#and now she's with azusa!!
minestracalda · 2 years
Marin Shibata - Character Profile
”losing touch with humanity is one painful thing a human can experience.”
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𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐤 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄
. . . 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐧𝐨.𝟏𝟏 . . .
“I am a doll. Nothing more than a mere doll. And as a doll, my life loses meaning without an owner. I listened to his words as he brushed my hair once again. To the blankness of my eyes i don't dare mutter a word: Because dolls don't speak, after all.”
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Name: Marin Shibata
Kanji: 芝田 海音 ("芝田" "Shibata" meaning "Rice Paddle" and "海音" "Marin" meaning "Sea, Ocean")
Blood Type: AB+
Species: Human
Birthday: February 21
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
Zodiac sign: pieces
Age: 18
Height: 163cm
Personality: extroverted, friendly, pretty socially awkward
Family: Leo Shibata (Father), Reo Shibata (Uncle), Lenka Zefir (Step-Sister)
Favourite food: strawberry crêpes
Least favourite food: tuffle
Likes: Sweets, feeling cozy
Hobbies: Any type of artistic activity she can think of she goes to learn it (Painting, sketching, wood incarving, crochet, etc...)
Sexuality: panromantic and asexual
Affilation: Student, Leader of the art & crafts club in ryoutei highschool
VA: Minako Satō
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Congratulations @azusamifuyu !!!!! she’s here!!!!!!!! the wait can finally end!
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aranciadotcom · 3 months
new hc of the day give it up for the new hc
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classic joy has curly hair
bonus: she also wears glasses (occasionally)
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anipast · 9 months
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You can go to Finland!
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friedricebunny · 2 years
Something about Liar! Uncover the Truth that always makes me chuckle is Azusa always gets called a "younger man" and the MC worries about dealing with a "younger guy" and so on and so on. Then you look at the character profiles. Azusa is 27. MC is 28. They are literally one year apart.
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cozymoko · 11 months
Can you write a part 2 about these headcannons but with the mukami brothers
Pairing: Platonic! Mukami brothers (separate) x gn! reader
Sakamaki Version: click here!
Format: Headcanons
WARNING(S): Yandere themes, unhealthy, not proofread
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Want more Diabolik lovers? → Masterlist! ★
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Initially, Ruki only allowed you to accompany your sister since she's “Eve”. And clearly, there was no way she'd go without you. Therefore, he provides you every basic necessity a human could possibly need, but that's it. The only time Ruki had a full conversation with you was when you needed help with your homework. To which, he reluctantly decided to help you with.
Sooner than later, you found yourself traveling to Ruki's study weekly in hopes for some afternoon tutoring. Before you knew it, those weekly sessions turned into daily ones; I suppose you can say he's gotten quite attached to your presence. Now, it's become a requirement. Studying for at least three hours a night, by his side, in his library. And dear, there's no reason to ask anyone else for help; you don't need it! After all, Ruki is not one to stray away from a routine.
“You didn't attend yesterday's session, is something the matter? Are you unwell? Or perhaps it's Yui's doing? Even so, try to attend every day or there will be consequences.”
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Kou is an interesting case. Sure, he's nice to you upon your arrival just as he was with a certain blonde. However, the idol took no real interest in anything involving you. That was until Ruki put him on “Child Duty” for the evening. I mean, come on, you're a teen not a damn fetus! As you'd imagine, he was anything but pleased. Surprisingly enough, Kou started a conversation with you, which he found himself thoroughly enjoying. But something tells me those blue eyes have been peering right through you!
There you were seared across from him, your hands neatly tucked in your lap as Kou gently applied the thin mask to your face. It smelt of petals and peaches. Refreshing, and yet you couldn't stop the shiver that wrecked your being upon its contact. Yes, refreshing but also cold. A low snort slipped past his lips as he reached to pinch your cheeks between his thumb and index finger. Perhaps even Kou can find some comfort within your genuine emotions (something you and Yui share).
“Wah~! Filming took absolutely forever today. I even had to skip put on picking you up today, y'know? Hehe, but fret no longer, the amazing Kou Mukami is here to cure your boredom!”
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I suppose you aren't entirely useless. Having an extra set of hands around the garden proved to be quite the blessing, so why not keep you around? Hah, you may as well call it an excuse! Yuma had always been amused by your energy, — your eagerness to learn about the things he often busied himself with. Soon enough he itching to spend time with his favorite little listener (Yui's sibling).
You could say he's quite protective over you. After all, how can a “defenseless sow” like your sister possibly look after you? The girl can barely pick a tomato properly! Yuma is much more capable of providing and protecting you...or so he says. So whether you like it or not, you're now his little helper. And trust me dear, there isn't anything you or Yui can do about it.
“Tch, toughen up kid, a little dirt won't hurt ya' too much. How are you ever gonna do somethin' on your own? Hah, but don't let others go pushin' you around like this. Only I'm allowed to do that, got it?
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Nine times out of ten, you're the one who went out of your way to speak to him. Your curiosity got the best of you, leading you to a very extensive conversation with the youngest brother. And he was arguably not as boring as he appeared. A bit strange, that he was, but you saw no harm behind his abnormal kinks. Seeing how he's the most “normal” one in the house, surely you'll become attached to him in no time.
Azusa is pretty damn clingy once he gets comfortable. Even then, you find it hard to reject him — he looks so sad! You'll find yourself being dragged off to some random place in the manor as soon as you enter the doors! Yui hardly has a chance to speak with you, which is exactly where at he wants. Though she might be Eve, becoming Adam is the last thing on his mind when you're around.
“You don't look too well...did you...have a bad day today? Hmm...what happened? You can hit me if it makes you feel better. I just...I just want to see you smile.”
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afra-blueraz · 5 months
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Honestly this new illustration gave me more inspiration for my diabolik lovers series. Because in my series Yui met diaboys in childhood and they became good friends until the day that Karlheinz will separate them and clear their memories from each other.
Now this is my new headcanons to write my diabolik lovers series with young diaboys and Yui.
Shu is the first person who meets Yui and asks her to play with him.
Shu takes Yui to his room and they have fun.
Reiji sneaks a look at them from behind the door and Yui sees him and smiles and asks him to join them.
Reiji shyly joins them and they have a good time together.
Shu gives Yui a heart necklace and asks her to keep it forever. (Yui will keep it even as an adult, although she doesn't remember who gave it to her)
Ayato plays with Yui in the mansion and Yui falls and injures her knee and Ayato caresses Yui's knee and kisses her cheek.
Kanato is very shy and Yui joins his tea party and Kanato sings for her.
Laito helps Yui find a suitable outfit for the party and combs her hair.
Subaru gives Yui a white rose.
Yui meets the Mukami brothers and the Tsukinami brothers at a party.
Ruki and Carla kneel before Yui and ask her for a dance.
Kou likes Yui's hair and keeps smelling her hair and kissing her.
Shu is Yuma's old friend and introduces Yui to him and they become friends.
Azusa is very shy and stays away from the guests the whole time until Yui joins him. She takes his hand and they go out of the ballroom and go to the balcony and watch the moon.
Shin joins them and the three of them continue watching the moon together.
Yui falls asleep with her head on Azusa's shoulder, and Ruki, as Azusa's older brother, follows him and sees Yui sleeping.
Ruki throws his coat over Yui to protect her from the cold.
Yuma comes to the balcony and hugs Yui and takes her to her room.
Carla visits Yui for the last time and kisses her forehead.
Shin does his older brother's move and kisses Yui's forehead and says goodbye to her while she is sleeping.
All Sakamaki and Mukami brothers do this in order and kiss Yui's forehead and leave her room.
These children were the best friends until...
(Please note that this headcanon is in their childhood and they had different and kinder personalities in their childhood.)
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otomehonyaku · 18 days
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden Stellaworth Tokuten Short Stories スペシャル特典小冊子 ☽ Shuu ver.
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This short story booklet was part of the Stellaworth set for Lost Eden! Keep reading below the cut for Shuu’s version.
S ☽ [Ayato’s version by @kyouxa] [Laito’s version by @kyouxa] [Shuu’s version] [Reiji’s version] [Kanato’s version] [Subaru’s version]
M ☽ [Ruki’s version] [Yuma's version] [Kou’s version] [Azusa's version]
TK ☽ [Carla’s version] [Shin’s version] [Kino’s version]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
As always, special thanks to @karleksmumskladdkaka for providing the scans ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The familiar I sent off disappeared into the forest in the blink of an eye. I had entrusted it with a letter of gratitude to the Vibora. Ever since we established peace with them, the relations between Vampires and the Vibora have improved significantly. I had just come back from a diplomatic visit to the Vibora’s castle.
It would be a stretch to say that the Demon World had returned to a perfect state of law and order, but there was at least a reasonable balance between the different Species now.
In the midst of these events, I had assumed the throne. It’s not like the responsibility that came with being the Vampire King had naturally occurred to me, but to succumb to the whims of my mentally disturbed father had been even less than ideal. I had no intention of letting him destroy the world so easily.
I closed the window and returned to my chair, exhaling in relief. That letter should have been the last one I had to write for now… As I sat lost in thought for a moment, I sensed a presence outside of the room. However, whoever it was did not knock on the door. With a sigh, I called out.
“What are you doing over there?”
The person outside the door seemed surprised that I had called out so suddenly. After a brief moment of hesitation, the door was opened with reluctance. As expected, it was her who poked her head into the room.
“You’re really perceptive…”
“You just give yourself away too easily. Why were you just standing there, anyway? You might as well barge in.”
