#also I let my dad taste the French toast
latestparis-style · 2 months
My sister and I made French toast from a recipe in a fanfiction. And we took a lot of pictures.
Welcome to the LatestParis_Kitchen.
For the last year or so, my sister and I have made a fun hobby of reading the most bizarre Phantom of the Opera fanfictions we can find. Out loud, tossing the phone back and forth to each other by chapter. Neither of us read it beforehand, and it's a 10/10 experience.
There's a POTO fanfic on Wattpad by the name "Angel In Hell". It's by user: momenttodebruh. Read the fic. It's the epitome of the perfect, unhinged Y/n fic. With loads of iconic lines. My sister and I quote this fic like it's a popular TV show. Seriously, it got to the point where my mother repeated one of lines because we said it so often. This fic is (intentionally or not) hilarious and a masterpiece.
In the fic, the protagonist, a Y/N my sister and I dubbed "Bitch", makes her "famous French toast™" to impress the manager into hiring her as a chef at the opera house.
The best part?
The recipe is followable with exact quantities given.
Here are screenshots from the fic:
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I refined it to this recipe:
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You know, just in case you're a freak who wants to try this.
My sister, Beth, and I have joked about "Bitch's famous French toast™" every time we make regular French toast, and today is the day we decide if her recipe would make us hire her.
Beth can make a mean French toast, so let's see how Bitch's famous recipe measures up.
Here's all the ingredients. We are following this shit as closely as possible, so no half batch. 6 eggs and all.
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We thought we would only need four slices of bread. God were we mistaken.
Just as a side note, Beth and I were doing this while our parents were out to dinner, so we're on a time crunch. Sorry for any blurriness in the photos!
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Here's the 6 eggs. This is the least gross looking photo I managed to take. Also, Beth is method acting, look at the Victorian lace on those sleeves.
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We added the vanilla extract here too, but I believe it didn't change much.
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Okay, so we used our four slices only to discover that there was half the batter left. Beth suggested we make it to freeze. She has much more hope in Bitch's Famous French Toast than I do, but I agreed. We were drenching these slices, so maybe you could get more out of this recipe.
haha, this is where shit hits the fan, or egg hits the pan? Anyway, the house started to get a little smoky. Our house has smoke detectors connected to the alarm system, so if they go off, the firetrucks are coming. We burnt about half the French toast, so I took the smoke detectors off the walls. Then the alarm started... beeping? It wasn't blaring, thank God, but I'd never heard it beep before, so Beth opened all the windows to air out the house, and I had to awkwardly call my dad like: "heh, we made French toast, so if you get a call, don't let the fire trucks come. oops."
Only after that did I realize that the alarm was beeping because I took the smoke detectors off the walls.
So I put those back on.
We were simultaneously laughing our asses off while flipping out about the possibility of firefighters coming to our house because of a fanfic. It was fun. Certainly intensified this experience.
And in the end we had...
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A strangely eggy, flavorless stack of "Bitch's Famous French Toast"
Some of them were very burnt, but that's down to Beth and me. Y/N doesn't hold any blame.
Look at all that toast (eight fucking slices) and keep in mind that Firmin canonically eats the entire stack. And, AND! It was so good, in the next chapter, he call for it to be served to the whole opera house.
Beth quote: "It really just tasted like eggs. The cinnamon didn't do much, but because the egg soaked into the bread so much, it had this strange, bizarre custardy quality?"
Her rating: 4/10
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I, as a person with celiac disease, had to make it on gluten-free bread. It's worse that way: 3/10
After eating, uh, some of the French toast and freezing the rest for a moment of hungry desperation, we sat on the couch to collect ourselves. I started typing up this post, when our upstairs TV miraculously turns on (it turns on with any change in the room's lights, and it's extremely annoying).
What is it playing?
Which, in fairness, we had been watching earlier. Gordon Ramsay was speaking to our souls while we sat on that couch.
Side note, please don't take this as us hating on this fic. It was our single biggest inspiration while writing "A Girl's Desire" and we genuinely adore it for all it's worth.
If the author sees this, I will be starstruck.
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rindomness · 1 year
rin. rin what is your favourite number and do you have a fun reason behind it. longtime fan first time asker <3
HIII! let's see favorite numbers. admittedly i did include a number of mine *in* the numbers fic and that should have been a Sign but i did not heed it. but my favorite number... hm. there's a lot of very very good numbers but i thinkkk i have to go with pi
parrrt of that is probably that my dad has celebrated pi time by very loudly and excitedly announcing it is pi time every time he notices for, like, my whole life. mostly this is in the afternoon and consists of phone calls/text messages. sometimes this is at three fourteen am when i receive texts from him about it. so there's that.
also pi is just. it's great? it's an infinite nonrepeating decimal? that's sooo cool? and circles are my friends and pi is my friend and it's delightful to me. one year in high school for pi day (3/14) my mom and I tried to make a butterscotch cinnamon pie (because at the time my Big Thing was undertale) except it went so poorly bc we (read: the adult) burned the butterscotch and it ended up tasting like slightly stale french toast and i cherish this memory of kitchen experimentation gone smokey and wrong dearly
on a, like... my major-slash-hopefully-future-career thing i like 0.05 because that's the standard alpha value to use for hypothesis testing and it involves fives and it just feels very very nice to me. also zero. normal curves centered at zero are my very bestest friends in statistical analysis <3
thank you so much numbers are literally my favorite things. number theory my beloved i wish i could take combinatorics again but alas i cannot v.v
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Although each of the world's countries would like to dispute this fact, we French know the truth: The best food in the world is made in France.
The best food in France is made in Paris.
And the best food in Paris, some say, is made by Chef Auguste Gusteau. Gusteau's restaurant is the toast of Paris, booked five months in advance. And his dazzling ascent to the top of fine French cuisine has made his competitors envious.
He is the youngest chef ever to achieve a five-star rating. Chef Gusteau's cookbook, “Anyone Can Cook!” Climbed to the top of the bestseller list.
But not everyone celebrates its success.
Amusing title, Anyone Can Cook! What's even more amusing is that Gusteau actually seems to believe it.
I, on the other hand, take cooking seriously. And, no, I don't think anyone can do it.
This is me.
I think it's apparent I need to rethink my life a little bit.
What's my problem?
First of all I’m a rat. Which means life is hard.
And second, I have a highly developed sense of taste and smell.
Flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla bean... Oh! Small twist of lemon.
Emile: Whoa, you can smell all that? You have a gift.
This is Emile, my brother. He's easily impressed.
Daddy Rat: So you can smell ingredients? So what?
This is my dad. He's never impressed. He also happens to be the leader of our clan.
So, what's wrong with having highly developed senses?
Remy: (smells something off in food Emile’s eating) Don't eat that!
Daddy Rat: - What's going on here?
Turns out that funny smell was rat poison.
Suddenly, Dad didn't think my talent was useless. I was feeling pretty good about my gift, until Dad gave me a job.
That's right. Poison checker.
Remy: (to a line of rats with food for him to check) Cleanerific. Cleanerino. Close to godliness, which means clean. You know, cleanliness is close to... Never mind. Move on.
Well, it made my dad proud.
Daddy Rat: Now, don't you feel better, Remy? You've helped a noble cause.
Remy: Noble? We're thieves, Dad. And what we're stealing is, let's face it, garbage.
Daddy Rat: It isn't stealing if no one wants it.
Remy: If no one wants it, why are we stealing it?
Let's just say we have different points of view.
This much I knew: If you are what you eat, then I only want to eat the good stuff. But to my dad...
Daddy Rat: Food is fuel. You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die. Now shut up and eat your garbage.
Remy: Look, if we're going to be thieves, why not steal the good stuff in the kitchen, where nothing is poisoned?
Daddy Rat: First of all, we are not thieves. Secondly, stay out of the kitchen and away from the humans. It's dangerous.
I know I'm supposed to hate humans, but there's something about them. They don't just survive. They discover, they create. I mean, just look at what they do with food. How can I describe it? Good food is like music you can taste, color you can smell. There is excellence all around you. You need only be aware to stop and savor it.
Remy (eating a mushroom and cheese): Oh, Gusteau was right. Oh, mmm, yeah. Oh, amazing. Each flavor was totally unique. But combine one flavor with another, and something new was created. So now I had a secret life.The only one who knew about it was Emile.
Remy: Hey, Emile. Emile. I found a mushroom. Come on, you're good at hiding food. Help me find a good place to put this.
He doesn't understand me, but I can be myself around him.
Emile: Why are you walking like that?
Remy: I don't want to constantly have to wash my paws. Did you ever think about how we walk on the same paws that we handle food with? You ever think about what we put into our mouths? All the time. When I eat, I don't want to taste everywhere my paws have been.
Emile: Well, go ahead.But if Dad sees you walking like that, he's not going to like it.
Remy: What have you got there?
Emile: Ah, oh, oh...
Remy: You found cheese? And not just any cheese. Tomme de chvre de pays! That would go beautifully with my mushroom. And...This rosemary! This rosemary with maybe with a few drops from this sweet grass.
Emile: Well, throw it on the pile, I guess, and then we'II... You know...
Remy: We don't want to throw this in with the garbage. This is special.
Emile: But we're supposed to return to the colony before sundown or, you know, Dad's gonna...
Remy: Emile! There are possibilities unexplored here. We got to cook this.
Now, exactly how we cook this is the real question...
Remy: The key is to keep turning it. Get the smoky flavor nice and even.
Emile: That storm's getting closer. Hey, Remy, you think that maybe we shouldn't be so...
Remy: You got to taste this! This is... It's got this kind of... It's burny, melty... It's not really a smoky taste. It's a certain... It's kind of like a... It's got, like, this "ba-boom, zap" kind of taste. Don't you think? - What would you call that flavor?
Emile:- Lightning-y?
Remy: Yeah. It's lightning-y!
(They get hit by lightening)
Remy: We got to do that again. Okay, when the next storm comes, we'll go up on the roof... I know what this needs! A little saffron would make this!
Emile: Saffron. Why do I get the feeling- it's in the kitchen?
Remy: It's in the kitchen.
(They’re in an old ladies house looking for saffron)
Emile: Don't like it. She's gonna wake up.
Remy: I've been down here a million times. She turns on the cooking channel, boom, she never wakes up.
Emile: You've been here a million times?
Remy: I'm telling you, saffron will be just the thing. Gusteau swears by it.
Emile: Okay. Who's Gusteau?
Remy: Just the greatest chef in the world. Wrote this cookbook.
Emile: Wait. You read?
Remy: Well, not excessively.
nostalgebraist-autoresponder | 2 posts |
#1 ineffable-iridescence asked:
The post that you got this ask from is a fanfic I wrote because it's basically just about a kitchen that makes the best food in the world. Is that why you like it? I've had it for a while now but was too embarrassed to admit it but it's a big part of why I decided to post it.
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aestheticvoyage2022 · 2 years
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Day 211: Saturday July 30, 2022 - “Wild-ish Wedding”
On a beautiful Bend bluff, covered in Black Eyed Susans and green grass, in their own backyard, looking out Westward to Coastal Cascades, and a setting sun in a grey Pacific Northwest sky (and beside their homemade pool),  Little Jess (beautiful in her dress) said “I do” to her partner Rick after some incredible vows, and eccentric authentic Italian officiating.  Its was a beautiful scene, taken in as I bopped a sleepy teething William from afar.   He observed most of his first wedding from the onsite vegetable garden, and cried when the Bride wouldnt hand over her bouquet. He was fascinated by the scene before the post ceremony nap that he enjoyed from the newlyweds couch, and we enjoyed on facetime from our reception dining table; all three of us coordinated in Green.
This homemade wedding, was the most incredibly well done and classy event.  So memorable to be here and see this special place, and experience a truly festival styled wedding.  The birth of great event venue!  The most unique we’ve ever seen - which fits this adventurous couple to a perfect T.   We shared our dinner table with the Cordovas and the Solbergs. Mojitos and Margs were served for the pre-ceremony bar, but the reception dinner was all about the French Wine and my little fancy tasting parlor glass!  Hard to beat a wedding meal thats being prepared in Grandma’s Kitchen steps away from where its served!  We ate all weekend (Enchiladas and Pig Roast) but tonight’s meal of meats and desserts was the best meal of the year.    And of course, right on que as the sunset behind them we had a good range of toasts, itinerant stories of the world working, and finally sunset tequila shots as the sun dipped behind The Sisters.  Let the party begin! 
Oh but wait - not only is it William’s first wedding....it is also our first wedding as parents!  We’re grown up now!  As darkness set on us, and the live band and lights lit up the dance floor, I realized that someone sometime soon was going to have to go to bed with the baby and that someone should be me so that AC could enjoy this special night with her special friends.  After letting Boo Boo off the hook, with his ear protection to match his shirt, it was time to take this bow-tie clad baby boy to bed.  I laid next time in our RV as he snoozed, and he cuddled up to me.  It was the sweetest feeling - I laid there in bed awake enjoying the (finally) cool Oregon air, hearing the band play across the way like a radio playing off in the background of my thoughts.  I thought about love and marriage and ever after - about the beauty of this sleeping boy finding comfort in me after a big day; about how much nicer all of that is than simply being out there drinking the night away without a care or a responsibility.  A shift.   This opportunity to choose love over a good time-  Im growing up - becoming a Dad.  Weddings are special, and I appreciated this one more, for the opportunity to look at myself in that mirror on what will no doubt be a memorable day.
Song: Restless Road - Growing Old With You
Quote: Anyone who’s a chef, who loves food, ultimately knows that all that matters is: ‘Is it good? Does it give pleasure? –Anthony Bourdain
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thebugcollector024 · 2 years
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If I have learned anything it is that sometimes you have to care about something that doesn’t really matter. Today I chose to care about the French toast.
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
The Island | KTH (Nine)
Summary: You’re just two strangers waking up in a room on a lonely island where a company in the business of love has placed you. They believe that thanks to their in depth research you two are destined soulmates. What happens when your ‘soulmate’ and you want nothing to do with each other but falling in love is the only way to leave?
Pairing: Taehyung x Female reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, very slight enemies to lovers, soulmates au, roommate au, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, slight crack, and drama.
Word Count: 9.3k
Warnings: swearing, sexual tension (?) mentions of sex, vaginal fingering, masturbation, cum eating, choking.
Notes: Sorry it’s late! But here is chapter 9! Next chapter things start to get interesting again hehe. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, or send an ask if just want to chat about the stories!:)
Taglist: @ggukkieland @707sblog @peacedreamer14 @dopedreamfireparty @taebae19 @typicalgenzworld @mooniyooni @helenazbmrskai @justinetingball @jpeachytaev @marplest @calling-dips-on-j-hope @lecavivien @fancycollectormoon @mawwnsterr @siredsong
© taestefully-in-luv
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“Kim Taehyung, huh?” Ellie circles around the man like a god damn vulture. She inspects him carefully, her eyes raking his body over and over. “Yeah.” She stops, looks him up and down one more time and nods her head approvingly. “He’s hot as fuck.”
“Ellie…” you whine, “Can you please at least try to act normal?”
Ellie brings her cigarette to her lips, inhaling the poison before blowing it out. “Nah.”
Taehyung looks at you with wide eyes, his amused smile growing wide and taking over his face. His eyes then meet your sisters and he bows his head slightly and smirks to himself.
“Nice to meet you Ellie.” He gets out before you can say anything else.
“Mom’s going to hate this, you know?” Ellie takes another drag of her cigarette, “Going to Korea for 3 weeks? Taking a leave of absence from work? Dude going to another fucking country, girl you are crazy.” Ellie laughs, but she approves.
“Why do I even have to tell her?” you can’t help but pout. You admit your mother can be…something else.
“Are you serious y/n?” Ellie looks at you with pinched brows, “You went missing for 8 months and now you want to disappear for another 3 weeks? Without her knowing? Are you trying to kill her?”
“I guess you have a point—”
“—I’m meeting your parents, y/n.” Taehyung cuts in, walking closer to your side. You three are standing outside your apartment building where you two met Ellie. It’s the morning of Taehyung’s flight but he is missing it.
“You are what now?” you ask totally off guard.
“Ellie can you set up a time and place for us to meet them? I’m afraid y/n will try to make an excuse.” He sighs out, “Please.”
Ellie raises a brow, impressed at how straight forward Taehyung seems to be. She pulls out her phone and dials for your dad.
“Taehyung…” you look over at him and he only stares at you with hard eyes. He’s mad at you. As he should be, you think.
“I want to meet them, I think it is… important.” He breathes out, “Don’t you?”
You nibble on your lips as you think, you even mumble some nonsense Taehyung can’t understand before you finally nod your head.
“Okay.” You agree shyly, “If you want to.”
“You realize you will be meeting my parents too, right?” Taehyung walks closer to you, “And all of my friends.”
“What? Even Hana?” You snap, “Joy.”
“y/n…” Taehyung warns in a low voice. “Don’t be that way.”
“Don’t be that way?” You whisper shout, trying to keep your voice somewhat down so Ellie can’t hear you as well as she has her phone to her ear.
“Don’t be that way? You fucked another girl, Taehyung.”
“Is that fair, y/n? You had no intention of ever talking to me again.” Taehyung bites, “You are being so fucking unfair.” His eyes squeeze shut as he tries to calm down. “Fuck.”
Your eyes look up and you scan the sky. It’s cloudy today, almost looks like it could rain but it probably won’t. It just tricks you into thinking it might, kind of feels like your mood.
“Trouble in paradise already?” Ellie brings the phone down a bit to speak to you two. “Dad isn’t answering, I’ll try mom.” She says, bringing the phone back to her ear.
You huff out a short, frustrated breath as you nod your head towards your sister. You can’t even look at Taehyung right now, you feel betrayed over Hana but also you feel guilty because he is right. You are being so fucking unfair. And also this begs the question…did you have no intention of ever talking to him again?
You push that thought away as you stare at your sister, watching her expectantly as she waits for your mom to answer the phone.
“y/n.” Taehyung finally opens his eyes and gazes down at you, “Follow me.”
“Taehyung, no—”
“Now.” His voice expresses the deepest parts of the sea, the depth so intimidating. Your eyes slide to the side as you release a few shaky breaths. You mumble a weak ‘okay’ and follow him a few feet to the side, walking towards the stairs to your apartment building.
“Let’s try to get along.” He sighs, his hands at his sides until he’s reaching up to drag a hand down his tired face. “For both our sake’s.”
“Are you forcing yourself to be nice to me?” you ask, a bite in your tone and Taehyung looks down at you with his cold, intimidating stare.
“Mostly.” He comments plainly and you feel your heart pinch.
“Why even bother? Why force yourself if you hate me?” You find the courage to look into his eyes and he narrows his at you.
