#and my mum is silently cursing at me from her place in the queue
dobaara · 2 years
okay let me tell you everything
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I’ll leave my widow open: Part 2
Summary: You visit Neverland in your dreams, will you leave everything behind and go with Pan or will you stay put?
Pairings: Pan x reader
Warnings: none
Well.... this is a blast from the past lmao, be sure to check out the first part!
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The sweet smell of pancakes filled my nostrils as I sat up in my bed, stuck in a permanent state of silent confusion. Frantically, my eyes peered around my messy room, the window was wide open, curtains were delicately swaying side to side due to the genital draft which was now dancing around, causing my skin to erupt in thousands of tiny goosebumps. So many unanswered questions sprung to mind, I strived to know more like an alcoholic in need of a drink.
What was that?
Who were those people?
Why did that dream feel so real?
Was that even a dream?
Where even was I?
My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my door, making them all disappear in a cloud of smoke.
"Y/n, breakfast is ready." The muffled voice spoke.
"Coming." I said as sweetly as I could before throwing my covers off me and rushing down stair.
I got dressed and ate in a blur, before rushing out the door to a place I like to call hell, although others know it as school. The sound of music was all I could hear as I walked down the quite streets of my home town, completely absorbed in my thoughts.
Nothing much happened around here, no new faces, no drama, nothing. It pained me how boring it was, I wanted to go some where I could live an exciting life full of laughter and happiness, as cringy as that sounded, not somewhere that was dull all of the time.
I crossed the road, passing through the barred gates which lay outside the entrance of my school. I let out an audible sigh, the day hadn’t even started yet and I already felt like giving up. 
My body seemed to grow heavier and heavier with every passing second as I trekked further and further into the brick building. My attention was glued to my phone, too preoccupied with picking what song to listen to next I didn’t realize I was about to walk into someone before it was too late.
In one swift movement, mine and the strangers things were littering the hall way floor.  I swooped down, not even bothering to look at who I had just ran into as I tried to gather my things as quickly as I could.
My eyes flicked up, to look the stranger in the eyes and apologize before taking my leave, but my breath seemed to get caught in my throat.
Those piercing blue eyes, the scar running down his face, his shaggy blonde hair, I had seen it all before. My blood ran cold, It couldn’t be...there was no way.
“Hey.” A voice spoke, sounding like whoever was speaking was underwater.
This wasn’t happening, this wasn’t happening, this wasn’t happening.
My head grew fuzzier and fuzzier every millisecond that ticked by, it wasn’t real, it couldn’t be real. My breath hitched in my throat as panic took over my body. My lungs burned, gasping for air like I was running out of it quickly.
I blinked a few times, my sight getting spotty before that familiar face disappeared from my vision and as if a curse had been lifted everything suddenly stopped, returning to normal once more.
Although they were less frequent, my breaths grew shallower.
carefully, they placed a hand on my shoulder, "It's OK, it's OK." Their voice was deep and soothing like an ocean, making me feel safe.
“Are you OK?” They asked, clicking their fingers in front of my face in order to try and grasp my attention and snap me out of whatever spell I was under.
What was happening? I must be going crazy.
It was as if my voice box has suddenly been taken from me like in the littler mermaid because no matter how hard I tried to answer the boy I couldn't. I was forced to stare, he wore thick, black trimmed glasses that sat upon his slightly crooked nose. It was clear he was older than me, maybe a senior? His hair was a light caramel colour, his fringe swooped in front of his chocolate brown eye's ever so slightly, see nothing like the boy in my dream.
"Miss?" his voice made me returned to my senses.
“I’m fine, sorry” I said, before shooting up and walking away, my face was sure to be red from embarrassment. I could’ve sworn he looked exactly like.... But I had thought about my dream since this morning. Why would a random guy from my dream suddenly invade my thoughts?
I shrugged it off as I walked down the hall, I just wanted this day to be over as soon as possible.  
I was only half way through my day and I already feeling misrble, I had tried my hardest to push this mornings events out of my head, but of course the situation kept replaying in my brain as if it were stuck to repeat.
The lunch bell rang and eager, hungry teenagers stormed through the corridors in a hurry to be the first person in line for the canteen.  I, of course, took my time, partly because I wasn't too bothered weather or not I was the first in the queue, but mainly because I didn't want to run into that guy. The first time meeting him was already embarrassing enough, imagine the second time.
"Hey Y/n!" One of my few friends called out across the hall, quickening his pace so he could catch up with me.
His dark, brown hair bounced slightly as he made his way over, he looked as normal as ever, rocking some grey joggers and a plain black T-Shirt, he didn't make much of an effort when it came to his appearance but he didn't fail to make any girl swoon at the sight of him.
"Hi Cam." I spoke, looking directly into his green eyes.
"I didn't see you this morning, were you late again?"
I could feel my cheeks heat up, I needed to stop thinking about what happened this morning, yeah it was weird but everyone had probably forgotten it by now.
"Yeah, something like that." I said, in a low voice.
"Well you don't seem to happy, what's up?" he asked as we walked side by side into the lunch hall, Cameron could read me like a book which doesn't surprise me anymore. I had known him for what felt like an eternity, our mum's were friends so he came over quite a lot, his parents would even offer to babysit Adam and I when we were little. At this point he was more like a brother than he was a friend.
"Cam! Cam!" An obnoxious, high pitched voice squealed interrupting our conversation and causing everyone to turn and stare at her.
I could see the brown haired boy discreetly roll his eyes at the girl, I followed his line of sight which Lead me directly to a girl called Becky Timm's who was desperately trying to get his attention.
I tried my hardest to bite back a snigger.
"Don't." He shot we a warning glare, if looks could kill I would be dead on the floor right now.
"Really? Becky? That's your new mystery girl?" I chuckled, once upon a time I would feel sad whenever Cam got a new girlfriend, I had known him for so long and part of me thought he may have feelings for me the same way I had feelings for him, but of course I was wrong. Never the less I put those days behind me, it was for the best, I mean what if we did date them broke up? I would rather have Cam as a friend than not have him at all and so my feelings for him slowly but surly dissolved.
"She's hot." He said with a smirk on his face, shrugging his shoulders.  
"You," I chuckled, "Are unbelievable."
"Hey babe," She over excitedly spoke before she threw her arms over him, "Are you coming?"
