#and now i finally know what privacy feels like 💛
thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
heyy!! i'm so happy for the pride event, how would assassination classroom's boys would react to reader coming out as a lesbian!!! thank you~ (karma, sugino, terasaka, maehara, please?)
Their fem!friend come out as lesbian
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Karma, Sugino, Terasaka, Maehara ]
[ Assassination Classroom / Ansatsu Kyoshitsu ]
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× This goes with female reader for obvious reasons
Yeees!! Time for girls appreciation!! â€ïžđŸ§ĄđŸ’›Girls are pretty 😳
I'm super happy for the pride month event too anon!! I had a lot of fun while writing all the request during the month!! Thank for requesting this, it was really interesting to write
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Karma Akabane
Even when Karma is pretty friendly it isn't too easy to get to be a close friend with him (specially at first when he was being bratty and prideful), however when Karma finally consider you a close friend you two will have a really stronge bond
Karma doesn't discriminate for gender or appearance, when you two become friends you become like his partner in crime and will be draging you around on his antics (if you let him of course), he could be a pretty rude friend but only if you feel comfortable with it, if it not he will be more calm and gentle (well, as gentle as Karma can be)
Karma is really smart and observant so it won't go unoticed for him your clear interested in girls, he respect your privacy but as your friends he has the right to pry a little (or at least that is what he says), he will be asking you about it indirectly, like asking you what you think of some guys or girls in class (or even the teachers) and will put a lot of attention to your reaction
If you seem uncomfortable or really shy with the topic he will stop and try to approach the topic in more indirect ways (because he isn't going to give up on this topic), but if you don't take it too bad or even are playful with it that will just make him insist more and more in the topic (more teasing and jokes, even if you end up being embarrassed)
Karma can be all the caotic he want but he knows when to be serious and knows how to keep a secret, so is probably he tell you this and that you can rely on him when he notice you being in troubles or he start to be irritated for you not trusting on him with something like this
When you finally open up to him about being lesbian he tells you that he already knew with a proud smile, saying that you were really obvious (even if isn't true, he will reasure you after laughing a little for it). Karma asure you that there is nothing wrong on you liking girls is your problem to deal with not his, he is completely supportive and this isn't going to change your friendship
Well, that is a lie because your relationship change a little, just in the fact that now he is teasing you with girls (instead of boys), specially when you show interest in someone, he tells you to go for it between jokes and a teasing tone
Karma can be a little protective with his friends so he defenitly will stand up for you if someone say something bad about you for liking girls (he will never lose the chance to mess with someone who deserve it anyways)
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Tomohito Sugino
Sugino is always really friendly to everyone, he is cheerful most of the time so it isn't dificult to be able to approach to him neither to become a close friend with him, and when it happen it becomes caring and a little clingy, he likes spending time with you so why he shouldn't?
Sugino doesn't mind much that you are a girl, that isn't important for him to become friends! However Sugino is really caring so he may try to be more gentle and careful with you from time to time (for being a girl), but he will stop if you tell him (or when you improve in Karasuma classes, he feels more comfortable knowing that there is no risk of you getting hurt, not like he underestimated you)
Is more probably that Sugino doesn't notice that you like girls by his own, and even if he get the idea he prefers to don't think on that since is your privacy, however he sometimes talks with you about love and romance, is not a secret that he likes Kanzaki but he will like to know if you like someone, so he will ask you in a friendly way (and excited too)
Sugino would notice your interest in girls, but then again he doesn't want to asume since he will feel like he is invading your privacy, so he tries to tell himself that you are just having girls time. Also, he could tell that you aren't romantically atracted to non of your classmates, but he doesn't pry on it (is probably that one of his friends already told him that the boys of Class 3-E aren't the most attractive, let alone when they have Karasuma)
Sugino always tells you that you can count on him whenever you are having troubles or need help with anything (even if is academics, he isn't the best but he is willing to help) and for his attitude is pretty easy to trust in him
When you finally open up to him about you being lesbian he is a little shocked but, at the same time he isn't too surprised, he ask you if you really like girls like trying to make sure he had heard you right, and when you confirm it he repeat it to himself before smiling at you, putting an arm around your shoulders in a friendly manner he asure you that is alright, he likes girls too
This doesn't change your friendship or anything, and will reasure you that (but if you feel insecure or shy he tells you that is completely alright, is just who you are and he accept you for who you are), he cheerish for you to find love but hope you don't become his rival on trying to win Kanzaki's heart
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Ryoma Terasaka
It could be a little difficult to become Terasaka's friend since he normally just have a few close friends, specially at first for how reclulant he was about accepting the change that Class 3-E was suffering for Koro-sensei influence, however it isn't imposible to get to be his friends, and when you two start being friends it grows a stronge bound with you, immediatly included in their little group and being dragged around to everything
Terasaka doesn't mind much you gender, however he tries to go more easy on you, he can be pretty violent in a friendly manner but since you are a girl he tries to don't be so physicaly agressive with you (unless you tell him that you are perfectly fine with that, even so it would take him a while get used to it)
Terasaka is the type to be teasing you for a lot of things, in that group of friends he is the most that is joking around and teasing with personal things, even with romantic interest (even when you aren't interested romantically in anyone, a little interest is enough for him to tease you, being followed by Yoshida and Muramatsu), still isn't too probably that will notice that you are just romantically interested in girls (is even more probably that is Hazama or even Itona who notice it)
Even when he doesn't say it out loud you know that you can count on him for everything, he isn't perfect and he can have a little patience or get frustrated easily but that doesn't mean he won't help you if you need it or support you
The moment you open up to him about you being lesbian he is a little shocked and looks at you dumbfounded, this isn't something he was expecting to even to hear and doesn't really know how to react, so after a little awkward and nervous moment he just give up in frustration and speak his mind off, telling you that the fact that you just like girls doesn't matter to him, you are his friend and that is all that matters
He doesn't show how this bug his mind in reality, in that moment he just tried to reasure you that is okay and that he doesn't see anything bad about it but when you go away he still can't stop thinking on it, you probably trust in him a lot to tell him so important to you (specially if you aren't too open with those topics) or wondering if someone had say something bad about you for this in the past, he is just thinking too much about this
Terasaka is flustered for you trusting on him with this and embarrassed by his reaction when you told him, so the next days he will try to tell you indirectly that he complety support you and that this isn't going to change the way he sees you or anything
When he gets used to and isn't embarrassed by the topic anymore he will casually bring it to the conversation as jokes, now teasing you with a lot of girls (instead of boys how he used to do)
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Hiroto Maehara
For his friendly and carefree attitude isn't too difficult to get close to Maehara, he is still pretty popular and easy to get along with so from the start he treat you as a friend, however as the time pass and you two become closer Maehara grows a little more clingy, just the type of friend who drag you around in their little mischiefs
Maehara doesn't discriminate for the gender, he tries to be a calm and respect your space since you are woman and his friend (aside for the casual playful flirting), but if you don't have problem with being more touchy (but still respectful) and a little rude with you (and since all Class 3-E is getting Karasuma's training he knows you are stronge) he will be totally up for it
Maehara is the type to be doing jokes and teasing you constantly (even you two would have your inside jokes if you are the playful and joker type), and your love life isn't going to be free from the jokes, he is paying attention because he wants to support you with jokes if you ever fall in love, so is very probably that he himself end up finding your atraction for women but he won't say nothing for a while, not wanting to asume or invade your privacy
Maehara can be doing a lot of jokes all the time but there are times when he gets soft and show you that side of him that cares a lot for you, reminding you that he will be with you through thick and thin, supporting you as the amazing friend he is no matter what
When you finally open up to him about you being lesbian he just smiles at you before telling you that he already knew it, jokinly braging about what kind of friend he will be if he doesn't know something so important for his friend
When he is done with the joking Maehara reasure you that is fine, you being atracted to girls isn't something that will change your friendship or the way he see you, he doesn't see anything bad on it is something more you two share
Your friendship continue as always, but since that day Maehara is talking more about girls, asking you who you think is the prettier or sexiest one as the little pervert he is or if there is one girl that you like, he is just so curious and he does it with the excuse of wanting to be supportive over you (even when he is joking you know he does it with good intentions)
If someone ever tries to talk bad about you for being lesbian Maehara is immediatly by your side, immediatly standing up for you, he will never let anyone mess with his friend let alone for something so stupid like judging you for who you are atracted to
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serafiel-jacobs · 6 months
Pouty Face (Fanfic)
One shot 💛
“What? Don’t look at me like that, everyone hates puppets, I know which side you are on” EugĂ©nie fixed her glasses, expecting him to give the training grounds a try or to leave right away.
However he kept staring at her, visibly getting upset, maybe she should apologize. Eugénie was about to do so when she noticed his cheeks turning slightly pink, his lips moving forward and frowning.
She tried to stop herself from laughing, unfortunately, she couldn’t and she had to cover her mouth before composing herself.
“Look, I’m sorry okay?” EugĂ©nie had a huge grin on herself trying to not laugh again.
That seemed to have done the trick for now, EugĂ©nie couldn’t stop smiling as Pinocchio turned around, activating the stargazer, leaving to find his father.
“What? What did I do? You look annoyed” Gemini chirped from his cage.
Pinocchio looked away, giving Gemini the silent treatment.
“Oh don’t give me that attitude you brat” Gemini rolled his tiny eyes inside that cage.
That only made Pinocchio more angry, shouting that he wasn’t a brat, then, as usual, unintentionally pouting again.
“You know, this isn’t good boy behavior”
Pinocchio grabbed Gemini’s cage, shaking it over and over again. Until he finally stopped and attached him back to his belt.
Gemini felt dizzy, the cricket twirling trying not to lose his balance before he fell inside his cage.
“You brat
” Gemini could barely let the words out, “This is cricket abuse”
“What? No of course I didn’t read the contents, who has time to read anymore? But
 I could help you read it if you want to” Venigni was dying of boredom inside Hotel Krat.
It looks like Pinocchio didn’t buy his lie because he started pouting to his amusement.
“Come on friend” Venigni laughed, “It’s not as if I can go outside to steal it from you”
Pinocchio’s face became more red, that wasn’t the problem, the problem was that he invaded his privacy.
First, Pinocchio is also invading someone’s privacy by reading the contents, second

No, he can’t point out the second detail, Venigni burst out laughing at seeing Pinocchio angry like that, that just made Pinocchio more pouty, in turn making Venigni laugh more.
“Okay, okay, my apologies” Venigni was catching his breath, snapping his fingers he spoke up again “I’ll repay it to you, let me make you a special Legion arm, just hand me down that flame amplifier”
That apology gift made Pinocchio calm down, he thanked Venigni before leaving again on his quest.
“Come on Pulcinella don’t look at me like that”
Pulcinella was staring at Venigni, to most he was only watching him, however, Venigni knew that he was giving him a disappointing look.
“He is too cute for his own good” Venigni needs to ask Geppetto one of these days how he made Pinocchio’s face structure.
Pinocchio threw himself onto the floor of the stage of the Opera House, throwing a full-on tantrum, frustrated that he couldn’t defeat Romeo.
Romeo just stared at him awkwardly, he was glad he wasn’t fighting him, but he was at a loss on how to react.
He tried to speak again, Pinocchio wasn’t having it, it’s not as if he could understand Romeo in the first place. It didn’t take long for Romeo to put two and two together that this wasn’t Carlo, as Carlo wouldn’t be caught dead throwing a tantrum like this because he couldn’t win a fight.
Pinocchio was pouting, flustered he had small tears in his eyes and began to shout again and again how it wasn’t fair, that he was supposed to beat Romeo and make his father proud.
Romeo started to feel bad for him, he got closer but Pinocchio grabbed his weapon again with force, firmly grasping it, Romeo drew in his weapon again, waiting for Pinocchio’s attack. But the boy threw his weapon at one of the walls in frustration and began to start pouting again, knowing well that he was too exhausted to actually defeat him, he had run out of pulse cells and was having a hard time keeping up his stamina.
Romeo tried, he tried really hard not to laugh and he failed, now he was on the floor too, desperately trying to catch his breath from all the laughing. That made Pinocchio think he was taunting him, he screamed, not words, simply screamed in anger.
Pinocchio was shocked when Romeo stopped laughing and helped him get up from the floor. Then he simply
 left. He had left to find a piece of paper and a pen to tell him the truth, feeling stupid that he hadn’t thought about that, however, Pinocchio took it as him leaving because he conceded, so Pinocchio celebrated his victory and went outside, meeting with his father who was oblivious at what happened inside, praising Pinocchio for being able to defeat the King of Puppets.
Pinocchio was beaming with joy, hugging his father who hugged him back. Meanwhile, inside the Opera House Romeo was confused about where Pinocchio ran off to.
Well, he should start planning on how to communicate with him without Geppetto present, for now, he needs to find a way to fix up his eye.
“Huh? What do you mean you aren’t going back there?” Geppetto looked confused, maybe he heard his son wrong?
Pinocchio meant it, he had been at the Grand Exhibition for some time, but he hadn’t cleared the place, choosing to retreat instead with Sophia’s pocket watch. His father had spent an entire hour fixing him up from all the ruthless attacks those puppets put him through, he hadn’t even gone past enough to see the alchemists that were inside. Neither reassuring words nor showing affection seemed to change his mind.
“Son, I understand you are frustrated but you are the only one who can help” The alchemist can't run around getting away with what they are doing.
Pinocchio stood his ground, literally, as he threw himself onto the floor again pouting. This wasn’t as bad as with Romeo but he learned from the last time that throwing a tantrum works so surely it will work with his father.
Geppetto laughed, however, Pinocchio stayed on the floor for several minutes and that's when Geppetto realized he was serious.
“Oh no, you aren’t going to throw me a tantrum, so I’m going to count to three or else” Geppetto’s voice was stern.
“Pal maybe you should really stand up” Gemini was trying to save his friend.
Pinocchio didn’t move an inch.
“Two and a half
Pinocchio smiled, confident that his father was only bluffing.
When everyone downstairs heard Pinocchio screaming, they were obviously filled with worry. Then they were filled with shock, their jaws dropping as they saw Geppetto carrying Pinocchio downstairs who was kicking and screaming to drop him.
Geppetto pushed through carrying Pinocchio, activating the stargazer and dropping him off inside the Grand Exhibition.
Geppetto desperately gasped for air, completely exhausted, his back was probably going to have irreversible damage due to this. All just to prove a point.
Looks like both father and son can be equally as stubborn.
Although Geppetto is starting to realize that this lesson was a little extreme, so as he leaves the place, he uses Law 0 to make the puppets tame, giving his son a small break. The boy does not question why the puppets suddenly seem useless at combat, happy that everything is going well again.
“Tell me, what do you think we have created here?” Simon was looking down at Pinocchio, waiting for his answer.
He obviously expected him to say that he was making monsters, he did not expect him to look like an angry toddler while saying that.
Simon took a deep breath, trying to hide the grin on his face.
“Geppetto’s creations are truly marvelous” Simon mocked him, “Go back to your daddy and ask him to teach you how to proper etiquette”
Simon turned around; suddenly Laxasia threw herself in front of him, Pinocchio had launched his weapon directly at him, had Laxasia not been there as his human shield, he would have been stabbed right in the back, killing him instantly.
What surprised him the most was that he threw him quite the sharp umbrella, the weapon was also electrified, Laxasia’s armor shocking her, although this was nothing to her, she was Simon’s weapon, and this pain was insignificant.
He turned around and threw the keys to the locked doors of the Saintess of Mercy statue. Looks like he underestimated the little brat, he should get that as a reward.
Antonia was on the top floor, Geppetto had been kidnapped, and by now everyone had left downstairs, although Pinocchio had stayed behind to make sure she was okay. He truly is a good boy.
Who even when he is so done with everything around him can’t help but look adorable, having that pouty face.
Antonia, unlike everyone else, knows how to keep a composed face, being a Lady of high society comes with many unspoken rules, codes, and ways to properly address others, even in the most unpleasant of circumstances.
Antonia told him to come closer and kneel next to her, she gave the boy a big hug, and it made him feel better. He told her he would be back to check up on her, he already did that constantly, he only wanted to show her more support, Antonia smiled, he is so kind to worry about her.
Pinocchio left the room, it wasn’t until she heard the sound of the stargazer activating that she let out a chuckle.
That was a mistake, Pinocchio touched the stargazer on purpose to pretend to activate it, before running back downstairs to confront her.
“Dear you have to be honest with yourself” Antonia sighed, “We all love you and respect you, that doesn’t take away the fact that you look cute when you are angry”
Pinocchio huffed, looking away, Gemini scolding him, saying to not be rude to Lady Antonia.
Carlo is staring at Pinocchio on the floor, his brother throwing a tantrum because he can’t beat him. He is yelling a lot of things, about how this isn’t fair, shouting at Carlo for being the “favorite child”.
Then he started to shout at his father, finally taking out all of his frustrations, how he wanted to be a family, how he didn’t have to do this.
Carlo turned around to stare at his father who said nothing, although he could tell that his father was starting to feel guilty, Geppetto opened his mouth before closing it, he couldn't look at either of them so he looked at the floor.
Carlo puts one of his weapons on the floor, then he grabs Pinocchio with one hand with ease, lifting his body and making him stand up.
Patting Pinocchio’s head, Carlo picks up from the floor his second weapon, giving it to his brother. Both of them now staring at Geppetto.
Pinocchio is confused until the gears in his head start working and he realizes what his brother is telling him.
For the first time ever, someone took Pinocchio’s pouting face seriously, as Geppetto saw his two sons slowly approaching him step by step.
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kittiwittebane · 1 year
I CANNOT be the only Huntlower who uses Huntlow fanart/fanfiction as either an dopamine/oxytocin drug when your sad, or as just a source of happiness in general. I mean it’s just SO cute for MY SINGLE PRINGLE SOUL, that I simply ✹explode✹ with happiness and dopamine when I see or read the fan stuff.
How can you be a Huntlower and NOT feel the happiness when you see your blorbos?????
