#when we entered the gates... i realised i left my purse in one of the trolleyd
dobaara · 2 years
okay let me tell you everything
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guardianofrivendell · 4 years
Gentlemen in Distress (request)
Legolas x reader x Fellowship
Requested: Yes! @galileostyles​ asked “hey i love your writing so much ❤️ could you do a legolas x reader x fellowship where they see you fighting for the first time at the mines of moria and feel bad for underestimating you. thanks ❤️”
Warnings: men being men
A/N: This was harder than I thought! I wrote it a first time last week but then I realized it was too similar to an upcoming chapter of ‘Perfect Secrets’, so I had to delete and start all over again. Enjoy and let me know what you think! I live for comments/reblogs :) 
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(I absolutely love this gif. It practically screams testosteron! If I was standing near an Orc at this moment I would take its arm and wound it around my neck myself, and gladly take up the role of damsel in distress. Yes please!)
The fellowship halted before the gates of Moria.  You were relieved to be out of the snow, but dreaded the upcoming journey through Moria. You knew why Gandalf hesitated to go through them, shivering at the thought of what could happen. Legolas’ eyes met yours, but he looked the other way when he saw you staring back. You rolled your eyes, knowing you had to have a serious word with your beloved Elf. 
While Gandalf tried to figure out how to crack the password after two unsuccesful attempts, you made your way towards Legolas. It felt like days since you two spoke to each other.  He didn’t look up when you sat down next to him. You sighed, kicking the sand with the heel of your boot.
“Are you still cross with me?” you asked, already knowing the answer. He pursed his lips, as if he was actually considering it. But then he rose to his feet and went to Aragorn and Sam.  “Guess that’s a yes,” you muttered.  Merry and Pippin let themself drop down at your feet. You heard Gandalf yelling at poor Pippin a few moments before and he still looked a bit shaken.  “Still mad at you?” Merry asked. You nodded. “He has every right to be, my lady,” Boromir interrupted. You didn’t know he had been eavesdropping.  “And why is that?” you asked him. “This journey is no place for a woman. When we fight, we do not have the time to protect you as well. He only wants to keep you safe.” You rolled your eyes again. “How many times do I have to say that I can take care of myself? I know how to fight!” “Training or taking part in a battle is not the same thing. If you were mine, I would have tied you to a chair to make sure you didn’t join us.” “That’s why ‘if’ is the keyword, Boromir,” you reminded him.  
You could hear Frodo shout something, and the doors to Moria finally opened.  Everyone got to their feet and entered the mines.  Legolas made his way up front with Gandalf and Frodo, while you lingered towards the back of the group. If he wanted to ignore you, so be it. You wouldn’t fret about it anymore. He’ll come around eventually. 
The reason of your falling out was quite simple. Legolas had forbidden you to go along on the journey, after you volunteered at the Council of Elrond, following his example. Yes, that’s right. He forbade you. Like you were his property.  Not that he could have convinced you not to go, but you might have listened to reason. But as soon as he said that damned word, your mind was set. You were going, even if that meant you had to end your relationship because of it.  And ever since you left Rivendell with the fellowship, Legolas had given you the cold shoulder. He hardly talked to you and chose to walk alongside everyone but you.  When the Crebain flew over in Eregion, it hadn’t been Legolas who pulled you under the rocks but Aragorn. At that moment you realized he truly was angry at you. What you failed to notice was the worried expression Legolas wore the entire time, cursing himself for not being anywhere near you to pull you to safety. He had thanked Aragorn extensively afterwards. He vowed to himself to never make that mistake again. 
When you entered the mines, you could hear Gimli boasting about his cousin and the hospitality they were about to recieve.  You felt the darkness closing in around you, you really didn’t like this place.  “This is no mine, it’s a tombe!” You heard Boromir exclaim. It was only then you realised the cracking sound beneath your feet wasn’t the sound of branches breaking or gravel. You were literally walking on dead bodies.  Legolas pulled an arrow out of a corpse.  “Goblins!” he hissed. He notched an arrow on his bow and instinctively took a few steps towards you. You were too busy trying to avoid stepping on another dead Dwarf that you didn’t notice.
Boromir yelled something about the Gap of Rohan, but a movement outside of the gates caught your attention. Out of the water came a long tentacle, slowly sliding over the ground towards Frodo. Before you could warn him, it grabbed his leg and dragged him out of the mines.  Sam cried to Aragorn for help, alerting everyone else. They all ran outside and tried to cut off the tentacles with their swords. Boromir had been able to free Frodo, but the giant squidlike creature wasn’t giving up very easily.  “Y/N! Go back inside, take the Hobbits with you!” Aragorn yelled.  Seriously? You were not a babysitter! Why did they have such a hard time believing you could hold your own? Aragorn, Gimli and Boromir kept slicing the tentacles, but the creature didn’t back off. Legolas shot arrow after arrow, to no avail. They needed help. “Quick, give me a sword or a dagger, anything!” you yelled, eager to join the fight. “No!” Legolas yelled, shooting an arrow in the squid’s left eye. “Go back into the mines!” “Oh, now you can talk to me!” You felt someone grab your arm, trying to pull you back. You shook them off before you turned around and saw it was Merry, immediately swallowing the insult that had been on your tongue. “Into the mines, hurry!” Gandalf shouted, when he realised this was a fight they could not win. You followed the others back into the mine, barely escaping the falling rocks when the entrance collapsed. 
After a few days of walking through Moria, you had reached the Chamber of Mazarbul.  Legolas still wasn’t talking to you, now upset you hadn’t listened to him with the squid situation, but you knew he was going to give in at any moment. You had caught him staring multiple times, his hands twitching to take yours when you walked next to each other.  Gimli cried over the loss of Balin. You placed your hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly. He gave you a grateful nod.  You heard Gandalf reading aloud from a book he’d found, and the words he spoke made your hairs stand up.  A sudden clang sounded through the chamber, and you saw Pippin standing by a well. He had managed to knock the head off a corpse, and the body of the fallen warrior followed seconds later. Gandalf shouted at him for being so careless. “Don’t worry Pippin, he’s under a lot of stress. He doesn’t mean it,” you tried to ease the tension between them. But then the drumbeats had started…  “Orcs!” Boromir and Aragorn ran to the door and barricaded it with anything they could find on the ground.  “They have a cave troll,” Boromir laughed sarcastically. 
“Y/N! Take the Hobbits and go to the back of the chamber! Stay behind Gandalf!” Aragorn shouted. “No! I want to fight! You can use my help,” you yelled angrily. You weren’t going to stand helpless at the sidelines again. Not this time. “Meleth nin,” Legolas spoke to you, his jaw clenched. “Could you please listen to us for once? I only want to keep you safe!” He cupped your face with his hands, and kissed your lips. “I could not live with myself if you got hurt.” The Orcs started to hack through the heavy wooden doors with their axes.  “Go!” he growled at you, and you were so surprised at his reaction that you obeyed. 
You had gathered the Hobbits and hidden yourself on the second level, behind the pillars to keep you out of sight.  The men had no problem with the Orcs, slaying every single one who crossed the wooden doors. But then a loud growl resounded through the chamber, and the cave troll entered, shattering the remains of the door with his mace. A curse escaped you, this was entirely different than fighting against Orcs. The troll immediately made its way to Legolas. The skin was too thick, Legolas’ arrows bounced off of it.  He barely avoided a hit with the mace, and you started to get worried. 
Suddenly the troll spotted you and the Hobbits, and with a screech he ran towards you.  It swung its mace and you grabbed Frodo, yelling at the other Hobbits to go the other way, hoping it would chase you to keep them safe.  Aragorn and Boromir took the chain hanging from its neck and pulled at it with all their might, trying to distract it and buy you and Frodo some time to get yourselves to safety. Legolas and Gimli were too busy with the remaining Orcs. The troll swung its mace at them, and with one powerful blow he threw Boromir across the room into the wall. He landed with a thump on the ground, unconscious.  “No!” you screamed, which caught the creature’s attention. He charged at you again, and you shoved Frodo behind you.  The troll roared in pain when Aragorn threw a spear at him, piercing his back. Aragorn soon suffered the same fate as Boromir. Your eyes went to Boromir, who was slowly regaining his consciousness, to Legolas who was shooting arrows at the troll again in the hope to find a weak spot, and back to Aragorn, who lay lifeless on the ground. They were losing this battle… You couldn’t stay there and do nothing! Even Sam was fighting against the last Orcs with his frying pan of all things, but it was effective. They only had to find a way to defeat the cavetroll. And you knew how.
“Stay here!” you said to Frodo, shoving him in the corner. You jumped of the landing and took two Orc swords from the ground. “Y/N, no!” Legolas cried at you. But you already listened once today, and that was more than enough. You ran around the troll, hacking your swords in its legs. It cried out in pain, and was now really pissed off at you.  “Y/N, Lassie, leave this to us!” Gimli shouted.  “Yes, because you’re doing so great!” you yelled back. The troll swung at you with its mace, and it smacked to the ground right in front of you. Perfect timing, you thought and you jumped on top of it, and nimbly ran up his arm towards his shoulder. It tried to smack you off of him, but you were faster, slicing his shoulder and upper back.  You sat down, and swung your arms around his neck, effectively slicing his throat with both swords. The troll made a gargling sound and fell face forward to the ground. You jumped off his back, twirling the swords in a cocky way.
The whole fellowship looked at you in surprise.  “That was amazing!” Merry and Pippin yelled at you, engulfing you in a hug. “Excellent fighting skills!” Boromir complimented. “I’m sorry we doubted you.” The others couldn’t agree more. Legolas however stayed silent. “Are you okay?” you asked him. He scoffed. “You’re asking me if I’m okay? No, Y/N. I’m not! You didn’t listen and put yourself in danger. I had a dozen heart attacks while you fought that troll!” You stared at the ground. He lifted your chin with his hand, and he pressed his lips against yours. “But you have proven to me that you can stand your ground.” You smiled at that. “Does that mean I can have one of your swords?” “Absolutely not!”
A/N: I’m still not that good with endings, but you get the idea! 
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Hello dear. Umm, I saw your prompts are open and Kelly Clarkson's "My Life Would Suck Without You" just came up on the radio, and... Could I ask for that and Geraskier? Pretty please, if you feel like it. Thank you. Love you. 💙
Hello dearest anon! I hope you see this. I’m sorry it took so long! I had a really great time writing this and thanks to @kuripon for being my beta!
Geralt stared across the room, eyes fixed on the bard that was twirling and dancing around the room. Long brown hair flicked around her shoulder as she flirted with customers, singing words that were so familiar to him. He’d been there when they were composed, after all. They were different to the memory he had in his mind. Jaskier had repeated them over and over again, pacing around the camp and plucking at his lute without a care in the world. In his mind it was just a first draft, the words not quite fully formed, lacking the finesse and polish that this version had.
And yet, Geralt couldn’t help but prefer the version in his head.
It was messy, and most importantly, Jaskier was the one singing. Hazel eyes met his from across the room and winked at him, but it was wrong. She was wrong. He growled and downed the rest of his drink, the emptiness in heart becoming too much to bear. He picked up his swords and stalked from the room, letting the cool air of the night cleanse his pain. He didn’t deserve the warmth of a tavern. He wasn’t even sure why he’d come to Oxenfurt, there were no contracts as far as he was aware. In fact, he’d been heading in the opposite direction when he’d seen the signpost for Oxenfurt at a fork in the road.
And he’d turned Roach towards the city without a second thought. Thoughts of cornflower blue eyes and tousled mousy brown hair driving him home.
But now that he was here, he felt lost. He couldn’t enter the Academy without good reason, and without Jaskier’s easy lies and bright smile, he couldn’t find a way inside.
He pressed his fingers to his forehead, ignoring the hustle and bustle of the city that never seemed to sleep. He should leave, take Roach and leave. There were contracts in villages not far from here and he could make some coin. He really needed to make some coin. The purse tied to his belt was lighter than it should be and if his armour or swords were damaged then he would struggle to repair them, let alone replace them.
“Fuck,” he growled and turned towards the Academy instead.
His heart was foolish, but he hadn’t realised how much he wanted Jaskier until he’d lost him.  
It was like something from the fucking ballads that the bard wrote. He’d never pined like this before, and the feeling unsettled him. He’d been drawn to Yennefer, the Djinn wish pulling them together across the Continent, but this was different. There was no magic with Jaskier, no spell, or wish, or tie from Destiny.
Jaskier had chosen him, of his own free will, and he’d kept choosing Geralt, every single day, no matter what the world had thrown at them, and Geralt had found himself choosing Jaskier back. He would protect Jaskier at all costs, even if it meant failing a contract, killing a wyvern instead of moving them on. One bed at inns so that the bard could afford new lute strings, watered down piss instead of his favourite wine if it meant that Jaskier could have a goblet of fiorano rather than the cheaper wines on the menu.
Geralt hadn’t realised he was doing it until he went to order the wine along with his ale, before remembering he was alone.
“Hold up!” a guard yelled at him as he approached the gates. “No visitors.”
“I’m here for Jaskier,” Geralt growled.
“You’re not coming in, freak,” the guard spat, forcing Geralt to step back.
Geralt didn’t want to fight, but he didn’t know what else to do, he’d been hoping the mention of Jaskier would be enough. The guard glared at him, his fingers itching for his sword and Geralt raised his hands in defence, but it was no use. The damage was done. He swiped his fingers through the air in the sign of Axii.
“Let me through,” Geralt murmured.
“Let you through, of course, here you go, Master witcher.”
Geralt swept past the guard, keeping his head low, not wanting to draw anymore attention to himself. Iit wasn’t even the fact he was a witcher. Worse, it was because he was, the White Wolf. Students ogled him as he walked through the corridors. He hadn’t spent much time at the Academy but every time he had visited before, Jaskier had gripped his arm, waving his own hand through the air as he told stories of his youth. It wasn’t difficult to picture his bard as a young man in the halls of the Oxenfurt Academy. Jaskier hadn’t been much older when he’d met him.
The scent of chamomile and honey hit him before he saw the bard.
“Guess this means you’re sorry, if you’re standing at my door?” Jaskier said icily. Geralt spun round to see Jaskier leaning on a balcony above him. He looked… fuck he looked good. His hair had grown out in the year they’d been apart, the ends now tickling his chin, and he was now sporting a thick beard. His doublet was a pale sky blue that made his eyes seem to shine even brighter.
It was the only word he had left, all apologies dying on his tongue as he took in the sight of his bard. No… not his bard. Jaskier was his own bard, an esteemed professor at Oxenfurt and Geralt didn’t deserve him.
But fuck if he wasn’t going to try his best.
“So… you take back all you said before?” Jaskier’s voice was poisonous, a cold fire burning in those pretty cornflower blue eyes. “Like how much you wanted anyone but me? If life could give you one blessing…”
Jaskier didn’t finish the blasted sentence but they both flinched, the memories of that damned mountain top haunting them both.
“I was stupid,” Geralt admitted, “for telling you goodbye.”
“Oh ho ho! Oh yeah, yeah. I know that, Geralt, but fuck, it took months for me to realise. I blamed myself, you know? For everything? You did. So it only made sense.”
“What, Geralt?” Jaskier snapped.
Geralt took a shaky breath. In all their years together, Jaskier had never been so closed off to him. It had always been easy touches and warm words. The difference now was stark and every word was like a dagger straight to his heart.
“My life would suck without you,” Geralt mumbled. “It has sucked without you. I’m nothing without you.”
Jaskier laughed, a sharp, disbelieving bark that was almost hysterical. “Oh, Geralt. We both know that’s not true.”
“We do?”
“You’re a warrior, a hero, a knight. Smart, brave, and kind. You’re funny, in your own terrible kind of way, and you are, were… fuck no, are, my best friend.”
Geralt scoffed. “Means nothing without you.”
“That’s quite a change of heart, witcher.”
“I missed you,” Geralt said with a shrug. “What is it you poets say? Absence makes the heart grow stronger?”
Jaskier squeaked and slipped on the balcony. For a heart-stopping moment Geralt thought the bard would tumble over the edge but he just slipped backwards, gripping the beam in a desperate attempt to stay upright.
“Being with you is so dysfunctional,” Jaskier sighed. “I really shouldn’t miss you.”
“And yet..”
“Here we are…”
“Come with me?” Geralt asked, “Let’s try again.”
Jaskier shook his head. “I can’t.”
Geralt closed his eyes, readying himself to turn away and leave but Jaskier spoke again. “Geralt, wait. I mean… it’s the middle of term, Geralt. I can’t just leave.”
“That’s not a no?”
“Come back at the end of term, I’ll give you my answer then?” Jaskier asked, tilting his head, and Geralt nodded. That wasn’t what he’d been hoping for, but honestly it was better than he expected. The things he’d said, fuck, it made him the monster everyone thought he was. He sighed and turned to leave the city.
“Geralt!” Jaskier yelled after him, he spun around to look back at the bard. Frantic blue eyes were staring back at him. “Just. Just wait there. Please, Geralt.”
And how could Geralt say no to that? He perched on a stone bench, overlooking one of the gardens in the courtyard. Bees were flying around the flowers, never quite settling as they buzzed incessantly. The blooms were almost overwhelming, too sweet, too floral, but he stayed put. Jaskier had asked him to, and he’d worked out pretty early on that there wasn’t much he wouldn’t do for the bard.
“Ah, Geralt, there you are!” Jaskier called brightly, “I was starting to think you’d left.” Geralt gestured to the bench. “Right, right, yes. Well… I couldn’t let you leave, not without… well…”
Jaskier leant forward to kiss his cheek, the bristles of his beard brushing against Geralt’s skin. “Jask?”
“You’ve got a piece of me, dear heart,” Jaskier murmured, his hand cupping the cheek he’d just kissed. “And. And my life life would suck without you too.”
Geralt smiled as he leant into Jaskier’s touch. “I’ll be back, I promise.”
“I know, I think… well… I really hope, and I’d really like to forgive you for what you said, but it might take a bit more time.”
“I have time,” Geralt insisted, bringing his hand up to cover Jaskier’s. He took the bard’s hand in his and brought it to his lips. “We have time.”
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clandestine (chapter 5)
PAIRING: Tom Holland x fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Y/N is an up and coming actress, married to a once hotshot actor, Harrison (Haz). What happens when her co-star, Tom, makes her realise that she is stuck in a loveless marriage. A marriage starts crumbling and a new romance stars brewing.
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chapter 5: the rumour has it
A/N: i do not encourage cheating. i hope you guys like this chapter!! feedback is always appreciated. thanks for reading <3
warnings: drinking, cursing
word count: 1.6k
important: bold and italic are character thoughts
series masterlist   main masterlist   chapter 4   chapter 6
The video of Y/N and Tom singing ‘SOS’ broke the internet. It was trending for at least four days. The whole internet, already on the witch hunt to find evidence of a relationship, was being fed. The paparazzi were circling around like vultures. The threat of being outed made them hide in their caves.
Haz was coming to London in two days. Y/N was trying to rid the house of anything and everything that hinted that Tom had been staying with her. Between the paps, shooting, and Haz, she couldn’t find time to meet Tom and give him his things.
There were Polaroids scattered all over the house. While she was packing a box to parcel to Tom, she found a Polaroid on her glass coffee table next to her ‘vanilla sage’ candle from Bath and Body Works. In the photo, Y/N was lying on her stomach on the hardwood floor in her living room, a gin and tonic next to her. Tom was sitting on the floor with his right arm extended to take the photo. They were both smiling.
She remembered when he took that photo. It was the same day she found a vintage vinyl of Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong’s ‘on verve’, during her exploration of Camden market. They decided to have a listening party of that album on the floor. Tom found his new favourite song that day, ‘let’s call the whole thing off’. She smiled at the memory. Instead of putting it in the box, she went into her room to put it in her wallet where only she could find it.
Y/N noticed her phone vibrating next to her purse. It was Harrison.
“Bonjour mon amour”,
“Hi Haz, did you board the flight?”
“Just did; listen you don’t have to pick me up from the airport, I know you are busy at work”
“Fine. Text me when you land”
“Su-“, she hung up the phone.
I can’t believe I have to live with this man for a whole week.
Haz came in late at night, even though his flight was supposed to land at 5pm. Y/N was already sleeping. When she woke up around 8 next morning, she found, much to her surprise, Haz snoring next to her. Last night she made sure that there was a pillow and a blanket on the couch for him, a subtle way of saying ‘I don’t want you sleeping in the same bed with me’. Also because she thought he knew about the affair and wouldn’t want to sleep next to her.
God, I wish I had another bedroom
Y/N was sitting on the bar stool with her laptop on the kitchen island, going through her mail while drinking coffee. Haz had just woken up from his deep slumber, and found his way to the kitchen to fetch him some coffee.
“Good morning!” she said enthusiastically, without looking up from her laptop screen. She had thought it was a sleepy Tom, coming out of the bedroom to make himself tea.
“Morning”, Haz said as a reflex, rubbing his eyes. Y/N’s smile disappeared upon hearing the sound of his voice.
“Did you make breakfast?” Haz asked while pouring himself coffee into a mug Tom had gifted Y/N.
“I made myself breakfast when I woke up, three hours ago. Was I supposed to make breakfast for you too?” It was a rhetorical question. Y/N noticed the mug, it made her uneasy watching a man she doesn’t love drinking from a gift given by the man she did love.
“There’s eggs and bread in the fridge, help yourself”, she pointed at the refrigerator.
As Haz cracked open an egg on the pan, Y/N received an email from Greta.
“Good news, Netflix bought the distribution rights to Greta’s movie, she just sent me a mail”
Oh? Seriously, oh?
“They are planning the premier for this Friday, do you want to go with me?”
“I don’t think so, I don’t really like the people you work with” he was putting butter on cold bread.
There is nothing more tragic than love turning into hate. Tragedy had struck their marriage. The rest of the week, they only spoke when they absolutely had to. It was like living with a roommate, you share a bed with but cannot share your day with.
It was Friday, the day of the movie premiere. Y/N was excited to see Tom after a week without him, which felt like an eternity to her. She was wearing a silver colored floor length gown with heavily studded earrings. Her hair was up in a bun with two strands out, to shape her face.
Since it was Netflix, the event could afford to take place at the Royal Albert Hall. Y/N had only been there once, for an Arctic Monkeys concert. When she stepped out of the car, she was met by blinding lights of the cameras. She walked over to the whole cast on the red carpet. The only thing she could hear was the deafening noise of photographers screaming to look towards them and in between, tabloid journalists asking her questions about her life and rumours.
Y/N was still pretty new to walking red carpets because she had mostly worked on indie films that couldn’t afford a grand premiere as most of the money would go towards entering different festivals. Y/N was wearing a mask of pure joy on her face but Tom could see right through it. He could see how uncomfortable Y/N was feeling.
He walked towards her, “you look gorgeous darling” he whispered in her ears and for a second that mask she was wearing became real. They both posed together, but regretted it immediately. The whole media went on overdrive, seeing them together.
“Are you guys seeing each other?” a person from the left screamed.
“Y/N, did you leave Harrison?” someone from the right asked
The voices were coming from everywhere. All they could do now was walk off the carpet. Tom had arranged for Y/N to sit next to her during the screening. His hand was linked with Y/N’s the whole time. He could feel her shivering.
“Are you cold?” he asked her.
“Not really”, she took a long pause. “I am just nervous about my performance in the movie and I guess the questions really got to my head, it’s all making me very anxious”
“Don’t worry babe, everyone is going to love you in the movie, and those hunters out there are shell of a person, all they care about are these bullshit rumours. They don’t deserve a house in your thoughts”
“Shhhhhh” someone whispered from the row above theirs.
Y/N’s phone was vibrating, it was Harrison’s fourth call in fifteen minutes.
Why is he not getting the hint that I don’t want to talk to him
She ignored it.
A few minutes later, her phone rang again.
What if it’s serious?
She got up and went outside of the theatre to take the call.
“What is it, Haz? You know I’m busy right now”
“Umm, are you Y/N?” A man with a heavy, older voice said.
“Yes?” She was confused. “Who is this and how do you have my husband’s phone?”
“Your husband is trashed, ma’am. He passed out on my bar counter about half an hour ago. Your number was on his emergency contact list so I'm calling you to pick him up”
“I’ll be right there, can you tell me the address?”
“Yeah sure it’s 141 Albert Street, Spread Eagle”
Tom came out of the theatre.
“Is everything okay, Y/N?”
“I have to go pick up Haz, he’s splashed out on a bottle somewhere, bloody fool can’t even walk”, she said whilst texting her driver to pick her up.
“Do you want me to go with you?”
“No, I need to deal with this alone”
She walked out the back gate and got in a black Audi.
The paparazzi had noticed her early departure, so they started following her recklessly.
It was a corner pub, the bar was at full capacity. Y/N saw Haz with his head down on the counter, an almost empty tequila bottle next to him.
“Haz wake up, come on, we need to go, get up darling” Y/N was trying to shake him awake.
“O-oh Y/N, y-you’re he-ear”, he was slurring his words.
“Yeah now let’s go”
He started to get up, Y/N had her one hand on his back and the other on his forearm, to support him.
“Honey I th-think I’m going to puke”, he looked sick.
“Is there a restroom here?” She asked the bartender. He pointed towards the corner of the room, a dimly lit area.
“Thank you”. She helped Harrison to walk to the restroom.
The washroom felt like their marriage. They were cramped up in it. The whole room was pure white but also yellow, caused by the lack of cleaning. There were no windows and had only one white florescent light. It was suffocating. The room made her realise that she could not hide from the inevitable, anymore.
Has was on his knees, holding on to the toilet seat with his dear life, puking all the poison out. Y/N was standing near the sink, taking off her statement earrings. She could see a vulnerable Harrison in the reflection of the mirror.
“I want a divorce”, she whispered, loud enough to be heard in this stifle room.
@mysticapples17  @storybookholland
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fullmetalscullyy · 3 years
royai week day 1 - king’s gambit/queen’s gambit
summary: It was a sacrifice. That was the true nature of this mission. Sending in a pawn to do the dirty work, so he could get the upper hand on the situation from the comfort of his office.
rating: t | words: 3075 | tags: royai, hurt/comfort, undercover missions, concerned team mustang, while riza goes off on her own to be a badass
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Havoc’s displeasure towards the idea is not vocal, but it is very clearly identifiable in the set of his jaw and the way his arms are crossed over his chest in quiet defiance. Roy doesn’t appreciate the narrowed eyes Havoc thinks he can’t see, but he is inclined to agree with his Second Lieutenant. More than agree, actually. Roy sides with him and his protest, but ultimately it’s not his choice. It’s a gambit she won’t give up, not now that the Lieutenant has set her sights upon it. And not when it can help so many people in the long run.
