#and my sons Gokotai and Namazuo
kon-konk · 1 year
Holy fuck, I actually did reach 100,000 points before the end of the event. And I did it before the last day.
Welcome home, Jikkyu Mitsutada.
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konnosukedaily · 7 years
Sword Nicknames
When I first joined the fandom, I had trouble remembering all the names of the swords, so I gave them funny nicknames based on certain traits/memes I knew about them. Of course, I now know all of their names, but I still enjoy these nicknames my friends and I made for them.  Munejesus - Mikazuki Munechika Soggy paper towel - Kogitsunemaru Priest bitch - Ishikirimaru lil Macaroon - Iwatooshi Ghost tantou - Imanotsurugi Seaweed hair bitch - Nikkari Aoe Fox boi with screm fox demon - Nakigitsune Aqua hair bitch - Ichigo Hitofuri Nama the horseshit thrower - Namazuo Toushirou “I drink to remember but I always forget” - Honebami Toushirou Legout, Armin’s evil twin - Hirano Toushirou Lil soldier boi - Atsushi Toushirou Armin Arlert but in a better story like deserves to be - Maeda Toushirou Cotton candy cannibal tantou, or “The tantou” (feed it to the tantou!) - Akita Toushirou Salesman tantou - Hakata Toushirou Fabulous scary badass son - Midare Toushirou (I’m so tired of people calling him a goddamn trap. He’s just a boy who wants to wear nice clothes goddamn it. Don’t shame him for that.) Tiger tantou - Gokotai Original short shorts boi, or tired doctor - Yagen Toushirou Me on weekdays - Akashi Kuniyuki Irony sword - Hotarumaru 6th grader fuckboy - Aizen Kunitoshi Purple bara man who looks like he’s a great father - Tonbokiri Kitchen bitch - Shokudaikiri Mitsutada  Kuudere big brother - Kousetsu Samonji Flamingo bitch - Souza Samonji Crayon bitch, squirrel bitch, or “rEVeNg” - Sayo Samonji My fucking King *sobbing in the bg* - Kashuu Kiyomitsu Yandere blueberry bitch - Yamatonokami Yasusada Underappreciated™ - Kasen Kanesada Shonen anime main character - Izuminokami Kanesada  Puppy sword - Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Blanket Burrito - Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Buddha but loud and has muscles - Yamabushi Kunihiro Scary ass bitch who screams “kAnE-SAn” every five minutes - Horikawa Kunihiro Salty ass bitch with nice hair - Hachisuka Kotetsu legit fucking sunshine my dude - Urashima Kotetsu Tired shinsengumi father who is always forgotten by the fandom - Nagasone Kotetsu Emo teenager - Ookurikara Saniwa bitch - Heshikiri Hasebe Irony No. 2 - Shishiou Emo teenager that grew up and everyone found out it apparently wasn’t a stage - Doudanuki Masakuni sUrPRisE!!1!11!11!1 - Tusurmaru Kuninaga Tarotatree - Taroutachi Walking flowerpot - Jiroutachi Drunk Spear Father - Nihongou The man who should be running a bicycle shop with his little brother in an entirely different anime - Otegine
lmao all of this came from me watching Hanamaru’s first season and roleplaying as swords I liked when I first got into the fandom. Now I’ve sunken deep into this hell and there’s no fucking escape lmao - Mod Sakura tree
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tourandanshi · 8 years
Hirano Toushirou
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平野藤四郎といいます。明治の帝に献上されたこともあるんですよ。 実戦より、警護やお付きだったことのほうが多いんですが、お供なら任せてください。どこまででもご一緒しますから!
My name is Hirano Toushirou. I was once presented to even the Meiji Emperor. As a sword, I've been an attendant and safeguard more so than in battle, but if it's accompaniment you're after then please leave it to me. I shall be by your side no matter where you go!
My name is Hirano Toushirou! Please leave the attendant work to me.
Hirano Toushirou was forged by Awataguchi Yoshimitsu (粟田口吉光) in 1259 CE with a 30.1 cm blade and an inscription which reads 吉光(Yoshimitsu). The Awataguchi school is famous for its big production of tantous which include: Maeda Toushirou, Honebami Toushirou, Atsushi Toushirou, Akita Toushirou, Gokotai, Hakata Toushirou, Gotou Toushiro, Midare Toushirou, Shinano Toushirou, Yagen Toushirou; and a few other famous sword like Ichigo Hitofuri, Nakigitsune and Namazuo Toushirou.
