#and my dad is like Gordon Ramsey. both in attitude and cooking skills.
thebugcollector024 · 2 years
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If I have learned anything it is that sometimes you have to care about something that doesn’t really matter. Today I chose to care about the French toast.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Never Too Old Chapter 8 (Biadore) - China
AN: Sorry it took a while to post, I had to work on the other chapters, but I decided to post this one already so others don’t have to wait anymore. Well anyway, just a clarification, I only change the names and pronouns if the characters are in drag. So I’m sorry if this is badly written and that it’s confusing. But I do hope you guys still enjoy this story. There’s more to come.
Also, I added a scene without Roy and Danny, I couldn’t resist.
December 15, 2016 7:43 AM
Morning finally came, Danny woke up from the small sounds coming from his phone. He rubbed his eyes and turned around; he was hoping to see Roy’s sleeping face and plant kisses on him to wake up. But he immediately sat up to see that Roy was gone.
His heart started to beat fast, feeling a bit scared. He was trying to convince himself that maybe he’s just overthinking or maybe Roy went out to buy something. But it felt hopeless for Danny to be rational towards himself, his feelings took over again. He was surprised with how fast it shrouded his mind.
This wasn’t the first time this happened to him, his mind started flash back all the times he woke up alone in his bed feeling cheap from the night before. It hurt even more when the person he sleeps with immediately leaves right after sex. Danny hasn’t really cuddled up to anyone the morning after, and he wished that Roy would be there when he wakes up.
He felt his lips shake and tears started to fall from his eyes. His breathing got faster, almost at the point of panicking. Before he could step out of the bed, he saw the door open. He saw Roy slowly entering the door carefully holding a breakfast tray, he paused when he saw Danny sitting up. Roy saw how flushed and scared his expression was, he immediately placed the tray on the counter and climbed on the bed to hug Danny.
“Hey? What happened?” Roy softly said, caressing his back. He wiped the tears away from Danny’s eyes and showered his forehead with kisses. Danny dug his head on Roy’s chest and started crying, he clenched on Roy’s shirt and let his tears fall.
His heart was overflowing with emotions, this was his Achilles foot in life; letting his heart and emotions win. He wishes that he could stop being like that, he gets worried his friends have a hard time dealing with it, especially with Roy. He’s lucky enough that at least his mom is starting to understand his situation better. His brothers and sisters were always the ones to condition him to be better with his attitude and feelings. In times like this and if he still had the strength to think, he would replay the words from his brother, Ernie:
“You have the right to feel what you wanna feel. They’re your feelings and you’re just feeling. But always pick yourself after and keep moving forward.”
He took a deep breath and wiped his tears away, he gently pulled away from Roy and looked up at him. “I’m sorry.” He said, smiling at Roy. “I thought you ran off or something.”
“Ran off? Why would I do that?” Roy asked, his eyebrows scrunched up, a bit confused with what Danny said. He wouldn’t do that to Danny, Roy understands that he would get scared of that and he knows about the times Danny got ditched by the guys he sleeps with. Roy knows he would never do that to Danny and he knows he’s not that much of a jerk. He grabbed Danny’s face and made him look straight into his eyes. “I’m always gonna be here, Danny.” Without hesitation, he pressed his lips on Danny’s.
Danny blushed at what Roy said and kissed him back, he was relieved that he was still there and that the way Roy was feeling for him was the same. Danny was scared that Roy changed his mind already about being with him and left. It was the usual feelings he gets when it comes to having sex with someone for the first time.
He was telling himself to stop feeling so much again, and maybe have more faith in the situation. Having sex with Roy the night before, meant everything to him. So it would have crushed him if Roy would just leave right after that.
Sometimes Danny wishes he could stop being like this; too emotional for his own good. He was diagnosed with depression back in his teenage years from trauma with his dad but as the years pass by he felt himself get better with it. He does admit that it’s still there and that he can’t really escape from it. But the way his emotions are, they take the best of him.
Danny could still feel Roy’s lips, they were still soft as ever, it made his heart melt under the touch. His hands slowly held Roy’s neck and they deepened the kiss.
“Roy, do you know where the— oh shit.” Shane said as he swung the door open and stopped himself when he saw the both of them kissing and discovering that Danny was naked. Both of them pulled away from each other and Danny immediately pulled the blanket to cover himself.
