#might as well tag frans too
jjaydazo · 4 months
please pleeeaseee tag your damn ships.
I'm saying this so I could also see your art/edit/medium for me to enjoy and reblog it
BUT ALSO to filter out the ships that I don't want to see.
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frost-queen · 7 months
The moment I knew // part 9 (Reader!Bridgerton x Tewkesbury)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly,@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco,@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, 
@panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @cayt0123, 
@powwowsworld, @yomamacrusty, @mileyy22, @omgsuperstarg, @helen06dreamer, @misscaller06, @l4venderia, @dracoflaco, @loliakeoghan23, @emotionaldamageemotionaldamage, @reallysparklychaos, @ok-boke, @the-fifth-marauder7, @asgards-princess-of-mischief, @cherrysxuya, @lol6sposts, @cierrajhill, @heheyhey, @drinkfantasy, @esposadomd
Summary: An idle search for a certain book sparks up your interest about a particular set of art. The queen's ball is at your disposal as you finally might receive a clear answer. [ part 1 & part 2 & part 3& part 4 & part 5 & part 6 & part 7 & part 8 & part 10 ]
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“Are you going to help me or not?” – Francesca asked, looking up from the book in her hand. You had been idling away at your home library. You were normally going to assist your sister in finding a book on French artist. Yet Francesca seemed to be the only one actually searching. While you idled away on the other hand. Deep in thoughts as you stared at the book back’s with a slightly tilted head. – “I am helping.” – you muttered out letting your finger glide across the back’s.
Francesca hummed unintrigued seeing through your false lies. She shut her book with a loud thud, startling you a bit. – “Just help me Y/n.” – she begged. – “The sooner we find it, the sooner we are out of here.” – she came closer to you. You jumped when she had slapped her book against your bottom. – “Fran!” – you called out in shock.
Your sister laughing loud. Clearly amused. – “Please Y/n a bit of help.” – she asked placing the book down on a stack of other books. You nodded walking boredly to a stack of books on the desk. You picked up the first one. A blue cover with golden pressed letters on.
“That’s clearly no French.” – Francesca commented from afar, having looked up from her book to you. You set it aside, looking at the next one. A dark green book with heavy thick black letters. Francesca was looking at numerous covers, holding two in each hand. – “Have you heard anything from him?” – she asked reading the back of a book in her hand. – “From who?” – you replied reading the back of your book as well. Francesca sighed loud. - “The Viscount.” – she answered casually with a quick smile. The mention of him made you act clumsy.
You wanted to set a book back as you knocked the stack of books over. One or two dropped on the ground. – “Sorry.” – you called out seeing your sister’s scolding expression. You quickly duck down to pick them up. One of them was tipped over. Standing on the edges, pages facing the ground. You picked up the yellow book as your eye fell on the title. The secret language of fanning. Your mind immediately got pulled back to the moment with Tewkesbury.
Seeing so vividly in front of you what Tewkesbury did. The same sequence, repeated. At the time you thought it was idle. Now you weren’t so sure anymore. Still crouched down, you tilted the book to read the pages. You ruffled through them. Seeing sketches of ladies performing a gesture step by step with writing by the side. Fascinated you stopped at a page. The secret language it was describing ‘how to let your company know you are uninterested’.
It made you snicker quietly. Turning a few pages you wanted to find the sequence Tewkesbury did. Perhaps his had a meaning too? Your pursuit of finding the true meaning of it took a heavy turn. Almost obsessive as you craved the answer. Was he perhaps also showing to you he wanted to leave your company? Was it something else? Did he try to say you were ugly? Couldn’t dance? Only saw you as a friend? You were almost going insane with the unknowing.
Eyes widened when your finger pressed hard on a page to stop it. Recognizing one motion of Tewkesbury’s. – “Y/n!” – Francesca called out, startling you. The book fell out of your hand as you jumped up, bumping the back of your head against the desk above you. – “Au!” – you shouted keeping a hand on your head as you slowly rose, minding not to hit the desk again while rising. – “Found it.” – Francesca exclaimed happily, showing you the book.
“Oh sorry.” – she apologized seeing you rub your head. Your head turned slightly, looking down at the book you were very eager to finish. – “Come we are finished.” -  Francesca went over to you, grabbed you by your wrist and started pulling you out of the library. ‘I’ll come back for you’. You thought as you got pulled through the door. On your way out, you encountered Benedict in the hallway.
“Found it!” – Francesca said happily, holding the book up. Benedict took the book in his hands. – “Excellent sister.” – he replied giving her the book back. – “Now I can astonish my governess.” – she said feeling over the moon. You got dragged along again, trying to keep up with her quick feet, as you hoped much not to trip over your own. Benedict laughed at his adoring sisters.
Finally you had found a way to escape Francesca’s clutches. You loved her but she could be a too much towards you. She had always felt a strong push towards you. She confided with you on about almost anything. You were her most truest friend and beloved sister. You took the turn, leading you back to the home library. That itch of reading more of that book unstilled. Quickening your pace, you were almost panting. Panting with desperation to reach it.
So desperate you walked straight past your brother Colin without a proper greeting. He smiled wanting to greet you, his smile faltering when you walked straight passed him. Clearly too occupied in your own thoughts. Hands almost shaking you threw the door open. Finally your questions would be answers.
Finally the storm in your head would still. Yet you were greeted with a harsh stomp. Bluntly you stared at a cleared up room. All the books that once was stacked around on the desk. On the floor. On the small table. All gone. All neatly set back on the shelves where they belonged. You screamed loud out of agony. As if something was keeping you from knowing the answers.
Stumped and defeated you outed your emotions. Shouting, stomping your feet and swaying your arms to curse at the maids who cleaned up the library. Crying and sobbing, dropping down in utter despair. It would take forever to find it back. Sobbing loud, you remained in place. Crouched down as you held your knees. Your limbs felt numb and stiff yet you didn’t move. Grieving too much for a book. The library had gone dark.
Till the creak of the door and a light flickered into the room. A heavy set of feet entered the room as the light fell upon you. – “Y/n.” – Anthony said soft placing the candle on the small table near you. – “What are you doing here sister. It is bed-time.” – he told you kneeling down to your height. Lips pouted, you moved your position, throwing your arms around him and bury your face against his chest.
Anthony immediately responded by holding your arm and back. Kissing the top of your head. He didn’t need to know what bothered you. He only needed to know that you required his attention and love. – “Let’s get you to bed.” – he whispered, repositioning his hands. He picked you up, carrying you in his arms. You kept your arms around his neck, resting your head against his chest. He blew the candle out, leaving the library in the darkness.
He carried you up the stairs up till your room, where he carefully laid you on your bed. – “How did you find me?” – you asked as he was adjusting your covers to warm you. – “Colin told me, he saw you head for the library.” – he responded tugging you in. – “Good night sister.” – he spoke, giving you a night kiss on your forehead. – “Night brother.” – you responded. He left your room with a warm smile on his lips.
“What are you doing here?” – you called out in shock. – “Is that how you greet your sister?”  - Daphne replied with her hands on her hip. – “Apologies.” – you rushed out, curtsying before her. Daphne’s stern glare faltered, revealing her gracious self once more. She entered your room more. – “Mama has asked me to assist you.” – she spoke approaching you. She touched your chin, admiring you. – “It is just the queen’s ball.” – you told her, gulping soft at the hard glare from your sister.
Clearly you had said something wrong. – “It is not just the queen’s ball Y/n. It is the queen’s ball!” – she exclaimed letting your hair glide through her fingers. – “And you need to look your upmost best.” – she booped your nose making you flutter your lashes. – “If not for the queen, for a certain Viscount most certainly.” – she added nudging you playfully in the side. You could only stare at her. Your stare made her laugh. – “He’s but a friend.” – you told her. – “Uh-hu.” – Daphne said unamused and seeing right through you.
She turned you around, pushing you to your vanity. – “Now let’s make you diamond worthy.” – she whispered to you with a gleam in her eyes. You swallowed nervously, looking back at your own reflection in the mirror. Daphne cleared her throat loud when she stood at the top of the stairs. All your siblings waiting down below. – “Finally.” – Gregory said receiving a flick against his ear from Benedict. – “Au! What was that for.” – he called out.
Benedict was about to comment on it when Daphne cleared her throat, silencing him. Eloise rolled her eyes. – “You are always dramatizing everything Daph.” – she outed with crossed arms. Daphne ignored her comment. – “I present to you, our sisters.” – she spoke with a gesture. First Francesca appeared as you followed right behind her. Mama teared up at the sight of her glorious daughters. Each a pearl in their own way.
“Try keeping any men away from them now.” – Benedict joked to Anthony with a snicker. Anthony slapped his hand at him as Benedict avoided being hit just in time. Francesca and you went down the stairs to join the others. Daphne coming after you. – “I shan’t be present, but enjoy every moment. I remember I did.” – she told you and Francesca.
“I remember you tried to win over the prince.” – Colin commented with a smirk. – “At least I could attract royalty.” – she mocked back with a sarcastic undertone. Benedict and Anthony laughed at Colin’s dumbfound stare, unable to come with any comeback. You were all heading for the carriages as Daphne pulled you back to her, separating you from the others. – “Y/n.” – she started. – “Do not be content with watching from the side. Don’t lose it all when you let the precious time slip away.” – she went on as it confused you.
Trying to find the meaning of her words. – “Don’t keep fighting it and let yourself fall.” – she finished with a soft smile. She gave you a kiss on your forehead before sending you off. You got on the carriage with your brothers and Francesca. The words of your sister spinning in your mind. The carriage got in motion as it hobbled over cobblestone. Riding towards the palace for the queen’s ball. The highlight of the season as it was nearing.
Words were almost impossible to distinguish. The room filled and warm. Up on the balcony was someone observing the space below. A man overlooking it all. Tewkesbury stood by the railing. One hand on the railing as he attentively searched the belows. Many faces he saw, yet not the one he desired to see. In a corner of the room below, he saw his grandmother chatter with some elderly ladies. A bit more to the centre, he saw Enola make her way swiftly through the people.
Still there was no sign of you. He was almost becoming desperate. Hopeless that you wouldn’t be present. Hopeless that you perhaps already settled down for another. Groaning soft, he turned his head away in disgust. Not wanting to think about it. He sighed wanting you to show yourself. Then a group of people caught his attention. His immediate gaze fell upon your brother Anthony, coming in from the right. His second response was to look for you amongst them. There he found you, holding your brother Benedict’s arm. A relieved smile showed on his face. A weight falling off his shoulder.
Letting go of the railing, he made his way down the stairs to reach the belows. He needed to reach you. He needed to see your beauty from up close. Tewkesbury pushed a way through the crowd. – “Miss Y/n!” – he called out to get your attention. You turned your head, having heard your name, yet no familiar face was in sight yet. Till a lord passed and revealed you an approaching Tewkesbury. – “Miss Y/n!” – he repeated coming to a stop before you.
He grabbed your hand, lifting it up as he bowed his head near your hand. A gesture that made your sister almost lose her mind from excitement. – “May I have this dance?” – he asked only looking at you. You looked back to your brothers, looking for confirmation. Anthony shook his head as Benedict slapped him against his chest, nodding.
“We just got here.” – you heard Anthony speak to Benedict a bit annoyed when Tewkesbury took you with him. He positioned you in front of him. The music started as you greeted each other. Tewkesbury kept his hand above yours, guiding your arm to lift and lower gracefully. Turning his head, he repeated the same with your other hand. He then took your hand allowing you to spin underneath his arm.
With a firm pull, were you pressed closer to him. His hand on your lower back. It made you gulp soft. Tewkesbury smiling down at you. With one hand on his back, the other on your lower back, he swayed with you from side to side. Your dress swishing around. – “You look beautiful.” – he told you as you turned with him. He lifted your arm up again in motions, going higher and higher each time. Till you spun under his arm.
He let his hand slide down your wrist to your elbow as you lowered your arm to hold it up against his chest. Tewkesbury pressed his hand against yours, near his cheek, giving your palm a gentle push so you could spin. You spun back to him as he kept his hand on your lower back again. Swaying to the side. Taking your hand, he led it up and down as you approached and backed away.
A smile growing on your lips. You gasped soft when he grabbed you firm to waltz. He took his space waltzing with you. He let go of you with one hand. Holding your hand in his. You spun out, still holding his hand. Returning to him, he changed your hand to his other, where you moved across and spun out as well.
Giggling a bit, you felt like a princess. Tewkesbury moved a hand to your lower back, pulling you closer to his side. You let your hand join his on your hip. His other hand holding yours, stretched out. Pressed against his side, you looked up to him as you waltzed around. Tewkesbury grabbed almost desperately for your waist as the music picked up. Sweeping you up in the moment.
You set yourself off as Tewkesbury lifted you up. Turning a bit before he set you back down. Your eyes meeting as your faces were dangerously close. Gently panting in each other’s presence. Your noses almost touched when you circled around with him. Breaking the tense contact, he gave you a push to make you spin round. Till you went back to him.
The music fading out as the end of the dance was nearing. Tewkesbury and you circled around each other, staring at each other’s eyes. Slowly you stopped as the music stopped, letting out their last note. Tewkesbury and you greeted each other once more to thank one another for the dance. Out of breath, you felt hot. Overheated from the dance.
Tewkesbury took your hand, leading you away from the dance. He simply followed you as it seemed you were taking the lead. Guiding him outside as you needed some fresh air. If you didn’t have any fresh air, you thought you might pass out. The breeze was chillingly welcoming. The queen’s garden a dream come true as you overlooked it. – “I… I hope I haven’t given you any trouble from showing up unannounced last time.” – Tewkesbury spoke joining your side on the balcony.
Looking back at him, you shook your head. – “I hope my family hasn’t given you a fright. The duke can be intimidating.” – you chuckled out. Tewkesbury shook his head. – “Not as intimidating as my grandmother’s death stare.” – he joked making you laugh. You tried to stop laughing, remembering your manners. – “I shouldn’t laugh at your grandmother.” – you told him and yourself to stop being so foolish. – “It’s quite fine.” – Tewkesbury responded, leaning a bit closer to you. – “I laugh at her as well.” – his reaction made you snort loud. Which made you cover up your mouth for thinking you were acting wildly.
“I like your laugh.” – he told you. You lowered your hands. – “I like everything about you.” – he continued. You smiled shyly. – “You must have girls falling over themselves to get to you.” – you responded turning your head a bit away. – “Why did you choose me?” – you asked. Tewkesbury slightly furrowed his brows. He needed a moment, but knew deep down you referred to the night of the opera. He lowered his gaze. – “You laughed.” – he replied, making you furrow your brows.
“It might have been idle back then, but I assure it is not anymore. I’ve grown very fond of you Miss Y/n.” – he turned his posture as you followed so you were facing each other. – “Y/n Bridgerton, the girl who wanted to be a princess.” – he tugged a stray of hair behind your ear, his knuckles brushing against your cheek. – “I see one right now.” – he added with a whisper. You felt flustered taking a shy step back. You turned away not sure what the storm inside of you was saying. A mixture of emotions you couldn’t possibly name or count. You moved further away from him to the steps, needing more air. Tewkesbury followed.
