#and now im like 🥴🥴🥴🥴 bruh they thought THAT was old ?
can i just say i thank god everyday that everyone on here also wants to Fuck That Old Man
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bigmack2go · 7 months
Since i made tjis tag i thought i might as well add onto it already so uh yeah… again: feel free to use this to explain the internet to ur parents
Emoji guide!!
💀: is like a way to laugh. Specially like a „bruh“ or „no she/he/they/you did not“, „i cant believe he/she/they/you did this“ or „there is no way they/you/she/he did this!“. Do not use this if someone died please!
😭: also a laugh. Dont ask. People use it differently but many people use it specifically when they are jokingly complaining or whining about something. Also when something is unbelievable and/or like a wheezing „what?!“ or „seriously?!“
🥺: we usually mock ppl w this saying they’re pick me (fishing for compliments)
🤠: i hate my life right now
😃😀: those are like a frozen smile and show that u highly dislike smt
🙂: im about to strangle someone and beat the shit out of them. When you need to take a deeo breath to keep cool
🙃: either mocking pedoph!les lt trying to creep someone out or saying that someone is creepy
😆: hAHa YoUrE So FuNnY (hint: youre not funny)
😁: ironically saying „look what I’ve accomplished“
🥹: is the version of „🥺“ that we actually use
🥲: can be „beautiful“ *wipes tear from eye* or like the office glance at the camera.
😇: i do not in fact have very good intentions
☺️: im gonna kill u. Kind of a „you did what now?!“ when u try to keep calm
😊: im so not okay right now and i hate my life or being proud in a bragging way
😉: make fun of pedoph!les
😌: uh-huh thats right. Im great (and u suck). OR „good girl“ yk?? Or being proud
😗: also a frozen smile kinda thing
😋: hehe mischievous
😝: mocking old ppl
🤪: ironic way of mocking pick me girls (aka girls that are fishing for compliments)
🤨: „thats what she said…“
🧐: „do you realise what youre saying??“
🤓: making a mocking voice
😎: mikedrop
🥸: are you aware that u sound like an idiot rn
🤩: IM GONNA BE A DOCTOR OR LAWYER OR SMT (i didn’t fail my maths exam for once)
😣😖: u gonna cry?/ go cry about it
😫: our generation is weird and has to make everything moaning. Sry but this is moaning.
😩: „OH COME ON!“
🤯: are you telling me you didn’t know this yet?
🥵: moking hot situations or saying „that was close“
😶‍🌫️: wasn me
😱: are you telling me u didn’t know this?
🤗: im so happy for u (i hate you and i don’t think u deserve shit and it’s not fair that i have smt i want. Fuck u)
🤭: you think im frightened of u?
🤔: ironic way to say „i wonder why“
🤫: i did smt haha
🤥: i did smt not-so-haha
🫠: „that was so embarrassing“ discompfot or blush or a way of showing a crush. Some people use it as that thing where j get rly angry and try to cover it up and then your eye starts twitching
🤥: haha wasn me (it totally was me and we all know it)
🫥: no ones laughing
😐😑: i cant w u
🫨: more ironic version of „🥶“
🤤: i want that
🙄😴: waiting
😮‍💨: why r u such an idiot? And why did god choose me to handle it?
😵- oh— (swallowing a laugh)
🥴: w h a t
🤢: exxeragating way to make fun of ppl
🤑: gimme gimme
🤡: u/i sound like an idiot. Also way to mock creeps
👹👺: when u make your voice all bellowish and/or come of creepy and weord
👽: he/she/they sounds like an idiot. Are they dumb? Or „girl—?“
👾: stop talking. Ur annoying and also no ones buying ur shit
✌️: often used ironically
🤌🏼: *cheffkiss*
🫰🏼🤏🏻: teeny weeny
🫴🏻: y tho
☝🏼: mhm (pretending to be an authority figure, usually in a lightly mocking way)
🖐️: oft used in combo w „😭“ to say „can i live??“
👁️👄👁️: heh
✍️: noted OR im writing u in my death note
🦶: stfu or what ur saying makes no sense
🫦: mockingly sexual
👣: ur onto smt
👀: „woOHP“ *swallows a laugh*, he said what?, offensive sideeye, looking forward to smt OR i may or me not be plning smt (im absolutely planning smt) aka what i says has double meaning
🗣️: no one wants to hear your bullshit
👼: opposite as 😇
💆: this isnt a massage. This is me desperatly holding my demples and taking deep breaths so i dont kill anyone
💅: fab. Its also kind of slang/ hidden way to say „gay“ and do the handflick thingy. At least it used to be idk
🧑‍🦯: ur not making any sense
🧍‍♀️: someone spunds like an idiot or idk what to do w myself/ this sotuation
🕴️: you are about to break into dancing
🕺💃: vibing w music
🎩/🎓: used to be like „ha look how smart i am because of tjis one thing i got right“ in a nonserious way but no one rly uses it anymore
💍: marry me (obv) but like in an easy way. You had a good idea and im flashed by it so im exerragating your genious so much i want to marry u. Thats just an example obv
👑: u dropped this
🦄: delulu
✨: to make a word fancy like precenting a banner u put one of these at the beginning and end of the word/phrase/sentence. This can br sarcastic or serious. In quarantine many people used this as general quote unquote marks
🌚🌝: hehe
🔥: pften used by bro-pal-guy-jocks to push a post by comenting
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