“What the hell, Shane?! Don’t you know how to knock?!” Roy scolded the blonde while sitting on the ledge of the bed. Shane couldn’t help but crack a big smile on his face. Within seconds he’s already figured out what has happened which led to this situation, his cheek-to-cheek smile wouldn’t fade away as he slowly moved towards the bed. Danny dropped his face on his hands and smiled as well but he couldn’t help but feel so embarrassed.
“You two already know what I’m gonna say, but congratulations! You finally had sex!” Shane almost screamed, knowing Dan was gonna hear it from outside the living room. Shane jumped into bed with his two friends and hugged both of them.
Roy gave a face to Shane and scoffed. “Why are you so happy? Were you waiting for it to happen or something?”
“Well… yes. Ever since you two have been sharing rooms during our first Pride parade after our season. Remember? In Toronto?” Shane stated, still hugging Danny.
“You really seem happy about it.” Roy added, shaking his head.
Danny couldn’t help but hug Shane back, he giggled at the two arguing. Shane knew that Danny has been wanting to get Roy to sleep with him, even before they got together. So he gets why Shane is really happy. These are the moments where Danny would feel so much love for Shane, he was always the best person to go to when he felt lost with his life or with his feelings about Roy.
Shane pulled away from the younger man and smiled again at the two. “Well, I see that Roy was romantic enough to bring you after sex breakfast, so I’ll leave you two love birds to that.” He said cheerfully while getting off the bed.
“Wait, what was your question? You were asking something when you barged in the room” Roy remembered. Shane turned around again and gently slapped his palm on his forehead.
“Right right, by any chance do you know where the spices are? You were cooking this morning and I can’t find them.”
“Really? I placed them in the cupboard above the microwave.” Roy said flatly, close to deadpan. He already wanted Shane to leave.
“Oh alright, I’ll go check it out.” He said opening the bedroom door. “Enjoy your morning.” He said giving them a two thumbs up and a wink to Roy.
The two watch the door close, Roy let out a sigh of relief that they were both alone again. He looked over at Danny, and this time he wasn’t sad, he was looking at Roy with a gentle smile. Roy felt his heart shoot up to his throat when he saw how the light from the snowy morning beamed perfectly on Danny. It felt like a dream for Roy, Danny was beautiful and he could feel himself melt in this presence.
“So you cooked me breakfast?” Danny softly said, breaking the silence and his hand finding Roy’s.
Roy couldn’t help but blush, he looked down at their hands and gently caressed Danny’s and smiled. “Yeah I did. I’m not much of a cook though. But I know you only eat cereal for breakfast so I decided to make you something different.”
Danny chuckled at the fact that Roy was right. The sound of Danny’s laugh was endearing for Roy. It was his favorite sound at that moment, Roy thought that he was a comedian and wondered why he wasn’t using his skills to make Danny smile and laugh more often.
“That’s true. But I love my Froot Loops.” Danny said smiling at his partner. Roy smiled back and finally took the breakfast tray and placed it gently on Danny’s lap. It was a presentable dish, a fluffy omelet with two pieces of toast and a side of fresh tomatoes. Danny was amazed on how perfect the toast looked, it was the actual golden brown he’s seen on television.
He picked up the toast and grazed the fork on it, hearing the perfect crunchy sound. “This is some Gordon Ramsey shit, Roy. How did you do it?” Danny said taking a bite from the toast. It tasted better than how it looked.
Roy enjoyed the sight of Danny happily munching on the toast. “Well, I just know how to use a toaster.” He chuckled, he leaned forward to kiss Danny on his forehead. “Plus I have the same toaster back in my apartment, so I know how to use it.”
Danny smiled at Roy, his mouth full of food. Roy loved these moments; he loved seeing Danny indulge in his own world and just enjoy without caring about anything else. It was a beautiful thing for him, it seemed really ordinary but it felt so much more to him. He watched Danny shove another spoonful in his mouth and trying to talk with his mouth full. Danny would offer a spoon to Roy, and he would accept the offer and get fed by Danny.
Between both of them, Roy was more afraid of what is gonna come from the relationship they have. But after the events from this morning, he realized they were both scared but for different reasons. Danny was scared to lose Roy, he knew that. But Roy was scared about the future, he isn’t getting any younger and he wasn’t sure if he was the right person to be with Danny.
He looks at Danny, his sweet smile radiating the mood and the tone of his voice was completely different, it sent a warmth to Roy’s heart. There has been many instances where Roy would question his romantic feelings towards the younger one but he always shrugged it off. Now that they started something new, shared their first kiss and made love, Roy’s vision on it was clearer and it was a shock to him. Every time he heard Danny giggle or smile or even say his name, Roy’s heart would skip a beat.