You went down a few steps till you stopped. – “What did it mean?” – you asked. Tewkesbury frowned. – “What did it mean?” – you repeated turning around to him. Standing lower than him, you had to look up at him. – “The fanning.” – you questioned.
If your book wasn’t going to give you answers, you would ask him directly. Tewkesbury swallowed nervously. – “It meant something didn’t it? The secret language of fanning.” – you told him. – “What did it mean?” – you asked curiously, looking yearningly at him. Tewkesbury swallowed soft,  before speaking with yearning eyes. – “It means I love you.”
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists! 
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marty-parties · 8 days
Happy September 15th! Which, if you didn't know, is 'leave a comment day.' I could be wrong though, since my source is a poll i took on my other blog - either way, i've come up with a fun idea.
In honour of ‘leave a comment day’ i’ve made a list of all of my favourite fanfics/authors that I can think of atm, and I wanna leave a nice little note about them and their work! This isn’t in any particular order, tbh it’s mostly me going through my AO3 bookmarks and re-reading all of my fav fanfic, haha. 
I honestly had no idea 'leave a comment day’ was a thing, and if you didn’t either, show your favourite authors that you appreciate them! Anything from a heart emoji, or a key smash, or an insightful/heartfelt comment will do wonders in terms of showing/being appreciated.
A lot of these fics below have influenced me in some way, big or small, into how/what I write today. I guess I wanted to give thanks where I could. (It’s also just really sick to make a doc full of your favourite things,and I highly implore you to do it too, even if you don’t wanna post it. (That's totally fair, no pressure.) I keep going over in my mind what I like about each fic and ‘oh, this fic is different from that, but it’s still fantastic, oh and this fic, too,’ etc. it’s such a fun little snowball effect of positivity, i definitely recommend you do this if you have time and need a pick me up, haha.)
Little note, here, If you’ve seen that I’ve read your fic, but found you’re not on the list - it’s not that I don’t like you/or work! I probably very well did enjoy it! I found as I was making this list it was taking a lot of my free time. (Free time that i’d rather like to use writing or reading more, haha.) And, I feel like this list is already so wickedly long ‘cause I can't shut my mouth to save my life, to add more might be a little bit much to read all in one go. 😅
So, please don’t be upset if that’s the case! ily *mwah* 
Also, there’s a few nsfw fics mention at the end, so if you’re a minor, pls buzz off,  that content isn’t for you! I also recommend you check the links on some of these fics. I think I’ve included warnings where I think they’re due, but you know yourself better than i do. And, who knows, I might’ve accidentally missed a tag or two - So, please take care of yourself out there! 
You’ll notice i’ve either included a source for either the authors tumbr, or AO3. I originally was going to try and do both, but i lost steam. Each story is linked to their author, on some site, promise. 
Last thing, most of these fics are in the undertale fandom, tbh. It’s been my ride or die since highschool, so i’ve got a lot of love and things to say. You won’t find any frans or foncest here, i’m a reader insert girlie, simply put, and I don't care much for those tags on the fics i read. 
Quick legend here:
Complete = complete work
Ongoing = still updating / i think they’re still update
Incomplete = either hiatus, or just incomplete
So, without further ado- 
 Road Side Attraction (Ongoing, teen+ rating) and Dirty Laundry (Complete, teen+ rating)
By Popatochisp  (AO3) / popattochisp (Tumbr)
I’m going to be grouping together fics by author. Usually when I find one I really like, i really lurk around their tumblr/AO3 for others, haha.
–AND because I can’t think of one fic without the other. I find myself going back to read them both quite frequently, usually on rotation,  they’re my little bedtime stories i keep on repeat in my mind, lol. 
I mean, if you’re in the undertale fandom how can you not know about pop? For me, them (and luluwrites, among a few others i can’t remember rn,) –were really impactful to me growing up, as I think it was to a lot of people. (Tbh they’re still impactful, actually. I find myself going back even pretty often to read the same fics I read in high school.) They’re like the one piece of media you read in English class in high school that sticks with you throughout your adult life. (Looking at you, monkey’s paw.)
Pop has like 1,000 different au’s to choose from, all with fantastic and deep characterizations and lore.( I don’t know how they do it, i’m only writing a/b ONE skeleton rn, and i feel like a hamster on a wheel trying to get his characterization right.  I couldn’t imagine doing that for every single au they have. God damn.) 
I especially love Roadside Attraction, because of how easily i can relate to it? I’m deep in the sticks, a town more populated by livestock and people. When I read this, I can really put myself i MC’s shoes - b/c i’ve been there! (Hah, maybe not the dating skeletons part, granted, lol.) But it’s such a fantastic read, I love any and all media that has a vibe that it could take place in like a   rural Montana. (think scenes in Twilight. Tall spruce/pine trees, misty morning, the possibility of seeing bigfoot, that sorta thing.) 
And Dirty Laundry? Come on, dude. What a love letter to the swapfell universe, truly. If you haven't read it, you gotta. The world building, and the changing POV’s are so damn good, that every chapter feels crisp, and like you’ve got a really good inside scoop of each character. You can’t knock the characterization in this one, fellas. All the dynamics are so dead on - how Sans and Papyrus interact, how Sans and Alphys – dude, even how Sans and Toriel interact read so deeply in character. Everyone’s motives and ideas make sense to each character and the conflict that it  brings. Big fan. 10/10, will definitely read again and again. (There’s also a ‘Menswear addition, where the reader has he/him pronouns if that’s your cup of tea!) 
Bones Picked Clean (Incomplete, teen+ rating) and) Apéritifs (Ongoing, Mature rating)
By Skelezbian (tumblr) / luluwrites (on AO3)
Woof, where do I start?? I think Bones Picked Clean is another one of the first fics I remember being a really impactful piece of undertale fanwork that stuck with me. I know they’re not the one who created the whole ‘lodge’ scenario, (if you know, you know. Thank you @Tyrant_Tortoise, we’ll be seeing you next,) but they put a spin on it that is so interesting to see. The problems feel very realistic, like something that can easily happen in a house full of busy bodies with not enough communication. And, ohmygod the MC. My first love, truly. You get to see each set of skeleton brother’s, and watch how MC’s befriends them all. Granted, they have a track record of putting themselves in dangerous situations, for reasons revealed in the fic, but they’ve got a heart of gold, and a PHD in being a sweetheart.
The horrortale boys really shine here. I haven’t read much horrortale centric fanfics, but I really like the soft horrorale’ spin. The healing after the damage, the sunshine after the storm, watching the fauna overgrow, etc. I love watching characters grow when love is shown, and here, you can really see it here. I love domesticity, and using food as a love language– which is something this fic has in spades!
(I also love love swapfell characterization in this fic, chapter 13 does a REALLY good job of walking you through the mindspace of sf pap. But in terms of favourties, i’d have to say that would be Chapter 18. You get to see sf pap’s relationship with his brother!  You really see/understand their dynamic, and how they really act as brothers behind closed doors. The other reason it’s a favourite is the inherit domesticity! Maybe I’m a sucker for the normie, slice of life, but how MC and sans chit chat at the start of the chapter is so cute! )
Warning: mention of past cannibalism, past murder, past abuse? I think that’s it, maybe check the tags to be sure. They sound scary, but I promise it’s a very sweet story. 
Ohh, Apéritifs. First of all, what a clever name! I’m a sucker for word play, and this title alone really did it for me, haha. (if you don’t get it, please google ‘define Apéritifs’, and you’ll be just as jazzed as me.)  They’re three stand alone one-shots featuring a  different skeleton each chapter. I will say, I think chapter 3 is my fav. It’s actually heavily inspired me to make one of my one shots - it’s that good! I love the world building in it, as well. Really, you can’t go wrong. (Lulu really knows how to nail flirty dialogue, in very funny ways. ‘“so, you a fan of spare ribs, or just mine?”’ (ch. 3 – Apéritifs) KILLS ME, oh my god, what a funny flirty little one-liner. 
Skeleton Squatters and The LandLady (Incomplete, teen+ rating)
By Tyrant_Tortoise (AO3) tyranttortoise (Tumblr)
Man– SSLL walked so we all could run. The amount of ‘lodge’ type fanfic dynamic i’ve seen, BECAUSE of this fic is wild. I might be wrong in saying this, but I think they were the one who came up with the whole ‘lodge’ type scenario, like all the reverse harems with all the au’s. 
I haven’t read anything of theirs in a long time, but I wanna pay my respects where respects are due. Tyrant made one hell of an influential fanfic, enough so, that I’m pretty sure if I had a timeline of fandom evolution on undertale alone– I think there would be a noticeable difference in the before and after SSLL.  Which, is so sick!! To have influenced a whole fandom with a concept that we’re still seeing it years later? (I get that trends sorta tend to last longer in fandoms than they do irl, but isn’t that such a neat thing to think about?) 
I’m going to age myself (and maybe you, reading this a bit, but–) the first chapter was posted in 2017. 2017! Isn’t that nuts to think about? I was literally 17 at the time. No WONDER it stuck with me, my teenage brain was looking for all the  serotonin it could get from fandoms.  (wow. Things haven't changed all that much for me, haha. 
Skeleton Ex Machina (Incomplete, teen+ rating)
By Cryptid_jack (AO3)
Ohh, okay, for all the SSLL fans out there, you probably already know who cryptid_jack is. And if not, I'll gladly tell you!
They’ve made this cool ass AI AU (it’s a LOT cooler than it sounds, I promise!) in their words, ‘a fanfic of a fanfic’ that’s actually in Skeleton Squatters and The LandLady (see above.) I’d recommend reading SSLL to fully understand this - although, if you’re good at picking up context clues, or maybe don’t mind missing some context, I don’t necessarily think you’d have to, since jack does a really good job of showing the reader everything that’s going on. (although, i really  recommend you do.)
I think this au is so cool, it’s literally tagged as ‘Quarantine Sans’ (which, i’ll be the first to say, that maybe that name didn’t hold up too well, with recent 2020 events, an’ all that. Pandemic aside, it’s a cool name for an AU!) 
It’s also really fun to see two friends in the fandom interact with each other's works like this. Even reading the note at the start of the fic, you can just feel the camaraderie and care that went into paying each other's proper respects. 
Big big ups, hats off to proper manners and friendship!
All’s Fair In Love and (Prank) War (Incomplete, teen+ rating)
By torrikor (AO3)
Ohh, this is a short and sweet 2 chapter read. I don’t the author is going to circle back to it, but i suggest you read it anyways! the idea is so so good! In essence, MC and sf sans are roommates, and MC starts a prank war. I love love love their dynamic, their bickering is a real treat to read, that, coupled with their size difference? Sign me up!
My Favorite Thing (Complete, teen+ rating) and A Conversation Starter ( Complete, teen+ rating) 
By peachwhimzy (AO3) peachwhimzy-things (Tumblr)
I’m a slut for their characterization of sf pap here, oh my god. Both are so so good, and i know  i must sound like a broken record by saying I love how this author interpreted his character - but i can’t help it! So many people have good ideas and ways to showcase a character! Sue me.  
A Conversation Starter is another one that’s inspired me to write a little one-shot. It’s so fantastically written, sf Papyrus and MC are at a bus station, both the first human and monster either have met. The world building is subtle, but wonderfully done. MC is so damn cute in this, and so is Papyrus, who’s really just trying to keep the conversation going, lol. There’s a delightful slice of life aspect to this. 
Honestly, a lot of of Peach’s work feel very domestic, and sweet, and romantic. Sorta like i’m reading a studio Ghibli movie. Do yourself a favour and go check em out!
Late Night Shift Romance (Complete, teen+ rating)
By Inumaru12 (AO3)
The one fic on here that’s not a romance,how about that. (I guess that’s not technically true. There's possibly something budding, if you squint. I always read it as platonic friendship- it’s fanfic! Read it with whatever context you’d like!)
Burgerpants and MC are at the same convenient store late at night, and there’s a robbery. Friendship ensues. I love seeing the background character of undertale, and honestly, who doesn't relate to Burgerpants? Perpetually working shitty minimum wage jobs, trying to chase his dreams - that’s rough. I appreciate a character who can give a nod to class solidarity.. I think Inmuaru12 did so well writing his character, it feels like he was plucked out of the game himself, haha. 
My Dearly Detested Delivery Man, (Complete, teen+ rating) and Black Coffee (Complete, general audiences rating) 
By Little_old_lady (AO3)
Lol yet another set of swap fics, haha. (Yet another great example of different interpretations of the swapfell au!)
My Dearly Detested Delivery man is so  fun, I love an ‘enemies to friends to lovers’ type of fic. I love the dialogue, it’s so funny! Like almost sitcom-esk with how good the one liners are. I think my favourite thing about writing fanfic is the dialogue- but reading what other authors have cooked up is such a treat, too. I love seeing authors with a certain brand of wit/cleverness they think the character would have, and seeing their own comedy bleed through, too sometimes. Little_old_lady does a good job showing the reader what you can gleam from the characters with how they talk to each other, in a way that sets the tone for their relationship. (whether it’s platonic, romantic, etc.)  There’s so many ways you can show friendship, but I think the “passion” (lmao I don’t know what else to call it!)  that’s at the heart of any argument is what can create the difference between friends arguing, vs two people who could be more. (Better put, I think what I like about two characters arguing is the sorta obvious chemistry it can create.) 
Black Coffee does a good job about that too! I’ll be the first and last to say that I love any characters whose love language is ‘argue’ (lol even though irl I wouldn’t last long in any relationship like that, haha. ) I can be hit or miss with a soulmate au, but there’s another layer that I think undertale adds another level to in a soulmate au-since the game established that monsters and magic are real— that it almost feels a little more plausible of an au, than say, a soulmate AU of parks and rec? (no hate on the au or parks and rec, haha. I guess it just feels more “realistic” being that undertale is already a world made of magic, that magical soulmates, is one more step into weird that also makes sense?) I also love the bro-ship mc has with pap, in this one. Coming from someone who’s constantly worked retail/with customers one-on-one, somedays you want to go ape shit, so it’s nice to see an MC who can.
Half Your Age Plus Seven (Complete, teen+ rating) 
By KassyKins
Ohhh, what a little treat this was to read. Tragedy! Romance! Love-rivalry! (NOT a love triangle!) People just Trying to do their best, they’ve got it all! This is another MC i’m in love with. They know what they love, and what they’re passionate about, but when push comes to shove, they’ll choose their family over themselves every single time. I think it’s a very admirable trait to have, integrity, and the ability to self-sacrifice.  I think those two tropes/characteristics can really lead a story in so many interesting directions - weather it be an MC who’s too self-sacrificing, giving parts of themselves to everyone, leaving nothing for themselves, or an MC who’s pushing themselves through the ringer trying to do what they think is right according to their integrity, burning them up in the process.  In this particular case, it’s maybe a little bit of both, coupled with (sad) a slice of life meet cute, with a healthy dose of growing pains. 
