#and now i want dimple peircings
dangerdayyys · 2 years
i will not get extensions and dye my whole head red  i will not get extensions and dye my whole head red i wiLL NOT-
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bellemorte180 · 3 years
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Prompt: Picnic for @klarosummerbingo
The summer breeze passed over them lightly, creating a pleasant break from the warm sun. The pages of their leather bound books turned slightly, causing Caroline to lose her place within the words. She was laying down upon the long blanket that she had spread out in the middle of the field, petals from the purple and pink flowers fell over her with gentle caresses. She could feel the hem of her long white flutter around her ankles.
“My brother loves you, you know.” Rebekah’s voice said from beside her, pulling Caroline from her pleasant dozings. Caroline turned to look at her friend, a young woman who Caroline had played with as a child, chasing one another through the same field they now picniced in. Rebekah was in a long, soft blush dress with bare shoulders hidden behind her golden locks and a flower crown in her hair. She reached down and picked up the glass of wine, bringing it to her lips, sipping at the sweet and cold drink before reaching for a piece of cheese.
“As I love him.”
“Mother thinks he is going to make an offer for you.” Rebekah said with a coy smile on her lips, doing her best to appear smug at the concept. It was no secret that Rebekah had always wanted a sister, despite the fact that she did not get on well with the other girls in the village outside of Caroline. All of the Peirce sisters set her on edge, especially Elena. “Won’t planning a wedding be exciting!?”
“You honestly think he’ll ask?” Caroline asked hesitantly, sitting up on the blanket and staring at Rebekah. It was true that her and Klaus had been dancing around each other since they were children but they were still so young. Caroline was barely eighteen and Klaus had just celebrated his twentieth birthday. Young marriage was not uncommon in their village, a simple life filled with berry picking and plucking eggs from the chicken coops. If she was honest, when she curled up in bed at night, she imagined what a life with Klaus would be like. She imagined small children running in a stone cottage. A garden in the back and a barn filled with all sorts of animals.
“I’m certain of it. He walked down the dirt path to speak with grandmother. You know she only likes visitors on holidays and special occasions. He asked for that pearl ring and that would count as a special occasion.” Rebekah said as she reached into the basket and pulled out a piece of the crusty bread they had brought along. Summer picnics were one of Caroline’s favorite activities when she was not busy with chores or house cleaning and when Rebekah suggested a picnic that afternoon, Caroline could not say no.
That and Ayana always packed them the best lunch.
“Has he told you about any plans? When is he going to ask? Do you think he will ask before autumn?” Caroline fired off her questions at a rapid speed, nearly knocking over the bowl of grapes that were resting beside her as she shifted to look at Rebekah more. “It is the beginning of summer now and if I am to plan a wedding I would hope to have it before the weather grows cold!”
“You’re going to say yes.” Rebekah exclaimed with a loud giggle. Her excitement was clearly written on her face and in her bright blue eyes. “We’re going to be sisters!” She clapped her hands and reached for her, bringing her into a tight hug and refusing to let go. “I don't know what he is planning. At all. Mother just has a suspicion but Klaus has seemed a bit nervous and on edge.”
“He shouldn’t be.” Caroline whispered, a soft smile coming over her lips and a bundle of nerves growing in her stomach. The thought of marrying Klaus was not a new one but she did not think that he had any plans to ask her. She was not Elena who had marriage offers by the time she was seventeen, she was just Caroline.
All she had was Klaus.
She wanted it no other way.
“Maybe you won’t have to wait long. Look.” Rebekah pointed over Caroline’s shoulder, causing her to turn around. Klaus was walking through the field, his fingers brushing over the tops of the flowers.
Unable to help herself, Caroline pulled herself from the blanket and rushed towards him, her bare feet running along the dirt ground. Klaus’s face lit up, a dimpled smile growing on his lips. Caroline launched herself into his arms, Klaus catching her easily. Her laughter rang all the way down towards the small picnic and Rebekah smiled gently at the sight. The love that passed between Klaus and Caroline was potent, like the flowers that swayed in the summer breeze. Klaus spun her around and then sat her back down onto the ground but continued to hold her in his arms.
