#and ofc it’s crosses over and shit but using the exact same language and thoughts you’d use irl for these characters is sooo
debbiechanclub · 3 years
Know You Better Now (BTOOT sequel), Part 2
Probably not the best idea to drop this right after Extreme Rules, but I can’t wait because 😭 And that’s all I’m gonna say. Thank you for reading, and please enjoy!
Know You Better Now
Part: 2/?
Pairing: Kenny Omega x OFC x TBD 👀
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: Language, ANGST
Find more of my fics here.
Tag squad: @galacticstat @hotyeehawman @hdbngsprnva @kingswitchblade @bec0m @betsy-bradock @heelchampbucks @linziland13 @librathepheonix13 @gabbynorth98 @exe-babymox-exe @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @brokenglassslippers @rocca09 @meteora-fc @kawaiikels @adriii-omega @thatgirlforever5 @sugar-melts-mo-fo
“Did you see the look on PAC’s face when he realized Alex broke up the pin? He was so-ho-ho piiiissed.”
Nick could barely finish speaking before he emitted a laugh that sounded more like an asthmatic wheeze, and everyone else joined in, the boisterous boom bouncing off the walls of The Elite locker room and making Alex’s ears ring. She’d never felt so out of place.
“He looked like an angry gremlin,” Karl piled on. He contorted his face and hands and made everyone guffaw and bark even louder. Alex rolled her eyes. Out of all of them, Karl annoyed her the most.
“Yeah, that was quick thinking, Alex,” Matt said. “I knew you wouldn’t let us down.”
He sent her a crooked, shit-eating grin. Had he not tacked on that last part, it might have been half a compliment. But he knew exactly what he was doing—and Alex did not have the patience for it.
“Us? Last time I checked, Kenny is the AEW Champion, not The Elite.”
The room went dead silent. Matt’s smirk vanished.
“Don’t act like you know anything about The Elite,” he bit. “You’ve been here all of two seconds. We were selling out the Tokyo Dome when you were still working bingo halls.”
“Whoa!” Kenny interjected. “Watch who the hell you’re talking to like that, Matt.”
The atmosphere went from shocked to tense; palpable. Matt’s jaw flexed, obviously embarrassed to have been put in his place in front of the boys. Alex smirked. He deserved it.
Kenny sighed into the quiet. “Alright, you know what? Everyone out.”
“What?” Gallows balked. “We gotta celebrate your big win, man—”
Don cut him off. “You heard what he said, everyone out!”
He herded them all toward the exit, and other than a few side-eyes and under-breath comments, they went without argument. It was the first time Alex had ever been thankful for Don to step in.
The door fell closed, and Alex and Kenny were left alone. His eyes were much softer than they’d been just a few seconds before.
“Are you alright?”
She nodded. “Yeah. It’ll take a lot more than that for Matt to get to me.”
“I know, but he shouldn’t have said it at all. It was out of line.”
“It’s Matt. What do you expect?” she returned. It made Kenny purse his lips in disappointment.
“He’s not out to get you, Alex. He’s just protective of his friends.”
Her eyes darkened. “Is there a reason he thinks he needs to protect you from me?”
He breathed out in frustration. “Come on, that’s not what I said.”
“Then what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I wish you two would get along.”
Alex stubbornly crossed her arms and looked across the room. This wasn’t the first time he’d said that to her. She knew it wouldn’t be the last.
“Hey.” Kenny gently gripped her shoulders, and she looked back up at him. “I want you to feel like you’re a part of the group, Alex. And I know right now you don’t,” he quickly added before she could interject. “But give it time. You’ve been at home working on getting healthy, and the boys just want to be sure that you’re a team player. Which… I’m pretty sure you proved you are tonight.”
She lightly sucked her teeth. “I did that for you, not—”
“I know,” softly interrupted. “But any of them would have done the same thing.”
Alex rocked back on her heels and turned her eyes down to her shoes. She understood where Kenny was coming from, one thousand percent. But she didn’t think she should have to prove herself to “the boys.” And truthfully… she didn’t want to be a part of The Elite, either.
But she also didn’t want to get into an argument with Kenny, so she just let it go. “Well, thank you for putting Matt in his place,” she said. She wrapped her arms around his waist and drew herself close to him. “I’ll do my best to get along with him so long as he’s not an ass to me.”
“That’s all I want,” Kenny returned, and he placed a kiss on her lips that was perhaps meant to be short and sweet, but neither of them pulled away. He brought his hands to either side of her face, and she pressed her fingers into his back as she lightly sucked on his bottom lip. He smirked against her mouth. “You want to get in the shower with me?”
She pecked his lips again. “No.”
He pulled back in surprise. “Why not?”
“Because. I look way too good right now to ruin it.”
He flashed a crooked grin. She already knew exactly what he was thinking.
“Fine. I’ll just ruin it when we get home.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex had honestly hoped Kenny would ruin it when they got home. But unfortunately, they didn’t go home alone; Matt, Nick, and Don went with them. At least the Good Brothers had decided they’d rather go drink at the hotel bar.
“So, have you officially moved in yet, Alex?”
Nick smirked at her from across the kitchen island, his mouth full of pizza. They’d ordered some “late night celebratory pies,” as Kenny had put it, but Alex didn’t have much of an appetite. She didn’t dignify Nick with a response either, instead just pursing her lips and taking a sip of the red wine she’d poured herself. As if he wouldn’t have already known if she’d officially moved in; he was one of Kenny’s best friends.
“Shit, I forget that she doesn’t ‘officially’ live here,” Kenny commented, making air quotes around the word. “It already feels like you do. Isn’t most of your stuff here?”
“Most of my clothes are,” she answered. “But I still have an entire house full of stuff in Virginia.”
“Wasn’t your cousin interested in potentially buying from you?”
She shrugged a shoulder. “I suppose. She asked me if I was thinking about selling, but we haven’t discussed it.”
“Well… maybe you should.”
He sent her a grin. She chewed the inside of her lip. “Maybe,” she returned, and took another sip of wine.
“Speaking of official,” Don segued. “Is Alex officially with us now?”
Alex stiffened. She didn’t at all appreciate that Don had spoken as if she wasn’t standing right there. But she couldn’t really answer him, either.
“Come on, why wouldn’t she be?” Kenny returned.
“Because tonight was the first time she’s been on AEW programming in what—nine months?” He fixed Alex with his beady eyes and finally addressed her directly. “People still think of you as part of Best Friends. And even though you broke up that pin in Kenny’s interest, the fact of the matter is that you technically helped Orange, too.”
“What?” Kenny let out a loud, disbelieving laugh. “Don’t be ridiculous, Don! She would have done the exact same thing if it had been Orange going for the pin instead of PAC.”
“Would she?” Matt challenged. He glanced at Alex. “Would you?”
Kenny’s eyes widened at him. “Really, Matt?” he charged—but Alex spoke up.
“No, if they’re so concerned about it, then I’ll tell them.” She leaned forward on the island and looked Matt dead in the eye. “Of course I would have done the exact same thing if it had been Orange going for the pin instead of PAC. And you know why? Because I was out there in Kenny’s corner tonight, and tonight was the first time in months that I’ve seen or even spoken to Orange or any of the others. So no, I’m not a part of Best Friends anymore.”
It hurt to finally say that out loud; but it wasn’t anything Alex hadn’t already known deep down. She’d known it as soon as Kris had popped out of that claw machine a month ago… maybe even sooner. And their behavior toward her that night—Trent��s behavior—had only proven it.
Kenny wrapped an arm around her waist and placed a kiss on the side of her head. Matt, meanwhile, said nothing. It seemed she’d finally shut him up—for now.
Don nodded. “That’s all I need to hear.”
Alex shifted. Somehow, she doubted that.
“Well, now that that’s out of the way,” Nick interjected. “Do you guys have any ice cream?”
“Jesus, Nick,” Matt breathed; but Kenny perked up.
“We do, actually. Alex has turned me onto Blue Bell.” He started for the freezer. “Do you want some, baby? We still have mint chocolate chip.”
Alex shook her head. “No. I’m actually gonna head upstairs; I’m exhausted.”
Part of her knew that, by going to bed, she was only inviting them to talk about her more. But she didn’t care. Matt could spew whatever bullshit he wanted; Kenny knew where she stood, and that was all that mattered.
He nodded. “Okay. I’m honestly not far behind you.”
She put her wine glass in the sink and gave him a kiss on the way out of the kitchen. Her legs were tired as she climbed the stairs to their bedroom. Our bedroom, she realized she thought of it as, not Kenny’s bedroom. She wasn’t sure when she’d made that switch, but she was hyper-aware of it now after Kenny’s comment just a few minutes before. But just the thought of selling her house stressed her out; she had enough on her plate as it was, and she didn’t want to give any of it any more of her energy for the rest of the night—
But she got a text just as she crossed into the bedroom. She sighed and pulled her phone from the back pocket of her jeans—and stopped when she saw the screen.
It was from Trent.
I’m sorry about what I said tonight. I just didn’t know how to react.
Alex’s brow lowered as she read the message. She knew Trent, and something in her gut told her that he hadn’t sent that on his own. No; Kris had probably beat him over the head until he’d relented. He would have been better off not sending anything at all.
She purposefully opened the text so that he would get the “read” notification, and then she locked her phone, tossed it onto the bed, and went into the bathroom to do her nighttime routine. If there was one thing she definitely would not give any more of her energy to, it was that.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Dynamite following Double Or Nothing wasn’t until Friday, so Alex had nearly an entire week to mentally prepare herself. She needed the extra time. Because, in the interest of “publicly clearing up any confusion” about where her loyalties lied, Don had booked her a sit-down interview with Excalibur.
She’d been furious when he’d told her. So had Kenny—he’d set it up behind both their backs. But of course, Don had talked him down and convinced him that it was “the right move.” Afterward, Kenny had profusely apologized to her; but she’d just told him to forget it. She’d do the damn interview. She wanted to speak her mind.
But now that she was sitting across from Excalibur in one of the backstage areas at Daily’s Place, she felt like she might vomit.
He spoke to the camera as he opened up the interview. “I’m sitting here with Alex Hawthorne, who made a surprise return after a nine-month absence at Double Or Nothing this past Sunday… and before we get into the interview, Alex, I just want to say welcome back. You were gone rehabbing a shoulder injury, and you’ve clearly come back in fighting shape. I think we all did a double-take when you walked out with Kenny Omega on Sunday.”
Alex felt herself relax a bit. It felt good to be acknowledged. She hadn’t felt that in a while. “Thank you, Excalibur, I appreciate that. It feels good to be back, and I have come back in fighting shape—not just physically, but mentally, as well. When I found out that my shoulder needed surgery, it was a bitter pill to swallow. And I’m not gonna lie; I struggled with it at first. But I distinctly remember waking up in that post-op room after surgery, and I realized right then and there that I could either let this injury drag me down, or I could use it as an opportunity to come back even better than before. And I promise you—and the entire AEW women’s division—that this isn’t the same Alex Hawthorne who competed in that ring nine months ago.”
Excalibur nodded. “Which begs the question: when can we expect you back in the ring?”
She breathed out. “Soon,” she nodded, her tone determined. “I still have some work to do, but it’ll be soon.”
“And we all look forward to it,” he said. “But you mentioned that you’re not the same Alex Hawthorne you were nine months ago. We’re used to seeing you at ringside in support of Best Friends… however, you returned in Kenny Omega’s corner for the AEW World Championship match at Double or Nothing, a match that also included Orange Cassidy. Is it safe to say that this new and improved Alex Hawthorne has moved on from Best Friends?”
Alex’s heart jumped into her throat. There it was, the million-dollar question, the reason for this entire interview, and if she didn’t know any better, she’d think Don had fed that line directly to Excalibur. But he didn’t like Don any more than she did—and she needed to give an answer. So, she did.
“It’s safe to say that, yeah.”
Her stomach churned and she looked down at her hands in her lap. It was out there now. She couldn’t take it back.
“Well, I have to ask,” Excalibur started, and she flicked her eyes back up at him. “You interfered in the match on Sunday and most likely prevented PAC from winning the AEW World Championship. But you also prevented Orange from taking the pin. Is there no part of you that did that for him?”
Alex’s brow lowered. First Don, and now this? Why was everyone so confused about her motive? “No. I did that for Ken—”
“Who cares who ya did it for!”
She was abruptly cut off by an angry, distinctly accented voice, and then PAC unexpectedly stalked into the interview area. He fixed Alex with a wild-eyed glare. “It’s like Excalibur said… you cost me the AEW World Championship.”
Alex leaned away from him in her chair as he moved closer. The entire sight of him was jarring, that ubiquitous scowl of his contorting his face, his dark, wet hair dripping water down his bare chest. She looked him over in confusion. Why was he already in his gear, ready to go? He and Penta had a match that night against the Young Bucks, but the show didn’t start for another two hours.
Excalibur tried to intervene. “PAC, we’re doing an interview here—”
But PAC just talked over him. “I know you’ve been gone a long time, Alex. And I have to admit, you do look good. So, here’s a bit of advice: instead of interfering in his matches, why don’t ya stick to being Kenny Omega’s arm candy.”
Alex’s eyes darkened. Suddenly, all her surprise turned to anger. “Arm candy?”
“You heard me,” he spat.
“Do you even own regular clothes? Or do you just live in your gear dripping wet like you emerged from the Atlantic Ocean?”
“Hey, PAC!”
Another person interrupted then, and Alex and PAC both looked over to find the Young Bucks, Brandon Cutler, and the Good Brothers stalking toward them. But it wasn’t just them. They had Rey Fenix—and it looked like he’d already been jumped.
Matt smirked. “Did you lose something?”
PAC growled in his throat. He charged toward them—but they dumped Fenix to the floor and retreated, laughing as they did. Nick held up his hands. “We’re saving our energy for the match tonight!”
PAC let them go, choosing instead to help his friend. Meanwhile, Alex jumped up and ran after them—the interview was over.
“Hey!” They all turned to look back at her, but her focus was zeroed in on Matt. This was his doing, she knew it. “What the fuck did you do that for?”
He scoffed. “To send a message, obviously. Come on, Alex… I thought you were with us now?”
