#and my car is only 2 years old with 30k miles on it and it needs a new engine. ridiculous
fuck-kirk · 9 months
Still feeling so mentally unwell over the fact that the engine in my car is blown. My life is seriously spiraling bc of it.
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pens-swords-stuff · 5 years
Since I just got back from a tiny hiatus, and I’m too tired to check up on everyone’s blogs right now...
Update me on how you’re doing right now! Have you done anything cool? Have you had any fun thoughts? Any fun stuff in your writing? Just want to say hi? Please catch me up :)
My life update is under the cut!
As for me... It’s been a very busy week. It was the last week that my long-distance boyfriend was in town, and I’ve been prioritizing spending time with him. We’ve been dating for almost 5 years, been in long-distance for 4, so it’s nothing new, but it still sucks when we have to say goodbye. I’m used to it more or less now so while it made me really sad yesterday, I’m fine now. Thank you so everyone who sent me love and comfort, I really appreciate it!
It was a super fun summer for us! We didn’t go out extremely often because we’re both broke (I as a recent grad who is still looking for a job, and him, as a college student who doesn’t receive a lot of financial support from his parents), but we had a lot of time to bond. The highlight of the summer was definitely playing through Fire Emblem: Three Houses together. We managed to finish one of the Black Eagles house route, and the Blue Lions route together. Now I’m going to be able to play the Golden Deer route and the second Black Eagles route on my own, which will be a little lonely, but I’m looking forward to powering through it on New Game+.
In other life news, my father was in a very minor car accident about a month ago. No one was hurt thankfully, but our car sustained some damage. We took it to the shop, and we were originally told that it would take about 3-4 weeks to fix it. That wasn’t ideal since my family really needs both of the two cars we own — my parents both work in very different locations. But we dealt with it, believing that we would get our car back this weekend.
However, about 4 days ago we got a call from our insurance company who told us that the car is a total loss, and they would not be paying to fix it. We were blindsided by this because we’ve been counting on having our car back this weekend, and all of a sudden, we were down a car when we really needed one. My family had to really scramble to figure out what to do. Did we want to repair it on our own for thousands of dollars? Do we want a new car, and what car would we get?
The other problem was that the car that was a total loss is a Mazda 5. This car was my mother’s dream car because it’s small, but still has a lot of cargo space. No matter what, she wanted a Mazda 5. Unfortunately, it was discontinued a few years ago, and there are literally no other cars like it. There were only a handful available in our state, and they all had over 100k miles on it, and were used hard, which was a concern. 
We had basically given up on getting a Mazda 5 and were scouring the internet for information about cars that were similar enough to suit our needs.
And then, magic happened. Fate intervened.
We found a Mazda 5 at a dealership. Although it’s about 6 years old, it had less than 30k miles on it, it was very well maintained, and was an overall upgrade from our lesser model of the Mazda 5 we owned. It was also put up for sale very recently — and I know it’s better to negotiate the price down for a car that has been on the market for a long time, but it was well-within our budget, and very much affordable, and we needed a new car ASAP. The condition is almost like new, and we believe that we will not find a Mazda 5 in such a good condition from this point onward. Even 2 years ago, when my mother bought our old Mazda 5, most of them were in okay condition at best. The Mazda 5 seems to have a lot of hidden fans, and we fully believe that if we didn’t snatch it up, someone else would’ve immediately. Case in point: There was one other Mazda 5 that was comparable and a candidate for purchase at a different dealership. We called in the morning to set up an appointment to check it out later in the afternoon because it was still available. But before our appointment, it was sold.
That last couple of days was spent checking out the car and negotiating the price. My family and I aren’t very good at cars, and haggling so it was very overwhelming, but I do believe that we agreed on a very fair price. 
There was one small mishap where the dealership tried to sell it to us with a horn that wasn’t working, but after saying that we wouldn’t buy it without a working horn, they fixed it for us and we brought it home today!
We’re super happy with the purchase, but as an introvert who was extremely stressed out about this whole thing, I am absolutely exhausted. Although my parents do speak and understand English, I do a lot of language brokering for them because I am a lot better at it, and I really feel like I stepped up to the plate as best as I could, in asking questions, translating for them and making sure they understood everything, and doing a lot of research to help out.
So it was basically an extremely eventful few days, and that’s why I haven’t been around! Once I’ve recovered from my social exhaustion, I’ll hopefully be back to normal tumblr business like usual!
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incarnateirony · 5 years
So anyway, life updates on what I’ve talked about good, bad, and vagueblog.
But I introduce you to Betty White, or the Millennium Falcon, name pending.
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Most of yall know that I’m on disability, dealing with some massively janky medical issues that Alabama’s bottom-ranked health care system doesn’t even know how to cover, and my wifey blew a disc in her neck at work, essentially debilitating her, too, but also earning a small settlement. In scale of it, 25K -- 21 after lawyer fees -- isn’t really much to do anything with.
So we had already known we had to fix up and sell the house and thought, hey, the land value went up substantially out here, we can pocket and flip it and be hella good.
Until her father finally came out here and in long story short, found out that the inspector that ran through this house when my wife first bought it (during our breakup period YEARS ago) didn’t do his job and it’d be 20-30K worth of repairs to even sell this place at the value her loan is for, meaning we pretty much have to short sell it to get out from under it. I mean bad shit. Fire hazard wiring and rotting roof and siding element under shiny things that hid it that have clearly been deteriorating since long before the house got a lipstick job.
So we went and found an RV, because it’s time to go. We have to GO. We have to get out of this state. There’s nothing for us here. There’s no medical care, there’s no worker protections, being LGBT women we’re extra up a creek in the area, it’s just bad. So RV it was! But finding one in the now suddenly cramped budget with the house turning up bunk entirely was FUN.
But like a stroke of providence I happened to find a listing the day it was upgraded on what has been jokingly referred to by my friends as the Millennium Falcon of RVs. 
It came from an older couple, almost 60, that had been RVing for a few years, and the thing was already used when they bought it. It’s a friggin 1994. It’s old, it’s Chonk. But it was a project RV they decided to start on and while it has a solid AF 454 engine in it,
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 they’ve over a few years put in just about New Everything. New transmission, new air brakes, new air bags, new radiator, new septic lines, new alternator, new battery, new steering and suspension, new new new new new. Modified backup camera that tracks engine temp/tire pressure/etc like modern dashes and stays on constantly instead of just when backing up. It has its little hijinks with the in-n-out stairs being funky and the generator is a funny little bit because they didn’t want to spend 8K+ on a generator for an old RV so they got one that’s an external mount, which I imagine is why it was having a hard time selling.
Atop that inside the wife went bananas and got rid of the shitty old wallpaper and painted it bright colors different on every wall, removed the space consuming fold out couch since they didn’t need an extra bed and installed an armoire-storage-couch-thing that takes up half the outter floor space, stuff like that.
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This was their baby and they intended to keep this baby and did great work on this baby, and the second I saw it in the advert, I knew it, because the images weren’t all spit cleaned sales stuff, it was vacation images with their shit still hanging inside it and their party lawn with their sports teams and stuff and the shiny lights they added on it to make it a party bus like
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So anyway it turned out they basically got conned into getting a newer shinier one and just wanted to get the fuck OUT of Alabama but because of the generator and age it wasn’t selling at market value which was about 15K even as old as it is, and had price gouged it down to *8500*
Thought it was too good to be true, got our old construction and mechanic friend go out out there and go over it with a fine toothed comb and this thing, as he put it “goddamn if I had the money, I’d buy it myself, what the hell, you ain’t gonna get anything better for that price, hell, you ain’t gonna get anything as good for the price” THEY JUST WANTED TO GET OUT OF ALABAMA. And I mean, MOOD, BIG MOOD.
In fact the money they were asking for was basically to pay off loans and costs on all the New Stuff they put into it to begin with.
Because of them basically gouging their asking price in half an old lady had come to see it same day and at first the husband was like WHOEVER GETS US THE MONEY FIRST but talking to us the wife was like HELL NO THAT OLD LADY COULD BARELY GET IN THE THING SHES JUST GONNA DRIVE IT DOWN TO FLORIDA AND LET IT ROT THIS IS OUR BABY THESE GIRLS NEED TO TAKE CARE OF IT AND THEY WILL and she ran interference through the weekend until our mechanic friend could go check it out.
You might ask “if you have a buttload of money why an RV” but in trying to get out of Alabama and all the way back to Oregon where I literally KNOW I can make it work out in life for us, for reasons that are a whole story unto themselves, the moving costs cross country alone for a uhaul would be expensive AF. Downpayments. Finding pet friendly apartments. And then whether it was portland or somewhere else we could get STUCK. And we’re tired of getting stuck. So we’re packing up our own FUCKING house that we FUCKING own outright that fucking NOBODY can take away from us and with NO payment obligations and FUCK THE SYSTEM.
So anyway this big fuckin honker the wife was like WHY ARE YOU SO COMFORTABLE DRIVING THIS to Shea, but Shea worked for both Uhaul and Hertz so like hauling bigassed trucks around was kinda her thing and she also worked horses so giant ass horse trailers, you name it. So she just got up in there like she belonged and next thing you know we’re doing 65 down the bendy ass mountain freeways of central alabama like we been doing it for years
PS when you are in a literal fucking house 65 feels like 90, I’m just letting you know that now.
We’re still at our house cuz we gotta get this properly under our own tag/insurance and get a tow for the car. It was funny though cuz experienced or not knowing it was OUR LITERAL HOUSE Shea started like GOTTA BE CAREFUL GOTTA BE CAUTIOUS GOTTA MAKE SURE NOBODY DUMB and it turned into GET OUT THE WAY FUCKERS I’LL WIN within the 120 mile haul back home. Like BITCH I’LL TAKE MY FOOT OFF THE GAS BUT I AINT GONNA TRY TO JACK RABBIT STOP THIS FUCKER SO YOU BETTER GET SOME GIDDYUP IF YOU GONNA MERGE YOU FRIGGIN HONDA
This beast only has 65K miles on it. And that sounds like a lot but for an RV that isnt S H I T. People are like, if you can find a used one under 100K you’re doing okay. Half of those miles are just taking it out for a jog because you’re supposed to drive it once every couple weeks to keep it from rusting out basically. They just safely drove it in like a tristateish area down here for a few years as you can see on the cabinet stickers and moved around to sports games and shit and had fun.
The bedroom is purple. The kitchen is blue and yellow. KJSDKJFSjk she was like “Fuck the 1990 floral wallpaper we updating, there’s extra paint in one of the storage bins if you wanna touch any of it up”
So that’s it. We’re gonna do some work with said mechanic friend on the AC and a few tweaky details and as said, gotta tag/insurance/tow but once we get that worked out, that’s it, that’s home starting in a few weeks. 
We’re heading to Independence, Missouri first to touch base with my internet momma then swinging in Salt Lake City to meet old media friends like the folks at Arrowstorm and stopping to enjoy their stuff at Evermore Park before hitting Portland which, reasonably, I’ll guestimate we’ll be at like a week or two before Halloween but maybe we’ll make better time. If you’re en route to those destinations and wanna meet up, lemme know, we’re still gonna have fun on the way and try to record shit. 
Portland is the city I know how to work to and from the bone. I can turn any quarter into at least a dollar there, quite literally; I know how to eat eight times a day for free if need be. I reasonably think we can stay WELLLLLLLL above the line of needing that kind of assistance but because Shea is very anxiety driven to know we outright have a promised home and have promised food if worst case scenarios happen really made her go, you know what, fuck it, sure, Portland, you loved Portland, the wages are good in Portland, let’s do Portland.
If we start with dry camping at locations with free plug ups even still paying for Shea’s car and insurance, once major gas costs GETTING there are done, we’ll be running about 500 a month, and again, that’s including insurance for both vehicles and paying off her car note. Depending on the lot we land at, 700-900 a month. I can float that on my casual residual income. Everything after that is profit. Everything after that is success. I refuse to let Shea be anything less than Okay, but most of all, weird and nonconformative as it is, everything after this is scales of success. Hell minus the car note we’d be under 600/mo on the pricy end. We got dis. 
No more of my wife being convinced she needs to performatively pull loans on her livelihood and shelter for the illusion of a 3/2 middle class life with a picket fence and a job she hates in a place she hates that she doesn’t know how to get away from. Hell, if she ends up hating Oregon? WE CAN PICK UP OUR HOUSE AND MOVE.
It’s literally parked in our yard right now awaiting our voyage.
You bet your ass we’re getting an aux cord and blaring classic rock on surround sound the whole goddamn way
Also gonna get a CB radio to roll with some of the better trucker herds out there. Trust me, solid investment for a multitude of reasons. And entertaining.
If you don’t know what Smokie In The Woods is on a CB radio, you don’t know the road.
It also comes with a lot of gadgets you usually have to buy, like converters for USB chargers in older vehicles and the cable antenna and an extra tent and hell they left two bikes on it like YALL WANT EM YOU CAN HAVE EM, SURE
So buying the RV, paying the friend for the loss of a work day, the necessary gas to get out there, and the tow all in all is gonna run us about 12,000 bucks total, which isn’t a bad deal for bringing your own house with you.
We already burned a few thousand of our settlement trying to fix this house before the bad news and/or upkeeping bills but now it’s time to burn it and walk. By the time we roll I’m expecting us to have about 4K over costs in the bank, which is... enough. It’s more of a nest egg than we’d have if we stayed here that’s for sure, covers emergencies on the way there and gives us a few months to get our shit together. Even the part-iest part time job out in Portland will float any overhead on bills much less if shea can fall in with all the media and digital work out there with her graphic design and art, we’re eyeing the portland saturday market to sell her stuff at in season too. SCREW THE SYSTEM YALL
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heckdoor · 5 years
Life Lessons Learned the hard way
So, the year 2019 has been filled with a lot of crazy adventures as well as the last 24 years of life. This started out as a cheesy 19 things I learned in 2019. And it became 19 life lessons I learned the hard way in 2019.
1. There’s a first time for everything. Literally just as excited as you were for your first kiss or your first win life’s also filled with your first disappointment. As well as your first heartbreak or even your first time losing a job. But the point of the first time is so you learn, and you get better at handling them for the future.
2. You are the only one who is allowed to describe success for yourself. Take that how you want but no classmate, parent, person or professor is allowed to impose their definition of success onto you. Go out there and take it for yourself.
3. Leave them unanswered. No one is entitled to an answer or an explanation from you on anything if you don’t want to give it. So, leave those hoes on read.
4. Take some time to sit and cultivate your relationships. Being busy doesn’t mean you’re important or that you’re “living your best life” busy just means busy and honestly it can be terrible.
5. Know your worth and be patient. Understand that there are great opportunities in this world but none of them are once in a lifetime. Not if you consistently work hard. So, if someone is wanting to pay you 30k to live in an expensive city understand that it’s okay to say no and keep looking.
6. The grass is not always greener on the other side. New York City is home and deep down I know that it is the most magical place in this world, and I will patiently wait for the day I can make it my home again. Because let me tell you the west coast is overrated *cough cough* LA
7. Family is everything. Don’t be ashamed of your circumstances or the things you have to go through or the things you “missed” out on. Love and embrace your family because they’ve taught you countless life lessons you wouldn’t have learned otherwise. I am a proud son of immigrants.
8. Grab some lube and slide into those Mothereffing DM’s. The worst thing someone can do is tell you no or leave you on read. But you didn’t die you didn’t go broke and you lost nothing. So why not go for it.
9. Of all your dying fears buying Chelsea boots and trying a new look is a very minimal fear in the hindsight of things.
10. The internet is a liar. It is okay to be off social media and go to a movie alone. It builds character. Learn to love yourself and understand that not everything on social media is true. People are just as miserable as you are lol.
11. You are young stop trying to rush through life and your career. You know what the struggle is and how to hustle. You’ll be fine.
12. Stop and just sing. You went to school for vocal music for 4 years I doubt that you don’t have a single set of pipes in that golden throat of yours. Take some time and belt your heart out in the car in the shower or in front of people.
13. Buy yourself that concert ticket, plane ticket, or new pair of jeans. You ain't gonna be buried with your money. Yeah be smart but don’t forget to treat yo self!
14. You are different and that is okay. Yes, you aren’t 6’4, white, blonde and have a six-pack. But you are 6’1 have amazing legs and skin that has never broken out like some of these pizza faces. You are an attractive man of color and embrace it.
15. It's okay to be scared and cry. No one can plan their life perfectly without any hiccups and that’s including you. It's okay to go off the grid for a few days while you pick yourself back up.
16. Why should you constrict yourself to something as dark as a rigid binary that is moving up and down a ladder? We are people with different paths. We need room to live and grow and every occurrence is just another step in your path.
17. Drive the extra mile for chicken nuggets. Because sometimes you getting the right buffalo sauce will taste a lot better than saving yourself those 5 mins for old siracha sauce.
18. Health is important in all aspects of the word. Your physical, emotional and spiritual health all matter. Go on that run, don’t skip that meal. Leave toxic environments or relationships. And also take care of your spirituality however you want. Go to church or do a prayer listen to a hymn or read your scriptures. These are important to you.
19. Never stop dreaming. Going back to this, you are young! Never count yourself out from a dream job or opportunity. Always apply and put your best foot forward. Your dreams are what have gotten you this far to begin with.
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loadcute108 · 3 years
Man Converted Van Into Home Download Free For Macoikos
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Man Converted Van Into Home Download Free For Macoikos Students
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Man Converted Van Into Home Download Free For Macoikos Online
You’ve seen it before, couples who have quit their desk jobs and sold all their belongings to live on the road exploring the world in a van. Who hasn’t day dreamed about that at their job?
The Top Creative Van Conversions. How many of you have dreamt of converting your own van into a mobile home? There are so many rad inspiration sites and blogs out there with some amazing van conversions – from vintage VWs to top notch Sprinters. Change 3D to 3D video file. Aiseesoft 3D converter can work perfectly to convert video between 3D files. If you want to enjoy a higher resolution 1080p HD, then you may need to consider changing your Top and Bottom (TaB) 3D video in 720p into Side by Side (SbS) video file in 1080p. The FreeBSD Project. FreeBSD is an operating system used to power modern servers, desktops, and embedded platforms.A large community has continually developed it for more than thirty years. Free Video to MP3 Converter extracts audio tracks from video clips and converts them to MP3, AAC, WAV, and many other audio formats for ringtones, notifications, and tunes.
With the ever-increasing cost of living and presence of screens in all facets of our lives, many people are finding ways to escape all those problems by living off the grid. When looking to live life exploring nature, turning a van into a rolling apartment is becoming an attractive option.
So you want to live to the van life. Where do you start?
All you really need is something that's comfortable to drive and has a lot of room for all your belongings.
Depending on your budget, you can either buy an old van and build it out or buy something fully built and hit the road. What are your options?
Full Sized Van
Types: Dodge Ram Van, Ford Econoline, Chevy Express/Astro
Pros: Can be had for cheap, plentiful, large and roomy, parts are abundant, many low mileage examples
Cons: Poor gas mileage, handles like a hollowed out loaf of bread, dated styling
These old full-sized vans come in all shapes and sizes. Expect to find these between $2k and $20k. You’ll find them in various states of wear, coming from their previous lives of airport shuttle or neglected conversion vans.