Just for a good measure, here is a little Huntlow fluff for u 💚💛
One sunny Saturday afternoon, Willow and Hunter found themselves walking through a picturesque meadow, surrounded by vibrant wildflowers. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of nature, creating an enchanting atmosphere. As they strolled, their steps gradually slowed, appreciating the beauty around them.
Willow could feel her heart racing, becoming more and more aware of Hunter's presence beside her. She couldn't shake off the feeling that this day held something different—a chance for their friendship to evolve into something more.
Willow looked at Hunter, and he blushed. She but her lip and looked down.
 I need to tell you something.” Willow admitted, blush tickling her face. Hunter attempted to lock eyes with Willow.
“What is it?” He asked. She bit her lip again.
“Well- I think I like you.” She explained looking up at him.
“Well of course you like me!” He exclaimed. “We are best friends, right?”
Willows eyes widened as she realised the poor blondie didn’t realise what she meant.
“Hunter, no- I mean I like you the way Luz likes Amity.”
Hunter gulped.
“Oh?” Is all he could produce as his eyes dared to dart down and steal a quick glance at her lips before comping back up to meet her eyes.
Willow smiled cheekily.
“I think I like you too I’m that case.” Hunter mumbled. Willow giggled before taking Hunters hands in hers.
They both close their eyes and began to lean in.
Just as they were about to share their first kiss, Luz and Gus burst into the meadow, giggling and playfully chasing each other. Startled, Willow and Hunter quickly stepped apart, their cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Luz, the energetic and mischievous girl, couldn't resist teasing her friends. "Oh, Willow and Hunter, what were you doing there? About to share your deepest secrets under that tree? Or perhaps preparing for a magical moment? Should we give you some privacy?" she said with a playful wink.
Gus, always quick to join in on the fun, chimed in. "Yes, yes, let's give them some space, Luz. Who knows, they might be planning to elope to a far-off land together."
Willow and Hunter couldn't help but laugh, their moment momentarily forgotten amidst the lighthearted banter. Amity, the quiet and observant friend, finally caught up, her curiosity piqued.
"What's going on, you two? What are Luz and Gus teasing you about?" she asked, a trace of confusion in her voice.
Willow and Hunter exchanged a knowing glance, considering whether now was the right time to share their secret. Taking a deep breath, Willow stepped forward, her heart pounding in her chest. "Actually, Amity, we were just about to have our first kiss."
Amity's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of excitement and understanding surfacing on her face. "Oh! I'm sorry for interrupting then. I guess I'll just... let you have your moment."
With that, Luz, Gus, and Amity went behind the trees where Willow and Hunter thought they’d gone. Willow and Hunter resumed their initial position under the shade of the tree. This time, there was no interruption, just the gentle hush of nature and the support of their friends.
As they leaned in, their lips met, and a gentle energy filled the air. It was a shared moment of vulnerability and deep affection, witnessed by the ones who had been there for them throughout their entire friendship.
When they finally broke apart, Luz and Gus cheered, clapping their hands in delight. Hunter and Willow whipped their heads around to see the three had been watching. They felt stupid for thinking Luz would have actually left. Amity smiled, her eyes filled with a mix of happiness and disgust, not sure how to feel about Hunter kissing Willow.
The group stood there for a while longer, basking in the beauty of the meadow and the strength of their friendship. The interruption, though unexpected, made their first kiss even more memorable. From that day forward, their bond as friends grew even stronger, and their shared adventures became richer, with Luz, Gus, and Amity supporting them every step of the way, well mainly just Luz and Gus, but same thing.
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wordbunch · 2 years
SFW Alphabet: Éowyn
a/n: this was my first time ever writing for her and it was very challenging and fun! it was requested, I hope I did okay - do let me know if you liked it, and consider reblogging so more people can see it 💛💛💛 (how beautiful is she in this gif??)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Initially she isn’t the most affectionate person you’ve ever met, but gradually that changes as she gets more comfortable around you and lets her guard down more. She’s a sucker for hugs especially, but she prefers to shower you with affection in privacy, behind closed doors. Her hugs are so lovely, and she will also use any opportunity to pepper your face with kisses!
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) Oh she would be an awesome best friend, and you two would have some sorta friends-to-lovers development. You met when she was snooping around the armory, looking for the best sword to train with (which she wasn’t supposed to be doing, but shh), and you offered to train with her. The rest is history.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) You’re bigger on cuddling than she is. She definitely doesn’t mind it, but you usually initiate it in the evening before you go to sleep. Éowyn generally enjoys being the big spoon and tucking her head in the space between your shoulder and neck, but after a particularly rough day she won’t object to being the little spoon either.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Now now, we’re not going to comment on the cooking and cleaning part, but she would eventually like to settle down with you, but I imagine you’d have a longer courtship. You don’t push her into anything and you know that she will talk to you about it when she’s ready. Ultimately, she loves you too much not to want to spend all her life with you.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) She would get pretty emotional and most likely tear up, but she would be very respectful and cut straight to the point instead of dragging it out and torturing both of you for longer than necessary. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) I guess this is already partially covered - the two of you wouldn’t get married straight away, but it would still be a solid relationship through and through. Over time she did realize that marriage to you wouldn’t be a confinement, as she had feared for so long, but instead a celebration of your love and commitment to each other.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) It really depends. She’s simultaneously tough and soft and, honestly, she can be a bit moody, but you love her for all of it. If you two train swordsmanship together, she would be almost recognizable. When you’re behind closed doors in your giant bed, it’s a whole different story though. Emotionally, it would take some time for her to really open up to you, but when she does, she’s an open book. You know you can tell her absolutely anything, and vice versa.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) She loves hugging you, but preferably away from prying eyes. She pulls you in so tightly and warmly and neither of you want to let go. Éowyn likes to just breathe you in or run her fingers through your hair while you hug - it calms down her mind and body instantaneously. On the other hand, during public feasts or balls, she always has an arm on your waist or shoulders in some sort of half hug.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) You both took your sweet time first, building a solid friendship with lots of understanding and trust before it happened that someone started falling in love with the other person. Both you and Éowyn somehow knew that you loved each other way before anyone said anything, so when she finally caved in and confessed it, it was the most natural thing of the world. You wanted to squeal with glee, and she laughed merrily as you spun her around in joy. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) She is the least jealous person ever. She trusts you with her life and she knows how you feel about her, and that she doesn’t have a single thing to worry about when someone else tries (and completely fails) to make a move on you. Actually, she finds others’ attempts even a little amusing and she likes to watch how you handle it classily. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Firstly cautious, then overwhelmingly passionate - she’s fiery! Éowyn likes sneaky little pecks throughout the day while you’re both busy and sometimes run into each others, but she’s no stranger to pulling you away for a proper kiss in secret. She loves kissing you on the cheek, and she absolutely melts when you give her a forehead kiss.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) A bit anxious and cautious, but still friendly and warm. Probably only you can tell that she’s secretly nervous.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) I imagine her as someone who wakes up rather early, but ever since you waltzed into her life, she loves to wake up and stay in bed for some time, just admiring your peaceful sleeping form. When she gets a bit restless, she would start to gently stroke your cheek or fiddle with your fingers.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Nights with her are the best. After a long day you both just get to completely unwind and relax. There’s a high chance of one of you running a bath for the other (or for both of you together). Nights are also the perfect time for cuddle sessions! 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) Éowyn would take some time before letting you into her inner world, and she would also be hesitant about “burdening” you with her problems. You just need to reassure her that you love her and want to be there for her, and she will gradually open up.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) By other people? Sort of quickly -  there were a few occasions of you having to save her from a situation that she cooked up for herself. However, it’s super rare that she’s angry at you. If so, it’s usually for a good reason, but you work through it together. Maybe you’re the one who insists a bit more on talking things through. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) She really tries her best to remember most things, and you know that. She learns your body language quite quickly so she’s able to read you in that way, and she also quickly memorized some little mannerisms of yours, like how your lips sometimes move when you’re dreaming.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) Éowyn treasures every moment that could be considered kinda “boring” - quiet nights, slow mornings, going for walks, braiding each other’s hair
 because she’s aware of how quickly everything can change and how dangerous the world can be. She chooses to treasure every little mundane thing you do together, so she can’t really point out one favorite memory. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) As much as she wants to be very protective of you (on the inside, she is), she knows how stifling that can feel and she’s seen you handle situations yourself multiple times. Only if things really escalate will she step in, but she loves to observe how you confidently stand up for yourself. You act the same with her mostly. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Like I have already written, she treasures every little moment, so she will also do her very best to make the little things meaningful and special. For extra special occasions, she will go to great lengths to plan out a wonderful day for the two of you, but when it comes to gifts you’re a bit better. However, altogether it makes for a lovely balance!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Sometimes she will close herself off and barely talk to you, not because of something you’ve done, but because of something else, even though she already knows you’re always willing to help her and that you will never judge, no matter what.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) As long as she’s wearing clean clothes and her hair is not too much of a tangled disaster, she is good to go! Although on special occasions she does put in more effort into dressing up and looking her best by your side. Let them watch.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) She wouldn’t  - Éowyn is literally a personification of a strong and independent woman! You fill a great place in her life and you’re more special to her than words can say, but she is fine on her own too. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) For some reason, she is a bit shy when it comes to singing in front of you, but if you give her puppy eyes and a pouty face (and say that it would really make you feel better if she sang you something) she cannot say no.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) We already know that she hates feeling limited and trapped, but in a partner I feel like she’d never go for a person who’s sort of indifferent, without some passion that drives them.. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Éowyn is a very light sleeper so she’d wake up at almost any noise or if, God forbid, you get up because of something.
everything taglist + everything LOTR taglist: @lotrnonsense @starlady66 @lazymeriadoc @entishramblings @thesolarangel @silversword7000 @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog​ @averys-place​ @valkyriepirate​ @i-killed-ramsey @emmaarenstarr​
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yellowwithalisp · 2 years
Hidden Immunity Chapter 2
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You are a simple S.T.A.R.S member just trying to live your life. But your past keeps finding ways to make you scream in the dark
(Hello! Thank you so much for reading this and the last chapter! I hope you all will continue to like it! Remember that Wekser x reader requests are still open!! ( I hope people enjoy! - Yellow đŸ’›đŸŒ») (Final count- 4,580 words.) đ™·đš’đšđšđšŽđš— 𝙾𝚖𝚖𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚱 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚘- 𝚁𝚊𝚒𝚗, 𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗. đ™¶đš˜ 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚱. (𝚆𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚜. đ™±đšžđš 𝚗𝚘 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚜.) đŸ–€đŸ”Șâ–Ș 𝙾𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚡 đŸ„€đŸ–€ 𝚂𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚜~ đŸ–€â–Ș 𝙰𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛: 𝚂.𝚃.𝙰.𝚁.𝚂 đ™Ÿđšđšđš’đšŒđšŽ 𝚍𝚊𝚱: 𝚁.𝙿.𝙳. đ™ŒđšŠđš’đš— đ™·đšŠđš•đš•: đ™Č𝚘𝚙 𝚌𝚊𝚛 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚎: 𝙰𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝: đŸ–€đŸ”Șâ–Ș đ˜đ˜°đ˜łđ˜žđ˜ąđ˜łđ˜„ đŸ–€đŸ”Șâ–Ș đ˜‰đ˜ąđ˜€đ˜Ź
You know the sinking feeling you get at the bottom of your stomach when you need to do something you really, really don't want to? Where your mind is racing to find a good reason to not do that and to come up with any excuse that it can make up to avoid doing that one task? Yeh, that feeling. That was the feeling that going on in me right now as I watched Wesker walk into his office after calling me in. I know I was in some form of trouble- and there was no excuse I could make up to not go into that office. Jill and Barry stepped aside as I pushed my chair back and stood up. Rebecca gave me a good luck pap on the back as I walked over to Wesker's office and gently grabbed the door handle. Before going in I looked back at everyone and gave them a fake smile before going into his office.
" Close the door. "
He said as he closed a file on his desk and moved it over by his computer. I slowly closed the door behind me. Sealing off my only way of escaping. We both could hear from behind the closed door the other going back to their desk and starting to work. Normally Chirs would play some of his music but not this time. Someone was probably trying to listen in to what Wesker had to say to me. Wesker lifted his head up slightly and looked over at me as I slowly pulled out a chair and sat down. We heard a soft "oW" coming from behind the door and yep- it was Chris. I hear someone walk to the door and grab him, dragging him back to his seat. I assumed it was probably Barry, with him being a father of two girls. I think he understands what privacy means more than the others. Wesker let out a sigh as he lowered his head slightly and then raised it back up again as he tried to start the conversation again. Only this time to have the office door slammed open and an inaudible annoyed growl could be heard from him. It was soft so only people in the room with him to hear it but I definitely heard it and- 𝚘𝚑 𝚋𝚘𝚱. Heavy footsteps could be heard approaching the door as it opened to reveal the Chief. He looked annoyed but we were all more annoyed with him being here. He walked into the offers and looked at me, then at Wesker.
" (L/N). You as excused. "
Wesker said as I slowly looked back at him. He seemed really annoyed that the Chief interrupted what he was going to speak to me about. But his face didn't show it. It didn't need to for me to tell that he did not like the Chief being here. I nod as I slowly stood up and pushed in my chair.
" Yes Captain. "
I said as I turn to walk past the Chief, my eyes looking down at the floor as I walked over to the door and closed it behind me. I closed my eyes and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I looked over at the rest of the S.T.A.R.S team and they were all at their desk. Chris and Rebecca quickly saw that I had survived my encounter. I could hear the Chief going off on Wesker as I started to slowly make my way over to my desk. Rebecca moved back so I could get past her and sit down. She gave me a soft smile and Chris immediately walked over to my desk.
" So? What happen? "
" Um, well noting. He was interrupted by both you and the Chief before he could talk to me. "
Chris seemed to jump when he heard that both Wesker and I both knew he was trying to listen in on our talk. I could hear Jill letting out an annoyed sigh as Barry shook his head. Everyone in the room could hear the Chief's voice, even over the computer sounds. Most people quickly went to find something to do so that when the conversation was done, the captain wouldn't give them even more harder work to do. I turned my chair to face my computer to start working on my own work. But I couldn't stop looking over at the captain's office worried for some reason. I kept thinking about yesterday morning when was called in early for that meeting with the chief. and how upset he was when he came storming into the S.T.A.R.S office. It just made me want to know exactly what they were talking about. And what he wanted this time to. Maybe had something to do with the charity Ball but I wasn't too sure about that. But I doubt the something the Chief would bother bringing up to the captain again. And with my desk being the furthest corner away. I couldn't exactly hear what they were speaking. Jill and Barry's desk were the closest to the office but they knew better than to eavesdrop. I doubt either would be paying attention to what was being said, I would ask Chris but I already know he's going to get in trouble and do laps for eavesdropping in the first place. Granted if I was caught eavesdropping as well I would be joining him to do push-ups and laps until we collapse. Which wasn't something I wanted to do with how little sleep I got last night. That bloody storm didn't stop till about 12 in the morning. It's set to start back up in about an hour or so again too. So it would be running and doing push-ups in the rain. Not something I did not want to do today. I noticed Rebecca writing something on a piece of paper and sliding it over to me out of the corner of my eye. I picked up a piece of paper and looked at it,
' đ˜›đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜łđ˜Š'𝘮 đ˜€đ˜°đ˜§đ˜§đ˜Šđ˜Š đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜„đ˜°đ˜Żđ˜¶đ˜”đ˜Ž đ˜Ș𝘧 đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶ đ˜žđ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜” 𝘮𝘰𝘼𝘩 đ˜¶đ˜± 𝘣đ˜ș đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š 𝘣đ˜Șđ˜­đ˜­đ˜Łđ˜°đ˜ąđ˜łđ˜„! :) - đ˜™đ˜Šđ˜Łđ˜Šđ˜€đ˜€đ˜ą '
I turn my head and smiled at her as a mouth the words thank you as I start to get up. I wasn't the biggest coffee drinker but coffee did sound good right now. I quietly made my way past the others desk as I grabbed a napkin and pick that a donut. I poured myself a cup of coffee and then carry the donut and coffee back to my desk. I waited on taking a sip of the coffee because I knew it was still going to be hot, in the meantime I took a bite out of the donuts. People on the team took turns buying coffee and donuts for everyone. Even Wesker did it at one point. Everyone knew what everyone's favorite donut was so people tend to pick up donuts for everyone specifically. Well, everyone's favorite but the captains. It almost became a little game to see who could figure out which donut he liked first. Every time someone bought him a donut he left it in the box and didn't take it. One time we all thought Rebecca got it right but he ended up not taking it and just take a coffee. At this point, people started placing bets on who would actually get it right. A jar on the back desk labeled donut bets is where people would put their bets in. Some of the workers thought that he wasn't eating any of the donuts because he did not want to or that it was all pointless. But a few of us have seen him staring at the money jar in the back of the room so we know that he is aware of what's going on. It would be funny if he's just waiting for his turn to come back to buy a doughnut that he likes and get all the money for himself. I honestly wish that was the case just to see everyone's reactions. Would definitely be a smart move on his behalf. Plus it kind of seems like something he would do. With today being Rebecca's turn that means tomorrow is mine. I'll get everyone their favorites and then I'll probably grab a bear claw for him. it's one that hasn't been tried yet so might as well try it. Everyone's thoughts were interrupted when the chief slammed open Westers office door and stormed out of the S.T.A.R.S office. Everyone watched him leave before going back to their work. A few of them mumbling insults about the captain under their breath, no one here liked the chief. No one at all. He had a bad temper and just everything about him just screams trouble. I never really trust him to be honest. Sure, I might have had my first interview with him and he immediately said no when he found out I was Russian. But that wasn't his decision to make, it was Wesker's and he said yes I don't remember much of the initial interview, I remember walking intending both him and Wesker a copy of my resume. Then at the moment that they reached my nationality. He slammed it shut and threw it in the trash. I don't remember if he left or not but a remember Wesker kept asking me questions. He also asked me to demonstrate my sniping skills and I might have tried too hard to impress him. You couldn't really blame me though. I was never into men in uniforms but then I saw him and well.... Yeah. I kind of showed off. Not like it was a bad thing. I had military experience in my background and I served as well. I learned how to do a lot of things but sniping came easily to me. My lieutenant even started calling me Hawkeye. Even though I didn't use a bow and arrow which apparently the comic book character uses? Then my first few days came by and I learned a lot about the rest of my teammates. And I grew to learn right away that Wesker hated having his door left open. I didn't see anyone else jumping up and racing to close it for him, and with the talks with the chief always septum in a sour mood. I figured I might as well try offering to close it for him if he didn't bite my head off that is. Rebecca looked over as she was filling out some Med reports as I stood up for my desk. She looked confused but I gave her a smile as a sneaked past her. The room almost went eerily quiet as I got close to the door before people went back to work. I knocked on the door frame as it looked into his office.
