "day off"/casual wear, "default" impera era, formal/date night, wedding dress, impera era habit (+ skull paint alt), prequelle era habit, catacombs outfit (what they were wearing when them and copia got lost and when they finally confessed their feelings for each other), sleepwear, and some accessories you might see them with
[okay to reblog! my self-insert blair uses they/it. it is not a girl do not misgender it]
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sugar, we’re going down
His father gets married in the spring. He looks handsome in his black tux.
Jughead places bets with his cousins on just how long this marriage will last reckons it’ll end miserably. His father had never been easily satisfied, always had that itch that he just had to do something about. He had never been one to question his father’s musings, didn’t see the need to. This is just how life works, he thinks.
His bride is a beautiful woman and with a complexion to die for. Also a widow, if rumors were to be believed. Jughead gives his father some credit for this one - at least she isn’t just another one of those whores he liked bringing home with him to their mammoth of a house. He has some taste left in him after all.
The woman has a daughter, Veronica. Almost the mirror image of her mother, almost a carbon copy. She’s gorgeous, unnervingly and disturbingly so. She sits on the other end of the bench and Jughead lets his eyes skate up the length of Veronica’s legs. His eyes fall to her face and he’s surprised to find Veronica staring right back at him.
Her lips curl into a smile and Jughead looks away.
The reception party is about as boring as it gets. His father has his mouth glued to his new wife’s ears, whispering promises and sweet nothings, all of which he’s probably said to all the ones before her. Jughead almost feels bad for the woman.
“Which one is this one?” Fangs asks him, pulling out the seat beside her. He hands him a glass of champagne and he gladly takes it. “Fifth? Sixth? Seventh? I’ve honestly lost count.”
Jughead snickers. “She’s just a number, that’s all she is.”
“Mom told me about how your dad’s said that this one, she’s ‘the one’,” Fangs replies. He loosens the tie around his neck, unbuttoning the first two buttons on his shirt. “You buy that?”
“He’s my father, so of course I don’t.”
Fangs laughs. His eyes skim the room and Jughead catches exactly where his focus has landed. “Pretty, isn’t she?” he says to Jughead, eyes dancing. “Your new step-sister.”
“Something about her rubs off wrong on me,” Jughead mumbles to Fangs. “I can’t quite place it, but there’s something.”
Fangs slings an arm around his shoulder, pulling him close. He can smell the alcohol in his breath when he teases, “Maybe you’re just attracted to her.”
Jughead pushes him away lightly and grumbles, “Fuck off.” He laughs again and Jughead takes a sip of her champagne, eyes glued to Veronica across the room. Veronica’s eyes flutter to his direction and they’re locked again under each other’s gazes.
Jughead can feel Veronica devouring him with her eyes.
(Jughead is the first person his father tells about the engagement. He doesn’t bat an eyelash; he is used to his father’s habit of coming to him to talk about some sudden engagement to some woman he’s never laid his eyes on.
“One more thing,” he says, lighting another cigarette. “She has a daughter about your age, or maybe just a little younger.” He lets out a puff of smoke and smiles at him; part of Jughead wants to punch him in the face to wipe his crooked smile from it. “Looks like you’ll have a sister.”
Jughead’s lip twitches.)
The Gomez move into their mansion promptly after the wedding and honeymoon. Bags upon bags and boxes upon boxes are brought in and the maids fix everything up quickly. Jughead watches from the side, amused at how the maids and movers walk around like busy ants. Before the day comes to a close the Gomez are settled into the Jones mansion and Veronica and Jughead are stuck sitting across each other at the dining table in what could be the most awkward dinner the world has ever seen.
Jughead likes Veronica’s mom - now his stepmother - well enough. She has kind eyes and she is warm to Jughead. Jughead had never really liked any of the ones before her, didn’t see anything in them that was worth liking. Veronica’s mom seems to be the exception.
As for Veronica, Jughead can’t quite place this strange feeling he gets looking at her. Veronica watches him back in silence as well; all Jughead can do is stare at the curve of Veronica’s lips, pink and plump. Jughead tears his eyes away with difficulty.
Veronica is enrolled to Jughead’s school and she is the talk of the town. Boys gawk at her when she passes by, practically drooling. The girls flock around her, vying to be her new best friend.