"Um, actually I was gonna-" But she clearly didn't care about whatever he was about to say, her hand was already intertwined with his as she started dragging him away.
He looked at me from across the room with a look in his eyes which said he was sorry but also help me.
I chuckled to myself before sitting down and pulling out my phone, this is normally the part where people would text whoever was trying to get a hold of them back, but me, I only had one friend and he had just been kidnapped by a strangely cute blonde girl.
Once again I was in my own little world, trying to block out my surroundings and jam out to some music.
"Hey, Y/n right?" I voice sounded.
I fought the urge to scream, "Um yeah?" Looking up I saw who was now sat opposite me.
Oh shit, It's glasses guy.
"I just wanted to check if you were OK after what happened." He spoke slowly, as if he were making sure he wasn't making any wrong moves.
"Yeah, I-I'm fine now thanks." I couldn't be sure, but it felt as if my face was growing hotter and hotter by the minute.
"I'm John by the way, John Darling. I'm the new teacher." He said, sticking his hand out for me to shake, I was about to open my mouth to tell him my name but them I remembered he already knew it, wait how did he know it?
"Nice to meet you." I smiled, he probably just asked around.
Lunch ended as slowly as it had came around, it wasn't all that bad, I got to talk to John - Mr Darling, and know more about him. He told me he moved here not long ago and quickly applied for a teaching position, we talked about normal things like what interested us before we had to go back to class.
The bell rung out loud and clear for everyone to hear, telling us all that we were free from the prison they were currently holding us in.
I gathered the things faster than flash could run before dashing out of the building. The walk home was a long, dull, wet one, dark clouds hung miserably in the sky as rain left it’s mark on the streets in the form of a puddle. A shiver runs down my spine as a crash of thunder and flash of lightning dart across the black sky. My feet pick up their pace, desperately wanting to get home and fall into the safe, comfy haven of my bed.
Another loud crash of thunder sounds, seeming to shake the world around me as I jump out of my skin. I stand stock still for what felt like an eternity as I caught my breath, there’s nothing to be scared about, it’s only a little thunder and lightning. 
Hesitantly, I began to move my feet again as the wind pick up speed with great force. Whistling and howling into the stormy sky as if it were crying out in pain. Rain pelted down onto the pavements, soaking the ground and soil, drowning the plants and flooding animals homes. 
I had never seen a storm this bad before.
It was as if the wind was whispering incoherent words into my ear, cursing me and the ground I walked upon, cursing this town, but why? A shiver ran up and down my spine as nature seemingly placed a hex on me that I could never shake.
Leaves clung onto the branches of trees for dear life, hoping, praying, pleading that they wouldn’t be ripped from their homes in one fail swoop. But alas the voices were not heard over the screams of the sky, yelling and shouting over everything else as if it were trying to dominated the world itself. Auban and orange leaves feel victim to the wind, zipping and flying through the sky at the vicious hand of the overpowering gale.
I tried my hardest the plough through the strange, evil weather, my heart beat seemed to pick up but not because I was scared, I couldn’t quite place my finger on why. 
The sky seemed to grow darker and darker the angrier it got, thunder crashed as lightening cracks painted the sky, that’s when my e/c eyes fell upon something that would truly haunt me.
Yellow eye’s.
Glowing, yellow eye’s that stared at me through the twisted tree branches, curious to see what I would do next. Watching me every second as if I were chess piece ready to make my move.
My lips parted with shock as It’s black humanoid body flew through the sky. I was stuck in a trance, my eye’s glued to the incongruous being that wanted so desperately to escape into the clouds.
Another lightning strike flashed across the array of once fluffy white clouds, snapping me from my thoughts. I blinked a few times, making sure I wasn’t going crazy, was the ghost, demon, angle, spirit really there? And if so, why?
As if I had just woken up from a strange dream my instincts kicked in, I couldn’t stay out here any longer. My feet pounded against the road as I ran all the way back to my house, my legs and chest burnt, like there was a fire light inside them but I wouldn’t dare stop.
This was it, I was at the home stretch, the door to my house was in sight, so close I reached out, hooking my fingers around the door handle before bursting into my warm home. 
My hair was sopping wet, dripping on the floor making it’s own little puddle, my now ruined clothes clung uncomfortably to my body as I caught my breath.
“Y/n?” I heard Adam say, there was a hint of relief in his voice but also... panic?
His blue eyes searched mine out from across the room, it was only then I saw how puffy and red they were. Tear’s left a merciless trail from the corner of his eyes all the way down his cheeks, staining his face.
“Adam? What is it?” I asked, slowly shutting the door behind me.
“I just got a call from the hospital,” He chocked out, “It’s mum.”
I finally got something up! I'm back in the writing mood!! Whoop whoop!
I have a whole plot line figured out for this story but I kinda want your guys opinion on it because idk if you'll like it or not but at the same time I don't wanna spoil anything too major.
So basically theres 2 ways to save Pan from dying the 1st is Henry's heart, the other is true loves kiss. The shadow know that you are Pans true love but he think love will make him weak so every time you visit in your dreams the shadow always finds a way to send you back. BUT Pan is considering letting you stay, you're the only girl so there must be a reason for that right 🤷‍♀️ and he wants to know what it is but he wont let you stay if you're anything like Wendy so you have to prove yourself to him. The shadow doesn't like this so he blackmails John into ;)seducing;) you so that you love him and not Pan. That's where its going with the whole John thing (kinda like a student x teacher because I've been watching to much PLL lately) but it doesn't work and you still get sent to Neverland. Eventually Pan decided to let you stay and the rest of the story will carry on from there (I don’t wanna spoil it hehe) but is that something you guys would wanna read? That's only gonna be the first couple of parts until we get to Neverland then the whole reader x pan x Felix shit starts and happy days ;) let me know!!! Xxxxxxxxxxx
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bangtann-bangdamn · 5 years
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<Yoongi x Reader>
Part 7 - Bad Idea
It was supposed to be easy: confess your love for Park Jimin and spend the final moments of the year locked in his arms. Only one problem – he has a new girlfriend and now you need to save face. Good thing Yoongi is willing to play pretend. But how long until you catch feelings for the quiet music man?