" Captain Wesker sir? "
In one of his hands he held onto his glasses as his other pinched bridge between his eyes. The conversation with the chief definitely left me in a bad mood. He looked up slightly and glared at me before his eyes softened just the smallest bit realizing it was me.
" Rebecca brought coffee and donuts in today. Would you like me to close your door for you? "
He didn't say anything as he leaned back into his chair and put his glasses back over his eye, breathing softly as I lost the ability to tell if its eyes are open or closed.
" Sorry, you had to deal with the Chiefs so early today sir. No one here really likes him. "
" No one here likes him at all, (L/N). "
He grumbled as he looked at me. Appearing as if he was debating on saying something again.
" If you do close my door I would appreciate it (L/N). "
he asked me as I nod my head to reply as I grabbed the door handle and softly close the door for him. I looked over back at Rebecca as she gave me her classic thumbs up. In situations like these, he seemed to be less harsh on me and her which would often have people asking us to ask things for them. In case the captain would flat-out say no to that. I gave her a thumbs-up back as I made my way back over to my desk.
" How did it go? "
" The chief was definitely annoying but he doesn't seem mad. More annoyed. "
She let out a nervous chuckle.
" Well, that's good news. Maybe he'll go easy on Chris today then. "
I shrugged, it was hard to tell what the captain was going to do. He wasn't exactly the easiest person to read like Chris or Barry. Rebecca took a bite out of her donut before she went back to filling out her papers.
" Did you hear that someone did Jill and Barry's assignment for them? "
" Ugh- is it already going around? "
" Well at first we thought someone else came in and did it, but then they saw that they were all organized correctly and following instructions so we automatically knew it was you. "
" Is that really what gave me away?! Just following the proper protocol to put that stuff away? "
" Well everyone does it correctly- you just do it extremely by the book. Not that that's a bad thing at all! It was easy to scratch Chris and Bard as suspects. Jill almost thought Wesker did it himself. But then he said he didn't do it as he passed by. "
" Look- you can't blame me it was bothering you too! "
" I know but- isn't this like the second time you've done something like that? The captain's talks don't get any lighter. "
" 4th and he let me off the hook considering that it was also bothering him extremely. "
Rebecca took another bite of her donut as she went back to her papers.
" But... If you don't mind me asking (Y/N), why did you have that reaction when I told you about the charity ball? "
Crap. I thought we were past that? I guess not considering how I slammed my face into my desk.
" Oh, that. I don't have exactly good memories with balls or charity balls. "
" Really? Have you been to some before? "
I didn't reply right away as I looked around the room to see who was listening. We were in the back and talking quietly so the paint no one was. I didn't risk it and took the piece of paper she handed me earlier and flipped it over and write a response.
' My parents are both stupidly rich so I had to attend a few of them when I was younger and I did not like it. '
I feel like a schoolgirl handing back notes as I passed it back to Rebecca. She read it as her eyes widened and she looked back at me mouthing ' really!!? '. I nod my head silly as I took the note back and crumple it up tossing it into my desk.
" it's why I'm not at all excited to attend this one invited looks of it. I have to. "
" The chief did say all S.T.A.R.S are required to go. "
I looked annoyed as I reached out and grabbed my coffee and took a sip. Of course, we were. Why would I expect anything less from my wonderful chief?
" Anything else about this charity ball I should know about. "
" Girls in dresses and men in suits. "
" So now he's just taking the fun out of it? "
" Don't tell me you were thinking of wearing a suit to this? "
" ..... You think I own a dress? "
" Oh come on! You have to own at least one dress, right? "
" . . . . . "
" . . . . . "
" . . . . . "
" . . . . . "
" . . . . . "
" Right? "
" . . . . đ˜šđ˜¶đ˜łđ˜łđ˜Šđ˜Šâ€Š. "
I stopped talking and quickly looked over at the Captain's door as he opened it. He walked over to where the coffee and donuts were and got a cup of coffee. Everyone was trying to pretend they were busy doing something but all eyes are on him. He looks down at the remaining donuts and pauses for a minute before not taking any of the donuts and taking his coffee back to his office closing his door behind him. Rebecca let out of sigh of disappointment and lean back in her chair.
" Aw! I was sure he would like this one! "
I gave her a reassuring pat on the back. " There's always next time. "
I said as people got up and walked over to the jar and put their money in it. Only a few people thought Rebecca would get it this time but still, the jar was getting full.
" Maybe you'll get it tomorrow. "
She said as she stood up and brought her own papers to Weaker before coming back to her desk.
" I doubt it, honestly if I win I would just use that to buy treats for everyone. Or buy more ammo since that's always costing an arm and a leg it seems. "
She took a sip of her own coffee and smiled at me.
" You and Jill still having that competition then huh? "
" I have a reputation to hold as Alpha's team sniper. And I go through a lot of rounds when I go to the gun range with her. "
" Ever thought about asking the captain to go shooting with you? "
"He always says no and people ask him to go do stuff outside of work. I don't think I could get a shot. "
I said as she shrugged her shoulders and hummed.
" You'll never know if you don't try. It could work out. "
I couldn't help a chuckle softly at that comment. The rest of the day went by without any fuss. The chief didn't come back in at all so that was nice. But by the time I shift is done the rain had already begun. As I was reaching for my coat to put it on I heard someone approaching my desk. I looked up to see that it was Wesker with his own coat and his hand again. I blinked before I gave him a small smile and said softly.
" Captain sir- it's okay. I don't mind walking home in the- "
A loud crash of thunder made me jump out of my skin again. I could have been seeing things, but I could have sworn I saw a small smirk on his face when I jumped.
" . . . . R-rain. "
Rebecca looked over at as talking and quickly pointed to me.
" No- if he's offering you a ride you take it!! You shouldn't be walking home in this weather you'll get sick again! "
By now it was just her, me, and Wesker left in the room. So was grateful that no one else heard that Captain Wesker was offering to drive me home. Because I don't think I would ever hear the end of it from Chris and Jill. Chris would just make fun of it. Jill however is a fellow woman and knew that I had a small crush on the captain. so I would get teased about it in different ways. I'm sure by this point Rebecca knew too but she was nice enough to not tease me about it. At this point, I knew there was no way of getting out of it so I side and finish putting on my coat.
" Alright, alright! But you can't keep offering this! "
" Then you. Can't keep offering to walk home in the rain. Little mouse. "
Both Rebecca and I look surprised for a moment. I never heard him use the nickname that Chris gave me before. Not that there's anything wrong with that at all!! It's just.... The way it sounds with his voice. That little purr that always seems to be there in his voice. It almost feels like a velvety feeling.
" Um- y-yes sir. "
I mumbled softly. đ™”đšžđšŒđš”. Why did he have to have such a stupidly hot voice? Wesker turn and made his way towards the door getting his own jacket on. I glanced back at Rebecca who gave me two thumbs up and mother. ' Go for it!! '. I rolled my eyes as I tossed my bag over my shoulder and made my way to stand next to Wesker. Rebecca waved goodbye as we both left the office and Wesker closed the door behind us. This time I had a better understanding of where we were heading so I wasn't as lost. I still didn't walk directly beside him just a ittle bit behind him. I decided to try to make some small talk as we walk down to the garage.
" So, no again on the donuts? "
I asked. Getting a small chuckle out of him.
" At this point, the sighs of disappointment and seeing people put more money into that jars is more entertaining than the actual bet. Besides, more of everyone's guesses are beginning to be predictable. "
He said as our footsteps echoed down the quiet hallway.
" Really? Too predictable? "
He chuckled as he turned his head and looked at me as we walked.
" Would you like me to explain? "
" Please- good sir. The floor is yours. "
I said as I did a slight bow, making him chuckle again.
" Redfield always picks out random ones, but they're all ones that he has done before. Valentine has been going through different types of "categories" to see is there is one I prefer. Burton has been going back and forth between the ones that are filled and not. Rebecca as been picking out different ones with sprinkles on them. And you.... "
He said with a pause as he looked at me stopping in his tracks for just a moment before continuing.
" Always surprise me, Little mouse. "
He said as he carried on. His comment made me pause in my steps as he continued on. It should be illegal for that man to have such a đ™”đšžđšŒđš”đš’đš—đš 𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎. I regained my thought quickly and quickly move the catch up with him.
" What do you mean by I always surprise you? "
" You always pick out interesting ones. "
He said as we both made our way to the main entryway. I waved at Mister Roberts before turning and looking at Wesker.
" did you sign in today? "
I asked. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me as if trying to figure out if I was serious or not. I looked up at him and tilted my head a bit. Trying to signal him that he should sign in if he didn't. Of course, he just walked over and grab the same set of keys as yesterday and walked over to the garage gate. I let out a sigh as I rolled my eyes and quickly walked with him, one of these days I will get him to sign in. Mark my words! He walked over to the same car as he did before and unlock the doors. I walked around to the passenger side and got in. Taking off my bag and buckling my seatbelt as he got into the car as well. The same thing happened again as yesterday he turned on the car, headlights, and the radio before putting the car in reverse. The radio chatter went off right away but it wasn't as much as yesterday morning. Now if I were partner up with Chris at the moment he would pick up the radio and say offly quiet, isn't it? To which as soon as we would get done with our Patrol. He would get whacked in the head by everyone. Even Wesker would look annoyed at him. Wesker took off remembering the path that he took yesterday to my apartment. The rain wasn't as heavy as yesterday but the Thunder was worse. Every time I saw a bit of lightning I close my eyes tightly preparing for the thunder. Wesker glanced over at me and saw that as he look back at the road.
" Little mouse. "
he said as I jumped slightly and looked over at him
" Ah- yes sir? "
" What does the 10 code for 10-23 mean. "
He said as he stopped the car at a red light.
" Um- Arrived at Scene sir? "
" Very good little mouse. Now, what about 10-30. "
" A-ah- Unnecessary Use of Radio sir. "
" 10-41. "
" Beginning Tour of Duty sir. "
" 10-11. "
He keep going as he drove. The thunder grew louder but for some reason, I couldn't hear it.
" Dog Case. "
" 10-6. "
"Um- Busy or Unless Urgent. "
" 10-26. "
" Detaining Subject- ... Captain why did you- oh."
I was about to ask why he stopped talking to me when I realized we were at my apartment. I quickly grew flustered as I tried to open the door so I wouldn't be taking any more of his time.
" Miss Chambers has told me how you handle storms. She also told me how you find my voice calming. "
He said as I froze and slowly looked at him.
" I-I'm so sorry si- "
" You're fine Mouse. It seems Miss Chambers was right about you finding my voice calming. The sounds of thunder was heard about seven times as I drove you home but you seem to not acknowledge any of it. "
" What? But I didn't hear it a single time but that one time? "
" Then Miss Chambers's theory was correct. "
He said as my face grew red as I stepped out of the car.
" (Y/N). "
He said before I close the door. I paused, turning to look at him.
" I do not turn off my work phone during the night. If you are in need of my... "calming voice." again with the storm. You're free to call it. "
He said as my face seemed to grow redder as I nod my head.
" Th-thank you sir... "
I mumbled before closing the door and backing away. Watching him reply to something on the radio before pulling out and driving away from the apartments. Walking into the apartment and up to my room was all a blur. The next thing I knew I was crashing into my bed. My heart was pounding so loud I could hear it in my ears.
𝙾 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚋𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚱 𝚗𝚘 𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝.
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vdragon-creations · 1 year
Spring Stars! (Part 1) The Cheetah, The Turtle, and The Awkward Hurdle!
(2003 Donatello x Sasha Fic)
Authors Note: Heyo everyone! It’s been a bit, but it’s finally here! I’ve been working on this for a bit (I think about three months now) and it’s finally done! I've been through this and edited what I could so it's not a complete mess. Be warned, this is an OCxCC story, and my writing is, pretty cringe, to put it nicely. (Though I have a nice Art piece in here for you, so that's something!) If those two things turn you off, you’re free to leave, but for those of you who choose to stay
thank you. And I’m sorry! XD Without further ado, let’s get this Fluff Fest rolling!
Donnie wasn’t sure when it had happened, but it didn’t really matter anymore. Ever since Mikey brought it up, it was all he could really think about. Once seemingly innocent words and actions had now become so confusing, and as “The Smart One” it was honestly a little frustrating.
“Another Nerd Date Night with your Girlfriend?” His brother in orange shouted from the couch, all while not taking his eyes off his comic book. Donnie had been heading out of The Liar, duffle bag over his shoulder and tools in hand. He was going to the part of the sewers where Leatherhead and Sasha lived, so that the two of them could work on a project involving some new blueprints they received from The Professor the last time they went digging through the junkyards. But the words of his brother made his brain freeze. This wasn’t the first time his brothers or friends had made a comment about how close he and Sasha were to each other, but it was the first time someone had outright called her his “Girlfriend”. Quickly shaking off his surprise, Donnie just shouted back, “Can it, Chucklehead!” And left The Lair.
But little did he know, that he wasn’t the only one dealing with these kinds of thoughts.
Sasha had only known the Turtles for a few months by now, and loved every moment she got to hang out with them! She had lived by herself for so long in the middle of the dessert, that she didn’t realize just how lonely she was. Until she met Leatherhead, Honeycutt, and The Turtles. And especially Donnie. She really didn’t know why. Maybe it was his smarts that made them click together? Or maybe it was his softer nature that made him so likable? Just, something about him felt so comfortable. She felt like she could be open about her interests around him, at least most of them. And these little late night lab sessions with him really just felt like it as “their time”, even if they didn’t have complete privacy. Getting some time alone with Donnie would’ve honestly been one of Sasha’s biggest dreams! But
.at the same time, for some reason she didn’t understand, it also made her nervous and fidgety. She noticed how her heart rate would spike up every time he got close! How good his voice sounded as they talked about their work! How she'd catch herself staring at him from across the room! This feeling was so beyond anything she had ever felt before, and it was both exciting
but scary. She had started to fear that is was part of her “Predatory Instincts” wanting to kick in.
Sasha had gone to Leatherhead and Honeycutt about this feeling, hoping that at least one of them might be able to give her an answer! She didn’t wanna spend another Lab Session with Donnie feeling this way, and just not understanding it anymore. But, genuinely wasn’t expecting the two of them to say what they did.
“Perhaps you’re experiencing what you earthlings call the “Birds and Bees”? You are a teenager after all.” Honeycutt suggested, him and Leatherhead sharing a look and snickering a little. Sasha raised an eyebrow and sat up from her position on the couch. “The birds and what-now?” She asked, having never heard that phrase before. Leatherhead chuckled and walked over to the couch and sat next to her, “What I think he’s trying to say Sasha, is that you’re starting to gain an attraction to Donatello. As more then a friend, and are starting to see him more like a potential partner. Or Mate if you will.” The second the word ‘mate’ left Leatherhead’s mouth, Sasha’s face went hotter then the sun, redness on her cheeks could almost be seen through her fur. She swiftly got up, “What? Are you serious?? Don’t play around with words like that! Besides, how would that even work?” Leatherhead was about to open his mouth to answer that last part before Sasha quickly shut it down, “Don’t you even start with me!” “Sasha, we’re merely just speculating on the possibility. And it makes perfect sense if you think about it. You're both teenagers, share lots of interests, and spend an ample amount of time together. And having seen the way you two get along
. I can’t help but see it.” Honeycutt said.
The words they said, bounced around in her head all day till the time came for Donnie and her to start their Lab Session. She HAD to know what these feelings were, and she was gunna be keeping a very close eye on her behavior. If there was any truth to Leatherhead and Honeycutt’s words, she needed to know before herself or Donnie got hurt! Besides
..would he even feel the same way?
“Uhhh, Sasha? You in here?” Donnie asked, sticking his head into the archway of Leatherhead’s Lair, looking around for his spotted friend. Sasha was over by the small half kitchen just out of view, and after hearing Donnie’s voice, her heart leaped a bit. “Yep! Just getting some coffee ready so we can start!” She called out, sticking her head out to greet him, giving him her ever friendly grin. Donnie’s lips curled into an unstoppable smile after seeing her face. Feeling better about the day already. When Mikey’s words filled his head again, he quickly felt butterflies bouncing around in his stomach. “Ah, ok! I’ll go ahead and get us set up!” he chirped as he made his way over to the lab set up across the room. Leatherhead, Honeycutt, and himself had built this small workstation a long time ago, and ever since Sasha came to New York, it only got bigger. She had so much energy about learning and building new things, and with Donnie being a big influence and teacher, the workplace only became bigger as the two of them seemed to feed off each other's enthusiasm.
Sasha poured them both a mug of coffee, taking a very deep breath before sighing. With all the shaking she could feel her nerves doing, she wasn’t really sure the coffee was necessary to keep her alert. “Come on, tonight is no different then any other night! Get your act together you Scaredy Cat!” She growled at herself. Finally grabbing the Coffee and turning around to join Donnie. “Two cups of dirty bean water! Coming right up!” She chirped as she walked over to him, setting up his own tools on the work desk. Donnie looked up, giving an amused smile and chuckle before walking up to her and taking one of the mugs, “That’s a colorful thing to call it! True though.” He said, before taking a sip of the warm beverage. It helped soothe his own jitters but it wouldn’t last, and he knew that. Sasha took a sip of her own mug and took a seat, getting straight to work on reading one of the blueprints. That’s when Donnie noticed how quiet it was in the room.
