#and others respectfully don't want to who already filtered the tag
jjaydazo · 4 months
please pleeeaseee tag your damn ships.
I'm saying this so I could also see your art/edit/medium for me to enjoy and reblog it
BUT ALSO to filter out the ships that I don't want to see.
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hainethehero · 21 days
Me again!
“When did the rules of fandom and fanfic become so absolutely strict & rigid to the point where people aren't allowed to like what they like??!!!” – bit off topic, but oh boy, have you not noticed the rise of “purity culture” in fandom in the past 10(?) years? People have been getting a LOT of hate for ships they ship or tropes they like. It’s definitely not restricted to buddie fandom or 911 fandom.
“Why do you care if people really like Eddie or not? Are you the Eddie police?” – This made me laugh. And the answer to the first question is pretty easy – if people really like Eddie, they’re more likely to post content about him that I can reblog and enjoy, such as fics or gifsets or meta etc. If everybody disliked Eddie, I’d have nothing fun to read/look at/engage with! So in that sense, I do care to an extent.
“I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, they like him. And I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, it's also respectfully none of your concern.” – Well, you’re right it’s not my concern per se, except that if I go scrolling a diaz/eddie-named blog, hoping for good Eddie content to reblog, and I run into a heap of BT posts or LJFR posts or Tommy posts, it’s a bit of a jumpscare/disappointment (which has happened several times). And yes, I filter tags, but people don’t always tag appropriately!
“your absolutely strange questions about what I envision for Eddie/who he'd end up with (I think u should be concerned with what you envision for him & not some stranger on the internet” – Why is it so strange to want to know what somebody else thinks and perhaps gain a fresh perspective? I already know what I would like for Eddie. I was curious about what you thought.
“He'd still be Buck's best friend if BT ended up as endgame
He'd be in a polyamorous relationship with them and get all the d*ck he wants (my personal preference)
Or the writers will give him another gf” - Anyway, so you like the option of eddie in a throuple with buck and tommy? Ok cool! My curiosity is satisfied!
What gets me about the whole "purity culture" in fandom that you're talking about, is that YOU'RE DOING IT. 🤣 you're doing it right now!
What's adding to this disease of purity culture in fandom is what most of the toxic buddie stans are doing RIGHT NOW. Yall are hating on Tommy with absolutely bad faith arguments and using every opportunity you can to deny the fact that you just don't like him because he's in the say of your preferred ship.
"I got a jumpscare seeing Tommy when I was looking thru the eddie tag" lmao okay that was funny. But like, the insane hatred for him is so weird. Y'all know whether buddie becomes canon or not, you can still make them endgame through fanfic right????
And yes, if more people were concerned with how they felt about their characters, instead of how other feel, we would avoid all this fandom war. You asking if people who had Eddie as their pfp really liked him or not IS entitled. You don't know why they have him as their pfp, so why question it? You're not entitled to know.
And in the referred ask, you wanting to know how someone who liked BT and Buddie would envision Eddie fitting in to the relationship- was totally your confusion at not being able to fathom that people could like both and still want buddie or BT to be endgame. Which is a trait I've observed in MOST buddie stans and some BT fans (which I DID address in my OP).
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
oh man, i didn't even think of the younger fans joining in.
stay safe out there kids, and remember to block very liberally and filter tags! (also, make sure to filter when looking for fanfic, too!)
this has been a psa by the weird dude who just drops by in the fandom occasionally to grumble, say the weirdest thing he can, and then leave for a few months to a year again.
also, if you don't mind me asking, what was the IG situation?
Exactly! Block tags and filter with abandon, you don't need to reach a certain threshold to do so and it's not a last resort. Sometimes my mutuals will get a new interest and I get sick of seeing show gifs on my dash and so I block it! Nothing special. Stay safe and curate your experience!
As for the IG situation, for those of you new or unaware I'm about to learn you some keepblr history right here. And emphasize why it's important to communicate with people directly and why you should block tags you don't like. (sizable explanation ahead)
A few months ago the infamous post about how the Neverseen uniform under the cloak is never described--and therefore they could be wearing hot pink leotards and stripper heels, with tutus for the minors--reached a note milestone (500), so in celebration we brought it back and there was an influx of art of Fintan in said uniform. S has a bunch collected here.
Someone on tumblr then went to an anonymous IG keeper confessions account (which has since been deleted) and submitted a confession talking about how the tumblr fandom was strange, making stripper Fintan art, and how it was making them uncomfortable. This was the first any of us had heard of it, as they hadn't said anything to us to try and work it out. (I don't hold it against them for being uncomfortable, but I don't think this is the way to deal with it)
If you know anything about confession accounts, you can imagine what broke out, which was made worse by an already existing rivalry/bias against the IG fandom. The IG fandom with no context reacted like the tumblr fandom was weird and disgusting for our joke, and the tumblr fandom handled it...unhelpfully? Listen, I love being here but full honesty I think the majority of the response made the situation worse and it was incredibly frustrating to watch. The tumblr fandom made the IG fandom into part of the joke, about how it was all allocishet white people who love heterosexuality and just couldn't handle tumblr. It became a joke to come up with what would kill a keepstagrammer (not actual killing, but kill in the sense of sprite killing Prince Phillip), like a particular queer ship or headcanon.
The IG fandom, understandably, did not like this and found it insulting. Which only worsened how they thought of and spoke of the tumblr fandom. They said there were many poc on IG, that the point is that keeper is a children's series and it's gross to make nsfw jokes--and again, this is all through a confessions account. There are a few accounts that if you look through their archive, you can find screenshots.