Perhaps the worst part is it has to be on Roy’s orders for it to work. It’s a good idea, a strategic and tactical one, but it’s on his head if anything goes wrong and also puts one of his subordinates behind enemy lines alone. It’s dangerous. It’s a risk so they can try to gain more control over the situation, and potentially put an end to more suffering. He would never have thought of it alone, but she had. The Lieutenant always had been the best out of the two them at making the tougher decisions. Ones that needed a more clinical view and less emotional attachment to get the job done. Without realising it, Roy could lead with his heart when someone dear to him was involved, but that had no place here. Not at work and not with so much at stake.
Roy hates it, but that’s personal, and is also an avenue he cannot afford to venture down. Not only that, but Lieutenant Hawkeye is a more than capable soldier, and is an adult who can make her own decisions. Professionally, he has to agree with her. It’s a good idea. 
“Are we really going to feed one of our own to the wolves?”
Havoc’s question is quiet. It breaks through the silence they’d fallen into as they studied the map of a compound, a place that was the heart of their assignment. It causes Roy’s stomach to roll into a knot and he sighs quietly to himself. He had started to wonder when Havoc would start to voice his distaste. It was only a matter of time, Roy had theorised.
“That doesn’t sit well with me, Colonel –”
“Lieutenant,” Roy interrupts, starting to grow irritated Havoc would think Roy has assigned the Lieutenant this task heartlessly.
His heart is completely invested in this. More than it should be. 
“It’s a gamble, but based on what? There should be back up going in from the start.” His voice is rising in volume, careening away from the quiet, contemplative silence they’d been in only moments ago.
The office door opens, and the subject of their argument enters the room. She’s heard Havoc’s complaints; Roy knows she has. He can see it in the expression on her face and the way her brow twitches and furrows at them both a fraction, before turning to close the door behind her.
Havoc’s breathing slows as his emotions abate. It’s obvious he didn’t expect her to interrupt or overhear their conversation.
“It’s my choice, Lieutenant Havoc.” Her voice is even and level, but there is a hint of something else to it as well. There’s a tinge of frustration, and rightly so. That’s more than fair. She’s not happy and Roy swallows when he realises it, afraid she’s going to take their nervousness towards the situation the wrong way.
There was never any doubt in her abilities from either of them. This reflex comes from elsewhere. It was concern for a very close friend; Roy knew of the history between Hawkeye and Havoc. They went back to the Academy and had always been close to one another. For him, it stemmed from emotions he should not name. A natural response to those emotions, but Roy also knows he shouldn’t voice or even think of them, for they are dangerous. They could be damning. But damn him, Roy can’t help it. He’d never forgive himself if the worst happened to her because of his orders. He’s already, either directly or indirectly – that was still up for debate between them even after all this time – caused her so much grief and hardship in her life. He refuses to add to any more of it. This mission has the potential to do so, and he is concerned as a friend, as well as something more.
“Hawkeye –” Havoc’s attempt to placate her doesn’t work.
“This will work,” she adds, “and I’m not giving up on it. It’s a simple in and out.”
“It may take months though,” he counters. “All that time with no backup. Can you blame me, us,” he gestures between him and Roy, and the latter wishes Havoc would keep him out of his argument, “for not liking it?”
“It’s not up to you.” Her brows draw together into an offended glare.
Havoc huffs because he knows she’s right. He just cares, like they all do.
Only, Havoc can be more vocal about it though.
Roy says nothing and simply observes. A part of him wishes to leave them to their dispute but he’s their commanding officer. He can’t back down from conflict between two of his officers. He has to resolve this.
“Lieutenant Havoc.” Roy turns his head to face him. He needs to regain control on this conversation, so his tone is even and professional when he speaks. “As Lieutenant Hawkeye has stated, this is her choice. She’s happy to go.”
Havoc says nothing. His lips purse as he looks at his old friend.
Roy turns his gaze towards the Lieutenant. “She’s willing to enter the compound herself so we can advance in our fight against this group.”
He meets her eyes head on, ensuring the contact between them is direct. He wants to convey everything he needs to with one look or speech alone, but the Lieutenant is not a mind reader, and this is a professional environment. So, he will try his best with the limited methods he’s been given. And if the opportunity to discuss his concerns privately arises in the future, Roy will grasp it with both hands and communicate with her as effectively as he can, to reassure her and voice his thoughts.
“I am just as concerned for the Lieutenant’s safety as the rest of the team,” he adds tactfully. “I don’t like the idea of any one of you being sent off to fight a battle yourselves without backup from the team. It’s happened once before.”
Roy pauses and that knot in his stomach tightens as he remembers Fuery being sent to the front in the South prior to the Promised Day. He remembers how they were divided, split up and left to fend for themselves after being such a tight knit group for so long.
Havoc’s shoulders fall and relax as he catches onto Roy’s meaning.
“However,” Roy continues, “if the Lieutenant has no issues with going, we should respect that.”
“I know,” Havoc relents. “I will.” Still, he looks unhappy, but the argument is dropped.
“It’s a risk I’m willing to take to help those in need,” the Lieutenant states, “but it’s a controlled risk.” Her tone softens as she joins them and leans over the map, looking down at it. “I appreciate the concern, but this decision was not made on a whim.”
“I know,” Havoc repeats. The fight is gone from him, as well as his displeasure, but his concern is still there. “I know you would’ve thought it through first,” he adds to try and placate her.
“It will work,” she assures. Determination overtakes her expression as her eyes rove over the map and Roy can’t help but wonder what her thoughts are, and what plan she is conjuring up inside her mind.
Her reply leaves no room for argument, effectively ending their conversation.
*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *
His steps need to be controlled as he walks towards the compound, and they are, but he wishes he could do the opposite. Critically he surveys the faces of the people being escorted out. There’s none that spark recognition. People are crying with joy, happy to have been liberated. Others have minor injuries and are being seen to by medical personnel.
The news reached them less than an hour ago of the Lieutenant’s success, but there was no word from her personally yet.
He needs to know… Roy didn’t know what. He needs to hear her voice, at least, over the radio. However that had never come to pass. He needs to see her with his own eyes to ascertain her safety and wellbeing. But instead, he was left searching through the faces of the survivors to no avail.
She walks out from behind the compound gates and Roy feels his breath catch in his throat with relief. The Lieutenant is upright and walking and initially, that’s enough for Roy. His exhale through his nose is long, but quiet, so those rushing around him do not hear. They are hurrying passed the Lieutenant, searching for others in need after she reassures them with a polite smile she’s okay.
Roy is unaware of them though. He shouldn’t be, but he is, because all his focus is taken up by her. The smile he manages to catch a short glimpse of releases all the tension from his muscles.
Then he notices the blood on her beige polo shirt. It looks dark, so it looks old, but Roy can’t be sure due to the colouring of the fabric. He’d rather not see it at all. There’s a tear in the fabric of the shirt as well, right in the centre, where something has penetrated and pierced her skin. The sight makes his skin flash with heat and his heart pounds with contained fury. As the Lieutenant walks closer Roy sees the scratches on her face. They’re superficial, so not too worrying, however they are still there when they shouldn’t be.
She greets him with a nod after all this time. Her steps are purposeful and confident. Determined, even. The Lieutenant doesn’t falter as she approaches.
“We got them, sir.”
The next thing Roy notes is her voice is strong. It doesn’t waver as she speaks despite the apparent injuries.
“And you?” It’s the first question out of his mouth but it’s not completely out of place. Any commanding officer would be concerned for their subordinate after such a long time of radio silence.
“Fine, sir,” she confirms. “My injuries are a result of a scuffle during the final conflict. Nothing to worry about.”
From the look if it, Roy doubts that claim, but holds his tongue.
“The plan succeeded.”
She doesn’t boast. It’s not an ‘I told you so’. It’s simple fact.
The Lieutenant knows he’d never doubt her abilities or capability to get the job done, and he’s told her that already to reassure his and Havoc’s worry comes from a well-meaning place, but she knows he gets more concerned than he should. More than is appropriate. Roy can’t help it. For personal reasons, he can’t – outside of any feelings for her as well. He cares for each and every one of his subordinates. He hates to sacrifice one to fight a battle alone, and to leave a comrade behind, but knows doing it temporarily can sometimes be practical or necessary in order to win a greater war.
Ultimately, the Lieutenant was right. Thankfully, the outcome is mostly positive.
Professionally, he’s grateful the plan succeeded. She has an eye for precision that he doesn’t, so her input was more than welcome for this mission. And it stopped more innocent people from coming to further harm. Personally, he wants to wrap her in a tight hug and not let her go. To dress her wounds and ensure she’s okay. It’s been a month of no contact, of not knowing how she was faring while undercover.
She came back to them though. He remembers that.
“Well done, Lieutenant.”
Before he can praise her further a medic rushes up. She extends a blanket out to the Lieutenant, who stares at it blankly. But Roy sees an opportunity and steps in. He thanks the medic and takes it, unfurling the material as the medic presses forward to assist those who may need medical attention within the compound.
“Here.” His murmur is gentle as he wraps the blanket around her shoulders.
“Sir –”
She’s gearing up to argue but Roy is having none of it. That blood stain doesn’t seem to be growing in size, but he won’t take any chances. Not anymore today where she’s concerned.
“That injury needs looked at Lieutenant,” Roy interjects.
“It’s fine –”
“Not the point.” He hates to interrupt her. His voice turns husky with emotion. Roy would say he’s surprised by the sudden turn, but in all honesty it makes sense.
It’s been a long month.
For that reason, he doesn’t relent on his grip of her shoulders. He steers her over to a free medic and remains close by as she’s treated. One arm crosses over his chest to clutch at his side while the other hand cups his chin in thought as the medic works. He questions her on everything that happened. It’s necessary and a conversation that is needed for the upcoming report he will need to write and sign off on. While he would like her to rest, he knows the Lieutenant is still willing to work. He can see her professionalism in the set of her shoulders even as the medic pulls away her ruined shirt.
In truth, he doesn’t want to leave her side.
It’s been a long month.
Roy knows he shouldn’t look at the injury, but he can’t help himself. It gets a quick glance, and that flash of heat is back, igniting on his chest and spreading right up to the crown of his head, and down to his calves. He grips his chin tighter with his fingers in order to control the sudden bout of outrage and anger towards whoever had injured her. The expression on his face remains neutral, but she catches him staring.
She’s far too perceptive.
He’s uncaring if she notices his reaction though. Besides, he’s sure Lieutenant Hawkeye understands. Roy is sure Riza would do the same thing if the situations were reversed. They’ve been paired together long enough for him to draw that conclusion with relative confidence.
It was a sacrifice. That was the true nature of this mission. Sending in a pawn to do the dirty work, so he could get the upper hand on the situation from the comfort of his office.
Riza Hawkeye was far from a pawn in Roy’s eyes though. In fact, far from it in everyone’s eyes. She was his queen, elevated so far above a simple pawn, and even him. She was the most important piece of the set and she’d sent herself in and gotten the job done efficiently and effectively. There was never any doubt in his mind, and he wants to express his admiration for her work, however now, standing before her, with both of them finally left alone as the medic finishes and disappears, Roy is simply glad she’s back. Everything else relating to the mission can wait.
“Are you okay?” His question is so quiet. He’s asking as more than a professional courtesy. He’s asking personally.
“Yes, sir.” Her expression softens and she nods. The Lieutenant tips her head back against the wall she was leaning against and Roy watches as the fatigue rolls over her like a wave. “My abdomen stings but it’s okay. It’s… Been a long month,” she adds carefully, but nothing sinister or worrying crosses her expression at the thought of her time here.
Roy smirks ruefully. “I had a similar thought.” He jerks his head to the side, towards his car. “Come on,” he beckons. “I’ll drive you home.”
She nods and straightens her spine, standing tall. “Do you want me to fill out a report first?”
He waves off her offer. “No. I want you to go home and rest. You will be debriefed tomorrow.”
“Thank you, sir.”
They’re silent until they enter the car. Once the doors are closed, it’s just the two of them and they’re free to talk about whatever they want. Roy has a lot he wants to discuss, but they didn’t have time. She is no doubt exhausted and probably just wants to go home and clean herself up.
“I’m glad you’re all right.”
Her lips purse as she stares down at her hands, folded on her lap. “You said you’d had a similar thought,” she states, then glances up at him. “I’m sorry it took me so long to get through to you all.”
Roy scoffs lightly. “Don’t be sorry.”
“You were worried, though.”
Slowly, Roy nods. “Of course, I was.” His reply is quiet as he speaks from his heart.
She nods and turns to stare at her hands again.
“Right now, I’m simply thankful you’re okay. I’m glad you’re back,” he smiles.
“I couldn’t leave you to do all the work without me, now could I?”
Her quip is most welcome, and it makes him laugh. The tension he’d held in his shoulders and jaw for the last month feels like it’s being melted away with the joy of the action alone.
“No, you couldn’t.” He turns on the ignition with a warmth settling over his heart. “Let’s get you home. You can get cleaned up while I make you something to eat, if you’d like?”
As he places his hand on the gearstick, a warmth covers his digits. Glancing over, he sees her hand – marred by an old cut and a few grazed knuckles – covering his.
“Thank you.” The Lieutenant’s head has turned and is inclined towards him. In the privacy of his car she offers him a small smile, but it has the brilliance to light up his whole world. “That would be much appreciated.”
Roy turns his hand over and loops his fingers gently around hers. It’s a tiny action – so much less than what he actually wants to do – but it’s something. It’s enough for now. It’s enough until they get into the privacy of her apartment.
“Of course, Lieutenant.” His smile is genuine, and he gives her fingers a final squeeze before letting go. “Always. You’re welcome.”
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unprofessional-bard · 4 years
Chapter 11 - The Introduction
Losing My Religion Series Masterlist
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Previous Chapter • Next Chapter
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female!Reader/OC
Warnings: Fluff, smut (just a good ol' handjob in a tub and implied smut) and a lil bit of angst/tense situations + uncomfortable talks/thoughts of pregnancy and trauma.
Summary: Unprepared for the consequences, the reader has to put up with two new arrivals, even though there's something off about them. Something more than just the shock of survival.
Word Count: 6.810
Author's Note: This chapter is set between April and July 2036, I apologise bc the reader is slowly turning into her own character, like Dolly's becoming an OC 😭 but yeah I love you all so much, thank you for reading my series 🥺💗
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"Well, well, what have we here."
The trio halted in their tracks as your voice echoed in the stables, your flashlight shining on them.
"Hey, Dolly," Ellie turned around, dying inside. Beside her was Cat and Jesse, turning around with pursed lips. "What'cha doin'?"
"Oh not much- patrol, you know," You said nonchalantly, walking towards them with threatening steps as you did. "Making sure people don't sneak off in the middle of the night with the horses. Kinda like what you three are doing."
"We weren't sneaking off," Jesse chuckled, but the panic in his voice gave him away easily. "We're just here to... feed the horses?"
"They're being fed regularly, you know that, so cut the crap." You spoke sternly. "Where the hell are you all off to?"
"We were just-" Ellie took over. "We're meeting with Dina. Eugene is there with her."
"What for?" You inquired. "What does Eugene have to do with whatever it is you're planning?"
They were struggling to reveal the truth, but Ellie knew better than to lie. She knew that, as long as it was the truth you wouldn't get angry; it was your thing and Ellie had noticed it from the Boston QZ, so she gave a look to Cat, whom you suspected to be Ellie's girlfriend, and she spoke: "Eugene has weed."
"Ex-cuse me?" Your eyes widened with a long blink at the three words. You weren't against it or anything, but you were just shocked- How and where in hell did Eugene find weed?
"Yeah, shit- Uh, we'll head back," Jesse mumbled.
"No it's-" You quickly recovered and fixed your posture. "How?"
"We were going to find out," Cat offered an apologetic smile.
"Christ," You chuckled. "Oh, Eugene, Eugene..." You quickly look around, a devilish smirk spreading across your face. "You know what? Go."
"Are you serious?" Ellie asked in disbelief.
"Yeah. I'm not gonna rob you bunch from your teenage years," You chuckled. "Under one condition: I'll ride with you all."
"Oh, okay," Cat grinned excitedly and proceeded to climb on a horse, Jesse mirroring her actions after he offered his thanks.
"Okay," You pointed at the rifle you had in your hands after climbing on a horse. "Let's ride quick, I'm probably gonna get in a lot of trouble as it is, so..."
"Thanks, Dolly," Ellie spoke after she settled behind Cat.
If Eugene wasn't there, you wouldn't have let them out and would've proceed to fetch anyone who was already outside. You knew they could handle themselves, but you just didn't want anything to happen to them. It had just finished raining so it was extremely dark outside. After the quiet and fast ride, you saw them off into the partly wrecked building.
"If it's legit, we'll bring you some." Jesse smirked after the girls waved goodbye and walked in.
"Go on, get!" You chuckled and shooed at him, then began riding back the way you came while ignoring the offer, which was actually quite enticing.
It was near dawn when you heard a bunch of horses riding at full speed, nearing your position. The sky was turning a bright shade of blue, and you couldn't deny the beautiful scene in front of you. The air smelled of earth and remnants of rain from a few hours ago and there were the occasional chirping of birds and a squirrel here and there - the peace however was gone the moment the horses appeared. You immediately shot up from your place to see what was going on, shoulder aching a little whenever you gripped your rifle (the bullet which had teared its way into your flesh right before your showdown with Axel, although healed for the most part, still hurt).
You let out a relieved sigh when you recognised Ellie's red hair and Eugene's white ones, then you saw Dina and Jesse, but there were two other people you didn't know riding with them. You blinked a couple of times after you lowered your rifle, then shouted down to Cedric: "Open the gate!"
You made your way down and immediately went over to Eugene and the strangers, hand on your rifle just in case: "Hey, what's going on?"
"Cedric, take them to Kat, have her take a look at their wounds," Eugene instructed and he immediately obliged. After they disappeared and the kids went to put their horses in the stables, he spoke: "We were on our way back here when we heard shouting, found this couple fighting for their lives against a dozen infected in the woods. We took them down easily and offered them help afterwards... They're a bit freaked out, but they'll be okay."
"Okay, I'll let Ma-" You suddenly stopped, realisation dawning on you. "How the hell are we gonna tell Maria?"
Eugene looked deep in thought for half a minute, then spoke: "Tell her it was me and Dina. We were patrolling anyways-"
"What about the couple?"
"We'll ask them to say it was just the two of us, and to decrease the number of infected, problem solved. Relax, will ya?"
You nodded quickly, then walked off after telling him to alert the kids about the plan.
You stopped by the infirmary first. Daisy and a new medic, Angie, were tending to them and Cedric was standing guard while Kat wasn't present. You walked up to your patrol partner and tapped his shoulder: "You can go now, I'll take over from here."
"Sure," He shrugged, yawned, then waved goodbye. You slowly approached the beds the pair were sitting on, opposite each other, the grip on your rifle strong.
"How are you two holding up?" You said awkwardly, making them look between themselves before the woman spoke.
"We'll be okay... Thanks for helping us."
"Right- sure," You sighed quietly. "Could I ask for your names?"
The young woman looked at her partner once more, as if asking for permission, then looked back at you: "I'm Kiki... This is my husband Ward."
You nodded and offered a simple nice to meet you, but didn't give your name to them. Instead, you turned to Daisy: "Let me know when you're finished."
She nodded and proceeded with her stitches before you left the room. You weren't the one to judge people right off the bat, especially in the apocalypse. A lot of newcomers (including you) came here looking bewildered and drained because they were either almost eaten by a pack of infected or murdered by bandits, simple as that.
Ward was a brunette with a dark stubble, thicker than Joel's and had short, black hair. His nose was large but suited the rest of his face just fine, with big, dark brown eyes. A scar ran over the crook of his nose down his cheek and he looked hardened, just like everyone else. Kiki, on the other hand, was also a brunette, but her features weren't as sharp as Ward's, or she was just much younger than him. She had long, black hair and her eyes matched the colour; she was also smaller than Ward, with a petite figure. She was very beautiful, too and looked frightened rather than hardened.
Around ten minutes later, Daisy walked out: "Angie's finishing up, but I'm done. I'm heading over to check on other patients, if you need me I'll be there."
"Okay," You nodded and walked back inside. The couple was neatly patched up and sitting quietly, eyes wide. When you walked in, Kiki jumped, but relaxed the same moment she saw your face. "Must've been through a lot, you two..."
"You could say that-" Kiki murmured, then looked over to Ward, who didn't seem to take notice of he conversation. There was a gash on his chin and he was squeezing the hell out of the bed sheets as Angie worked on the wound. He didn't make a single sound, but the nurse looked a little distressed. "Do you-" Kiki abruptly asked. "Do you run things around here?"
"Uh- No," You turned your head towards her, your grip on your rifle never faltering once. "No, I'm sort of responsible for the security. The boss lady will be here soon."
"Lady?" Kiki looked genuinely confused.
"Yes." You offered a simple nod. "I'm gonna ask something of you both. Don't worry, it's something simple."
Ward immediately intervened before Kiki could open her mouth: "What?"
"Relax," You warned, keeping your eye on him. "Angie, could you give us a minute?"
"Of course, I'm done anyways," She practically threw the equipments onto the small table next to the bed, took off her latex gloves, tossed them into the trash and ran out.
You gave Ward a hardened look, then spoke, walking between their beds, keeping them in your vision: "When the boss comes here, she's going to ask you a few questions... I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about the kids' being there when they found you."
"Why?" Kiki asked, worried.
"Well, they weren't supposed to be outside- Except for the girl with long, black hair and the man who brought you here. It'd save us a lot of trouble if you didn't mention them."
"So, what, you expect us to lie?" Ward huffed.
"No." You spoke coldly, rivaling his hostile tone. "I'm simply asking you to leave out the part where there were 4 kids- There was just one. Besides, she may not even ask about it."
Your staring contest with Ward ended when, as if on cue, Maria, Tommy and Eugene entered the room. You saw the fright in Kiki's eyes, so you spoke calmly: "Hey, it's okay. That's her, the boss lady- and her husband."
"Boss lady?" Tommy chuckled and stood next to you, Maria and Eugene mirroring him.
"It's okay," Maria spoke: "We got this, you can go now."
You nodded once and reluctantly walked out from the room. Stepping outside the infirmary, you came across Cedric waiting by the entrance. You shook your head towards the gates with a simple: "Let's go."
Cedric was almost 15 years younger than you, had even younger features than someone would have in their 30s. He had chin length, dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes fleeing to green. He was a calm and collected person, unlike most people in Jackson. Your tactics and strategical thinking were similar, which made patrol much more effective and easy.
Both of your shifts ended around two hours later, when the sun was up completely and shining down on the streets, calling people to duty; it was, however, your call to hit the bed. After turning over your weapons and heading your separate ways with Cedric, you walked over to your house, a smile spreading across your face at the thought of seeing Joel.
You hadn't seen each other in almost three days due to different shifts but, with the weekend off, you could finally rest in your husband's arms.
You quietly entered the house and tiptoed up the stairs. The bedroom door was closed, he was obviously still asleep. Normally, he'd be awake by 7AM, but lately he'd been really hard on himself with patrols- it was only right he treated himself to a few extra hours of sleep. You really wanted to crawl next to him, or just take a small peak inside the room to see him, but you knew better. He awoke to the slightest creak of the bed when you got up, or simply turned to drink some water. You wanted him to rest though, that came first, so you used the bathroom outside your room to get cleaned up, then moved into the bathtub to treat yourself. It had been a while since you let your muscles rest and relax in the deliciously hot water.
Not even five minutes later after you settled in the warmth, you heard the slow opening of the door. You opened your eyes to find Joel with nothing but his boxer briefs on, heart beating with ecstasy and joy at seeing him in his sleepy state: "Hey," You giggled. "Morning handsome."
"Mornin' baby," He rubbed the corner of his eyes with the back of his hand.
"I didn't wake you, did I?"
"Would you believe me if I said no?" He smirked as he proceeded to take off his underwear.
"Probably not," You smiled apologetically, he'd quite possibly woken to the sound of the water filling. You extended both of your arms to him, calling him to your embrace while stretching and yawning: "Come here, I missed you."
The words made Joel stop in his tracks for a short moment, heart wearming at them, then walked over to the tub with his naked glory: "Scoot."
You simply leaned back and parted your legs, offering him to lay against you. He obliged, got in and sat, making the water level rise when he laid down against your chest. Your left arm rested on his chest, partly hugging him, while your right hand went through his hair. You gave him a kiss on his neck, a lovely kiss which made him sigh contentedly: "M-hm, I missed you too. Missed this..."
You wanted to stay like that forever: Caressing his hair and the occasional, soft kisses against his jaw, cheek and neck which made his heart melt. You could sense that this small gesture made him very happy, which in turn made you hug him tightly.
"What do you say we..." You purred into his ear. "Ditch the dinner plans for tonight, hm?"
His eyes were closed when he spoke: "Why? Got somethin' else in that pretty little mind of yours?"
"Yeah," You confirmed, running your hand up and down his chest. "We could do something, just the two of us."
"Hmm, like movie night? Or you can play me something?"
"Only if you sing." He grinned.
"Nope, scratch that," You chuckled and shifted under him a little. "Or we can just... You know, fuck." He coughed out a laugh at your bluntness. "What? You don't want to?"
"I didn't say that," He turned a little and looked up into your eyes with a brilliant smile. "I'd love nothing more, actually, but these are Jesse's parents." You sighed, disappointed, saying I know, I know. "We have two days to ourselves, (Y/N)- You can have me all to yourself, except for a few hours."
"Fine," You growled jokingly, smiled and kissed his lips softly.
What was intended to be a simple kiss now slowly moved in the direction of a filthy make-out session, his tongue parting your lips with ease and meeting yours. Joel grabbed your calf and caressed it slowly, while you took advantage of his distraction and sneaked a hand down his abdomen.
