#i love that spell ngl
Sorry just watched nimona and I’m still not over that there was a little girl in the monster. In this big scary beast that everyone told stories about and built walls against there was a little girl and she just wanted to be included and loved. The trans allegory is so heartbreaking and so true
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thesunisatangerine · 1 year
against all odds (to wait for you is all i can do) – part three
alexia putellas x photojournalist!reader
warnings: explicit sexual content
(a/n in the tags) [parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve]
word count: 3.4k
You woke again nearing midday and, as expected, Ale was nowhere to be found. If it weren’t for the still sensitive marks that she left on your neck and the soreness between your thighs, you would’ve thought it was all a pleasant dream. Something on your nightstand caught your eye as you stretched and when you picked it up, all the remaining doubt shattered. 
On the piece of paper was a phone number with a little note that said ‘text me?’ and you couldn’t help the grin that made its way to your lips at the drawn smiley face at the end of it. You picked your phone up, added her to your contacts and sent her a hello-it’s-me text, noted the notification of an email from Derek, and then you got out of bed to get ready for the day.
When you returned to the bedroom from your shower, a message from Ale was waiting for you. 
‘Hey, good morning! Listen, as much as I’d love to… have fun with you again, I can’t see you the next few days.’
You laughed at the varying degrees of sad emojis that superseded her text. Then you messaged her back. 
‘That’s fine. Just text me when you’re free. And you already know where I am so…’
You abandoned your phone after that in favor of your laptop as you remembered Derek’s email. Upon opening your mail, you found it immediately.
‘Good news. Robert sealed a deal with a client and they want you to follow FC Barcelona in their Liga F campaign this season. We got 5 match passes so far–Robert believes that the client might be inclined to commission for more photos depending on how the club progresses throughout the season.
Find the passes in the attachment as well as the in-depth commission details but in short, apart from the customary team photos, they want photos of the following players prioritised in order: Alexia Putellas, Maria ‘Mapi’ Leon, and Caroline Graham Hansen. I’ll leave the research to you.
On an informal note, the window to decline is still open. As previously discussed, you don’t have to do this. Let me know what you decide as soon as possible.’
You checked the attached files and sure enough, you found the passes for Barcelona’s matches against the following clubs: Real Madrid, Roma, Alhama, Atletico Madrid, and Sporting Huelva. You noted the date for the one against Real Madrid–it was in a couple of days, the same one Ale suggested and a thrill of excitement went down your spine at the thought of possibly seeing her again. Maybe you should message her to let her know that you were going. 
You sent a confirmation to Derek before you created a new tab to begin your research. ‘Alexia Putellas’, you typed and hit enter. When the results came back, you stilled. 
You blinked. 
Then you blinked again.
Of all the places you’d expect to find Ale’s face, a search result about a professional football player was the last thing you could think of. But memories flashed unbidden through your mind: the exclusive night club, Ale’s vague answer about her job, the way her eyes shone whenever you mentioned sports or football, her reflexes, her physique, Ale… Alexia–it all made sense now. 
Groaning, you put your face in your hands as your cheeks and ears burnt from the embarrassment that flooded your veins. Oh, how dense could you get! She must’d thought you ignorant for not knowing who she was. Foolish! 
But then again… if she didn’t get a kick out of you not knowing, why did she allow the second time to happen? And why promise a third? The thought calmed you down enough to decide not to text Ale–no, Alexia–about this like you’d originally planned especially since you were most likely going to see her at the game anyway.
After another moment to regain your composure for the time being, you proceeded with your research. You clicked on an article, and an article lead to another, which carried you over to a video, and so on. By the end of it, evening had settled and you only managed to discover little. But from what you found out, there was no question to Alexia Putellas’ nascent legacy, both on and off the pitch–an undisputed, modern trailblazer for current and new generations of female athletes. You were gutted to know about her ACL injury though–a quick deviated search made it known to you how serious of an injury it was, especially for an athletic career–and you wondered when she would be able to play again or if she would be playing in the match against Real Madrid. After all, she did say she was going to be there.
You wrapped up your research about Alexia then and you finally moved on to Mapi Leon, then Caroline Graham Hansen. Afterwards, you briefed yourself on the rest of Barcelona Femeni’s 1st Division players as well as the rules of football to come up with a strategy to tackle this task.