“Well… I figured you’d be busy…”
I sighed again. Even though we had been living together like this for a while, she was still trying to be courteous. I’d already told her she didn’t have to do that for me, but she had a nasty habit of doing it anyway.
The official duties I had to carry out had been piling up recently, and I felt like the extent of her worrying about me had increased along with it. Knowing her, she would likely be afraid to be in the Vampire King’s way. However…
“I’m not particularly busy. I’ve done my work for the day. Did you need me for something?”
“Nothing specific. I just…”
She kept silent.
“What? Are you still that reserved around me?”
“No, but…”
I stood up from my chair and walked over to her.
“Then why won’t you just be honest and tell me that you came in here just because you missed me?”
With one hand, I pulled her close to me and kissed her more roughly than I usually did. I pushed her body up against the wall, taking my sweet time to taste her lips again. Somehow, the act made me feel a little nostalgic.
“It’s been a while since I did this, hasn’t it?”
“Huh? But you…”
It seemed she’d been about to say it herself—I could tell by the way her face flushed. Actually, I’d kissed her earlier this morning, so it hadn’t even been that long. If anything, what she’d been trying to say was…
“It feels like it’s been much longer because I was so busy, right? But, since I’ve taken care of things for today, I can finally spend some time with you. Since you’re already here, humour me for a bit. I need a break.”
She opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers again. I could feel the strength leaving her body. I took the opportunity to plant a kiss on the pale skin peeking out from under her shirt collar, causing her to whimper. It was easy to push her down onto the bed in this state.
”Sorry, you can’t behave that way and expect me to hold back. This is your own fault, you know?”
She stared at me, bewildered.
“You’re probably trying to be thoughtful by avoiding me, but I go a little crazy if I don’t see you for a while… and you know what happens to this world when the Vampire King loses his composure, don’t you? So stay close to me. We’ll all be in trouble if you don’t.”
She nodded in understanding.
I smiled as I leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Don’t just nod for the sake of it, but keep your promise, will you? I don’t feel like letting you go for today, so be a good girl and keep my company until I’m satisfied.”
With that, I wrapped my arms around her delicate body a little tighter.
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s3crificialbrides · 3 days
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A/N: heyyy! I got a lot of really good feedback from my post about the mukami brothers! And everyone seemed really interested! So here’s so more! Regarding the mention of my AU I will be doing a small guide to what I’ve been working on so you all can enjoy it to the fullest extent!
Mentions of SH, ED, and religious imagery
- Grew up strictly Catholic. So even now she does the cross across her chest when she sees a statue or a painting of Christ, God, and The Virgin Mary. As well as before she prays.
- Favorite historical figure is Joan of Arc cause she related to her so heavily as she also thought she could hear the word of god as a child. Turns out it was something else
- Has a very dull appearance. Dirty blonde hair and brown eyes rather than the vibrant pink eyes and blonde hair
- Had doubted her faith a lot, even more since living with the Sakamaki’s
- has pretty prevalent SH habits, these doubled when she started living with the Sakamaki’s as well
- Her and Cordelia share a brain and body, rather than an awakening in my AU Yui has had contact with Cordelia since puberty
- Cordelia can switch places with Yui easily due to their connection
- Her relationship with her “father” is rocky. Since a young girl she denied a lot of what the church taught her and her father would punish her. The nuns really cared for her more
- was exorcised due to her telling an older nun that she was hearing voices, this has happened twice within this universe
- favorite animals are little rodents. Mice are really her favorite out of them all, she thinks they’re sweet and thinks their big ears are funny
- definitely a Cinderella lover, she relates a lot
- lowkey a picky eater? But mostly because she’s constantly stressed out and eating makes her feel sick.
- hates hates HATES dolls. Her and Kanato don’t really get along well due to this fear of her’s
- she actually tries really hard to be nice to every person she meets, but after some time at the manor she really stopped caring as much and her personality also dulled
- Horrible Social anxiety, she literally only has herself or Cordelia for a good majority of time
- smoked weed once with a guy she met when she was living with her father still and actually really liked it. Has partook time to time in the current events of the au, but it’s limited cause Reiji threatened to cut her soiled lungs out of her body if she continued. When in the Mukami manor she partakes more often but its anxiety inducing now.
- In my au Yui is a mixed blood, solely due to Cordelia sharing her body for years. Yui is technically a vampire, when she hit puberty and got her period that’s when Cordelia started talking and engaging with her more often. So when Yui arrives to the manor the awakening was already in process
- Wanted to be a writer as a kid and would sneak out to read books from the nearby library
- has a fear of dogs as well
- ED habits, this started when she first arrived at the manor due to the way the brothers would prod at her skin plus influence from Cordelia
- hates Coffee
- Demi romantic and Demi sexual- meaning she needs a genuine connection with a person before dating/having sex
- claims she doesn’t have favorites but is seen more with Subaru and Reiji more than the other brothers. Does indeed have favorites at the Mukami manor, and it’s Azusa and Yuma
- hates apples a lot
- has had horrible insomnia since a kid
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yuikomorii · 6 months
Which diaboys do u think is the most insecure, self-doubting? (Can you rank them perhaps)
// Since each character has a unique story and coping mechanism, I doubt I could rank them all on, but I believe Subaru, Ayato, Laito, Reiji, Ruki, and Azusa are the most insecure.
Subaru fundamentally despises himself because of Christa's bipolarity, which caused her to call him filthy, ugly, and a monster since he resembled Karlheinz. As a result, Subaru believed that no one would ever show kindness to a person like him.
Ayato’s self-esteem is so low that in MB it was confirmed that he refused to fall in love, because he thought nobody would ever love him back. In LE, it’s also confirmed that Ayato thinks of himself as the least special person in the household.
Laito is an insecure mess who wishes he were a better person. He envies Ayato's purity of heart and uprightness to the point of wanting to murder him when he was younger. He puts on a cheerful and perverted façade in order to prevent any negative emotions.
Despite his confident demeanour, Reiji suffered from a severe inferiority complex. Because Beatrix didn't pay as much attention to him as she did to Shu, he began to believe that Shu was the superior sibling, which made Reiji hate him.
I guess everyone already knows that Ruki was really insecure for not being able to become Adam.
Azusa used to feel weak and useless due to losing his arm and wanted to do anything so as to be of help.
However, let’s see if things got solved~.
Subaru: Found love, made new friends, and realised that people care about him. He's far from confident now, but he's getting better.
Ayato: Found love but got even more insecure. At least he’s positive?
Laito: Found love but his scars are too deep to be healed, so he’s still really insecure.
Reiji: Found love, the Reiji-Shu-Yuma conflict was wrapped and things turned out well, which means that he’s doing better.
Ruki: Found love and realized that the Adam plan is not important, given that Karl accepted Eve dating him too.
Azusa: Found love and discovered that he is significant and capable of accomplishing things even with only one arm. He also obtained a prosthesis.
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xjulixred45x · 1 month
I need to ask from morbid curiosity mostly. I have heard of diabolic lovers mostly from top 10 unfortunately not good ones. What are your unadulterated thoughts on the brothers?
I have talked individually of Subaru and Reiji, and there is a post where i Say which Diaboy i HATE the most, but i Guess is therapeutic talk shit about them all :)
in order from oldest to youngest, not in order from worst to """best"""
Carla to me is practically a P3d0, and it's worse if we consider that canonically she likes Yui to call her "Onichan"🤮 and he's such a son of a bitch, he tortured her SO MUCH (along with Shin) that it made her think about COMMITTING SUICIDE. a scourge
Shin is the definition of Carla's lapdog, and since he has the power he feels comfortable mistreating everyone (but if they were stronger? He comes out with his tail between his legs) GOD THE SCENE WHERE HE MAKES YUI LICK HIS OWN BOOTS. just as bad as his brother. Only he's not a fetishist.
Shu just seems boring and bland to me, I'm sorry I can't say much about a character who literally does NOTHING. Her background is fine, but I think she was very wasted on a character in a bad story.
Reiji IS A SON OF A BITCH, he not only decided to kill his brother's friend BUT THE ENTIRE VILLAGE, OUT OF JEALOUSY, and on top of that kill his mother who wasn't even abusive (compared to the other two, she was quite loving). honestly an idiot.
Ayato is unbearable, I just can't stand him, he acts like a little child. apart from the fact that he is the one who objectifies Yui the most and who insults her the most along with Kou. without forgetting that he is considered the "hero" of the franchise😑
Kanato is all of the above combined in an amorphous and delusional mass in believing that he is the victim and that he is right in everything, being also a necrophiliac and cannibal, there is no need for me to say more.
Laito is, sadly, one of the best written in the entire franchise but at the same time he is a FIRST DAMN, he was the first to cause Yui's suicidal ideas, apart from the fact that HE IS a sex offender who should stay away from people .
Subaru is a hothead who gives me certain Incel vibes, he believes that all women are equal and that gives him the right to treat everyone like shit and be physically violent. Even if he has the most "justified" trauma next to Laito, it doesn't make him any less of a horrible person.
Ruki is simply a control freak who, since he is now a vampire, believes he is above everyone else and is honestly a second Reiji but with a cheap background. but he has my eternal hatred for the cat.
Yuma just doesn't catch my attention beyond his design and being just as aggressive as Subaru, he has literally beaten Yui to death in almost all of her endings. I don't like.
Kou is INSUFFERABLE and eager, not only for being so materialistic but for the way he messes with Yui's self-esteem makes my heart bleed.
