#when i was in high school someone was like RACHEL HAS A CRUSH ON A 58 YEAR OLD MAN
can i just say i thank god everyday that everyone on here also wants to Fuck That Old Man
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mochie85 · 7 months
A Reunion
One Shots Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
Summary: A chance meeting with someone from your past makes you relive the worst moments of high school. Luckily, your best friend, Bucky is there to help you forget. Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes x Female reader. Word Count: Over 4k Warnings: Fluff. Flirtatious Bucky. Use of Y/N (only once) Taglist: Join here Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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“Oh god! No, no, no.” You exclaimed as quietly as you could. You turned around and hid behind your hand, covering your face. Bucky was confused- chuckling as he watched you try to make yourself smaller, unnoticeable. As if that were ever possible, he thought.
“What’s wrong? Wh-why are you hiding?” He asked as he tried to follow your gaze.
“STOP IT! SHH!” You tried to shush him. Trying to make him stop jerking his head around and calling attention to your table.
“Why are you HIDING?!” he yelled louder to annoy you. Your eyes grew big with anger, and you kicked him under the table. He laughed and pretended to be hurt as he rubbed his poor shin.
“Ok. Don’t look now, but the woman to your seven was someone I knew in high school.” You whispered to him. Bucky turned his head to see the lady in question. “I SAID DON’T LOOK!” you whisper-yelled as you kicked him once again.                     
“Doll, if you keep that up, I might need a metal leg to match my arm.” He said rubbing where you kicked him.
“Sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just…she brings out the worst in me. Whatever I got, she got, but better. Always better,” you said with a sneer. “When I got tickets to go see my favorite band, she got premiere passes.” Bucky smiled and shrugged. “She hated The Gorillaz! Said she never got the whole cartoon thing.” His demeanor gave you the impression he didn’t think it was that bad.
“I worked for two years to buy myself a used car. What did she get? A brand-new Lexus with daddy’s credit card. The same weekend I bought my car! She didn’t even know how to drive! Her older brother dropped her off at school every morning. Everyone had a crush on him. They all wanted to be her friend because of Bryce. And she knew it.”
“Everyone…had a crush on him?” Bucky raised his eyebrows at you. You simply narrowed your eyes back at him.
“Not the point, Barnes. When I applied to CalTech for college, she said she wasn’t interested in West Coast schools. A few months later, she showed me an acceptance letter from them! I didn’t even know she had the grades or the extracurriculars to pull it off. Turns out, there was a sizeable donation to the school’s robotics program made so generously from her family.”
“Sounds like she just really wanted to be you,” Bucky said smirking.
“Ya. So much so, that she stole my boyfriend senior year!” you spat out.
“Ouch,” Bucky hissed. “Ok, ya. That one’s a low blow.” He turned his head inconspicuously again to get a better look at your so-called friend. She was beautiful; in the sense that everything was well-manicured and put together. Not a hair out of place. She had an aura of money- evident by the sparkle of her well-placed jewelry.
Bucky turned back to you. You had a more natural beauty. You didn’t try too hard, it just shone out. He’s seen you undercover before in one of the missions where you had to be dolled up. God help him, you knocked everyone out. Even Loki took a break from his brooding to look at you. Bucky has never been the same since.
“Look. It was a long time ago. I tried to go my separate way after high school. I honestly don’t even know if she attended CalTech or not. But what I do know is that I don’t want to see her.”
“Y/N is that you?!” you heard a shrill voice come closer.
You put on your show smile. The smile you reserve for undercover missions. “Rachel! What a lovely surprise.” She went up to you along the iron fence of the café’s patio and tried to hug you.
She kissed you on both sides of your cheek as she said, “I didn’t know you were back in New York. I thought you would’ve stayed in California.” You didn’t miss the way her eyes scanned you up and down, homing in on things to probably critique you with.
Her eyes also kept drifting back between you and Bucky. “Wait, I’ve seen you before.” She said pointing to him. “Aren’t you an Avenger?” she squealed.
“Yes ma’am,” Bucky answered, saluting casually with a smile.
“Rachel, this is James Barnes, the Winter Soldier. Bucky, this is a friend of mine from high school, Rachel,” you introduced.
“Wow,” Rachel said, shaking hands with Bucky. “Bucky, is it?”
“James. Bucky is for close friends only,” he said with a practiced smile.
“I’ve never met a superhero before,” she charmed.
“Of course, you have. Dollface over here.” Bucky said pointing to you. Your smile faltered slightly at having the attention thrown back your way.
“Oh my gosh, that’s right! I’ve seen some of your heroics on TV! Amazing work.” Rachel said to you.
“Thank you.” You said surprised. Maybe this happenstance might not be so bad after all. Maybe she has changed.
“All that training and the time outdoors have done wonders for your body and your complexion. You look so much healthier now!”
Nope! She’s still horrible!
“She’s always been lovely,” Bucky interjected, giving you a half smile.
“Oh. My. Gosh. That’s so cute!” she said in a mock baby voice.  “How romantic. How long have you two been together?” Rachel asked, prying and pointing in between the both of you.
“Oh, we’re just friends.” You were quick to throw in. You didn’t want Bucky to feel uncomfortable around you and have to explain anything he didn’t need to.
Rachel just looked between you and Bucky. Her eyes delaying in his direction. “Well, now that I know you’re in town, you must come to the charity event my dad is hosting next week. I know for a fact that your boss is going to be there!”
“My boss? Fury?”
“Fury, who? Is that what he’s calling himself nowadays? Yes. He and his wife Pepper have already RSVP’d.”
“Oh, you mean Tony?” you asked.
“He’s not our boss,” Bucky corrected with slight irritation.
“Oh, well, sure. Ok, I can send him the invite and let him know to forward it to you,” she smiled sweetly at you. “And maybe a plus one…” she said, her eyes darting to Bucky quickly.
“We might be busy. You know…saving the world and all,” you quickly declined. The last thing you needed was to be stuck in an event with her and some of her uptight friends.
“Already sent!” she said ignoring you and tapping on her phone. “I hope to see you both there!” She smiled at you and gave Bucky a wink. “We’ll be friends in no time, Bucky!” she said to him as a promise. Not if I have anything to do with it, you thought.
“Ugh. If she thinks that Tony can tell us what to do and go to this party, then she’s just as self-absorbed as she was in high school. You can’t just tell people what to do because you have money!”
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“You have to go!” Tony ordered.
“No!” you answered back.
“Pepper and I can’t make it. Morgan’s got a play and Peter is competing at a science fair. You guys are the only other ones invited. You have to go.”
“What do you mean, have to? I don’t have to do anything! Especially go to an event where I won’t know anybody except for my mortal enemy!” you argued.
“Mortal enemy?! Aren’t you being a tad overdramatic now? Besides, you go to my parties all the time. I don’t see you ever complaining about going.”
“That’s because I like the people I’m with and you have an open bar for all the Avengers!”
“Not to Asgardians!”
“Only because they can outdrink everyone IN THE STATE!”
“I DON’T KNOW!” You and Tony squared off, looking at each other with your arms crossed.
“Look, her family are big investors in Adamantium. Her mother is in a council to help get in favor with the Wakandans to get Vibranium…” Tony tried to reason.
“Do you even need Vibranium? I’m pretty sure Steve could just call King T’Challa right now.”
“Not the point…” Tony tried again.
“Heck, Bucky over there probably has Shuri’s number!” you quarreled back, pointing to Bucky lounging on the sofa.
“The princess? No. But I do have Okoye’s. She checks in on me from time to time,” Bucky admitted, knocking on his metal arm.
“You’ve been awfully quiet this whole time, Barnes. Don’t you have anything to say about it? Don’t you want to go? You’re invited too.” Tony addressed him.
“I’ll go if dollface over here goes. And only then.” He stretched out and placed his arms behind his head, pulling his baseball cap over his eyes, signaling the end of his input into the subject.
“I’m not going, Tony. You can’t make me!” you yelled petulantly.
“Consider this an undercover mission. Okay?” Tony placated. “Go. Mingle. Charm everyone in the room. Gather some intel on your mortal enemy. Wine and dine them, then come home.” You squinted your eyes at him.
“Do it for Morgan. She would be so upset if mummy and daddy weren’t there to see her debut as apple tree #2…or was it #3? And Peter! He worked for months on his science project! Think of the sad teary eyes he would have when he sees we’re not there to support him. You don’t want Spider-Man to have sad, teary eyes, would you?!”
“Ugh, it’s not fair you’re using the munchkins as your excuse!”
“I don’t play fair. Especially when it comes to the kids, I would do anything to make the munchkins happy. You know this. Even putting you in the hands of your mortal enemy! Mwuahaha” Tony wrung his hands like a classic villain bent on world domination.
“For Morgan!” you pointed to his chest. “And Peter! Not for you. Not for all the Adamantium in the world. Understand?!”
“And you’re paying for my dress!”
“Ugh, fine,” Tony said with a sigh.
“And shoes!”
“What happened to the last pair of Louboutins I got you?!”
“I had to be resourceful,” you said lifting your chin. “I used it to stab a HYDRA agent in the neck,” you smugly admitted. Tony and Bucky winced.
“Fine. Shoes too,” Tony conceded. “And you, Manchurian Candidate? Need anything?” he turned to Bucky.
“Ya. My gun is jamming even after I’ve already cleaned it. Do you think you can get me a different type of lube?” Bucky asked with a straight face. You, on the other hand, couldn’t help but suppress your laughter from behind your hand.
 “I’m dealing with children,” Tony mumbled under his breath as he started to leave.
“Buck!” you chuckled.
“What?! It’s for the gun! I swear!” he shrugged, proudly smiling that he made you laugh.
You sat next to him on the couch. Your whole body turned towards him as he rested his hand on your knee. “Are you really gonna go with me?” you asked timidly.
“Honestly, I thought you’d never listen to Tony and just flat-out refuse. I was counting on it.” You gasped looking him dead in the eye. “I thought you’d put up more of a fight!” he laughed as you grabbed a throw pillow and repeatedly hit him in the chest. “Ow! Dollface. Stop it!” he chuckled. “Jesus, you’re violent.”
“I could’ve used your help! If you didn’t want to go, you should’ve said something! He couldn’t make both of us go! Big help you were!” you huffed as you settled on the sofa.