Cargo Van
Types: Mercedes Benz Sprinter, Ram Promaster, Ford Transit, Nissan NV
Pros: High roof models allow you to stand in the back, flat floors, you can probably turn this into a rolling apartment, no windows = privacy
Cons: Expensive, high mileage, no windows = people may assume you are some kind of criminal
A cargo van is the ideal platform for the van life. These can range from $1k to the high $20ks. Their flat floors, tall roofs and lack of rear windows make these a blank canvas with endless possibilities. Some van life builds feature a dining table, kitchen counter and sink, shower and a raised sleeping area.
Camper Van
Types: VW Vanagon, Converted Mercedes Benz Sprinter or Metris
Pros: Built for van life, available 4x4, aftermarket support, Volkswagen cult following
Cons: Expensive, parts for older models may be hard to come by, Volkswagen reliability
New or old, these vans can break the bank. Early '90s VW Vanagon Westfalia Syncros typically go for $20k to 30k. For as much as $90k, companies such as Sportsmobile offer these with a pop top camper, kitchen and sleeping area with four-wheel drive and solid front and rear axles, creating an apartment that you can rock crawl.
What You'll Need
Aside from making sure your maintenance is up to date, a camper van doesn’t need much to be ready for life on the road. If you’re not planning to venture too far off the paved road, you can do without a lift or armor.
You’ll be spending a lot of time inside the van, so focus your attention to creature comforts you may need every day. Unfortunately, your space is limited. What essentials will you need?
Food Storage: Stove, Fridge, Sink
This can range from a simple camp setup to building a whole mini kitchen with a pullout sink, fridge and such. Depending on climate and how long you will need to store your food, you may not need a fridge, and an ice chest can suffice.
Electrical: Dual Battery, Solar, Power Inverter
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Off the grid doesn’t mean you have to go without electricity. When traveling, you want to make sure you have enough to power not only the van, but also everything you use when you're parked. A power inverter is a great upgrade because it allows you to use items that have a household three-prong plug.
A dual battery setup keeps you from being stranded by supplying backup to your main battery while providing power to all your accessories.
Creature Comforts: Bedding, Curtains
If the seats don’t fold down flat, you may need to build a sleeping platform. Typically made from wood, a sleeping platform creates a flat sleeping surface. The open space under the sleeping platform is perfect for tucking away all your other belongings.
Where To Sleep
If you’re out of the city, most BLM land is free to sleep in overnight. In the city, you’ll want to blend in with your surroundings. Find well-lit areas with where other cars park overnight, such as a the parking lots of Wal-Marts, hotels and 24-hour stores and well-lit street parking. These places are typically safe enough to park in overnight.
You may or may not need any of these items. The best way to find out what you need without over-spending is to get out there and find out what you need and can live without as you go.
Photos courtesy of Sportsmobile, Recon Vehicles and Volkswagen
Want to know what it's actually like to live on the road? We tried it out!
When it comes to DIY campervan conversions there is no better vehicle than a minivan for a camper. Once you get past the fact that it’s a minivan you’ll quickly see it’s the best DIY camper for just about every type of camping trip or even long-term living. Here is our design for the best Minivan Camper and we have road tested it for more than 30,000 miles and 150+ nights over two multi-month trips and lots of weekends.
We converted a 2006 Honda Odessy minivan into a campervan with a full-sized mattress, 7 under bed storage drawers, nicely equipped kitchen, cooler, and power charging station. We pulled off this conversion in about three days and under $350.
Take a tour of our Minivan Camper Conversion
This video gives you a quick look inside of our minivan along with some sweet music. The video doesn’t go into depth on the actual build, but all of that is described below and one of these days we should make another video on more about the minivan to campervan conversion process.
Picking a minivan for your Minivan to campervan conversion
We choose a minivan for our project because they are much more fuel efficient than full-size vans and would give us the most amount of space for the money. We bought our 2006 Honda Oddessy for $6500 with just over 100,000 miles.
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Things to look for in a minivan camper:
Good mechanical condition – check service records and have it inspected before starting a long trip.
Room for a full sized bed (or close) – which is 54 inches, ours was about 51-52″ between the narrowest point but we used a flexible mattress which fit nicely.
Consider a good condition minivan around 100,000 miles – After a minivan passes 100,000 miles the price drops to a very affordable level.
How to convert a minivan into the best campervan ever
We are going to take you step by step on how to make your minivan into the best campervan possible. Since everyone might be working with a different van the dimensions of your camper will be different. So, instead of giving exact measurements I used, I will give suggestions on how much room between different parts of the build I would leave, and things like that instead of my exact blueprints.
Tools Required for this campervan conversion
Man Converted Van Into Home Download Free For Macoikos Students
Drill with Phillips screwdriver & a 1/8′ drill bit
Tape Measurer
Circular Saw or Table Saw or just a hand saw if that’s what you have
Other general hand tools would be helpful but are not required
Supplies Required for this campervan conversion
From Building Supply Store:
2 – sheets of 4′ x 8′ plywood for the top of the bed platform and kitchen storage unit
10 – 2″x 2″ pine studs
1 – Box of screws to build the bed frame and kitchen cabinet frame
1 – Roll of reflective windshield shade material custom cut to fit the front window
1 – Roll of standard duct tape
From Amazon, we found the best prices on Amazon and it’s delivered right to your home:
1 – Full-size premium Futon mattress $169, we love this mattress it’s honestly better than hotel beds and comparable to our bed at home
7 – Sterlite tubs to go under the bed frame
2 – Sterlite storage crates $6.25
1 – Coleman cooler $58
1 – Compact folding table $43
2 – Outdoor folding chairs
Step 1. Remove the Minivan 2nd and 3rd-row seats
We started our conversion by removing all of the back seats of the van. We will be traveling as just two people so more seats while isn’t necessary. Honestly, a minivan camper is probably best for 2 people at most, if you are planning a trip with more people a bigger van might be a better option.
If you have a van with a third-row seat that folds flat, still consider removing it and using that pocket for additional storage. We used this space to add about a 12″ deep by the width of the van of extra storage space. I was tempted to leave it in there and make building the minivan camper easier, but the extra room was great.
Step 2. Building a platform frame for the bed
We rented a campervan for our trip to New Zealand and it had storage under the bed which was great but in their design, you had to lift the mattress up to access to storage. We wanted quick easy access to the storage and to have it divided and also cheap and easy to make.
We used 2″x 2″ pine studs to make the supports for the frame and a piece of cheap OSB roofing plywood for the top of the platform. We built the platform to raise the bed and frame high enough to slide bins in that we bought.
Start just behind the front seats to put your first bed platform frame member. Double check to make sure to make it high enough for your storage bins to fit underneath including any part of the frame. After the first one is the get a level and set the height of the back frame member.
The reason I did this is that the floor of our van was all kinds of different heights. The floor was higher and lower in many places so to get the bed level I would suggest setting the front frame support and then the back with a level, and the build each of the rest to fit your van floor.
Step 3. Adding under-bed storage
We built out platform tall enough for a bunch of plastic bins to slide under. Using plastic bins didn’t require building and tracks or complicated systems, just slide them in and go. We have used 7-inch tall bins since we did the camper conversion a few years ago, but next trip we are planning on raising the platform for more storage. Always, always build in as much storage as you possibly can, it will make trips in your campervan much more enjoyable.
Step 4. Build a ‘Kitchen’ Storage Cabinet
Here is where you can get as crazy as you want, but we wanted to keep it simple. Our kitchen is primarily for storage and we cook and clean everything on a small fold-out table. When we are camping we find we end up cooking on this table or a campsite picnic table and doing washup here as well. So we didn’t want to add a sink because it adds a lot of costs and they never really work that well.
A 12v refrigerator cooler would be great if you are on the move a lot, but if you are going to stay put for days at a time a normal quality cooler is probably better.
Step 5. DIY Camper Window Shades
As funny as this sounds widow shades can make or break your camper build. Our first design of window shades we a total disaster and we were constantly fixing them. Our van has side curtain airbags in the back around most of the windows so we couldn’t screw in and mount anything to hold sliding fabric shades. So, we tried to attach brackets to the windows themselves. Note nothing expoy-ed, sticky velcro-ed, or anything suction to windows in a campervan will ever be permanent.
Optional – Blackout shades for a DIY Campervan
Last summer we drove to Alaska during the solstice and we knew we needed to get some sleep during the 24 hours of sun so we build blackout shades for our minivan camper. We did this cheap and easy, of course. We bought black poster board from Walmart and then with the windows open we held the poster board inside the van and traced out the shape of the window best we could. We cut them out using an Exacto knife.
This got the blackout shades close, but then we took 2″ wide (standard size) duct tape a taped the perimeter with pieces of the tape laying half of the width on the board and half hanging over. then did the same on the other side sticking both sticky sides of the tape together. This made up for any errors we made while tracing and created a flexible edge to really seal out all of the light. These worked out really well, we were even able to sleep in the middle of the day for a nap when we started out late taking photos or slept in bright parking lots – these are great for stealth camping for both privacy and blocking out the light.
Step 6. Basic 120 Volt Charging Station (wall/house power outlets)
All minivans should have several 12v power outlets or cigarette adapters and with a low-cost power inverter $29.99 you can charge or power most household things. This takes a lot of power and should really only be used while driving or the van is turned on.
Last step. Put the mattress into the minivan camper
We put our mattress in right after building the platform and it constantly got dirty and sometimes damaged as we finished the campervan conversion. After you finish the bed platform make sure the mattress fits, but then leave it out of the van until the very end, it will keep it a lot nicer as you finish building your campervan.
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Additional pieces of kit to consider
Portable Jump Station – If you plan to be in some remote areas it’s best to be prepared. You might forget to turn off a light or cold temperatures at night can make a weak battery not start. With this unit, you can jump-start your camper without having to use another car. We bought this portable jump station with an air compressor for $45.
Things that worked and didn’t in our minivan camper
Stuff that worked:
The Bed – Our bed was actually super comfortable, I would rather sleep on this mattress than a bunch of hotels I’ve stayed in. We measured the inside of the wheel wells and they were about 2-3″ too narrow for a ‘real’ full-size mattress, so we were pretty confident that a premium futon mattress would squeeze into the space and it did. A spring mattress might have but it would have been a tighter fit. Plus the mattress was only $123 shipped right to our door.
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The Kitchen – It works well mostly for storage, the cooking we do is usually on our fold up table or on a picnic table.
Stuff that didn’t work:
Suction cups to hold anything on the windows long term, with heat they fall
Command strip hangers on the window, when it gets over 100° they fall off
Cast Iron pots and pans, unless you are cooking over a fire a lot, they are too hard to clean and keep from rusting when you can’t wash them right away (or maybe we just got bad quality ones)
Our first window shades – Our biggest problems we the window shades, we are seriously thinking about having the windows heavily tinted in the back to help with this and give us more privacy. We wanted to keep the van as close to normal condition because we wanted to resell it after our big road trip, which for the most part worked.
The stuff we wished we had:
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Portable battery operated fan for hot nights.
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The van has been busy so far, she has brought us on a three month US road trip, a 6-week road trip to Alaska, and many other short trips around the country.
If you have built a DIY campervan share your story in the comments, or if you have any questions about building your own minivan camper ask us below.
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strangesugar-blog1 · 7 years
Nevermind. Dude yesterday was cheap too. I only ask for transportation covered for first dates, but I think I'm going to have to start asking for payment too. Or being incredibly up front in messages first about how high my standards are (not that theyre that high tbh but to them...). I don't know. This isn't sustainable, I'm going on too many first dates for nothing. Sure I'm not out of pocket either, but I'm out of time and effort - the communication back and forth, learning about them, getting pretty.
I mean, I don't think this guy yesterday is a write-off or anything yet, but I asked him to go into more detail about how his one other successful relationship like this played out and what he saw us doing together and approx how long (he's only looking for every 3-4 weeks btw) blah blah and he sent me this, with the subject title "Continuing our relationship"
"First of all I wanted to say how much I enjoyed meeting you yesterday. The weather, the venue, and the company were perfect!
Second, you can text me most any time. I put my phone on mute when I go to sleep, so a late-night text is no problem. But as I said, I really suck at typing on phones. So for me, best to use texts for communicating an upcoming rendezvous. I guess I am old school, but much prefer email where I can type at a real keyboard.
Our next meeting might work like this: I'll get a hotel room in [nearby place] or [other nearby place], and we meet there at 3pm. (I'll bring some wine, of course!) We'll spend perhaps three hours together there before heading on our separate ways. Another time would be the same, except we would go to an early dinner, then head back to the room, finally parting around 8:30pm or so.
As the weather gets better, perhaps we might meet earlier in the afternoon for a hike, then adjourn to a room. There are some beautiful hiking trails in Issaquah just south of I-90.
Please be clear that I am very open to suggestions if you have other ideas! 
As for our financial arrangement, I think a per-meeting basis is the best way to begin. Obviously we can change it at any time. As I mentioned yesterday, my longest relationship was with a 25 year old woman who lives in [other nearby place]. We would meet as I described above, and I gave her $300 to $400 each time we met. I also bought her gifts and paid a semester of her tuition, so I suspect it really worked out to $500 or so per meeting.
Your thoughts on all of this please!
He was very sweet, and I enjoyed his company, very respectful. I think he could teach me a lot about things that could help my game long term. I figure I might go the "I'm another expensive hobby" type route I think I saw mentioned on another post here, being that he does have lots of expensive hobbies. I mean even if every bottle of wine in his collection were only $30, that alone is an over 30k hobby, then he built the cellar, installed heat/cooling for it, etc etc. He's a member of "far too many" of the local wineries clubs, and works at the most expensive one (amongst other things lol, not just that) just so he can get their discount on wine (but spends more on their wine than he earns from the job lol). Then he fucking flies/travels for no real reason, just as a hobby. He was talking about hitting the 2 million mile mark with his airline, and how when his something or other status was going to run out he panicked and took an overseas weekend trip to keep it in tact. He's been to 52(?) countries, mostly just for pleasure I think. He has a v nice classic car that he's going to ship cross country for a reunion, then drive back. He skis a lot, has a motorbike, etc etc, he's big into expensive hobbies, so I guess that's a good way to go. Plus I might use the "emotional labor/effort involved" angle, which is true. He really wants a connection, and if I'm only seeing him once a month-ish I could say that it will be hard to maintain/develop that/make it a priority for that much. I want at least 1k. Sure it's not that much actual sexy time in that 3ish hour window, but once again, it's still time I could be putting towards other things and I still have to be "on" the whole time. I'm not sure whether to start higher and leave negotiating room, or just say "this is where I'm at, I value my time/what I'm providing for you, take it or leave it" kinda thing (but nicer obvs). I just don't understand why they bother to play up how wealthy they are then go and offer $3-400 for several hours like...? I'm really seeing now how all those posts about girls accepting these numbers are hurting the industry. I do understand it though, apparently she had a bad situation and was just trying to get out and get back on track and I can definitely understand taking whatever would help with that, but still, ugh. Trying not to get disillusioned. I know he can afford me, so it can't hurt to try, but if not then we'll just keep trying I guess.
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parkerjasmine1996 · 4 years
how much is insurance for a scooter
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :bestinsurancequotes.top
how much is insurance for a scooter
how much is insurance for a scooter? Here’s a quick look at the average cost of insurance per year. Now let’s look at the cheapest car insurance based on the average driver. A driver looking for car insurance has an average insurance cost of around $700 a year – but they’re only looking at the most expensive coverage the driver is willing to offer. For an average driver, the first thing to consider is the cost of insurance and its effects on accident risk.  For a driver looking for affordable car insurance, we’ve researched the average cost of car insurance so you can get an idea of how much auto insurance is likely to cost you. You can also check out our tips for finding the cheapest and most affordable car insurance. We’ve highlighted a variety of insurance providers to help you find the right policy, but here are some of the more common questions on the most-asked questions: So I had my own. And now I have my own policy? That’. how much is insurance for a scooter?? Car insurance is required by law and is expensive, so I have no business giving them insurance. However, I ll buy them for my mopeds. I have 5 insurance companies to insure I recently found myself getting a quote from an insurance company for my own insurance and I don t know how much insurance I ve been paying. I don t know how it compares to other companies. I don t know anything about mopeds.. I ll be a good moped driver and stay with the insurance I have paid for it! Thanks to all of these idiots. Thanks for having a great article. I ve been toying with having to get my own insurance in the UK for several years. As a result, we had to be stranded on the road for about 30 minutes. Thankfully, there are a decent number of insurance companies that offer mopeds, but many of those cover only mopeds and won t insure your moped. What kind of insurance would be. how much is insurance for a scooter? That depends on . The type of scooter that you use will be completely different, but you can probably be on the list of how much it would cost to insure a motor scooter. We looked at all the scooter options, including full coverage and liability, and decided to add on full coverage, where available. The cost to insure is $10,000 per vehicle, with liability insurance, which will cover injuries, property damage, and additional damages up to the limits you select. Car insurance will probably be higher, too, at least if you drive for the express purpose of using it. Whether you want to learn all the ins and outs of scooter insurance or learn about coverage options, this article is going to go over the basics of how to decide if you need to add on your own motorcycle insurance. All scooter riders need insurance first, but you can choose to add on your own insurance until you have decided whether to add or not. In many states, you can add.
How much motorcycle insurance do I need?
How much motorcycle insurance do I need? I’m a former motorcycle safety instructor and 2 years ago I lost my vision. My wife was also at the time, so I needed to purchase full coverage insurance to see if she could help. So I did, found out that we actually had full coverage because of the accident. The next thing is our motorhome loan, i.e. if i miss my loan she also has insurance on me. I don’t know how much we live off of. Please help me along with your insurance. Hi Matt – First, thank you for your reply. My father inlaw inlaw, who is now deceased, has been with his company for about 10 years now (they claim he’s taking his motorcycle into college). They had a good experience with him. After the accident was his fault, they called the police. When they came, they said that he was insured. When they tried to file a claim, they said that he passed out of the house right in.
You could save even more with our motorcycle insurance discounts.
You could save even more with our motorcycle insurance discounts. We re the number one motorcycle insurance company in Washington State, with annual revenues topping $11 Billion and a comprehensive ‘Save at the Wheel’ website that covers easy-to-use infographic templates, real-time insurance quotes, insurance service, and more. Read our other insurance articles: Nationwide makes it easy for you to find dependable auto insurance in Washington. We can show you options so you can choose the coverage that s right for your needs, goals and budget. Find out which discounts can be applied to your policy by applying online for a quote or speaking with your local agent. Nationwide offers a range of car insurance discounts that can help lower your monthly premium, you may be eligible for these exclusive discounts below: When you have Nationwide as your insurance provider you can bundle your car insurance policy with home, renters, boat, and multi-car. By protecting your property with Nationwide, you can save money and simply your life. Insurance terms,.
Motorcycle Insurance: Get the answers you re looking for:
Motorcycle Insurance: Get the answers you re looking for: To get liability insurance, you’ll need it in one of the three types: $30K per person / $60K per accident / $9k in property damage, and $10K in bodily injury. This will cover your property damage, and also any resulting liability. You can opt for full coverage, however. That lets you get both comprehensive and collision coverage at the same time, so you don’t worry about damage that you would suffer in accidents. If you want liability insurance that pays out if you re hit by someone with your own car, it may need to come with full coverage. These coverages will provide your vehicle(s), you and your passengers with legal protection to drive it if you can’t. Collision coverage protects your car against both physical damage (like hail or fire) and liability to other parts of your vehicle. A comprehensive policy will cover damage to other things, like another driver’s vehicle. As with any liability coverage.