Jughead does his part as a good step-brother (or as good as step-brothers go anyway), showing Veronica around and letting her sit with him and his group of friends. Archie and Betty adore her, can never stop talking about how pretty she is. Fangs and Toni like her, too. Jughead can hardly blame any of them.
A few weeks pass but Veronica still pays no mind to the others who try to befriend her, always sticking close only to Jughead. Something about this only makes her more wantable, for lack of better word, to everyone, so they continue to flock around her and fall at her feet.
“It’s like you’ve got some sort of cult or something,” Jughead remarks on their way back home. The chauffeur pays them no mind. “And you know, you don’t have to stick around me so much.”
Veronica turns to Jughead, expression unreadable. “Don’t you want me around, brother?”
Jughead cringes at the word ‘brother’. He catches Veronica’s lips curve up into something that looks close enough to a smirk. “Though I suppose you’re right,” Veronica continues. Her voice is low as she places a hand on Jughead’s knee and says, “I just like your company so much.”
Jughead jerks his knee away and hastily pulls out his headphones and puts them into his ears, averting his eyes from Veronica’s dark eyes.
Veronica eventually forms her own group of friends, though to Jughead they are more like devotees than friends. This meant that she would spend less time walking in Jughead’s shadows or sitting besides him in the cafeteria, their bodies practically pressed together.
Jughead almost regrets telling Veronica to go make her own friends. Almost, but not quite. He feels it when Veronica looks at him from across the cafeteria, from her own group’s table now. He feels it when he’s standing in front of his locker to get something and Veronica passes by him with Cheryl and Josie, offering him a small smile. A part of him wishes he hadn’t told Veronica to find other people to hang around with because it meant not having her with him, at arm’s length, by his side.
Jughead numbs it down later with a bottle of whiskey that Fangs had stolen from his father’s liquor cabinet.
Jughead has an itch he can’t quite place -- an itch beneath his skin that needs to be scratched.
Toni invites both Jughead and Veronica to her birthday party, a supposedly small gathering of friends at her family’s estate, or that’s what the invitation said anyway. Knowing Toni, and by extension Fangs, half the population of their school would probably be there getting shitfaced.
Jughead is three shots of vodka and two pills of some illegal substance in when he stumbles into the living room, squeezing past everybody, and sees some guy - Reggie, captain of the school’s football team - with Veronica on his lap and his hand cupping Veronica’s thigh. Veronica has her arms wrapped around his neck and his mouth is pressing sloppy kisses onto hers. Something snaps in Jughead then and he charges forward; he grabs Veronica by the wrist and yanks her off of Reggie’s lap roughly. He ignores Veronica’s complaints, ignores her when she says “Jughead, stop it! You’re hurting me!”, ignores the stares from everyone else in the room.
“Don’t touch her,” Jughead hisses at Reggie. His head is spinning and the world is turning into a blotchy state of hyper-saturated hues but his voice is clear.
Fangs steps in and tells him to go home, says he’ll handle it. Handle what exactly, he has no idea, but Jughead complies and Veronica follows silently behind him. The chauffeur eyes them curiously but asks no questions; he opens the door for them and drives them home in silence.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Veronica grumbles to Jughead. She had to help Jughead back to his room, one arm wrapped around his waist as she half-dragged, half-carried him inside. She’s standing in front of the door, a hand wrapped loosely around the wrist Jughead had grabbed her by earlier. “What the fuck was that about?”
Jughead can barely see straight but he throws a burning glare at Veronica. “I don’t like him touching you like that.”
“Oh, so now you play the role of a brother  - stepbrother - is that what this is?” Veronica scoffs, her voice dripping poison. It ticks Jughead off. “Don’t want him touching your darling sister? Is that it?”
Jughead walks towards her - though it feels more like dragging his feet across the floor - and pushes her back roughly against the door. He slams his hand next to Veronica’s face and Veronica winces. “I don’t like him touching what’s mine,” Jughead growls, fingers roughly cupping Veronica’s jaw. Then he kisses her - hot and rough and angry, their teeth clicking.
When Jughead pulls away abruptly and Veronica is left trying to catch her breath, he spins Veronica around by the shoulder, pressing her hard against the door. His hand sneaks past the waistband of Veronica’s dress and Veronica instinctively arches her back against Jughead’s body, exhaling shakily. Jughead uses his free hand to cover Veronica’s mouth, and he says hotly against Veronica’s ear, “ You’re mine.”
