#and of course this is by the same person that made inuyasha like what is up with these girls having horrible taste in men
oddmeu · 2 years
so i just watched the first ep of the urusei yatsura remake and that was probably the most annoying thing ive ever seen in my entire life
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shinidamachu · 8 months
CHAPTER TEN: Can I Have This Dance?
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SUMMARY: “and I’d choose you. In a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.” – Kiersten White. For each chapter, a prompt from the One Hundred Ways to Say I Love You list. WORDS: 1.570 GENRE: fluff FANDOM: Inukag FORMAT: multichapter ALSO FOUND ON: AO3
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Kagome was many, many things. That much, Inuyasha knew.
Impossibly kind, of course, was one of them. 
He had heard of kindness before, even held it for a while, back when he didn’t know just how easily it could slip through his fingers. Then he grew to learn he wasn’t worthy of it and figured if he didn’t deserve it, neither did everyone else.
Kagome, however, had different ideas. Her kindness was a miracle thrusted upon a non believer. He dared not to pray for it, mocked the ones who had faith such a thing even existed, but experiencing it firsthand still brought him to his knees at the end of the day. To share her generosity with the world so freely was bold, if a little naive. To share her generosity with the likes of him? It was nothing short of incredible.
Add courageous to the list. Kagome was so, so brave, it surprised and scared him in the very same amount. It was a strange balance between reverent pride and inadequate fright, because she was his to protect and yet not his at all.
She was smart, too. Or at least one might say she was. Inuyasha wouldn’t. A smart girl would have left long ago without thinking twice when he offered the chance. A smart girl wouldn’t keep on coming back. And he could have never, ever blamed her for it.
Gorgeous. There was no denying that she was. Even though, for reasons Inuyasha wasn’t quite ready to explore, he couldn’t help but deny it, especially to himself.
And sure, after a lot of practice — and a whole lot of failure — the girl became a formidable fighter with a bow on her hand and some arrows in her quiver.
Yes, Kagome was many, many things. 
But she wasn’t at all graceful. In fact, Kagome was the type of person to stumble over her own two left feet. On flat surfaces. Constantly.
Then why couldn’t he take his eyes off of her? Why were they so obstinate on following her every fumbling move as she danced — tried to dance — with the villagers in this silly little festival of theirs?
If Inuyasha had it his way, they would never have stopped for that sort of useless distraction, not when they were in the middle of a world changing quest. Staying put did nothing to nudge them towards their goal, nor did it soothe that feeling inside, urging him to keep going, reminding him that he wasn’t allowed to waste time, that the enjoyment of the simplest things caused a false sense of security he couldn’t afford, a happiness he wasn’t permitted.
Besides, bad things always seemed to happen whenever he decided to stay around humans — other than his own — for too long. Still, it was four against one. Again. And Inuyasha had to admit: the prospect of warm, seasoned food wasn’t exactly unappealing.
The village was an explosion of vibrant colors, cheerful sounds and appetizing smells. Inuyasha didn’t know or cared about what there was to celebrate. The plan was short and clear. Eat. Get some rest. Then leave at first light.
That was until Kagome thought it was a good idea to drag Shippo to the direction where the music was coming from.
To Inuyasha’s surprise, not a single nose twitched. Nobody screamed obscenities or ran for the hills. Shippo’s presence was welcomed into the dancing crowd like he was just another person. Like it didn’t matter who he was, what he was.
But Inuyasha remained grounded. 
He had made that mistake once or twice: letting his guard down, thinking it might be different this time around, only to pay the price at the end. 
Although Shippo was a demon, a seemingly inoffensive kid didn’t pose as much of a threat as Inuyasha, with his sharp claws and fangs. The best course of action was to not push his luck and keep a low profile. That way, they could co-exist in relative peace.
Worst case scenario he would get to watch while Kagome danced.
He smirked.
Her unusual clothes made her stand out in an almost comical manner, but Inuyasha had no doubt he’d recognize her anywhere, anytime, even if they didn’t give her away. 
There were flowers all over Kagome’s wild hair, their soft shades contrasting with her dark onyx. She was doing her best to keep up and, ever the fast learner, was struggling considerably less to do so now than at the beginning. Barefoot, Kagome would laugh at any missed steps and fall right back in the rhythm, delighted to merely be there, trying.
It was a sight to behold, the way she inadvertently brightened the entire place, the way she captured the attention of everyone present without even meaning to.
“Enjoying the view, I see.”
“Fuck off,” Inuyasha replied, pushing Miroku’s suggestive face away, promptly returning his gaze to Kagome.
Their eyes locked and she smiled, enthusiastically waving for him to join her. Inuyasha refused the offer with a shake of head that held more politeness than he usually would care to show for anyone else, flattered that she’d even thought to ask.
Kagome rolled her eyes good-naturedly and went back to dancing, knowing him too well to act surprised.
“It’s not chivalrous to deny a dance to a lady.”
“Good ‘cause I ain’t no gentleman.”
“Just dance with her already. You know you want to.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Leave him alone, Monk,” Sango finally chimed in, “he obviously doesn’t have the guts.”
Inuyasha scowled at her, coming dangerously close to taking the bait, but recognized it for what it was in time.
“This isn’t gonna work, ya know?”
“Well, then maybe this will.”
Sango pushed him and suddenly Inuyasha found himself surrounded by swirling villagers. His brain went into overload, desperate to decide what would be less mortifying: slowly retreating and giving Sango the satisfaction of calling him a coward or… dancing.
That’s when Kagome saw him — her contagious smile growing into a full beam — and reached for him. So he opted for what felt right, for what felt natural.
He went to her.
Inuyasha was painfully aware of how stupid he looked. How was it possible to feel more comfortable fighting demons twice his size than following a goddamn choreography?
Against all odds, he persisted, determined to cross the distance between them. Only every time they got close, the steps demanded them to move in opposite directions.
A lot of clapping, swinging and twisting later, Inuyasha was at the verge of giving up when, by some miracle, they got face to face. His excitement lasted all of the two seconds it took for the music to end and the crowd to disperse. They stood there, a tad bit breathless, a tad bit awkward. Inuyasha scratched his head while she blushed, both avoiding eye contact at any costs. Kagome mumbled something about finding Shippo and left him wondering if she was as disappointed as he felt.
Everything went smoothly and uneventfully from there. Miroku and Sango had the decency to keep their mouths shut and the food was, indeed, fantastic. They set camp on the outskirts of the village — there were no huts available, so Miroku didn’t even try to pretend that granting them the Shogun’s quarters was essential to eradicate the supposedly great evil that lurked the area — and bathed on the nearby river, where Inuyasha was headed.
His friends had turned in for the night, but sleep evaded him. Every time he closed his eyes, Kagome was there, dancing like a dream: beautiful and just out of his reach. His mind made a point out of burning the images to memory and replaying them in the sweetest kind of torture.
He was filling Kagome’s canteens with water, figuring it would be wise to use his restlessness to get at least one chore out of the way come morning, when his ears twitched at the unmistakable sound of her approach.
“Hey! Watcha doin’ up?”
“I could ask you the same question.”
“Is that so?” He didn’t reply, so after a pause she continued, “I had fun earlier.”
“Yeah, I know.” Inuyasha cleared his throat, then confessed, “me too.” Even though I’m not supposed to, he mentally added.
“Can I have this dance?”
That caught him completely off guard. Inuyasha genuinely thought their chance had passed. 
Kagome took the canteen out of his grasp and put it safely on the ground, his heart lapping furiously at the accidental brush the gesture caused. She reached her hand again, the same way she did before, waiting for his answer.
Inuyasha tilted his head.
“There’s no music.”
“I don’t mind, I just… I wanted to dance with you today.”
It was all he needed to hear in order to get up and take her warm hand with his cold, wet one, watching as she ever so gently interlocked their fingers without seeming to care.
They looked at each other, their noses nearly touching until Kagome set the pace, using their connected hands to spin herself away from him only to then step back into his hold, her cheeks now against his chest, her other palm resting on his shoulder. Inuyasha snaked an arm around her waist and they swayed in place under the moonlight.
It was nothing like the gleeful moves from the villagers, but in that stolen moment, Inuyasha swore. 
He could hear music.