“I’m sorry,” he said still chuckling. He pulled you in closer to him as you cradled his body towards yours. It was effortless. He wrapped his left arm over your shoulders and you lost count of all the times he would hold you like this, in the safety of his arms. It never made you feel cold or shiver. It made you feel safe. Protected. Like you could take on the world (and your mortal enemy) as long as he was with you. “It can’t be that bad, can it? You, me, all dressed up with a night on the town. All on Tony’s dime,” he answered looking into your eyes.
Whenever you caught his eyes, you always got lost in them. Blue- like a sunny sky on a cloudless beach. So, when Bucky painted this wonderful fantasy, you could vividly picture it. Little flutters in your stomach sprung forth at the thought of Bucky all dressed up. Looking as menacing as ever. “I hate that you’re being dragged into this. I’m sorry, Buck.”
“Why are you sorry? I’d never leave a man down. Especially you.” You suddenly felt the weight of his body pressed next to you.
“Ok. I guess I feel better about going.”
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“Geez, she’s gonna kill me!” Bucky cried as he punched another agent in the face.
“Come now, soldier. What could she genuinely do?” Loki asked, trying to make Bucky feel better.
“You don’t know how resourceful she could be. What she could do with a pair of pointy heels!” Bucky answered.
“Oh, I know. I was there on that mission,” Loki chuckled. “You’re not that late. Besides…” he trailed off as he sunk his dagger into the oncoming HYDRA agent. “This was an emergency: life and death and all that. I’m sure she’ll understand,” Loki said dismissively.
“I don’t even have a suit! I forgot to get one! Oh, man! I can’t show up looking like this! I’m gonna embarrass her in front of her friends!” Bucky spread his arms out, looking down at his leather uniform splattered with ash and blood. His bright metal hand, flexing, as he brought his arm around again to deliver a final blow to the last agent standing.
Loki huffed, cleaving his dagger off some unsuspecting enemy. “Fear not, my friend, for we are finished with our chores, and I think it’s time for Cinderella to go to the ball, yes?”
“What are you saying?”
“I’ll be your proverbial godmother,” Loki spread his arms with a wide grin.
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I’m gonna kill him! NO! First, I’m gonna take his metal arm and bash him over the head with it. THEN, I’m gonna kill him!
Bucky had stood you up. You spent the better part of the afternoon getting dressed and working your hair and make-up to go to this party that you didn’t even want to go to. Only to have Bucky be a no-show.
You thought back to what could’ve gone wrong. Did he forget? Was it your fault? You spent so much time dreading this party that you forgot to set any details with him. You didn’t want to think about it or give it any power over you. So, discussing the particulars with him might’ve slipped from your mind.
When you went to his room to leave together, he wasn’t there. FRIDAY said he had already left. So, you assumed that he took a separate ride to the party. Slightly crestfallen, you had Happy drop you off at the main entrance to the museum where the party was being held. Hoping you would catch him on the way in. But he wasn’t here either.
Now here you were, three canapés down with a flute of tepid Riesling, pretending to look at the portraits and paintings rather than engage with anyone else in conversation. You were seething. Your anger must’ve been evident because people avoided you all night. One look at you and they quickly turned as if you were the plague incarnate. Just like high school all over again.
“Y/N is that you?!” Rachel’s shrill voice echoed in the vast room. You closed your eyes, stilling your already fraying nerves. You turned to face her and were met, not only by her but by a crowd of people following her as well. “I hardly recognized you! You clean up so well.”
“Thank you, Rachel,” you said with sarcasm dripping out from every syllable.
“You remember my brother, Bryce,” she said gesturing to the guy standing next to her. Bryce looked handsome and dashing in his tailored black tuxedo. And he knew it too! He had the air of someone who was used to getting whatever and whomever he wanted. Evident by the not-so-subtle way he looked you up and down and leered.
“Of course. Bryce how are you?” you asked, offering your hand for a shake.
“On-shan-tay,” he said with a haughty fake accent. He took your offered hand and kissed the back of it, feeling the sticky Chapstick from his lips. God, at least you hope it was Chapstick. The whole act made you cringe. It wasn’t as smooth or as charming as Loki would’ve done it. It definitely wasn’t the comforting hug and kiss Bucky would’ve left on your cheek. He would’ve squeezed you tight till you went limp in his arms.
Thinking about Bucky made you miss him. You only hope he had a good reason as to why he stood you up tonight. You tried to hide the snide in your lips as you pried your hand back from Bryce. You wiped it behind you, surreptitiously stepping to the side, giving more space in between you.
“Are you here by yourself? I thought you would’ve brought your handsome friend with you.” Rachel said loudly enough for her crowd to hear. “Oh Y/N, you always were the lone wolf. Never one to have any serious relationships. Even in high school,” she chuckled lightly, prompting her friend group to smile and jeer behind her.
“Yes. It was difficult. Especially when someone stole my boyfriend senior year,” you criticized.
Rachel chuckled with a tight look on her face, “I can’t believe you still remember that?! That was so long ago. We were children! And besides, I did you a favor. He would’ve broken your heart anyway. Like he did mine. All he talked about was school and getting into college. He never had time for me. Ugh, men! You can’t live with them, you can’t live without them,” she laughed, signaling her flunkies behind her to follow suit.
You balled the napkin you had in your hand and clutched it tightly. If your hands are busy, they can’t punch anyone in the face, right?
“There you are! Sorry, I’m late, dollface. I got held up at work.” Bucky’s voice cut through the nightmarish gaggle of taunts and laughs. They parted to let him through and stared as he passed every one of them, leaving them to gawk in wonder.
Including you! You were right. Bucky did clean up really well. His usual disheveled hair was styled. His black tux had satin lapels that shone under the museum spotlights. But what pulled it off even more, and what made him look so dangerously tempting, was the slight cut in his lower lip. Coupled with the faint sheen of his exposed metal hand, made him look menacing and downright sinful.
When he reached you, he pulled you into a tight hug, burying his face in your neck. He kissed your cheek as he inhaled your perfume.
“Bucky, what happened? You’re hurt!” you exclaimed wiping his lower lip with your thumb. He winced slightly when you touched his gash, holding your hand to his cheek.
“I’m sorry I was late, but there was an urgent mission I had to take care of. I would’ve gotten word to you sooner, but it was all very hush-hush. You know how these things are,” he apologized, taking the palm of your hand and kissing it.  
You looked him over after hearing the news, making sure he wasn’t injured. He should be at home resting. Not here, pretending to have a good time so you could save face for a bunch of nobodies from high school.
“Don’t fuss over me, sweetheart. I’m fine, really!” he insisted.
“Don’t worry about me…let me look at you!” he said nudging you gently from his embrace. He twirled you around making you smile at his playfulness. “Wow! Gorgeous, dollface! You look good!” his smirk ignited something inside you. A momentary predacious look from his eyes had you feeling shy and flustered. “You look real good!” he said subconsciously licking his lips.
“One question though,” Bucky said, interrupting your sinful thoughts about what he could do with that tongue. “Whose this guy?!” he asked, pointing his thumb to Bryce. Bucky’s tone was serious and possessive. He hadn’t even looked at anyone else since you locked eyes with him. And frankly, you had forgotten anyone else was in the room.
You looked over to Rachel and Bryce, along with her adoring minions, who were now curious as they watched you and Bucky have your own intimate reunion.
“Bucky! You remember my classmate Rachel from the cafe,” you said pointing in her direction. “This is her brother, Bryce.”
“Bucky! It’s so nice to see you again!” Rachel sweetly spoke as she touched his shoulder and let her fingers trail down his arm. Bucky stopped her hand and shook it in greeting.
“It’s James,” he corrected. “Mr. Barnes, if you’re dollface over here,” he winked at you. “Nice to meet you Bryan, but if you will excuse us, I need to make up for my absence by giving this beautiful woman here all my attention.”
“It’s Bryce!” he shouted back, but by then Bucky had gotten you halfway across the floor as you looked back and gave both Rachel and Bryce an exaggerated apology. Bucky twirled you once again and held you close to his chest. Leaving you giggling as you wrapped both your arms around his neck.
“You made it!” you breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that familiar safety and security of being in his arms. “I thought you- never mind. I guess it doesn’t matter now that you’re here.” You looked down straightening his bow tie and fixing his lapels. Embarrassed about what you were about to confess.
“You thought I’d forgotten about you? You of all people?” He hooked your chin as he led your eyes to look at him. “Never!”  The promise in his voice never wavered. And the teasing in his eyes made you lose your inhibitions.
“Thank you, Mr. Barnes,” you whispered as you leaned in and kissed his soft lips. He stood there frozen, wide-eyed, and watching, as you kissed him for the very first time.  
This kiss would change everything between you. He knew that, but did you? He’s imagined kissing you like this for so long. To finally make you his. But he never acted on it, afraid that you would reject his advances. He froze, wondering what this could mean for your relationship. You felt him stiffen. He stood still, letting you kiss him and not reciprocate any affection back.
OMG, I made a huge mistake. “I’m sorry, Buck. I didn’t-” You pulled away as tears welled at the bottom of your eyes. You had taken a chance and it didn’t pay off. He didn’t feel the same way. You were blindsided by his whole entrance. His whole presence, that you mistook it for interest.  The memories of high school came full circle with the feelings of rejection that sprung forth, heating your body in embarrassment.   
He pulled you back into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around you tighter, held you just a bit closer, and kissed you back with the hunger and ferocity you had only fantasized about late at night.
He opened his mouth to moan out your name and you didn’t care who was watching at this point. You were finally kissing Bucky, and just like everything else about him, it was better than you had ever imagined.
He winced slightly at the tug of your mouth, and you quickly stopped to see if he was ok- remembering his cut lip.
“No, do it again. I liked it,” he blushed.
“Well, well, well. I learn something new about you every day, Mr. Barnes.”
“Keep calling me ‘Mr. Barnes’ and you’ll learn a whole new side of me,” he teased.
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A/N: Inspired by a chance meeting I had with my mortal enemy. This has been sitting on my editing notes for FOREVER. And if I don't publish it now, I fear that I will just keep adding onto the story.