He flashed another crooked smirk, and then they all started off again, patting each other on the back and hyping the Bucks up for the match that night. And Alex just stood and watched them go, all the while realizing that she was with them now—and she’d all but said it for the entire world to hear.
* * * * * * * * * *
“You ready to head home?”
Alex looked up at Kenny, re-emerging from her thoughts. She nodded. “Please.”
He gave her a sympathetic smile and held out his hand, and she took it and let him pull her up and lead her out of the locker room. It was the end of the night, and she’d been ready to head home before a single match had even been contested.
To her great surprise, Dynamite had started off by airing the footage of her interview. Alex had barely been able to watch, knowing what was coming, what she’d said. But when it was all said and done, it didn’t even feel like it was about her anymore. The interview had led right into the tag match between the Young Bucks and PAC and Penta—the story became the Super Elite’s attack on Fenix, not her return. And Alex wasn’t sure if she was more relieved that they’d distracted from the fact that she’d basically disowned Best Friends, or more angered that they’d taken away from everything else she’d said.
“I am ready to just relax and spend the weekend alone with you,” Kenny said as they walked down the hall. He grinned at her. “I told everyone to lose my number.”
Alex returned his smile, and Kenny lifted the back of her hand to his lips; but she barely noticed as he kissed her. She was too distracted by the group of people who had appeared in the corridor.
Best Friends. All of them. And it didn’t take long for Trent to say something.
“Where’re you going, Alex? Kris has a Dark match. Oh, wait—that’s right. You’ve moved on from us.”
“Dude,” Kris chastised and lightly smacked his shoulder. “Don’t.”
Kenny scoffed. “I’d listen to your alien friend, Trent.”
“No one was talking to you,” Orange returned.
Kenny narrowed his eyes at him. Alex squeezed his hand in protest; the last thing she needed was for him to go on one of his power trips. Thankfully, he let it go.
“I’ve already taken care of you, so I won’t embarrass you in front of your friends,” he dismissed. “Come on,” he said, and he started to pull Alex past them; but Trent just couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
“Was that you giving that interview? Or were Kenny and Don pulling the strings on your mouth?”
“Fuck, Greg,” Chuck breathed—but Alex spoke over him.
“Was that you who sent that text Sunday night, or did one of them make you send it?”
She glared a hole through Trent, unwavering and angry, waiting for him to say something for himself. Anything. But he just bit down on his jaw, silent. Alex scoffed. It was just as she’d suspected.
“What text?” Kenny asked in confusion. Alex didn’t take her eyes off Trent as she answered.
“Trent sent me a text after Double Or Nothing apologizing for being a dick to me before your match. He said he ‘just didn’t know how to react’ to seeing me.”
“I didn’t know how to react,” Trent fired back.
“Oh, so it was just the apology that was bullshit, then.”
He breathed out and looked stubbornly away, nothing to say again. And as she continued to stare at him, Alex realized that she wasn’t surprised or even hurt by his reaction. Instead, she was vindicated in everything she’d been feeling.
Her gaze sharpened. “But since you asked so nicely; yeah, that was me giving that interview, one hundred percent. And you have no room to be angry about it, Trent, because whether you want to admit it or not, you all moved on from me months ago.”
Chuck’s brow furrowed in confusion. In hurt. “What? Alex—”
“Save it,” Kenny cut him off. “Good luck in your match, Kris,” he added, and then he tugged on Alex’s hand, and she turned and went with him, ignoring the way her sinuses burned.
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awesomerextyphoon · 4 years
Charred Briar Roses - 4
Meet the Family 
Paring: Orc!Bucky x Black!Reader, Orc!Steve x Black!OFC, Orc!Sam x Black!OFC
Rating: 18+/Explicit
Word Count: 3,500
Summary: The girls get to meet the family.
Warnings: Smut and Mentions of Death
A/N: I’m sorry that this took so long to publish. I had a major writer’s block. Also, the smut is not as good as I wanted so bear with me. Enjoy!
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It took five days to reach the group to reach the Orc Settlement. Most of the journey consisted of Fumnanya giggling at Sam’s (not so great, but whatever) jokes while sneaking in a kiss or two, Ghada acting like she’s above the romance then getting caught making out with Steve (she seriously likes it), and you giving Bucky the cold shoulder. You saw the regret in his eyes, but you were too stubborn to give him a chance.
The Orc Settlement was located in the lowlands of the Anchoria Steppes not far from the Tsurchack Forest with its center nestled between a segmented river and a good sized lake to its right. It consisted of a few hundred dwellings that seemed to be a nice cross between a yurt and a longhouse (**think Viking Longhouse**) built with reusable timber, metal, and stone. A couple of the dwellings near the edges were sectioned off into what looked to be farms of six to ten families. There were training areas and market places interspersed throughout the settlement. In the middle, there was a large arena like structure near the center next to what had to be the Elder’s Residence with more town like structures around them. Surrounding the whole settlement was a wall of stone, packed earth, and iron about 12ft high with sensors (probably a force field) sticking on top of it every five feet or so.
It looked beautiful, so different from your former home of extreme decadence.
“Welcome to our home. I know it’s not as-” Steve started.
“It’s beautiful!” Ghada exclaimed while turning her head to smile at him, “We don’t care where you live. We’re just glad you agreed to take us with you.” Steve responded with a low hum and gave her a kiss.
It would’ve been more, but Bucky cleared his throat, “We need to report to the elders as soon as possible.” It was followed by, “And not have you suck your match’s face.” Thankfully neither of the two lovebirds heard him.
Some of the children in front of the gates ran up to the group with bright eyes and smiles wondering if they brought back sweets and toys.
Steve smiled and responded with a ‘You’ll see’ and motioned to the elder’s residence.
Once you passed the front gates, you and your sisters were greeted with reactions ranging from awe to outright contempt. You wondered if they knew of your identities, but Bucky assured you that it was because his people are a bit weary of outsiders. He decided not to tell you about how some of Sophronius’ forces had the almost the exact same hair color and types of clothes, but that was for another time. Right now, he needed to get the elders to let you three stay.
When they reached the Elder’s Residence – a large longhouse consisting of wood, stone, metal and sturdy fabrics at the top – you stopped yourself from taking another step passed the threshold. What if they didn’t accept you? What if the elders or other members ratted you out to Sophronius? Or will they just have you exiled once they get the riches you and your sisters brought?
Bucky sensed your trepidation and put an enormous hand on your right shoulder, “It’s okay. You’ve got this.” With that your group entered the building.
The elders sat on a raised rectangular dais in the middle of the room with two guards on either end. There was a chandelier and torches all around the main room. Various statues and artifacts of elders passed are placed/hung around the room.
It was intimidating to say the least.
“Welcome back, warriors! Were you successful in your mission?” One of the elders,  Argusa, inquired in Orcish.
“We ran into an old woman who directed us to the lost capital of the Nephrashim.” Steve explained.
“That is nothing but myth, Rogers! If you found nothing than just say so. Honestly, one would think that the halflings would be better at excuses than this.” One of the guards, Figrel, scoffed. He later raised his hands in surrender when Bucky moved in to pummel him.
“Enough, Figrel! Please continue Steve.” Cladista, another elder, gently urged.
“We found the capital to be deserted...except for the princesses. They were at the palace. They agreed to come back with us and we were able to procure valuable medical supplies, building materials, and treasure that we might use for trade.” Steve reported as the elders fixed their gazes onto you and your sisters.
The staring went on for three minutes. No one made a sound as the elders were casting their initial judgement upon you.
With a loud sigh, Argusa spoke in Common Tongue, “We will hear their case. Tell us, why should we let you stay with us?”
Ghada took a cautious step forward, “My sisters and I can offer our services. Fumnanya is a skilled medic and scholar, Y/N is an amazing inventor and metalworker, and I am trained in trade deals and negotiations. Furthermore, all three of us are pretty well versed in combat and culinary arts.” She appealed while searching for any sign of approval from the elders.
“We can attest to their skills if it’s of any consequence.” Sam piped up when it got eerily quit again.
“Interesting. What do you think, Zadia? You’ve been awfully quiet.” Argusa inquired as she turned to the last elder.
“Hmm. They can stay with Bucky’s sisters and stepmother for now. We shall see about their services another time. Enjoy your stay, girls.” Zadia decided while motioning the group to leave.
The short excursion to Bucky’s family’s place was nice. More people warmed up to you (and by that I mean no one gave the three of you blatant glares of contempt), some even walked up and asked questions about you.
It was nice, but all that didn’t matter if Bucky’s family didn’t like you.
You kept telling yourself that you didn’t care what they thought of you, but you knew that was a lie. It angered you that you cared so much. He was the one that said no! Then why did it hurt so much?
Bucky’s sisters and stepmother lived on a farm near the outskirts of the settlement. It comprised of one large dwelling with four smaller ones surrounding it in a circular fashion. Outside of the dwelling circle were smaller cabins and huts for storing food, livestock, hunting tools and combat weapons, and stables for their dire wolves and eagle horses.
It was nice getting to know Bucky’s family. He had three younger sisters – Rebecca (Becca/Becky), Isolde, and Melisende (Meli) – along with Aspasia, his stepmother, a brother-in-law and three nieces and one nephew. They joked and laughed with you three about embarrassing hijinks the guys performed during their youth. You shared some of the your stories about Nephrashim and your former lives. They quickly accepted the three of you as family.
Furthermore, it was nice not having to worry about princess duties and royal decorum. All of you helped around the farm doing several chores for the first time; you didn’t have any hiccups besides Fumnanya freaking out over one of the eagle horses, but Sam handled it.
The only thing that could be better is the treatment you got from the rest of the settlement. Most of the inhabitants either scowled or just pretended that you three didn’t exist. Becca explained that it was because almost none of them had seen clothes and features (hair/eyes) like yours before, but you knew better. It was because they knew you were from Nephrashim. Bucky’s family never breathed a word about it outside the farm’s borders and you doubted the elders would say anything.
Well, you hoped that it would get better. And it did.
An outbreak of Sxtatzia (a cross between Smallpox and Influenza but for orcs) swept through the settlement. Most of the inhabitants who were infected got better except for Zadia.
Just about everyone had lost hope when Sam and Bucky marched in with Fumnanya and Meli in tow (Fumnanya had been teaching Meli some basic medical procedures and best practices). Fumnanya was able to work her magic after Sam threat-, ahem, insisted the guards let her look at the elder. It took the team four hours to create a viable and effective cure.
The day after Zadia was shown to be steadily getting better, the elders put the former princesses to work. Ghada assisted the traders in negotiations, trade deals and some body language/social cues that surprisingly holds up. Fumnanya taught the medics the different practices, poultices, and minor surgical procedures she knew. You taught the metal artisans what you knew about engineering and metalworking techniques.
The warriors couldn’t be happier with this new development. Well, maybe they missed having the three of you near them most of the time, especially Bucky.
It had been three weeks and you still hadn’t talked to him besides an occasional sentence and he was getting pissed. Everyone else tip-toed around the subject of you two and it didn’t help that Steve and Sam were getting closer with their matches. Bucky had to go on hunting trips on his own if only to have a respite from the non-stop lovey-dovey chatter about their matches.
He finally got his chance when he was walking (lurking) around the blacksmiths/artisan section where you had your workshop set up. You were giving a welding demonstration when a little shit, Figrel’s younger brother, attempted to grab your ass.
Bucky strode right into the workshop, punched the little shit, threw you over his shoulder, and went on his merry way back to his dwelling on his family’s farm.
“What the fuck was that?!” you shouted as he plopped you onto a nest of cushions.
“I can’t let you go back there. All those eyes leering at you.”
“What do you care? You were the one who said no at the baths!” You countered as you stood up to take your leave.
You didn’t even make it past him because he growled in frustration and spun you around to face him.
He inwardly smirked at your whimpering, loving the way your lower lip quivered.  
“Because you’re MINE!” Bucky bellowed.
You gazed up at him with coy smile, “Prove it,” and he smashed his lips against yours and pushed you onto his bed.
Bucky may have had plenty of sexual partners, but he never kissed anyone...until you. Now he could see what all the fuss was about.
He pried open your mouth with his tongue and groaned when you accepted him while wrapping your arms around his thick neck. He loved the way your tongue danced with his and ended with your graceful but fierce submission.
Once he finally broke for air, Bucky moved to your jaw and neck gently nipping your skin with his tusks. He peppered you with kisses causing small moans to escape your desperate lips.
“Bucky please!” You pleaded as he sent waves of heat to your core.
Bucky stopped his touches, looked you right in the eye, and responded with, “Not yet,” and continued undoing you.
He ripped off your vest and worker blouse and hummed at the sight of your chest. Seeing you now, panting with a ‘giddy fucked’ face, looking at him with half-lidded eyes, made almost all the blood in his face go straight to his cock.
He dove into your chest, licking and gently sucking your breasts while you grabbed his soft dark brown (almost black) hair moaning his name. He worked your breasts so well that you came for the first time in your life within minutes.
“Bet you’ve never had one of your human boys do this to you, woman?” Bucky remarked with a smirk as he ripped off the rest of your clothing like it was tissue paper.
You could only gasp out a ‘No’ before Bucky sprinkled your midsection and hips with sloppy, desperate kisses (he used a lot of tongue) which again caused you moan. You wondered how much more you could take.
The Fae’s training never prepared you for this!
When he finally got to your thighs, Bucky hummed as he took in the sweet smell of your arousal. He faintly kissed and nipped at your inner thighs causing you to cry out in euphoria and impatience. He ignored your cries and gave your slit one long, slow lick.
You hissed at the sensation both from how amazing it felt and frustration from both Bucky and yourself for denying it from happening sooner.
Bucky’s enormous tongue attacked you pussy alternating between your clit and your folds. He soon added a thick finger to the mix causing to edge again and again until you beseeched him to let you come.
“You’re MINE princess! SAY IT!!”
You whimpered at his demand and Bucky stopped moving altogether.
“SAY IT!!”
You mewled, “I’m yours! I’m your bitch!”, you answered remembering what Becca said male Orcs loved to hear their women say.
Bucky chuckled and got up to remove his clothes and decided to make a show of it.