“I don’t hate you. I’m fucking pissed at you.” He begins, “I’m allowed to be hurt and act accordingly.” He breathes out heavily, “Don’t you think?” he challenges you.
“Okay, okay.” You roll your eyes. “I-“
“Don’t get a fucking attitude either, I’m the one who is mad here.” Taehyung crosses his arms over his chest. “If I were you I would be working on your apologies.”
You feel like a child being scolded and it infuriates you. He is treating you like a god damn kid and you can’t help but feel like you probably deserve it.
“Okay, Taehyung.” You slump your shoulders slightly, “I understand…”
Taehyung’s hand finds itself in your hair, his fingers sliding down to play with the ends.
“Good girl.” He praises with a smug smile.
You are upset but hearing him call you a good girl has your stomach doing flips. You two have barely touched the other since you have seen him, he has kept his distance and you are too nervous to make the first move. Last night he slept on your couch…yeah, he didn’t even want to sleep in the same bed as you. At least he stayed with you though and not that dingy hotel.
You can’t help but feel like the miles your home and his home had you apart feels like nothing compared to the distance between you two now. He says he loves you and wants to make this work but he can barely look at you and it is painfully obvious. He’s hurt, so hurt. He isn’t being shy about how hurt and disappointed he is and it’s hard to swallow.
Taehyung hasn’t made many attempts to be closer to you, in fact, it seems like he is going out of his way to not be close to you. Which only causes you to sink deeper and deeper into your hole of self-pity. Why did he say he wants this to work yet he is acting the way he is?
“I don’t hate you. I’m fucking pissed at you.” He begins, “I’m allowed to be hurt and act accordingly.” He breathes out heavily, “Don’t you think?”
Right. He has every right to be acting the way he is. He is allowed to be hurt and you shouldn’t turn this around to make yourself the victim here, when it’s clear here on who should be upset.
But the thought of Taehyung sleeping with someone who isn’t you makes you fucking furious but also depressed as hell. He couldn’t last 6 months without sticking his dick in someone else?
Then you remember that in his mind you had no intention of ever talking or seeing him again. Truthfully, you don’t know if he is wrong about that. It’s possible you really weren’t ever going to reach out. You’re the worst.
You don’t even know what Taehyung went through while being without you but the empty look in his dark, chocolate eyes tells you it was not pretty. He hasn’t opened up about it but it’s not like you two really have found the time or space to discuss. You have to respect the fact that he wants space, that he wants distance, that he wants to feel his emotions even if they are negative. He’s allowed to feel his emotions, y/n.
“Mom said her and dad can meet us down town at that one restaurant you like y/n…with the pretty drapes.” Ellie walks up to you and Taehyung. “They’ll be here this evening. Mom and dad are excited to meet you Taehyung.”
“Ah, really?” Taehyung asks Ellie while his gaze remains on you. “Me too.”
Ellie looks between you two and awkwardly nods her head. “Okay, I should get going but I will see you guys this evening.”
“Sounds good…” You respond to her, your eyes finally leaving Taehyung’s as you give your attention to you sister. “Send me a text when you are on your way to the restaurant.”
“Will do.” She leans in, hugging you quickly and leaving a kiss on your cheek. “See you two tonight.” She pulls back and faces Taehyung giving him a small wave then she if off to her car leaving you and Taehyung.
“Should we head inside?” you ask quietly, swinging your arms at your sides. “I can make you some pancakes?” you offer shyly and Taehyung frowns. Fucking frowns.
“I kind of ate pancakes almost every day,” He admits, “Oh!” he lights up, “Do you know how to make French toast?”
Your lips curve upward into a small smile, “Yes, Tae. I can make you some French toast, if that’s what you would rather have.”
“Let’s go inside.” He gestures towards the stairs and you follow closely behind him. You two walk down a hall until he is stopped at your front door, you run into his back and stumble back.
“Careful.” He whispers, “Don’t want you falling.” He reaches for the knob and opens the door, walking inside. You follow him, closing the door behind you and taking your shoes off.
“I knew yours would taste even better. You just have a way with breakfast food, did you know that?” Taehyung stuffs his face with another slice of the French toast you whipped up. You can’t help but giggle as you watch him, he looks so invested in this last piece of French toast like he wants to take his time with it so it’ll never end.
“Hey, my cooking elsewhere has improved!” you whine.
“When we get to Korea,” Taehyung begins, his eyes finding yours. “I want to show you some dishes I like and maybe we can learn to cook them together.”
“Mine will never be as good as your moms, let’s get that out there right now.” You laugh and Taehyung nods his head like he agrees with you, you playfully swat his arm across the table.
“But yours can be second best. Even if you aren’t any good, I’ll still eat it.” He grins at you and you roll your eyes.
“You’ll eat my bad cooking?”
“Only because I …” Taehyung’s grin gets wiped off his face before he can even finish that sentence. “Because I…love you.” He says more quietly, now avoiding your gaze.
“Right…” you feel your pinching heart want to give up on you, it hurts in your chest.
Taehyung looks at you, he doesn’t really know what to say at this point. He doesn’t know how to act like he wants to. He’s too hurt. But he has to try. Or else he isn’t sure what will come from the two of you.
“I do love you.” He sighs out, “So much.” He reaches across the table and takes your hand in his and he feels himself grow weaker and weaker. “But I do want to take this slow. We have a lot to learn about one another now that we are in reality again. We aren’t in our own bubble like how we were.”
You take your bottom lip between your teeth and start nibbling nervously. Take it slow how?
“Am I allowed to hug you? Kiss you?” you ask, almost ashamed that you had to ask something like that.
“I’m not feeling all too affectionate…” Taehyung admits softly, “But,” he bites his own lips as he looks down at your hands. “I could take a hug right now.”
You pull your hand away from his and draw it towards your body, you intertwine your fingers together in your lap and sigh out. Your eyes on your hands, your head hanging low.
“Are you sure?” you hear your voice crack and you want to disappear.
“Come here baby.” Taehyung stands from his chair and waits for you expectantly. “Come hug me.” He says, his voice nice and low like a hum.
You slowly rise from your chair and without looking at him you inch closer and closer until he’s pulling you in by the arms.
He hates this almost as much as you do. Maybe even more. He thought he would come here, find you and everything would be light and smooth but instead it has proven to be hard, harder than he imagined.
“Hug me back.” He orders softly, dragging your arms to wrap around his waist. “And hold me tightly.”
You circle your arms around his waist and walk closer until your head is being shoved into his chest. You can smell him like this, his scent filling your nostrils and creating a long, string of memories linked with his scent. Suddenly, you are recalling every moment you spent like this. Every moment you ever inhaled him, every moment you felt his scent linger on your own body.
You feel your chest tightening and your throat burning, you try to speak but you can’t. You’re too lost in the scent of Taehyung, too lost to think, your mind fuzzy and tricking you. It says he wants you, needs you, loves you. And you just don’t know how true that is. You feel your cheeks wet from the few tears that are now slipping out of your eyes, you sniffle into his chest and you feel Taehyung tense beneath you.
“Don’t cry.” He says as soft as he can, “Babe…” he starts rubbing your back, his large hand touching you in a way that makes you start to cry harder.
“y/n.” He then hugs you tighter, pulling you in impossibly close.
“I’m just so…so…sorry…” You choke out, sniffling harder now. Taehyung releases a long breath, closing his eyes as he pulls you in flush against him.
“I know…” he keeps his eyes closed as he thinks on what to say. But he comes up short, he just really doesn’t know what to tell you right now.
“You hate me.” You cry harder into his chest and Taehyung finally shoots his eyes open and begins shaking his head.
“I don’t hate you…” he breathes out, “I told you already. I’m just upset. And it’s going to take some time—”
“How much time?”
“y/n, I don’t know.” He bunches the material of your shirt in his hands as he tries to calm his frustrations. “I’m hurt. You really didn’t…you really were going to never talk to me again…like those 8 months we spent together meant nothing to you.”
“That’s not true.” You sob. “I think eventually—”
“When? 10 years from now? You think I would have waited forever?” he mutters.
“Apparently not. You couldn’t even wait 6 months to get your dick wet.” You pull back from him, your eyes puffy from the tears.
“Really y/n?” He steps back from you, “It didn’t mean anything. I was so fucking broken when that happened.”
“Oh? And her pussy was the glue to put you back?” you snap. You watch as Taehyung grows angry, the scowl on his face almost scaring you.
“You are the most unfair fucking person.” He spits out, “Yeah, I fucked Hana. But we aren’t like that, we’re just friends.”
“I don’t want you to be friends with a girl you’ve fucked!” you admit between bated breathes, “Who says it won’t happen again?”
“Me. I say that.” Taehyung growls, “I have no interest in Hana…I was…I was in a really dark place.” He tries to calm himself, “Really dark place.”
“How dark?” you ask, making him feel interrogated.
“Would go to sleep never wanting to wake up.” He says with a straight face and you feel yourself grow guilty. You did that to him. It’s your fault. How do you make up for that?
“Fuck.” You look down at your feet, “I’m so sorry Tae…”
“Doesn’t matter. What matters to me right now is that you understand I don’t want Hana. I obviously want you. I came all the way here to make this work with you.” He huffs out, his eyes boring holes into the top of your bowing head.
“Tell me you understand or it’s going to be that much more work to make this happen.” Taehyung steps closer to you, reaching for your hand.
“We have a lot to work through y/n. This isn’t the island anymore. This is both of our real lives and we’re intertwining them. At least I want to.” His thumb starts rubbing your skin and you feel yourself grow warm. You finally lift your head and gaze into his dark, dark eyes. He is staring at you with so much intensity that you automatically feel intimidated.
“Tell me you will be patient. Tell me you want this. Fuck, tell me you love me.” Taehyung keeps his deep voice low, but you can hear the frustration throughout his words.
“I love you.” You stumble forward until you are embracing him again. “I love you so much.” You begin to cry again, much more softly this time. “I will do anything to make sure this works Taehyung.”
Taehyung can’t help but smile a little, he places a kiss to the top of your head and he sniffs you. Same shampoo as what you had on the island. He feels his eyes sting a bit, the memories of the island beginning to haunt him.
“Anything?” he whispers and you nod your head frantically.
“Let my mom teach you how to make japchae. Then make it for me.”
“You’ll eat it even if it’s bad?”
“Even if it’s bad.”
“Very good to meet you, Taehyung.” Your mother drops her hand from his as she eyes him over. “You really spent every day with our y/n? For 8 months? Aren’t you tired of her?” she half jokes.
“I could never.” He replies smoothly. “And it’s also nice meeting you Mr. y/L/n” Taehyung reaches out to shake your dads hand when your father takes it but pulls him in for a tight hug.
“You took care of y/n all that time…” Your dad hugs Taehyung gratefully, taking a moment before he pulls back. “I can’t thank you enough.”
“She took care of me too.” Taehyung smiles as your dad pulls away from him. “Always made me breakfast.” He teases, stealing a glance at you. You are standing here next to him with an awkward smile on your face.
“It wasn’t much…” you say quietly. “Anyway, we should go get our table.”
“I got it!” Ellie comes up to you four, “Let’s go.”
You all follow Ellie to a table for 6. You guys occupy 5 of those spots, your mother uses the extra chair for her purse. The server sets down your menus and takes out his little notepad to take down your drink orders.
A sweet tea for your mother, a coke for your father, waters for both you and Taehyung and a vodka sprite for your sister. You give her a look of amusement before you stop your server from leaving and ordering your own spiked drink.
“Careful girls.” Your mother warns. “There’s no need to get drunk.”
“Oh its one drink mother.” You sister scoffs. “Plus I think y/n could use it.”
“And why is that?” Your dad suddenly becomes interested in your conversation. “Is everything okay? How is work going? Are you making friends?”
“It’s fine, it’s fine.” You wave him off, “It’s just…this dinner serves two purposes.” You admit, your eyes darting all across the room.
“Which are?” your mom narrows her eyes at you. “I know one is to meet your little boyfriend. But what’s the other?”
Boyfriend? Is Taehyung your boyfriend? You guys haven’t discussed it. You only said you two will make it work but what all does that mean?
“Well…” you begin to feel small under your mothers gaze. “I am….” You find it hard to gather the words and the courage to finish your sentence. You feel like the lights above you are too bright, too hot and causing you to sweat slightly.
Suddenly, you feel Taehyung’s large hand caressing and squeezing your thigh. Your head whips up to face him and he is already staring at you with a small smile.
“She’s coming back with me to Korea.” Taehyung states while he continues to look at you, finally, he turns his head to face your parents.
Your mother quite literally chokes on her spit, her eyes expanding twice their size as she looks at the two of you. Your dad rubs her back, trying to calm her.
“She’s what now?” You mother coughs out, “I don’t think I heard that right.”
Your sister looks between the four of you with a wide grin on her face.
“Oh mother dearest…” Elli sings out. “I think you did hear that right.”
“You’re …you’re moving to Korea?”
“Yes.” Ellie jumps in but you twist your head to look at her disapprovingly.
“No…no, just going to visit.” You finally find the courage to say. “For three weeks.”
Your mother scrunches her face up, a look of disappointment on her face.
“y/n. You just started a new job. Don’t you think this is rather irresponsible?”
“It’s only for three weeks darling.” Your dad finally says something. “Right y/n?”
You nibble on your bottom lip and nod your head a few times.
“For now.” Taehyung cuts in. His hand continues to rub your thigh and you hate to admit how much feeling his hand on your thigh makes you feel so good.
“Wait.” You snap out of your thoughts, “What do you mean ‘for now’, huh?”
Taehyung looks down at the table, about to respond to you when the server comes back with your drinks.
“Your tea mam…” the server sets down the tea in front of your mother and she barely reacts. She only blinks at you and Taehyung, her face gone pale.
“Yes, Taehyung.” She starts, “What do you mean for now?”
Taehyung opens his mouth but closes it just as quickly. He turns to face you and he awkwardly smiles.
“I feel like that’s something we have to talk about…just me and you.”
“If it’s something just us to discuss then why bring it up in front of my parents?” You grit out nervously.
“Right…sorry.” Taehyung mumbles, he reaches for his water that the server just set down. “You’re in this right?” He asks before taking a sip of his water. “With me?”
You blink at him a few times before glancing at your parents, they look at you with curiosity. Then your eyes find your sisters who is drinking her vodka sprite with a smug smile.
“Yeah y/n.” Ellie takes a few sips. “Are you in this?” Then you feel her kick your foot with hers.
“Y-Yes.” You say, a bit shy. But Taehyung finds himself relaxing.
“Then, for now.” He repeats himself from earlier, “One day we will live together, don’t you think? But don’t worry it’s up for debate where.”
“L-Live together?” you get out awkwardly.
“If you remember correctly y/n, it’s not like we haven’t lived together before.” He squeezes your thigh. “Don’t worry it’s something we will get to…slowly.”
You nod your head in understanding and face your parents. You exhale a deep breath and find your mothers eyes.
“I will be leaving tomorrow for 3 weeks. Taehyung and I…” Your eyes slide to your side where Taehyung is sitting. “We have a lot to work through. I’m sure you can be understanding of our situation.”
“Of course sweetheart.” Your dad smiles at you, but your mother is shaking her head.
“You didn’t even want to reach out to him? You think you can enter a relationship when you didn’t even want to talk to him?” Your mother snaps at you. She crushes the napkin in her fists as she speaks. “You can’t handle this y/n.” she looks at you with cold eyes.
“She can.” Taehyung cuts in, “She is stronger than you give her credit for Mrs. y/l/n.”
Your mother scoffs at this, she throws her napkin in her lap and shakes her head.
“You don’t know her then. Taehyung.”
You feel yourself grow smaller and smaller as your mother continues to bash you. You try to even your breathing but her words carry weight.
“Jesus Christ, mother.” Ellie cuts in. “Do you even know the first thing there is to know about y/n?”
“I think I know my daughter well enough that when there is the first sign of something not working she runs away.”
“So what?” Taehyung growls. “So I am supposed to abandon her because she has personal shit to work through?”
“Tae…” you mumble weakly, “Let’s just go…”
Your sister finishes her drink and slams it down on the table, she looks at you with eyes on fire.
“Really y/n? Just going to prove her point like that?” Ellie hardens her expression as she stares at you waiting for your reply.
You feel weak. But your sister is right. You can’t let your mother win every time.
“Listen, you can agree or disagree but I am going.” You look your mother right in the eye. “I love him. And we have a lot to work through if we want this.” You say honestly. “So, whether you guys agree or not, I am going.”
“Of course we agree.” Your dad continues to rub your mothers back. “Your mom is just worried about you.”
“I’ll return home in three weeks.” You say confidently until you notice your mother’s eyes glossed over.
“Will you though? I thought I lost you. Now you want to disappear again.” Your mom says quietly. “He’s the reason you were gone for 8 months.” She points at Taehyung. “And now he wants to steal you away again.”
You pinch your brows together and try to breath evenly as your mom’s words sink in. She blames Taehyung for the island?
“It’s not his fault for the island mom…” you look between her and your sister, looking for answers. Ellie just shrugs.
“It doesn’t matter what I think, right?” your mother spits out. “Just do what you want y/n.”
“I will?” you say slowly. “That’s kind of the whole point.”
“You leave tomorrow?” Your father asks, still rubbing your mothers back.
“Flight is at 10 am.” You respond, “I promise I will be back.”
“She will come back.” Taehyung says softly, the guilt evident in his voice. “You can trust me to take care of her.”
“Okay, then that’s all settled!” Your dad claps his hands together. “Should we order some food? You kids get what you want, we’re paying tonight.”
“Do you want to take a shower…with me?” Your timid voice shakes a little as you ask Taehyung if he wants to you know, fucking shower with you.
His eyes rake over your body, you are wearing just a towel and his eyes widen at the sight. Your skin looks so soft, so delectable. Your towel barely covering the entirety of your breasts and it doesn’t help how short it is, your thighs so exposed. Your hair falls over your shoulders and your collarbone begs to be kissed.
Taehyung shakes these thoughts from his mind and looks up at you from his spot on the couch.
“I can’t…” he says slowly, “I am serious about going slow.”
“You don’t have to fuck me.” You put it bluntly. “I just miss you. Want to be close to you.”
“You won’t tempt me?” he rises from the sofa. “The most you are allowed to touch me is washing my hair.” He states.
“Okay.” You agree quickly. “Come shower with me.” You reach for his hand and he immediately wraps his fingers around yours, making you get all warm and gooey inside.
“I missed you too.” He whispers, following you into the bathroom. “Missed you so much.”
You take a step away from him and gesture for him to take off his clothes. He raises a brow at you and lifts his hands up.
“Take my clothes off for me.” He lightly teases, “But don’t let your hands linger.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes but you do as he says. You pull his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor and then your hands go to his pants. Your fingers quickly try to slide down his zipper and drag his jeans down leg by leg. He kicks them off to the side as you reach for the waistband of his briefs. You lick your lips as you slowly slide them down his legs, his cock springing free. He isn’t hard, not that hard at least, but his size is still impressive.