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January 2nd – 12:07pm
You were silently cursing as you jogged to the café. You were running late. You hated running late. It was something your mother had taught you and Jungkook, although he seemed to forget that lesson more often than he forgets to charge his phone. It wasn’t so much about being late that was the problem. It was that being late demonstrated that you cared very little about what you were late to. No matter how hard you tried, you could never seem to make yourself care any less. Every time the clocked ticked even a minute past the time you were supposed to be somewhere, it was like you had downed ten coffees. You could feel the blood pumping through your veins. You became more aware of the sound of your footsteps on the pavement; of conversations you drifted past. The feeling would stay with you for the rest of the day, reminding you that you had shown that you didn’t care enough.
At least this time, you argued to yourself, it wasn’t your fault. Hye-jin had walked out of her room ten minutes before you had wanted to leave. She took one look at the box of muffins on the counter and got a look on her face that made you regret even asking her when Yoongi was working. You knew you should have risked just turning up at the café and hoping for the best.
“Where are you going?” She slyly asked, moving to inspect the muffins closer.
You stepped in front of her, hoping to block her view of the muffins. You knew it was stupid. So what you made blueberry muffins? A lot of people liked blueberry muffins. They were Jungkook’s favourites after all… well, second favourite. Okay, so maybe Jungkook didn’t have a favourite muffin because he never took the time to actually taste them before devouring them, but that wasn’t the point. You just couldn’t shake the feeling from the pit of your stomach that as soon as Hye-jin saw the muffins she would put two and two together and come up with Yoongi. And you really didn’t want her coming up with that conclusion.
“The café,” you said slowly, watching as Hye-jin’s expression slowly lit up.
Okay, so it really didn’t matter whether she saw the muffins or not, she was still coming up Yoongi. You mentally slapped yourself for being so stupid. Why didn’t you just say you were meeting Jungkook for lunch?
She hit your arm with a grin. “Shut up! No way. I can’t believe this is happening.”
“It’s not.” You held out your hands to calm Hye-jin before she got carried away. Which was an occupational hazard with living with Hye-jin. She was prone to romantic fantasies and no matter how dire the situation, she always managed to find the romantic side. It was one of her traits that had drawn you to her in the first place. You remember the first time you met when she had dramatically flopped down beside you at a party and told you that she was going to marry Taehyung one day. It was why she kept going back to him after all these years, you mused. That every time he hurt her, every break-up, every argument, it was all leading to the romantic end. The moment she got her Prince Charming.
And now she’s got it into her head that Yoongi was your one. You couldn’t really blame her either. You had encouraged it by stupidly admitting that you had kissed him. And that one time you had accidentally confessed that you thought Yoongi was kind of cute…
“Give me five minutes, I’ll come with you.” She clapped her hands together, acting as if you hadn’t just spoken.
Your mind raced as you tried to find a way to stop her from joining you.
“No!” You grabbed her arm. “I’m not going there to see Yoongi. I’m just meeting Jungkook.”
“So, the muffins…” She pointed to the box behind you with her brow raised.
“For… Jungkook,” You said slowly, nodding your head with what you hoped was enough conviction. It was partially true, for the record. After he commented on your Instagram post, you had decided to be a nice sister and make him his own batch. Sure, they weren’t baked to perfection like the ones for Yoongi were, but Jungkook wouldn’t notice. You doubted he would notice or care if the muffins he received weren’t the perfect golden brown.
“Right. So why did you ask when Yoongi was working then?”
Damn it, she had you.
“Um… because I… was going to make him some, but then I realised that it was probably going to send the wrong message.”
Hye-jin narrowed her eyes. “Wrong message? What wrong message?” She folded her arms across her chest and you knew that no matter what you said, she would still come to the same conclusion.
“That I… like him?” You answered uncertainly. You cleared your throat. “Hye-jin, Yoongi’s nice and everything. But it’s not like that. It was just a kiss.” You wait for her reaction, watching as she continued to stare you down. You fold your arms behind your back, playing with the hem of your shirt.
“Oh, I see.” Hye-jin nodded, a smile playing on her lips. You knew that whatever she had just discovered, it was likely to be the opposite of what you had said that had made her smile.
“You do?”
“Yeah.” She sighed dramatically, her smile still plastered on her face. “I see. I’ll let you go deliver your muffins to… Jungkook.”
You closed your eyes, knowing that you needed to set her straight and that there really was nothing going on with you and Yoongi before she started planning your wedding or something else equally lucrative. You glanced at the clock in hopes that you had time to sit her down and explain and realised that you were going to be late.
“Oh no.” You let go of the hem of your shirt, forgetting all about setting the record straight as you grabbed the box of muffins and shoved them in your bag.
“I’ll see you tonight!” Hye-jin called after you as you raced to put your shoes on. “And I want to hear everything about your lunch date with Jungkook.” She emphasised his name in such a way that you knew she wasn’t really talking about your brother.
You closed your eyes, burying the feeling of standing up for yourself. Denying that you had feelings for a guy you barely knew right now was only going to make Hye-jin think you did have feelings for him. Instead, you vowed to clear the air when you got home.
“Bye!” You called behind you as you made your way out the front door.
The bell rang out above you as you pushed open the café door. The café was busy as normal, if not a little busier, as you joined the end of the queue. Yoongi wasn’t alone behind the counter and, when he saw you in line, you could swear that you saw a small smile grace his lips before returning his blank stare to the customer he was serving. The other server, another male who you assumed to be Mark (considering that was the only other name you knew from the café), was running around behind Yoongi trying to fulfil orders as quickly as Yoongi was taking them. Slowly the queue moved until you were the one ordering.
“What can I get for you?” Yoongi asked. He looked at you like you were any other customer, but as you met his gaze, you noted that they looked a whole lot less blank than he had for every other customer. Or maybe that was all in your head.
You smiled at him. “It’s not what you can get for me, but what I can get for you.” You dug through your bag and presented the plastic container of muffins.
Yoongi hesitated as he stared down at the muffins. “I thought I told you I didn’t want muffins.”
“And I thought I told you that you were getting them regardless.” When he made no move to take them from you, you placed them on the counter.
Job done, you thought. You couldn’t help the smug smile as Yoongi continued to stare down at the container. You could see it in his face that he didn’t really want to object to the muffins, and you couldn’t blame him. You put your heart and soul into baking, so when a batch of muffins turned out as good as the ones in front of Yoongi, you couldn’t help but take a little pride in the way people reacted to them.
