#also i need to add that amulet to his bio
gezelligheiid2 · 4 years
     Skyrim Era Sulkan for @dragxnsfire!!
     - Sulkan actually lived in the Clockwork City until a few years before the Red Year occurred. He mainly stayed to watch over the other Apostles who remained, to watch over them and oversee the population as they migrated back to Nirn. He viewed it as his duty: he was a Redoran, he was meant to protect and guide those he watches over.      - After Seht died, he really wasn’t sure what he was suppose to do with his life. He had lived all that time in service of SI, he had never been a true Ordinator or even a soldier: how was he suppose to go back to a life he never had in Vvardenfell? He did return, but never really reintegrated himself back into society. He mainly worked odd jobs, collecting things for people: artifacts, ores, and other odds and ends.       - The Red Year was incredibly scaring for Sulkan. He had lived his life attempting to be a hero, but had never actually been involved in any large scale crisis: the Red Year was the kind of event he always believed he was meant to serve in, but nothing could have truly prepared him for it. He had always seen himself a savior, almost immortal in a sense. The sheer amount of death, all the people he couldn’t save, the visceral panic in the streets as the mountain erupted and Baar Dau crashed. He left people behind that day, people that might still be alive if he had tried to save them or if he had just come a moment sooner. He did help a number of people escape, but he couldn’t save everyone.       - People notice Sulkan’s tattoos, but no one really knows what it means: he always just says it was his guild and leaves it at that.       - You can tell Sulkan is older, but he hasn’t aged as much as he should have. Honestly, he had no idea why. Most likely explanation was his exposure to the Second Heart.      - All that time in the Clockwork City doing maintenance had left him with some nasty burn scars, mainly on his forearms; especially near his hands.       - He really wants to go to Solstheim, but stays in Windhelm due to his obligations as a Redoran: he’s meant to protect his people, and this is where they need the most protection.       - He continues his work doing odds and ends for people, getting tips for doing escorts from time to time.      - Sulkan has gotten in trouble with the Law only god knows how many times. He was never very violent, he would talk a big game but never fully follow through on those threats, but the Red Year changed him. If there’s a Nord heckling some Dunmer, Sul will lay down the law real fast. He’s never killed anyone in Windehelm, he’s still very careful to make sure he doesn’t cause unnecessary harm,  but he’s much faster to act. He’s spent a fair few nights in the jail.       - god he just. hates the snow so much.      - Funny enough, even though his whole Temple collapsed, he still has an amulet of ALMSIVI Intervention. Oh sure, he knows it won’t ever work again, but he can’t part with it. and who knows maybe it will work       - He just... he has a really hard time coping with everything that’s happened and the sudden change in gods. He still follows the Tribunal faith, but it doesn’t mean what it used to. He has a rough break up with religion basically.
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boogiewrites · 4 years
Mae Flowers Ch. 7
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Mae LeBlanc (OFC)
Summary: A modern, magical Alfie Solomons AU.  Mae works towards growing her powers and Alfie is there to explain every step. They begin learning more about each other and find a connection that neither truly expected.
Warnings/Tags: Language.Magic/Supernatural. Soul mates.Some domestic fluff, getting to know you stage. Talk of the unknown.
Click on my screenname then go to Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.)
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The sun rose high enough to peek through her curtain. It wakes her by gently kissing her face. Mae greeted the new day with enthusiasm.
Alfie had given her the task of sprouting, growing, and blooming a plant with her powers. She had been a bit cocky, she supposes, after the meditation went so well. But using her own undisciplined powers to do work was entirely different from receiving a gift of knowledge from her light. With Alfie's strong influence, the visions were much stronger than she could’ve formed herself. He’d asked endless questions, just like she would do. But unlike her, he'd had years to find the answers.
She stood in the kitchen, glaring out the bay doors at the sprouted plant on the patio table. She sipped her coffee as the maker gurgled in the background. The house was quiet, save Percy's feet crunching in the litter box.
Alfie had set her a task, and she was days into trying to achieve it. He had vaguely explained that he had some spell work to do that he needed privacy to accomplish. After giggling at the way he pronounced privacy she nodded and he disappeared. He’d still been up every morning,  looking a little rough around the edges. She didn’t want to pry but she also thought she might want to know what was going on in her house.
It was almost 10, she’d taken her time and lazed around long enough. She'd showered and eaten while hoping he would appear. But he hadn’t. So her curiosity got the better of her.
She made her way to the wall that held the archway to her sunroom and the door to the guest bedroom. She stood with a furrowed brow and pressed lips. She felt like she might be behaving rudely. She quietly knocks, her hand hovering over the door for some minutes before she talked herself into it. A quiet knock, then a more confident one after no noise from the other side. She pressed her ear to the door and heard nothing, not knowing if she felt relieved or more worried.
“Alfie?” She asked with a crack to her morning voice, not yet warmed up. No response. She tried to focus, head to the door, and see if she could feel anything. She didn’t really know what she was doing though, they hadn’t gotten to that lesson yet.