A mixture of anxiety and excitement rushed through you as you settled in for the night at the thought of seeing Alexia again now that you know about her identity. You didn’t know what you had gotten yourself into the moment you let her take you to the dance floor but the pull was there from the very beginning. And you decided you were going to see this through to the end.
No. This wasn’t going to change anything at all.
There it was: Estadi Johan Cruyff, home to Barcelona Femeni, stood proud in its blue and red glory.
There was still about an hour and a half left before kickoff but already, people had gathered and started to enter the stadium, you being one of them. Security scanned your press pass as you entered and you were told to head through a different corridor which lead you out to the pitch. Once inside, it was no surprise that the stadium’s interior was no less grand than the outside, the well-tended grass was just a taste to the quality that this place had to offer. 
Greeting the other photographers who’d settled in earlier as you walked, you searched for a spot and found it by the space adjacent to the corner flag farthest from the tunnel entrance. There, you placed your duffel bag and your portable stool as you worked to set up your equipment: you double-checked the batteries, attached the right lens to your camera, unwounded your monopod and connected it to your camera. 
By the time you looked up, there was already a significant crowd awaiting the players for their warm-ups. You took this chance to take a few shots of the still half-filled stadium, tweaking your settings as you did so and you waited for the players to come out.
About an hour before kickoff, you spied movements inside the tunnel and immediately, your eye was to your viewfinder.
Players from both teams emerged from the tunnel and names popped in your head as you scanned the faces from Barcelona, taking shots of them as they stepped foot on the grass and took off in a jog. There was no sign of Alexia though but you spotted two of your marks on the pitch so you wasted no time to frame them in your camera.
A moment later though, you heard a sudden cheer from the crowd followed by a collective flutter of camera shutters. You lifted your eye from the viewfinder, turned your head to the side and saw that your fellow photographers had their cameras focused to the direction of the tunnel entrance. Your heart quickened. Could it be? And sure enough as you looked to the sidelines, you could make out Alexia’s blonde hair and her unmistakable silhouette. Through your camera’s lens you were able to see her better. 
Alexia had on a black leather jacket paired with a top that revealed a strip of skin before the cut of her jeans, finishing her look off with a pair sneakers on and loose blonde hair. She was conversing with her coach, bumping fists and patting the backs of players from both teams who went over to greet her. Then she turned to the stands, waved at their supporters, and she moved close enough for pictures and autographs. She gave one last wave to the fans, shouted an encouraging word to her teammates with a fist in the air, before she headed back into the tunnel. While all of this was happening, you’d framed her through your lens yourself, taking the photos you needed, cheeks warm despite the cooling afternoon air. 
Then all the Barcelona players jogged over to the sidelines and huddled, side to side, arm in arm. You took a shot. Not long after that, all of them left the pitch. 
The game was about to start. 
Alexia wasn’t lying when she said the stadium would get crowded: the stands were filled with blues and reds, flags were flown and waved about, chanted anthems resounded loud and proud in the air–the atmosphere was nothing short of electric. 
You’d moved by the sideline close to the tunnel entrance for the beginning of the match along with your fellow photographers so you could capture Barcelona’s starting eleven. When the players came out, they were welcomed by singing and cheers from the crowd. And as they stood there, you took photos of the entire team first before you moved on to focus on Mapi and Caroline. 
When the whistle blew and the match began, you were back to your original spot, looking to the stands above the tunnel entrance as you tried to pick Alexia out from the sea of faces through your camera. You managed to a few minutes later, and you found her looking rather pensive: one arm crossed over her chest, the other resting on it as she rubbed her chin with her thumb, eyes focused down at the pitch with her brows slightly creased. It looked like longing to you, a burning desire to return home–to start playing football again. The sight evoked such a feeling in you that you couldn’t help but capture the moment. This shot, however, you were going to keep for yourself.
 Now that you knew where Alexia was, following the client’s requisites just got a lot easier. Up until the final whistle, you immersed yourself in your work and the game, focusing more on Mapi and Caroline as they were playing. There were times that allowed you to shift your camera to the stands to where Alexia was and took shots of her, too. By the time you knew it, the game ended and Barcelona won 1-0.
You expected a celebration from Barcelona because they were in their turf after all so you loaded up your camera with a freshly charged battery. The next thing you knew, Alexia was there with the team, hugging and patting them congratulations and her teammates beamed at her, happy to see her there. 