You shifted a little more to the side and took his cock in hand, which made him sigh and drop his head on your shoulder: "(Y/N)..."
"Hmm?" You hummed with a smile when your thumb pressed on his slit, making him hiss and become harder. "Let me take care of you, huh?"
You watched Joel's brows drawing together when you slowly started to pump him. You kissed the pulse on his neck, then moved down to his collarbone. His grip on your leg was more solid the firmer you worked his length, and he jumped ever so slightly when you bit down on his collarbone. His erection grew bigger by the second all the while you sucked and bit a small hickey on his skin.
"Shit..." He shifted in the water, pulling himself upwards so that you didn't have trouble reaching for his shaft.
"You want me to go faster?" You whispered and kissed his shoulder. He nodded but didn't speak and let you work your magic.
You picked up pace, flicking your wrist and focusing on the underside of his head, making him groan broken, unclear profanities. After a while, you felt him tense under your touch, his breathing turning a little laboured.
"(Y/N)..." He sighed through gritted teeth, letting you have your way with him.
"That's it..." You cooed and continued kissing him. Soon, he let out a loud groan and came, making you moan quietly.
Seeing Joel like this -relaxed and euphoric- was always a treat, moments like this where it was just the two of you; no infected, no survival, no bullshit from tha past. You were aware of how it was a luxury to do the things you were able to do: Taking a hot bath, finding someone you loved and marrying them, sleeping on a bed with clean sheets without worrying if infected or bandits were going to jump you.
You were grateful, you were reminded of this everyday, but it took its toll on you, too.
A lot of people, innocent kids were out there, suffering- dying, surviving... You wished you had the power to help them all and rebuild, but you were aware of how dangerous it was out there. It was simply too risky to leave Jackson. You weren't some superhero, after all.
Not a hero...
"What's got you thinkin'?" Joel snapped you out of your thoughts, his fingers ever so gently tracing your cheekbone as you laid on the bed across each other. It was night-time, after dinner with Jesse and his parents and, of course, a round of much needed love making. You both were a little sleepy, definitely content with sweat covering your bodies like a thin layer of blanket.
You looked into his eyes from where your head was -which was on the crook of your elbow, resting on your pillow- and gave him a phantom of a smile, nodding slightly: "Nothing in particular. You?"
"You," He smiled, which made you chuckle. Convincing Joel that you were absolutely, 100% okay was getting trickier as he'd spent just enough time to sense a depressive episode's approach; you didn't want to burden him with your self-doubt and self-loathing, as you hated it when his mood shifted for the worse because of you. "Wonderin' what goes on in that head of yours."
"Wish I knew that myself," You grabbed his hand which was tracing the left side of your face, then turned the back of it for a kiss.
You knew, though. While you and Joel were helping with the dishes in the kitchen, Jesse's mother, Robin had asked if you were planning on having any children. The question you'd been dying to avoid had finally been asked, which made you drop the plate you had in your hand into the sink. It truly was an off-guard moment for you, which startled Joel, but luckily the topic was never brought up again after the plate in question shattered into pieces. You weren't sure if you wanted a child, not after the incident with Miles.
The moment when the contents of his skull splattering onto the ground while he was in your arms- under your supervision haunted you day and night. You never talked about it to anyone, and no one had asked, but it only intensified after your wedding. Because you knew what people had in their minds: Will we be seeing a Joel or Dolly Jr. running around?
You were fucking old, too, and so was Joel. Even if you didn't know whether you'd be able to carry due to that, there was no point in risking it either way, since I clearly suck at watching over kids.
"I think you do," He pushed himself closer to you and sneaked the hand against your mouth onto your waist, propping his arm up and putting his head against the palm of the other. "You just don't wanna talk about it. Which is okay, y'know." You nodded, smile growing a bit wider. "We've been over this before, but If you ever feel like- y'know... you're borin' me or something-"
"I know," You offered a full smile, pushing your thoughts away at the best of your ability. "I see you, Joel Miller," You then put a hand against his chest, where his heart should be: "I know you, you know me... You know what I think?"
He gave you a curious look, but it got replaced with something that hinted excitement when you ever so slowly pushed him on his back with the hand on his chest, then straddled his hips. Joel chuckled: "How is it that you still have this much energy after only four hours of sleep?"
The sleep in question took place after the 'mingling' in the bath. Warm April breeze, even warmer covers and warmest above all, Joel's body pressed against yours, both of your hairs wet and drying on their own as you slept in your lovers arms. He woke up after an hour or so, lingered there for awhile, just enjoying your presence by his side; he then quietly left you to sleep- lord knows you needed it.
"You're just getting old, baby," You giggled and leaned down to kiss him, his hands immediately going to your hips. "Not complaining, though."
An uneventful few weeks passed as Jackson entered the first week of June. Two losses in the town, but no new arrivals after Katie- Kiki and Ward. No raids as well, so overall it was calm.
After reporting in about the week in general, one evening, Maria asked you to stay behind: "It's time for Ward and Katie to go through the test," She declared. "We gotta see if they're fit for patrol or not."
"You got it. When?"
"Tomorrow. I already notified them, we'll meet at the northern training post-"
"We who?" You ran a hand through your hair.
"You and me. Robert and Eugene were supposed to be there originally, but they'll be off hunting." She explained and you nodded. Without further ado, you walked out and made your way back home.
The next morning, Joel accompanied you to the training post. Normally it was your day off with him, but training awaited. The weather was particularly hot for an early morning, so it came to you as a little shock when you saw Kiki, who was wearing a rather thick looking blouse. You didn't question it of course, but it made you think.
"Alright," You cleared your throat, after a quick greeting, stepping into the open training area. Joel and Maria remained inside, arranging the medical needs list while keeping an eye on you three. "I'm gonna put you two through a little test. Maria tells me you decided to stay here in Jackson, so we need to decide which duties you're fit for."
Ward remained incredibly still while Kiki nodded. Her hands were resting between her knees, while Ward had his arms crossed. They were sitting on a bench under the shade: "It's going to get a little physical, but I assure you I'm not going to hurt either of you." You turned around and walked over to the middle of the area: "Right, let's start with you, Kiki."
She gave a panicked look to Ward, but he just nodded with a thoughtful frown, rather than a permitting glare. Over the weeks they had been in Jackson, people sort of got used to their non-verbal interactions, even though some people found it suspicious. She got up and made her way over to you and, by the look on her face, regretted her outfit of choice as she tried to loosen the collar.
"If you want to stop- at any moment, let me know," You reassured her. She nodded, went to roll her sleeves up, but stopped immediately. You acted like you didn't see it, then proceeded to get in stance and lift your hands up: "Okay, let's start with something simple. Show me your stance."
She gave you a blank stare: "My what?"
"Your... stance, you know, fighting stance?"
"I don't have one," She simply shrugged.
"Okay," You sighed quietly. "Then show me how you punch."
She threw what could've been a proper punch but it was weak, you immediately caught her fist in your palm. She panicked and pulled back, and you immediately let go. You glanced at Ward, who seemed to be on high alert.
"Again," You got into stance and she obliged, throwing another weak punch your way. Her stance was there, actually, and her punches came through like she knew what she was doing, but the impact wasn't effective.
It went on a couple more punches, which you caught in your hand each time, until she spoke: "Why do you do that?"
"What?" You lowered your hands.
"You keep holding my hands," It was as if she was more annoyed than confused. "Can you not do that?"
"It's a reflex-" You explained, glanced at Ward again, then looked back at her. "I do it with everyone I train, but if you don't want me to then it's fine."
Not everyone, only the ones with punches as slow, weak and predictable as hers.
"Okay, now let's try some... combos," You added and got in a more secure stance. "Throw one punch after another. Fast and hard. Don't hold back."
"I'm not holding back," She grunted and did a typical boxing combo, which, generally, only people trained in boxing knew- but her punches were still weak. You remained quiet and let her go at it for a few rounds.
You suddenly took a step back, raised your hand up to the same level as your face and spoke: "Kick."
Instead, she went to kick you between your legs. A rush of panic and years of reflexes kicked in and you caught her feet between your knees. You looked up with a what the fuck was that? expression on your face and waved your hand in the air: "I meant here."
"We're fighting, right? We need to be unpredictable," She said with a tone of... irritation? Was she snickering?
"Do I look like a bandit to you?" You let go of her leg, giving her a displeased look.
"You did say you wanted to see what we were capable of."
Where was this sudden confidence coming from all of a sudden?
She was always a little weird with you. Not that you saw her too often but the moments when you two were together, one minute she'd look like she wanted to be your friend (which was when Joel was around), other times she'd remind you of a cruel, rank-wise superior back in the Boston QZ (which was when Joel wasn't around).
You gave her a hard look: "Alright. Let's see how you're gonna do when someone's actually fighting you, then."
Her expression went from somewhat cocky to seriousness as you took a few steps foward and towered over her. Your instructions were simple and clear when you spoke: "I'm gonna put you in a lock. Wriggle out of it."
You slowly grabbed her wrist, giving her time to get ready and process what you were doing. Then, you twisted her arm carefully around her waist and turned her around, pressing her arm on her back, only for her to suddenly squeal: "Okay! Enough!"
You quickly took a step back, startled at her reaction, you weren't even applying the slightest pressure. Ward suddenly shot up from where he was sitting and yelled: "What did you do to her?"
"I didn't do anything!" You frowned.
"It's okay!" Kiki suddenly stepped in front of Ward who was advancing your way. "I panicked, she didn't-"
"Woah there," You suddenly heard Joel and Maria approach the field. Confusion was superior to your anger at that moment: Had you really hurt her?
"Calm down," Maria put her hands on her hips. "She specifically warned you that she wouldn't hurt you under any circumstances. Relax."
You gave Maria a grateful look as he defended you: "I didn't even apply pressure- Look, no one's here to hurt you on purpose."
Ward and Kiki stared into each other's eyes, and by all means it was not a romantic moment, then the bigger of the two finally groaned: "I think she's had enough. For today."
"You think?" You unintentionally slipped it out, but the companions by your side seemed to agree with what you were getting at. "Do you want to stop Kiki?"
"Um," She looked at the three of you, chewing on her bottom lip, then answered quietly after a tense moment of silence: "Yeah, I think I should stop."
"Fine," You said, trying to keep your voice as netural as possible. "Let's continue with you then, Ward." Before anyone could say anything, you and the man you challenged found yourselves back on the middle of the combat area. "Show me your stance and let's begin."
He did as you asked but didn't wait for you to size him up, throwing a punch into your palm as soon as you lifted it, startling your audience. That didn't stop either of you from starting off with a much quicker and a harsher routine, which seemed to have everyone on edge.
You didn't counter once, but it was as if he was forcing you out of the defensive with his strikes, not to mention he was forcing you to step out of the area.
"What the hell's goin' on?" Tommy half jogged over to where the three were standing, watching you two roll from a snowball into an avalanche. Ward was grunting with each hit missed, anger taking over his features, while you kept your cool. It was as if he was riling himself up because he couldn't land a punch - his aim was messy and unstable, which was nothing compared to your years of disciplinary training.
"Okay, I think you've proved your point, Ward." Maria spoke loudly after Tommy's sudden entrance, but he didn't seem to hear her.
"I agree," You grunted and dodged a rather heavy looking punch, rolled over behind him and got up immediately; before you could say anything else, thinking he had stopped, you momentarily let your guard down. Everybody seemed to have thought the same, but what none of you saw coming was the exceptionally hard blow on your nose.
"What the fuck?!" You heard someone, weren't sure who, yell as you saw a blur of people rushing toward you when you stumbled backwards, hands wrapping around your possibly broken nose with a brief shout.
Giving into your anger, before anyone can get a grip of what you were doing, you launched yourself at Ward: "Son of a-" You grabbed the collar of his shirt and headbutted him: "Bitch!"
It was beyond everyone just how fast you had moved, broke his nose with an equally strong strike and had him falling on his arse. Kiki rushed to his husband's side, Maria to yours while Tommy kept Joel from ripping Ward to shreds. You were sure you were going to pass out when Maria got a hold of you, feeling as if you were under water with the blurring of your vision and hearing. The adrenaline rush in your veins kept you from losing consciousness, though.
"(Y/N)?" Maria's voice got clearer each passing second as you chased the lingering faint away from your mind, finally opening your eyes completely to see a displeased face. "(Y/N) are you okay?"
"Yeah," You sighed, whipping your hands in the air around your waist to shake off the droplets of blood from your bleeding nose as best as you could, tears at the corners of your eyes. "Just fine and dandy."
You felt the familiar, calloused hands of Joel gently hold your elbows as Maria turned around to see to Ward: "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, Joel," You nodded and wiped the blood on your white t-shirt in a pissed, exhausted manner.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You heard Maria growl at Ward, who was still shaken and sitting on the ground, face looking about the same as yours. "You can't just come up and punch people because you got angry at them! This is Jackson: You're not outside, and she isn't your enemy."
"It's okay- I'm sorry Maria- He's a little, uh," Kiki whined on her knees where she had knelt, but went quiet when he looked behind her to see you and Joel.
"You're not his mother, Katie," The blonde spoke, more calm now but no less strict. "He can speak for himself, and the same goes for you."
There was an intense moment between the three, while Tommy nodded at what Maria had said, his hands on his hips, looking at them disapprovingly: "Alright, c'mon, let's get you to a doc."
Joel in the meanwhile, like a mother duck, studied your nose and held a piece of cloth against the bleeding. He kept you focused on him while Maria and Tommy handled the other couple: "Fuckin' bastard..."
You chuckled at the way he grumbled as he wiped the blood off your nose gently: "Got what he was asking for though, don't go around wanting to kick his ass."
"Yeah, that was a pretty damn good hit..." He spoke, but his voice faded into the background when you curiously looked over to see what was going on, only to come across Kiki's face first things first. What you saw on her face sent a shiver down your spine.
Not because you hurt Ward though, no. It was more than that.
It was jealousy.
You knew both because you had spent enough time with her to understand what that look meant, and her expression wasn't hard: It was soft, a certain yearning spread across her features as her eyes went back and forth between you and Joel. You couldn't tell what irked you the most: The way she looked at you, or him. You seemed to add more to her anger, while when she stared at your husband (and stared at him longer), there was longing and confusion.
The moment you made eye contact, she immediately turned around and scurried off, leaving you two and Maria alone.
"Hm? Dolly?" You heard Joel again once you brushed off the odd stare you got from Kiki.
"What?" You gave him a puzzled look.
"I asked if you wanted to have this looked at," He repeated in a soft voice. Most of the time, with small scratches or wounds which didn't need stitches or weren't cut too deep to get an infection or anything, you preferred handling it on your own to not waste the town's medical supplies.
"No, I got it," You nodded quickly and took a step back, feeling your nose while Maria approached you both.
"What the hell was that, (Y/N)?" She had her hands on her hips as well.
"I don't know, Maria," You emphasised each word, making your discomfort and irritation show. "...I have a few ideas though."
You moved inside, away from the burning sun and began discussing your first impression.
"So, what do you think?" Maria asked from behind her desk. Two pairs of eyes watched you quietly as you sat up on your chair, still holding the cloth up to your nose.
"Well, they're definitely not military, I can tell you that much. They don't know the first thing about combat - Kiki doesn't, anyway." Something's not right with them, you wanted to say, but decided to keep it to yourself for the time being and continued: "She's weak, can't even throw a punch. Almost lost her shit when I put her into that lock- I couldn't even put her into the lock, she just screamed."
"Yeah, what was up with that?" Maria asked but didn't demand an answer, it was more like a rhetorical question. You explained how she also went out of the training routine and tried to kick you, but again, it was weak.
"It's actually not that she's weak, but more like she's holding back," You said thoughtfully after a moment of silence.
"How do you mean?" Joel spoke for the first time.
"I mean, you can feel that she's holding back on purpose." Much as you hated your years in FEDRA, your experience with training and being trained came in handy on a daily basis - as much as you hated it, you were also grateful. "While Ward, on the other hand," You shifted in your seat, annoyed, "Fights like a feral beast, and I can tell that wasn't his full potential."
Joel growled quietly and crossed his arms. You then continued with your observation: "I don't want to be too quick on my judgement, but there's something not right with them."
Tommy walked in at that moment: "Well, that was a shit show."
"What happened?"
"They argued the whole way," Tommy sighed and pulled a chair between you and Joel, then sat exactly the same way his brother was sitting. "It was... weird is one way to put it."
"Let's keep them under supervision for awhile," You offered.
"You're volunteering?" Maria raised a brow.
"Hell no, not after that anyway. My existence would just antagonise them."
"What are you suggestin'?" Tommy turned to you.
"Put them through another training session with Walt, he'll know what I'm talking about... And Eugene found them, so maybe he'll be up for the task."
A moment of quiet and glances were exchanged among the family, then Maria cleared her throat: "Fine, we'll see what the other's think of that and vote for it."
"Okay. Now if you'll excuse me..." You murmured and got up, walking out of the room absentmindedly, deep in thought. A headache settled to the front of your head and you felt fatigue take over as soon as you stepped outside, while you left the other Millers confused.
"Hey," You heard Joel's soft voice from behind you not much later, which made you stop in your place and turn around. You gave him a blank stare, the cloth holding hand dropping to your side to reveal the smeared, dried blood around your nose. Without any rush, he walked over to you with a worried look and stood right in front of you.
After gazing into each other's eyes fro a while, Joel no doubt searching yours to understand what was going on and you just finding comfort in his, he slowly took your empty hand in his. With a soft tilt of his head in the direction of your house, you blinked once in acknowledgement and started walking with him.
Your anger and irritation started dissipating the more you walked like that, hand in hand and in silence, but your headache and slowly worsening mood, the taste of blood on your tongue remained. Not many words needed to be said with Joel, he knew what you needed by just one look. You were sure if Kurt saw you like that, he would laugh until his lungs couldn't take it: Look at you! Although the thought made your heart warm, it wasn't enough to lift the corners of your lips. You unconsciously held onto Joel's hand tighter as you walked to your house, and he returned the gesture, a simple gesture- an assurance that let you know he had you.
Once you stepped inside and he closed the door while you stood in the hallway, he walked up to you and held your shoulders and gave you a soft, still concerned look. You looked up at him with a soft sigh through your nose some seconds later, and finally spoke: "I'm gonna... I'm gonna go lay down a little."
"Okay," Joel gave you a reassuring smile and placed a kiss on your forehead. "You let me know if you need anything."
"Of course," You smiled back, a lifeless, small but an equally reassuring smile. Joel watched you climb up the stairs slowly, thinking about how long it would take you to feel better while also thinking of how he could make you feel at ease during the time.
His fears were similar to yours: He didn't want you to feel responsible or upset because of his own self-doubt and self-loathing, and he hated having you show all the effort to make him feel better about himself, about the things he had done. You kept assuring him that that was what being partners was all about, that you do what you do for him gladly and would continue doing it for as long as you were able (which meant as long as you were alive). He was glad to have you by his side, but of course didn't rely on you as if you were a rehabilitation centre, and it went both ways.
While thinking about all of this, with a cup of coffee in hand and sitting on his porch, his ears perked up at the round of laughter coming from behind the house. It was then, when he came up with a plan to make you feel better, even in the slightest.
tags: @spideysimpossiblegirl
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100hearteyes · 4 years
First chapter of a fic I will likely never continue. Canon divergent. Unedited and riddled with typos. ~5k words.
Lexa straightens her posture as her horse halts just after the forest and at the first sign of civilization ahead. It huffs and hits the soil with one of its hoofs, expressing its disquiet. She shares the sentiment; Skaikru are very much an odd and unpredictable body in the grand scheme of things still.
The Sky clan had been at war with Trikru for over a decade since falling to earth, seeing as they had occupied Lexa's people's land,whrnh the Ice Nation offered them an alliance. Trikru yielded, aware that fighting both clans at once would be foolish. At the time, the Commander was from the Blue Cliff clan and no more than a religious figure, indifferent to the quells between clans. Lexa has changed that over the past few years — and is intent on continuing to do so.
"Heda." She turns her head only slightly to her right, just enough to be able to look at Gustus from the corner of her eye. "I do not have a good feeling about this."
"We both know that if it were up to you I would be locked up in the tower and never come out." She softens, regards her bodyguard fully. "You worry too much, Gustus. The Sky People will be a valuable asset for the Coalition."
"They think themselves superior just because they have guns and tech," he counters with distrust. "They are dishonourable in combat and gloat about it."
"The Coalition needs them," Lexa snaps, and that is the end of it. "And, hopefully, they need the Coalition, too."
Arkadia, capital of the Sky clan, is by all means an impressive sight, very different to anything Lexa has ever seen. Everything is metal and a heavy grey; from the wall protecting it to the pair of guard lookout towers, to the massive gates with the 'Arkadia' lettering on top. From her elevated position, Lexa can see a main building that rises slightly above the wall and takes up about a quarter of the whole area, and other smaller buildings sprinkled about the space left vacant by it. It is evident that while the Arkadians had no say on the positioning of the main building, they planned the city around it, since everything else is so geometrically placed, including the grey dirt roads that trace an intricate cobweb that winds through the empty spaces and gives the city an air of concrete orderliness. However, everything pales in comparison to the giant wheel propped just to the side of the main building, presumably what was once meant to surround the ship that Sky People lived in up in space before they fell to earth. It is clearly one of the few things that have resisted the decades unadulterated, even if it has been repurposed, as Lexa assumes from the sillhouettes of people climbing up and down its inner arms. It is a formidable sight, even for those more averse to the marvels of the world that Skaikru left back in space and have ever since tried to recreate on Earth. Nonetheless, Arkadia as a whole is an obtrusive presence in the midst of the greenery and unwavering power of nature. It makes Lexa almost squirm on her saddle, uncomfortable with such a demonstration of stubborn inadaptation — no village, town, or city should be so violently at odds with its surroundings.
They approach the city slowly and with only half the warriors she brought along, so as to indicate that they mean no harm — and make sure no one will frame it otherwise. Lexa's retinue is mostly made up of warriors, amongst them her personal guards, but she was also careful to include two of her most trusted diplomats; people who will negotiate in her stead when need be and will work to make sure that those on her side remain there. They are people who work the complicated web of politics and favor better even than her.
As they come closer to Arkadia, its inhabitants crowd close to the walls, looking at Lexa and her crew as though they are wild, fascinating animals. Such is the consequence of isolation. Lexa watches as a small group gathers just outside the walls and recognises Marcus Kane, chancellor of the Sky People, at the head of the greeting party.
Finally her group come to a stop just a few feet from the Arkadians and Markus of the Sky People steps up to greet Lexa with a genuine, welcoming smile. "Commander," he says in greeting and extends his hand. "It's such a great honor to have your visit."
She nods and grips his forearm. Marcus of the Sky People is a pleasant man, both in appearance and personality. His luscious hair and thick beard frame kind eyes and a jovial smile that make him extremely likable. Soft-spoken and invested in every conversation he takes part in regardless of its actual importance, Marcus of the Sky People is a dependable fatherly figure. He is also fierce and wise, however, and Lexa likes him even more for that.
"Chancellor Marcus Kane," she greets back, careful to use his full name, as Sky People do. "Thank you for receiving us on such short notice."
She lets go of his arm and lets her hand rest on the pommel of her sword. "We're just lucky you're here at all," he replies honestly, then turns to the rest of his group. "Please give your warmest welcome to the Commander, Lexa kom Trikru." She appreciates the effort to use her mother tongue — details like that can make the difference between a successful deal and a failed one, for it builds bridges where there are none. Marcus is a proficient builder of diplomatic bridges.
The first person to step forward is a woman in her forties like Marcus, though the lines of her face are more tired and severe. She looks like a woman who looks death in the face every day and when she extends her calloused hand for a greeting, Lexa realises that is exactly the case. "I'm Abby Griffin." Lexa clasps Abby's forearm and she spies a special brand of kindness in brown eyes that tells her that this woman is not only a caretaker, but also a mother. "I'm a council member and Chief Doctor of Arkadia and Skaikru in general."
"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Lexa says as Abby takes a step back and a new member of the greeting party comes forward. "Raven, I assume," Lexa nods, clued in by the girl's oil-splattered cheek. "Your fame precedes you, tech master."
The girl beams, dark eyes shining brightly, and salutes. Her ponytail swings with the movement. "At your service, Commander. I hope your visit proves fruitful."
"That makes two of us, Raven of the Sky People."
"I'm Bellamy Blake." Lexa turns to the man that has stepped forward and clasps his outstretched hand instead of his forearm. She can tell that this is a man who likes things done his way; insecure enough to need to underline his status. "I'm in charge of all things military and security."
"A general, then," Lexa recognises. "Are you Octavia Blake's fabled brother?" She is careful to use her Sky People surname and not her Trikru suffix lest he become even less friendly.
His nose crinkles and his freckles dance angrily beneath dark eyes and unruly, short curls of hair. "Haven't seen her in almost a year since she got it in her head that she wants to be a barbarian."
Lexa lets the comment slide. "She is a fine warrior. My people are very lucky to have her."
He grunts and gives way to the next council member, a middle-aged woman with a gentle smile but a fear of the unknown in the way she clasps Lexa's forearm. "Hannah Green. Farming, hunting, and other resources," the woman greets. "Council member, too."
Lexa nods her acknowledgement and watches as Hannah kom Skaikru steps backward. Her replacements are two tall, robust men, their dark skin, eyes, and mannerisms nearly identical, though the younger one is more genuine while the older one has an air of arrogance about him.
"I'm Wells Jaha and this is my father, Thelonious," the young man says pleasantly, and Lexa likes him right away. She clasps Wells's forearm, then Thelonious's, and even their grips are different. How can two men look so alike and yet behave so differently?
Just from the introductions, Lexa is slightly worried. Bellamy, Abby, Hannah, and Thelonious will vote against entering the Coalition; a number that exceeds that of Marcus, Raven, and Wells. The chancellor has the deciding vote, but it will be for naught if the numbers do not even out.
The final person steps forward at last. A girl around Lexa's age, with blonde hair and determined blue eyes. "My name is Clarke," the girl greets, her voice husky and only moderately welcoming. Lexa studies the girl, looks for twitches and tells, but cannot read her at all. It is worrying; the last thing she needs at this point is a wildcard. She can tell, however, that her own first impression is lacking. "I'm in charge of urban and regional planning, and foreign affairs." Lexa extends her arm for greeting, but Clarke leaves her hanging. A golden, sceptical eyebrow is quirked and Clarke's eyes are narrowed, and it is all Lexa can do not to growl at such insolence. "Let me decide first if you're worth shaking hands with."
