#and one day i'll color this panel-- like i've been planning to do for ages lol
melting-sugar-cubes · 10 months
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pixie-cocaine · 4 years
Sweet Like Candy
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Flavor: Fluff
Brand: requested
Sweeteners: Baekhyun x Reader
Hazards: may cause tooth decay
Amount: 2.5K words
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Baekhyun was always an optimist. Always the singing that you’d wake up to in the mornings as he absent-mindedly cooked breakfast, and always the one that canceled plans at a moment’s notice to come cuddle with you when you were having a bad day. He was the best boyfriend you could’ve asked for, truly.
But one thing that he had the worst habit of, was dragging you out to loud, vibrant places when you had original plans of staying home and sleeping the day away. Sure, you absolutely loved spending time with Baekhyun, it was one of your favorite things to do, considering he was the most contagiously happy person you had the pleasure of knowing. But when you were exhausted from a day’s work and were a blink away from passing out, it was extremely inconvienient for him to wanna take you out for fun.
Like now, when he’s currently shaking you awake from a much-needed nap on your shared bed.
“Come on, wake up,” Baekhyun whined, practically trying to dislocate your shoulder with how harshly he was shoving your arm in attempts to rouse you from your sleep which, to his credit, worked.
"Hm..?" You moan as you crack an eye open, only to see Baekhyun nearly inches from your face, which in turn, makes you jump slightly before you letting out a sigh of relief, "what do you want this time?"
He couldn't help but grin at the leftover sleep in the timbre rasp of your voice. You were so cute when you woke up, he thought. The puffiness of your eyes, mattress marks lining one side of your face; it was all so endearing to him. Baekhyun reaches out to brush a thumb across your cheek.
"Wanna go somewhere fun?"
His dark eyes sparkled with life and amusement from the curtain of umber hair that fell over his eyes in soft, airy whisps. You felt your heart skip a beat at the beauty bestowed before you, almost forgetting that he had asked you a question when he cocked his head to the side. You soften suddenly. You never were good at saying no to that face. The face that you had a special weakness for.
"I don't know, Baek. I've been so...," You paused to yawn, your eyes tearing up, "So tired"
Glancing at the digital clock on your bedside table, it reads well into the afternoon, which means you have a right to be so adamant on falling back asleep. But this only makes him furrow his eyebrows as he unconsciously pokes his lip out, something he does out of habit when he’s turned down, and something he knew tugged at your heart strings like no other.
He dips his head to nuzzle his cheek against your covered legs, "Please? I'll leave you alone after...?"
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"You're lucky you have such a cute pout"
That pout, and that’s all it took for you to be frowning, hunched like a ball of tension in the passenger seat of Baekhyun’s car as he grinned from ear to ear, the apples of his cheeks so soft and his face radiant with joy. Adorable, he was.
“You think my pouts are cute?” Baekhyun spares a glance over at you, smile becoming wider than you thought possible.
“You know they’re cute,” you raise an eyebrow at his blatant fish for compliments, as he was always the attention-loving type. He was loveable in that type of way. Always the one to do crazy stuff for people’s entertainment, especially yours, and you knew that.
“Of course I know they’re cute, but I wanna hear that you think they’re cute”
Snorting as you look away from the passing buildings, appearances etched with glowing neon signs and streets glowing over with burstings colors at the lighting decorations, your eyes focus back on Baekhyun, taking a moment to appreciate his outfit consisting of a white hoodie screened by a red tiger-print jacket and white sweatpants, which did well to compliment his hair, swept back away from his face, and the undercut causing loose strands to fall over his eyes in different places of his forehead.
"I think your pouts are adorable, Baek. It's obvious, or else I wouldn't have even came with you."
That seems to satisfy him, if the little noise of happiness he makes is anything to go by as he reaches over the console to grab your hand and intertwine his fingers with yours. You smile, giving it a fond squeeze looking back out the window, "So where are you taking me?"
Baekhyun merely chuckles at the question, "You'll see," he hums, "It's gonna be great, I promise."
You trust him. After all, he's never taken you somewhere that you've been bored at or not having fun, always the liveliest outings for the one he loves. He hated to see you not enjoying yourself. It was a fact he's stated countless times, after all.
“We’re here!” It doesn't take long before Baekhyun's pulling into a parking lot in front of a large, colorful arcade, and from were you can see through the glass doors, it’s crowded with groups of people, all different ages and appearances, but the one thing they all have in common is a large smile adorning their faces. They look like they’re having the time of their life, and when Baekhyun snaps a finger to pull you out of your daze, you can tell you’ll be having just as much of a blast with him by your side. 
He helps you out of the car, a hand on the small of your back as he walks you up to the entrance and holds the door for you, gesturing for you to go ahead of him, and so you do. It’s even more spacious than you thought it was; rows of different gaming machines that range from the classic crane to virtual reality rollercoasters, and tables with cartoonish designs on them. What really stands out to you is the various neon signs that occupy different walls and bathe the lively setting in different shades of orange and pink, as well as the other side of the arcade that has a more cool palette, for example, the big light blue panel which hangs overhead of a snack bar, it bendt in the form of the word ‘Candy.’ 