All Works Taglist🏷️ @emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @psychospore @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallow @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lokisninerealms @kikster606 @glitterylokislut @loz-3 @slytherclaw1227 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @lokidokieokie @loopsisloops @n3rdybirdee @melsunshine @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokischambermaid @cjand10 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @chrisevansmaindish
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herpartnerintime · 22 days
why I believe bae never ends platonic and only ends romantic
I just need to express my feelings about how I believe Bae never ends platonic and always ends romantic. Ever since it was revealed in Double Exposure both endings will be in the game, fans have begun wondering if you'll get a choice for Max and Chloe to be a couple or not. This is likely because fans saw how you get the option to say we were friends or we were high school sweethearts on the Bay path.
A lot of people actually misunderstood this as Bae dialogue even though Safi asks about blue haired Chloe - we learn more in the gameplay where we discover Max is so secretive about her past Safi doesn't even know she's from Oregon and this happens after the establishing your ending convo, so it makes sense to me Max can half truth with her - she did fall in love with Chloe in high school. But how can she explain the week that never was? It makes sense to me she'd say something like "we were in love in high school, but it didn't work out' than say "we were in love in high school and I let her die" this way she gives Safi a half truth. But I feel like many misunderstand the 'we were friends' option in that, many believe like they did in the first game you can control if Max has feelings for Chloe or not, which translates to if they'll be a couple or not on Bae and why some feel a choice will be given if they are just friends or couple on bae. This has always been so frustrating for me as someone who has played the game so many times, so many times I have lost count, and has explored everything the game has to offer, including every journal entry it's possible for Max to write. And Max's feelings for Chloe exist no matter what. You can choose Warren for the date and not kiss Chloe on the dare, you can make all the choices that upset her, and it doesn't erase her feelings for Chloe. You can't erase how Max wished she kissed her. If you don't kiss Chloe..
I would have, but I didn't like being dared like it was some big deal. Maybe I am scared. Of what? I think I'm too young for marriage. And Chloe and I might kill each other. I've never been so glad to see Chloe in my life. The second I saw her blue hair and that beautiful pissed off face, I kind of regretted not kissing her when she double dared me. Maybe if she had double dog dared me... Max has feelings for Chloe and the truth of the first game is whether or not you make your Max brave enough to act on her feelings for Chloe. Kinda like how you choose if you're brave enough to make her come out of the closet for Chloe, you're also deciding if she's brave enough to act on the feelings she has for Chloe.
Chloe daring Max to kiss her was her attempt to see if Max felt the same way she was feeling, if the signals she was picking up Max was picking up too (such as moments like "Girls of course! Girls Oh La La, You look cute with your hair soaked in Chemicals" "You would know!") If Max doesn't kiss her on the dare, Chloe is left feeling like Max doesn't feel the same way - though she still lets Max know when they talk about dating and boys nobody is good enough for Max but HER and that Max would crush on Rachel too because she's smart, sexy and sassy like me. Max even has dreams of Chloe making fun of her breast size and calling her a little girl and making out with other people in front of her. Max writes at the end of her journal if you don't kiss dare Chloe Is that the power of love... or friendship? I believe you're about to find out, Max Caulfield. She's still questioning. Even as she tries to convince herself they are more 'family than couple' she still ends her journal wondering if they are more than friends. And here's the heartbreaking part. If you choose to let Chloe die, if you sacrifice her, Max, because she wasn't brave enough to act on her feelings DOESN'T kiss Chloe. She lets Chloe die and never expresses the feelings she had for her. And so they do just remain friends. Max has to make the move for that kiss because Chloe doesn't believe Max feels the same way, as she texts Warren if you don't kiss her. So you the player have to make Max brave enough. But when you choose to save Chloe on the cliff, Chloe says, "Max.... I'll always be with you." She's expressing her love in those words, you can hear the love in her voice, she understands the act of love Max just did by saving her, and so she promises Max always. And Max says forever. And this act of love in saving Chloe answers the question, 'Is that the power of love....or friendship?" It was the power of love. And so Max and Chloe realize how they feel even if previously they didn't know. I get very upset and angry when people try and claim this is a platonic ending if Max didn't kiss her on the dare. I see it on other platforms outside tumblr. It triggers me honestly, feels homophobic to try and say this ending can just be platonic and they spend their together forever as platonic besties. It feels like "gal paling' them, it feels like Sappho and Her Friending Max and Chloe. It feels like something people wouldn't do if they were a man and a woman, but do because they're both girls. Max and Chloe have feelings outside your control. Those feelings wouldn't disappear in their always and forever, and they wouldn't spend their forever together denying their feelings for each other either. The comics went the path of them taking a little more time to openly admit to their feelings but the feelings they had existed and couldn't be resisted any longer. So there's no way they spend ten years together in denial they love each other as more than friends. That's why I don't believe there will be a choice on Bae. Because Bae only ends romantic.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
HI ALL! This is a weird one but do you know any stories where Mercedes is heavily in instead of Rachel? I always preferred that friendship and was disappointed in how that friendship changed on the show. I would love to read stories where Mercedes is Kurts best friend. (Bonus if Sam's in it too). Thank you in advance)
That's not a weird Ask - happy to find more Mercedes and Samcedes for you! ~Jen
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After the engagement gets called off, Kurt turns to Mercedes. Will she be able to help while she’s on her first national tour? This is a story about friendship and self-discovery.
Operation Secret Santa by @chasingkerouacwrites
Kurt can’t stop staring at the cute guy who comes by the coffee station near his desk every morning, but can never muster up the courage to say hello. Until the assignment for their office Secret Santa is revealed and his reads ‘Blaine Anderson’. Written in pieces for Klaine Advent 2017.
Soon by prettyskylark
Set during 4x21. Mercedes gives Kurt the talk during their double coffee date when the guys go get their coffee. Because someone must have told Kurt to pull his head out of his ass and finally open his eyes.
~~~~~ They are Unicorns By KillerQuen80
Kurt and Blaine let Sam and Rachel talk them into a bachelor party instead of the upscale dinner they'd originally planned. Which leads to them finding an unconventional centerpiece at the party.
Clinging to This Hating Game by notarelationship
Kurt and Blaine couldn’t stand each other in high school, maybe one was a jock/cheerleader and the other a nerd/glee clubber. Or they were bitter rivals for competition solos if they were both in glee club. Now they both live in NY and their friends set them up on a blind date, not knowing they went to the same high school.
Hiding in Plain Sight by @nineofhearts4
Blaine is famous and decides to take a break from it all by putting on a disguise and going “backpacking” through Europe with his best friend Sam. What happens when they run into fellow Americans, Kurt and Mercedes, at one of the hostels?
Loosely based on the time Niall Horan apparently went backpacking in disguise in Asia
and one blaine mercedes friendship that could have been
The Roommate chronicles by killerqueen80
Living together is an eye opening experience in different ways for Blaine, Mercedes and Sam.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 4 months
monica geller x reader headcanons
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⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • f•r•i•e•n•d•s masterlist • monica fic ⋆୨୧˚
a/n: ahh i love monica sm!! hope someone out there enjoys these 🎀
dating monica would include…
so you and monica knew each other way back in high school  
you weren’t exactly friends but you had a lot of the same classes
but when she ran into you in her years later 
she recognized you immediately as the person she had a huge crush on back in the day 
‘hi, uh, it’s (y/n) right? you probably don’t remember me. but we used to—‘
‘moncia? wow, you look great!’
to which she said
‘i know, you probably remember me as the girl that won four consecutive pie eating contests’
and you said 
‘no, i was going to say i remember you as this cute, intelligent, funny girl who i had a major crush on junior year.’
‘no way! i was, like, obsessed with you in high school! wait, not obsessed. that sounds creepy. i meant—‘
but you just laughed and interrupted her by asking her to dinner 
and you’ve been dating ever since 
she is the most protective gf fr
if anyone so much as almost insults you she has a riot
you guys make bets on the people around you and what their drink order is 
she cooks for you and gets really nervous after you try it
until you assure her it’s delicious as always
you and her and ross have game nights 
and you get just as competitive as them
and she tries to be happy for you when you beat her, which according to her, hardly happens
and the way she looks at you 😭✋
it’s adorable the way she looks up into your eyes
you tease her by leaving your shoes in the middle of the floor or your coat on the couch 
‘(y/n)? um, i love you, but for the love of god use a coaster’
you and rachel and phoebe become besties
and you talk about monica, much to her frustration 
‘you know i can hear you guys! and i definitely did not say that! and if i did, i would’ve had good reason!’
she loves playing with your hair
you begged her to get a pet once
and she objected because ‘i don’t want my carpets to get filthy! we already have joey.’
but you put together a power point presentation about why you guys should get a dog or a cat
and finally she caved but only if it could stay at your place
you eat free at her restaurant always
she’s so good at taking care of you when you’re sick or hurt 
and she goes a little overboard because she loves you
you call her ‘mom’ to make her mad
you guys can talk for hours on end about anything on your minds
forehead kisses 
her friends love you 
joey tried to hit on you first
and they all agree that you bring out the best in her and make her less like a psychopath 
that last part was chandler 
you talk about your plans for the future and having a family often 
her world revolves around you and you couldn’t be happier together 
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope y’all enjoyed this. ross & phoebe to come soon 🤭
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amber-jinx · 6 months
With all the chaos going on with you, I’m sending you all my love and support ❤️ I apologize for not being around as much due to personal issues outside of social media, but I think I’m back for now!
Question: what do you think made Rachel intrigued with Chloe and observe her so much? And how long do you think she was watching Chloe before they started talking?
Aw thank you so much! Please don't apologise for that, everyone should have the freedom of choosing where they spend their time :) Sending back love & support as well, hopefully things turn out well at your end 💛
Also once again, hella great questions!!
The 1st question reminds me of this Rachel pov fic that I've been translating, it says:
"At first it was mere curiosity.
Most people put on their good side with purpose, but Chloe does just the opposite; She disguises herself with a bad side, opposing and mocking everything; She puts on a pissed-off expression, as if a smile would make her face rot, when actually she’s purer and kinder than anyone else, plus her personality is more interesting than I had imagined."
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I think initially Rachel kinda believed Chloe to be what people speak of her. As principal Well's assistant, perhaps she also knew Chloe's on a scholarship, and that she's failing her subjects and on Well's list of high-risk students. She must've wondered,
"Why would someone on the prestigious Blackwell scholarship be so.. bad ? What happened to her?" (how come she's such a lone wolf now, people said she didn't use to be like this)
We also know Rachel secretly has a side that wants to pursue things that are off-limit/wild/dangerous, and Chloe being the one that stood out to her in this way, quickly became her subject of interest, so she kept and eye out for Chloe from a distance.