His head bent towards hers, touching their lips together in a soft kiss. Their kisses were always gentle with a hint of passion that was always threatening to topple over. She was innocent, wanting to avoid a scandal that would quickly travel through their village. Knowing that Klaus wanted her, not just intimately but as his wife was enough for Caroline to consider tossing the virtue she had been taught to hold so dearly away.
“You seem happy.” Klaus whispered to her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She could feel his smile on her skin and Caroline just breathed in the scent of him. He pulled her close and Caroline buried her face in his chest, silently willing him to ask her the question she was now dying to hear. “What is it that has you smiling so widely?”
“Just thinking.”
“You. The future. Everything.” There was a spark behind his blue eyes, almost though he wanted to press her for the meaning behind her words. Yet, Caroline just stood on her tip toes and kissed him again, silencing him. While she wanted him to ask, she also wanted to see what he would have planned for such a proposal. So, for now, Caroline was willing to wait, something she was not known for, and allow Klaus that moment. “Come. Join us. Ayana packed strawberries and I know you love those.”
Caroline gripped his hand, pulling him through the field and towards their blanket that was spread out on the ground. Klaus sat down first and Caroline happily positioned herself on his lap, his arms going around her to hold her close. Rebekah beamed at them, appearing as though she was about to burst with happiness.
Caroline could only hope that Klaus did not wait too long, because she could not wait to call him husband.
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softforcal · 5 years
Stay Still : Tattooist/Piercer Cake
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(somethings up with my gifs so if the link doesnt work here’s credit)
Summary: you know your fuck buddy works at the shop but you really want your tits pierced and the guy doing the piercing is cute too. 
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: It’s pure smut guys, reader is submissive, pain kink, needles, etc...
You know you shouldn’t be here. But it’s not your fault that you’re fucking the guy who owns one of the best tattoo places in your city, and you’ll be damned if you go somewhere else with a shittier yelp score and get your nipple fucked because you want to avoid a fuck buddy.
With a deep breath you push your way inside, eyes immediately landing on a cute guy standing by the entryway counter, his hair a bright red colour that contrasts his all black outfit. A snake seems to move on his arm with each flex of the muscle beneath the skin as he waves his hand around, obviously upset at whoever is on the other end of the phone he holds to his ear.
You wait patiently and his eyes look you over, head moving up until he studies your face for a moment, apologizing to the person on the phone before shoving it back in his pocket and offering you a smile, “do you have an appointment?”
“Uh…” you awkwardly rub the back of your neck, “no, I was hoping I could do a walk in?”
“What are you getting?” 
You take another breath, eyebrows furrowing awkwardly as you say, “nipple piercings?” 
“You don’t sound that sure.” the guy chuckles, dimples making your insides flop.
“I’m sure.” you say, trying to sound more dominant, but it only earns another giggle from the man.
“Lucky you, we have a guy who just came in, he can do it for you now if you’d like.” the man tells you.
You open your mouth to ask who it is but shut it quickly, figuring that maybe at the end of the day, having your fuck buddy to be the one doing the peircing might actually not be that bad… except that you had left him on read a week earlier because you’d started to contract feelings for the gorgeous man, something you’d not been ready to deal with or talk about. 
Swallowing, you nod, “yeah, now works.”
“Great, so it’s sixty for one or a hundred for two-”
“I’m doing both.” you say, sounding certain for the first time.
The guy looks up at you and smirks again, “alright,” he sounds impressed, you wonder how many girls come in asking for their nipples to be done, “follow me and I’ll take you to a back room yeah?”
You offer a meek smile and follow the guy.
“I’m Ashton by the way.” he says.
You tell him your name with some hesitation, wondering if your fuck buddy has mentioned you before, but when Ashton nods, not a hint of recognition in the motion, you let out a sigh of releif. 
He takes you to a room, it looks completely sterile and the black leather chair isn’t the most inviting thing in the world, but it will have to do, “Luke will be here in a moment and go over things with you, I’ll be up at the front when you’re done.” Ashton tells you and you smile at him before he closes the door.
Standing there, heart racing, you thank god that whoever this ‘Luke’ guy is, at least he’s not Calum. 