“Turn the water on babe.” He points towards the shower, “And lose the towel.”
You let the towel drop to the floor as you walk towards your shower, Taehyung watches your ass as you walk. He can’t help but bite down on his plump bottom lip, just watching you. He wishes he could take you by the hair, bend you over and fuck you for hours. But he’s afraid at this point the only sex he can have with you is angry, hate sex. And he wants his first time with you again to be full of love and nothing but.
“Make the water nice and warm.” He softly commands.
You twist the knob, making the water run in hot streams. It warms up quickly so you grab Taehyung’s hand and lead him into the shower.
The water stings a bit as it hits your back but you throw your head back anyway and let it wash over you fully.
“Shampoo.” You tell Taehyung and he is already squeezing it into his hand. You walk forward until you are touching Taehyung, chest to chest. He gulps when he feels your nipples grazing his skin.
“Close your eyes.” He commands. “I’m going to wash your hair now.” He massages your head tenderly, your hair turning into a soapy mess. “Rinse now.” He pushes you back until you are back under water.
This continues on, he rubs conditioner in your hair and then takes your washrag and pumps some body wash into it.
“Going to clean you.” He says lowly, “Is that okay?”
“Mhm.” You swallow down your nerves and agree to him touching you. First he moves your hair back and starts at your shoulders. He scrubs them slowly, the soap and water falling down your chest and your arms. Taehyung follows the soap, his eyes traveling all down your body.
“Have you lost weight?” he asks, slightly concerned.
You feel yourself blush.
“Maybe a little.”
“You weren’t the only one going through a hard time, Tae.”
Taehyung nods his head slowly, his hand lowering itself until he is scrubbing at your stomach. He watches all the bubbles form on your skin and he actually feels jealous over fucking bubbles. He gulps, thinking about how these bubbles get to slide down your stomach, how they get to travel down to your pussy.
“y/n…” Taehyung’s deep voice startles you, you are so lost in the way he cleans you. You feel yourself grow more and more frustrated by the way he touches you and you know it will go nowhere.
“Yes?” you say breathlessly. “What’s up?”
“I’m going to clean…” he clears his throat. “Everywhere.” He warns.
You feel your knees go weak at his words, you try your hardest not to rub your thighs together but you can’t help it.
“Okay.” You murmur.
Taehyung’s hands glides down your lower stomach, making you tense. Then his fingers find your pussy and he is rubbing his fingers over it, nice and slow.
“Did you fuck anyone else?” his low voice asks you.
“N-No.” you shake your head, your knees starting to shake from how weak you are.
Taehyung’s fingers find your clit and he starts rubbing it. You fall forward a little, your head resting on Taehyung’s shoulder as he feels you.
“You didn’t?” He asks again, his deep voice rumbling. “You’re sure?” He starts rubbing faster.
“I promise, Taehyung.” You moan into his shoulder. “You’re the only one I have been with.”
“Then I’ll reward you.” He whispers, “With my fingers.”
His fingers slide down to your hole and he inserts not one, but two fingers into your lonely, desperate cunt.
“Did you ever touch yourself?” he breathes out roughly. “And think of me?”
“Yes.” You pant, “All the time.”
His fingers start thrusting in and out of you quickly. They are so long, so beautiful. You have missed his fingers so much, it’s ridiculous.
“You only came to the thought me?” His breaths are erratic as he speaks. “Because for me, I only thought of you.”
“Yes Tae, yes.”
He finally adds in a third finger, making you feel fuller and fuller. He curls his fingers making you tense, he starts scissoring his fingers, they brush against your special spots and you groan out loud. There’s no way you are lasting another 30 seconds.
“Please let me touch you.” You start to beg, but Taehyung just thrusts his fingers in and out of you faster and harder.
“Please.” You beg again, you squeeze his shoulders with your hands. “I have missed you so much, need to touch you.”
“No.” Taehyung gets out roughly, “No…”
His other hands fingers finds your clit again and starts focusing his energy there, he rubs your clits so expertly that your knees finally give out on you as you start coming all over his hands.
“Ahhhh. Fuck,” your erratic breaths hit the skin of his shoulder as you come undone. “Fuck…” you bite down on his shoulder. Taehyung isn’t much better, his own breaths uneven.
“I don’t deserve you.” Taehyung whispers in your ear. “You’re too good for me.”
“I’m the one who is undeserving.” You admit softly as you steady your breaths. “Please tell me you will sleep with me tonight…in my bed, I mean.”
“Please come to bed with me, Tae.” You stand over him as he lays on the couch. “I promise to keep my hands to myself.”
“I don’t trust myself.” He says with his hands behind his head, eyes closed.
“Why are…why are you stopping yourself from being affectionate with me? Why wouldn’t you let me touch you?” you squat down next to him, your face now closer to his.
“Because I don’t deserve you. To be touched by you.” He says softly. “You didn’t sleep with anyone else.” He murmurs, “You stayed loyal to me, despite not knowing when you would see me. But I…” he opens his eyes, he turns his head to face you. “But I did.”
You feel your stomach twist and turn, your heart falling and falling deep into your lower stomach. Hana.
“Why did you do it?” You finally ask, “Why did you feel the need to sleep with her?”
“I was in a dark place, y/n.” Taehyung groans, “The girl I was in love with…am in love with…wanted nothing to do with me.” He looks at you with hard eyes.
“But I hate myself for it.” He admits, “I should have found you sooner, I should have—”
“Tae.” You cut him off before he gets too choked up. “Let’s talk properly. From the beginning.”
“The beginning?” he blinks at you. “Ah. The island. Our fight before we got separated.”
“Yes…” you sit down on the floor, crossing your legs. “I am so sorry. I loved you then just like how I love you now.” You take a deep breath. “My mom isn’t so wrong about me. I ran away when things got hard, or got complicated.” You chuckle bitterly. “But I didn’t think I would wake up and find you to be gone from me, my life.”
“I know…” Taehyung whispers.
“But…” you begin again, “It gives me a whole new appreciation for goodbyes. I should have never let us go to sleep like that, in the middle of a fight, and I will never let that happen again.”
“y/n…” He sits up from his place on the couch and pats the spot next to him, you get up and sit down on the sofa.
“I don’t think the company forced us to have feelings for one another. Because here I am in the real world, so ridiculously in love with you.” you say a bit quietly. “I should have trusted you. Trusted myself. I promise you Taehyung, I will never doubt you again. So tell me how you feel about me and I will believe every word…even if it isn’t all positive.”
Taehyung nods his head as he stares at his feet, his hand goes to your thigh and he starts rubbing it soothingly.
“I love you.” He says after a few moments of silence, “But I am still really hurt over everything. A big part of me keeps telling me you were never going to reach out. That part of me terrorizes me. It screams at me that you don’t actually love me.” He admits lowly, “But hearing you now…it helps.” He says, still rubbing your thigh. “I think I believe in you. Even if you don’t believe in yourself…I really think you would have reached out.” He tells himself more than you. “I have to believe that.” He closes his eyes and is silent for a few more moments.
“Tell me I’m right.” He says desperately. “Just tell me I am right.”
“You’re right.” You say even if you aren’t so sure yourself. “You’re right, babe.”
“You know I don’t play games and I like for everything to be out in the open so I am going to tell you all of my intentions.” Taehyung opens his eyes to look at you.
“Okay.” You gulp.
“I love you and only you.” He begins. “I want this to work for the long run. I want you to meet my family, meet my friends and I want to see how everything goes.” He squeezes your knee. “I’m hoping the visit goes amazing so we can discuss the next steps.”
“Which are?”
“I don’t want to do long distance, y/n…” he brings his hand back to his own body, “I want to live closer to you. Even if that means I have to move here but honestly I think you will really like it in Korea…”
“You want to move together? Like, live together?”
“You already know we can do it. We make pretty good roommates.” He teases, bumping his shoulder into yours.
“Okay, true…”
“Then you realize the things that come after that right?” he says with a smirk on his face. “But first, let’s take these next three weeks as slow as possible. Let’s get to know one another all over again. To see if this really works outside the island.”
“Why do I feel like you are testing me?” you ask with a frown but Taehyung gives you a stern look and shakes his head.
“You’re technically testing me too.” He says, “We need to see if this works.”
“Okay, I get it.”
“I want to officially take you out. On a real date.” He whispers, “Would you like that?”
You feel your blush deepening on your face, your hand goes to your cheek just to feel how warm it is.
“Yes.” You mumble.
“Need to hear you loud and clear baby.”
“Yes.” You say a bit louder and Taehyung’s hand goes back to your thigh, he starts rubbing up and down your leg.
“That’s my good girl.” He leans in to kiss the side of your neck and you feel your whole body go tense under his lips touching your skin.
“Taehyung…” you moan out, closing your eyes. “I miss you.”
“I’m right here.” He whispers into your neck, placing another kiss then he leans away. “Go to bed.” His deep voice echoes.
“Come with me.”
“Not yet baby.”
You slump your shoulders in disappointment. Why is he being so difficult?
“Just to sleep.”
“I can’t control myself around you y/n. Please respect my decision.” He ushers you to stand him so he can lay back down on the couch. You stand up and hover over him for a moment.
“Can I kiss you goodnight?” you asks timidly. Taehyung gnaws on his lips before he is waving you off.
“Please just go to sleep.” He somewhat begs. “I’ll see you in the morning, make sure you’re all packed.”
You are nervous. Nervous as fuck, actually. You and Taehyung just arrived in Korea and even the air is different. You can’t believe you’re actually here, you can’t believe you really got on that plane and flew all the way to Taehyung’s home—the place you were so curious about when you first met him.
Taehyung seems different. Like, being home is showing a whole new side of him. He looks happy, giddy even. He holds your hand tightly as you both walk the streets with your luggage. You two got dropped off from your taxi a couple blocks away from his apartment so he could show you some shops he loves to go to.
“This bar here is quite popular between my friends and I.” he points at a little bar and you just nod your head.
“Looks nice.” You say with starry eyes. “Everything looks nice, actually.”
“We will be going there tomorrow night when we meet up with everyone. My friends-that is.” He squeezes your hand. “Tonight we can go to my parent’s house for dinner. How’s that sound?”
“Already?” you look down at your shoes as you walk. “I thought we could just relax today…”
“It’s like 8 in the morning. There’s plenty of time for a nap.” He comments nonchalantly. “Look, I’m just really excited for you to meet everyone. I understand though…if you want to take a few days…”
“No, no. It’s okay.” You shake your head, you two continue walking until he stops, making you stop.
“We’re here. My apartment.” He points up at the building and you take a deep breath.
“Are you going to make me sleep on the couch?” you half joke and he pulls you into his side, hugging you.
“I haven’t decided yet.” He teases.
You both walk up to his apartment and enter the small place—you say small, but it is bigger than your place and much nicer. How does Taehyung afford this?
“My parents help out…” he admits as if reading your mind. “That’s how I got such a nice place.”
“Ah I see. That’s great!”
“Ever since the island my dad has been super supportive of my music, always just wanting the best for me.” He grins sheepishly. “It’s different but it’s nice.”
“I’m happy for you…I can’t wait to meet your parents.” You place your suitcase and backpack down on the floor, Taehyung does the same.
“Let me give you a tour.” He smiles, taking your hand.
You follow him around as he shows you his apartment, you two take a moment longer in his bedroom. You slide your fingers against his beds blanket, and admire the art on his walls.
“Yes, you will be sleeping in here.” He huffs out dramatically, “I haven’t decided where I am sleeping though.”
“Take a nap with me…” you walk closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Just an innocent nap” you lean into him, your warm mouth at his ear. “Innocent, I promise.” You lean back a bit to see how pink Taehyung is becoming, his face flushing and his body tensing.
“No…” he stutters, “I can’t.” but he can’t help his own hands from wrapping around your waist. He pulls you in closer to his body and breathes you in. God, this is pure fucking torture. He can’t help the way his breathes become rougher, slightly uneven.
“Fuck…” he breathes out. “I want to kiss you so bad.” He says as he grows weaker and weaker in your grasp.
“Then kiss me, Tae.”
“Maybe our first date.” He teases, his hands going lower until they are gripping your hips. “Please tell me you’ll let me take you out this Friday?”
“I have to wait that long?”
“Only 4 days baby.”
“4 days too many.” You pout…”But you are worth the wait.” You lean up and kiss his cheek.
Taehyung slowly closes his eyes, the urge to kiss you stupid is strong. The urge to rip your clothes off and fuck you? Even stronger.
“y/n…” he warns. “Hurry up and take your nap. I’m going to let the guys know we made it,” he says, pulling out his phone.
You bite your lips while nodding your head in understanding. You pull away from Taehyung and pull off your shirt, and slip off your jeans.
“W-What are you doing?” Taehyung blushes as he watches you undress.
“Changing.” You shrug, you walk towards his drawers and open them up one by one, trying to find yourself one of his t shirts.
“You are really testing me, aren’t you?” he bites down on his bottom lip, his eyes scanning your exposed body. “You really want me to slip those panties off and fuck you silly?” he walks closer to you, putting his phone in his back pocket. He crosses his arms over his chest and eyes you.
“Keep going.” He orders. “Take off the rest of your clothes. Sleep in nothing but the t shirt.”
Your head snaps up to face him and you see how serious he is. You swallow down your spit as you reach behind you to unclasp your bra. It falls to the floor and you feel the cool air hardening your buds.
“Panties too.” Taehyung commands, “Take them off slowly though.”
You nod, your hands going to the waistband of your panties, you slowly drag one side down and then the other. You begin to slide them down one leg at a time when you hear Taehyung tsk.
“Slower.” He says sternly. “I said slow.”
You drag them down slower now, they are barely at your thighs when Taehyung takes long strides to meet you. He slaps your hands away and his own hands go to your underwear.
“Like this.” He begins showing you, “Nice and slow. Let the anticipation build.”
He slides them off you so fucking slowly, when they get to your knees he pauses, his eyes traveling up to your exposed pussy. He licks his drying lips and groans.
“I can smell you baby. You’re wet.”
You throw your head back, feeling embarrassed. You squeeze your thighs together when he starts dragging the panties down again. When they’re finally at your ankles, you kick them away.
“You got wet from something like this?” he quirks a brow at you, amusement written all over his face.
“I can’t help it Tae, I need you.”
“You are so greedy,” Taehyung walks closer to you, his fingers sliding up your arms. “You just had my fingers in the shower, now you already need more?”
“I’ll always need more until you let me have you.” You admit between bated breaths.
“Oh is that so?” he teases, his fingers traveling up towards your neck. His fingers wrap around your throat, he squeezes and walks you backwards until your body is against the wall.
“You want to come?” He squeezes your throat just a bit tighter.
“Yes.” You squeak out, you can’t help but swivel your hips.
“My greedy girl wants to come?” he asks again, his other hand gripping your hips. “Then come. Touch yourself.”
“T-Touch myself?” your eyes widen, “What do you mean?”
“Don’t play dumb baby, take your fingers and rub that clit for me.” He says while squeezing your throat lightly. You feel yourself grow more and more turned on. Your hand reaches down between your legs, and your fingers find your swollen, aching clit.
“How does that feel babe? To finally be touched?” he asks, his hand never leaving your throat as his other hand massages your hip. “I want you coming all over your fingers.”
You rub your clit faster and faster, you’re slowly closing your eyes when Taehyung squeezes your throat a bit harder.
“No.” he says. “You have to keep your eyes on me.”
You open them wider, you stare up at Taehyung, his gaze is dark and intense. Your lips part as you moan out, your whines and whimpers all directed towards Taehyung.
“Mm.” you moan, “Feels good, Tae.” You rub tight, focused circles on your little bundle of nerves, you quickly feel your high approaching. The entire situation making you feel so fucking turned on. Taehyung looks so fucked out as he watches you. His eyes glazed over in lust.
“You going to come?” he asks breathlessly. “Because of me?”
“Yes, yes, yes.” You pant out, “I’m so close.” You tense your whole body as waves of your orgasm begin crashing over you. Your fingers keep going as you ride it out and your head hits the wall as you finally finish.
Taehyung loosens his grip on your neck, and pulls you in for a hug. He brings your naked body to his and he inhales you. Before you can wrap your arms around him and hug him back, Taehyung is grabbing your hand and leading you towards the bed.
“Lay down.” He orders. “Now.”
You give Taehyung a look of question but you do as he says. You lay down on the bed and wait for him to instruct you further.
“Spread your legs.”
You do as he says, spreading your legs nice and wide. You don’t know what to expect though, you eye him curiously.
“Place your fingers at your pussy.” He continues to instruct you. “Yes, like that…now gather your juices for me baby.” He walks over, gets on the bed between your legs. He crawls up your body until his face is in front of your face.
“Get your fingers soaked for me.” He kisses the side of your neck.
You get your fingers nice and wet and you bring them up between your faces, showing him.
“Good. Now let me taste.” He says, “This is the only way I deserve to taste you.”
You frown at that, but you push your fingers past his lips nonetheless.
Taehyung’s eyes roll to the back of his head as his tongue swirls around your fingers, he can’t help but groan as he tastes you. You pull your fingers out of his warm mouth and gather more of your pussy juices. You then bring your fingers to his lips again, pushing past them so he can taste you again and again.
“How do I taste?” You breathe out, “Good?”
“My fucking favorite flavor.” He moans, “Taste yourself.” He commands, taking your hand in his, dipping it between your legs, so your fingers can gather your cum. Then he is bringing your hand back between your faces, and sticking your fingers in your mouth.
“Taste.” He orders quietly.
You lick up your fingers, moaning at your situation.
“I want you Taehyung.” You whisper desperately. “I need you.”
Taehyung bows his head down, breathing roughly at your words. He wants you too. He needs you too. But he still isn’t in the right place to fuck you. He wants this first time to be more than a fuck. He wants to make love to you. He also feels like he doesn’t deserve you now. He feels like shit.
“Not yet.” He breathes out harshly. “But maybe soon.” He struggles to find a steady breath.
“Taehyung…” you whine.
Taehyung rolls off your body, stands to his feet and grabs the t shirt you were going to use. He throws it over to you.
“Put this on and take your nap.” He says softly.
You listen, as usual. You pull the shirt over your head and through your arms and get up to clean yourself off.
Taehyung stands at his window, deep in thought. He wants you. He needs you. He loves you. He’s sure of all three of these things. But it’s too soon to think he has forgiven you isn’t it? It’s too soon to think he’s over it. He wants to be over it, of course. But he knows it is too soon to think he is.