"Hey, I notice things! I can't help it." -- it's automatic at that point of her noticing Chloe
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Later on, Rachel, by whatever means (like seeing the photo of Bongo the cat in Chloe's locker", started to realise that the notorious Chloe Price might not be who she really is at all. And so with a natural tendency to want to understand & read people, she's intrigued to find out more.
Ofc let's not forget, Chloe's hella good looking to Rachel. Lmao Rachel you stared at those legs a tad too long buddy.
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While there's no telling how long exactly she's watched Chloe, there are some clues.
"Really? I see you acting like you're tough all the time in school." -- to Chloe, who claimed to not be an actor.
"That doesn't sound like Chloe Price" (park) - at that point in time (frustrated & on impulse) she's still wanting to think of Chloe as this bad girl to do rebellious/prohibited things with, even though she knows that's just on the surface (but she didn't care at that point)
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Rachel's still a "newcomer" to Blackwell, despite being on the school photo. Perhaps she moved to Arcadia like a year ago or less, and had spent a school term along with Chloe already, given her established popularity & recognition from the school itself.
So I don't know, maybe she's been watching Chloe within the time range of two/three weeks to a month and a half?
And as we know, later she saw Chloe also at the Firewalk show, & realised they have similar interests & music taste!
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Ah, a picture with crush! Look at how happy Rachel looks in that selfie 😸 & it's not here but notice how when Chloe first bumped into Rachel the latter was like, lemme take a good look at you Chloe Price, then stared at her face for 2 seconds.
Rachel: time to make a move to find how who she really is.
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I find it cute that it's also kinda the same for Chloe, who realised that Rachel's more than the surface-level "pop girl with good grades".
So yeah, I sort of rushed through this post a lil bit in the midst of finals/crunch time, but I hope it still answers your question! Til next time, xo.
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kimmiessimmies · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Choose as many sims/ocs as you'd like for this question, What's something INCREDIBLY obscure and/or out-of-pocket about your sim/oc? Something that nobody (fellow sims and/or your followers and mutuals) knows 👀 (This could be things about their social skills, physicality and/or birth defects, or it could be something they vaguely remember, a dream they had that actually predicted the future, etc etc... whatever you come up with)
( p.p.s freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not, and use the # SQOTD ~ 💛 )
Thank you, Anon (who I sneakily suspect to be @eljeebee forwarding the SQOTD Anon 😉) and @nocturnalazure for the same ask (on the same day 😊). ❤️
Here's a list of very random facts about my student bunch and two bonus characters. Some things may be known to some already, but I think most can be considered obscure. It is, of course, an essay. Because I'm simply never a woman of few words, especially when it comes to blabbing about my characters. 😊
James wrote his first original song at age 8. It was titled "Parent-Free World", and sometimes he still hums it absentmindedly. He bites his nails when he's nervous and the only place he "self-services" is in the shower because that's the least messy.
Sarah has been considering breast reduction surgery because she has back pain often. She and James developed "twin language" as toddlers and still remember and use some words.
Daniel secretly hoped he would have siblings, but it wasn't on the cards. This made him closer to James and Sarah, though. He's on the verge of failing university. Not because he's not smart enough but because the lectures bore him. His learning style is more visual and kinesthetic, and the University caters more towards auditory learners.
Jill sometimes remembers smidges of a past she can't really place and is convinced these are memories from a previous life. She knows all the songs from High School Musical by heart, but she doesn't tell a soul about this because she's embarrassed.
Seth is extremely intelligent and is a member of Mensa. He doesn't want to be cocky, so he hardly mentions it. He avidly plays D&D online, and his character, a sorcerer, is named Zeno Morningsteam.
Sadie is a wonderful singer and has a great musical ear, but it bothers her that she doesn't know how to play an instrument. She has a tiny birthmark somewhere on her body shaped like a heart (when seen up close). Her parents' marriage is going through stormy weather, but they hide this from their children (for now).
Rachel does yoga every day. She secretly liked it when Sadie spent every night with James because, as much as she loves Sadie, sharing her personal space with someone every night is very demanding for her. She's written seven chapters to a fantasy story, but this is a well-kept secret. If she tells someone about it, they may want to read it! 😱
Finn has a nut allergy. This was discovered when he was three years old and had to be rushed to hospital after sneaking a taste of Nutella. After his hospitalisation, "know what you eat" became a huge topic in the Richardson household, and this is actually what inspired Jill to want to become a chef. Since lots of food contains traces of nuts, Finn is very careful what he eats and always checks the packaging.
***Bonus characters (since they're fresh on everyone's mind)***
Joshua actually hasn't sworn off religion like his sister Martha has. He still has faith but is finding his own way. His crush on Joel is slowly fading, but he's happy about this. He hopes to find love soon but knows this is difficult in a small town. He ordered a free information booklet from The Rainbow Alliance entitled "Boys." which very openly and very detailed (in drawings) explains anything and everything boys who like boys need to know. It left him extremely flustered, but it's also his favourite thing to read now. 🤫
Morgan named Jonah after the love of her life, Jonas, who died in a car crash many years ago. Morgan has a subscription to OMGYES. Aside from writing, she has another creative passion: playing the violin. She's very good at it too. She's not looking for a relationship right now, life is too busy as it is.
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chloe-caulfield94 · 10 months
Thoughts on Grahamfield?
Thank you for an interesting question. I'm going to split my answer into two parts - first my thoughts on Warren himself and then my thoughts on shipping him with Max.
I like Warren, if only for the fact that on two separate occasions he helped Max when she was in a tough spot.
The confrontation between Max and Nathan at the parking lot in Episode 1 could've easily turned out to be deadly. Most likely, Nathan was still armed. We know he didn't throw his gun away after running from the bathroom, because he had the exact same pistol on him in Episode 4. Which also goes to show he would go around campus armed.
So if Warren hadn't tackled Nathan to the ground, allowing Max to hop into Chloe's truck, it's very likely Nathan would've pulled his gun out to threaten Max with and then shot her, just like he had shot Chloe. Only this time there would be no one to rewind the murder.
The confrontation in Episode 4, in the boys' dorms, was even more likely to have a fatal result. We know for a fact that Nathan was armed. This time it was Chloe acting as a distraction, pushing Nathan away long enough for the cavalry, in the form of Warren, to come to the rescue. Had it not been for them, Max would've likely been murdered by Nathan.
I think it's interesting that on both of those occasions Warren acted in tandem with Chloe. I don't think that takes away from Warren's or Chloe's efforts. Helping others is not a zero-sum game, where only one person can get the credit. And I think it's only fitting that a kind person like Max, who cares about others, has other people coming to her aid when she in turn needs it.
I will always appreciate Warren for giving Nathan a well-deserved beating. Remember, the confrontation in the dorms takes place mere minutes after Max finds in Nathan's drawer the horrifying picture of unconscious Chloe, which Nathan kept as a revolting souvenir. At that point, neither Max nor the player (if you play for the first time) knows why Nathan went around drugging and kidnapping girls. So the implications of the picture were obvious and horrifying. When you heard Chloe and Kate tell about their encounters with Nathan for the first time, wasn't your takeaway that he attempted to date rape Chloe and date raped Kate? What other explanation there could be for a boy drugging girls unconscious and bringing them to a secluded location? And the revelation that Nathan "only" wanted to take pictures doesn't make his attempted kidnapping of Chloe any less fucked up. At that point he had already killed Rachel by overdosing her. So despite the crocodile tears he recorded in Max's voice mail, he didn't mind the possibility of overdosing yet another girl for the purposes of his "art". Why would he mind it? This time it wouldn't be his friend, just some "whore".
So I will always think kindly of Warren, if only for the fact that he gave Nathan a little bit of his own medicine. That the made Nathan feel just as powerless as Nathan did to his victims.
I guess you could say that Warren's fights with Nathan were motivated by his desire to impress Max (in the parking lot) and to avenge his wounded male pride (in the dorms). But I think it would be an extremely uncharitable interpretation. Even if the abovementioned emotions factored into his actions, that doesn't change the fact he did help Max on those occasions.
I always find it funny that the dynamic between Max, Warren and Brooke is a representation of the "high school boy is trying to win over the affection of a beautiful girl but is completely oblivious that a cute nerdy girl in glasses is totally into him". I love the fact that in this context it makes Max into the "popular girl". Honestly, the best case scenario would be Warren finally seeing the writing on the wall and realizing how lucky he is to have someone as cool as Brooke crushing on him. And for some reason he really has trouble realizing that. Even in the alternate timeline he's dating Stella. I ship Warren with Brooke, mainly for her sake. That girl is a go-getter. She set her mind on something and is reaching for it. That always warrants my respect.
A thing I like about Warren is that he can be a gracious loser and that's an increasingly rare talent. After Chloe texted him about Max kissing her, he texted Max saying: "Your friend Chloe txtd me that I'm out of the loop now. She sounds hot so I get why. Now I get why you didn't want to 'Go Ape' with me. You should go with Chloe". Seriously, he took that like a champ, on the chin.
Some fans consider Warren to be “creepy” or even “stalkerish”. The most convincing piece of evidence supporting this accusation is him waiting outside Max’s dorm at the beginning of Episode 2. If Max walks over to the window quickly enough, she can see Warren peeking from behind corner, looking at the dorm door, almost certainly in anticipation of Max walking out, to chat her up.
Honestly, I don’t think this is such a damning piece of evidence. Yeah, he wanted to invite her to the movies. Would it be any different if he sought her out during the day, at school? I also don't find his behaviour around Max in general to be inappropriate or creepy. Awkward, perhaps. We need to keep in mind that it's not like at that point he had been hounding Max for months, refusing to take no for an answer. At the beginning of Season 1, they had known each other for no longer than a month (Max had just moved back into town at the start of the school year and it was only October). Their interactions so far involved him borrowing Max his movie stash and them exchanging some text messages (well, at one point it devolved into him sending text messages and Max not responding). I really don't think that at that point him trying to ask her out is somehow inappropriate or pushing.
There's also the shrine in Warren's locker Max can find in her nightmare. In my mind the nightmare represents a twisted version of reality, shaped solely by Max's fears and doubts. The opposite of how Max truly feels and thinks. Just like we shouldn't believe the lies told about Chloe by "Other Max", I don't think that we should treat the shrine in Warren's locker as some revelation.