Kimura Shigekore (a vassal of the Toyotomi family and served him at the Battle of Yamazaki (1582) and in the Odawara Campaign against the Hôjô (1590). He became an associate of Toyotomi Hidetsugu and committed suicide* after the latter's downfall in 1595), once bought the tantou from the very rich merchant Hirano Dousetsu (or Michiyuki which was Awataguchi Yoshimitsu's alias) and presented it to Hideyoshi.
Then it later went to Maeda Toshinaga, however, Hirano Toushirou's ownership didn't last long with Maeda Toshinaga as he decided to serve the Tokugawa clan instead of sticking to the Toyotomi clan.
He then presented Hirano Toushirou to then Tokugawa shogun, Tokugawa Hidetada.
In year 1598, Tokugawa Hidetada had taken a liking to Maeda Toshiie's son, Maeda Toshitsune (前田利常) when he visited the 6 year old Maeda Toshitsune at Moriyama Castle. During that visit, he gave Maeda Toshitsune a Daishou (大小)**, the longer one being Azai Ichimonji and the shorter one was Hirano Toushirou.
Since then, Hirano Toushirou remained with the Maeda clan until Year 1882 when Maeda donated this sword to the imperial family and has been an Imperial Treasure ever since, alongside Ichigo Hitofuri, Tsurumaru Kuninaga and Uguisumaru.
It's safe to assume that the reason he resembled Maeda Toushirou so much is due to the fact that they were forged in the same year by the same smith and used to belong to the same family.
Also as Maeda claims, he and Hirano has mostly been used as a bodyguard in women’s bedrooms.
He is currently kept at the Museum of the Imperial Collections (Sannomaru Museum), Tokyo and is not on public viewing, since he is part of the Imperial Collection there is no saying if he will ever be put on display.
After his Kiwame Training he becomes even more focused on his Saniwa, the new description reads:
I am the Hirano Toushirou who went back to Edo and returned from Kaga. Surprisingly large personality but still a tantou in the end. Please let me be by your side.                            
With this new strength, I will serve you...even to the depths of Hell.
His lines also seem more mature, where before he was just eager to help his saniwa out he now seem more formal and takes pride in being seen as strong.
His normal lines are: ”I will serve you to the ends of the Earth.” | “What shall I do? Shall I prepare some tea?” | “The circumstances between bodyguarding and actual combat really are different...!”
After his Kiwame Training he becomes more of a security guard than just a defense dagger: ”There are no oversights in the security. Please be at ease.” | “Odd jobs and whatnot are no problem. I will be content as long as I can be useful.” | “My apologies, for making you worry...I'll aim to return as soon as possible.” | “There shall be no mercy!”
His line when destroyed changes too, his normal line is: ”This is troubling... I had said... I would accompany you to the ends of the Earth, but...”
Where he seem more regretfull that he couldn’t fulfil his promise, while after the Kiwame Training he says: “My most...humble apologies. I'm going first and will be waiting. So Master, please take your time in coming...”
He just accept his destroying but plan to serve his master through the spirit world when their time will come.
*Kimura Shigekore was one of the victims of the Toyotomi Hidetsugu Incident. He died on the same day as Hidetsugu when Toyotomi Hideyoshi ordered Hidetsugu's servants, retainers and family to commit seppuku.
**A term used to refer matching pair of swords. Usually Samurai would have 2 swords with them, the longer one being the Daitou (大刀), the shorter one would be the Shoutou (小刀). Usually the long one would be an Uchigatana or Tachi and the shorter one would be a Wakizashi or a Tantou. These 2 swords have the same Koshirae (拵, sheath) or either that the same fittings/accessories on the swords. The longer sword is used more often in battle whereas the shorter sword is used for self defence or short-range attacks.
Tantō - 🌸 Low Rarity - #31
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yukinamika · 7 years
Dusk had fallen a while ago and the air had started to cool down as the heat of the sun disappeared when day turned into night.
Nimble foot padded along the long hallway and stopped at the entrance of the spacious common room. Mauve eyes glinted as he hurried toward his partners.
“Yo, ready to head out?” The black-haired youth asked, eyes crinkling as his lips stretched into a smirk.
Shinano, the youth with hair the color of flame flashed his brother a confident grin. “Of course!” He replied with a little bounce in his steps.
“Be careful…” Their worrying big brother, Ichigo, spoke as their other siblings crowded them to say their farewells.
The fox settled on the shoulder of the third and final member of the party yapped confidently. “Do not worry, Ichigo-dono. We will accomplish the task and return safely.”
Ichigo’s golden eyes seemed to darken at the words. “The Sanjou Clan is tricky.” He started with a tired sigh. One could see the bags under his eyes if they were attentive enough. “I would send Namazuo and Honebami with you if I could but they couldn’t return until the end of this week.”