“Where are Leatherhead and Honeycutt?” Donnie asked, looking around the room. Sasha’s stomach balled itself into a knot hearing him ask that. She had totally forgotten that they weren’t there for once. That fact didn’t help with her jitters, but she did her best to swallow it and not let her feelings show. “I think they left a little while ago. Out looking for supplies I think.” She answered, not looking back up at him. “Oh
” Donnie said, realizing that he and Sasha were actually going to have a night alone to work. His olive green cheeks starting to turn dark as that thought ran through his head. “W-well that’s good, no distractions or random noises right?” Donnie said taking his seat next to her, grabbing a few of his tools and parts, letting a nervous chuckle leave his chest. Sasha only responded with a small hum, continuing to “read” the blueprint in front of her.
About an hour passed with the two of them working in silence, until finally Sasha let out a small grumble. The sound caught Donnie’s attention quickly, “What’s wrong?” Sasha’s face was contorted into a confused and irritated expression, head resting on her hand as her other hand started tapping one of her nails on the table. Donnie got up and loomed over her shoulder to look at what she was glaring at. “Whatcha' working on there?” He asked. “Just having a hard time reading these blueprints we found
” she answered, still not looking up at him. It was like she had finally forgotten all about those nerves she had before and went back into her own little world. “Want some help?” Donnie asked bending down a bit more to see exactly where she was on the page. His head very very close to hers, though she didn’t seem to notice or care. “Sure, it’s just this little bit right here that has me stumped.” Sasha said, her clawed finger tapping at the part of the blueprint in question. “It talks about a special part being needed-” she began speaking, but Donnie’s attention began to quickly fade as he listened to her words. He’s eyes slowly traveling from the page she was pointing to, up her arm, then shoulder, finally landing on her eyes.
They had spared a few times, worked together, and even enjoyed movie nights with his bros, but this was the closest he had ever been to her. Getting to see her eyes this close was so breathtaking, their beautiful blue color contrasting with her golden fur. “Her eyes look like gems this close
” he thought to himself. “Hmmmm, I see
” he said softly, thoughtlessly responding to the things Sasha was saying. “Maybe there’s a missing page
” Sasha said, still focused on the blueprint, paying Donnie’s closeness no mind. “So pretty
” he thought to himself again, his eyes traveling again, fallowing the tear stripes on Sasha’s eyes. Right to the corners of her mouth, with her dark colored lips, as a thought crossed his mind that hadn’t before

“How soft
are they?”
He’s eyes stayed trained on them for a bit, just watching them as they moved. Sasha’s voice being only an echo in his head. Saying things, but not really clear enough to make anything out. “What do you think Don?” Sasha asked, still staring at the blueprints. She waited a second to hear his reply, but she heard nothing. So her eyes left the paper for a moment to glance up at him, “Don?” What she saw almost made her heart stop as Donnie wasn’t looking at the prints at all, but rather his eyes seemed to be fixed on her! With him this close it was a lot easier to see the darker shade of green dusting his cheeks, which Sasha thought was impossible for a reptile to blush. Being this close it was hard to tell exactly where he was fixed on, as that mask of his always seemed to hide what his eyes actually looked like. “Uh, Donnie?” She asked, now turning her face a bit to look at him directly. Heat now crawling it's way onto her cheeks too. The movement of her face made Donnie snap out of his daze, quickly blinking only to be met with Sasha’s eye’s staring at him in confusion and surprise.
There was a brief second of awkward silence where the two just stared back at one another, till Donnie realized just how close he was to her and practically leaped out of his shell and relied back, letting a surprised yelp slip out! Causing Sasha to also flinch and let out a panicked cheetah chirp! “Oh shell! I-I’m so so sorry! I-I don’t know what-“ Donnie was starting to say when Sasha also started panic talking too, “It’s ok! It’s ok! I just
wasn’t expecting that!” The two of them just caught their breath or a moment before Sasha continued, “I was asking what you thought about my theory that we’re missing a page of the Blueprints?” Donnie hyperventilated a bit more before shakily responding, “O-Oh R-right
uhhhhh. That, well
 y-yeah, that would make sense. If it talks about a part that’s not included in the plans we have, they must be on another page.” His words where coming out unfocused and unsure, something that was so unlike him. Sasha’s eyes farrowed at him slightly, like trying to read a poem for the hidden meaning behind it. The look made Donnie even more nervous and he quickly tried to bounce back, “Yeah, I-I guess the next time we go to the Junkyard, we’ll start looking for a missing page! M-Maybe The Professor has seen it!”
“Agreed...” Sasha trailed off, still looking at him quizzically. Donnie’s lip quivered into a shaken quick smile, as he started to feel incredibly embarrassed by his actions. His shame burning bright on his cheeks as he could feel the butterflies in his stomach dancing around again. He nervously laughed to hopefully get some of them out, but it did him no good as he just felt like he wanted to cry. Holding it back as to not upset her more. “I-I guess I’ll start m-making more of the pieces we need!” He said, tying to sound chipper despite the crack in his voice. Sasha was about to say something, but Donnie didn’t give her the chance before Don put his head down and went back to his seat. This time, scooting his chair a bit further away from her so he wouldn’t be in her way. Sasha just stared at him in utter confusion, “Uh
o-okey. Let me know if you need anything from me.” She said, trying to sound soothing, as if to not sound harsh or offended by what just happened.
Donnie didn’t really respond to that, and just slouched in his seat and started working. Sasha just looked at him for a moment before returning to her own work in silence, except for the sound of her heart pounding away in her ears. She placed her hand on her chest, her ears drooping a bit. That moment with Donnie so close, looking at her with eyes so earnest, and his half parted lips, it was
 like a dream. But that really happened, and from the looks of it, he seemed like he wanted to

Sasha shook her head and forced herself back to work. It was a preposterous thought to have! There’s no way he as feeling that way about her! Not in the slightest! She was just reading too much into it, not helped by Leatherhead and Honeycutt’s words! There was no way on earth the two of them could be having such romantic feelings towards each other! Sure they were capable of human emotions, but they were of different species and attraction seemed pointless from a biological standpoint! Attraction and partnerships are meant for the evolutionary purpose of reproduction, and that was impossible between the two of them! So
 why was she feeling this way towards him? Was it just strong friendship? Predatory instincts to hunt him being screwed in her mind? Or was it actually love?
With a small sigh, Sasha let the thoughts wash over her as she got back to reading the prints. Meanwhile Donnie was having his own inner struggle. Practically beating himself over the head for not thinking for once! Usually he’s the only one out of his brothers to stop and think about a situation before doing something so fucking stupid! But no! This time his teenager brain just had to have hormones take over for once and let him make a complete fool of himself! Forget her personal boundaries, he might as well have just grabbed her and started kissing her when she looked his way! So much for making this night not feel awkward! Now she probably thinks he’s a fucking nutcase and wants nothing to do with him! Besides, even if he had kissed her
 who’s to say she’d even go for it? He and his brothers aren’t exactly the most handsome guys on the planet, maybe better looking as far as mutants go, but Sasha was
 stunning. Her fur shone like gold, her eyes looked like sapphires, and her voice was like an angel! She was brilliant, and witty, and gentle and kind to all around her. Basically everything Donnie could ask for. But, far far out of his league. And now, he probably screwed his friendship up with her just because of his brother’s stupid words...
It was gunna be a long night in the lab...
Hours had passed by, and while some of the nervous tension had dissipated, the two mutants still hadn’t spoke a word. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn’t be too out of the norm. They had many nights in the lab together where the two wouldn’t speak at all, and rather enjoy each other’s company in silence. But this? This was just
awkward and heavy.
Sasha was hard at work, reading and taking notes on some of the plans. Meanwhile Donnie was nearly finished with one of the parts needed for their project. Absentmindedly, the two had been grabbing things around the desk to continue their tasks without looking at what they where reaching for. Sasha was searching the desk with her hand to find the highlighter, while Donnie was also feeling around for a pair of wire cutters, only to find themselves feeling something else. They both paused and finally looked up to find their hands resting together.
They looked at their hands and then quickly whipped them away from one another. “S-sorry, I was looking for my Highlighter
” Sasha muttered meekly, feeling the knot in her stomach tightening again. “No no, it’s my bad. I was getting distracted. I was looking for my wire cutters
” Donnie said, bashfully rubbing the back of his neck. Sasha’s ears perked up, and turned to reach somewhere behind her on the desk, holding up the wire cutters, “Oh! Here you go! My bad, have no idea how they ended up on my side.” She handed him the cutters, making sure that her hands where as far from where Donnie would grab them as possible. Donnie noted this before taking them, “T-Thanks.” He said, before turning back to his work. That was something Sasha would do a lot. Not just with himself either, but his brothers too. Anytime it wasn’t absolutely necessary, Sasha would avoid touching them with her hands at all. And whenever contact did happen, Sasha would always subtly rub her hands like they were in pain.
But, Donnie decided it would be best to ignore it for now, but he still felt like the air was a bit too awkward. So, it was about time to break the silence up and try to get the night to feel more “normal” again. “Sooo uhhhh, how’s Plato doing? I didn’t see him when I came in.” Donnie asked. Sasha stopped what she was doing and looked at him with a raised brow. “Huh?” Sasha hadn’t really been listening to what he had said. Donnie looked back at her and smiled softly, cocking an eyebrow up as well, “The last time you came to The Lair, you said Plato had gotten sick. I didn’t see him when I came in. I wanted to know how he was doing.” Donnie clarified, letting out a soft chuckle. “OH! Y-yeah! That! He’s fine now. He just had a minor respiratory infection, nothing too serious. He’s resting right now over in his little tent.” Sasha said, pointing over her shoulder with her thumb to an area of the room where Sasha had set up an old child’s play tent. Pillows and blankets covered the floor around it, along with food and water bowls. “Well that’s good, I was pretty worried about the little guy.” Donnie said, pretty relieved to hear he was ok. “Oh yeah! He’s a tough little tortoise! Much like a few other turtles I know!” Sasha said with a smile. Donnie looked at her a bit surprised by that comment, which she ended off with a little wink.
Donnie gulped and started stammering, “C-come on now! W-we aren’t that little!” Sasha couldn’t help it, and just started snickering at him. Donnie was glad the heaviness had finally lifted and it seemed like Sasha held no issues with him, letting a smile spread on his face. Enjoying the sight of her giggling away at him.
“She’s just too cute
Donnie rolled his eyes, smile still on his face as he did so. “Well, if you’re just gunna just sit there and laugh at me all day, one of us should be getting some work done on this thing!” Donnie retorted, getting up from his seat and picking up the part he had been working on, turning his back to her as he walked over to the wall next to the desk.
Attached to the wall was a robotic project, intended to be a mech of some kind. The plans for this small mech where on some Blueprints Sasha and Donnie found, and the two fingered they’d at least try to make a working one! So far it seemed to be going great, minus a few hiccups here or there with finding certain parts or having missing pages of the Blueprints. The two of them where pretty smart though, so little things like that were nothing they couldn’t work their way around. Donnie started opening up a hatch on the back of the mech and crawled inside, shimmying his way down till only his legs were poking out. “Well, while you’re in there, I’ll go ahead and get another pot of coffee ready for us! Didn’t think we’d drink the other one so fast
” Sasha said wondering over to the kitchen. “WE ALREADY DRANK THE WHOLE POT!?” Donnie yelled from inside the mech. “Afraid so my friend.” Sasha chirped back over her shoulder. “Oh man! No idea how I’m gunna sleep tonight then! I’ll be so wired I’ll probably be up for a week!” Donnie replied, the sounds of him knocking around inside the mech echoing through the lab. “Donnie I’ve seen you stay up for weeks on projects before. WITHOUT caffeine might I add. Don’t go blaming the coffee.” Sasha playfully scolded him. “Hey! Who’s side are you on!?” Donnie whined. Sasha just giggled, pressing the brew button on the machine.
Soon, the coffee machine was humming away as a nice hot dark brew came from the spout. Sasha breathed in the smell, enjoying it quite a bit. When you live with huge Crocodile Mutant in the sewers, few good smelling things are so easy to come by. Sasha’s ears and tail wiggled softly with contentment, until her trance was broken by Donnie’s voice from inside the mech. “Oh shell!” He said, sounding a bit annoyed. Sasha hurried over to him a little worried, “What’s wrong Don?” She asked, leaning over the entrance to the mech to try and see inside as Donnie started crawling out of the hatch, “I forgot a piece I need back at The Lair! I’ll have to go grab it!” Donnie said, getting back onto his feet, dusting off his plastron. “If you want I’ll run and grab it for you! I am a cheetah after all! Speed do be my thing.” Sasha offered. “A kind offer, but my deck isn’t the most organized. Wouldn’t want you to get lost trying to find it.” Donnie said, honestly a little embarrassed. Sasha always seemed to keep her workspace pretty organized, and the thought of her having to sift through all of the junk on his desk was unbearable. That, and he kept a small photo of the two of them together on his deck, and always hid it from her when she’d come over. He’d never be able to show his face to her again if she found it. “Well, if you’re sure. Is there anything you’d like me to do then?” Sasha asked, still wanting to at least get some work done while he was gone.
Donnie thought it over and then snapped his finger, “Oh! There’s a box of wires in there under the control panel! My fingers are bit too big to fit in there with the wire cutters, and I need to get the power working in there! Think you could do that?” Sasha nodded and saluted to him, “Aye Aye Sir!” Donnie couldn’t help the little grin on his face seeing her do stuff like that. “Well then, the wire cutters are in there already! So you should be set!” Donnie said, heading around her to leave. “Won’t be needing them!” Sasha said, looking over her shoulder at him with a sly grin. Holding up her hand, showing off her non-retractable claws. “I come pre-equipped with better tools.” She quipped, giving him a playful wink before hopping into the mech’s hatch. “Alright! I’ll be back in two shakes of a turtle’s tail!” Donnie said as he took off. Sasha snickered before shouting after him from inside the mech, “You don’t even have a tail!”
Sasha sat in that mech for a moment, waiting till she could no longer hear Donnie’s footsteps, and then breathed a sigh of relief when finally alone. She was very happy that the night was no longer so damn awkward, but it was still a lot to happen all at once. But, she couldn’t slack off now! Donnie needed her, and she was gunna be useful to him! So she crawled her way to the front part of the mech with the control panel. “Lucky for me cats are flexible! This thing is so cramped I’m surprised Donnie could fit in here with his shell intact
” Sasha muttered to herself, noting all the pointy bits of metal and wiring all around her. “Now
if I where a wire box where would
Oh! There you are!” Sasha scooted over to a small metal box under the control panel and opened it, revealing tangled, frayed, and unconnected wires! “Oh man, this is a mess
” She sighed, “Well, better get to work
Donnie came running into The Lair quickly, heading straight for his desk. “Woah! You’re back pretty early Donnie! Your hot nerd date go well?” Mikey quipped, looking over his shoulder from his spot on the couch. “I told you it’s not a date Mikey! And no, I’m not back. I’m just looking for something I left behind!” Donnie snapped back, digging through the junk and loose blueprints on his desk. “Suuuuure, whatever you say Don!” Mikey snarked before turning his attention back to the TV. Raph wasn’t too far from Donnie’s workspace, currently beating the stuffing out a practice dummy. “Hey bro, you know, not to agree with Mikey or nothin’ but uhhh
don’t you think you outta give it a rest?” Raph said, his tone sounding concerned despite being preoccupied with his opponent. “Give what a rest?” Donnie asked, honestly a little annoyed, this interruption from his brother’s was wasting time when he could be finding that part he needed and getting back to Sasha. At the same time, Splinter and Leo came out of Splinter’s room, wanting to hear what was going on. Raph stopped punching his dummy for a bit and looked at Don with an almost bewildered expression, “You seriously need to ask that? I’m talkin’ about this whole ‘We’re just friends’ thing you keep spoutin’! I mean, I know we aren’t nearly as smart as you, but none of us were born yesterday Brainiac.”
Mikey muted the TV and quickly sat backwards on the couch to peek over the top of the seat to watch the bullets that were about to fly. Even Splinter and Leo seemed a bit interested, if not also on guard. “Is your shell on too tight, or do you just have too much of your practice dummy’s stuffing lodged in your ears?! I’m not putting on an act! We’re JUST FRIENDS. End of story.” Donnie argued. “Oh for fuck’s sake Donnie! Do you hear yourself? There’s no denying how you feel about her, we see it all the time! You two ain’t exactly very slick.” Raph growled. “And why should you care about it?! What our relationship status is doesn’t effect you or anyone else! And what we decide to call it matters only to us!” Donnie snapped back, he and Raph now squaring up to one another. “Maybe, but I do know that the more you say something, the more true it can become! What happens when you say that ‘Just Friends’ garbage a few too many times Donnie? I see the way Sasha looks at you, we all do! What if you say that so much that one day Sasha will just stop being the way she is with you now? All because you kept playing Chicken with your own feelings?” Raph said, jabbing Don in the plastron with his finger. “You’re stupid if you actually think Sasha would end up thinking such a thing!” Donnie growled, honestly the idea that Raph would think this little of her was a bit irritating. Though, he did have a point...
“Oh really? Then I don’t see why you don’t just come out and tell her how you feel already!”
“It’s not that simple Raph!”
“Nah nah, you’re right Donnie! It’s not, especially when you’ve got more Brains then Guts! Sounds like a chicken’s excuse to me!”
“And what would you know about relationships like ours!?”
“I know enough to see when a girl likes a guy, but is holdin’ back cause she’s scared! You’d think that after all the crazy shell backward things we’ve been through you’d pick up on that and swoop in! But nah, Mr. Smarty Shell is too selfish to think about other’s feelings. Let me guess, the whole genius thing makin’ you think feelings are too beneath you? Again, just sounds like being chicken to me.”