I think it needs to be said - an unrequited crush doesn't make you a creep. It seems that Warren has a genuine crush on Max (I hesitate to call it love, because in Season 1 they had known each other for a month and they hadn't even been on a single date yet). But even if you see Max didn't return his feelings (I sure see it that way, based on the totality of interactions between them), that doesn't make him a stalker or a creep. If you disregard BtS (where Rachel was equally as interested in pursuing Chloe romantically, if not more, as Chloe was interested in her) and only take into account Season 1, then it is clear that while Chloe was deeply in love with Rachel, Rachel only saw her as a friend. But it would be wrong and unfair to say that Chloe was a creep for being head over heels in love with her friend who didn't love her back. It would be wrong and unfair to say that Chloe's monthslong search for Rachel wasn't a proof of her genuine friendship, loyalty and commitment to Rachel, because she had unrequited love for her, which somehow tainted her motives. I think the same reasoning should apply to Warren.
Now let's move on to the ship itself. Having said all that, that I like Warren, that I don't think he's a creep and that I think his crush on Max was genuine, I see no way for Grahamfield to work, if we're sticking to the events of the game.
In the Bae ending, even if the love between Max and Chloe remained purely platonic (the last diary entry before the final choice is always, regardless of player choices, Max saying that Chloe is like family to her and that she's about to find out if what's between them is love or friendship - so let's consider a timeline where Max decides Chloe is like a sister, not like a girlfriend to her), then the Grahamfield ship still would have zero chances of ever floating, for the simple reason that one half of it is dead.
And in the Bay ending, I can't imagine Max ever ending up with Warren. Bay Max has just killed her best friend by pushing her back in front of a barrel of a gun. The friend whose last words were always that she loved Max ("I love you, Max. See you around" if you overdose her in Episode 4, "I'll always love you" if you sacrifice her in Episode 5, she always says that regardless of player choices). Max immediately seeking solace in the arms of a boy she barely knows, that she hasn't even been on a single date with, would be extremely out of character for her. And I don't think she would be interested in pursuing Warren at a later date. She would always have at the back of her mind that he's among the people she killed Chloe for. I think that would poison any chance at a relationship.
A few months ago I exchanged comments with another LiS player regarding the ending. They told me that they sacrificed Chloe, because they preferred Max to end up with Warren. Granted, they were more of a casual player - they admitted to not reading Max's diary, not even a little bit. But even if you disregard the diary and even if you interpret the relationship between Max and Chloe as purely platonic, at least from Max's side, I can't imagine Max ever thinking like that. Wouldn't that be a totally unhinged way of thinking? Sacrificing a life long best friend for a boy that you've met a month ago, that you haven't even been on a single date with? Who is basically a stranger that you know very little about?
In a timeline with no Storm or in which Warren survives the Storm, I can easily see him and Max becoming friends, if only for their shared taste in movies.
In a timeline with no Storm AND in which Max's feelings for Chloe are different from the ones she expresses in game (in her dialogues, internal monologues and diary entries) I can imagine Max and Warren going on dates. Whether that would result in a relationship or not is impossible to say, because we have never even seen them on a single date. Maybe they would immediately hit it off. Or maybe after fifteen minutes they would both be tired of each other. Who knows?
So back to the question of how I feel about Grahamfield - even though I don't ship that particular ship, it doesn't offend my sensibilities. The only ships that offend my sensibilities are those which pair up abusers with their victims, which is clearly not the case here. But I just don't see that ship happening if we stick by canon events. If we imagine some sort of alternate universe, divergent from canon in the ways I described above, then I guess that could work.
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3rddimension · 1 year
Underrated shourtney moments (not including twitch, I'll make a separate list for that):
-c being the main person responsible for planning his smosh graduation (we don't bring that up enough)
-him being so soft and cheering her on whenever they do physical competition stuff (the army fitness test from back in the day, the fbi fitness test, even the fifth grader PE test) he's usually super competitive in games but when it comes to those competitions he always makes sure she doesn't feel like she failed
-that bts moment in the 2020 sketch were they were filming a make out scene through the door because the sketch is about covid, she pretends to lean in to kiss him and they all awkwardly laugh
-the entirety of the every dog person sketch the chemistry was off the charts and their physical intimacy had cleared changed by that point it's clear as day in every scene
-the slime bucket punishment in summer games apocalypse when they play operation and S is responsible for dropping the slime on c and she asks him to watch out for bugs and he keeps trying to shoo bugs away for her <3
-the summer games we blew it where they're all doing the outro for the bouncy house competition and S sees c go to mess with Ian and his cute aggression just takes over and he goes to grab her and they start play fighting (HE LITERALLY HAS ALWAYS ONLY HAD CUTE AGGRESSION WITH C ONLY, those are the moments when you find someone so cute you need to grab them and squish them even if it's in the form of play fighting)
-my #1 underrated shourtney is their characters as Jordan and Rachel in Most Annoying Kid Series (that ship is sooo cute), that series genuinely makes them feel like different people to me it's insane their acting talent, S and C are playing high schoolers who have crushes on each other. He's the most annoying kid in school/class clown and she's the popular cool girl. I loved them seeing them (in character) explicitly crushing on each other in long format videos and not just a short bit for a sketch. I will say, they ruined their relationship arc in the most annoying kid joins tiktok video where they made him a creepy obsessive crush lmao but it's still a fun ship (OP there's a playlist for the most annoying kid series on yt if you can link it)
Those are all underrated one for sure. Also found the playlist! Will watch it later when I have time.
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marlsdarls · 2 months
Life is strange: return of Max (maybe Chloe)
Tbh this is just me yapping about Lis1 bc it's the first video game that truly interested me and why I think everything relating to Max and Chloe was not necessary.
(warning English isn't my first language and I'm legit about to sleep so this might be messy + spoilers for like all the life is strange games obviously also I haven't played these in a WHILE)
Soo my first reason is just that their story has legit been told fully. You cannot tell me that we needet more of it. Max gets time travel powers, save best friend (till now I thougt potentially YOURSELF too but that's not the case anymore) or the town. Pick Chloe and David gets a call from her in Los 2 and now you know that those two are doing well and Vic is doing too,now you could elaborate on other characters too like Kate or Warren or anybody else but those aren't the main characters. Personaly I always loved how lis 1 has a pretty open ending either you drive away and don't see much more or you just see the funeral and you can imagen the rest.
This isn't the exact topic but because the series isn't finished I'm also interested on what they even plan on doing with it because I thougt they would maybe like tie the story's together and just let all the characters meet or something because like sometimes in lis 3 it legit just felt like they made the game to get another protagonist and throw steph in there so we get some Chloe crumbs and are happy because what was that story. If this is some they all meet together and either lose their powers or defeat something or whatever else people with telekinesis, time travel and empath powers do when they meet and they actually make it work than that's cool but still I don't know. I need to see the game to have a valid opinion on it yk.
On topic of them throwing Chloe and Max story crumbs our way to make us happy, if they're all connected why do we only hear of max and Chloe all the time. Like I get that that's most peoples favorite but still and I get that in a game where steph (who obviously knew Chloe & Rachel) is a love interest and witnessed the storm that there will be lots of Chloe and Rachel references (atleast in the dlc) but like its always connected throu them, David is chloes step father, steph had a crush on Rachel and knew Chloe and so on but you don't see the wolf brothers anywhere they obviously had to make the third game to make references to it but Cody (??? Tbh forgot his name but the dude Sean and Daniel saw Arcadia with and drove to that hotel) could've been mentioned that he drove there and knew someone Alex knows or like Jed is a bartender who are known for being good listeners so maybe they could've had a little refrence to someone from a game especially because lis 2 had so many people traveling too like it wouldn't have been hard to make a small refrence. I also don't get why Chloe and Rachel were such a big part of the dlc yes, Steph had a crush on Rachel and yes they were friends but why did it focus on crushes she had in high-school (???) and not even more of the storm or the fact one of her pottencial teachers was MARK JEFFERSON and that she could've known some of his other victims + def knew Rachel.
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merp-blerp · 1 year
Why I think Rachel Berry is Autistic/Neurodivergent (Coded)
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So I think Brittany is the best example of an autistic Glee character, but i think you could make a case for Rachel too. I don’t want to pretend Rachel would be the greatest representation of autistics ever or anything, but I like neurodivergent headcanons as a neurodivergent person and neurodivergent representation is very lacking in quality and quantity, so we currently must make do with coded characters. This is all just my theory, and I don't even claim it to be perfectly air-tight. It's more than okay to disagree with me. Don’t take it too seriously, this is all in good, self-indulgent fun. I should note that I don’t have any credentials to diagnose anyone; I don’t recommend using this as a way of diagnosing yourself. They’re are better forms of research you could do. I also apologize if this post offends any fellow neurodivergent people. Rachel can be a particularly negative character for some and I don’t mean to imply that all neurodivergent people are like her or that neurodivergents that do see themselves in her are bad; I also see some of myself in her a bit and this neurodivergent interpretation of her makes me like and understand her a bit better. I also don’t want to make it seem like I think neurodivergence is a negative thing inherently. It isn’t at all. I think Rachel’s personality could make her do negative things, but the neurodivergence itself isn’t negative. The post was very inspired by @smolbrittana and their post on Britt’s neurodivergence. Definitely recommend it you’re interested.
So let’s start with some autistic traits and assessing how they might fit Rachel:
Special Interest/Hyperinflations
Barbara Streisand, Funny Girl, West Side Story, theatrical things in general. Need I say more? I will, no matter what you think. Rachel is obviously very obsessive over the things she likes, but also what she wants. From wanting tons of attention from her various crushes in high school, wanting Quinn’s friendship, wanting to be a the best constantly, getting into NYADA and not even really considering alternatives, etc. These are flaws in her character in some situations, but I don’t think it comes from a place of malice… typically. The crackhouse stuff was messed up, but I think this comes from her brain just latching onto things, to the point where these things become a part of her personality almost and in her head there’s no alternative positive situation conceivable to her other than getting what she wants. All or nothing. If something doesn’t happen the way she wants it it feels like a personal attack. Like being a star and shaping her life around being like her idols, but when she feels like someone could upstage her she… sends them to a crackhouse. I bet the reason why she’s so talented from such an early age is because she hyperfixated on being great at what she want to be, great like Barbara Streisand. I also think that this is why Rachel is so forgiving. She hyperfixates on belonging and others liking her, so she’s willing to forgive those around her no matter what they’ve done to her, best example being Quinn. She obsesses over her own perfection; for example, her NYADA audition where she messes up and feels like she has to completely start over and perfect it all the way through rather than continue through it (which I believe is what you’re supposed to do in a situation like that—I know I’ve seen real broadway actors push though their mistakes). Perfection is the only option to her at times.