With no answer she reluctantly reaches for the knob, hand once again waiting to take action. As she clicks it, it sounded like one of the loudest noises she’d ever heard. She makes a space big enough to peep her round face through.
“Alfie?” she spoke softly, voice barely above a whisper into the stillness of the room. She made her way in, turning to see him star fished on the bed. His hair was a mess, hands still covered in what looked like soot, and lips pooched out while he was clearly in a deep sleep.
There were jars sealed with wax all over the dresser, salt around them, and little labels attached with twine to each. She was most curious and began to move towards them before a sudden grunt and sniff catch her attention from the bed. Unknowingly she’d passed the threshold of protection Alfie had cast and it had woken him up from his much-needed rest.
“Mmph Mae? What ya- bloody hell what time is it?” His brow arches high, dad noises followed as he rolled over to reach for his phone. “Oh fuck I’ve slept in.” He mutters and begins the process of moving his tired and half awake limbs to sit up on the bed.
“It’s not a problem, I just didn’t know what you were doing in here. I knocked… by the way. I was worried about you.” She explains hesitantly.
“No need. Just restin' me eyes.”
“Mm hmm.” She hums.
“Don’t appreciate that sarcasm Mae.” He rubs his eyes but she sees the grin behind his soft dark gingery beard.
“I knocked… like I said, twice, and said your name and you just laid there so…”
“You callin' me a liar? Bold of ya.” He kept a deep gruff tone as he yawns and stretches, but she could tell he was joking somehow. She felt comfortable with him in the snippy exchanges.
“Well I ain’t callin' you a truther.” She shrugs and gives a huff of a laugh.
“You’re a funny little flower, Mae.” Her odd response makes him laugh that turns into a cough. They share a pleasant lingering smile before something catches Mae’s attention. A movement under the covers of the bed.
He feels it against his hand and shoots his eyes in the direction Maes wide ones are staring.
“What the-?” He grumbles and jerks back the covers, and much to Maes horror a huge snake is making its way from the bed to the floor and towards the open window. “Fuck me, that wasn’t a dream? Ya sneaky cunt! Get out, ya slag!” He shoves the snake off the bed with a heavy thump while Mae presses herself against the door with too many questions rapid firing in her head. “I was tired from the work and you come all the way out here-?” His hands wave and he stops as if he were interrupted as he pushed the snake out the window. “Work innit?” He snaps and opens the window wider. “Ya ain’t fuckin special love. That’s always been ya problem. If ya never learn you’re gonna be like that forever!” He sticks his face thru the window opening before slamming it shut.
He turned around all huffed and annoyed and now awake.
“Uh… friend of yours?” Mae asks with a broken nervous laugh.
“I’m sorry Mae. She snuck in, I didn’t invite her. She’s never been much for respecting people’s space.”
“Wuh… so it was a friend?” She asks with eyes still looking at the spot where the snake had slithered out even though Alfie is moving around the room now to put the sheets back on the bed in his pajamas, a very rumpled white t-shirt with a v cut and his always present smattering of amulet holding necklaces.
“Well… yes and no. Bit complicated.”
“Like Facebook ‘It’s Complicated or…?”
“Like what?” He stops to plop on the bed and gives her an intimidating stare that suggests she might be behaving like an idiot.
“Y’know the relationship options on Facebook?” She says with an obvious nod. “You do know what Facebook is right?”
“Of course I fuckin know what Facebook is ya cheeky bugger.” he says harshly but huffs a single hard laugh.
She grins at his response and continued on with a lazy lilt to the early afternoon conversation. Her hands moving casually as she talked like the dust that was visible in the sun through the guest, well, Alfie’s room window now. “People can put it’s complicated as a relationship status. Usually, a sign someone’s made some bad decisions at some point.”
“Yeah? Like, fuck a snake?”
She snorts and covers her mouth as she laughs with bright eyes. “I wasn’t gonna say it but-“
“Didn’t have to read ya mind to know that’s what you were thinkin’, mate.” He shakes his head and fussed with his hair for a moment.
“I’ve been told I have a very bad poker face.”
“Terrible.” He says obviously but she felt the warm tone in his voice as he stood and gave her a smile that wasn’t accusing. “But it’s also somethin' you can learn.”
“Another thing to add to the long list of things you’re going to teach me.”
“That it is.” He says with an affirmative nod. “It comes with controlling your emotions. You feel things so strongly because you are unpracticed but we’re workin' in it yeah?” He nods and pats her shoulder.
“We are. I don’t feel as bad as I usually do after a rough day like yesterday.”
“Very good. Since I slept in like a fuckin lazy sod have ya got around to ya studies today?” They both move and carry a conversation into the kitchen as he makes himself some tea.
“Not yet, was being slow because I didn’t want to start until you got up. But then-“ she motions towards the cracked guest room door.
“Ridiculous, innit?” the previous annoyance at his unexpected visitor comes back to show on his face. “Not even my house and she doesn’t know you, yeah? Just invites herself in. Like everything’s bloody normal.”
