#and one drawing on my phone of sam trying to hold max back from eating the butter off his toast thats based on that one post with the cat
woolydemon · 2 years
wow my one drawing of my oc that is just max but tall did p well maybe I should post. actual s&m art
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
A lot like ‘Us’ (Part-34)
Word count: 3.4K
Pairing: Sam X Reader AU
Warnings: Feels, fluff
Series Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is eager and honestly, still in awe that she managed to get herself an acceptance from Stanford Law School. On the face of it, her life seems as put together, mysterious and independent as one might hope for. On the insides, she carries the burden of past that haunts her till date. Seemingly, she’d left it all behind; that is until she sets foot in the class of the Law School’s youngest, most promising professor.
A/N: The story employs two different timelines. The present timeline for the story takes place in 2014. Please let me know what you guys think :)
Beta: @deanssweetheart23​​. I love you so much, darling <3
A lot like ‘Us’ masterlist
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The rest of the week was hard.
There were things you wanted to do and then things that you had to do. Unfortunately for you, the Venn diagram of those two things were two circles that did not touch.
Normally, you loved your job, you loved studying and your classes. But sitting through Sam’s class was becoming a new, different type of torture. The pretension was wearing you down. You could see it grating him, too. You rarely spoke up in his class now, trying not to draw attention, neither did he call upon you like he did with other students. 
The library was still your second home, though, thanks to the untimely desertion of the other odd shifts librarian, you were left to run double shifts. Molly was sorry about it, but she didn’t have a solution for you, not until she had a new hire. That meant you were stuck in the library all the time. The guys in the apartment were starting to miss you. Kevin came over one evening to inform you everything sucked when you weren’t around. His face had made you hug him.
As for you? Without the free evenings, you couldn’t go over to see Max. You missed him terribly and it would do no good to whine about that to Sam, since you were still unsure about how he would take your excessive attachment to his son. 
Not that you didn't have the chance to talk to Sam. After Sam put Max to bed, each night he’d call. You would sit in the alcove of the library widow and talk to him for hours- about the day, the classes and everything under the sun. Sam told you about the cases he was working on, the judges he really disliked and the girl Chase was chasing. Sam thought he was named aptly. He was also your faithful informant about Max. Apparently the playground bullies were back at it with the mean words. You blurted out loud how you wanted to punch the kids and Sam piled on top of that. Cheerful conversations about shaking kids followed.
It felt so juvenile to talk with him over the phone, like when he worked in New York and you were stuck in Lawrence, but not quite. Now, it was exciting to imagine him blushing on the other end when you accidentally said something complementary. Or if a student decided to stay in the library late night, you had to giggle in hushed voices so they wouldn’t overhear your conversations. The thrill of it was exciting. Those few hours had become the highlight of your day.
So, when Madison asked you what you were smiling about in the last lecture on Friday, you had to make up a reason. You couldn’t very well tell her that the bruise Sam was sporting on his cheek was because Max outran him on the basketball court and Sam slipped and fell.
“Just thinking of something funny.”
“Wouldn’t have to do with the green eyed hottie from Monday, would it?” Madison wiggled her eyebrows.
“Who, Dean?” You burst out laughing. “Maddie! He’s married to my sister.”
She laughed with you, face apologetic. “Dang! He’s really hot. Is it bad that I’m sorry he is married?”
“Definitely not,” you giggled. The good old Winchester genes had caused many casualties.
On the dais below, Sam collected his things.
“Ooohh, Professor Winchester is heading out. I better catch him before he leaves. You wanna come? Talk about the assignment?”
“No, you go on.” Sam had given you a run down of the assignment last night. You wanted to pout that he was right. You could have done better.
“Still awkward about the whole drowning thing, huh?”
You looked away, not wanting to remember the pool.
Madison wasn’t paying attention. “You were… I don’t know, delirious. You kept calling him by his name and…” Madison looked at you warily. She did not complete the sentence.
“Y/N saw the opportunity and took it,” said Rebecca from the next row. “I would sell my soul to be lifted like that.”
You slung your bag around your shoulders and made a move to get up. For all you cared, Rebecca could get hit by a truck. Not only were you furious at her for planning that prank with Brad, it made you feel murderous when she objectified Sam like that, reducing him to some greasy creep of a professor. It was insulting.
“Wait up now, sweetie!” She came up from behind. “Don’t act so prissy now. We all know you’re not as innocent as you make yourself out to be.”
“Excuse me?”
“You think I’m blind? To not see how you’re playing with all these men to get what you want? First, you have Brad panting after you, so you get the attention? Then you’re dancing with some random blue eyed man at the induction dance. The very next day you’re swaying in the arms of Chase Lincoln of all people. The moment you touch the pool water, somehow Sam Winchester is miraculously saving you… and two days later you’re crying like a damsel in distress in the arms of yet another man!” She was counting off her fingers. “And people call me slutty! I’m going to find out what your secret is, Y/N. Because I know you have one! And when I do...”
“You know what, Rebecca?” You said as calmly as you could. “Why don’t you go screw yourself.”
With that you headed straight for the library. When Madison caught up with you, her face was red. “Can’t believe I was ever friends with that hag! Gave her piece of my mind.”
“Madison, you should catch professor Winchester before he leaves. I’ll be okay.”
She assessed your words against your expression, then nodded and left.
You wanted to be by yourself. 
Thankfully, cataloging was time-consuming and tedious. It took your mind off of Rebecca’s awful words. For the life of you, you couldn’t understand why she was so mean to you. 
“Excuse me, miss, can I borrow this book?” Enquired a sweet voice. 
You dropped the marker in your hand and looked up. Max was standing beyond the desk, a huge grin on his face. You gave a little yelp of your own and hurried from behind the counter to throw your arms around him, kissing him on his cheek. 
“Gosh, I’ve been dying to meet you,” you said, pulling back to look at him. 
He was wearing a plaid shirt over a small faded t-shirt and jeans. Such a mini-Sam. You couldn’t resist the urge to lean over and kiss his other cheek.
Max started blushing, looking down at his shoes.
“What’re you doing here?” You asked, leading him to one of the benches.
“Alex broke her arm last night. She couldn’t come over today. Dad’s got work. He asked me to hang out here.”
“Oh, no, is Alex okay?”
Max snickered. “Yeah. She was trying to sneak out for a party and fell out of the window.”
You pursed your lips trying not to laugh with him. “Poor girl.”