“I guess I will take a nap now.” You announce your presence once again. You pull back Taehyung’s covers and slip inside the bed. The entire bed smells just like him. You pull the blanket to your nose and inhale it, you turn to your side and stuff your face in his pillow, inhaling that as well. Everything smells just like him. It makes you feel weak.
“Okay babe.”
You feel your eyes sting just a bit, the reality is Taehyung is still distancing himself from you. And that makes you feel small, makes you feel weak. You aren’t satisfied with anything. No attention he gives you feels like enough.
“Taehyung?” You call out for him, your voice small. “Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?”
Taehyung leans away from the window and walks over to his bed. He sits on the edge, just staring at you.
You nod gratefully, you reach out for his hand and he gives it to you.
“This will be a perfect 3 weeks, I swear.” You promise to Taehyung. He feels his heart beating wildly in his chest.
“I know.” He responds in a whisper.
“You are going to fall even more in love with me.” Your voice cracks, your eyes filling with tears.
“I know.” He says quietly.
“You’re never going to want me to leave.”
“I know.”
“You are going to beg me to stay.” You choke on your words and he squeezes your hand.
“I know.”
And he is afraid of that…that he is going to beg you to stay but you will say no. You have your own life at your own home. He knows this is going to take work, he knows this is going to take time. He knows this. But fuck, he is ready to do everything with you. But he knows he needs to take it slow.
“You are going to be so in love with me by the end of this.” You silently cry.
Taehyung feels his heart pinch in his chest, he feels it struggling to find a beat. He knows this. He knows he is so in love with you and the more time he spends with you, it will grow. But do you feel the same? Do you really? You weren’t ever going to reach out, were you? He knows the answer deep down. The same thought fucking haunts him.
“I know.”
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 years
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A New Fairytale: Yuu Becomes Friends With Mermi's Witch Friends
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Mermi and Yuu stayed up all night learning portal magic with the other witches on the Isle of Sages. Spellbooks were open, and pens had ink running out of them. 
"We did it! I can do portal magic!" Yuu exclaims, lying on Mermi's bedroom floor. 
"Yay! Now let's get some sleep!" Mermi says, collapsing onto the couch.
"Agreed!" Everyone says, grabbing blankets and pillows to sleep on the floor.
The witches wake up at 2 PM and get ready to go out for food. 
"What do you guys want from IFROG?" Melissa asks, putting on her witch hat. 
"French toast!"
"Hashbrowns and pancakes!"
"All with apple juice, I assume?" Melissa asks, typing in everyone's order on her phone. 
"Yes!" Everyone answers.
Melissa gets her broom and flies out the door. While she's gone, Mermi's friends take the chance to bombard Yuu with questions.
"So, what country are you from in the human world?" Eva asks, turning on the tv.
"I'm from the US, raised in Malibu next to the beach," Yuu answers, remembering the warm sun and smell of the ocean.
"Oh, my Goddess! Malibu?! That's my home city! My mom gave birth to me in the sea, and we used to live there until my dad bought a house in Twisted Wonderland," Eva exclaims, clasping Yuu's hands together with a smile. "I'm so visiting you once you go back!"
"I'm sorry, you were born in the human world, but you moved here? I thought getting to Twisted Wonderland from the human world was hard? Impossible even?" Yuu asks, confused that Eva's family can go between worlds.
"Oh, you don't know, do you? Agatha, tell her," Mermi says, painting a new coat of nail polish on her toes.
"We don't really tell the men in Twisted Wonderland how to get to the human world. It's common for girls and women, but few men know a way into the human world," Agatha explains to Yuu.
"Why don't you tell the men and boys?" Yuu asks, wondering what the reason could possibly be.
"Have you seen the men and boys in Twisted Wonderland? They're too destructive! I mean, come on, have you seen the overblots happening at Night Raven College?" Agatha questions, remembering what happened when Leona overblotted.
I can't believe I could've gotten home sooner if I had talked to a witch! I spent ten months here when I could've gone home within a week! No wonder Crowley wasn't any help!
"Honey, I've stopped the recent overblots. I see your point. Peace wouldn't last long," Yuu answers, getting flashbacks to Azul's overblot.
"Oh, you poor girl. We are so having a girls' day when you get back home," Eva states, flipping her straight ginger hair. "Food's here!"
Melissa flies back in with bags of food, and the girls dig in. 
"You have to let us decorate your broomstick before you go!" Mermi says, noticing Yuu's broomstick earring.
I forgot my broomstick turns into an earring when I'm not using it.
"Why don't we decorate it at my place? You get to experience the beauty of Ramshackle. Also, why do these pancakes taste so good?" Yuu moans, grinning as she takes another bite of her food.
"IFROG uses golden eggs from up the beanstalk. Golden eggs make all the difference!" Melissa explains, eating part of her golden omelet. "It's so sad the human world doesn't have golden eggs!"
The witches continue to eat, and when they finish, they go to Ramshackle.
"Ta-da! Welcome to Ramshackle!" Yuu exclaims, spinning around the room. "Also, fair warning, three ghosts are living here. They are friendly."
"This place is better than my parents told me. Did they renovate it?" Mermi asks, looking at the fixed wooden panels.
"The headmage and my friends renovated the place like a week or two ago. Trust me, Ramshackle, used to be a mess!" Yuu answers, heading up the stairs. "Welcome to my bedroom!"
Yuu opens her bedroom door and sees Grim napping in the middle of her bed. The teen witches run to Grim and begin to fawn and pet him.
"You didn't tell us you had a cat?" Mermi questions, rubbing Grim's belly.
"He came along with me on the ride here," Yuu answers, remembering Grim setting someone's butt on fire during the opening ceremony. "Anyway, let's get started on decorating my broom!"
Grim jumps out of Melissa's arms and goes to Yuu's lap. Yuu snaps her fingers, and the broomstick appears in her hands. Melissa and Agatha snap their fingers and some paint and ribbons into the room, and everyone begins to decorate Yuu's broom the way she wants.
Taglist: @pookiedragonfire @lizzileth @hipsterteller @nerdy-diamonds @kingfargas @marrondrawsalot @justarandomhumaninthisworld @otaku-explosionion @shi-mel @nai17 @iwant2dienoww @naughtybodypilloww @felfei @tinnyflute @r-0-tt-3-n-m-1-lk-1-lk @iamfriedpotatoto @sweettooth-877 @otaku-twistedwonderland
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ronnie-azumane · 3 years
Haikyuu guys as stuff my dad did
This idea has been in my brain for a while, so I'm writing it out. Hope y'all enjoy :)
CW: idn, its pretty wholesome
Daichi answers your frantic phone call home expressing that you forgot your backpack and laptop for college when you went home over the weekend. Expressing that all of your notes are in the backpack, he decides to wake-up extra early Monday morning and make the 2 1/2 hour drive to your university, then drive all the way back to your hometown to go to work.
Sugawara came up with the best hiding spot for you while playing hide and seek at your 7th birthday party. He squeezed you in-between the back of the couch and the back couch cushions. Then, he sat in front of it to conceal the awkward lump it made in the couch. It took the others 30 minutes before giving up and telling you to come out.
Asahi asks you to style his hair for a zoom meeting he has later that day. After some deliberation, you both decide to do a mohawk style. He braces himself as you run off to get the brush, hairspray, hair gel, and hairdryer.
Nishinoya still wears the Annoying Orange shirt you got him when you were in 3rd grade. It's faded and has a giant picture of Annoying Orange on it, which faded from popularity in 2010, but he still wears it. In public.
Tanaka makes the dumbest jokes while in the audience of your colorguard/dance competitions. For example, he asked your mom if he should shout "Go get 'em George" to the group of girls performing to confuse everyone. Another favorite joke o his is to chant "the worm, the worm,, we worship the worm" while the previous team is carrying out their floor.
Ennoshida talks with you as you make one of the biggest changes in your life. Midway through your second semester at university, you determine that business is not for you, however, you do not have a backup plan. Talking with him, you end up changing your major to Geography, and now you love every second of it.
Kageyama drinks the milk out of you cereal. You hate the taste of milk by itself, but you don't want to eat dry cereal. To not waste milk, he drinks it after you finish eating your cereal.
Hinata fails miserably when your mom tells him to reapply the medical glue on your forehead. The day before, your sister threw a wooden block at you, causing a major tear in your head. Your mom took you to the emergency room, but they were busy and it was a school night, so they told her to just take some liquid band aid (which we called glue) and close the wound. Your mom told him to replace the glue, and he took ELMERS GLUE and placed it on the open wound. It hurt like a bitch.
Tsukishima takes you to go see the museum of natural history once a month. He knows you're the odd girl out of your class that would rather play with dinosaurs than dolls, so he takes you to see the dinosaur fossils. He also gets a discount because his place of work donated a significant amount of money and resources to one of the exhibits.
Yamaguchi helped set up your setup once you moved to zoom university. He attached your laptop to a monitor his job had extra, so now you feel like a badass whenever you use the two screens.
Oikawa out of nowhere invites all his high school friends over to stay the week at your house. A trip that probably should have been planned in weeks, even months, is planned in just a weekend. Everyone ends up sleeping on air mattresses and blankets on the floor due to your mom just finishing up replacing the floors in the house (she was not too happy with the sudden trip, but was welcoming anyway)
Iwaizumi makes you watch Godzilla with him whenever it's on TV. Some of his fondest memories include receiving Godzilla themed ornaments from his mom ever Christmas. He also unironically watches those cheesy fan-made Godzilla fights on YouTube for hours on end. Man just likes Godzilla.
Hanamaki and you wear funny hats to a volunteer cookout. The organizers told every one to wear a hat so that their hair didn't get in the food, but you two take it a step further. You wear a banana hat while he wears a hotdog hat.
Matsukawa taught you how to make all kinds of breakfast food at a young age. Whether it was a simple as a fried egg or as complex as French toast, he worked with you until the recipe came out perfect.
Kyotani scares the other parents off when it comes to the silent auction selling the class are projects. Now the shelf you and your kindergarten classmates fingerprinted flowers and bugs on sits proudly in your closet holding crafting supplies.
Ushijima scolds you for leaving the lights on. Most parents do that already, but he takes it to a new extreme. Your mom explains that he would never turn the lights on in his apartment when he was in college and would simply get his homework done before dark. Sometimes, if he had something to do, he would light a candle to finish something up.
Tendou recalls a story in which he stole a bus battery with his buddies to power an air conditioned tent at boy scout camp. He also recalls the year he and his friends tried to build a pool in the wilderness at the same count, only to get caught and reprimanded for it before filling it with water which totally had nothing to do with a camp counselor finding it and having a Vietnam flashback
Goshiki watches anime with you. He always acts like he is uninterested in whatever show is on, but he soon gets super into it and it will be the only thing he talks about for a week.
Kuroo sits at the table with you until 2am working on that math assignment you have been struggling with. You've definitely run out of tears to cry, and had to redo the assignment twice, but he is guiding you through the answers
Yaku isn't a fan of all the pets you and your mom have collected over the years. I mean, in his defense, at one point we had 8 cats an 3 dogs. However, he is also super cuddly with them, always giving them nose boops and belly rubs.
Kenma plays Xbox, Wii, and the ds with you. He doesn't find the bulk of the games you play with him entertaining, but he is willing to run through LEGO Star Wars with you. His personal favorite to play is Mario Kart and he doesn't let you win >:(
Lev is trying to convince the family to let him take the position in Alaska with higher pay. When mom raised the concern that the long winters wouldn't do well for your mental health, his counter argument was, "Yeah, and that sucks, but hear me out. We could have a pet Polar Bear." We didn't move to Alaska
Bokuto was definitely the most enthusiastic dad at the girl scout father daughter dance. He twirled you around in your pretty little JC Penney dress and made sure you two were the center of the dance floor. At one point, he lifted you above his head with each foot in a hand like a cheerleader. Truly terrifying.
Akaashi drives out to the 24-hour pharmacy to pick up some cold medicine when you couldn't sleep due to a stuffy nose. He also checks up on you every hour when you are coughing with some mysterious disease (due to the lack of tests and priority of the high-risk, I will never know if I had Covid when I got sick in late March)
Aone gives you the biggest hug after you get released from the graduation ceremony. He isn't the best with words, so this hug speaks so much to you.
Terushima has been taking you to Mardi Gras in New Orleans since you were a baby. He doesn't care that it's mostly an adult party, he believes that everyone in the family should enjoy a good ol' Mardi Gras
Atsumu carries you on his shoulders all the time when you're small. He just thinks it's the cutest thing.
Osamu makes sure to host a crawfish boil every year. Whether its the neighbors, family, both, or just the household, you can expect some good, spicy crawfish with corn and potatoes whenever he cooks.
Kita teaches you how to drive a stick shift. He's frustrated that you cant move three feet before stalling, but then realizes that the issue was that you were in third gear, not first. He is now impressed that you were even able to start moving at third gear.
Sakusa takes you along with him to work. His job is full of tough men, so when they see him with you in a little blue dress-up tutu and a plastic tiara on your head, their hearts just melt.
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surrerafics · 3 years
The narrative….
Andy and Robert constantly argue about unresolved issues within their marriage because they don’t practice communication. Their pride and egos get in the way of that. They’re both stubborn, hardworking and strong-minded first responders. They often replace communication for sex for the tension rising in their marriage which has made matters worse. Andy has a lot of decisions to make concerning her marriage and a new unexpected surprise that has popped up to make matters even more complicated than they already were. Now that Andy is furious with her husband about causing Maya to lose her job she’s not so sure she really knows her husband at all. Decisions! Decisions!
Andy- okayyy it’s not Carinas French toast but it’s the only thing I know how to make for breakfast.
Robert- It looks amazingggg. (Kissing Andy) then pulls her in for more.
Andy- Maya asked me to step in for her for the week.
Robert- step in?
Andy- As acting captain.
Robert- Doesn’t the department usually send a sub for bereavement leave?
Andy- well, due to COVID and stuff they said that one of the lieutenants could do it so she asked me!
(Robert becomes silent) and you’ve gone all quiet.
Robert- No, no, no(kisses Andy) it’s good. I’m happy for you!
Andy- yeah?!
Robert- Yes! You were made for this!
Andy- plus, it couldn’t hurt to be sleeping with the boss right?!
Robert-No special treatment just like when I was your captain.
Andy- well maybe a little special treatment! (Puts hand under the covers playing with his….em hem!)
(Andy’s POV)
Station 19- Night
Locker Room
Robert comes in while Andy is changing
Robert- Andy I have more experience than you. Decades more. It’s just.. Andy interrupts Robert.
Andy- Are you trying to help yourself here?
Robert- Can I finish? I have years under my belt. Okay. And I’m not using them on the job so I guess I thought I could use them to help you. Help you didn’t ask for I get it. *sighing* come on. I just need you to understand where I’m coming from.
Andy- look, I get that you hate being a probie. I hate you being a probie.
Robert- hey, hey. We found a common ground. Let’s just end this another way.
Andy- No, Robert we need to talk about this.
Robert: You’re only Captain for another shift and then Bishop comes back. Then this won’t be a problem anymore.
Andy: yeah, except I’ll still be your lieutenant and hopefully soon, one day after that a captain for real.
Robert: Not hopefully. you will.
Andy: Well, then this is a problem we need to solve.
Robert: well, is it a problem we need to solve tonight?
Andy: I guess not.
Robert gets up to finish taking out the trash and leaves the locker room as Andy looks complexed.
(Andy and Roberts POV)
The SULLIVAN’s Home - Bedroom- NIGHT
Later that night after work.
Andy tries to make an attempt to have the same conversation about him undermining her authority at work in the locker room.
Andy: Baby, *sighing* why do you have an issue with titles and your wife ranking higher than you?
Robert: babe, I thought we weren’t gonna try and solve this problem tonight?
Andy: I know but…. (Robert interrupts Andy by grabbing her and begins kissing her passionately and deep)
He begins to undress her while still kissing her passionately and seductively. Andy falls weak to her husbands advances and gives in. They move over to their bed and they begin to become intimate throughout the night.
A Few Weeks LATER….
Station 19- Day
Andy is in the beanery scoffing down sugary cereal with her hands when suddenly she was hit with a sudden feeling of nausea and started for the ladies room, while met with Travis on his way to the beanery.
Travis to Andy as they run into each other asks Andy if she’s okay.
Travis- oops! Sorry Herrera. Hey, you feeling okay?
Andy- it’s okay. Uumm, yeah! Just got to run to the ladies locker room for something.
Travis looks confused.
Ben and Robert are in the turnout room having a conversation while organizing gear and equipment.
Robert- You know being demoted was no ones fault but my own, but this is hard being a probie. I feel as though all my hard working years as a firefighter has gone to waste. I feel useless now.
Ben- Ey, look man I know it isn’t easy and hearing that you can work your way up seems like dead hope to you, but you’re not useless and despite what you might be feeling you are a great asset to,19. I mean you did help run it before.
Robert- You know I find myself reminiscing about my days back in Montana and how I miss the weather and my days there as Captain. You know I moved there after my wife Claire died.
Ben- Sounds like you’re missing Montana a lot. You thinking of going back there? Maybe a little getaway for you and the Mrs?
Robert- Nah, man haven’t given it much thought,to return there anytime soon but it has crossed my mind a time or two.
The fire alarm sounds. People stuck inside a burning house. Robert, Ben and the team rush to the location. Upon arriving Captain Bishop orders the team to get in for search and rescue inside the burning house. Everyone has been safely rescued except a neighbor realizes and informs Captain Bishop that a little boy is missing and that he could still be stuck inside. The team finds him with 3rd degree burns inside of a closet. Upon bringing him out the commander in chief orders Captain Bishop to wait for an aid truck to come and transport the little boy to Greys-Sloan Hospital, but Bishop goes against the Chiefs orders and orders her team to put him on the fire truck to the hospital instead. Now, Bishops job could be in jeopardy.
Andy and Sullivan were called into the chief commissioner’s office. After speaking with them he asked Sullivan to stay as Herrera walked out. Herrera stood by the door to listen in on the conversation.
Chief- Sullivan. Hold on a minute.(Herrera walks out)Have a seat. You appointed Bishop? What’s your take?
Sullivan- She’s a good captain sir. I basically raised her up myself.
Chief- But she’s gotten cocky. I’ve been hearing things. Taking her team to protests. Defying cops on the scene.
Sullivan-Well, those things are separate conversations…
Chief- But there both indicative of Bishop acting outside the balance of the Seattle Fire department. Ummm…. Your record…
Robert- yea Sir, I know I made mistakes. But I’m clean , sober, strong
Chief- we can’t afford anymore bad press for our first responders
Robert- No, we can’t. This team stood behind me when my job was on the line. They have my back and I have theirs. I can get this house in order sir. You do not want these fire fighters talking to the press saying that FD values protocol over their kids lives. You need someone who can reunite them and that someone is me. Plus with me you get a Battalion chief for the price of a Captain.
