#and of course grandpa bel is always included in his headcanons
gezelligheiid2 · 4 years
     Skyrim Era Sulkan for @dragxnsfire!!
     - Sulkan actually lived in the Clockwork City until a few years before the Red Year occurred. He mainly stayed to watch over the other Apostles who remained, to watch over them and oversee the population as they migrated back to Nirn. He viewed it as his duty: he was a Redoran, he was meant to protect and guide those he watches over.      - After Seht died, he really wasn’t sure what he was suppose to do with his life. He had lived all that time in service of SI, he had never been a true Ordinator or even a soldier: how was he suppose to go back to a life he never had in Vvardenfell? He did return, but never really reintegrated himself back into society. He mainly worked odd jobs, collecting things for people: artifacts, ores, and other odds and ends.       - The Red Year was incredibly scaring for Sulkan. He had lived his life attempting to be a hero, but had never actually been involved in any large scale crisis: the Red Year was the kind of event he always believed he was meant to serve in, but nothing could have truly prepared him for it. He had always seen himself a savior, almost immortal in a sense. The sheer amount of death, all the people he couldn’t save, the visceral panic in the streets as the mountain erupted and Baar Dau crashed. He left people behind that day, people that might still be alive if he had tried to save them or if he had just come a moment sooner. He did help a number of people escape, but he couldn’t save everyone.       - People notice Sulkan’s tattoos, but no one really knows what it means: he always just says it was his guild and leaves it at that.       - You can tell Sulkan is older, but he hasn’t aged as much as he should have. Honestly, he had no idea why. Most likely explanation was his exposure to the Second Heart.      - All that time in the Clockwork City doing maintenance had left him with some nasty burn scars, mainly on his forearms; especially near his hands.       - He really wants to go to Solstheim, but stays in Windhelm due to his obligations as a Redoran: he’s meant to protect his people, and this is where they need the most protection.       - He continues his work doing odds and ends for people, getting tips for doing escorts from time to time.      - Sulkan has gotten in trouble with the Law only god knows how many times. He was never very violent, he would talk a big game but never fully follow through on those threats, but the Red Year changed him. If there’s a Nord heckling some Dunmer, Sul will lay down the law real fast. He’s never killed anyone in Windehelm, he’s still very careful to make sure he doesn’t cause unnecessary harm,  but he’s much faster to act. He’s spent a fair few nights in the jail.       - god he just. hates the snow so much.      - Funny enough, even though his whole Temple collapsed, he still has an amulet of ALMSIVI Intervention. Oh sure, he knows it won’t ever work again, but he can’t part with it. and who knows maybe it will work       - He just... he has a really hard time coping with everything that’s happened and the sudden change in gods. He still follows the Tribunal faith, but it doesn’t mean what it used to. He has a rough break up with religion basically.
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