A minute passes and you look around the room, not sitting down, not touching anything. The door opens and you practically jump out of your skin, turning, your eyes land on one of the most gorgeous men you’ve ever seen in your entire life. Maybe god wasn’t being kind when he stuck you with this guy and not Calum. 
He’s around six foot two, hair blonde and curly, framing a beautiful face. He’s in a black muscle shirt and jeans, all sorts of doodle tattoos littering his gorgeous arms and skittering to hide beneath the fabric of his shirt. He’s got a black lip ring in as well and something about it just completes the look. His eyes look innocent but the smirk he flashed immediately tells you he’s probably anything but, “not gonna sit down?” he asks.
“Oh.” you look down at the chair, “right.” you feel your skin heat up and pray he doesn’t notice as you take a seat, perching yourself on the edge, anxiety flipping in your stomach as you try not to stare at the beautiful man who closes the door and pulls up a chair. He rolls it forward until he’s just a foot away, he spreads his legs and something about him screams alpha, it reminds you of Calum. 
“So…” he trails off, “you want your nipples pierced.” 
“Yeah.” you nod, “both of them.”
He asks you a series of questions, eyes on you the entire time. He’s being somewhat professional, he’s making sure you understand the risks and the aftercare, but there’s a glint in his eye, and having all of his attention on you is making your skin crawl, especially when he bites absentmindedly at his lip ring when you speak.
“Okay, are there any questions you have for me before we get started?” he asks.
You shake your head.
“And you’re comfortable with me being the one to do the piercings?” 
You nod.
“Great, well, I’m going to leave the room and give you some privacy and you can remove your shirt. When I come back I’ll knock first and you can cover up or do whatever you have to do to feel comfortable.” he says, and for the first time the smile he offers is genuine, he wants you to feel comfortable. 
He gets up and leaves. Closing the door behind him, Luke walks to the front where Ashton is waiting, having been joined by the owner of the shop, their friend Calum. “So was I right or was I right?” Ashton grins, pulling Luke in for a half hug as the blonde laughs.
“Yeah, she’s hot a fuck man.” Luke agrees.
Calum looks up from the schedule for the day, “who?” he asks.
“This girl came in, wanted her nipples pierced.” Ashton explained, “a walk in, I put her name down right here.” he points at the walk in section of the schedule, and Calum’s eyes scan your name.
He wonders for a moment if it’s you. You’ve talked about getting your nipples done before, but Calum has always assumed he’d be the one to do it. Just the thought of you getting your nipples pierced makes Calum begin to harden and he swallows thickly, “what did she look like?” he asks, looking up again.
Luke describes you and Calum’s heart jumps in his chest. It’s you. He knows it is. He’s a little hurt, having been ghosted by you earlier that week, you showing up at his shop is unexpected. He feels something like anger bubbling inside him, because of you, because of Luke being the one about to go and see your tits, the tits that, until this moment, Calum’s the only man in the shop whose had the pleasure to see.
“When was the last time you pierced a girls tits?” Calum asks.
Luke’s brows furrow, “I mean it’s been a while-”
“Well I’m going to come make sure you do it right.” Calum says. Luke opens his mouth to argue but Ashton flashes him a look and Luke has to remind himself that in the shop, Calum’s the boss.
With a deep breath Luke nods and goes to the back of the shop to find the private room, Calum following close on his heels. At the door, Luke knocks, “my manager is with me to assist with the consultation can we come in?” Luke asks. He hates having to refer to Calum as his manager. 
The truth is, Calum could simply take the job from him. Many clients would jump at the chance to have Calum, the owner, be the one doing their piercing, but Calum is worried it will make you uncomfortable, worried that he’ll once again face some sort of rejection (even though ghosting wasn’t technically a rejection.)
Your heart is thumping in your chest and you nearly groan, dreading the fact that you’re pretty sure Calum is outside the door with Luke, but as you cover your chest with your shirt and say “come in!” in a shaky voice, you know there’s no escape.
Luke peaks his head in first, offering a small smile, “so I’m good at this, but my boss just wants to make sure because we don’t usually get a lot of people coming in for nipple piercings.” he explains, stepping inside.
Calum follows close behind and your eyes lock as he closes the door, leaning against it and covering his chest with his arms.
You don’t even know what to say. Again, you knew this was a possibility. 