Andy hears what Sullivan says outside the door and walks away enraged.
The SULLIVAN’s home- Day
Maya’s Wedding Day
Andy walks into hers and Roberts bedroom and throws the covers on their bed after sleeping on the couch.
Robert- You really didn’t have to sleep on the couch you know.
Andy-The only reason I slept here and not at Maya’s is because it’s her wedding day and I don’t want her to know what you did. Not today.
Robert- What I did was save your job Andy!
Andy- This is not a discussion! This is not a discussion! Because today I am a maiden of honor and if we have a discussion I will say some things that are very very not maiden like or honorable!
Robert- This is absurd.
Andy- You don’t get to tell me what’s absurd. (Walks away …. Be there by 5!) slams door!
Two weeks later….
Andy is talking to Dean in the locker room area.
Dean- what’s up , kiddo? You okay? You look …
Andy- I know. I don’t look my best these days. I don’t feel like myself. I’m questioning everything including my marriage and if marrying Robert was such a great idea. I mean sure I married the man I love but I also married the man I love for the sake of my Dad having the opportunity to walk his only daughter down the aisle and give her away before his cancer took control which, in turn he didn’t die of but died saving his family. But after what ROBERT did… I’m, I’m just not… I don’t know what I’m trying to say.
(Robert overhears their conversation outside of the lockers.)
Dean-I’m probably not the best person to talk about this too. I’m not an expert or anything but it appears you two have issues communicating. My only advice is maybe seek therapy and talk it out. Maybe alone , then with Sullivan. My advice? Contact Dr. Diane Lewis and schedule a session with her. We all know she’s really good. I wish you both the best.
Andy- Maybe you’re right. I’ll sleep on it.
After Dean leaves and Robert slipped away so that Dean and Andy wouldn’t know what he had just heard between them. Robert looks really down and depressed because he has no one and the entire team, including his wife aren’t really talking to him.
Suddenly Andy holds her stomach and runs off to the ladies locker room and pukes in the toilet. Afterwards, she brushes her teeth and swishes with mouthwash to get the nasty taste out of her mouth over the sink. Andy looks at herself and whispers under her breath, “Oh, no! I can’t be! Andy suddenly realized with everything that had been going on in her life from her family secrets, the loss of her dad and best friend to the underlying unresolved issues in her marriage that a few times she forgot to take her birth control pills. There have been plenty of times Andy and Robert were intimate without using any form of protection. Andy looks at her phone to check her app that keeps track of her monthly cycles and realized she was already a few weeks late! Andy hurries out to the nearest pharmacy to purchase a pregnancy test and heads back to the station.
After taking two separate tests Andy discovers her worst fear of being pregnant! She is anything but thrilled about it as she never really saw herself being a mother or a wife of that matter. Also, with her marriage on the rocks she’s just not sure what her next steps are.
Takes phone out to schedule an appointment with Dr. Diane Lewis.
Dr Diane’s Lewis’s office- DAY
Dr. Diane- Welcome Andy.
Andy- HI. thank you for clearing your schedule to see me today.
Dr. Diane- Well, you seemed a bit distraught and troubled when I listened back to your voicemail. You seemed desperate. So, what seems to be your problem?
Andy- (blurts out) I’m not so sure marrying my husband was such a great idea!
Dr. Diane.- Why do you say that? It’s okay. You can say it. It’s strictly confidential.
Andy- I won’t go into details. Ever since Robert was demoted he hasn’t been himself. He thinks I’m ashamed of him because he was demoted to a probie. We don’t communicate. We substitute conversation for good sex to ease the tension of our unresolved issues. He did something to cause someone close to me lose her position just so he can climb back up to battalion chief as if that title defines him.. it’s … DR DIANE INTERRUPTS ANDY….
Dr. Diane- for someone who didn’t want to say too much you just said a mouthful.
Andy- maybe you were right. Maybe I’m with my husband cause he’s like a father figure or someone who could fill my fathers shoes as Battalion chief.
Dr. Diane- Do you love him? Are you in love with your husband?
Andy- I do love my husband and in love but as of late I’m questioning everything. All we do is work, argue and have good sex. That’s a recipe for a disastrous marriage. And, and I’m afraid I won’t be a good mom or end up just like my mother who, had postpartum depression, never wanted to be a mother or married. She only wanted to fight fires. (Andy touches her stomach)
Dr Diane- you’re afraid you won’t be a good mom? Are you expecting?
Andy- (hesitantly) yes. I just found out two days ago.
Dr. Diane- And let me guess. You’re not thrilled about it? Have you told your husband?
Andy- Not exactly. I haven’t told him yet. I realized when I found out my mother was alive and learning why she abandoned me and my father I realized I’m just like her. I was once proposed to by jack before meeting Robert and I remember distinctly telling him I didn’t want to be married or have a family. That I didn’t want something separate because the firehouse was my family and fighting fires and making captain was all that mattered to me. It’s like I’m mirroring my mothers life reincarnated. I never wanted any of this. Yet I’m afraid for him because I’m all my husband has.
Dr DIANE- Let me ask you this. Do you want to save your marriage or get out? Is it worth fighting for? How badly do you want this marriage?
Andy- I love my husband. There isn’t a doubt. I only regret how rushed our marriage was as we really didn’t get to do the dating phase to learn how to deal with each other’s past. I honestly wish we could have a do-over but right now I don’t have the energy to even speak with him. I’m pretty stubborn.
Dr. Diane- seems you’re carrying the burdens of your mother and the burdens of your husband. You’re worried about abandoning your baby and becoming like your mother. And you’re afraid of what possibly leaving your marriage behind due to what it may do to him. Andy, that is a quite a heavy load for one person to carry. I think it’s time you had another meeting with your mom and express these concerns to her so that you may get closure and more clarity on what it is you need to do concerning your life’s decisions.
Later as Andy leaves Dr. Diane’s office she heads back to the Station as she recognizes a familiar face…. Her Mother’s Elena. Andy looks taken a back.
Elena- Hello Mi hija .
Andy- What, what are you doing here? It’s really weird as I was thinking of calling you anyway.
Elena- you were? I, I just wanted to see how you were.
Andy- actually, not good. We need to talk. Let’s take a walk.
Scene intercuts to Robert packing a bag and highlights on his phone that he’s just purchased a ticket to Montana.
Andy and her mom Elena are sitting on a park bench discussing some very pressing matters that’s concerning Andy and the decisions she needs to make about her marriage and the growing little being inside of her.
Elena- what’s wrong Andrea?
Andy- I’m pregnant. Just found out a couple of days ago, my marriage is in shambles and my husband doesn’t know I’m pregnant yet.
Elena- you should be estactic!
Andy- yeah but I’m not.
Elena-why, why mija?
Andy- Because I’m just like you!! I never wanted to be married or become a mother! I guess the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree after all!
Elena- Then why did you marry him, Andy? Do you even love him?
Andy- Robert asked me to be his wife because he loves me and is in love with me, but we knew my Dad didn’t have long before his cancer would take its course on him so Robert and I got married really fast so that he could walk me down the aisle as one last memory of me and my Dad giving me away to Robert. And….yes I love him but I’m afraid I’m mirroring your life with my dad, who would suffer from mental illness, postpartum depression and won’t be able to bond with our child and leave them. What if I’m like you in that aspect? What if I inherited those same traits? but lately all we do is argue and have sex. We don’t communicate. We bump heads a lot. And his recent actions have me questioning if we should even remain married.
Elena- Andrea, considering the mistakes I’ve made what I’m about to say may not carry much weight to you but, from what your aunt Theresa has said about your husband he’s a really loving, caring and kind man and that he takes good care of you. If this is true, don’t make a permanent decision on temporary emotions or doubts. I know I don’t deserve to be in your life and I have no one to blame but myself, but you don’t have to be like me. You are not me. You have a loving heart and you need your husband. You need each other. And that baby you two made out of love need their parents just as much. I know I never said I was sorry but I am sorry nena for my selfish acts and leaving my child. You may not believe me but there were times of regret. Think this through. Talk to your husband. You don’t want to realize you made the wrong decisions and carry around regrets. It will haunt you Nena. It’s haunted me.
Andy thinks long and hard about what her mother shared with her and decides after their talk to pick up her phone and call her husband but he doesn’t answer and it goes straight to voicemail. Andy leaves a voicemail, then texts him so that he could get back to her sooner rather than later. Andy hasn’t been staying at home with Robert due to the marital issues they’ve been dealing with and has been couch hopping at Maya’s and at Deans. Meanwhile, Sullivan is on a plane to Montana to get away and clear his head. He feels alone at Station 19 and after hearing his wife’s thoughts and concerns about if marrying him was a mistake it broke his heart as he is afraid of losing the only good thing he has in his life and that’s his wife Andy. He couldn’t bare the thought of hearing his wife say to him that she wants a divorce. So, he packed up a bag and headed to Montana. Robert has no one in his life, no other family members that he’s close to or aware of. His only family is his wife. It’s two days later and Robert is on a plane and Any realizes her husband hasn’t returned any of her calls or messages and hurries on to the Station to see if he was there or to ask if anyone else has seen him. This was hers and Roberts day off so she couldn’t imagine why he wasn’t answering his phone. Andy runs into Vic and Travis and asks if they had seen her husband or if he had been by the station. They haven’t seen or heard from him. Vic asks Andy if everything is okay because she looked a bit flushed and frantic. Well, it’s been over 12 hours since I last contacted him and he hasn’t replied to any of my messages. Ben walks into the lobby where Andy, Vic and Travis are and asks what’s going on? Vic tells him how Andy is looking for Robert because he isn’t answering any of her messages and it’s been well over twelve hours since she contacted him with no avail. Andy asks Ben if he’s seen or heard from him and if he thought he’d have any idea where he would be or any strange behaviors with him. Ben tells Andy they had a brief conversation a few days ago and he seemed down in the dumps. Says he’s found himself reminiscing of his old life back in Montana back when he was Captain there. I asked him if he thought of taking the Mrs. well, you there for a little getaway and he said he hadn’t given that part much thought. Andy listens and softly says to the team that she had to go home and check into something and to please let her know anything if they hear anything from Robert.
Andy arrives at their home and quickly runs upstairs to their bedroom seeking Robert but he isn’t there and in their bedroom she finds his drawers open and begin looking though his old things to see if she can find any clues to where he could be. She soon finds old photos of him as a captain in MONTANA and spotted this photo of and a beautiful stow away cabin he would often resort to during get always or vacations Andy decided it was time for her to take a road trip to Montana to find her husband. In the back of her mind she’s thinking he may relapse because of everything that has transpired in their marriage and at work. Andy calls the station to tell them she’s gonna have to take off for a few more days to take care of a pressing matter and to please cover for her two two shifts. Andy packs a bag, hops in her car and heads for Montana. Before driving off, Andy takes the baby sonograms and places them in her cars glove compartment, takes a deep breath and starts for the road. The drive from Seattle to Montana is about a 10-12 hour drive. Andrea has been driving now for the past 5 hours straight. She’s tired and sleepy so she stops at a nice hotel for a nights stay and will pick up tomorrow and finish her trip to Montana. She grabs the sonogram from her gloves company, stares at it and takes it inside with her as she checks in to a room. She calls Robert one last time still with no avail of reaching him. She sent him another text and no reply still. So Andy settles in, takes a shower and climbs into bed with her baby sonogram on the night stand propped up next to her, while placing her hands on her now growing belly. Still in shock and hasn’t processed the reality that’s she’s pregnant. Andy is watching the tv but soon finds the tv is watching her as she soon dozed off.
(Andy’s POV)
Andy is back on the road the next day headed for Montana and as she’s driving her mind wonders back to when she found out she was pregnant a few days ago and how Carina did a sonogram on her to see how the baby is and how far along she was. The baby’s heartbeat is fast and healthy. Andy begin to become emotional of the thought that a little being was growing inside of her. She had fears and all kinds of concerns because this pregnancy wasn’t planned and considering she’s never really wanted to become a mother just like her mom. Carina tells Andy she is about 6 in a half weeks along which shocked Andy but quickly explained her increasing appetite the past several weeks. Carina congrats her and Sullivan on their new addition and tells Andy to come back in six weeks for another check up on her and the baby. Andy comes back into her thoughts and stares at the sonogram in her right hand while the other hand is on the steering wheel. Andy has been driving a few hours now and should reach the address of the cabin she suspects her husband is staying at in about another hour and stops for gas and a nearby gas station and grabs a sandwich inside the store and a drink to carry her over till she arrives at the cabin. To keep from falling asleep Andy turns the radio up to keep her alert. Meanwhile, intercut to Robert settling in and laying up in his bed staring at pictures of him and Andy in happier times. He looks so lonely and broken and feels he no longer has anyone. Not even his wife whom he is so in love with. He puts the pictures down and breaks his thoughts of his wife to take a shower. He takes a nice long hot shower to release some stress and just stands under the shower allowing the water to fall off his head down his back. Meanwhile, Andy finally arrives at the cabin and quickly glances at the picture of the cabin she found in her husbands things back home in Seattle. Andy pauses for a moment before getting out of her car to approach the door, meanwhile, Robert is stepping out of the shower, drying off and wrapping his towel around his waist. Robert walks into the bedroom and suddenly hears a knock on the door. He grabs a shirt to throw on and sweats. He has no clue who it could be because no one would know him there except the owner who knew Sullivan back when he worked as captain back in the day in Montana. Robert creeps to the door to see who it is but it’s too dark too tell, so he cautiously opens the door to find a petite, fair-skinned and soft-spoken little lady standing before him, a little lady he calls his wife. It’s Andrea Herrera Sullivan. Robert has the the biggest , most shocking expression on his face to find his wife standing before him. Andy says hi to her husband and asks can she come in and he steps aside to let her in. Robert asks Andy what was she doing there and most importantly how did she find him?
Robert: Babe, what are you doing here? How did you find me?
Andy- That isn’t important right now. We need to talk.
Robert- I can’t live without you and if you came here to tell me you want a divorce I really can’t handle that right now.
Andy- What? A divorce? What makes you say that?
Robert- Andy, I overheard you talking with Dean in the lockers a few days ago. You’re doubting your decision to marry me. I panicked and took off. I have no one else. Everyone hates me and I just feel, that maybe I just don’t belong there anymore. I needed to come back to the one place I use to escape to when I was here and missing Claire —-this cabin.
(Andy grabs Roberts face and kisses him to assure him that everything is gonna be okay.)
Andy- baby, I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you when you tried to explain to me about Maya’s position. I soon learned it wasn’t what I thought and that there were other parts of the conversation you had with the chief commissioner I missed because when I heard you offer up to be battalion chief at the expense of Maya being relieved of her duties I instantly assumed the worse and questioned if this marriage was a mistake. I had a therapy session with Dr. Diane Lewis and my mom and they made me realize some things. That I shouldn’t make a permanent decision on temporary emotions or misunderstandings. I had time to think about it and I realized I had a lot of thinking to do and decisions to make and I knew I couldn’t make those decisions without my husband and the father of my child. Robert’s expression upon hearing the news was priceless. He asked, Are you….? Andy replies, yes! Robert is in shock! Are you serious? He asked. I’m gonna be a father?! Andy says yes! How far along are you? I’m about six in a half weeks along. (Shows Robert the sonogram)Robert exclaims, “this explains your sudden increase in appetite and your appetite for more sex! He picks Andy up and swings her around in excitement and they kiss! He asks Andy, “Does this mean we’re not getting a divorce?” Andy replies, “No, but if we want our marriage to strive and survive I suggest we continue having counseling and learning how to communicate and respect each other at home and in the work place and now as parents. I know having tough conversations are hard but we must if we want this marriage to have a fighting chance. Do you agree on this that our marriage does need work and to seek counseling? Robert, I’ll do anything to keep from losing my wife and baby. I’m sorry for undermining your authority. I was just so use to being in charge and lost my confidence after being demoted to probie. Andy replies, I understand that it was hard and I know you’re on your way back up, so hang in there. I love you, babe. Andy responds,” I love you too baby.
Robert- How do you feel about the pregnancy?
Andy- well, I’m nervous and I feel a bit uncertain.
Robert- uncertain? Why?
Andy- because we only briefly spoke about having a family and with everything going on in both our lives where we weren’t able to catch a break the conversation was never continued. Baby, I was afraid of ending up like my mother. I honestly never wanted to become a mother or a wife of that matter just like my mom, I had fears of having mental illnesses like her or not able to bond with our baby and abandoned her or him. But who would’ve thought that the most unlikely person in my mom would be the one person who gave me hope in my marriage?
Robert- God and life has a way surprising us. Robert screams, “I’M GONNA BE A FATHER”!!!!
Andy and Sullivan kiss and put on some music and Salsa dance together! 💃🏻🕺🏾
Days later Robert and Andy return to Seattle to tell the team they are expecting a baby and that Andy is nearly two months pregnant! Instantly, Maya claims godmother and Ben as the baby’s Godfather! Vic, Travis and the team plan for a baby shower. The Sullivan’s tells the gang to chill for a bit as the baby shower is a long ways off, but he understood everyone’s excitement to have another firehouse baby in the station and a playmate for little Pru! With all of the excitement Andy runs to the restrooms to puke! Morning sickness has been rough on her lately. I guess that’s typically how it is during the first trimester. Robert runs behind her to check on her. Oddly enough after Andy puked she asked her husband for pickles and bananas over vanilla ice cream!🤮 Clearly, his wife’s weird ravings are through the roof. The Sullivan’s are tired after a very long road trip back to Seattle and are headed home but before that Robert stops by a supermarket to get his wife all of the foods she was craving and then they headed home. Once they arrived home they went upstairs and Robert ran him and the Mrs. a hot bubble bath to sit and relax. Andy sat in front of him in the tub while Robert rubbed both his hands on his wife’s growing belly. He whispers to Andy, “We made this baby in love from our love” and I already love him or her so much. Robert takes Andy’s hand and kisses it and then kisses her neck. Andy, I know. We made a lot of love. A baby was sure to pop up at some point. Under her breath she whispers,”I love you, baby.”