“Aunt Jody’s super-mad!” He added and you couldn’t help the giggle that burst through your lips.
“Max, is that you?” Molly asked, sticking her head from behind the shelves. “Darn kid! It’s been ages. Where did you run off to?”
“Mechanics camp!” He told her. “I know where an engine goes now. And how to hot-wire a car.”
“They taught you that at the camp?” You asked, skeptic.
“No, uncle Dean did.”
This time you laughed in earnest.
“You know Max?” Molly frowned.
You nodded. “Remember my little friend I told you about?”
“The one you were holding a bake sale for?”
“Yep, he’s the one.”
Molly put her hand to her lips. “Well, no shit! Do you know who his father is?”
You and Max immediately looked at each other, confirming your secret with a tiniest of nods. 
“He’s Sam’s boy, this cute little nugget here.” Molly pulled his cheek. To Max’s credit, he didn’t rub his cheek afterwards.
Which reminded you. “You wait right here, Max. I’ll be back in a minute.” You quickly found the stash of cookies you were saving for tonight's dinner and hurried back to him. Eating at the library wasn’t allowed, but Max was an exception to every rule. “Cookies for you. I know these are your favourite.”
Max’s entire face lit up. True to his nature, he offered you one before digging in. You watched as he took a few bites, sneaking looks to the book he was holding- Adventures of Sinbad. 
“I read one of those when I was kid. It had a monster bird that carried Sinbad away to its nest.”
“Oh, the Roc! That one’s my favorite!” Max clapped his hand and the cookies clattered to the floor.
“I’m so sorry,” he said, trying to pick up the bag.
You stopped him with a gentle nudge. “Let me.” After cleaning the cookie crumbs from the carpet, you unwound the scarf from around your neck and used it to clean the crumbs stuck to Max’s mouth and shirt, fussing over getting it all away.
When you made him stand up to clean the hem of his pants, you noticed Sam standing behind you, arms crossed over his chest. He had a peculiar expression on his face- tender but also guarded.
“You’re not supposed to eat the library, young man!” Sam tried for stern, but ended up sounding amused.
You straightened up. “I make the rules here. Max can do whatever he wants.”
Max gave Sam a smug look, before running to him. In a motion that must have been more of less a reflex, Sam reached out and hefted Max up in his arms. 
“Look, what I found!” Max showed him the book.
Sam made a face. “Sinbad again? That sixth voyage was lame.”
“I wanna find out how it ends. There’s only one adventure left!”
“Alright, but this is the last of Arabian tales for the year. I get second hand sea-sickness just reading about it. I’m starting to miss Charlie and the chocolate factory.”
“You hated Charlie and the chocolate factory!”
Sam smirked. “You’re this close to getting my point.”
Max turned the book over. “We’re out of authors,” he told you.
The words shook you out of your quiet and you smoothened your expression. The scene before you was making your throat close up. You had never seen them together before. Max’s entire body language changed- his shoulders relaxed and he became less polite… just a bit more demanding, the way a child should be. Sam on the other hand radiated contentment. His voice changed, becoming softer, loving when he spoke to Max. You were sure you had been staring at them hungrily as if you couldn’t get enough of the interaction.
“Any suggestions?” Sam asked, tone still mild.
“T-Tolkein,” you stuttered. “You should try The Hobbit.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Elven songs. Wonderful.”
Molly came over to greet Sam and you excused yourself to go back to the desk and take a stock of the emotions coursing through you. At any point it could get too much and you didn't want either of them to see that.  
On their way out, Max waved at you. “Bye, Y/N!”
“Bye, Max.” You blew him a kiss. “You turned my day around, bud!”
There were too many people in the vicinity, so when it came to Sam, you nodded. “Professor.”
He mirrored your gesture. “Ms. Y/L/N.” And with a look full of promise of later, he walked away. You waved at Max till he was out of sight.
“Such a lovely boy,” Molly sighed. “Horrendous business what happened to him.”
“Yeah.” You cut the topic short, still unable to think of Max’s past without feeling faint. Thinking about it was so hard for you, Max had lived through it. 
Molly was in no mood to change the subject.
“Sam’s an amazing guy to give up the lawyer life and settle down here for that kid.”
You narrowed your eyes. “What do you mean?”
Molly threw out her hands, slightly embarrassed. “It’s Sam’s personal choice and all that, but he had a solid career in LA. After that Simmons affair blew up in the media, he could’ve stuck around and bagged A-list celebrities as clients. He moved out to this place for Max’s sake- so there was some normalcy and stability in his life. Then, again, Sam’s had his share of downs.”
Your back felt like ice, knowing what was coming.
“I’m not supposed to talk about it but it’s just you.” Molly leaned in closer. “Did you know his wife left him?”
She must have interpreted whatever your face showed as shock, because Molly continued. “Don’t know much about the whole thing. I heard bits and parts from the grape wine. Some girl he met in Kansas straight out of Yale. Took a plunge in a couple of months and this girl bolted not even a year into the marriage. Can you believe that? I mean, look at him… What the fuck was she looking for that he didn’t have!”
You could taste the blood by biting into your lip too hard.
“Never heard of him dating anyone since. I think he’s still in love with her.” Molly whistled. “At least they have each other- Max and Sam. That kid spends a lot of time here. You’ll keep finding reasons to feed your little friend cookies.” Molly flashed you a grin. You couldn’t quite return it.
It was past twelve when your phone rang. You’d just locked the library behind you and had given up on all hopes of the call.
You hurried to pick it up.
“Hey,” Sam breathed. “Sorry it took me so long.”
“It’s alright,” you sighed in relief at the sound of his voice. The sinking feeling in your stomach since the talk with Molly began to dissipate. 
“It’s your fault really,” Sam said. “Max liked The Hobbit too much and went to bed real late. How am I supposed to wake him in time for his class tomorrow?”
His concerns were so normal, comfortingly mundane. Sam made it sound so easy, when in fact, all this must have been so hard. One time you heard someone say a mean thing about Sam’s wife and it had you rankled. Sam must’ve lived through years of whispers, stories and ugly rumours. He must’ve had to defend his choice of staying committed so many times. Hadn’t the words shred his heart?
“Y/N? Everything okay?”
You cleared your throat. “Uh it’s just… it’s good to hear your voice.”
He was immediately on alert. “What happened?”
“Nothing. Weird day.”
“Where are you?”