There’s something about it that always hits extra hard to me, the ‘thrust into the lime light, or power, or a position they have no business being in. But, they’ve got people on the line, their people to take care of, so by god they’ll try.’ There’s something so tragic and poetic about it – but who knows, maybe I'm waxing poetic about the eldest daughter trope. 
This fic really nicely written, and there’s so many fun hijinks and shenanigans in there to make you chuckle. Featuring another MC who’s able to shout at their boss and get away with it- big ups from me, lets goooooo working class!
Fair warning, this is a notable age gap from MC and swapfell gold sans. It is talked about in the story as well. I personally don’t mind it too much, but if that’s a no-go from you, you’ve been warned. (Maybe just check the tags on this one, (spoilers!) I know someone gets pregnant later. But, I know that can freak some folks out, so, heads up.) 
There’s some smut mentioned, but it doesn’t go into detail about it, so i’ll leave it above the NSFW section. Just fair warning! (Maybe not a story for minors? I don’t know, read at your own discretion if you are?) 
For the smut mention, be warned that I couldn’t find any age in their bio, do with that what you will. 
And Now It’s Crystal Clear(Complete, teen+ rating)
By nighttimelights (AO3)
Oh, man. What another banger read. 
Fun fact- i read this in . . . highschool? But i forgot the name of the fic,and it took me FOREVER, im talking YEARS before I found it again. I actually gave up the hunt, and just found it again one day– what an utter joy that was for me to rediscover it. I felt like I ran into my highschool sweetheart at the grocery store after not thinking about them in years. 
It’s really cool concept on the whole ‘machine gaster’ situation. I respect someone so damn much who incorporates a bit of sci-sfi in their fics, I have no idea how to write it, but I love to read it/see it in media. So to see it, and understand it, and how it’s relevant to the plot is a real treat!
I also love the ending.  :)
Wish Bone (Ongoing, Explicit rating)
By timeofjuly
I could not, in good conscience make this list without including my bestie, the OG and probably the reason why I'm actually posting what I'm writing today. I really can’t sing their praises high enough – but for the sake of comment day, I sure can try, haha.
July really does a good job of creating a wicked atmosphere in her works. The stark difference between Wish Bone (a political romance drama) and Resisting the Currents (reverse harem, but the gf likes you too. It's linked in the nsfw section, please check it out if you can.) is so incredible – they’re really an author that can do both, haha. Even though both fics are so different, what they have in common is their ability to get you right in your feelings, in whichever way the story calls for. 
In Wishbone  – Flint (the MC) has a bad case of being a massive asshole, that’s verging on becoming chronic. Their paranoia has caused their head to permanently be a swivel, and they’ve developed a taste for their own brand of Justice (however malicious as it is.)  That sounds like the start of a vigilante story, but in all truth, Flint is a dick. Which, is another thing July is great at! Writing MC’s who are assholes! You love to hate them, you hate that you love them! 
This is a MC x sf Pap, and later X sf Sans as well, If you’re hoping for a sappy romance, you’ve come to the wrong place. This is a reluctant soulmate AU fic, a fantastic spin on the traditionally very romantic au, a meet ugly, sort of vibe. If you love arguing, political drama, fantastic world building, and a very, sad, broken MC – you’re going to love this. Hell, even if how I described it doesn’t sound appealing to you – I implore you to check it out anyways. July will absolutely knock you on your ass with her writing. By god, there’s themes, motifs and symbolism that I'm not smart enough to analyse, let alone talk about. Whether July intentionally put them there or not, I have no idea, but they’re there and it adds another layer of depth in a delightfully, painful soul crushing way. 
Go, see what I mean for yourself! 
Tbh, i feel like I could go on forever about what I love about their fics, and my little personal theories on them – but I feel like I already look pretty unhinged. For the sake of my ego, i’ve gotta move on. 
In terms of warnings, I think I sorta covered them? There's Plenty of anger, and hatred, ummm monster phobia? There might be some sorta nsfw stuff down the line, thus the rating, but as it stands now it’s smut free! Just a heads up, I suppose. 
 In Two weeks time and Red is my favorite color
By who_wants_a_muffin (AO3) 
My other current ongoing fav, in two weeks time! Another swapfell sans one, to the surprise of absolute of no one, haha. 
This MC is a dude! A man! Which is a refreshing change up, I don’t think there’s many many fics out there with a male leaning/male dominant MC’s. The characterization of MC is very good, 
is so so good, it’s and X sf sans, and he’s got the exact right amount of snark and sass to keep you coming back, haha. (Or, I guess in this case, he keeps coming back. MC works at the pool he frequents.) Their banter is really fun to read, bordering on bickering, really. They’re almost like a little old married couple, haha. Which is to say, you can really feel the chemistry they have even though they’re basically strangers. 
sf Papyrus is such a little shit in this one, i love it. He’s perpetually the youngest brother, and how Muffin writes him is so snarky and funny, and very endearing. 
The chapters are short and sweet, enough so that you can read it a few times in the same day and still enjoy it, even though his updating schedule is crazy fast! I don’t know how he does it, but they’re just motoring along, haha. I get excited whenever I get an email saying Muffin updated. It’s like a little treat to brighten your week.
I’ve been reading a bit of his other stuff, and he just gets it! Like the dynamic between MC and fell sans in Red in my favorite color, is just perfect. I love the soft!underfell au, and he does a really good job of capturing how underfell sans straddles the line between being a bad boy, and a boy that's not all that bad.
I also love the notes he writes, ‘Hello gays and other assorted sillies!’ (from Chapter 2 in Red in my favorite color,) Like COME ON, that’s so funny! 
– Undertale related 
Bonley Hearts Club (Demo available, Ongoing, teen+ rating) 
Bonely Hearts Club (tumblr) 
owl-bones (tumblr) is the Developer and Director and (self proclaimed! I’m not being mean!) Lead Nerd.  Here is a link to their cast, although it might not be fully updated. (It’s  \a big one, so I'm going to leave it as a link.) 
I don’t even know how to begin to explain my love for Bonely Hearts Club. It’s a fanmade game, made entirely of love, which you can tell, even before you play it. The sprites are so cute, and fantastic, and the writing is so in character and on point, do not get me started on the voice acting - which is also incredible. I’m not kidding, when I first played the demo, I immediately followed the voice actors on tumblr after, haha. 
This is the kinda piece of art that you just stand back and look at it, and just go ‘wow’. It’s such a big undertaking! I know very little about game development, but from what i vault remember from my comp sci class - is that is’s hard. Mad respect from me to Owl, and everyone a part of the team/process. 
This is off topic, but I wonder if Toby Fox has read any of these fics, or played the demo of this dating sim, like in the same way Alex Hursh has played a bit of Swooning Over Stans: A Grunkle Dating Sim. I’d pay serious money to have Toby play the dating sim demo. God, could you imagine the energy in that livestream? It would be goddamn electric.
[ Soul Redacted ] (Completed, teen rating) and The Great Noodle Jape (Completed, teen rating) 
By nighttimepixels (game jolt) nighttimepixels (tumblr) 
// active twitter lethalhoopla  
//active tumblr lethalhoopla
Good god, talk about a . . .what, triple, quadruple threat? There’s nothing nighttimepixels can’t do. They write, they make art, they’ve made two complete games, (and the beginning of another,) and they animate!! Like oh my god! Another love letter to the fandom, everything they do is so so good. 
[Soul Redacted] is a very cool rpg sidescroller explorer/mystery, and i’d say a touche of sci-fi in there, too. It has fantastic writing, and features Q! (from Cryptid_jack au, in Skeleton Squatters and The LandLady fromTyrant_Tortoise  fic! see above for all!) Truth be told, I got a little scared playing this. Granted, I played it at like 2 am in the dark - and I am a coward lol. I don’t think the average person will get scared, but fair warning anyways, haha. 
They’re not into the undertale fandom anymore, I don't think. Which is sad to hear, but also understandable. It’s not fun making art and other creations if you’ve lost that spark there. However, if you’re a mass effect fan, they’re making a bunch of art on their other bog. I personally really love their art style, so i’ll gladly keep checking back. Also, there’s so much undertale content on their blog that you’ll be good for a long while. And if not, you can always go back and look again! If you can’t experience it for the first time, the next best thing is to experience it again. 
Warning: I think there’s some flashing lights at some point? Maybe double check the tags on that one if that’s a concern for you. 
The Great Noodle Jape is so damn cute. As night put it, ‘a visnov style silly whodunit’, which I think it captures it perfectly. The writing is so fun, all the characters feel very well written/in character, and i love how they all interact with each other. As well, the sprites are so fantastic! Night has that kind of art style where you just know it's theirs without needing to confirm. 
No warnings that I could think of, other than you’ll be wishing for the experience of playing it for the first time once you’re done.
– non-Undertale related fics - 
Cult of the Lamb—
The Rehabilitation of Death 
By bamsara (AO3) / bamsara (Tumblr)
WOOF. I am an ‘happy ending angst’ lover, and a ‘energies to lovers slow burn,’ and this fic takes the cake on both regards. Truly, who could pine better than a god, who’s named literally ‘The One Who Waits’? What an aptly named character for one of the major troupes in the fic, haha.
But for all you freaks out there (lol me) who don’t mind horror some of the time, I recommend reading it! Even if you’re not into CoTL, the pining is so goddamn good! (Considering it’s about gods, they’ve been pining for hundreds of years without even knowing it–  the slowest of burns, like oh my GOD.) Bam also is known to post longer chapters- so if you like a read that lasts a couple days, PLEASE do yourself a favour and check it out. I don’t wanna spoil anything, but they’re getting to the part where the main couple is starting to be nice to each other, plus, the subplot B couple is starting to sorta shack up too. There are so many good, funny dynamics that are in this fic, that I don’t have enough words to properly explain them. 
They also make fantastic artwork and sketches for just about each scene in their fics - which for all you visual girlies out there (myself, haha.) I think you’d appreciate it! I wish I was that type of triple threat, but I think i’d burn out too quickly if I was also drawing scenes of my fics – which is why I think it’s so impressive when other authors/artists do it! 
 They do art streams pretty frequently, too, and they make stickers too! A true triple threat, 
Just, fair warning-  like Cult of the Lamb (the game the fic is based off,)  this fic mentions a lot about gore, and death, and mention of cults and religion. So if any of that is a turn off, or something you don’t like to read about, this might not be your cup of tea. 
Non-fanfic Undertale fandom related material– 
Solar Lunacy (Incomplete, Mature)
By BamSara
(I kept these two separate on the account they’re different fandoms, lol) 
I was very briefly into the FNAF fandom, I only read a handful of fics— but Solar Lunacy really stuck with me!
Robots with trauma! An overly curious MC! I think what I like most about this, is how driven mc is? Usually it gets them into trouble, haha, but I love that troupe where the MC really puts themselves through the wringer looking for answers. (I.e like ford and bill from gravity falls.)  
What’s not to love? For all you robot fans out there, it’s pretty sick! I’m sure if you dig deep enough on Bam’s tumblr you’ll find all their old DCA fanart, and draw parts from this fic. 
Fair warning! Scary robots, the regular tags of the fnaf fandom (past child abuse/past child murder), robots don’t understand boundaries, maybe check the tags on this one, just in case. 
Sleuth Jesters (Series!) (Complete, teen+ and mature ratings, depending on which fic in the series you’re reading.)
By naffeclipse (AO3)
This was the other FNAF fanfic that really stuck with me when I had the robot bug. (lol)  I’ll be the first one to admit that I’m not overly into the whole ‘mafia boss’ side of self-ships, but if I had to choose one to read for the rest of time –  it would definitely be this one. It’s like a detective noir, where mc is the vigilante who’s only law they follow is their grey moral code - but usually it’s for the good! So you can’t really feel to bad about that, haha. 
Tbh it’s almost hard to verbalise what I like about it, it’s one of those fics that give you a feeling you can’t name, and it’s so frustrating to have this unnamed feeling you can’t quite pinpoint! (PLEASE tell me some of ya’ll know what i’m talking about!)
I feel so tragically for the MC, if that makes sense? They’re constantly putting themselves in harm's way for answers, and for others.  They’re selfless, yet selfish, and they never let anyone too close, except for when they do. There’s some heavy themes and very toxic relationships, but there’s a happy ending! 
Ahh warning for a very possessive, toxic robot, and kidnapping in later fics - i suggest you read the tags just in case! Bam is really good at tagging triggers accordingly, 
Fair warning: blood and injury, very possessive character, toxic relationships (one sided), mention of injury, violence, kidnapping, guns, gunshot  wounds, shootouts, broken bone- probably some more. I recommend checking the tags on this one as well, just to be on the safe side. 
NSFW Below – Minors get out of here pls!
A quick mention, before I get into this–
I tried to check and make sure all the authors below are all well over 18, i’ve indicated which link has their age posted in their bio’s if you’d like to check for yourself. If I couldn’t find it, I made sure to be clear that I don't know. 
Just doing some light housekeeping, here. You should also check the tags on each fic for what kinda . . . stuff it has, lol. 
Play With Me (Incomplete, explicit rating) 
By grimrester (AO3) / grimrester  (tumblr/ age in bio here.) 
Oh my god. Oh my god! For all you queers on the ace/aromatic spectrum just like me, this is the fic for you!
I could easily go back and read this again and again - tbh I already do. It’s plot with porn, and then it turns into porn with plot, but emotional!  love the relationship between MC and Sans. There's something about their intimacy that’s so casual (maybe not the right word for what I mean,) but vulnerable, and realistic, but very enthusiastic and personal? I don’t think I even have the right words to properly and fully describe what all I like about this fic, but what I do know is that I like it a lot, haha. 
I like that it shows sex and intimacy in a different way. I know it’s pretty common for undertale smut to have some kind of ecto junk involved - this one doesn’t. I personally, like the creativity involved in thinking different ways a person can get off that isn’t just penetration. (Don’t get me wrong, that’s in here too, but that comes a little bit later.) 
I’m also s Big Fan of the sf sans interpretation here. It’s like a soft swapfell, one of my favourite version of him. I said it already, but there’s so many ways a person can go with his character, and I really really like the worldbuilding. It’s a nice subtle nod told through the characters. I love his relationship he has with Alphys, it all feels so incredibly in line with the character, even though he’s a swapfell version, he still does have some sort of friendship with her – even if to him it’s under a guise. To me, it’s one of those things that you can see the core traits that make him a sans, and that’s a hard needle to thread! Just an all around great character study. 
ALSO, I think I have a particular penchant for MC’s with oddly specific niche jobs?? In my heart of hearts, Pixy’s (the name of the arcade MC owns in Play with Me) is like right next door to Faunas (the name of the pot store my MC owns in Into The Weeds.) 
Warnings: i’m pretty sure this one is tagged accordingly on AO3, so i’m not going to tag it all here, just know there’s smut. 