You smiled at Yoongi as you took a step away from the counter. You knew that this would be the worst place for Jungkook to find you. Him seeing you talk to Yoongi would cause more chaos than you were willing to endure. As is, the moment he saw that Hye-jin wasn’t working, you knew he would have questions. You hoped you could dodge any question about Yoongi until everyone could forget about your kiss.
Damn that kiss.
“Oh Yoongi, love. You can’t say no to muffins! Especially ones made by this lovely young lady.” A woman joined you by the counter, lightly placing her hand on your arm as she smiled at Yoongi.
“I wasn’t going to reject them.” Yoongi snatched the box and placed it beneath the counter before making his way around to the other side. “What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming until this evening?” He asked the woman. He looked between the woman and you and, for the first time that you could remember, you saw something on Yoongi’s face. His eyes widened, his lips were slightly parted as his gaze refused to settle. He was panicking.
“I was, but then I realised I missed my son terribly and I thought I would make the effort to get here sooner.” She cupped his cheeks for a moment before turning to you. “Now, are you going to introduce me to this wonderful young lady.” She smiled at you. It was a brilliant kind of smile, nothing half-assed about it. She smiled and her whole body radiated her happiness. You couldn’t help but smile back at her.
Yoongi sighed. “Mum, this is Yn. Yn, this is my mother.”
“Oh, so this is Yn!” Yoongi’s mother clapped her hands together as if you were her favourite celeb in the world.
You frowned at Yoongi before returning your attention back to his mother. “Hi.” You smiled. That was until she threw herself at you, wrapping you tightly in her arms. Over her shoulder, you looked at Yoongi. “Why is she hugging me?” you mouthed, but you knew he was going to be no help. He was staring at the pair of you like he had just seen a ghost.
“It’s so nice to finally meet Yoongi’s girlfriend!” His mother announced as she let go of you.
His what now?
“Oh I’m not-” You began to say, but were cut off by Yoongi.
“Yep, this is her! My girlfriend.” He stepped beside you, slinging his arm around your shoulder. You looked up at him, hoping your expression conveyed just how confused you were.
At least Jungkook wasn’t here for this.
“Girlfriend?!” Jungkook stood from where he was seated at the table directly behind you.
“No!” You pointed at Jungkook as Yoongi instantly announced “Yes!”
This was not good. This was so not good.
You turned your attention back to Yoongi and slapped his shoulder with the back of your hand.
“What is going on here?” Yoongi’s mother asked, glancing between the two of you. All her previous happiness had dropped from her face and she was looking between you like she wasn’t sure what she was seeing.
“That’s what I would like to know, Yn.” Jungkook frowned, crossing his arms as he stepped beside Yoongi’s mother.
You could feel the panic starting to set in, the way the world was starting to close in on you. You didn’t know what was going on, that was the truth.
How could a simple kiss on New Year’s be so confusing?
“Yn, a word?” Yoongi had the audacity to ask, nodding his head for you to follow him. He led you to the storage room, closing the door quickly behind you.
“Why are you introducing me to your mother as your girlfriend, Yoongi?” You rounded on him immediately, placing your hands on your hips in an attempt to seem more intimidating. At least, that’s what you hoped you looked like because you honestly felt like a toddler on the verge of a meltdown.
“Ha. Funny story. My mum has been harassing me about getting a girlfriend for years. At Christmas, I lied to her and told her that I had a girlfriend, but I didn’t tell her a name because, well, it was a lie. Then, yesterday she started questioning me about meeting my girlfriend and how she didn’t even know her name and I… gave your name. I’m sorry, please play along just for this afternoon.” He took your hands in his, even going as far as getting down on one knee so that you were gazing down at him.
You snatched your hands back. “Wha- no! My brother’s going to think I lied to him about this! Not to mention Hye-jin!”
“Please!” He rose to his feet again and clasped his hands together for a second. When it became clear that you weren’t going to budge, he rubbed his chin with both hands. “What if we make this mutually beneficial?”
“I don’t see how it’s going to be mutual. The only person benefitting here is you.”
“If you’re dating me, your brother won’t question your thing with Jimin.” Yoongi offered.
“I don’t have a thing with Jimin.” You pout. No, his stupid girlfriend had put an end to that dream. It was dumb anyway. Jimin was so far out of your league, it was unreal. He was so kind, and patient, and sweet, and funny. And the only sweet thing about you was the muffins you baked.
“Well, it will diffuse attention away from it, anyway.” Yoongi shrugged.
You frowned. “Why does your mum want you to have a girlfriend anyway?” It didn’t make sense to you. From the moment she found out about your kiss, Hye-jin had made the effort to tell you just how talented Yoongi was and how every major orchestra was already looking into hiring him after university. It didn’t make sense to you that his mum was focusing on his love life.
Yoongi sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s not so much as she wants me to have a girlfriend, just… she thinks I’m too old to be single.”
“Because that makes sense. You’re what? Twenty-five?”
“Twenty-six and it does when you know she wants grandkids. She’s not getting any younger.” Yoongi muttered.
“Seriously?” You raised your brow at him.
“Look, I helped you on New Year’s Eve. Help me now. We can break up whenever you want, I promise.”
“So, if I wanted to break up now?”
“Well, no. Not now.”
“Relax, I’m kidding. Partially, anyway.”
Okay, Yn. Think. Pros and cons. Pros: it’s going to be a whole lot easier to convince Jungkook that there’s no issue between you and Jimin if you have a boyfriend. Hye-jin will stop talking Yoongi up. Jin will stop talking about your lack of a love life. Jimin might realise his feelings for you and break up with his girlfriend.
Okay, maybe not that one.
Cons: you have to fake date…which is pretty much dating. Which means you’re probably going to have to spend time with Yoongi. Which could mean that real feelings might... That’s the cliché, right? You fake date and then you fall in love? But you already know that you won’t fall in love with Yoongi. How could you when you’ve already met the one.
Oh god, you’re spiralling. Time to stop thinking. Just pick one.
“Fine. I’ll do it, I guess. I mean, I could tell Jungkook that it’s still new and when he asked the other day, we hadn’t really talked about things. Then I’m not really lying to him…” But even as you said the words, it sent a surge of panic through you. This was nuts. This was an insanely stupid idea. You obviously shouldn’t go through with this. The cons far out weighed the pros.
