#and now imagine The Myth and The Dragon merging into one as they kiss each other on the mouth 🥰
ifishouldvanish · 9 months
Alucard arguably makes the greatest personal sacrifice throughout the og series because it's his late mother's wishes he must honor and his father's life he has to take. But you take those figures away, and what is left? His grief leaves him hollow, such that his first instinct is to entomb himself under the specter of his father's legacy, eternally in its shadow.
Olrox witnesses the genocide of his people and suffers the loss of the only man he's ever loved—but he survives, endures, and perseveres. You rob him of these things, and his grief is his metamorphosis. Countless hunters have promised to slice him in two, but not even a Belmont can take him down. His grief lights a fire in him that scorches anything in his path.
Adrian has defined himself by nobly protecting others, and so his sense of self will always die with them—his deeds and heroism remembered, but not his humanity.
Olrox has built a reputation across the Americas as a force to be reckoned with. He's no one's hero and serves no master—but he nonetheless finds himself forced to bow to Erzsebet.
In 300 years, there's nothing left of Adrian but the "myth". Nothing more than a tale to be told.
In 300 years, Olrox is called a "dragon". Nothing more than a beast to be vanquished.
But imagine The Myth growing fangs and claws. Sinking them into flesh and leaving a tangible mark on the world: I am here, and your hope is made up of my scar tissue. Lay your hands upon it and never again forget my pain.
Imagine The Dragon rising to its full, legendary potential. Punishing the wicked and becoming a symbol of hope for the persecuted: I am here, and my thirst for justice is my power. Try to tame it and you will only ever face your reckoning.
Imagine them being each other's apotheosis. The Dragon telling the Myth, it is you who sees Quetzalcoatl, the resplendent serpent, and makes him beloved. The Myth telling the Dragon, it is you who sees Adrian Ţepeş, the man, and makes him real.
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