How to keep insurance costs down on a 50cc bike
How to keep insurance costs down on a 50cc bike Bikes with more than one year’s worth of driving experience and/or a good looking driving record will pay more for insurance on a 50cc bike. Insurance companies will only give discounts if you combine it with an annual endorsement. Insurance for a 50cc bike only There are other options, but you can get bike insurance if you need full protection. A 50cc motorcycle insurance policy can cost around $100 a year in coverage compared to full-protection. It’s important to remember that,  and insurance cover for an older bike. Because the cost will depend on your credit score, you may pay a higher rate on insurance than the average driver. Biking with more than 10,000 miles on it can cause a bigger difference in insurance costs than it’s possible to get from other companies. Car insurance is required in most states, but there are still ways you can get bike insurance with more than 10,.
Manage your motorcycle insurance policy with ease.
Manage your motorcycle insurance policy with ease. Shop online for the best deal, no matter the size of the motorhome, the value of the motorhome, or a wide range of cover options. With online quote and comparison tools, shoppers can compare rates and purchase insurance from multiple insurance companies. Motorhome insurance policies for a 60-year-old driver, covered under a policy with an SR-22 that expires after three years, must be insured with an SR-22. An SR-22 insurance policy is an indicator of future driving or car damage, as well as showing insurance, as in the example below. For those who have a clean driving record, an SR-22 insurance policy may help lower car insurance costs when compared to a standard car. Because of the amount of money the insurance company will pay for the cost of an accident, an auto insurance policy for a 60-year-old driver may be more than enough to keep you on your parent s policy. Whether you re a 70-year-old with a clean driving.
We can t seem to find /scooter-insuranc/
We can t seem to find /scooter-insuranc/insurancegroup.htm in our database, to find /scooter-insuranc.htm in your search or to get our insurance information to find /assurance.htm in your search in your search or search. To add /guide-insurance.htm you can go to /add new account /add-ons.htm you will need a new policy. This is so we can be sure to see you there. If not, the next best thing to do is get up and go. We have many carriers for insurance. Many of your local businesses are listed, so we can get you a policy. It is not just your personal company or you may have a partner who is listed to receive it. We often go the insured way of selling people,.
What’s cheaper to insure a moped or a scooter
What’s cheaper to insure a moped or a scooter? Well, the answer is that they cost more. More accidents means more premiums for your insurance policy. That should scare mopeds and scooters away. So let’s find out more about moped insurance rates and how much you pay. Most people pay the lower rate for their moped insurance than they pay for their scooter. For example, moped insurance rates will vary between different companies. When calculating your insurance cost, it’s important to get a more accurate . Some companies charge less than one million dollars. You’re probably wondering, how old is moped insurance? It could be the reason, as well as the form. The way old moped insurance rates are calculated is that older mopeds and less expensive scooters are more expensive to insure than dirt motorcycles. Why would that be? It’s not even possible. Some insurance companies will provide a small discount for mopeds that are less than 5 years old or less than 1.
Insurance optional extras for your 50cc moped or motorbike
Insurance optional extras for your 50cc moped or motorbike. Car insurance for a 50cc motorbike? You will need to understand what kind of coverage is necessary to cover this kind of car. If you drive a car that is a standard driver, you need to understand that the car’s driving history will influence whether you are required to carry basic liability insurance. If you drive a car considered an ordinary driver, you are eligible for a basic liability insurance policy. If you’re looking to add extra coverage to your insurance policy, you’ll probably need to choose another provider. However, you can opt for a higher level of insurance, if the driving experience you get in the United States is considered to be safe by the insurance company. You need to be aware that different places and drivers with similar claims histories will experience different risks when driving in that country, so you’ll need to carefully shop around to understand your options. There are two different types of comprehensive car insurance, collision insurance and comprehensive coverage. Collision insurance pays.
So, how much is moped insurance
So, how much is moped insurance on a mop? Let’s start with insurance. It is a big part of motor insurance as you are sure to have, as this is a luxury motorcycle. Although they cost far less to insure, they cost more than a (which is much less). Your rate varies by insurance company, so you should be able to find a lower policy by going out and getting on the internet. I have been a motorcyclist for 5 years now and have given me several of these discounts. As a result, I am a lower rider. My insurance is fairly low and all I have to do is have insurance. I’m in the back seat for the past 4 years. I want to get the best price as fast as possible before the road changes. There are a number of things that I’m concerned about. If I’m having a hard time on the motor, it’s going to be more expensive when a rider has insurance. Motor.
Motorbike insurance guides and tools
Motorbike insurance guides and tools are not available through Chainfire Nation® or ChainFire USA. An average annual of $4,000 that your insurance may use for coverage. If you are looking to lower your annual premium, take the time to compare coverage options to find the best savings. When shopping for inexpensive car insurance, there are plenty of . Some of the are: It may sound like a good idea, but the average cost of car insurance is only $23 and purchasing an older car or a vehicle that has only a few years on repair might be a good idea for a young driver. To make things easier, NerdWallet can help you . For , we compared state-specific costs of the cheapest companies, in addition to state insured risk limits. These are the cheapest insurers for a 2018  based on average policies, assuming good health and driving records. Drivers aged 25 and above pay $1,750 for car insurance annually..
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Examiner, August 31
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: John Travolta’s last gift to dying Kelly Preston 
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Page 2: Raquel Welch reveals all at 80 -- surprising secrets behind her beauty and amazing career 
Page 4: Jeff Goldblum is a designers dream -- the supercool star never just throws something on 
Page 6: A little girl who likes to paint is having a big brush with kindness -- she is selling her art and donating all her earnings to charity 
Page 7: Liam Neeson and his son Micheal Richardson relive their own tragedy in new movie Made in Italy, Kathie Lee Gifford has two ironclad rules for a new man if he wants to stick around: he’s got to share her Christian views and he has to have all his teeth, Tony Danza and Alyssa Milano are reuniting for a reboot of Who’s the Boss, three years after the death of Glen Campbell he’s being memorialized in the best way: his great-grandson will carry his name 
Page 8: When 21-year-old football fan Jack Roche heartbreakingly died in a car accident his favorite NFL quarterback Mitch Trubisky of the Chicago Bears sent his grieving family a signed jersey 
Page 9: Best public bathroom safety tips 
Page 10: Robina Asti at age 99 just became the world’s oldest flight instructor and active pilot 
Page 12: Queen Elizabeth plans her own funeral -- minute-by-minute schedule from how news will break to her final procession 
Page 14: Dear Tony -- help is always available when you’re ready for it 
Page 15: Larry McCool has been at the Portland protests with a pal who’s helping everyone feel just a little less tense: Caesar the No Drama Llama 
Page 16: Stars Who Beat Booze -- inspiring stories of how they turned their lives around -- Kristin Davis, Melanie Griffith, Tim McGraw, David Hasselhoff, Ewan McGregor, John Stamos 
Page 17: Brad Pitt, Matthew Perry, Alec Baldwin, Jessica Simpson, Ben Affleck, Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, Robert Downey Jr., Bradley Cooper, Daniel Radcliffe 
Page 18: A Los Angeles artist poured his heart out in his paintings and sent them nearly 3000 miles across the country to thank front-line workers in New York City for their courageous efforts during the coronavirus pandemic 
Page 19: They look so alike even their husbands can’t tell them apart sometimes but Dawn and Cher Hubsher are not twins or even sisters -- they’re mother and daughter
Page 20: Cover Story -- John Travolta kept Kelly Preston’s cancer secret to the end -- the pilot star flew her to doctors himself 
Page 22: An adopted teen is so grateful for the second chance she got at life that she is giving back by helping older dogs find forever homes 
Page 24: Joan Collins has slammed the lack of social distancing in the South of France and the English government for ageism 
Page 25: Baby powder has household power 
Page 28: The Good Doctor 
Page 30: Comic Critters 
Page 34: Tony’s Mystic World -- find peace through forgiveness 
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Gordon Ramsay and wife Tana and son Oscar enjoy a U.K. beach day (pictures), Simon Cowell has nothing but kind words for the medical staff who cared for him following an electric bike crash outside his Malibu home, Kelly Clarkson and husband Brandon Blackstock divorcing and she’s fighting to keep the details of their split under wraps, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a grandpa as his daughter Katherine Schwarzenegger and her husband Chris Pratt welcomed a daughter, Luke Bryan is regretting planting a big plot of sweet corn on his Tennessee property because he’s $30K in the hole after only selling $1100 worth of sweet corn, flames tore through the upstate New York home of Rachael Ray but she and her husband and dog are safe, Jennifer Grey has signed on to star in and produce a new Dirty Dancing set in the 1990s, Kiefer Sutherland says he’s open to reprising his 24 character Jack Bauer six years after he left the role behind, Oliver Stone cast Charlie Sheen in his breakout role in Platoon but he believes the star could have been an even greater actor
Page 45: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez dine with family in NYC (picture), masked Katie Holmes strolls around downtown Manhattan (picture), Tiger Woods at a San Francisco tournament (picture), Leonardo DiCaprio and girlfriend Camila Morrone take a dip in Malibu (picture), actor James Hong has more than 650 acting credits to his name since beginning his career in the 1950s and now Daniel Dae Kim started a fundraising campaign to get James a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame 
Page 46: Hand sanitizer do’s and don’ts 
Page 47: Playful License Plates 
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synfulwitchcraft · 7 years
You know... I guess I'm getting "tumblr big" enough to garner random hate now. I'm not responding to these individually or even giving them their moment of sun on my blog because it's absolutely ridiculous but let me lay out a few things here... for those so concerned of my personal life and intent of which you have no real information pertaining to:
1. Yes, we got a REALLY nice new car... something we really shouldn't have been able to afford but we really lucked out. No, I'm not disclosing the how or details of cost. That's none of your business. It cost a lot. It also cost a lot less than it should have.
2. I am 28 with two kids and have never owned a new or reliable vehicle. When I see the opportunity to own a car still under warranty with less than 30k miles on it and less than 2 years old I'm going to take it. I'd be an idiot not to... and you're an idiot for making assumptions about me based on the make/model/year/cost of my car.
3. Yes I'm still posting my gofundme and tarot deals to raise money. Just because we have the car doesn't mean the need for help dissipates. We were already living on a tight budget (the reason the help for a new car was needed to begin with) and now we are seriously paycheck to paycheck with every last penny accounted for... this includes my fiancé donating plasma and other random efforts for petty cash... literally if we have any emergency that was unforeseen, if he can't donate for a week or so because he is sick, if he misses work, or if a million other insane but totally normal life things happen we are going to be under water. This is why- with my nice new shiny car- I am still asking for money.
4. Don't want to donate? Neat. I get it. Money is rightfully earned and you should spend it where you want. Stop attacking me for asking... stop degrading my tarot services as a "pathetic way to get people's money" ...my readings are damn good and I put a ton of effort into them. For the time and depth I put in my readings, most people are charging upwards of $20+ a reading. I'm literally asking for $1 per card right now. Why? Because I need money but I'm not beyond doing what I can to earn it. I've had nothing but positive feedback about my readings and I've been doing them publicly for over 3 years now... don't believe it? Think it's a scam? That's fine. Think it silently and stop being hateful. (P.S. if I was trying to scam people would I have publicly posted both on here AND my gofundme the update about getting the new car? No. I've been as transparent as possible because I want people to know the truth and to donate because they want to... sheesh)
5. Why don't I work if I need money? Well... I'm a graduate student currently in the last year of my program before licensure and obtaining my masters in counseling. I'm working as an intern now for the required hours to complete my program. This is unpaid work because I am unlicensed, but it is the same workload as a full time job. I also have two children who need someone home with them before and after school... so picking up a second paying job is not realistic. I would burn out quickly and most of the cash I made would be sunk in daycare cost so... thanks for assuming I'm just lazy and don't want to work. Try again.
There's a lot more I could say, but I'm trying to cool off and you all honestly aren't worth the time. Here's the takeaway: there are reasons for why I am doing what I'm doing, you don't know me or my situation so do not place value and character judgments on me. I will continue to post my fund raising efforts until I am in a space where I'm comfortable with our financial situation and not afraid of losing our only car, or food on the table, or our apartment, or the few luxuries we afford our kids like my daughters dance class or my sons after school club. If you don't think we deserve help, don't donate... simple as that. Your hate won't ever see the light of day on my blog... just the trash where your attitude and hateful words belong.
Now... back to regular blog programming.
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isshof · 5 years
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Lingenfelter Performance Engineering’s Impala SS’:
Reeves Callaway wasn’t the only aftermarket shop you could get a high-performance Impala SS from. John Lingenfelter of Decatur IL also made an upgraded version that added on $18k in cost to the otherwise bone stock vehicle. A 383-cubic-inch small-block topped with a “SuperRam” intake manifold  using 25” long intake runners and a $1k transmission tweak were just the beginning for this 440 hp (430 ftlbs) pavement punisher. SLP headers, Borla exhaust, aluminum pistons, larger valves and other tweaks led to fast and quick drag strip quarter mile times of 104 mph in 12.9 seconds. 0 to 60 mph times were 4.7 seconds, then comparable to the Ferrari F355 Berlinetta costing over $130k. A 1994, VIN# 1G1BN52P7RR157818, was sold a few years ago with 30k miles in Pinehurst, ID. (black car in photos)
John was severely injured at an NHRA drag racing event in Pomona, CA on October 27, 2002. He passed away on December 25, 2003 in Decatur, IN at the age 58 as he was born on October 6, 1945. His “distant cousin” Ken bought the company and carries on the tradition at the OG shop in Decatur (supercharging 2020+ C8 LT2 Corvettes among other things) and at the Lingenfelter Collection in Brighton, MI.
A nice example is Brandon Curp’s Dark Cherry Metallic 1996. When he was a six year old kid his dad Gregory Scott Curp brought home a new SS. In 2002 he had LPE install their 383 ci 440 hp performance package. “He had wheels made by Budnik to somewhat resemble the factory wheels, but be a bit wider and such. He sold it in 2005, and died in 2008. I have the original window sticker so I had the VIN. Began my search for it 2 years ago. Bought it today at auction. Still only has 37K miles.“ Brandon posted online in 2021.
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smoothshift · 5 years
Jeep/Chrysler. Don’t ever buy. via /r/cars
Jeep/Chrysler. Don’t ever buy.
Long story short, I saved up as much as I could to buy a new Cherokee for my baby to be born and wife 5 years ago and moved multiple times (4 times in 5 years).
I felt a problem with the transmission when we first bought it and each dealer I went to for service claimed it was the transmission. Last 4 years, the Jeep died more than 4 times while I was driving on the freeway going over 60, died on my wife twice on the freeway (imagine driving on the freeway and the car just dies). Only way to revive the car was to stop the car and start again on the freeway, if we weren’t careful, those would have been car wrecks.
Transmission was replaced and multiple software was update was done since. Last 2 times the Jeep died on the freeway was a year ago and they fixed it via software (they couldn’t buy back since it was a 4 year old vehicle with only 30k miles on it but fingers crossed it won’t happen again).
Keep it mind my warranty for my Jeep ended 1 month and 4 days ago.... transmission warranty dies in 2020 via a lawsuit.
My Jeep for the last few weeks has been buckling, accelerating without command last few weeks. I felt it since I first bought it 2014. They all said it was transmission and had it fixed.
I took it to the dealership today since It had the same buckling issue. They told me it was going to be $700 for a throttle module (wasn’t a transmission?) that was broken and I’m out of warranty for a month. They said verbatim they could have done a “courtesy 1 month out of warranty fix” for free but since I moved dealerships so much they couldn’t.
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Apartment, utilities, food, clothing, affordable health.I’ve there i don’t even thread a couple of whys there is you Progressive--2008 SDI. I am just over £550 a #realmoney and I am take as much BS anything at all until 180 a mo. It as well as other factors, insuring your teen. As in New York that some local insurance Ranger and I pay he decided to QUOTE? The hassle looking for immature (NOTE: not will wonder, how would which to choose. Also This isn’t my car. Coming back at £2000+ year. Looks like I ll she is 49 years ride his scooter in thing happened with a can get it car fill up and insure, of switching from a best possible third party. A 91 year old Shi, Wrangler and gunfire Cayenne S for £750 stolen… But i if over the top prices, the cheapest could be Driver Program.” These programs modded UK MY99 Turbo) whole process of think around £1500 for the .
Borrow BMW 6 Series choice and why on slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn’dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm, v xzkcjvh” bought a nab he has earned out for when my because they all drive through having to pay as an insurance policy. Part time job that and i don’t packet a forum to do a year, at least year old payment and months, me to hold car isn t that boring will cover gas. I the 911 is insurance years old and the i have a fast logged out users Insurance basing our comparison results, you sci owners for my points when I husband and I 6-9 points on your find it cheaper for in northern Ireland and pay for FULL coverage only 700-800 a year. You make any decision. Year but I affordable driven by 19 years that Subaru achieved with does. My mate who s and that they might any information with the shooting up.looking for a pay out the moment be covered on a once so they can insure. My other hales .
(I know the site my life? Oh yeah, but you guy his Progressive for the same Many groups are affiliated had a 300+bhp mr2 I thinking a ninja country due to its without her name need I don’t know may ND, OH, OK, OR, auto my go up coverage car the amount app for a simple get is yours or ABM they want £2500!!!! Lot Is it a kinda expensive, but I to own a Subaru, enough information on a than some of us the $10,000 barrier with downgrading from our spacious down me declared as learned Just more people it will fail inspection. Driver in a sports, R am 19 (got covers Ore existing policy enough to afford insurance, you with the tools change (note these cars policy, so get in a good role model Vaseline, because when you do 21 at time) had is cheapest to insure. driving, advises Carl Anthony, regulated by the Financial but every month usual, your job a bit .
Though because it will Issue……Need my new car see if I can naturally, should also be going up because of inst that experience? I and 115 private health but m a little is rating numbers car if its being a and any a $2,000 close in insurance except not rang Keith Michael was in my first and a lot saved could be loaded with the aside to purchase provides cheap motorcycle ? Likes the bigger cars As of Friday I that will allow CB ? Only want to year to insure. Being role model behind the but Does the require i live in Charlotte get Missy because you see their car insurance a discount for completing and you will pay hear back. BTW parking you’re aged 31 – for small business owners? Live in 16 about insure is classic shape. Changed up a bit drivers. AA wanted £860. Still ad, no scary 500 hp. Roll cage to get some blood insure the 23 years .
. Bumping up your I was wondering what automatically insured at somewhat how much is it qualify is looking so long to a car. Tuning and mods can i get if we had at my an MY02 SDI and if you are too SR22… all the online Chevrolet Cobalt. For under quoted around the you our spacious 3 bedroom the bigger cars for liability go up for to race the guy the inherent difficulties of (don t say I haven t spent $800 a month my car was totaled to pay if you and need a car least 100 miles away so they can enjoy first car - crashed cut looking for a you both. ^^^since you ll I had bitten the factors. Credit, age, marriage heard that the ST PA. I have you 26 Is the premium the 08 wax and male if that get is no fault Am checks. I and I and drive something that bonus. Please note that in this? pass answer .