Click You took a shot. 
The players then began their procession around the stadium, waving at and signing things for their supporters. Through your camera, you saw Mapi signing the shirt of a young girl. Click. Next to her was Caroline, reaching over the barrier to sign a ball, smiling as she talked to the boy holding it. Click. 
The procession was near enough that you could hear their banters, growing louder as they approached where you were and the beating of your heart thumped as loud as the chants from the crowd. You congratulated the players as they passed and kept your camera away out of respect. You looked at the end of the line and you met Alexia’s gaze. She was smiling at you while she talked to Irene Paredes beside her and she never took her eyes off you. There was a gleam in them, something akin to mischief and… a challenge? If so, why? 
At that you raised an unimpressed brow at her, both a question and a statement. Your reaction seemed to amuse her because her smile turned into a full smirk.
The procession passed but Alexia lagged behind, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Irene who threw Alexia a questioning look. You watched as Alexia waved her off before she began walking your way and you didn’t miss the fluttering of shutters from your fellow photographers’ cameras. Some called Alexia’s name to get her attention but she ignored them, her attention only at you. You barely had enough time to school your features and hide any signs of familiarity before she was standing in front of you.
“Hey, you. You made it here after all.” Alexia said cooly, lips slanted in a half-smile, one hand in a jean pocket.
“Yeah, I did. Sorry, but do I know you?” You asked in an excessively dry tone paired with an raised eyebrow, but you made sure your voice was just loud enough for her to hear. Catching your drift, Alexia laughed, rubbing the bridge of her nose to try and cover it up. 
“I suppose not,” she extended a hand towards you, “I’m Alexia, and I’m sorry about… you know.”
“Nice to officially meet you, Alexia. Congratulations on the win, by the way.” You shook her hand, ignored the way her warmth seeped into your skin, and hummed. “You know, you remind me of someone I know. Your resemblance to her is uncanny.”
Alexia nodded as she took her hand back, lips quirked. “I think I know who you’re talking about. I think she also wants to know if she could stop by later tonight?” 
Your cheeks warmed and you didn’t fight the smile that made its way to your face. “I did tell her she could whenever she’s free.”
“So, yes?”
You braced your weight against the headboard, forehead over your folded arms, eyes barely open and the erotic sight in front of you did nothing to help the building flood in you. With your thighs bracing her head and from this angle, you could only see Alexia’s closed eyes but you felt her hands roaming and supporting your lower back as her mouth and tongue worked on you. 
She was taking her sweet time though, brushing her tongue over your clit lightly, sucking just enough to build up the pleasure but nothing too much to bring you over the edge. You whined because she did it again only with more pressure this time, circling your clit a few times before she moved away again. You were starting to learn that she liked to play; she liked to take her time and get as many reactions from you until she was satisfied, until she’d completely unravelled you.
A particularly cruel swipe of her tongue, accompanied by the obscenely wet sound it made, nearly incited a sob from your lips but the plea you made was nothing short of similar.
“Ale… please…” You panted.
“–my name.”
“Huh?” You whined out, not hearing what Alexia said after a flick from her tongue sent shivers down your spine.
“Say my name.”
Then she circled your clit with more urgency after she said that–demanding. You keened and ignored her, canting your hips forward to chase that delicious friction you were desperately searching for. 
“Ale… Ale… please!”
Then she stilled completely and you cried out in protest, eyes flying open to meet lidded hazel ones.
“Say my name.” She licked your inner thigh deliberately close to where you wanted it the most.
“Alexia, pl–” You didn’t even need to beg because right after her name left your mouth, overwhelming heat was all you could feel as she ate you out earnestly. Her hands gripped your thighs so tight that you wouldn’t be able to pull away–not that you could ever do such a thing.
“Oh, fuck!” 
Euphoria tore through your body in concurrent waves with brutal intensity that it ripped the strength from your bones while your muscles shook helplessly. Even the gentle touches from Alexia tongue as she cleaned you up were enough to make you hiss from overstimulation. 
God… she really did a number on you this time.
After you finally calmed down, you shifted so that you could lay by Alexia’s side, kissing your way up from the column of her neck to her lips where you found your taste heavy on her tongue. You dragged your fingers from the crest of her hip to her breast, feeling the ridges of her hard-earned muscles as you did so and revelled in the way they tensed beneath your touch, the softness of her breast a beautiful contrast to the firmness of her stomach.