Azusa is a MANIPULATOR, no matter who it hurts, he literally Guilt Trips Yui to make her hurt him! and then he cuts her! He might be the "Best" but he is still trash.
Kino is similar to Kanato in that he is spoiled and a horrible being at the same time, he has no consideration for those other than him and that makes him DESPICABLE ON HIS ROUTE, he literally killed a child in front of Yui so that he would not try to escape . it's bullshit.
Overall, I think that would be it. They're all trash, but different trash.
en orden de mayor a menor, no en orden de peor a """mejor"""
Carla para mi es prácticamente un P3d0, y es peor si consideramos que canónicamente le gusta que Yui le llame "Onichan"🤮 y es tan hijo de puta, la torturo TANTO(junto a Shin) que le hizo pensar en SUICIDARSE. una lacra.
Shin es la definición de perro faldero de Carla, y como tiene el poder se siente comodo con maltratar a todos(pero si fueran mas fuertes? el sale con la cola entre las patas)DIOS LA ESCENA EN LA QUE HACE QUE YUI LE LAMA LAS BOTAS. igual de malo que su hermano. solo que no es un fetichista.
Shu simplemente se me hace aburrido y soso, lo siento no puedo decir mucho de un personaje que literal no hace NADA. su trasfondo esta bien, pero creo que fue muy desaprovechada en un personaje en una mala historia.
Reiji ES UN HIJO DE PERRA, no solo decidio matar al amigo de su hermano SINO A TODA LA VILLA, Por CELOS, y encima de eso matar a su madre que nisiquiera era abusiva(en comparación a las otras dos, era bastante amorosa). sinceramente un imbécil.
Ayato es insoportable, simplemente no me lo puedo aguantar, actua como un niño pequeño. aparte de que es quien mas cosifica a Yui y de los que mas la insulta junto a Kou. sin olvidar que es considerado el "héroe" de la franquisia😑
Kanato es todos los anteriores combinados en una masa amorfa y delirante en creer que es la víctima y que tiene la razon en todo, siendo también un necrofilico y canibal, no hace falta que diga mas.
Laito es, tristemente, uno de los mejor escritos de toda la franquicia pero que al musmo tiempo es un MALDITO DE PRIMERA, fue el primero en causar las ideas suicidas de Yui, aparte de que ES un delincuente sexual que deberia manterse lejos de las personas.
Subaru es un hiracundo que me da ciertas vibras de Incel, cree que todas las mujeres son iguales y que eso le da el derecho a tratar como la mierda a todos y ser físicamente violento. aun si tiene el trauma mas "justificado" junto a Laito, no le hace menos de una persona horrible.
Ruki simplemente es un maniático del control que como ahora es un vampiro cree estar por arriba de los demas y sinceramente es un segundo Reiji pero con trasfondo barato. pero tiene mi odio eterno por lo del gato.
Yuma simplemente no me llama la atención mas alla de su diseño y ser igual de agresivo que Subaru, literalmente ha matado a Yui en casi todos sus finales a golpes. no me gusta.
Kou es INSUFRIBLE y con ganas, no solo por ser tan materialista sino por la forma ej la que se mete con el autoestima de Yui hace que me sangre el corazón.
Azusa es un MANIPULADOR, le duela a quien le duela, el literalmente le hace Guilt Triping a Yui para que lo lastime! y encima después la corta el!
Kino es similar a Kanato con lo de ser un mimado y un horrible ser al mismo tiempo, no tiene consideración por quienes no sean el y eso lo hace alguien DESPRECIABLE EN SU RUTA, literalmente mato a un niño enfrente de Yui para que no intentara escapar. es una mierda.
en general, creo que eso sería todo. Todos son basura, pero diferente basura.
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callmeklair · 7 months
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okay so this got really really long so I had to shift the behind the scenes part for another post at last moment. Also I'm really sorry for how long this might look, I did try to edit it in small font but it was just unreadable so yeah >.<
[no beta because me is sick]
prepare yourselves for a ride. also special mention to @its-irsaa-fyp because our random midnight talk brought this au to life
hope you guys enjoy it ^^
this story revolves around a kind-hearted and beautiful girl named Yui Komori who lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. Her own mother died a long time ago, and father just met with an accident recently while on his way to travel.
???: oh~ cinderella~! cinderella~~!— Yui! Yui!
???: where did she disappear!? me and teddy are starving! is she still asleep!!?
unfortunately for Yui, her stepmother and stepsisters were not that welcoming as from the start they referred to her as Cinderella.
"someone or something that is given little attention or care, especially less than they deserve"
to mock her.
Yui: *sigh* they are at it again.
Yui stretched her sleepy arms as the birds started singing to awaken her and her favorite three mice pulled away the blanket to snuggle on her lap to get some morning pats.
these animals were the only ones who took care of her in this cold and insufferable household.
one of the three mices suddenly spoke to get Yui's attention.
Azusa: why… don't you just… run away from here?
Ruki: Azusa, it's not that easy for humans to run away like us animals. they need backup and basic requirements before moving away to guarantee their safety and survival.
Yuma: sheesh, glad I'm a mouse. if only you had done some good deeds in your previous life, then you would have been a mouse like us, Yui.
Yui chuckled at Yuma's comment and shook her head which made him blush. was it out of embarrassment or shyness? nobody knows. well of course except his brothers Ruki and Azusa.
Ruki: you should leave, before they barge into your room and mess it up like last time.
Yui: right! you are right! I'll see you guys later, take care until then.
she kissed each mice' head and left.
Ayato: what took you so long!? yours truly is starving!
Yui: I'm sorry stepmother, this won't happen again.
Ayato: you said that last time too!
Laito: now now mother, please let it be. poor Cinderella needs her beauty sleep too. After all, I'm pretty sure you won't want an ugly little thing with dark circles lurking around the house like a ghost while doing her chores. it'll be unsightly.
Kanato: as much as I hate her for making me and teddy wait, I agree with laito. it'll be really unpleasant to watch her like that. her pretty average looks are the only thing that is keeping me sane as I watch her face everyday while walking around the house. she's already ugly, don't make it worse.
Ayato: tch, you two. fine, you are spared this time on my daughters' request. but now… you have already wasted our precious time, go make the breakfast and, I don't think I need to repeat about your daily chores.
Yui: understood.
she bowed her head to them like a daily routine and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
later during the meal, while she was serving their breakfast something in their conversation perked her up
Ayato: we have received an invitation from our monarch for the prestigious royal ball that is going to be held in five days. it is rumored that the prince is looking for a wife through this occasion and will make her his queen after taking over the throne.
Laito: ah that sounds so wonderful! but why throw a ball when he can marry a very influential family and also, in the future he is destined to marry a lot of women to stabilize his kingdom. ah~ I really wanted to become his one and only.
Kanato: try getting out of your genius fantasies and assumptions, he'll never marry someone like you even if he wants to keep only one wife. I'm more suitable. me and teddy. right teddy?
Ayato: that's the thing. the current prince only wants to have one wife on his side who'll help him run the kingdom through her ideas and opinions too and not just influence.
Laito: hmmm isn't the king, the current prince's older brother who is still single and healthy, still ruling the kingdom. why will they look for a wife for the prince and not the king?
Ayato: dunno, probably not interested in marriages. and about the prince, he doesn't look like he has any intention to take over the kingdom but who knows what goes around in politics. definitely why they are looking for a wife for him due to this.
Laito: awww man, I thought if not prince then I could get a chance with the king as a backup but looks like I'll have to rely on my natural beauty and talent to press my presence into the prince's heart.
Kanato: gross.
Yui: can I join the ball too? I promise I'll complete all the chores! I'll clean the house to it's finest, laundry your clothes, iron them, and make your favorite foods. Everything.
The three's eyes widened at her request.
Kanato: what made you think, a mere incompetent average mediocre women like you can attend with us—!
Ayato: Kanato. it's alright.
the stepmother stopped her youngest child's tantrum and turned to Yui with an evil smile.
Ayato: fine. I'll let you join us-
Kanato & Laito: mother!
Ayato: shush. I'm still speaking. so Yui, you can join us… only if you complete all the listed chores I give you everyday.
Yui: that's alright with me! thank you!
Ayato: don't thank me so soon. you even have not started working on the chores yet.
the evil smile just grew wider. but Yui chose to ignore it and left the dining area to start preparing for her chores.
Laito: mother?
Ayato: you guys are worrying too much, she doesn't even have proper clothes except those rags. and to think about going to the ball without a proper dress? fufu she'll either be kicked out or made a laughing stock. but I'm pretty sure she won't be even able to step out of this house, as that much of the task and chores will be given to her from me.
on the corner, the three mice were watching the whole ordeal and Yuma just grew angry at the insolent behavior of these people towards Yui and her pure wish & will to go to the ball.
Yuma: those damn bastards- that stepmother is definitely planning something evil. the wickedness is in the air, I can't breathe anymore ugh!
Azusa: Ruki… we need to protect her and help her prepare for the ball.
Ruki: that's right! let's have a talk with her first and see what she is planning for the ball.
the three mice left the scene and went to their Yui.
Yuma: Yui! Yui! what are your plans for the ball?
Yui: ..! you guys know?
Ruki: of course we do, we are mice. our ears are everywhere.
Yui: oh I see. Well I of course don't have a dress so I'm planning to make one, I still have one of my mother's dresses which I can try to remake using various accessories and jewels.
Ruki: is that the pink one you showed a long time ago?
Yui: yes that's the one.