You looked about your dark surroundings. “Crossing the playground, almost to my building.”
“Do you want to come over?” He asked, voice hopeful but unsure. “We can sit in the front lawn if you want.”
You made an impulse decision. “Yeah okay.”
Ten minutes later you were sitting on one of Max’s swings. Your tan sweater wasn’t helping much as you shivered in the chill, waiting for Sam to show up. Weird how you made it before him. He lived right there!
Noiselessly the front door opened and closed. Sam walked briskly towards you. He was dressed in dark grey sweatpants and a black full sleeve t-shirt. In his hand he carried an afghan, a thermos and two mugs.
“Here,” he handed you the afghan. It was the same one that was wrapped around you on the night of the pool party. The memory brought blood to your face.
“We don’t have adult juice around here today, but we do have hot chocolate.” Grinning impishly, he tilted the thermos in your direction. He sat on the ground in front of you, carefully filling up the two mugs with the rich, brown liquid while you wrapped yourself in the Afghan. 
Eagerly, you took a sip and moaned indecently.
“Good, isn’t it?” Sam chuckled. 
This was very close to what heaven would feel like. 
“So, what’s the deal, huh?” He asked after a few sips. 
You hesitated, not wanting to admit what the real problem was. It would be the case of a teapot crying to a boiler.
“You know you can tell me things, right?” His voice was soft, beguiling. 
“It’s something Molly said after you left.” You gave in, selfishly spilling it all. 
Sam listened to the whole story, then shook his head at you in exasperation and beckoned you with his hand. You blinked a couple of times, then gave up and went in willingly. 
What the hell, right?
 Sam tucked his arms around your shoulder once you slid on the ground next to him.
“You and I, we know what the truth is,” he said. “How does it matter what anyone else says?”
“Is that what you told yourself all these years?” You asked in a small voice, unable to meet his eyes.
Sam sighed. “Why are you doing this to yourself, Y/N?”
“You didn’t answer me.”
His fingers curled around your shoulder over the afghan. “No, I didn’t have to tell myself anything. I knew I loved you. That was enough.”
“I don’t know if I can be as strong as you.”
“That’s because you’re so much stronger,” he said. “None of those people have lived your life, they don’t know what you’ve been through. I can bet my ass, they wouldn’t have made it out of half of it in one piece. It’s easy to judge.”
“That’s not my problem,” you argued. “I don’t care what they think about me. But I can’t stand how it makes you look!”
Sam surprised you by chuckling lightly. “You’re cute when you’re indignant. Especially on my behalf.”
“Quit making this into a joke, Sam.”
“I seriously don’t know what else to do.” He put a finger under your chin, tilting your face up. “Look at me. I’m the happiest I've been in years! Do you really think I give a rats ass about what anyone’s got to say about me? My personal life has never been anyone’s concern except mine and yours. The only other person who has any say in this is Max. And that kid doesn’t shut up about you.”
Sam’s eyes were scorching, melting against the night sky.
“Molly’s wonderful, and I know she has a soft spot for me. But by the end of the day, it's just gossip. There’s no substance to it. So will you please drop it?”
At long last you nodded. 
“That’s like my Y/N.”
A rustle from the other side of Sam’s fence made you stiffen. The bushes behind the planks began to shake.
“What’s that?”
Sam shrugged. “Probably Alex sneaking out.”
You frowned at him. “Didn’t she break her arm doing exactly that?”
He snorted. “When has that stopped teenagers? It does make life a bit difficult. Jody’s grounded her. She can’t babysit Max for a while and I got work tomorrow.”
You saw Alex creeping on the sidewalk in front of the lawn. She saw the two of you huddled and froze like a deer caught in the headlight. Sam winked and waved a salute at her. After a minute she unfroze, returned the gesture and went off on her way. 
“Why don’t you drop him off at the library in the morning? I’ll keep an eye on him. I’m covering the first shift.” You worked to not sound too excited.
“Yeah, that still doesn’t fix the afternoon. I won’t be back before four.”
“Easy. I’ll wait with him here.”
Sam looked at you, hazel eyes wondrous. “You’d do that?”
“Sure. I owe him a pie anyway.”
“You’re a lifesaver!” He exhaled. “Seriously, I could kiss you right now!”
All you had to do was look up. Sam was right there.
Another crash sounded over the fence, louder than the first, followed by a muted ‘ow.’  You saw lights flare up in what must be the living room. From somewhere inside you heard Jody curse. “Jesus fucking Christ! Claire, what’re you doing on the ground.”
“Why do you always have to catch me!” Claire whined in the darkness. “Alex just left!”
“What. The. Fuck!” Jody yelled. “Get in the fucking car! We’re going to find your sister.”
That did it for you as you buried your face in Sam’s chest, smothering the giggles. His arms wrapped tightly around you. Sam himself was shaking with silent laughter over you.
Yeah, this was pretty close to heaven.
A/N 2: Thank you for all the support over the last week. 
Sam was right when he said-  “You and I, we know what the truth is. How does it matter what anyone else says?”
I’m going to take his advice :)
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Sweet Music Playing in the Dark: Ch.2- Lip and Cheek (Craquaria)- Dill
A/N: Hi guys! Here’s the second chapter for sweet music. This is my first smut attempt, so I hope it’s okay lol. I’m working on a few things at the moment that will slowly trickle out now that I’m done with school. You can find me on AO3 @drdill. Thanks for reading!
Summary: Soon Max will be moving to New York, and Gio interrogates Kevin to see if they could last.
“Come on, it’s totally Bill.”
Max stuffs another piece of sushi in his mouth, watching Mamma Mia! intensely on the television, knees to his chest on my couch.
“I don’t disagree, I’m just saying this all could’ve been avoided with a paternity test.”
“Don’t try to get technical with this masterpiece.”
“Fair enough,” I giggle. “I wouldn’t be mad if Sam proposed to me, though.”
“Well, obviously. He could get it any day of the week.” I choke on my water.
Earlier in the day, he knocked on my door, my sandals between his fingers and a smirk on his lips. Probably thinking my life is a mess, he asked me about my swollen knee and it turned into an hour of us drinking coffee at my kitchen table. Wanting to repay him for his hospitality the night prior, I suggested sushi and a cheesy film in sweats. From my obnoxiously loud ABBA jam-session in the morning that left “Dancing Queen” in his head for the rest of the day, he chose appropriately.