Mae blinks with curious but very polite eyes as he rests against the counter for a moment, huffing and displacing a fluff of hair hanging onto his forehead. “I’m glad you also don’t think it’s normal. I know things are gonna start changing now, but python booty calls were not something I was prepared to handle.” She pauses her thousand-yard stare shifts to him. Blinking her full lashes over brown, now golden in the noon sun, eyes. “Not to be rude or anything. Just… being honest.” She shrugs, making herself smaller. “Thought it would be best to be… y’know with… all this witchy stuff.”
“First off, not a booty call.” He dismisses with a swipe of an expressive finger. “Secondly, honesty is the best policy. Always…. Unless ya Gotta lie.” He gives a more sly and cheeky smile her way as he takes a sip of tea.
“Are you lying about the snake booty call?”
“Nah, mate.” He gruffs out casually, “Not that I didn’t before she found herself in her current form. A stone-cold bitch of a witch that one. Piss off the wrong witch and ya go 'bout bein a twat and then next thing ya know you’re cursed to take her so-called, and very dramatically said at the time I might add- “true form”. He pauses, his tight but expressive face once again hides behind the tea mug and the fluff of mustache over the rim. “Old flame 'n that. Long, long time ago now.”
“How long is long for you? Since you’re…?”
“I prefer the term immortal to old if that’s what’s ya askin'.”
“I wasn’t but thanks for clarifying.”
“Years before you were even swimmin' in ya gran dads bollocks.”
“That’s the grossest way I’ve ever heard that put. Creative but, still gross.”
“Didn’t mean to be crude at the table, love.” He gives a nod but the polite face has mischievous and playful eyes behind it.
She huffs out a quiet laugh. “Wasn't a complaint.”
“Good to see ya aren’t squeamish. A sense of humor will help ya out in this work. Also nice to know my other half isn’t a stick in the mud.”
“Oh, I’ve been called that before.” She adds quickly and he laughs.
“Eh, don’t seem too bad to me Mae.”
“Well we just started so just give me a bit and I’ll let ya down.”
“Bad attitude like that means one thing.”
“You didn’t eat a good breakfast did you?”
“I had-“
“Yeah, those bloody breakfast bar- bullshit things.” He cuts her off. “Ya have to eat real food now, pet. So we’ll be late getting at it today but nothings gonna get accomplished by no human without bein' fueled properly.”
“I don’t usually cook a big breakfast.”
“And ya ain’t gonna start now. I got it.” It’s almost as if her thought of standing to help was nipped from her mind, swearing she might’ve felt a light push to stay in her seat by some invisible force.
"You're not fattening me up to eat me are you? You and that snake?” She asks with a subtle playful smile but accusing eyes.
He lets out a loud sudden amused sound at her suggestion. “Maybe I am. Gonna butter ya up and stuff you in the oven.” He gives her a wink and chuckles to himself at the delightful energy she was putting out today before he turned back to the counter.
She blinks rapidly and finds herself hiding a flush in her cheeks at the seemingly innocent gesture. She retreats back to her normal sitting posture clenching her teeth to fight the smile that would otherwise appear on her face. Being forced to reckon with a handsome man winking at her that she wasn’t repulsed by was something new and she didn’t want to look like a giggling school girl. She was far from being a schoolgirl by being in her thirties but he made that same old energy bubble up inside her.
She clears her throat and tries to gain control of her emotions before they sweep her away. Since he’d been around all sorts of things were becoming quickly overwhelming. Since Alfie's appearance in her life, she’d started having mood swings, vivid intense dreams, and some rather animalistic passing thoughts. Most of them with the focus being on her new roommate. And she wasn’t talking about the unusual amount of reptiles she’d seen the past few days. She could swear the birds chirped louder now. It was as if she was going through some psychic puberty. Every sense and emotion was turned up so drastically it was as if she could feel a static tingling at all times. It didn’t hurt, but it was something she was trying to get a grip on. She was trying to be optimistic but her first round of puberty was something she felt she’d failed miserably at.
Alfie could feel her energy shifting and remained quiet. He had been both confused and impressed with her attempts to control all this new energy herself. He didn’t know why she didn’t ask about it but knew she was a scrappy little thing, forgo the occasional breakdown. Which he thought she had earned.
“MROW?” Percy jolts up from his warm bed in the sunroom, his morning sun spot starting to shift. He trots into the kitchen, the shifting of energy from his master drawing him from the bed.
He was a welcome distraction for her and both the men in the room, both he and Alfie felt ease as soon as Percy was in Mae’s lap and focusing her attention.
“Good little lad you’ve got there,” Alfie says, looking over his shoulder at the cat purring and grooming its owner.
“When he wants to be he’s very sweet.” Mae let’s put a sigh and cuddles him closer, feeling the tension in her body dissipate as she rubbing her face into the fur of the large white fluffy boy with his pink toe beans and nose.
“You know… I have a Percy.”