Luke notices the tension in the air and looks between you and Calum, “do… do you two know each other?” he asks.
Calum doesn’t say anything and you sigh, “yeah, uh… yeah.”
Luke knows what this means, “would you like Calum to be the one to do your piercings?” Luke asks, looking for a way to get out of the room. 
“If you do them, is he just going to stand and watch?” you ask, looking at Luke instead of your stony faced fuck buddy.
“He can go if it makes you uncomfortable-” Luke assures you but you shake your head.
“I mean, you’ve seen them before.” you say to Calum this time.
He studdies you for a moment, then nods.
Luke takes a deep breath, “look, there’s obviously some tension here, I know it’s not my job to be a therapist or whatever but it’s probably best if you’re completely comfortable for this-” 
“I ghosted because I got scared.” you say, cutting Luke off while staring at Calum.
“Of what?” Calum scoffs.
You shrug a little, “scared I liked you a little too much so I backed off, figured I’d meet other guys-”
“Get your tits pierced.” Calum interjects.
He sounds angry and it makes you a little angry, you’d both agreed on being just fuck buddies, he has no right to be acting so butthurt about the whole thing, “cute tit peircer guys.” you fire back, dragging Luke into the mix.
“Oh, so you’re going to get over whatever this is,” Calum motions between you, “by fucking randoms.”
You tilt your chin up in defiance, “yes.” you state, a lie.
“Then go on.” Calum says, waving a hand before crossing his arms over his chest again, “Luke wants to fuck you too, so go for it.”
You and Luke look at each other then back at Calum, “Calum-”
“Here, let me make this more fun for you darling.” Calum sighs, pushing off from the wall and going over to where the piercing stuff sits, “I’ll peirce you while Luke fucks you, all you gotta do is stay still when I do, and maybe I’ll let him make you cum.”
You lick your lips absentmindedly, trying to process what he’s saying.
“Calum, you’ll fuck up the pericing-” Luke begins.
“Not if she’s a good girl and stays completely still.” Calum says, back to you as he makes sure the tray is set up properly, “she’s good at that you know, following instructions.”
Luke swallows hard, feeling his body buzzing as he thinks about fucking you, thinks about what it would feel like, what you would look like on the black leather chair as he fucks you. 
“Say yes if you want to and no if you don’t, and I will leave the room.” Calum says, turning to look at you. He’s a fabulous dom, something you learned to love about him. He’s good at making sure you’re comfortable, knowing your limits but always giving you an out if you want it.
Taking a breath you nod, “I want this.”
Calum flashes a smile, such a pretty smile, “naughty girl. So needy.” he pauses, looking at you for a moment, “well, shouldn’t be touching your nipples while these heal after I do this so we better give them special attention.”
And then Calum leans against one of the tables, watching.
“So are you going to kiss him and start the show, or are you going to make me miss my next appointment and punish you later?” Calum asks. He knows what he does to you. He knows he has you wrapped around his finger. He knows. 
You stand up and Luke looks down on you, definitely shocked at the whole interaction. He’s never seen his best friend like this. Obviously he knows Cal is a dom to a girl or two, but he’s never seen it in action, never imagined he’d ever be taking sexual orders from him.
You put your shirt to the side, exposing your chest to both men as you get on your tiptoes, wrapping your arms around Luke’s neck as you press your lips to his. He’s hesitant at first before his hands slip down to your waist and he kisses you back, tongue sliding across your lower lip as you suck on his lip ring, earning a soft groan. He loves it when girls play with his lip ring.
He’s moving to pull your pants down before either of you can even think. He knows Calum’s schedule, knows you don’t have much time, knows he just wants to get inside of you. 
When Luke gets your pants off and you manage to take off his shirt, he lifts you up and sets you down on the black chair, tearing your panties off and making you lay down, pulling you to the edge as he hastily unbuttons his jeans.
“She’s on the pill.” Calum’s voice interrupts and you look at him, craning your head a little to do so. Calum takes a step forward as Luke wraps your legs around his waist, teasing your entrance before sliding in slowly, making you both groan.