The final scene ends to the Netflix home screen and I start picking-up empty soy sauce packets.
“Sorry for getting wasabi on your couch,” Max says, standing up to help clean.
“Don’t worry about it. There’s been worse things on it,” I tell him with a wink, immediately ready to punch myself in the face. Why the fuck do I open my mouth? He just laughs and shakes his head.
“I’m not even gonna ask.”
We head back to the couch, sitting opposite, staring anywhere but directly at each other. He’s stretched out towards me while I sit cross-legged and hands in my lap. Seconds pass and we’re waiting for the other to initiate some form of conversation, resorting to him making a fun beat with his hands on the side of the couch and this thigh, and me bobbing my head and shimmying my shoulders. A laugh escapes me.
“What’s on your mind?” he asks me.
“I don’t know,” I say, fully honest. “Most weekends where I do nothing aren’t this fun.”
It feels like a first date- painfully hesitant. For the twenty-seven hours I’ve known him, he’s surely made an impact. Maybe I’m just desperate for the attention he’s giving, and maybe the feeling is mutual, but I’d rather be entangled in blind affection than ignorant to it.
“I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting to make a friend during my quick stay,” he tells me, “but I’m so glad you fell on that fire escape.” He chuckles when I roll my eyes and observe the bandages wrapped around my bruised knee.
“As embarrassing as that was, I guess the garlic bread was worth it,” I smile. He shifts positions and crosses his legs like me, moving close enough for our knees to touch.
“Since we’re sharing thoughts,” he says, “something’s been eating at me.”
“And what is that?” He sighs. “Last night, when you said goodbye, we shared a quick hug and you were gone.”
My lips are between my teeth, unsure which direction this could turn.
“When just hours before, you wanted to kiss me like it was nothing.”
Relief quenches me like a cool glass of water.
“Well,” I reply, leaning a bit closer, “I can tell you that it wasn’t nothing.”
“You don’t say?” His draws circles on my kneecap through my black joggers. I nod in response when he greets my eyes, leering.
Like muscle memory, we find ourselves in the same position as last night. This time, the puzzle pieces fit together, completing what could’ve been my evening departure. His lips are even softer than they look, sweet and tangy like the lemonade he sipped during the movie. I smell his aftershave on my next inhale before deepening our kiss, bunching his shirt in my hands and pushing him onto his back. Propped on my elbows, I drag my tongue over his bottom lip and reconnect to his mouth, full of paradise. He leisurely travels down my spine to my lower back. For the time being, it’s a musical rapture.
Then there’s an abrupt knock at my door.
It was maybe fifteen seconds. Fifteen seconds. I’m fuming, nostrils flared and eyes slowly shutting.
“The universe really doesn’t want this, huh?” he says with a sympathetic grin. I peck his lips before standing and unlocking the door.
Kevin greets me with a huge smile- of all the people to ruin our moment.
“Hi, honey.”
“Someone’s back early,” I say, moderately bothered.
“I really didn’t want to bother you, but I must’ve left my key at my sister’s and Max wasn’t answering his phone. Could I use your spare?”
“Hi, Kevin.” Max pokes his head from the couch.
“Maxie!! Y’all already met!?” He’s elated at the sight of his friend, which quickly turns to sheer panic. “Oh shit. Did I jus-”
“No, it’s fine. We were just hanging out. Being neighborly and all,” I say before Max can speak, unenthusiastic jazz hands to follow. Max’s face drops and nods.
“Yeah, I can let you back in. It’s pretty late anyway,” Max tells Kevin, hopping off the couch and standing next to me.
“Thanks for the sushi, Gio.” He goes for an awkward hug, an even worse ending than last night.
Kevin watches us stiffly before giving me a hug.
“You up for brunch tomorrow?” he asks me. I hide my irritation with a cheeky smile.
“Duh! Max will you still be around?” I must’ve caught him off-guard.
“Hm? Oh, yeah! Yeah I can come.” He’s flustered.
“Wonderful. See you guys tomorrow?”
“I’ll knock when we’re ready!” Kevin replies. He leads the way out of my apartment with Max.
“Bye-bye.” I shut the door and reflect. Of all the people to ruin our moment. I love Kevin. Typically he annoys me with bombarding my phone with texts, but this time, nothing- the one time I don’t get minute-by-minute updates on his train ride home. I throw myself on the empty bed, frustrated and lonely.
*knock knock knock*
I grab my wallet and head for the door in white converse, rolled black shorts, and matching black tank top. In the hallway, Kevin’s alone wearing a coral v-neck with khaki shorts and flip flops.
“Where’s Max?” I ask.
“Bathroom. He should be out in a sec.” He looks down at my legs.
“What happened to your knee?”
“Oh, I just fell,” I say, shrugging my shoulders.
With those words, Max opens the door in a navy button-up and flip flops, still drying his hands on his shorts. His hair for the past couple of days was fluffy and unkempt, curling on his forehead. Today, it’s tamed with some wax, swooped to the side, and absolutely delightful.
The restaurant is a few blocks from our building. We get a table, a few drinks, and discuss Kevin’s quick return.
“So, why’d you come back so early?” I ask, still annoyed with prior events. Max, sitting next to Kevin, gives me a smug look that he can’t see.
“I overestimated how much time I can handle them,” he cackles. “Also, my momma kept showing me photos of her church friends’ single daughters. The mothafuckin’ nerve!” I laugh and swirl my drink.
My favorite part of these brunch dates is when Kevin’s adorable Caribbean mother calls him while he tells me about his latest hookup (in too much detail), trying to play matchmaker after mass. He always exaggerates his workload to explain how he, the gayest person on this planet, doesn’t have time for a girlfriend.
“I still have no idea how she hasn’t figured it out yet,” I tell him.
“One of these days, I’ll probably get fed up and tell her. We’re getting close.”
“You should’ve just asked how their sons are doing,” Max says. Kevin howls as he takes a satisfying sip of his drink.
Our food comes a bit later and we continue catching up, Kevin and Max telling old stories from college in-between bites as I listen. The more they speak, the more I realize they are the exact same person in different bodies. It’s almost scary; from karaoke nights at a cheap dive bar near campus, to reenacting musicals in their apartment with friends, I’m surprised Kevin’s barely ever mentioned him to me.