Social Difficulties
Rachel is not good at social interactions. I think she feels things very intensely and sometimes can’t “properly” express emotions, at least not in a neurotypical way, therefore coming off as awkward or like a jerk. Sometimes she is a jerk, but I digress. Her first interactions with Finn are very awkward because of the way she goes about them. She goes in too strong, clearly feeling a lot for him already, and freaks him out, but it happened to be in a way that seemingly still endeared him. From his perspective, she’s also just… off putting, probably, because she’s neurodivergent and he’s neurotypical. He still falls for and cares for her, of course, but knows she’s different. Essentially in Season 1-2, her interactions with others are often turned up to eleven in terms of intensity/awkwardness.
“Abnormal” Speech
In the early seasons Rachel has this very fast, high-pitched, matter-of-fact way of speaking. This speech pattern goes away as the series goes on so gradually it might not even be noticed till it’s gone (and I have a theory on why it goes away, but more on that later). I think it’s departure is most noticeable in S4 E12, where Rachel imagines communicating with her younger self. There’s a clear difference in how to two Rachels talk and even sing and it’s interesting to see that contrast (and I gotta applaud Lea for being able to show that, however annoying, she is talented). She also has a very colorful vocabulary, which could also be a symptom.
Intense Emotions & Aggression
Totally. Rachel gets very upset when she doesn’t get her way, to a fault sometimes. Her taking it so personally when Tina was chosen to play Maria in West Side Story, saying it was “my part” (another example of her connecting to her special interest so personally). Her pissed off behavior towards Finn after she tried to cheat on him with Puck and kept telling him to forgive her rather than letting him come to a conclusion himself in S2 was very unselfaware. Sending Sunshine to a crackhouse when she felt threatened by her talent. Disrespecting her dance teacher when she grades her “Oops I Did It Again” number. She takes what she perceives as threats very personally, which might be a Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD) thing. Santana has a lot of rage, but damn so does Rachel. This could also be related to her feeling very intensely about her special interests or her strong sense of justice, which I’ll get into later.
Hyper-empathy/Low empathy
Rachel’s tendency to not take other’s feelings into account might exhibit low empathy. Now, it’s worth saying that just because a person doesn’t have emotional or cognitive empathy doesn’t mean they’re a bad person. I believe that as long as they’re able to have sympathy and/or compassion they’re good. Empathy is like being able to put yourself in someone’s shoes; feel the things they feel on a personal level, whether you’ve been though what they have or not. Sympathy is only being able to look a those shoes; seeing and logically understanding the other’s emotions, but not feeling them on a personal level. And you can still show compassion either way.
Now this one was hard to find evidence for, and that’s fine. Not every neurodivergent person stims or fidgets in a particularly neurodivergent way. Most people, neurodivergent or not, stims in some way. Any movement can be stimming. I feel like that fast, peppy walk thing she does, particularly when she’s angry, might be a stimy thing. Like she has so much stimulation that she has to really move and get it out of her system. I also do this when something excites me. I’m pretty sure I remember Santana (?) calling it a “bird walk” or something and said that she walk with a “weird pointy toe” way. Rachel’s body language does remind me of a bird some times, like how when she’s upset she’ll move her head in these very quick, twitchy or jerky movements. She holds herself in a certain way when she sings, which became most apparent to me when Jenna Ushkowitz (Tina’s actresses) talked about mimicking these movements in the behind-the-scenes for S3 E20. She jumps up and down and touches her face when she’s happy, and presses her face against the wall when she’s distressed. Might be stimy things too.
“Abnormal” Body language
Rachel has some very upright posture. It’s very proper in the earlier seasons. Somewhat “stiff”, if you will. Her facial expressions are very, for lack of a better word I can think of, extreme. Always the most they could be. If she’s smiling, she’s really smiling. If she’s crying, she’s really crying. Et cetera, et cetera. Like her speech, this relaxes as she gets older, however, I’ve noticed that during her time with Funny Girl, especially during the understudy auditions and her fight with Santana, both her straight lace posture and body language, “bird” mannerism, odd speech pattern, and other traits comes up again, but for the negative. It was like Rachel was hurt and regressed.
Anxiety & Depression
As I mentioned, Rachel regresses into a negative version of her traits in S5. This isn’t to excuse her, I hate Rachel’s actions during this plot-line as much as the next guy, but this could explain it. I’ve theorized that Finn’s death, the pressure of being on Broadway and the excitement yet anxiety of reaching her dreams so quickly to the point where she felt stuck in monotony might have made her somewhat regress back to how she was in early high school after having grown past it. Like she wanted things to be the way they had been before and lashed out against her own success, almost subconsciously/unknowingly sabotaging herself due to this regression. And then after losing her TV show she’s at her lowest in terms of people seeing her talent as something worth putting value into and she does have her come-to-Jesus moment when she goes back home, her actions finally weighting on her and her having to rebuild herself. Somewhat alternately, you could say that Rachel started masking in New York; maybe she knew that not masking in high school made her a target for bullying, so in NYADA she attempted to mask her neurodivergent traits so she could fit in better. This could explain her change in clothes, makeup, mannerisms, speak-pattern, et cetera. Of course, you can’t truly hide you neurodivergent traits, so Rachel is still quite othered in NYADA. Neurotypicals often can tell when someone’s neurodivergent though subjective social data and other them, whether they know they’re doing that or not. So her masking leads to a breakdown because masking is exhausting and painful for a lot of neurodivergents. She breaks. A covert mental breakdown is honestly the only way I can rationalize her leaving Broadway for TV; logically it doesn’t make much sense for her to have done that in my opinion. That’s why I think returning to Lima was good for her to start fresh and grow again in S6. A part of me almost wants to call it a neurodivergent burn-out or masking that led to a shutdown/meltdown. Rachel definitely fits the quota for “gifted kid syndrome”, being surrounded by yes-men all her childhood, and that could led to burn-out when you’re no longer around that. I think Rachel had been struggling for a while but hadn’t expressed it in a healthy way that was true to herself and so she didn’t really process her feelings or shit actions till her “meltdown/shutdown”, if you will, till S6. But that’s just a theory on what happened to her character. It’s hard to assess this part of Rachel’s arc because even though I think it could’ve made sense and it could’ve been interesting, it ended up being one of the worse written plot points of the show, and that is saying something because Glee fans are well aware this show’s not a perfect masterpiece.
Gifted Kid Syndrome
Many autistic people are seen as gifted or special in youth, and sometimes that expands into adulthood. Rachel definitely was seen this way by others and saw herself that way too. There are countless examples of character going on about how talented Rachel is at singing, whether they’re praising her or insulting her. And we know from the first episode of the series that she’s been seen that way for a while.
Rituals, Sensory Processing, and Perfectionism
Rachel has a strict morning schedule and moisturizing ritual. She also flosses between classes, which could be a ritual thing and/or a sensory thing. I feel like her very preppy clothing style in the early season could’ve also been a ritual thing and/or a sensory thing. It’s like she had to dress this way either because it’s a routinely thing or because she felt uncomfortably in other clothes (probably routine, because she does stop dressing like that in the later season, unfortunately—that style was so cute. But hey, putting yourself through clothing sensory hell for the sake of masking, due to the fact people made fun of your preferred clothes in the past, could add to that meltdown/shutdown theory I have). She also has moments where, while stressed, she rest the top of her head on the wall. Also likely a sensory thing to me. She seems very strict on these being done perfectly. She can’t do imperfection and things not being done her way. (Also, I don’t know how true it is, but I swear I remember hearing a trait of autism could be having perfect pitch. Of course Rachel seems to, but I’m not a super smart music person so I don’t know how to tell myself).
Deep intreats in animal
Rachel often wears animal themed clothing in the early seasons and she’s vegan. She also berated that woman for caring her service dog in her purse in S5 E19, assuming she knew more about the woman’s service dog needs than the woman herself. She cares about animals a lot.
A strong sense of justice
This part of Rachel gets forgotten or undermined I think and I wanted to acknowledge it. Especially by S3, Rachel really fights for her friends and against whatever she believes is an injustice. This isn’t to say she’s always in the right with these behaviors or that she’s the best ally to everyone, just that these traits are here. Before Glee club she joined in a lot of advocacy clubs (some she really shouldn’t have been in, but it’s framed that way), she wanted to start a “Gay-Les-All” (The Gay-Lesbian-Alliance), and she regularly protests Mr. 👞, whether it’s by storming out of class or putting tape over her mouth in silent protest when she thinks he’s undermining her talent. In S1-2 it feels entitled most of the time, but I think it becomes a bit more selfless in S3, at least for a while, with her being very for Kurt during the student election, to the point where she stuffs the ballot box and gets suspended for it. Still not a good action, but with good, selfless intentions. She berates that one woman in S5 E19, which is still bad and misinformed of her, but it’s an example. She also stands up to her teacher when she didn’t like her “Oops I Did It Again” performance. And I think, while in the wrong, Rachel was just trying to stand up for herself against a teacher who bullied her a lot.
Difficulty “Fitting in”
This is Rachel’s entire story. Trying to find somewhere she felt she belonged. She wanted to be a part of something special to make her special. I believe this is a part of why she is obsessed with feeling like the best in the room. She was bullied and different from others so she felt very othered; maybe she tried to interpret this othered feeling as “I’m better, they just don’t realize” as a coping mechanism, but I think deep down she knew that wasn’t the case and everyone hated her for other reasons (some justifiable, some ableist if you say she’s neurodivergent) and she had to learn she could share the spotlight and shine along with people at her level. A very “Oh No!” By Marina (and the Diamonds)—“I feel like I’m the worse, so I always act like I’m the best” type deal. In S2 she begins to take down the pedestal she (and others) put herself on as a defense and become self aware and this continues into S3, then the cycle happens again in S4-5 where she starts putting herself up on that defense pedestal again, then takes herself down once more in S6 to her own rock bottom so she can be on healthy ground again by the flash forward and the end of the series. This isn’t perfectly done, but it’s done well enough where I can see that was the goal they might’ve been going for with her, and I appreciate that type of nonlinear character arc, it just wasn’t done well here. Like, not only was it nonlinear in story but also in writing quality and that’s where it’s faulty. Even when you take away all the neurodivergent framework—all the stuff about rituals, shutdown, et centra—this reading could still make sense for Rachel. She’s queen of the outcast who has to humble herself in order to thrive.