Calum reaches out, massaging your breasts, but avoiding the nipples, and your back arches up, eager for more attention from them both. Calum finally tweeks your nipples, tugging a little and earning a loud moan from you that makes him smirk, “gonna enjoy the pain baby?” he asks.
“Yes Calum.” you answer obediently, using his full name, the way he likes it.
Luke watches you and Calum and the sight makes his motions go faster, his fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs as he pounds in and out. He moves one hand to your clit and begins to rub harshly, earning more mewling sounds from you.
Calum can tell from your face that your close, and he pulls his hands away, “Luke, fuck her from behind, make her stand and follow my instructions, don’t let her cum yet.” 
Luke groans but pulls out reluctantly, man handling you easily to your feet as he turns you around and bends you over a little so he can slide in again. You’re facing Calum and he makes it so your half standing, moving his lips from your neck down until his teeth and tongue tease one of your nipples.
Your fingers tangle in his dark curls as he bites down a little, and Luke cusses loudly behind you, feeling you clench around him. 
Calum pulls away with a smirk and goes to pull on the black gloves, bringing a sterilization pad that he roughly wipes over your nipple, it’s cold and your body shivers in anticipation, feeling your orgasm building.
Calum brings over the needle and you can feel your heart practically beating out of your chest, “get her to the edge and then I’ll do it.” Calum says, speaking to Luke before looking at you, “stay still Princess, I’m a pro. If you move and fuck this up it won’t look pretty, and Luke won’t let you cum, do you understand?”
You nod, “yes Calum.” you breathe, his eyes search yours for a moment while Luke quickens his pace.
“Fuck!” you cuss loudly, so close to the edge.
“Stop Luke.” Calum instructs and Luke stills behind you, both of you breathing heavily as Calum carefully grabs your chest, sliding a needle through one nipple. Your eyes close and you focus on staying completely still, trying to ignore the throbbing of your whole body, the feeling of being so full by Luke.
Then the second nipple is being pierced and your breathing is even heavier, small wines leaving your lips as Calum wipes away excess blood, “did so well princess.” he says, brushing his fingers over your cheek, “Luke you can make her cum now.”
Luke doesn’t waste a moment, slamming into you again as you cry out, grabbing onto Calum’s shoulders for support as Luke pounds into you, earning your orgasm. As you flutter around him, Luke cums too and both of your bodies shake in the aftershock.
Finally Calum’s voice clears through your post orgasm brain fog, “Luke, go take my next appointment.”
Luke’s breath is shuddery as he asks “and what are you going to do?”
“Baby girl is going to show me how much she appreciates me doing her piercings on the house, aren’t you princess?” he asks, beginning to undo his pants.
Luke chuckles a little, running a hand through messy hair, “you two are wild.”
ya’ll can blame @harryforvogue for this one cuz she was in a Luke mood and ya’ll know i like fighting my friends
taglist: @irwinkitten - @glitterprincelu - @wildhearthood - @24kcalum - @angelbabylu - @ohhmuke - @fratcalum - @hereforlukescruff - @cakesunflower - @reallycalum - @calsjackets - @sweetcherrymike - @calteahood - @flannelpunkcalum - @calthesensation- @poppedpins - @singt0mecalum - @boybandsanddeanwinchester - @dammitbands - @drummerboy794  - @alwaysashton - @calumsmermaid - @createdbyfracturedaddiction - @smileybeanlu  - @quintodosuniversos - @andtheytoldustotellyouhello - @palliddark - @5secsofsomewhere - @mycoffeeandstudy- @imgonnaregretthisusername - @talkfastcthood - @deviantnines - @raabiac  - @oceaneyeshood - @bethxhopkins - @dorkyfangirlandco - @honeyboyharry - @seedless-vascular  -  @musiclover1263 - @fairyintheglass  - @monsteramongmikey - @eternal-langdon - @cal-pal-cuddles - @converse-luke - @calsangel - @findingliam-o - @only-got-one-dimple - @calinthewatermelonshirt - @snapback-irwie - @cathartichaoss - @old-zeppelin-shirt  - @astroashtonio - @wanderlust-mikeyy - @randompeopleifindattractive - @calashmikeluke0 - @caswinchester2000 - @imadontstopacoustic - @post-traumatic-mess - @lfwallscouldtalk
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typicalmidnightsoul · 4 years
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼- Chapter 9
𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕚𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗
Let it go, let it leave, let it happen. Nothing in this world was promised or belonged to you anyway. ― Rupi Kaur.