Unintentionally, I keep staring at Max. No particular reason, just watching him: the way he eats his fries, talks with his hands, covers his mouth after laughing too hard. I become so fixated that whatever Kevin is babbling about turns inaudible- I just keep looking at the slight stubble poking through his chin that he scratches every so often, the scar on his right elbow when he props it on the table, even how he nods along to every word Kevin says. He’s a completely average guy, but I’m mesmerized by every small detail.
“Would you like some more water?” I’m snapped out of the trance by our waitress holding a metal pitcher in front of me.
“Oh, um, yes please.” She refills my glass and walks off.
“I’ll be back. I’m going to the bathroom.” Max stands up and goes away from the table. I catch myself staring again as he walks away until he turns a corner and is out of sight. Then, I’m greeted with a fresh pair of eyes from Kevin. With the coy glare, I think he’s connected the dots.
“I know that look, G,” he replies.
“Oh, shut up.”
“Since when were tiny white guys your type?”
“Since Friday night.” Apparently, I’m ready to spill.
“I was wondering when you guys met. Y’all were pretty close last night.”
“We met completely on accident. I tripped on the fire escape steps and he helped clean the scrape, then asked me to stay for dinner.”
“I thought you ‘just fell.’” He’s using air quotes, taunting me from my previous answer.
“I didn’t lie.”
“Y’all were being more than neighborly last night, weren’t you?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“I totally cock-blocked you, didn’t I?”
I’m silent and avoiding eye contact, causing him to go wide-eyed.
“Oh my GOD.” He slaps the table with every word, way too excited and causing patrons to stare. “I knew it!”
“Shh!” I’m attempting to contain his emotions, pinning his arms down on the table. When he finally cooperates, I speak softly.
“We almost kissed Friday night, and I redeemed myself yesterday until you just had to ruin it, bitch!”
“Well if I would’ve known my friends were fucking I wouldn’t have knocked!”
“We didn’t think you’d be home until Monday!”
“True,” he cackles. “I can’t believe you two were ready to hook up that quick. Max typically isn’t into hookups.”
“I can’t believe you barely talked about him with me!”
“I didn’t think you’d be interested!”
“Well, I wasn’t until he started acting all hospitable. He’s so nice.”
“You’re telling me! If he wasn’t a top that’s half of my size I would’ve married him by now.” The last sentence almost has my jaw in my lap.
“That man is a top?”
“You are such a whore.”
“Don’t change the subject.”
“I only speak facts, babe,” he winks. “But you didn’t hear it from me.” A sip of his mimosa and Max appears from the corner again, sitting down and returning to his meal.
“What’d I miss?” he asks. I shake my head.
“Nothing much.”
Evening rolls around and I run upstairs to check on my laundry. When I throw the load in the dryer and come back down, Max is standing in the hallway with his bags, placing his ticket in his jacket pocket.
“Leaving so soon?” I ask with a smile.
“Very late, actually. My flight leaves in two hours and I haven’t even called an Uber.”
“Oh, shit. I shouldn’t keep you then.” I reach in for a hug and he wraps his arms around me softly.
“Be safe heading back.”
“I will,” he tells me. “See you in a few weeks.”
With that, he gives me a cheeky grin and walks quickly down the hallway to the elevators where this mess started. I go back inside, a deep sigh following. What am I doing?
My conversation with Kevin this morning has stuck with me all day. I need more answers. Stepping onto the fire escape with a blunt, I tap on his window until the curtains draw back and he opens it.
“You rang?”
“I’ve got some questions.” He laughs and shakes his head.
“Me too. But keep it quick. Grandpa is getting tired.”
We sit down, feet dangling from the platform when I light the joint and taste it’s sourness. I pass it to Kevin.
“Before I start, can you promise to be as honest as possible?”
“Yes, Judge Judy.”
“Okay, good. You said he normally doesn’t do hookups, right?”
“Nope. He hasn’t been with someone since sophomore year.” That’s weird.
“Well, kind of. He had an on-and-off thing with this asshole named Jake until graduation that fucked with his psyche a lot. He’d leave Max every couple of months and come running back like nothing happened. I wanted to kill him, then Max for falling for his bullshit.” Kevin’s getting re-heated just by talking about it, taking multiple hits before passing the blunt back to me. “He cares so much, probably too much.” I nod along.
“Anyways,” he says, “How much have you seen each other while I’ve been gone?”
“Probably like ten hours total.”
“In two days?”
“Wow. What kind of social butterfly did Max turn into since I left the west coast?”
“He keeps to himself a lot?”
“All of the time. That’s why I was so shocked when you guys were hanging out together, let alone doing whatever that was when I knocked.”
“Calm down, we didn’t get anywhere when you interrupted,” I giggle.
He sighs. “I don’t know what you did to him, but he seems really interested in you. I asked him about the weekend after brunch, and he was floored about goddamn sushi and Mamma Mia!.”
“Did you consider my incredible charm and wit?” I smirk and nudge his shoulder, causing him to sway and laugh.
“I’m sure that’s what it was. Listen, as much fun as this is, I’m falling asleep out here.” “Fine. One last question.” “What is it?” “…can I have his number?” I ask bashfully.
“You mean to tell me that y’all were getting hot and heavy and didn’t even bother to get that on night one?!”
“It wasn’t the first thought in my mind when I climbed on top of him, bitch!” He rolls his eyes with a smile, takes out his phone, and sends me his contact information.
I didn’t text him. The first man to give me attention for more than three hours to hook up, and I’m blowing it to smithereens because I’m too nervous to make the first move.
A few weeks have passed since he left for Seattle again. He’s probably moving in right now as I answer emails and procrastinate by looking at old looks from this year’s Met Gala. A camp aesthetic? My fucking dream. A message appears on my Mac from Kevin.
Do I have to do everything for this relationship to blossom?
I’m confused, until my phone starts buzzing. I reach into my pocket and see that it’s Max. Oops.
“Hey, Max.”
“Hi. Uh, Kevin gave me your number.” I chuckle.
“I figured. How’ve you been?” “I’m so sore. Kevin and I have been moving boxes and furniture all day.” “Why didn’t Kevin let me know sooner? I would’ve helped out,” I tell him as if I couldn’t text him for a month.
“Well, that’s actually why I called you. Kevin just left and I still have a lot of unpacking to do. Are you busy?”
Surprisingly, I actually do have plans. Some coworkers invited me out to drinks tonight because I was in the room as they discussed plans, but it’s not the first time I’ve bailed on them. They definitely won’t miss me.