“Ooooooo! You just got told Donnie!” Mikey shouted from the couch. Donnie huffed and muttered under his breath as he turned his back in anger and snatched the part he needed from his desk. He started to stomp his way out of The Lair when a small fuzzy hand grabbed him by the shoulder to stop him. “My son please. Take pause and consider your brother’s words. Fear is a natural thing, and it’s ok to feel it. But you can not let it control you.” Splinter said, the soothing way he spoke instantly making Don feel more guilty. He glanced back at his father, who wore a concerned but understanding expression. “A life without balance is hardly worth living. And if you ignore parts of your heart that yearn, then you will surely find life a harsh and painful place. And I would hope Sasha knows this too. But perhaps, if you learn this lesson together, you two will forge a bond stronger then any fear.” Donnie was silent, and just looked down at the floor. “Please, heed my words, my son
” Splinter pleaded with him. Donnie sighed and nodded his head, “Yes, Sensei
” he said softly, pulling his arm away from his father’s grip and continuing to walk out of The Lair.
“Do you think he’s gunna actually go through with it Master Splinter?” Leo asked, walking up to his father and placing a hand on his shoulder. Splinter sighed, “Only time will tell my son.”
Donnie mulled over what Raph and Splinter said while he walked back to Leatherhead’s place. What if Raph was actually right and Sasha was afraid to tell him anything cause of how he kept calling them “Just Friends” this whole time. What if we was just being a coward for not being honest with her about his feelings. It was eating him up inside and he just had to put an end to it! Confess his feelings and let her make her own choice. But
how? When?
His train of thought was interrupted by what sounded like

The closer he got to Leatherhead’s Lair, the louder and more clear it got. And now he was able to make out the voice. It was Sasha! He quietly entered and looked over at the Mech, another grin growing on his face. He couldn’t see her, but he sure could hear her. The song she was singing didn’t sound familiar, and was mostly something self composed. He never said anything about it, but he had seen loose papers on her desk before that looked like poems or possible songs. She always seemed to get nervous when she noticed them on her desk and would hide them quickly.
Donnie continued listening to her voice for a bit longer, before finally letting his presence be known. He cleared his throat, “Sasha, I’m back!” He chirped. Sasha’s singing stopped instantly with a loud and startled chirp, fallowed by a metallic thud and a few whines in pain. Donnie winced, dropped the part he had in his hands and ran over to the mech’s hatch. “Oh shell! Sasha! You ok!?” Sasha crawled out of the hatch, rubbing the top of her head, “Yeah! J-just surprised me and I
bumped my head!” She muttered. She started to stagger a little as she tried to lift herself up from the floor, and Donnie quickly took action. He wrapped his arm around her back, with her arm around his shoulders, helping her up to her feet. “Must’ve been a lot more then a bump, you’re hardly walking right!” Donnie fussed, leading her over to the deck and setting her gently into a chair. “No, no, no! I’m fine Donnie! Really!” She said, taking her hand off her head and looking up with a smile that
didn’t convince him at all.
That’s when he noticed what looked like
a red color in her light blonde hair. This made him panic, “No! You’re not Sasha! It looks like your bleeding!” He said. Sasha cocked and eyebrow at him, before looking down at her hand and sure enough, small smears of blood where on the palms of her gauntlets. “Oh, well that explains it
” She grimaced, now with a tinge of worry in her voice. “Hold on one second, and let me get the First Aid Kit!” Donnie ordered, taking off into the kitchen and opening the cabinets. “O-okay
” Sasha muttered back. Her eyes were stinging as uncontrollable tears of pain and embarrassment were starting to bead up. She looked towards the entrance, noticing the part Donnie had brought back was now in pieces on the ground. Her ears dropped, “Oh no! Donnie, your part! It’s Broken! All that work-” she whimpered, trying to get up and grab it. But she was quickly stopped by Donnie's hand pressing down gently on her shoulder, “Can be done again, and doesn’t matter right now. But you do! So just relax and let me take a look.” Donnie ordered again, his soft voice sounding less panicked then before, but definitely still worried.
Sasha begrudgingly sat back down, and Donnie got right to work. First by gently placing his hand on the top of her head to feel around for a bump, Sasha winced in pain when he hit it, a few tears breaking loose and running down her cheeks. He parted her hair to take a look at the damage, and found a small bump with a slight gash in it. “Oh shell
you hit whatever it was pretty good. Any deeper and stitches would’ve been needed.” Donnie exclaimed. “Yeah, I
couldn’t hear you when you came in. Made me jump quite a bit
” Sasha admitted, clearly embarrassed, and not explaining her little solo concert she was having. “Well, we’re gunna patch you up. Don’t you worry!” Donnie said, a bit more chipper now, comforted by the fact that the damage wasn’t as bad as he originally feared. He bent down in front of her, placing the First Aid Kit on the floor beside him and opened it. “Alright, firstly, we need to clean it.” He said, digging through the kit and finding a few wipes. He tore them open and pulled them out using a pair of tweezers, and then looked back at Sasha. “This will sting just a bit. Is that gunna be ok?” Donnie asked. He sounded apologetic, but it was more or less a rhetorical question, as despite any argument she could make, this needed to be done anyway. Sasha sniffled and nodded softly.
Donnie got in close to her and cupped her chin gently, tilting her head down a bit so he could see the bump again. Using his other hand to gently dab the wipe on the cut with the tweezers. As soon as the wipe make contact, Sasha hissed in pain, a small growl bubbling up from her chest. “Sorry
” Donnie muttered gently, continuing to clean the wound. Sasha sniffed, “It’s ok, I’m just sorry about the hisses and the growls. It just hurts like- OUCH!” Quickly cut off by more stinging pain. “Sorry again
He made a few more dabs with the wipes, swapping out the tools for some bandages, “Ok, I’m just about done! Now to wrap it up!” He said. “Got it doc!” Sasha chirped weakly. The bump on her head still made her feel a bit dizzy, but she’s had worse in fights along side the Turtles. Donnie gently placed a gauze pad on the bump, before securing it with some medical tape. “Sorry about the tape. I know it’s not gunna be the most comfortable to wear, or
take off. But it should still work for now.” Donnie said, finishing up his handy work and putting the items back inside the kit. “I’m sure I’ll manage.” Sasha said, gently placing her hand on the bump to feel of it herself. Donnie looked back at her, it had been the first time he had actually paid attention to her face since the bump. He noticed the wetness on her cheeks, and it broke his heart. He didn’t like to see her in pain, much less crying.
Sasha took her hand off the top of her head and then felt something brush against her cheek, her eyes flew up to look at Donnie who was much closer then she expected! He had that same deep and thoughtful stare he had earlier that night, only now his eyebrows where turned upwards. Giving him a mildly concerned look. And if this stare wasn’t enough to make Sasha’s heart nearly leap out of her chest, Donnie was now cupping her cheek. His calloused thumb just lazily wiping at the tracks her tears made on her fur. “Are you sure you’re ok?” Donnie asked, in a daze but focused at the same time. Sasha was taken off guard by his question, “Huh? Y-yeah, of course Donnie. N-no need to get so worked up over it! I’ve had worse you know. Remember my leg? It ain’t exactly very pretty!” “Yeah
I know
” Donnie responded, still staring at her. “But
I don’t want anything else to happen to you. Not while I’m around
” he added softly. Sasha’s eyes grew wide, the heck was he on about!? It was one bump on the head, and now he was talking to her like she was on her deathbed or something!
Sasha gulped, now even more painfully aware of how close they where, and the knot in her stomach now doing backflips to the rhythm of her racing heart. “Don, are you sure YOU’RE ok? You’ve been kinda-“ Sasha tried to argue, but she trailed off after her eyes rested on his. It’s not fair! That mask of his always shielded his eyes, so she could never tell where exactly he was staring. Yet her eyes where so big that trying to hide where she was looking was all but impossible! Sasha’s lips tucked in for a moment, only to see Don’s lips do the same. “So
he is staring at them
” Sasha thought to herself. She felt the heat from her body rush to her face, her breathing start to quicken. This wasn’t good, and this feeling was starting to scare her a little. “Donnie
” She tried to bring words to her lip’s but couldn’t think of any.
It was like the room got so much hotter and Sasha was quickly loosing control of her restraint, but that’s when she noticed his eyes flicker up a little and he blinked. “Oh shell
” He said, now seemingly snapped out of he previous daze. Sasha rolled her eyes, “Donnie I told you I’ve had worse-” “Not that! DUCK!” It was more obvious now, and she turned. The generator that had been sitting next to the mech, was now beet red, sparking, and steaming up like crazy! Rattling like it was about to blow! Before Sasha could get to her feet, Don quickly scooped her up into his arms, and leaped across the room just as it exploded, sending metal shards, smoke, and heat everywhere. The boom echoing all over the sewers.
The resulting sounds from the blast made Sasha’s ears ring, and the bump on her head pound. She tried to move to cover her ears but quickly found that she really couldn’t move at all, something heavy was on top of her. She opened her eyes slowly, the smoke and daze from her pain making it hard to see much at first. But after blinking a bit, her eyes flew open at the sight of Donnie looming over her, holding her to his chest, back facing the blast. He shielded her. Donnie’s eyes were clamped shut till he felt the explosion had finished causing damage. He peeked one eye open, and then asked through heavy breaths, “You ok?” Sasha stared at him, with a look that could only be described as both ‘Awe’ and ‘Shock’. She genuinely felt like she had lost control of her mind and body over the last few hours and it scared her! But
somewhere deep down inside her loved every little moment of it!
It was Exciting! Electrifying! Euphoric!
don’t know anymore
” her words came out like a whisper, as she continued to stare at him. Donnie had never seen her like this, but her words, while concerning, for some reason made his butterflies come back in full force. He gulped, “Do you
n-need any water? Or something for your hea-” His words were cut short after Sasha gently started making a shushing noise. He stopped talking and felt his whole body shiver when Sasha brought up her hand to rest on his cheek! Donnie froze in place, more out of fear that she would pull away if he moved. Her touch was like a feather, soft and gentle. Her sharp claws just barely brushing along his olive green skin, now darker stained thanks to the blush that crawled it’s way to his cheeks. This touch felt so electric! Donnie had been zapped a good number of times in the past, but this was so much more different! And yet his body shivered all that same! Like a million little shockwaves going off in every little nerve.
But, it was her eyes! Those ever bright blue orbs of her’s that really made his heart sing! She was staring at him with the same kind of mindless concentration she would have working on machinery. But something was definitely different, a kind of wonder in her eyes that made every part of Donnie’s body feel warm and fuzzy, despite being cold blooded. And unlike his own, Sasha’s eye’s weren’t hidden behind some mask. They trailed from his own eyes, to the place on his cheek where her fingers rested. Then both her fingers and eyes trailed down to his mouth, her fingers stopping just short of his lips

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Sasha’s eye’s where fixated there for what seemed like an eternity, Donnie really tried to not move at all! Being a man of science, he just had to know what she was going to do, and if his hypothesis was correct...
But, Donnie absentmindedly tucking his lips in a little made a tingle of movement shoot through the nerves in Sasha’s fingers. Sasha’s eyes finally blinked and it looked like she had seen a ghost! She saw her fingers, her claws, resting just short of Donnie’s lips! And her stomach dropped like a sack of flower and she slid away from him, pulling back like he was gunna bite her! Her speed alone made Donnie flinch as well!
What Sasha did next could only be described as a panic-filled barrage of words that almost made no sense due to how fast she was speaking! Sasha was always a fast talker, being a cheetah, most things she did were done quickly. But it was especially obvious when she was embarrassed, stressed, or excited. She was curled up into a small ball, babbling on about being sorry for something, rubbing her hand that had touched him vigorously. She had pure fear in her eyes, and a very dark shade of red on her face showing through her fur. And just as it seemed like she was about to cry, a couple of voices could be heard coming from the entrance, calling out for Donnie and Sasha in concern! Donnie looked up to see Leatherhead and Honeycutt running through the doorway looking terrified.
“Oh heavens! Donatello! Sasha! Are you two alright!?” Honeycutt called out as they ran inside. “We heard a loud blast!” Leatherhead added. “We’re fine! Now anyways!” Donnie answered, but then looked back at Sasha, “But-“ Before he could finish his words, Leatherhead saw Sasha shivering and curled up, muttering to herself still. Leatherhead bent down to check on her, noting that she was rubbing at her hand. He grumbled, then looked back at Donatello, “What caused the blast?” He asked. “The Generator! If I had to guess, Sasha must’ve mixed up the wiring work for the power.” Leatherhead said nothing, but nodded, before Honeycutt walked around Donnie. “Oh dear! What a mess! And your Shell!” He said. Sasha snapped out of her quivering state hearing Honeycutt mention Don’s shell! Based on how he sounded, he made it sound like Don was in bad shape. The thought of him saving her like he did, only to have his shell damaged made her worry. “O-oh my spots! Don, a-are you ok!?” Sasha asked, trying to left herself up to see the damage! But as soon as she moved, her eyes rolled back and she went limp. Leatherhead caught her before she hit the ground, “Easy! Easy there my feline friend!” “W-what’s wrong with her Leatherhead!? Is she gunna be ok!?” “Take her to her room and look her over with my scanners!” Honeycutt suggested. “Good idea!” Leatherhead replied, standing up and holding Sasha in his arms. “I’ll help you clean up in a moment my friend.” He said, looking at Donnie, who seemed really shook up by Sasha’s condition. “She’ll be fine, I promise
” he assured, giving his turtle friend a small smile before following Honeycutt to Sasha's room.
After a small bit, Leatherhead came back out of Sasha’s room to see Donnie half heartedly cleaning up the mess made after the blast. His Shell was covered with small bits of debris and soot, along with a few assorted scratches. “Allow me to help you clean your shell my friend
” Leatherhead offered, approaching Donnie as he softly swept the floor, staring at the ground in a daze. When he didn’t answer, Leatherhead simply placed his hand on Donnie’s shoulder, making the young turtle jolt and look up at him, “Oh! S-sorry Leatherhead! I was
just thinking
” he muttered apologetically. “You do that a lot.” Leatherhead joked, a small chuckle escaped from his throat. Donnie didn’t laugh back, and just looked back down at the ground, his eye’s fallowing the trail of dust he was sweeping. “I’m sorry for the mess
” Donnie apologized, not really knowing what else to say. “It is part of the job. Normal for us men of science, correct?” Donnie said nothing once more. Leatherhead sighed, patting Donnie on the back before walking away and grabbing a wash cloth, running it under some water, “Don’t you worry about Sasha. According to Honeycutt, she had a Panic Attack and overheated. Something pretty common with Cheetahs actually. Though that nasty lump on her head probably didn’t help things.” Leatherhead explained as he ringed out the extra water from the cloth and turned to look back at Donnie, who was now looking a little more relieved.
Leatherhead lead Donnie to one of the chairs and had him sit down while he started to clean off his shell. “So, wanna tell me what happened exactly?” Leatherhead asked, trying his best to not sound too nosy. But after some of the things Honeycutt told him about the scans he did on Sasha’s condition, he couldn’t help but ask. Though, he was sure he already knew what happened, he just wanted to hear it from Donnie first. “I-I don’t really know Leatherhead. I just
don’t think either of us were quite ‘ourselves’ tonight. That’s really it
” Donnie responded, trying to put everything that had happened into words, but it was hard to describe something this...new. Leatherhead nodded his head, “Hmmmmm, I see
” It was clear to him that Donnie wasn’t gunna come clean with anything, especially not right now. So he left it be, intending to ask Sasha about it later when she was back to normal.
After cleaning up his shell, Donnie and Leatherhead went back to cleaning up the mess. And after a few minutes, stopped when they saw Honeycutt walk out of Sasha’s room. Donnie ran over to him, “I-Is she gunna be ok?” Honeycutt nodded, “Oh she’ll be just fine. Seems she just had a bit of an anxiety attack, and passed out when the heat from her body got to her. Nothing she can’t bounce back from.” Donnie let out a sigh of relief, hand to his chest to keep his heart from escaping out of his throat, “Thank goodness
” Honeycutt continued however, “And then, there’s the matter of that bump on her head. Nothing too serious, but how did she get it? Did that explosion injure her?” Donnie rubbed the back of his neck, “Well, see, I left something back at the lair and when I came back with it, I think I startled her while she was in the mech. She must’ve hit her head somewhere inside of it
” “Oh, I see! I’ll go and check it out, make sure she didn’t hit anything too sharp.” Honeycutt said, walking over to the mech, before stopping and looking at Donnie again, “And
perhaps you should go back home Donatello. Sasha won’t be wake for a few more hours. But I promise, she’s in good hands.” Donnie looked unhappy and worried, but nodded and left.
Donnie came through the entrance to the lair, and just as his brothers turned to welcome Donnie back, they noticed the absolutely miserable look on his face! Watching as he just wondered his way back to his own room and shut the door behind him. Splinter sighed, shaking his head and went back to his own room. Leo, Mikey, and Raph just looked at one another, giving each other a grimace.
The following evening, Sasha finally awoke from her rest to find Plato laying on her stomach. As she shifted to set back up in bed, the tortoise’s head poked out of his shell and looked up at her, letting out a small happy hiss. “Heeey little man, what are you doing in here?” Sasha said, sounding a little dazed. Just as she asked this, Leatherhead opened the bedroom door and walked in, carrying a small tray with a glass of water and a sandwich. He froze for a moment, then smiled. “Morning my friend! I see Plato has been doing a good job of keeping an eye on you. Poor thing was worried sick when he finally woke up and didn’t see you in the lab.” He said as he pulled up a chair from the corner of the room to her bedside, placing the tray down on Sasha’s lap. Sasha rubbed her head, looking at the tray and then back at Plato, who was now waddling his way to her side to snuggle, “No doubt. Sorry about that little man!” Sasha said, gently using the back of her hand to pet Plato’s shell. The tortoise letting out a happy churring sound in response. “He’s not the only turtle who was worried about you either
” Leatherhead said, in a casual and yet very coy tone. Sasha froze, about to bite into her food and looked over at Leatherhead a bit spooked. “Wanna tell me what happened?” He asked, a small smile on his toothy face, but it was a soft one. Like a friend wanting to comfort rather than just wanting be nosy.