Lexa takes a deep breath and tells herself that punishing Clarke kom Skaikru's impertinence is not worth wasting the chance to draw the Sky People into her Coalition. So she purses her lips and clasps her hands behind her back, letting her posture straighten and her chin rise with defiant authority. Her eyes burn into Clarke's. "Very well." She turns to Marcus, who seems to have blanched considerably. "Please lead me to my quarters, Marcus of the Sky People. The day has been long and we have much to discuss tomorrow. I would like to rest."
Arkadia isn't home. But it also is, because she has never known another place. Nevertheless, she has never felt at home inside its dull grays, angry lights, and obstinate refusal to fully mesh with its surroundings.
Clarke isn't one to fantasise about what could be; she locks her dreams inside drawings of another life and lives what is instead. There is no space, no time to wonder on the ground.
Still she can't help musing about a world where she would be able to travel between clans freely and adopt another as her own. She can't help musing about a world where they wouldn't have to fend off attacks from the other clans, even if the Ice Nation has helped them through the more difficult times. That is exactly why she finds the idea of a coalition so appealing — it's eating away at her, however, to entertain the idea of it being led by a tyrant like Commander Lexa.
She's heard all the stories and she knows which ones are true. She knows of the Commander's thirst for glory and power. She knows of her ruthlessness and disregard for human life. She knows of the Commander's penchant for spilling blood and autocratic style. She knows and she saw it all in the Commander's conceited bearing, in the cold press of full lips, in the raised chin of a despot; she saw it in the way the Commander's eyes flashed with anger, the only display of emotion during an otherwise frigid interaction.
Yet the cry for change reverberates through the halls of Arkadia, which thrums with the need to be more. And Clarke... Clarke wants the best for her people. Always. So if she deems joining the Coalition the right step to take, she will vote for it no matter how tough a pillow it will be to swallow.
Another tough pill to swallow? Kane's reproach for the way she talked to the Commander.
"It was unacceptable, Clarke. You embarrassed the Commander and risked being beheaded on the spot." It means something when Zen Kane gives you such a talking-to. "You shamed us all."
"Stop right there, Marcus." Oh, yes. Your mother defending you does make the situation a hundred times better. It's not at all ignored for being biased. "I think you're being unfair. Yes, Clarke should've minced her words, but she didn't same us."
Kane's eye roll is exactly the reaction Clarke's expected. "Look, Abby. I know you're her mother—"
Abby's affronted look is even more predictable. "This has nothing to do with—"
"Enough!" Kane and Abby as well as the rest of the council look at her. Clarke looks at each of the six other faces sitting around the semicircle-shaped table and then at Kane, who stands alone at the straight side of it. She sighs. "I made a mistake. I put us in a difficult position. I'm sorry."
Kane nods his approval. The small, dark room lends him a more solemn, even poetic appearance, and the way he cups his bearded chin while he thinks makes him look like a philosopher. "Thank you for acknowledging your mistake, Clarke," he says kindly as he lays a companionable hand on her shoulder. "There will have to be consequences, however."
She expected nothing less. Despite the little show she put on before the Commander, Clarke knows her place. "I understand, Chancellor," she nods, and feels more insecure the moment his fatherly hand leaves her shoulder. Her dad died years ago and no one will ever replace him, but the way Kane behaves towards her reminds her a little bit of what it was like to have a father. She's grateful for it; she misses the comfort of her dad's hugs and the pride in his smile.
The moments before he finally doles out her punishment remind her why she doesn't like this room — it's cold and dark and has an ominous feeling to it that makes her feel trapped. Like everything discussed in her is always too serious. It often is. She much prefers the strategy meeting room with its rectangular, waist-high table that causes them to stay standing and its glass-like boards with maps and notes written into them with colorful pens. It's also larger — so much larger. It's better illuminated, too.
Finally Kane stops thinking and meets her eyes. "You will be the Commander's shadow. An ambassador. You will show Arkadia and whatever else necessary to her and you will be her guide around here. You will make sure she has everything she needs and you will handle everything relating to her presence here."
Clarke can't help but scoff. "You mean I'll be her damn babysitter," she challenges.
"Yes," Kane acquiesces, not giving in an inch. "That's exactly what you will be."
"You can't be serious," she presses, because this is too heavy a punishment for her offence.
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, then scratches at the side of his beard. "Look at it this way: you will be able to get to know her and her culture better and it might help shape your vote. I know you're the only one of us who hasn't made up her mind yet," he notes with a meaningful look. And yes, he's right. Actually, her vote is pretty damn important because with the way things are it will decide the Sky People's fate altogether. "It might help you decide that being a part of the Coalition is nothing but trouble for us, or it might actually change your mind and show you that the Commander's intentions are not so bad after all. Whatever the outcome, it will have been a good experience."
Clarke knows he's right, but she can't imagine spending two weeks with the Commander and not confirming that she is indeed a bloodthirsty savage. Alas, she owes it to her people to at least try.
Lexa is not unused to the bustle of early morning, the sounds of the city rousing to life outside, the doors that open and close and the voices that speak in hushed tones so as not to wake those sleeping. They often wake her anyway. What she is unused to are the boots that clank on metal, that fans that whir along the halls, and the flickering, buzzing light provided not by candles but by a hollow opening in the ceiling.
She left Anya outside of Arkadia to set up camp with the rest of her retinue. Gustus came with her, along with a handful of warriors and diplomats. Despite reason, she does not think they will be at risk inside the walls of the ally of their enemy. Besides, having Gustus by her side — or in this case, in the next room — is like having an army of twenty. Lexa trusts him with her life and that of those she loves most. There was only one time when she trusted him and he could not keep someone she loved safe. It wasn't his fault, despite the tears of guilt and regret that ran down his face when he came back, battered and bloody and without Lexa's lover. It took weeks for his wounds to heal enough for him to leave his bed. Months later, he would finally admit that it had not been ten warriors he had had to fight off, but thirty. Lexa never blamed him, never even imagined blaming him for what happened. There are only two people she has ever blamed for it — one of them is herself.
Lexa gets ready for the day in motions automated by the years. She resents Skaikru for not having proper bathtubs; she doesn't dare touch what the server girl from last night called a shower, so she foregoes washing altogether. There is a river nearby she can bathe in anyway. Once her pauldron is resting on her shoulder, its weight and looping red sash a permanent reminder of her station, Lexa leaves her bedroom, only to register with disapproval that the Sky Council did not assign anyone to guard her door. Instead she finds Gustus waiting for her, no doubt already having sent whoever he assigned to her door away. "Heda," he greets with a bow. "How was your night?"
"As would be expected," she replies, keeping her face neutral as she notices Marcus's approach. He sends her a warm smile.
"Commander." They clasp forearms with comfortable formality. "I hope you had a good night's sleep."
"The mattress was stiff. But I have spent much worse nights in foreign clans." It is both criticism and a compliment, and she knows it leaves Marcus slightly disconcerted albeit resolute to make sure her next night is better. It keeps him on his toes without outright insulting his hospitality.
"We'll look into the matter." A pause, then another smile. "In the meantime, I'm sure you would like to eat, Commander?" He waits for Lexa to nod before leading her and Gustus through numerous halls, walking by doors left and right. Lexa peers curiously as they pass by a by room lined with tables and people eating. "That's the mess hall, where almost everyone eats, but I'm sure you'd like to have a more... discreet meal, if you will. I've arranged for breakfast in my office."
"I wouldn't mind eating with your people, Marcus," she says truly as they come to a stop at a door, two staircases later. He fishes a key from his pocket and inserts it in the hole.
"Of course, Commander. But just for today, for your very first meal here, I thought you would appreciate something not as overwhelming."
"I do," she nods.
He opens the door for her and she stops into a room with a wooden desk and a mismatched chair next to the far wall. A battered couch sits against one of the walls to one side and on the other are several maps and eerily realistic paintings nailed to it. A lamp hanging from the ceiling provides light to the entire office and an open door near the couch leads them to a more open, free space. Marcus motions for Lexa to enter it and she is pleased to find a small, semicircular room with large, tall windows on the round wall that oversee Arkadia from two stories above. There is a round table in the middle with three chairs around it and several dishes waiting for Lexa's hungry stomach. Looking out the windows again, she wonders if this is a room they had up in space before the Sky People fell to the ground and if they could see the stars and the Earth from there.
"Did you live there? In space?"
Kane is now standing next to her and looking out the windows with his arms being his back, a pose that very much mirrors her own. It takes him almost a minute to reply; when he does, it is not without a sigh she cannot decipher. It sounds like nostalgia laced with relief.
"The Ark fell down about thirty years ago. I was just a kid then, twenty years old and sure that I would become someone important one day. Which I did," he acquiesces with a rueful smile, "but not for the reasons I wanted it then. The ground shaped me. I've spent more years on the ground than I did in space already. I have... changed a lot since then. I was eager, too ambitious, and too overzealous in following the rules. The ground taught me that rules need to be interpreted. I'm still eager," he chuckles, and Lexa almost lets a small smile escape her lips, "but what drives me now is love for my people. I want what's best for them, not for myself. And that," he turns his torso to her with a raised eyebrow and a kind smile, "is why I want the Sky clan to be a part of the Coalition."
"What do I have to do to make sure our common goal is achieved?" Lexa asks with caution as he turns back to the windows. She needs to tread carefully.
"Convince Clarke," Marcus says easily. It is as she thought. "Everyone else has their mind set. I have the deciding vote, but right now we are at a disadvantage. We need her yes to tie with the no's and activate the deciding quality of my vote. Otherwise, it's just a vote. Anyway." He turns to her again and extends an arm towards the table. "Shall we eat? Food's getting cold."
Lexa eats mostly in silence while Marcus tells her stories of the Ark, the stars, and their planet seen from space. She keeps her expression neutral, but is secretly fascinated and hangs on to his every word. She barely notices when she has finished eating and Marcus leads her out of the room. She is shocked out of her awe when he opens the door to his office to reveal none other than Clarke kom Skaikru.
"Commander, I'm sure you remember Clarke Griffin," Marcus says pleasantly. Lexa's eyes do not leave their new company's.
"Yes, our first meeting was... quite memorable."
Clarke has the decency to lower her gaze to the floor in a clear sign of shame. When her eyes return to Lexa's, she sees honesty in them.
"I wanted to apologize for that, Commander. I was unnecessarily rude," Clarke admits, and Lexa has to fight off a triumphant smirk. Instead, she dips her head in wordless assent. An uncomfortable silence spans for several long seconds, before Marcus clears his throat.
"So. Clarke will be your guide here, Commander. She will be at your disposal for anything you need and will help you acclimate to Arkadia. I genuinely hope that all your future interactions will be better than the first." He finishes with a warning glare at Clarke, who once again ducks her head in embarrassment. His attention shifts back to Lexa. "Commander," he nods. She nods back wordlessly and then he's off to somewhere else, leaving her alone with Clarke.
Lexa is not a fan of employing clichés, but the silence is deafening. Neither she nor Clarke know what to say or do now that Marcus is not there to act as a buffer. Eventually, Clarke clears her throat, thus ending their torture.
"I hope you enjoy your stay in Arkadia, Commander. Today, I would like to show you what each sector does around here."
First, Clarke takes her to see the farms. Lexa is impressed with the technology they employ, some of it simple enough that the other clans can replicate. They lack the knowledge earned through years of experience, however, and Lexa can visualize how the other clans can help the Sky People complement their scientific expertise with conventional wisdom. The same would be true for hunting if her people were keen on using fire guns. Instead, it is a foregone conclusion that the Sky People have much to learn before they can hunt in an effective way that will truly allow them to live fairly comfortably through the harsher seasons.
During the day, Lexa realises that Clarke is bright and ingenious, though judgemental and opinionated. Lexa can see that the Sky Council member is making an effort, however, so she does not make her job too hard. Clarke talks her through her clan's decision-making process, some general laws and traditions, the way religion evolved on the Ark, and how the ground contributed to diminish the gap between classes.
"We all need to work to survive," Clarke explains. "Some people will always be lazy, some will work more than others, but opportunities are never amiss. If you work hard enough, life will be merciful. Or as merciful as it can be on the ground," she adds as an afterthought. Lexa takes the chance to point out that life can be easier for the Sky People if they ally with her. Clarke counters with a smirking 'maybe' and moves on.
Lexa feels a quiet sense of wonder, muted also byba slight prickle of fear and discomfort, when she first enters the medical aisle. Everything is white and pristine, and there are machines as big as Lexa that both sit the patients down in comfortable seats and lloom over them with big, mechanical arms. There are beds everywhere, an organised chaos of machines, healers, and patients. Lexa feels miserably out of place, but she can't help but marvel at how advanced the Sky People seem to be in terms of medicine. This her people can learn from.
"Raven has managed to build more equipment and make our medical aisle as effective as it can be." Clarke's husky voice provides pleasant commentary on all the technological wonders around them. "A lot of the doctors are still in training, but soon we'll have a hospital ready to answer everyone's needs."
Lexa turns to Clarke, dips her chin in a slight nod. "Our methods are more traditional. We answer many needs, but often find ourselves lacking the means to further our expertise. Our healers could learn a lot from yours," she says. Clarke turns to her with a pensive crease between her eyebrows. "And maybe they could teach your healers how to draw from nature to cure many ailments."
"That's... not such a bad idea," Clarke concedes, and a smile ghosts over pink lips, making the beauty mark above them tip upwards. "But we would have to think things through very thoroughly. That is, if we joined the Coalition."
"Of course."
Their day draws to an end when the sun has already hidden behind the walls of Arkadia and the sky is the same purple that colours its flags. Clarke explains to her that each of their cities is represented by a colour and together they form a rainbow. "I may have had a hand in that," Clarke confides, although the meaning of her sly smirk is lost on Lexa.
Clarke takes her to the door of her quarters and it is not until Lexa is about to nod her goodbye that the Sky leader clears her throat and extends her arm. Lexa's eyes take in the proffered arm, then find Clarke's gaze with a raised eyebrow. Clarke purses her lips and takes a deep breath.
"Look, I am— genuinely sorry for... for what happened yesterday. My behaviour was unacceptable."
Lexa is tempted to punish Clarke a bit further, but decides to offer an olive branch instead. She clasps Clarke's forearm and feels soft fingers wrap around her own. "You are unwaveringly protective of your people, Clarke. I can appreciate that."
Clarke's small, grateful smile is worth the concession.
The next morning, Lexa leaves her quarters to find Marcus and Clarke waiting for her. Once all pleasantries are exchanged, the Chancellor invites her, with an eager tilt to his voice, to have the first meal in the mess hall.
Lexa accepts the invitation with polite words and Marcus takes the front of their little group of four, Gustus included. Lexa and Clarke walk side by side just a few steps behind.
"I hope you are liking your stay here, Commander," Clarke says after several seconds of silence.
Lexa gathers her thoughts before she answers carefully: "It is in many ways an experience unlike what I am used to. The sounds are different, the clothes too. There is no shortage of metal."
Clarke hums in agreement. "Technology has its pros and cons. Against it is the fact that you find yourself turning your back on your surroundings." Lexa's eyes must hold a question in them, for Clarke answers it immediately: "When everything you need is inside a wall, you end up exploring the world outside less and less."
"Maybe I can help your people find their balance."
Clarke shrugs noncommittally, but Lexa spies indecision in her eyes. It is not until some seconds later that Clarke decides to voice her thoughts.
"The problem with alliances is that they only last for so long. Eventually one clan's needs trumps the alliance's and everyone falls back into their old, warring ways."
Lexa understands Clarke's doubt; it has plagued her sleepless one too many nights. However, it is not just a matter of conviction. Lexa knows that if she manages to find a balance between codependency and independency, she can keep the Coalition alive for many ages. She wants her legacy to be enjoyed by many commanders after her.
"Clarke, I am trying to build something that will last for many generations. An alliance that will stand the test of time, a brand of peace that will outlive all of us," she says, unable to keep a thread of passion from her voice. "Something much stronger than the Pauna's fist and far greater than a hero's glory. War breeds legends, peace feeds civilisations."
Clarke's smile is teasing, but Lexa recognises it for the deflection that it is. "Nice speech, Commander."
She shrugs and lets her eyes glint with mirth. "I am not above making rousing speeches to sway your vote, Clarke."
(there was more but it was incomplete so I figured this would be the best place to cut)
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] S2 Gavin and MC’s Main Storyline Meeting (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for the Season 2 main storyline, which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
If you don’t know anything about Season 2, do check out this post first!
Chronology: Throbbing Date ->  Chapter 1 -> Chapter 2 
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[Note: I won’t be doing other main storyline translations 😅 I translated this for a future analysis]
[Brief context you need to know prior to Ch 1-9]
Kiro is working as an artiste in MC’s company
MC is a successful producer and a member of Black Swan
Lucien is a neuroscientist, professor in Loveland University, and an advisor in STF for confidential R&D
Anna informs MC that a clip of Kiro announcing he’s an Evolver has appeared in the news and there are rumours of Kiro hurting someone. At present, he’s uncontactable
The STF is going to investigate the matter (they maintain the peace between normal humans and Evolvers), but MC doesn’t want it to blow up
She sneaks into Lucien’s office in STF and tries to persuade him to stop STF from investigating, but he says there’s nothing he can do
After she leaves, she gets spotted by a detective, and she alters his memories with her new Evol
It’s revealed that her Evol only worked on normal humans at first, but she’s been able to use it on weak Evolvers after training it
She overhears two STF officers talking about a new captain on the Special Operations Team, and prepares to plant a tracker on them:
[End of Chapter 1-8]
Before I take a step forward, there’s a sudden tightening on my wrist.
My hands are firmly clasped behind me. Before I can get a proper look at the person’s face, my whole body is pressed against the glass behind me.
[Chapter 1-9]
??: What are you doing here? 
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A familiar voice enters my ears, reminiscent of wind from the past awakening my memories. 
I turn my head, looking at the person behind me in disbelief. 
As compared to in high school, his eyebrows have become sharper. Yet, there seems to be more substance in that sharpness. 
The brief encounter in front of the school gate, the inadvertent meeting of eyes after class...
Scenes from six years ago flash before my eyes, along with an even more distant time, leaving me slightly lost. 
He came back after all.
This reunion after six years catches me off guard.
In the days before this reunion, I frequently thought about it.
As though waiting for the first bloom after the snow melts - slightly restless, and slightly anticipating. 
Even though he said it was all right to arrive a little late, from what I see now... neither of us were late.
[Note: She’s making reference to her farewell with Gavin in Ch 37]
The hard, small tracker is in the palm of my hand. My thoughts whirl around in countless circles. In the end, I say the most normal words. 
MC: ...Gavin, it’s been a while. 
Gavin: What are you doing here? 
Without waiting for my response, a soft and faint voice enters my ears. 
Gavin: Someone’s coming. You don’t plan to say anything?
MC: ...
Gavin turns his head slightly. He doesn’t loosen his grip. The light remains on me. 
To prevent myself from being discovered, I lean backwards against him, using his body to cover my existence. 
Vaguely, I seem to hear a soft chuckle. I turn my head to its source. 
Gavin maintains a straight face, but his slightly arched eyebrows betray a certain emotion.
Gavin: You still have one last chance. 
MC: I’m really just surveying the place. 
Warmth from his body travels to my back, like a wordless greeting.
He exerts more pressure, and I turn my head involuntarily. 
At this moment, I seem to feel something leaning against my back gently. 
A bird flies past the window, and Gavin releases my wrist. 
The feeling of being shackled earlier disappears.
MC: No one was even around just now!
His expression is light, and his eyes crinkle upwards for a moment. He immediately turns his head to the side. 
Gavin: Come with me. 
My earlier shock settles, and I follow behind him as he walks along a corridor. 
Away from the hall with passers-by, Gavin and I stand face-to-face near the corridor window. Neither of us speak.
Seeing the face illuminated by the sunlight from the window, I take a light breath and focus my attention on the matters at hand. 
Gavin... has been transferred back to Loveland City? Could he be the new Captain of the Special Operations Team?
My line of sight sweeps over his white uniform and the badges on his chest. My speculation becomes more certain. 
Considering how much attention this case has gotten, it should be handed over to him.
Gavin: You didn’t finish speaking just now. What exactly are you surveying here? 
I regain my senses, trying my best to smile.
MC: I’ve been collecting solved Evol cases for a program recently, so I thought to come to STF and have a first-hand look.
Gavin purses his lip slightly, his gaze on my face. I calmly place my hands behind my back. 
MC: I was looking for those two special officers to understand the process of how STF handles cases. I didn’t think I’d meet you here. Since you should be very busy, I shall not be a nuisance...
Gavin: You can be a nuisance. What program is making you go through so much effort? Tell me about it. 
Facing Gavin’s straightforward gaze, I can only thicken my skin and continue speaking. 
MC: The... name is tentatively “The Ins-and-Outs of STF’s Unknowns”.
Gavin: The name of the program isn’t bad, it sounds ambitious. Let’s talk about it in detail. 
MC: ...wait! You’re newly promoted, so go and celebrate. It’s important to meet your subordinates. I can wait for you to be free before taking up your precious time. 
I lower my head to avoid his eyes. I decide to rush off, but Gavin blocks my way. 
Unable to withdraw my foot in time, I crash into his chest, and hit against the badges painfully. 
I rub my cheek, slightly aggrieved, and look up to Gavin. 
Seeing this, Gavin simply knits his brows slightly. His eyes are clear, as though waiting for another answer from me. 
He doesn’t speak, but quietly gives me one last chance. Faced with such a Gavin, my heart sighs silently. 
MC: I’m here because of a matter involving an Evolver artiste working under me.
...perhaps it’s my misperception, but his expression is no longer as cold as it was before. 
With that, I meet his eyes, and no longer beat around the bush.
MC: STF’s intervention will only delay the matter. If he’s being used by some Evol organisation... it will just worsen the divide between normal people and Evolvers.
Gavin: After saying so much, what are you trying to say? Persuading me not to investigate? 
I shake my head. 
MC: No. If it were someone else, I might think of another way to handle the investigation. Seeing that you’re the one in charge of the investigation, I have nothing to worry about now.
Gavin: Why are you so confident? 
I’m stunned for a moment. Only when I see his eyebrows furrowed questioningly, do I realise that my entire answer left my lips. 
MC: It’s mostly because... I know what kind of a person you are. I don’t need to explain further, and I didn’t think of making an excuse, because lies can never become truths. I believe you’d use your method to find a true ending to this issue. You’ll give me, Kiro, and all the innocent people in this issue a true answer. 
I believe every bullet from you resounds in the name of justice.
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His amber eyes freeze for a while. 
Gavin’s eyes flicker faintly, and looks like he’s about to speak. 
The sound of footsteps draw near, and someone calls Gavin’s name from afar. 
Gavin watches me, and there’s a change in the look in his eyes. After a while, he lowers his voice.
Gavin: This isn’t a place you should be in.
MC: Got it.
I understand that, at least right now, he wouldn’t probe further on the reason for my appearance in STF.  
...after all, given Gavin’s identity and his investigative abilities, he definitely already knows that I’m in Black Swan. 
No matter what my attitude was, we have been standing on opposite positions from the start.
MC: Gavin, I...
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Gavin: Whether it’s your company, or the other people behind you, don’t interfere in this matter. The STF will handle everything.
Young Special Officer: Captain Gavin, Captain Eli is looking for you...
Gavin: Got it. 
Gavin walks towards the special officer who called him. After giving him some instructions, he turns his head to look at me again. 
The young special officer nods, then walks to my side. 
Young Special Officer: Miss Reporter, the exit is over here. 
I stare at Gavin’s retreating form and take a deep breath. I affectionately pat the young special officer’s shoulder. 
MC: All right, I’ll leave now. 
The miniature tracker hidden in my sleeves sticks to his body. Flushing red, the special officer takes a few steps, completely unaware. 
Saying a “sorry” in my heart, I retract my hand and quietly follow behind the special officer. 
The bracelet on my wrist dangles along with my action. The thin ginkgo leaf falls quietly against my wrist. 
I grip my wrist lightly, my palm overlapping with the place Gavin had clamped earlier.
He didn’t use any force. It isn’t painful at all.
[Chapter 1-10]
The STF training grounds.
Special police: A! Warm! Welcome! To! Our! New! Captain!
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Gavin: ...
Seeing Gavin’s expression cracking slightly, Eli desperately suppresses the urge to gloat. 
Eli: The famous Special Police Officer B-7. Every new kid here has memorised your deeds back then by heart. 
Gavin: When did you have so much nonsense?
Gavin arches his brows. Eli could have sworn that on Gavin’s face is a look of ridicule which he hasn’t seen in a long time. 
The inauguration ceremony, which was originally meant to continue for the entire afternoon, ends quickly in ten minutes on Gavin’s request. 
The special police officers on the training grounds disperse after looking at each other. The two of them leave the training ground, heading to the Administration Building. 
Eli: How is it, are you able to adapt well?
Gavin: Not bad.
Eli: Need me to celebrate with you? 
Gavin: No need.
Eli: ...you’re still the same as always. 
Eli releases a soft sigh and catches up with Gavin. 
Eli: You suddenly transferred to Loveland City - even I was a little surprised. From how you looked just now, it seems you were already prepared for it. 
Eli looks at the comrade who once escaped death with him, and only one thought is in his heart-
Whoever is in the Special Operations Team next time is going to suffer. 
Eli: Oh right, I have a question. 
Gavin hears the hesitance in Eli’s voice. He pauses.
Eli: Why aren’t you willing to announce your identity as the Commander-in-chief of STF? 
Gavin: You should know why I returned to Loveland City. 
Initially startled, Eli quickly understands the meaning behind Gavin’s words. 
Eli: Don’t worry. Since you’re the Captain of the Special Operations Team now, we’ll cooperate with you fully. The mission you’re referring to is still considered “top secret” in STF. There have already been some initial developments, so you can rest assured. 
Watching Gavin nod inattentively, Eli suddenly thinks of something very important. 
Eli: Also, was the person you met just now...
Gavin: What are the results of the investigation? 
Eli freezes for a moment after Gavin cuts him off. He smiles and nods. 