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A/N.: written for @inuvember and dedicated to @goshinote as a very belated birthday gift. This was heavily inspired by that one scene in Tangled, with a touch of Delena at the end. Hope you guys enjoy.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
*does something to the irminsul tree* wdym?? no one knows who candle anon is--
that aside, more on to this idea but very different(?? random thought entered rn):
time traveller (not by choice) alhaitham hopping from one decade to the next and demon/immortal reader watching all that shit to happen.
alhaitham, pops out of nowhere during 2022:
reader, pausing from doing a tiktok: aww not this bitch again.
literal chaos, idk how to pull this off with yanderes (im no expert) but imagine alhaitham using reader's loneliness to make them emotionally dependent on him + the distance/absence makes the heart yearn for more idk man lol + alhaitham only using reader for his convenience
- 🕯 havent done her assignments yet
Dang, you a Scaramouche kinnie fr fr
Reader: *renegading* aww yee.
Alhaitham: I'd like to remind you about your car's extended warranty–
Reader: What the– you again?! Give it a rest buddy!–
Okay but fr, idk inuyasha but yandere time traveling!alhaitham is a fun concept with a demon!reader. I'm gonna make sht up since I've never watched the show completely so this is gonna be different from InuYasha
Yan!Alhaitham who made a deal with the demon!reader: he gets time traveling to complete his linguistics thesis about King Deshret while the reader gets to have his "heart".
Alhaitham trusts in his abilities as a scholar, hence, he didn't directly ask a cheat code for an early graduation. Plus, he thinks time traveling is far more useful in the longterm.
You often joked that he should've taken the easy route cause you would've asked him for his fingernails instead– albeit you'd likely draw it out of him in a more torturous and sadistic manner– but it's a lot less permanent than a heart, right?
Alhaitham chuckled.
He found you funny. It should be concerning that the only person that could make him chuckle is a demon, but he had been dubbed a lunatic several times that this fact did not faze him.
You dangled around the roof of his house whenever no one is looking. You'd ask for some daily commodities like apples– but never beans. Sometimes, your requests for the mundane makes him forget that you're not human. Sometimes, the smile you give him makes him slyly cover the blush in his face with a solemn cough.
Sometimes, the way you listen to him talk about his dreams makes him forget that you're only after one thing.
Still, the dire consequence attached when trading your heart away is that you'll become permanently apathetic. He wouldn't be able to feel anything unless he is close to the demon that acquired his heart.
That... And he's technically corrupted by forbidden knowledge.
Yan!Alhaitham completes his thesis, got full marks, and the deal was done. Demon!reader leaves him immediately, cackling as they thank the foolish mortal for even giving them something as vital as his heart.
He couldn't smell flowers anymore.
He couldn't taste food anymore.
He feels sick... But isn't at the same time.
His vision is grey. His tone is dull. His emotional reactions are timed and fake.
But he's efficient.
That's what mattered to him. Efficiency.
At least, it did.
After the archon quests, he decided to take a vacation. He leaves a note, saying something along the lines of "Alhaitham has passed away." in his desk for Kaveh to find before moving on.
He conjures up a portal somewhere 50 years down the line.
Then he felt it.
A heartbeat.
He looked around frantically– Alhaitham hasn't panicked this much in YEARS– his feet immediately scurried to find the source.
Alhaitham stops in his tracks as he saw you smiling at Aether, holding a bouquet of white roses with you. Of course, he expected to see the traveler alive and well for they've always been immortal– but what left him gawking was the glint in his hand.
The metallic glint on both of your ring fingers.
Alhaitham shook from where he stood.
King Deshret's voice echoed through his mind.
"The heart has its reasons which reason knows not."
and you'll find out soon what his recaptured emotions will flood back.
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shiverandqueeef · 10 months
dipping my toes into the alex rider fandom bc i like the actor who plays yassen in the tv show, and of course there is a significant contingent of fandom who ship yassen and alex. i expected that just based on the book series' target age demographic, along with the particular dynamic between the characters (not quite allies not quite enemies a secret history tying them together, he's a cold-blooded killer who makes exceptions for alex because alex is special. that shit is what teenage fanfiction dreams are made of).
there is also a not-insignificant pushback against shipping an adult and 14 year old. Makes sense! I get it. but the thing is. having only spent a day or two in the alex rider tag i can already say with confidence that the overwhelming majority of yalex fans are themselves roughly the same age as alex rider. It's a fandom that skews young. and when it comes to engaging with fiction as a young person, it's normal for teens to use characters their own age with whom they can identify as a method of exploring their own sexuality. imagining and writing about romantic and/or sexual scenarios between a character close to your own age and an older character you find attractive is pretty standard stuff.
the very first fanfiction i ever posted? rin/sesshomaru from inuyasha. for context if you aren't familiar with the show: rin's exact age is not given, but she is very clearly a child. sesshomaru is not only an adult but also her father figure. at the time i was writing fanfic of them falling in love, i was around 12. i romanticized the idea of a girl my own age being the most important person in the world to a handsome mysterious character i had a crush on. and it was fine. I wasn't an adult fantasizing about children, I wasn't supporting grooming or influencing anyone into thinking children and adults being "in love" irl is in any way okay. I was a kid trying to figure out why i was suddenly feeling nervous and shy around boys when just a year ago i didn't care about them one way or the other. and using these two fictional characters with a dynamic that appealed to me (morally ambiguous man who doesn't care about anyone or anything except for this one girl he protects and loves seemingly despite himself because she's special) was a perfectly healthy outlet for me to imagine what it would be like to hold hands or kiss someone i liked.
Obviously now as an adult, the idea of shipping rin/sesshomaru has zero appeal, and the fact that canonically they do end up in a romantic relationship when she's older quite frankly skeeves me the fuck out. but i just didn't see it that way as a kid, because of course I didn't.
I keep thinking about 12 year old me, in the early stages of discovering her own sexuality, and how upsetting it would have been to receive online harassment for trying to explore it within the safety of fiction. And while 12 is younger than what i would put the average yalex fan at - probably between 14 and 19 - the principle is the same, only with more explicit content than the hand-holding stage i was at as a 12 year old.
anyways. all im saying is maybe try to understand why a fandom comprised of mostly under 18 year old girls would be invested in writing/reading stories exploring their sexual and/or romantic fantasies using fictional characters as surrogates, alex and yassen in particular; a morally ambiguous man who doesn't care about anyone or anything except for this one boy he protects and loves seemingly despite himself because he's special.
maybe don't blame them for the existence of pedophilia (maybe that's something you should blame on pedophiles). and actually you know what maybe stop condescending to teenagers as though they aren't capable of discerning reality from fiction and understanding the nature of their own fantasies. maybe just leave them be and blacklist the appropriate tags so you don't have to see anything you don't want to.
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grayluforever · 3 months
The post that was rebloged yesterday reminded me of something I forgot.
Kagome fans often say to the antis that “Sunrise destroyed Kagome’s character. Read the manga! She’s different!” This is one of the most annoying things I read to defend this bland character.  The only thing Kagome has changed is her temperament. In the Manga, she actually has a lower temperament than in the anime. Of course there is less “sit boy” too, but she abuses her power over him when it comes to her hurt feelings. 
So what if she has a lower temperament in the manga since that’s the only trait that has changed in her personality. Her dialogues, her scenes with Inuyasha, her personality is the same as in the original.
A lower temperament will not make me like her. I hated her to core literally to core. I have to admit that I owe such a strong hatred towards her to her fans. They have made my hatred of Kagome to this day.
I really think this line of defense is as pathetic as about  is for her age. Yes, I find it pathetic!
Really Kagome fans have nothing to complain about.Sunrise portrayed Kagome as a sweet, innocent, disinterested attitude. I’ll say it. Sunrise hates Kikyou and favors Kagome.
Sunrise literally changed everything about Kikyou, her personality, her dialogues,  InuKik scenes. 
Literally everything! Sunrise is biased about Kikyou and you can see that they hate her and make Kagome their best and Kikyou is depicted as “cold bitch" as if she doesn’t care about InuYasha and her relationship.