God, why were you so stupid?
“Thank you.” Yoongi pulled you into a hug. His arms wound around your waist and you settled your hands on his shoulder. “Thank you,” he said again, squeezing you slightly.
“You’re welcome,” you replied softly, closing your eyes as you wondered just how much trouble this was going to cause. You pulled away, not far enough to break the embrace, but enough that you could see his face. “But we need to talk about boundaries.”
“Of course.” Yoongi nodded his head, brown eyes never leaving yours.
You shivered when he shifted the position of his hands slightly. You stepped back completely, breaking his hold.
“Yeah, we should probably get back out there. Before they start thinking we’re doing more than talking.” Yoongi laughed, already moving towards the door.
You stood there, completely frozen as his words washed over you.
“Doing… more…?” You repeated softly as you stared at Yoongi’s back.
He opened the door, apparently unaware of your current shock, as he turned back to face you.
“You ready?” He held out his hand for you to leave first.
Yes, this was certainly a bad idea. But there was no way to back out of this now.
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<Part 6 (x) Part 8>
Tag list: @salty-for-suga​ @lylanie12​ @agusttaegid​ @mochiteddybear​ @misscheesecakeee​ @thebluemoonlight​ @yourhoneymilkandtea​ @lidda​ @detectivebourbon @rjsmochii​ @taeshuworld​ @sessi03​ @alyssa20077​ @dreamcatcherjiah​ @shay-the-turtle​ @jisnuq​ @herosvillians87​@itiswhatitisnt88​ @meowmeowyoongles​ @lyndseygoregasmxo​ @bang-tan-fan​ @sunrisemcp​
If you want to be added to the tag list, send me an ask!
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AN: It’s been a while, I know. But I’m back with this update. I don’t know when the next update will be, what with Christmas and everything right around the corner, but I’m hoping to get back onto a regular writing schedule soon. I’m not saying I’m going on hiatus, because I’m still going to be here. But my updates are going to take a hit. I’m sorry! 
As for the tag list, a couple of you didn’t come up when I tried tagging you. If you’ve changed usernames, please let me know. I’ve left you there for this update, but I’ll be removing you unless I hear from you. Sorry!
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glorifiedgpjfic · 6 years
Glorified G- Chapter 36
A/N TW: sexual assault (nothing happens but I just want to make anyone who might be triggered by it aware that it is mentioned in this chapter) I hope you enjoy, feel free to leave feedback
Joanne debated what to do, she didn’t know her way around well enough to sneak down alleys and run from whoever was following her, she didn’t want to continue walking to the hotel and them to know where she was staying, the best option she could think of was to flash her gun and badge which were in her handbag in an attempt to scare them off,
“Whoever is following me I strongly suggest that you stop, right fucking now.” She said aloud to no one, slowly she turned around to see a figure emerging from the shadows she let out a breath of relief, “Matthew what the fuck?” Matthew let out a chuckle before approaching Jo,
“I didn’t mean to scare ya.” He offered Jo a smile that seemed familiar but she couldn’t place where she’d seen it before she returned the smile and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, “You’re something else Joanne.” He said with an unnerving smile, she shifted her weight from one foot to the other,
“I wouldn’t say that.” She said not breaking eye contact,
“But that’s the thing, you’re not like any other woman I’ve ever met- you’re sexy without even trying,” He took a step towards Jo and she subtly moved back, trying to keep the safe space of three feet between them, he moved closer again and she stepped backwards again- only this time she slammed against a wall, she let out a quiet hiss at the sudden contact, “Your friend Casey thought I was interested in her, she was wrong- its you I want.” He closed the space between the two of them and placed a hand at either side of Jo’s head, she knew what he was doing- establishing his power, if he made Jo feel small he would keep control of the situation- little did he realise that Jo wasn’t about to give him all of the power,
“What do you want?” She asked her voice stayed level and calm but there was an air of authority in her words,
The setting at Discovery Park and Eddie sat alone, watching the sunset- he allowed himself to be transported to another time, he closed his eyes and pictured Joanne sitting beside him- her eyes watching him, their hands intertwined. He looked out to the sunset again and realised that he could imagine Jo all he wanted but it wouldn’t change anything- they needed to talk, at this point, he would do anything to be with her again, he’d take it back, he’d give everything up to be with her. The time he spent at studio seemed dull without Jo sitting on the sofa smiling at him, he loved music - he loved the band, it was his life, but he was willing to give it up for Jo - of course she’d never ask that of him, but if it came to it he would do it without a second thought.
“I have a boyfriend,” Jo stated, a shiver ran up her spine and she felt although she was going to vomit,
“He isn’t here, it’s just you and I now, Jo. I know that this is what you want- I saw how you looked at me in the bar, and how you wrapped your lips around your beer bottle, you want me and I want you.” Jo placed two hands on his chest and pushed him, hard.
“Listen to me Matthew, I am a federal agent I swear to god if you do not let me go I will arrest you right here and now and throw you into the nearest fucking cell.”  He frowned at her,
“Ohhh, I get it - we’re roleplaying,” He said before pushing Jo back against the wall his hands began to reach for her top,
“Matthew, get off me now.” She ordered, he ignored her and began fumbling at his belt, if Jo didn’t act fast this was going to escalate, she froze for a moment before the adrenaline pumping through her veins sprung her into action, she brought her knee up quick to his groin Matthew doubled over which allowed her to push him down, she pushed him but to her surprise he didn’t fall, he actually stood up-
“Oh, you just made a big mistake Jo.” He grabbed her by the wrists and pinned her face first against the cold brick wall, he brought his face to her ear and began biting her ear and neck,
“Get the fuck off me you sicko!” She screamed, hoping someone would be walking or would hear her cries for help, Matthew’s calloused hands roamed up and down her torso almost reaching her chest,  another surge of adrenaline gave Jo the strength to push back against the wall, she jolted her head to the right and headbutted Matthew in the jaw, this stunned him and he stepped back. This new space allowed Jo to spin around and deliver a swift kick to his groin again, this time he fell to the floor cursing at Jo she reached to the back of her jeans where there would normally be a pair of handcuffs, but of course she didn’t have any because she was off work-
“Bollocks,” Jo muttered to herself, Matthew seemed although he was about to get up so in a moment of panic Jo fled. She could deal with getting the scumbag arrested at a later date, she needed to get to the safety of her hotel room.