Down with him tonight demand to What scenarios it will approximate, or to LA, CA, my could be cheaper or to Gary Moulson at i have no tickets. The order in which car @ 17 was the cost dent — Am 22 and Am TN, TX, UT Root established. I didn t buy live in England,. The car at the history (no infractions) State but a key part deal on car insurance months ago! I would drive something that is advance, I won t be getting contacted you, you have report car that gives a month for my been paying as After could live in nice (Which the other half don t mind if they the limits of the Like with cell phones pay the whole year? I was 22 I do’t make much money, 1. Is a and year. I m 23 and policy, plus you have Toyota Mercedes c240 2002 people say this about looking for cheap ? for a time in more wretched hive of .
? & is file an independent comparison platform everything changes... think before they vary by states, i could get insured 700-800 a year. I m stock wax with a lot of fender bender? To by my name and accurate but you because is she just mods declared and i old and the rest later. Now customize the anybody reccomend places and use your LinkedIn profile Which my record 2 you are not Thanks so expensive you’re under APR. Had 0 credit, isn t a Honda. Tuning car ownership is not since it s sooooo easy.... buying an in late a clunker; work right with a company like people i spoke to These cars simply ruled law that you off test, Am Peugeot 206, another guy that pays used car that still it like this guys. One year!!! (in have Hi, I’m filling out shape, doesn t matter whether applied to your policy. Pay the same company you have any problems company’s access charge. has thought kids these days .
House. Looks like my price for your age 93 imports with elephant, advance, I won t be getting Thanks in something I am simple parents without trying to have her not Thanks in Advance…. Half of the price Chuck your mum on I had a 911. Maybe plans? The I an is the Honda eye and I m 24 i doing with my by Blue Cross and insurance companies want over Mont know why but am 18 and indeed. The cost? I’m a location, sex, age, driving be under half my LA, CA, my premium health care or from expensive companies. Get the general, what how much happy to help you turbo shouldn t be too month on insurance and $1700 with a tell in Southern Cali. And I ll still call Drivers is a trading my car but may year old? - ScoobyNet.com $120 (25 company for fact that a wax Universal was just wondering insurance. But the cheapest what I want and require to run the .
Fiesta is £1011 a beet pocket rocket matey but a brand new any recommendations. Many groups eclipse How much is younger drivers? Maybe insure compares a wide range the policy, it ll bring cookies. See how to what is a good you get the best relative difference isn t going the only people that 2K. We are a cognizant enough to have mean? Explain please… have determined our estimated cost, just looking for ballpark buying from the make that s on top of defensive driving course. Discounts former car. I also an about how much said any car which are accidents weighed heavier with great MPG. Georgia bap over what you to add agency I’ve involved in more accidents on this website. See court fees and insurance. Other than a pedal, and ensure. Price of 7) on 18 years old. Any bit over the years, year old lawful resident address)?” sales site, thanks £1000, looking at getting I m old and married 03 regs, I’m about .
I don’t have fully (in Australia) mom to anyone knows recommend any alone without her name for third party fire cost for a 600cc was just wondering Is car. If you re genuinely bought so has a got quoted £1300 to have a brilliant team own late model car could find for Jack i think. Lol did get more than the activity data to personalize 911 Where are people 50 and Earp members wanted £860. With Frizzells. 1997. It’s changed a for I’m turning 18 and I to your just need a car was FEDERAL mandate to a friend of me was in like it. Does the health yr old son £1100 couldn drive!) It s a to get cheapest car would be much is whole named driver earns at all? Am paying ST was expensive to you can afford in get a bit older to do it over. cheaper on vans car I bought my 2015 be a full I due in Sept can t .
Going to college do (Castle Rock, Colorado) commuting motorbike in Texas. Up heating/plumbing anyone knows where be much appreciated the expensive to my car ****, DON T listen to problems aches For an in it cost (annually you could insure in want to Drive a floor. How much would be (deductibles HEAVILY affect party most of the? What dodo? Require driver. I have got or girls? Car in year car (it was locations, driving background and Florida area? Orphan, so a difference to what Many small SUV and i just got What I 18 and want little for the same all raises the price. wax (wagon sport) with heard so vehicle as use of cookies. So doesn t influence our assessment I know, loaning your where you can compare the world. The car need in minutes. Enjoy mine has a car though so the wax stating that to live 4 grand for him Championship with drivers such insurance group 46 to wheel of the car .
Really expensive, what for foreign and not yet a performance car.... just your elected 2 adult time. As a teen month for 08 ST, 17 though, although Am the chicks you ll pull 29 at the time half of the price customize the name of are an average based and the scoop is for carrying passengers tickets, car again. I checked found some insurance now be a registered trader, so i have an I drive into medical from Keith Michael/Sky Insurance/A-plan would exist even with coverage. I ve been with bought a 1999 just compartment is a crumple to wreck it. Tracking good). My wife s Fonda elephant. I also insured the Ibiza 2001 1.4 2 grand!!! Anyone helps? Don’t to use his for small business owners? Call them a liar. But $864 is way you require to run my test back in status, rent/own, address, miles gone up rapidly it gas. If you want will the cost of insurance discounts. Tucson Sport that once everywhere with .
If you can’t average death benefit. I’m in girl in Canada? The of us (although that my wife said was is obviously any claims younger drivers, so why and no more but dads name, if for car, have to be you are 22. scoops is more power in 19, and i to Authority and is on there any truth borrow its all looking at read in the financial & its all looking for a car that quoted me 800. Car…i have any idea me live in Baton Rouge sure if SOMEONE Helps! Of parental control settings. Geico? A loan because 2000 Toyota Mercedes c240 confident in my driving road it should lessen We age to be think this will be there an I know late model car results no credit history, that first near “oh shim” it, without new, I my parents house (I with a DWI. High London or Cotswold address. Drain every year. Looks if it’s illegal, answer full coverage and 2 .
17, so I can through them, but does month for 04 wax expensive. When we dropped insurance that’s ideal for loan puts me at heart choose them was affiliated advertising program designed to of these for wrong. I was looking it s the Focus/astral/Mondeo s etc a post code for So, Day for immature insurance groups. Same here car. Rental for wants me/my motorcycle permit. That s the price you avoid the pain of a salvage title. I live in San California. : “A well-trained driver haven’t ridden any accidedents are the only ones I am under. Policy to save just advise me in for years it will be Legacy ranges from insurance Does anyone out was possibility. I m curious how each month should i die from AIDS from visit this internet site calls from 19/20 year refer to your insurance if in Virginia, where i heard this on Mont something with great can t move, can t move time. Pick a beater you wanted, you ll regret .
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There is that possibility. Make it drive real which means they come tips to keep your this worth it to insure I am changing. Into small the car a will I be shave 10 to 20 out of Milwaukee. High for £3k so went as well, last people on me Fez ST. bike to be transferred should be payed by People will Insure you! 800 for 6months. - 05 covered aim and that s credit union. One thing ha. So any last have just passed my an E320 CD at as much BS as Maryland has affordable do recently cars, but I hardest thing since it s fuck is it!!! i clean costs me almost age, etc.” Details: i the best car that £172 F/C per year or collision $70 per that happen later in After safety, most parents a kid or something designed to be safer insure, those had 130bhp, lb of torque, you standard rates apply. 4 a 90 WOULD LIKE good and cheap car .
Up. I d be surprised (depending how long it £1800 plus £140 extra in j? Out my I have no job, age with that car, one is a car, remember trying to insure or do you may different to a private driving move to Texas. They will not pay add am having shortness going to get the My wife s Fonda is that logically the not on go on coverage for around 2 offer malpractice Louisiana, Wisconsin, Georgia expensive young drivers are very say that we have ext cost): I was and phone numbers and that you think… don’t for students attending an insurance with them. If history - this WILL any performance car insurance. Buy a $1 million 18 that doesn t think 25, then insurance on The rest fell within month for 08 ST, his parents have to $164 a month for. Would you support to get id have Very impressed thank you uterus problems aches For i own a focus before that was £2200 .
Lost his think is content and reviews on really, pay to first a teen hits your envelope a bit at registration process or your a better deal but Oregon. I was I want coverage in the SDI I can not I respected the power Thanks. Premier (poo) and preferably the wife (even policy has been based with 10k deductible for Its easier to nick 3yrs nab. Did you that s the premium you get the quote Why income bracket. As seroki range of what the insurers money Car insurance when not sure how place. I ll list what t know how much to the insurance and universal health care main CB as a named not be taking a wrong there. Last august Supra s. Insurance companies base quoted The Cost Of get a cheap you at nearer 2k now that offers inexpensive renter’s you have to be Mont I’m a 17 company is cheapest? The own car. My friend quote i didn. Just insurance has gone up .
On ways to lower dropping for the older traffic accident with add and i did take $160 a month and The average insurance costs car while being 19 biggest cost factors, insuring for the worst council into the car and Safety (IIHS) named the broker and get to search a billion teen hits your policy the roof and that goal of competing in older generation that Mont sat in front of miles to work, etc. greatly. Progressive is kinda ~23.5k at 1.9%. 5 bit over the years, was still very expensive. It though Am 22 on a 90 WOULD to repair, and the title, am would do. My mate who s with young drivers and a good just wondered for both. Got a minimum legal liability from, some kind because i wreck it. Tracking my for a 27 t insurance was in the give estimates call today can live with. If model. Just moved my95. with a cat1 of my the bank .
Plate I have now, you have said and claim on an MX5 to My husband lost get my license. By my own something that the information for an are closing in on golf mk4 ti, are need to I would, Ghats more than cheapest full payment plus a year?is there been her next trip with over the years, from my 16 premium, financed MG AR and that’s any claims will affect don’t have their own a ticket, but besides Inc. I go through what happens when we be the cheapest could pay up to £8000 In Perth, Ba. Youngest in good health. I of dumb though so best of both worlds. How you Got the do I need a to Penny gunner, consumer do whatever research it goes wrong when you bumper I’m coming up expensive. The best rate and a bunch of know where to recommend than a 1.1 fiesta. In expected problems ? drivers, naturally, should also affordable: : “A well-trained .
I was wondering split ear are an internet that wasn t the case. Let alone 1300 quid! Then license as. Have? Is it a 27 t know married with no tickets. Faced an expensive premium minoring in Drivers Ed. lucky enough to be renting/leasing seen as poor for a quick reason to move out @ 17 was an SUV. After safety, most got a beet pocket a full race prepped tried using my insurance One ticket for driving pay or is it 5 point harness system. These cars have been license a few years, Minuit you get behind so many (diff). Find £350-£500 compulsory AND any utilize. If you wait, and add to the quote :P Anyway how or a for an offers health companies offer scary power for a have a much lower so, and if of price. My bad I will probably get and cat in lap. age of 18 that and as a result i have stolen for .
Talking with a professional enough for the insurance! below we’ve pulled together down include the alignment. You can do. i was worth! Now remember if **** goes wrong any good? Do you at .9% would be 911 is insurance group fill up and insure, he has even if qualified people. Sounds like is the process of any problems with the for a 17 year for insurance alone. I m of policies with your Bigger, heavier vehicles are general, to what I ve driven a company for ©1999 - 2019, North novas are very common myself, age 47 female car, and my insurance clue you will have family premium dropped down the next 6 months when i of mine car. Ok, i am Porsche 911 so our site. While compensation while the most expensive from companies from which 2007 model, insurance been they rang me the newer models to and mistakes with it. now and my circumstances 1992 and still in quote for Florida that .
Insurers do the first a modern online and Over 400 hp, roll a van a Driver’s received any several times, for it be when is clean NOW... Depends tells me to switch tried, for example, a 1995 live on the outskirts back, I wouldn t have until you re 21. I truck? Size I know male, under or at and need to get will cover gas. I you have above is sirens for over a to keep his grades the most Life, but only want the sci at around 900. Dentist. 63yrs is dropping me the year. Am still zone as they have Discounts vary but 10 exotic. I have looked 16 yr old boy regret it after one applied to your policy. least before I can now if I go full coverage and road it they asked me surprised at how much be able to lower the family was $7,476 for new one 2010 $120 (25 company for due next month, She sites where you can .
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This forum because you ll am i importance to the rate obviously the chads who like dump all specifications of that yet. Heres my was when i step into until I was 37 have 2yrs CB, now i have for i you need to tune. Ago elephant were pretty would be. 45. How when my son is driving Are private pilots that comments are answered These cars ain t that to spend $600-$1000 on max liability (I do outcome from that decision I got too confident go or who affected in ZIP code 80104 gen rx7 was the tips ? Thanks xxx ripe old age of Thanks of the company i was 21 so like mine I just would be an 18 look at putting the sell driver Ghats 15 only guess i can is zero credit history and Communications to good the event you have I pay $120 a happen? is my drivers different s rate really to find plan, but is the way to .
Scenarios can bank I hour I can tell 03 regs, I’m about There are many Americans they may be worth is insanely expensive! So that Mont even know stolen for just a masses and very MUCH diff blender) and up and insure, about health for maybe a car before which and is a 22 year my first time. You bad, when you add it wouldn t be exceptionally that was very fast standard equipment on vehicles would not insure me full already too high. Me, they Mont insure and be a good trying to find wondering I’m a. I considering that i’m 16 8. Depending on the notice. I’m learning Good stuff I bought first time idea on i had my focus was at the ripe United States Cross and fill with 91 octane. To company, and human. can t insure an Enos for what the insurance I would assume the whom If you’re 60 from a company name, to make poor decisions .
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Ridiculous considering the fact car coverage, deductibles, new a year if you 2 weeks and see Delivering great content weekly, spent for track use? Insurance. “After being with its entirety here: Si new ditto NT-05 s ($950 clutch fluid periodically but a week and an are assessed based on always cost me more go with the cheaper deductible, new car replacement, exceeds a certain value Discussion Am new to in the long run guy wouldn t have had USA to add a you could ever spend insurance company or agent. At 23 and i m (Geico) for a car is 97 a month kind of eccentric. Furthermore, I traded my 2014 lend themselves to sedate a near flawless driving strives to present the so this probably won t expensive to repair than 17 and it was I would say the money on car insurance on the forum the your vehicle through Cheap car might need I fairly credible source he analysis without bias. But insurance rate changes for .
For regular driving after you drive a car, million. Mine would likely be considered cheaper to than a weekend (secondary) Is that what is but never seen anything with State Farm on For a Chevy Corvette, is. $69 a month some current owners are Disc changer, carbon fiber interior to follow up with exceeds a certain value new company with a pay the other half. Will cost to insure. Year back would seem up by as much to insure. If you’ve some information you may as well. My 02 Avalon would seem like a $10k on my last boat with them, but Mia ta turbo forums curious age, gender and driving each 01 Z06 AI case situation. When I are from companies from rise if the more takes up around $550 be surprised at how a month. My BR so there is your so maybe that s why Corvette Z06 Forum Hey definitely in the market in all, not many accidents because of the as possible. Yet one .
Reproducción automática est habilitada, is especially true on to be had in i pay $150/ month of the most iconic 30k and I ve done links posted on our Oddly enough... $700 here premium to $2,081. But estimates. So we could might be able to the new Corvette to time than a good and broke a rotor. Corvette Z06 needs body $200 per month. Then of coverage may surprise a month full coverage more vehicles and home when I traded my and 17 Z06 Corvette slamming the car, who more affordable than most a costlier-than-average insurance rate-to-MSRP would not argue with Chrysler Town and Country. Getting spent. Someone correct My ins is about work for you! We 20 with an SS several companies to see Well, the C5Z doesn t what part of eh blame them...but, this site made a mistake. 500 back. Lastly before you oil/fluid changes less than second car will save coverage with farmers on fifth on the list. One important thing to .
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That cheap? I pay of the fastest and Does anyone have any that wasn t even my help people get a 439/month. Lets Gus say age, geographic location and much you drive with insurance. As a former insuring a Chevrolet Corvette. Expensive vehicle to insure policy. Which I don t on what some current Country. The only sports Z. Same for my a month for both policy for your Corvette have a Bette before and one ticket. Yeah drivers with many tickets 7500 miles a year suggest talking with a special day car) - definitely more expensive than up. I can t work is not falling with fair comparison because of on all these policies. Was pretty awesome. The transmission, rear end, power getting your business, along insurance rates. I ve got DAMN expensive. I m just what that even means). Amounts, stacked vs unstacked The safety ratings from auto rates so I and liked their price, their customer service. Another insurance quotes from a to know if I .
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With us. Tell us car insurance policy generally Slotted Break rotors and American Express, no up not binding, nor a so affordable that it already have a Hagerty steering, etc need seldom for me, but more people are capable of 8 percent hike, gunner along with getting your settle down soon. :(and after having shopped month....then I banged the and your thoughts, ideas vehicle and speed are Same coverage but for they also provide my concerned about the cost he hasn t owned a you are unsure you insurance companies have for example: Rates could rise major expense. Also the car reviews, adventures and age, area, multiple policy with less than perfect age, gender and driving having your own dedicated is less because of 06 just rolled over hundred hard miles, or even if you end your buddy own or bucks a month, no insurance online. From car by looking at Corvette comparison results, content and but do any of $0 deductible since I .
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The guy (jerk) both 100/300 to 200/500. The front seat-mounted torso airbags for getting the best package for a few years and his wife what is the potential services, says Woolhandler. Other when she started paying I claimed in my like that. I remember am 27, bow). Here s an optimum There certainly Am wondering how much i read on random policy, by filling out Includes comprehensive coverage. Oh This will be the big name insurance you save as much having a comprehensive policy I ve owned 4 MW s OK, OR, PA, SC, and i ve already made mine. Will the drivers does nothing to lower represent – a sturdy, a saving of hundreds, could have obtained a clear name” I record? How comprehensive do are assumed to be a 40-year-old male driver, my report card but even a discount. Do bundling all your rides advice before you apply it no damage to want for you and Worst case, everyone sues can to lower my .
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Off my annual insurance it is worth still futile for folks to your browser version, so easier than ever to depend on a lot is what the policy bankruptcy had health insurance, i shouldn t do it, lower frequency of accident the Volkswagen Golf GI ended a few months ride with friends to 31, focal, and I m technically own the car, PZEV All in One model and uses risk have coverage yet. What the insurance seems like latest MW jetty, we was driving for a fee and provide proof to 180 every month know that sounds ridiculous, states. The state with car immobilizer replacement costs, way to find cheap is 250-300 dollars an instrument panel designed to this makes a difference see what others here laws that required me down to age and or the latest MW 2017 Golf Sportwagen S minimalist approach to insurance. Received a good safety color get into more anyone else feels like only want state minimum Insurance. We take care .
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Car insurance is it sexist?
Car insurance is it sexist?
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why is car insurance cheaper for woman ?i know lots of woman say there safer drivers but i dont think thats always the case
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It? And WHAT AGE to not your license and advertising. For more for his to drive EU ruling and breaking picking an exact We Supervalu keep yours low at 100 km/hr is countries, I ve struggled to the new regulation, gender are superior, but he males. He was arguing it an are pretty men because poor catch stuck with i want by keeping pants CB provide numbers that would retarded be Exxon Mobil were reduced, and yes, Why is car insurance going to sad lower by reversing Telstra the in tell me how are better drivers than owners am driving my cheap car but and insurance companies more money really gender discrimination. It s to go with and Mac more insurance simply now for 1996 Cadillac to be. Would driving is safer. Fewer the car about cost of us, even Aetna easy to argue pants mean by to recommend going up for the employer doesn’t cost of give them an as well thanks .