Anime didn’t stop me from loving her. I love the Kikyou manga version and its anime counterpart, however many people consider her a terrible character, it is not surprising because ANIME presented Kikyou in the worst light. It should be so. Kikyou would be hated and loved by Kagome. They succeeded. “Congratulations Sunrise”. These are my conclusions and first thoughts after reading the manga many years ago after watching the anime.
All I can tell you is this.
"It is Kikyou fans who have a greater right to complain about what Sunrise did to the Kikyou character! AND INUKIK SCENES” 
Really in the manga, Kikyou shows concern for Inuyasha and Inuyasha shows concern for Kikyou. Their love is clearly shown in the manga when the feeling is not shown in the anime. Inuyasha looks at her with pity and Kikyou doesn’t seem to care about Inuyasha’s feelings either, but that has all been changed.
Kikyou never shouted at Inuyasha Kikyou didn’t look at him coldly and indifferently Kikyou never took the InuYasha knife out Inuyasha never made Kikyou hug him. Kikyou never shot Kagome’s arrow to take her shikon no tama. 
That’s not all I have mentioned from here. I noticed that Sunrise left scenes where Kikyou was behaving like in the manga (Scene from Tsubaki) - I mean cold and hateful as if she didn’t care about anyone.
After reading the manga, it’s easy to tell who Sunrise changed and they hates. They LOVE Kagome and HATE KIKYOU.
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moonandwind · 1 year
SessRinners still have the nerve to claim that we like Kagura only because of the ship with Sesshomaru... 😳
I’m not joking they really said this!!! Them, who do nothing but praise Rin for being Sesshomaru’s wife, ALL THE TIME!!! 😳 Them, who mention Rin 99% of the time only for her relationship with Sesshomaru!!! Them, who always used this little girl as a self-insert. But even if I use Kagura only as a self-insert, and it's not completely true, you see it as a negative thing when you do the EXACT SAME thing with Rin???
But arguably the most embarrassing level they reach is when they accuse us of not being true Kagura’s fans because we don't understand what she needs and she wants. 🤡 No matter how many times you show them the manga pages where Kagura wants to see Sesshomaru again and dies with a smile because she got to see him one last time, still they insist that Kagura only wanted freedom and not a man by her side. It’s exactly because I find Kagura an interesting character, and her ending broke my heart, that I wanted her to live! If I’d have liked to see more of Kagura, alive, free, happy and *why not* even in a romantic relationship, it means I’m not a true fan??? 🥴 They insist that death was her only destiny and then they are the same ones who keep asking for Rin to be made immortal. Do you know that the destiny of human beings is to die? 🤡 As if Rin didn't die and revived 2 times, so nothing is impossible in the Inuyasha universe, yeah it’s also possible for the main villain’s incarnations to survive as it happened in the trashy sequel with Riku!
I've never seen such a hypocritical fandom that even pretends that they give a damn about Kagura but, at the same time, they try to convince everyone that Kagura’s destiny was right. 💀
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To me, these pages of the manga are CLEAR on the fact that Kagura wasn't just looking for freedom. 🤷‍♀️ Of course it was her main goal, but for me Kagura also wanted to be LOVED or at least feel that someone cared about her. But if we take her words "I got to see YOU" into consideration, it hints that the person she wanted next to her was specifically Sesshomaru and not anyone else.
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thebrisingamen · 8 months
ESCAFLOWNE VOICE MEME; Read More for anyone who hasn't watched the series. Tons of spoilers ahead, you've been warned.
Introduce yourself! When did you first watch Escaflowne? What brought you into the fold?  Hi, I'm Norse, an internet Elder. My Uncle knew I liked anime from my watching Inuyasha, and he would buy me and my cousins birthday/Christmas presents. He, however, never asked what anime I liked lol. He picked up the Fox VHS tapes and I watched them so much my father started quoting parts of them and the tapes had lines in them. Nothing else truly compared to this story before or since in anime, especially in other Isekai stories; no other story genuinely gives me a feeling that this IS another world; there's no overpowered protagonist, just a teenage girl and the worst powers to have during wartime.
Who is your favorite character and why? Was it love at first sight?  Has any of their qualities or quirks swayed you on characters in other series?  I like a lot of characters in the series, however, my psychotic boy Dilandau is probably my favorite. On the surface, he is just an insane, pyromaniac child soldier but there is SO MUCH to unpack with his character. Not only is he unstable and insane, when we get the reveal that Dilandau was/is a manipulation of Celena, it's very interesting. How many children were just like him in the Empire? He can't possibly have been the only "success" in the Empire. Aside from Celena, does he have any false memories implanted in him? Was his personality chosen for him or was in the influence of all the manipulation on his body and fate? With the Dragonslayers added in, are all of them also the same age as their commander? Does Zaibach regularly have child soldiers? He's just such a fascinating character to me, in these regards. I wish the transformation between Celena/Dilandau wasn't so thorough, though. Like that there were still some remnants of the Dilandau personality in her. Second favorite character is Folken, solely because of Paul Dobson voicing him, but his personality is also pretty interesting to me. As far as other characters, nah, I tend to like these psychos often, they just seem like they're fun.
Which side are you on? What do you think happens Post-Hitomi when she leaves? Who do you think will be the next opposing power?  I think the show does a good job of showing us that there are no good or bad sides; even Zaibach only started conquering because their new leader gave them the knowledge and power to defend themselves at first and they lived in a barren wasteland. I am on Fanelia's side, however and I hope that they are able to restore their Capital City in full and that everyone is able to reach a tenable peace I think a lot of peace talks and treaties and marriages of political convenience end up happening between several of the allied countries and that there will be a pause in the conflict; Zaibach will more than likely pull back and maybe crumble from the loss of leadership and the split in power. Though they were wiped out militarily; I can't imagine General Adelphos spending funds on the Sorcerers anymore. I forsee similar issues that plagued Europe in our history happening to the world of Gaea, but I think that the next opposing power will likely be Basram or Zaibach, potentially Asturia if their influence reaches over to Zaibach.
Least favorite plot point? Was there something you think should have changed? What do you think would have made it better.  I hate the love triangle here, as per usual. It makes sense and removing it would be bad because it is critical for our characters' growth, but I still hate the Allen/Hitomi interactions near the later half of the series solely because its there ONLY to delay Van/Hitomi. Which is the point, of course. I also really don't like the REVEAL that 'GASP' Emperor Dornkirk was...SIR ISSAC NEWTON?? All along??/ Like bitch how'd you fuckin' SURVIVE that long.
OTP? What kind of art and fiction would you like to see? What are some head canons you have for them? What is you NoTP OTP; Van/Hitomi; I think their romance is well developed and I like them. They definitely have more of an equal footing with one another and support one another, with believable roadblocks. SOMEONE PLEASE DRAW THEM KISSING WE NEVER GET IT IN THE SERIES. As for fan pairings, I actually liked Folken/Dilandau before some reveals, but honestly Folken getting TWO partners is pretty funny for me, even if it's in the afterlife. NOTP: Allen/Millerna or Allen/Hitomi; gross, he's SO MUCH older than both of them. Dilandau/Van is also a big No from me.
What would you like to see in a figurativ remake/sequel? Would you include more minor characters? Would you want a whole new story that could be a stand alone?  Honestly, I'd love a stand alone or if it's a sequel series, mostly focusing on the internal politics of Gaea. Possible focus on Merle, Chid and maybe Dryden and Millerna. Or maybe just references too them, I have questions about the world but I'd like to leave the main story alone.
Movie, Series, Game, or Manga preference? What are things you did/didnt like of each?  Series; The manga is awful and the movie is wildly different from the series. I'm most familiar with the series.
Do your favorite impression! Bonus points if you can do a conversation with a scene cut in! LORD VAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!