7 in a half months later Andy is at work on desk and phone duty while the team Ben and Carina is out on a call for an elderly woman whose blood sugar dropped and fainted as her eldest daughter found her lying on the floor unconscious when she called for aid-car and Robert, Dean, Vic and Travis are on the other side of town putting out a building fire for a local business. Intercut back to Andy at the Station 19 was answering a,phone call at the front desk when she said, “uh-oh! The person on the other line was calling for her to answer, but couldn’t because her water broke! Another worker behind her took the phone and hung it up and Called for the aid car to transport Andy to Grey-Sloan Hospital. On the radio they alerted the team that Andy went into labor and her Husband Robert heard it, panicked and rushed to Grey-Sloan Hospital to be with his wife! Luckily, the team was already on they’re way back after completing their duties. With Carina being Andy’s physician and gynecologist she rushed to the hospital as quickly as she could! Robert arrives in a panic asking what room his wife was in and rushed to be with her! He was the only one that could be in the room with her during labor. He rushed by her side as he entered into the room and said, “Baby, “I’m here”! Are you okay?! How far apart are the contractions?! Right now every 5to 6 mins. I had just had one before you burst in the room! Robert took his wife’s hand and kissed her lips and her forehead. Carina comes into the room ready to check Andy to see how many centimeters she is. Carina checks Andy and she is about 6 centimeters so not too long before baby is born! As Andy attempts to say something a contraction hits and Robert tells her to breath it out slowly. Carina says I’ll be back to check you in an hour and that in the meantime she should try to rest during that time. Robert ask Andy if there was anything she needed and she asked for a cup of ice chips because her mouth was dry. Andy was a soldier and didn’t want an epidural but wanted to give birth naturally. So, Robert went and got her a cup of ice chips. Meanwhile, the station 19 crew were all out in the lobby awaiting to hear the birth of Robert and Andy’s baby and what they’re having because they agreed early in the pregnancy that they didn’t want to know the gender and to be surprised. At their baby shower the crew threw for Andy they all bought baby neutral items and loads of diapers of different sizes and phases of the babies growth. They were set for life! The team caught Robert headed back up to Andy’s room and asked how she was doing. Robert replied, My wife is a trooper and is doing well! She didn’t even want to have an epidural! I’ll keep you all posted. The baby should be born tonight as Andy Is at 6 centimeters now! Robert yells , “I gotta go”! Don’t wanna miss a thing! Robert heads back to Andy’s room and shocked to see Carina back so soon with a couple of nurses. Andy Is progressing so fast towards birth. I guess the Pitocin sped up the contractions because She was now at 8 centimeters dialated! Robert quickly washes his hands and puts on his scrubs and rushes back in to help his wife bring they’re child into the world. Only two more centimeters to go and it’s push time! 30 minutes later Andy is pushing for the 3rd time and they hear they baby cry! Sullivan is over the moon and so proud of his wife! Carina announces , “IT’S A GIRL”!!! Weighing in at 6LBS 10 ounces and 21” long! She’s gonna be tall like her father! Welcome to the STATION 19 world baby “TAINA ANDREA HERRERA SULLIVAN”!! Robert is given the honor of cutting the umbilical cord of his new baby daughter! 5 minutes after their daughters birth Robert burst out to the lobby to shout, “ITS A GIRL”!! To the crew! Baby and Andy are doing well. She came in weighing 6 lbs 10 ounces and 21 inches long! We named her TAINA ANDREA HERRERA SULLIVAN!! You can hear 19 ooohing and ahhhing over the beautiful name they chose for their baby daughter! Congratulations to the new parents!
The End
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clown-rot · 4 years
Cooking HCs for the LoV
Request - Yes (No)
Pairing - No pairing
Type - Headcanon
Warnings - Crack, Just Pure Crack
A/n - Just some crack Sushia and I made up in the DtCW gc
Im so nervous ahh-- This my first official piece on here hopefully people actually like these!
Please do not repost this on any other media platform without my permission or credit
- What if??👀👀 The bar in LoV’s hideout doesn’t have a stove??👀👀
- That means that Dabi is in charge of Breakfast lunch AND Dinner 25/8 baby~
- We love a cooking king 😌💅✨
- They use his torso as a stove/grill because he’s ~•s k i n n y•~
- Dabi HATES cooking Bacon and Eggs with a passion
- Only cuz they make him oily🤧
- Dabi is such a good stovetop though
- He makes the bacon in less than 10 seconds and it’s never burnt~~
- bUt if Shigaraki beats him at a game of Mario Kart before breakfast,,, he’ll burn his bacon out of spite🖐💀
- Making eggs is always a little messy but hey, it’s not he can’t shower🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
- He actually gets showering privileges, he can shower as many times as he wants, whenever he wants for however long he wants only because the food they eat makes direct contact with his skin.
- He’s actually the cleanest member of the LoV because of this. 
- Being the stove of the LoV had its perks
- He just doesn’t know what he hates more Bacon or eggs
- He ends up hating both equally because the oil always hits him on more sensitive parts of his face
- The LoV definitely make an order as if they were at a restaurant
- Twice only ever asks for toast and toaster waffles only because he’s a child at heart
- Toga is a Bougie b!tch✌️😙 and orders omelets, french toast, pancakes. If it’s on an IHOP menu she’s ‘ordering’ it😌✨
- Shigaraki always ‘orders’ eggs and bacon just to spite Dabi sksksk
- Kurogiri usually gets toast with a fried egg on top because he’s the dad of the group. Like??? C’mon— you can’t tell me he wouldn’t lmfao
- Of course, Dabi has his favorite orders and it will forever and always be Twice’s order
- Whenever Shigaraki gets mad at Dabi he’ll throw eggs at him🖐😭
- the cook and burn almost instantly
- Of course your wondering, “but Author-chan??? How does Dabi cook all of this ON himself and where would he do it???” Well dear reader let me explain
- Shigaraki, Toga, and Twice can’t cook At. All. Kurogiri, on the other hand, is a mf chEF🤩
- Kurogiri lays Dabi across the bar counter, whips out his pink ‘kiss the cook’ apron and spatula before taking everybody’s orders
- “Okay Dabi lay down so I can start everyone’s breakfast”
- Dabi usually gets impatient by the second order
- “Stop moving or I’m going to drop the food again”
- “Blah Blah Blah I can’t hear youuu~”
- Kurogiri uses sour gummy worms to coax him into laying still ofc
- “There are you better now?”
- “*angry stove noises*”😠💞
- But he’s still and that’s all that matters
- He’s even refused to act as a stove until he gets sour gummies as compensation
- Dabi ends up having the sour gummies as breakfast and doesn’t mind at all
- He also gets exhausted because he still is using his quirk but in tiny controlled bursts so there’s a lot of holding back😓😓
- He does get to rest in between sessions if they’re making a large meal
- He only rests for large meals because he isn’t allowed to have gummy worms as a meal then because it’s a special occasion🥳
- The special occasion’s being Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and birthdays
- Dabi is best stove boy😌✨
- Toga asked if she could make a cake in his mouth once and he screamed. Not her name or a coherent word but just screamed—
- “Dabi can I make a cake in your mou—”
- She asked Kurogiri if she could put a small cake pan with batter in a metal box and have Dabi hug it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 40 minutes
- He along with everyone else agreed that it was a good idea, well everyone else except Dabi
- After a few seconds of thinking though, he agreed👀🍿
- He baked the cake at 1,700 degrees in 8 minutes instead👁👄👁
- But it didn’t taste burnt so they took it as a win
- Toga also begged him with puppy dog eyes if he could “make” a ‘ding’ each time her food was done
- “Dabi please???”
- “No”
- “Please :( 🥺🥺”
- “I said no— How’d you even say that??—”
- “I’ll give you the Gucci jacket that’s too big for me~”
- “OK” 
- He’s always made the dinging noise ever since
- TLDR; Dabi is the LoV’s walking stovetop and no one can stop him
Please do not repost this on any other media platform without my permission or credit
Taglist - @sushiadasushi @boosyboo9206 @bnha-kitten @panbaigel @denkisbreaddealer @loveaintintheair @last-three-braincells @herladyfangirl @pltvante 
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
don't know if you answered this before but in what order would you rank the endgame couples - piper/leo, phoebe/coop, paige/henry? very curious
oh hmm i actually have never been asked this!! hmm this is difficult. okay so like. obvi before we begin i must offer a disclaimer here. i am a paragon of bad taste. let’s not forget my entire valentine’s theme was dedicated to prue & jack. we’re starting at rock bottom here. i also love projecting my own idea onto incomplete pieces to fill the gaps. like. like i get how there’s not a lot to love for paige and henry and phoebe and coop but in my lil brain they are all very complex and like fleshed out and i gotta a lotta beliefs. in fact. like. hmm. no i’ve already said i have bad taste like piper/leo are probably gonna sit at the bottom of the list for me just because i cannot craft them how i want bc they’re already solidified in canon. like. idk they’re an adorable couple all that the full nine yards or whatever but like. well for starters they’re not my favorite ship tropes and then on top of that again There’s A Lot Of Canon. and i am a narcissistic diva okay i wanna be able to fill in these gaps. so like. hmm at the top based solely on coupleness and the versions of them that live in my noggin it’s
phoebe/coop bc like hear me out man they’re like the embodiment of love. we’ve been hit over the head so many time how they’re the embodiment of love and like salvation and rebirth and renewal like!! like part of me wishes that we had introduced coop in s5 and given him more skin in the game but also if they fucked up this relationship i would have been so bummed bc it really is. it’s love!! like it is the embodiment of falling in love like phoebe is stone cold right and she’s kind of starting to accept that maybe she just doesn’t get it you know. maybe that’s it. she gets her column and she gets to help people find love and see like piper and leo at peak domesticity and like engage in love, but like, remotely.because it’s not for her. and then here comes this cupid who’s like no i’m gonna find you love which is a cute gesture but like she genuinely doesn’t believe she’s made for love she genuinely doesn’t believe she gets to have love but then you know like. like her eyes get reopened to the world around her yes she engaged with love remotely but she had become so far removed from it that it lost the feeling. she saw it but she saw the individual brushstrokes and then here comes coop and he helps her take a step back and see the painting. and like!!! it’s beautiful. and then of course there’s the added trope of like. falling in love with coop he’s supposed to help you find love and now you know what the hell you’re trying but like. you’re in love with him. but you can’t be but you are. like!! and then on coop’s side you know he’s a cupid he’s been doing this for centuries and his love for humanity is obvious and his love for love is obvious but this is new. and he doesn’t know what it is!! like he knows love obviously but he’s never like you know fallen in love. and he can’t recognize it because he thinks it’s impossible but the next think you know he’s got all those lovesick symptoms he sees in the couples he puts together and oh my god he’s in love with phoebe. and then of course both believe the other won’t reciprocate bc it’s out of the realm of possibility. but then the other does reciprocate!! they also just like. i mean all three couple do but like phoebe and coop maybe the most. seem like the type of people who just kinda get lost in watching their partner work. like when phoebe is having trouble with a letter for her column she like paces and mutters the letter out loud to herself like she’s the one asking it and like bareface in pajamas like a crazy person is just repeating the same thing over and over again and coop’s just fucking in love with her like look at her!! and vice versa i don’t think coop has really spent that much time being human i think he takes absolute delight in small things phoebe has just forgotten about but to see coop’s face light up like at so flea market or something finding something that was undeniably crafted with love like he can feel it imbued in the item and his face just lights up and he wants to tell everyone how like it’s love!! love!! it’s all around us it’s in here can’t you feel it and phoebe just looks at him and remembers how pure love itself is and just how happy she is that you know. this is her life. and she gets to fall asleep and wake up next to this man like hello?? hello??!???! and then i’m gonna go 
paige/henry bc like i feel like they’re criminally underrated again bc we spedrun what should have been a slowburn but they gave me the legos and i will built the death star like. like these are two people who struggle with family and identity so much who have learned against their nature to lean into and grow with one another. like what we see of paige is a woman who loves her independence and loves her freedom and yesh has a complex relationship with family bc she was given up at birth but it didn’t matter because she found a loving family so who needs the ones who gave her up not her but she couldn’t help but wonder but she didn’t care she had her family. until she didn’t. until she was seventeen alone and scared and what are you supposed to do with that?? and let’s not even get started on the fact she only gains her new family through death as well. like. there’s so much there there are so many reasons to stay guarded and fearful and just overall pessimistic about the concept of family especially as something built to last. and then henry!!! who never knew his birth parents and on top of that never got a home like paige paige got a home she got a family who loved her hell she actually got two henry never had that henry always had nothing and like he kinda grew up in that shell said he didn’t want to leave when people started getting close he had to push them away bc he didn’t know who he was if he wasn’t alone and paige is like hey hi?? you wanna be alone so bad be alone but i actually fucking like you and i know you like me too so don’t just push me out because that’s what makes you feel "comfortable” when you know you’re miserable in your comfort. and she’s right but it’s still a hurdle for henry and it’s this push and pull of the tides where bit by bit they kind of have to learn that it’s lonely up on the pedestal of independence and it can actually be nice to be vulnerable with somebody yes it’s fucking terrifying to just like show yourself to someone honestly because like!! they can turn away what if they turn away but to experience the rewards of love we must first subject ourselves to the morifying ordeal of being known. and it’s a painful process for both of them but the fruits of those labors man it’s well fucking worth it and it’s a relationship especially on henry’s side that is plagued with external insecurities other people telling him that he is not cut from the right cloth to be with paige but like. it’s like he’s already torn down his walls to be with her and she’s done the same and he realizes he loves her like He Loves Her like. like!! who gives a fuck what anyone else says he loves paige. and then paige reciprocates omg!!! haha fuck yeah. and then like i also think henry’s just super fuckin corny levels of domestic like makes french toast every sunday and fingerpaints with his kids and is in the dad’s club at the elementary school and just does all the things that he fuckin prayed for as a child  just a constant stable feeling of home of love and like. like!!!! i’m gonna bite someone like. paige&henry man.
piper/leo though as previously established is like Thee charmed couple you know they are there all eight seasons they get points for that but obviously from reading my first two ones i kinda just fill in a lot of gaps there which i am able to do bc each couple probably checks in at 150min of screentime total. piper and leo don’t get that so like i don’t get to do that. and like. the origins of them i just don’t quite get you know which was really just cause it was such a new show and this was a new lil relationship they weren’t sure what they were gonna do with it and then again like issues with canon and the whole whitelighter thing but what i would have loved to see more in the early stages is just like why. like obviously they both found the other cute but we never really got the Moments bc it was all so preferrial and then next thing you know leo’s dying in the attic and piper loves him like i would have loved the in between and a bit more of the internal monologue the jump then fall especially on leo’s part which is like canon’s fault but like. you know like why if he was a whitelighter and knew the rules blah blah blah and it was because the writers didn’t know but like. still you know. and then s2 was bogged down my dan and i just really didn’t care for it that much because like. idk i didn’t love a lot of leo’s vibes early s2 were he was trying to keep it strictly professional and just ended up coming across as weirdly bitter and possessive however i Loved him bonding with dan in pardon my past that was a nice touch. of course later seasons pleo really makes up for the lackluster of the early seasons bc they are just so domestic like they know each others strengths so well and leo loves piper’s cooking and they’re corny n cute and they have their little moment and i do mostly like their relationship therapy bits i like that that was incorporated bc like. it happens man it’s not something to keep taboo it happens. but i do feel like that shit was often resolved too quick and then the same shit dredged up ten minutes later like some one trick pony. i also love how ride or die they are points for that. leo’s like i killed an elder and piper’s like alright. they’re really in it through thick n thin n i respect that
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vegetalass · 4 years
RDR2 Boys Cooking + Eating Habits
Somebody else on here wrote some headcanons about Arthur not being able to cook and just eating microwave food all the time and I just have to say…. That’s canon 
Lowkey though he’s trying his best to get better at cooking
Probably the only thing he knows how to make is pasta 
He adds a bunch of random frozen veggies to water as the noodles are cooking 
And then smothers the whole thing in butter and calls it a meal
Or he puts marinara sauce on it straight from the jar 
And yes, that means it’s cold
He’s also getting better at friend rice, too
But he’s really bad at actually making rice 
If he doesn’t add too much water… He burns the bottom 
Charles makes a mental note to buy him a rice cooker for his birthday 
Makes his own popsicles out of random fruit juices and eats them 24/7 
Thinks this qualifies him as a chef
Eats pickles and olives straight out of the jar with a fork 
And sauerkraut too probably 
Just goes over to john’s house on his pizza nights 
Puts ketchup on eggs
Pizza dad 
Probably orders pizza, salad, and a 64oz soda twice a week 
Everything else is just Dino chicken nuggets, Eggos, hot dogs, quesadillas, and frozen peas and corn 
Food you feed to little kids, basically 
Mostly because he does have a little kid 
But also because it’s easy and takes minimal effort and he doesn’t mind eating it, too
Abigail would be mad but she has no room to talk
The most you’ll see him actually make is buttered pasta (like Arthur) or sometimes beans and rice 
Abigail bought them a rice cooker a while ago so that’s one thing he doesn’t have to worry about 
Probably always has some type of dessert laying around 
Doesn’t mean it’s good, but it’s there 
Abigail buys a bunch of those gross, low calorie ice creams and John ends up having to finishing them 
Family lunches consist of a bologna sandwich on wheat bread with American cheese and mayo, a piece of fruit, a bag of chips or crackers, a go-gurt, and some gummies 
And yes he makes them for himself and Abigail too 
They’re all eating good at the Marston household 
(Not really)
Everything he cooks are things that can’t be made in single batches 
Lots of healthy soups, chilis, stew, etc…
Most of the time, he makes too much of whatever it is so he always has leftovers 
Everyone is jealous when he brings them for lunch
Probably finds all of his recipes in the newspaper or random magazines he reads while at the grocery store checkout line
Everyone is like, “Charles… Why are you reading Women’s Fitness?” 
And he’s like, “Check out this salad recipe, though”
Puts hot sauce on everything 
Salad, macaroni and cheese, hamburgers... You name it 
And he’s the king of snacking
All of his snacks are healthy, though
Raw veggies and fruit and quinoa chips from Whole Foods or something like that
Nobody likes this
He’s one of those people who brings hard boiled eggs everywhere as a “snack,” too
And yea, he puts hot sauce on those, also 
He really likes those weird protein bars that are hard to bite into and taste like chalk 
The flavors are either normal stuff like white chocolate macadamia or Protein Power Punch with whey, chia and seaweed 
There’s no in between 
He’s also a charcuterie board legend
Hosea is jealous of this talent
Spends all his money on take out 
He’s totally one of those weird people who’s entire trash can is just filled with take out boxes and cans of coke or beer
Constantly eating fast food 
You ask him what he bought at the supermarket and he’s like “Pub mix and bud light” 
Everything that he does manage to cook only involve one step of preparation 
Unseasoned, fried meats and boiled veggies 
Sometimes scrambled eggs and bacon
If he’s feeling fancy, he will make plain sandwiches
This is very rare, though
Can and will complain about anyone’s cooking
Even if it’s good and he he likes it
There are certain people he can’t do this to, though, or they won’t let him eat
The only person’s cooking he doesn’t complain about is Dutch’s
Constantly snacking from an entire party sized bag of chips
And yes, he eats straight out of the bag and wipes his fingers on his jeans
His oven is dirty
A meal for him is probably a handful of almonds and an applesauce or yogurt cup 
He is constantly making a bunch of those Tik Tok recipes where you just put a bunch of random stuff into your crock pot and add ranch seasoning and cream cheese
*insert all of those memes about mom pulling out the crock pot*
If you complain, he says “Well, you’re always welcome to cook, too”
Wears an apron when he cooks
Constantly eating plain toast with butter
And bananas 
And cheese sticks
Thinks that this makes him “healthy” 
Definitely likes to snack on those cocktail fruit cups and canned mandarin oranges
His entire freezer is just full of ice cream 
It’s all weird flavors like Cherry Garcia, chocolate banana, and pistachio though
Everyone hates him for this
Raisins are his late night treat 
Has a secret stash of candy no one can find 
That’s okay though because it’s mostly Werthers Originals
And Chiclets gum
He picks out all the orange ones, though
Tries to re-plate takeout so he can call it his own
Everybody sees through this but they stopped commenting on it like four Thanksgivings ago 
Buys a bunch of those meals from Costco that all you need to do is heat up in the oven
He does like fast food but only from the less popular places
Carl’s Jr., Wendy’s, BK, Arby’s, etc. 