He grabbed Danny’s hand, held it close to his chest and leaned in for another kiss. Danny, a bit surprised by the gesture, happily responded. Their lips were connected again, the spark was always there, flowing back and forth through their bodies. Roy gently pulled away and caressed his thumb on Danny’s scruffy cheek. At that moment, Roy felt himself falling for Danny.
December 19, 2016 4:55 AM
It was their last day in Colorado, they already brought their bags to the car and Roy made sure the apartment was clean as ever before they leave. He even bought new plants for Jerick’s sister as a thanks for letting them stay, luckily he brought some of his Bianca del Rio merchandise and left it for her as another gift.
Shane and Danny went out to buy some snacks for their drive to Las Vegas. Shane decided that they would spend one night in Utah and continue the next day. But Roy insisted they would drive straight to Las Vegas, him and Danny agreed to take turns half way through the travel. Roy just needed a cup of coffee before they leave.
Dan was fixing the bags inside the trunk of the car again, Roy just exited the building and headed towards the tall friend.
“Did we leave anything?” Dan said to Roy as he finished aligning the suitcases. Roy reached for his pocket and showed him a small box.
“I’m pretty sure this is yours ‘cause I’ve already finished mine.” Roy said handing him the box of condoms. “I rather not waste that, condoms are fucking expensive.”
Dan felt slightly embarrassed that Roy had to return the condoms, but he just laughed and kept them in his coat pocket. He paused a bit and looked at Roy, feeling like it was the best time he would open this up to Roy.
“Hey, can I ask a question?” Dan leaned on the car, waiting for Roy’s response.
“You already asked one. But go ahead.” Roy quickly said. He finished a text to Danny and when he hit send he looked up at Dan and kept his phone in his pocket. Dan simply chuckled at how fast Roy responded, he fixed his position and took a deep breath. Roy raised an eyebrow, sensing that this question was serious.
“Do you think Shane takes me seriously?” He finally asked. Roy was a bit caught off-guard with this question, Shane has never made men stay long enough to ask this question. Roy’s mind started rushing for an answer, which is pretty obvious for him.
“Well if you ask me, if he didn’t, he wouldn’t bother inviting you to this road trip, Dan.” Roy answered, he looked at Dan noticing that the tall man was really concerned with the topic. “I mean, if you were just another guy, then he wouldn’t have invited you and had sex with different men already. One for each stop over.” Roy managed to make a joke, he laughed at himself but when he looked at Dan still giving the same face and his smile immediately faded. Roy knows that Dan has gotten out of a long term relationship way before getting with Shane and comparing him to Shane, Dan knows how to be in a serious relationship. Maybe he wanted to be in one with Shane.
Dan kept quiet and stared up to the sky, it started snowing and the breeze got colder by the seconds. Roy immediately placed his hands inside his jacket and watched his breath wafting in the cold air. He takes another look at Dan, he doesn’t really know what Dan wants from this relationship.
“You know…” Roy started. “Shane is the kind of person who wouldn’t want to tie himself down. He has been in a long term relationship before but it didn’t work out for him so it made him want to see men casually, nothing serious.” Roy leaned on the car next to Dan. he stared at the sidewalk for a moment to think about what else to say. He looked up again at Dan and smiled. “You’re lucky, Dan.”
“I am?” Dan said back. “I mean, sometimes I feel like it’s not really that convincing since Shane has that history and mine makes it seem like I’m still hung over my ex.”
“Well, the past shouldn’t matter.”
“I guess I’m not used to this. I mean, I want us to be official but I don’t want to scare him off with commitment.”
Roy had to pause a bit, realizing that maybe what Dan wanted is also something that Danny wanted also. It did scare Roy, it still has but now it seems a bit different. He wants to be with Danny, but he didn’t want to think that Danny was scaring him with commitment. Roy looked back at Dan and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Do you love Shane?” He asked, thinking that maybe he shouldn’t have mentioned it since it’s too soon. Dan looked down at the snow covering his shoes and played with them.
“I do. I’m in love with Shane.” Dan said in a shaky voice. He gave Roy a half-hearted smile and looked back down at his feet. “I even told him. But he hasn’t said anything yet.”