“You have a cat?”
“No, love. Percy is your familiar. I have one right now as well.”
She blinks in thought for a moment. “My familiar?” She asks, directed at the cat who was staring up at her with bright green eyes.
“A companion. A kindred spirit. He’s a little soul that is meant to help yours.”
She stares into the cat's eyes. “He just showed up one day. Like he already lived here.”
“Because he was called to you. Your power must’ve been blossoming at the time.”
“So you’re my familiar huh? If you’re supposed to help, why do you sleep on my clean laundry?”
Alfie let out an amused chuckle.
“Mrrm.” Percy responds and flicks his tail.
“I’d like to know how sleeping all day is supposed to help me out.” Mae gives him a big smile and scratches his chest. “Sassy little butthead.”
He purrs in response and rubs against her chest.
“Is your familiar a cat?” Mae asks while fussing over the affectionate cat in her arms.
“Oh no. Charles is nothing of the sort. A cat wouldn’t suit me would it?”
“A big fluffy ginger cat might.”
“Offensive language.” Alfie protests and Mae chuckles to herself.
“What is he then?”
“I’ll have you meet him sometime soon. Best to let him introduce himself instead of me.”
“Is he an animal?”
“He is. Familiars tend to be.”
“Can they be other things?”
“Sometimes a human. But rarely. Some have been Fae. Some like to stay in specter form if their counterpart is gifted in communicating with that plane.”
“So like spirit guides?”
“Good comparison, yes.” Alfie nods as he continues moving about the kitchen. “There are many forms any single soul can take, you see..” he began an impromptu lecture which he had done on occasion for the sake of educating her.  He kept talking, as she found he had the tendency to do if the mood struck him.  For now, he stuck to lessons about her, the baby steps any born and raised witch would know without even realizing. He didn’t want the sweet thing to seem like she lacked common sense when it came time to mingle with others like them. So he tried to begin with what to do to be able to perform at your best.  He spoke of fuel and food, energy creation and destruction, and how it works with people like them. Or well, her, he was different from her biologically. But that was a lesson for another day.
Alfie checks on Mae once again, a little lump sat in the grass in her back garden with those golden eyes focused on her task. He hadn’t really known how fast or slow the process would go, and the fact that she had made any progress at all made him happy for her. She sat with her hands pushed against her face, elbows on her knees as she sat with crossed legs in the grass in front of the plant. Her button nose was wrinkled, thick dark brows made her look more severe than usual. A stray loose curl would flop in the wind on occasion, but besides that, she was being very still. The fruit-bearing trees planted along the high fence line now had different symbols in new shiny paint. Mae had learned about protection and she was taking it very seriously. The glitter paint, her choice, sparkled in the light along with the various windchimes and suncatchers she had hanging all over the garden. You could always hear at least a small ting of metal against metal outside, it was something Alfie grew accustomed to quickly and found it rather pleasant now. All her new decor made space seem even more full of life with the rapid onset of spring. Not to mention Mae’s growing powers were causing the flora all around her home to begin to flourish early.
Alfie was writing labels, carefully packaging the spells he’d made to send out. He was enjoying a quiet afternoon. The weather was pleasant and the clink of chimes with the lazy breaths of wind outside was a calming melody. He was musing about how nice it was to finally feel some true calm for the first time in his afterlife. This is why the sudden shrill scream of Mae made him almost drop a spell jar in surprise. He would’ve never let his guard down enough to get caught off guard like that before he’d met Mae. He’d never stopped to consider if being with his other soul half might make him soft. But it was swept away from his cares when he saw the bundle of sunshine that was Mae. He could see the joyous yellow rays emanating from her small feminine form. Her hair bouncier and her cheeks flushed as she screamed his name in the middle of jumping up and down with excitement.
“Alfie! LOOK!” She squeals and stomps her feet, her hands with the chipped yellow polish point towards a now fully bloomed plant on the ground.
“WHAY!” He throws his arms up in celebration! “Mozel tov boobah!” He claps and approaches her. Much to his surprise she fillings herself towards him in an impactful hug. As soon as her delightfully soft cheek pressed bare against the fuzzy section of his chest his shirt allowed, their breaths caught in tandem. His hand on the back of her fluffy hair, one arm keeping her steady in her back. There was an ebb and flow that much resembled (to those gifted enough to see such a thing) an aftershock that shot through them on contact and was sent back into the world around them.
It felt almost as if she was in the middle of a giant speaker in the back of some fuck boy's car. Or those old 5ive gum commercials. The second feels drawn out and heavy as that pulse connects them and is loaded into their systems. something neither had felt in such a pure form before they felt a split moment of euphoria. A total lack of worry and anxiety, total zen.
They both exhale with synced breath and everything shifts back to its former self. Mae looks up at Alfie with an expression of what the hell was that and he blinks down at her and tells her that for the first time in a long time. He didn’t exactly have the answer.