“And you would go if you weren’t so worried about Atsushi and Gotou.” Yagen interrupted Ichigo’s lecture with a roll of his eyes. “We get it, Ichi-nii. Have some faith in us.”
Shinano nodded in agreement as he turned to Nakigitsune and his fox. “We aren’t defenseless, right Nakigitsune-san?” He asked with a teasing wink.
“…Take care of the kids.” Said the silver-haired man as his fox curled around his shoulders.
Yagen flashed his brother a triumphant smile as the trio headed toward the front door. “We will be going, Ichi-nii.” With a mock salute, he closed the door, leaving the anxious elder brother behind.
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The Sanjou Clan, a small but strong clan, one of the earliest established clans, maybe even earlier than the Awataguchi Clan. Despite their meager number in members, they were strong and feared.
“Oya, the Awataguchi Clan sent three omegas to do the talking?” The head of the Sanjou Clan had laughed airily as he welcomed the three from the other clan.
“And do you have a problem with that, Munechika-san?” Yagen had quipped with a raise of his brow.
“No, no, Toushirou-san. I am merely surprised that Ichigo Hitofuri hadn’t sent those beta twins.” Munechika had said. “You see, I am quite infatuated with your pale-haired brother. Honebami Toushirou, wasn’t it?”
Shinano blinked his unique eyes, teal with tints of bronze around the edge. “Ah, it is nice to know that our brother has captured the interest of the head of the Sanjou Clan.” A lop-sided smile stretched his lips. “But we are here to listen to the reason of why you attacked our brothers.” The smile was still there but the warmth was gone.
“It is but a mistake.” Munechika replied easily with a sip of his tea.
“Munechika-dono, we do not wish this to end in war.” The fox said, nestling comfortably on Nakigitsune’s shoulder. “Your brother, Kogitsunemaru-dono attacked our clansmen when they were passing your warehouse.”
Munechika’s eyes gleamed as they settled on the fox. “We have detected questionable forces at work near our warehouse. Kogitsunemaru was just being cautious.” He replied calmly. “I presume you know how the underworld is. Don’t tell me you have never cut down a suspicious person?”
At this, Yagen rose from where he sat and placed himself in front of Nakigitsune. “Munechika-san, I would like you to watch your words.” He said with a hint of steel in his eyes. “The Awataguchi Clan operates differently from your clan.” His mauve eyes bored into Munechika’s cold eyes that gleamed like the beautiful and elegant crescent moon.
“Oya, have I hit a nerve?” The man laughed politely before his eyes pierced the silver-haired youth. “Or could it be that the Awataguchi Clan has half-bloods in their ranks, leading to this unprofessional working style?” He smiled a sweet smile that made his guests reached toward their concealed blades.
Eyes narrowed, hands on the hilt of his daggers, Yagen faced the head of their opposite clan. “What do you mean?” His muscles were tensed, ready to strike the moment their enemy made a threatening move.
“There is a rumor about the heir of the Awataguchi Clan being a half-blood.” The Sanjou head began calmly despite the way his guests had their hands on their blades. “He was said to be the son of the last clan head and therefore, being the true heir of the Awataguchi Clan.” Munechika’s cold eyes zeroed onto the silver-haired young man. “I believe that person is you, Nakigitsune-san.”
Shinano rolled his eyes as he addressed the Sanjou head. “Well, everyone has already known that Nakigitsune-san passed the position to Ichi-nii.” He met Munechika’s eyes with a smirk. “It isn’t a secret, you know.”
“And the part of your uncle being a half-blood?” Munechika quipped, lips tugging up into a smirk of his own. “Care to confirm whether the rumor is true or not, Toushirou-san?”
Yagen narrowed his eyes at the cunning enemy they were facing. “What will you do if it is true?” He asked, suspiciously and worriedly. He knew how strong the Sanjou Clan was, having heard how one of their members had taken down his brothers single-handedly.
Atsushi and Gotou had been attacked and suffered moderate injuries at the hands of Kogitsunemaru of the Sanjou Clan. Mouri and Midare who came to their rescue had suffered minor ones, as well. Yagen had been the one who patched up his brothers so he could clearly estimate the strength of the brother of the Sanjou head.
And if Kogitsunemaru could take on four of the more experienced warriors of the Awataguchi Clan and forced them to retreat, his brother, Mikazuki Munechika would be harder to take down, even if they had Nakigitsune, who could go on par with their eldest brother, with them…
“The purists will be the biggest of your worries.” Munechika answered lightly. “And of course, the Sanjou Clan will not do anything. It is not our business, after all.”