Eli: We’ve got them. The report should already be on your desk.
Gavin: Let’s go quickly then.
Seeing Gavin walk towards his office without a turn of his head, Eli sighs in his heart, speeding up his pace to catch up. 
There are no traces of the office being used. On the table rests a stack of newly sent documents.
Gavin flips through the documents briefly, pursing his lips.
Gavin: This isn’t everything.
Eli: Should I contact the general advisor of the confidential R&D department? 
Gavin: No need. How much we have here represents how much he’s willing to disclose. We’ll find the rest ourselves.
Gavin locks the documents in a drawer. Casting a glance at the window, his lips move slightly. 
Gavin: We’ll take action tonight. 
Eli: Such a hurry?
Gavin: We can’t?
Eli: We can, but are you hurrying to settle work, or hurrying to settle work to meet someone?
Gavin: I already have.
Eli: I didn’t mention who it was.
Gavin: ...
Eli: What are your thoughts? Do you find the change very large?
Gavin: ...
Seeing that Gavin isn’t speaking, Eli knowingly remains silent. 
In the room, there is only the faint sound of the computer running.
The thread of memory is pulled, one end holding that figure disappearing in the opposite direction, and the other gently tugging on his emotions. 
Gavin: She has never changed. 
Although the morning trip to STF was alarming and dangerous, I managed to confirm one thing.
Since this matter has fallen into Gavin’s hands, there's nothing to worry about on the media level. 
But whether he will use this as a chance to keep an eye on Black Swan is a different issue. 
I remember Gavin’s resolute attitude, letting out a sigh.
Since I’m a member of Black Swan, he might not be willing to be associated with me...
The sun shines through the gaps of the leaves, bringing with it a melting warmth on every corner of the street.
I narrow my eyes slightly, thinking about that eternal night of the earth - it’s so distant, just like an illusion. 
The comet cluster X1917 and the doomsday which really occurred, had brought everything back to seventeen years ago. 
In the seventeen years I’ve experienced again, there have been many dramatic changes. 
But under the surface of this seemingly balanced society resides the friction and disputes between two groups of people, like a dormant volcano. 
Perhaps this peace can be maintained, or perhaps it would explode in the next second...
There’s suddenly an earth-shattering cry behind me. 
I turn and see a five or six year old girl crying as her balloon floats in the sky. 
In the next second, the balloon which almost disappeared floats back. 
The passing teenager grabs the string, bends over, and ties it onto the girl’s wrist. The girl quickly breaks into a smile.
Looking at the two of them waving at each other and going off in opposite directions, I applaud in my hand and sigh softly at the same time.
To maintain such a balance, and also find “that thing” - it’s an immense challenge to me.
...forget it, I’ll take it one step at a time.
I rub my deflated tummy, deciding to resolve the problem of hunger in front of me.
For the sake of completion: MC goes into the convenience store and meets Kiro. He didn’t hurt anyone - the guy slipped and fell on his own LOL
Wondering why MC has a ginkgo bracelet? Fan speculation here. [Update: This question is answered in Chapter 2]
Phone call: here
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Gavin’s Post: It’s windy.
MC: The wind today seems colder.
Gavin: Because the next season is coming.
Minor: Bro Gavin, where are you? I’m treating you to a congratulatory meal right now!
Gavin’s Post: It’s windy.
MC: Probably because you’ve returned.
Gavin: Do you think so?
Minor: Bro Gavin, where are you? I’m treating you to a congratulatory meal right now!
Gavin’s Post: It’s windy.
MC: It’s very common for it to be windy in Loveland City during this season. Have you forgotten? 
Gavin: I haven’t forgotten anything related to this place. 
Minor: Bro Gavin, where are you? I’m treating you to a congratulatory meal right now!
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marvelhero-fics · 5 years
Silent Britain
Series - Chapter Two
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: You and Tom are working as love interests in a new Scorsese film, essentially leading to be love interests in real life
A/N: I’m sorry this chapter took a little longer to come out! I’ve just been so busy recently and I really wanted to go through and edit it before it was published. Thank you for all waiting patiently and being so supportive of the last two chapters. I hope you’re all enjoying it so far!!
The italics in this story are the readers thoughts!
Word Count: 4,000
Silent Britain Masterlist || Full Masterlist
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Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad.
The illusion of time had once again slipped through your fingers. Without any vivid consciousness, you’d made it back to your hotel and stood in front of the giant wall mirror. Your hair fell in loose curls down your shoulder that you’d only done moments ago, framing your face that held a ‘natural’ make-up look, that contained far too much make-up to be considered natural. The only clothes currently covering your figure were your underwear and bra, as you thought over what to wear. The letter addressed to everyone had said the event was semi-formal. Whatever that meant.
After trying on almost everything you’d brought with you, you landed on a small black number. It was a strapless dress that hugged your figure divinely. It was a satin black with a length that went just below your knee, however there was a slit up the right side that showed off most of your thigh. I didn’t fake tan for nothing. You dressed it up slightly with layered silver necklaces, along with a few rings. Finally, topping it off with your black strappy heels. I bet Tom will like this. The thought crashed into your mind out of nowhere. You shook your head and sprayed on some perfume before collecting your purse and invitation.
You were escorted once again by the same driver that took you to set earlier. You gave him the address on the invitation, but he dismissed it, clearly already sure of where he was headed. This time, the drive was actually quite short, and you’d managed to stay focused the entire time. You’d watched as the tall city building began fading and the larger, modern houses began appearing, many of them mainly hidden behind great hedges, or large stone fences. You watched as the neighbourhoods became richer and richer, slightly wondering what it would be like to live a life as glamorous as this. The only really nice house you’d been to was Reese Witherspoon’s. She owned a gorgeous mansion in Los Angeles, and she’d invited the cast of Big Little Lies around for dinner one night. You tried not to freak out too much. However, that was probably the moment you’d really felt your fame beginning to kick in.
The front of the house was guarded by an incredibly large gate, surrounded by a regal stone fence. There was two men waiting by the gate each in a black suit, obviously waiting for the guests to arrive. Your black tinted window was lowered for you. One of the men, the larger, balder one, asked for your invitation. You obliged, and the other man nearer to the gate opened it. The drive-way wasn’t very long, but it was large, there was room for probably 5 to 6 cars to park, along with a garage to the side that seemed to fit 2 or 3 cars. The house was noticeably large from the outside, with an older architectural design. The outer walls were mainly painted white with a dark coloured roofing. Your driver pulled up as close as possible to the door, to which you kindly thanked him and hopped out. The nerves set back in, you weren’t sure how many people had arrived, you weren’t even entirely sure who was coming, other than Tom, of course. You were once again greeted at the door by a larger man in a black suit, you’d concluded this was probably the security for the evening. He opened the door for you, without saying a word. You mumbled a thank you as you entered.
Everything was almost how you’d expected it. A chic, clean design throughout the house. An elegant stairway to the right, with a huge open plan. One of the living rooms was to the left, with the kitchen further down. You were greeted by a familiar face, it was the younger gentleman who’d given you the invitation in the first place. He welcomed you to the event before introducing himself as Donald, stating that he was Martin's personal assistant. He directed you down the large hallway into another of the living spaces. It was passed the stairs to the right. You entered the large room, not knowing what to expect. It was a huge room with incredible leather furniture and a large plasma TV that hung above a magnificent fireplace. The space was opened further as large sliding doors on the back wall opened out to a deck. The flooring inside was dark wooden floors that echoed the sound of your heels as you walked. After noticing the interior design of the place, you finally took notice of the figures scattered through the room. It looked as though most people had arrived.
It didn’t take long to notice the waiter walking around the room with a metal tray that held a few full champagne flutes. You were quick to grab one from him, politely thanking him as you still stood in the doorway of the room. You turned your body slightly, shielding people from seeing the glass in your hand as you bought it up to your lips. You decided it would be a good idea to try and down the whole thing in one go. They do it in movies all the time, right? You quickly got through about ¾ of the drink before the burning sensation really hit your throat. You pulled it away from your mouth, almost spilling the rest of it down your chin. Fuck, how do people do that. You sputtered. The champagne was actually really nice, but the alcoholic after taste is what stopped you. What a stupid idea. Go socialise.
You made your way deeper into the room, scanning where you might be able to stop for a pleasant conversation. Part of you just wanted the floor to swallow you whole. Your eyes quickly found Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig. You initiated small talk with the pair for the second time today, which began attracting a bigger crowd. Finn Wolfhard, Idris Elba, and Sean Bean all joined the chatter, each introducing themselves to you. On top of all that, you were now starting to feel the small side-effects of that champagne as your eyes began to find it hard to focus. You noticed a few more people joining the circle, some producers and editors had made it to the party too. God, I’m never going to remember all these names.
A hand lightly slid across your lower back, someone’s confident. You sternly turned to see who it was as you were ripped away from the moment in front of you. Just like this morning, you were greeted with a large grin and curly brown hair.
“Hi (Y/N).” He greeted, warmly.
“Hi Tom.” You responded, his contagious grin rubbing off on you. You pulled him into an embracing hug, to further greet him.
“I’m glad you’re here.” He finally said as you two broke apart.
“You knew I was going to be here.” You replied, with a questioning look.
“Yea, but I almost thought you weren’t going to show up.”
“What would give you that idea?” You pressed.
“Well, you seemed pretty nervous at the meeting today.”
“Oh, I’m glad I gave off that impression.” You joked, all your tense muscles beginning to relax. Tom laughed at your response.
“It’s okay. I was super nervous the first time I did one of those meet up things, too.” He assured you.
“When was the first time you had to do it?” You queried.
“Like, late 2014. I had to do it for Captain America; Civil War. It was a pretty huge cast and they’d all been in Marvel movies before, except for me. And plus, I was like 18 at the time. It was super overwhelming.” Tom explained. You found yourself almost getting lost as he spoke, like some sort of trance. You wanted to sit and listen to him speak forever. It’s probably just the alcohol.
“How’d you get through it?”
“Robert Downey Jr was a huge help. He kinda took me under his wing, and mentored me through all of it. When someone that famous starts paying attention to you, it makes the whole thing surprisingly less daunting.”
“So, what you’re saying is, I need to make Tom Hardy my mentor.” You stated, confidently. Earning another chuckle from Tom. His smile expanded hugely when he laughed, forcing the corners of his eyes to crinkle up and his head to push back slightly.
“Good job picking the most threatening guy in the room.” He replied, laughter still escaping his lips.
“You think so?”
“Look at the guy! He huge! He’s built like a brick shit house!” Both of you now giggling away at each other. The alcohol in both of your systems seemed to be working.
“I thought I was the most threatening guy in the room!” You interjected.
“Yea, all 5’6 ft of you.” He wittily replied.
“No, seriously. Wanna know who I think the most threatening person is?” You grabbed Tom’s suit covered arm and turned his body to the right. “Christian Bale.” You continued, without even giving Tom time to guess. “I mean have you seen American Psycho?” Both of you now facing where Christian stood on the other side of the room. Without consciously realising, you arm slipped around his, now interlinked together as you tried to not obviously stare at Christian.
“Of course I’ve seen American Psycho, it’s a fucking great film.” Tom exclaimed back, tensing his bicep as the two of you squeezed your linked arms together. I guess we both get a little too friendly when we’re drunk.
Your eyes widened and grin expanded as you looked up at him with a questioning glare.
“No. I mean-” Tom stuttered slightly. “The cinematography is great and the acting is fucking incredible, but obviously the story is pretty fucked up.” He added, peering down at you. Considering your bodies were held side-by-side, your faces ended up very close to each other. God, that cologne. You had to bite down on your lip to not audibly moan, he smelt so fucking amazing. There was a clink of metal against glass, silencing the chatter amongst the room.
“If everyone could please head into the dinning area, dinner is being served!” Martin announced.
The group of you slipped into the dining area, Tom sticking close to your side. You actually felt a lot of comfort having him close to you, making you feel as though you weren’t as lonely as when you’d arrived.
There was no particular seating arrangement around the extended dining table, everyone simply found a space and sat down. You’d managed to secure a seat with Timothée to your right, and Tom sat to your left.
“Hey, I don’t think we’ve had the chance to meet yet. I’m (Y/N).” You spoke to Timothée. The mixture of alcohol and Tom’s contagious confidence swirled in your mind.
“Oh yea. Nice to meet you. I’m Timothée.” He replied, his voice was soft and welcoming.
“I’m actually a big fan. I’ve seen heaps of your work.” You began, “I absolutely loved Beautiful Boy. I’ve always wanted to work with Steve Carell.” Timothée’s eyes lit up, and you began your in depth conversation about how much you both adored Steve, most of your love stemming from the fact that The Office was your favourite TV show.
It didn’t take long before your entree was served. The waiter informed you it was ‘peppercorn-crusted short ribs with lemon, olives, and radishes’. You thanked him as you stared in awe at the plate in front of you. The smell of the deliciously cooked meat hit you first, then the incredible colours of the plate, from the green of the garnish, to the yellow of the lemon, and the pink of the radish. You weren’t really used to fine dining.
You took no time to dig into your meal. “This is so nice.” You conveyed to Tom.
“I know.” He responded, eyes wide and mouth full. “There’s this amazing restaurant in central London that does food like this. I’ll take you there sometime.” He added, almost absentmindedly. Take me to dinner? Is that an offer for a date?
“Sounds good.” You simply replied. Moving to take another bite of your food.
You continued to chat to Timothée, sparking conversation about working with Robert Pattinson, Tom decided to join too. The three of you continued chatting and laughing as your main courses were brought out. It was once again introduced to you, ‘braised chicken with hazelnut and chilli paste with a turnip and wild mushroom bake’. It was difficult being polite and waiting for everyone to get their food before you could begin eating. Everything looked and smelled amazing. This really was the life of the rich and famous. Having all these beautiful meals catered and served to you in your own home. God, I could get used to this.
Conversation flowed easily throughout the table. People joking about ‘who would win in a fight between Batman and James Bond’, or people discussing ‘Venom and Spider-Man being in a movie together’, in which Tom Holland was very eager to talk about. You even had the chance to talk to a few more actors, including Anthony Hopkins. You essentially just told him how much you loved his work, and how grateful you were to be working with him on this film. He replied stating that him and his wife were huge fans of Big Little Lies, and you just about fainted on the spot.
Next was dessert. It was simply ‘authentic Italian tiramisu’. It looked nice and clean on the plate, with the lightest dusting of cocoa powder. I wish I saved more room for dessert. Just as everyone was about to begin eating, Martin stood up and began a speech.
“First of all, thank you all for being here tonight.” With that line, you peered around the room. It finally began to sink in how surreal this all was. You were sitting in Martin Scorsese’s dining room with actors that you’d only dreamed of meeting. I guess I’ve finally made it.
Martin went on to state that the tiramisu was due to his Italian culture, and that he’d never really done a British film before, but he was so excited to do Silent Britain with this cast. And with that, he told everyone to dig in.
The chatting and laughter continued in the room, however your conversation just focused on Tom.
“Well, I was born and raised in Reading, but I’ve moved into a little house in Wimbledon now with a friend because it’s so much nicer living close to central London.” You explained.
“I live in Kingston!” Tom exclaimed back,
“Holy shit. We’re practically neighbors.” You laughed in response. You exchanged the streets you both lived on, and found out you actually lived about 10 minutes away from each other. What a coincidence. The two of you talked about the best places to get food around where you lived, and the best pubs.
“Are you going to finish that?” Tom asked, pointing over at your half-eaten tiramisu.
“No. I feel bad, but I’ve eaten so much already-” before you could even finish, Tom swapped his empty plate with yours, and began eating away at your dessert.
“Thanks love.” He stated, cheekily.
“How can you eat so much?’ You laughed back,
“I had to get really skinny for the last role I did, and I was deprived of good food for so long, so now I’m trying to fatten up again and just eating whatever I want.”
“‘Fatten up’” you mocked, “I’ve seen the Spider-Man movies, you’ve never been fat.” You chuckled.
“Well, then I’m trying to bulk up. Whenever I go to the gym nowadays I can’t do half the shit I used to be able to do when I was training for Spider-Man.”
“I love going to the gym. We should work out together.” You smirked. This delicious champagne is giving me far too much power. Tom turned towards you, looking you up and down only slightly.
“We definitely can’t go to the gym together.” He responded, washing down his last mouthful of tiramisu with some beer.
“Why not?” You asserted back.
“Because you’d be way too much of a distraction.” Tom stated, his voice darker than before. Every fibre of your being told you to take him to the bathroom and slam him up against a wall right now. But, obviously, that’s a little rude.
“Your loss, Holland.” You replied, just above a whisper, with a flirtatious smirk.
You could tell by the movements around you that the night was coming to an end. The table was being entirely cleared, people were picking up their bags and putting their coats on. You lifted your handbag off the ground below your seat and swung it over your shoulder. As you stood from your chair, you tried your best to hold your stomach in. I shouldn’t have worn such a tight dress.
“Where are you headed?” Tom asked, throwing his suit jacket on.
“I’m staying at the Four Seasons.” You replied,
“Me too.” He looked at you, almost as if you’d just blown his mind. “We should get a lift back there together.” He added.
“Sounds like a good idea.” You smiled, your body closed the gap between the two of you and you grabbed the collar of his jacket to fix it for him, so it wasn’t sticking out. He beamed down at you.
“Thanks love.”
The two of you went over and graciously thanked Martin for hosting tonight. “Make sure you two get to know each other before filming! I want the chemistry to look real!” Martin expressed, to which you and Tom chuckled. That definitely won't be a difficult task. You both said good-bye to a few others that you’d talked to throughout the night and strolled out the door.
Tom quickly went over to one of the many black SUVs lined up outside, opening the back door for you. “Thank you.” You smiled at him as you hopped in. You told the driver where to go and the ride began.
“Was Robert Downey Jr’s parties anything like that?” You questioned, turning your body on the seat to face Tom.
“Honestly, Robert’s parties are way more extravagant than that. He likes to go really over the top with them. I’ll take you to one one day.” Perfect. Another date.
“Have you got more Marvel movies to make?”
“Yea, I’m definitely making another Spider-Man movie, and then I guess we’ll see where my contract goes after that. I’m not entirely sure what the plan is, and Marvel is always pretty hush-hush about everything. Have you ever thought about doing a superhero movie?”
“Yea. I’ve definitely thought about it.” Tom gazed as you with a faint, comforting smile as you spoke. “I’ve just never really found a role to audition for. And I’ve heard they’re a lot of work.”
“They definitely are. The filming goes on forever. But all of the cast and crew are always super awesome people, and they’re always so good at what they do. I feel like being in those films has really elevated my acting skills, you know?”
“Yea, definitely. Being around other incredible actors on set seriously helps.”
“Well, let me know if you ever want me to put in a good word for you at Marvel. They love me over there.”
“Maybe I’ll try play Gwen Stacy, if they ever reprise her in the universe.” You joked.
“I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to that.” The discussion continued all the way back to the hotel. You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol, or if Tom was naturally like this, but he would not stop flirting with you. You weren’t helping by doing it back. You even pulled out all the old tricks, like touching his arm, and twirling your hair on your finger. At one point you got extremely close to him to ‘fix his hair’ for him, to which he purposely messed it up so you could fix it for him again.
The driver in the front was probably thankful that the drive had come to an end, considering how much you and Tom were talking.  
You were reminded of how late it was when you stepped out of the car. The night sky was entirely black, however the Los Angeles streets were still lit brightly by street lamps and the multiple buildings. You walked up to the small amount of stairs leading to the entrance of the building. Tom quickly grabbed your arm as you were about to try to walk up them. Your thin heels and and the alcohol in your system definitely weren’t going to be a fair match for these stairs.
“Thank you.” You laughed. You leaned some of your body weight on Tom as the two of you strolled up the stairs and into the building. Once again, your arm stayed linked within his, even though it didn’t have to. It just felt comfortable for the both of you.
“What floor are you on?” He asked.
“I’m on 9.” He replied, as the two of you made it to the elevators. He reached out to press the up button, still not letting go of you.
“Can you walk me to my room?” You asked, with a joking pout.
“Of course I can.” The elevator chimed and you both rode up to level 6 together. As you walked down the carpeted hallway, you laughed together about something silly you’d read in the script. The two of you were obviously walking slower than usual, dragging out the time you had to spend together.
Finally, you arm slipped out of his embrace to rummage around your small handbag for the key card.
Once finding it, you slipped it into the door, and pulled it back out with a beep. The alcohol in your system meant you had to apply a little more force to open the heavy hotel door. You held it open with your body as your turned to face Tom.
“Well, this is me.” You smiled lightly, staring into Toms dark brown eyes. “Thank you for walking me up.”
“No problem.” He returned the grin. His gaze fell to your mouth for just a moment, ogling the light reflecting off your glossy lips. He stood close enough to you that you could smell that cologne he was wearing again, you still couldn’t put your finger on exactly what the smell was, other than wealthy. Each of your breaths were deep, a thick tension radiating between your bodies. You twirled with one of the silver rings on your fingers, gulping slightly as his eyesight returned to yours. The flutters in your chest turned to heavy beats, so loud you were sure Tom could hear them too. Your gut was telling you to grab him and stick your tongue down his throat until the two of you would end up messily entangled in each other on your hotel bed, but your head was telling you that really wouldn’t be a good idea.
“I-” you stammered, “I should really go. I have a big day tomorrow,” that’s a lie, “and I should really get a good night's sleep.”
“Yea, of course. I probably should too.” Tom almost sounded defeated.
“Cool. I’ll see you like some time next week.” You pursed your lips together, not wanting to make eye contact with him.
“Yea. I’ll see you next week.” And with that, you fell into your hotel room and shut the door behind you. Your back immediately hit the wall and you slumped down into a pile on the floor. A giant sigh fell from you lips, feeling like all the air in your lungs was drained from you. Shit.
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pensofgrace · 4 years
Feminism Gone Wrong!