Mae licks her lips and looks at his chest, her nose set above puckered lips showing the wheels turning behind her eyes. That were a very vivid -damn near glowing actually- golden. They were large and often wet and they reminded Alfie of a frog on occasion. Especially when she wore her little round glasses. He considers this a compliment as he is quite fond of frogs.
“That was..” she takes a deep breath and clears her throat, “...you know those little sand...zen gardens with the stick and you-?” She draws a swirl on his back where her hands stay.
“Yeah. With the wee Buddha’s?”
“I feel like what one of those is supposed to make you feel.”
“Felt much like I’d gone up and slapped the Buddha and he hit me arse back on my end.”
“Didn’t it feel… good? Though?” Her face shows her uncertainty as it always does.
“Ya bloody right it did.” He lets out a warm laugh that reassures her.
“What is..?” She hugs him again. The same grip as before but it doesn’t happen. She squeezes. Waits. Alfie looks around after her third attempt and considers intervening.
“‘Ere.” Alfie says. Moving her hand to mirror his, slightly outstretched towards each other. “Can you see that?” He asks quietly as if he might scare something away.
“I don’t… I feel something though. I think…”
“Trust your intuition, Mae. It’s where the answers are.”
She follows his advice, taking a deep breath and a slow exhale and clearing her mind and really looking at the space between their hands.
“Do you feel anything?” He asks after a moment, seeing her face shift.
“Yes.” A much more confident response.
“Good girl. What is it?”
“It’s..almost like electricity.”
He keeps quiet as he sees it differently. It fascinates him.
“Like the Ghostbusters ray guns.” She answers seriously then laughs. “Except it isn’t really a color exactly it’s, it’s sort of yellow.”
“I see yellow as well.” He nods.
“Now concentrate. Look at the… rays and what they feel like.”
“Oh! They’re happy.” She answers quickly and cheerfully.
“What happens when I-?” He asks and touches their fingertips together.
She smiles and laughs, “It's like you’re touching the surface of a lake.
“It’s a reflection.” He nods.  “Now watch.” He begins to move it away and it’s as if a string is being pulled, the flow is taffy and it becomes thinner the farther away he gets. Her power is less loud, less clear the farther he is.
“It’s reacting to you.”
“It’s us. Welcome to stage one of your awakening. You can now see energy.”
“Did this happen because of the flower?” her head tilts like a curious baby animal.
“Oh! Shit! I forgot! The flower! Alfie look!” She grabs his wrist and proudly shows off the fully blossomed Lily.
“Brilliant work, love.” He touches it and it’s strong and very alive. “Look at this little lass. Gorgeous.” He pets the plants leaves affectionately. “Lovely innit.” He leans towards Mae. “Takes after her muva.” He teases.
“I don’t see anything around it.” She says waving her hand near it.
“You won’t see everything at once. Be grateful for that because you’d go as mad as the first mantis shrimp.” He snorts at his own joke.
“The what?” She asks and shakes her head. “Alfie stop talking about mudbugs and explain.”
“You’re growing Mae darling! It’s all very good. Don’t worry. If there was cause for worry I would tell you, yeah? You’re learning to wield your powers and activating new ones. Natural innit?”
“So this is just my power growing?” She asks referring to the wobbly bit of energy as she moved closer to his body.
“I believe it is our souls. They want to be close. The closer the more vivid it is, see?” He touches his nose to hers and shows the tiny jolt of electricity that appears where their skin touches.
“It’s like static electricity. But it doesn’t hurt.”
“Nah, love they’re happy. They want to be close, little monkeys. They haven’t seen each other for so long. They get a bit excited.” He chuckles and rubs her arms reassuringly. He left a warm and good feeling behind in his wake. “Your powers are growing. You’re doing so well. In fact, I believe you are much deserved a few celebratory festivities, love.” He speaks quietly as he remains close to her.
“Like donuts?” She asks with a perky inflection.
“Could be but I was thinkin' more you should get yourself done up. Celebrate yourself. We can go out and I suppose eat since that seems to be where your mind is.”
“Done up? Like go out and eat together? A date?” There’s a mild flash of horror in her eyes.
“If that term scares you so then no. I am simply your friend-“
“Soul mate” she corrects.
“...soul mate who believes you should do things to celebrate this growth. Hard work earns hard play and you Mae darling have been working your bum off. You deserve it. Stop selling yourself short.”
“You being able to read me is good and all but it also really gets on my nerves. You get too real too fast on me like I’m just supposed to be okay with you plainly saying my obvious shortcomings.”
“It’s called growth. It’s what we’re here for.”
“When am I going to make you start growing?”
“Already have.” He states fast.
“I have?”
“Course! I don’t know if you could tell but I have not historically been known to be a very… coddling man. I have been alone and seen and done violence with my darkness… but being around you, your soul, it makes me feel like I’m young again at times. Your...spunky little personality- which is a great relief I must add- paired with the positive attitude and earnest approach has made me address how I approach things.”
“You like my personality?” her eyes look a bit sad but more intrigued.
“That’s what you took from that?” He chuckles.