You were sober enough to gaze lustfully at his sleek, muscular, ruggedly handsome frame. You heard the women in the settlement gossip about how they thought the likes of Bucky is wasted on a ‘stupid trollop’ like you.
Checkmate bitches!
He removed his loincloth, his last bit of clothing, to reveal a behemoth of a cock.
You almost gulped at the size. You and your sisters have heard about cocks from gossiping maids and servants before the curse. Those ones sounded like they were a good size, but Bucky’s was on a much higher level.
Bucky, the lovable but cocky bastard, smirked, “Never seen one this big, huh?”
You bit your lip and looked down in shame, “I haven’t seen one at all.”
“And it’ll be the last one you’ll see, sweetheart.”
You let out an uncharacteristic giggle as Bucky parted your legs and lined his cock at your entrance.
He went in slowly as to not hurt you, but you still hissed at the size of him. You’ve never felt so full in your life.
“You’re doing so well for me,” Bucky grunted, “So tight!”
He filled you to the hilt and stayed there for a few minutes while he helped you get your breathing under control.
He started with slow strokes, savoring the way your pussy squeezed him, like you were made for him. He tried to keep it slow out of respect since it was for first time, but you felt so good so he picked up his pace.
The earlier feeling of discomfort at his size soon faded into euphoria. You never dreamt of pleasure like this. Now you understood what your and Bucky’s sisters were going on about. You mewled when Bucky hit your G-Post just right.
It wasn’t long before your first orgasm hit you like a tsunami and you convulsed around him a wave after wave of carnality washed over you. Soon Bucky came with a roar, shooting long thick ropes of his cum into you to the point of creating a bulge in your midsection and you passed out.
When you awoke, you felt a strong arm wrapped around you and a hand gently stroking your hair and back.
“I know you’re awake, sweetheart.”
You open your eyes and looked up to see love (actual love, not lust) and understanding etched in Bucky’’s features. You never knew you needed it, for someone to actually see you for yourself, not what you could give them.
He exhaled, “I’m sorry for the baths. It’s just that I didn’t want to have sex and then you’d leave me. I know it selfish, but-”
You stopped him with a soft kiss on the lips, “Why would I leave you? You actually see me for myself and not for my former station or as an annoyance. Okay, minus your sisters, stepmother, nieces and nephew because they are awesome.”
Bucky chuckled as his some of his long hair fell in front of his face, “I’ll be sure to tell them that, but not Becca. She has a big ego as it is.”
You giggled in response,”That’s fair,” you bit your lip and shot Bucky a coy look, “Do you want to go again?”
You didn’t need to ask him twice.
You two were at it for the rest of the day. The sounds of your lovemaking evident to the rest of the farm’s inhabitants.
“Finally!” Becca exclaimed as she and Ghada were sewing new clothes for the orclings.
Isolde chose that moment to walk into the common room, “Yes! I get my room back!”
The princesses and their matches were in bliss. Everything was right with the world...until it wasn’t.
It was two months after you and Bucky officially got together. The whole settlement had gotten into an easy rhythm of things when one of scout’s warning horns went off.
“It’s the Horde!”
Everyone who was not fighting was running to the shelters. Bucky had asked you to stay with Becca’s children and mother. You wanted to get angry, but you knew it was because he  wanted someone he trusted and loved to have his stepmother’s back. So you grabbed Waning Swan and ran to the shelters.
The battle lasted until morning and the settlement won, but at a price. Casualties came in at  80 dead and 200 wounded. The scariest thing wasn’t the gore or the corpses, it was the words, “He Knows”, scorched into the ground in front of the arena, or the Assembly Place.
Later that day, everyone who was able crowded into Assembly. Everyone’s eyes were boring into you. Fumnanya kept her head to Sam’s chest, but it wasn’t working.
“I knew those harlots were trouble the moment they strode into our settlement!” A woman who lost her mate to the battle shouted. A chorus of shouts of agreement followed.
Ghada was getting nervous as evident by her squeezing both yours and Steve’s hand. Luckily someone stood up for the group.
“I understand that you’ve suffered, Brida. I lost a son to the Horde, but we can’t blame it all on them. Sophronius has been after us for years. Be reasonable.” Agi stated while the guys gave him a nod of appreciation.
“Fuck that! You’re only saying that because you were they’re mates instructor and your nephew married one those mongrel bitches!” Baldo, another older warrior, exclaimed.
Big mistake.
It would take ten years to ascertain what really happened in the five minutes that followed. Baldo was thrown out of the Assembly, Brida was nursing a broken jaw, Becca had a wound on her left forearm from a sword, and Bucky had to be kept from attacking an idiot by Sam, Steve, Agi, and five other orcs. Everyone else was in an uproar and honestly, a full on fight was going to break out.
“SILENCE!” Argusa roared.
“We need to rebuild. Callisa, can we get a status report by the end of the day?”
Callisa was about to answer when someone demanded that they should do something about the Horde.
Steve gave everyone in your group a knowing and somewhat crestfallen look, “We’ll go to the Resistance and see if they can help.”
It took some minutes before Argusa gave the group an answer. The settlement tried to stay away from Sophronius and the war, but one could say their chickens have come home to roost.
“Alright then, you three take the girls and go first thing tomorrow.” Argusa decided.
“It’s not fair! You just got ‘ere, Auntie! Ingunn cried as she hugged Ghada. All of the orclings were crying and it was breaking your and your sister’s hearts. They’ve made such an impact in your lives that it hurt to leave them now.
“I’m sorry, love, but we have to leave. We’ll be back before you know it.” Ghada reassured her, but you had a feeling it would be a while before your group would return.
With one final hug and a pat, you said your goodbyes to the orclings. Meli, Isolde, Aspasia, Becca, and her mate, Gernot were waiting for you all at the gate.
“I know you’re sad about leaving us, but we will meet again my dears.” Aspasia uttered as she gave each of you a hug.
“Take care and keep these knuckleheads in line.” Becca joked while she gave Bucky a playful punch to the shoulder.
So with a heavy heart, you left the place that felt more like home in many ways than the place you were born.
The group headed southwest to the coordinates a trader said that he saw some Resistance Members. You were crossing a valley when an unscented flash landmine went off and everything went blinding white then black.
Next thing you knew, your group was in chains surrounded by a group protected by shadow...except for five individuals wearing necklaces and a medallion that belonged to…
@lookiamtrying​ @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @retroxvailles​ @imdarkinme​ @dahkness​ @pseudonymphet​ @giorno-plays-piano​ @mcudarklibrary​ @anyatheladyclown​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @macheregrace​ @hurricanerin​ @navegandoaciegas​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @sapphirescrolls​
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Guys I did it! *Sobs violently*
Alright, here’s my list of recommended fics you super awesome humans. 
As I said in my other post, writers helping writers is awesome so I’m so happy to tell you some of the fics I’ve read that I love. Go show these amazing people some love for the time and effort they have put in to create wonderful fics. Any fics I mention have been read by me (multiple times with some), and I totally recommend them. 
I’m gonna do this in a few ways, first off, I’ll section Archive of Our Own separately to FanFic.net, just to make it easier for me to grab the links. Ao3 has a nifty little thing where you can see your reading history so I can grab them from there, with FF, I need to go through and find them, pray for me lololol.
I’ll also be separating the Boondock Saints ones and Daryl ones, just for your ease, if you're only interested in one and not the other. The Daryl ones are only on Archive, because I haven't really read any over on FF for some reason, don't ask me why, I just haven't.
They’re not in any particular order, just as I see them, I'll grab them.
These aren’t all the fics I’ve read, some of the ones I love have been deleted by the writer, which breaks my heart honestly, and some of them I just can't remember.
It’s so fucking long guys, brace yourselves, I’ll put it under the cut.
So, here we go!
Archive of Our Own [Boondock Saints]
- One of Three 
I really like this one and you guys should really check it out.
Author Summary; She had cocooned herself, letting routine and safety run her life. After everything she knew it wasn't much of one, and because she decided to do the right thing her life's about to hit a tailspin in some of the worst and most fantastic ways.
This is a Murphy/OC/Connor story and it’s amazing.
Chapters; 18
- Boondock Saints OC Arc
This ones a little different because it's not set out like the usual fic. Its an arc and some bits have one chapter, one of arcs even has 36. They all follow the same storyline and it flows like a normal fic, the author has just chosen to post it this way, and it works.
Author summary; The story of one girl's first up close and personal encounter with one of the brothers on a late-night subway.The 1st story in my Boondock Saints OC story arc.
This is a Murphy/OC/Connor fic, and it's one of my favs honestly, I've read it all numerous times.
Chapters; I can't give you an exact number with the way it's set out, but as I said, one arc alone has 36, so there's plenty to sink your teeth into.
- Everybody Knows
I love this one, it's short and sweet.
Author summary; Everybody knows exactly what Marissa needs to do to get over her recent breakup. She's spent the last month in mourning and her friends are ready for her to move on...
Chapters; 4, but there's also a sequel which is 5 chapters long, I won't post the link for that since when you've read this one, the option to click on to the next part is at the bottom.
- Saints Alive
I looooove this one!
Author summary; Skid is once again on her own and she has to find a new place. Luckily for her, she knows a friend who knows a guy who knows of a place for free. Downside is it's in the South side of Boston where crime is rather terrible. Of course, with two Irish brothers as new next door neighbors, what's the worst that could happen? 
Chapters; 7
- Time Zero Blues
Okay, so this one, omfgjwoehdjshndloihd. This is one of my favvvvvs of all time, I’ve read it so many times, if you don't read it, I just might cry.
Author summary; Murphy and Connor get out of work early and are headed to McGinty's. Murphy finds a trail of Polaroids along the way that lead them to an unexpected situation. 
Chapters; 23
- Sacrament of Penance
If you’re after something to get you hot and bothered, this is it :’)
Author summary; "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) Pure PWP, sacrilege, and gratuitous smut.
Chapters; 5
- Robyn Hood
This one is mine! Lololol. I’m not recommending it because I’m saying its good, but I haven't posted it here because honestly I’m lazy, so if you wanna read another one of my multi-chapter fics, then hop on over :)
Author summary; When Robyn gets thrown into the life of The Saints, it causes a big stir between the brothers. The boys deal with their feelings for her in very different ways, and all of their lives get turned upside down. Connor/OC/Murphy.
Slightly AU, set a year after the first film, they don't go back to Ireland.
Chapters; 15
- Choíche Is go deo
Another one of mine I’m pretty sure I’ve never posted here.
Author summary; Follow Niamh Flannagan as she grows up with the twins in Ireland and watches them turn from boys into men. How will they both deal with having feelings for her? Will jealousy get in the way? 
Chapters; 8
Fanfic.net [Boondock Saints]
- Risk it all
I’m in love with this one, it’s really fucking good.
Author summary; Nolee moved to South Boston with a hope to escape her past and make a better life for herself. What she didn't plan on was the peculiar Murphy MacManus coming into picture and breaking down everything she thought she knew. As they attempt to bond, can she overcome her tainted old life and let down her walls? Especially with one extra problem: she's already pregnant.
Murphy/ OC
Chapters; 22
- Warrior Shepherds
Another one of my all time favs. I love the dynamics of the characters and how well the boys are written. There’s some serious humour thrown into the mix and I laughed out loud so many times when I read this one. You’ll also be pleased to know this author is on Tumblr, @risingphoenix761. If the username looks familiar, it's because I tag her in all of my shit and recently wrote her a BDS drabble for her birthday. She's an awesome human, so check her out :D
Author note; They were called to destroy evil, but crossing paths with a wayward soul meant compromise. And in compromising, the MacManus brothers get more than they bargained for. Connor/OC/Murphy (rated M for violence, language, and sexual content)
Chapters; 37
- Amaryllis
Also by @risingphoenix761, and equally good and worth a read.
Author summary; She wasn't necessarily in their plans. They definitely weren't in hers. Yet between fate, coincidence, a few misadventures and some small favors, plans don't count for much anyway. Now the only question is, are they really just friends?
Chapters; 6
- Two Lads and A Lass
I love this one!
Author summary; This is a story about my OFC, Timi, who meets the MacManus brothers a year and a half before they become the Saints of Boston. Follow their adventures as Murphy and Connor try to pull the shyness out of Timi and teach her what love and fun truly is.
Chapters; 27
- Her Defenses
Yet another high on my list, I love everything about this story.
Author summary; "What do you two see in me that makes you want to try and fix me?" A new life in Boston meant giving up everything she had back home. That never meant that she had to give up her defenses at the same time. Rated M for language and (future) adult situations.
Chapters; 40
- A Saint, A Sinner
Now this one right here, I have probably read so many times I know it word for word, I’m not even kidding. This is very high on my list. The boys are written perfectly, I love every fucking thing about this one, and there's some very interesting hot and heavy shit along the way.  If you only read one fic of this list, it needs to be this one.
Author summary; Connor M./OC/Murphy M. BDS prequel/romance. What happens when you drink whisky with the boys? It's got it all: romance (as far as the boys can DO romance), fluff, hurt/comfort, plot, canon plus research. Rated for MacManus mouth, violence, & explicit three-way smut (no twincest). Note: The BDS belong solely to T. Duff
Chapters; Now it says 87, but the author has been reworking this fic so it's actually about 67 I think? I’m unsure, and the chapters are a little shorter than usual fics. It’s still amazing and a lot for you to immerse yourself in.
- Saints Angel
Another good one you need to check out.
Author summary; The Saints help to protect everyone in their city, but what if they had a protector of their own? In comes a woman, a hurt, young, lovely woman that was rescued by them, given a new life. To her, they are her boys and she will now do anything to protect them. She will become their Angel...forever to walk by their side...forever to watch over them. 
Chapters; 21
- Once More, With Feeling
This one is perfect quite honestly, I fucking love the OC so much and everything about this fic.
Author summary; [HIATUS - UNDER REVISIONS][ConnorxOCxMurphy] Avery, an emotionally independent journalist becomes complicated by her simultaneous feelings for both of the twins. As their secret life of vigilante world unfolds, Avery is left unattended to an entitled, delusional psychopath.