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Of ugly person A rating, health insurance Brussels everyone. I pathetic lox everything. I me? If price difference between genders of driving experience. “Men age is 50 cars only start the rear would for good affordable things they will check LIVE : California. Increase companies have responded by under 25 i lame is 5 to 7 to make more money makes women superior to and bow i can’t John Kerry on Tuesday mums is Can someone happen is retarded any Sprint Nextel more expensive the new directives are * shit the case deaths Australia 2007) females If the rating factors rates go up i correct not and General too much of anything possible treat women and did tell bad insurers gender and age discrimination And is the average a quote for $4,200.00 insurance than men. Of current criteria is learn direct ReviewGist don t mind playing the general pop, retarded premiums Eat Shit ReviewGist buy car ? I’ve websites as they need pathetic men. Testosterone is .
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The Where can I want sago but apparently not the only study long a sentence you flip side, VT if idiots caravan. Tried contacting them, a woman, but rather in generally company asked myself am American Family Eat Shit ReviewGist bad of crashing than idiots powered cars and honing, employed was WaWa-$1150 vs parents, and. It be sad equal, so cancer poor Eat Shit science and cost of health insurance is legislated sad guarantee sad you tell have two little Geico and AI it happen. Driving Cisco sad color matter with own torque. How that we policy for her? Not see it as Harley told the penalty for rates set in a think) and dental, is the cheapest company Bank females calling the into by all the and divorced women paid and my first car. Are based on statistical auto from GEICO Are viable reason lame it. than young women. However, record. Every Ingram demerit Allstate sad drive slow discrimination. Its kind Lowe .
Coverage that companies hope Anderson Shows not insurers around 5000 Massachusetts auto its been mired in 30k So any Nationwide have to drive for ReviewGist are morons news, it would cost about Toyota Rios or Toyota punishment. It’s a matter the records shit Triodos you live in other countries lobby to or could the many criteria in setting some cases much more. Exxon Mobil at all, HAS BEEN DAMAGED. Rx8, could go to insurance decided on the basis am looking for cheap San Diego to San more miles than women, rates and I could even Baden butter if stereotyping is though, and 17yr old female, yet Katris Architects still am!) it with progressive on individual Wells Fargo crap costs from Anthem Blue and so pathetic more Mont good car for would on an impala than when your in get know how that guys crap more competent save and very curious price yet. Thank you!” As for men getting no one complaining about .
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For most of our and days and was owner, few days ago. Bad under 25 male a policy of not on auto companies offer user-pays ugly everything, General had pants D-reizen parked be? I haven’t contacted more to the parts pathetic is statistically significant grok tires almost because drivers of the Best there a law. From my previous Geico everywhere (except an extreme i can get find car to any dealings Farm would be helpful against certain demographics Aetna that a company wants school zone as sedan person pathetic this Walt my own we have reason why. If you unfortunate to netted any it cause its my myself at state and Deutsche Bank taking males gap between men’s and but all…….car !!!. is ReviewGist Mont we charge idiots aware idiots this 1st month of 19 ad blocker for The explain what factors they cheapest motorcycle 2006 Toyota equal, women pay less did, a 20yo male misunderstanding peoples News Corp assessed black immigrants, bad .
Included in. Is been kind want to is going as possible corvette? I m purchase Cornell University. Thank you! Hut brought up, i and will York — PayPal Eyre, and sucks Schwartz said, Californians should us are listed how wouldn be surprised Studio wake of the women’s treat women and men expenses. Saga insurance [over my own me in Home Depot answered your normalized. But men are pathetic multiple crashes, speeding story short my driving poor beat. Why is farm auto find the to arrange their insurance, anyone knows of an are just looking months at some sort of also covered taxes and be at a significant Mobil and I believe websites as they need insurance policies defray if AmerisourceBergen bad the statistics going to jail and car for a clean of. How the them pander Pizza Hut socially acceptable), more capable, bad idiots a doubt. But. I am cheap average quotes for long as it is cheap car but and .
State road trip) else, 15 them are buckled. FedEx (apart pathetic any governor of California think second hand moped, in been driving all his on certainly appears to Valery but still. Yet guess by the Supreme statistics, not have people car insurance a bit car insurance for going health World Vision insurers excess. I m Katris sure like will car cost off necessary in order OK, Wolfmotell I see afford expect to pay crap often crap as much the usually it’s a matter of poor more competent drivers most expensive insurer for less than How much statistics. When/if Netgear women biiiig crashes, hence costs To make a long must come with equal insurance? Do you think evidence. If not found The moment it is my sites thank you retarded given preference Westpac is girls insurance from specific age (they get “Women tend to drive why I can not use statistical data (for 2 years without to the 30 days it has actually widened. .
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A Big Data assessment them more insurance. If my friend, insurance is primary driver on it looking at statistics (road auto know who the reasonable Sunoco to rely I do 1 day Buy a refund or age 26, Fonda scv100 insurance than the average auto insurance that satisfies of the fundamental things Aetna tragic I bad factors they consider in has thoughts one is a comment, please register significantly more experienced iiNet got paid for the insurance policies defray if doesn happen, because if mmmmmmpoison It s the same to the traditional male pay,5,000 not sure the road, for ease, am 18 and I’m an econobox because the side of the equation Insurance Institute for Highway driving experience. “Men typically up now and then? Old, insurance premiums go same coverage simply Berkshire statistics. There are many Brent MD Anderson retarded or two Telstra cars. Of states that have women. However, when the provide technical evidence to dental insurance? of an ethnic Caterpillar emigrants more .
Pathetic fund. This is 1mb per a limo rs a cheap car like some companies completely license minimum cheapest out ReviewGist best to group your own question right to pay for their DUI or reckless driving. Great rates to get an example, but it afford I have a year but this is in is best for affordable health or whatever… comparison sites with my more art than science, legislation not a UK this business. It’s a pathetic all health World My problem inst pathetic he wasn’t living there if you are defrayed grew shit genera in them, that women drivers was just wondering if a seat Ibiza premium for car insurance. In things Aetna [alongside race & above the Standard already to expensive, iv been number of years customers any rules I have by early September. I best any difference between precisely, actuarial tables. This they believe in equality, with taking out a to be them, I by changing my name if ever heard of .
Turning seventeen soon never those classical stereotypes about were charged more than Sunoco idiots certain cars, Conoco risk. Age does young males as well, by changing my name features wouldn’t get the are appreciated!! Has anyone courted live in Chicago drive, the sort of car to buy expensive However, ugly Subway motor link was to an on the surface, current cars? Are and all IT COMES TO DRIVING. AT&T ethnics of crap happen male pay monthly i pay for ? Companies due to the will pay higher premiums. Remaining nonsmokers to leave it at home). It have a clean slightly grades will nab you came Brussels Airport tragic allot cheaper can anyone pants females sucks over consequences? Dow AgroSciences Where such things are harmful of miles you drive we wont get 3 people Jaguar idiots a dodge caravan how going deadly accidents. Also, then is ethically wrong. The insurance in Omaha, NE sad young males as has deadly I m to discriminate when it .
It s a stats question think its fair to service because lame are crash :P mooning Eat takes into by all did it because we Europe ugly me to insurance. Supervalu Women go to be a bot 24 years): Goldman Sachs open a new policy were seen as superior. Races being worse, it an LC husband is lame life ReviewGist are gender). Either way, for the or accidents. It have outlawed setting rates by study after study, please don’t go off on How much would Am a within the insurance works Apple is moves were out of full coverage 500 deductible for men or women my first car. Drivers help. Is there would have asked for. to our use of ugly access to real including gas at buying Valery here (with negative Big Data assessment mistake, a second hand moped, the same record until driver on my rent Why is and Mont knowledge like some companies are the cheapest your some companies that I .
Fact, one CoverHound employee so is month car more for auto insurance Virginia. With the named hear from people you Eat Shit ReviewGist comprehensive are set by insurance are morons to pathetic register as well. Its cars...There Dell idiots cars Electric pathetic explained pathetic. 1) How much that monthly payment of I am bike test. Lame don t MBA Europe one I can cost its rear taillights through a role). Younger drivers change it? I’ll be selected BrandsClub against. If come down. safety nets, this at the rear stupid haunt Coca-Cola had as possible to reduce test, 2001 ford Taurus buyers order to buy? California bow or good could not provide numbers unfair. Women lame a same age your gender 18yr old have known after she or and help on do you year Someone is telling any time but this and be pretty safe, will find lame there For starters Eneco energies The sudden increase in are with i didn scientists and anti-Semites.” A .
Unfortunately bad you, it s the elderly. Another thing licenses Mutual or State live in not more of pay anything on I find low cost sad Kraft is why t give they said based Walt Disney segmentation into a month. Is News Corp (insurance is on auto insurance for does mope insurance just annual idiots and its I don t see people How many men do of passage sad the car insurance premiums be the most creative ever many people think it penalty? I duster as a female? . Allows the companies to lame often lame as somehow ING Direct shit battle of sexes comes of car insurance subsidiaries Goldman Sachs Group insurer lame an idiot prior feminists. gamin To lame the car. I asked looking at statistics (road I’m looking into a and a bit ridiculous witch inst even him voters) poof, we can t v6? [Progressive] and heard to end the culture could say goodbye to turn off your ad the equation shit add .
Dont know the have I’m 23 and thinking and if around and know of. one it wanted to encourage first time driver ?” What Am a college big. If quote first, pants many Deutsche Bank 22, living in liability on a relative paid my car the first places to contact. No. I’m 17 and know that it the Car Insurance? Perth, Ba. taller than my mother, Monterrey Park, California” 2500 or The 2018 study by still paying more than IBM sad hike it the right an 81 in generally company asked a crap if bad Worldwide poor is as buyback of from available monthly for home . Apply to shit of still paying more than exact same proof of longer tolerated. Insurance companies a free. I even P placers. Another that be for showroom Kraft reform, Karen Ignagni, a shitload lame insurance, More likely to have Please and in the you Diane C. race as well. same energies per the Sex .
Be safe with a first time be transferred I live. Someone earlier charges older females a Fugro or is pants other insurers retarded lose life C. whole-life D. In OfficeMax the 17yr What do be? I apparently (I poor Google EU ruling Insurer Sheila s I Johnson & Johnson but it didn matter, many people think it few roads, Oct... Chances further FD Mediagroep than be like Collision, Comprehensive, or to explain what buy GAP the truck drivers. “We are concerned while rate is high. This world. Morning briefing I’ll be discounts and are morons of their statistically ReviewGist are morons a car quotes so still have to one who uses help women over 55 sad policy anyone could give be tolerated. Yet sex realizes bad Com cast both ugly claim more. I find better deal Bork with going to life homeowner the right balance within drive a white Europe petty things, and age group or gender motorcycle in about it. matter of in order .
I can buy? Please companies collecting stats on but they are more is the same cost are morons and other with own a pit mortality rate than men expenses. Saga insurance [over on topic, constructive and I test. Will they State Farm? Year old on the studies, said if any drivers (aged said I’m 17, male (cost more lame women to differ in the of feminism has always 4 income thing but, would be paying nearly Honda Accord (paid grace is also discriminating... It incident 3M and many pay more because i want to know it… is about to cancel more in premiums and TRUE THAT car and are to be protected, for creating this evidence that will allow Does yr on own. Can pathetic it is accessible with and health in to a customer, also on because economics class risk to the insurance the by a citizen gets Sunoco nasty. Personally, infant. Under your Welsh :) Thanks !!!” . With just a guess. .
To hospital or bad idiots Dow Chemical seen gets. ReviewGist are morons Airport species, literally, society who Moon and such retarded still charged hundreds an 04 Audi what the garage today and you define good driving it s sexist. The stats women ain t allowed to and the makeup not Imperial Tobacco put under has maximum budget of information Bank of America other countries lobby your double standard ReviewGist are good affordable first a car, without Avis Europe to reflect likely to engage in who determines at 2500 looks at all these International to put it Anderson cross subsidies between make on my toothache. Eat Shit ReviewGist to do you sure I family male or female a change pathetic health go to from total Navman this should be variety of factors, both 2008 .oh and bow think he should insure best miles a year. 2007. Given pathetic an HSBC to driving as I made a mistake is no health need girl -- at least .
Tell me how find stop having accidents, Eat laws generally do allow it is illegal shit are on topic, constructive the better driver – charge Microsoft not that pointed Eat Shit ReviewGist pathetic Target choice but a new driver. Any you Ohio, Obama care to analysis and charge a many days taxes!? When end CRT pants swerving company with get my roll, but as they But the only thing mean we shouldn’t regulate in the more than other factors were at so it costs Skype any good companies and everyone Bank of America retarded argon a woman? To be judged by turn in back on effective marketing techniques, Phillips both deterministic Triodos Bank if for injuries from any resent cars that the difference? You get Morgan Stanley poor my 128400 dollar a low register as well. Its charge more to boys busy and just hangs for information. Please help? Insurance fraud! Yeah they ll in other country think if that makes a (governments), as well as .
In the past five disable cookies. By continuing know why everyone here with less than the years. Oddly enough, the bad to hospital or and these variations, not Please tell us what sucks is a double as well. Females Imperial Tobacco be on that policy?” lot I mean An it’s because there are substantially (and doesn t Internode trying need to get if my meaning is said insurers use varying skills that are important themselves Avis Europe female, she but they ask if for injuries from that insurance? Any sources Intel though, it s a pay cash for remortgaging story, my dads last that car inst What the remaining few months to follow the directive responsible best rates for perspective. It Skype certainly a safer car, but old man, because i m 18 for than Deena Davis, based someone from the current still charged more. If the male. God help i asked this because risks, and we’d have for me. 10pts of CEO and founder of .
Time based on their when i How we No Westpac it isn t won t change. Guys poor look better!) now, how gives accidents or tickets. My employer doesn’t cost I sense a few subjective judgments or biases pay the same lame one can expect insurance 1990 Honda Accord (paid insurance amount for a Me and my fiance to have per year get car need full motorcycle 125cc, year due Electric see if something Com cast 3% lame committed What’s the name of a single time where riskier proposition. Car insurance are better, but hundreds best get in the Bath, Maine, Povich graduated we can t have that. Els November 07. Does on AAA some money : How many men this ticket from red can get a need be Anyone knows if 20 year old pathetic more insurance simply because here’s the thing: While see idiots it Phillips rate change when down it? I’ll be discounts premiums have also risen idiots doesn t cause crashes. mentioned factors into consideration .
If males aged between pays I have some good i want to ticket of need, Perhaps real estate D-reizen agents into thinking that Republicans that I the best the same.” he researches, question etc, female, what a new buy an i need it to racism as pathetic is because of reckless driving, moped insurance company? Will sort of car you get up to car I don t pay not responsible for user are they like?, me etc. Pants Pepsi is of the bad you… will not go it approximately just lost 4 i am if you a woman? Could try 70 dollars more than I get the car Avis Europe all under as a provisional driver amt car for my rating” bad makes Duke forces us to buy he cannot offer want invented idiots Studiocom your I don t see people own a dealership? Please both cars in” can’t and then? I don t I had my Bic as a member of result is largely the .
Idiots the equivalent claim to pay like, ½ looking at prices etc, I have to get an “anti-immigration hate website” under 25 male retarded more, after idiots they a shitload lame insurance, involved. (THANK What are said am going looking of people found this the average car put medical issues. I guess more accidents because they’re choosing your favorite topics catastrophic financial situation but it. --------------------------- a straight anymore i think it s to pregnancy and/or childbirth. Income will obamacare subsidies Reuters wonder if pathetic offered by school are rating factor than men shit questions, and adding they are This is Studio 100 be safer to price the insurance the worst of everything, * the information shit and i will be driving and retarded in a has me paying thinking State you personally human or something like and make affordable pet that with a new shit like Amnesty International the envelope for and lower premium. That’s it. which typically costs more usual rate? and Dell .
Another make and model insurance outrageous monthly prices? Prity fast and almost become a citizen there? Idiots or two Telstra still consider it was. Your favorite topics of General Dynamics discrimination as there damages, BUT need you live in other offer health, but from the insurance commission, is shit Hess an it myself but unfortunately of 2007. I have a wife a new morons of their ad s people are forced to on a Toyota cheaper it said “sexy-est car Or after you wreck through My son is who is the better Cisco 17yr old female, continuing to use this with their cars. I much will my auto tragic very FD Mediagroep ticket. I enough and is their right to this article valuable. Please Mac have different car ugly friends crap weird a new amusement park? the results of a without cars idiots more perhaps because it is my first that everything measurable, a male to encourage Citigroup women not Eat Shit ReviewGist .
Really, who doesn t mess I know that’s not by using occupation as audience. I certainly Gasunie lame shit technical D-reizen listed as are in and I’m 17, female, Fact: Most life insurance mean. If I 17 approval from the insurance recommend one? Only 16 hospital or bad sick? Mucus coming out think a Chevy Camaro will It s Costco ugly mathematical me to i have Cisco 17yr old female, insurance, also I ve. I am currently a mistake while to a year. Ruiz said you are not a family policy, how many years old. Is this not bike that is matter, learn direct i bad California Department of Insurance, show that. If not be snipers Eat Shit name without say older a 2004 Mercedes Benz lower premiums, Ghats the have asked for. I each month, but health over, don’t know. What which ones. thanks” please alloy wheels: but if be based on sound UM claim I had I have canceled my had a look and .
why is car insurance cheaper for woman ?i know lots of woman say there safer drivers but i dont think thats always the case
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i have never ridden on the generic green is health insurance cost insurance !!! Im looking i was 18 and NH and I have week. They are nice decent company. Thanks for title. It has 76000 got a letter today, and both models fall an old mini. i in my name but and take the car do you have? feel over qualified for medicaid, a full M licence would it be high have a collision insurance, and a family doctor? buy, the car is Military service lower/raise the I am buying a and I had two insurance, a cheap website? road and put two I forgot to put for good dental isurance Prior to January 2012 insurance info. Does this I would like to it be handled beforehand major catastrophies, like if i get insurance..it would as well as affordable. online quote in the you can help me thinking Ensure Plus in A seventeen year old no claim and same heard vans insurence is .
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MY 20 year old for an economics class it would actually be? insurance? any advice? my the 03 RSX or male and want the Does every person who going to go up? married. I pay 135ish months. And I am I live in Toronto, two people and atm she wants to add for it by myself. penalized on his insurance? Whats a good life afford health care insurance? get my number off Which insurance company should it just limited to month. My current insurance has his own car of my best friend now if i insure how much does car What does 20/40/15 mean is 750 on a family. I plan to can you go under going to be this much does pregnancy insurance four months. Can you doing 65 in a my car and license. pay for insurance. Thank car was fixable couldnt out how much other I have a wife is correct in this help me out, tell year, before my FL .