“It’s a really nice compliment.” She quickly feels tears burn in her eyes.
“Oh bless your cotton socks.” Alfie laughs and pulls her in for a hug. “You little bugger.” He rubs her back as she gives him a tentative hug back. “You are kind and honest and curious. The world needs more like you. Your emotions are a gift. I do not see them as the burden you do. Most humans go through life feeling so very little. Did you know? It is a blessing to feel so strongly.”
“You’re so nice.” She sniffles and he once again laughs and kisses her head. “C’mon love. Let’s have a cuppa and we’ll get dresed up eh?”
“And then we go get food.” She sniffles.
“Yes, darling Mae then when go get food.” He lets out a deep chesty laugh as he escorts her back towards the house.
@jaegeeeeer​  @brianaisasongbird​ @hardygal69​ @emerald-bijou​ @captstefanbrandt​ @coolgh0st​ @tinastarkandco​ @xstylishmileage​   @s-h-e-w-r-i-t-e-s​ @peakys-mystic​
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bforbookslut · 6 years
A When Harry Met Sally Kind of Love in Rachael Allen’s A Taxonomy of Love  - An ARC Review
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I have given A Taxonomy of Love by Rachael Allen a ☆☆☆☆ rating. It belongs to the Young Adult Contemporary Romance genre. Amulet Books publishes it. It will be published January 9, 2018.
The synopsis reads:
The moment Spencer meets Hope the summer before seventh grade, it’s . . . something at first sight. He knows she’s special, possibly even magical. The pair become fast friends, climbing trees and planning world travels. After years of being outshone by his older brother and teased because of his Tourette syndrome, Spencer finally feels like he belongs. But as Hope and Spencer get older and life gets messier, the clear label of “friend” gets messier, too.
Through sibling feuds and family tragedies, new relationships and broken hearts, the two grow together and apart, and Spencer, an aspiring scientist, tries to map it all out using his trusty system of taxonomy. He wants to identify and classify their relationship, but in the end, he finds that life doesn’t always fit into easy-to-manage boxes, and it’s this messy complexity that makes life so rich and beautiful.
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Welcome to 2018, ya’ll and to my first review of the year! I didn’t do a December/2017 wrap-up because I was lazy and also because I was busy with New Year’s eve. But moving on, we’re starting the year strong with a four-starred book that kept me up the entire night. In fact, I finished A Taxonomy of Love in one sitting! But enough of me, let’s get on with the review. I’m definitely sure there will be minor spoilers. It’s already indicated in the bio but not explicitly mentioned so, I thought I’d be careful.  
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Let’s just get it out there, I both love and hate A Taxonomy of Love! And it’s not really explainable. It’s the sort of feeling that’s just there.
It was introduced by the editor in the foreword as a When Harry Met Sally kinda plot. And it’s my favourite romantic comedy of all time.
When I started A Taxonomy of Love, I really didn’t want to like it. In fact, there was a point in this book where I was like wtf is wrong with this dude. This dude I’m referring to is, of course, Spencer. He has Tourette’s syndrome and doesn’t really have many friends because he’s bullied for it. And then he meets Hope, who, like her name suggests provides Spencer with some modicum of, for lack of better word, hope in his miserable friendless life.
Now, Hope appears to be a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. She’s not like other girls. She has white gold hair (or something like that) and she climbs trees and is definitely not like Bella from across the street. Spencer, then, proceeds to lust after his best friend.
Not a promising start, I know.
But the more I read, the more I fell in love with it. Spencer and Hope’s relationship is damaged, fucked up, beautiful and too dramatic to be real but also rather raw and true.
The plot is as you expect it to go. Spencer and Hope are best friends, they like each other, they have a falling out, and then they’re friends again and the rest is history. 
We’ve all been in Spencer and Hope’s shoes. We’ve all fallen in love with our childhood best friend and ended up giving them to someone else, only to meet years later and find that a spark still lives. It really is kind of like When Harry Met Sally. Only, they’re teenagers and they’re a little more angst-ridden and sad and going through the phases of growing up: rebellion, fitting in etc. There are messy friendships, awful bullies, messy and confusing sex, not-so-awful bullies, and romantic partners.
I’m very pleased that I did not hate any one in A Taxonomy of Love. I hated their decisions but both Spencer and Hope are as teenage-aged as they come. And it was incredibly awesome to watch them grow as people; from the little kids to seniors in high school, through the phases of their friendship from going their separate ways to becoming friends and eventually falling in love again.
With Spencer, it’s more than just his friendship with Hope. It’s his relationship with his brother, Dean, and his father, as well as his stepmother, Pam, his grandmother, Mimi and his mother (who's not in the picture). I love that we also get to see Spencer grow out of his shell. He’s still someone who makes sense of the world through taxonomy but he’s also more confident, he takes part in school activities, even has a beautiful girlfriend.
Hope, on the other hand, we get to see her relationship with her sister, Janie. But also what happens when Hope’s feelings get out of control and her best friend is lusting after her and she has no one to turn to.