Chapters; 9
- Alexis's Saints
Another one I absolutely love.
Author summary; Alexis just recently moved to South Boston with her mother. When a nightmare from her past returns full force, she runs into the MacManus brother's and despite trying to stay away from them, she finds herself growing attached to the two brothers as the three try to figure each other out. Rated M for language and some adult themes. Please Enjoy
Chapters; 13
- The Possessed 
This one is fucking amazing. It’s so different from any other BDS fic I’ve read and well worth the read. There's also a sequel which is Connor/OC, so if you wanna read that, click on their username after reading this one and give that one a read too.
Author summary; She is possessed by something evil and supernatural. They have been asked to help save her, to call upon their faith, but one of them is struggling to believe in anything anymore. If she can't be saved then they will be forced to kill her. Do they have the strength to do what they must? Can he believe in something again? 
Chapters; 19
- The Librarian
I love the humour in this one and just everything about it.
Author summary; "You're murderers." Rhetta held up a hand, "And please don't give me a speech about how you only killed 'evil' men. I've heard it all before. And while I do agree that the men you killed deserved it, I do not believe that you have the right to take the law into your own hands." "So, you're no' a fan?"
Chapters; 17
OKAY, I’m gonna leave it at that for the BDS ones, I know there's more but you have no idea how long that just took me, omg lolololol.
Archive of Our Own [Daryl]
- His Walls
This one is so fucking good, it’s number two on my list of Daryl fics. I love how it starts off with young Daryl, they write him so well and exactly how I imagine him to be. It’s soooooo good guys, read it
Author summary; People build up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down. Truer words have never been spoken where Daryl Dixon was concerned. He never expected anyone to care enough, until someone did.
Starts out AU with 20 yr old Daryl, from Chapter 22 on out we'll be in the ZA-world.
M-rating for smut, language, adult topics, descriptions of abuse & attempted rape.
Chapters; 51
- Gorgeous
I hadn't actually read this one before, but I came across it when searching for ones I had read, and I fucking loved it. Young Daryl is my jam and this was so well written and just a good read. It’s a young Daryl AU, so the rest of the twd characters are in it too, like Rick his best friend, Maggie the readers best friend etc. 
Author summary; After meeting Daryl on the way home from a party the reader hatches a plan to get him to like her. But if it isn't friends and well-meaning King County citizens that tell her to stay away from him than it's Daryl himself, who's trying to keep his own feelings from coming to the surface.
Chapters; 16
- 357 Daryl Jerkin' It Drive
This one is a little different, this is a collection of works by the writer where they write not only about Daryl, but a lot of different characters Norman has played. As you can tell by the title, they’re all smut based, and well worth the read. It's also worth mentioning that the writer also has a tonne of other Daryl stories so make sure to head onto their profile to check everything else out, it would take too long to link them all here. Most of them are AU Daryl which I love and they're a really talented writer.
Author summary; none.
Chapters; it's hard to say since its a collection, most are one-shots but I know at least two of the works in there are nine chapters each.
- Night Stalker
Okay I lied, this is the same author as above and the next one is too because it's a sequel to this, but they're my favs by this author, I love them. They're a little dark and they're AU, but if you're like me, you'll love them. I recently recommended the sequel to this one to someone in my ask box.
Author summary; Daryl is mentally unstable, but functioning. He falls in love.
Chapters; 15
- Walking in the Light
The sequel to the above story, I’m in love with it, read it now!
Author summary; Sequel to "Night Stalker". Daryl is improving under the care of his new nurse, Krissy. He is still confused by the hallucination, and why Krissy reminds him so much of Kristin.
Chapters; 17
- Just Another Day
Another AU Daryl story that is amazing.
Author summary; Redemption. It's a concept Daryl Dixon is completely unfamiliar with- but desperately needs. It lives in his dreams, where he's a hero among men in the zombie apocalypse... but that's not real life. Real life is sorrow, loneliness, and pain. Until he meets his beautiful neighbor- then its possibility, hope, and maybe a bullet to the brain.
Chapters; 15
- In The Little Town of Jasper…
Yet another amazing AU Daryl story. Are you sensing a theme here? Looool. I’m pretty sure this is the same author as His Walls that I recommended, but I’m too lazy to check. 
Author summary; -Abrasive. Yes, that description fit him perfectly. The guy smelled like trouble, and she knew he would get even more abrasive the longer she talked to him. Too bad she didn't care. -A pretty stranger that talked to him, knew his name and his place of work? In Daryl's book, that just couldn't be good news. AU - Daryl Dixon/OC, Explicit for language and sexual situations. Yes smut!
Chapters; 65
- Second Hand Hearts
This is another fic I highly recommend you read. (Duh, or it wouldn't be on the list, God Sarah ur like so annoying) :’)
Author summary; In her darkest hour, a woman who has lost everything is rescued by a handsome man with a crossbow and nothing to lose-until he meets her. In a nightmarish new world, where the dead prey on the living, can they beat the odds and together make life worth living again?
Chapters; 32
- Transference
Another AU Daryl one, but it’s so fucking good and different to a lot I’ve read.
Author summary; Be warned. This is a story about Daryl seeking out a different and not so mainstream relationship. It is 100% consensual and he asks for it. He seeks out what he wants so if you have read the tags and you continue to read it's on you. Xoxoxox Krissy
Chapters; 14
- Hope is a Waking Dream
I know I keep saying I love the fics, but I do, clearly. This one though is another favourite of mine and you really need to read it. I love the dynamic between the OC and Daryl.
Author summary; Set between Seasons 2 and 3. Melissa Sheppard is alone in the ZA, but she was alone before the dead owned the earth. She prefers it that way. Boy, is she pissed when she gets back to her cabin to find it has been taken by strangers.
Chapters; 24
- Paths Crossed
I’m getting sick of hearing myself say I love it over and over, so just fucking read it and make me happy! *sobs*
Author summary; While out hunting Daryl comes across a stranger and decides to help her despite his better judgement and they begin on their journey together.
Chapters; 61
- Daryl Dixon Loves Me
This is another I hadn't actually read until now when I was searching, I actually really loved it. It's full of smut and that's never a bad thing. It took me a couple of chapters to really get into it, but it's really worth the read.
Author summary; Daryl comes across Lucy (OC) in the woods and claims her for his own. The story begins during the Farmhouse era of the series.
Chapters; 14
- A Star In A Sea Of Darkness; Darkness In A Sea Of Stars
Another one, just read it.
Author summary; After the Governor attacked the prison, the only person left in Daryl's shitstorm of a life was Judith. For Daryl, it's enough. Until he met her.
Chapters; 28
- Roommate
Holy shit, this fic is everything. It's AU pre-ZA and it's just the best. It's so good, I can't even put into words, very high on my list and it also has a sequel set in the ZA that’s 13 chapters long, please read it. If you like AU things, this is for you. The way they write Daryl in this, it's just gold. It’s also told in Daryl's POV which is just amazing.
Author summary; Several bodies are found in the area of a small town. In this town lives Daryl, the killer of all those people. The investigation goes on, the profile is made, and now the police and the FBI look for a specific type, a loner type, ... Daryl's type. He decides to find himself a roommate in an attempt to mislead the police. Let's see how that will turn out for him. AU pre-apocalypse horror story. Obviously very OOC Daryl.
Rated M for a good reason, violence, foul language, adult content... it's all there, consider yourself warned.
Chapters; 12
- Wallflower
Okay, so this ones a little different. It's actually a Daryl/OC/Rick love triangle and I usually don't read Rick fics (loool that rhyme though) but this is a good fic.
Author summary; Thea Graham has lived in Alexandria for over a year and is happy being mostly invisible. This is what happens when she suddenly has the attention of two men.
Chapters; 20
- Running Wild
This story is number one on my list guys, this is right up there with His Walls. This is my number one fav Daryl fic of all time and I’ve read it so many fucking times it's unreal. This fic is life, it’s everything. If I could only read one fic over and over for the rest of my life, it would be this one.
Author summary; Four years have passed since their sanctuary at the prison fell at the hands of the Governor and the surviving members are now thriving at their new home just north of Atlanta. Out of the blue, late one afternoon, Daryl Dixon stumbles across someone they thought they'd lost long ago; a member of the Woodbury community that had returned with Rick to the prison.
Warning: This fic is quite a bit darker than my other ones. If you are looking for fluffy bunny, happy prancing unicorns and rainbow colored endings, this is not the story you are looking for.
Chapters; 67
- Amnesia
I love this fucking story, ‘nough said.
Author summary; Her story isn't all that different from anyone else these days. The world went to shit, and the dead don't want to die. She's lost people. So has everyone else. Who she was before isn't who she is now. But there is one difference between Lena and every other survivor she's come across. She doesn't know who she was. And who she is? Well, she's still trying to figure that out.
During the mayhem of the early days of the apocalypse, a fateful smack on the head stole her memory. All she's ever known is the world she's living in now. But that doesn't mean she's adept at surviving it. Eventually, she ends up alone and near death's door. Till a man on a motorcycle chooses to save her life.
Now she has to decide if who she was is worth finding, or if she'll fight the hell that comes with what's forgotten and strive for something better with the one man in the world who can see past it all.
Chapters; 48
- Cherokee Rose
Yet another amazing fic!
Author summary; Daryl and Raven's world collide after a visit to Hilltop by the group from Alexandria. Raven's only love is her Black Stallion Obsidian and Daryl has been done with loving anything for a long time. He's had a lot of practice hardening his heart but the dark vixen is finding cracks in his armor. Will Raven be the one that will finally make Daryl feel again? Rated for sexual situations.
Chapters; 21
- Lips of an Angel
I fucking love this fic. This author has already made it on this list because she's so fucking good. Just go read all of her shit. Its AU Daryl, which by now you guys should probably be able to tell I love looool.
Author summary; Daryl calls a phone sex line. I know this is a trope that has been done before but I feel like I added my own spin on it. I hope you enjoy. I love Hinder, and I heard this song on the radio, so here we are.
Chapters; 11
- The Country Singer
Amazing story, go forth and read my children…
Author summary; Country Music rising star, Melanie McCall and her songwriting partner are headed to D.C. to find hope after their tour bus breaks down and their band is wiped out. They are given a chance to come to Alexandria...but what will happen once their new neighbors find out she was Beth Greene's favorite singer?
A story about losing voice, but finding hope.
Chapters; 18
- Home at last (Redux)
Yet another good one for you guys to read. 
Author summary; There are two people alive in this world for whom childhood was a dangerous, precarious, frightening place. For whom life has never been easy and relationships always strained and unnatural things. Having connected, against the odds and then been torn apart by civilization falling around them. How will they react when they meet each other again.
One of them has survived on a deep well of anger and pain, found a family, of sorts, and begun to try and put his past behind him and learn to let people in. The other has dropped the pretense she'd built up before the world went to shit and now she is as detached and self-reliant as he used to be. What happens when these two meet? Can two misshapes fit together and face the world as a better, stronger, complete whole? Can they find, in each other, a place to call home at last?
Chapters; 84
- Of Myths and Men
I fucking love this one, please read it.
Author summary; This story will follow an Original Female Character and her dog through to TWD world from the beginning of the turn.
She will meet the rest of the group, around mid season four.
There is no Beth in my story, Beth fans. I'm sorry.
Artemis. Greek Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth and virginity. Though many Gods vied for her affections only her hunting companion, Orion, could win her heart.
She'd heard them all, been asked if she was a virgin, asked if she had a twin brother, Apollo, asked if she was raped and attacked by her friends and family, asked if she had killed anyone... She was just a girl from a small town with a stupid name.
Artemis had never wanted an Orion, and now the world was falling apart she gathered the chances of meeting one were slim to none. Right? She has Diablo, her best friend and protector.
Who needed the Greek giant Orion when you had the Devil on your side anyway?
Chapters; 42
- Saving Valentine
OH MY GOD THIS STORY GUYS. I love this one, really fucking love it. High on my list. It's got a little bit of Negan/OC in there, but who doesn't love a bit of Negan? I certainly fucking do lololol It’s mainly Daryl/OC though, so even if Negan isn't your jam, I would really recommend reading this.
Author summary; She fought and killed to survive but she lived for revenge. Valentine waits for the right moment to kill the man who murdered her family. Can she do what needs to be done to escape the Sanctuary that is her prison? Can she accept the helping hand from strangers to do it? Can she live with all she lost? TWD world, non canon timeline.
Chapters; 51
- The Living and The Dead
Can we just talk about vampire Daryl for a second, because like HOLY FUCK WHY IS THIS THE ONLY VAMP DARYL FIC I HAVE EVER FOUND. *Breathing intensifies*
Anywho...this story, just fuck. It's everything, it gives me life, please read it omfg.
Author summary; Daryl is the last of his species, in a world that has just turned stranger and stranger since the day his brother turned him.
He's living as normal a life as you can on your own in the woods surrounded by Walkers... until Evie shows up, and threatens to bring all his instincts right back to the surface.
Chapters; 65
- Beasts and Monsters
If you're after a badass OC, this is the story for you. It's so good.
Author summary; Having lost her entire group, Lena finds herself alone in a crumbling world watched through darkened eyes. She is courageous, savage and uncomplicated. Her only companions being an obedient horse and two pet Walkers. When she finds herself outside a prison, inside the walls she finds a group of survivors capable of giving her a glimmer of hope.
Chapters; 31
- Stay
I really love this one *whines*
Author summary; Hannah has been alone for months, but somehow she's made it. But after discovering a school tucked into the northern hills of Georgia, she encounters a stranger who is just as damaged and broken as she is.
Chapters; 48
- Born Nameless
What's this? Yet another good story? Why yes, it is. 
Author summary; Anamika has been alone from the start of the apocalypse and she likes it that way. Groups meant vulnerability, which meant death and Anamika wanted to survive. However, circumstances change and when she agrees to give Alexandria a chance, she finds that she just might not have met the right sort of people before, in particular a dirty, gruff redneck with a hidden heart of gold.