“I haven’t been to an arcade in so long,” You smile in awe as you look over at Baekhyun, who reaches down to grab your hand and lead you over to a ticket counter, where he politely pays for both of your game cards, turning to you whilst the employee straps a yellow band around his wrist, “Right?” He smirks, “Bet I can still beat you in all the games.”
Scoffing and crossing your arms after they fasten the same colored band onto you, “Wanna bet?”
“Whoever has the least tickets has to do whatever the person with the most tickets tells them,” He proposes, already looking smug. 
And that’s how it all went downhill. Your confidence, and your pride, all gone in a matter of two, short hours. You’d started out determined enough; your first game a fairly easy two-player shooter game, and when you lost at that, probably because of the wonky ass controls, you merely rolled your eyes at Baekhyun’s little celebration of victory. Then, making rounds through the first row of the arcade, your certainty slowly started to deteriorate with each win that your boyfriend tookーnoーstole from you. It got to a point when Baekhyun dragged you over to an old DDR game.
“Baek, you know I suck at fast-paced dance games,” You whined, ready to admit defeat when he gave another one of his complacent smiles, to which you immediately scowled at. Why did he have to be so good at everything?
“What? Giving up already?” He teased, “I mean, I don’t have a problem with winning but-”
“Yeah, yeah, I don’t mean that I’m gonna call quits!”
You groaned and stepped up on the dance pad beside Baek’s, and as you already figured, the first round was you just stumbling over your feet in order to hit the necessary notes. Baekhyun on the other hand, had only tripped a few times, but other than those couple instances, he got perfect scores without breaking a sweat. It came so easy to him, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t envy his natural talents.
But, surprise, surprise, he’d won the three rounds that you both played, and you didn’t have to have to look at the difference in tickets to know that he’d won by a lot. You’d spent the last of your points on the DDR game, so naturally, Baekhyun giggled knowingly as he pulled you back to the front counter. “This is gonna be perfect,” He spoke to himself mostly, but absolutely didn’t mind if you heard him, either. 
“What are you gonna make me do?” You almost didn’t wanna know, mostly because of the sinister grin Baekhyun gave in response.
He swung your hand in his as you both neared the counter, “Nothing too bad.”
“You have a total of five-hundred,” The worker announced to you once he came back from feeding the tickets into a counting machine, “You can buy a medium stuffie from the wall behind me.”
Scanning the metal board that the worker sat afront, you saw a couple stuffed animals, but one that definitely stood out was a cute pink hedgehog, so you’d pointed to said pillow and hummed when the woman handed it to you. She turned to Baekhyun, “You have a total of one-thousand two-hundred, sir. You can buy from any section you see.”
That’s when you began to get nervous. Would he get something really weird and make you carry it around? You didn’t have time to think it out before he was looking at you with a smirk and proceeding to tell the woman that he would like the fluffy lion-ear headband that cost a small fifty tickets. Once the worker handed over the headband, he immediately shoved the ears on your head.
“Do a little roar.”
“Huh?” You looked at him incredulously, gaping at the man like he’d just cursed your ancestors.
He only gave you his signature stunning smile, “Roar like a lion!”
“I’m not roaring, Baek.”
“We made a deal, though,” with a pout, he pushed at your arm slightly, looking like a kicked puppy, and you groaned in defeat.
You could’ve thrown up when you opened your mouth to let out a half-assed growl, but Baekhyun was loving it in every sense of the word. He clapped his hands and squished your cheeks with a bruising strength, still pulling at them when you attempted to slap his fingers away. He was going to be the death of you, really.
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“Hey babe?”
Baekhyun turns his head to look away from the wide view of the city lights to look at you, “Yeah?”
It was a couple minutes after he’d taken you away from the arcade in favor of picking up some milkshakes, that he’d spotted a lone picnic table which overlooked the city and suggested you both take a seat. He looked beautiful with the white and yellow lighting that came from below them, and you can’t help but place a hand against the skin of his jaw to caress his face. He leans into your touch with a small smile.
“What candy do you think I’d be?” 
The question is random, but it suddenly pops into your head, and you’re curious as to what his answer will be.
He thinks for a moment, “Strawberry bubblegum,” He hums in approval at his own words before taking your hand and turning the palm upwards so he can press a kiss to it. The gesture makes your heard melt where it sits, beating, in your chest.
“What candy do you think I’d be?”
Without hesitation, you grin, leaning in to capture his lips quickly. When you pull away, there’s a twinkle in your eye that reminds him of everything he loves about you. You make him so happy. You’ll never even realize the love that he feels when he sees those gorgeous eyes of yours and that stunning smile. Always such a beauty.
“Pop rocks.”
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