Since it was all through confessions and no one was actually talking to each other, making it all worse because we're literally on separate social medias and each side was only getting what someone chose to share (e.g., only certain screenshots, only certain links to tumblr posts), I reached out and spoke to the most outspoken person on IG (she had been commenting on everything and posting about it herself). We had a conversation where we respectfully explained our positions and cleared some confusion (like how tumblr works, how you can block tags to avoid content you don't like, how old the tumblr fandom is, how old you have to be to join, etc.) That resulted in this post of mine where I explained the other side alongside our own, as I didn't think anyone else had done so. Their position boiled down to kids (young teens) can find this and it can make them uncomfortable, so they wanted to depend them, and they'd had recent discourse tumblr was unaware of that made them react stronger. The person on IG also made a story post talking about it.
Afterwards, there were some more serious posts about the issue on our side, sympathetic to people uncomfortable while still affirming that it's not our responsibility to curate others online experience.
Things were calm for a day or two, but then because of the way confession accounts work, confessions from before the other person and I had spoken were posted, and that delay ignited things again. So then rinse and repeat, but less intensely. I reached out and spoke to people again (I talk about me reaching out because I don't know who, if anyone, else did). More clarification posts were made, I offered my tumblr as a direct contact for IG people who wanted to talk.
Things started to calm again, but there wasn't really a final conclusion or resolution, as the confessions account hosting all this was deleted before that could happen. I'm not sure why, as I spoke directly with that person prior and she said she wanted to continue giving people a space to talk, even if it was overwhelming. But that's where we're at.
This was back in August, and it hasn't been brought up since. But it wasn't fun for anyone involved and was deeply distressing, which is why I emphasize to talk to us if you have an issue with something. We want to help! We want you to enjoy being here and online! We will do what we can, but that will only work if you do your part, too. That means unfollow or block people posting stuff you don't like, block tags for content you don't want to see. Discourse incidents like this can be avoided.
But that was the IG incident, so now you know! I'm sure you can find a lot more, but this is the gist of how it played out--at least from my perspective. This is how I saw and experienced it, but I'm one person. But if anyone has further questions or wants to know anything, I can do my best to explain!
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krisiverse · 2 years
Hey same anon here. So... no offence but do you think people who ship something slightly controversial are going to just not interact with the rest of the fandom at all? I'm sure you're set in believing it's a bad ship but I really don't think everyone who ships it is a Bad Person on principle. Like them putting shipping in a separate blog with a similar url to their main is probably not them being secretive to get around dni's. Because this just in, anyone can get around dni's by ignoring them...
Shippers of controversial ships keep things separate from their main account usually to avoid subjecting people who don't want to see something to that thing, and to avoid getting hate/being called out, which is what you're doing....
Also, I don't think everyone who ships one lesbian cousin inc*st ship is inherently a proshipper... Most fans of the ship are just regular splatoon fans who contribute a lot to the fandom. I would know, a lot of people in the notes on your post have supported posts from an explicitly aohota blog
Also respectfully, I guess you want to warn people of someone shipping it but I think people can make that judgement call on their own... Filling the tag which is already separate from the main fandom tags with hate and putting individuals on blast seems more harmful than shipping fictional characters imo
hi im going to address these points one by one and out of order, im tired today
actually, you make a good point with it being put in the ship tags, i'll fix that. regardless of everything else i know how much it sucks to go into a tag for something you like and be met with hate for it
second um... incest shippers ARE proship by definition, because it means pro- ships that involve incest or pedophilia or both. there are probably other things that fall under that definition but those are the two big ones, so im sorry to say that is literally what it means
the point of a dni is that you enforce it by blocking people. there's actually been a history of people making blogs like that for the purpose of evading blocks- the main example i can think of is terfs making innocent-seeming main blogs with the express purpose of infiltrating trans-positive communities who would otherwise block them on sight. the fact that people in the notes have interacted with callie/marie shippers is exactly what i was trying to alleviate with that post, because the tags are obscure enough that a lot of people may not know what it means & interact unknowingly.
do i think everyone who ships problematic content is a "bad person"...? no, not really. they're often perfectly nice and kind and all that. but do i think they should keep to themselves and stay out of the larger splatoon community, besides others who are pro- or neutral to these kinds of ships? well... that WOULD be pretty unreasonable to ask, wouldn't it? but the thing is... someone being proship puts all those interactions into a different light. i shouldn't have to worry, if i make a post about callie and marie, that someone is going to interpret it sexually. i shouldn't have to worry if i make a post about one of them individually that someone is going to take it and apply it to their romantic/sexual dynamic of the two. it's something that makes me extremely uncomfortable, and it's a boundary i can only enforce by blocking (since as you said people can simply ignore dnis.)
which brings me to my last point... y'all have your space, which I unthinkingly put hate in and for that i'm genuinely sorry, but we have our own boundaries which we can ONLY enforce via dnis and/or blocking. the only thing we can really do to keep our space our own is to block, both the tags and the people that post in them, and that's all i told people to do; obviously i can't actively force anyone to block people, that's just my suggestion to keep them from unknowingly interacting bc other posts from people will show up even if they have the tag filtered.
i called out that particular person in the tags because they stood out to me, with the experience i'd had with the two blogs; also because i couldn't really name other active members of the community, seeing as i have nearly everyone there blocked already. my intention is to spread awareness, not to incite harassment, and if they're getting harassed (or if you'd like to avoid that possibility) i can delete those tags, likely instead putting them as part of a larger blocklist rather than focusing on one person. but again, that one person stood out to me and i wanted to prevent others from having the same experience.
i think that's all for rn, thank you for the ask and your understanding. feel free to send more asks, or if the person in question would like to talk to me directly, i would be willing to unblock them to have a discussion if they so choose
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