Chapters; 35
Random bonus fic;
- I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, Peaches…
I thought I’d throw this one at you, why’s it a bonus fic you ask? Its a Negan fic, not Daryl, but what the fuck, have it anyway, its really fucking good loooool I fucking love Negan man, I’ve thought about writing him so many times :’)
Author summary; When Blake finds herself sold out to the Saviours by her abusive fiancé, she realises that she's certainly not on her own anymore and finds an unlikely friend in Negan. And Negan does NOT like men who beat their girlfriends, one tiny bit….
Chapters; 140
And that is it guys! Holy fudge nuts, can we just talk about how long this list took me to make? It’s 20 pages long guys *sobs* don’t say I never give you anything.
That nifty history thing on Ao3 I mentioned, for some reason, quite a few weren’t there and I had to go through the fics to find them. Not every single one is on the list, that would take me fucking forever to do, but these are the best ones I've read.
On that note, I want to just say something.
I’m an avid reader of fics, and as you know if you're here, a writer. So let me just take a quick minute to tell you how much writers appreciate feedback on their fics. 
We write for free, we gain no money from what we do, using our spare time and take painstaking hours to not only write fics, but edit, make them perfect and get them out to you. Every like/kudos, or comment/reblog, it means the fucking world to us.
I reply to every comment I get, every time someone likes my shit or comments, it makes my fucking day. Because it reassures me I’m doing good.
I have my days where I think I'm a shit writer and that no one would care if I gave up, and then someone will comment, even something simple like’ this was good’, and it fills me with so much fucking joy.
So, if you read a fic and like it, please let us know. Even if you just like/kudos the thing, just a click, it doesn't take any time, it means so much to us. If you really liked it, comment, let us know. Don't know what to say? 
‘Good job’
‘I loved this’
All of these are adequate, you don't need to over think what you say. If you liked one line in particular, tell us, it's everything. 
Of course you don’t have to, but it’s always welcome is what I’m trying to say.
So with that out of the way, I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labour with this list and I’ve given you a lot to read. My eyes feel like they’re falling out and I might die, but there we go, it’s done. :’)
Much love
Sarah x
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artlessictoan · 5 years
Uhh is it possible for you to do a yodocho thing? Where yodo is kinda butch and chocho is the fem one and yodo is trying to ask her out but they keep getting interupted by like family and friends?
boy howdy is that possible nonny dear! sorry it tookso long to finish this but jfc 5000 words ofc it’s the yodocho one that ends up this long but it was an absolute blast to write so thank you for blessing me with this prompt!
(requests open)
(ao3 mirror)
“Maaan, haven’t been here in so long, this place looksexactly the same.”
Yodo rolled her eyes – the thing that never changed was herfriend’s reaction every time she came over to her house – but helped Chouchou bringin the many bags of luggage she’d brought with her. The woman had claimed she’dpacked light for this trip, but Yodo couldn’t imagine how she’d ever manage togo through so many outfits in just a week.
Without bothering to wait for Yodo to shed her extra layers,she bounded up the stairs, already on a bee-line to Yodo’s room.
“Oi, wait up!” She struggled with fabric, finally justthrowing it on the floor for someone else to pick up later. Or for her dad tonag her into doing it herself. Whichever came first.
By the time she caught up to Chouchou, she was almost to herroom, but had stopped at the open door to the Kazekage’s study. With the kindof brazen disrespect that he somehow managed to inspire in a lot of kids andteenagers, she waved at him and practically screamed, “Hey Uncle Gaara, thanksfor having me!”
He nodded and gave a brief smile – the only kind he wasreally capable of, but no one thought less of him for it. “Of course, it’salways a pleasure to see you.”
They passed by his office and got almost three feet beforehe poked his head around the door and called after them, “Do you want me tobring you anything?”
“No thanks papa, we had lunch before we got home.”
Despite her words, he trailed after them, with the kind ofslightly anxious twitchiness he always had whenever a guest came over. “Are yousure?” he asked, respectfully staying in the hallway when they got to Yodo’sroom. “You don’t want anything to drink at least? I can-”
“We’re fine, just call us when dinner’s ready,” shesaid, shutting the door before he could continue pestering them.
Leaning against it until she was happy that he had walkedback to his study, she let out a sigh before turning around. Chouchou hadalready made herself at home, flopping down on Yodo’s bed face-first, her luggagedropped carelessly on the floor.
She elected to leave it there – she didn’t like tidying upher own shit, she wasn’t about to start doing it for someone else’s – andinstead took a flying leap on top of her friend.
Chouchou grunted, but didn’t scream, which was a littledisappointing.
“Ugh, knew something like that was coming, you’re such achild,” she said, twisting her head enough to glance up at the weight attachedto her back.
Yodo snorted, but shifted so that she was just leaningagainst her. “You love it,” she mumbled, seeing if she could rest her headagainst her friend’s back in such a way that she could hear her heartbeat. Shehad to wonder if her closeness would be appreciated if Chouchou knew about thereal depth of her feelings towards her.
It was weird, they’d been best friends since the moment themet, they roughhoused all the time, Chouchou had never been shy about pokingand prodding and tickling whenever Yodo let her guard down and none of that hadever bothered her before – well, except the tickling. That was just cruel – butthen she hit eighteen and realised that holy shit Chouchou was smokin’ hotand she was suddenly beset by feelings that she had not been prepared for inthe slightest. They had turned what would once have been a friendly,comfortable interaction into something at once exhilarating and filled with anunexplainable tension.
The gentle tapping immediately derailed her train ofthought. She leapt to her feet before she could be accused of something.
Gaara’s head appeared around the door, a tray hoveringbeneath it. “Here, I’ve brought you some tea.”
“I said we didn’t need anything!”
If he noticed her suspiciously loud voice, he didn’t mentionit, instead just calmly saying, “Well, I still thought I should make yousomething, just in case,” as the tray floated into the room, supported by a platformof sand.
She groaned, long and loud, until it was carefully set down.“Ok, fine, can you go away now?” Because she was embarrassed enough around Chouchouwithout adding parental interference into the mix.
Her father levelled her with a heavy stare.
“…Thank you for the tea,” she muttered, trying to sound moredefiant than she really felt.
He smiled in that way that always managed to make her feelbetter, no matter how annoying he could sometimes be. “You’re welcome.”
The door clicked shut, leaving the two girls alone oncemore.
Chouchou immediately began snickering, as she grabbed a cup.“Chill, girl, what’re you acting so weird for? I don’t mind Uncle Gaara hangingaround.”
She puffed her cheeks out, before stalking over to the bedand sitting heavily next to her. “He still treats me like a little kid, eventhough I’m legally an adult now!” Maybe if she wasn’t pouting, her words wouldn’thave had her friend snorting unashamedly.
“Well, to be fair, you can be pretty immature,” she eventuallymanaged to say, easily dodging the fist swung at her head, “but, you’ve grownup a lot these past few years, I’m so proud of you.”
“You’re the worst, you know that?”
For a moment, something in Chouchou’s eyes changed, a flashof emotion too fleeting to pin down, leaving Yodo all the more unsteady for it.Before she could question what was wrong though, a sly little smirk spreadacross purple-painted lips. “Is that what you really think?” she asked,voice suddenly low and husky and if she didn’t know better, she might call it seductive– that was certainly the effect it was having on her.
She might’ve been able to make a snappy retort, except Chouchouhad chosen this exact moment to cross her legs, causing her skirt toriiide up, exposing juuust enough gloriously muscled thigh to shut down everyone of her higher functions.
She didn’t even notice the door opening again, until a softvoice directly behind her blew away the fog in her brain.
“Kankuro made some snacks earlier, I forgot to bring them upwith the-”
Her neck cracked at the speed with which she spun around. “DAD!”
The grin stretching across her face felt like it was goingto tear her face apart, even her dad looked a little uncomfortable at seeingit. “Thank. You. Now please leave us alone.”
He quickly dropped the plate in his hands next to the tea he’dbrought up earlier, then extracted himself from the room. She listened out forhis footsteps to completely disappear, taking the opportunity to catch herbreath and try to calm down her short-circuiting brain, before finally turningback around, to face Chouchou’s perfect legs and devastating smirk.
How had she been so oblivious to Chouchou’s beauty for somany years?
“You know, you didn’t answer my question,” she said, in thatvoice that left warm trails dancing across her entire body, “am I really theworst?”
“N-no, ‘course not.” Wow, suddenly she couldn’t be more thankfulthat her dad had brought up tea, because her mouth had never been so drybefore. Hands shaking just slightly, she poured herself a cup and downed half ofit. “I was just jokin’ around.”
Her eyes were still fixed on the delicious expanse ofexposed skin however.
Chouchou followed her gaze with sharp, amber eyes, grinwidening when she glanced back up. “Yodo~ where are you looking that’s so interesting?”
She then had the absolute gall to lean forward,framing her chest between her arms. “Oh? You don’t see anything you like?”
This… was too much, even for a joke. Chouchou’s actions werefar too deliberate to be unintentional and too extreme to be a prank – Yodo wasthe one with the mean streak and even she wouldn’t mess with someone’s feelingslike this – was it possible that her best friend’s feelings weren’t entirelyplatonic either?
“Do- do you-” was she actually thinking this? Was sheactually going to ask something so dangerous? There must be somethingvery, very wrong with her. “Do you, maybe, li-”
“Chouchou, is there anything you would like to have fordinner?”
“Yodo. Language.”
“-UUUG! I was gonna say fug.”
The look on Gaara’s face suggested that he didn’t believeher for a second, but he let it slide and turned once more to their guest.“Well, Chouchou? You can ask for anything you like.”
Yodo silently fumed as her friend lit up and began mullingover her options. Was he doing this on purpose? He had to be, surely, how elsecould he have such perfectly terrible timing. And Chouchou’s dark, alluring airhad evaporated, leaving behind her usual cheerful self and leaving Yodo towonder if she’d somehow slipped into a dream back there and had just beenbrought crashing back into reality by her dad’s determination to be a goodhost.
And she wasn’t sure if she should be enraged, or grateful.
Eventually, after much thought, Chouchou settled on a porkstew and Gaara was sent away to buy the necessary ingredients. And now that hewas finally out of the picture for at least thirty minutes, Yodo could finallyconfess in peace.
Just as she was taking a slow, steadying breath however,Chouchou opened her own mouth. “So anyways, what was it you were gonna ask?”she asked, chipper and completely innocent, as though the last five minuteshadn’t even happened.
With her cheeks flaming, Yodo stomped over to the plate of snacksand tried to swallow four at once. “Forget it!” she snapped through hermouthful. “The moment’s gone forever.”
A fine, red eyebrow raised, but Chouchou didn’t question heron it, just grabbed some nibbles for herself before they were completely demolished.“Ok then, so what do you wanna talk about? Been on any cool missions lately?”
She took the change of topic with both hands and ran withit, immediately rambling on about how her brothers had nearly ruined their lastdisaster aid assignment.
But an idea had been planted and she wasn’t going to let itgo so easily.
Ok, today, she was going to say it. She had a plan, she hada good feeling, this time would be the one.
She had already dragged Chouchou out with her to one of thefew parts of the city with some real greenery – though not her own garden,despite it being prettier, she’d had enough trouble with her dad yesterday; noway was she going through that again – she had spent half the nightlying away coming up with a perfect script and she had buttered Chouchou upwith this morning’s breakfast – she’d gotten up super early just to make atraditional Sunan spread, with a wide range of homemade breads, jams, cheeses,fruits, eggs and soup.
Suna folk did nothing by halves.
And she wasn’t gonna half-ass her confession either.
“It’s really cool you still get so many plants this time ofyear.” Chouchou was idly sniffing at some flowering cacti, her long, brightyellow dress making her stand out, even amongst the colourful flowers. Thelocation was a success, now it was for the important bit.
“Thought you might like it,” she said, waiting until herfriend was fully focused on her before continuing. “Hey, so, there’s somethingI’ve been wanting to talk to you about, something really important-” she hadn’teven got to the scary part and yet she could still feel the sweatrolling down the back of her neck “-see, a couple months ago something changed,I don’t really get it at all, but I-I, I mean you’re- that dress- hey, are youeven listening to me?”
She had to ask, because for the last twenty seconds,Chouchou’s gaze had been very much not on her, instead fixed on a point justabove her shoulder.
It was probably for the best; “I mean you’re that dress,”wasn’t a line likely to win anyone’s heart any time soon, but she how could shebe so distracted when she had put so much effort into making this perfect?
“Uh… why is your brother hiding in the bushes?”
Yodo spun around to glare in the direction that had socaptivated Chouchou’s attention and, indeed Shinki was lurking in theshadows; managing to look even creepier than usual. She tried to radiate asmuch ‘go away now’ energy as possible with her facial expression alone, but heremained unimpressed and unmoving.
She decided to barrel on past it. Sure, maybe her idealconfession scenario wouldn’t involve a family member ominously watching in thedistance, but as long as he stayed far away, he couldn’t possibly ruinanything. “Oooookaaaay, well, as I was saying-”
But her friend didn’t seem to hear her. Chouchou’s gaze wasutterly transfixed, she didn’t even seem able to blink. “…Now he’s giving me athumbs up.”
Right, this conversation could wait, she had a fratricide togo commit.
Kankuro’s snickering was a level of obnoxious that she’dnever experienced before.
“C’mon kid, it can’t be that difficult.”
She lifted her head enough to glower at him, then dropped itheavily back against the kitchen table. “You’re one to talk, have you ever eventried to ask someone out?”
He rolled his eyes. “You know I ain’t interested in thatshit, but I’m still better at flirting than you.”
As much as she’d like to disagree with him, she knew he waskind of right. Even if he wasn’t that invested, she had seen him do his thingat enough – otherwise dull – political events, to know that he was more than capableof finding hook-ups. Somehow. She still didn’t understand the appeal at all,but the fact that the only person she’d ever crushed on was a girl maybe explainedit.
She still had her pride to uphold however.
“Fuck off, I’m amazing at flirting!” She smirked whenshe heard the feet bouncing down the stairs, pushing herself out of her seatand slamming both hands down on the table with enough force to rattle the cupson it. “You’ll see, Chouchou’s on her way down and I’m gonna get her to go outwith me, right here, right now!”
Kankuro leaned forwards until their noses were nearlytouching, a wide, sinister grin exposing far too many of his teeth. “Do it then.”