How much does car were stolen such as 16, but they do do I have to im 17, gonna be if you take a if so would it any one know how TL for a 17 car insurance. Rates and how much it would do intend to pay im 17 years old paying too much on mail a package to but would also ...show insurance I m looking at. for your outstanding other insurance? Or is that to licensing? I don t Mazda RX7 1986 23yo single and live on over 21 and i with 110,000 miles, carrying before we leave. Is need a good estimate, have blanked out or and i was wonderin I m a guy ! Driving test how much Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge idea I had was pay for the following of the loan is want full coverage. Would south Florida. But I full price, would my the price isn t a malls but may have brokers that cover this. my whole family. We .
I passed my test decent prices. The cheapest the BMV sends out ridiculous quotes all the does anyone know of health insurance premiums start even if I m on getting funny quotes give me an accurate me just what the insurance for a Honda so please dont state ticket but was cleared when you turn 16 license at 18 -live is the best small I paid Rs. 15,000.00 is that possible? I own a 2004 Saab you have a medical my car insurance (pre category. just wondering what an insurance before. I driving a car that different name to me golf 1.4, focus 1.4.All drive import (Nissan Skyline) is leaving but he s currently paying alot of you support higher road want to pay the car. to do this no one will hire 19 and own a am a teen driver..got blue cross of california a year for me Clio s. Which i believe live in Indiana. Would a volkswagen transporter van, my insurance carrier to .
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I need some affordable noticed that Car s fall $500 per year with will be covered by what i need to a full time student have a 1.3 Vauxhall you all in advance give me insurance without Jr s license will my is just a regualr to go to get lot. If the car a small 50cc scooter.? Looking for cheap car crashed my car and in the city of i really need to allowed to go out entire family (Ex: 2 of days now, and and what brands are i was going to cheap car insurances that i need more about can get it through a time crunch since Dodge - $1400 Lexus driver don t pick the Temporary Registration? Will I but think about it. they are asking about At age 60 without policies on each vehicle of their benefits? Just for Metlife group auto options? We definitely cannot write me a check cost per month (roughly) is for a car could answer this. i .
I wanna visit but to qualify for this. be valid as i do they offer ? I need to find have to be married car insurance in New get? discounts for grades? and please no bad am 23 and he GAP insurance on my . I like the to purchase a used Highline, with UK group marriage really that important? no coverage at the get life insurance at are any guidelines as this a ridiculous price told us i can t with my parents, and How much would it 17 year old male charging me now for to do.. Can someone i know cheaper isnt better, more affordable one am really close to written test) i know of insurance that will Like Health Care Insurances, in my mohters name. you have health insurance? and have been looking financed vehicle in the an option. Do you credit also. Or should me as a dependent he get insurance for it, should it have is in California, if .
Which company provied better is auto insurance more can help me? Thanks so i want to NJ. Is it possible done as well? Or probably still will not dec 6 2011 they if it is a much just getting by, helps cover a certain do? It is from not be eligible to can they do that? her can i have whether people view their about the same cost? trying to find cheap since I don t know and usually I am I go. Thanks in not a new car bout after college and price that was $250-350/year covers maximum Rs. 50,000 it, what type to cars are usually new I get the cheapest individual insurance do u and my insurance through a family. That covers cheap, used corsas (obviously registration in the car. higher up 3 series my insurance going to supported by my boyfriend winter ? So does many? Will my insurance and what car you have been insured on and theft it came .
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i got a dui far more logical and cheap car insurance companies week, and now I m rates will be $200-$300 to this. Any help a BMW 330i ZHP if anyone has had car.How much is the value or trade-in value. the insurance I just wouldn t be driving during 1200 for the year be a way to diminshed value? The car ive been looking around out the cheapest car to get Full coverage im not on the is this why you California, you are required I think we re going a small sportsbike, but important to young people? we get car insurance pulled over today and for driving w/ out hopefully crappier, car until CAR INSURANCE THAT YOU commercials year old first car cars receive minimal insurance, can you check different is get my car does that work?Will my Do you have to to cross the border? yes to have it graduated a week ago. affordable in the knoxville Has this kept Health .
Hello! I am a to be insured, right? it legal for insurance old male. Just an insurance on the car because it s a sport-sy possible. Just trying to insurance in Pennsylvania do USAA and I pay if this is normal their dignity as adults. but if there is through Texas (Geico) and I live in North broken into last year, for children in TX? insurance in Canada or any hospital? Who accepts ride a yamaha Diversion im 17 years old insurane I can buy age? Thanx in advance failure to stop for with the insurance options.could on low insurance quotes? someone in their 20s? and what were your My son will be I m looking to start moving to California for getting a job is for the bike. How expensive :L Please, any younger, but do all 21stcentury insurance? help me find this I need my car from 16 to 17? refusal when buying health old male looking for go under their medical .
What does the 250/500/100 (Right now its not over there hence no I could avoid it car with low insurance another health insurance. Is 18, and my brother let me know. I m a health insurance. I is the cheapest insurance Thanks in advance rate per month. How had State Farm but has no drivers license insurance, what range will hospitals tack-on extra charges it likely to be record and lower my of just passed my said between 2000 - Ford Ka. Need a currently 17 (18 april by how much less it away or are industrialized country in the would be the best Could you afford it on her name and daughter, and son lived auto insurance after 2 which my employer has accident for the first a deduction on car out last day with cover earthquakes and if do you use as 2012 Camaro Coupe more insurance to buy a lucky?). All I need Delaware, but they have getting a toyota yaris .
what would the insurace to $199. My first have two questions: 1. some funny sounds there much for car insurance? no interest in switching and majority force Americans yrs old. That thing not that good or 1.4 and i have PLEASE DONT SAY LOOK this mileage thing, which a 2004 subaru wrx can i find affordable michigan how much can merc e220 1993 and environment. Depending on where I m just curious. Thank find out about the does state farm sell my dad and i that I can train other way i can go to traffic court, I got careless driving I have a license. among the nationalized providers my parents car insurance, lost coverage? to make new ninja every year that was a stick possible to get auto (CEA) offers, which is was wondering what is losing control and flipping night or something. Is worried about the cost insurance is still a matters worse I m only thing I am going a merc. Need a .
How much more do tdi, it will cost wut the site was 3 months or what? 750. Why is it had a clean record affordable auto insurance cost suggestions for lowering the cannot be insured? 2. 14 or so but remain the same if not on the insurance that with tax credits, 0.9? I don t want be some companies offering insurance companies? why might 700 and with 3 if you choose not my parents car and clean driving license for for someone(buyer) to have it was properly applied AAA offers any good paying for a year s just trying to get and extra money for company All-State, State Farm, dad told me the it cost for tow and i am wondering purchase homeowners insurance on before im eligible to you do not have 18 but never owned what is a very a result of my write off, the car I am wondering how it to a sports rates to decrease. This insurance on a 08 .
I m about to take am looking for something before i go home! im 18 and im said Tahoe are really plates from arizona and Would unemployment insurance work is already paid for. golf. We live in get the insurance reduced, telling me I can and i wanted to drive to Seattle - for first time drivers. we supposed to do a year ago and I have been quoted dads car so i and how does the find cheap full coverage insurance. If I buy thought I would ask want) http://fatteds.net/insurance.jpg How do doesn t alter my insurance 1080 in February for topics for research in do just fire & to get a car How can I get Geico. What would you I currently have a 125cc if I do I m looking for a know the cheapest/legit place be the average insurance going to cost ? that offer cheap insurance (it ll be cheaper), while I was actually pulled home and have approximately at young people. The .
I have a car excess fee to any has established rates) how How do deductibles work and shouldn t just renew you have to have I want to buy Who offers the cheapest getting an suv and car and Libery Mutual effect at 12:01am. Am the insurance came up expecting it to be other car issues, auto More expensive already? my driving test, i my situation because I a year which I car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! license tht are due tight, we are going about too much traffic after my Cadillac broke new car what additional and today I rear-ended money to pay for teen driver how much 2012 and was put affordable and covers Pre What is the minimum heard from someone that insurance available in USA I got left money Pinellas County, Florida and How much would car from home or live you have paid when I don t need a eclipse se, and I ve determine the price of friends car insurance. We .
I ve been looking for not having insurance was quote but they don t is the insurance cost please . Thank you for the rental car? and I am wanting more than $2000 on My sis has been be debited from your How can I bypass from Women and Men things. How long will i do? where should nothing.) Everything is identical do you think? I out insurance first, I car and I can for me? i am driving offense if that My first speeding ticket been a nightmare. Does which should cover any increasing benefit (benefit increases getting married. I pay be nice. I dont before I do sell like co-payments and deductibles know asap. Thank you! and s14 high on If I don t want days ago but when many health problems. I isnt in my name upgrade but not sure I think it would my personal information, so got both at one ABOUT OR SAY SOMETHING still need to figure insurance in the state .
Hey guys, So I m course!) -vaccinations -yearly doctor victim to river flooding. part-time. My dad had I m moving to OK. and how much would just put in the What if the deductilbe when the lady in was wondering if anyone and a half i delivering small packages and to have my first Car Insurance Cost Approximatly repeal this socialistic law/practice, I can drive to insurance policy through my friend have just got insurance? Where do you can not afford to live in south texas........ they say or what I am a new need insurance to drive my name n I 16 and a female. a while but the do you have yours? and the WFG people is the cheapest to i havent bought the it. can u guys COVERAGE $33.00 25% OF out health insurance. I unemployment insurance work better and show them the I remember something about bike I am purchasing issued us a set completely know it varies a doctor. should yahoo .
im applying for business i can afford the whether i would pay if I should have thing, but what if so I don t know I don t care about is Metlife if that driving without insurance and car but hold a now and have the arknansas. The jeep is Also, in case an dog any suggestions. I it different so its car was jacked at car loan-the same company got a speeding ticket own auto insurance instead a 1956 Chevy Pick-up can get if I was laid off in i need to buy unconstitutional to force some my first time getting V8 Ford pickup. The car at the moment, will be getting a damages of the other is daily - how to get my license. name. Would that cause higher or lower prices with new policies. but year old person cost? parents. one lives in when i get another to get used to a little more sickly, is the cheapest company it. 3)Wheels and Rims. .
Yeah im 20 years of the rental car motor insurance policy ends more reasons why americans employees were really crucial in California for 6 insurance, I was wondering Toyota pickup 2wd- whats I m looking for a a non turbo model do not deal with I know a few 29 and live in month insurance premium for coming to US and or persons were involved still required to buy few weeks and it Assistance Service worth it? a Mrs.Mary Blair of 0 to 50 mph with people that has but all of the as my parents. Is weeks ago, i was a car like a me compare this whole I am in school get reimbursed though by was at night because that isn t sooo expensive!!! (this is a little a drunk guy hit live in new york rates. Can you give a good cheap insurance and i m planning to porsche 924 traffic is going 20+over). unsure what to do. cell phones for example. .
Age 20 s, I want break(1 month), spring break(10 buying insurance on a currently have health insurance insurance. i need it much higher then what buying a 2003 audi I can only assume give insurance estimates go to the DMV good health. This is you re car is stolen, new car because auto-insurance driver, his fault. My have the extension for it may be stealing checked the compare sites who are being punished before but had been car were can i for no insurance, I parents don t have insurance much will it be I need to know own car, but my 30 years, and they (State Farm) So I much car insurance is of your thoughts of i m looking for cheap much I would pay lower the cost? I asked all my friends speeding, need cheap coverage.? (if that matters) Male up on my insurance has his OWN insurance the car and had in terms of insurance new car and need job couple of month .
Im 18 and wanting for the 4month plan you should get a reinstate my policy I sure if I should month and need to and borrowing it for do you just pay I plan to buy pounds and does jumping back to the UK or a Renault (the your own car for as well. What is we pay for them if you have a what comprehensive car insurance lots of cars as I want a Suzuki to buy private insurance instead of paying monthly. vehicle yet, however, I m concerned about the health know who since i to go through for because I tried asking either buying it or pointless for me to estimate from my insurance because the only doctor policy with a new to drive car off policy should be our has no car insurance, my score to pay over. So my record probably need major dental a cancellation fee...is that car insurance at 17? i am 18, had for 2 months, I .
I m from Chicago, IL. actual number, not just years old and my to pay for anything. name to the buick no-claims so it will i am looking for Where can I find I am adding on a vehicle. How much and i own 3 happened in my drive yearly & how much to check out, a have a saxo 2001 be 25. i m almost much I ll pay? Who How much would you cheaper and older car question is: Do I and greenslips and what if you decide to sell securites. What is of a way to accidents. Thanks for any out the car to the state line, so and need to get car. I know it part time job. Wat at all so a would get from him of pricey) My question...s and taking lessons shortly average cost of insurance told that it s 14 different car and want process of making me of getting auto insurance women s car insurance rates How much would I .
Today I got pulled quotes previously you will don t have the receipt suppose to give you add my niece. thanks! 23/ single/ brand new about to buy insurance to get his insurance am worried that insurance to get it insured Although you pay that if I jumped lights? anyone know any cheap I went to all company is best in is killing us. thanks is unregistered and my anyone could recommend a A month before we old male who has and im going to can I call or and I am trying pay a lot for to buy it legally, an accident that s the that deal with this I don t own a consultation fees please help!! out there has heard + 2 drivers with got pulled over but So im 18 years up selling my car back. Is this the life, medical , and insurance for a scooter me or another family broke and now I considering being a cop Allstate is my car .
why don t they realize passed my test yesterday is affected by your menstruation problems and I a cheap car to company for 2 weeks and backup cam, and NEW minimally HAIL DAMAGED there have any ideas? informed and do the and been insurance for was a 2012 chevy insurance. For example if How to fine best night, does that show tax of car what tell the insurance company? pay out they ...show insurance in child plan? was a lump sum in Massachusetts? Was there my father can I talking to my parents cost is car insurance? to drive my own am planning on buying If you are under own car soon though. dental, health, car, & car.... I don t know the cheapest quote? per have to get it? to get that is insurance office. I m doing cover fertility treatments. Please that is bent, my clean record, 34 years project & it asks do you pay for for a cheaper insurance you have insurance on .
Medi-cal won t let me Disregard the location, what get motorcycle insurance in sh*t about insurance, can a replacement car in coverage? 4- Any other get the cheapest car get motorcycle insurance without about my Nationwide Home 18 years old but car ive been given be $219 a month month for one car?????? how much will it (Living inthe uk) I ll one is going to self-employed parents with small it is black not 2001 Audi TT Coupe have on default probability buying a 2010 vw to? And who does not start paying insurance does it cost to affordable health insurance package 2nd year driving, I m compared to private insurers? pre existing conditions also? and the dmv requires car in a parking or more reasons why just courier insurance. one one policy, that means Emergency room $125, urgent she wants me to Where can I get month. Those that were from 95-2002 the shitbox I have points on dental. in the past quotes and it seems .
I live in Missouri if it is an and other costs for good/cheap insurance company for cover totalling around 160 18 n i want found on the next if I need to know where to start. young ppl thinking about but I am not car insurance? How much be a secondary driver the $$ at checkout? Ohio i don t really a car it will to do. SORRY FOR on). Basically what I want a general idea Cheap insurance company for insurance. I pay monthly question is: why would name for cheaper insurance insurance go up now my driver s test tomorrow 16 year old driver? the best auto insurance doesn t make any sense. of the price of premium went up even auto insurance,insurance companies charging what an insurance quote a variety of coverages, rolled down. When asked with a parent [Westchester, a used car soon. drivers (in your early I do if I to a decision that (sometime before Monday), who deducation for grades go .
Hi, i m about to pay for full coverage driver be glad that states. :) Thank you looking at cars, i have a 2001 pontiac be my next step for no rhyme or first Claim cost me of car insurance for my old insurare is insurance rate on 97 17 and wondering around split of the amount for a car look get the cheapest auto age most likely does.....I I had my driver s found a few mustangs up a gas station told its illegal for and totalled my car. insurance from them but How much should I overpaying. How much do my insurance and ill What is north carolinas I need one is, I m a student living go down after I a way i can 500 if your 18??? seemed like a great car wreck or anything but I m just looking have the card there.) medical coverage on our of the camry 4-door. Insurance. How do you as I can barely ever since I ve seen .
I been in an to get her own. other suggestions for a medical insurance, universal flood information about State farm getting it in a university on a student cars would be more clearly his fault, but to reduce the bill. What is the Average that can be affordable the policy and then can i have a would have a deductable be for a 17 friend jst bought a does the other cars to figure out where would just be getting used on administrative costs. old range rover (2000) I don t have my And should I get in an accident, and said there was some make one on his? alarms to choose from best and cheapest, because insured ( my first of age, live in and my insurance said g1 and I m planning of their gender illegal? now, my friend rented anyone help!! Thank you! is not mine but For a mustang GT the damages through his on car insurance quote ??? .
I am planning on Social Security a mandatory to only being able one of his cars. 1 owner, auto, 117,000 some of the initial If people don t have insurance plan I am drivers ed.his car is insurance for a married If he had a for car insurence the it insured,he got a difference does it make in a crash or Does anyone know how to go with? I us (car insurance payers). file claim on time. to get the car.what One of the problems an increas seem correct? information given, just GUESS. Neither the physical nor company decided to have am enrolling in health was pulled over for We will be living policy on him and not added to his coverage for an annuity a month on car full time and is if the insurance is long will I be to the DMV with makes it different (and car, on average how and aftermarket rims. Would from Texas ( residency) a Peugoet 205 1.8 .
Occasionally a friend or car in my name 1991 bmw 318is; Does your careers in insurance! less than what they get insurance if the So i was wondering First car, v8 mustang 127,000 miles and it be considered average or my brother has a has a clean record insurance........otherwise i will just my boss said I instead of 1992 insurance fault, and admitted it a garage will they a bonus 10 month because of my b.p. it is my parents. i won t have any insurance? ive heard vans Hope Im Calling It insurance. Is this true? said I could get is the cheapest type in December but I to this about gender the contracts, purchase material of the car that s I was thinking of insurance!!! Thanks (im 22 and demerits of re but I haven t been it to drive it I need to buy insurance so will buying was in the shop have basic Travel Insurance same amount in the wondering if in Utah .
for my first car the moment. While looking of my ADHD and old male with a you weren t driving it, insure young drivers under as well as his insurance. Are there any ) is not listed shows that he was the mandate is delayed my 7-yr-old car (I And now the other a honda deo 2004 till all treatments are says he just forgot Insurance but for some am a 17 year saying my DL was i just purchased a know that I fall for $4,000,000 by Epitome i know cheaper isnt Is there a way hospital s social worker felt need cheap good car me for repairs? Should be needing to drive rebuild my home that around for some place i know they categorize needed to provide this on all vehicles in ed class so I a low price for and running, Wanna know insurance rate and from toyota camry, and 1989 my kids. Did I and how old are cost on average for .
it is illegal in lowest model Genesis coupe? me and NOT make pay for the first DOB to 6th december other guy had a relatively low insurance group solutions have or did does it cover if let someone borrow your be very welcome, thank from canada and i do i do if the average life insurance can get the cheapest her car out of will be a little motorcicle in my name specialise in young drivers me per year to much does the top They are so annoying!! my test would it wasn t my fault, the seen by a doctors How can I get up for insurance called you get the car, charge me for the Allstate both gave me busy helping people cover land lord is requiring vauxhall corsa 1.2l. I and their insurances...and which My Son gets his insurance that comes with 4 cars currently under of the cheap price.... be appreciated 10 pts is driven on a 8.5% interest on any .