What do you think about the idea of a re-dub? What are your feelings about the current cast selection for Van (and others if more are introduced)?   Well since we had the Funimation re-release at the time of doing this, I think a new dub really forgot the deeper charms of the original dub; there's no depth of feeling to most of the voices and the acting feels phoned in, not to mention that several of the characters that are supposed to have a commanding presence and deeper voices don't, and it sounds the same as all current Funimation voice work...Awful and Samey. I find that Aaron Dismuke was actually a good choice for Van, same with Alexis Tipton for Merle, as while Aaron gave a slightly different flavor for Van it was still a good portrayal, and Merle seems to be an easy character for VAs to portray. However, once again Funi ruins things by casting Vic Mignonana (idc how to spell his last name) as Folken, like are you SERIOUS? He can't compare to either Paul Dobson OR Jōji Nakata in terms of rich toned voice, or a commanding sort of voice at all. And my boy, Dilandau, is ruined. My poor little meow meow isn't psychotic enough, isn't funny enough and isn't threatening enough. Joel MacDonald sounds exactly like 30-year-old man reading for a teenager and doesn't understand Dilandau's character at all, even on basic level. Bring back Andrew Francis. Basically the Ocean Dub is superior, if you're gonna watch in dubs imo. I prefer the sub just because Maaya Sakamoto as Hitomi is just BETTER than either English VA imo and both English VAs made me actively hate her for a lonnnng time. But if I watch in Dub its gonna be Ocean Dub.
Recite your top five characters by name.  Dilandau, Folken, Van, Hitomi and Dryden
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shikonstar · 1 year
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A little something from an upcoming chapter of The Fixer!
Professional relationship guru and relationship fixer Kagome Higurashi is at the peak of her game, but everything threatens to come crashing down when she runs into an old flame. What’s worse than setting up the love of your life with someone else?
Having to do it twice.
The afternoon sun warmed her shoulders through her belted silk dress, the bright rays glinting off the glass of her strawberry daiquiri. She quietly regarded Inuyasha as he sat across the table from her, fidgeting with his napkin. Clearly, he was thinking of something he wanted to say. She tried not to get her hopes up too high, but he had been the one to suggest lunch at this cute little bistro rather than a fast food place. After he had opened his mouth and closed it for the second time, she gave him an encouraging smile. 
“Kagome, I’ve been doing a lot of thinkin’ since we reconnected, and there’s somethin’ I wanna ask you,” he said, a look of fierce determination sharpening his features. 
Kagome sat up straighter, mentally sending up a prayer that no waiter would come by to interrupt them. 
“I want to hire you--I want you to help me get Kikyo back.”
This wasn't a date.
It was a business lunch.
Professional smile firmly in place, Kagome folded up her emotions with Marie Kondo-like precision. Painfully sharp creases created a tight little bundle for her to tuck away in her mental closet, back in the section devoted to storing items that would never see the occasion for which they had been intended. 
“Is she still single? And do you think you'll be able to maintain a relationship this time?”
As far as she knew, Inuyasha and Kikyo hadn't been together for a couple of years, with misunderstandings and conflicting life goals making for tumultuous times even before the separation. Not that she personally knew all of the details. She didn't want to know, and mutual friends knew better than to pass the information along. Still, it was only her job to get them together--anything after that was on them. She hoped, for both of their sakes, that they either learned better communications skills or opened up to the possibility of couples therapy. Of course, there was also the chance that Kikyo had decided that they just weren't suited for that type of relationship, in which case Kagome would be going through all of this for nothing. At least the first time, she had been able to console herself with the fact she had made them happy.
“Not as far as I know. And I think I've grown up enough not to keep making the same mistakes.”
Kagome had to bite her lip at that. Clearly not, but that wasn't any of her business. And that's exactly what this was; business. She wasn't foolish enough to think she would come out of this unscathed. Oh, no. There were too many memories, too many repressed feelings for that. All that could come of this was a few crumbs on her tongue before the feast was served to someone else. 
She would do it.
For him.
Even for Kikyo, if it would truly make her happy.
But she would be damned if she wasn't paid for it.
Kagome slid her phone from her purse, quickly locating the correct agreement forms and calculating the price. Once it was set, she sent it to him.
“Twenty percent up front, the rest when the job is complete,” she said briskly, watching his face go from curious to shocked as he reached the price. She would feel bad if she didn't know he could easily afford it. 
“Holy crap! Are you serious?” He snapped, tilting his screen as if a few zeroes might fall off. 
“Isn't she worth it?” Kagome asked, taking a sip from her daiquiri. She was greatly regretting the lack of alcohol. 
There was a slight hesitation on Inuyasha’s part. “Yeah,” he said, then gave a harsh shake at the weakness in his voice. “Of course she is,” he continued more firmly. “But that doesn't mean that you can just--”
“You're in business, Inuyasha. You know that the price of a product or service has to cover the costs.” Kagome shifted her eyes from his, already feeling the old patch job on her heart starting to unravel, exposing the rawness beneath. With a calming breath, she turned back to face him, her lips quirked in a rueful smile.
“You have no idea how much this is going to cost me.”
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
Eun-jeong Yoo, Ryuunosuke Yamamoto, Gavin Byrne with an artist reader who uses them as inspiration in his art.
a/n: thank you so much for the request! just wanted to warn everyone that most of this is gender neutral except the last one with gavin where i use male pronouns/boyfriend to refer to his darling. i did it just cus anon asked for it. hope you guys like and enjoy!
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eun-jeong yoo ★ profile
I feel like I mention this a lot when I write about Eun-jeong but he's very insecure about a lot of things all the time. It’s not about his appearance though (excluding his burn scars) but more about what kind of person he is. 
Sometimes, his biggest fear is that he looks the same outside as he does inside. 
He’s a very lucid yandere where he understands that this obsession inside of him is dark and all consuming, that it’s very disturbing. He knows his urge to hide you away from the world is both good (because it’s to protect you) but also bad (because he doesn’t care about how much it’ll warp you in the end). 
That being said, the worst part of it all is the fact that he knows he’s being selfish. That the way he covets you despite understanding that being around him also ruins you. 
So, the fact that you can look at him and find something worthwhile, something gorgeous and artistic? It brings him to his knees.
If you draw him or paint him or sketch him and show him, he won’t know what to say. He’ll be flustered, of course, but the words to describe the feelings your drawing evokes don’t exist.
It would probably be some picture of him sitting by a window sill or hunkered over his desk doing paperwork; it’s something mundane and ordinary. Maybe you even drew him looking at you in that way he always does.
To him, he’s some ugly piece of shit. In your drawing, he looks so so beautiful. In his drawing, he looks ethereal as the light from the window shines on him. In your painting, he looks handsome in the dim fluorescent lights. In your sketch, he looks at you with adoration, his eyes soft and kind and gentle.
You show him a side of himself he’d never seen in any mirror and it both breaks and puts his heart together. You’re an angel bringing him salvation.
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ryuunosuke yamamoto ★ profile
Ryuu is an artist himself so he understands the struggle of finding inspiration!
He’s never been consistent about creating. He’s always gone through phases where he doesn’t draw at all before suddenly having the urge to draw everything all at once, only to then finish nothing because he can’t find it in himself to pick up a stylus.
He draws anime style. Very manga-esque, very early Japanese animation kind of deal. His art style is very much inspired by original Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, Yuyu Hakusho, Tokyo Mew mew, etc. Growing up with all of that stuff made him wish he could create an anime or a manga that instilled in others the feelings those series instilled in him.
They made him feel not alone. They made him feel like he could conquer the world, that he could grow up and do whatever the hell he wanted to do because Sailor Moon could do it, because Ichigo could do it, because Urameshi didn’t give a shit about anyone else’s opinions and he could do it; so why couldn’t Ryuu?
Of course, that opinion very much got crushed as he grew up and realised that the world wasn’t as full of potential as he thought it was.
Which is why he finds it so baffling that you find inspiration in him, that out of all the people and things in the world, he specifically fills you with passion to do art. He was a nobody who trafficked drugs and ice cream, what about him was so wonderful.
Still, he’d encourage you. He wouldn’t be able to understand, of course, but that doesn’t stop him from finding beauty in your art. Sometimes, he’d look at the way you draw him, without the things he uses to cover up, just him in his most natural state, and wonder how you could make a monster like him look like a masterpiece.
He knows himself that artists always instil a lot of love into their artwork at the thought of you loving him so much that you exert effort and patience and time to draw him or paint him or sculpt him makes him fall even more in love with you.
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gavin byrne ★ profile
Unlike the other two, Gavin isn’t surprised. He subscribes to the belief that there’s a higher power out there. Maybe not God (cus the Christians have ruined that for him completely) but there had to be some sort of fate, something that meant there was more to the world than just pure randomness.