Something Good (Ongoing, Mature) 
By skeletonlvr22 (AO3)
WARNING: No age in bio that I could find. This fic isn’t at the smut yet - but becuase of the 'eventual smut' tag, and for the sake of transparency, i’m letting you know. (I’m like 90% sure this person is an adult though, since there’s a tag thanking their husband for their help.) Do what you will with this info, you’ve been warned. 
This is another one of my current reading obsessions lately! 
I think i’m realizing I have a particular penchant for some of the lesser known au’s? (niche, I suppose?) Fellswap Gold Pap sets out on his own in only his trusty bus, to explore the surface above, away from the (over-) protective eyes of his brother. 
This is the escape fantasy of my dreams. A stray skeleton on the adventure of his lifetime, seeing the sights and the city lights. The romance portion in the later chapters is so damn cute too, it’s very much the ‘first love’, type of romance that’s very sweet and charming. (also, c’mon, who doesn't love a coming of age story?) Love love seeing a Fellswap Gold fic, and a Papyrus based one, too! People are so damn creative, I never would've ever thought of this plot for a fic, but now that I know it’s real, I love it!I I’m really not kidding when I say it’s prime escape fantasy material -  I think it would be the cats ass to have a van and travel across north america, thanks skeletonlv22 for letting me vicariously live through Pap in your fic. :) 
Warning: Only the ones i’ve given at the top! It’s a very cute story. I put it in the NSFW section b/c of the eventual smut, there’s none in it now – although, they certainly are starting to get flirty. 
Resisting the Currents (Ongoing, Explicit) 
By timeofjuly (AO3) timeofjuly (Tumblr) 
WARNING: No age in bio that I could find, but I’ve been chit-chatting with July for months now and i’m 99.99% sure they’re well above 18. It’s not my info to give out, and i’m trying to be transparent on my end, do with this info what you will! 
Edit: age confirmed in the tags!
This is easily another fav of mine for sure. 
Resisting the Currents is a reverse harem fic (with all the au’s!) but with a twist - the gf likes you too! It’s a refreshing take on the ‘reverse harem’ tag you see often in the undertale fandom - and holy shit, truly ‘only love can hurt like this.’ The relationship they have with the MC is so painful, verging on devastating. There’s love there! There is! But there’s also hurt, and a lot of it, the kind that doesn’t just go away, not on its own, anyway. I’m trying not to spoil too much, because I truly think you should read it for yourself. 
But, Oh My God, their MC? Holyshit- I have a(n aforementioned) weakness for impressionable MC’s, oftentimes, I end up loving them more than the love interest in the fics.  I can’t help it! The electrician is personable, relatable, and funny! They’re a lovable goofball with a rough past, with a history of doing the wrong things.They're recovering/recovered? (I’m not too sure which is the correct term, here,) drug addict, and they’ve come a long way! They’ve changed a lot, and I love love love to see that kind of realism in an MC. 
If you’re reading RtC (which you should be,) you can 100% see me going apeshit in the comments trying to figure out what the elections and Quinn’s deal is. (ESPECIALLY chapter 11!
(Sorry if they’re not coherent, at one point, those theories made sense in my head, but looking back on them, I think they’re more so like the crazed ramblings of a conspiracy theorist, haha.) 
This fic is in the NSFW section b/c it does have a chapter where two characters get it on, but i can’t say that’s what the whole story is about. I put it down here to be safe rather than sorry, haha. 
Ahh, fair warning, there is past drug mention, and past abuse child abuse I think? Plus, a bit of mention of religion and the negative effects that can have on a person. Read the tags just to be safe!
Shark Teeth (Complete, Mature rating)
By luluwrites (AO3) skelezbian (Tumblr)
Warning: No age in bio that I could find. If it makes you feel any better, they joined AO3 in 2012, while I joined in 2016 and i’m 24 currently. I’m not good at math, but I think we’re all in the clear here. But like always, do with this info what you will! 
I will say, this isn’t full on smut - it’s saucy, but I’m trying to keep anything suggestive, kinda together? 
Not to divulge myself too furiously here, but uh–There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about Shark teeth. C’mon. Y'all get it, right? It’s just a funny, saucy little number! A funny moment that happens between couples that we get to see. There’s so many different interpretations on the fellswaps, (I know i’ve said it a lot,) but Lulu’s just happens to be one of my favourites interpretations!! Sf Sans is a very precarious character, and I think Lulu does a good job showing that the swaps can be written in a multitude of ways, he doesn’t just have to be the dickhead all the time, lmao. They really do a good job showing how he shines, y’know?
Warning: teeth and/or biting? Not full on smut, or anything, but it is saucy. So, take that into consideration. 
The Fulfilling Ordeal of Being Known (Complete, explicit) 
By nighttimepixels (tumblr) / // active on twitter lethalhoopla (age mention in bio here) 
Ohhh, for all my sapphics out there – you’re going to love this. 
Blade (fem  horrortale sans, who’s apart of her ‘Lillytale’ au, a sapphic take on all the au’s,) and MC settling down for a nice night in, MC playing breath of the wild (BIG UPPS, great game, lol) while Blade plays some games of their own - hopefully you get the picture. 
Just some great lady-lovin’ smut! Size difference! If you love the pillow princess treatment, this is the fic for you.
Warnings: (Lesbians? Queers?) really going to town on each other, def NSFW. Check the tags before reading, it’s nothing Dead Dove, or anything - just want you to be aware. 
mothiepixie (tumblr / age in bio here)
mothiepixie (twitter, age in bio here too) 
No fic to tag, but their art? AHHHHH. They’re more active on twitter than tumblr since The Ban, but ohhh their art is very, very good. Very great if you like fictional hunky men, and beautiful shapely ladies. 
Warnings: tasteful (shameless) smut, you’ve been warned, lol
Woof. That was a lot of typing. If you made it this far, circle back to one of the recommendations above and get to reading!
8 notes · View notes
imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Would your OCs be good parents?
I was tagged by the lovely @deeptrashwitch and @islandtarochips to take part in this tag game!
The quiz is here!
Jodie "Bell" Hall
Apparently, she would make a good parent! I agree - she might get things wrong, or struggle to know what to do, but she'll try her hardest to give Ashley the best. She can be overprotective, but it's expected in their line of work!
Franca "Major" Lorenzetti
Apparently Fran would also make a good parent - it's understandable that, if she were to have kids, that she would do everything in her power to not be as strict and awful as her father was to her; she'd struggle, maybe hand out a punishment or grounding or two, but she would make sure that when she looks in the mirror, it's still her looking back, and not her father.
Although, she doesn't want children and it is because of the fear of ending up exactly like her parents - if she doesn't have a child, she can't that risk.
Nanette MacTavish
I swear the answers I'm giving are different for each character lmao, but yes, Nanette gets 'good parent' too. Which makes sense - she's probably the most relaxed style of parenting out of my OCs. Like, she'll be firm where needed. But, yeah, Nanette is a good mum; maybe can be a little soft around the edges when it comes to her daughter.
Ashley Woods
I have a feeling that there are only two answers; bad or good parent, cause yet again, we got another good parent!! Ashley will probably reflect the kind of parenting she received from Frank and Jodie, so it's really no surprise she'd be classed as a good parent.
Keith Wells
Good Parent.
Hard disagree - this man doesn't want children and if he found out he was a father, he would deny it until he was blue in the face. But, I suppose you could say it's a similar situation to Franca - he partly doesn't want children because he wouldn't know the first thing about loving them; his own parents showed him barely any emotion, unless it was negative, so he has no base to build from. But, it is also because he is a callous, heartless man.
Tagging, with no pressure: @walder-138 @alexxmason @adlerboi @mctvsh and anyone else who wishes to take part!!
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gardenoblues · 8 months
tagged by @iamfandomcrazy hii i love all ur fics >< Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs. WARNING: THERE MIGHT BE SMUTT YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO CAST YOUR EYES ON. --- just know that most of these are intrusive thoughts or the product of my spiraled madness, and short ideas. i won't be putting unfinished but posted fics since that would take too long. here it goes
*Visions; - a wyler fic where wednesday was freshly expelled from her former high school and started to have small and useless visions (its safe to assume its about Tyler, she mostly sees snippets of events)
Wulfric Thursday - a fic about wyler's son, he's the first child (that i most prob post on ao3 once Hyde The Past is done since the two are connected, i think i actually need someone with me to think of ideas and be crazy together its a little too much to take, a wide universe. There are 3 current chapters.)
Valentina Francoise - a fic about wyler's daughter, the younger sister (wont say much but she's the best and worst combination of her parents. there's only one chapter and its mostly notes.)
Girl Next Door - this fic was either tyler would be the new kid who moved into town or it was Wednesday. it was hard to decide but i think i settled with Wednesday. I don't know if this would come to life though, wish me luck. there are no chapters. yet.)
wyler tyler has a twin gemini - yep. the title speaks for itself lol. ( i wanted to do something like migi and dali or ayesha's secret, if you know the anime or manga, well you know *wink *wink)
wyler - sunflower - a fic where Tyler dies or it has an alternative story where he faked his death and goes to live in the Addams manor. God i was such in an angsty mood i wanted someone to die with me, and of course its my favorite white boy to write about)
Tyler Galpin - just a compilation of songs i was thinking of editing Tyler in.
Wyler PROMPT - just an unfinished prompt from a dc prompt where Tyler is Fran's and Vincent's son.
Wyler spies AU - again the title speaks for itself lol.
WYLER ITS OK NOT TO BE OK - if you know the kdrama then nice, but if you don't its basically Tyler would be a psych ward nurse or something like that and Wednesday is a children's book writer that sometimes visit hospitals to read her book.
HYDE THE PAST TYLER BOOTCAMP - my heart cries fir this fic. title speaks for itself. suppose to be a filler chapter.
WYLER DRABBLE - alice in the wonderland fic. its just an idea wont prob make the cut.
Wyler hays - just wyler smutt ><
Longing For draft - just a short fic where Tyler followed Wednesday to her house.
Wednesday Addams as Song Lyrics - songs id edit her with. --- These are just what's saved in my laptop. here's what's in my phone. i don't mind if you don't read this one lol.
wyler (1) - wednesday pospartum with her son.
Liar, liar - Tyler teasing Wednesday.
wyler (2) - Wednesday spit on Tyler's face and he uses it as lube.
wyler gender swap - there's one chapter.
its not always rainbows and butterflies - a short fic where Tyler attends nevermore and learning how to control the Hyde but in Wednesday's pov.
This is shit - wednesday denying her feelings for Tyler.
wyler (3) - Tyler has full control of his Hyde and pretends to be nice but Wednesday sees through him.
wyler (4) - (just wrote this 2am earlier lol) wednesday goes to yoga and mourns Kitty's death, has a mental breakdown while Tyler consoles her. SORRY THAT WAS LONGER THAN I THOUGHT. tagging @writerrose1998 @broken-everlark @nonamemanga @cosmic-lullaby @callmetippytumbles @tastethesetears @lovepoison9 @nouklea @diamantdog @lady-murderess @therulerofallpotatos
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majorpatheticcas · 1 year
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Welcome to my blog, folks!
⚠️This blog is for 18+ only, so if you are underage, please leave this blog. It isn't for your eyes, little ones. (MINORS DNI. NO EXCEPTIONS!)⚠️
Sorry Kids. Please respect what says above. I most certainly do not feel comfortable with minors roaming around here. So, if you follow me as a minor, you will be blocked. (If I find out, that is.)
No, I will not be posting anything explicit, but there are posts that will be quite suggestive, and there will probably be adult rambling in here.
Hello, I'm Cas. A normal student that had successfully tripped and fell for a skeleton. Or in short, I'm down for a skeleton. I am 20-something, but I won't be specifying my age anywhere in social media.
A bit of info about me:
I'm still in college, will not be telling my age anywhere in here, only once I'm comfortable. I am a Pansexual and a Demisexual. I live inside a little house that consists of three more people. (which means I barely have privacy to simp and sketch around our house.)
I do not feel comfortable with Frans, Sanscest, Incest, and Selfcest. I am not saying I hate people that likes it, it just makes me feel uncomfy and uneasy. But I respect people who do in fact like it. English isn't my first language. I am currently living in Philippines. (please note that I'm very sensitive and might block you if I feel uneasy.)
But do reach out if you don't know why you got blocked!
I do not have a drawing station, well, not yet. Can't really spend too much money at the moment, meaning, I draw with my hand AND on my phone.
(I draw specifically with my thumb, it makes it easy for me to line art or sketch honestly. Well, in my opinion.)
What do we call you?
I go by the name Cas. 'Kas' is my sona's term, so, to avoid confusion and all, just call me Cas and my sona Kas. if you need my sona's reference, click here!
What pronounces do you use?
She/Her/They/Them. Please do not use male nor masculine pronounces such as He/Him/etc. when it comes to my pronouces.
Do you do art requests?
Maybe? Don't expect much, though. It'll probably just some doodle.
Do you do commissions?
Sadly, no. I've considered opening slots for commissions, but then I realised my schedule is always full. But someday I will, but not for now. And also because my thumb can't handle that much pressure, I can't break my only talented thumb.
Can we massage you?
Yes! You definitely can. Minors, please do not interact with me. Adults? Sure, I don't mind. But half of my time, I'm in school, so please don't expect me to reply to you quickly.
Will you answer our asks?
My inbox is open! Flood it whenever you feel like it luvlies!!!
Do you have any other social accounts?
Yes and No. Yes, I do, but their for my personal stuff and interest. No, I don't use them for posting/rambling about my interest in Sans lmao. But I probably will make a Twitter acc (still 18+) once I have enough time. (I have a lot of nsfw inside my ibis paint, been craving to post it but there are children here.)
Also a COD account here, (may be possible that I'll start a TikTok acc?) If your somewhat interested, feel free to just go here!
⚠️Little rules here⚠️:
Please be respectful when it comes to asking/commenting in here, I can easily get offended or upset about something.
Be respectful with everyone in my blog. Insulting others is not something I tolerate.
I feel so stupid for not having personal tags.
Think that's all you guys need from me. Well, not sure if I'll update this or something but I'm sure I will one day and someday. Soo.. that's all! Thank you for your patience.
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atrutsama · 1 year
I didn’t have one those for the longest time so I am making one now!!
✨Master post✨
You can find me on
You might find here:
Undertale related things, such as: au’s fan art, short stories and comics about au’s.👌
Original Undertale au content called Trouble-tale, it’s still a WIP but there is a couple of comics here and there.🫥 (discontinued 🚫)
FNAF things, maybe there isn’t much but it’s there… or will be there. 😅
Anime things, most likely attack on titans, and HunterXHunter … I watched a lot other than those two but I love drawing Levi and Erwin, also my husband Hisoka. 😳
Welcome home stuff, I love Wally darling design so much 🤭
About me ~💜
I go by she/ her
You can call me ATS or A-TruT-Sama whatever suits you more 😊
I’m a sans fangirl I ship myself with Nightmare sans, I also love the ship Frans a lot in all au’s 😁
I’m a big fan of metal music and rock music but I also love pop … I kinda love it all 💜 my favourite song is break my mind by DAgames on YouTube 😩
My favourite food is Asian food I love ramen so so so much 🤤
I was born 14/6/2002, feel free to calculate my age when you see this post😁
I’m married and currently pregnant with a baby girl 🥹 soon I will be a mommy 🤭 45 days and the pregnant part will be crossed out 👀
Update: I became a mother on the 12 of November 2023 🌸♥️ We are going to call her Miss H ^^
I hate blood and I’m an introvert person probably have ADHD and depression too but I was never diagnosed, it’s mostly stress that get me to work and over think things. 👁️👄👁️
What is acceptable in this blog?