Chapter  1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6 7 8 <- here 
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(Adelaide Archeron’s ‘painting’ up above)
With Randolph being gone for extended periods of time Romella had descended upon Prythian much to her sister’s delight.
Nesta had taken an instant liking to her aunt. Her aunt told her stories from all over the world, stories from the other side of Prythian. Nesta was told her family history and she was so excited to be a part of a family with Fae blood.
Nesta was perfect. She was moulded to be like that.
Sent to Etiquette school at 8. She was taught how to play instruments, she was taught ballet, waltz. She was taught etiquette rules from different kingdoms, she knew 5 different languages by the time she was 10. 9 languages by the time she was 11.
But then one day as she was skimming through the library she felt a surge of power burst from…her. She was scared, crying, screaming.
“Its fine Nesta,” Adelaide said bursting through the library doors. Romella clinging to her sister’s side.
She slipped on an iron bangle on Nesta’s wrist. Nesta’s golden skin paled. Suddenly weak.
She gathered the skirts of her blue gown and strode through the halls.
That night, Adelaide and Romella stepped out of the mansion in their hooded cloaks and saddled their horses. Romella carrying Elain as she mounted her horse, Adelaide carrying Feyre, Nesta at front. Their midnight cloaks flowed behind them. They went to the people of the Hill.
Algeron came to them.
“My Lady, what’s wrong?”
“Nesta,” She pushed Nesta in front, “Had her first powers this morning, I need to know-Elain and Feyre will they have their Settling when they’re older too?”
He took each sleeping child in his hands brushing a hand over his brows. “No, they will one day possess powers but not because of their Fae heritage.”
Nesta looked up to the ethereal, towering man.
“Is our fae heritage something to be ashamed of?”
He beckoned her closer, “My dear, your power is an entity of great beauty,” he made a mist figure of a female with beautiful powers helping humans, “But also an entity of great danger and fear, which will incite people to harm and hurt you.” The mist female was smothered by the same people she helped when her power got out of control, Nesta gasped. “The human race is very narrow-minded. Therefore we must try to smother your fae powers.”
“I was proud of my powers.”
“I am afraid my love, there will come a day where you will have to learn to master a power much greater than this, and that power will make you one of the most powerful females of your time.”
She nodded, “My people will show you to conceal your power. There are not many rules. Don’t let it consume you; your coldness will shove it down. The less people there are, the less people getting hurt.”
She left to the females in emerald gowns beckoning to her.
Romella turned to Algeron, “I’m training her.”
Algeron said to her, “There is a great danger coming to her. She must remain defenceless. The Lord above demands it.”
“I don’t care. I am not letting her be defenceless.”
“Ella-” but Romella had left to go to Nesta.
“Leave her Adelaide; she will not stop the inevitable. Let her try to soothe her tormented heart.”
 The green mist changed the scene to Nesta in the bottom floor of her father’s ship checking the new goods. She twirled a diamond chain around her fingers. A thud came from behind she picked up a dagger in a crate next to her.
“Come out, Ruffian” She shouted, “I am the heiress to the Archeron Mantle and I will not be afraid of a vagabond.”
A young boy stood up from the inside of a crate.
“Come into the light.”
He stepped through his hands up in his defence; he had blue eyes with emerald flecks. And pointed ears.
She dropped the dagger, gasping.
She crossed the distance and pushed his hair behind his ears.
“Mr Stowaway you are fae,” she breathed.
His eyes were pleading, “Please my family- they, I have nowhere to go- please just let me walk off this ship safely and you will never hear from me again.”
“Oh no no, you must come with me to my mother, she will help you.” He was confused.
“Oh yes, she’ll know what to do, she’s half fae herself, don’t worry…”
“Oliver…Oliver Bondavich.”
She smiled.