Roy felt like he choked on his own saliva. He hasn’t heard anything from Shane about it, but maybe he’s already telling Danny right now. Roy took his hand down and placed it back in his pocket, the breeze was getting colder.
“Is Shane avoiding you?” Roy said, breaking the silence between the two. Dan nodded his head sideways, supposedly to be relieved he isn’t but it didn’t seem like a good thing for Dan.
Dan finally broke into a smile, something that Roy was waiting since the conversation started. “It’s alright, I mean, that’s what love is. You should be patient.” He finally said, looking straight at Roy. “At least I know that Shane is yet to answer me.”
Roy swallowed hard, his mind was running faster than a while ago. At that point, he was trying his best to think about Shane but what was so dominant was Danny. Roy’s heart was beating fast, like it was beating against his chest about to explode. He loves Danny. Roy is in love with Danny. It was something that hit him so hard, harder than the day he admitted it to himself. He couldn’t stop the feeling, he started blinking fast and felt his mouth run dry.
“Dan!” a familiar voice called from afar. Roy and Dan turned around to see Shane running towards them. Shane wrapped his arms around Dan’s neck and hugged him tight. Roy was looking at how happy the two are as they share a kiss. Roy turned his head again and everything seemed to stop. It was those moments when time would stop for Roy and the world was on pause. He saw Danny walking towards him, giving him the most beautiful smile Roy has ever seen. Moments ago, Roy’s heart was beating so fast but when he laid eyes on Danny, the beating became slower, and he could feel everything.
Roy knew he couldn’t breathe when Danny approached him and laid a hand on his cheek. “You okay, baby?” Danny softly asked. Roy didn’t know what to do or say but there was one thing he could only think about. He pressed his lips on Danny the moment he laid his eyes on them, Danny was starting to like it when Roy would kiss him out of nowhere. Danny gently pulled away, his hand was resting on Roy’s chest. He felt a bit shy kissing in front of Shane and Dan but when Danny turned to see where they were, they were at the other side of the car making out.
Danny and Roy were a bit surprised that they were already doing that, Danny chuckled and looked back at Roy. He gently pulled Roy’s face closer to lay a soft kiss on his cheek. Roy could feel himself blush at the contact, he looked back at Danny and smiled. He wanted to kiss Danny again but he didn’t want to join Shane and Dan.
“I’m sure Dan talked to you about it, huh?” Danny said, happily looking at Shane and Dan.
“Yep. But I’m gonna assume that Shane talked to you about it and figured it out on his own.” Roy smirked, he realized that Danny was holding a plastic bag of snacks and grabbed it from Danny. He opened the passenger’s side of the car and placed the bag on the seat and closed it. The impact made Shane and Dan stop kissing and giggled at each other. They didn’t say anything, Dan opened the door for Shane and they hopped in the back of the car.
Roy stepped in the driver’s seat and waited till Danny settled down inside. He started the ignition and started driving out to the highway. It was gonna be a long drive for them, and they might arrive in the evening. Danny found out there is a drag show in Vegas, Joey and Michael Steck was gonna be the main event so the four agreed to attend. Luckily the show was going to be on the following night, so they have one night to rest from the travel.
Roy didn’t realize he’s been driving for a while now. The three were asleep already, Roy had to stop a few times to pay the toll fee and continued driving. He could already see the sky turn into morning, the silence was deafening for him even with Danny’s music playing in the background. Roy had to depend on his thoughts for now, which was a risky thing for him.
When it came to love, Roy had his heart locked for most of the time. He was always protective over it, even when he was with Jason. When he thinks of his situation with Danny, it seemed like Danny has already been picking his wall down already and all that Roy had to do was to acknowledge his presence. There was something about Danny that Roy had a soft side for and it was a bizarre thing for him.
He glanced at Danny a couple of times, realizing that he’s already gone far with him and it was a good thing for Roy. He didn’t want to look back, but the fear was still there. Roy despised himself for always reminding himself about it; the future of their relationship. It hasn’t been long but he’s already tired of it, over thinking and doubting the situation. There was something holding him back and at this point, he can’t figure out what it is or how to stop it and he wanted it to stop.
December 19, 2016 8:09 PM
The four finally arrived in Spring Valley, Las Vegas, Shane decided they would stay at The Orleans Hotel and Casino. Shane looked at Roy and asked him if it felt like home which made him very annoyed. Shane and Dan were already inside their hotel room, Danny and Roy said good night and went on with their evening alone.