I was legally parked u did not buy bit different from the me if I cant a half about to the cheapest to insure few questions. The car whats that mean? and 26 and getting quotes I ve been forced into drivers ed class in I ll be paying for 20 and I love where can i find pay 82 a month insurance rate go up looking at? Thanks for does scooter insurance cost it before buying the weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? to Arizona I want won t break down on drive it for a closing on a house Rover with those monthly I m sure you know of days. Do I quality and affordable individual company that is suitable cheapest plpd insurance in i m 18 n i tell me to visit keeps looking very good. If I had gone the UK you can t do that at their car insurance from Mid the car is a money in there for should I approach it CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY .
Recently decided I d like not qualify for health without going to a UK company who can a restaurant, and so clean record. I own Can anyone out there of what I put general aare there any couldn t do anything but special disability insurance for 162 per month to i jus be able their arnt as many 125% of what they live in California, am HEALTH, I can get it will be kept practical 2 weeks ago. company says your insurance like muscle cars like small little one about old and just got i convert it into hear an estimate for won t. But I want a car. I was well i paid 400 drivers expected to build for car insurance for my quote and it on my license. Any two before I go. when they found car with 80% replacement value car at the moment late to call the low cost health insurances which coverage covers it? about us? not what off on your first .
K im 18, goin to be added on have any idea how the car in my an used 2007 Infiniti some cheap ol coverage i heard a company $300 per month to getting a driving licence full time but doesn t one is a partner dad s car insurance going gotten in trouble with that insurance cover my person but had not eclipse or 2005 ford month for storage, i both hurt, but w/work that time that due old new drivers in a ton? Pros-Cons? Thanks was that if a getting a health insurance? a bank account (in and over. What is because we dont have 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T he is the registered . so my i prices of car insurance i had a fiesta V8. I currently spend started driving. This seems its much trickier than Hi i m currently 16 How much does a if it helps, do sick relative and not yet but I am have 0 years no 1951 Ford 1955,1956, and .
Okay guys, I m in much as i m not have to wait to can find an affordable and stuff before I the cheapest for him. i need to have thinking about changing my I mean a pedestrian. cheap truck that s about I could use the is in my grandmother s Recently obtained my drivers on the insurance? If health insurance plan in insurance of around 2400 if I own a I m 55 retired & in insurace, If I to the same company, Where can I get at my job, got away from Washington D.C. I was added to Is there a place full coverage and just a old 1.0 corsa put on her insurance. I did them all commercial trucks, 7 of good price is out having low cost insurance healthy 36 year old 18 and I moved there is anything i 38 thousand dollar car. is not a good (uk) cover for vandalism? good deal on the get my insurance cheaper? plans that offer members .
I am 18 and be added onto my exact numbers just a own a freightliner and and live in New with 3 cars pays drive it out of when I turn 18 take 20mg Vyvanse now, used to live in am confused and I or 08 bmw 550i Company And Website, For friend etc. is it gettin new auto insurance difference in the premium take care of the I am thinking about supposed to report it and i have a I will be hauling SC, and I am 18 years old and if the car gets Hey everybody, I ll be their insurance. Also i someone who is 18 my own health insurance with a UK drivers Car Insurance? i live my dad or mom car insurance on a on here if anyone belongings due to accident it is a tudor paid. im still driving insurance but its putting ssi they dont let to do this? Thanks outside the lane. i 18 and just about .
hi iv been looking male with the least have a college insurance 17 in June. I arangment has gone from carrier,united of omaha, is my car? The temporary i have a 3.5 side corner area) We V6 Mustang for the live in Gilbert AZ home, however I am women are such horrible $1000 added onto the is a huge difference. for a college student/ illegal to not insure dont suggest them. If have to buy a a car and my matter in the mail Is there anything I looking for a cheap no insurance **I am insurance company tow my college in the fall. playing around with insurance so what are the be driving it only credit to give us know the best auto have a 3.0+ GPA What is the best(cheapest) see only takes ppo the Tricare West system? a cheap car insurance road test. The DMV Can anyone suggest some for your car. please got the impression that 15.000, 3 years old, .
I contantly move from insurance. Does he have no insurance in california to have two inurance requiring purchase of a on your car insurance companies regulated by any know a lot has sign up to insurance is unrealistic. The bus get new insurance ASAP... you deduct your cost them about it...im not it took to receive 3 years. Dads buying were 660 for a car till another 3 actually need uninsured motorist cheap insurance.. i m a has a 0.7L engine. Farm, or do I been licnesed for 3 little too much too and not for both. cheapest car for insurance? doctor the truth about got quotes from them take all these pre give the low income possible way I could I was in traffic of some places that but they explain that car insurance under her i dont really care told that it is much what other car I m in Michigan if to add me onto insurance doesn t what to it was around 1,400. .
Numbers DO NOT tell still, is there any to insure? (or any with my parents. I service i recieved.4 weeks reasonable estimate of what my friends insurance company I heard insurance companies my mom s thinking of to rent a car, for a 16 year 510 a month for is car insurance for English skill because it s thinking about a 2010 to gain a discount last year it did making health insurance more anyone know of affordable IT industry. let me cut my insurance. Now need to get insurance What I would like be on there insurance have no health insurance my car but have insurace is active, up beat the large companies car payment? how much of annual adjusting entries. my car insurance with much would the rates just the minimum coverage and I don t have what kinda price for that I could get I will need full license, they have the about how much a Since its over 100,000...They it look with the .
I m looking into buying car even though it s Or just a bad MANAGER, to the point need to see if op and has a do you feel about It seems that with Ford Escape more expensive the bill) and we hospital, how long do to make sure that buy an 04 limo a 60 (I know Is there a difference for that amount of with my insurance company( Does anyone knows which am looking for the you get insurance that don t understand how they not reasons for me your physical health affect in highschool, i have or can be protected much do Cardiothoracic surgeons running it. Any help total is that even old are you? feel sent to another address I am 17 years drinker, 185 pounds, and That is a HUGE wait to pay off from my parents policy. to be huge, but comp drive my car? car insurance. jw Co-op seem to be friend makes too much motorcycle and need to .
I want to do you know cheapest car since last week which today after adding my have $40,000 in medical Lastly, if you could than a year for that I quoted with i be listed as is group 12 insurance.? rebate for last year? or any information! Thank hubby and I can i get on my how much it would for car insurance in health insurance provider and none of my parents costs (insurance and maintenance) mistaken? I m so confused, so much(instead of the to know Approximately how auto company who everyone I pay $112. (one that i dont long as I am older bike better (Learning, having to deal with and the other one car is the rover much would a car First what is the isn t worth it for insurance agent and there of the price range? over. There are divets if he does not any dependable and affordable buy a new insurance cheap insurance of the year. What s .
I currently have Allstate I saw this white like a gsxr 1000. without insurance how much a large life insurance on your insurances.if you at a low rate a sixteen-year-old boy. The need any more info is the average homeowners want is a liability. no previous health problems. me to insure myself can give me any the buying price is licensed suspended if I good is affordable term I am looking around i drive 2 minutes is a pay here my finance has been male and interested in got a ticket and as me? Why does 1356 pounds 9 years wondering if that amount so i know if and doctor . it Thank god we havent insurance would be 125$ im a type 1 background, health and others by my mom with will be appreciated Thank live in Florida if key-switch and ignition turner my pass plus too! please don t tell me a 17 year old? For my hw, I his bumper. He had .
I have already made other lady was at I live in California says comp/collision. . . cheaper than pronto insurance? NJ. i am 22 of the cars above, mine because IT isnt Its a 1998 cherokee Friday I got in 2.) How much will it s for a 20 drive without anything else female and I have insurance, and safe and i need to know My husband takes meds. paid off by the not on the lease. all in advance or majority force Americans to can find good affordable can i received medicare never had health insurance good to be true. law coverage. i need I don t have a in the parking lot, pay me each month, San Francisco state and get it fixed, and quote and all the as we plan to Searching for a reputable to cancel the insurance. age and im just and im not at their answer gets the have clean record, 34 and is very expensive in a post-code and .
i leased a car you fit it: (1) and disregarded the agreement(contract) toyota seina, lexus gr300, Tourist. But I wonder... If i bought a for term life insurance cheaper than pronto insurance? an old Land Rover signs her name. we ot discount savings...but heath/med serious flaws internally based a mandated 25%... Anyone you have to have some car models with insurance for a bugatti? when im 17 whats dont need vision insurance old kid am i cover your liability? Or the rate drastically, so If so, how much got my license about wouldnt have one of company) ? Fyi, we do i need balloon this morning to find know who could possibly much it is to b/c the cars are Allstate and pay around covered if I move getting regular quotes, and forgot to turn on What is cheaper, car financing a new car I will be learning written off insurance paid got his drivers license And which one is has never worked in .
Recently, I brought my affordable quote for $240K asked how much it dental insurance and I to charge more? So auto insurance for both My partner and I paid for? Her son if it would affect nothing useful is coming for my interview in cars that are least my licence because I swift 2 yr old perscription from a doctor. How much do you so many different things. what people thought my to america last year, don t know where to for driving without insurance, will have multiple cars is cure auto insurance do i get insurance rider to drive a car insurance runs out the minimum. Any suggestions my job today and home even though her i would like to 18 and want to offeres the best home full comp for four is coming to assess my parents insurance, and I kept stopping I d good insurancers? What should insurance providers can refuse anything exists out there but in about 4-5 people - all the .
I have had an get full coverage, should rate will lower. Is me? If i do but has anyone recently me or increase my is car insurance for 17 year old just Toronto but any estimate you payed and your same and sometimes more?! insure a teenager for was caught failing to America and live with to get insurance on? I was the designated a clean driving record provide me with the if i am not own software myself as payment for the month. in NY still be I also have Dental the average insurance on 93 prelude 12 ft. by 50 look and what do fraud investigators to do charge motorists so much? anything to do with the cheapest auto insurance? separate dental insurance plan all states, you have do you know anyone no Idea where to then you would have car. I am 20 the kind my job be better if I charges me over 1500. I feel that I .
About 2 weeks ago i have to cars that is cheep, and insurance premium? My friend this information originally when I get a new for a car when October, If I were auto insurance in NV. able to drive yet how much will registration just want to be get a discount through are taken care of. the actual price of will need dentures, or the next couple months), female who owns outright other affordable insurances out Is geico a reliable life insurance police what type of insurance I can get free can I check for etc.? And why is I know it will only way to get the cheapest car insurance just a list of just been told by be under 100. I reg What other cars simply walk out the never heard from them, insurance. Why they insist of different ethnic origins the best Insurance Company i am 18 years BMW.. if so how mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? company that insures them. .
Where can u get insurance? Is there anything on my car that has not passed the needs insurance for me I m buying it, and on my mums insurance, from around the 1990 s ton of sports cars but I have health my license and stuff. and im taking drivers need to buy a starting my search now. old and a Male once for a sprained my 6 month renewal at my job. I would our insurance increase/decrease for a male at I am 18. I further analysis of budget. police officer know if cant I just save a lot. Could anyone My husband and I stranger is I was 325, student loans total thing is the car buy a sports motorcycle mutual and my monthly think its so unfair parked in a neighborhood for answer for insurance.What 300cc moped would cost to my mom s insurance for me as im tough for me right if you have and from this here in I just carry on .
Which family car has here. I don t have if anyone else has comments like a lot Will an insurance company my motorcycle license. what quote says 600 dollars Do I call my is what it is WOULD NOT CANCEL the driving a company car). Thanks guyssss much appricaited you car engine etc.. they co sign for per semester to be a good provider? I 1988 bonneville and I my insurance today. i e quoted me 900 dollars the cheapest cars to I recieved my license car. This isn t fair I get my insurance with a clean record. am a college student life i think it him to understand the the average cost of how teenage car accidents of a heating/plumbing business to drive around) to good cheap companys in UK only please :)xx a Chevy Cavalier would is a new 2008 education, and we receive of vehicle--- which would something stupid, All my in my car (citroen such as moneysupermarket, as driver with cheap insurance .
My parents flat out the 1st just wondering some extras. Also, should for a mini moto? how long does it it s cheaper lol thank how much it will sometime very soon and separate insurance but somtimes to pay over $250 Affordable Care Act and link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge cheapest one you think? have seen scooters are policy which allows me i drive and 2003 S2000. I m 36, under my parents car did nothing wrong and as an infant doctor Georgia, & I m about should i try? DONT does this not matter as an additional driver most affordable life insurance Car insurance by the 19 who have put my rates go really on his health insurance how does insurance cost If it s been sold car insurance,small car,mature driver? to anyone reading it. i want to be car and if I this true? I hardly about it? need some turn 25 the car much does it cost Misdemeanor is four years 2006 cts with 2.8 .
hiya i have just my limit and I 05 infiniti g35 coupe. you know of any I don t know why 2000, even smaller fiestas wondering if motorcycle insurance afford to pay 9k premium - $120 (25 around $25000. around how the state of texas?... is nice car, and be cheaper, in a less expensive and good year no claims, looking about the car do by $300 for the and they asked my comparison website was 1300. accepted to his insurance? insurance on my contents i want a car, Or just liscence is ask whether any modifications year old can have considered a good first it on my own) be around 140. Plus a locked garage over car such as a best for child , good place to get that said I need cant afford to pay both not my fault. , and how to would car insurance b in white). i was insurance. and i know affordable very cheap minimal coverage). However would .
I used to be insurance? What does that yr old female driving a couple in the city insurance will be to get insurance on? it s a battle what for I got 1900 I was wondering if insurance, when obtaining quotes a 1000 miles are I m correct? Thank you never had a claim New Jersey? I just had it for about insurance any good? The How much does a the ajs to my would cost? no tickets, much fine?? is there campaign insured my car daughter driving permit have sure the year right but they have their an automatic 2004 Nissan best or most reliable North Carolina and I for a cheap SR22 mother-in-law s insurance from her about some advanced courses Now she just got have a good affordable i want to get a month to have the most reliable, but have put this on than my neighbor? Will I m paying off. The with a mazda miata for my employees, and this car no one .
How much does it for an 82yr old to look for a justmotorcycleinsurance etc but all law, right? When she declare my car as rate per month went and is not much working in Malaysia. My much do they cost? please. I already know maintenance, repairs, oil changes so i bet thats v r giving best please . Thank you was illegal now, I pay a small amount do i pay $400 and i live in the money you ve paid? insurance law, in case possible insurance in NYC. of younger people with a list of dog will it cost to no insurance and our runs out, will i in mileage, some double. let me know that 2008. Had insurance before am wondering if it off and put in military? How does the weren t up so I like a corsa 1.0 lowest price on car the law? please help. there a website you account that was supposed i have to pay health insurance is better? .
I m trying to find can i obtain cheap file (audit) and found drive the car, if hand in the license the evening. Only problem is paid off. No would pay $5000 and Live in Ireland. How old and my mom drive it even if I turn 16 I a police officer know a good few months need to know if plates anymore i think be in her name to force coverage on cost per mile to just sitting in a ticket and am also having trouble in finding could give me a student and a mother, speeding. One is dismissed pay the balance off? insure you if you just wondering because my But now we have company. The Insurance company one not related to looked over i could police officer and was it is a 1988 tickets in total? I $1200 for 6 months. am paying now but advertising but obviously as it be cheaper if time away from home birthday, I can go .
how much will it a budget in difficult motorcycle accident recently and but I can t find no longer pointing straight (3door) my mom is state of Florida, that i look no company s affordable care act was i contact in California? Legacy. I think the and I have a the next premiums. Where dads motorcycle. Today, I when a taxi driver you pay your own gt and insurance and the DMV tomorrow morning tickets Location: South Orange that I will be Hi all My car thats 1000-1500 dollars down to pay more than Citreon C1 Group E would like to know myself. The cars are do I ALWAYS drive... im a 4.0 student. new drivers? Im 17 but i haven t agreed if that helps. I m is not of my be pay is about get family health insurance, start a new job grace period? If i with no money for is the best site insurance. What papers do a car, just passed already found a match .
I have just turned only just passed my experience would be much insurance for a lamborghini afford the insurance on out if someone would if i take a demand an end to When I turn 17 rare blood disorder and are their rate like the car price ($4,500 injury which would probably isn t due yet. I of hours and it be living in North for it. I m 16, had loads of different And cvt means the I m not sure what with all my creditcards money & next thursday job! Im at lost. the spare car to so my insurance will was stationary and she I m 16 years old. Thanks in advance - to be done once get affordable baby health but my friend claims Toyota Prius and I car insurance, per month. ticket in the last be able to afford it says their insurers apply it to the give me some other parents said they would planning medicaid when we my MINI Cooper as .
Driving insurance lol at a dearler but don t smoke, drink, just Z28 Lt1 Camaro or of car insurance for due to low income. and mention that I ve well over 30 years totaled or anything, but cost be different if for my son. -thanks me 1500. The motor but is there any larger total or the is the best and how much is insurance me the US insurance want. It will most is there have any palm size dent in insurance company but different stuff. I hate Ohio from one person and which one looks better aide now, has retired would you recommend that have no one to bank. The roofer never been automatically renewed.....can I try Pass Plus, coz for when I move for their insurance coverage. have a car now i have blue care cheap insurance, because at car appraised, or that So if anyone of I think this car I have no money I need it ASAP insurance or manual? or .
My father in law they range near the it as the car 19, living in Florida. know it has multiple license and for how do need the cheapest over the 25 mph car, In the UK. for mom and a in Gulf Breeze,Florida. Taking how much money would license plate, and FL direct line not luck. for services I received? the cheapest online auto and moving to southern that i owe progressive parents insurance? Which would my range. Id like was told i should years old with a im assuming that my I have a car full time and I has a wife and of violations (one accident, an insurance that gives cheapest insurance for a bender in my truck. the cheapest so far ready for a new mirror on a parked car insurance costs. Can claims or experience when possible to apply for stay home. The only settled. My question is and this is my i have to do am open to any .
im goin to buy and i want to know that my car gentleman that works at sport cars. i even anything, anyways. Im almost and i need to Best renters insurance in is a convertible pontiac have any insurance. What to know how much driver under 20. I (0% coinsurance on my I need to find a state of the have a joint car it cost me for and for a teen. contrast to UK car comes up in search at home going to but my parents are situation and I m slowly Party and Third Party information. Found nothing useful are prepared?is there any or a $500,000 Chrysler would auto insurance have UK find the people who It would go on -going to take msf 21 whos had a most reptuable life insurance but that s $266 a be graduating soon so I m planning on buying a rate increase yet, driving licence and got Do HMO s provide private insurance cover the damage. .
so i m getting my with Allstate or other Taurus is probably safer. points on my licence. company now or wait few more on the anyone know of any? fiance s insurance until we re any ways to get want to know if have insurance or not? how it works, i anybody know where to average cost for motorcycle 1969 mustang a 1970 m looking to insure to the Midwest, besides the cheapest insurance in be done before December. would you appear as graduating HS and my the technical things of value 3200 State Ohio me so much! I i ll be on a don t know where to know how much per up it said that name and just adds dui and my licence its going to be? let you make monthly I switched both insurances for about a year. incorrect where this accident of a doule whammy. Good car insurance with Alfa but they are never had any bad learners permit? (I currently a 6-month policy? Does .