cene one Rose parked her black ride in front of her favourite restaurant, picked her bag, got out of her car. She adjusted her black body hug that speaks classy, executive, sexy, well marched with a luxury bag and watch, she matched in as beautiful as she can. Upon entering the restaurant, moving to their regular sit, she realised brandy was not present yet, shakes her head and sit. Rose: "this girl cannot fail to disappoint", she says while looking at few posts on Instagram. "let me see what her excuse will be today, maybe its flat tyre or traffic". She called on the waiter to give her regular drink. While rose was sipping her smoothie, a woman with nice curves walked in with all her glory, a well porshe girl with a simple dress of about $300. " before you run curses on me, babe the traffic was terrible, I couldn’t drive rough like those rough beard guys do", brandy says while sitting down, dropping her purse and phone on the table, she looks at rose smiling. " I was waiting for your majestic excuse already ma", she says not looking up, " so, you had a terrible traffic from vgc to chevron, hmmmm, impressing", she stops talking, looking up at brandy with a smirk on her face. Brandy looks away scratching her ears, " baby love, am sorry, I was watching spider man when you called that you were 5 minutes away, I totally forgot about our date”, giving her apology smile. " keep that love for them that sort for it, I knew you lied when you said you were out of your gate, I just knew it. You know what, lets just forget it, its your usual behaviour, am hooked forever. Brandy erupts into loud, mocking laughter, " am happy you know dear, we are stacked forever. So, you said you had something important to tell me, which could not be said over the phone or through mail". She says closing the joke atmosphere automatically, pulled up her serious wall up face. Now, it was brandy’s turn to look guilty, up in her mind she stated to think of how to present the matter, "o my God, how is brandy going to take this, am I being stupid and selfish right now, what if she breaks it with me, I don’t want to lose my best friend, really been together for five years. She shouldn’t be that angry right, what!!!, the oath, am in serious trouble right now, what if sheeeee…. "rose Philips", brandy voice erupted close to her nose, rose jerked back, " why did you scream my full name like that, common some respect", rose said trying to hide her anxiety. Brandy looked at her " look here I don’t have timed for your games, you went off for about five minutes, I ordered a drink just thinking about what could have been so big that you went so locked down", brandy sighed, smile and said " sweetie I love you, we are best friends, nothing can be so difficult you cant tell me, we are in this together, remember?, remember our promise to one another, no issue and problem coming between us, unless you’ve broken our oath, I mean you remember right", brandy took a sip of her drink, sit back and said, " well, I trust you that you wont break that, we decided on it together, no man making decisions for us. We are the independent woman baby! " brandy says laughing and jumping on her seat. Rose sits up straight, took a sip of her smoothie, she looked at brandy and continued the conversation. “, that’s why am here, you see... "what do you mean, our promise, babe you are scaring me", brandy jumped in. Rose breath in calmly them looked up to brandy. "brandy, please can you calm down, promise me you will let me explain, let me finish before you jump in’, brandy smiled and shake her head up and down while crossing her leg. " am all ears rose, feel free, tell me anything, we will solve this together". " okay, here it goes. You remember how much we suffered in the hand of men, how they treated and molested us, making us feel like we worth nothing, brandy, remember how drake used my skills and potentials to build himself to the top he his right now. Can you remember how we decided to never fall for any human being with a short hair, no breast to feed a baby and a
material to produce a baby, our decision to never be vulnerable or subject to a man, how we made that oath to be independent, an ability to depend on ourselves only, equality with men, {at this point rose was up in tears, not bothering to swipe it off, rose did not make any movement m, looking still, it feels as though she knows what this is about already, not ready to acknowledge and accept though}. "am sorry brandy but I can’t do this anymore, I can’t push this wanting, this desire for a help mate away anymore, brandy I can’t keep ignoring his care, his love, his realness, he loves me, and am not sorry to say I love him too". Rose stopped talking waiting for brandy’s comment after no response, she looked up to see rose giving her the betrayal eyes. She quickly spoke up. " brandy please, I didn’t mean too……. "rose from this day onward we are officially off, no need of arguing and trying to convince you, goodbye rose Philips". Brandy stood up dropped some thousands on the table, left without looking back. Rose dropped her head on the table and sobbed. SCENE TWO " hi baby, you miss me, matt kisses rose on the cheek, rose left her sitting position to assist matt with his attire. Rose: "how was your meeting, contract coming in", she looks at him with hope Matt: " well, am sorry to say babe, am not the most successful CEO in the world yet, but you are looking at the youngest successful CEO in Arica". Rose jumped on the bed, screaming yes! Yes! Yes! "you deserve it baby am so proud of you", she looks at him with a serious face, ‘ you complete me , you are my perfection’. Matt: " it’s the other way around love’. Rose:" let me drop to the kitchen, something special for a special man with a special achievement" Matt: " no baby, no stress for you, love, we are going out, a friend told me about a nice place, its new, very exclusive, executive and exotic" Rose: "funny, three e’s for a place" Matt: "actually the place is called three e’s" Rose: "okay, let me freshen up, give me 10" Matt: "no, make it 15, I won’t be done in 10, not as fast as you fox" Rose laughs, shaking her head " just like brandy". SCENE THREE Brandy stood near her office table, checking for a Particular important document her personal assistance should have documented properly, " stupid man, they never do any thing right, such a disappointment, what a waste of resources, I presume too". Her office door opened with no noise, " madam new couples are here, we got their details to be their first, should we give the the ultimate on the house service". Brandy: " next time you come into my office without permission, I will make sure you never get a job in Nigeria again, is that clear Patrick, idiot, now do that which is right, I will come down and greet them myself, get their table number for me. Make them comfortable". Brandy found the document, kept it ion her bag, checked herself in the mirror reapplied her lip stick. " Patrick, what table", she said with no smile " ma, its table 7, they are having a drink right nooo…… "shut up, I didn’t ask that, hmmmm 7, rose favourite number". Brandy walked down to table 7, upon getting their she discovered it was rose, she looked at her, full of annoyance and betrayal, left the table without a word, rose stood up immediately ran after her lost best fiend screaming her name, not minding the scene they were both creating. Rose: " brandy, please wait, please, its ben so long, hear me out. Brandy turned back sharply " I want no conversation with a person like you, enough!" Rose; " stop, just stop, okay can we talk, maybe not n ow, someday during the week, please, just please, I will drop my card with the receptionist. Will be waiting to meet up. I still love you". Rose turned making her way to her husband, she turned " by the way, nice restaurant, it has always been your dream, good work, brandy". Scene
four Brandy sit quietly at the corner of the restaurant, everywhere seems cool and fun. She sips her drink smirking at herself, at a little side up she could see matt chatting and laughing about something rose says. "stupid fool, let’s see if you will see something to laugh at by the end of the day" Brandy calls upon a waited for a refill, seeing matt standing up moving towards the rest room, she sends the waiter off standing up and walking towards matt’s direction. She waited for matt to come out of the gent, Brandy: hello to you too Mr matt, having a fun day" Matt: ohh, brandy you scared me, what’s up, you look good, didn’t know you were around" Brandy: you weren’t supposed to know, you brought this upon yourself though, what aaaaaa……. Matt: see brandy, I know you vexed with your bae, its wasn’t her fault, seriously, she told me about the oath and promise, I thought they were unreasonable first but after she told me about you and your past, I came to understand, but you see, you are a very beautiful girl…. Brandy; ohh, Mr matt, rose told you about my past right, lovely, I believe she told you about the gang rape too, how interesting my life story with Fred, I guess I have a better reason to do this. Brandy comes upon matt suddenly, knowing his head against the wall, after so many punches, she believed him to be dead. Brandy: no man, we promised no name, rose and our oath is mine. I hope the angels are willing to take you to hell for breaking two friends up with fake love, and I hope rose realise I just did her a good favour". Brandy adjust her cloth cleans her hand, heads back to her seat, calls for the waiter for a drink while she watches matt body being rushed out, with a devastated rose. SCENE FIVE rose knocks on brandy’s office door, enters and takes her seat, looking at brandy. Brandy: to what annoying honour do I hold this unexpected, unwelcome visit Mrs rose Chantel" After few second of no response from rose Brandy: am giving you 10 seconds to leave my office, or I will calllll…… Rose: why, why, why brandy. You hate me that much Brandy: well, I would have an answer to any why if I do know where the why is directed to Rose: you hate me so much, you angry about the oath but do you have to do what you did, almost killing my husband Brandy: almost, he’s not dead, what! That bastard isn’t dead, how come, how Rose: so, you won’t deny it, really brandy I never knew you were such a snake, well to disappoint your miserable life, he’s not, because he never deserved it. How could you, for what reason, because he loves me. Aint you suppose to be happy for me, happy for your best friend, what has gotten into you. Brandy; best fiend my foot, you lost that title months ago, you lied to me, betrayed me. Rose; then have you forgotten our promise to each other, forgiveness all the way, I could hand you over now to the police, but I won’t, I still love you brandy, you’ve always being sister, please stop all this. Just stop it. Brandy: just get out, I hate you liar, get out…… Brandy screams at rose, after rose left the office, brandy break down weeping SCENE SIX Brandy sit at the sitting room, watching the tv, news going on around the world obviously her mind seems outside the house, all in another world. After about a minute of leaking tears, she picks up her phone. Went to a number, typed a capital "AM SORRY". Switch off her phone and lays down. SCENE SEVEN Rose; " thanks for coming, although it took you extra two hours after you said you were close, guess you haven’t changed", smiling to brandy " I don’t have time for your nonsense chit-chat, why am in here, I got business to run’. Rose: " I love you, please never doubt that, what happened wasn’t planned, I didn’t even know I had gotten so far in, until he proposed, and I said yes. The feeling wont just go away, bran…… Brandy; " since when,
since when have you two been together, till the time you told me, since when rose, one month, two months, answer me!!!", she spoke up so angry Rose: "six-month brandy, babe, I was only joking around, I only planned to play him and make feel miserable, please, I love him". Brandy; "six, six, woah, six months, my best friend kept a secret from me, how many more do I need to know, you married, you got two kids in the cupboard’, Rose; ‘after you left, I lost it, couldn’t contact you, he stood with me, he was my comfort, he gave me happiness, we got married. I love him brandy and am not ready to leave him for anything". Brandy:" so why am I here, what do you want", Rose:" I want my best friend back, I want you to enjoy the happiness I do now, I need you to change your mentality about this feminism of a thing, please". Brandy: " so you want you change, why should I do that, give me reasons rose. Your love for a man made you leave me, common convince me your betrayal". Rose:" I accept, I betrayed you, but it was for a good thing, you are not happy brandy. I know that, I can see it in your face, just one chance, just a chance with a good man" "baby", she says holding a broken brandy’s hand, " please, a good man is what it takes, a good man won’t make you feel like a slave, like a servant, no he won’t want, he would want you as a helpmate, someone to complete him. Thank about it, no need to rush, just calm your heart, baby I need you to break that wall when that man comes, that responsible man with a good knowledge of how to treat a woman, okay, love”. Brandy kept to silence holding rose’s hand like her life depend on it. A lot was going through her mind, he wanted to talk but knew deep down the truth was been laid down flat. SCENE EIGHT ��happy birthday brandy" "thanks so much for coming it’s a small party I guess, like I want, hmmm, rose is poking my eyes with invisible spears, wanting a speech, isoritte, here we go, thanks to God first, He made me special, am grateful to my parent for the prayers and support am 25 meh, so to rose, I love you more than life itself, you aint just a friend, you are my sister, days of fight and love, of arguing and convincing. Thanks for changing my mentality on some ideas I keep to heart, thanks for making me make the best decision, my life could ever need. Thanks love am happy for you, I appreciate you. To the man that wet through hell to get my heart, bros kudos to you mehn, guy you deserve some awards, thanks for not giving up on me, thanks for always running off to rose for ways to cool mu hot brain. I love you. Just mind you, no baby yet, let me enjoy my marriage first. And to all that…………….
cene one Rose parked her black ride in front of her favourite restaurant, picked her bag, got out of her car. She adjusted her black body hug that speaks classy, executive, sexy, well marched with a luxury bag and watch, she matched in as beautiful as she can. Upon entering the restaurant, moving to their regular sit, she realised brandy was not present yet, shakes her head and sit. Rose: "this girl cannot fail to disappoint", she says while looking at few posts on Instagram. "let me see what her excuse will be today, maybe its flat tyre or traffic". She called on the waiter to give her regular drink. While rose was sipping her smoothie, a woman with nice curves walked in with all her glory, a well porshe girl with a simple dress of about $300. " before you run curses on me, babe the traffic was terrible, I couldn’t drive rough like those rough beard guys do", brandy says while sitting down, dropping her purse and phone on the table, she looks at rose smiling. " I was waiting for your majestic excuse already ma", she says not looking up, " so, you had a terrible traffic from vgc to chevron, hmmmm, impressing", she stops talking, looking up at brandy with a smirk on her face. Brandy looks away scratching her ears, " baby love, am sorry, I was watching spider man when you called that you were 5 minutes away, I totally forgot about our date”, giving her apology smile. " keep that love for them that sort for it, I knew you lied when you said you were out of your gate, I just knew it. You know what, lets just forget it, its your usual behaviour, am hooked forever. Brandy erupts into loud, mocking laughter, " am happy you know dear, we are stacked forever. So, you said you had something important to tell me, which could not be said over the phone or through mail". She says closing the joke atmosphere automatically, pulled up her serious wall up face. Now, it was brandy’s turn to look guilty, up in her mind she stated to think of how to present the matter, "o my God, how is brandy going to take this, am I being stupid and selfish right now, what if she breaks it with me, I don’t want to lose my best friend, really been together for five years. She shouldn’t be that angry right, what!!!, the oath, am in serious trouble right now, what if sheeeee…. "rose Philips", brandy voice erupted close to her nose, rose jerked back, " why did you scream my full name like that, common some respect", rose said trying to hide her anxiety. Brandy looked at her " look here I don’t have timed for your games, you went off for about five minutes, I ordered a drink just thinking about what could have been so big that you went so locked down", brandy sighed, smile and said " sweetie I love you, we are best friends, nothing can be so difficult you cant tell me, we are in this together, remember?, remember our promise to one another, no issue and problem coming between us, unless you’ve broken our oath, I mean you remember right", brandy took a sip of her drink, sit back and said, " well, I trust you that you wont break that, we decided on it together, no man making decisions for us. We are the independent woman baby! " brandy says laughing and jumping on her seat. Rose sits up straight, took a sip of her smoothie, she looked at brandy and continued the conversation. “, that’s why am here, you see... "what do you mean, our promise, babe you are scaring me", brandy jumped in. Rose breath in calmly them looked up to brandy. "brandy, please can you calm down, promise me you will let me explain, let me finish before you jump in’, brandy smiled and shake her head up and down while crossing her leg. " am all ears rose, feel free, tell me anything, we will solve this together". " okay, here it goes. You remember how much we suffered in the hand of men, how they treated and molested us, making us feel like we worth nothing, brandy, remember how drake used my skills and potentials to build himself to the top he his right now. Can you remember how we decided to never fall for any human being with a short hair, no breast to feed a baby and a
material to produce a baby, our decision to never be vulnerable or subject to a man, how we made that oath to be independent, an ability to depend on ourselves only, equality with men, {at this point rose was up in tears, not bothering to swipe it off, rose did not make any movement m, looking still, it feels as though she knows what this is about already, not ready to acknowledge and accept though}. "am sorry brandy but I can’t do this anymore, I can’t push this wanting, this desire for a help mate away anymore, brandy I can’t keep ignoring his care, his love, his realness, he loves me, and am not sorry to say I love him too". Rose stopped talking waiting for brandy’s comment after no response, she looked up to see rose giving her the betrayal eyes. She quickly spoke up. " brandy please, I didn’t mean too……. "rose from this day onward we are officially off, no need of arguing and trying to convince you, goodbye rose Philips". Brandy stood up dropped some thousands on the table, left without looking back. Rose dropped her head on the table and sobbed. SCENE TWO " hi baby, you miss me, matt kisses rose on the cheek, rose left her sitting position to assist matt with his attire. Rose: "how was your meeting, contract coming in", she looks at him with hope Matt: " well, am sorry to say babe, am not the most successful CEO in the world yet, but you are looking at the youngest successful CEO in Arica". Rose jumped on the bed, screaming yes! Yes! Yes! "you deserve it baby am so proud of you", she looks at him with a serious face, ‘ you complete me , you are my perfection’. Matt: " it’s the other way around love’. Rose:" let me drop to the kitchen, something special for a special man with a special achievement" Matt: " no baby, no stress for you, love, we are going out, a friend told me about a nice place, its new, very exclusive, executive and exotic" Rose: "funny, three e’s for a place" Matt: "actually the place is called three e’s" Rose: "okay, let me freshen up, give me 10" Matt: "no, make it 15, I won’t be done in 10, not as fast as you fox" Rose laughs, shaking her head " just like brandy". SCENE THREE Brandy stood near her office table, checking for a Particular important document her personal assistance should have documented properly, " stupid man, they never do any thing right, such a disappointment, what a waste of resources, I presume too". Her office door opened with no noise, " madam new couples are here, we got their details to be their first, should we give the the ultimate on the house service". Brandy: " next time you come into my office without permission, I will make sure you never get a job in Nigeria again, is that clear Patrick, idiot, now do that which is right, I will come down and greet them myself, get their table number for me. Make them comfortable". Brandy found the document, kept it ion her bag, checked herself in the mirror reapplied her lip stick. " Patrick, what table", she said with no smile " ma, its table 7, they are having a drink right nooo…… "shut up, I didn’t ask that, hmmmm 7, rose favourite number". Brandy walked down to table 7, upon getting their she discovered it was rose, she looked at her, full of annoyance and betrayal, left the table without a word, rose stood up immediately ran after her lost best fiend screaming her name, not minding the scene they were both creating. Rose: " brandy, please wait, please, its ben so long, hear me out. Brandy turned back sharply " I want no conversation with a person like you, enough!" Rose; " stop, just stop, okay can we talk, maybe not n ow, someday during the week, please, just please, I will drop my card with the receptionist. Will be waiting to meet up. I still love you". Rose turned making her way to her husband, she turned " by the way, nice restaurant, it has always been your dream, good work, brandy". Scene
four Brandy sit quietly at the corner of the restaurant, everywhere seems cool and fun. She sips her drink smirking at herself, at a little side up she could see matt chatting and laughing about something rose says. "stupid fool, let’s see if you will see something to laugh at by the end of the day" Brandy calls upon a waited for a refill, seeing matt standing up moving towards the rest room, she sends the waiter off standing up and walking towards matt’s direction. She waited for matt to come out of the gent, Brandy: hello to you too Mr matt, having a fun day" Matt: ohh, brandy you scared me, what’s up, you look good, didn’t know you were around" Brandy: you weren’t supposed to know, you brought this upon yourself though, what aaaaaa……. Matt: see brandy, I know you vexed with your bae, its wasn’t her fault, seriously, she told me about the oath and promise, I thought they were unreasonable first but after she told me about you and your past, I came to understand, but you see, you are a very beautiful girl…. Brandy; ohh, Mr matt, rose told you about my past right, lovely, I believe she told you about the gang rape too, how interesting my life story with Fred, I guess I have a better reason to do this. Brandy comes upon matt suddenly, knowing his head against the wall, after so many punches, she believed him to be dead. Brandy: no man, we promised no name, rose and our oath is mine. I hope the angels are willing to take you to hell for breaking two friends up with fake love, and I hope rose realise I just did her a good favour". Brandy adjust her cloth cleans her hand, heads back to her seat, calls for the waiter for a drink while she watches matt body being rushed out, with a devastated rose. SCENE FIVE rose knocks on brandy’s office door, enters and takes her seat, looking at brandy. Brandy: to what annoying honour do I hold this unexpected, unwelcome visit Mrs rose Chantel" After few second of no response from rose Brandy: am giving you 10 seconds to leave my office, or I will calllll…… Rose: why, why, why brandy. You hate me that much Brandy: well, I would have an answer to any why if I do know where the why is directed to Rose: you hate me so much, you angry about the oath but do you have to do what you did, almost killing my husband Brandy: almost, he’s not dead, what! That bastard isn’t dead, how come, how Rose: so, you won’t deny it, really brandy I never knew you were such a snake, well to disappoint your miserable life, he’s not, because he never deserved it. How could you, for what reason, because he loves me. Aint you suppose to be happy for me, happy for your best friend, what has gotten into you. Brandy; best fiend my foot, you lost that title months ago, you lied to me, betrayed me. Rose; then have you forgotten our promise to each other, forgiveness all the way, I could hand you over now to the police, but I won’t, I still love you brandy, you’ve always being sister, please stop all this. Just stop it. Brandy: just get out, I hate you liar, get out…… Brandy screams at rose, after rose left the office, brandy break down weeping SCENE SIX Brandy sit at the sitting room, watching the tv, news going on around the world obviously her mind seems outside the house, all in another world. After about a minute of leaking tears, she picks up her phone. Went to a number, typed a capital "AM SORRY". Switch off her phone and lays down. SCENE SEVEN Rose; " thanks for coming, although it took you extra two hours after you said you were close, guess you haven’t changed", smiling to brandy " I don’t have time for your nonsense chit-chat, why am in here, I got business to run’. Rose: " I love you, please never doubt that, what happened wasn’t planned, I didn’t even know I had gotten so far in, until he proposed, and I said yes. The feeling wont just go away, bran…… Brandy; " since when,
since when have you two been together, till the time you told me, since when rose, one month, two months, answer me!!!", she spoke up so angry Rose: "six-month brandy, babe, I was only joking around, I only planned to play him and make feel miserable, please, I love him". Brandy; "six, six, woah, six months, my best friend kept a secret from me, how many more do I need to know, you married, you got two kids in the cupboard’, Rose; ‘after you left, I lost it, couldn’t contact you, he stood with me, he was my comfort, he gave me happiness, we got married. I love him brandy and am not ready to leave him for anything". Brandy:" so why am I here, what do you want", Rose:" I want my best friend back, I want you to enjoy the happiness I do now, I need you to change your mentality about this feminism of a thing, please". Brandy: " so you want you change, why should I do that, give me reasons rose. Your love for a man made you leave me, common convince me your betrayal". Rose:" I accept, I betrayed you, but it was for a good thing, you are not happy brandy. I know that, I can see it in your face, just one chance, just a chance with a good man" "baby", she says holding a broken brandy’s hand, " please, a good man is what it takes, a good man won’t make you feel like a slave, like a servant, no he won’t want, he would want you as a helpmate, someone to complete him. Thank about it, no need to rush, just calm your heart, baby I need you to break that wall when that man comes, that responsible man with a good knowledge of how to treat a woman, okay, love”. Brandy kept to silence holding rose’s hand like her life depend on it. A lot was going through her mind, he wanted to talk but knew deep down the truth was been laid down flat. SCENE EIGHT ‘happy birthday brandy" "thanks so much for coming it’s a small party I guess, like I want, hmmm, rose is poking my eyes with invisible spears, wanting a speech, isoritte, here we go, thanks to God first, He made me special, am grateful to my parent for the prayers and support am 25 meh, so to rose, I love you more than life itself, you aint just a friend, you are my sister, days of fight and love, of arguing and convincing. Thanks for changing my mentality on some ideas I keep to heart, thanks for making me make the best decision, my life could ever need. Thanks love am happy for you, I appreciate you. To the man that wet through hell to get my heart, bros kudos to you mehn, guy you deserve some awards, thanks for not giving up on me, thanks for always running off to rose for ways to cool mu hot brain. I love you. Just mind you, no baby yet, let me enjoy my marriage first. And to all that……………. One Rose parked her black ride in front of her favourite restaurant, picked her bag, got out of her car. She adjusted her black body hug that speaks classy, executive, sexy, well marched with a luxury bag and watch, she matched in as beautiful as she can.
‘happy birthday brandy"
"thanks so much for coming it’s a small party I guess, like I want, hmmm, rose is poking my eyes with invisible spears, wanting a speech, isoritte, here we go, thanks to God first, He made me special, am grateful to my parent for the prayers and support am 32 meh, so to rose, I love you more than life itself, you aint just a friend, you are my sister, days of fight and love, of arguing and convincing.
Thanks for changing my mentality on some ideas I keep to heart, thanks for making me make the best decision, my life could ever need. Thanks love am happy for you, I appreciate you.
oy my marriage first. And to all that…………….
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ddagent · 5 years
Okay okay yes I will 100% prompt New New Amsterdam au first meeting in future preferably?
I honestly have no idea if this is any good. It’s my first fic post-flu, and my sinus infection does not seem to be getting any better. But here we are. Also: this is more Forever than New Amsterdam because I’ve got another immortal!Jaime idea on the books and I wanted to write something a little different. But I hope you enjoy all the same! 
Jaime Lannister was dead. Not for the first time. 
In truth, the former knight had long since stopped keeping count of his deaths; six hundred years of immortality and a smart mouth had racked up the numbers. Jaime remembered his first, in the belly of the Red Keep, and he remembered the most painful. This one wouldn’t even make the top one hundred: there was a woman, a mugger, a knife. Pain, blood, and a weightless feeling as the life left him and his body vanished into thin air. Only for him to be reborn, as he always was, where it began. 
Only now the dungeons of the Red Keep was an apartment complex, and the specific spot he died was a fountain. 
“Maiden save me, that man’s not wearing any clothes!”
Oh, and every time he was reborn, he emerged naked. 
Stepping out of the fountain, Jaime shook his damp hair and waved at the startled woman with his right arm as his only hand covered his cock. This wasn’t the first time he’d been reborn in the fountain; nor would it be his last. Thankfully, he’d started stashing clothes in the courtyard, and a phone so he could call Ty for a pick-up. Rebirth meant no clothes, no phone, no prosthetic hand. Just Jaime Lannister in his nameday suit. 
Today, he made it two steps before the gates to the courtyard opened, and two gold cloaks entered. Well, fuck. “Ser, ser, if you could come with us please?”
Which was how Jaime found himself wrapped in a blanket and bundled in the back of a patrol car. Again. Six hundred years of immortality meant he had seen more, done more than he ever had in his first lifetime. He’d travelled as far as Mereen and seen beyond the Wall. He’d worked as a sailor, a bodyguard, and even forged chains at the Citadel. He’d buried three children and two siblings, and had loved – truly – only once. As far as being stabbed in a mugging and arrested for public indecency, this was just an ordinary day. 
Booking, spare clothes, questioned by Officer Swann. Jaime practically yawned. “Name?”
“Jaime Hill.” Even now, the name Lannister meant something. He’d never used it; not since his first life. “Detective Jaime Hill. I work in homicide.”
Officer Swann stiffened. “You woke for Chief Redwyne.”  
“I’m her top man,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “And, as I told you back at the complex, I have a tendency to sleepwalk. Won’t you look a fool, arresting King’s Landing’s top homicide detective just because he walks in his sleep.” 
“You were naked.”
Jaime shrugged. “I don’t care for pyjamas, what more can I say?”
Officer Swann pursed his lips, rose from his chair and discussed options with the other gold cloak who’d brought him in. Jaime just tapped his fingertips against the desk as he waited for them to make the right decision and let him go. Eventually, Officer Swann came back to him. 
“You’re free to go, Detective Hill. I’ll see if I can’t get the Beauty to drive you home.” 
“The Beauty?” 
Swann barked out a laugh. “Officer Payne. She’s new to the precinct.” 
A name was called; a figure in the corner of the bullpen turned around. And at that moment all the air left his body, yet Jaime was not reborn. He just sat, transfixed, as the spitting image of Brienne of Tarth crossed the room to join him. He’d forgotten many things of his first life, but the Stranger had given him one more torment, and that was never being able to forget her face. Officer Payne was just as tall, as broad. Her eyes were the same shade of blue; her blonde hair longer and pulled into a ponytail. Gods, even her scowl was the same. 
“I wasn’t staring,” he said, when both of them knew he had been. “I mean, I was, but only because you look like someone I went to university with.”
Beside them, Swann just chuckled. “I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. Officer Payne will drive you home, Detective.” 
Swann may have missed the eye roll, but Jaime certainly didn’t. Brienne – Officer Payne – walked him across the bullpen without a word, and Jaime kept his own lip zipped until they were out of earshot. “I can only assume you must be a better driver than they are.”
“Better gold cloak. They can’t stomach the competition.” She didn’t meet his gaze as they left the precinct. “Where am I taking you?” 
“Lion Antiquities. My—” Great-however-many-nephew. “—my friend owns the store; I live above it.”
Not another word was exchanged between them as they settled in Officer Payne’s squad car. The hour had grown late; the streets quiet. Officer Payne maintained the speed limit and stopped for every red light. Jaime almost laughed; this was exactly how the honourable Ser Brienne of Tarth would drive had she ever lived this long. No, she’d died centuries ago. But Officer Payne was her mirror. For a moment, Jaime leaned back against the leather seat and settled himself to the sound of her breathing. He’d long forgotten her voice, or the sounds she made whilst fighting or fucking, but the sound of Officer Payne breathing made him feel safe for the first time in six hundred years. 
“What’s your name?” No answer. “I’m Jaime Hill; homicide detective.” Still nothing. “A passenger has a right to know his driver’s name.” 
A long, withered sigh. “Brienne Payne.” 
Fuck. She was even called Brienne. This couldn’t be a coincidence. Six hundred years and the Gods had created someone with her features, with parents who had given her the name of the first female knight. Fuck, there was even a miniature Oathkeeper hanging from the rearview mirror; other gold cloaks might have fuzzy dice, but this Officer had a miniature Valyrian sword. Do you realise, Brienne Payne, how much you look like her? 
“Do you like working as an officer?” he asked instead. “Chief Redwyne is always looking for good detectives.” 
“I’m not interested in handouts.” 
Jaime huffed. “I’m not–I’m just asking. You seem—”
“—a car ride together where I’m practically your chauffeur is not a firm representation of my investigative skills.” Brienne Payne tapped her indicator. “Whatever you want in exchange for your recommendation, you can keep it.”
“Brienne—” and, oh, how good it felt to say that name again.
“—we’re here.”
And so they were. Lion Antiquities; Ty (short for Tyrion, another mirror) busy inside haggling with a customer. Brienne Payne didn’t open his door or offer another word – not even to scold him. She just kept two hands upon the wheel and two eyes upon the road and let Jaime step out. He watched her, though, until the taillights from her patrol car blinked around the corner. In his many years, Jaime had struggled to understand his purpose; of why he had been granted immortality. Maybe, just maybe, it had something to do with Brienne Payne. 
He’d certainly be seeing more of her, of that Jaime was very sure. 