“Not at all! Send me the address and I’ll be there soon.”
“You’re a lifesaver! I’ll text it to you now.”
“Alright, I’ll see you soon.”
He sends me the address and I get dressed to bare the Brooklyn heat. Before leaving, I text Kevin back:
I’m pulling my weight. Don’t worry ;)
“How was the drive?” I’m helping him load plates and glass cups into his cabinets while he stands on a chair.
“Too fucking long,” he says, “It took me five days to get here, but I stayed with my friend Brian when I got to Milwaukee, then Tony in Chicago. Every other place was just some crappy motel and a prayer that I wouldn’t get bed bugs.” I snicker at the last comment.
“At least you get to sleep in your own bed tonight.” “Yeah, finally.”
We finish putting away every bowl, spoon, and rubber spatula he brought and break down the boxes for the trash. His living room is barren besides a bunch of bubble wrap and tape lining the lightwood floor and an empty bookcase with hundreds of novels on the floor next to it. It smells like an old bookstore- the sunset bleeds through and highlights every dust particle floating around the room. Max stands by the small island in the kitchen, hands on his hips. He’s glowing, arms and face golden before the sun falls over a building and everything turns gray. Clearly exhausted, he gives me a smile and a look that begs us to return to the mess tomorrow.
“Welcome to New York.” I mirror his smile and pull him into a hug. He sways us back and forth in absolute fervor, dancing in my arms.
“We need to celebrate. Grab the wine in the fridge.”
As I get the bottle, which is the only thing in his fridge, he greets me with two coffee mugs- the Seattle skyline painted across both.
“The wine glasses must’ve been in a different box,” he says, a giant grin plastered on his face. “My mom made these.”
“Classy,” I smirk.
He follows behind with the bottle opener as I sit against the white wall, legs crossed and scrolling through his laptop’s music library. After uncorking, he pours almost full cups for the both of us, and slides down the wall next to me, moonlight from the window striking his leg as he stretches. To go with some acoustics, I jokingly search-up a Yule log video for mood lighting. He laughs and rolls his eyes watching the crackling embers on his computer screen.
“Dumb ass,” he whispers under his breath before raising his mug toward me. I do the same.
“To crushed dreams and expensive rent!”
“L'chaim!” I reply. We clash our drinks together and sip occasionally. I’m relieved he bought sweet wine this time, watching dusk swallow the sky.
Through fifteen minutes, radio silence. His shirt reflects a light orange from the fake flames, darkness encapsulating the living room. My head rests on the wall, eyes shut and feeling Max bobbing to the music every once in a while, silently pouring more wine into our mugs. No moments on my own fire escape have felt so peaceful, especially when the next song plays:
If you were falling,
Then I would catch you.
You need a light,
I’d find a match.
Max starts quietly humming the chorus, swaying back and forth with his eyes closed. I silently laugh when our arms brush against one another.
‘Cause I love the way you say good morning,
And you take me the way I am.
Eventually, his head softly lands on my shoulder as it did so perfectly weeks before. I hide the smile forming on my lips, slowly inching my fingers. Reaching his hand on the floor, they playfully dance on his knuckles before intertwining, giving a gentle squeeze.
I feel his prickly cheek glide across my skin until his lips connect, placing delicate kisses from my shoulder to collar bone. The sensation causes the hairs on my arm to stand, a deep sigh escaping. He continues sprinkling soft pecks along the area, using a finger to move the strap of my tank top and grazing my slicked, bare chest. My hand detaches from his and relocates to the side of his jaw, thumb tracing as he squeezes my thigh. I lean my head back in satisfaction, hungry for any contact, and he wastes no time moving off the wall and attacking my neck with more aggression. The suction tingles as his tongue soothes the spaces he bruises, his hand traveling up my thigh, nearly at my crotch. I can smell the wine in his breath.
“M-Max…” I’m barely making words. He raises a single finger and lightly drags my lips, silencing me. His control may be rousing, but I’m tired of waiting.
Growing impatient, I reach under his thigh and pull him towards me. His leg swings across and straddles my lap- I immediately feel his growing harness as he grips my cheeks. Thousands of fireworks go off in my head as I finally taste his lips on mine. It’s sour and velvety, our noses smash together upon impact, tongues sloppily discovering rhythm. Our music has been drowned by deep exhales and the fabric of our shorts at the slightest friction. I take his bottom lip between my teeth, eliciting a moan when our mouths reconnect. My arms pull him closer to make sure this isn’t some painful dream, teeth clashing and steadily rolling my hips. I reach under his shirt, outlining every back muscle during the passionate exchange. Without missing a beat, he starts lifting the white fabric, revealing his lightly-toned torso and prominent v-line. He smirks as my eyes grow wide, unsure of what I was expecting, and finds my lips again before tossing it near some boxes. I shut the laptop and wrap my arms around him once more.
After several minutes, we relax and catch our breath, still firmly attached with his arms around my neck and mine on his waist. He pulls me close, fingers lost in my hair with my head at his chest. I kiss his sternum as he controls his breathing.
“Took us long enough,” he smirks. I smile and place another kiss on his salty skin.
Looking up from his embrace, his face is shining, beads of sweat forming at his hairline with his mouth agape, forming a light smile. Standing slowly, he extends his hand, head motioning to the bedroom. I graciously accept as he helps me up and leads to the door- a quick admiration for his shoulder muscles and notice of a weird tattoo I’ll ask about later. We have more important plans.
The door shuts behind us and I can only see silhouettes, nightfall and car headlights pouring through the two windows near his bed. Barely in the room, I ditch my tank top on the floor and grab his waist from behind. His neck cranes back as I bruise the porcelain skin, fingers tracing up and down my arm. I feel his chin on my cheek and I lift my head, tenderly greeted by his lips. My hands drop to his hips, fingertips progressing to his stark erection as I stroke it’s length. Eagerly, he takes my wrist and moves it to his waistband, to which I duck underneath and grab his cock, thumbing the head and spreading the precum before pleasuring him.
“Oh my God,” he severs from my lips, groaning and grasping my neck hairs hard as I revert focus to his shoulder.
“I’ve been dreaming about you,” I whisper, my hand moves up and down excruciatingly slow, teasing something that’s been built-up for a month.
“Th-that makes two of us.” He stutters, breathing deeply as I continue to stroke his shaft.