Yuma: then we'll help you remake it! you know those smelly wicked people are definitely planning something unpleasant and difficult for you.
Yui: Shush Yuma, that's not how you talk about people, especially behind their backs. and I'll really appreciate your guys' help my sweet adorable mice.
She rubbed their heads and ruffled around their chin to gesture her gratitude.
the three of them purred.
Now Yui was busy doing all her listed difficult and nasty chores. her stepmother really didn't want her to come so badly that she stooped so low in giving chores.
While on the other hand, the mice called for the birds and explained to them about the situation. Upon hearing this, the birds whistled and called more of their friends from the forest behind the house and with this, all of them proceeded to make a dress for Yui, so beautiful that even the prince will not be able to get up after falling from looking at her. not from the floor, not from his affection.
Days passed and the time for the ball was here. But Yui didn't look very excited as in the past few days, her stepmother really gave her so many tasks that she didn't even get the time to touch her mother's dress. The moment she'll complete those tasks and go to her room in the attic, she'll fall on the bed and sleep due to all the tiredness.
Yui:....! huh! How is this-!
Yuma • Azusa • Ruki • animals: surprise!
Yui was in awe and in tears as she saw the most beautiful dress she has ever seen in her whole life. These animals really remade the old dress into something new with their tiny hands, paws and beaks. She repeatedly thanked them as she stepped forward and took the dress to try it out.
Yuma: You look gorgeous!
Azusa: pretty!
Ruki: As expected, my imagination was on point.
Yui: you guys are really really adorable! I love you so much.
*church bell rings from afar*
Yui: oh no! it's almost time for the ball, I'm leaving. love you guys.
Ruki: we'll escort you out.
Yui and her companions moved to the door just when the stepmother and the stepsisters were about to leave.
Yui: wait, I'm coming too!
The three of them turned around and looked enraged at her beautiful sight.
blinded by jealousy, the sisters tore Yui's dress saying the jewels on her dress resemble their belongings as the mother just watched.
Yui: … why?
she was on the brink of tears.
Ayato: just cause'.
with that they left.
finally the tears poured from her eyes, she didn't want to cry in front of them to fuel their enjoyment more, and ran away from the scene.
the mice followed her, angry yet they couldn't do anything. if only they were human. if only.. if only… if only…
*magical noises*
???: I hear desperate wishes.
mice: !!!
Yui, who was crying on the bench, suddenly looked up and saw a handsome black haired man with pale magenta eyes wearing glasses in a…. blue gown?
Yui: you are?
???: Reiji. Your fairy godmother.
Yui: …
Reiji: what?
Yui: I think I'm hallucinating due to crying too much.
Reiji: and what is that supposed to mean?
Yui: aren't fairy godmothers females?
Reiji: ….
Yui: ….
Reiji: are you…
Yui: ?
Reiji: Are you doubting my profession? Do you know how hard it is to work in this profession? The ethics and norms says nothing about specific gender in this field. What is this gender discrimination!? Can't believe in this time and era, there will be people who'll show such impudent and narrow minded thinking. I knew it, I was born in the wrong generation.
Yui never expected that her simple question would end up with her getting a whole lecture.
Reiji: good grief *sigh* you are helpless.
Yui: isn't that why you are here?
Reiji: now miss mam, I think you don't know how the fairy godmother system works. We-
Yui: another one. here we go (⁠╥▽╥⁠)
Yui: okay okay, I understand.
Reiji: you better.
Yui: So why are you here?
Reiji: to help you out of course. I heard your deepest desires and wishes from far away. and as a compassionate person* I'm here to fulfill your dreams.
*compassionate person X
because it is my profession. ✓
Yui: really? but how?
Reiji: We can start with that dress of yours.
Reiji took out a white wand from his sleeves as he performed the spell bibidi babidi boo and transformed Yui's dress into a beautiful sparkly silver gown with glass heels while also styling her hair with jewels and sparkles.
Yui: oh my gosh! you are amazing.
Reiji: keke, of course. I'm an expert in my profession, as expected of me. hmm but there's still something amiss.
Yui: how am I supposed to go to the ball? on heels?
Reiji: right! that was what it was missing.
Reiji danced his wand again as he turned a full grown pumpkin, from the corner, into a carriage.
Reiji: perfect. now we are ready.
Yui: who is going to drive it?
Reiji: those three mice glaring at me from the start.
Yui turned at the direction of Reiji's stare and saw her companions glaring daggers. But such thing was completely normal for Reiji as he danced his wand again and turned the mice into humans.
Azusa: we are…
Ruki: humans now.
Reiji: for now. Listen to me and remember one thing very carefully, once the clock strikes midnight, my spell will be lifted and everything will be turned back to how it was i.e. your torn dress, pumpkin, mice, everything and everyone.
Yui: I understand, thank you so much.
Yuma: ugh this body is tall, why am I the only one like this!?
Yui: if only you would have done some good deeds.
Yui joked around repeating Yuma's comment from that day and the latter in turn grew more furious.
Reiji: bickering for later. the ball is starting soon. now if you don't want my precious energy and stamina I invested in you to go to waste. Please.
Yui: wait! what if my stepmother and stepsisters recognize me!? it'll be over for me.
Reiji: ah that's true, let me cast another enchanting spell on you which will act like an illusion.
he danced his wand again.
Reiji double checked and made sure everything is at point and now
he pointed at the carriage door's direction, impatient for them to leave. He had to go fill in his reports as early as possible to get some increment.
The three mice, now humans, discussed something among themselves and decided that Ruki & Azusa will be the escorts while Yuma will be the driver.
before Yuma could argue more, Yui looked at him with hopeful eyes and he wasn't able to say anything.
Without anymore further ado, they left for the ball.
Subaru: tch. I'm not dealing with this nonsense anymore! 
Inside the ballroom, Subaru was starting to get frustrated in the upper room, where royals watch the people from above. 
Just a few hours ago, Shu, his older brother, the current king, lazily barged into his room and dropped the bomb that the ball was actually being held to find a bride for him. Until now he was just kept in the dark and was only told that a royal ball will be held for political purposes and so he assumed that it must be something to do with his king position but now this… this was frustrating.
All he could see was disgusting coaxing of females and the nobles trying to get their daughter with the prince. It got worse when suddenly a maiden with reddish brown hair and green eyes winked at him and 'nfu'-ed at him. Right now Subaru was running away from that maiden and successfully managed to ditch him. 
Subaru sighed as took in the familiar scenario of the grand corridors of this spacious castle. 
Subaru: tch. well now that I'm here, might as well roam around and cool myself down until that brother of mine and his followers drag me into this whole set-up mess again. 
Subaru walked but tensed up when he saw a beautiful gown. 
Subaru: not another one
He looked around to find a hiding spot until..
Subaru: …..! 
Subaru: she is ethereal
no no no, that shouldn't change his decision as he has already seen some beautiful/pretty faces tonight trying to suck him up, be it by their own will or their family's will. 
he shouldn't stop himself just because of an ethereal looking woman. but it was too late, she already saw him.
???: uhm hello? uh, do you know the direction of the ballroom? I'm kind of lost here. 
It looks like she didn't recognise, good for him. But sooner she might if someone from palace suddenly shows up and reveals his identity because of the formalities. 
Subaru: You are? 
Yui: oh… uh I was supposed to attend the ball with my family but due to cho— circumstances I wasn't able to depart with them on time.
She really let herself be open around and introduce herself without any hesitation. such a vulnerable prey. 
Subaru: let me do the honor and take you.
Yui: you will? thank you! 
the little rabbit has fallen into the hands of a beast. 
Yui: oh right! what is your name? Need to know your name to express my gratitude later for your each and every help. 
Subaru: Subaru. 
Yui: I see…
Subaru didn't say his full name because he didn't want his cover to be lifted, at least not yet especially when he gets to see her such beautiful smile making her eyes shape into alluring crescents.
He silently took her to the ballroom, so that people wouldn't notice him and expose him. 
Yui came back to her senses from her daze of taking in the marvelous interior of the palace when she realized that Subaru had taken her to the dance floor and both of them were waltzing now. 
Yui: S-subaru-kun!?
Subaru: shh. 
Yui blushes as she finally takes in his appearance illuminated by the golden lights of the ball room and how dazzling he looked with that silver pink hair and his scarlet eyes. 
Subaru wanted to quietly enjoy his moment with this ethereal girl he just met. He wanted to know more about her. He wanted to make her his own. He was intrigued. her soft expressions, her soft voice, her smile, her vulnerability, everything. He wanted to know them deeply. 
As Subaru and Yui were enjoying their peaceful dance with love filled eyes looking into each other with the desire to get to know each other more, Yui's stepmother and stepsisters were seen from afar as Ayato looked carefully and started to doubt how much the girl dancing with the prince looked familiar.
Ayato: No it can't be her, she doesn't even have a dress and the one she has we destroyed it. must be some other girl looking like her. 
Meanwhile Shu watched the scene in front of him unfold and sighs following with a lazy but genuine smile, glad that his younger brother finally found someone for him. With Subaru's past and his mental health condition this past few weeks, Shu decided to look for someone who'll help his brother out. 
Time passed and Yui and Subaru were at the balcony at the end of the ballroom to get some fresh air and get to each other. the more they talked to each other, the more they found each other falling for the other person. At first it was a little awkward so they started with random small talks and in between Subaru finally revealed his true identity. Yui was shocked and tried to bow curtly as she started being formal but Subaru stopped her. 
He wanted to spend time with her as a normal person. 