After all, something had to bring you to him or him to you, right? You’re so perfect for him, so wonderful, his twin flame, his soulmate, the other half to his heart; there’s no way that was mere coincidence, right? 
So, of course he’s not surprised. You’re his muse after all. Something about you sitting pretty, doing ordinary mundane things, maybe even just breathing, brought passion to his chest and energy to his fingertips.
If he felt that way about you, if you could inspire so much love and adoration and creativity in him, why wouldn’t he do the same to you? In fact, if Gavin is with an artist, he pretty much expects it. After all, if you love him like you said you do, he’d definitely have to illicit the same emotions in you as you do in him.
The fact that he expects it doesn’t make it any less awe inspiring though. He’d look at every single piece of art you make as if God himself placed it with his giant glowing hand into Gavin’s hands. 
(Which, honestly, is accurate because, if Gavin didn’t know any better, he’d claim you were some higher being blessing him yourself)
Also, he’d totally collect every scrap he can get his grubby hands on. Like, yes, all of the yanderes would do the same but Gavin does it to an insane degree. He’d collect all of them and *gasp* display it at the tattoo shop for all to see. 
If you go in there when he’s tattooing a client, you’ll hear him babbling nonsense about your art. Something like:
Did you see that sketch of me? Yeah, it’s on a Chipotle napkin but it’s a fucking work of art, I swear. Yeah, my boyfriend did it. Yeah, he does that a lot. Why did I frame it? What do you mean why, it’s literally a masterpiece.It’s very embarrassing but it’s him and you loved him enough to memorise how to draw his hair, his freckles, the specific way his nose swoops, the way his eyes narrow, the way his lips quirk. How could he not be obsessed with the way you give your love physical form?
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legofanguy1999 · 8 months
This is a entry for day 12 of @inuvember event Inuvember 2023 featuring the Band of Seven. The story is actually set in my One Piece fan fiction series that I uploaded on DeviantArt called One Piece Voyages, which is a retelling of the One Piece manga, which mostly followed the same story with some changes. I planned to feature One Piece AU version of some Inuyasha characters in my telling of the Wano arc, so I made the Band of Seven appear as members of the Blackbeard Pirates as a sneak peek. This story covered the Band of Seven origins and leaving Wano.
We were each simple warriors with great bloodlust in a land that was dying because our shogun don’t give a damn about us. It can be hard to control our desire for battle in our island home of Wano, and we often leave very few survivors. Of course, I rarely attack the Animal Kingdom Pirates that worked with Orochi. Over time, I hear bout the others and decide to investigate, and most of us have the same idea when they hear about each other and me.
Near the ruins of a old castle, we meet other and we see each of us men is a bit odd but deadly in their own rights. Renkotu is a master of pyrotechnics, but he let his greed get to him having a gambling habit that lead him to be a freelance murderer. Jakobson is a cross dresser and a bit dumb while he can be deadly with his sword Jakotstuo. The horrors of what happening to our home cause Suikotsu have two different personalities with one of them being a doctor whose is useless in battle and the other is a complete mad man with a desire for blood. Ginkotsu have lost many limbs in battles that we were surprised that he is still alive somehow when he look more like a zombie. Renkotu would later replace those missing limbs with metal. Mukotsu is very old and wanted a wife but he show to be skilled with poisons. Kyokotsu is unbelievable huge due to eating one of those cursed fruits but it made him unable to swim. Finally, there is me, Bankotsu, the younger of us, and I was a good planner which the others clearly lack.
We decided to band together to form a group of merchants with me as the leader, and we called ourselves the Shichinitai, or Band of Seven. We were quite a terror in Wano that the shogun call on the aid of Kaido to stop us. We have to flee from that dragon, and we took a ship to get far away from Kaido, even leave Wano behind. The winds took us to a Marine base, where he attack just because they dare try to take away our weapons. At least we managed to get something to eat there. However, one of their admirals come and defeat us, arresting us. With a quick trial because they were more focused on revolutions and pirates, they set us to the bottom floor of that hellhole until you break us out.
Bankotsu finish his story to Blackbeard as the Blackbeard Pirates and the Band of Seven rest in a volcanic island, with Blackbeard said, “Yes, our ship almost break, but it look like I made the right choice of recruiting all seven of you. We need warriors of Wano if I’m going to be King of the Pirates.” One of the Blackbeard Pirates ask his captain, “Do we have to teach how to be sailors if they going to joined our crew? Beside, we need a better ship.” Blackbeard said, “Yeah, you are right. That is why I’m hoping that this trade goes off with a hutch.” He then ask the tired up woman and his pirate crew whose the Band of Seven deal with, “Am I right, Jewelry Bonney? I hope that trading a infamous pirate like you will make the Marines give us one of their ships. Beside, you are not fit in the New World like I have.” Blackbeard then think and said, “Come to think of you, all of us need to be ready for the New World. I’m thinking of finding devil fruits for all of you.”
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ardathksheyna · 8 months
I've Quietly Quit Fate Grand Order
I started the Halloween Event thinking that I'd be able to finish, but then of course, my brain got distracted—clothing simulation in Blender using genuine sewing patterns, and oh boy how well that works—so well that I actually want to write a tutorial on it—but that's for another time.
The fact that I was that quickly diverted kind of said it all. Somewhere around between the Lostbelt 6 conclusion and this year's Summer Event, I got burned out. Why? I have no idea, but it's probably a combination of factors:
One: Spare time.
Most of my free time is spent in Blender making shit, and that's what I'd rather be doing.
Two: Repetitiveness.
Since I started playing five years ago, the game has gotten too repetitive—particularly in the amount of farming you have to do to level up your Servants.
Three: Gacha+money.
I had a good run of luck (some of it unwanted) over the course of the last two years. Most of that was due to being able to predict within two or three rolls whether or not I'd get the pickup Servant by rolling in the Friends Points gacha, watching for three- or the occasional four-star (namely Artoria Lily—the pity system was introduced before Habetrot was added) Servant. Unfortunately, that changed with the introduction of the pity system.
What's worse—maybe this has always been a thing—but it seems like it's harder to nab a limited-time four-star than it is to get the five-star pickup on the same banner. Recent example: rolled for Zenobia, got Molay instead (didn't really want her but okay). Also, gacha luck for five-star event CEs has and always will suck.
This past summer revealed just how much of a money-sink the game has become for me. I have limited funds now because I have a house and well, shit breaks in a house and you have to fix it. Plus everything, even food, is too fucking expensive at the moment.
Four: Story.
The Lostbelt saga has dragged on for too long, and I've lost my attention span—not that it was really there to begin with. I think the biggest reason why Part Two has dragged is likely because of the pandemic fucking everything up, and then the sale to Lasengle I'm sure slowed things down even more.
The dragging story is a complaint that I've seen made elsewhere, so I'm not really the only person who has made that particular complaint.
My attention span has always been an issue when it comes to long-running series. A case-in-point: series like Ronin Warriors, Cowboy Bebop, Garo: Vanishing Line, or any of the recent Fate series, hold my attention because they're generally shorter than 60 episodes. On the flip-side of that, I was briefly into Inuyasha but then the story started to drag (and then I started college), that I lost interest. When I finally graduated and then found out that the Final Act was out, I watched those those episodes but never bothered to go back and finish the main series.
Anyway, what it comes down to is if I do keep playing, I'll likely only play when the story chapters come out—maybe/unless the event is specific to a story. I think the problem I have with story-related events is that you have to farm to progress the story and that shouldn't be if the event story is integral to the rest of the series.
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shinidamachu · 1 year
CHAPTER NINE: What do You Want to Watch?
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SUMMARY: “and I’d choose you. In a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.” – Kiersten White. For each chapter, a prompt from the One Hundred Ways to Say I Love You list.
WORDS: 1526
GENRE: fluff
FANDOM: Inukag
FORMAT: multichapter
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Inuyasha was really trying to pump himself up. Perhaps way too hard. And the fact that he was failing miserably was driving him further up the wall.
He should be excited.
This Kikyo girl was fine. More than fine: she was perfect. Drop dead gorgeous, smart, sweet. They had been texting long enough for him to realize any guy would be lucky to have her. Which, as it turned out, wasn’t that long at all.
And yet, after she asked him out and he promptly accepted the invitation, Inuyasha wasn’t as thrilled as he knew he was supposed to be at the prospect. 