Brienne pulled her squad car into the first layby along from Lion Antiquities. Her fingers fumbled with the ignition, and then there was nothing but the sound of her own breathing. Rough, ragged breaths that Brienne drew into her lungs. After a few minutes, she reached for her phone. Tapped in her pin, found her contacts, and pressed call. It took a few rings, but her call was answered. 
“Brienne? It’s late. Is everything all right?”
“I’m sorry to call so late, Cat, but I—” Brienne of Tarth sighed. “I’ve just met the spitting image of Jaime Lannister.”
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itsthe-neo-zone · 4 years
Wands and Potions: NCTdream and WayV series
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Please read the Masterlist before continuing ahead with the story.
Warning: mild language, mentions of self hate and slight manipulation
Chapter 15: 
[Selene Pov]
The entire castle was celebrating the start of the official Triwizard cup, cheering and hollers could be heard from the great hall reverberating and traveling past the walls of the building. Time goes by too fast, why is it always me that must slow down?
Desires changes and motives develop, it’s a slow change but it happens, and it will pass.
“Show me my heart’s desires.” I whisper my hand sliding down the dusted and ancient metallic trimming of the large reflection. Greeting the mirror like an old friend, gently, my eyes shut.
I stood looking back at myself. The mirror must have been broken It didn’t dawn on me that it was truly reflecting my deepest desires until it wasn’t a simple reflection.
It wasn’t my true self. It was a desirable me; a beautiful and most importantly a confident me.
Darker crimson maroon locks, laying across her shoulders, definitely a sly smirk plastered upon her face. It was malicious, that Selene was powerful, adorned in viridian robes she knew she belonged. Her orbs flashed danger; head held up high.
my fingers touched her, the reflection mirroring the same. she looked healthy, happy, content. There was a threshold I couldn’t pass. Nothing I’ll ever get. It was different.
Much different to the desires my younger self needed, wished and hoped for. Though it came to me naturally that my desires don’t happen, they don’t come true. Because I don’t deserve it. Dropping my hand I wake from the daze enchanted in turning to the figure my eyes caught from the reflection.
“Why so gloomy?”
A male much taller than I am, his brown hair falling across his fawn like eyes, chocolate ripples with a tinge of hazel. He had a grin plastered upon his lips. A foreign not wearing Hogwarts robes.
His attire consisted of a dark maroon robe the belt and leather boots carrying the code of arms he was affiliated with. Resting upon his shoulders was a thick fur coat and a matching hat in his hand.
“I don’t know what you mean, and how did you get here?”
“Oh let’s not play games now?” the male pursed his lips before flourishing a devilish smirk on his face, his eyebrows lifting slightly. “As for my unannounced entrance I came from there,” pointing to the doorway that was slightly ajar showing the outer hallway.
He stepped closer. “But if were talking about detail, then I came from Europe. On a boat. From Durmstrang.” Taking a slight step nearer he closed the gap between them with each phrase. I noticed his sharp tongue.
“You’re hear for the Triwizard tournament, right?” the realisation dawning on my face and as I shuffled away from the mirror the reflection vanished with a hazy whirl of light smoke.  Leaving I pause, he stood near the mirror not moving at all.
“Well, aren’t you coming?”
“I know my way back, I’m not lost.” I stopped, what was he here for then? As if he was a legilimence he replied like he was reading my mind. “I’m here because I wanted to get away from the noise and overpowering energy in the hall.” He smirked.
“Right then. Makes sense I guess.”
“Now, what were you doing here?” finally establishing his motive he placed me in an awkward position. Equality says I need to answer him to make it equal.
“I don’t know you, why should I tell you?” the male chuckled before rolling his eyes comedically. “Mysterious one you are. Alright let’s get to know each other, then you can let me know.”
“Hey, I need to talk to you.”  Selene was pulled aside by Rose; the ginger witch had exasperated features plastered on her face. Selene was going to tell me everything. “Sure but what’s wrong?”
“What did you tell Albus?” Selene and Rose repositioned towards the side of the hall; taking a seat near the back of the great hall a hidden by the column in the corner.
“He said something sparked him that night in the forest when you were in camp.” poking at a memory in Selene’s head she thought back to the night; the male did have a dazed look towards the end of their conversation, his head twisting thoughts repeatedly.  
“Albus looked like he was thinking of something, but I don’t know- he didn’t tell me.”
The frustration was building up within Rose, Albus was putting himself in careless danger and rose couldn’t stop him, he was slipping out of her grasp. “Are you sure you didn’t hear anything from him or his friends?”
“No, I don’t think he- he didn’t. I’m sure of it.” Rose had assurance from the truth behind her words, but it also filled immense worry and her anxiety hit the roof. Her heartbeat immediately sped up like a drum beating coming to a climax.
Selene watched the witch run out of the hall leaving the celebration early. Seems nice to have someone to care for him like that.
“Selene!” from a distance lyra waved beckoning her closer. “What did I miss?” taking a seat next to her on the benches that were placed upon one another.
“Not much just the introduction and the Triwizard rules. James is putting his name in apparently. And the fact that there’s no age limit this year unlike the past tournament.” the two got comfortable in their seating; they’d be there for a while.
“Durmstrang are entering this year with us and they’re absolutely stunning all of them. So is beauxbaton.” Irene whispered, grabbing the two witches attention. Comically, Jinny was stuffing her face with small cherries next to her.
“Ah really.”
A brief introduction was based about them from the minister himself then the grand gates were opened letting durmstrang students with their representative headmaster enter. The man with the golden detailed black robes and a large fur hat was familiar to Selene. She had seen him at the black manor a few times.
What really grabbed selenes attention was the brunett male she had met earlier with those warm inviting eyes. He entered captivatingly leading the dozen students behind him with confidence and a sense of power.
“Durmstrang Academy with headmaster Von Daniken!”
The male glanced towards selenes direction frowning when he caught eyes of the umber witches orbs. Selene looked down, she wasn’t cheering or clapping like the rest, something was up she always looked solemn. From the moment he arrived the witch had never once smiled.
“Merlin’s beard, look! He’s looking this way.” Irene’s voice squealing at Jinny with glee as she stomped her feet against the wood below her in excitement.  
Looking up, Selene found the boys eyes directed at her; he smiled, winking cheekily. Selene didn’t show any change in expression at all she was more worried about what rose was hinting at. Maybe Albus is in trouble and what if he’s pulled Scorpius and chenle into his mess too?
Shaking herself out of it she left a stern look on her face. I shouldn’t care about what happens to Chenle, Selene almost wished to see him hurt for what he did to her. And as for Scorpius he can take care of himself.
The ceremony continued with loud cheers and laughter as the students celebrated the gathering of nobility and glory between institutes of magical gifts and talents. Selene felt her mood gravitate towards gloomy and depressing motives as she was left to her thoughts further and further.
“Oh god, here we go again.” Jinsoul shuffled to take placement next to her “What is it now, what’s got your feathers in a bad ruffle?”
“Nothing, I’m fine.” “I’m sorry but you’re spewing utter bullocks.” The witch played with the inner skin of her lobes feigning pain from hearing selenes words.
“Why is it that you’ve always got a frown on your face, I’m sorry Selene but you’re just always so depressed, it’s gotten really bad.”
“It’s… I just- Really?” “Ask anyone, Selene snap out of it. Come back to being the sweet and lovable lene.”
“it’s not that simple,”
“Just try, for me. For all of us. We miss you.” She pulled the umber witch close to her side, arm twisted around the fragile shoulders of the witch.
The celebration continued way past the afternoon and into the evening the teachers set a certain time for students to get back to their dorms by inviting the headmaster and headmistress of the neighbouring schools for a tour and a delectable dinner.
Once gone, the students were able to mingle freely and introductions were given following gatherings of small groups to allow the unnecessary chatter about anything under the sun and moon, this would allow the basis of friendships to bloom and flourish.
She already declined around 5 offers from friends or random students from Ilvermorny to talk. This was the 6th now; an exasperated sigh left her lips.
“I just don’t want to talk, right now.” Selene abruptly stood, eyes wavering a little. The breath she took was stuck in her throat forcing a light cough. Scorpius who had offered they spend time with other students hadn’t realised what fell out of place between his cousin and best friend.
“Selene! This isn’t like you.” He called back the witch who had turned her back getting ready to step off the edge of the wooden table. She wanted to leave; her skin was trembling, itching to get away.
“Oh it isn’t? I realise that now.” The tingling frustration was very speedily climbing upon her entire body. The acrimony that was about to be spewed was evident in her palms turning into fists and her tongue spilling with sarcasm.
“What’s wrong?” Scorpius’s worry brought unwanted attention to the couple from around them.   “What happened lene?” Jinny and Olivia who had been with a few other students and the Ilvermorny pupils directed their attention -and everyone with them- towards Selene who was fuming now. At the wrong person too.
“Me, it’s all me! It’s all my fault, definitely not any of you purebloods so don’t worry your precious heads over it.”
“Did any of you have anything to do with this?” the blond boy spun on his feet, confusion taking over his expression. He asked the boys around him.
“I’ll make things easy for you Scorpius, none of them had anything to do with it. Especially not the noble Chenle Greengrass.” Selene sneered, her eyes flaming with bitterness.
“She’s officially gone deranged.” Jisung spoke looking up at Selene with a smirk plastered upon his face.
“I guess it runs in the family.” Chenle commented throwing fuel into the enraged flames.
“You know what?” the umber haired witch jumped down from her placement walking up to Chenle, she faced him seething with hatred. He had done it. She was beyond furious.
“I really fucking hate you.” The pure repugnance and hostility in the way she spat the words at him were clear for anyone and everyone to see. She despised his guts and if they had left her any longer with him standing there, she would have sent him straight to Madam Pompfrey’s wings. Seriously injured.
Selene was dragged out by her fellow classmates and house friends. Said girl was thrashing and violently tugging herself off their grasp. They barely got past the main doorway for the great hall.
“Selene that was way out of line!” Ravelle’s voice came out echoing in the immense entryway of the castle. The shrieking wails coming from the witch had calmed and all that was left was harsh breaths.
“I’m not going to be lectured by a slut who sleeps with more boys than I can count.” Selene was able to separate herself away from the girls around her, the umber locks trailing behind her as she ran out into the misty moonlight.
“Can I join you?”
Selene had been sitting at the edge of the stairs close to the entrance of the astronomy towers, she was silently letting the tears fall, past her face. It was cold Selene had no blanket with her she pulled her robes over the rest of her body letting her senses adjust.
“I mean, if I say no are you going to leave?” the emotion was thick in her voice letting her almost feel like breaking down right there right then, the male chuckled.
“It’s really late, you should go back.” He added sliding to sit at the edge of the stairs mimicking her posture, he stared out into the cold lifeless scenery. Not much was out there except for the low wooing of an owl and the howling wind harmonizing.
“Don’t want to, I hate it there.” Her lips visibly pouted slightly, earning another chuckle and roll of his eyes. “Want to talk about it?”
There, left a bleak silence that was suffocating for Selene. She sensed his pity and that was one thing she abhorred from anyone; she didn’t want anyone’s sympathy. It made her feel worse.
“I know you barely know me, and we haven’t introduced properly but…”
“-from what you’ve seen, am I- do I always have?” She took a deep breath before continuing. “I mean do I look depressed all the time?” not moving her eyes she kept a focus on a fickle of bushes down below near the main courtyard.
“You want the truth though?”
Selene thought for a couple of seconds she, did want the honest truth. No window dressing, no friendly white lies. “Yeah.”
“Then yes. It’s visible on your face.” The boy murmured he continued extending his answer, “But in my opinion, it’s mostly visible through your eyes.” Selene felt weak. Her body shaking slightly. She wasn’t sure if it was the cold or her feeling vulnerable.
“They’re so sorrowful; Crying out. Pleading to be saved.” He sensed her sensitivity and stopped. He could have continued ahead; the male was observing her the whole day. Not once had she smiled. Her eyes showed no optimism.
“Sorry, I never asked for your name. its so rude of me.” She sniffled drying her face after a long relentless minute of lull. He let her have the peace content with just sitting as equals next to one another. No competition. No looking down upon one another. He liked it; He appreciated it.
“It’s alright. Its Yangyang. Liu Yangyang.”
“Selene, Adams.” The witch finally turned to glance at him and introduce herself properly. The feature that grabbed her attention was his fervent eyes. Selene didn’t know what brown was when she saw the marbles glistening from the cool rays of the moon. They held the colour of soil after a coppice downfall. And the metallic warm of copper flakes sprinkled between depths.
“Your name, it’s after the goddess of the moon. Selene.” Selene glanced away, Yangyang seemed to know a great deal about astronomy and astral knowledge. She nodded confirming his words.
“Yeah my mother’s maternal family names everyone based on astral terms.” Shifting she let her feet slide off the edge and dangle downwards like his. He noticed the physical sign of acceptance.  
“The blacks?” once he uttered selenes family name she turned to face him, a surprise evident on her face, “You know of them?”  
“I’m familiar of their legacy. Its really their tradition. To name children after astral beings and stars. Afterall they were one of the most noble and ancient wizarding houses.” Yangyang spoke with a shimmer in his eyes. He really knew a lot about them. Selene felt uneasy.
“I’m not going until you go back. Who know what might be out here?” changing the subject again he glanced down across the fields of evergreen trees. “Hogwarts students are so very lucky; the scenery is so beautiful here. Even at night.”
“You don’t have forests?”
“Durmstrang is surrounded by marble snow mountains, we have hills but not of forests so green.” He quickly glanced back at Selene grinning before marvelling at the sight before him. It looked like something out of a panting.
“Must get really cold.” Selene smiled a little at his gaping expression.
 [12th October]
“I’m late for class, Yangyang.” Selene was trying to get out of the companionship of the noticeably older and whining boy.
“Why can’t we go down to the lake, the first task is there.” He groaned tugging at selenes robes. He slipped the books slyly off her hold grabbing them tightly. Watching Selene jump to collect them off him “And its in 3 days. What time is it?”
Stopping his antics he looked at the watch resting on his wrist making sure to cover the armlet set just above his left wrist. “10:01” he grinned at her giving most of her books back. “Fuck, I’m late.” She groaned. “Yangyang this is your fault.” Smirking he spoke back sharply “And I’ll make sure your professor knows that.” He held onto the heavy textbook leading her to the class she was heading to.
“Professor Flitwick won’t like it.”
As she got to the doorway of the class she was scheduled for, she bid the tall boy goodbye. “I’ll meet you in the great hall for lunch, alright?” taking her bulky textbooks off him.
“You two have gotten very close, as close as sea slugs, right?” lyra nudged Selene smiling when the latter rolled her eyes. “He asked me to take him on tours of the castle. I accepted that’s all.”
“Right, definitely.”
The class was going extremely boringly. As usual professor Flitwick was taking all the time in the world to explain how the accio charm works. Some students were in awe by the charm, but Selene -now almost asleep and yawning- found this to be first year level. Her and Scorpius had been using the summoning charm ever since they were eight.
It was getting close to the end of class, and Professor Flitwick was still explaining the theory, Selene was so tired from the lack of sleeping well she decided to set her head down, fluttering her eyes shut to rest. She had lost track of time in her slumber.
“Miss Adams! since you’re so intensively attentive in my important class would you like to demonstrate how the spell works by summoning the book on the top shelf?” the sudden call of her name had shocked her awake.
There were sounded whispers and smug chuckles, the words echoed ‘half-blood’, ‘No ability’. Ignoring the voices, Selene stood shuffling to the ready stance lifting her wand she pointed it at the object above. “Accio, book.”
The book sat vibrating for half a second then released itself off the shelf and was sent flying towards the grasp of selenes hand.
“Well, it seems you can summon well. Just do keep your eyes open and pay attention.”
Lyra gave her a wink and a cheeky grin. “Well done!” she whispered when the umber haired witch sat next to her smiling.
“What I’d do to be out there right now.” Selene wistfully wished, she glanced out the ancient stained glass of the class windows. The almond shape letting her catch a view of the lake and forbidden forest.
“Yeah with the good looking durmstrang boy.” Jinny hissed entering their conversation. She had made up with Selene a couple of days after the incident on the introductory celebration. Though the two were avoiding Ravelle who was recently getting on jinny’s nerves too.
“it’s not about that.”
“Oh sure it isn’t. Your mood has slightly gotten better. only because you’ve been hanging out with him.” Selene scoffed; the statement was comically taken by her.
“I think it’s gotten better because I haven’t seen Ravelle and the other croaking frogs she’s around, not because of Yangyang.”
“First name basis already? Selene has fallen!” lyra squealed as quietly as she could, “It just proves my point.” Said girl smirked, pushing the ashy brown locks away from her eyes.
“I’d be careful though.” Jinny added, Selene was about to but in and shut her up. “No, I mean it. Durmstrang teaches the dark arts, they’ve been known to have the darkest wizards and death eaters of all time.” Selene nodded but she didn’t really care for her warnings.
Like Scorpius, her own family came from death eaters and have been known to use dark magic. They were notorious for the handling and the casting of sorcery so dark it was illegal. I wasn’t unfamiliar to it.
“I’ll be fine, Jinsoul. You don’t need to baby me.” She lifted her books slipping them into her bag as she heard the professor signify the end of class.
She was the first to leave the class carelessly not caring to ask the professor, Jinsoul was quite shocked to say the least. Selene was acting strangely.
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nevernotwriting · 4 years
You, Me, and Yancy | Chapter 10: Of Prisoners and Men
Read me on AO3!
Previous chapter
“Come on, come on, pick up,” you grumbled, gritting your teeth as you paced back and forth along the grass. The line continued ringing until it was suddenly cut off by a deep, tired voice.
“… Zero?”
The anger running through your veins stilled the second you heard him.
“… Mark?”
There was a pause as Mark registered your voice. When he spoke again, he was choked with surprise.
“Is that really you?”
“Yeah. It’s me.”
“Oh my god, you have no idea how happy I am to hear from you!” His words were strained, making your throat clench. “How did you get out?!”
You forced your eyes to keep away from the prison gate. “I… I had some help. Listen, d’you think you could pick me up? There’s no one out here.”
“Yeah, yeah of course. I think the prison’s about twenty-five minutes from my place. Can you sit tight? I’ll be as fast as I can.”
“Sure.” You swallowed past the lump in your throat, quickly hanging up. Now that he was actually on his way, your anger and nerves were slowly returning. You took deep breaths in and out and sat down on the curb, wringing your hands together as you waited.
Sure enough, a pair of headlights approached from the distance just over twenty minutes later. You stood up carefully, one hand on your lower torso where you could feel your bandages coming loose after your chaotic escape. You pocketed your phone and the key as the car came to an abrupt stop, brakes squeaking on the tarmac. Mark jumped out, locking eyes with you. The relief you’d heard in his voice on the phone was matched with his expression as he strode towards you, and the ice surrounding your heart began to melt again.
You didn’t even manage a hello before he wound his arms around you, more conscious of your injury this time. He spoke softly into your ear.
“Are you all right?”
You nodded in his gentle hold. “Yeah, I’m all right.”
Mark withdrew his grasp, smiling at you. You briefly smiled back.
“Let’s get going then, before it gets too cold,” you said, hopping into the car. Mark followed you, getting into the driver’s seat. You leant back against the headrest as the prison disappeared in the side mirror. Your stomach swam with a myriad of unspoken words and mixed-up feelings, your head feeling the same. Not knowing quite what to say or do, you stayed silent.
That was until something occurred to you that made your head snap upright. “Ah, shit.”
Mark glanced away from the road. “What’s wrong?”
“My apartment keys. They’re in my desk drawer at HQ. And my car’s still there, damn it.”
There was silence for a few seconds as Mark pursed his lips in thought.
“It’s pretty late now. If you want, you can stay at my place and we can head to HQ tomorrow?”
Your face soured at the thought of having to face Shark, but you knew it had to be done. “Okay.”
“How’s your side?” Mark asked, looking down at your torso.
“It’s fine.”
Mark frowned. “You sure you’re okay?”
The remainder of the car journey was awkwardly quiet, leaving you plenty of time to stew in your thoughts. Words were brewing at your lips by the time you got to Mark’s place. He sensed your mood as he directed you into his spare room, where tension filtered into the air like thick fog.
“Bathroom’s down the hall on the right if you want a shower, there’s some bandages in the medicine cabinet too.”
Mark nodded with a small smile, leaving you to it.
You decided to take a shower first, hoping the steam and hot water would clear your head, but all it did was intensify your emotions as you stood under the stream like a statue. You stared at the floor as the water ran down your face and dripped from the edge of your nose, swirling down the drain. By the time you had finished and returned to the spare room, the bedding was made up for use and one of Mark’s shirts and a pair of joggers were folded on top of it. You scoffed stubbornly, not wanting to wear them but knowing it was better than the prison rags you’d been wearing for the past few days.
With fresh clothes on you made your way into the kitchen, following the faint smell of herbal tea. Mark was pouring hot water into two mugs as you came in. He smiled warmly at you as you entered, but you quickly averted your gaze to the floor.
“The pants don’t fit quite right,” you remarked, fiddling with the drawstring.
Mark chuckled as he slid a mug towards you across the counter top, taking a sip from his own. “Good thing they’re adjustable. You can keep ‘em if you want.”
You didn’t reply, busying yourself by cupping your hands around the hot drink. Steam rose from the surface. You stared as it danced around and disappeared over and over. Tension still bubbled inside you.
Mark put his mug down with a sharp clatter. You looked at him, biting the inside of your lip.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” he breathed, smiling and reaching a hand out towards you.
You took a step back from him. A look of hurt and concern immediately struck his face.
“What’s wrong?”
The tension finally reached your throat, making it clench yet again. Your question was quiet when it emerged, every word tinged with hurt.
“Were you even gonna come back for me?”
Mark stared at you in disbelief. “Wha-”
“If I hadn’t called, would you have come back for me?” The words were louder this time, tears filling your eyes. You blinked them back stubbornly.
“Of course! I was going to, I-”
“Then why didn’t you? I saw the security footage, Mark, you just wandered off and left me!” You scowled at him, anger and hurt filling every fibre of your being. Mark blinked at you, dropping his head to the floor with a gentle sigh.
“Look, I was gonna come back for you, I was working on a plan. But Shark really chewed me out for failing the heist, she’s been piling on assignments and I’ve barely slept cause I’ve been thinking about how to get you-”
You cut him off with an astonished noise somewhere between laughter and a gasp. “So Shark was willing to just cut me out?!”
“This has happened to rookies before, Zero! But I wasn’t gonna let it happen to you!” Mark retorted, desperation clear in his eyes.
“That doesn’t make it okay.” You shook your head at him, tears finally falling down your cheeks. “I’ll go in and get my stuff tomorrow, but… I might have to start looking at other options.”
Realisation dawned across Mark’s face. “If you talk to Shark, she’ll have you back. I don’t doubt it. Even after we failed the heist, she has to know the team wouldn’t be the same without you.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, trying to weigh up your options faster than your brain would allow. Words emerged before you had time to take them back.
“We didn’t fail the heist.”
Your eyes met Mark’s again. He frowned in confusion. “But the artefact-”
“I got it back, before I got out. It’s a skeleton key.”
Mark’s eyes lit up with a spark. “No way, I’ve heard of those before! This is incredible! We can use this, Shark has to let you back in after she sees you have it-”
He blinked. “What do you mean?”
“There’s no way I’m letting her have it, not after this. Besides, I know someone who deserves it more.”
Yet more confusion spread over his face. “Who?”
You took a deep breath, lowering your gaze and your voice along with it.
“There’s a prisoner at Happy Trails, his name is Yancy. He helped break me out, and he doesn’t deserve to be in there. I wanna do the same for him.”
You looked back up at Mark, heart hammering. Mark was staring at you blankly, lost in complete bewilderment as he tried to process your words.
“Right, so, let me get this straight,” he started, running a hand through his hair. “You wanna break some guy out of prison, who you’ve known for like three days, because… why, exactly?”
“He’s not just some guy!” You protested. “He was sweet, and I wouldn’t have made it out if it weren’t for him. And like I said, he doesn’t deserve to be in there. He really doesn’t.”
Mark scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Didn’t realise you had a thing for bad boys.”
“Hey, that’s not fair,” you snapped, pointing a finger at Mark. “You don’t know him. He’s not that bad.”
Mark gestured wildly, his eyes wide. “He’s a criminal!”
“And what are we, then?”
Mark stammered, summoning any words to get you to listen. “How do you know he’s not just using you to get out?”
You glared at him, clenching your jaw. “He’s not. He knows the way out.”
“Then don’t you think he’d get himself out if he wanted to?”
Your eyes lost their fire as Mark raised an eyebrow at you. You grumbled and shook your head, draining the last of your drink and stomping over to the sink.
“I have to at least try,” you mumbled, filling the mug with water and hoping the small action would distract from the lingering tension and heartache in the room.
Silence. Mark sighed gently, running a hand down his face. You glanced at the calendar pinned up on the fridge.
“He told me visitation is every third Sunday. That should be the day after tomorrow. I’m going to see him, whether you’re with me or not.”
There was another eternal pause, until Mark spoke once more. “Okay.”
You turned to him. He attempted a smile, glancing at the floor.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m with you. I don’t really get it, but… I’m with you.”
You stared at each other. There was a sincerity in his expression that sent a crack through your heart. You cleared your throat and nodded.
“Thanks.” The word fell cold and flat, only adding to the sombre atmosphere. You averted your gaze and trudged out of the kitchen, leaving Mark alone.
“Hey Zero?” He called.
You turned back around, standing in the doorway. He leaned against the counter top with his hands entwined, looking at the floor again.
“I’m guessing cause of this, you… won’t have time for our date this weekend?”
Your heart sank as he dared a glance up at you. He looked exhausted. You sighed, shaking your head.
“Sorry, Mark. I just don’t think now’s a good time.”
Mark nodded, pressing his lips into a thin line. “No, yeah, I understand. Sleep well. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah... see you tomorrow.”
 There were no words exchanged between you and Mark the next morning on your way to HQ, only stolen glances and tired sighs. You thanked him for the ride as you came to a stop, jumping out of the car before the awkward atmosphere consumed you. Mark called out of his window just before you disappeared inside.
“Hey, let me know how it goes tomorrow, yeah? Call me if you need help.”
You stopped and gave him a nod, still confused as to why he was so willing to help you. The crunch of gravel under tyres sounded as you entered the building.