It doesn’t take much for Veronica to come undone and lose all sense of control under Jughead’s touch; her climax is muffled by the hand on her mouth. Jughead presses a gentler kiss along Veronica’s jawline and Veronica huffs, “You jerk.”
Jughead’s father and Veronica’s mother eye the two of them curiously the next morning, and when Veronica’s mother asks them if something is wrong, Veronica’s eyes briefly flicker to Jughead when she answers sweetly, “Nothing, mother. Absolutely nothing.”
Veronica is glued to the hip with Jughead again after that and everyone passes it off as sibling love or whatever they called it. Reggie steers clear of Veronica after that, cowering under Jughead’s gaze. The school is abuzz about the incident at Toni’s party but no one dares say anything out loud, especially not against Jughead. But he isn’t concerned about what they have to say about him, not really.
So they walk the halls of the school side by side, fingers loosely intertwined.
“I’m glad you two have gotten really close,” Jughead’s father remarks during dinner. His eyes crinkle as he smiles. “This is good, yeah.”
Jughead and Veronica just smile at him.
Jughead kisses Veronica behind the bleachers, in front of the lockers when no one’s looking, in between classes when everyone is too busy to notice. He kisses her until his lips explode; Veronica tastes like cinnamon and spices, that Jughead can feel his mouth burn.
Jughead fucks Veronica in tight restroom cubicles, hasty and explosive, pulling her out of class and getting the both of them into more trouble than they ought to be in. They fuck in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep, with muffled giggles and moans and whispers of keep it down, you don’t want them to hear us, do you?
People will say it’s wrong, will say they’re shameless and will condemn them. Jughead agrees -- it’s messed up, they’re messed up.
They’re messed up. They’re shameless. They’re perfect.
Their report cards come in and Jughead’s father is less than pleased with his equally less than stellar grades. He finds it unfair that Veronica managed to get decent grades while he had the sucky end of the stick.
Then again, though, Jughead had always known Veronica would be detrimental to his grades.
The whispers start. The dirty looks follow after. No one says anything when either Veronica or Jughead pass by, though, those cowards.
Jughead doesn’t know exactly what spurs all of it. Jughead never cared if everyone and their mothers knew, not really. But Veronica cared, or rather, she cares. So Jughead had learned to control his touches in public, learned not to stare too long at Veronica, learned not to hold her hand for too long lest people catch on to their little secret.
They continue to walk through the halls with their heads held high and shoulders squared. No one looks them in the eyes.
“Why did you slap her in the face?” Jughead asks Veronica, panting. His body is aching but in the good kind of way, the kind that he welcomes. “Archie told me about it.”
Veronica plops down beside him on the bed, burying her face in the crook of Jughead’s neck. “Cheryl said things she shouldn’t have said about you.”
Jughead chuckles softly, running his fingers up and down the length of Veronica’s arm. “You didn’t have to slap her, though.”
“No one talks about you like that, no one is allowed to.”
Jughead presses a kiss to Veronica’s forehead.
Summer comes and Jughead’s father hands him the keys to his vintage Jaguar convertible. “Go take it for a spin,” he tells him. He dangles the keys in front of Veronica excitedly and they take it out to one of the open roads.
Jughead drives, sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose, and Veronica sits quietly in the passenger seat. He hits the gas with no mercy, enjoying the feeling of the wind in his hair and the deep hum of the engine. Veronica smiles at him and says, “You’re enjoying this too much, darling brother.”
“Stop calling me that,” Jughead grumbles. Lip service is all it is at this point.
Veronica laughs that husky laugh of hers, the one Jughead’s grown so fond of. She places a hand on Jughead’s thigh, fingers dangerously close to where they shouldn’t be when Jughead is driving at the speeds he’s gunning. His back tenses and his grip on the steering wheel tightens; he catches Veronica smirk at him from the rearview mirror.
“Behave,” Jughead says with a click of his tongue.
Veronica rolls her eyes and Jughead frees one of his hands from the steering wheel to hold Veronica’s hand with. He brushes her thumb over Veronica’s and Veronica smiles contentedly.
They're perfect.
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