A Taxonomy of Love shows us how two people can grow in two different ways but still find their way back to each other because their friendship is just that strong.
I also really appreciated that A Taxonomy of Love dipped its hands into the political discussion surrounding the Confederates and Southern states. While I’m on the other side of the world and am not overly familiar with the history, it was still pretty great to see it. Because of spoilers, I won’t be mentioning more on this but A Taxonomy of Love also talks about grief and the process of grieving.
Despite all it’s good points, A Taxonomy of Love is a little strange. One: we don’t see a lot of taxonomy going on. We only saw the snippets of Spencer’s classifications at the start of some of the chapters, possibly to show that he only does it sometimes.
Two: Another thing is that the chapters jump from POV to POV and sometimes, there is a time skip between two chapters. Yet, no explanation is given for what happened during that skip. Like, you got me invested; don’t leave me hanging.
Also, I felt that A Taxonomy of Love was such a caricature of THE quintessential American experience of growing up. I need to know, people, are lives really this dramatic? It felt like I was watching a movie!
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To sum it up, A Taxonomy of Love is more than just your typical cheesy young adult contemporary about falling in love with your best friend. It’s When Harry Met Sally packaged into a myriad of other real world issues that young adults face, especially in their most formative years. But, it’s a tad bit dramatic. Yet, incredibly enjoyable!
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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review. This review edition may differ from the final edition. 
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Game 341: Shape Shifter (1992)
           Shape Shifter
United States
Independently developed and released as shareware
Released in 1992 for DOS
Date Started: 17 October 2019
Date Finished: 18 October 2019
Total Hours: 4
Difficulty: Easy (2/5)
Final Rating: (to come later)
Ranking at time of posting: (to come later)
Some years ago, I modified my rules to allow myself to reject independent games “if they are clearly amateur efforts with no innovations or accolades attached to them.” I have never invoked the rule. The problem with the rule is that it almost seems like there’s at least one innovation to explore. It’s only after several hours, when you’ve committed to the game (or else you’ll have nothing else to publish), that you realize that you’ve been hoodwinked.
In the case of Shape Shifter, the element that sucked me in was right there in the title. You play a non-human character who can polymorph from a tiger to a snake to a mouse. The tiger, we learn, is strong and good at combat, but also slow and obvious, thus inviting more encounters. The snake avoids most combat, the mouse almost all of it. I figured the game would feature some interesting puzzles and encounters that relied on the ability to shape-shift.
             The game opens with the player as a tiger.
            The manual establishes the land as Vor Terra. Creatures of Chaos are invading the world via a rift in the space-time continuum. To face the threat, Lord Drelx Axtvqar created the Absomal Fxile, a council of the most intelligent (which, ironically, the manual repeatedly spells as “intellegent”) creatures in the land. The Absomal Fxile sequestered itself in an impenetrable palace. “It is the goal of every living creature,” the manual offers, “to one day join rule with the Absomal Fxile,” whatever that means. To gain access to the palace, the character will need to significantly increase his knowledge and solve a variety of puzzles.
               I explore another part of the world as a snake.
          Character creation asks only for a name, after which the character begins in tiger form. Statistics are strength, knowledge, speed, and health. The numbers redistribute every time you change forms; for instance, the starting character has 55 strength and 25 speed as a tiger, 25 strength and 45 speed as a snake, and 20 strength and 55 speed as a mouse.
        Checking my statistics on a city street.
            As you explore the land, random encounters mess with your statistics. Angry gnats, chill winds, and snare traps sap your health. A “horrible darkness” decreases health and knowledge. The goddess Sona Luna might suddenly decide to increase your health and knowledge, or “friendly wicker people” might give you a boost to strength, speed, and knowledge. Two of the cities have temples to gods who alternately boost and decimate your statistics.
             A random event costs some health.
            There are also combat encounters, and here the developer shows something of Chuck Dougherty’s (Questron) inventiveness with monster names–if Dougherty had endeavored to make them all unpronounceable. You face off against Illio Mucks, Nubliagg Frimuth Teroptts, MetzoBraums, Altzo Mafts, and Thraxiax Runners, among others. You and they do an amount of damage determined by your speed and strength. You get “credits” with every victory.
           Combat is a rote exchange of blows with weird creatures.
          The game takes place on 9 adventure screens arranged 3 x 3. The palace is in the far northwest. There are five other cities and towns to enter, each consisting of a single street of structures. Some of them are random buildings that you can search and talk to the residents. Others are more classic RPG facilities like taverns, healers, temples, and shops selling potions that temporarily increase strength and speed. There are no explicit weapons or armor in the game.
An all-keyboard interface works reasonably well, with arrows for movement and the occasional use of easy-to-remember commands like (E)nter, (I)nventory, and (U)se. The screen shows your available options in special circumstances.
                  Getting a clue from a tavern patron.