 The green mist changed the scene again
 Christiana had brought her child to meet her sister. Audrey Astor. Audrey, Nesta, Clare and Oliver became as thick as thieves fast. Romella had now met Adelaide every day to strengthen the glamour being put on her whole body to hide the baby bump. Randolph came home for a fortnight at the best, and Adelaide would feign sickness and stay in her room. Then Jonah was born and he was beautiful and Adelaide had begged Drian take him to Rask which he did, but Drian didn’t want to announce him as the heir to the throne, instead he made the first child love his heir. He made Nesta his heir. He had taken Nesta to Rask to meet his mother Vera. Vera’s heart broke at the sight of the small child shackled with an iron bangle.
Then came The Dark Fae. In her last attempt to change her daughters’ fate she called upon some really ethereal people. People who had stuck to their God’s scriptures and called upon different sources of power, the fae people called them witches and warlocks. The parties she threw were now a cover up. King Peirce of the Dark Fae came with his two sons Torin and Tyrus. Nesta took an instant liking to both of them but the bond of a childhood sweetheart formed between her and the boy who kept himself hidden between the worn pages of old books. The boy she stayed with next to that oak tree in front of her father’s house.
 Nesta with her dimples and fringe stepped onto the balcony. She eyed the young boy reading a worn out book. His dark hair fell over his face, his knees curled to his chest.
“Hi” No answer.
She cleared her throat, “Hello.”
He slowly looked up trying to drink in the last few words on the page. He looked at her with curious grey eyes.
“Is my brother causing any issues?”
She chuckled, “No, no not at all. On the contrary he is proving to be quite the…life of the party.” He went back to his book but she wasn’t quite finished, “Has Stephen found out about his cousin’s weird obsession yet.”
He looked up in shock, “It’s not an obsession!”
“Yes it is! Which man would spend his life wanting to be immortal instead of living it to the fullest?!”
“Some people die young and get buried at an older age.”
“Good point. But he killed children.”
“Which is what makes this story so compelling…?” He paused, “What was your name again?” He dropped his legs of the bench. She sat next to him.
“Nesta.” He held out his hand.
“Tyrus.” She shook it.
 The green mist changed the scene. Their clasped hands being the last image to change.
 The day before everything changed. Tyrus and Torin had become frequent visitors. But something in Tyrus had started changing. He had realised that he was getting to close to Nesta, the feelings were not able to be controlled, and he hated that. The voices in his head made him think twice, they told him to leave her. And he, not possessing the courage to deny them came one day to her house under the cover of night.
 “Ty!!” Nesta ran into his arms. He memorised the feel of her under his fingertips. If he didn’t push her away now he wouldn’t be able to do what he had to.
“Nesta, we need to talk.”
Her face scrunched in confusion.
“I am letting you go. I am setting you free.”
Her face scrunched up again but this time tears were forming, “What do you mean?”
“Friendship was ok, but love…is impossible.”
“What-what why? Did I-I” her face fell and she took a shuddering breath.
“You don’t mean that.”
He had to be cruel now. “Really? You’re sure I don’t? Please Nesta a relationship between us would never work out! Loving you would mean destroying me. You would die in the next 70 years anyway what would I do then wallow in grief? No, that’s not me.”
She held a hand at her throat, trying and failing to keep her sobs in. Audrey came out.
She took a look at Nesta’s face.
Tyrus kept his eyes on Nesta, “Goodbye Nesta.”
He turned leaving.
Nesta sank to the floor; her hand outstretched trying to form the words to stop his leaving figure.
Audrey wrapped her hands around Nesta’s shoulders.
“Nesta. He is not coming back.”
“He has too,” she sobbed.
 After that Nesta had asked Romella to start her training. It went on for months and Nesta had developed muscle memory but it was all about to die out.
Ollie’s power was getting vicious he was having sudden outbursts and since iron would permanently harm him, Adelaide was helpless. Nesta, Audrey, Clare and Ollie were in the old clock tower looking down on the village when Ollie had his second outburst. All three of the girls were flung back rendering them unconscious. The surge of power did not go unnoticed by the villagers.
In his last attempt Oliver hid the girls in the corner. Upon seeing his pointed ears the villagers, in their fear had locked him in a cage of ash.
When Adelaide found out she went mad. She sent her sisters away, she sent away Jonah, and she sent away any trace of magic from their lives. But when Nesta woke up there was no force alive stopping her from saving her best friend and ensuring her family got away safely.