“Show me,” I simper and bite his earlobe, my free hand rubbing his chest. With those words, his hands reach behind to grab my shorts at the waist and yank them to my thighs. He stops my action by turning around to face me, pulling the minimal clothing off of my body, exposing my erection. Kneeling before me, he places a chaste kiss on my inner thigh, dangerously close, before pushing me toward the bed.
My legs hit the sides of the mattress and cause me to sit close to the edge. Max travels down from my collar bones to my navel, lips and tongue blessing my torso as my fingers comb his hair when he falls back to his knees. He licks from base to head, swirling his tongue before taking me in his mouth. I’m brought to my elbows in luxury, relishing in his skill. His hand works in tandem on my shaft while the other grips my thigh.
Holy shit.
It doesn’t take long before I’m encapsulated- euphoric moans escape, head thrown back when he takes the entire length to the back of his throat and gags. My body starts to twitch, knowing I’m getting close. Sitting up, I place my hand at his cheek, slowing his pace to a halt, chocolate eyes dark with passion, skin waxen and pale blue in the moonlight, almost angelic.
I meet him halfway with my lips, salty and wet, finally pulling his shorts and underwear down. He steps out of this clothes and I scoot farther onto the bed when he climbs over me again and sloppily kisses my mouth. We roll around the pale cotton sheets, savoring the embrace and caressing each other’s bodies. Laying on our sides, his hand travels down my back and hastily grabs my ass, slapping it when he makes contact. My breath hitches- it burns in the best way possible. His stomach is warm against mine, legs intertwined with sensual murmurs filling the air.
“Fuck me,” I mumble against his lips. “Please.” Our kissing stops and he meets my eyes.
“Are you sure?”
I nod, giving him a quick peck, a grin forming on his lips.
He quickly slides off the bed while I move closer to the pillows. Rummaging through a bag close to the bathroom, he pulls out a condom and some lube and walks over to me, body shining from perspiration. A loud snap and the cap pops open, the sticky liquid coating his fingers before he sits in between my legs. I’m already balling the sheets in my hands, licking my lips and anticipating to crumble at his touch. His cold middle finger teases my entrance. It’s tingling, almost painful with build-up. There’s a sharp sting when he enters one finger, pumping slowly with his other hand tracing my abdomen. I sigh in relief at the sensation, eyes fluttering shut. He introduces a second finger, leaning down and peppering my hips with kisses, arm moving faster and faster within me. My chest jolts at his fingers dancing atop my rib cage and reaching my jaw, his thumb outlining my bottom lip. To his surprise, I take it in my mouth and begin to suck lightly
“Fuck,” is all he can breathe as I moan onto his finger. Eventually, he slows his pace before removing his fingers, eliciting a whimper from me and a smirk from him. I hear the crinkling of the condom wrapper as he tears it open and slides it over his cock. Propped on his arms at my sides, he leaves me with a glossy stare before settling back on his knees and grabbing my thighs.
The head grazes over my entrance until he thrusts idly about halfway. My knuckles turn white, clutching the bedding and hissing as I get used to the pressure. In a couple of movements, we groan in unison when he’s fully inside me. It feels like a bolt of electricity shooting through my veins at the sensation. He quickens the pace with each advance, holding my waist tightly.
I can barely see his face, making out small details: a single hair is curled on his forehead, brows furrowed close together, an expression of pure zeal in his eyes and mouth. My legs wrap around his hips and he balances over me, arms by my ears and chests becoming parallel, sweat exchanging when they graze each other.
I’m becoming overstimulated, grunting with every one of his thrusts, face turning red. I start shivering, getting close and panting. Stroking myself quickly, my back arches as beads of white coat his chest and drip onto my stomach. I collapse underneath him. Max’s hands find mine among the chaos and bring them over my head, interlocking fingers as he groans into my shoulder.
In a short moment, his body begins to contort. I feel the warmth inside me when he exhales loudly and finishes, arms wobbling and fighting to keep him up.
We lay in our sweat. The only sounds I can hear are our heartbeats and Max’s deep breaths next to me. I’m on my side with my arm draped over his chest while he scratches the back of my neck. He kisses my forehead softly before pushing himself off the bed and walking to the bathroom. The light he turns on blinds me when I roll over. Shielding my eyes, he comes back with a damp washcloth, wiping himself before handing it to me and climbing back into bed, examining the contusions blanketing my throat and chest. I toss the towel on the floor.
“You’re incredible.” Max’s first words to me after everything are as soft as every kiss he leaves on my hand and knuckles. If I weren’t drained, I’d pin him back down and show my appreciation, but instead I turn back to my side and lazily embrace him as we lock lips for the millionth time. I don’t want this night to end, but my head aches for sleep and he breaks to yawn. His head drops to the pillow, arm still around me with the other on his rib cage. My body curls into his, falling fast asleep.
He cares too much, but so do I, and I think we’ll be okay with that.
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Strange guest - @cas-is-my-hero fic challenge
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Canonically possible mention of Destiel
Word count: 1440 words
Summary: Holy shit, the aliens are apparently a thing! (don´t tell Bobby)
Prompt:  what are you doing on my doorstep at 2 in the morning?
Warnings: none
A soft knocking on a motel door, wouldn´t wake many of the people. Sam, however, wasn´t just a regular. Hunter instincts have saved him from many sticky situations. Also his intelligence, but he had to admit there were times when Dean could thought up of better tactics. Speaking of Dean, he was sleeping like a baby. Sam chose to not interumpt his sleep. Yesterday´s werewolf hunt had been an exhausting one. Sam grabbed a silver knife from his lampstand and cautiously approached the door. The werewolf they hunted down could have some buddies near the town. Nothing could´ve prepared him for the view he met when he opened the door though.
„Who are you and what are you doing on my doorstep at 2 in the morning ?“ he asked the hillariously short figure that stood in front of him, while holding his knife close. It certainly wasn´t a human.
„I come in peace.“ Said the figure in a shaky voice. „I-I´ve been cast out of my home planet.“
„Dean, wake up.“ Sam shouted out into the darkness of the room where his older brother slept, maintaining defensive stance, just in case the creature was lying.
„Sam, if you´re trying to get me to live healthy, you better stop now. I am not going jogging with you ever again!“ Dean waved his hand at Sam and turned on the other side. He was having such a nice dream. He wanted to go back and drown himself into those heavenly blue orbs. „I am not taking you jogging, and never will since the time you used my running clothes to get laid. This is an emergency!“ Sam´s voice was gradually getting more desperate.