You wasted no time in striding to your desk, retrieving your keys and pocketing them. When you turned around, two familiar figures were watching you from close by, making you stop in your tracks.
Shrike and Gareth were stood together, staring at you in amazement. You sighed as you sauntered over to them, thinking you’d be able to slip in and out easily on a Saturday. Apparently not.
Shrike was the first to speak. “Heard you got shot.”
You nodded. “Yep.”
Gareth scoffed. “No way. You were just using any excuse to spend more time with Mark, rookies don’t make it back after getting shot.”
Anger and impatience bubbled inside you. “Guess I’m not a rookie anymore then.”
Shrike laughed, raising her eyebrows. “Relax, he’s just teasing. You get yourself out of prison?”
You sighed and rolled your eyes. You didn’t have time for this.
“No, a magical fairy broke me out.”
Shrike looked taken aback. “Jeez, what crawled up your butt and died?”
“Look, I only came in for my keys. I’m going back home. You can tell Shark I’ll be back in on Monday… probably.”
“Woah, hold on,” Gareth began, taking a step closer to you with an amused smile. “First you fail the heist, then you get yourself stuck in prison, and now you show up just to say you might not be coming back? You’ve got some nerve, kid.”
“Unless you think this,” you lifted your shirt, revealing the layers of bandage still wrapped around you, “means I’m in a fit state to stick around and explain myself to everyone who’s in today, then I’ll be going home.”
Shrike and Gareth stared at your bandage, eyes widening. Gareth took a step back, muttering an apology under his breath.
“Shit. Well…” Shrike spoke for the two of them, concern filling her eyes possibly for the first time ever. “Look after yourself, Zero. I’ll give Shark the low-down.”
“Thank you.”
“See you Monday, kiddo?” Gareth asked.
“Sure, whatever.”
 You breathed a sigh of relief as you walked back into your apartment. It felt like you’d been gone for an eternity, but in reality, it was only a few days, and everything was just as you’d left it. The clock still ticked gently on the mantlepiece. The fridge was still humming. The tap in the bathroom still dripped every few minutes from when you’d not turned it off tight enough. You turned it now, looking at your reflection in the mirror.
Your eyes were heavily hooded, with slight bags underneath them. A withered smile appeared on your face as you tried to lighten your mood, but you couldn’t fool yourself. You looked exactly how you felt; drained.
Realising you were still wearing Mark’s borrowed clothes, you wrestled out of them and jumped in the shower, allowing the water to clear your head so you could hatch a plan for your visit to Yancy.
Next chapter
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babybadger · 4 years
Trent looking after drunk you
You were known to love a glass of wine or ten when you went out with your friends. Trent knew you’d come home a little tipsy after going for dinner and drinks with uni friends but he decided to go to bed as he had training in the morning. Two hours later he realised those hours of sleep were a good idea after you came through the door, there was no way he was sleeping now.
He heard the beep of his alarm as the front gate was open and rubbed his eyes before going to the hallway window to see you stumbling down the driveway to the front door. He gave a gentle chuckle to himself as he watched you slightly sway side to side as you struggled to balance. It was like the keys in your hand were allergic to the key hole, they just wouldn’t go in. You were trying desperately to focus your mind on getting the key to go in but your head was spinning and you nearly screamed when the door was opened.
Although it was opened by your own efforts, it was your smiling boy on the other side that opened it. “Gonna need a new door after your done battering it with your key.” He laughs at you as you just giggle and step in the door, your arms immidiately going round him in a hug. You might’ve been wine drunk but Trent knew how affectionate you were when you were drunk. “C’mon lets get this jacket and heels off and then we can hug baby.” he says quietly.
The hallway and stairs were only lit from one lit on the top landing, where Trent had looked out the window at you. You let Trent take over the straps on your heels as your mind just wasn’t there enough to undo them. He pulls you to your now bare feet and removed your light jacket so it was just your sequin dress left. “Trentttttt” you drag out, “it’s cold” you say in a baby voice and he just laughs picking up your heels, jacket and purse to take upstairs. “I know gorgeous, let’s go get you tucked in all warm and that.” his accent was so thick it was making your head spin.
Entering your bedroom you immidiately look in the mirror on your makeup table. “Nooooo Trent look at my face, need to fix this” you say looking at your makeup as if your about to go out again and not just in the house at 3am. After a whole conversation Trent convinces you to just take it off and he’ll give you ten minutes cuddles. He knew you were going to cuddle him anyways so it wasn’t worth negotiating with you. He lays a shirt out for you at the bottom of your bed and you drop your dress and bra on the ground straight away. In any other circumstances, Trent would have pulled you in tight then and there and the night would have been long, but he wouldn’t take advantage of you in this state.
“C’mere baby, lie down. Shhhhh babe no one is here, that was me” He giggles when you start shouting about their being a robber because your heels aren’t on your feet. Trent continues to chuckles to himself as you pout and say tell him continuously that it isn’t funny. Getting into bed, you put both arms out to Trent and he pulls you in for a cuddle. “Think your the best boyfriend ever, even better than Kanye West to Kim Kardashian and he bought her a car when they weren’t even official and then on their fourth date...” Trent listens to you rant about the Kardashians until he just kisses you and tells you that you need to sleep.
If even possible, you cuddle into him further and place your head on his chest and one leg over his body to feel his body heat. “Sorry I’m a little drunk” you giggle after a massive hiccup breaks the dark bedrooms silence. You both laugh as you hiccup away until you eventually fall asleep, mouth wide open slightly dribbling as the alcohol runs your system. Trent just smiles and leans over turning of the bedside light and the switch for the hall light. He leaves a gentle kiss on your head and closes his eyes.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Hc! Theres days where Spy's scars itch. Hes uncomfortable on battle because of this. It isnt an itch you can scratch away, not really, the scar tissue is dense and he can get to she skin underneath it. Snipers job is to observe, so he notices how Spy squirms under his suit trying to make that itch dissapear, but its in vain. Sniper approaches his morethanfriend to see whats the matter. Spy is reluctant at first but he opens up to Snipes. Later dat day Snipes rubs some sorta thing on the scars.🐑
Alright, here we go, I hope you’ll like it :D
The Frenchman sighed and mumbled something in French to himself. It was summer and the habit of wearing a suit was less practical now, especially when topped with a mask. He was sweating beneath his attire… 
Him and his teams were in the respawn room and the battle was about to start. As the Administrator delicately sung the countdown, he lit a cigarette to take his mind off of what was truly bothering him. 
The gates flashed open and he watched his colleagues pour out of the room and into the battlefield. Spy cloaked and exited the room soon after.  He ran unnoticed, passing his colleagues and soon breaching enemy lines. 
He saw the Engineer setting up and upgrading a sentry in the back. He seemed alone and thank God, the nuisance that the enemy Pyro was was nowhere to be seen around the short man. That was his chance. Spy disguised as the fire spreading specialist and put a hand in his inner pocket. 
"Hey Pyro, need some ammo, pardner?" 
Spy hissed and shook his shoulder. 
Ah merde, not now…!
The Engineer realised something was fishy with the way that his friend was holding his flamethrower. He raised his wrench and struck. Spy's disguised vanished. 
The sentry rotated and the Frenchman felt like a rabbit flashed by a car light moments before impact. He knew he was done for. 
Respawn was never pleasant. Not only did it leave a bit of a weird feeling, like a bitter aftertaste of death that your body somehow clings onto, but it also rhymes with defeat. Die and retry, as they say. 
The Frenchman lit a new cigarette and puffed on it aggressively. He was frowning and clenching his jaw. His annoyance was written all over his body and face. 
"Y'alright, pal?" 
Scout had respawned and put a hand on his colleague's shoulder. Spy shot him a murderous glance and wiggled his shoulder away from his hand. 
"Jeez, alright…!" 
The young man made sure his scattergun was reloaded and left the spawn room. Spy waited to see the distance between himself and Scout was large enough that he could tolerate it, and then exited himself. 
Part of his job was not to bump anyone and that day, he made it a point to stand away from everyone, friends or foes. The heat tired him and his failure at sapping a lonely sentry, barely defended, made his mood bitter. 
-- Evening, at the base -- 
"Putain de merde…" 
[Bloddy hell…]
The Frenchman was alone in his room. He had just exited the shower, wearing only a white tanktop and his pyjama trousers. He was standing in his bathroom, facing his mirror, an empty small cream box in his hands. 
What had been bothering him the entire day was the itch. 
He was used to it now. Whenever it was too hot or he sweated, one of his scars, the one on his right shoulder, would trouble him. It was a deep burn mark and the skin had healed up but the new skin wasn't as good as the "normal" one. It looked more transparent and felt different to the touch. But the most annoying thing is that that patch of skin was unable to deal with heat properly. Not only did it hurt when exposed to the sun - the same way a fresh burn would, only less strongly - but it could not possibly sweat or rather, humidity would form underneath a very thin layer of skin. It itched but couldn't be scratched away. 
Spy had been used to it. Whenever it bothered him, he would get a bit of cream there, to hydrate it and cool it down. He tossed the empty cream pot to the bin and got a new one. He opened it and took some of it on his fingers. Raising his eyes, he looked at himself on the mirror. 
The burn mark was large. He could see it when facing the mirror and he knew it spread back on his shoulder blade. Spy was about to put the cream on it when a knock on the door cut him. 
"Go to hell." 
He answered loud enough for whoever was standing there to hear him. 
"Well, I'm standing at its door apparently!" 
The Frenchman recognised that voice and the slight accent. 
He thought. Part of him was annoyed at the interruption. But it was only part of him. He put the cream pot back on the sink and slipped his mask and a dressing gown on. The Frenchman went to the door and opened it. 
"Bushman, how may I help?" 
Obviously, Spy was being sarcastic. 
"I was goin' to ask you the same, now, d'you mind…?" 
The Frenchman rolled his eyes and let his colleague in. The Australian entered and removed his hat. 
"Am I interruptin' somethin'? Do you want me to give you a minute?" 
Sniper was hinting at the fact that the masked man was in his pyjamas quite early.
"Non. It is fine. Just tell me what you want, I have very little patience for games tonight." He coldly answered. 
"Roight, let's sit and have one of your cigs." 
Both men took a seat on the sofa and Spy lit two cigarettes. 
"So, are you going to finally tell me what is it you seek with me?" The Frenchman sounded impatient and mildly annoyed. 
"It's how you behaved today." 
Silence fell for an instant. One of those awkward ones. 
"What about it?" Spy feigned innocence though he very well knew what Sniper was getting at. 
"I've watched you and you didn't seem normal. Also, you didn't sap the sentries as nicely as you usually do. And you got caught a lot more."
"And?" The impatience and boiling rage were very clearly visible on the Frenchman's face.
"And I want to help." 
Spy's eyebrows jumped. He had expected Sniper to tell him that he had been very bad at his job and asking him why. But non. 
"You want… to help?" He repeated. 
"Yeah. What's wrong with you? I've seen you actin' awfully weird, shaking your shoulder every other second as if you had something on it. I'm guessing something's on yer mind." 
The Frenchman's lips pursed up to a faint smile. 
"And you are wrong. Nothing is on my mind. And yes, I have been spectacularly mediocre today. Thank you for noticing."
"Spy, you don't have to take it that way-"
"Oh but I am."
"Spy, look-"
"Are you done?" The Frenchman dryly cut him.
Sniper didn't want to leave. He knew how stubborn and hard-hearted his colleague could be. But he said he would help and he would. He didn't go away from the comfort of his van for nothing. If confronting the masked man didn't work, maybe something else would. 
Sniper raised his hand and about to put it on Spy's right shoulder but the Frenchman slithered away even before the Australian could touch him. 
"Hey… It's only me." 
Spy raised his eyes and saw his friend's earnest face. He sighed.
"Fine. Here is what has been bothering me. But Sniper, one word of this to anyone else and I will make sure it is your last." Spy raised a threatening index finger. 
Sniper smiled softly. 
"Y'know me. I don't talk." 
Spy nodded. It was the force of habit… He put a hand on his dressing gown and pulled it down from his shoulder, revealing the burn mark. 
"Oh, Christ…" 
"I stopped invoking his help a long time ago…" Spy sarcastically answered. 
"Did you see the Doc' for it? Does it hurt a lot?" 
"Medic knows about it but there isn't much him or anyone else can do. I just live with it."
"When did you get it?" 
"A long time ago. I'm used to it. It's just when the temperature gets a bit too high, it itches in an unbearable way. I can't scratch it away." 
"Is there anything you can do to make it itch less?"
"There is a cream that I put. It's not a miracle solution but it lessens the itch and the burning sensation. I was about to put some before you came in." 
"Oh sorry mate, go and do it, I don't want to bother you." 
"Give me an instant." 
The Frenchman disappeared to the bathroom and re-appeared soon after with the small cream jar in his hand. He put the cigarette between his lips and removed the dressing gown before sitting down. Sniper couldn't help but stare. Spy was lean, maybe even a bit slim. His fair skin was beautiful.
"I can help you if you want." 
Spy raised an eyebrow. 
"I mean, surely you can't reach the rest behind your back…?" 
"Why, thank you. I think I will manage." 
Sniper watched as his friend spread the cream on his shoulder. He massaged slowly, avoiding the tanktop. He hissed now and then, while the Australian tried to imagine how it could feel, the pain, the itch. He also wanted to feel that odd-looking skin below his fingers. But it hurt him. As if Spy wasn't cold-hearted enough, his own body worked to make him more bitter… 
"Spy, you're clearly strugglin'..." 
"Non, I'm not!" The Frenchman was irritated. 
Their eyes met. 
"Let me try." 
Sniper extended his hand and offered his palm. 
Spy put the cream pot on it. 
"Makes you very angry this itch, eh?" 
"You cannot imagine how annoying it is." 
"Turn yer back." 
Spy's eyebrow twitched. 
"Nothin' to fear, I'm not the backstabber here…!" 
The Frenchman rolled his eyes and turned. 
"Now, remove yer top." 
"It's only her back! And it'll make it actually easier! Can't put the cream where your top is, now can I?" 
Spy grumbled but obliged and Sniper was now facing the Frenchman's back. It looked like a abstract canvas of scars. Bullet marks, burn marks, cuts… He couldn't see it but the masked man was ashamed. He knew his body was bruised, awfully so. But Sniper's body was too, albeit differently. The man had fought more animals than men so he had more bites and claw marks than bullets or knife cuts.
"Don't hold your shoulders up like that, breathe and relax." 
"Had I been behind your back, you would react the same way, Bushman."
"Fair, but I'm not you. I don't kill from people's back." He spread the cream on the Frenchman's shoulder blade, trying to not push his hand too hard. 
"Non, you shoot them for far away." 
"A kill as clean as yours." 
"Correct. But my job is high risk for a high reward. Yours is more… safe."
"What?! No it's not! Do you know how much I'm bullied by the other bastard of a Spook?!" 
Spy chuckled. 
"Does that mean I am a bastard too?" 
Sniper's eyes raised to Spy's back of his head. The Frenchman turned his head slightly, waiting for his friend to answer. Each second of silence weighed more than the previous one. 
"Nah, no, you're not." 
"What am I then? I, too, am a Spook." 
"Oh yeah you are, no doubt about that… Nah, you're a Spook, but uh… You're fine." 
Sniper chuckled nervously. 
"Y-you know what I mean…" 
The Australian had covered all the scar with the cream now. He put the lid back on the pot and closed it. 
"Do I?" Spy insisted with a smirk. 
The Australian smiled. 
"Yeah you do. You aren't stupid." 
Sniper was facing Spy's naked back. The Frenchman's shoulders were relaxed and he appreciated the breath of his friend on it. It helped cooling it down. The Australian handed the cream back to the Frenchman, from behind. 
Spy took the cream and Sniper's eyebrows jumped when he realised that he had also grabbed his hand and pulled on it. 
"I wouldn't have opened my door to anyone else." Spy said.
"I… Thanks." 
The Frenchman pulled on his friend's hand more and he felt Sniper's weight shift on the sofa, closer. 
"Non, thank you. I know I can be in a particularly foul mood sometimes. And I make myself hard to approach. Yet you remain." 
Sniper smiled and laced his arm around his friend's torso and pulled him in closer. Spy closed his eyes went Sniper's hug hit inside him. The Australian was hugging him from behind, resting his chin on his left shoulder. 
"Y-yeah. I don't know, I just think that… I mean sometimes you're a bit angry or sad. But you just need someone to be there for ya." 
Spy melted in his friend's arms. He felt the Australian's fingers lace between his. 
"I might sometimes." 
"Nah, you do, really." 
"What makes you say that?" Spy asked. 
"I can't see your face but I'm sure you're…"
"I'm enjoying this more than I can say, oui."
Spy turned his head to look his friend in his eyes. Sniper's pupils were wide and his smile, dreamy. The Frenchman's smiled widened as he pushed his cheek against the Australian's. 
"You should shave those sideburns off."
"In yer dreams. Also, why should I do that?"
"They sting me even through my mask." 
"Remove it and it will sting not through it then!" 
Spy turned his head again to look at his friend. 
"Well, I had to try…!" Sniper said.
"What makes you think that it is just a try?" 
Sniper got confused but saw his friend's hand rise from his lap and his fingers settle around his neck, at the base of his balaclava. 
The Australian never forgot that night.
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thatrosewoodwriter · 4 years
Home Sweet Home
『 When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful. 』
Lottie stared at the walls of her dorm room alone. She slowly approached her bed, seating herself and holding Mr Truffles. As she looked into his big eyes, she smiled softly, stroking his head with her thumb. Reluctantly, she placed him back on her bed and knelt on the floor, sliding her suitcase out from underneath the metal bed frame. Her fingers felt numb as she unzipped the pink suitcase. She stood and mindlessly walked to her neatly folded pile of clothes sitting on her chair. Gently packing her clothes and belongings away in her suitcase, she gently placed her graduation cap that donned her head only a few hours ago on top, followed by her graduation certificate. Zipping up her luggage, she glanced at her bare walls. She did it. She graduated from Rosewood Hall.
『 Every hour we spent together lives within my heart. 』
Jamie was... sad, to day the least. He didn’t plan on coming to Rosewood Hall at all. In fact, he was forced to, but over the course of his time there, he grew to love his time there despite how chaotic it was. He sat on top of his perfectly packed suitcase and reached into his backpack to take the class photo in a white frame out from earlier that day. He noted the signatures of his friends and smiled at their trademark smiles in the image. He thought about when he first had Percy join him in a dorm. He thought about his first time meeting Lottie and how wrong that went. He thought about the princess lessons and combat training. He thought about how much Lottie had grown throughout the years. He thought about the absolute madness of Leviathan. He thought about Takeshin Gakuo and he knew deep down, he’d miss this.
『 And when she was sad, I was there to dry her tears. 』
Ellie noticed the barren side of the dorm before anything else. The bed was bare, the walls were empty and the only thing left was to pack up her things, leaving the next residents of the dorm to redecorate and create a new beginning. Neatly packing her belongings, a rare occurrence, she lay atop her bed. Going into the bathroom, she smiled at a tube of black hair dye and pack of plastic gloves. A battle went through her mind as she frowned at the two items. Turning away, she decided on leaving them there for the next students living there. Black hair dye was certainly a powerful friendship sealer. As she opened the door to leave, she noticed two girls, polar opposites, walking side by side to the dorm room she had stayed in for years. She overheard bickering and laughed to herself, smiling at them as she walked past. She’d started a legacy.
『 And when she was happy, so was I; when she loved me. 』
Anastacia slid on her Rosewood Lancers jacket along with her sunglasses. She took one last glance at her dorm room, blowing a kiss goodbye before exiting. Dragging her suitcase behind her, she left it in the Conch lobby. The day was perfect. She glanced down at the ring on her finger, squinting at the speck of blood on the gem. Her mind was taken back to how she felt when Saskia left her and the whole battle at Tompkins Manor. Negative feelings swelled inside her until she felt her phone buzz. Begrudgingly taking it out, she arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow at a message from their friends at Takeshin. Opening the message, a sweet smile spread across her lips as she took in the image of Sayuri, Miko, Rio and Wei at their graduation. She’d lived a life and she wasn’t even half way there.
『 Through the summer and the fall, we had each other, that was all. 』
Saskia stared at the image of Sayuri with a bright smile on her face, something she never really got to see. She thought about how surprised they were to discover that the group they hung out with in Japan turned out to be this bad ass biker gang wreaking havoc in the city. Quickly, Saskia sent the four international graduates a photo of their group graduating. An onslaught of congratulations from everyone followed. Memories were shared and tears were shed that day. The curly-haired girl realised there would be a significant decline in interaction after leaving campus. The reality dawned on her that they were all going to have to become adults. No more breaking curfew. No more school trips. No more competitive houses. No more dorms. No more seeing friends daily; and she wasn’t sure how to feel.
『 Just she and I together like it was meant to be. 』
Micky had been inside his dorm saying goodbye and hugging everything he would be leaving behind, thanking each and every one profusely. As he was clearing the shelves of photos, he looked at a photo of everyone with Banshee. He and Lola stood side by side, smiling like there was nothing to worry about when the world was crumbling around them. He spoke to everyone in the photo as if they could hear him. He listed everything he liked about them from their hair to their smile to their fashion style. When he finished, he turned to a photo with the rest of the group inside. He grinned at the sight of Percy and the flood gates of compliments opened. After finishing, he knew he had to tell everyone what he’d said in person.
『 And when she was lonely, I was there to comfort her, and I knew that she loved me. 』
Binah had delicately packed all the books that resided in her dorm away in a Tetris-like manner as well as bubble wrapped each individual book. Briefly checking her phone for the never ending abyss of nostalgia. She giggled as she typed the story of how she and some others broke into Rosewood Hall while the rest were in Japan. Taking out her sticky notes, she wrote some riddles about the school’s secrets for the next student living in the space to solve on their new journey. She made it her mission to find out where everyone would be living after leaving behind the most eventful part of their lives so she could send gifts and letters. There was only one thing left to do that day and she knew it’d be the best part of their day.
『 So the years went by, I stayed the same, but she began to drift away. I was left alone. 』
Raphael had always had the feeling that he was left out of all the action. He hadn’t gone to Tompkins Manor, he hadn’t gone to Takeshin either. Taking the Polaroid pictures off the walls, he looked at every one of them. Some were from the Maravish Summer Ball, one was from the pool party over Christmas, Binah had taken one of him giving Valentines roses to himself. He burst out in laughter as he saw all the Halloween photos. Jamie had taken it seriously, meanwhile Raphael went all out. Finally, he finished packing and grimaced at the stains on the wall from blu tack. He dumped his luggage in the lobby by Anastacia’s and quickly sprinted out the doors, breaking the no running rule. Catching the eye of Jamie, he sprinted into his arms.
“Raphael, wait, no, I’ve got coffee-”
『 Still, I waited for the day when she’d say “I will always love you”. 』
Lola had made sure she had enough sweets to last her the trip home. She had packed away her graduation cap to paint later like she’d seen so many others do beforehand and her Instagram was flooded with likes and comments of congratulations on graduating. She opened a Chupa Chup with no difficulty from practice over the years and stuck it in her mouth. She absorbed the empty room and was brought back to the moment she entered so many years ago. She reluctantly stepped back and turned the light off one last time. Lugging her suitcase behind her, she left the premises of her dorm, heading out into the courtyard.
『 Lonely and forgotten, never thought she’d look my way. 』
Percy had cleaned more than he needed to. As he was packing away his things, tears spilled from his dark eyes. The floorboards subtly stained, but the remnants of his melancholic moment temporary. He cleared away all the recyclable materials that decorated his room, stopping on a newspaper that showed an image of himself and Emilia. Leviathan. He scrunched it up as he pursed his lips and chucked it in the large garbage bag beside him. There was no time to think about them right now. He crammed his clothes and belongings into his suitcase with little delicacy. He was ready to leave behind this chapter of his life.
『 And she smiled at me and held me just like she used to do. 』
Liliana Mayfutt’s study had never been filled with such bittersweet energy. Everyone sat in a circle, reminiscing on their high school memories. Playful jabs at each other were thrown, insults were made, a wave of embarrassment crashed on everyone at some point in their final moment together as teenagers. Percy laced his fingers through Micky’s hair gently and smiled at the matching wolf pendants hanging around Lottie, Ellie and Jamie’s necks. The gemstones glinted in unison, glaring in the eyes of starers. Saskia twisted Anastacia’s ring nervously and everyone’s hearts pounded. What was next for them?
『 Like she loved me. When she loved me... 』
Everyone was focused on their phones as they travelled to home away from home. Flipping through their respective year books, the group continued to buzz with old stories and mocking statements. Their cheeks hurt from smiling, their eyes were puffy from crying and their voices were hoarse from talking. Anxiety filled everyone the further they were from Rosewood Hall and hearts raced in a silent chorus of anticipation. They had a new goal in mind, and this time, Leviathan wasn’t going to stop them.
『 When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful. 』
Sayuri sipped her bubble tea in silence as she sat crossed legged in an egg chair. Her eyes followed the Koi fish in the pond as they glided through the water, similar to how she and her friends raced through the streets of Japan atop revving engines and protected by helmets. Effortless. Since their high school days, they’d grown significantly. Miko grew her hair out to her shoulders, maintaining it in soft waves and the periwinkle colour as vibrant as ever. Rio was still as bright as the sun and captured everyone’s attention, meanwhile Wei continued to be his bookish self, the Chinese male equivalent of Binah. They couldn’t wait to meet with their English counterparts.
『 Every hour we spent together lives within my heart. 』
Rosewood Hall was filled to the brim with positive energy. A squad of 26-year-olds roamed the grounds. Professor Devine smiled at the familiar yet new faces of her former students. Dame Bolter threw Ellie and Anastacia foils and smirked as they got into position, sparring on the spot. The two hadn’t lost their skills, in fact, Dame Bolter might have been bold enough to say they’d improved. The development of the graduates was refreshing for every teacher as they witnessed the group pass by, talking like they were a decade younger. Banshee followed eagerly, soaking in the enthusiasm of their friends like sponges, following them down underground to the founder’s study. Percy looked at the gold band on his ring finger and locked his pinky with his fiancee’s. The group smiled and the scholars shared a grin. Home sweet home.
『 When she loved me... 』
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