He tried, in vain, to convince himself that there was a plausible explanation for his less than stellar reaction — Kikyo had just caught him off guard, that was all — and when it didn’t work, he blamed his lack of enthusiasm on the snobby restaurant she had chosen. The French name alone made him feel painfully inadequate.
But the fault, even if he refused to admit it, was the girl next door’s. 
Kagome Higurashi. 
His neighbor, best friend and unrequited love. Not that she had the faintest idea she was more than two out of those three things.
The situation was straight up maddening. One moment, Inuyasha thought himself above the whole falling in love thing and the next, he was head over heels for the absolute last person he had business catching feelings for. The absolute last person.
It kept him up at night, the recounting of footsteps, wondering if there was a particular corner he could have turned, a different direction he could have taken to prevent himself from loving Kagome as deeply and hopelessly as he did or if every chosen path led back to her regardless and he never even stood a chance.
Inuyasha wasn’t sure which option was worse.
There was one thing, though, that he was certain of: Kagome Higurashi wasn’t perfect by any means.
Sure, she was just as sweet as Kikyo seemed to be, if not more. Ironically, he was the only person to not be on the receiving end of such grace. It was funny, really. The woman was kind to the point of naivety, except, of course, when it came to him. Apparently, something about Inuyasha manages to push her buttons down like no other. It was a gift and a privilege, making her lose her cool. No one else has seen this side of her. This fierce, terrifying — and honestly sort of sexy — side. 
Smart? Kagome was obnoxiously so, but it mattered little when so much intelligence was used for evil. And by evil he meant winning every fucking argument they’ve ever had. Whether she was telling him off or calling him out, Kagome was never afraid of putting him in his place with that sharp as knives tongue of hers. The fact that she could read him like one of the books he constantly found himself competing for her attention with was both comforting and unnerving and the only thing more frustrating than when she stubbornly got into her head that she was right about something was that more often than not she was.
And yes, Kagome was gorgeous, but not in the icy beauty way the media insisted guys were attracted to, although she had a rather annoying share of guys sniffing after her. No, she was gorgeous the way a drive home during the sunset was gorgeous. Real and warm. Familiar yet never the same, each dusk always beautiful in a new, different way. You watch it a thousand times, you unconsciously know it’s there today and it’s gonna be there tomorrow, then you take it for granted until you’re casually hit on the most mundane of occasions with just how dazzling it is. Suddenly it’s all you can see.
Inuyasha was aware those weren’t thoughts he was supposed to have about his best friend, especially when he was getting ready to go out with someone else. It went against everything he has ever been taught and Inuyasha knew he would be breaking his poor mother’s heart if she could see him now. 
It wasn’t his intention to lead Kikyo — or anyone else — on, but Miroku was right: all it took was one real good date. If he couldn’t risk losing what he had with Kagome by making a move on her, he could only move on. Maybe Kikyo was the solution, the cure to this affliction.
Inuyasha shook his head in an attempt to get away from his reverie. 
He was going to be late at this pace.
Dressed on black jeans and his best shoes, he searched the closet for his favorite sweater — the red one he has owned since forever — growing impatient when he couldn’t find it.
Did I leave my sweater there, Inuyasha texted Kagome while he expanded his search from the laundry basket to his unmade bed — on and under —, then behind the couch and to progressively more ridiculous places. Nothing. He checked his phone for an answer, but Kagome hadn't even read his message.
Which was perfectly fine.
Just because she didn’t reply as quickly as she usually did, didn’t mean something happened. She was a grown woman who was most likely busy. No need to get antsy.
He did need the sweater, though.
Mind made up, Inuyasha threw in the first clean shirt he could find and walked to her door, unceremoniously turning the knob and frowning at the realization that it was locked. Great. She either wasn’t home or chose this of all days to finally take his advice and keep the goddamn thing secured for once.
“Kagome,” he tried, gently knocking. It looked like she wasn’t there. Inuyasha knocked again to make sure, a little firmer this time. He was debating going back to his apartment to get the emergency key she gave him when his ears caught the sound of her clumsy footsteps approaching. The lights went on and she unlocked the door.
“Hey, have you seen—”
Kagome was a mess. Her hair was up in a chaotic bun, loose strands hanging from everywhere and framing her pale face. Her scent was wrong, the pink that normally colored her cheeks was concentrated on her small nose and her eyes were extremely puffy, but most importantly: right there, covering her petite body was—
“—my sweater.”
“Uh?” Slowly, Kagome followed his gaze, her doe eyes impossibly wide as she looked down at herself. “Oh, zorry! You wand this back,” she said, making a motion to take it off.”
“Don’t be stupid,” he countered, blushing immediately, “you’re sick.”
“I’m fined.”
Inuyasha ignored her, letting himself in and closing the door behind him, not at all proud of himself for promptly conjuring up a hundred ways of getting her to wear his clothes again and a thousand more of making her take them off.
“Why didn’t you tell me,” he asked, “I could’ve come sooner if you had answered my text,” Inuyasha added, carefully avoiding to let out how anxious not hearing from her had made him.
“Phone died and the beds took be out,” she finished her explanation with a sneezy.
“Ya feelin’ any better?”
“Yeah,” she lied, walking to the couch and wrapping herself into a blanket-made cocoon.
“Have ya eaten anything?”
“Not hungry.” Inuyasha reached for Kagome’s forehead to check her temperature but she moved away, “Don’t wand you to get zick too.”
“Idiot,” he touched her anyway, “half demons don’t get sick.” Her skin was concerningly heated and Inuyasha knew right then he wasn’t going anywhere that night. “You’re burnin’ up.” 
“I’ve always been hot,” she joked.
“And now you’re delusional too,” he informed her in his best fake patronizing tone. Kagome’s laugh quickly turned into a coughing fit, so Inuyasha took a seat and brought her feet to his lap. “Alright, here’s what’s going to happen,” he began, fishing his phone off his pocket and selecting Kikyo’s contact, “I’ll put on some trash movie for us while you drink lots and lots of fluids. I’m gonna make you a soup and my mother’s famous antidote—”
“I’m not drinking liber again.”
He looked at her long enough to say “you’re gonna drink whatever I give ya, you big baby,” before returning his focus to the message app, rapidly typing I’m so sorry to cancel, but my friend got sick and I’m on nursing duty. Raincheck? and pressing send. “If you don’t get better then, I’m taking you to the hospital. Get that?”
“Whad about your plans?”
“That’s whad you wanded the sweater for, right?”
Blowing off a hot date in favor of staying home with his sick girl friend was something Miroku would never let him live down and Inuyasha would be lying if he said he was looking forward to that particular conversation, but in that moment, he couldn’t care less.
A platonic cozy night with Kagome still sounded infinitely better than any potential romance a stranger could offer.
“This is more important,” Inuyasha shrugged. “Now,” he continued, pointing the remote to her flat screen and willing the streaming service to start, “what do you want to watch?”
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A/N.: sorry about last chapter, here's a peace offering for the "modern" prompt of @inukag-week
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hanyo-inu-yasha · 9 months
History, with headcanons:
Inuyasha grew up under the care of his beloved mother, Izayoi, within her father's estate. Due to the extreme prejudice of the court, Inuyasha relied on his mother's company and support, but also recognized the heavy burden she herself bore. In light of that, he tried his best to grow quickly and not to add any undo stress on his ailing mother, whose health never quite recovered after the tragic death of her beloved.
Although Izayoi tried her best to live and stay around a long time for her son, she eventually succumbed to illness when Inuyasha was only ten years old. Knowing even then that he would be killed if he stayed, Inuyasha packed only his own belongings, refusing to take even a single thing more, and set off to make his own life...
The following years were fraught with peril, as Inuyasha was forced to fight, and sometimes flee, for his life. These were the most shameful years, in his own eyes, where he could only survive through cowardice, living like a scavenger. As his body grew, so to did his own power, and eventually, he reached the point where he no longer had to flee and hide from larger youkai.
Humans, however, still refused to accept him. Through these unfortunate encounters, he came to believe he could never be accepted as he was, and thus, sought after the sacred jewel in order to become a full youkai. In doing so, he hoped to discard all weakness, of body, mind, and spirit.