Thank you reading! I hope I was clear and coherent enough in this. If you have anymore points to make about this reading of Rachel let me know—I’d love to see!
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askingrachelberry · 6 months
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⭐ meet rachel, auditioning with she used to be mine from waitress.
" you might laugh because every time i sign my name i put a gold star after it, but it's a metaphor. and metaphors are important. my gold stars are a metaphor for me being a star. "
📍pinterest. 🎵 playlist.
wait, is that RACHEL BERRY? they kinda look a lot like MAUDE APATOW, don’t they? i heard the TWENTY-ONE year old is known as the OVERACHIEVER around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in NEW DIRECTIONS which is so lame? people at campus have said they’re AMBITIOUS, but don’t be fooled since they’re also NARCISSISTIC. rumor has it, you can find them at DRAMA, DANCE/BALLET, GAY-STRAIGHT ALLIANCE, & ENVIRONMENT CLUB when they aren’t belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around GOLD STARS (IT'S A METAPHOR), THE EUPHORIC FEELING OF CROSSING SOMETHING OFF OF YOUR TO-DO LIST, & A GHOSTLIGHT SHINING ON A DARKENED STAGE but no one pays attention to that here in ohio.
full name: rachel barbra berry
pronouns: she/her
hometown: lima, ohio
birthday & sign: december 18 & sagittarius
age: twenty-one
relationship status: single
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: student at mckinley arts college
clubs: drama, ballet/dance, gay-straight alliance, environment club
glee club: new directions
major: drama
rachel has always been an overachiever, joining club after club, spearheading group projects to the point where she just does them herself, etc. back in high school she had the excuse that it was to get into a good college. now it's simply a habit that she can't break. if her hand isn't up first in class when the teacher asks a question then something is seriously wrong.
rachel knows she's unpopular and she's very much aware of why (she can be too much for people sometimes and she's very focused on her own future, to the detriment of those around her), but it does weigh on her. she is more insecure than one might imagine and she longs to have some of the college experiences that movies have popularized.
her insecurity does not extend to her talent. she knows that she's too good for small town ohio and it kills her that she's wasting away some of her precious ingenue years, but college show choir is a real way to get attention. and it's important to have the training that a college like mckinley provides on a resume, even if one doesn't actually need it.
rachel likes to be in control of situations. she doesn't drink or consume any mind-altering substances and she gets the proper amount of sleep each night so she's always sharp. she has her routines and she's perfected them. however, if her control of a situation starts to slip, there's no knowing what she'll do.
for example, if she's been threatened by someone else's talent in glee club, the one slushie-free safe haven she's constructed at mckinley, maybe she'd go so far as to send that person to a non-active crack house to get them out of the picture...
happy to plot something out via dms or discord !!
best friend
jesse st. james. crush.
madison mccarthy. rival.
quinn fabray. frenemy/unlikely friend.
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mistyheartrbs · 11 months
Please explain the Glee Vriska theory I want to know more
i'm so glad my glee vriska theory has sparked discussion amidst the mistyheartrbs tumblr community. this is what @battleofthevriskas is really about.
so character by character it's as such:
RACHEL BERRY: she actually feels the Most vriska to me because people hate her mostly for being a woman who dares to be ambitious and you can’t have a vriska without the fandom being divided over them. she’s definitely not a good person a lot of the time but within glee’s insane framework she’s really not that bad, yet people either love her or hate her while having much less negativity towards. say, noah puckerman, who is actually objectively horrible. and also rachel sent someone to a crackhouse.
QUINN FABRAY: gay. sad. tried to steal a baby. she has that certain combination of the worst plans you’ve ever heard of and the desperate desire to still be a kid while being forced to grow up.
SANTANA LOPEZ: while rachel is the most vriska in terms of her role in the narrative i think santana is the closest to vriska (vriska) in terms of actual personality. which is to say she’s mean and sardonic and yet she also loves a certain few people very deeply.
SUE SYLVESTER: married herself and then got divorced from herself. can’t die? also just like. she’s textually the villain but is The fan-favorite character who’s basically become synonymous with the show which is what vriska is also.
but overall - on a more meta level - glee and homestuck are surprisingly similar beasts. they both turned expectations of their respective mediums (high school tv drama and webcomic) on their heads. they both started in 2009 and ended within about a year of each other (glee in march 2015, homestuck in april 2016 excluding the epilogues and homestuck 2); in other terms, squarely within the obama era. this comes through in the optimism and genuine belief in the young people they center around - these kids can change the world. things are turning around for the better, and they're different.
and on a narrative level there are also a lot of similarities - they're both coming-of-age stories, obviously, but they're also the rare coming-of-age stories that let their teenage characters be unabashedly kind of awful, without a lot of judgment from the narrative. they both tap into what it feels like to be a teenager, rather than trying to tell a "realistic" story about being one. in glee's case, the musical format does this - doesn't every breakup or rocky friendship or crush feel worthy of an elaborate musical number? aren't you the star of the show? for homestuck, it's the world literally exploding when john turns thirteen - none of these kids know what the hell they're doing, but they're expected to inherit a legacy they only barely signed up for.
and i don't think it's a coincidence, then, that they're both projects with massive queer followings and unprecedented queer representation. characters like santana and kurt and rose and kanaya were new and exciting and they got to be the center of the story, instead of side characters there to support the straight leads. glee and homestuck both queered their mediums; they let these people who would have otherwise been snappy sidekicks be the ones to have the big end-of-story romance, to save the world.
which brings me back to vriska! in the past few years tumblr dot com has definitely become much kinder towards female characters - largely, i think, because its userbase is now mostly in their twenties and they've developed critical thinking skills and so there's less instinctive hatred of any vaguely complex woman in a tv show if she commits the heinous crime of Being Girl. getting into glee as an adult instead of as a teenager has given me a sort of. opportunity to learn this through praxis - i love rachel berry, she's my favorite character in the whole show, but i look through old glee detritus and i know that even with faberry as one of the most popular shows there were (and are) people who unabashedly hated her, who called her the worst character on television. vriska wasn't ever subject to that much hate, i think in part because she is an antagonist for much of homestuck and so it's easier to view her actions through that lens while there's admittedly some dissonance when rachel sends a girl to a crackhouse and then gets the solo a few episodes later, but people still couldn't stand her as if equius didn't force aradia into a blue-blood robot body so she wouldn't be "inferior" anymore and then make that robot body fall in love with him. did anyone remember that. why doesn't anyone remember that it's like the scariest thing in homestuck. "oh vriska killed people" she had her reasons.
but anyway there's been sort of a reckoning as tumblr adults look back at their favorite childhood/teenhood media. and everyone loves vriska now, and while rachel is still pretty divisive (understandably so) people love glee's other two vriskas (quinn and santana) and think their unpleasantries are compelling and shouldn't be sanded over. and bringing it back to the bigger picture, glee and homestuck were both seen for a while after they ended as "cringe," as things that were already aging badly, as unfortunate crap we only liked as teenagers because there wasn't anything better. but they were both good, at the end of the day, warts and all. they were weird and funny and they spoke to that peculiar loneliness that comes with being a kid. and people are starting, finally, to remember that. in other words,
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thank you for coming to my vriskanalysis!
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bowtiesnmusicals · 1 year
Here is part 2 of the podcast reap with Josh Sussman. 
Jenna asked Josh if he has a favorite memory from the show. Josh said being able to go to the Golden Globes with the cast. He said season 1 was a very special time going from obscurity of not knowing to going to the SAG awards. He had fun during Toxic. The aftermath sucks but filming it was fun. He mentioned going to an event for GLAAD after the episode. He saw Ryan at the event and Ryan said hello controversy and you should have seen what I cut out. Josh liked doing interviews and doing scenes with Rachel.
Josh starts talking about a prank that some of the cast pulled on him. Someone left a sticky note on his trailer that said I really looking forward to our scene and had al lip stick kiss on it and it was signed from Lea. It never occurred to him that it was not from Lea. Jenna was losing it as Josh told the story. Jenna said she is trying to remember who did it. Kevin said he knew who left the kiss on the note. Josh said it was Amber. He found this out years later. He doesn't remember where he heard it. He said he was just thinking oh, he didn't know if Lea liked him or had a crush on him or was just being friendly. He then went up to Lea and said he got her note. She has no idea what they are talking about and is waiting for a punchline. The last time they worked together he told her a joke so she thinks this is another one of his corny puns. So he pulled the note out of his pocket and handed it to her. She looks at it and reads it. She doesn't say anything and walked away. He then realized it was a prank. Was the prank was on Josh or was it on Lea. Kevin and Jenna said it was a two for one. Kevin said he thinks Amber left the kiss mark but didn't write the letter. (If Amber was a part of it then Chris was probably in on it.) They said they would do some digging and find out for Josh. Jenna said it's really nice to reminisce like this. Josh said he loves that it is on Disney+ and so accessible.