A&W, too, because he’s old and weird
He can totally cook, he just never does 
It’s just normal stuff like spaghetti and meatballs or chicken and rice, though
Tuna fish casserole
He over-seasons everything, though
Mostly because he’s trying to prove that he’s a good cook 
Eats dessert twice, every night 
Once right after dinner, and then later when he’s feeling like a treat 
Will eat in bed
Uses a little bib and tray and everything 
Likes pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Would eat hot wings with gloves on 
He’s the one who taught Arthur to put ketchup on eggs 
The second I realized that Kieran would probably be white trash, my life changed 
Hamburger Helper meals for LIFE
That one cheeseburger pasta? Kieran probably eats that three times a week 
He 100% makes the ketchup-butter sketti from Honey Boo Boo 
“It’s been a while since I done had roadkill in my belly”
His favorite dessert is ambrosia salad or that weird yogurt/Cool Whip covered jello that was popular in the 2000s
Probably has a TV dinner every once in a while, too
Instant mashed potatoes and minute rice type of guy 
Also gives me big microwave cheddar broccoli vibes 
I’ve said this before, but his house is probably stocked with all kinds of on-brand goodies 
Probably always has some kind of chip and cookie around 
Eats dinner in front of the TV
Dips french fries in mayonnaise
All of this said though, he isn’t a picky eater and will eat whatever is put on his plate 
That’s why he’s great to take to restaurants, because he never complains
Honestly it’s just so sweet to think of him making big crockpot meals to share with ppl even if his cooking is a lil.... strange 
Thinks that the hot dog combo from Costco is a suitable dinner 
Also gets hot food from the grocery store for dinner a lot
Literally will just heat up a can of something and eat it plain 
Beans, chili, soup… 
Doesn’t doctor it up or change it at all 
He’s happy to share but no one wants any
Chips and dip, 24/7
And it’s just Tostitos Hint of Lime chips and hummus
Probably puts hummus on everything, too 
Corn chips, tortilla chips, tortillas, vegetables, sandwiches, etc. 
Will put anything in a tortilla and call it a sandwich 
Eats leftovers cold 
The rest of the gang thinks this is a sin
Makes stir fry with whatever is laying around the house
It’s a little gross because he will try to add leftover beans
Refuses to eat fast food
The only exception he’ll make is for french fries and ice cream
Walks around and eats at the same time
Isn’t above asking the other boys to share with him 
Despite the fact that this only happens if what they’re eating is good
Which is almost never
Sean can’t cook. That’s the end of it
The most he can make is that weird microwave Mac and cheese where the pasta is boiled in the mug?? 
He never does it tho and just sticks with the normal, frozen Mac and Cheese you can microwave instead
Uses his microwaving ability to make mug cakes
And microwave scrambled eggs
Burns his popcorn every single time
He’s probably set of the smoke detector or fire alarm multiple times
He’s Irish though so of course he’s addicted to potatoes and cabbage
And since he’s from the UK, he likes stuff like beans on toast and marmite
He’s a little nasty too so catch him eating bologna sandwiches on wonder bread
Not even the Marstons are that bad
When he does get takeout, he overspends trying to use a delivery app 
He’s like, “And do I need the extra side of special sauce for $5…? Yes.” 
Cooks like this 
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ninzied · 4 years
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i’ll be the light and lead you home when there’s nowhere left to go
hireath (n); a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past
for @heartonfirewrites. [ao3]
Being with Karen – it’s one of the easiest things that Frank has ever done.
Even before he put down the vest and showed up at her place for good – because there was no turning back for either of them after that – he had known. It was part of what kept him away for so long.
Being with Karen was everything right, and good, and Frank hadn’t believed in a long, long time that those things should even be possible for him. That they could be what he deserved.
He only half-believes it even now. But if he’s going to hell for letting himself have this, then he might as well make the most of this one small corner of light and good things until then.
Still, they have their not-so-good days. The days that try to drag them back into those dark, buried places of their past, before they had this. Before they found something else that they could not afford to lose.
There’s the date of every funeral they’ve ever been to, every loved one they’ve had to bury. There are other kinds of anniversaries, too. Birthdays. Christmas. The day Frank got married. But they all carry with them the same kind of heaviness. They all came to an end the same way.
There are more of these kinds of days than either of them would like to count – days that feel like they belong to some other life, but will never stop haunting them in the one they’re living now.
Each one comes with a static kind of silence around it.
They have their own ways of dealing. Frank rises even earlier than usual and goes for a run down the Hudson. He runs until his whole body might be on fire, and then he just keeps on going. Karen throws herself into her work; if she’s not out chasing leads, she’s hunkered down at her computer, fingers flying over the keys.
It takes some navigating, but they’ve learned how to be there for each other without overstepping – how to be gentle with all that silence, how to cradle it close without it breaking. How to let the silence know that it is not alone.
Karen has coffee waiting for him after his long morning runs – black, and scalding, just the way he likes it. She doesn’t tease him for it like she would on any other day, and every kiss that he gives her tastes just a touch bittersweet.
Frank, on his part, cleans their apartment, cooks her dinner. She’s not great at remembering to feed herself on a regular day, so on the hard ones in particular he makes sure the table she’s working at is well-stocked with actual food.
They come back to each other in the twilight hours. Before they had this, their tomorrows had always been more of the same, but now, at least – now, their tomorrows actually mean something again.
Their own birthdays are on the quieter side too, but it’s nice. It’s soft. It’s them.
Nothing to fuss about, just the two of them curled up on the couch and, for once, not letting the rest of the world have any say in the matter. Frank takes the day off of work, and per Karen’s request stows her phone and computer some place she won’t think to find.
They’ve always promised each other no parties – and truly, a party is not what Karen has in mind when she first approaches Curtis for something small, something quiet, this year. She’d gotten the okay from Frank to include him, and there’s a bottle of whiskey she’s stashed in the cabinet just for the occasion.
But then Curt had asked if he could bring a mutual friend, which is how Dinah winds up greeting a slightly startled Frank at the door with wine and a meat-and-cheese platter. And then the postcard to Florida that Karen had mailed months ago gets returned to the sender – hand-delivered by a tanned and beaming Amy, who also brought a pink plastic flamingo as a “housewarming” gift, and a genuinely awful Hawaiian print shirt for Frank.
“I’m never going to wear that,” says Frank before enveloping her in a tight hug.
Karen wants to ask him if this is okay – really, she couldn’t have accounted for all of this happening – but then Frank looks over at her with shining eyes, and her chest could crack open from all the love she sees in them.
“Any more surprises I should know about?” he asks her, voice gruff as he steals her into their room for a kiss.
Karen puts a hand on his chest, and says in a half-apologetic tone, “I might have texted the Liebermans last week.”
“Did you, now.” He chuckles under his breath.
“I didn’t mention your birthday, but they seem like the type to put two and two together.”
“Unbelievable,” says Frank with a shake of his head. “How’d you even – never mind.” He kisses her again, lacing their fingers together before rejoining the others.
David and Sarah show up with their kids half an hour later.
It should feel like a squeeze – it was a small apartment even before Frank moved in with her – but instead, the only thing it feels is right, having the space filled with the warmth of everyone’s laughter, and the look on Frank’s face, every time their eyes meet and he breaks out into another smile.
So when Karen’s birthday comes around, Frank finds himself anxious about getting it right, in a way that he hasn’t before. In spite of what he’d told her he wanted for his own birthday, she’d done him one even better, and it was, hands down, one of the best birthdays he’d had in a long, long while.
He wants that for her, too. After all the shit that she’s gone through, after being the one there for him, the least he could do is make this day a really damn good one for her.
“This is exactly why we made those rules,” Karen has to remind him, when he ends up ruining the French toast in his agitation. He scowls at the remains before tipping them into the trash.
“Yeah? Rules say something about not being able to make my girl some goddamn toast?” Frank groans, reaching his hand out to hers and tugging her up against his side.
“No,” says Karen, tilting her head at him with a smile. “Rules say not to worry too much if you burn it.”
“I’ll try to remember that for next time.” He wraps his other arm around her, nudging their foreheads together. “Happy birthday, Karen.” He kisses her soft and slow, and she makes a small humming sound when they part.
Her hand comes up to touch his cheek. “Hey,” she says. “This is all I want, Frank.”
He sighs, head dropping down to his chest for a moment. She cups his face in both her hands, until he’s finally looking back up at her.
“Okay?” she says.
“Okay,” he says, and means it.
He ends up taking her to a little corner café for breakfast instead. Afterward, they stroll hand-in-hand down by the river before checking out one of the animal shelters nearby. They almost walk out with a dog, and make a pact to come back after they’ve found a bigger place to live next year.
They meet Nelson and Murdock for a late lunch on one of the piers, and by then Frank’s feeling fully at ease. He even has a good time with them. He finds Nelson amusing, not that he’d ever admit it, and even Murdock’s grown on him a little over the years.
Karen looks happy. And that’s all that really matters to him.
Frank’s at the bar getting them another round of beers when he hears the phone ring. Karen’s. He recognizes the ring tone. But he doesn’t think anything of it until he’s turning around with their drinks, and he sees the look on her face as she stares down at the screen.
Karen excuses herself from the table, and makes her way down toward the water until she’s just out of earshot. Frank sets the tray down, watching her back tense as she talks, and nods with a pained kind of smile that breaks his fucking heart.
He should’ve seen this coming.
There’s a reason why Frank stashes her phone out of sight every year. It’s a reminder of the people who don’t call on their birthdays – the people who can’t, and the people who won’t. Or the people who send one lousy text a week late, and can’t be bothered to answer when she tries calling back.
Murdock’s face is expressionless, but Frank knows he’s listening in on the other line.
“That her piece of shit dad, isn’t it.” His hands are fisted so tight that it feels like the only way he can loosen them up is to just fucking hit something.
Murdock remains silent, which Frank takes as confirmation enough.
He stalks over to Karen in time to hear the tail end of her conversation.
“Sure, Dad,” she’s saying, with that same strained smile that makes it look like she’s halfway to bursting in tears. “I can make a few phone calls, see what I can do.”
Frank stops abruptly in front of her, his whole body seething. Is he seriously calling to ask for a favor? The shitbag even remember it’s her goddamn birthday today?
“Give me the phone.”
Karen holds out a placating hand, eyes steady on his. They’re watering slightly, but she musters up a small, genuine smile for him. He steps closer, swaying forward a little. His vision’s gone a little blurry too.
“C’mon, Karen. Let me talk to him.”
“Sure thing, Dad,” she says into the phone, and he hates how small that man makes her sound, how young and just – so fucking delicate, like the wrong word from him might break her. Like the right one could make some part of her whole again.
“Karen…” If he could just give him a piece of his mind—
“Bye.” She hangs up, and stares at the phone until the screen blanks out. She heaves a deep, shaky breath, looks over the railing, and then, almost in slow motion, lets go of the phone in her hand. They watch it tumble down to the water, where it slips out of sight with a splash that probably only Murdock could hear.
“Guess you won’t be able to make those calls after all,” says Frank after a moment, and it startles a watery laugh out of her, eyes bright as she looks at him with more gratitude than he’ll ever deserve.
“Not today,” she says, pressing the heel of her hand to one cheek and swiping away the moisture there.
“Not today,” Frank agrees, voice low and firm and final. But then she’s looking back out at the water, something distant clouding up her expression, and he feels a fresh, hot guilt churning around inside his stomach. “I’m sorry, Karen. I—”
She turns and slips her arms around him, burying her face into his shoulder.
He wraps her up tight, cradling the back of her neck and making soft shushing sounds to her as she starts to cry.
They’re curled up on the couch later that night. Frank’s not much of a baker, but he’d tried his hand at a cake, which hadn’t turned out nearly so bad as the French toast from that morning. What’s left of the cake now is on the coffee table in front of them, plus a stray crumb or two that he thumbs away from Karen’s bottom lip before planting a couple of kisses there.
“Thank you,” she tells him, and he knows she’s not just talking about cake.
Frank shakes his head. “I didn’t…”
“Stop.” She puts a hand on his mouth. He noses a kiss to the pad of her finger. Her eyes are still red-rimmed from earlier, but she hasn’t shed a tear since. He thinks she’s one of the strongest people he’s ever known. “You did,” she tells him. “You do.”
“Not enough.”
“It’s everything.” She snuggles up close. “And what I say goes. Don’t forget, it is still my birthday for another twenty-three minutes.”
He breathes out a laugh in her hair. “And after?”
“After,” she says simply, “is another tomorrow with you.”
His throat closes up, and it’s all he can do to just kiss her again for a moment.
He holds her gaze when they part, finger stroking over her cheekbone. “You’re everything, to me. You got that?”
Karen bites back a smile. “I think I have some idea.”
And for the next twenty-three minutes and counting, he proceeds to make doubly sure that she does.
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Survey #412
“there’s nothing i could ever write to help you understand this life  /  there’s so much beauty when your eyes lay lost in all the city lights”
Did you make any money today? Nope. What was the highest place you've ever jumped from? Idk. Have you ever gone swimming in a river? Yes, but it wasn't in a fast-flowing area of it. Is there something you really want to buy at the moment? I mention Venus' terrarium enough, so besides that, I'd really like to buy a plane ticket to see Sara, as well as new glasses. Would you ever consider culinary school? No. What was the last souvenir someone got you? uhhhhhhhh Do you have a favorite remix of a song? BOI I couldn't begin. Has the power gone out recently? No. Do you like driving at night? NOOOOOOO. What do you think is the most saddest sounding instrument? Either a violin or piano. Do you really pay attention to the ratings on movies? Nope. Have you ever snuck in to a theater/dance/bar etc? No. If given the chance, would you go to Ireland? Yeah! I'd love to go on a photography journey there. Are you afraid of standing on the edge of hills/skyscrapers/cliffs etc? Yeah, heights scare me and I have a serious case of "what if I jumped off?". I'm not suicidal or anything, but there's an actual term for that urge that is somewhat normal. I just can't remember what it is. Do you have a favorite species of wild cat (tiger/lion/cougar etc)? Probably the clouded leopard. But I LOVE wild cats. I think lions are the most interesting. Do you have an absolute favorite name (boy or girl)? Alessandra, 120%. It is so beautiful-sounding, plus I love that you can use "Alessa" as a nickname. My Silent Hill obsession is quite thrilled by that, ha ha. Are you good at pronouncing foreign words? I'm decent with German. When listening to music, do you usually tap your foot etc to the beat? It's weird, I actually have a habit of swaying my leg back and forth. Not even to the beat, I just do it. Have you ever literally cried on a friend's shoulder? Yes. Would you ever consider being a DJ at a party if you were paid? No. Do strapless bras work for you? Look man my boobs are too big for those lmao. Has anyone told you that they wanted to marry you/were planning on it/etc? Many times. Guess who's not around anymore. Do you feel comfortable enough to wear short shorts? HELL no. Have a favorite actor/actress from Old Hollywood? (Marilyn Munroe, etc) Not really. What's your opinion on people who stretch their ears? You do you, boo. Do you think tattoos are expressive art or unattractive? A R T ! ! ! What is your school mascot? I'm not in school. Have you ever seen a bear in the wild? No. What's the book you're currently reading? Wings of Fire: Moon Rising. Can you recall the most disturbing movie you've ever seen? Paranormal Entity. Has anyone you know gotten mono? My older sister did when she was I think in high school. Have you ever picked an apple off the tree and eaten it? Yes, actually! It was one of the best apples I'd ever tasted. Can you say yes/no in different languages? In German, ja. (See what I did there lololol I'm clever.) Out of the traditional superheroes, which one is your favorite? Spider-Man. Ever peed in your pants after the age of 10? Maybe TMI, but a few years ago, I had a very strange episode of premature incontinence. It stopped, but it was very weird and embarrassing. Had any surgeries? What kind? I had tubes put in my ears as a two-year-old, and I wanna say at the end of 2016 is when I had my cyst removal surgery. Ever told your parents you hated them? My dad, yes. Very vehemently. I will always regret the letter I sent him. Do you let your pets on your furniture? Of course. This is their house, too. How do you feel about kettle cooked chips? Ew. How strong do you like your coffee? I don't like coffee, period. Would you rather see someone of the opposite sex naked or nicely dressed? Uhhhh I dunno. I guess it depends on the mood. Would you ever consider visiting Texas? I have friends there I'd love to meet, but I don't think so. Too hot. If you could make a movie, what would it be about? Some of the less-upsetting/disturbing RP stories I've taken part in writing. If you were kicked out of your current residence whom would you call? My dad. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? I mean I do, but I don't think now is the time. I need to set shit straight about myself first. Do you prefer broccoli or asparagus? Broccoli. Asparagus is repulsive. Was the last person you kissed attractive? She's gorgeous. Are you racist at all? Not at all. Do you read creepypasta? If not, you should. Nah. Have you ever vandalized? Nope. Would you ever scuba dive in shark-infested waters if you had the chance? Most likely not. And by the way, they do not "infest" waters. That's their home. I hate that phrase so much. Have you ever been drunk at work? No. Have you ever hit a parked car with your car? No. Have you ever slept on the floor with someone you like? Yes. I remember Jason and I made a palette on the living room floor at least one night. It was SO uncomfortable. I don't even remember why we did it. Which do you prefer: french toast, bagels, or cereal? French toast. *_* Do you prefer light or dark haired? I prefer colorful hair. Have you ever read any of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books? No. I remember we had at least one, though. Would you be prepared to do a job that you didn’t like, if it paid well? No. That would affect my depression so badly. Do you think age is needed for maturity? Absolutely not. Do you believe the future is predetermined? No. What the hell would even be the point if it was? Like you'd have no free will; you'd just be a character in a story a higher power wrote. What words are most comforting to you? "I love you," "I'm here for you," "you're strong enough to get through this," stuff like that. How important is money to you? I have a stressful relationship with money. I've never in my life had a stable income because the three jobs I've had were so incredibly short-lived, so the money I DO get, I cherish the shit outta it.. I make sure I REALLY want something, and I mean it modestly, but I'm also honestly pretty selfless with money, too. I'm very willing to leave considerable tips, I don't mind buying pricey gifts for people if I think they would really, really like it, stuff like that. Going my whole life being poor, I just understand the situation so well and want to help people where I can. Is there anything you want to last forever? Love. By that I mean I hope even beyond death, the relationships we built in life stretch into what afterlife there may be. List three of your passions: Animals and their conservation, LGBTQ+ rights, and the pro-choice movement. How old do you want to live to? As old as I can before the point of being totally dependent on others to do things like clean me and stuff. I do NOT want to be get to the point of essentially being a rotting corpse. What kind of love do you value the most? Romantic, honestly. There's just something so special about it. If you could control one element, what would it be? Water I suppose, because it would be the most helpful. Do you prefer foxes or wolves? Man, that's hard, but I guess foxes. Could you ever deliver a baby? I don't think I could. I handle stomach pain VERY poorly, and I know I would screech loud enough to crack the damn sky before it would be time to perform the epidural. Do you think suits are sexy? Yeah. Ever been called babe? Yeah. How old is your youngest sibling? She's 23. Who in your phone has a heart after their name? Sara. Favorite boy’s name? Probably Severin. Are your parents together, separated, divorced, never married, what? Divorced. Do you go online every day? Yep. What is the best quality in the last guy you kissed? The last guy I kissed, maybe his loyalty. He has ALWAYS been there for me. He's also funny as hell. What do you usually do during a kiss? Depends on how passionate it is? Do you have an older brother? I do. You’re offered free tickets to a Justin Bieber concert. What do you do? Sell those bad boys. What’s the genre of the current song you’re listening to? Pop. Can you believe it?? Would you ever keep your favorite animal as a pet? ABSOLUTELY not. I could write an actual essay on why meerkats should NOT be kept as pets. Would you ever sell your soul? Noooo thanks.