„Is Hell freezing solid or what?“ asked Dean, finally getting up and fixing his wild hair sticking out in every angle possible and grabbing the nearest clean pair of pants.
„Sir, from the little I know about Hell and it´s culture, that´s scientifically impossible.“
„SON OF A BITCH!“ screamed Dean, subsequently getting stuck while trying to put on his flannel shirt. „Sam, WHAT is this ?“ he asked, pointing at the figure near Sam.
„Dean, calm down, it´s just a harmless refugee. I guess.“
„Also an alien. Actual, breathing, grey-skinned alien... wait, a refugee ?“
„Yes, sir, I am indeed what humans call refugee.“ Said the alien, with a glimpse of nostalgia in her big black eyes „I´ve crashed near your residence in the foliage of local growth. By the laws of Claes'od, I am your slave now.“
The small figure fell on the knees and bowed in front of the hunters. Neighter of them seemed to be comfortable with that.
„You are not our slave.“ Said Sam, „Laws in here forbid slavery. Plus, it would be highly immoral.“
„Sam´s right. We will get you back home to your kind in no time, pal.“
„No, you don´t understand! I can´t go home. I was exiled because I commited an unforgivable crime against my family.“ Ranted the disstressed alien. „When saving people from a burning building I put my mate before my parents, resulting in their death. THE MATE! Do you even realize what that means ? Blood is thicker than water, and that´s a law!“
„What´s your name ?“ asked Dean quietly, kneeling next to the small frame of the Claes'od
„Maxiprgpjadosj´evenuu“ she whined softly.
„Okay... Max.. ughh, can I call you that ?“ she nodded and Dean continued „You see, the world is not so simple. Same goes for the relationships. If your kind wants to dick around and make it a law, it´s their choose, but here on Earth, family doesn´t end in blood, and it doesn´t start there eighter.“
„Thank you, human Dean.“
„Now that that´s settled, we should probably hide the ship, or whatever you arived on, before anyone finds it. Last thing we need around now is guys from Area 51.“
„Oh don´t worry, the ship has invisibility shield that mimics it´s surroundings. Only beings with hightened perception of light wavelenght can see the minimal anomalies it causes.“
„Fair enough, but let´s go check it, just in case it isn´t hidden enough.“ Said Sam.
„Good idea.“ Agreed Max
„Let´s go ship-hunting then. I´ll man the flashlight.“ Said Dean with a child-like grin on his face.
The group of three had searched the bushes behind the motel up and down, but they couldn´t find anything, by seeing or just hitting it accidentally. As Max grew anxious, Dean was getting annoyed by it.
„I don´t understand. The ship is invisible, not immaterial. It´s gone.“ Max cried out
„Well, maybe that, or maybe you were just lying.“ Dean spat out his doubts
„Guys, I think it was rather stolen.“ Said Sam „There´s a tiny bit of sulphur.“
„So demons. This night just keeps getting better.“
„It´s not going to be the night for much longer. Max will need some disguise, and probably food.“
„Food ? Oh you must mean nutritiens. No, I do not. My species lives similarly to plants on this planet. We breathe oxygen and carbon dioxyde to create energy.“
„Well, that helps with a budget. Let´s find you some human clothes, then. Your current outfit could draw unwanted attention.“ Said Sam, pointing to the sleek fabric that shifted colors with every move.
Naturally, every piece of clothing was huge on Max, but after a bit of tearing and stitching here and there, Sam and Dean quickly made them suit her thin body.
„Now, just one last thing – a big hat and a pair of sunglasses.“ Said Dean putting them on. The hat couldn´t be tailored to fit Max´s small head, but with the sunglasses it covered most of her face.
„I think we are golden this way. Maybe we could head out to the Bob-“
The light in the cheap stinky motel room flickered. Most of the people wouldn´t be bothered by this, in fact they would expected the lights to flicker – but not the Winchesters.
„Grab a shotgun and let´s go. Looks like the demons came back.“ Shouted Dean, tossing one to Sam.
The trio ran towards the Impala and soon they were speeding on a highway followed by an enormous cloud of black smoke.
„We gotta get rid of them, Dean. They don´t seem to be keen on letting us go just like that.“
„I know Sam, but what chance do we stand. It´s not like we have demon-killing bombs on us. Our best chance is getting the demons as far from the town as possible and then put up the best fight we can manage.“
The atmosphere in the Impala was dark, but there still was a glistering sliver of hope. Max turned in her seat and studied the cloud closely.
„Do you have any kind of energy package on you that you don´t mind destroying ?“ she asked
„You mean a battery of some sort?“ Sam answered
„Yes, a battery. A smaller one, preferably.“ Said Max „But hurry, they are getting close.“
Sam quickly pulled out his phone out of his pocket and threw the battery from inside it into Max´s hands.
„Will do. Now, stop the transport machine, Dean, I need to get out.“
„Are you crazy ? Aparently they are after you, and we can´t fight them all.“
„You can´t fight them...“ Max corrected „...but I can.“ She took of her necklace with a large pendant made of strange stone. It seemed to glow softly, shifting even, as i fit contained something.
„When I´m out of the car, close your eyes. They are too delicate for what´s about to come.“
„Okay, Mad Max, but you have only one chance at this. Better make it count in the afterlife.“ Said Dean as he jumped on breaks and send the Impala into spin. The front now faced the smoke which menacingly flew closer with every second.
Max didn´t wait for second signal. She jumped out of car, with phone battery and the pendant, one in each hand. She joined them together in a loud bang as the sparks of electricity cracked around it. She threw the pendant on the ground as she looked fiercely into the smoke.
„Eat this“
The battery flew right into the middle of the cloud and exploded from the amount of energy it was forced to take in.
Luckily, they´ve been far enough from the town, so the citizens only saw something very similar to fireworks.
„What a bunch of idiots... It´s not the 4th of July yet.“ Old, grumpy sheriff Todd said to himself as he fell back into dreamless sleep.
honorable tag: @cas-is-my-hero​ - because you can´t just ditch the prompt source
tags: @moostache @dragon-tail @wildtendermythologia @shit-happens-bitchachos @mishacrazyworld @snovolovac @nicowhereinhadesareyou @geekself @funnycas - feel free to reblog and spread this like a wildfire (it´s not funny or anything, but hey, I am narcissist who wants some attention, sue me for that xD)
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