Shinano raised an eyebrow of disbelief. “Oh, really? You won’t do anything?” He asked, distrust clear in his voice.
“Well, I could offer you a helping hand if you can meet my conditions.”Munechika flashed them a polite grin. “Your eldest brother will know what I am talking about if you ask him.”
Eyes still narrowed with distrust, Yagen nodded. “We will return and discuss this with our brother.” He said, as Shinano and Nakigitsune rose. “Please excuse us.” He said as they left via the door, hands still on their blades and cautious of their surroundings.
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A few years ago, the Sanjou Clan had made an offer to form an alliance with the Awataguchi Clan. It had been offered during the time they were still weak but they were prideful. Thus they had politely declined the offer and instead focus on rebuilding their clan.
“I didn’t think this would come up again.” Ichigo sighed as they sat around the desk in an urgent meeting that started moments after Ichigo had heard the Sanjou’s reply.
“And what exactly was this offer, Ichi-nii?” Atsushi asked, his hand was still in a cast, despite their outstanding healings abilities. “And why didn’t we know about this?”
The eldest shot him a gentle smile tinted with tiredness and worry. “Ah, it was between Nakigitsune-dono and the Sanjou Clan. I only knew because Kogitsunemaru-dono of the Sanjou Clan had come to speak to me.”
Midare pouted as he twirled a lock of hair. “Ichi-nii, just what is the offer?” He asked impatiently. “We are not kids, you know. We can take it.”
Ichigo traded a glanced with Nakigitsune who nodded slightly before his fox jumped onto the desk and settled comfortably on it. “I would advise you to not over-react.” It said cautiously. At the nods it received, it began in a soft voice. “Actually, the Sanjou Clan asked for Nakigitsune’s hand in exchange of an alliance.”
The silence was deafening until Hakata leaned back in his chair with a grin. “Oh, that… We have already heard about that.” He chuckled lightly and his siblings breathed a sigh of relief, knowing they had already known their brother’s secret.
“It is not a laughing matter, Hakata-dono.”The little fox chided the small boy. “Nakigitsune’s happiness is important!” It squeaked angrily. “And if this gets out, this may spark a war.”
Some laughed and some giggled as Houchou reached out to pat the little fox. “Of course Nakigitsune-san’s happiness is important.” The child said. “And of course, if anyone wants to ask for his hand, they have to have our blessings as well as Ichi-nii’s.”
“We are not giving up on you that easily, Nakigitsune-san!” Maeda declared proudly with the supporting nod of his twin. “Even if they decide to announce the truth, we will still stand by you.”
“We are a family, aren’t we?” Akita smiled brightly as Gokotai nodded even though he seemed to freeze at the thought of a war.
They had been together, through the fire that burned down their home and they had rebuilt their clan together and brought it to its former glory.
They were definitely not going to let one of them suffer through this alone.
A list of the fics I wrote
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kon-konk · 1 year
How the fuck do I enjoy (and spend so much time on) Touken Ranbu and not have a single bracelet for it? Not Tsurumaru, my beloved bundle of surprises. Not Mikazuki, the sword that got me interested in the game. Not Juzumaru, my first Tenka Goken. Not Gokotai or Hyuuga, my favorite tantos. Not even Uguisumaru, who was my first higher rarity sword, or Namazuo, my eldest son.
I got a mission to do when I get home from work
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tourandanshi · 8 years
Maeda Toushirou
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前田藤四郎と申します。藤四郎の眷属の末席に座するものです。 大きな武勲はありませんが、末永くお仕えします
My name is Maeda Toushirou. I am the one with the least accomplishments in the Toushirou family. Although I don’t have any outstanding achievements, I will serve you for eternity.
My name is Maeda Toushirou. May I serve you for eternity.
Maeda was forged in 1259 CE by Awataguchi Yoshimitsu (粟田口吉光) with a 24.5cm long blade and an inscription which reads 吉光 (Yoshimitsu).
The Awataguchi school is famous for its big production of tantous which include: Hirano Toushirou, Honebami Toushirou, Atsushi Toushirou, Akita Toushirou, Gokotai, Hakata Toushirou, Gotou Toushiro, Midare Toushirou, Shinano Toushirou, Yagen Toushirou; and a few other famous sword like Ichigo Hitofuri, Nakigitsune and Namazuo Toushirou.