Has it been an hour or two since they started talking? Subaru doesn't know and doesn't care, the only thing that matters to him is the girl in front of him. At first he just wanted to see what she was capable of when she so openly left herself in his care, a beast's care. but now, there's more to it. 
He stepped forward and circles his arm around her waist pulling her closer. Yui squeaked at his sudden movement. Shy, she asked him what he was doing but instead of a reply she was met with a closer image of his face and realized their lips were getting closer. He didn't wait or hesitate as he landed a kiss on her lips in his daze of watching her intensely. 
At first Yui didn't know what to do as her heart and mind were saying different things. In the end she kissed him back, entangling her hands in his soft hair.
it went on for a few minutes as each second Subaru would try pulling himself closer to her or pulling Yui closer to him to deepen the kiss. 
Yui slowly opened her eyes to try parting with him to catch a breath but her eyes flew open when her gaze fell on the watch behind Subaru.
Yui: shoot! it's going to be midnight in 10 minutes. 
Yui's slowly pushed Subaru away who looked surprised. 
Yui: I'm sorry, but I need to go, it's getting late.
Subaru: it's alright, I'll order my people to drop you at your home so it won't matter.
Yui: no! i mean it's alright, i won't want to trouble you, your high-
Subaru: I told you to drop the formalities. and, it's not troublesome.
what should she do? if she stays here any longer her illusionary dress and everything will be exposed and she is worried if the connection they have until now, will it disappear if Subaru sees her true form?
Yui apologizes again as she slowly gets out of Subaru's grip and runs for the main gate to leave. Subaru shouted for her to wait for him and followed after her. Yui was rushing and rushing when suddenly Subaru caught her hand stopping her in her tracks at the stairs of the main gate.
Yui looked at the watch, terrified she gently held his hand and got her hand out and rushed again.a pologizing to him while running away.
and also, dropping one of her glass shoes on the stairs on the way. she did stop in her tracks to go above and pick it up but decided not to as the watch ticked over and over again in her ears, like a warning.
Subaru: wait! you never told me your name!
subaru cried out, but it was already too late as Yui had already disappeared, only her forgotten glass show left behind. picking it up, Subaru decided to find the girl no matter what. his determination through the roof.
Next morning, Subaru's bestie, Kou visited him after hearing about the rumors of his dearest friend being seen with a girl and looking at her with love filled eyes.
Subaru was already frustrated at Kou's arrival but started gritting his teeth at the non-stop blabber and teasing of the latter man in front of him.
Kou: aww c'mon man, you can't keep your bestie in the dark!
Subaru: who are you calling your friend!? i don't ever remember having such a relationship with you!
Kou: Hey Subaru-kun! you hurt me. I have been your reading partner since we were ten.
Subaru ignored Kou's annoying chatter, as he gazed at the glass show in his hand. oh how so badly he wanted to find her and keep her to himself. He swore he wouldn't let her get out of his grip anymore.
was he becoming possesive? even Subaru was shocked at his thoughts.
Shu: stop looking at it like that. The girl won't magically appear out of nowhere if you keep glaring at it.
Shu has entered the room.
Shu: I'll help you find her.
He gestures his hand at three men behind him to take the shoes and leave for the town to find the girl whose foot fits in the shoe.
Subaru recognised the three men as Shu's loyal followers from the start and also his reading partners. Kino, Shin and Carla.
Thus, he let the shoe go because he trusted in their methods and resources.
Kino: just wait for us~
Kino winked at Subaru, and Shin sighed complaining about the enthusiasm.
Shin: how are you guys so sure that this shoe will only fit one lady? There can be many people.
Subaru: the size of the shoe.. is very small. Kou has the smallest shoe size among us all and this shoe is even smaller than that, making it a very rare case.
Kou: Subaru stop exposing me!
Subaru ignored his friend's glaring as Carla nodded, understanding something.
Carla: in other words, the one whose foot glides in this shoe swiftly is the true owner.
Subaru: yes.
and so began the search for the girl that has mesmerized the prince of the kingdom and it didn't take long for the rumors to reach every household. even where Yui lives.
Ayato was in Yui's room, suspicious. Totally suspicious. No matter how much he thinks about it, the girl he saw yesterday doesn't sit right with him as a stranger. he looked around her room, and finally found it. the glass shoe! under her bed.
Ayato: che, I knew it. that cunning fox.
at the same time, Yui entered the room to make sure her glass slipper was still there as the people from the palace were coming & this was her chance to finally meet Subaru again. but the moment she saw Ayato, she was on alert. but it was too late as Ayato smirked while dancing the glass shoe in his hand.
Yui tensed as she stepped forward to take it form Ayato's hand but the latter just extended his hand above and because of the height difference Yui was left helpless.
Ayato: very smart huh? trying to get the prince to you. How did you do it? the dress? how did you reach there when it was already too late to reach in time by walking?
Yui remained silent.
Ayato: no answer huh? fine, for such disrespect, you'll be locked in your room for the meantime.
Yui: no you can't do that!
Ayato: Oh I can, just watch me. those people from the palace will never be able to find you.
with that ayato rushed and locked the door, trapping Yui in.
Ayato: Laito! Kanato! prepare yourselves, the prince is coming! you guys must do whatever you can to get the shoe fit your foot.
Laito • Kanato: Yes, mother.
Meanwhile, trapped Yui cries on the edge of her bed as she remembers how on the way back, it was already midnight and on the way back everything turned back to how it was, just like Reiji said.
except that one glass slipper on her feet still remaining intact.
how? was it because they were seperated? at first Yui was scared that the moment midnight hits the shoe under Subaru's care will turn back to normal and he will start doubting her, making them never meet again. but that wasn't the case as the shoes still remain as how they were.
No matter how much Yui thought it over, nothing explained the logic behind the shoes remaining the same. but at the same time, this gave her hope to meet him again. to meet Subaru again.
the mice notices this and planned to free Yui from the room, but how?
suddenly Ruki perks up as he comes up with a plan to take the key from Ayato's pocket.
The time was here, the people from the palace were here. and… the Prince was also along with them?
Carla: are you three the only people here?
Ayato: yes.
Carla: alright then.
the shoe fitting trial was starting, after going house to house and no one fitting the shoe, this was the only last house left. Subaru was starting to get impatient but he was determined to find her even if she turns out to be from another kingdom.
Meanwhile the mice parted themselves as Azusa went to steal the glass shoes from Ayato's locker. All three of them were glad to be mice as they can use their origin skills to help Yui out.
While Ruki and Yuma slowly approached Ayato and through tricks managed to get the key.
before ayato could notice it was too late, Ruki and Yuma already left and so did Azusa successfully managed to get the glass slipper.
the commotion here was too noisy for him to notice sooner.
Kino: god we don't even need to try the fitting here, it's obvious it won't fit.
Kino cried out the moment he sees the difference in the the glass shoe and the feet of laito.
Ignoring him, Laito still tried it out but as Kino said, it was really really big, no matter how much he tried to fit it in.
Shin: you are going to break it!
Kanato: leave it you pervert! I'll try!
Kanato pushed Laito off the chair and sat himself down, ready to try out the shoe.
Shin: shortie stop! even though you are smaller than him, you are also really big for the glass shoe!
Kanato: who are you calling shortie! WHO ARE YOU—
Ayato: ahem.
Ayato hushed Kanato as the prince was in the room. they cannot take any risk.
On the other hand the three mice finally freed Yui and gave her shoe back.
Yui hurried out and reached downstairs just when the palace people were about to leave.
Yui: wait, I'm here!
they turned back at the newcomer.
Subaru: you said you guys were only three!?
Subaru looks at the girl and the moment he sees her, he senses her. it's her! he rushed to her who was still running down the stairs and caught her in his arms in the form of a hug.
He didn't need that stupid shoe fitting trial to know if the girl he spent last night talking with is her or not. It's her. He can feel it. the warmth, the expressions, the tone. It's her!
Yui hugs him back for few seconds before pushing his shoulder gently to present the glass slipper. he other pair.
Shin: that shoe!
Ayato: Your highness, please listen to this subject. She is nothing but just a mere maid. There's no way she can be involved in matters like prestigious balls. I have no idea how she got that pair of shoe.
Carla: It doesn't matter who she is. you defied the orders, and on top of that lied to his highness. This matter won't go unnoticed and will be reported to the King immediately. Shin.
Shin: on my way ~
Yui: wait! please don't.
Kino: huh? are you saying?
Yui: yes. even though they, well they didn't treat me rightfully, I still don't want to become the reason for their demise. No matter what, everybody deserves a second chance.
Shin: hehe, you guys will be grateful for your life.
Kino snatched the shoes from Kanato's hands and gave it to Subaru.
and after taking the pair of shoes from both Yui and kino, the silver haired man bent down on his one knee and swiftly lifted Yui's feet one by one to slide the shoes.
they fit!
Subaru couldn't be any happier. she was finally his.
Yui hugged Subaru and both of them merrily smiled & laughed to be with each other again.
the glass shoes suddenly starts glowing and turns into dust. that dust soon forms a figure of a beautiful man who introduces himself as karlheinz and says
Karlheinz: Adam and Eve have been found in this universe too, my job is done.
And then disappears again by forming into dust before anyone could say anything.
Shin: what the hell!? what was that just now!? I have heard about fairies, but that was one scary and creepy one, if he was even one.
Kino • Carla: Adam and Eve?