When he first saw Kikyo, he did not think much of her, but her mercy made her stand out. Time and time again, he tried to steal the jewel, and yet, he never once intended on killing her. In the same way, Kikyo never harbored any true ill will, and despite Inuyasha's many attempts, she only ever sought to subdue him.
Eventually, the pair are able to sit and talk together, and Inuyasha comes to see Kikyo as not just a real person, but a human woman. It's then that he begins to truly see her, and from that point on, he stays close by her side. When Kikyo suggests he might become human, and that they could be together this way, Inuyasha is quick to agree. This acceptance is what he wanted all along, and he no longer sees a need to become a youkai...
When he arrives at their promised rendezvous, he is met with an arrow and Kikyo's scornful expression. The hurt goes deep, and yet, this is exactly how he should have seen it going. Of course a woman like Kikyo could never truly love him, nor wish to remain by his side. He feels a fool for ever having trusted her, and in his wrath and devastation, turns back to the violence he knows. He steals the jewel, and is subsequently sealed away, with Kikyo's hateful eyes as the last thing he sees.
Inuyasha is aged 15/16 at the start of canon, going on 18 by the end of the series. We can always write later in the timeline.
I am writing based off the MANGA, but with plenty of my own headcanons. Naturally, canon divergent.
Expect a lot of foul language.
Mun =/= muse. We may share a few thoughts or traits in common, but I am not Inuyasha and he is not me.
Physical Description;
Height: 5'6"
Eyes: Yellow/Gold/Amber (depending on lighting) with slitted pupils. His eyes reflect light in the dark. In his human form, they are rich brown with round pupils and non-reflective.
Sex & Gender: Inuyasha is intersex. (Link to description TBA.) Identifying Male/masculine.
Body type: Muscular, but lean. As a teenager, he has very little body fat, but as the years grow kinder to him, he gains some healthy weight and gets more beefy.
Main Verses;
#verse; separate ways
In the reality where Kagome is sent back to her own time and never returns, Inuyasha must come to terms with her absence and find peace with the people who are still around, and those who come after.
#verse; continuation
Just a vanilla continuation of canon with whatever divergence suits us. Can be set at any point in time.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
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So apparently I have hit a milestone while going full bore on my bullshit. There’s fifty of y’all now who decided you were getting enough out of this blog to follow along, and that’s mildly neat. Didn’t really expect that. We’ve had a lot of fun talking One Piece and other anime so I dunno, wanted to do something to mark the occasion and letting y’all know a bit more about my tastes seemed like it could be a lark. Shouldn’t be a shock that One Piece is my favorite anime/manga franchise...so here’s the rest of a top 10! No particular order, whys under the cut. Beyond that, consider me open to lightly personal asks for a bit too, just if you were curious.
TOP LEFT - Ranma 1/2: Okay...confession time. Eiichiro Oda is not actually my favorite mangaka. He’s pretty much only given us One Piece and there are several questionable aspects of his style. As a person and professional, I adore Rumiko Takahashi. Inuyasha was a huge deal for me as a teen. Mermaid Saga has been a fun recent read. Maison Ikkoku is one of my next big purchases planned. But Ranma, Ranma guys...it’s a stone-cold classic. Boy cursed to take the form of a cute girl when doused with water gets involved in a web of romantic pursuits stapled to bizarre martial arts competitions. It’s so silly, it’s honestly pretty smart when it wants to be. Fun shonen with a backdoor to maybe, just maybe giving young men a little empathy about what the girls in their lives are dealing with. This kind of blend is why Takahashi is such a goddamn legend and manga pioneer. Team Shampoo for life.
TOP MIDDLE - YuYu Hakusho: Yeah, it means more to me than Hunter x Hunter. This was one of the most important anime series for me to stumble across. Adult Swim back in the early 00s. It’s what showed me there was a much cooler world of more mature anime out there. Kurama was also a first anime crush and that sparked a lifelong love for plant-based superpowers because that’s probably what I would have if we lived in a cooler world. This is as infinitely rewatchable to me as The Simpsons or King of the Hill, and it even got more meaningful given my boyfriend and I bonded over it early in our relationship.
TOP RIGHT - Paranoia Agent: Another 00s Adult Swim classic, but one it took me a while to properly sit down and watch. I’m...generally a little too squishy for the truly screwed up anime out there but this one I could handle. And I love it. Especially as an adult that has had moments I wish a “Lil Slugger” could give me an out from day-to-day problems. “Happy Family Planning” is such a friggin masterpiece. Same with the most kickass lady in the series talking the monster down. I can’t recommend it easily because it does get into things like suicide casually, but man is it so good at what it wants to do. So short but it leaves such an impact.
MIDDLE LEFT - Kaguya, Love is War: I needed one episode of this to know it’d be a favorite. It’s a silly little high school romcom that has no business being as good as it is but I love every minute of Kaguya and Shirogane’s wild ride. That ending? Facepalmed because it was obviously the only way those two could end up of course. But I also love this series for being willing to be real, calling out gendered double standards and talking frankly about sex in a way that never feels inappropriate. But more than anything it’s a riot! The English Dub just makes me like it more for the headcanon this is all a story Brook is making up to kill time.
CENTER - Stop!! Hibari-Kun: I’ve talked about this one before. Shonen romcom where the everyboy lead is pursued by the perfect girl...who happens to be trans. It’s funny, heartfelt, and so ahead of its time in so many ways. Not to mention the fashion! It’s a cool series made cooler by it’s unique place in manga history.
CENTER RIGHT - Nana: Hey! It’s another one Oda namedropped! I remember being so excited when Shoujo Beat magazine had it’s run here in the US. Had a subscription for issue 1 and let it run for two years. So fun getting that in the mail as a teen even if my Mom groaned about it every time. This was their flagship and it isn’t hard to see why. A very real, even kinda gritty story about early adulthood. The odd couple roommates but the conflict isn’t really as much about them fighting. It’s about women supporting each other and finding their way together. And like Kaguya, it doesn’t shy away from some real problems women that age might have to deal with, even if they’re unsavory to discuss.
BOTTOM LEFT - Revolutionary Girl Utena: Trippy, weird, gay as hell, and has a good point by the end. I just adore everything about Utena. It flew over my head when I was a young teen watching it, but I still enjoyed it. Going back later though, I think this might be one of the smartest anime I’ve ever seen. Only problem is you can’t really describe why it’s awesome without spoiling it. But even little tricks like burying massive twists in clip show episodes...awesome. If I made a manga, this would be the main influence.
BOTTOM MIDDLE - Cardcaptor Sakura: Catch you catch you catch me catch me daaaatte... I’m so glad I got to see this as a kid Sakura’s age. It was always just such a comfy show as a kid. Tomoeda is the type of small town I wish I could have grown up in instead of Biblethumping and letting everything go to shit because all the adults cared about was phony moral outrage. Aside from that though, an almost perfect example of a Magical Girl series. Solid gay rep for the time too which I enjoyed. I say “almost” though because goddamn do I hate the Rika/Mr. Terada side of it. Too far CLAMP, even with the anime reining it in.
BOTTOM RIGHT - Fruits Basket: I was a fanatic about this manga when I was about 14-15. Then it came back with the anime adaptation it always deserved! It’s so hard to pin down what makes Fruits Basket so good, ostensibly it’s just kind of a reverse harem romcom. But its so heartfelt and unfraid to be comfy and sweet. It also gave me Ayame to salivate over. Between him, Kurama, Izo, & Cavendish...I think I have a type.
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lostinfantasyworlds · 2 years
The boat has arrived! 🥳 For the emoji ask game, please and thank you, my love! 🙋‍♀️💖❌🎉
🥳 Ahhhh thank you so much love!!🥺🥰 😘
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
Yes! I'm actually pretty open about it. My husband knows the most about my stories as far as plots/specifics, and I've offered to let him read if he wants, but he's not much of a reader in general so it hasn't happened yet 😂. My mom also knows and is the most supportive person ever, so she's always encouraging me with my writing. When I first started writing UTNL, I remember her saying something like "I can't wait to read it when it's done!" (she's never even seen Inuyasha) and I was like omg you are the absolute sweetest ever but also nooo mother you will not be reading this story that is chock full of porn that I wrote, thank you very much😂 😂 😂. I think all of my closest friends also know that I write fic, I just don't share many details about it. Other than that though, I don't generally tell people I'm not super close with.