Reposting my art with credit to me.
Request are cool with me, as long as they aren’t NSFW.
Fan art of your original character is fine as well, just send me a picture of your character and I will draw them, just make sure to give me a clear description so I can have a mental image.
Fan art for me! Of my persona or sans or any of my au’s or OC’s or any other au that I build up a story about.
Questions about me and my au and character are fine as long as the ones about me aren’t too personal, like where I live, my real name etc …
Shipping your characters with mine are cool too as long as it’s not NSFW.
What is unacceptable in this blog?
Reposting my art with out any credit to me.
Being racist for any reason to anyone, for where they are from, Color, sex/gender, religion etc… it’s not cool and completely unacceptable 😠
Talking about politics in general, I don’t care about the real world, I love my little safe place here with people who are like me.
NSFW fan art of my persona or OC’s . I understand that some people get attracted to those things and I might make a side blog for those or a petrion, but please don’t draw things might make me feel uncomfortable, especially when I self insert to my persona.
Bullying anyone for any reason, you can feel free to disagree but not in a violent way and no need for bad words.
Leaving rude/mean/discouraging notes or comments, they destroy all of my motivation, if you hate what I post just block me or the tag you hate and leave respectfully.
This might get updated every now and then, but this is clear enough for now🤗
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
TYL!Xanxus x Female!Varia!Reader: Cards
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Summary: It’s always a good day when you get what you want and Squalo doesn’t.
Rating/Tags: M (Overt sexual references; foul language; set during canon; Xanxus & Squalo & Lussuria & Fran & Levi & Belphegor & Reader; past Belphegor & Mammon; referenced Belphegor & Rasiel; referenced Xanxus & Rasiel; poker; reference to strip poker; non-Guardian!Reader; heavy exposition; possessiveness) 
Challenge: “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
There was a little something known as “Varia Quality” within the mafia–and sometimes without it, too. The greatest of assassins could only dream of being invited to join the group, even if just for consideration, and even if only as an underling. Give the Varia a murderous objective, and they worked together like a well-oiled machine…for about as long as it took to start murdering. Once that singular objective was taken care of, they appeared to devolve into a team of squalling infants. Never had you seen this so obviously as the night after the Millifiore battle.
A clear and cloudless night sky hung over the ruins of the mansion. Most of the damage had taken place during the course of Xanxus’s fight with the Varia's resident prince’s insane brother earlier that evening, but plenty more had been added by personal scuffles in the time since. Much of these scuffles remained ongoing. The boss had demanded your presence, and no sooner had you set foot in the living room claimed by the captains than did you find yourself in the midst of an active war zone.
To say you were surprised would be a lie. You might have been a practiced lair, but to do so just then would have been more of a hindrance than a help. Fran was being his usual idiot self; Bel had retaliated by turning him and the mantle into pincushions; Squalo was screaming at them to stop; and Lussuria was fussing over Xanxus, who looked fit to murder every single one of the others. The only member intelligent enough to shut the hell up was Levi, who did so out of no actual intelligence, but rather because he was still too much in awe from Xanxus’s earlier battle to speak.
So like any sane person, you suggested they play a game to pass the time until the message came in from Japan. Since you happened to have a pack of cards on you (it got boring, hanging out with the rest of the plebs), you figured that was that. You and Xanxus could have some quality time in one of the un-destroyed bedrooms while the children entertained themselves. 
No such luck. Apparently Squalo didn’t think you two ought to be busy when the orders from the Tenth finally arrived. Several wine bottles broken over Squalo’s head later, Xanxus joined the game himself. Meanwhile, you settled into the all-important task of lounging around in Xanxus’s lap, seeing as that was the closest you were going to get to his dick until Squalo got the one out of his own rear end. 
Now, this might have appeared at first glance to be nothing more than you capitalizing on the opportunity to spy on the Varia’s captains while scoring some much needed physical contact time with Xanxus–and it definitely was. But your doing so also provided some incentive for him to not throw the entire table across the room when he started getting pissy, not that your presence always stopped him from doing so. Still, you could at least pretend you were being useful.
“Oh, isn’t this just wonderful?” Lussuria said. “I can’t remember the last time we all had a family game night together like this!”
“That’s probably because you’re all sore losers,” you said.
Squalo glared at you from across the sword-scratched table. “Oi, bitch. What are you still doing here?”
You smiled your brightest, most annoying smile. “Xanxus told me to come. Isn’t that right, Xanxus?”
Xanxus grunted, then threw down a card. This was answer enough for Squalo to return, scowling, to poker. This was also answer enough to get Levi to shoot you a look of purest venom over his hand. 
Your grin grew larger still as you waved at him from your perch. You were long used to Levi’s sullen behavior toward you. After all, you had won Xanxus’ affections where he had not. Unfortunately, you bragging was short lived; you felt Xanxus shift impatiently underneath you, and you quickly returned to caressing his jaw. Maybe “affection” wasn't quite the right word.
“Bel, quit stalling. It’s your turn,” Lussuria said.
Xanxus growled.
If he really decided to throw the table, he wouldn’t hesitate to throw you along with it. What Xanxus felt for you wasn’t love, of that you were absolutely sure. You’d be kidding yourself if you said you loved him, too. He was temperamental, violent, and downright demanding. He was also pretty damn good in the sack, and handsome and powerful to boot. There was also the slimmest chance that he’d be Vongola XI someday, and then he’d need heirs–preferably legitimate ones. Sour looks from Levi and being dragged (sometimes literally) out of bed whenever Xanxus decided he needed a woman seemed a small price to pay for all that.
This card game affair was pretty tedious, though. You wondered if you could push Xanxus far enough that he’d ignore Squalo and take you somewhere more private. Surely Xanxus was rife with sexual frustration after dealing with Bel’s irritating brother all day. Typically Bel himself was enough to accomplish that much.
“Play, trash!” Xanxus barked.
Bel grinned and slapped his cards onto the table. “It’s no fun playing without Mammon. No stakes.”
“No being completely bankrupt after the first round either,” Levi said over his turn. “This is much safer.”
“Mah, I agree with Bel. If I’d know things would be this boring, I would’ve stayed home for this mission,” Fran said dully.
“You would not, because this is your goddamn job!” Squalo shouted.
“Wouldn’t’ve been able to sleep anyway. I could hear Captain Squalo’s yammering from that far away. I’d still have a headache.”
“Voi! What was that, brat? Want to say that again?”
“Boys, boys, stop fighting! What would your father think?” Lussuria crooned.
You could hardly suppress a smirk at Xanxus’s knuckles going pale around his cards. Just a little further…
“I have an idea,” you announced.
The room fell silent save for an owl hooting in one of the exposed branches far above your heads. Then:
“Your first idea sucks as it is,” Fran said. “I don’t think we need any more of [Name]’s suggestions.”
“For once, he’s right. Get the hell out of here, woman. Don’t you have work to do?” Squalo asked.
Xanxus’s grip on you turned to iron, a sure sign that if you so much as tried to listen to Squalo and leave, you would regret it. Luckily, you had no intention of leaving when things were finally getting a little interesting. Ignoring their rejection, you plowed right on:
“You said you wanted stakes, right? How about a game of strip poker?”
More silence.
“Strip…poker?” a red-faced Levi echoed at last.
“I don’t mind the idea,” said Lussuria.
“Voi! Why the hell are you still listening to her? Who wants to see you morons naked anyway?”
“If I lose enough, I could finally take off this stupid frog hat Bel makes me wear,” Fran mused.
“Not on your life, Froggy. Take it off, and I’ll kill you,” said Bel.
“Mah, so Bel will let me win just to keep an ugly hat on? Sounds like he’s pretty desperate to show off for Captain Lussuria.”
“You think so? Better play well. For you, a game of strip poker is life or death.” Bel’s usual Cheshire grin vanished only to return a mere split-second later wider than ever before. “Shishishi. The prince knows what [Name] is up to.”
You rolled your eyes. "Oh, you do, do you? Enlighten me.'
“Of course. Because he’s a genius, he knows [Name] only suggested strip poker because she’ll get to see all of us naked, but no way will the boss let us see her naked. Buuuut…” he slipped a knife out of seemingly nowhere, “I could still cut her clothes off and give the rest of us a show.”
Wrong answer-but it did the trick. The table exploded in a flurry of cards, chips, and sawdust. This time, though, you were not tossed in with the broken furniture. Instead, Xanxus threw you over his shoulder as he leveled one gun at Bel’s fat blond head.
“Handle the Vongola message yourself, scum,” Xanxus growled.
You flashed yet another smile, waving as Xanxus turned to carry you up the demolished stairs. The looks on Bel and Squalo’s faces boded ill for you–but they turned on each other before they could even think of trying to prevent you from leaving with the boss.
“You just got me more work, you goddamn idiot prince!”
They were brawling again, with Fran and Lussuria egging them on. But who cared? Certainly not you. The captains could argue among themselves as much as they wanted, so long as you got what you wanted. You always did, in the end...even on nights when there weren’t any outsiders left to murder.
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all-my-ocs-are-evil · 8 months
Howdy hey, call me Skipp!
I'm relatively new to tumblr despite having an account for years. I was always a little scared of this platform, but now that I know more about how it works I've come to adore it!
I figured I should just clarify what my blog is like. This blog is far from currated! It is simply the dumping ground of my mind. This ranges from ocs, to fandoms, to random inner monologues put to text. The only truly cohesive thing about this blog would be the art. I love to do the art things and will post and repost it constantly! So the best way to navigate my blog for anything specific would be through the tags :)
With all that said, you weary travellers who are interested in my wears (fandoms), below the cut you will find a list of things that intrigue me.
Tales of Arcadia
my obsession with this series will come and go in intense waves but will never truly fade.
Percy Jackson/Rick Riordanverse
show reignited my adoration to intensities they definitely weren't before XD
Mystery Kids
I love this and all of the different possible iterations with other media as well. So much angst and fluff material too!
Secret Trio
I constantly remember and forget how much I love this au. Same as with Mystery Kids, I'm a sucker for all the different interpretations and inclusions of other media in this au.
Indie Horror Games (Sally Face, Slay the Princess, Fran Bow, etc)
This isn't, like, exclusive to horror exactly, but games of a similar vibe and nature to those are what I find myself liking the most!
been a fan since it first came out and I don't think I'll ever really stop
got into the fandom through Rise and, ever since, I have been making my way through the other shows slowly, one by one. Currently on 2003, which I've heard is collectively believed to be the best, and am very excited.
Also looking for any good Rise!Raph angst fics, so if you've got any suggestions lmk!
Flying Bark Productions (ROTTMNT, LMK, MOON GIRL)
I am an animation nerd and my current nerd obsession is everything this studio has made in the last, like, ten years! Everything they make is just so...ashsreuvbevui!
I don't care if everyone else has moved on, because I haven't!
Unus Annus
Momento Mori. I'm always down to reminisce and grieve with those who were there. This channel had such a profound impact on me so I'm not sure I'll ever be able to truly forget it, but that's fine with me.
I'm totally normal about this show that no one around me seems to even recall and have totally not made a hella angsty au about it to cope.
Like a crow, I like pretty things. Fashion is one of those pretty things. I repost a lot of couture.
I repost a lot of cc on here not just for me, but for anyone who might find interest in it as well (it's definitely just for me).
PowerPuff Girls
While I oddly enough don't remember much of the show, I have always been pretty deep into the fandom. Been reading fics and fancomics since, like, the early 2010s and just never really left lol
Miraculous Ladybug
I can't escape this show! I love the fandom, it's great. Love all of the artists and aus and fanart, but I've fallen out of love with the show itself. I will watch every single episode, I just won't talk about it because that's not where my interest lies.
These are definitely not all of the fandoms I am or will be a part of but these are probably gonna be the ones you see the most of!
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residentdormouse · 2 years
Ode to Odd ‘O’ Words:
A Literary Odyssey Orchestrated by @mrsmungus and Mouse
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If only the occult was occupying an opening in my office, I might have obtained an oracle. Might have opted for other options to outwit this outlandish obstacle for a different outcome. But alas, the only person overseeing this operation is this obtuse oddball with ordinary oversight. I am however optimistic that this online opportunity for ostentatious overindulgence will otherwise not overstate the obvious in an obnoxious manner. Let me organize my obscure offerings, and continue my obsession with revealing that outlying instance of alliteration.
My Words: One, Open, Official, Okay, Oven
While ‘Open’ is slightly spoiler like - I had to give it to you. Both it and ‘One’ unlocked the alliteration achievement. Only one more instance left.
Your Words: Pause, Plan, Pride, Pleasant, Pain
As always - OPEN TAG - feel free to jump in for a round, no obligation to keep going, or to partake in our absurd opening paragraphs.
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“Come on, you fuck. The one time I want you here.”
“Well, I guess it is nice to feel wanted.”
She spun quickly to see the man in question sitting in one of the plushy armchairs. Annoyance had already started to rise inside her, and she had to remind herself that she asked for this.
Boots thudded against the wooden coffee table in front of him as he put his feet up, lounging back further.
"This is usually where you start on your, 'Fuck off, Flagg' temper tantrum, is it not?"
"...I like the alliteration, sue me."
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Passing through the front doors, she made a quick turn off to the right, to the outside access pad. The cheap plastic lid snapped off at the force used to open it, and it wasn’t the end of her destructive assault on the object. Nails ripped away outer coverings and vital connecting wires alike, sparks flying about with damage to the latter. Blood running down her fingers didn't give her any pause, and only the thick metal barrier slamming back down over the entrance allowed for a moment to fall back and breathe.
It took a second to catch up to herself, to what all had just happened, and when she took a look around her, she could see she wasn't alone in this.
Pain finally made its presence known when Glen came over and took her hand in his, holding it up gently for inspection. While the action initially caused her to wince, she recovered quickly and shook away his concern as best she could. It was clear that he would let her have this now but would be bringing it up later. That was fine. Later was fine.
"The tunnel they’re taking, it ends at a club a few blocks down. Shouldn't take long to get there."
"You lead, Giggles."
While she looped her arm around him to provide some additional support, she heard a groan off to the side.
"Oh, that isn't going to become sickening in time, I’m sure."
“Fuck off, you.”
“Ah. No alliteration in that…”
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"So who’s all in this group again?"