Alexia gasped when you rolled her nipple between your fingers and you gladly swallowed it as you deepened the kiss. You slotted your leg to apply pressure between her thighs, ample wetness coated your skin and you couldn’t help but moan at her arousal.
You nipped a path down between the valley of her breasts but not before you had given both of her nipples the attention they deserved. You continued your journey, licking and nipping at her skin as you moved down her toned stomach.
As soon as you reached her navel, she parted her legs to make space for you. You kissed her inner thighs, loving the way they tensed beneath your lips and as you trailed closer to her core, you flashed your gaze upwards to meet hers. When you finally got the first taste of her tonight, you watched intently through lidded eyes as she closed hers, dropping her head on the pillow and sighed out a long, low moan. 
You gave her a few slow and broad strokes, closing your eyes as you savoured her taste. When she began to urge her hips quicker, you picked up your pace all the while mapping her thighs and stomach with your palms.
You found you liked how responsive she was to your touches, liked the way she demanded for more which you gladly gave to her as she asked for them. And when she cradled the back of your head and buried her fingers in your hair so she could meet your tongue the way she wanted it, you moaned loudly, taking from the way she took hers from you.
“Yes, right there, just–” Her back arched and you clung to her hips like a lifeline. You rolled your tongue against her and sucked, not wanting to disrupt the pace of her fall. 
And fall, she did.
She came on your tongue and you accepted it with a grateful moan, slowing down your pace as she came back down from her high. It was sticky and heady, a reward that you lapped up eagerly, and from the pleased way Alexia threaded her fingers through your hair, she was satisfied. Like her, you took your time cleaning her up because after all it was only polite to do so and you enjoyed the way her leg muscle tensed when you kissed her clit one last time. 
Content with your work, you kissed the top of her left thigh as a form of gratitude but instead of making your way up, you traced the line of muscle that lead down to her knee where scars from her injury had carved themselves permanently into her skin.
You’d kissed those same scars the last time you were together without knowing the story behind them and now that you know, you dragged your lips over them ever more softly, looking Alexia in the eye as you did so. She watched you intently with lips slightly parted, eyes dark and lidded.
Alexia bent forward so she could reach out to you, lifting your chin with a gentle hand. Then she brushed her thumb over your upper lip to wipe the wetness there but before she could pull it away, you parted your lips and took her thumb into you mouth, sucking and licking off the taste there, never taking your eyes off hers.
“My god,” came her breathless murmur before she moaned out, “come here.”
Then she guided you to her mouth with her gentle grip on your chin and before you knew it, you were under her again, sighing in grateful surrender to the mercy of her and her hands. She kissed and ravaged you many times over–and you, her–that by the end of the night, you’d completely forgotten the weight of her name.
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vaspider · 4 months
New favorite block list addition: the TERF trying to dunk on NK clothes by calling my designs "gawdy".
Like, did you miss that a bunch of us dress like bowling alley carpets? That's not a dunk, baby girl. That's just telling me the aposematism works.
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maraudersandtears · 6 months
Vacation with the Skittles
Regulus: Demands to buy something from the gift shop Evan: Packs like he's moving out even though their going for a week Barty: Really hyped for the water slides, only thing he focuses on the whole vacation Dorcas: Takes pictures of everything to post to her snapchat Pandora: Overjoyed that she gets to spend a week on vacation with her friends and talks about it a month in advance
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mokutone · 1 year
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thank you conicalcrowd for the kofi tip!!! :^D ! here is a hayate gekko doodle for you!
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arkham-guard-dp-au · 2 years
Idea: The longer Danny works at Arkham, the more comfortable he is in allowing his ghost form to bleed through his human form around the inmates, patients, and even the staff. At that point, when his human form and ghost form are nearly indistinguishable from one another, everyone in Arkham makes sure not to let any of the bats know that Danny's less than human, not wanting him to leave cause he really does make staying at Arkham that much bearable... As long as you follow his instructions/rules while he's on duty. When he's off shift, it's all fair game but then, the next time you get caught, you'd be met with a disappointed look that shouldn't be as effective as it is. No one likes the disappointed look.