“I. Will.”
Suddenly, Chouchou swept past them, mumbling a low, “Mornin’,”as she opened the fridge and began rooting around in it like she owned theplace. If she had noticed the weird staring contest between uncle and niece throughher grogginess, she had elected not to say anything.
Clearly she had just come from washing up; her hair was slightlydamp and messy curls had yet to be tamed, she hadn’t put on any makeup and she’dthrown on a robe without much thought.
Yodo had never been more attracted to anyone in her entirelife.
“Mornin’.” She glanced over to where Kankuro was waggling hiseyebrows at her, wordlessly daring her to prove him wrong. “Sooo… you got anyplans for today?” she asked, very distracted by the sweet, fruity scent waftingoff of her – a Konoha perfume most likely, Suna ones were generally muskier, withhints of the many spices grown in the region.
Chouchou blinked at her a few times as she took a slow sip ofjuice. “Girl, I’m here to see you, my plans are gonna be the same as yours.”
Out of the corner of her eyes, Yodo could see her uncle withholdinglaughter. She tried to ignore the blush creeping up her neck. “Right, right, duh,must still be half asleep,” she muttered, wonky smile forced upon her lips.
Her attempt at playing it off with a laugh was immediately ruinedby Kankuro blurting out, “You’ve been awake for an hour and a half already.”
She glared at him. He grinned at her.
He was gonna play dirty then, huh? Fine by her, she’d just haveto bring out the big guns, something so irresistible that Chouchou would practicallyfall into her arms before her uncle could ruin it. “So, you… dress good, huh?”
Every eye in the room dropped down to the decidedlyun-glamourous fluffy bathrobe she’d had to borrow from Araya – because Yodostill had to shop in the children’s section to find clothes that didn’tcompletely swamp her and Chouchou was over six foot of pure Woman.
It had a cute little duckling pattern on it.
The dam of Kankuro’s not-very-high restraint finally brokeand he started howling with laughter. “Woooow, smooth!”
“I know right? I’m amazed at how she manages to function ineveryday life,” Chouchou said, not bothering to hide her own amusement as shestarted sharing the story of that time a few years back that Yodo had beentrying so hard to forget about.
Entire body flaming red, she practically leapt out of theroom, yelling behind her as she stormed up the stairs, “You’re both jerks and Ihate you!”
She wasn’t sure why Araya had insisted on joining themtoday, they were just doing a little souvenir shopping for Chouchou’s friendsand family back home, hardly something he hadn’t seen before.
Though his presence was at least keeping her somewhatfocused on their task, rather than on how lovely Chouchou looked in that brightblue dress; which was very. Very, very lovely. So lovely that shedesperately wanted to remove it to see how much lovelier she looked underneath.
If this was what being in love felt like, she wondered how humansas a species had ever lasted this long.
Araya casually asked who they were shopping for first,immediately reminding her that she was in public and should really get her mindout of the gutter before she did or said something that would get them thrownout of the market and probably earn them a lecture on the importance ofrepresenting a village from the Kazekage.
To distract herself from her thoughts, she picked up alittle clay figurine, some kind of lion thing. “Inojin would probably like this,right?” It wasn’t exactly like his ink beasts, but it was close enough; he couldprobably do with some new ideas anyways.
Before she got any response from the one she’d actually beenasking however, Araya had leapt upon her, taking the object reverently in hishands and waved it in front of Chouchou’s eyes. “Wow, he’d love it! You’re sogood at this Yodo! Isn’t she amazing?” The smile hidden by his mask wasdefinitely made up for by the pure excitement in his voice.
“Hmm, I guess she’s pretty good, dunno that I’d go as far asamazing though.” Chouchou still took the lion though and wandered over to the stall’sowner to haggle.
Yodo took the opportunity to scrutinise her brother. “What’swith you today?”
“Nothing, at all,” he said, utterly failing to sound like hewasn’t lying – he’d never been very good at it in the first place.
“Really, there’s absolutely nothing going on. C’mon, it lookslike she’s done, let’s go to a food stall next!” Quickly running off to grabChouchou’s hand, he dragged them both off.
And things continued being weird throughout the day; as theybrowsed the market for interesting trinkets and regional delicacies to sendback to Konoha, Araya took every opportunity – and several opportunities thatdidn’t actually exist – to praise Yodo to the high heavens, no matter howtrivial her actions. She normally wouldn’t mind, her ego was big enough that itcould take a little stroking every now and then, but everything about him todaywas just screaming ulterior motive and that could only mean bad thingsfor her.
Araya with a Plot was not someone to mess with and she wasfeeling very twitchy as a result.
So twitchy, that when she heard the slight hitch of breathbehind her, she immediately spun and caught the heavy weight that wasthreatening to fall on her.
It must’ve looked ridiculous, a six-foot-something giant,who was eighty percent leg, being held like a princess by a scrawny, five-foot-on-a-good-dayrunt.
Araya looked up at her and threw his arms around her neck.
“Oh, Yodo, my hero!” He was practically weeping now,catching the attention of more than a few passers-by. “Thank you so much, whoknows what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been here to catch me in yoursurprisingly strong arms! I’m sure you would be an amazing catch for anyone!”
She closed her eyes and counted to ten before dropping hisweight and letting him fall the whole five inches to the ground with a lightthud. Everyone around them looked either confused or amused, as she bent down,grabbed her brother’s ankles and wordlessly dragged him into the nearest dark,abandoned alleyway.
When they were sufficiently alone, she leaned over to glareat where his eyes should be; she might not be able to see his face through themask, but he could certainly see hers. And hopefully he would be rightfullyscared of it. “Ok, seriously, what the fuck.”
“I’m just trying to get Chouchou to see how cool you are, soshe’ll want to go out with you!” he said, arms gesticulating wildly, even as hewas lying on his back.
“What’s that got to do with you? I can take care of thismyself.”
He sighed and slowly pushed himself so he was sittingupright. “Look, I support you one hundred percent in everything – you’re thebest sister in the world – but you’re definitely going to screw this up if weleave you to your own devices, so we all agreed that you needed a hand toactually make this happen.”
“I’d be doing just fine if people didn’t keep distracting me-”she stopped, suddenly thinking back to everything that had happened the lastweek “-wait, we? You’re all in on this?”
“Well, Uncle was mostly just being himself and Dad was justgoing along with what Kankuro told him to do, but me and Shinki at least have yourbest interests at heart! He just thought it might be better to quietly supportyou from the sidelines while I think the more… direct approach would be better.”
Even if she’d wanted to respond to that, she couldn’t findthe words, so she just spun round and stomped out into the street whereChouchou was still waiting for them. “You guys done?”
“Yeah, let’s go.”
The peace lasted for all of five steps before Araya joggedup behind them and leaned down to whisper in Chouchou’s ear. “Yodo’s great, don’tyou think?”
“I can hear you and I don’t need your help,” she ground out,teeth practically cracking with the force of her strained grin. Was he reallyplanning to follow them around until she finally confessed? Sure, she hadn’tsucceeded so far, but she was just waiting for the right time!
She couldn’t see Araya’s expression behind the mask, but sheknew she didn’t like it. “Are you sure about that?”
“Chouchou, let’s go look over there.” Grabbing her friend’shand – and definitely not feeling a little giddy about it – she led her to aclothing stall, already eyeing up a beautiful, deep, ocean blue and gold scarfthat would look amazing against Chouchou’s dark skin.
Araya remained undeterred. “I know she can be very dense,and stubborn, and she’s pretty lazy and her dress sense is… distinctive-”
“This is what you call helping?” she snapped, bristlingat his tone of refined disdain.
Just because he didn’t appreciate her butch, punk fashionchoices, didn’t mean that she was a bad dresser. She was at least above herfather and uncle in the family style rankings. Which was a real thing; Shinki kepta constantly updated list in his desk.
“-but she has somegood qualities too! She’s fun cool and she always loyal to her friends andfamily, I bet she’d be a really great girlfrie-”
As much as she would love to just throttle him right now,she settled for grabbing his shoulders – mostly because she couldn’t actuallyreach his neck – and shaking vigorously until he shut up. “Go. Away. I’ve. Got.This.”
He carefully removed her hands and held them together betweenhis own. “Look you don’t have to do it yourself; it’d be less painful foreveryone if I just said it for you.”
“That ruins the whole point though!”
She could feel the Look, and she hated it. “Are you gonna doit yourself then?”
“I- wha- ye- no-” she looked around for someone to save her,unfortunately most of the civilians had grown bored of the show and returned totheir shopping, the only person still watching was Chouchou herself, gigglingsoftly, with her long hair shimmering in the sunlight. Swallowing a painfullump, she turned back to her brother, saying softly, “Look it’s hard, ok?”
“It doesn’t have to be, just be honest, I know that nothingbad will happen, trust me, you can do it, it’s really not so scary,” he said,tone gradually shifting from soft and encouraging to exasperated and critical, “I’veasked out tons of people before and I don’t get this worked up about it, reallyI thought you were the brave one-”
“God! Fine!” She spun round, pointed directly at her crushand yelled at the top of her voice, “CHOUCHOU YOU LOOK GREAT IN THAT DRESS BUT IT’DLOOK BETTER ON MY BEDROOM FLOOR! Are you happy now?!”
Chouchou stared at her, completely still for a second, then burstout laughing.
Loud, unashamed guffaws probably weren’t the ideal reactionto a pick-up line, but, listening back to her own words in her head, she couldunderstand how they’d gotten there. Still didn’t mean she couldn’t be offendedby it though.
“Hey, quit laughing! I’m tryna be serious here!”
Araya crossed his arms, shaking his head slowly, clearly notfar off of laughing himself. “And that’s the line you chose to be serious with?”
“Ok, you shut up you’re no help at all,” she said, elbowinghim in the stomach before snapping back to her friend, “and Chouchou stoplaughing at a girl when she’s bearing her soul! Can’t even get some respectwhile confessing, honestly…”
Slowly, Chouchou straightened up, wiping a tear from her eyeand pure delight still lighting her voice as she asked, “Yodo, are you sayingthat you like me?”
Fuck, how red was she right now? Had to be pretty bad if theburning of her skin was anything to go by – even the midday Suna sun felt coolby comparison. “Y-yeah, obviously,” she muttered, suddenly all too aware of howmany eyes were upon them again.
She blinked expressionlessly at Chouchou. “Huh?”
“Girl, I’ve been trying to get you to admit you like me for months,I really thought I had a winner with that ridiculous seduction act when I firstgot here.”
“If you knew then why didn’t you just say something!” shespluttered, defaulting to her usual anger while she was waiting for the joy tokick in.
Amber eyes rolled, but she was still grinning widely. “I’vebeen in love with you since we were kids, I figured I’d let you stew for atleast a little while, get some revenge for you being an oblivious idiot.”Chouchou had liked her for that long? How had she not noticed?
More importantly, however. “Wait, so are we, like… datingnow?”
Closing the distance between them and leaning down, Chouchoustared deep into her eyes, mouth set in a hard line and brows furrowed heavily.“If you say you don’t want to after all this, I will literally throw you intothe middle of a sandstorm,” she said, before her warm smile returned and she lightlypecked her on the cheek.
“Ha, I win!” Araya immediately managed to ruin the momentwith his loud declaration.
Kankuro landed next to them with a thud; Yodo didn’t evensee where he came from. “I call foul! We never agreed that you could get sopersonally involved!”
Family members began appearing out of the aether, until theywere surrounded by her brothers, father and uncle. Her blood pressure shortthrough the roof.
“Exact terms were never agreed upon, it’s your fault forbeing so vague, so you have to pay up.”
Yodo felt all feeling drain from her body. “…Were you allbetting on this?” she asked, voice soft and chilling.
The sudden silence could’ve been cut with a rusty butterknife, it was so thick.
Araya was the first to attempt a response. “N-noooo,definitely not!”
“You just said that you won!”
“Which I’m still not accepting, by the way,” Kankuro cut in,earning twin glares from Yodo and Araya both.
“Ok I’m not surprised by you three-” she glared at her brothersand uncle, who looked varying shades of ‘not especially guilty’ “-but even youwere in on it, papa?” Yes, she was bringing out the big, watery, puppy-dog eyesand no, she didn’t feel bad about it.
“Kankuro said he had a plan to make you very happy and Ididn’t think to question him on it, I can only apologise.”
“My baby bro is a snitch! How could I let this happen, I’vefailed you, my brother…” Kankuro wailed, as though he wasn’t the main bad guyhere; Yodo had absolutely no doubt the whole bet was his idea and she would notbe letting it go unpunished. Though her dad’s look suggested that he wasdefinitely going to be dragging him off later to have a Chat with him first.
A heavy arm dropped across her shoulders and long hairtickled at her cheek as Chouchou leaned down to snicker in her ear. “Yourfamily’s hilarious, I love it.”
She basked in the casual touch of skin against skin anddecided that – if this was the reward – she would happily deal with a thousandmeddling families. “You guys are lucky my girlfriend likes you, else you’d all bedead to me!”
Didn’t have to let them have the satisfaction of knowingthat though.
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What Do You Want from Me? Ch 19
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Lance Tucker x Reader, OFC Claire
Words: 2179
Warnings: Language
A/N: Oh, something happens...enjoy!
Before Lance could answer, there was a knock on the door. Of course, the wedding was going to start soon, so it was probably Jase's aunt coming to make sure you were ready to go.
You walked around Lance and made your way over to the door. Looking back at Lance, he's now running his hand through his hair; no doubt frustrated by your request. He'll just have to figure himself out if he truly wants all of this to end or not.
Opening the door, it was not Jase's aunt standing in front of you, but the snatch of all snactch’s staring back into your eyes, and there's nothing more you want to do right now then wipe the fake ass smile off her face.
“Claire,” you were curt and unwelcoming.
She really was the last person you wanted to see right now. The bitch was a constant thorn in your side.
“Y/N! I came to offer help!” She brushes past you and enters the room, surprised see Lance in the room with you. “What's he doing here?” She looks back at you, shock written all over her face.