Yui: is that why the shoes remained intact till the end even when the fairy godmother Reiji's spell was lifted at midnight?
even though the mystery about the shoes is solved, the more Yui thinks about it, the creepier it gets, especially how she wore those shoes all the time during the ball and when she was with Subaru…
Yui: don't tell me he witnessed everything…
Subaru realized what Yui was talking about but he can't also fall in the mood. he lifted her up as he gave the most genuine bright smile.
Subaru: Yui will you marry me?
Yui was surprised at the sudden proposal and cried the tears of happiness as she repeatedly said yes to him.
The wedding bells rang as Subaru and Yui exited the chapel after completing their wedding vows. everyone in the town came to pay their respects and give blessings to the newly married couple. the prince and the princess. The mice were throwing petals from the basket as they watched their Yui finally being happy.
Subaru lifted Yui in the bridal style, causing her to become shy for the nth time and ofc it doesn't goes unnoticed by Subaru.
Subaru: hehe, you should get used to such stuff now because I'll be loving you seven days a week. monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. 24/7.
Yui blushes more as Subaru walks down the stairs and enters the carriage.
He sets Yui down and leaned in to kiss her as curtains fell.
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shinidamachu · 2 months
Regarding Kagome getting hate for being a Mary-Sue if she were more like Sesshomaru, you should know that she still gets the Mary Sue accusations as she is. People call her too “OP” just because she didn’t train enough and because Rumiko said her spiritual powers are naturally more powerful than Kikyo.
They also consider her a Mary-Sue in terms of how much the narrative “glorifies” her (according to them at least) because multiple guys are crushing on her and the fact that it seems the Inugang always takes her side whenever it comes to fights with Inuyasha and she supposedly never has to learn from her faults. They claim Rumiko making her out to be so pure-hearted is also Mary-Suesque and that the narrative pretends that Kagome has no faults that she has to grow from and is perfect personality wise.
Oh, believe me, I'm totally aware. I only used the comparation with Sesshomaru as an example to make the point that no matter what she does, Kagome will get bashed because an especific, biased part of the audience is already phrone on hating her and will make up any excuse to justify it. And you brought up great new other examples.
They call her overpowered but, while her lack of training is a valid criticism, it's not a crime to be naturally gifted. In fact, it's a pretty common trope. What they conveniently "forget" is that raw talent alone is not enough: even though Kagome had a lot of power, she obviously didn't know how to use them.
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So in the beginning she had to work with what she knew and improvise, showing us other facets of her character, such as her intelligence, creativity, cunningness and inventiveness.
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Nothing was handed over to her on a plate. She had to work for it. There was no official training because she was learning on the job and doing amazing at it. Not because of her reincarnation status or some deus ex machina type of thing, but because of practice, persistence and resilience. If her spiritual powers are naturally more powerful than Kikyo, it only proves that they are different people, who see the world — and by extension, themselves — through vastly different lens, which inevitably bleeds into how they relate with their powers and with other people.
That being said, the narrative never glorifies Kagome and they know it. On the contrary, I'd argue it actually holds her to higher standards than any other character. She's constantly getting tested about her flaws. Just on the top of my head I could list Mount Azusa, the infant incident and that time she saved Kikyo from miasma. But even if her main lesson is that it's okay to have feelings, the narrative will still paint her as wrong again when she does have them.
And even when that doesn't happen, Kagome herself is hyper aware of her own flaws. That's a huge part of her character, due to her feelings of inadequacy. But she's always the first person to hold herself accountable for her actions, admit when she's in the wrong, apologize and make it better.
Now, the Inugang could be more sensible about Inuyasha's predictment — especially Sango, for obvious reasons —, I'll give them that. But Inuyasha doesn't help himself with his poor communication skills, either. All his friends know is that he's hurting Kagome, whom they love, over someone dangerous who has a history of trying to murder him.
As for the "multiple guys crushing on her" thing... I mean, can we blame them? Face card never declines, my God!
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43 notes · View notes
seaoflove07 · 3 months
Love Planted a Rose 🌹
~ Dark ~
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• Artwork by The Drawables •
Full Art Cover and Story Description, Here.
OCXCanon. 🔪 Azusa & Christine’s Story. 🌹
Fan Fiction Written by Me.
Fandom: Diabolik Lovers.
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- The Scene starts in the Rose Garden -
Azusa's POV
Watching from a distance, Azusa has been staring at Christine for a while quietly. The way she looks at the roses with sparkles in her eyes. Her beauty, her long blonde hair, the way her pink dress hugs her body perfectly. It's her! The princess from his dreams. She's here in person. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw her in the kitchen earlier. He couldn't even eat, he was that shocked to see her. For a moment, he thought he was having another dream. But is not a dream. She's here in his world. She smells lovely, her scent has been driving him mad. She left a trail of sweet scent of roses in the hallway. He followed that scent and it led him here. Since he met her he can’t stop staring at her, it feels like she hypnotized him. Those lovely hands that are touching the rose petals, how he wishes and desires for those hands to give him pain right now, to punch him, to cut him, to even choke him. He wants to be punished by her. Just thinking about it is making his heart race, he gets excited and he can't hold back any longer.
- He walks closer to her -
Azusa: “Christine-san…”
She looks at him.
Christine: “Azusa? What brings you here to the garden?”
Azusa: “I was looking… for you…”
Christine: “Me? Do you need anything?”
Azusa: “Yes… Say, Christine-san… do you like pain…?”
Christine: “Huh? Of course not, why would I like pain? Anyway, I already have all the roses that I need, so I’ll be going back to my room now.”
She grabs the basket where she put in all the roses and starts walking away.
Azusa: “I see…”
He catches up to her quickly and grabs her by the arm, facing her towards him. The basket and the roses fell to the ground.
Christine: “Azusa, what are you doing? Let go of me.”
She tries moving her arm off his hand. But he tightens his grip.
Azusa: “I'm sorry… I forgot… you like to drown people… Princess, you can drown me… we have a swimming pool here…”
Christine: “Huh? Azusa, what the hell are you talking about!? I will never do such a thing to anybody.”
Azusa: “Please Princess… I beg you… come with me… to the pool area…”
Christine: “No! And stop calling me, “Princess!” My name is Christine.”
Azusa: … …
“Say, Christine… Do you hate me…?”
Christine: (He's looking at me with sad eyes…)
“I don’t even know you! But to answer your question, I don't hate you. So can you please let go of me?”
Azusa: “... Hit me …”
Christine: “What!? I will not do that.”
Azusa: “Please… hit me… if you say… you don't hate me… then show me… that you like me… by giving me pain… punish me… Christine-san…” 
Christine: “Stop joking around! It is not funny.” 
Azusa: “I see… so you think… I’m joking…?”
- Azusa pins her down - 
They both stay silent staring at each other’s eyes. 
Christine: “Please… get off of me…” She said softly.
(Her heart starts beating fast!..)
Azusa grabs one of the roses that fell to the ground. He stares at it for a moment and then looks at Christine.
Azusa: “Seeing you bleed… from these rose thorns… sounds painful…  and lovely… Fufu…”
She looks at him with fear in her eyes.
Christine: “Please, don't.”
He caresses her cheek with the rose petals, then moves the rose down her neck.
Azusa: “I can hear… your heart beating… for me… are you enjoying this… Christine-san…? I’ll make you feel… even more good…” 
- He cuts her below the neck with the rose thorn -
Christine: “AAh!”
Azusa: “Such… a lovely sight… and scent, I want to see… more blood...”
He cut her two more times, and then with his thumb, he pressed the rose thorns deep into her skin, blood was gushing down her chest.
Christine: “AAh, Please stop!”
Tears start running down her cheeks.
Azusa: “Fufufu… Your beautiful brown eyes… are filled with tears… so lovely… cry more for me...”
He leans down and starts licking her blood.
“This blood…! It’s extremely delicious…”
He licks the rest of the blood off.
Christine: “What the hell are you doing!?”
She tries pushing him but he’s too strong, he doesn’t even budge. 
Azusa: “... I need more… from this delicious blood…”
- He opens his mouth wide and bites her neck -
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• Artwork by @yuma-mukami-garden-god •
A flick of pain.
Christine: (He’s a vampire!!…)
She screams, pushes, and hits his chest.
Azusa grabs her wrists and pins them to the ground, while still drinking her blood.
- Christine cries louder -
*Slurp, Slurp*
Azusa: “Haah…”
He licks his bite marks.
“I need more… I can’t stop…”
He bites her near the chest.
*Gulp, Gulp*
Ruki: “Azusa.”
Azusa: “Ruki… What is it…?”
Ruki: “That woman has had enough for now. Leave her be.”
Azusa: … …
“I don't want… to let her go…”
Ruki: “Let her go right now. I won't repeat myself, Azusa.”
Azusa: (I can see Ruki getting angry…)
He lets go of Christine’s arms and stands up.
“Let’s… hang out more… some other time… okay, Christine-san…?” 
Christine: … … 
She struggles to stand up but manages and begins to run back to her room.
(Vampire! He’s a vampire! This turned out to be way worse than what I expected. I wonder if his brothers are vampires as well. I'm so scared!…)
- The Next Night -
She looked at her cuts and bite marks in her reflection in the mirror. Christine is still shaken up about what happened last night with Azusa. She never thought vampires were real. Vampires only exist in fiction novels and movies. Scared for her life, she needs to think of a smart plan to run away, she can't stay here. But until she figures out a plan she will act normal and will continue doing her job. She needs to survive. She applies concealer to cover up the marks. The makeup didn't cover much but at least it's a little lighter than what it actually looks like.