Sasha let out a nervous giggle, trying to play it cool, and failing miserably. “What? N-Nothing happened. What would give you that idea?” Leather raised his brows as his coy smile got just a bit bigger, “Oh you know, aside from you passing out due to stress, Donatello telling me you both weren’t ‘Yourselves’, and Honeycutt telling me that when he scanned you for a health check he noticed your pheromone levels where going through the roof. You know
those things
” Sasha felt heat rush back to her face as she grabbed at her blanket and pulled it up to her chest. She looked irritated, shocked, and obviously embarrassed by that. “So
wanna fill me in?” Sasha shook her head and went back to her sandwich, taking bite, “Thought you said that Donnie told you already
” she said, glaring at him. Leatherhead shook his head, “Nope, I merely said he had stated you two weren’t yourselves. Nothing more then that.”
She glared at him a bit longer, he wouldn’t lie to her like this. And he’s always been there to try and help with her feelings before, be they romantic towards Donnie or otherwise. So, reluctantly, Sasha sighed, her head hung low and she stared at the sandwich on her plate. Suddenly feeling the butterflies coming back, remembering everything that happened the previous night. Losing her appetite in the process. “Truthfully, I really don’t know what happened. It was a lot of little things. Nothing that hadn’t happened before between us. You know? A stare that lasted too long, grabbing for the same item and our hands meeting
” Sasha said wistfully, trailing off a bit, holding one of her hands to her chest. “But, there was definitely something different in the air
” her face contorted into an uncomfortable expression. Leatherhead raised an eyebrow, staying silent and just listening intently. “I really have no idea what it was, but
he was right when he said we weren’t ourselves. There were moments when we got close, it felt
” Sasha added, her breath getting a bit heavier as she spoke. She closed her eyes to calm down a little, her insides doing flips. “I see
and what happened just before Honeycutt and I arrived?” Leatherhead asked, getting up and sitting at the end of the bed. Sasha’s eyes opens slowly as she looked back down at her hand on her chest. She opened it to look at the palm, and her face grimaced a bit.
“After he saved me from the explosion
I just couldn’t stop myself
” Sasha said, staring at her hands, ashamed. “The second my eyes met his I felt my body loose control. My hand just
moved. First it was his cheek and then his
” Leatherhead blinked a bit surprised. Sasha let out a grunt of embarrassment and she slammed her hands over her face. Hearing herself recalling it all out loud was just too much. Leatherhead was at a loss for words, but tried to press on, “D-Did you
” before he could finish asking, Sasha looked up at him with a glare, “No! I didn’t kiss him
” “Oh, good
” he said, relieved he didn’t have to actually say it. Sasha looked back down at her hands, “Luckily I was able to stop myself. But it was
” she trailed off, balling her fits up “
and terrifying.” Leatherhead sighed, his low voice creating a deep growl in his throat. “Well, what had you so afraid?” Sasha, opened her hands again, then looked back up at Leatherhead, “You know what did!” She said flatly. Leatherhead nodded. “Well, as much as I understand your feelings about this matter, I’m afraid you’ll have to face them someday sooner rather then later. If you hope too keep working with myself and Honeycutt, and Donatello by extension, you’re going to need to tell him the truth one day. The whole truth
” He said getting up and heading for the door. He placed his claws on the knob before turning around to look at her. She looked like was gunna be sick, he was right after all. If she hoped to remain friends with the turtles, she’d have to be honest with Donnie about her feelings. Sooner rather then later.
“If you need me, I’ll be outside
” Leatherhead added, before walking out of the room.
Another day went by, and Donnie still hadn’t stopped sulking. The poor thing was so distracted and deep in his own thoughts that he barely spoke or ate much of anything since that night in the lab. And his family definitely noticed. His brothers would try to engage him in chit-chat, but aside from one sentence responses, it was like talking to a brick wall. Splinter wasn’t even able to get much out of him other then that he was confused and worried. About what? He wouldn’t say. Donnie had been constantly texting Leatherhead and Honeycutt, asking if it was a good idea to go by and see Sasha now that she had recovered a bit. But, they refused to give their opinions on the matter. Which was fair he guessed, getting them involved in his and Sasha’s confusing relationship wasn’t really gunna solve anything. They needed to be honest with each other about their feelings. And that wasn’t gunna happen by staying apart from each other.
So, with butterflies in his stomach and a box of mini donuts, Donnie headed over to Leatherhead’s place. When he entered, he saw Leatherhead and Honeycutt hard at work. Things still looked a bit banged up from the blast, but no real damage was done. Donnie approached them, a little curious to see what they were up to and to ask where their feline friend was at. Before he could ask, Leatherhead just wordlessly looked over at Don and pointed over to Sasha’s room. Donnie froze in place and looked over to the room, then back at Leatherhead, who grinned at him. Winked, then when back to his business. “Guess they already knew what I wanted
” Donnie thought to himself, now walking over to her room. Every step closer to her door felt like he was walking underwater, and this heavy feeling was coming back. The butterflies in his chest starting to go ballistic, and his body tensed. And now, he was staring at the doorknob, and all he had to do was just
knock and turn it

He froze in place, looking at his own reflection in the metal, hating himself for being such a coward. He was about to turn and walk away, but then he heard a familiar voice just behind the door.
“Donnie? That you?”
It was so surreal, hearing her voice again in his ears after not speaking to her. For pretty much the whole time they had known each other, they spent every waking hour together. It was strange to have one in the room without the other not being too far behind. And when they were apart, it was like a puzzle with a missing piece. A sky with no clouds. A heart with no beat. And suddenly that super heavy feeling went away. Sure, he still felt awkward, but it was more manageable now that he could hear her.
“U-Uhh, yeah! May I come in?” Donnie asked. “Yes, please.” Her voice sounded like an angel to him, and why would he stay away from such a beautiful voice. He peeked into the room. It was pretty dark in there, but thanks to the light pouring in through the door, Sasha could be seen sitting up in her bed, looking over at him. A soft and sweet smile on her face. Donnie chuckled a bit as he stepped into the room, leaving the door open a crack to provide some light, “How did you know it was me?” Donnie asked, a smile creeping onto his face as he approached her. Sasha giggled a bit, and looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, “I could smell you on the other side of the door. I’m slowly getting better at telling you all apart without looking.” Donnie took a seat on the end of her bed, laughing now, “Oh come on, we don’t smell THAT bad! Right?” Sasha joined in on the laughs too, “Oh come on, you know I didn’t mean it like that.” “I know, I know! I’m just teasing.” Donnie said, letting the giggles die down.
The air fell silent for a second before Donnie handed the Mini Donuts to her, “I just
dropped by to see you. Leatherhead said you were doing much better.” He said, giving her a soft smile. Sasha smiled back and took the box, “Oh yeah, I’m fine now.” She pointed to the top of her head, “Healed up pretty good, thanks to you.” Don felt a heat start to grow on his cheeks, “It was no problem really. I mean, I couldn’t have you bleeding all over the lab. And it was my fault for scaring you after all.” Sasha could feel a little heat rushing to her face now as well, remembering why hearing him had spooked her. She looked down at the donut box in her lap, “I guess you
heard it then?” Her voice was just barely above a whisper, but Donnie understood her perfectly. “Admittedly
yes. I-I did.” He said, a bit worried this might upset her. Sasha felt her stomach drop and all she wanted to do was crawl under the sheets and hide from him. Don could hear her whine a little under her breath, and tried to put her mind at ease, “But don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me!” Sasha didn’t look up at him, but muttered back a soft “Thanks
” Before finally opening the donut box and eating one.
Sasha started munching on the donut while at the same time Donnie was trying to work up the courage to say what he had come to say. But, he still couldn’t make out the words, “This is pathetic! I’ve fought alien armies, evil ninja gangs, crime bosses, and even a literal demon dragon! And
I can’t even tell a girl how I feel about her! What the shell is wrong with me!?” A couple of chews in and Sasha stopped when she saw that Donnie was staring at the floor in frustration. Sasha raised an eyebrow, swallowed, and spoke up, “Uhhh, Don?” He twitched hearing her voice again and snapped his head up in her direction. “Y-Yeah?” He asked. Sasha didn’t feel like beating around the bush on this, after all, Leatherhead said they needed to talk about what happened. So she asked, “I don’t suppose you came here for the donuts
right?” Donnie seemed to go pale, that feeling of anxiety coming back like a battering ram. “I-I uhhhh
” Donnie tried speaking, trying his best to think of the words he needed to say. Sasha’s eyes seemed to glow in the dark, and looked like they could see right through him. Her face contorted in mild frustration as she picked up on his hesitation. She understood too well how uncomfortable this was, for both of them.
Donnie noticed her show some discontent with his silence, and he swallowed hard, hoping his mouth could just speak. Cause his brain damn sure wasn’t making any progress. “I-I was just w-wanting to say that
I’m sorry for the other night
” Sasha blinked for a second, honestly not expecting him to apologize. And her silence was deafening to Don, getting more and more anxious the longer she stayed silent. “W-Wah
huh?” Sasha managed to sputter out, honestly a bit confused. Now, Donnie was starting to get confused, thinking that the bump on her head could’ve made her memory foggy, “Well I-I said I was sorry about-” Sasha butted in, “No No, I heard what you said. I’m confused about
why YOU'RE sorry!?” Donnie nervously chuckled, “W-well you know, because of how
weird things were
” There was a moment of silence, then he continued, “I know I’m not the only one who felt it
” Sasha’s ears drooped a little as her eyes wandered to the floor, but they looked back at him, her soft smile was back, “Yeah
but that
wasn’t all your fault. There was definitely something in the air that day, but I highly doubt it was because of you.” She said softly.
“Fair point, I suppose
” Feeling a little bit silly for having the obvious stated out loud. “But still, that night’s events were a bit weird for both of us. A-And I just
just don’t wanna have this weird air to keep happening or
keep us from being close...” Sasha was quite, more then willing to listen to him. She had only known The Turtles for a few months by now, and Donnie was one to keep his emotions under wraps. But had a problem knowing when to start letting them out so things didn’t fester. And it was clear by the way he was talking, this was getting to him. “I was just worried that I had made you uncomfortable, and
I honestly don’t know what got into me. I just, wanted to say I’m sorry. A-And I understand if you don't want to work with me anymore.” Those last words coming out with a little hitch in his voice. And even in the dark, Sasha could see small tears building in his eyes. It broke her heart. Donnie tried, he really did, to keep from crying. But it wasn’t enough. The tears started too flow out, and he held back any sobs, only being replaced by the sounds of sniffling. He felt pathetic and stupid all at once. On the one hand, his logical and scientific brain was telling him his fears of her hating him and never working with him again were completely unfounded! Sasha had shown no evidence of being that kind of person at all in the few month he had known her! However, his emotional teenaged heart overflowed with so many confusing emotions, that it was hard to understand them all at once. Or at all!
Suddenly, Don felt something touch his hand and he stopped, looking down to see Sasha using the back of her hand to gently pet his own. He looked up at her, the look on her face was comforting and soft. “Don, I wouldn’t dream of just throwing away my relationship with you or any of your brothers over one
awkward night. You guys mean more to me then that. You really think I’d do that to you?” Donnie froze and felt himself wanting to shrivel up into a ball. The feeling of guilt growing in his stomach. “N-No, I mean
well, I know you’re not cruel, I was just
” Sasha shook her head, “You don’t gotta explain. I got it.” She softly pulled her hand away from him, rubbing the back of it. There was silence once again in the room, until Don cleared his throat, “Look uhhhh, let’s just say it’s all water under the bridge! No one got hurt, and uhhhh I’m sure we were both just feeling a bit off due to the seasons starting to change.” It was obvious in his voice. Donnie was so bad at bullshitting and they both knew that. He didn’t want to be a coward anymore about his feelings, but without the right words, there was no way in hell he was gunna be able to go through with his confession. For now, it was time to try and calm the situation. So the two of them could just, go back to the way things were. Sasha picked up on this tone, and while she didn’t believe him, she wasn’t having the easiest time knowing what she was feeling either. So she agreed.
“Yeah, I suppose that’s a good point.” She said, her smile ever there. “Let’s not let one awkward night throw us off, okey? It’s all going to turn out good in the end. Right?” Donnie reassured her, though part of him was just saying this out loud to try and fool himself. Sasha nodded her head, “Yeah, I’m sure it will.”
Oh how wrong they were

The next week proved that all they had done was just make things worse! The two of them continued to work together on projects, hang out with the others, and go out on missions. But, it seemed like the awkwardness between them had only continued to escalate. It went from sneaking glances at one another to being caught outright staring. Accidentally touching each other became a cue for them to just ignore each other’s existence! Even being left alone together for any amount of time filled any room or area they where in with so much tension that you could feel it crawling on your skin. The others had thoughts of stepping in and trying to help them, but to The Turtles and Splinter, they had already tried that and Donnie didn’t listen. And, to Leatherhead and Honeycutt, either of them knew how to approach Sasha about it either. They could only really see it from a male's point of view. Neither of them could fully understand the issues that Sasha had with her feelings, and neither have had a relationship before. It seemed like, Sasha and Donnie were going to be doing this alone.
That was until one night, Don had finally had enough of feeling this way, and finally decided to go and speak to Master Splinter. One on One.
He felt so guilty. His master already tried to help him once, but he was too stubborn and cowardly to listen. Would he even be willing to help him this time? He was feeling desperate, and didn’t wanna loose one of the best things in his life to something so stupid as a crush. If that’s all he was feeling for her after all. Just as he reached his master’s room and was about to knock, he heard Splinter’s voice from behind it, “Come in my son. It’s quite late.” Donnie flinched, before slowly cracking the door open. Splinter was sitting on the ground meditating, facing away from the door. Donnie swallowed hard and walked into the room, closing the door behind him. He walked over and took a seat next to his master. The room was lit only by candles, the golden light danced all around the room. It was always calming in there, but despite that, Donnie was still feeling nervous. He glanced at his master, who had his eyes closed and was still seemingly meditating. “Are you ready to finally speak about your feelings my son?” Donnie nodded softly, “I tried Splinter. I really did! But, I... froze up again. My words wouldn’t come out.” “Fear often freezes the blood of even the strongest warrior. You shouldn’t punish yourself for feeling it’s grip.” “But I do Master, I can’t shake it. Of all the things I’ve been able to do for the world, I still can’t tell a girl how I feel
” Splinter let out a small hum, as if he were thinking, “I unfortunately can’t tell you what words your heart wishes to say, my son. Nor do I have any experience with these matters. But perhaps, you could ask someone else about how to proceed. Perhaps a change in perspective and environment is what will put you on the right path.” Donnie let out a frustrated sigh, he wasn’t one hundred percent sure what he was expecting from his master, though he did have a point.
“But what on earth did any of-“
A stray thought barged it’s way into his brain and let a huge smile grow on his face. The first one he had in days! He shot up from the floor next to his master and ran out of the room while shouting back, “Thanks Sensei!”. Splinter opened his eyes and looked out the room, a small smile growing on his face. “Good Luck to you my son.” He whispered to himself before going back to meditating
April was brewing a fresh cup of coffee in her kitchen before she heard a small knock on her windowsill. She smiled and ran over to it. “Come on in! I made some coffee!” She greeted her purple wearing terrapin friend as he perched on the edge of the building. Don swooped into the window and walked over to the couch as April ran to get the coffee. “Thanks April! I appreciate it! And uhhhhh-” He was about to ask before April answered, carrying a mug for him and taking a seat next to him. “Don’t worry, Casey isn’t here right now. I sent him out with a small shopping list to keep him busy.” Don let out a sigh of relief, knowing that they wouldn’t be disturbed. Donnie took the coffee when April decided to start. “Sooooo, wanna tell me what’s so important that you had to text me for an 'Emergancy Meeting' in the middle of the night?” Donnie looked down at the floor, putting his mug back down on the table. “I uhhhhh
need some advice.”
At this she raised an eyebrow, “Advice for what exactly? Why not ask Splinter?” “I went to him already and he can’t help me with this problem.” He looked up at her with pleading eyes, “You’re the only one I can talk to about this. My brother’s haven’t been the best help, and I’d die of embarrassment if Casey was involved.” His cheeks turned a bit dark at the thought, and that’s when it clicked. “Ohhhhh, I get it. This is about Sasha, right?” She concluded, a slight teasing tone escaping her voice. Don’s cheeks became even darker and he softly nodded, looking back down at the floor. April had to fight back the urge to let out an “Awwwwwww”! This was just too cute to her. She always enjoyed watching the two of them interact, it was young love at it's purest. It was just a matter of time before Donnie told someone about it outright. “So
what’s up?” Donnie sighed, “I wanna confess my feelings to Sasha, but
every time I try, I just freeze. It’s like my brain just stops and all that comes out of my mouth becomes mush.” He then started to rub the bridge of his nose with his fingers, “And to make matters worse, we had a
moment the other night. And ever since then there’s been this very uncomfortable feeling between us. And I know she knows it’s there too!” “What happened with this ‘moment’ if you don’t mind me asking?” April was intrigued now, and her romance novel loving side was showing a bit. Donnie shook his head, “It doesn’t really matter honestly. I’m not even one hundred percent sure what happened myself. We both just
weren’t ourselves. And now we can’t be in the same room together without having this weird feeling hanging around in the air!”