"Me, Stu... Not sure who you've met so far, so, Glen's standing there. Nick is over there -- he's her specific go to actually, and then Fran, over there next to Stu." She took another gulp of her drink, and kept on. "We don’t have anything official here yet, but I wanted to give you a basic rundown so you're not completely out in left field."
"Uh, thanks, I guess…" While he had an easy presence in conversation, she could tell he was massively insecure in the role that was being asked now. He accepted and pressed on though, and she had to give him credit for that. "So are we just looking to assign jobs and what not?"
"That's part of it, yeah." Alright, time to rip off the band-aid. "Other part, the part we might not want to be advertising, is addressing our nightmare dark man problem..."
That stopped all movement, and she watched his eyes go comically larger. "Fuck… you're seeing him too then?"
"Sadly, yeah. Good ol’ Randy’s a pain in all of our asses. We don't know too much else aside from his name and that he's getting some strength out west. And that he's a grade A jackass."
And that brought the smile back to his face, "Yeah, I could have told you that much. Well, about being a jackass, that is. I don't really know anything else."
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(This was originally going to be the one for open until I realized you unlocked a super special alliteration section, so I needed to change it. Guess it was just destined to be.)
Outside a gas station just over the New York border provided a safe space to the group to call for a stop. Stu offered to trek out for some additional firewood while Glen started unpacking the sleeping bags. Once the car door opened, Kojak jumped off and, as he was prone to do now, ran to check on their companions by the bikes. Harold's visits were so far brief, but Fran always warranted a playful paw and happy doggy dances. This particular stop, however, must have brought the scent of something interesting. After a few sniffs, he took off like a bolt towards the trees.
"Kojak! C'mon, I'm not chasing you across the state!" Glen did more driving today than he had for a while, and Hayden could tell he wasn't ready to go hoofing it on an excessive chase after the dog.
"It's okay, Mister Bateman, I can get him!" Sending him a warm smile, Fran headed off after the pup, who coincidentally was heading the same direction as Stu had earlier.
"Just call me Glen, and thank you!"
The request was hollered out before he went back to unpacking, lightly muttering about formalities and dumb dogs.
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(Ha! Joke’s on you - I got exactly ONE instance of Oven! 😂 Finally a win.)
That smirk remained firm as Flagg revelled in the mayhem he shook up. Smack in the middle of the disarray, Hayden found herself unable to catch more than a few words from anybody as the back and forth began to overlap entirely.
"Alright. Might not want to touch these right away, just came out of the oven."
Completely oblivious to the disorder, Toby hustled in between the now standing members of the group to place two steaming pans of fresh pizza on the wooden table. While he carefully situated them between the half-drunk glasses of booze and empty wing baskets, Hayden took a moment to look around the room.
All eyes were on them.
If she could shrink away, hide forever, she would have opted to do so right now. Whether he realized her discomfort or not, Toby motioned for her to disregard their audience with a wave of his hand. "Can't blame 'em, really. It's been awhile since we had a good shake up. Everybody loves to watch the dumpster fire when it's not their own."
Previously noise complaint contenders, the group of poker players were all raptly watching the exchange, and Hayden caught the wink that Laufey sent her way.
"I got money on the dark haired one. He looks scrappy."
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tarnishedxknight · 3 months
the rules are simple! post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back . then tag others to do the same . please repost, don’t reblog !
{ out of dalmasca } I'm only going to do canon muses for this so it's not a crazy long list, haha. Below the cut for length.
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ
{ I'm including all canon muses that are currently open for threads, even if I haven't really been writing them due to a lack of activity for them. }
Luther Donovan (TV series Red Widow) Vincent (80s TV series Beauty and the Beast) Ardeth Bay (1999 movie The Mummy / 2001 movie The Mummy Returns) Wanda Maximoff (MCU) Pietro Maximoff (MCU) Red Vision / White Vision (MCU) Tony Stark (MCU) Natasha Romanoff (MCU) Stephen Strange (MCU) Clint Barton (MCU) Matt Addison / Nemesis (Resident Evil, Anderson films) Carlos Oliveira (Resident Evil, Anderson films) Chad Kaplan (Resident Evil, Anderson films) Basch fon Ronsenburg (Final Fantasy XII) Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca (Final Fantasy XII) Judge Magister Noah Gabranth (Final Fantasy XII) Judge Magister Drace (Final Fantasy XII) Nuada Bethmoora (2008 movie Hellboy II: The Golden Army) Gizmo (1984 movie Gremlins / 1990 movie Gremlins 2: The New Batch) Raiden (Metal Gear Solid / Rising game franchise) Jared Nomak (2002 movie Blade II) Carl Lucas (2010 movie Death Race 2 / 2013 movie Death Race 3: Inferno) Archangel Michael (2010 movie Legion) Priest (2011 movie Priest) Priestess (2011 movie Priest) Eric (2012 movie Snow White and the Huntsman / 2016 movie The Huntsman: Winter's War) Freya (2016 movie The Huntsman: Winter's War) Marie Sebastian (2013 remake of movie Oldboy) Martha Reynolds (2011 movie Martha Marcy May Marlene) Ben Leonard (2012 movie Savages) Leeloo (1997 movie The Fifth Element) Wade (2015 movie The Night Crew)
ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ (ᴀɴᴅ ᴡʜʏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇɴ'ᴛ ʏᴇᴛ)
Archangel Gabriel (2007 movie Gabriel) - His actor died tragically at a very young age. I thought his performance was amazing and I wouldn't want to use any other FC, but at the same time, I just feel it's inappropriate to use images of him, out of respect for his family. I actually had an OC that I used him for and have since changed to another actor because I felt uncomfortable using his images going forward.
Alice Abernathy (Resident Evil, Anderson films) - As much as I adore her, I don't feel I understand her well enough nor could I get her "voice" down well enough to write her to my own standards.
Fran (Final Fantasy XII) - I'm not sure I could write her well enough, but also she's in a totally different circle of characters than all my other FFXII muses, so she'd feel a bit isolated and extraneous if I added her to that blog. Also, she's kindof joined at the hip to Balthier, whom I know I could never write properly in a million years, heh.
Eyal Lavine (TV show Current Affairs) - I've wanted to write him for years now, but with certain things going on in the news, writing an Israeli Mossad agent just isn't the best thing to do right now, I feel. I would constantly worry about offending people or being dragged into political conversations relevant to real world events that I really don't want to get into on my blogs.
Yuna (Final Fantasy X) - To bring her to this site would be an impossible amount of new added activity for me. The FFX fandom is a lot larger than FFXII and I'd be afraid of too much activity or even those with muses from other FF games wanting to write with her. I just can't add a popular character right now. if anything, I need to be downsizing, heh.
The town of Silent Hill (Silent Hill game franchise, 2006 movie Silent Hill, 2012 movie Silent Hill: Revelation) - It's just too complicated and would require too much startup time and effort for me to manage right now. But I am keeping it in mind for the future!
ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ (ᴀɴᴅ ᴡʜʏ)
Ned Stark (ASoIaF book series / GoT TV show) - Ned only survived Season 1 (actually, technically, he didn't even survive that). So much happened in subsequent Seasons, and now we've got HotD too. I stopped reading after the third book and stopped watching after the third Season, so... I'm way behind on the world, the lore, the characters, the countries, the Houses, etc. I wouldn't feel that I'm coming from enough of a place of knowledge to write Ned, even though I really adore him and would love to. And someone like him, who was in positions of power, would have that knowledge, he'd know about the major and minor Houses and the politics and the history, etc., so it would affect my portrayal of him to not know all of that myself.
Ygritte (ASoIaF book series / GoT TV show) - Kindof the same problem as Ned, although Ygritte survived a bit longer... but also I'm just not sure how relevant she'd be to most characters other people in the fandom would write. As a wildling, she was somewhat isolated from much of the plot and other characters of the world. Also, I'm afraid of Jon Snows everywhere just wanting to ship with her, heh, since I really hated that ship, personally.
The White Queen (Resident Evil, Anderson films) - Her FC is a child, and as much as I liked the character, the way I developed her was to add an OC origin muse for her that used the same actress as an FC. After a certain point, I just felt like I was doing something wrong by using a child FC and didn't feel comfortable doing it anymore.
ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ (ᴀɴᴅ ᴡʜʏ)
Luther West (Resident Evil, Anderson films) - I liked Luther, he was pretty cool, and since I write a lot of other RE muses, he'd fit right in. The only reason I stopped writing him was because hardly anyone was interested in him, so it became too much to keep maintaining his blog if no one wanted to write with him.
The Creature (2004 mini-series Frankenstein) - I've always liked Adam, I read the original Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and I've seen various movies and mini-series on the subject. I like this specific version because the actor who played him is a favorite of mine, but also it was fairly faithful to the book as well. The reason I stopped was because I felt I wasn't writing him up to my own standards, but I'd be willing to give it another try.
Tagged by: I stole it! ^_^ Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! =)
0 notes
Verboten - Chapter Twenty Eight.
My loves! I am so sorry this has taken me 900 years to update, haha! But here we are, the last chapter is here! I do hope you enjoy it and I want to extend my thanks to everyone for their loyal readership. I appreciate you all more than you could ever know xx 
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen  Eighteen  Nineteen  Twenty  Twenty One  Twenty Two  Twenty Three  Twenty Four  Twenty Five  Twenty Six  Twenty Seven
Visuals - The Verboten cast of characters post
Words - 2,391
Warnings - None
Tag list - In the comments! To be added/removed, please DM me :)
“I never expect you to forgive me, for what I did, you know.”
Ella almost laughed, making a small noise in the back of her throat. “So, we’re going straight into it, then? No pleasantries, just missile directiveness. You’ve picked that up from your man.”  
She sounded cool, a little entertained as well to begin with, but the mention of Tyler made something crack a little in her voice, despite her smile remaining in place. Ella didn’t mean for it to unnerve Zoey either, but it did.  
“Yeah, yeah I kinda have. He gets frustrated when I beat around the bush.”
“I remember that, yeah. Prevarication lights his fuse.” She smiled, obviously thinking back to times when she’d been hesitant with her very direct ex-husband, who couldn’t bear when people meandered around their words. “Anyway, you were saying?”
“I don’t expect forgiveness for how much I hurt you. All I want from you is an apology for not telling me about when he was shot, because no matter how terrible a sister I was to you, and I was, I know I was, shagging your husband behind your back, I didn’t deserve that. I could have lost him and not been there, Ella. That would have destroyed me.”
“Which was, if I’m honest, exactly what I wanted at the time, I think. You’re right, too. I was wrong. Hugely wrong not to put our feud aside and let you know. I apologise for that, and I would have done so without you prompting it, because I realise my fault there.”
She paused, looking out at the playground, where two chattering mothers with their thermos mugs had just arrived, their children running on ahead to the swings. She’d left hers all cuddled up on the sofa with Cami watching cartoons. “As for forgiving you, I think I could, maybe when a little more time has passed. Camille is really helping me there, processing the betrayal, but see, Zo, what I can’t get past is the fact that in my mind, no matter how much I love you, and I do, I can’t trust you.”  
It broke Zoey a little, to hear that. It was a break she knew she deserved to feel. Only so much could be mended here at their first meet. Her sister’s trust would likely be a long time in coming. “I want us to repair the damage, but trusting you again is where I fall short on being able to fathom how and where that begins. Okay, so we weren’t in a good place, I admit my faults in driving my husband away, but for you to welcome him into your bed? I just... it still makes me so upset!”  
Ella balled her fists and softly thudded them against the bench, her jaw tight, tears prickling her eyes and eventually splashing her cheeks when she blinked, shaking her head and gasping into a deep breath. “What would you tell me to do, if it had been Cait or Fran who Tyler had the affair with?”
That was perhaps the last thing Zoey expected to be asked, the question throwing her through a huge loop. “I don’t know, I really don’t.”
“Try.” There it was, rearing up a little, a bit of Ella’s scary fire, that one word delivered through semi-gritted teeth.  
Taking a breath, Zoey attempted to remove herself from the situation, imagining being on the outside looking in. “I guess I’d tell you that it’s completely your call, how you handle the relationship going forward, and that the trust has to come back with taking small steps, if it ever will at all. Who knows? You might never trust me again, which I have to realistically expect might be the likely price I have to pay.”  
Her voice tremored there, Ella’s tears falling more too as she sniffed, suddenly shocking Zoey by reaching to grasp her hand. “I want to trust you again, I do. You’re my little button, but Christ! You hurt me so damn much!”  
“I know, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I just... my head told me to stop, screamed at me, but in the end, it was my heart. He... I just...”
“No, go on. It’s alright. You can tell me.” Wiping her eyes with her spare hand, Ella turned and nodded. “It’s okay.”
“I just fell so much in love with him. Being one of my best mates, we had that connection of thinking the other was awesome and loving each other’s company, and it was all of that, but amplified suddenly. Firstly, through sex and then, through love. I know I can’t justify breaking your heart or your trust either, I know that, but I just wanted you to maybe understand it, that it wasn’t this whim, that I did agonise over it.”
Ella sighed, nodding again. “How you looked at Christmas proves that to me, Zo. That’s something that Cami reminded me of, that if it wasn’t real love you felt for him then you wouldn’t have looked so frail in the wake of him ending your affair. That was the human personification of someone in agony. I’ve talked to her a lot about it, she’s been such a big help in seeing it isn’t just my feelings in all of this, even though I was the one who was ultimately wronged.  
“Look, I don’t want you to keep beating yourself up about it any longer. I’ve accepted that Tyler has moved on, with a girl who I think the bloody world of, trust with my kids, etc and not some dodgy bogan or something,” she began, both taking a moment to laugh as they composed their tears. “And I’ve moved on too, Cami and I might be early days but we’re really happy together. I’m leaving it a little while longer and then telling the kids too, I’m confident she’s here to stay. I want us to all move forward as a family, but like I said, trusting you is going to take some time.”
Zoey nodded, squeezing her hand. “Then take as much as you need. Just sitting here, talking, really talking to you while we hold hands is enough for me. It’s a massive step for both of us. Well, you mostly.”  
Ella smiled, nodding at her. “You too. I understand how after the way I spoke to you the time before last seeing you, how you likely came here with your heart in your mouth. I know how I can be, again, it’s something Cami is helping me with.”  
They sat in silence, both taking in the natural beauty of the park, basking in the early autumn glow as well as being reunited with one another. There was a long way to go, they both knew that, but as Ella suddenly rested her head to Zoey’s shoulder, the younger Hudson sibling reciprocating the gesture, they knew the first steps had been taken to mend. It wouldn’t happen overnight, but they were wise to that.  
“This feels nice,” Zoey commented, her fingers squeezing a little tighter on her sister’s.
“It does. Strange, yet familiar. Like, I’m still hurting and upset with you, but I’ve missed this so much that I can push it aside and just enjoy it, the peace, having my sister back. Everything else will come in time, if we work on it.”
“We will.”