Shane was fixing his clothes by the bed, thinking of what to wear for the drag show they were going on the following night. Dan just got off the shower and entered the room, he looked at Shane and smiled. He approached the blonde and hugged him from behind. Shane immediately turned around and kissed him, his hands gently resting on Dan’s face.
They both pulled away and smiled at each other. Dan couldn’t feel anything but love for him. His eyes changed mood, worried if Shane felt the same for him.
Shane picked up a shirt and handed it to Dan, he accepted and immediately wore it. Dan hopped onto the bed and Shane followed after he placed the suitcase on the floor.
He cuddled up to Dan and looked up at him. “I’m slightly worried about the both of them.” He softly said.
Dan looked at Shane and combed his hand through his blonde hair. “Why? I thought they were going strong?”
“Well… it may seem like that but I know they both are having problems about it.”
“Danny told you?”
“Kind of.” Shane fell quiet for a bit thinking about it. “Danny is so in love with Roy but he doesn’t know if Roy does as well. He wants to be with him badly but his personal problems are still there and he doesn’t want Roy to get tired of him because of that.”
“Okay, go on.” Dan said as he sat up and looked at Shane.
“Roy on the other hand, is scared of hurting Danny.” Shane sat up as well and scratched his head. “He’s still worried that he’s too old for him and that he might not be the right person for Danny.”
“I thought Roy was in love with Danny?”
“Is he?”
Dan shrugged, he knows he can’t give a sure answer since he’s not close to either Danny or Roy. He looked at his partner and gave his usual assuring smiles. “Don’t stress out so much about it, babe.”
“I’m just worried this will end badly.” Shane replied looking down. Dan can tell he really is worried, he knows how much Danny and Roy meant to him. So he would know it would really hurt Shane if something bad would happen.
“Just let them sort things out on their own, it’s their relationship anyway. I know they will find clarity.” Dan was right, it really is their endeavor. Shane finally smiled at Dan and gave him another kiss.
Shane pulled away and held Dan’s face, his thumbs caressing the scruffy cheek. “Thank you.” He whispered. He looked at the lazy gaze of Dan’s eyes and smiled. “I love you.”
Dan’s eyes went wide and before he could say anything Shane placed a finger on his lips and kissed him again. The two fell on the bed and absorbed themselves in the new love that blossomed. It took a while for Shane to think about it, he hasn’t been in love in a long while but things are different with Dan. He felt things he hasn’t felt in a while and even if the sex is perfect, he feels safe and taken care with Dan. It makes Shane excited for what this has to bring and he does see something long term with Dan, he knows he’s made the right decision.
December 21, 2016 3:04 AM
The nightlife of Las Vegas seem like it was timeless, it was one of Roy’s favorite places to go to, but he only strongly agrees with that when he’s really drunk. The four ended up in a bar with Tatianna and Pandora Boxx after the show, they were both in drag but Tatianna decided to get out of drag before going home.
Shane and Dan went to get the car and drive Pandora back to her hotel since they got her really drunk. Danny and Roy decided to stay with Joey while he rubs the last of Tatianna from his face. Joey grabs his bags on the floor and headed towards the couple.
“Why don’t I bring you two love birds back to your hotel?” Joey said standing next to them. Danny looked at Roy and asked for his confirmation. Roy nodded to the both of them and the three headed towards Joey’s car that was parked beside the bar.
Roy hopped in the front seat with Joey while Danny crashed at the back seat, his head flat on the leather seats. Roy just smiled at the sight and looked back at Joey.
As the car started and Joey drove out of the parking lot, Danny immediately fell asleep and started snoring. It was a long drive back to their hotel, Joey’s hotel was just a few blocks away from theirs so he didn’t mind taking them.
“I’m honestly surprised you and Danny are a thing now.” Joey started, eyes still on the road. Roy chuckled and smiled to himself.
“I am too. But in a good way.” Roy replied, being honest with himself.
“How has he been though? Like after All Stars.” Joey finally said, he’s been wanting to ask that from someone else for a while. Even if Danny said it himself that he’s been fine but he hasn’t really been himself after that and Joey has noticed it.
Roy paused for a bit, deciding on whether he should tell him the truth or not. “Well… he still has his breakdowns. But lately, he’s been better.” Roy said, thinking that’s a safe answer. It feels uncomfortable for him to be the one to say it instead of Danny.
“Well, that’s good to hear.” Joey said. Roy wasn’t sure what to say after that and Joey didn’t seem to say anything else after that. Joey gave out a long and deep sigh and looked at Roy and smiled. “I’m gonna tell you this, Roy. You are fucking lucky to have him.”