“Well, maybe you just need to bite the bullet and ask her out on a date!” Donnie felt his brain screech to a halt! His eyes were huge and it looked like April had just told him that the Earth was flat and the Moon Landing never happened! “WHAT? WHY WOULD THAT HELP ANYTHING?” “If thinking about it too much makes your brain freeze, maybe charging in head first is what you need to do instead. And if going on a date helps you two get to know each other more, it could help you find the words too!” April explained. “How though? And besides, even if I did do that, and by some miracle she agreed to it, where would we go? Don’t know if you’ve noticed April, but we both don’t exactly
” Donnie paused, gesturing to his appearance. “You know
blend in very well!” She nodded and put her hand to her chin. “You do raise a good point.” There was more silence, before April snapped her fingers and jumped up. “I’ve got it! Why not take her out to Casey’s Farmhouse? There’s plenty of space for the two of you to be alone, it’s relaxing! And you know how much Sasha likes to run! Bet you she’s been feeling cooped up being in the sewers and only able to run on rooftops around here!” Donnie thought for a second and grinned a little, “That does sound like a good idea. But
I mean, I can’t just bring her out there without something to do
He mumbled to himself for a second, then an idea popped into his head. “I GOT IT!” April got excited too, “What? What?” Donnie started for the window, “Sorry April, I can’t say for sure, but I’ll call you back in a bit to let you know my idea!” He said, sliding open the window. “Oh come on! Could you at least give me a hint!?” Don crawled out of the window, “Only that I need to speak to someone else about it! I need to check something!” Before running off, he stopped and looked back at April, and smiled bashfully, “And, thanks for your help. I really needed it
” April smiled, shrugging, “What is family for Donnie?” And with that, Donnie disappeared into the night. Running full speed to the harbor.
“Of course Donatello! I’m honored to share my books with you anytime you wish!” The professor beamed, taking Donnie over to one of the many piles of garbage on in the landfill. At the base of it was a tent that seemed to be made of old rags and bedsheets. “Thanks so much Professor!” “What book are you interested in?” The professor asked as he got down on all fours and crawled into the tent. “Do you happen to have that book on Star Charts and Constellations still?” “I sure do! One moment!” The professor answered, as he dug around inside the tent. A few more sounds of cloth being moved around could be heard before he let out a triumphant “Ahaaaa!” The professor climbed back out of the tent with a small dark blue book with golden faded stars on the front of it. Despite being a little worn down, The Professor had clearly been taking good care of it! “Here you go my friend! Your map to The Heavens!” He chortled, getting up off the ground, and handing the book to Donnie. “Thank you so much Professor! You have no idea how much this means to me! If there’s anything you need from me and my brothers, you just say the word!” Donnie said, taking the book and shaking his hand. “Your friendship is more then enough Donatello!” The Professor smiled warmly. “I’m just a little surprised you didn’t bring your Cheetah friend with you this time around! I was looking forward to getting to speak to her again! Such a bright young mind she has! I’m sure she’d love this book too!”
At the mention of Sasha, Donnie's cheeks warmed a bit. He opened the book and looked down quickly at it, turning his back on The Professor in an attempt to hide his face. “Y-Yeah, she’s been a bit busy lately, and I didn’t wanna bother her.” He lied. The Professor had a knowing grin on his face, as he raised an eyebrow, “I see.” He muttered, just watching his turtle friend flip through the book, before clearing his throat. “Though, if you don’t mind me asking, why were you interested in this book in particular? I know you’ve read it already, and you still have more books from me that you have yet to read.” Donnie froze, and thought about it. The Professor likely already knew about his crush on Sasha, in fact he alluded to knowing something about it before getting to meet her in person. As Donnie had talked almost endlessly about her to The Professor for weeks after they met. So Donnie sighed a little and looked over his shoulder at The Professor with a bashful smile, “I uhhhh, was planning on asking Sasha out soon. And I just wanted to see if we couldn’t do some Stargazing
” “Ahhhh, I see! A very romantic idea my friend! I truly hope all goes well for you both!” Donnie nodded, looking up at the sky and thinking about how weird things had gotten between them, the stars looking back at him.
 I hope so too
A few days pasted since Don’s little visit to April’s and The Professor's, and he had been planning the perfect few days with Sasha! But now it was time to ask her out! Which, for once, he had a pretty good idea about how he was going to do it! It was getting some time alone with her without running the risk of being interrupted or spayed on that was the problem! But he fingered tonight was gunna be the best time to do it, as he and his family had invited Sasha, Honeycutt, Leatherhead, April, and Casey over for a movie night sleepover! And since Sasha was in charge of snacks, he was going to offer to help get everything ready with her. And hopefully, have the time he needed to ask her.
“Hey everyone!” Sasha chirped happily, carrying a huge load of snacks and cold drinks in her arms. Leatherhead was close behind, lugginng along his own load of pillows and blankets. Honeycutt fallowed in soon after with a small box of DVD’s in his arms. “I’m sorry if my collection of films aren’t too everyone’s liking. You’re Earth movies are a far cry from the movies I enjoyed back on D’Hoonib.” “No worries Professor! We’ve got tons of movies here! I have our first one already picked out!” Mikey cheered, running over to Sasha to help her set out the snacks on the coffee table in front of the TV. “Shouldn’t we, ya know, vote to pick what we watch first?” Casey asked, a little annoyed. “And what did you bring for us to watch Casey?” Leo asked. “Only the best horror movie ever made! The Mummy!” “The Mummy?” Raph scoffed.
As the others started to bicker about movies, Donnie came out of his lab hesitantly, his eyes instantly landing on Sasha and Mikey over by the coffee table, picking through the snacks and choosing what they should eat first. Donnie took a deep breath. “Ok Don! You can do this!” He whispered to himself before walking over and greating her. “Hey Sasha! Glad you decided to join us!” Donnie said cheerfully. Sasha stopped what she was saying to Mikey to turn her attention to Donnie. She smiled kindly and nodded. “Of course! Wouldn’t miss it for the world! I mean, it IS my first time seeing a movie!” Mikey piped up, “Still can’t believe you’ve never seen one! Not even the classics!” Sasha turned to glare at him, “Well being alone in the desert for several years doesn’t exactly give you many opportunities for cinema going!” Mikey rolled his eyes, “Well, that changes tonight! Cause we’ll being starting off with some horror movies! Hope they’re not too scawy for the itty bitty kitty cat!” He teased. “I’m quite sure I’ve seen a lot scarier things in person then any movie monster on a screen..” She remarked. “No need to play tough Sasha! I’m sure Don would gladly keep you safe!” Mikey jabbed again, laughing harder now. Sasha and Don both glanced at one another for a second, both of them blushing a bit before Don huffed, “Can it Mikey! Besides, Shouldn’t you be getting the chips ready?” Mikey looked at Don a little confused, before noticing what Donnie was up to. A Cheshire like grin spreading over the orange cladded turtle's lips!
“Oooooh, yeah! Right! Thanks bro!” Mikey said, winking at his brother before taking off to go and grab a few bowls for the chips. Leaving the two of them alone for a moment. “What was that about?” Sasha asked, confused by Mikey’s reaction. Donnie nervously shook his head, “N-no idea! Hehe, but y-you know Mikey. Always being a bit
odd.” Sasha raised an eyebrow at him, “Suuuuure
” she muttered, before going back to digging through the snacks and pulling out some bags of popcorn. “Well, I suppose I better get started on cooking these!” Sasha said, starting toward the kitchen, before Donnie followed her. “You want any help with that? I can make the toppings!” He offered. Sasha smirked a bit, her ears tilted back a little, “Donnie my dear friend, do you remember the last time you tried to HELP me with cooking something?” She asked. Donnie froze, the memory flooding back to him, “Oh
k-kinda..” he mumbled. “Good, cause I sure do! It takes a special kind of person to set water on fire.” Sasha jabbed a little. Donnie winced at that, him getting more embarrassed now, “I’m sorry! I was just trying to help fix the recipe!”
“By that do you mean only add half of the sugar needed?” Sasha asked, raising an eyebrow at him, snickering a little. “Too much sugar is bad for you!” “So is eating a burnt cake!”. Donnie grumbled a bit, and Sasha rolled her eyes at him, before offering to let him melt the butter needed for the popcorn. Donnie, still wanting to try and be alone with her long enough to ask her out, agreed despite the blow to his pride. The two got settled in the kitchen to start making the popcorn while the others were by the TV still trying to figure out what to watch first. Donnie figured this would be the only chance he would get, so, he took a deep breath.
“So S-Sasha, I uhhhhh
have something kinda important to talk to you about.” Sasha froze in her tracks, and looked over at him with a grimace, “Do you need introductions on how to melt butter too?” She asked, thinking that he couldn’t possibly be THIS incompetent when it came to food. Donnie whipped his head to look at her, cheeks super dark. “No! No, not that at all!” He rubbed the back of his neck “It was actually about our last conversation
you know, about that night

don’t know if we can keep this up. The way things are going right now
Sasha felt her stomach drop, as if her worst fear was coming true right before her eyes. Don looked a bit unsure, keeping his distance from her on the other side of the kitchen. His arm’s were crossed in front of him, but his eyes stayed fixed on her. Despite feeling like she wanted to faint, she steeled herself for what was coming. “And I know you’ve felt it too. Things are still weird between us. And
we can’t keep working together if every time we’re put in the same room, we just start avoiding one another.” Sasha’s ears drooped and her eyes traveled to the floor. He was right, they couldn’t keep working together like this. And her cowardly behavior wasn’t gunna help anything. But the way Donnie, suddenly gave her a bit of strange hope and intrigue. It was like he was pointing out a problem with an experiment, and it sounded like he was on the verge of a solution. Sasha’s eyes traveled back up to meet his, hoping that she was right, so she prodded a little. “Fair. But
I’m assuming you’re not just bringing this up for no reason
” Don slightly nodded, looking a little more bashful now, but still staying determined to fix this situation. Sasha smirked a little, now getting more curious about what his solution was. “Well then, what do you propose?”
Don took a moment to rack his nerves together, taking a deep breath before talking “So, there’s this meteor shower that’s supposed to be a once in every ten years kind of event. It’s gunna be passing right over all of New York in about a week from now.” Sasha was taken aback a little by this sudden 180 in topic and tone, but that just made her more intrigued. The grin on her lips grew a tad, she folded her arms and snickered. “Alright. But
what are you getting at?” She stepped a bit closer to him, her tail starting to sway. A good sign that she wasn’t angry at him or upset, so Don braced himself for his next point that was sure to either make or break this.
“W-well, I just thought that, since it is an outdoor thing, and we have been cooped up in the sewers for a bit longer then I know you’d like, I figured we could could both use a little fresh air and some time alone. J-just the two of us
” Sasha stopped inching closer to him, and her smiled vanished. Slowly turning into a slight frown. Her ears and tail drooped, as her eyes grew wide, and then narrowed at him. It was like she was going through her own thoughts to try and put together what he had said. Donnie stayed silent, wanting to give her time to process her thoughts. But the longer she stared at him, the more his confidence wavered. The only other sound in the room was the hum from the stove, and the muffled voices from the others in the living room.
After a bit more silence, Sasha finally found her voice, “A-A meteor shower? And y-you wanna watch it together? Like, just the two of us?” She asked, trying to confirm what he was asking for. “Y-yeah. I figured with it just being us, w-we could relax and
maybe get to know each other more
” Donnie said, trying explain his logic, though the hitch in his voice made him sound a lot more unsure then he wanted to. Sasha blinked a bit, before her eyes changed, like she was starting to get lost in her thoughts. She crossed her arms, her tail now twitching pensively behind her. She was thinking hard about this, and Don scrambled to try and come up with something, anything else to say! “I-It’s just that, I know that you know that we have some
thing between us, but we really don’t k-know all THAT much about each other yet. A-and I just thought that we could, yah know, in theory, try and reach some kind of middle ground?”
Sasha still said nothing, but based on her ear flicking in his direction, he knew she was listening to him. He held his breath a bit, then Sasha finally spoke. “But
the lights from the city make the stars dimmer here? And, you said a week from now
that’s early Spring. W-won’t it be a bit cold for you?” Donnie was dumbfounded, before stumbling over his words to answer her questions. “O-oh yeah! T-that’s true. But we won’t be staying in the city for this. A-Actually April has offered to let us stay at her and Casey’s Farmhouse! Plenty of nature to enjoy! No city lights to worry about!” Sasha’s ears perked up more at this, “And what about the cold? It’s colder up here during this time of year. I have fur, but
what about you?” She asked, her sapphire eyes filled with concern and intrigue.
“Is she really considering my offer?”
The thought ran through his head before he quickly stammered out, “Oh! No need to worry about that! We can camp out and I plan on bringing plenty of food and some blankets for the two of us!” She stood there silently, eyes locked on him, trying to read him like a book. Donnie felt vulnerable just standing there, and then he heard Sasha hum a little in thought, “Sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into this
” she said softly. “W-Well, yeah. You’re a really cool person and friend, and I don’t wanna keep going on like this with
” he rocked back and forth a little on his feet, his face starting to burn “
someone that I care a lot about
” he continued, his voice lower then before. Sasha let his words sink in a bit, as her heart fluttered and her cheeks started to burn as well. “I see
” she said, looking at the ground. “Then, if that’s the case, I have just one more question
” Don looked up at her. “What is it?”
Sasha sighed a bit, before looking back up at him...
“Is this a
(To be continued
8 notes · View notes
fluffytsukino1009 · 3 years
Hey darling how are u doing today? I was wondering if u could shipp me with one of the boys from nct 127 and wayv? thank u so much darling, i'm 18 i'm 1.78 cm i have dark blue hair and my hair is very curly, i'm luna lovegood, remus lupin, tonks, wanda maximoff, alice cullen, mad hatter, anne og Green gables kinnie, i'm a infp, Apollo daugther, huffleclaw, my friends say that i'm very loyal, funny sarcĂĄstic, smart, kind and suportive i agree with the sarcĂĄstic bite ahah, i love to do belly dance i'm bi i love 80's mĂșsic and Michael Jackson is my favorite singer since i can remenber, i loveee museums, greek mytology, books, i'm a Disney, marvel, harry potter, greek mytology, narnia, and Tim burton's universe nerd i love cats, my aesthetic is a mix of dark academy, classy and comfy but more dark academy and classy, and i want to became an actress
my bias in nct 127 are jonnhy and yuta and in wayv is ten, the questions that would love to see u opion is, why they fall in love with me, where would we go on dates, and u can do the other 2 questions if u feel comfertable. Have a nice Day 💛✹
Hey! Sorry for the delay, my hands refused to cooperate. But here I am and I had more than enough time to consider and reconsider your ship.
Ten sounded like the perfect adorable match you deserve. About NCT 127 I had to stop for a second but yeah, Yuta looks exactly as the type of man would enjoy seeing your grin while you enjoy watching a Disney movie.
Also gave you the two questions people have been asking the most. Hope you like.
So here we go.
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How he fell in love with you?
Love at first sight. The blue hair and dark academy style stole his attention right away, felt the need the get close to you and start a deep honest conversation but finally choose to play it cool.
Where he takes you on your first date?
Movies. If possible a drive in theater would be the best so you have certain privacy. Later suggest to have dinner together. You choose the movie and he chooses the food.
What he likes the most about your personality?
The way you express yourself, mostly because it easen for him to understand your mind. Always hyping you to speak out your feelings.
What he told his friends/bandmates about you?
Talks about how completely different yet similar you are, and feels like it's easier for him to bring up his emotional side with you. Obviously that have make everyone happy to know he has you.
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How he fell in love with you?
Hits him out of nowhere while you were talking about your day. Realised best part of the day is talking to you, somehow you always have something fun and interesting to say. Doesn't want to lose any chance to hear you talk.
Where he takes you on your first date?
Art museum. Stares at you more than he looks at the art and constantly asking for your opinion over anything. Suggest to take you pictures and blush a little while doing so.
What he likes the most about your personality?
Your love for the strange and unusual (hehehe see what I did there?), never fail to wake his curiosity and he is aware of how much he is inspired by it.
What he told his friends/bandmates about you?
Likes to focus on the details, talks about the way your eyes shine when a Michael Jackson's song start playing and that grin in your face when you're reading a book. By now the boys have heard so much about you they think they know you as good as him, but that's impossible.
0 notes
serafiel-jacobs · 8 months
Curiosity (Fanfic)
One shot 💛
Eugénie opened her eyes, she could feel the gentle sun rays entering the window.
Everyone who stays at Hotel Krat grabs a room for themselves to sleep also to have a little privacy.
She rubbed her eyes and moved her hand to try and feel the nightstand, first, she felt Spring and petted her a little, then she felt it and grabbed her glasses, putting them on to finally see properly.
Only to be started at the sight of Pinocchio staring at her.
“Ah!” Instinctively, she tried to back away but ended up hitting her head on the wall.
“Pinocchio you scared her! Be more careful next time” Gemini chirped from his cage.
“Pinocchio um” EugĂ©nie was finally waking up properly, this was so odd, “Why are you here in my room? Do you need anything?”
Pinocchio shook his head and both stared at each other in silence for a few seconds.
“So then, why are you here?” EugĂ©nie didn’t mean to sound rude but she wasn’t expecting him to be at her room, much less for no apparent reason.
Pinocchio didn’t say anything, as usual, he barely spoke but he could tell that he had overstayed his welcome and gave her a little wave before leaving the room, not without petting Spring before leaving.
That was strange but maybe Pinocchio was just looking for the cat and that’s why he was in her room.
EugĂ©nie got ready for the day, changing and brushing her hair. Truthfully there isn’t much to do at Hotel Krat besides when she or anyone is helping Pinocchio, but all of them make small talk from time to time and they all try and have breakfast together, even if Polendina and Pulcinella don’t eat it, just so all can try to relax and feel more at ease about the situation and they are like a big family at this point.
When she went downstairs everyone else was there already, minus Pinocchio as he left to do some sort of errand outside. Breakfast was usually made by either Polendina or Pulcinella, on a few times by both but EugĂ©nie couldn’t eat well, she hit her head a little too hard and now she was having a headache.