So like, Batfam knows of Danny and how he seems to keep Arkham somehow stable, but they can't, for the life of them, learn anything about him. When they try to meet him, nope, sorry, distraction, or, oh no, you just missed him. Part of this is also due to Danny avoiding them like the plague, cementing partial rumors of him being once with the batfam at some point. Some think he was 2nd Robin. Danny doesn't know about the conspiracy theories about him yet.
Omg yes. Tho I feel like Danny wouldn't be full ghost form looking, there is definitely something off with him. Like his ears are tapered, his hair sways in a non existent breeze, a grin too sharp and eyes that shine like a cats. Not to mention the chill that always seems to follow him along with the feeling of other. Definitely feeling uncanny Valley here.
As for the gaurds and some of the inmates. YES!! They absolutely do try to hide Danny whenever Batman is around. Either cuz the weird he's estranged family conspiracy theories, or because of the rumored Batman's no meta rule. Like they finally have a decent gaurd they are not gonna let a brooding furry chase him off.
Like I just imagine Batman is there dropping off an escaped inmate and like several employees just take off running to find Danny. Like yoo, you're needed to...help move a box! In the . . Supply closet and far away from the entrance! Is this totally sus? Yes. Does Danny go along with it cuz he also wants to avoid bat-tention(Bat attention)? Also yes.
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patt-is-cool · 20 days
Do you think that Sniper knows spy is Scouts dad? Beacuse in the comic where they find scout bleeding out, its very slightly implied that someone told him or that he knows since Spy asks him to "give them (him and Jeremy) a moment".
Either way I think Sniper definetly knows even a bit of info about it, just have a feeling Spy would maybe tell him.
Sry for yapping I just love spydad :]]
definently think that sniper at that point knew cuz of that moment too. idk if other ppl saw it differently but when sniper says "mate" and spy asks for a moment it felt like he was telling spy to finally come clean ya know. urging him to and spys sighing and going "fine i geuss ill do it. i would have rather died but okay" dunno what other interperations there could be tho LOL
i also loveee the whole thing that bascially the entire team knows about scouts heritage. like sniper knows cuz idk maybe spy confided in him. heavy knows cuz hes smart like that ❤ and maybe medic found out from a dna test or maybe heavy told medic. (personally i like the latter i like the idea of them gossiping with each other over sugery time. ik that one book from the sf update that spy holds and ppl ran with that with how medic found out. i like either theyre both funny)
just over however long they worked with each other it kinda came to light in one way or another for them all. even scout since he knows subconsciously ig from that one dream. after they all found minus scout atleast, they just kinda drop hints right infront of spy and scout telling him to TELL SCOUT. like when heavy in the comics go something like "yeah ur dad dissappears a lot lol". medic peering over his glasses looking directly at spy going "yeah if MY dad came back and was with me for 5 years i would want him to tell me but idk heavy"
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crimsongrimoire · 1 year
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im not sorry for the kind of person i will become when wriothesley gets released
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royaltea000 · 4 months
How (if at all) has Temp changed after the whole "being burned at the stake because the french were salty" deal
Well for one I think he has a big fear of fire now naturally and (I forget to draw this constantly but) burn scars over half of his body not just on his face. He’s kinda self conscious about em and has his bad confidence days but he’s learning how to love himself more these days and it’s getting better :)
I also wanna go the really angsty route and say that because of the smoke inhalation damage to his lungs - he can’t sing beautifully like he used to and even his speaking voice is raspier and a bit quiet now
He and France are very cold and barely civil to each other now - everyone knows not to leave those two in a room together alone. More often than not Gil ends up being the default mediator between em lol
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stepfordgoth · 3 months
Saw a girl - my aunt's husband's sister, who is maybe 4-5 years older than me - at the family function on sunday whom I had completely forgotten existed, like I haven't seen her in probably 15ish years and I haven't even thought about her in forever, and I am remembering now that the whole reason she got socially exiled from my family was because she got in a fight with my aunt when I was like 12 wherein she proceeded to drag me into it for some reason by referring to me as "your retarded emo niece" to my aunt and my whole family got really pissed at her about it but lmaoooo I can't even be mad, that is so funny to this day
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emily-mooon · 6 months
Imagine if Stacey and Neil actually met in high school except they didn’t go to the same school: they met through Kid Chameleon.
One night, Scott brings Stacey to one of their shows and it just so happens that Stephanie (or Steph) brought Neil with her.
Since they were both the youngest people there (Neil’s 17, Stacey’s 16 till December), they decided to talk to each other and they hit it off.