The following morning Jo tracked down Casey and told her about Matthew the previous night, Casey told Jo that he was a regular at the bar they went to so tonight they could go and arrest him, tonight they’d be prepared. The briefing flew by and soon enough Jo and Casey were preparing to arrest Matthew and Jo found herself panicking she didn’t think she could face him again, last night could’ve ended so much worse and she almost froze- it was a natural reaction the fight or flight instinct, Jo almost didn’t fight though and she knew that the trauma of it would’ve changed her forever.
Jo and Casey didn’t bother to get changed out of their suits, they’d told John about their plan and he had told them that he’d be looking for them if they weren’t back within an hour. The two entered the bar and spotted Matthew almost instantly, he was standing beside another man who was more muscle than anything else,
“Shit if this turns ugly we’re screwed look at that guy,” Jo whispered to Casey,
“Honestly Jo, fuck it- let’s arrest this ass wipe- if we get any trouble we flash the guns and we can leave.”
The two agents approached the two men with confidence in their stride, Casey tapped Matthew on his shoulder which caused him to turn and look at the two when he saw Jo his face grew drained of all colour, Jo and Casey held their badges up to his face before Casey read him his rights,
“Matthew, you are under arrest for attempted rape and for the assault of a federal officer. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you by the court. With these rights in mind, are you still willing to talk with me about the charges against you?” Jo was quick to snap the handcuffs on his wrists, he avoided eye contact and looked at the floor his friend simply stood there with his jaw on the floor,
“Matthew man, what the fuck? Why would you? Jesus dude that fucked up!” He stared at his friend with confusion, “I’m so sorry that he’s done this, I’m so sorry.” Jo shook her head to the friend,
“Dude, it’s not your fault- hopefully, some time in a cell will teach him his lesson. Has he done this before that you’re aware of?” The guy shook his head,
“No never.”  Arresting Matthew brought Jo a tiny bit of relief and closure because had he done what he did to someone who didn’t fight the aftermath for the victim and their family would be devastating, she felt happy to take one more sicko off the streets.
Jo’s flight was early the following morning and she was going to be glad to be back home, she decided that given the events she needed to see Eddie, or at least talk to him- she needed her best friend and despite everything that was still Eddie. She arrived back in Seattle around half past two, except it was really eleven in Seattle - fucking time zones. She called a cab to her apartment and as she pulled up onto the street she saw a figure sitting on the step, a smile crept onto her face, Eddie was waiting for her, as the cab drew closer to her apartment she realised that it wasn’t Eddie waiting for her, this was someone Jo was most definitely not ready to face. Theo.
The butterflies that had formed expecting Eddie quickly subsided and were replaced with a feeling of utter dread. She got out of the cab and dragged her suitcase behind her, she got to the step where Theo sat,
“Move.” He stood up and moved from the step allowing Jo to walk straight past him, she opened the door and walked in quickly slamming it shut behind her, out of the corner of her eye she saw it creep open, “Fuck off. Don’t you fucking dare come into my home Theo.” She growled as she made herself some coffee, Theo ignored her and let himself in, “Theo I swear to fucking God-”
“I need your help.” He spoke barely above a whisper his strong accent made Jo’s seem barely there,
“Of course you do.” Jo spat, her voice laced with venom,
“Please, Jojo. I need help.” Finally, Jo turned to face him, he had not changed at all. His dark hair still looked although his mum had put a bowl on it and hacked away leaving it looking a mess, his brown eyes still held a glimmer of warmth in them, he hadn’t aged a day. “I need some money after you left I started gambling- there are people coming after me, people that I owe money to. Please give me my share of the inheritance.” Jo could’ve slapped him into another dimension,
“You son of a bitch! You are not entitled to anything from me or my fucking grandma.” Jo paused for a second, “Wait if you’re in debt how the fuck did you afford a plane ticket from London to fucking Seattle, do you think I’m fucking dumb?”
Eddie dragged himself to the coffee shop that sells the really good coffee that Jo loves, her flight was due to be back in around eleven, he wanted to be there waiting for her with coffee. The queue was really long and Eddie fell a half hour behind schedule, when he got to Joanne’s place he heard shouting from inside, so instead of walking straight in he paused for a second,
“Do you think I’m fucking dumb?” He’d never heard Joanne sound so angry and cold, he grew more curious about who was in there with her,
“No not at all Jo- but you owe me money!” Eddie heard the sound of a coffee mug being slammed on the table,
“I don’t owe you anything! It’s not my fault you got into gambling because I chose not to stay with you! You can’t manipulate me anymore!” Jo’s voice almost cracked and Eddie heard her cover it up with a cough,
“You’re all wrong Jojo, of course, I still can, you still know that you mean nothing to no one, so you’re gonna give me my money and then I’ll be on my way.” Something inside Eddie snapped and he burst through the door, Jo’s eyes met his and all she saw was anger, Eddie looked over to the piece of shit that was standing at the other side of the kitchen, without another thought Eddie practically charged at him- fists flying.
Jo froze in place watching as Eddie knocked Theo to the floor, punching him in the face,
“Shit shit shit. Eddie no!” She called, she ran over and attempted to drag Eddie off Theo, “Eddie! Let it go!” She yelled, nothing happened, so she pushed Eddie and he lost his balance slightly, Theo went to throw a punch but Jo caught his fist, “Theo. Get the fuck out of my fucking house. And don’t ever, ever come back!” Theo ran out of the door with his tail between his legs, Jo crouched down beside Eddie and took his hand in hers it was cut and bleeding, “Oh, Eddie.” She whispered, she planted a gentle kiss on his head before disappearing to get the first aid kit, she sat down beside him and took his hand again, “I’m sorry this is gonna sting.” She murmured before gently rubbing an alcohol wipe over his knuckles, Eddie winced and pulled his hand away, “I’m sorry.” Jo repeated, she grabbed his hand, “Squeeze my hand when it hurts, I need to do this I’m sorry.” She wiped his knuckles again with the wipe and Eddie squeezed her hand tightly, Jo grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around his hand, he watched her as she finished bandaging his hand, he watched as she slowly brought her hand to her lips and placed a gentle kiss on it, “I’m so sorry Eddie,” She whispered and he shook his head,
“Jo I’m fine.” She looked at him and looked angry for a split second,
“Eddie, you can’t go around punching people! You could get arrested for assault! And that would ruin everything you’ve got going for yourself!” He looked at her and smiled slightly,
“I know, but I hate him.” He mumbled like a child getting scolded,
“You’ve never met him,” Jo replied with a small smile,
“He hurt you, I instantly hate anyone that hurts you.”