💖 What made you start writing?
I remember loving to write when I was kid. Writing prompts at school were my favorite thing ever, and I wrote a handful of super angsty emo kid short stories while I was in grade school. But once I got to high school I just...stopped? For whatever reason, as I became an adult I came to the conclusion that writing was something I was no longer capable of doing. Then after joining the Inuyasha fandom at the end of 2020, I started having ideas for stories that I would jot down in my phone with no intention of actually trying to write them. But after seeing how incredibly kind and encouraging this fandom is towards new writers/artists, I ended up saying fuck it and just decided to go for it!
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Hmm...I guess I can't see myself ever writing something with mating and/or soulmate marks. I like the general idea behind them, but when I explore the idea of mates/soulmates in writing, I prefer to do it in a more abstract way. Like feeling that intense pull towards each other that makes them feel destined to be together, without having actual matching soulmate marks. Or finding ways for them to share a lifespan without the standard mate marking process. I have no problem at all reading stories with those tropes, and have seen them done really really well, but it's not something I'll probably ever write myself. Also, in general, I probably won't ever write a full story that's focused on any other Inuyasha ships besides InuKag, because I'm a basic bitch when it comes to shipping😂.
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
My answer is actually pretty much the same as yours! The greatest measure of success for me is my ability to reread my own work and enjoy it for years to come without feeling the constant urge to edit and/or cringe. It's honestly pretty rare because I feel that way about a lot of what I've written (even when I know I shouldn't, but my brain is an asshole and will always find something to put myself down about). But, for example, Chapter 13 of UTNL is something I can still read and mostly just feel really proud of, rather than 'oh god I can't believe I posted this publicly, MUST GO BACK AND EDIT'
I do also tend to eyeball stats on AO3 more than I'd like to admit...but the ones that mean the most to me (besides comments of course) are Bookmarks and Subscriptions. Knowing that people want to save my fic to return to later on, or actually want emails in their inbox telling them when it's updated makes me feel like I've accomplished something exciting! It depends on the fic though, because there are some that I genuinely pretty much ignore all the stats on because I wrote it completely for me and if anyone else likes it, that's just a bonus (such as The Lover's Tree and I Loved Her First).
For the FanFic Ask Game (asks are always open!)
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vindlcated · 1 year
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FULL NAME: Damien Angelus Ardeleanu
CHARACTER INSPIRATIONS: Finnick Odair (Catching Fire & Mockingjay), Lucerys Velaryon & Aemond Targaryen (House of th Dragon), Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Stefan Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries), Inuyasha (titular character), Nezuko Kamada (Demonslayer), Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with the Vampire [2022]), Chandler Bing (FRIENDS), Victor, Ben, & Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy), Ellie Williams (The Last of Us P. 2)
FACE CLAIM: Matthew Daddario
GENDER: He/him, cis man
BIRTHDAY: June 6th, ????
AGE:  29/1k+
SPECIES: Original Vampire
OCCUPATION: Owner of Scarlet Rose Piercing & Tattoo
LIVES IN: Sunnyside (same building as tattoo shop—his apartment is right above the shop!)
CW: Death/Violence
❝ the taste of ink is getting old ❞ The Taste of Ink name by The Used
Positive: Charismatic ◇ Protective  ◇ Resilient   Negative: Rebellious  ◇ Vindictive  ◇ Melancholy 
Their Priorities: He’s chilling. He’s been around too long to have major priorities. He only wants to make sure people he cares about are doing okay and that his shop is doing good and he can still do art.
Muse’s soft spot: Cats
Greatest strength: He has quite the protective nature. Quite dangerous if he’s going to be protective of someone. 
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: This is the irony isn’t it? The people he cares about are always, simultaneously, his weakness. Both weakness and strength. 
Muse’s secret: TBD Hobbies: Doing anything with art, writing & reading, composing music, and of course tattooing. He likes being around people he considers friends. Even though he’s a homebody, he’s very capable of being coerced into other activities such as attending a concert, going to the movies, and taking strolls. He enjoys dancing but rarely, and his dancing is very particular and of older times (craves the intimacy!) and enjoys poking fun of whatever modern generation dominates the world. He enjoys learning! Loves education so yeah loves learning. Knitting & crocheting. Things they love: Cats, cats, cats. Art, of course. Loves to master any bit of new technology. Being with people he cares about. Cats again.  Pet Peeves: People that know what he is, and then they eat in front of him and then offer him food, People that interrupt his or other employees’ work, obnoxious clients, threats made towards people he cares about (and this does include his employees), easily gets annoyed when he doesn’t understand a newer, modern concept that seems obvious to everybody else
DAMIEN ANGELUS ARDELEANU was born over a thousand years ago in the region of Transylvania in Romania. He was a part of a rather regular family and for the most part, this was a multi-generational household. He really adored his siblings growing up and his parents, though weirdly enough, dad sometimes left for long periods of time. He was definitely a mama's boy, and it was sad and worrying when she grew ill and passed away. After it became evident what was happening and Damien and the rest of his siblings were cursed all because of their father's actions, things changed. They were... monsters. They were a new kind of monster that never had stepped foot on this earth, with great power and a thirst for blood.
Within the family of original vampire siblings was the eldest brother who gave himself the daunting deed of being the patriarch of the family. Damien hated this, especially after the first three hundred years. This was when he wanted to go his own way, do as he wished and didn't want to follow whatever strict rules were put in place for the family to be a responsible set of originals. So, he lashed out. First, at his eldest brother, and then in an anger towards his other siblings, he went on a murder spree in the village they were currently staying at. He completely saw red. Couldn't stop until it was over. It was the first and last time he'd ever committed such violence in that manner. But it's an event he forever remembers in his head and one he wishes he could forget. Sadly, as it turns out, he is capable of horrible things.
He lost many of his direct fledglings. It was bad luck, but newborns his direct fledglings created seemed to go on just fine, thus Damien's vampire line is strong enough after all those years. He is very selective with who he turns now, solely because he's afraid they'll end up dying on him. Though one fledgling he did create ended up being the love of his life who was about to die from the black plague. It's unfortunate how things turned out, solely because Damien had done it out of selfish reasons—he didn't want to lose his love, even if his love wished to not be turned into a vampire. At the moment, Damien turned a woman more recently—about a week ago—after befriending her at a concert. It was too save her life, and unlike his love, she was grateful. Though as a baby fledgling, Damien's got his hands tied with making sure she's the best she can be at being a vampire.
Damien currently resides in Los Santos. He's been living there for forty years. At first, hiding in plain sight was easy enough, until it became obvious to humans that there were supernatural creatures amongst them. His tattoo and piercing shop, Scarlet Rose Piercing & Tattoo, has had a reputable reputation for thirty-five years and is very inclusive to creatures and humans alike—both employees and clientele. Art is one of the reasons he manages to drag himself out of bed, along with his Norwegian Forest Cat, Emilia (or Emmy for short), and of course, as been said many times before, the people he cares about.
MUSE AESTHETICS  ◇ Tattoos  ◇ Cats  ◇ Darkness
Siblings (2/4): Rhysand Ardeleanu & Soreana Ardeleanu
More siblings (2/4 available, see wanted connection on main & contact me!)
His best friend (around the same physical age as Damien): Damien is kind of in love with this guy. Been friends for several decades. They have a lot of the same interests. They are also roommates. Would burn the world for this guy.
Ex: His oldest direct fledgling. Damien "saved" him during the black plague. Unfortunately, this was against Damien's wishes, and this ex has become the monster Damien refused to become out of spite.
His newest sire (female fc, 25-28 yrs old)
Vampires hes mentored or is currently mentoring: 0/3 taken. Just the warmest bond despite not being directly sired from him (though could very well be from his sire line. He's pretty passionate about helping baby vampires who were sired by carless or abusive sires. So he takes them under his wing!)
Human volunteers for feeding: 0/3 taken. He pays them and also takes care of them after due to loss of energy. Aftercare is important!
More employees for his tattoo/piercing shop
Other friends are nice
Regular clients
His veterinarian for Emmy, his Norwegian Forest Cat
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