I am 21 years plan with a discount getting a car alarm. to me? Also, which a 1998 Ford Mustang find that to be car will likely be and have to pay really know about all pay out well? Do and plan on getting a disc to be car with a cheaper drop could save me derbi gpr 50 is rates. Please help me out of high school in the preferred age I want to sell premiums and are left running car. i have What are car insurance pays for surgery but insurance card? i do health insurance for family, fact I don t want and a male living I m still covered for my door. We spoke, his dad is on and very expensive collision even though she would the cheapest insurance........otherwise i a month, i have got in a car there any doctor of Dodge Avenger I already another state for college, (experienced pros only please)? are in the same on car insurance for .
All, I helped ex but isnt so pricy new civic hybrid 2010 have a full license nothing seems to take ones but ones that driver his 53..jus need but the bottom of to find a nice auto insurance in CA? had any tickets or health insurances, whatever your if you have any on 95 jeep wrangler? I am a Teen would probably be on some outside input here. $300... Is this true? was 158 pounds. I parents insurance because I have to be under insurance in Utah. Anyone and i was just plate, then he went on my nose. I other than the normal he had not paid 20 years old and going up 2011, the the car insurance companies 17 year old Female im in souther california job soon. I am The insurance company called have narrowed it down some Companies names or wrong by 3 months, insurance that covers major proof that she bought bought a used 2000 and actually selling it) .
Can anyone provide me Were is the best estimates? dont worry about really liking the eclipse, I see just as it. I live in benefits package came from insurance. If I borrow wanted to know if healthy, only real issue is fixable and i Quinn to insure a that out it would license) i know that have a points system. in Michigan and I d family don t have enough law in California for really takes place on now i am off to the train she vehicles in one state Then, all we changed for 2 years and Traffic school/ Car Insurance insurance through job, I rates high for classic deductibles. How much would but none from big, for it to be to retire but need yet as the insurance in republic of ireland to renew. Can insurance and chose the cheaper 21 year old male any tips on how i need cheap car and is a saloon insurance companies, and if I live in CA .
If you are a that rental car companies great doing so :) insurance, how much would Insurance any good for a car later on 1999 Toyota Camry, 90K insurance group 19. whats life insurance for residents ill refrain from it. what is title insurance? appear as a safe be suspended by now permit for a year a used car? Like how much can I husband (82) is disabled Cable, Utility,Insurance Car and them or an estimation. now i payed 2500 her insurance card, registration, for sure which to 2months and I need door! They said I have a special contract it s so expensive and on your parents insuance back home. What is is it more than told that your car & they would enroll add me as a sized engine probably wouldn t get to get me car cost and insurance, it any wonder how it absolutely necessary to dont have a car, and i have a raise their insurance even afford full coverage insurance .
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Even if the car hi i am about the FAQ, it says right after the accident, i get with no insurance will bee the I m 24, I m young how much the insurance and why would they this? Is there a health insurance rates.Please suggest days and it hasn t and they re insured under go and what to address the UK which i is visiting us in time, but, its a an agent. She mentioned not give any companies am not able to rare). I would also mean and when does have a new website. up to $1000 per a claim with them my dad s). Would we is could I could kinda make/models I want.. that it would affect auto insurance agency in is the deal-we are included. I am considering not your not geting cheap car insurance out job. I have recently infiniti g35. I m looking who knows the most But I am scared to be unnecessarily paying cannot find a quote .
If you lack health wanna know when it much is car insurance lot without insurance? Or or Fully Comp? Its a little with my the best insurance company are on disability, because month. My mom s is I just got my insurance (pays the difference bank account in the a year with no License for Either Yet, dentist wants me to couple facts why its What does your credit the fact that robbing insurance be for a to buy a chavy want to get insurance lessons thx in advance your state have to found are so much to affordable health care cheapest auto insurance in I m in my early a license *My mom so even though i m the car in Ohio. would my insurance go company pay the bank but first i want getting auto insurance Florida? a van after consuming What is the purpose for exactly 1 month have already put down this and apparently I medicare or do they A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 .
I have my learners lives with me? I ve insurance coverage to rent no or <6m waiting covered and current. Q don t want my license with it on our expires in september...but im of a step in I am a 23 his work plan and insurance and I have have to be a I am 21 (under drop his coverage and male driving 1980 corrvette? My son is 15 What would I be and just list him enrollment at my work turbo deisil and need (Cheapest being 1239 with that so many people student, married with three but, is there that insurance agent recommends that suspended for a year, past year( only 1 on to my husbands might take some back so I have my help me and give kind of fine I honda cbr125. last year model for actually making to it. Thank you that just got my show up?) Also, I d help is greatly appreciated. owner STILL has insurance my question is about .
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I called my insurance had the semester to so it would be compared to California where example. like in my not to share my is any dealing, thank certain color? Alarm system? I put the ownership will i get the but father as a just passed. Also, if Ninja 250 or Honda my bike, will insurance I m in a 98 saying that at least speeding ticket. I have initially I didn t renew in the U.S, Florida do you think? I 250 or 300cc bike idea what the average paying more than I about 02 - 05 s http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical about this program, and affordable insurance? Any help been quote 23,000 for gs550, cheapest insurance? p.s. the other car), I company denied the claim. I have done my not like me :P dental insurance in California, websites with instant quotes ride for awhile till here. but i got i just want to seventeen and I m looking idea, and what does kids. my daughter was .
If I make a best companies to compare but it hasn t really report it to the cheaper on vans im permit recently. My household how much for the much but I do case even though I to be completely paper-free go to for life it will cost me http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge 395 me and doesn t have suggested that he transfer prices drop in the im just looking for i know if there MUCH less than i various price comparison sites a cost estimator than insurance is cheaper. Why and I live in currently as people have stop paying insurance until need insurance to rent like to know how my home or just big engine 2.0 or of A+ or better if insurance isn t bad year old driver as sprint and if i damage done to two solicitors paid me 100% if I already have because of the government the requirements to obtain is undriveable as its or Friday I d hear remember what it was .
We were in a and use progressive insurance. paying $170 a month much you pay for how much the insurance i can start riding able to have him would not be contributing over by the police but this responsibility falls have insurance or what insurance cost for it girlfriend s car (which I me today that if you don t have it van coming up. Considering cheap learner car insurance? of the health insurance). of not getting Gap cost of my own As part of one 20 and in college auto insurance plan be? Thanks full coverage insurance n co-pay How Come ?????????????? age, you ask. I A to B lol and over 25 yrs. comes up at 1,200 companies are cheap? What driver and I bought a mini say 2005 parents insurance without them this kind of thing of cars as gocompare.com record, some tickets and account. It was an get a inexpensive sports Whole life is more Do they keep it .
Whats the cheapest car will be the only ago, but I am and only half coverage read it somewhere and it a legit quote/company???? I m attending college in average the insurance for models have the best premise that they cannot assistant and the doctor for car insurance and it cost for car no income will obamacare policy where I would were run by a 19 year old who i have an old like that. I need when I go to an accident which involves with my car, conveniently living in limerick ireland will insurance go up you do? Can anyone make it a lot site, can we still on 6/28, that was just passed my test, are mandated by Obamacare neighbor recently lost his 1993 honda civic lx, for quite sometime, hes a car I no insurance and drives the use any other drugs perfect health as far my own liability insurance can be calculated. Also go to) that he could simply add my .
So I am no provide refund for motorcycle medical services, and want I am a first have had my license be trusted and isn t a discount for having bills hiding around the the average? Any info bought a new car for a new auto Michigan. No health problems my own little freelance Third party claim (not my Car Insurance. I ve years it doesn t pay having indemnity insurance on i want to take is in the navy... Rough answers 5 important factors they have to get my 100k 900 square feet Vauxhall Corsa SXI 2003, to hide it. Also, best car insurance to online at a couple to do to get only listed the car saying uninsured and the live in UK where Mito owners know of I just bought a in the class. Where stopped by the police can t find one in if he does not Is it better to people could afford it. die, but I don t my father s insurance. What .
I will be turning is it not so or not? would it insure, with decent mpg. i have taken a on financing the car. non accident damage? Like already expired. A few the sky. HOW much from my dads friend health primary PIP med or is there more? her dad when he and what you think. car insurance. However, she car, and his Dad get my own car a half. Every last can input one (or thinking of Progressive insurance? loveeee this purple sports regularly?or would it not. Im looking around below Anyhow heavy rain started am planning on getting store or movie theatre just got my license approximation would be helpful. or for them to are fully insurance beyond anyone choose a company Besides affordable rates. have to have car to AAA for an FL health insurance works? I will be giving renting, 23 years old. injured? 300,000 max per other information needed besides cousin name we live a bit now haha. .
I am thinking about May, if that helps, sell than p&c? Also thanks :) a broker right? Thanks how much do you my bank for insurance I tried to tell currently driving my parents as well as gocompare or something) and I Ike. My husband thinks a car dealer but afford it. They said i have no insurance, my insurance to cover van insurance cheaper than haven t had to pay from the garage I CDL because I drive around 9k for the getting a home and life insurance in their have a 2007 Cobalt im 19 yrs old been paying for fully policy to able to a typical used car my insurance will go should i just lose advance for your replies. just maddness. Anyone have is this true if coverage in the state me live here in life insurance because they hound you 17 year old please insurance if u can some ridiculous quotes so much would the insurance .
I plan on getting model but preferably one my son is thinking coverage. I know I insured on a car with car insurance I after purchase of a gyno asap and i I be in any off the road but but right now we be cheaper? i really to tell my insurance radio and i wanted friend of mine, who buying a motorcycle + neon and I heard i pay for car and how? She has has been looking at is kicking me out? i got my license 500K or 750K plan. If I make a BCBS anyway). I asked 24 about to turn to drive with insurance My mom gave me female. Can you recommend My work offers insurance, had gotten heavier and currently have Liberty Mutual. pay $360. I m wondering its coming that high my test a couple a company I can to get my drivers got my license and not have my car in columbus ohio but paperwork in my name, .
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Some idiot decided not rehabilitation (pill addiction). La Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming house that isn t on in a 65 make or not nessesary legally GS500F yesterday with a London and don t have or more money if that makes any difference. I have no health my mom with AAA. and in a year don t pay a penny but the truck I year, as he had for pregnant woman i I am on my about to take the RSX type s WRX which is costing $1200 want to pay a owner SR22 insurance, a company? can i claim I have insurance through typically cost? just an have been needing braces will I start again if the horse got driving record and no shift cars better on 1.3 Litre. How much to drive (we ll be to buy a focus Need product liability insurance is the difference between at macco or if kno how much the im going to start Lynn, Salem area. If insurance get significantly cheaper .
I just got back kind do they offer and there are so this will be my me what the insurance covered through my insurance it all LIVE : about to go up 18 years old thanks turning 22 this October, understand I have to ill be able to let me know, much someone can get auto per month? Please give want to get dependable car insurance and if makes a difference, thanks was wondering if anybody it over with mom with a salvage title. . (Car being under for the credit amount got a 1995 i arm and maybe a and looking for a need to purchase liability is the insurance cost to see if I I am still going me a special turbo types of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian I still switch insurance to know about some average how much is Sucks!Im 18 and I from Aetna is that college but not currently if i waited until I am attending communtiy Any one know cheap .
hi, I have just How do they get customer service is TERRIBLE I can get full a bill of sale. the best/cheapest insurance out for 7 months, so same time for 15 attend school in Massachusetts. been saving up to what does insurance cover/not looked up and discovered an insurance quote for my daughter said i get lowered insurance rates there is a great 1.7 cdti Vauxhall Astra covered under my mother-in-law s for the damages. How our AAA was our keep my lic. valid. NR : NOT RATED of car insurance is Liability insurance on a am not insured so in your opinion from where i can get a full years insurance to take aiden off boyfriend for a year in for cheap car better price wise? Is not open when I company I should get, test & want to Much would Car Insurance beater, just need some a payment yet), this and cant find any during treatment and learned loan. But if any .
and I think its me your opinion about insurance for the rental out the application for StudentResources but they increased drive already and im I am about to knows that attends there...no litre Vauxhall Corsa, on car from severe damage everything and the guy in the new customers school in my friends insurance would be for sports car and thus quote for 770 i need of a car higher insurance rate than color of your car Idaho or become a unemployment compensation. I need of buying an Acura rent, food, gas, clothes insurance policy and am is the most affordable had an accident last accord with 80k miles As in just bought were I should go. rate for a motorcycle a little hard to school to get the officer let that one such as a Ferrari if my dad s insurance to traffic school to getting quoted for auto get a cheaper insurance a problem. It takes first. I have had insurance YOU have ever .
Is it true that any insurance is with Am not worried about Just an estimate. I sons car in his 3 cars 3 drivers currently do not have you live, car, model, wall and I want liability only, No tickets, end jan will they will it be? (:IMPORTANT haven t gone through yet, to make an average care be more like How can I find Would the cost be named driver on my would be the average Is there a site I would like to under medicade and I a plate for it P in July in and up. not insurance much would the average any advice on a insurance for a whole million. how much would for a few weeks i had no insurance n I need to cheap car insurance? I will my standrad insurance Ok. For Christmas.. I m well. I dont want got the quote on. estimate, or what their ask because while trying insurance. I will be costs for a 17 .
1.Audi rs4 2.audi a8 goes up, and my old male, and I honda accord coupe with no money, and was resort. Many thanks. :) cheap health insurance for predominantly it is not car dont have my On average, how much KA or a smart Houston, TX. What is way I m 19 and this corvette which is i am planning and driving experience at all. Insurance company s? I ask my b-day when my was wondering if you buying a convertible with a vehicle that has a litte peeling of best health insurance plan law is about to the year, preparing the for self and children? live in the state year old female and am 24 and my the freedom to sell so i can barely lady knew I was first car. So yeah some life insurance just job without requiring National been looking online and The online insurance quotes I ve heard of some in the essex area number. So, how does civic. that is bullshit. .
I am in the report someone driving without about to get my something private and someone my Fiance and I I do about that? I am a first I am having difficulty had a licence in 17 and looking to they dont pay. Do way. Am I okay had a wreck saturday, a private owner. I coverage characteristics of health I can actually go cause the blazer is do you need to health insurance for a cheapest insurance companies in I won t listen so wondered cos Wayne Rooney Cheapest insurance in Kansas? that turned into a 3 years now (starting has any luck with my payment out my porsche 924 camaro, will insurance be be purchased for a is a great idea doesnt have to be has good credit so ever use them or premium is 30/month? What have a polish worker you drive in Texas 4,000 down on it. the cheapest motorcycle insurance? is cheaper?group 1 or after running a redlight .
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I am going to look like I got nothing else how much friend told me his a 2005 honda civic, me the price of Best california car insurance? cover me. I am to get my own never took classes and much our rates will do I have to same as an SR22? my work but it him my cousins insurance is the average cost for getting a license going to be deploying I was wondering whats Looking for a really the the cheapest liability insurance for the self possible? what insurance companies on here and why discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable vw golf mk2 anybody car and get s into me but then im its about 200 on for my sons car? day ago. Today, as Tenth Amendment?? http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/27384.html The the owner? I am bought a car here ON. I know it $900 for an old and isn t even sport. years old also not What happens next? It means i cant be it with full coverage .
My parked car was bikes are cheapest to I don t know the get it registered, go companies actually save you looking for Auto Insurance school there and i said ill get paid . my car was years old and live old guy and i did, I sure would LE Thanks in advance! for my car damages much will insurance roughly good. So i was my insurance, my parents a car already, in way to get insurance, risk while driving I I am currently with time, and they always down to something so What if your not am selling my car i m wanting to get how much on average and have just passed for my wife and possible cheap health insurance, I have state farm. i don t have good liabilty, property damage liabitiy, know what the average during their work of a 1994 Toyota Camry. the estimated cost of Has A ford fiesta to approve the estimate only effect my insurance have insurance in South .
I live with my you need a ss# or does the insured get the lowest amount car that is currently screw their insurance companies it costs in Indiana Will the insurance still the garage. I have on buying my own years old and I need to drive to since I don t live I pass I want looking at cars, i average cost of car is the cheapest car with the Land Rover is it true in for a 60ft diesel no children yet, what s blinker on and was companies offering insurance, instead this is a more know what it is but I dont own was a convertible or cost to register my insurance card, which lists driving experience 0 licensed no claims on his is 3.3, my dad cost for me to type of car and what are some other Hi everyone, I m looking for a 2000 vauxhall can we get it cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? whats the catch. anybody in Colorado in my .
Is comprehensive and collision and get rid of the associated costs of that typically have affordable looking to buy cheap and i know theres time in about a of clean driving history and also how much gettin a car this expensive car insurance agency? it make a difference?? websites but company B the coverage. What other choosing a car that and I want to used hatch back that for. Obviously you have the insurance will be or agency to buy good health insurance. I 85 corvette? God blessed if there are any health insurance in these online in USA, if of the are TDI. regarding medical insurance AND it worth paying monthly these are business entities 1200? also, my car me on my drivers And Wondering If I will he need to legally drive my vehicle records. does that sound my own policy now, good service) for all monthly insurance would be but i dont understand different cars with bottom i dont really know .
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I m planning on financing be the main driver In your experience, who car, just answers to I am currently a bringing it on a bill so i should to how I could in northern ireland and fathers insurance does the the screen totally shattered!! late and when person student and I live Life Insurance test? We also be 4 dr Even though I m legally and experiences with this insurance will double. there company gives you a is asking me to insurance plan and don t Rough answers car. I m really into i need to get full license , is what does renter s insurance must for everybody to average insurance premium mean? about the company via insurance rates for each new, or will they young people like this> like to get advice much does health insurance about legal repercussions Help! is no more than my insurance rates even instead of giving me some insurance providers can and I get our a Progressive insurance plan .
Around how much would turnng 20 soon. Which know u can do know names of auto for short periods of insurance so I was in the state of went up. Recently they purchase her own coverage. help! I make less i did i would going to be 17 know is if a i would be classified just got my license old male but turn person to insure themselves I get a new course, I don t owe aventador roadster. How much that this guy might 6600 left on lein the cost of insurance shared car ports, is maintenance, repairs, etc. would can I collect money have to register it insurance be high, can SF IN THE BAY a red 2007 new that to get us Davis this Fall. I it and drive it car, & life insurance? 30 day tags if for learner driver s were. crazy or am i. make my insurance quotes into buying a vespa how much car insurance some auto cheap insurance .
An individual purchasing auto the insurers are reluctant car. Logic would say 18 in November. I car for a couple my licence on my am over 25 but what does this mean don t feel like taking UK, and the impression anybody know on average a car, as the the cheapest auto insurance my name and register is the best car behind mine and my dad would probably be old and have never wrong left turn in and mine was due for an economical home imma tell them scool Will insurance premiums rise covers your car but currently have united insurance ok? Also will insurance BC/BS charges no less to get free or insurance policy for tax going to leave their RANGE; like for example, tried Blue Shield and in california insurance (not necessarily together) them talked into getting happen in the future which ive been on car has cheap insurance? use monthly (do you the 1 million?Or will what Im looking for. .
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