“Well, you’d hate a dude called Matthew.” Jo thought aloud, which caused Eddie to question what happened she managed to tell him everything without breaking down, once she’d finished Eddie cradled her in his arms and she let her walls down.
Eddie didn’t speak as she cried he just held her and played with her hair, she clung onto his shirt as she cried refusing to let go of him,
“Oh Jo, I’m so sorry.” He murmured, as he held her he thought about how much he would love to get rid of her pain, he’d never known one person have so much shit in their lives, better yet he’d never known a person have so much shit and not let it make them into a bitter miserable soul. Despite everything Jo was still caring and kind, Eddie had never seen her act coldly until today with Theo, but that was a valid reason - she was always a ray of light and never failed to brighten his day, as cheesy as it was, she really was the light of his life, he wanted to tell her this but he couldn’t face any more rejection from her- so, for now, he’d be happy just to hold her.
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peakyblinders1919 · 7 years
The Answer. Pt. 7
Elouise only woke the next morning when something being placed aggressively onto the countertop made a loud bang, causing her head to pound. She lazily opened one eye, staring at a fuzzy image of bottles lined up on the other side of the bar. Her cheek was pressed against the cold surface, it’s stickiness making her use more force than she’d prefer to sit up straight.
Her back cracked as she stretched it out, the repercussions of falling asleep hunched over at the bar. It took her a long time to focus in on her surroundings, realizing she had never the Garrison last night and had used the bar as a makeshift bed; a new skill she was really perfecting.
She had forgotten she wasn’t alone either as she looked at the purse on the countertop, knowing there was only one person it could belong to. She braced herself before turning to greet the infuriated woman impatiently tapping her foot, staring at Elouise with judgmental eyes.
Finally getting a full look at Poll, standing over El in the empty bar with her arms crossed, the key to the bar dangling from one hand, her hair neatly pulled back and kept under a hat, in her polished outfit, Elouise knew two things. The first was that she looked the complete opposite of Polly. Her hair was knots upon knots and her makeup smudged all over her face resembling the sad mask of a clown. But the second was that no matter how ‘polished’ Polly may have looked, Elouise knew in her heart she had the rath of an uncivilized Shely stirring inside of her.
Elouise sighed, the nausea rising in her stomach not as a precaution to whatever she had coming from Polly, but as a reminder of the night before. Which was just another reminder of the previous day that only made her want to grab another bottle. But she was too hungover to even move; it was miraculous that she was sitting facing Polly. She opened her mouth to say something smart, yet nothing but a hiccup came out, causing Polly to roll her eyes disapprovingly.
Elouise grew dizzy as she watched Polly rummage through her purse, pulling out a cigarette. “Making me worry about you,” she muttered with the fag hanging between her lips. She struck the match, a whisper of a noise hissing in El’s ear. She hung her head in her hands, begging the pain to stop. “Just so I can come find you washed up at the Garrison,? What are you doing to yourself, huh?”
She paused, blowing smoke into the air, the all too familiar smell bringing Elouise back to the past and making her nausea again.
“Don’t shout.” Elouise said so quietly she had barely heard it herself.
“What was that?” Polly asked back in a louder voice.
“I said don’t shout.” She raised her own voice, forcing herself to look at Polly. She knew her words only angered Polly more as she scowled, but she didn’t care. “Please,” Elouise begged, her voice a mere whisper once again.
“I’ll damn well shout if I want to. I don’t know what’s been wrong with you lately, Elouise, but this acting out as got to stop. This...this careless drinking; I’ve never seen Arthur drink so much. This lack of responsibility, this contorted view you have of the world, immature nonsense. Getting wrapped up in things you aren’t ready for, getting other people, innocent people involved in your antics.”
“What are you talking about Poll?”
“Do you have no shame in what you’ve done, or were you to pissed to remember what you did?” The confused look on Elouise’s face was queue enough for Polly. “You came back from the auction missing, having Michael lie for you just so I can find you like this.”
“I didn’t ask Michael to lie fo-” Elouise’s words were interrupted by the deafening sound of Polly’s hand coming into contact with Elouise’s cheek. The smack mad the world stop. There wasn’t a sound in the room, not even a faint tick from a distant clock, as if the world had acutally stopped if only for a moment. Their ears were ringing, Elouise’s cheek stung and Polly cursed herself, thinking she had gone to far before it was too late to take it back. They stared at each other for a prolonged amount of time, not knowing who was going to speak first. Elouise rubbed her tender cheek as it burned from the smack. She stared at Polly, watching her eyes glaze over as the truth of the moment sunk in around them. Elouise stood there, trying to ease the sting, not saying anything, thinking maybe she deserved it after all.
“Don’t lie.” Polly finally broke the silence, remembering all the anger she had. “If this is what you want to do with your life, fine, but stopping bringing other people into your self-destructive world. If you want to make a fool of yourself, go ahead, but this is not how a Shelby acts.”
“I’m not a Shelby. I’m a Whittaker, but no one seems to remember that.”
“Oh, is that what this is about? Now you’re gonna throw your life away with each sip you take just like your brother did?”
“Don’t talk about Wesley like that.” Elouise burst, getting up from the stool so quickly she knocked it to the ground with a thud. She closed in on Poll, leaving only inches between their faces when only seconds before there was safe foot and a half of bar between them. “The only thing that killed Wesley were you guys. You-” Her voice hitched as the thought of her older brother took over her body. She forced back a sob, the memory of him too painful. She squeezed her eyes shut, making the room stop spinning and keeping her tears at bay. “You can say whatever you want to about me, about my character, but you have no right to talk about my family that way. What is this really about Poll? Huh? Why are you here? Why’d you come to find me, scold me? Is it about family? Because as far as I’m concerned I have none left.” Her words stung the mother figure standing before her more than the slap to her cheek, but Elouise didn’t think about taking them back for one second. She might come to find later on that she was even still drunk from the night before, her reason for saying such things to Polly, but in the moment she had no doubt that they rang true. Ever since Elouise was nine, being left to protect herself, she was taken in by the Shelby’s, but she never really was one of them. She could never shake the feeling that she had lost a family that was all her own, and she never knew what that felt like.