That first reconnection made the sisters both feel renewed and positive, agreeing to meet up in two weeks from then with their other two sisters for brunch, knowing they both needed to begin returning to normality in order to get their relationship back on track. When she arrived back at his place, Tyler saw it in how she carried herself, like a physical weight had been lifted from her, the burden she’d carried within her at hurting her sister ever since their affair had first begun.  
“It went so much better than I expected it would,” she began, slipping her feet out of her shoes and taking a seat next to him on the sofa, Tyler welcoming her into his embrace on his good side. “We talked, she apologised for not telling me about the shooting, in turn I apologised again for my part in breaking up her marriage, and we’ve agreed to work on it.  
“She doesn’t know whether she can trust me again, though, which is fair enough. I don’t blame her for that. What I ended up with today was much more than I expected to get, we sat there and held hands, it was so nice. I guess working on our relationship means I have to prove myself to her, rebuild the broken bridge there.”  
He smiled, relieved it had all gone well. “I think it all went as well as anyone could have expected it to, probably better than anticipated, to be honest. The foundations are there, all you have to do now is slowly and carefully build.”  
It warmed him within, to imagine in his mind, the sisters sitting holding hands, some warmth beginning to thaw the frosty glacier that had driven itself between them, frozen by actions committed on both sides of the fallout. The sun was now beginning to shine once more, though, the ice melting, as he always hoped it would.  
That thaw continued as well, Zoey greatly surprised that in the time before she was due to meet with her sisters, Ella reached out and called her one evening, just to catch up.  
“Hey button, how’s tricks?”
Oh, how she’d missed that. The simplicity of answering the phone and hearing Ella’s sweet little pet name for her. Her tone wasn’t quite a sweet, there were still so many broken pieces of her sister that Zoey knew it was her job to mend, to glue back together through taking time with reunited relationship, but they’d get there.  
When they did meet with Cait and Fran two weeks later, it felt good, four of them all sitting at a table enjoying the dishes of delicious brunch food they shared, all laughing, smiling and joking, remembering the sisterly bonds, the warm cords of affection that linked the four together, no longer fractured by two of them being severed. The knots would be tied strongly once more, both Zoey and Ella were determined on that score.  
“So, how did Tyler’s physio go the other day? He mentioned it when he dropped the kids off. It’s good to see him driving again, I know he’s been fretting about you driving his baby,” Ella asked, of course referring to his beloved truck.  
“He’s doing so well, thanks for asking,” she began, noting the complete sincerity in her voice and face. She wasn’t alone, Cait smiling widely as she turned to view her, proud of the steps both were taking. “He’s in at the firing range a week on Saturday, so we’ll see. I think the last surgery nailed it and he’s healed quicker than he expected he would, too. Even over the last fortnight he’s made leaps and bounds. I just hope he can shoot, because I can’t imagine him doing anything for a living that doesn’t involve holding a gun in his hand. It’s in his nature.”  
That nature definitely showed itself on the firing range when he eventually got there, encouraged by Jimmy as he picked up the weapon, the cold metal so familiar within his hands, eyeing the target, squeezing the trigger and beginning to fire. It wasn’t perfect in aim, his shoulder twinging a little, but he knew that was just going to be down to further healing. He thanked the stars as his target came down the range that he was even able to grip the gun at all.  
Swapping out the paper target, he sent it back again, firing once more, managing one head shot at least before he began to hurt more than he was prepared to risk by exerting himself.
“You’ve done well, mate. Call it a day there,” Jimmy spoke, resting a hand to his good shoulder.  
“Even injured, I can still clear a headshot within two clips,” he quipped, his mate frowning as he began to laugh quietly.
“Oi, I was gonna take you out for a beer to celebrate, but you can bugger right off, now! Insulting my skills, you sarcastic bugger!”  
“Well, I was gonna suggest we hook up with the girls since they’re all out this ‘arvo. You fancy it?”
Jimmy looked surprised at his statement. “What, Zoey and Ella are out in the same place, and not clawing each other’s faces off?”
“Nah, they’re good. They’ve met up a couple of times, and they talk on the phone. They’re making real great progress in healing their relationship. Makes me happy as fuck, mate.”  
“That’s amazing to hear, bro! Yeah, yeah, count me in. It’d be nice to see ‘em all again.”
What was nice for Tyler, was after calling Zoey and arranging which bar to meet them at, was sitting at the table in the window with Jimmy, looking out for them, and witnessing a sight that made his heart burst with warmth. All four of them, hand in hand, Zoey and Ella in the middle, all walking along like they used to.  
They entered the bar, Jimmy whistling loudly for them, shouting that they’d bought them drinks already, the girls coming over and greeting them. Zoey took her seat beside him, kissing his cheek, Tyler wrapping his arm around her, Ella leaning over and giving him a kiss on the head in hello before Jimmy bear hugged her.  
Resolve, moving forward with the woman he loved, while the one he previously had no longer harboured any hatred towards either of them. It was all he had ever wanted.  
“How’d you get on, then?” Zoey asked.
“Pretty good, yeah. I managed to fire it alright, got a headshot and then called it a day. Still hurts a bit, but that’s just a matter of giving it time to fully heal. Looks like everything will be back to normal soon.”
Looking at her sisters as they all sat down, Jimmy making Ella scream with laughter before she took her seat beside Fran, smiling over at her, Zoey turned back and rested her head against his shoulder. “Yeah, doesn’t it just.”
The End.  
37 notes · View notes
Juice, Mad Queens and Families (Love Lies, Part 2.)
“Biggie, Biggie, Biggie, can't you see? Sometimes your words just hypnotize me.” - The Notorious B.I.G., Hypnotize 
Description: Carcrash, coma, drug usage, partying, heartbreak… You’ve been there. After 18 months of “corrective” stay at your grandmother’s in Minnesota, it’s time for you to move back to East Highlands. Yet, it was to be expected that while some things change, some stayed the same.
A/N: This is looking just... I have a really good feeling about this series and so far, I am falling in love with all of the characters once more; just like I did before. I never fall in love with my own creations, so, this means so much to me; especially seeing everoyne enjoy it so much (the OG series had 5000+ notes in total).  And yes, I am so sorry, but you will have to wait a bit before Fezco even making his first appearence. The reason being: I feel like I established a universe in the first series and I want to re-establish it once more, update you guys on everyone, give it more feelings and emotional depth (for example, Fran played one of the main roles in the events that happened).  But, good news, Rue might be appearing in the next part!
Word counter: 4.1 K
Tagging: @comedinewithmeyeh​ @jeyramarie​ (tagging for the series is opened)
Masterlist: H E R E
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Walking into that small space felt like torture, even when you held Archie’s palm as if your life depended on it - and if he would let go, you’d most likely die. At that moment, he was the anchor keeping your head somewhat present in reality. The boy could undeniably see that you’re distressed; your breathing became infrequent (almost as if you were about to pass out and you gasped for air just to avoid it), your palms got sweaty and let alone the trembling of your body. As you looked around the small shop, you could feel a warm touch on your jaw - it was Archibald pulling you back into reality.
“I’m asking if you’re alright, Y/N.” - The boy mumbled with a furrow, pecking your cheek as you took one last deep breath. - “Since we drove past the city sign, you’re looking like you’re gonna pass out any second.” Not even bothering to answer, your eyes automatically scanned the counter; and to your relief, Kat was sitting right on top of it and both her and Ash stared you down, trying to determine whether they’re looking at a ghost.
“God fucking dammit.” - Ash exclaimed so loud that it just had to be heard even outside the gas station. But you stood there and a grin was slowly appearing on your face. - "Kat, look at that girl." - The boy chuckled as he left the safe space behind the counter. Now, it was Archie who got uncomfortable as you got more and more relaxed, watching the boy approaching you. Archibald's eyes were piercing through the boy; what kind of parent could allow him to have face tattoos at that age? Who would agree with what he was wearing, let alone the chains on his trousers? Just when your boyfriend wanted to search for approval in you, he saw how proud you looked as you watched the stranger. God fucking dammit indeed, you thought yourself, our little Ash is almost grown up now. To be honest, he was taller than you remembered. He also had a whole more lot of tattoos. More so, Ash gained a bit of weight, his skin tone was nice and fresh... He looked great. Whether he and Fezco still ran the business or not, you were sure that the boy is being cared for. To be honest, Kat looked great too; you just nodded at her, getting a smile back from her. With people such as these two, it was so easy imaging you’ll fit right back in. While you and Ash had a closer relationship than you and Kat, it was mainly Kat that stuck by your and Jules’ side when shit went sideways. She talked to you when you got upset and the evenings you spent with one another in the gas station improved your friendship as well. Kat couldn’t be taken as your best friend by any means, but she was cool.
"She do be looking great, huh? Look at that drip and hair and everythin'." - Ash asked rhetorically when he finally approached both of you. At that moment, Archie pushed you out of Ashtray's reach, but you stopped him. In fact, you smiled at that boy; your smile got so big that your eyes closed a bit. "Aren't you outstepping your boundaries, boy? This is my," - Archibald asked the boy, stepping in front of you to protect you, yet again, you pushed him back. That shut him up as you giggled a bit. "Calm down, it's okay. You are not looking the worst yourself, little one." - Letting Archie's hand go, you performed the old handshake you and Ash established way back in the day. When the handshake was over, Ash surprised you with a big hug. He was just as glad to see you as you were glad to see him. With a small smile and eyes closed, you embraced Ash back. When Ash let you go, he turned his attention to Archibald, just like the well-mannered chap he was.
"Name's Ashtray." - As you walked to Kat to hug her, you still listened to these two. Ashtray, who was undeniably amused by Archie's confusion, stood there and giggled. - "Don't worry, that gal is my family. Haven’t seen her in a bit but trust me, bro, this one is the ride or die kind of gal.” "Name's Archie, nice to meet you... Is this your cousin?" - Archibald asked you with confusion, watching all three of you giggle at that statement. Without further ado, you walked straight to the freezer to take one of those cherry sodas no one else in the town drank. Only you and you alone. "Figuratively speaking, but yes, he is. It's more of a brother from another mother situation we got here, to be clear." - Setting the drink on the counter, you waited for Archie to pick what he wanted to drink. Looking under the countertop, it still worked the same; you could see Fezco’s debt notebook, some phone numbers were written down on various pieces of paper and you’d bet your car on Ash having some pot under the counter for those that were interested. As usual, you could also hear various rap rhythms playing from the small speaker laying on the ground behind Ash.
“And look at this lady.” - With a smile, you leaned into the countertop next to Kat as Ash put the numbers into the cash register, bopping his head in the rhythm. Just a few minutes ago, you felt terrified and tortured - but with these two, the gas station still felt like home. In all fairness, it felt amazing to be back. But on the back of your hand you realized that Kat and Ash aren’t the only people you can meet at the gas station; starting with Fezco, Rue, or even Nathaniel fucking Jacobs himself. Yet at moment, it was one of the safest places in the whole universe. - “Is she for sale? She’s looking like a real snack.”
“Bitch look at yourself and then talk. You look fucking… Amazing. It’s been a while.” - Kat’s laughter made you laugh too. Her palm gently pushed your shoulder, but it was more of a gentle smooth rather than a full-on push. - “We’ve missed you being around. Mainly Rue… And him. Where have you been?” “Healing. Putting my shit back together. Thinking and relaxing. At was at my nana’s in Minnesota… I thought Jules told you? From what I've gathered, you two are tight in the last few months.” “No, she made sure that whatever happened back there on that night... That all of that will remain a secret. I mean, even Maddy didn’t tell anyone that much and nobody fucking asked Nate ‘cause we all know what kind of dipshit that guy is.” - With an unhappy giggle, Kat shook her head, looking away from you for a bit. - "Girl, we better hang out - I mean you, me, and Jules. I have so much gossip to spill." "We can hang out soon. I'll just make sure my sister is safe with my parents and that she won't throw a fucking tantrum, I also need to make sure that my flat is all set up and that everything's in check and... Does next week suit you?" "Anytime, bitch. Bring Jules 'cause the shit I'm about to spill is bat shit crazy. Just hit me up, Jules has my number." - With that, you paid for both your and Archie's drinks and caught his palm in yours, leading him out of the gas station's shop, waving at both Ashtray and Kat. But as soon as you stepped outside, you saw Maddy Perez, the devil itself, leaning into Fran's rolled window with Cassie standing next to them.
"Speaking of the devil..." - With a mumble, you walked to your car. Just a second later, Maddy turned at you with her hands behind her back and an angelic smile on her lips. She was looking better than ever, but that was just the way Maddy looked all the time - perfect make-up, babydoll outfit, and carefully styled hair, that was Maddy's classic. Cassie... Well, she looked good. They both were. "Do you know these two as well?" - Archie mumbled to your ear. "It's a small town, baby. We'll be on the road soon, I promise." - Knowing Maddy Perez is Maddy Perez, you knew you had to put on your best mask. This bitch saved your ass from police and Fezco's going straight to maximum security prison. Thanks to her, it looked like self-defense. You had to act all nice and excited. When she opened up her arms and started squealing excitedly, you did the same and went to hug her. Sure, she wasn't the kind of person you liked or someone who you'd like to be friends with, but Nate and her put their necks on the line for both of you. This was the least you could do.
After two minutes of chatter, you were already full of Maddy's superficial bullshit - as her voice entered your head with one ear, it simultaneously left through the other one while you nodded, zoned out, on autopilot. Archibald was standing next to you the whole time with his hand inside the back pocket of your jeans, trying to keep up with Maddy's chatter. Cassie, as per usual, was standing next to Maddy and smiled the whole time. "In conclusion, you better get your ass there, bitch." - Maddy said all of a sudden, giving you a figurative slap on your cheek. The confused blinking told Perez more than she needed to know. - "To the party? On Saturday? At Barbara's? The one I just told you about? I'll tell her I invited you, don't worry about that. Jules and Kat are coming too, so it would be so cool if you guys would be there, oh my God."
"Oooooh, yea, yea, the party at Barbie's." - You nodded, pretending you know what she's on about. With a sweet smile, you turned your head to Archie, hoping he'd decline Maddy's invitation. - "Would you like to go there, meet the locals, drink and dance a bit?" "That would be cool." - Archibald nodded. Just after he accepted the invitation, he noticed how your nostrils widened a bit along with your entire expression hardening a bit. Dang. Archie was soon to learn that local parties were an occasion to which you never wanted to be invited. But he had to learn that the hard way; plus Maddy's invitations were something that simply couldn't be refused. Even if you'd say no, she'd turn on her heels and yell 'See you there!', which she did anyway. - "I'm sorry, I thought you'd like to spend time with your friends." "Sure, baby, it's okay, don't worry about it. I just hope that nobody will drink and take too many pills to go bat shit insane. But that's how East Highland gets sometimes." - With a sigh, you opened your Cherry paradise and took a slurp. It gets all under your skin, inside your head, and fucks you up, leaving you discarded on the sidestep like a fucking used condom, you thought, but as you watched Archie slurping on his Blueberry Meadow, you couldn't tell him that.  