All five of them were in the kitchen eating breakfast. It was the same scenario, Yuma and Kou fighting over the food and Azusa staring at her. Not taking his eyes off her, not even for a second.
Christine: (Him staring at me is making me feel nervous and uncomfortable…)
Ruki: “Livestock, after breakfast you and I are going to the manor's library to organize and clean. Is that clear?”
Christine: “Yes.”
She takes a sip of her coffee.
Kou: “Kujaku-chan, for dinner you should cook us Vongole. With your cooking skills, I bet it will taste extra delicious.” He said with a smirk.
Christine: “Kujaku-chan? What that even mean?”
Kou: “It means Peacock in English.”
Christine: “So you are calling me a male bird?”
Kou: “Well, Peacock suits you more than the Peahen does. The Peacock has long train colorful feathers. They are eye-catching like you. Azusa agrees with me. Right, Azusa?”
Azusa: “E-Eh…?”
… …
Christine: (He's blushing and he removes his gaze from mine. Did he get shy?…)
Yuma: “Oi, Kou! Your flirting is lame and stop teasing our little brother.”
Kou: “Fufufu~ It's hard not to when he's been staring at her this entire time. It's cute. Fufu~”
Ruki: “That's enough, Kou. Livestock, on Friday, you will have your work shift at the Sakamaki’s mansion. Those bastards will rip you apart. That's why every Friday, one of us will accompany you.”
Christine: (Chills run down her spine!…)
“Are they like you guys?”
Ruki: “What do you mean by that? We are much better than those assholes. If you dare compare us to them again, I will punish you in the dungeon. Got it?”
Christine: “I’m sorry...”
She couldn’t eat anymore and wanted to cry, but she held back the tears and didn’t say any other word.
(These men are dangerous...)
Christine finished cleaning and organizing the library with Ruki. She felt lucky that nothing bad happened, he even confirmed to her that he, his brothers, and the Sakamaki brothers were all vampires and that Karlheinz was the biological father of the Sakamaki brothers. Not them. He also told her about the chosen Eve living with the Sakamaki’s. Yui Komori is her name and she’s human just like she is. Christine wants to meet her. From what Ruki told her, it seems like the Sakamaki brothers are very dangerous vampires. Even though she hasn’t met Yui, she hopes she’s safe and not being tortured by the brothers. Christine was feeling a little tired so she went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. As she walks in she sees Azusa making a sandwich.
Azusa: “Princess… I-I mean… Christine-san... did you come here... looking for me...?”
Christine: “No, I’m just gonna make a cup of coffee.”
Azusa: “I see... I have noticed… you drink coffee a lot… is it your favorite drink…?”
Christine: “It is. Coffee helps me get through the day. Well, night in this case now since I'm in Japan. But besides that, I do love the taste of coffee and I enjoy going to different coffee shops. Back home, I saw online so many nice ones close by here. I can't wait to visit a few of them on the weekends on my days off.” She said with a smile.
Azusa: “You have a beautiful… smile…”
Christine: !!
(I can feel my cheeks getting flushed…)
Azusa: “Fufu… adorable… Can I join you…?
Christine: “You like coffee too?”
Azusa: “Not really… but… I want to… get to know you… and to be… near you…”
Christine: “You really want to get to know me?”
He nods.
Azusa: “I want to know… everything… about you…”
Christine: (I don't know if this is a good idea. But I can't seem to bring myself to say no to him…)
“Sure then… I'll be looking forward to it.”
He smiles adorably.
Azusa: “This made me happy… Christine-san… Say, would you like... a sandwich...? I make the best... sandwiches ever... Fufu...”
Christine: “No, thank you. I’m not hungry.”
(He looks disappointed…)
Azusa: “Would you… at least try it…? I would like… your opinion… please...?”
Christine: (I wanted to say “No” but I have a feeling, he won't take a no for an answer…)
“Okay, I'll try only a piece.”
Azusa: “Thank you, Christine-san…”
He cuts the sandwich in half perfectly.
“Here you go…”
Christine takes the sandwich, looking at Azusa who has a sweet smile on his face. She takes a bite of the sandwich.
Christine: !!!!!!
(It’s so spicy! I can feel the burning sensation!!…)
*Cough, Cough*
“Azusa! This is extremely spicy!”
She starts feeling the pain and continues to cough, throwing the sandwich on the floor. Her eyes start getting watery. Christine ran to the refrigerator to get milk. She was close to opening the fridge but Azusa grabbed her wrist stopping her.
Christine: “Let go! My mouth is burning!”
She starts sweating.
- Azusa pins her, pressing her back tight to the Refrigerator -
Azusa: “Ah… wonderful… you must be… enjoying this sweet pain… You and I are the same kind… Fufu…”
Christine: “What the heck are you talking about!?”
*Cough, Cough*
“Please… Azusa…”
(My mouth is starting to feel numb…)
Azusa: “Fufufu… this excitement is making me thirsty…”
- He licks her tears -
Christine: (What the heck…!)
Azusa: “Mmn… even your tears are delicious… You are an amazing… woman… Christine-san... now… I'll have a sip of your blood…”
He sinks his fangs on her neck.
“Mmn… even with all the spice… that you just ate… your blood is sweet… it tastes like strawberry cream…”
He bites her again.
Christine: “Ahh! Stop!”
She tries pushing him.
Yuma: “Oi, Azusa! Let Blondie go. Ruki will get upset if he sees this ruckus in the kitchen.”
Azusa: “… Okay…”
He lets her go.
Christine turns around immediately, she opens the refrigerator and grabs the milk. Drinking it desperately.
Yuma: “Oi Blondie, take it easy. Don't be acting like a piggy!”
Her breath was coming in gasps.
Christine: “… My… mouth… It’s still burning…”
She continues drinking the gallon of milk.
*Gulp, Gulp*
Yuma: … …
He stares at Azusa.
“You just had to force her to eat one of ya spicy meals.”
Azusa: “Fufu… She looks adorable…”
(Prologue) (Chapter 01)
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• Artwork by Monmonartz •
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diacripticcomplex · 8 months
My absolute favorite DL characters in no particular order:
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Never understood the hate towards Yui. Again the anime is a promo for the game and it did not do her character justice at all. The prequel and sequels for some of the mangas did her character justice. She’s a very kind and compassionate person, she’s HUMAN and grew up in a church, she’s a soft girl who doesn’t like violence so y’all can only imagine what this girl has to go thru meeting a bunch of bloody thirsty horny vampire boys, who have severe parental issues and a bunch of other abusive behavioral problems, but she is very patient with each and every brother in all the routes and I love that about her, she’d be a really good therapist too lmao. She’s an Angel, must be protected at all times. I won’t tolerate any Yui hate on this blog.
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Poster boy for the entire franchise. A lot of people find him to be annoying, he is annoying and we love his Aries self for that. While Ayato is a menace to society he’s got a good side to him as well and for the most part knows right from wrong, more than some of the fandom gives him credit for. I also really like his character design, he kinda looks like a mean little bat. They give him a lot of cute and playful moments with Yui and I think that’s beautiful especially in a dark themed game series, they have serious moments but also a lot of light hearted moments and I think that’s important to lighten up the mood sometimes.
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First off, I absolutely love his character design, the messy long hair and he’s a giant too plus they gave him realistic human hair and eyes to show that he used to be human, maybe I’m thinking too deep on it idk. I absolutely love the identity crisis he had due to his amnesia and the connection with Shu, it brought that twin flame connection back, I love those best friend tropes a lot, his voice actor also is Mako from Free! So I have no choice but to Stan Yuma. Yuma also has a lot more self awareness then the rest of his adoptive brothers and thinks ahead due to his past experiences, he knows that he’s a vampire now but still has a garden for food and has sugar cubes with him at all times, he uses his past experiences and acknowledges that it happened then moves forward he doesn’t dwell on it too much.
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He’s a lil creepy, and socially awkward at times but he’s just so relatable sometimes. He’s very soft spoken and he a lil wild with his pain tolerance and some of the out of pocket shit that he says, but I think he’s such a sweetheart, protect him at all costs as well, even his brothers know to protect him at all costs.
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Shu will forever be my favorite DL boy, he doesn’t like doing anything but can do everything and do it perfectly too. He has severe ptsd, depression, and detachment issues. No you can’t fix him even Yui realizes this and just accepts him for who he is because that’s the only way it’ll work. He’s also hilarious without even trying to be, he says some mean shit at times but it’s so unhinged like damn Shu you don’t have the energy to eat, shower, wipe your ass but you got the energy to completely disrespect all your siblings with a few words. Also his beef with Reiji is somewhat familiar grounds especially if you have a sibling that is constantly irritating your soul. I always felt like I could relate to Shu the most due to him having a hard time getting close to people after losing his best friend, he can’t just get over it either, I don’t like when people would say “oh it happened a long time ago” yes it did but everyone heals at their own pace and it’s important to acknowledge that as well.
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whisperingwillowxox · 11 months
Hey guys! I had this idea for a fic and wanted to share it with you. It was only supposed to be a one-shot, but if anyone would like a part 2, just leave a comment and let me know.
Summary: Reader finds themself stuck at the library. Luckily our favourite Spree driver is there to save the day.
Warnings: afab!Reader/mentions of a past abusive relationship.
Word Count: 2076
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It was raining. It had seemed like a nice day when you had set off in your little sundress that kissed your mid-thigh. It didn’t now though, as you watched through the library doors as the rain bounced off the sidewalk, the black clouds showing no sign of it stopping. Sighing, you clutch the book you’d just taken out closer to your chest. Today of all days you had decided against taking your backpack, and now you were having to consider how you were going to get home without getting drenched.