Jenna asked the question they ask everyone at the end of the interviews. What feeling does Glee leave you with? Josh said it has changed and it's an evolving thing. It goes from so much happiness but there was a time when he felt a lot of sadness. He pulled up a picture on his phone that he feels like summed up his Glee experience so well. It's a pic from the Golden Globes. He's at the coolest party in the world but he is very much on the outside. He was so happy to be there. There was elements of not feeling included but as the years went by he has come to the understanding that it's not personal. The main cast was together everyday doing rehears singing and dancing. They were a part of a close knit thing. It's not so much that he's not included it's just an extra special thing for you guys. At the time it could feel actual high school with cliques. He didn't feel like he fit in. People say things still and it gets to him but overall he still gets to have amazing experiences like the convention in Liverpool last year. In season 4 episode 2 he gets beaten up with a wooden umbrella. As he is getting beaten up Brittany say leave me alone JBI. Sometimes if he posts people will comment leave me alone JBI. He thinks okay maybe they were just quoting a line but other times he feels like they hate him. They will comment on something that doesn't have to do with anything. That was his least favorite scene because he did get hurt. He was bruised and bled. People will also comment oh I love when he got beat up. He said they know it gets under his skin. He had no idea if he would be on the podcast and it feels so meaningful to be included. It makes him so happy and it raises good feelings. He is beyond grateful to be doing the podcast with Kevin and Jenna. Kevin said they appreciate him being there. He said he wishes looking back if they could have done more to make him and Max feel more included. He thinks its important for Josh to share his experience. Josh said everyone on the show as very nice. Kevin joked that he can say Jenna is mean. Jenna joked that she is a bitch. She then said all joking aside part of the podcast is that they hope it can be healing for people like it is healing for them in many ways. She echoed what Kevin adding she wished they could have been a place where they could have done more but they weren't there not make excuses for any of it. She said she thinks that even within their circle they felt like their were cliques and that they were left out of things. There were people on the covers of things or were included in things that others were not. She said it's hard to not take that personal. It's hard to not think I'm not enough, doing enough, I'm not the main one. It definitely gets to especially when you are around it all the time and when it's what you live and breathe. It's just inevitable. She said in a way they were trauma bonded. Kevin said you latch on to those people that can understand this very specific and weird experience. Josh said he remembered during the 10th anniversary pictures were posted and he was in two of them and not tagged in them. It made him feel invisible. He knows social media is so silly. He feels like one of the group but sometimes he doesn't and wonders why not. It said its so silly if you are paying attention to who follows who. Jenna said it's inevitable in our day and age. That's your feeling and your honest and real and yours. That's what makes them true. She said she hopes he feels included and that Glee couldn't have happened without all of us and you. She said she hopes they can lift him up and give you those better memories and good feelings. She said she has plenty of shitty feelings about the show but she has many more good that it outweighs those feelings. Josh said during quarantine he rewatched Glee. He was reminded that the show is really good. Josh said he prides himself on being a positive person and felt like he wasn't being very positive. He said one of the biggest sadness's for him was the 2009 episode. Everyone was back but him. He said he didn't know why he wasn't asked back. Maybe the character was too creepy.  Kevin said how do you not take that personal. Jenna said it's hurtful. Overall it was an amazing experience.  Jenna said it is fun to rewatch as a viewer versus a cast member and being able to appreciate the performances that everybody gave that they get to see or experience when they were on set. She said Josh is one of those. To watch the satire and acknowledge the satire it is and watch Josh in his element. Kevin said he really went for it and to watch an actor be put in positions like having to be naked across from Jane Lynch is not an easy think to do and regardless of what the assholes online say to you, you smashed it and did an incredible job. That's all you can control. That's all you can do. do the best at your job and he did that over and over again.
Josh wanted to get it out there that the butt sweat is not his butt sweat. It was special effects. Kevin said people need to know that none of them are their characters. They look like their characters but none of them are these actual characters. They are hired to play characters. There are props and teams to take care of things like fake butt sweat. So leave him alone. Jenna thanked him for being honest and sharing his experiences. She said she hopes she runs into him again at their favorite place. Kevin said being in Liverpool last year with Josh was a great and special experience. If any of those people are listening they were the nicest bunch of people they could have spent time with that weekend. Josh said it was the highlight of his 2022. Jenna said she was jealous and Kevin said you were having a baby. She then got sidetracked and mentioned their was a ladybug. It's good luck. They thanked Josh again.
Jenna said she hopes that you guys appreciated his honesty as much as they did. It makes her almost sad to think that he felt like he was on the outside but grateful he was able to share his peace and his experience. Kevin said when you get on a show that will be watched by people it is a double edged sword. It is great to be a part of something being enjoyed by millions of people around the world but you will also run into a small portion of people who are terrible and say crazy crazy things to you online. That is never okay. Josh is one of the sweetest and talented people. Just remember that the people you are watching on screen are real humans with real feelings and just because they are playing a character you might not like doesn't mean that it cannot feel personal when you attack them. They thanked him again and sent big love to him.
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Kurt Glee Rewatch: Acafellas
Oof this ep. Happy to skip all the Will stuff... Honestly, for teen shows, I hate when so much time is spent on the adults? Like, if I wanted that, I’d watch a drama about adults? This is a high school show? We care about the kids? They should be focus. Imagine the show with like... even half the amount of Will plot. More time on the New Directions... would be so much better. Maybe Matt would get a line lol
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This outfit will always kill me. Kurt babe, no.
And tbh... Rachel has a point? Legit every ND performance, their choreo is just... not the best? Esp compared to VA. I’ll discuss more later but... they could use some help with the dancing. And once they have more members, they can try something more interesting than standing in a line or walking in circles and jumping.
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Aww Kurtcedes!! Notice Kurt not only has hairspray, but also extra clothes in his locker. Prob bc of dumpsters/slushies. Yikes.
And poor Mercedes, all lonely. Does make me wonder about her life before. She has church choir friends and she didn’t seem super unpopular until glee club? Who did she hang with??
And the crush... Like she is sus at first, but Quinn and Santana ofc try to sway her. And I get it, Kurt is the first guy to be sweet to her and they def have fun together. And you know what, kudos for Mercedes for looking past stereotypes and giving it a chance. Bc yah, writers def put a lot of stereotypes into Kurt...
I wonder if he was just making a joke or if he actually practiced kissing his elbow lol. And notice, he’s much more comfortable being close with Mercedes, linking arms. So sweet.
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Ah, the Lincoln Navigator. I do wonder how into cars Kurt was... we deserved more mechanic!Kurt (esp since we know he worked in the shop)
First mention of his dad. He’s all set up as prob being anti-gay. I wonder about Burt’s intentions. We see in 2009 how he threatened to take away Kurt’s sewing machine. They aren’t v close yet, so when it comes to laying down the law Burt is kinda flying blind. And part of this is his discomfort with Kurt being fem, but I’m sure part of it is his dad worrying. He doesn’t want his son to have a hard life.
And aw, Mercedes thinking she’s asking out Kurt while he’s just happy to have a friend to watch Liza Minelli with. Oof.
I also love how many VA performances we see and still no Jessie. He was just... away for the first semester. Or something.
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So we had the ‘Gay-vention’ bc Kurt is ‘lady fabulous’ oof. 
And he wore a corset to class? And we don’t see this?? Rude.
And the iconic. Kurt is just so relaxed and happy and then Mercedes drops the bomb and Kurt is just. Shook. He just wanted a friend. He’s def not ready to come out, but he thought it was pretty clear without him having to actually say it. 
He says he made it obvious that he liked someone else? But his crush on Finn doesn’t seem v overt yet? Maybe he was more open around Mercedes? Or maybe it was just bc they needed the setup for him to say Rachel?
Either way, poor Kurt gets his windows busted, but he also witnesses the amazing performance. Def one of the best from s1
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Him crying int he background, aww poor guy. He loves his car.
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Ah, misfits banding together. The lesson we’ll learn every ep this season lol. 
Dakota is a jerk but omg his lines
“Artie you’re cut, you’re not trying hard enough” “At what?” “At walking”
Well, at least he knows Artie’s name??
“Stay away from aerosol cans cuz you could burst into flames at any second” omg poor Kurt. Glad he joins the walkout bc he’s not down for this bs.
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Kurt says he has a tiara collection and we never see it. See, we keep getting told that Kurt dresses ‘like a girl’ but never really see it? He plays with gender, sure, but his style is always more masc leaning. Just not ‘typical’ masc so ppl find it weird. Ugh.
Also, his locker. Having guys abs... yeah, not exactly hiding lol. And the quote says “I would never ever have had the confidence to be in a school play” and excuse while I overthink.
I tried googling and don’t think it’s from anything specific? If someone knows, pls let me know. Also, just makes me even more sad he never got to properly star in... any play? We had a bit in Rocky Horror and he was great as Riff Raff but just... I’ll go into it s3 but damn it bugs me.
Anyway, shows how great Kurtcedes is bc she immediately goes to apologize, he trusts her enough to come out... like this is Glee, it could easily have been dragged out, but they settle it here in this sweet scene...
And that hesitation, the little choke on the word, this is definitely he’s said the words out loud and my heart cannot take it. I love that he gets this, he gets to come out. Everyone assumed his sexuality, but he gets this moment with Mercedes where she was ready to accept his crush on Rachel but he takes the step to open up and come out and I just love that.
And interesting how we get this and then the coming out to his dad, but not to everyone else? Maybe after Preggers he just accepts the comments? Doesn’t deny it? Bc ppl all assume he’s gay anyway.
And that also makes it so much harder bc he’s not ‘straight passing’ so even when he’s closeted everyone keeps bullying him for something he was barely able to admit to himself.
And Chris Colfer has talked about this, how after Preggers the media all just assumed he was gay too and he couldn’t really control his coming out and that breaks my heart and I could have a whole rant about media but.... not the time.
So ya, it sucks that Kurt didn’t have as much control, I’ll discuss more in Preggers tho.
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blueharborhq · 2 months
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LETTIE LOWENSTEIN is looking for their CRUSH / POTENTIAL PARTNER. For more details about the connection, read below!
CHARACTER NAME — Lettie Lowenstein.
CATEGORY — Romantic.
TYPE OF CONNECTION — Crush / Potential partner.
SUGGESTED FACECLAIMS — Amelia Eve ( preferred ), Evan Rachel Wood, Ayça Ayşin Turan, Davika Hoorne, UTP. 
For as much as it embarrasses Lettie to think of having a crush on anyone when she’s newly thirty - she’s managed to stumble into having the most high school crush she’s had since losing Sam. It’s baffling to her and Asher thinks it’s hysterical but is unerringly supportive. This has the potential to develop into a ship connection or it can just be a meet-cute situation that turns into a solid friendship. They could’ve met at any point since Lettie moved to blue harbor but any crushing on her end would be recent, more than likely. Either way, Lettie’s absolutely flummoxed and easily flustered with this person and it drives her absolutely nuts ( in a fun way, admittedly ).
I'm open to planning out how they met - if they're friends already, if they've met recently, if they went to school together in Blue Harbor - all of that is super flexible and open for discussion! If the chemistry's there, I'd love for this to turn towards a more romantic connection and if not, then platonic is equally lovely! I just really want to explore Lettie connecting with someone that deeply again and what that looks like for her.
Do you need to be contacted by the potential applicant? — Yes, please!
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