 Nesta ran, her hooded cloak trailing behind her in the mud. She hid an axe under her cloak. Getting in was the harder part but she had managed with Clare’s help to create a diversion.
“Ollie!” She held up the axe.
“Nesta! You should not be here!!!”
“Don’t tell me what to do!!” She swung the axe on the ash bars.
“You are rubbish at yielding that!”
“Don’t make me swing it on your face!”
She managed to make a permissible hole which he wsa bale to climb through.
As they were running out a village boy had seen the hole.
“The Fae monster’s gone!”
They ran.
As they ran into the woods, where Feyre would one day hunt to provide for her family Nesta said,
“Go! There’s a ship waiting for you, Aunt Christie is taking you all to Rask for safety, Go!”
He hugged her tightly, “On one condition, you promise me you’ll go straight home, no looking back understood?”
She softened, kissing his cheek, “Yes, now go.”
He nodded and kissed her cheek running off into the dense forest to the sound of the trees.
As his figure disappeared, Nesta whispered,
“I’m sorry Ollie.” The only promise she would ever break.
She ran into the opposite direction, making as much noise as possible, rustling leaves making yelps.
The squires’ men saw her hooded figure and made a run for her, she let herself get caught. They had fallen into her trap.
“She’s a Randolph Archeron’s girl be soft with her men,” The squire himself had arrived he knelt down, “Listen sweetie, you tell me where that fae boy is and I’ll let you hurry on home, how about that?”
She spat in his face.
He took out his hankie, wiped his face and addressed his men.
“Old boy Randolph isn’t home for weeks; he doesn’t need to know anything.” He chuckled at the coldness on her face, “A few weeks in the mental asylum ought to fix her.”
Her face drained of colour but she didn’t yield.
 The scene changed to Nesta being dragged by her hair to the mental asylum. As she went in and the bars clanged shut.
Everything went silent.
And then the void filled with a whip slapping against skin and bone-shattering shrieks. They had taken a child and they were torturing her.
 The squire in fear of Nesta’s father returning had let her out. Nesta had come out physically and mentally broken. Hostile and cold. She came out to find her mother dying.
Feyre and Elain thought that Nesta had been travelling with their father. A weak lie fed by their mother.
Her mother’s last words to her,
“Nesta, warriors are not meant to be coddled, take your shadow off Feyre let her live however she wants to, Do. Not. Stop. Her. Feyre knows what she needs to do.” Her eyes softened, “I will weep in my grave because my gender stopped me from being able to protect my daughter. I am so sorry Nesta, I love you.”
Nesta wept, “I love you too, please.”
Her mother’s eyes drooped, she let out a last shuddering breath and her hand caressed her daughter’s cheek once more.
 The scene changed.
“THE FAE PEOPLE CAN SAVE HER!” Nesta screamed.
“I AM NOT RISIKING THAT!” Randolph roared back.
Nesta sobbed leaving to see her mother one more time, she had tried for the past hour to deal with her father, but he didn’t budge.
 Once more the memory in front of them changed.
It was a pregnant Adelaide with playing with two-yaer-old Nesta on the grass. They were on the floor, their heads next to each other. Cloud watching.  
“Yes darling?”
“What if you’re gone and I’m still here?”
Adelaide stilled, “Well then…You’ll be all big and you won’t need me anymore.”
She considered, “I don’t think I’ll ever stop needing you.”
 The green mist blew once like a roaring fire.
Clare came to her, next to the oak tree, “Feyre’s gone. You’ve tried to bring her back. What are you gonna do now?”
Nesta brushed her hand over the tree, “I wait.”
Clare nodded wrapping her hand around Nesta’s waist, “Quick question, Nes are you waiting for him?”
“No, I’m done with that other life. I need to focus.”
The mist roared again.
A few years after Nesta had left the night court she had gone back to their old mansion in the continent. She coughed as she pushed the heavy doors. She trailed down the ghost like hallways. After her mother died her father had taken all these paintings and had put them in her mother’s childhood room. She pushed the door of the childhood room and let out a gasp. She sat in front of the paintings.
She stroked the painting,
“Hey momma.”
 The green mist flared and died out.
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