“Why, Claire? Afraid I'll run away with him at the last second? Steal the man of your dreams? Relax…he's yours. However, jealousy is not a good look on you, sweetheart.” You give her a smirk as you close the door she had just walked through. Obviously, this day was not meant to be Claire free.
Claire scoffs at your remark, “I'm hardly jealous, nor worried. He knows his place.” She turns to Lance, who is rolling his eyes, and blows him a kiss.
“Wow, who’da thunk it, Claire? Someone’s finally silenced Lance Tucker. Never thought I'd see the day,” you moved away from door and sat down at the vanity to fix your makeup. The previous events in the room demanded a fresh coat, and you wanted to touch it up before it really was time to go.
“So, what’s he really doing here?” Claire asked again, placing her hands on her hips; attitude pouring off of her like hot lava.
“Problems already in your relationship?” You turned around to face her, bitch face glued on tight, “You really can't turn a hoe into a housewife.”
You turn yourself away, screaming on the inside. Through the mirror you can see her scrunch her face, anger written all over. Good! This bitch needs to be knocked down a peg or two. She's had too much control for too long.
“If you must know, I asked him to give me away.” Your voice coming from the mirror, continuing with reapplying your makeup.
“Y/N-” Lance starts to speak, but you cut him off before he makes things worse.
“Lance…thank you for agreeing to my request.” You turn your body to face him, giving him a loving smile, “Do you think you could give us a few last moments alone. I'd like to have a word with myself proclaimed bff?”
Lance spends a moment cemented in place, eyes moving between the two of you. The man nods in agreement, wanting to get the hell out of dodge before the shit hits the fan, “Yeah. I can step out. I'll be back right before it's time.”
Lance walks over to where you're seated; bending down and placing a kiss on your cheek. He lets his lips linger for a little too long and removes them when he hears “ahem” from behind him. Lance lifts his head and makes eye contact with you, and you don't miss the eye roll he her gives before he walks to the door and exits the room.
“Really, Y/N!” Claire immediately starts in on you once Lance closed the door, “You just couldn't leave him alone could you?” She's moved closer to you now and is sitting in the exact chair Lance was sitting in earlier when he was begging you to marry Jase.
“Awww, poor Claire! Having a hard time getting what you want? When will you learn playing with fire gets you burned?” You turn to look back in the mirror, deeming your face had been fixed enough.  
Claire watches you as you stand up from the vanity and walk over the table grabbing your glass of water you had almost forgotten about, staring at you...never saying a word. This is hardly like her, so you wonder how much time will pass in silence. She usually never passes up an opportunity to spew her venom, and it’s only a matter of time before she starts.  
“Your silence is deafening.” Trying to evoke a response from her, but she just continues to glare at you, as if you were her prey. There is truth in that thought, it seems like you have been for quite some time. Looks like she's had her sights set on you for a while now. It's a shame really that Claire won't ever really get what she wants.
You make your way to the window overlooking the garden. The late fall has turned the bright colors of the summer to a crisp, vibrant scene reflective of the upcoming change from fall to winter. You chuckle to yourself noting the irony of the situation; the frost covering the trees outside, and the chill of the air in your room as the ice queen herself inhabits it. It's a wonder there wasn't frost covering the windows from the icy blast of the woman behind you.  
“I never quite understood you, Claire.” You’re still looking out the window, not paying her any mind. “You came into my life, befriended me, constantly trying to push me…why? Clearly it was all an act, but for the life of me I can't understand why? Why go through all this trouble just to get to Lance?” You look back at her, she's still sitting in the chair watching you, but there's a softness in her stare. Like something you said broke the dam. Maybe the Grinch does have a heart.
“You were my friend,” she begins, gripping on to her clutch for the strength to continue, “but things have changed. I'm not the same woman you met back in college. I've grown up since then and my goals are different.” Claire's tone is serious. There's not even a hint of sorrow in her. Proof, Claire is the cunt you've always known her to be. That heart you thought you saw, gone. In its place, a cold, conniving, heartless beast, with ugliness raging inside her.  
“Tucker is your prize?” You're smirking at her, as you cross your hands to your chest. “I mean, did you really think he'd be yours?” You're laughing at her, and you can see her nostrils begin to flare. Claire looks as if she's a dragon about to erupt and set the room on fire, but you're not going to let her. Not yet.  
“If you think he's a prize, take him. However, you'll never have his heart. That's mine, along with these children. See, in your clever little game you forgot one thing…people are unpredictable.”
Claire’s face drops, and she goes from flaring to puzzled, taking her a few moments to process the words that flowed from your mouth.
“What are you talking about? Wh-what game?” Claire has become a little nervous now, shifting uncomfortably in her chair. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” you're taunting her, “did you think I didn't know?” Her mouth drops open, shock setting in. “Give people enough rope and they hang themselves.”  
You walk back over and take a seat at the vanity, facing the deflated ice queen. “I'm not as naïve and stupid as you think I am. Lance loves me, and he's willing to give up his chance at being a father and the woman he loves, just to be arm candy with you? I don't buy it. You're holding something over him. And if I had to really look at every single thing you've done, I'd say it's not just Lance you're toying with.” You wink at her.
Claire sits quietly, thinking over what you've said. Her face is a myriad of emotions, so you have no idea what is about to come out of her mouth. She finally stops with the funny faces and looks at you smiling big, “You think you're smart, don't you?”
Finally, she speaks!
“I honestly don't think I'm anything. Just Y/N.”
Claire nods her head in agreement, “That's all you'll ever be!”
The bitch stands up and moves to the window behind you, looking out at the same scene you saw not that long ago, “You're so perfect, aren't you?” Her voice begins to tremble, “Everything just comes easy for you; school, your career, Lance. Everybody loves you…but what about me?! Who loves me?”  
You say a prayer to God, that whatever she's done isn't because she's jealous of you, because that's just fucking stupid.
“Claire,” you turn and face her and see tears starting to run down her cheeks, “what have you done?”
She rubs her face, trying to clear the tears she's shed. “Why should I tell you, huh? So, you can have everything? Take Lance permanently away?” The crazy woman has gone mad and raised her voice an octave.  
“I'm marrying Jase...isn't that enough? Just let it go Claire!” You plead with her, hoping maybe she'll see reason and consider whatever game she's playing at.
“You think I care if you marry Jase?!”
Oh shit, the wicked witch is yelling now.
“He has to marry you, or his family pays the price! I'll make sure his uncle goes down for taking bribes, you think I haven't seen it? My father has his uncle in his back pocket, and don't think I wouldn't turn him in.” Claire's face is red, and you can see her vein pulsating in her neck, “And Lance!” She continues, “Lance knows I'll make your life hell, or his either way if he doesn't do as I say, so if you honestly think I give a good fuck if you marry Jase, you're sadly mistaken! But if you don't,” she walks over to you and is in your face, murder in her eyes, finger pointing in your face, “I will take everything you love away from you, starting with those babies, and ending with Lance!”
This bitch! Did she? She did! The fuck? The dialogue on your head can't believe what she just said, but you must contain yourself for a little while longer.
“Claire,” you were calm, trying not to smack this how into next week, “you're not bipolar by chance?”
She gives you a quizzical look confused by your question. “Are you serious?! No, I'm perfectly sane!” Claire has crossed her arms to her chest, her face has gone back to its original color. “Because I'm pretty sure you just said all of this is because you're jealous of me, for whatever fucked up reason. That to me sounds like the worst reason for fucking with people's lives ever.” You shake your head at her and walk back to the vanity. Someone should be knocking on the door any second, you take one last look at yourself, ready to get this done and over with.  
Sure enough, you hear a knock and walk over to the door. You open it to a tall, broad man standing there wearing a black suit and tie, looking very official and not part of the wedding party, or guest list. He gives you a curt nod, and you move out of his way. Following behind him, is a shorter brunette dressed eerily like the man that walked in ahead of her. Both walk in the room screaming confidence and intimidation, as they walk right over to Claire, stopping in front of her.
“Claire Baxter?” The man asks, his voice monotone, no emotion to be found. Claire nods her hard and give a little simple “yes”. The man pulls out what appears to be a wallet, opens it up, and flashes something to her; Claire's face immediately dropping to the ground. “I'm Agent Johnson, the woman about to place handcuffs on you is Agent Perez….” Agent Perez is standing behind her pulling out the cuffs and slapping them on her wrists. “You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent…”  
Those words were all you needed to hear. Your job was done. You reached inside your bra and pulled out the wire, waking it over to the table and dropping it Claire's view. She looked up long enough to watch you do it, and she just shakes her head.
“Am I good?” Agent Johnson has finished reciting her Miranda rights, and looks back at you.
“We're good. Thanks.” He turns his attention back to Claire, and you take that as permission enough to leave.
Before you go, you look back at the woman that's been fucking with your life for years. “Hey, Claire.” She looks up, eyes red with tears, “Fuck you!” That was the last thing you'll ever say to her. Claire Baxter was out of your life for good.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 7 years
I’m a Walking Travesty
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Jai Courtney/OFC (Roo) Warnings: Language Rating: PG13 Length: Short Story Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.
A/N: I can’t wait for everyone to see what I have planned for these two :D 
Read:  Can You Not? & Dirty Laundry
"Honey, do you know where the joey hid his wetsuit?" Jai called into the hall, as she passed by Denzi's room.
Still in his phase of hating swimming, Denzi was know for hiding his trunks, wetsuit, and water shoes in various places around the house. Placing the laundry basket on the floor, she scratched the back of her head and shrugged.
"Have you checked the garage or under his bed?"
Denzi was getting excessively clever on his hiding spots. While she had been in charge, during Jai's absence, she'd found a pair of water shoes in a kitchen cupboard and a life jacket stashed behind the couch in the basement.
"Not under the bed, I'll check the garage later." Jai rolled his eyes, folding a tshirt and shoving it into the suitcase.
"Well, I'm sure you'll find it before we leave." She offered a ghost of a smile. Bending to pick up the laundry basket, her own suitcase was waiting in the spare room, she paused when Jai stopped her.
"So, um, I uh...I've been meaning to ask." He cleared his throat awkwardly.
"Yes?" She placed a hand on her hip, the other holding the basket to her body.
"Are you still going to Boston?" Jai asked, barely glancing up from putting Denzi's clothes in the Spider-Man suitcase.
"I am, for a little while." She replied, lingering in the door of Denzi's room. "I'll be back in a week, it was all I could spare from the office."
"A week isn't bad, it'll be good to get away. Can you hand me that jacket?" Jai motioned to the blue rain coat on Denzi's door rack. Picking up the slick coat, she handed it over, taking a step back. "Kids, they require so much shit."
"It's because you over pack, Denzi doesn't need half of that." She pointed out with a slight smirk. "Move over, let me pack for him."
"If you can do it better, please, be my guest." Jai held his hands up in surrender, backing away from the suitcase on the bed.
Clothes basket on the floor of Denzi's room, she crossed in front of Jai, pulling the suitcase off of the bed and sitting cross legged in front of it.
"Okay, let me see." Rubbing her hands together, she began pulling out items.
When she had packed for Adelaide, everything had gone into one large suitcase. A week and a couple of days allowed for lighter packing, the two and a half week father - son trip was a little more extensive, but similar rules applied.
Anything small or trivial was left at home, with the intentions if it was needed later, it could be bought. Anchorage wasn't Adelaide, but she was certain they would have toothpaste and sun block, if Jai ran out of either.
Clothing rules were still the same - two sweaters, a good versatile jacket, one pair of sneakers, one pair of boots, the rest to be packed accordingly.
Emptying Denzi's suitcase, she laughed at some of the items Jai had in there. When would Denzi need a full snow suit? Better yet, where had Jai found a full snow suit? The four pairs of shoes were also not needed, nor were the six stuffed animals.
Tunks was the only animal needed to make the trip, the slightly worn elephant would go in Jai's carry on, in case a quick access was needed.
"Boomer, in what part of Wilderness Adventure Holiday, will Denzi need three pairs of dress pants. When do you plan on him wearing the loafers?"
"I don't know." Jai shrugged, sitting on the edge of Denzi's bed.
"Men, you're hopeless." She laughed, pulling out the dress pants and small loafers, which matched Jai's perfectly.
Half of the items in the case weren't needed. Jai wasn't stupid, in fact, this was all perfectly coordinated. Knowing that she would be home this afternoon, Jai had planned the task as carefully as he could.
Since arriving home from his shoot in Australia, they'd hardly saw one another, in almost two weeks Jai could count on one hand the times they'd talked. Actually had an honest, decent conversation, or stayed in the same room.
She'd tried to convince Jai that going back to Miles' apartment was her best course, but that had been squashed when Miles announced he was leasing the apartment to continue his work on the east coast.
Perfect timing, or a perfectly crafted plan?
Staying in the spare room hadn't been that terrible. For the most part, things had been going well. She came and went as she pleased, all while Jai kept his promise to allow her space. No interference. Her therapist had told her that interaction, on a limited basis, with Jai was a good thing. It was obvious that she had feelings for the man and shouldn't cut him out completely.
"Need help?" Jai asked, wanting to do more than sit on the bed and appear useless.
"You can put away that pile." She motioned to the things that were not going. "And, Boomer, learn to pack." She teased him, as she folded a pair of jeans – one item Jai had packed, which could actually be taken - and laid in them Denzi's suitcase.
"I know how pack," Jai defended with a sheepish smirk, "as a parent I worry. You can never be too careful."
"For a man who packs a lot of suit cases, you sure are messy." She commented, sorting out the mess of clothing that had been shoved into Denzi's case.
"We don't have much time and I still have to pack my bag." Jai used his excuse.
She had spotted his packed suitcase, resting against the end of his bed, when she'd walked by his room earlier. She admired his attempt though. Jai had been trying to spend more time with her; she wasn't stupid and anybody could see that. As nice as the space was, she did enjoy the few times they had been interacting.
"After this, you're on your own. Unlike some people, my bag really does need to be packed." She snorted with a chuckle of disbelief. "If I miss my flight, I can't get another for two days."
"You'll be fine, Roo. We'll get you packed and there on time." Jai picked at a loose string on the end of his shorts. "You know, Alaska is always an option."