Resigning yourself to spending the rest of the afternoon waiting until the rain finally died off, you walk back towards the main desk where the head librarian, Eliza, was perched. “You ok, Hun?” She asked gently, looking at you over the top of her glasses. Eliza had been working at the Azusa Public Library for the last 40 years, and she had quickly become your favourite person since you moved to this town after breaking up with your ex, wanting a fresh start.
“I will be when this rain stops. I walked here today and didn’t bring any money for the bus.” You huffed.
“Let me get you a Spree.” Eliza smiled, pulling her phone out from under the desk.
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that.” You try to argue, but the older woman was already waving you off.
“That rain isn’t going to let up anytime soon, Dear.” Eliza tells you, already tapping away at the screen. “Besides, I’ve got to make sure my books stay in good condition. What’s your address?”
You rattled it off as you stood there, still clutching the book to your chest. Eliza’s kindness is something that took you a little while to get used to. You didn’t really have any friends growing up, and your parents were never home, and when they were they weren’t exactly the most affectionate. For a little while you thought you’d found what you were missing in your ex, but once you moved in with him, he changed, becoming controlling and mean. He’d play on your insecurities to knock down your confidence, until you only felt safe with him. It had taken you a hot second to realise what he’d done, but once you did you packed your stuff and got out of there. You may now live in a small town, in an even smaller apartment, but you were proud of yourself for getting back on your feet.
“Oh, that was fast!” Eliza said suddenly. “He’s just around the corner. A white Prius, the driver is a ‘Kurt Kunkle’.” She read.
“Thank you so much, Eliza.” You smile gratefully. “I’ll pay you back, I promise.”
“None of that.” She said, once again waving you off. “Just get home safe, Dear.”
The car in question pulled up just as you got to the doors. You tried to hide the book under your arms and pulled it tighter to your chest, before flinging the door open and rushing to the car.
You practically dove into the backseat, shutting the door, and scooting over to sit behind the passenger seat.
“Oh, um, hello.”
You look up and are met with the prettiest brown eyes you’d ever seen. “Hi.” You said shyly, placing the book on the seat next to you to put your safety belt on.
The driver, ‘Kurt’ you reminded yourself, looked at his phone and then back at you, a frown creasing between his brows. “Um, a-are you sure you’re in the right car?” He asked, confusion clear in his voice.
Glancing at his phone you saw that the only thing Kurt had for reference on who he was picking up was a photo. A photo of a 60+ year old woman. “Oh! Yes, sorry. Eliza works at the library; she didn’t want me walking home in the rain.” You quickly tried to explain. Kurt seemed to deem this an acceptable answer, confirming your actual name and address address before pulling away.
Figuring you’d kill some time, you reached for your book, only then noticing the camera facing you. You glanced around the car, counting 6 cameras in total, and shrank back in your seat. “Um, Kurt?” You asked quietly.
“Yeah?” He glanced at you in the rear-view mirror, a friendly smile seemingly glued to his features.
“Why are there so many cameras in here?”
“Oh!” He grinned, and you immediately noticed the excitement radiating from him. “It’s for my channel. I’m a content creator.”
He seemed happy with his own answer, somewhat proud even, but you felt a sudden wave of anxiety creep up on you. “This…” You started, nervously fiddling with the hem of your dress. “This isn’t like…a sex thing, is it?”
You watch in the mirror as Kurt’s eyes nearly bug out of his head, and it would have been funny if you weren’t mentally preparing yourself to jump from a moving car at the first moment of danger.
“No! G-God no! I just s-stream my Spree rides.” He choked out. “I just talk to my Kurties, try and make the rides more exciting.”
“Kurties?” You ask, less nervous now and more curious.
“My fans.” He grinned again, stopping at a set of lights. He whipped round to look at you, making you jump slightly at the suddenness of his action. “You should follow me! I’m KurtsWorld96!”
Watching him smile and looking so excitable, you realised how pretty this boy was. Sure, his hair was a little greasy, but it didn’t distract you from his kind face, squared with a little bit of stubble coming through. “I’d love to, but I don’t have social media.” You said sheepishly.
Kurt’s face pinched into a frown again, as if he didn’t understand what you were saying. A car horn from behind alerted him that the lights were changed, and he turned back away from you, and you couldn’t help but kind of miss the eye contact.
“How do you not have a social media presence?” He asked, seemingly baffled. “What about your brand? Like what you’re putting out for the world to see.”
“A ‘brand’ would imply that I’m someone important.” You tell him quietly. “I’m not, I’m just me.”
His frown didn’t go away but he didn’t say anything else so you assume that the conversation must be over. You swallow down the disappointment, and instead open your book and try to focus on the words, rather than your embarrassing attempt at conversation with a cute boy.
You were happily pretending to concentrate on the pages in front of you when Kurt cleared his throat. “What’s that you’re- what are you reading?” He stumbled with his words, and you couldn’t help but find it slightly endearing.
“Good Omens.” You answer apprehensively. In your experience whenever someone asks what book you’re reading, it’s either to make a joke at your expense, or you overestimate their interest and watch as they don’t bother to hide their bored expression.
Kurt glances at you in his mirror again, “I’ve never heard of that. What’s it a-about?”
You watch him for a second. His interest seems genuine, but you’ve made this mistake before. Instead, you drop your gaze and fiddle with the edge of the page. “It’s about an angel and a demon who lose the Anti-Christ. They’ve got to find him before he ends the world.
You look back up and see Kurt’s brows risen in surprise. “S-sounds super dark. You don’t look like you’d b-be into that sort of- kind of thing.”
“Oh, it’s not actually dark. It sort of encapsulates the idea that people can defy expectations, and that everyone has free will. Just because the Anti-Christ was born to destroy the world, doesn’t mean he wants to. We can be who we want to be. Plus, it’s funny and there’s this romantic subtext between the angel and demon-” You cut yourself off, realising that you had probably began to ramble the poor boy to death.
When you look back at him, you expect his eyes to be glazed over, but he’s smiling at you. Not a little polite smile either, a big beaming smile like you’ve just given him some amazing news. “Y-you like books, huh?”
You feel your cheeks heat up as your mouth opens and closes a few times, not really knowing how to react to this curveball Kurt has sent your way. “Hey, t-there’s nothing wrong with that. B-books aren’t really my vib- my thing, but that doesn’t m-mean you can’t like them.” You watched as he turned to the camera set up right next to him “You s-should never stop doing the stuf- things you’re passionate about.” He finished. He spoke in a tone that gave off the impression of wisdom, but it was immediately extinguished when he finished his speech by throwing up a peace sign to the camera.
You couldn’t have stopped the giggle that bubbled out of you if you wanted to, and it was worth it when Kurt blushed so hard the top of his ears went pink. You caught his bashful smile in the mirror and smiled to yourself as you opened your book again.
You sat in silence for a little while longer, reading your book and trying to fight a grin whenever Kurt would make a comment on something to his “fans”. But eventually you felt the car pull up and looked up to see your apartment block staring back at you.
“I think this is you.” Kurt said quietly, and you hoped the disappointment you thought you heard in his tone wasn’t just your imagination playing tricks on you.
“Yeah.” You tried to keep your tone light, but the truth was Kurt was one of the only people you’d ever met that made you feel so comfortable in such a short space of time. You blame it on the fact that he’s so awkward and dorky that you can’t help but feel relaxed.
You unclipped your safety belt and once again pulled your book close to your chest, mentally calculating the sprint from the car to your door. You looked back at Kurt to find the boy, once again, already staring at you. “Thank you, Kurt.” You smiled shyly.
Any moment that may have been forming was quickly ruined as a robotic voice sounded from Kurt’s phone, startling you slightly. “OMG man just ask for her number. You stupid?”
Kurt blinked at you, his blush coming back in full force. “I, um, you don’t have to- u-unless you want to-”
“Yes.” You said quickly.
Kurt’s eyes widened in shock, and you could practically hear the gears in his head grinding to a halt. “Yes?”
You give him a small smile as you once again felt your own cheeks heat up. “Yes, you can have my number.” You tell him quietly.
The grin that takes over Kurt’s face is almost blinding as he giddily grabs his phone from the holder and opens his contacts. You pull your phone out from the little pocket in your dress and flip it open, finding your own number. When you look back up at him, he has the most confused expression you think you’ve ever seen on another human. He’s staring at the device in your hand, an old Nokia flip phone, as if he’s trying to figure out a difficult maths equation.
“Yeah…” You start awkwardly. “I told you I’m not really one for the whole social media thing. Seemed silly paying all that money for a phone when I’m just using it for texts and calls.”
“Yeah, t-that makes sense I guess.” Kurt smiles.
You rattle off your number and Kurt quickly types it into his phone. I’ll text you so you can save m-my number too.”
“That sounds good, Kurt.” You both smile at each other. His phone pinging makes the both of you jump and he looks down at it with a frown. “Oh crap, I have another Spree request.” He says disappointed.
“That’s ok.” You smile, putting your phone back into you pocket. “Enjoy the rest of your day. I’ll talk to you later.” You tell him, throwing him one last shy smile before clutching your book and making a bolt for your apartment block.
Later, after you had showered and were curled up on your couch reading, your phone vibrated in your pocket against your leg. You smiled as you opened the message from an unsaved number.
“Hey! It’s Kurt!’
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