Roy was a bit surprised with what he said, not sure where this was coming from.
“I hate to be straightforward with you and I honestly blame the shots we had but I really want to say this.” He gave a look at Roy when they stopped at a traffic light. “Adore is fucking crazy, with the whole making out with fans and free love and all that. But Danny, he is something. He has such a big heart and he has been hurt a lot and I know you know that. So if he shows affection to you and if he kisses you and only you, that means you mean a lot to him.”
Joey placed the car on drive again the moment the light turned green and took a right turn, they were already near the hotel. “But it’s good you took care of him after All Stars.”
Roy glanced at him, feeling a bit confused with what he said. Joey smiled, eyes still on the road. “I know he ran to you, Roy. He told me. So I know for a fact you are someone so special to him. I don’t know, take a chance at whatever you two have, you might regret it.”
Roy felt his throat run dry as Joey said these words, it was like he knew the entire situation of their relationship. He couldn’t help but feel a bit hurt from the things he’s saying because he doesn’t know and he’s not in their position. But he does appreciate Joey a lot, he is very straightforward with his opinions and he’s not the type to backstab anyone.
Joey entered the parking lot and stopped somewhere near the entrance. Roy looked at Joey and gave him a smile.
“I know he is. He’s important to me as well.” Roy said softly, looking at Danny sleeping and smiled weakly. “I may be a cold hearted bitch, but this guy really fucked me up and I’m glad he did.”
He felt Joey’s hand on his and they both looked at each other and smiled. They shared a brief hug and stepped out of the car. They woke up Danny, who was a bit upset that he had to get up and insisted that he’d sleep inside Joey’s car. Luckily Roy persuaded him to go up their room and before they parted, Danny gave a lazy hug to Joey and watched Joey drive off.
Danny was walking close to Roy, still a bit sleepy. “I really fell asleep the whole ride?” Danny asked, scratching his eyes. They entered the hotel lobby and headed straight towards the elevator. Roy chuckled and pressed the button, waiting for the elevator to arrive.
“Yeah you did. Flopped and knocked out.” Roy held Danny’s hand and gently led him inside the elevator when the doors opened. He pressed a few more buttons and they were both waiting to reach their floor. Danny leaned his head on Roy’s shoulder, and Roy couldn’t help but smile at him. Their hands intertwined again and Roy laid soft kisses on Danny’s head. They immediately stepped out once the doors opened to their floor.
The moment they opened the door to their room and Danny stepped inside, Roy closed the door and held Danny’s hand making him pause and look back at him. “What’s up?” Danny asked.
“Nothing…” Roy said, still holding his hand. He pulled Danny closer to him and placed his hand gently on his cheek. “I just want to let you know I’m always here for you.” Danny was a bit put off-guard with what Roy said, since nothing really bad happened. Roy caressed his thumb on Danny’s cheek and his lips, staring deep at his green eyes. “And that you make me really happy, Danny.”
“You make me really happy, Danny.” It was the only thing ringing in Danny’s head at that moment. His heart was beating fast and he couldn’t help but feel pulled into Roy’s eyes.
Danny felt his legs go weak, he could feel something with Roy’s stare. The eyes were the windows of the soul and it would betray both of them all the time. Even if Roy shows off this strong and impenetrable persona, but sometimes looking deep into his eyes would show you the truth behind it. It was the same with Danny, he would say he’s fine but Roy could just see right through him.
So much could be said with a stare, Danny was crossing his fingers in his mind hoping that Roy would feel the same way he felt. As if he wants Roy to immediately read his thoughts through his eyes. Danny has said this so many times to himself, but Roy has the most beautiful brown eyes he’s ever seen. The chocolate colored eyes that just make him feel like a high schooler again; all giddy inside.
He could still feel Roy’s hand on his cheek, and it was sending chills down his spine. Roy’s touch was really something else for Danny, he gets more excited by the contact because of how in love he is with Roy. The way Roy was looking at him was already enough to make him fall in love again, even without any hugs or kisses or any extra romantic words. It was just with a look and it made Danny’s heart sink all over again. It was driving him crazy at some point on how in love he is already, but he isn’t scared or he isn’t regretting it.
He grabs Roy’s face and finally kisses him. He doesn’t need to tell Roy any words at that moment, he just wanted to show it to him and he wasn’t gonna waste any time.
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