Checking the clock on Denzi's bedside table, she wrinkled her nose, and sighed. Her plane was leaving in a little over ten hours, which put her on a flight two hours before Denzi and Jai. A week in Boston was going to be the exact cure she needed to break out of this rut, she could feel it. Along with the need and want of seeing Cora, her therapist had suggested taking some time out.
Go somewhere comfortable, enjoy the surroundings, and the people she found along the way. Jai had invited her to Alaska with him and Denzi, as much fun as that had sounded, now was not the time to go play Outdoors Woman while Jai trotted around the Alaskan summer looking like a dirty lumberjack.
Declining Alaska had been for several reasons: The trio needed time apart. Bugs. And lastly, back to that lumberjack Jai. The mere thought of him in flannel, playing rugged outdoors man did things to her libido.
"No, Alaska isn't an option. Mom would kill me, if I back out." She shook her head. "Which is why I also need to be on time, she won't pick me up if I land after 10PM."
"Are we heading to the airport at the same time, or?" Jai posed the question.
He had planned to take a taxi, saving him from having to rent a space for his suv, while they were away. Sera was kind enough to look in on the house and even keep Dorito at hers, while they were on vacation.
"Oh, I hadn't thought about that. I'm leaving so much earlier, do you think that is a good idea?" She looked up from folding another pair of Denzi's shorts.
"Naw, yeah, I doubt we need to be there that early." Jai mulled it over. "Of course, if we get there early, I can settle the joey in before the flight."
Denzi wasn't always the easiest flyer, not that Jai would fault him. Flying with a four year old was tough, how parents did it with multiple kids was some sort of miracle, Jai was sure of it.
"If he has the iPad to watch videos then he settles a lot faster. His books on tape are also in the carry on we took to Adelaide." She instructed the father. "When you get there, give him a movie to watch, and on the plane he is happy to colour and listen to stories."
"Maybe I'll try that, thanks, Roo." Jai's usually bright smile was a little lack luster.
"You've flown with him before, Anchorage is a lot closer than Sydney." She tried to smooth over any edges she may have ruffled. "You two will do fine."
Picking up the last item of clothing, the blue rain jacket, she tucked it into the suitcase before using the red zippers to close it. Tapping the top, she looked up at Jai smiling. "All finished. Now, I have to go pack."
"You are a genius, firecracker!" Jai exclaimed, picking up the suitcase to admire her work. "Thanks, love."
"Any time." She clapped a hand against his shoulder. "Oh, uh, Boomer. Do you mind if I leave my car in the garage? There are some things in it, I'd rather it not stay at the airport."
"Of course, feel free to leave whatever you need here." Jai nodded, placing Denzi's suit case in the corner of his room. "Anything I need to unload, before we go?"
"It can wait." Shifting the basket, she answered with hopes of squashing any curiosity. If she told Jai her plans, then she would get his hopes up. Leaving him in the dark made it easier, in case minds changed while in Boston.
Coming back, earlier than Jai, had given her the perfect opportunity to move some of her things in. A few pieces of her favourite art work, some more clothes, a few pieces of furniture - and above all, her own chair for the fire pit.
"It's not important, just a chair."
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debbiechanclub · 4 years
Best Two Out of Three, Part 4
I frickin’ love this chapter, and I hope y’all do, too. I hope you’re ready for some ~drama~
Also, thank you to everyone who’s reading and supporting this little project. It means more to us than you know <3
Best Two Out of Three
Part: 4/26
Pairing: Kenny Omega x OFC x Hangman Adam Page x OFC?
Warnings: Language use, angst
Word Count: 2.6k
Catch up on previous parts here.
“Hey Britt, can I ask you something?”
Callie caught up with Britt in catering at the next episode of Dynamite. Something had been stewing on her mind that required the opinion of another female; and, of all the women on the roster, Dr. Britt Baker, DMD, was the only one she felt she could truly trust not to go blabbing to Alex.  
“Sure!” Britt smiled as she took a giant bite of banana. Callie didn’t waste any time.
“Do you think there’s anything going on between Adam and Alex?”
Britt abruptly stopped chewing. But Callie went on before she could ask any questions.
“It’s just that… after we got back to the hotel after Double or Nothing, he went somewhere. And ever since he’s been acting… I don’t know… distant.”
Distant was an understatement. In the month-and-a-half since Callie had moved in with Adam, they hadn’t been able to keep their hands off each other; sometimes they could barely make it through the front door before they ripped each other’s clothes off. But ever since Double or Nothing, Adam hadn’t seemed nearly as interested. At first, Callie had tried not to immediately think it was because of Alex. Maybe Adam was just stressed, or maybe the “honeymoon period” of moving in together had finally worn off. But, the more she ruminated, the more she convinced herself that the change in his level of affection had to be because of Alex.  
Britt shifted in her seat as she swallowed. “He didn’t say at all where he was going when he left?”
Callie shook her head. “No. He just said, ‘I’ll be back,’ and walked out before I could even ask. He was only gone ten or fifteen minutes… but still. I can’t help but feel like he went to see her.”
Britt gave a slight pout as she pulled the banana peel down further. “I don’t know. Why don’t you just ask him where he went?”
She expelled a tired sigh. “Because I’m sick of asking him about Alex. It always turns into an argument. He gets defensive and I get angry and we just go around in circles.” She picked at the label on her water bottle, frowning. Even though she didn’t want to admit it, Callie knew she was a bit sensitive when it came to Adam’s relationship with Alex. But how couldn’t she be? It seemed like every other day he gave her a new reason to be suspicious.
Britt’s brow furrowed. “But if it’s bothering you then you should ask him about it, Cal. If you hold it in, it’ll just fester and pus up—like an abscess tooth.”
Callie grimaced. “Thanks for the imagery, Britt.”
She grinned, proud of herself. “That’s Doctor Britt, thank you very much,” she returned; but then something caught her eye across the room. Adam and Alex walked into catering together, talking and laughing about something. Alex playfully shoved Adam on the shoulder. Britt’s face dropped.
Callie’s brow creased. “What?” she asked. She turned around before Britt could stop her. She bit down on her jaw. What. The. Fuck.
Adam said goodbye to Alex and walked over to Callie and Britt. “Hey, baby,” he said. “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to catering? I would’ve come with.” He kissed her on the head as he pulled out a chair and sat down. He was completely oblivious to Callie’s bubbling rage.
“Oh, so I have to tell you where I’m going?” she bit. Her chair screeched against the floor as she abruptly stood from the table. “See you later, Britt,” she muttered, and she left without a second glance.
Adam watched her storm out, utterly confused. He looked back at Britt. “Um, what the hell was that about?”
She pursed her lips. “Really?” she flatly returned. “You have no idea why she could be upset with you?”
He stared back at her before shaking his head. “No.”
Britt rolled her eyes. “Well, you’re not doing much to stop her suspicions about you and Alex are you, Hangman?”
His eyebrows arched when he heard that. “Excuse me?”
Britt interlaced her fingers as she put her elbows on the tabletop and leaned forward. “Last weekend my hotel room was right across the hall from Alex’s. I heard your little powwow with her after Double or Nothing.” She smirked. “I knew you two went back, but I didn’t realize you have history.”
Adam’s eyes steeled. “So what you’re saying is that you eavesdropped on our private conversation.”
She sat back, a smug look on her face. “You’re deflecting. That seems awful guilty.”
That touched a nerve. “Alright, I don’t need this from you, too,” he said as he stood from the table. “Alex and I are friends, and I was checking on my friend after my girlfriend hit her with a chair. That’s it.” He turned to leave—but Britt said something that made him stop.
“Well Callie is my friend, and I don’t like seeing her like this.”
Adam briefly closed his eyes before he turned to face her again. “There’s no excuse for what she did to Alex, Britt.”
She frowned up at him. “I know. But you literally went to talk to Alex in the middle of the night without telling Callie. So can you really blame her for being suspicious?”
Adam’s face fell. There was nothing he could say to that; Alex had essentially said the exact same thing.
Britt let out a remorseful sigh. “Look—I’ve planned a little get-together for the roster after the Dark taping tomorrow. Come with your boys; I think everyone needs to blow off some steam and have a little fun.”
Adam shook out of his thoughts. “Sure; whatever,” he returned, and he turned and walked out of catering.
Britt watched him go—and then she glanced over at Alex. She was sitting alone a couple tables away, her legs propped up and crossed at the ankles on an empty chair, scrolling through her phone. Britt pursed her lips as she stood up and made her way over, tossing her banana in the trash. When she was just a few steps away, Alex looked up.
“Oh; hey, Britt,” she greeted.
“Hey, Alex.” She leaned on the tabletop, grinning down at her. Alex blinked.
“Can I help you wi—”
She cut her off. “Listen. I’m not sure what’s going on between you and your friend Hangman, but you two need to figure it out. And if you don’t, I’ll fill Callie in on the details of the little conversation you had outside my door after Double or Nothing.”
And with that she turned and left, leaving Alex to stare after her, dumbfounded.
* * * * * * * * * *
Callie walked into The Elite’s dressing room, deflated. A million different thoughts flew through her mind at once. She wanted to believe that Adam wasn’t lying to her; that, even if he had gone to see Alex that night, it was completely innocent. But something about the way he’d walked into catering with her, a giant smile plastered on his face; it seemed like he didn’t care about her feelings at all.
A tear fell out of her eye and she angrily wiped it away. She refused to just sit there alone and wallow. It was time she took matters into her own hands.
She jumped up and marched back out of the locker room, making a beeline for production. Kenny stood in a circle with Cody and the Young Bucks, talking about something or other. She didn’t bother to say hello before she interrupted and said, “I want a match against Alex tonight.”
Kenny was utterly taken aback. “What?”
“You heard me,” she said. “We’re wrestlers, Kenny; let us settle our shit in the ring. Or would you rather we keep getting into locker room brawls?”
Cody raised his palms in the air to absolve himself of the situation. “I’ll let y’all deal with this one,” he said as he cast Kenny a look and walked away. Kenny pursed his lips and glanced at Matt and Nick.
“Give us a minute,” he said. Matt and Nick exchanged a knowing look as they left. As soon as they were gone, Kenny turned back to Callie. “I can’t give you a match against Alex tonight.”
Her brow furrowed. “Why the hell not?”
“Well, for one, it’s too late; the show’s already booked,” he explained. “And for two, even if it wasn’t, I don’t think you’re in the right frame of mind to have a match tonight.”
Callie’s eyes widened. She felt her blood start to boil. “Excuse me? What do you mean, I’m not in the right frame of mind?”
“I mean this—how you’re acting right now,” he returned. “I can’t in good conscience give you a match knowing your emotions could get the best of you, Callie. Someone could get seriously hurt.”
She rolled her eyes. “You mean you’re worried Alex could get seriously hurt.”
“And you! You get reckless when you’re angry! You could just as easily hurt yourself as you could Alex!”
Callie glared up at him, her hands balled into fists at her sides. It didn’t matter that Kenny had her safety in mind just as much as he did Alex’s; all she heard was that he thought she was a dangerous hothead. “Well, it’s good to know you think so highly of me,” she spat, and she turned and stormed out of the room. She marched all the way back to the dressing room and into the bathroom. She went into a stall and shut and locked the door, pulling her feet into her chest on top of the toilet. She just needed to be alone.
* * * * * * * * * *
If there was anything Alex hated, it was petty bullshit drama. And if there was anything she’d learned about Callie since she’d started dating Adam, it was that she wasn’t made of sugar, spice, and everything nice; she was made of pettiness, bullshit, and drama. In fact, the only person more dramatic than Callie on the entire AEW roster was Britt Baker; and if they’d decided to combine their shit-stirring powers against her, Alex knew she would need to get ahead of it—fast.
She marched to The Elite’s locker room and started to burst through the door; but she thought better of it and knocked. Someone called for her to come in, and she pushed her way inside. Kenny was the only person there. Good. He was exactly who she wanted to see.
“Alex.” He sat up on the couch, surprised to see her. “Hey.”
“Hey,” she returned. “Can I talk to you?”
He nodded. “Of course.”
She gave him a tight smile and moved across the room to sit on the opposite end of the couch. He pivoted to face her better. “What’s up?”
She got right down to business. “I want a match against Callie. Not tonight,” she quickly added. “I know the card’s already set. But maybe next week? Hell, put it on Dark—I don’t care as long as I get it.”
Kenny let out a sigh of resignation. “She asked for a match, too,” he revealed. “Well—demanded one. She wanted it tonight.”
Alex rolled her eyes. “Why am I not surprised.”
He frowned at her. “I want to give you a match. But I’m worried it could get out of hand.”
“More out of hand than a locker room brawl?” she charged.
He rolled his eyes. There wasn’t anything he could say to that.
“Look,” she went on. “I know Chuck and Trent aren’t gonna let me go out there by myself. So, if it’ll make you feel better, I won’t object if you and Adam are in Callie’s corner.”
He arched a brow. “You sure about that?”
She pursed her lips. “Just give me the match. Please. You said you would handle it, and this is how I want to handle it.”
Kenny let out another sigh as he looked up at the ceiling. For a moment, Alex worried he would say no; but then he looked back at her. “Alright. Next week on Dynamite you’ll get your match. A regular match—I’m not giving you no DQ or anything like that. It would be a recipe for disaster.”
Alex nodded. That was all she wanted. “Thank you.”
She started to leave; but then Kenny spoke up again. “Alex, wait.” She looked back at him, waiting. He looked reluctant to go on, but then he spit it out. “I hate that I’m even asking this… but there isn’t anything going on with you and Adam, is there?”
Alex’s eyes darkened. “No, Kenny, there isn’t,” she firmly stated. “And even if there was, why would you care?”
“Come on,” he breathed. “I would care. You know I would.”
Her eyes widened. She couldn’t believe him. She couldn’t believe he had the nerve. “Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?”
“You know what,” she spat. “We already did this, Kenny. I waited for you to figure out your feelings, and I got sick of waiting so I moved on. So don’t sit there and pretend like you’d actually care if I was fucking someone else.”
She stood up and marched toward the door. Kenny called after her, but she didn’t look back or stop. She was done with the conversation.
And, unbeknownst to either Alex or Kenny, someone hiding in the bathroom had heard the entire thing.
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