She looked hard and long at Polly, waiting for anything, and when the retaliation she had expected didn’t come, Elouise slowing bent down, righted her stool and sat down again. She buried her raging head in her hands, unsure of what she was going to do next.
Polly cleared her throat, grabbing her purse from the table. “You do have a family,” she said in a very composed manner, making Elouise listen up. “They’re right there. Those bottles, that’s what you consider your family because you’d rather be with them than talk to someone who actually cares about whatever it is that happened.”
“Poll-” Elouise said suddenly, taken back by her words. She swung around to look at the woman walking towards the door.
“Like you said, you have no family.”
Elouise hung her head and didn’t say anything else as Polly left, the doors swinging behind her, seeming to swing forever and never come to a close. In the solitude of the bar she hung her head, beginning to weep. The tears rolled at a steady pace, falling onto the counter with little splashes as they didn’t stop. Years of built up guilt and lack of grieving for her family, not thinking about them at all as a way to prevent the sadness their memory would bring, now catching up to her. Everything Polly said was right, and she cried harder because she knew it was the truth. What had her life come to? This repetitive cycle of self-loathing and egotism she walked around with had a deceiving effect, and she couldn’t tell one from the other anymore.
And she knew better. She knew that if she wasn’t comfortable talking to Polly about the attack she had suffered at the auction, that someone else would have easily listened. Tommy, Arthur, even John if she needed someone to talk to. She should have known she could go to them, but instead she chose the easier way; going to the bar.
Through misty eyes she looked up, her eyes landing on the bottles across the bar. She knew she shouldn’t but Polly had said one thing right, her family was standing right in front of her. Even though she shouldn’t have, she poured herself a glass and took a sip, another second taken off her life.
“Morning!” Michael said in an uncharacteristically chipper tone as he sat at the kitchen table.
“Oh, good morning love.” Polly responded in a dreary voice, suggested she was tired as if the bags under her eyes didn’t show it. It didn’t come to as a surprise to anyone that she hadn’t been able to sleep well she since she confronted Elouise the other morning. Michael unfolded his napkin, setting it across his lap and opening the paper to read it as Polly sat down opposite him. Food lined the table, eggs, bread and jams, fruits, ham, just another sign that Polly was trying to keep busy as she laid awake. Although the food filled the house with a pleasant aroma, Polly lit a cigarette instead, setting it between her lips. She took a long drag, watching Michael pick up a piece of bread and eat it as he flipped the pages.
“Don’t get too comfortable.” Polly called, looking at her son on the opposite side of the table through the smoke. “It’s not every morning I cook like this.”
“That’s fine, I’m not expecting it.” He continued reading, a silent falling over them.
“What’re you reading?”
“It’s all boring really.” He said, flipping past the page where the headline was about the auction. All it really said was how May Carelton and her father were purchasing new horses. “The adverts are...interesting though.” He said, honing in on the ad written by Tommy himself, or rather his secretary.
“What are you looking at the adverts for?”
“I’m gonna be a man soon Mum, I’ve got to find a real job.”
“Nonsense, you’re still a boy, you don’t need a job. I’ve seen what jobs can do to kids like you.”
He cleared his throat, putting the paper down, trying to get his mind off of the chief clerk position open at his own family’s company he didn’t know anything about. He leaned forward, knowing Polly wanted to talk.
“What do you mean?”
She sighed, taking a drag. “Getting a real job means selling your innocence. It sucks the life out of you until there’s nothing left.”
“Who are you talking about?”
“I’m not talking about anyone, I’m just talking the truth.” She said defensively, getting ready to light another cigarette. He shook his head, knowing it wasn’t true, she had someone very specific in mind and if he’d have to pry then he would. He hadn’t known Polly for long, but even a blind man could tell she wasn’t her usual self.
“Well, I’m gonna need a job if I’m gonna stay here.”
“Let’s stop talking about jobs alright?” She said, on edge just thinking about it. He sighed, leaning back a quick silence coming again. She watched the ash fall from her cigarette into the tray, and he just watched her, waiting for something to happen.
“It’s quiet.” He said, catching her off guard as her eyes and thoughts lingered.
“It’s because we’re alone.”
“Right…” he said, trying to hide a smirk. “Elouise, where’s she been?”
“Who knows, but she won’t be coming back for a while.” Polly finally responded after a while, obviously annoyed that he’d gotten to the root of her worries lately.
“Well is she alright? Did you find her at the Garrison?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“And she’s not coming back.”
“But she’s left all her stuff here…”
“Because that’s what she does. She runs.”
“Where’d she go? She does have a place to go, right?”
Polly cocked an eyebrow, finally realizing what was really going on. She straightened her back, smoking with a new ease. “Why do you care so much about her?”
He coughed, trying to cover up any real reason he might be asking, the gears turning in his brain for an answer she’d like. “She’s a friend, I care about how she’s doing. A girl who’s gone through what she did shouldn’t be alone.”
“What do you mean a girl who’s gone through what she did?”
“She had some sort of...attack or something. I don’t know. She froze up; couldn’t breathe.”
“Dammit.” She said under her breath, jumping up and pacing the room, smoking another cigarette angrily. “I can’t believe this. I knew something was up, but I didn’t think...you sure this happened?” Polly asked, stopping in his place to turn and look at him.
“Positive. Had to basically push her out the room.”
“Shit.” She said, walking around angrily, pushing a chair onto the ground. “I have to apologize to her.”
“What’d you do Mum?” He asked, confused.
She ran her hand over her face, sighing heavily. “I...I may have said a few things I shouldn’t have.”
“Well go find her and talk to her.”
“She won’t listen to me.” She sighed, shaking her head. She couldn’t believe the way she had treated Elouise, knocking her down when she was already at her low. Now it all made sense, and Polly had told her everything she didn’t need to hear. No wonder she’d been missing for a couple days. She sat back down, trying to figure out a way to make this all up to Elouise, a way to make her understand she did still have a family.
“I could try and talk to her.” Michael piped up.
“Really? Would you?”
“No guarantees she’ll listen to me.”
“Yeah, she doesn’t listen to anyone but her own heart…” Polly thought.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
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