His name comes from the Maeda clan of the Kaga Domain. His original owner was Maeda Toshiie’s second son, Maeda Toshimasa( a Japanese samurai of the Sengoku period. Also known as Toshiharu (利治),  He supported Ishida Mitsunari and plotted to assassinate Tokugawa Ieyasu. After Mitsunari’s defeat, Toshimasa was forced to retire and hand his lands over to his elder brother Toshinaga. He afterwards went to Kyoto and took the tonsure). Toshimasa left the house for the Battle of Sekigahara*, and it is said that his son brought the blade back to the Maeda clan later.
Maeda Toushirou shares a similar character design to Hirano Toushirou because they both served under the Maeda Clan. Maeda Toushirou was wielded by Maeda Toshimasa (前田利政) and Hirano was wielded by Maeda Toshinaga (前田利長).
Like Hirano Toushirou, he has mostly been used as a bodyguard in women’s bedrooms and is very considerate as a result. He believes that the life of his owner is a higher priority than the outcome of a battle.
He is now one of the Important Cultural Properties of Japan and is kept at the Maeda Ikutokukai (前田育徳会, a public interest corporation for the management and preservation of the cultural heritage of the Maeda clan ).
He is not currently on display but his last exhibition was held at Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art (Kanazawa) on May 19 - July 18, 2016.
He is very loyal if his quote “May i serve you for eternity” isn’t enough as a proof, but also very humble as we can hear in his quotes: ” If you’re going to rest, should I prepare the bed for you? ” , “ Master, I have something that I would humbly like to ask of you. “ , “ Please allow me to defend you. “ , “ I will gratefully accept it. “
He also has a line removed  as of Feb. 18, 2015 saying: “I’m sorry… for worrying you. “
He is often pictured with Oodenta Mitsuyo because they share a recollection since Oodenta was in the Maeda clan too.
After obtaiining his kiwame form some quotes changes, this is the new introduction:
“大した活躍はこれからやります。 前田の、加賀の、いえ、人間を守るために戦う所存。 藤四郎が一振り、前田藤四郎と申します!
Great achievements are just gonna begin! I’m Maeda of Kaga, no, the one who is willing to fight in order to protect humanity. One of the Toushirou’s, my name is Maeda Toushirou!”                        
Does my new form suit your taste?”
*The Battle of Sekigahara was a decisive battle on October 21, 1600 that preceded the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate.
Tokugawa Ieyasu took three more years to consolidate his position of power over the Toyotomi clan and the daimyōs, but Sekigahara is widely considered to be the unofficial beginning of the Tokugawa bakufu, the last shogunate to control Japan. Japan had a long period of peace after the battle.
Oda Nobunaga had slowly consolidated control over much of Japan and was in control of the shogun, Ashikaga Yoshiaki.
Ashikaga tried to escape this predicament in 1573 by attacking Oda, but failed and was exiled, thus ending his shogunate. Nobunaga ruled unopposed until he was betrayed by his own retainer Akechi Mitsuhide in 1582.
While under attack in Kyoto, Nobunaga committed suicide by seppuku.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi quickly avenged his master Nobunaga and consolidated control over Japan. The death of Hideyoshi created a power vacuum in Japan, which ultimately was resolved by the outcome at Sekigahara.
Even though Toyotomi Hideyoshi unified Japan and consolidated his power following the Siege of Odawara in 1590, his failures in his invasions of Korea significantly weakened the Toyotomi clan’s power.
Hideyoshi’s and his brother Hidenaga’s presence kept the two main factions of the time, which rallied behind Ishida Mitsunari and Tokugawa Ieyasu respectively, from anything more than quarreling, but when both of them died, the conflicts were exacerbated and developed into open hostilities.
With no appointed shogun over the armies, this left a power vacuum in the Japanese government.
Most notably, Katō Kiyomasa and Fukushima Masanori were publicly critical of the bureaucrats, especially Ishida Mitsunari and Konishi Yukinaga. Tokugawa Ieyasu took advantage of this situation, and recruited them, redirecting the animosity to weaken the Toyotomi clan.
Tokugawa Ieyasu was unrivaled in terms of seniority, rank, reputation and overall influence within the Regency of the Toyotomi clan after the death of Regent Maeda Toshiie. Rumors started to spread stating that Ieyasu, at that point the only surviving ally of Oda Nobunaga, would take over Hideyoshi’s legacy just as Nobunaga’s was taken.
Later, a supposed conspiracy to assassinate Ieyasu surfaced, and many Toyotomi loyalists, including Toshiie’s son, Toshinaga, were accused of taking part and forced to submit to Ieyasu’s authority.
After the victory Tokugawa Ieyasu redistributed the lands and fiefs of the participants, generally rewarding those who assisted him and displacing, punishing, or exiling those who fought against him. In doing so, he gained control of many former Toyotomi territories.
Tantō - 🌸 Low Rarity - #39
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