“Something wrong dear?” Antonia could tell right away, she knows everyone at the hotel too well to know when something is up.
“Oh it’s nothing” She tried brushing it off but Antonia was insisting, “Well, I accidentally hit myself on the head this morning, Pinocchio gave me a scare as soon as I woke up”
She explained what had happened and let out a laugh, it was a little amusing now that she said it out loud.
“Oh,” Geppetto was thinking out loud when he said that and everyone could tell something was off by his tone of voice.
“Geppetto is something the matter?” Antonia asked, she could tell Geppetto wanted to brush it off but he explained.
“Well, each night he watches me sleep I was wondering why I didn’t see him last night”
“He does what?” EugĂ©nie thought she might have heard him wrong.
“Since he is a puppet and can’t sleep he watches me sleep at night, I’ve asked him why, according to Gemini he is just curious”
Gemini is the one who has to speak on Pinocchio’s behalf most of the time and that’s the explanation the cricket gave to Geppetto.
“Sometimes he lies next to me in bed
 it’s sort of cute actually” Geppetto smiled, it does feel nice to wake up and see his son next to him. He can tell that Pinocchio tries to sleep by closing his eyes and staying still in bed.
“So that’s why neither of us see him at night” Polendina was wondering where Pinocchio would disappear to.
Polendina and Pulcinella make small talk at night, every once in a while they check on Antonia or Venigni but they have never seen Pinocchio walking by.
“I was starting to get concerned that he was fighting nonstop, glad I was proven wrong” Pulcinella was relieved to hear that Pinocchio wasn’t just constantly in danger.
“I guess he got curious about my sleep this time” EugĂ©nie was starting to feel better so she began to try and eat again.
What the others didn’t know was that Pinocchio’s curiosity was about to expand.
It was the middle of the night when Venigni woke up in a cold sweat, he had a nightmare about his past, his parents' death, lately they had been on his mind, what Arlecchino did, it was supposed to never happen again, no puppet should have-
“Yes Pinocchio he is okay, he just had a nightmare” Venigni quickly turned on the nightstand lamp, finding Pinocchio standing in front of him.
“Friend I’m already scared enough as it is, don’t startle me like that” Venigni let out an awkward laugh, “Or maybe this is a nightmare within a nightmare”
Pinocchio tilted his head, not understanding.
“Well pal, you know how your father taught you about dreams?” Gemini began to explain, “Nightmares are bad dreams”
Pinocchio was now looking concerned, going to Venigni’s side, thinking he was in some sort of danger.
“It’s alright friend, I’m completely okay” Well, mentally not that okay but he doesn’t want to worry the boy, “And speaking of your father, wouldn’t you rather watch him sleep than me?”
It’s not as if he doesn’t like Pinocchio but this is so weird even for an eccentric man like him, Venigni doesn’t want anyone to watch him sleep besides maybe Pucinella who is family, speaking of, with perfect timing Pulcinella entered the room to see what was going on.
“I hope you understand Pinocchio, that Master. Venigni needs a good night's sleep”
Venigni was relieved, Pulcinella always has his back and as the genius he is, he deserves his beauty sleep.
Pinocchio looked a little sad that he couldn’t watch him sleep, Venigni tried again suggesting he go and see his father.
“Why I believe Geppetto is still awake,” Pulcinella said in his usual neutral tone.
“Excuse me?” Venigni turned to look at the clock in the room it was almost 2 am.
As it turns out, the reason Pinocchio has been sneaking to see others sleep is because his father is staying all night working on his projects. Although no one is really sure what he is working on or why he would do that in a situation like this.
Venigni took a deep breath, he felt like he was being so rude but he stood his ground and didn’t make Pinocchio stay. He was already feeling on edge because of that nightmare and he would like just a little more peace.
He should maybe talk with Geppetto about this, mainly about how it isn’t healthy for a man his age to stay up so late.
“What the fuck?!”
Alidoro tried getting out of his bed but he ended up falling onto the floor, he had recently been staying here and it was all going pretty well until now. He managed to get up and turn on the lights of the room, seeing that Pinocchio was making a few gestures to Gemini.
“It’s a bad word Pinocchio” Gemini let out a sigh, “So don’t say it, good boys don’t say words like that”
Great so he gets woken up in the middle of the night and it’s greeted by this lecture, “Do you need something?”
Pinocchio shook his head from side to side.
“Then why are you here?! Get the hell out!” Alidoro was pissed, maybe this boy hates him, he lied about not knowing a safe place two times, is he trying to intimidate him in some way?
“Look no need to be rude” Gemini knows Pinocchio is somewhat strange but no need to speak to him that way, “Let’s just leave already pal”
After Pinocchio left the room, Alidoro locked it so no one else could come in, this was ridiculous. First, he has to deal with that annoying girl during the day, and now with him at night?
Although he has no choice but to stay here, ugh, he just wants to sleep and forget about all of this, those alchemists better truly deliver on their promise.
In hindsight, it should have been obvious why spying on Belle at night would be a bad idea as she is a trained soldier. As soon as she detected someone else was in the room with her the instinct kicked in, restraining Pinocchio to the ground so fast that neither he nor the cricket saw it coming.
“Oh my God it’s you, don’t scare me like that” Belle let him go and sat in bed, she didn’t need to turn on the lights, having plenty of experience seeing at night, “Is something the matter?”
Gemini had to explain the situation, Belle found it amusing, it was odd sure but she met all sorts of people while in her training, this was nothing compared to that; two fellow soldiers had a tendency to do the same thing, with similar results at what just occurred. At least this will teach him a lesson like it taught them.
Pinocchio left the room and Belle went back to bed, as she was dozing off, she could have sworn that Pinocchio felt too stiff and too heavy for someone his size, or any human although she was probably tired and needed proper rest.
Giangio could feel Pinocchio intensely staring at him.
He obviously doesn’t stay in that room beside the tree all day, at night he makes sure no one is looking as slides into one of the beds Hotel Krat has to offer, he keeps a few notes in there as well of what he has observed, about the gold fruit coin as well as about Pinocchio. He could have used the elevator and found a place in the Mallum District except that’s a terrible idea, even with the Black Rabbit Brotherhood gone that place is pure chaos. Giangio would rather risk being here than most likely getting mugged in one of those streets.
He wants to turn around and confront him yet that would be an unwise decision, no one knows he is here, what if too much noise ends up being made and someone else sees him here; in fact, why is Pinocchio here in the first place? Does he suspect something? Is he onto him somehow? Giangio knows that the puppet is communicating with Sophia in some sort of way, is she up to this?
Worst is that he feels completely embarrassed because he sleeps at night with a teddy bear ever since he was a child, a beloved old toy. He remembers that time someone almost caught him with it back at Arche Abbey, it’s already bad enough that the other alchemists tease him because of his height, putting objects in places he can't reach having no choice but to grab a chair or ask for help, he wouldn’t be able to handle more humiliation.
So he keeps his closed eyes and waits for Pinocchio to leave, but that stupid brat doesn’t leave. Giangio can hear loud and clear his springs moving, dammit why did he take choir classes as a child? Now he was cursing his good hearing.
In the end, Giangio stays awake all night, Pinocchio finally leaves at 7 am. Giangio puts a pillow in his face and screams inside of it for at least a couple of seconds. Before composing himself and getting ready for the day. Hopefully, Mr. Teddy can sleep on his behalf while he is gone.
Antonia woke up in the middle of the night, feeling thirsty, she could make the silhouette of someone in the room and she had a feeling it wasn’t Polendina.
“Pinocchio is that you?”
Pinocchio turned on Gemini’s lamp, revealing that he was there. He looked uneasy.
Antonia signaled to him to come closer to her “What’s wrong?”
” Gemini didn’t know how to say this, “He is watching you sleep but he is worried because of your um, breathing”
Antonia is an old woman, an old woman who is dying, and lately, her breathing isn’t what it used to be, it feels like something hard is stuck in her chest.
Pinocchio handed her a glass of water that was on the nightstand, almost as if knew why she had woken up.
“You are very kind dear” Antonia smiled at him, “I’m sorry that this old lady is worrying you, knowing how many other worries you already carry”
Antonia knows that Pinocchio is having to deal with a great burden each time he goes outside, the weight of the world on his shoulders, yet he is kind enough to think about her.
Pinocchio could feel himself sinking into his shoulders, he didn’t want her to die, this wasn’t fair, he gave her the cure, why was she dying? Should he have talked with Giangio sooner about it? Should have asked for help as soon as he found the gold coin fruit tree?
“Come here” Antonia signaled to the boy to come and sit next to her in bed and he did.
“Although I have known you for a short amount of time, I can understand you, even without words” Antonia gave him a warm smile, “I know that you feel this is unfair”
Pinocchio leaned closer to her, feeling depressed and overwhelmed.
“But unfortunately, my time has come, it would have come regardless, it comes for all of us, just that it came for me a little sooner than what we all would have liked” Antonia wiped away a few tears, these days she looked back at her past, rethinking her life.
And what a good life it was, filled with joy and adventure, she loved the world and the world loved her back. The good days were splendid and now looking back even the bad days were good because she saw how despite how much she struggled, despite the times she thought she hit rock bottom she kept going, determined to never give up.
She wasn’t giving up now either, she refused to let this sickness take away her happiness.
“But I want you to know” Antonia gently touched Pinocchio’s chest, “That no matter what happens, even after I’m gone, I will always be here”
In his heart.
Pinocchio hugged her, he didn’t want to let her go, it was too much for him.
“Why don’t you lie down next to me? Just today”
That made Pinocchio faintly smile, the boy wanted to be by her side knowing she didn’t have much time left, he wished he could spend every second next to her.
Being next to Antonia is comforting for him, sometimes Pinocchio has these strange good feelings when she is with her, how she cares for him, the love she gives him, how she mentors him.
“I regretfully never had a son” Antonia decided to hug the boy, “For a long time, it felt like it was already too late, however meeting you
 I was wrong”
Pinocchio hugged her back, he could feel his eyes getting wet, not understanding why
“Please don’t cry my dear” Antonia wiped his tears away, “No mother wants to see her son cry”
They spend the night together, Polendina entered the room at one point and was touched by the scene. His beloved Lady Antonia should be happy, she deserves the world in these hard times.
Pinocchio had his eyes closed next to her and for a moment, just a moment he could almost feel himself going into sleep as well. Unfortunately, that wasn’t meant to be.
At least not for now.
It was 3 am when Geppetto was greeted by everyone in Hotel Krat standing at his office door, even Giangio was watching from afar to see how this would unfold. Taking advantage that Pinocchio was watching Spring sleep rather than any human.
“Geppetto” Antonia was the first to start, “We all love the boy dearly”
Alidoro rolled his eyes, he didn’t like him at all but this was an intervention.
“However this is going too far, please do something about this” Antonia doesn’t mind his company, although she can’t say the same for the others, understanding why people don’t like being watched in the middle of the night and as the owner of this hotel she has to make this place welcoming.
“Oh come on, I’m sure it’s not that bad”
“Obviously it doesn’t bother you because you don’t sleep!” Alidoro was at his limit, that damn brat broke the lock of his room and hid under a curtain to watch him sleep so he wouldn't get caught. Except Pinocchio got caught and each day he finds new places to hide.
“I am afraid I might hurt him one of these days if he keeps waking me up” Belle also wonders if she could hurt herself by hitting someone as sturdy as Pinocchio.
Both Alidoro and Belle eventually came to learn the truth, mainly because they overheard the others talking about it so now it made sense.
“Um, Mr. Geppetto” EugĂ©nie was trying to be polite this man was her teacher at one point and also her boss, “It’s very late at night, we are also concerned about your lack of sleep”
“Yes my good old friend” Venigni looked exhausted, “This has gone on for too long, surely you feel tired, no work must be worth all this trouble”
“What are you even working on?” Alidoro is baffled, he tries taking a peak at Geppetto’s notes but the man quickly closes the notebook in which he is writing.
“I appreciate the concern, however, I’m perfectly fine” Geppetto has a lot of books filling this office, each time more appear and there are plenty of notebooks around the room. Notebooks that he fills with work plans.
“Geppetto I believe it’s finally about time that you realize you have a problem” Antonia was trying to sound sweet, this should be an intervention, not a confrontation.
“A problem with what? With working?”
“YES!” Everyone shouted at him, even Antonia because seriously?!
“I don’t have a problem with work” Geppetto huffed this was ridiculous, “I have a perfectly healthy relationship with my work”
Geppetto was just met with deadpan stares, no one saying a word.
“Okay maybe sometimes I overwork myself”

“I understand that it’s not ideal to work so much but, how many people out there wish they could work but can’t? Money doesn’t grow on trees, well there is the gold- whatever that doesn’t count, what I am saying is that many wish to have as much work”
“Work, in a situation like this?” Venigni understands the excitement of creative endeavors, as well as how boring it is to be stuck in here, “No amount of work is worth it in a time like this, why would you stress yourself more?”
“I’m not stressed at all and I feel fine” Geppetto has become so used to not sleeping due to work that sleeping early is what feels weird to him, “Listen I will tell him to stop, I’m sorry he caused you all trouble”
They all breathed in a sigh of relief and went back to bed, except Geppetto who kept on working. Once Pinocchio was done watching Spring, he went to see his father, who unfortunately had to tell him to quit watching others.
“You can stay here if you like” Geppetto doesn’t mind, Pinocchio is very quiet after all, he won’t distract him. Yet Pinocchio just keeps staring at him, not in his often curious self, rather he looks sad.
“What’s wrong?”
It’s hard for Pinocchio to let the words out, “It’s sleeping
 bad?” It’s hard for him to speak in general but he feels comfort since he is with his father.
“No, son why do you ask?” Geppetto was confused by the question.
“Because dying is going
 to sleep forever right?”
That’s how he had explained it to him, lately Pinocchio has been extremely worried about Antonia so he started asking questions about death and Geppetto wasn’t sure how to explain it to him properly, Pinocchio has a hard time understanding certain things when it comes to humanity, it’s already hard enough for people to understand these concepts properly so it must be harder on him. So he explained it to him as he would a child, although now that he thinks about it maybe Pinocchio really is just a child, the child he forces to go outside into danger constantly and he can’t even properly rest after all of it.
“Is that why you don’t sleep are you
worried about dying?” Pinocchio was now next to his father, crying not just a few tears like before but fully crying.
“What? No-“
Pinocchio hugs his father tightly not wanting to let go, Geppetto can barely understand what his son is trying to say in between sobs but when he does understand he feels heartbroken.
“Is that why I can’t sleep? Because you don’t want me to die like my brother?”
Geppetto hugs back his son, calming him down, although he ends up shedding a few tears as well.
“Everyone else is right, it’s not good for me to stay awake so long” Geppetto was staring directly into Pinocchio’s eyes, “I should go to bed, you are welcome to come with me”
Pinocchio followed his father, leaving Gemini on the nightstand; it had been a while since he saw his father sleeping or lied down next to him.
“It took me a long time, to come to terms with your brother’s death” Way too long, Geppetto made Pinocchio originally to bring Carlo back, but Carlo should be at peace, it was hard to accept his death but Geppetto knew he had to move on, “No matter what happens or what others say, you are my son, not someone made to replace him”
Geppetto slowly fell asleep, leaving Pinocchio alone with his thoughts. Sleeping feels so special everyone looks better when they sleep, they look
 calm. Even Mr. Venigni who has a few nightmares then goes back to sleeping normally. Giangio eventually got used to him staring and does manage to sleep fine, how kind of him to never say anything, even when Pinocchio knows that the man is aware he is watching him. Everyone seems so well after they sleep, why can’t he sleep? And why does it bother him? Polendina and Pulcinella can’t sleep either, they don’t mind that.
Pinocchio doesn’t understand his emotions at all, everyone says he is different, that he is more than just a puppet but is that true? His hair grows, he recently learned to cry yet aside from that, how is he like them? Because he looks like them? Because he can lie?
He wished he knew the answer, at the very least, he wished he could sleep. Pinocchio closed his eyes, trying not to think about it, he could feel himself getting more tired and tired, Pinocchio tried to open his eyes but couldn't anymore.
“Mmm?” Gemini could see a blue butterfly flying across the room landing directly on Pinocchio’s hair, “Sophia?”
Sophia said nothing, a blue glow began to resonate from her, engulfing Pinocchio for a few seconds before she disappeared once more.
When Geppetto woke up, it was already 8:30 am, that’s odd he never oversleeps, this just goes to prove that he needs a better sleep schedule.
“Oh son you can get up now” Geppetto got closer to his son who still had his eyes closed, “Pinocchio?”
It was only then that he realized Pinocchio was asleep, it made Geppetto smile, he grabbed the bedsheets and decided to cover him up, this moment was unique, for this time, he would be the one to watch Pinocchio sleep, not wanting to miss his son being able to rest for the first time.
After that day, everything went back to normal, as normal as things can get when they are dealing with this crisis, those carcasses seeming to be endless.
It was all going pretty swell, Venigni was getting ready for bed, first taking a bath as he was not one to shower in the mornings like everyone else. Thank God that the water system in Hotel Krat works perfectly unlike other places, the biggest blessing is that the heater doesn’t have any issues. The cold was bothersome, the weather being more intense these past few days, and he ended up sneezing in the shower.
“Bless you”
Venigni quickly peeked outside the shower curtain to find Pinocchio in the bathroom with him. Pinocchio has been having less trouble talking so what better way to show it than to be polite?
“Pinocchio you scared him! Be careful next time” Gemini chirped from his cage.
Venigni took a deep breath, summoning all the patience he could manifest.
“My friend please leave”
Pinocchio tilted his head confused as to why he should leave.
“Just do as he says pal, this isn’t really appropriate you know?”
“Mmm, why not?”
Venigni was praying, why doesn’t God give this boy the understanding of common sense? Better yet why doesn’t his father teach him the meaning of common sense?!
Unfortunately for everyone else at Hotel Krat, they will all have to once again experience Pinocchio’s curiosity.
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