#and most ppl are like. yeah we want to make sure queer teens are welcome regardless
tthankstoyou · 3 years
How would Kurt and Sam celebrate pride month
Thank you for the ask !!! I also did them going to pride together hehe
For celebrating pride month:
- They spend a lot of time at the LGBTQ+ center that Carole volunteers at. Sam and Kurt go there after school, they become buddies with most of the other teens there.
- Kurt tells Mr. Schue that they need a pride week. Schue tries his best with a lesson plan, but fails miserably bc he didn’t educate himself enough. Kurt overtakes the lesson and teaches the Glee club a little bit of queer musical history each time they meet that month.
- Branching off of the last point, Sam and Kurt work on the little lessons together. Like they stay up all night in Kurt’s room researching influential LGBTQ+ musicians. They even put together a lesson plan for a little project for the Glee club where each person has to choose one LGBTQ+ musical artist to research & make a presentation on.
- They watch ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ all because Sam said to Kurt “When I first met you, you said that maybe I was straight because I haven’t seen the movie. I need to make sure that people don’t make that mistake about me again.”
- Kurt whips out his baking skills and makes cupcakes for the Glee club with all of the different pride flags. Sam helps decorate the cupcakes, of course. The New Directions ask which each flag is because they aren’t super educated about the community & Sam is more than happy to tell them all about each of the sexualities and gender identities.
AAAND for going to pride together for the first time:
- Let’s imagine that Sam isn’t out to anyone. He tells Kurt that he saw that Columbus is having a parade for pride and Kurt’s like “And you want me to go?” to which adam says “I was thinking we could go... together.” Kurt just thinks that this is Sam wanting to be a good ally (since Sam is the first boy to support him unconditionally). But Sam thought that it was pretty obvious that he asked Kurt to pride as a date.
- They go to Columbus and they’re both in awe of everything. Kurt feels an overwhelming amount of love and starts tearing up when he see’s how many ppl are happily waving pride flags. Sam didn’t know what to expect from pride, but he’s never felt more accepted. He’s been struggling with coming to terms with his bisexuality for a while, seeing everybody being proud of who they are really resonates with him.
- They hold hands the whole time. Kurt’s trying not too think too much into it and is telling himself that it’s just because there’s a lot of people and Sam doesn’t want him to get lost. That theory flies out the window when they’re watching the parade. Sam stands behind Kurt and wraps his arm’s around Kurt’s waist, bringing him as close to Sam as possible. Sam rests his head on Kurt’s shoulder, Kurt melts at Sam’s touch.
- Sam drags Kurt to buy some pride flags. Sam picks up the bisexual flag and Kurt’s like “It’s so nice to see you so supportive of all of the different identities” and Sam’s like “Yeah I try my best to support all sexualities and gender identities. But I’m buying this because I like both boys and girls.” Kurt is mentally like ‘AHHHHHHHH WOW OKAY!!! THATS GREAT NEWS’ but he verbally says something like “Welcome to the community.”
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