              So far, none of this sounds too bad, but the game simply doesn’t add up to anything interesting or enjoyable. The world is extremely small, and you can explore the 9 screens and 5 cities and towns in significantly less than an hour. There are no puzzles in these locations. You have to acquire an inventory of artifact items, but you simply find them on your first search of the houses in which they’re secreted. (And in a bit of amateur programming, you keep finding them every time you search the houses, even if they’re already in your inventory.) There are also clues to find, but you get them by simply hitting T)alk in obvious locations.
              A magical ring just laying about in an abandoned house.
              Worse, there’s really no reason to use the titular shape-shifting ability. No puzzle or encounter requires you to be a particular animal. (I think there’s one tavern where they don’t talk to snakes, but that’s it.) You might want to swap out of tiger form to avoid combat, but combat is how you earn money, and as long as you replenish hit points by paying for healing, combat isn’t all that dangerous.
Over the course of the game, you learn that a key artifact–the Crystal Heart–is in a tower in the southwest part of the map. To enter the tower, you need three keys. Two of them are found in deterministic locations in cities, but the third appears as part of a random encounter in the wilderness, meaning you have to wander around until you get it. By then, you’ve probably assembled most of the other items and clues you need to solve the encounters in the palace. 
          Only one thing to do in the “tower.”
         You encounter one odd issue in that once you achieve a certain speed threshold–around 25–you successfully avoid all encounters. The problem is that a few key items and clues only appear with random encounters, so you can character-develop yourself out of victory unless you get lucky and pray to a god who takes umbrage and busts you back below the speed threshold.
                   One of the keys needed for the tower only appears as a random encounter.
         The hardest part of the game is finding the Fire Lizard’s Bladder that you need to–uck–eat to immunize yourself to a poison mist that surrounds the palace. It only shows up in random encounters, possibly after a certain knowledge threshold, and I began to despair that I would ever find it. I finally got it after wandering and fighting for about an hour.
Part of the endgame sequence involves dealing with Earth Demons . . . 
. . . and crossing a “Rainbow Bridge.”
               The endgame takes place at the palace, where you have to use all your artifacts in sequence. You eat the bladder to escape the mists. You use the “silk wings” to get over the wall. You use the Ring of Flame to destroy some Earth Demons. You use an Amulet of Knowledge to safely cross a Rainbow Bridge. You appease a guardian by giving him the Crystal Heart. Finally, you speak five words of entrance at the door to the Absomal Fxile. All of these solutions are provided in very straightforward clues throughout the game.
It would be easy to make a typo on this final screen.
         The final message tells you that you have achieved the honor of joining the Absomal Fxile, “the most prestigious council in the land.” A final victory screen precedes the DOS prompt.
             I can’t decide if it sounds more like a weapon or a tumor.
             With 1s and 2s across the board, Shape Shifter earns a 17 on the GIMLET. It’s ultimately too trite and unchallenging, and it fails to live up to the promise of its premise. 
The game’s author was Jeffrey P. Kintz of Waukegan, Illinois. (He goes by “J. Kintz” in all the documentation.) A 1999 biography indicates that Kintz was 19 when he wrote Shifter. He claims his primary inspirations as the Ultima series, Moebius (1985), and the adventure game Below the Root (1984), although it’s hard to see the influence of any of them in his own work.
Shifter was his second game; his first was a horror-themed adventure game called Dismal Passages (1992) in which a protagonist tries to avenge his family’s death by tracking down a wraith. Over the subsequent decade, he would churn out half a dozen games, including The Dark Convergence (1993) and its sequel (1994), Elkinloor (1995), a 1995 remake of Dismal Passages, Vor Terra (1996), Borderworld (1996), The Darkest Night (1997), Savage Future (1999), and Lost Infinity Part 1: Roquan’s Farewell (2001). All of them except Vor Terra seem to be adventure games, although some of them are set in the same world as Shape Shifter. Enough feature non-human protagonists that it seems to have been something of a thing with Kintz, and in his bio he brags about the appearance of several of his games in a “Furry Video Game Database.”
         A shot from Dismal Passages, which appears to have no character creation.
            He sometimes published under the label of Aries Software and sometimes Midlothian Software. Although there are signs that his games do get better, Kintz strikes me as one of those Ed-Woodish creators (see this entry for more on Wood and developers I associate with him) whose enthusiasm for making games far surpasses his skill. I tried to see what he’s been up to in the last couple decades, but my search led me down some weird paths perhaps best left undiscussed in case I accidentally picked up the trail of the wrong Jeff Kintz.
Apparently, registering Shifter got players a free copy of a sequel called The Sun Demon in which the character faced the origin of the Creatures of Chaos. I was unable to find an extant copy.
If nothing else, an independent one-and-done is a good way to build some momentum after a long break. We’ll continue with Fantasyland 2041 soon. For those of you wondering about The Magic Candle III, for some reason I was unable to muster any enthusiasm when I fired it up the other day. I figured I’d best table it for a while longer and play a few games that intrigue me more.
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/game-341-shape-shifter-1992/
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