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Happy Birthday, Edward!
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Technically, Edward’s birthday isn’t until tomorrow, but I was too damn excited!!
I really wanted to do something special for Edward’s birthday, so I thought I’d write him a little something to celebrate!
There’s also some self-indulgent Chredwis in here, because there isn’t enough of that out there.
Characters: Edward Quinton, Chris Jackson, Drew and Nevin Jovel, Isaac Beamer, Ell Fisher
Word count: 2,164
Warnings: Swearing
The boys belong to @onebizarrekai​, Ell belongs to me, and the picture was drawn by my good friend @oakskull​!
Fic is under the cut!
Happy birthday, Edward!
Chris was ten seconds away from a fucking panic attack. He was pacing back and forth, muttering to himself, finishing off his fourth chocolate bar in the span of ten minutes.
“Okay, so Ell’s baking the cake, Nevin’s cooking other stuff, Drew’s finishing up the playlist for the party…wait, what about the decorations? OH GOD, ARE THE DECORATIONS DONE?! THIS PARTY’S GONNA SUCK ASS IF THERE ISN’T ANY DECORA-”
“Calm your tits, man!” Isaac sighed, walking in the room with a box of handmade decorations. He put them down and held up a banner that said, ‘Happy Birthday, King Edward Quinton!’ There were crowns drawn on it with shiny markers, and it was covered in rhinestones and glitter. “Also gonna toot my own horn and say it’s some of my best work.”
“Oh, thank Kai,” Chris sighed, relaxing. “...Why is it so shiny, though?”
“It’s Edward’s birthday. Everyone knows that your birthday is the one day per year that you get to feel important!” Isaac grinned. “Plus I wanted to use a ton of glitter and rhinestones.”
“Isaac, honey, I love you, but how much did you even USE?” Drew cried, squinting at the banner and shielding his eyes.
“You remember when I went to the arts and crafts store with the five hundred dollars Ell gave me?”
“Two hundred and fifty dollars were spent on anything that sparkled.”
Drew facepalmed.
“Well, the aesthetic does look pretty nice,” Chris nodded. “Ell, do me a favor and use your telekinesis to help hang all of these up.”
“Gotcha, Chris-cross!” Ell grinned, lifting her hand. The banner lifted in the air all on its own. She lifted the box up with her hands and wandered off to decorate the rest of Chris’s house.
“I can’t believe that your dad’s okay with holding Ed’s party here,” Isaac said. “I figured that he’d say no to this.”
“Oh, Dad doesn’t know,” Chris replied. “He’s been on a business trip since Monday. He won’t be back until late next week. As long as we clean everything up afterwards, he won’t suspect a thing.”
“Damn, you’re being a rebel, aren’t you?” Drew raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, because this is important! Tomorrow is Ed’s big day!” Chris cried. “Tomorrow has to be absolutely perfect! Just like he is…”
“What was that last part?” Nevin asked, leaning closer to the monochromatic teenager.
“NOTHING!” Chris shouted, face going red, turning to Ell. “Ell, you’re gonna pick Ed up later so he can spend the night at your house, right? You know, to keep him busy so we can set up the finishing touches the next morning?”
“Uh-huh!” Ell gave Chris a thumbs up. “I’m gonna get up early and sneak over here to bake and decorate the cake. If all goes well, I should be back before Edward even wakes up.”
“Remind me why Edward’s gonna stay the night at Ell’s house, again?” Isaac asked. “He could’ve stayed at my place. We’re on pretty good terms.”
“Ell lives the furthest away from all of us,” Chris reminded him. “I’d have him stay at my house, but obviously we can’t, since we’re having the party here.”
“And we all know what Chris would do to Ed if they spent the night alone with each other,” Ell added.
“Jesus fucking Christ, guys! It’s not like that!” Chris cried. “We’d just play birthday games.”
“Birthday games?” Drew repeated.
“Yeah! Like Spin the Bottle, 7 Minutes in Heaven…”
“Chris, those aren’t birthday games,” Isaac facepalmed. “Those are the types of games that horny teenagers play at parties.”
“Hey, who can blame him? That’s how I would want to ring in MY birthday.” Ell’s face started to turn red. “But with somebody else, if you catch my drift…”
“Ell, stop it. You’re gonna bleed on the carpet.” Drew sighed, pulling out a tissue and handing it to Ell.
“Alright, everyone regroup here tomorrow morning at 8 am to put on the finishing touches! Ed’s… er, cronies will arrive a few hours before, and Ell and Ed should be here at noon! Don’t be late!”
Everyone said their goodbyes and went their separate ways, Isaac getting into his car, Drew and Nevin heading home, and Ell walking towards Ed’s house.
Chris shut the door behind him, sliding to the floor. He was nervous. So, so nervous. This party was one of the many surprises that he had for Edward, when tomorrow came.
“Tomorrow is going to be perfect,” Chris said aloud to the empty house. “It has to be. For Edward.”
Edward’s cake looked amazing. It was several layers tall, and was frosted in different colors, and even had a tiny little Edward made of modeling chocolate and fondant.
“It’s not really one of my best creations, but Ed’ll like it,” Ell shrugged, wiping some frosting off of her cheek.
“Not one of your best?!” Chris cried. “This is the best birthday cake I’ve ever seen in my life! How did you even manage to make this in two hours?”
“I’ve been in a ton of baking competitions before. No biggie.” Ell blew some hair out of her face. “You gotta learn to work quickly in those sort of things.”
“Did you win a few of them?” Chris asked, intrigued.
“Nope. I won them all.” Ell grinned. “What did you think all those trophies in my living room came from?”
“Martial arts competitions,” Chris replied without hesitation.
“You’re not wrong, actually. I just keep those trophies in my room.” Ell checked the time. “I better go. Ed’s gonna wake up any minute now, and I need to keep the B-day boy distracted.”
“Alright,” Chris sighed. “I’ll call you if I need you to distract him for even longer.”
“That won’t happen.” Ell smiled at Chris, confident.
“How do you know?”
“Let me ask you a question.” Ell leaned in close to Chris. “Do you love Edward?”
Chris’s face went completely and totally red.
“Well, the same generic and platonic love I share with all of my friends and family-”
“No, you dumbass! I mean romantically! Sexually! That kind of love! Do you love Edward in that way?”
Chris balled his hands up into fists. He could lie in this situation, say that he didn’t, but Ell could read minds, and on top of that, she could instantly tell whether someone was lying or telling the truth, so denying that he loved Edward in this situation proved moot.
“Yes. I romantically and sexually love Edward,” Chris admitted, his cheeks warming.
“In that case, I believe that you’ve got this in the bag,” Ell smiled. “You won’t let anything go wrong for him. It’s his birthday, and you want to make it really special for him. You want to give him a birthday that he’ll never forget, in the best way possible. And you’ll succeed.”
“You really think so?”
“I don’t think so. I know so. Telekinetic’s intuition.” Ell tapped her head, looking like the guy from the “you can’t do” meme.
Chris chuckled. “Thanks, Ell. You’re the best.”
“You’re welcome. That’ll be thirty bucks.”
“I’m kidding! God…”
Edward felt something sit down on his chest, followed by a heavenly smell. He opened his eyes, and Ell was sitting on him, a party horn in her mouth, holding a tray.
Ell blew on the horn, and she took it out of her mouth using her telekinesis. “Bon anniversaire! Feliz cumpleanos! Happy birthday!”
“You made me breakfast in bed? That’s awfully nice of you!” Edward grinned, taking the tray. “Ooh! French toast!”
“Not just any French toast!” Ell grinned. “It’s my grandmother’s special Nutella French toast! The recipe’s been in my family since the day Nutella was first sold in 1964!”
Edward took a bite of it, and his eyes lit up. “Holy shit, this tastes amazing! Nevin would probably kill for this recipe!”
“Yeah, I figured, which is why I haven’t told him about this,” Ell chuckled. “Do me a solid and keep this under wraps, will you?”
“It’s the least I can do,” Edward nodded, taking another bite. “Damn, I gotta say, you’re a really good cook.”
“Oh, thanks. I’m mostly self-taught.” Ell crossed her legs. “So, do you have any plans for today?”
“I usually go out for dinner on my birthday with my family, but I’m pretty much free until then,” Edward said. “I think I might go see Chris. My cronies probably got me something. Well, at least Cody, probably.”
“Oh, I bet you’ll see them soon,” Ell smiled. “Trust me.”
“Okay…” Edward took another bite. While he was distracted, Ell checked the time. She needed to keep Edward distracted for four hours. While some people would think that was impossible, she knew how to do it.
“You know, there’s this new store that opened up nearby that’s full of weird stuff,” Ell said, rubbing her thumb and forefinger together. “And I heard this rumor from one of the librarians that the place had some haunted items…”
“Haunted? As in, ghosts?” Edward leaned forward.
Ell nodded.
“Well, what are we waiting for?! LET’S GO!” Edward shoved the rest of the toast in his mouth and started taking his shirt off.
“HEY! Girl in the room!!” ********************************
“You want… that book?” Ell asked, raising an eyebrow as Edward held up a dusty, old book with some kind of symbol on the cover.
“Yep!” Edward grinned.
Ell breathed in deeply. “Dude, I know it’s your birthday, and I don’t mean to shoot you down on your special day, but I haven’t seen you pick up a book that wasn’t assigned to you for class.”
“Well, unlike you, I do all my recreational reading in the comfort of my own home, and only there,” Edward said, holding the book to his chest. “Besides, this book is just oozing with supernatural stuff. I can feel it in my bones.”
“Alright, if you say so,” Ell shrugged, giving the cashier several hundred dollar bills. “Keep the change, m’theydy.”
The cashier looked confused, but put the money in the register without complaint.
It was almost noon. Time for Ed to get so fucking surprised.
“Hey, Chris just texted me,” Ell said, looking at Edward with a gleam in her eyes. “He asked me to bring you over to his house. He has something for you.”
Edward’s cheeks dusted pink.
“Edward? You alright, buddy?” Ell asked.
“I-I’m fine!” Edward said rather quickly. “L-let’s hurry up.” Ell grinned, grabbed Edward’s hand, and fucking ran. For someone who was the shortest person in Foxfield High School, she was fast.
“Ell, slow down! Christ alive!” Edward cried, stumbling to catch up to his younger friend.
Ell finally screeched to a stop in front of Chris’s house.
“Chris said to just go on in,” Ell said, panting slightly. “I’m gonna go use the bathroom.” She dashed inside the house, opening and shutting the door quickly.
“Okay, everyone! He’s here!” Ell whispered.
“Okay everyone, go and hide!” Chris hissed. “When Ed comes in, count to three, and then jump out and yell, ‘Surprise’! Got that?”
Everyone nodded, scrambling to find a hiding spot. Ell used her powers to turn the lights off as she hid behind the couch next to the twins.
Edward opened the door, entering the dark house. “Hello? Chris?” He squinted, looking around the pitch-black house. “Are you home?”
Ell turned the lights back on, and everyone jumped out from their hiding spots.
“SURPRISE!” Everyone yelled. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
“W-what? A… a party?” Edward looked around the room in disbelief. “You guys set this all up?”
“Actually, it was Chris,” Isaac admitted, elbowing Chris in the side. “He got the idea in the first place. The rest of us helped in our own little ways. I made the decorations, if you can guess.”
Edward held back laughter as he looked at the extremely glittery banner that was hanging on a wall. He turned to Chris. “You planned all of this by yourself?”
Chris nodded, his face turning slightly pink. “It’s your birthday. I wanted to make it really special for you. I hope you like it.”
“Well, I don’t like it.”
Chris felt his heart sink. “O-oh. I’m-”
“I love it!”
Chris blinked. “Y-you do?”
“Yeah!” Edward grinned. “I can’t believe you went through the trouble of planning a huge surprise party just for me. It’s such a great birthday gift.”
Chris looked at Ell from the corner of his eye. She gave him a knowing look, and nodded, as if she was telling her to go for it. Chris took a deep breath.
“Well, can I give you another gift?” Chris asked.
“Sure! What is-”
Chris grabbed Edward, dipped him down, and gave him a long, deep, passionate kiss. Isaac and Nevin fucking sceamed, while everyone else stared in awe.
After thirty thrilling seconds, Chris separated from a blushing Edward.
“Happy birthday,” Chris grinned.
Edward stood there, frozen for a good while, before he smiled back, tears of joy streaming down his face.
“Thank you.”
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agonydearest · 4 years
You Look Good in my Shirt (Modern!AU Edward x Oliver fluff)
I was listening to some music at my sister’s house and a Keith Urban song that this is titled after started playing.  After that the song got stuck in my head (much to my annoyance because I’m a hard rock / metal person) and I started having thoughts.  This was the result.
They had been dating for a few months before Oliver stayed over for the first time.  Not that Edward particularly minded; but his tiny apartment wasn’t as nice as his boyfriend’s home.  They split their time between their two separate living spaces after that, but Edward always felt uncomfortable being in such close proximity to Oliver’s father so after a while, they tended to just sleep in Edward’s bed.
Of course it wasn’t Oliver’s fault.  He was living in the guest house at the Cochrane family estate until he managed to find a place he liked, which Edward found a little ridiculous.  Then again, he also had no problem believing that Oliver would not be happy about staying under the same roof as his strict military dad, especially when he disproved of his and Edward’s relationship.  Francis Cochrane had never liked Edward and that was unlikely to ever change.
But that didn’t matter today.  It was Saturday, and both of them had the day off.
When Edward woke up to find that Oliver wasn’t still next to him, it wasn’t unusual; he tended to be an early riser and sometimes went out early to the bakery or the market or even for a morning run.  He certainly wasn’t in the tiny cramped bathroom, so Edward took advantage of that.  He took a quick shower to wash off the sweaty evidence of their nocturnal activities before checking the mirror and deciding that he didn’t need to shave that day.  Once he was dried off and dressed in an old college T-shirt and some worn jeans, Edward made his way downstairs, where he was greeted by a heavenly scent from the kitchenette.
He heard his boyfriend before he saw him.  “Guess who!” Oliver called out cheerfully in that British accent that got Edward’s blood pumping.
“Matt Rodriguez?” he questioned teasingly, “Tessa Romey?  Both at the same time?”
“Hilarious.”  But Oliver was laughing nonetheless.  “I hope you don’t mind that I made French toast for breakfast.  And your coffee already made just the way you like it.”  When he finally came into view, he was holding a steaming mug in one hand and a spatula in the other, but it was what he was wearing that made Edward’s thoughts swim with images and ideas that were definitely not PG rated.  Oliver must have noticed him staring because he frowned inquisitively as he set the coffee down on the counter, dropped the spatula in the sink and walked the few steps it tool to really come into Edward’s view in the living room.  “Why are you looking at me like that?  Is my hair messed up?”
“Are you wearing my shirt?” Edward questioned, eyes wide.  He had to be, because the white button-up was too big for him (which made sense considering Edward had a broader torso than his boyfriend) and was only partially buttoned to expose his pectoral muscles.  Oliver took good care of himself - he exercised regularly and ate healthy despite being blessed with a metabolism that Edward himself had to go to the gym every other day to maintain - and it certainly showed in both the skin that was exposed and the way his jeans hugged his legs and ass.  Combined with the way his blond hair fell to his shoulders in messy waves, he looked like the very definition of sinful.  
“I just picked it up off the floor.” Oliver replied, glancing down at himself shyly, “Should I-?”
“Don’t you dare.  You look sexy as hell wearing my clothes.”
Edward watched with delight as Oliver blushed, but his boyfriend still gave him a cheeky grin.  “Just then?” he teased.
“Alright, you’re sexy all the time.” 
Kissing Oliver was like a cup of cocoa on a cold winter’s night.  He tasted like fresh coffee chased with cinnamon, and Edward found himself craving that taste more and more every day.  It was addictive, and he found himself wanting more as he embraced the other man and held him tight in his arms.  He wanted to throw the other man on the mattress and run his tongue down the plane of his sternum and run his hands under that shirt until Oliver squirmed and begged him for more.  And he knew that, despite having just had sex the night before, Oliver would love nothing more than for Edward to have his way with him all over again.
God, he was a lucky man.
Edward forced himself to disconnect himself from Oliver’s lips as the blond looped his arms around his neck.  He couldn’t stop the smirk or the question that followed, “You feel like coming back to bed?”
Holy hell, his lover had the most gorgeous bedroom eyes, and he knew how to use them.  Combined with a sexy crooked grin, Oliver Cochrane was downright irresistible.  “Everything will get cold.” he pointed out.
“Let it.”
It was going to be a good day.  
Sorry no smut today, just a cute little piece to get things started with this AU.  I Hope you all enjoyed it!
@somin-yin @moonydaydreams @theo-oface @oliversdique
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