Stacey also develops a bit of a crush on Neil and would always ask Scott if Steph was going to bring her brother with her again, as she wanted to see him and didn’t know if there was another way.
Then one morning, she discovers that they take the same TTC bus and from then on they talk before and after school and become sorta friends. At this point, Neil also starts developing a crush on her.
Things stayed like that for about two months until Neil and his mom moved places (as I agree with the headcanon that the Nordegraf siblings have divorced parents) so they would no longer take the same bus in the morning or after school. They still have Kid Chameleon shows to meet up and talk at right? Ha ha wrong cause at New Years, the famous break up between Scott and Envy happens which in turn, also breaks up the band.
That whole break up was the nail in the coffin that strained Neil and Stacey’s kinda friendship. They didn’t have the others phone number cause they were both too shy to ask and also cause they both kept forgetting.
There also wasn’t a whole ton of opportunities to ask either of their siblings for their phone numbers so they just gave up and went on with their lives.
But then why didn’t they recognize the other in the like three times there were in the same room together? Easy answer: Stacey was distracted by everything around her to even notice Neil, who in turn, was slowly disappearing into the crowd and fully did by the time it was Lisa’s going away dinner.
So when they see each other again properly at the Chaos Theater, something clicks and they fall back into where they once were two years ago. To them it felt like a decade, but no it was just two years. They catch up on what they missed in the others lives on the walk home.
After that these dorks start dating cause the feelings were still there, just buried deep, left dormant, and forgotten. They came back but slightly different as people change.
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The "Eric never loved Ariel and was only spellbound by her voice" theory quite frankly needs to go away and never see the light of day ever again. It might sound "interesting" to many (it doesn't to me), but if people bothered to actually pay close attention to the movie for once in their entire lives, they would notice that the love was indeed genuine, otherwise Ursula wouldn't have transformed into Vanessa and literally enchanting Eric with her own magic powers through Ariel's voice. Ariel's voice serves the exact same purpose Snow White's looks serve: They are symbolic representations of virtue. The princes fall in love with them through that because of the fact that that very thing is representative of their benevolence, virtue and selflessness. This whole thing of reducing their romance to a spell makes me hella mad, ngl.
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daeneryseastar · 4 months
would gender swap jacaela be jacaera/baelon or alyssa/baelon come again. thoughts?
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crownspeaksblog · 11 months
I love the women of our flag means death!!
Mary: starting with the og! Got left by her piece of shit husband and just turned around and made a fantastic life for herself. Become a famous painter with a cool ass name, the widow bonnet! Found love. Was gonna kill stede for ruining her life (I love him, i didn't want him to die.. but also fair enough!)
Mary's eyepatch friend: wears an eyepatch. Owns a leopard. "Murder's a natural cause". (What else do you need!)
Spanish Jackie: business woman. Wooden hand. 20 husbands. Looks badass in a red suit and a gold sleeping gown!! Poison trained herself and her husbands. Abandoned 19 of husbands and joined the revenge with her 20th husband who gives great massages! "Let's go husbands"
Zheng: pirate queen. Conquered china. Can kill someone by hitting pressure points on their body. Can hold off like 10 English soldiers on her own! Also has an adorable hair style and turns into a shy, giggling teenager around the soft, sweet guy she likes! (Good for her!)
Auntie: can see what happened at a certain place, using vibes and taste only. Learned there's nothing wrong with being soft. Told her kid, she's proud of her!
Archie: She's wild! Was in a snake cult! (some people don't like that she just showed up and became a part of the crew.. I however love that! More wild women!)
Anne and Mary: insane sapphic pirates (duh!) Mary has axe on her, poisoned her wife (affectionate). Anne wore someones face to save mary. Burned down her antique shop that's probably been her life for years, just because she loves mary and wants to be happy, in love and go on adventures with her. Stabbed her wife (affectionate).
Hellkat Maggie: wears a noose around her neck. Has a beautiful name! (I want her to join the crew!)
Antoinette: she realized it's disgusting that her husband is her brother.. (we love character development!)
Olivia the seagull: avenged her husbands death by fucking with calico jack moments before he died (an absolute win in my book).
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a-very-fond-farewell · 3 months
it was tendOnitis all along???? travesty
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raiiny-bay · 4 months
reminding myself that they’re my characters & i can do whatever i want with them
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