#and now this! i cant even post goddamn videos?! without adding an pic signature like it's a forum in 2009???
nero-neptune · 1 year
if anyone has a solution to this (and i blame the new post editor bc this Never happened with the perfect old editor), but on my side blog, every time i've posted a video recently, it Never shows up in the tags. and the tags aren't the problem (i've switched up the tags and it still never appears, posted a text or image post with the Exact Same Tags and they show up in the tag search fine). and the side blog is pretty video-heavy (practically every other post from '21 to '22 was a video, but posted with the old post editor). since february of this year, i've only posted 3 videos and they have never, ever shown up in the tags.
tumblr support never got back to me and the The Most Random workaround i found on tumblr (while trying to see if anyone else has this same issue) was posting an image/gif in the same post as the video (like under a "read more") and SOMEHOW?!?! that makes it show up. but clearly other people keep posting videos without an image/gif placed underneath (based on the handy-dandy timestamps), so what the Fuck is up???
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