In the next forty minutes, you finally managed to turn off the engine in front of your parents' house, having these two waiting for you in front of the house. The memory from moving in was vividly clear inside your head - you, walking on your lawn with a paper box pushed to your chest, with your old Converse shoes untied as your mother called you all for dinner. Fran locked the door and assured you that you will do amazing. That you will find friends. That was two years ago, but you could name the spot where the truck was parked. Your ma stood at the doorstep with her palm covering her mouth as she cried. She watched both of her daughters getting out of the car, looking healthy and happy. Jules also jumped out, waving at her mom. Often, she'd come by to offer your parents some help with the house; she became a good friend with your parents. She'd do the lawn, help your mom clean up or she'd shop for them and they'd pay her something.  Soon after, your father joined your mom at the doorstep, gently hugging her shoulders. - "They're finally home." - He whispered, being on the verge of crying himself.
For Fran, this was a very excruciating walk of shame. She held the strap of her bag steel tight, staring into the ground the entire time. It was hard to say what was the worst for your Christian parents - whether it was the fact that she was gay, that she overdosed more than four times, or that she tried to kill herself. The most important thing was clearly the fact that they were still willing to take Fran back home with their arms open; you'd seen so many other Christian families being broken over their childer doing stuff they didn't approve of. In this regard, both your parents had balls of fucking steel. Next to Fran, with your almost lethal car crash, kind of an overdose, and almost a month-long coma, you were still considered a saint. Especially after you graduated early and made yourself sure that you will be able to complete all your exams remotely while you set your living in East Highlands. Sure, your parents were still mad at you, but it was really looking like you tried to turn your life around; just like Fran.
When she hugged them, you leaned your ass into the trunk of your car and teared up, watching Fran groping into their arms as she started to cry hard, basically breaking down on your mom's shoulder. You could hear as she tried to say 'I'm so sorry mum, so so so sorry, mom, I'm so sorry', but she couldn't even do that. That made you cry too. The happy Fran showed up in your mind again; she was dancing around the house with new clothes she bought recently with sunglasses hanging really low on her nose. She jumped on the couch and cried out the chorus of the song, laughing at you sitting in the armchair. Fran, barely walking, was leaning into the wall with her clothes, the same clothes she bought a few days earlier, drenched in puke with her nose bleeding, yelling at something on the opposite wall - that happened six years ago. Then she was dancing in front of the stove, preparing breakfast for Calum and you. Fran was unable to walk that night, laying on the road while you screamed for anyone to call the fucking 911 as you unsuccessfully tried to feel her breath or to find her pulse - this happened three years ago, just before you moved. Fran laying with you in bed, telling you about that girl in her class she was madly in love with this week as you both laughed. Fran sitting on the bed in the psychiatric ward of the hospital, pale as all fuck, dressed up in a restraining jacket with her hair in a messy bun, crying as she stared at the wall opposite of her, begging someone, anyone, to kill her because she couldn’t live with herself anymore - that was a few days after you woke up from the coma. Fuck, you just hoped that you won't see her hitting the rock bottom ever again... Since she spent there a good portion of her teenage years and early twenties.
When Jules hugged your shoulder, just because she knew exactly what you thought of, you almost jumped out of her reach. The girl kissed your shoulder with her eyes closed, whispering to you about how everything's gonna be just fine now. Fran was cured, right? And this time, it seemed that she won't start with that bullshit again. Your mom, instead of waiting for you at the doorstep, walked right to the both of you, kissing your shoulder. You had no idea about what she was whispering about as you jumped in her arms, almost bringing her down with you. God fucking dammit, this was one of the moments when you felt so happy and safe that you wanted to scream out loud. Jules started talking about the road trip with her as you dried your cheeks. Your dad didn't say much, just because he knew he doesn't need to - he just kissed your temple and smiled, helping Archie with carrying all of Fran's belongings inside their house.
Walking in seemed to reminiscing (and not the enjoyable one) at first, but the longer you walked around the house, the more relaxed you became. Your mother made sure that she has all the photos framed and displayed in the best places - there was a picture of you getting your high school diploma (in which there was both of your parents, your grandma and bother present), she had a picture of Fran getting her sobriety token at the therapeutic facility; and then, there was... "Is that Cal going on his first dance?" - You asked your mom, looking at your not-so-small-anymore brother in the picture. He was there with Gia, Rue's sister, with whom he was great friends since the day you moved in. "It is. And neither of you was here to roast the living hell out of me." - A low, male voice said right next to your ear, making you freak out. It was your younger brother... Who was now at least ten inches taller than you. Fuck, you last saw him half a year ago and it was showing. - "Oh my God, you look good, sis. Both of you do."
"Well, us not being here doesn't mean we can't roast you now, huh, sis?" - Fran, who finally stopped crying, bumped her elbow into your waist, and examined the picture. Pretending she has glasses, she slid them down her nose before opening her mouth wide. - "Yo, what's that? A pedo-stache?" "I think you're right, lemme have a look." - You, as usual, chimed in and smiled at Calum before bringing him for a hug. As you closed your eyes, Fran hugged you both, kissing your foreheads. - "I am so proud of you, both of you, shitheads. But Cal does look like a fucking chicken nugget at that picture." "I told him so." - A female voice spoke from behind Cal's back, making you and Fran raise your heads in curiosity. It was none other than Gia Bennet herself. Were you old or was everyone growing way faster than you'd like to? She was a breathtaking young woman now, even tho you remember a young, cute girl.
It got uncomfortable rather quickly; all three of you standing there in a sibling entanglement as all three of you stared at Gia - to top it all off, you and Fran had your mouths wide open. "Gi!" - Fran exclaimed like the diva she was, letting both you and Cal go as she threw her hands around in a grandiose gesture. - "Did my younger brother finally find a single ounce of his common sense inside of his brain and ask you out?" "Francis! What the fuck?" - Calum mouthed out with pure horror inside his face. Gia stood there for a second before she started laughing, hugging Francis in the process. - "No, we are... Not a thing. " "Shame. Shithead number two should do something about that, huh?" - Fran snorted dramatically, leaving Cal rolling his eyes with his cheeks on fire. Both of the siblings left you alone with Gia while bickering about nonsense as you hugged her. Your breath got shallow as you let the girl go, staring at your shoes.
"Is Rue... Is she... Did she... She didn't... Gia..." "She's alive... For now." - Gia sighed, looking at the ground while gulping. To assure herself, she nodded and took in a deep breath. - "But she's in a bad, bad spot now. I mean, mom didn't notice yet, but it won't be too long until they start arguing again. We've been there before." "Listen, look at me." - With that, you smoothed her cheek and made the girl look at you. It was obvious that the first thing you'll ask Gia about would be Rue; you were one of her biggest Gs, a member of her pack, her family. And Gia was sure that she'll be ready when you ask about Rue. But it always hurt to talk about her sister when she was hitting the rock bottom... Again. - "If it would get bad, like, the worst of the worst, call me. Come here anytime you'd need and I'll try to help Rue with the demons, okay? I'm back and hopefully, she'll start talking to me again. I've been there many, many fucking times with Fran. Just like Leslie and you are on the rock bottom with Rue."
Without you expecting Gia to do so, she hugged her tight; for her, it was a relief seeing you back. This might've been the thing to turn her life around since it was your departure that broke Rue down in the first place. As you hugged her back, there was a sad smile on your face. It was almost hilarious how similar your families were - perfect at one time and dysfunctional beyond repair at the other time. You both had an older sister that was basically a walking wreck most of the time; on the other hand, you knew Rue would never harm Gia - but you thought the same of Fran. Life wasn't fair. It fucking wasn't.
The dinner was a fucking blast, to be honest. You played some good old songs, chatting with everyone. Fran told you the funniest stories from the rehab community while Jules talked about school. Your ma had loads of questions regarding your new flat; were you sure that you had everything? Were you sure that you'll be able to make ends meet with the scholarships and part-time jobs? How did it feel to be back in the town? When the three of you, you, Jules, and Archie, were leaving the place two hours later, you felt happy and safe. Most of your family, whether the ones you chose to be a part of it or those who you knew your whole life, were happy to see you. And for the most part, you've seen welcomed back. Sure, neither of these people were those who were closest to you back in the day... But you weren't that sure if you wanna see the two in particular. It was certain that you'll meet them at one point or another, but so far, you didn't feel the need to contact them. What the fuck would you even tell them?
Singing one of Hoodie Allen's songs with windows rolled down, you drove to the downtown. It was a super small flat above one of the stores, but you knew it will do. Without hesitation, Archie (God bless him for being the one who did all the paperwork and official stuff) walked into the shop to get the keys from your new landlord. It was an old Asian lady with the most genuine smile you've seen until that day. She was talking while leading you upstairs on a separate outside staircase, talking about the various things that might happen. You had to say that you fell in love from the moment you entered the flat. It was nothing more than two small rooms, a kitchen corner, and a separate bathroom, but it was sort of perfect. Once you'll have all the furniture in place and decorations to put around the flat, you knew it will be your home. You couldn't wait for that. Once the lady, her name was Dung, left you to go back to her small shop, all three of you started moving all the boxes up into the small soon-to-be living room. It took you four hours and by midnight, you were finally done. That night, you all fell asleep on an inflatable mattress, since there were precisely zero beds inside your apartment at that time.
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b0amagination · 3 years
A Piece of Art
Hey! I’ll keep my introduction brief, but if you haven’t seen already: this is a submission by the lovely @as-a-matter-of-whump!!!! They were so kind as to write this fanfiction of Hasan and Declan which I am absolutely in love with.
Tagging the crew because y'all deserve to see this: @suspicious-whumping-egg, @hurting-fictional-people, @stab-the-son-of-a
Series Masterlist
And yeah :D!!!! Enjoy, and thank you so so much, Fran!!
(Chapter audio)
CW: blood, body modification (kinda), creepy/intimate whumper, captivity
“Rise and shine, my darling!” Hasan cheered as they entered the room.
Declan turned around until he faced the wall, pressing his eyes shut. The light was way too bright after being left in the dark for… well, however long it had been. He had lost track of time a long time ago, his only clue being Hasan’s visits - a short one in the morning before they went to work and longer ones when they returned in the evening. Since he had been able to sleep recently he felt certain that it was morning and that his captor would leave him alone again soon; he just had to try his best to keep his mouth shut for the next 15 to 30 minutes, maybe he’d be granted some peace and quiet after that…  
He had been doing his best to comply with Hasan’s bullshit lately, had tried to stop opposing them at any given opportunity and mostly kept his thoughts to himself. Maybe he could allay their suspiciousness until he finally got the chance to-
“Dec, I don’t like the way you’re constantly overthinking,” Hasan snarled, grabbed his chin and turned his head around until their eyes met.
“I’m not, ’m just…tired.”
“Oh, you are? Well, what can we do about that…?” Hasan chirped, their voice all soft and sweet while they ran a hand through Declan’s hair.
“I don’t know, maybe you could just let me sleep?” he huffed and tried to pull away.
“But I just did!”
“What you granted me can barely be considered a decent amount of sleep, especially while I’m being bound like this.”
He tried to raise his arms to make it clear that he wasn’t able to move them more than a few inches as long as the tight ropes were fastened to the bars of his cot like this.
“Oh, come onnnnnnn…,” Hasan complained, “It’s been 5 hours and 36 minutes since I left you…”
“You’re counting the minutes now?!”
“Yes, of course I do!”
“Yes, of course you do, fuckin’ creep…OW! What was that for?!”
If he had been free to move the way he wanted to, Declan would’ve cupped his cheek now in an attempt to soothe the pain the backhand slap had caused.
“That was a rhetorical question, right?”
He groaned.
“S’ppose it was…”
“Good, I almost started doubting your sanity.”
Declan sneered.
“I think I lost my sanity the very second you shoved me into that washing machine…”
“I…. think it wasn’t until I started waterboarding you, but that will remain unknown forever, I’m afraid,” Hasan sighed and started undoing the ropes on Declan’s wrists.
“Yeah, whatever…”
He was so done with the whole situation and most of all with his kidnapper… still he waited patiently until the ropes around his ankles were gone as well, a little anxious, but holding on to the thought that Hasan would leave again soon. Instead, they held out a hand, prompting him to accept their help as he tried to get up.
“I can do that myself…”
“Your choice,” Hasan shrugged, “As long as you get up now.”
“What for? I’ll be stuck here all day, can’t you just let me rest?”
“But you’re so tense, I think someone should help you relax and stretch out your limbs.”
Declan’s eyes widened.
“Wha- no, wait, leave me alone, I’m fine, I’m-”
“Daaaaarling!” Hasan cheered, grabbed Declan’s arm and pulled him up from the cot. “You’re anything but fine!”
The young man struggled against their grip, not willing to give in so easily; whatever they were up to, he wouldn’t just follow them and let them do…whatever they might be up to. Declan wasn’t even sure if he wanted to know what it was.
 "So defiant today, are we?” Hasan smirked. “Good.”
“Shouldn’t you be working?” Declan hissed while trying to get Hasan’s hands off his arms without losing balance on his trembling legs, “Or did they finally catch you recording your fucking broadcasts and fired you?”
“Aw, you’d love that, wouldn’t you? Having me around all day to keep you company? And… keep you entertained?”
“Fuck, no! Just… go and live with your boyfriend!“
"It’s alright my dear, you don’t have to put up a show for me - I know that you’d miss me if I were gone and I can’t do this to you, can I?”
“You wish!” he hissed, but immediately froze as Hasan locked a pair of handcuffs around his wrists. “W- what is this supposed to mean now?”
“I’m making some arrangements”, they smiled and reached up to grab a chain that’s been dangling from the ceiling.
Declan had noticed it before, but chose to ignore it for the sake of his sanity - now that his handcuffs had been fastened to the hook at the end of the chain it’s gotten far more difficult to ignore it any longer, especially since he was now forced to stand on his tiptoes.
“Is that what you called stretching my limbs earlier?” he spluttered, “Because in that case I’d rather lay down again.”
“And ruin the fun for both of us? I can’t let that happen, darling!”
“Your definition of fun widely differs from my definition of fun…”
“I’m sure you’ll come to agree with me eventually,” Hasan smiled sweetly, “You’ll just have to learn…”
“And that’s exactly what’s not going to happen.”
“The last time you said that was when I taught you how to kneel properly - and you’ve improved so much since then, even now you keep your back perfectly straight! I think we’re getting there, even if it takes baby steps now and then…”
“I’m keeping my back straight because my feet barely touch the ground anymore and I don’t especially like being suspended by my wrists…”
“You don’t like it yet..,” Hasan smirked, running their hand through Declan’s hair.
“Stop that!”
Hasan touching his hair was the worst for him, especially since it still felt as if the wounds they had caused on his scalp hadn’t healed properly yet.
With a wide smile his captor stepped back and looked at him.
“I’m sure you’re going to miss my touch very soon….” “I probably won’t.”
Instead of replying, they took something out of their pocket and brought it close to Declan’s nose so he could have a good look at it; it was a silvery stick, a bit longer than their hand, and had a spiked wheel attached to one side.
“Do you know what this is?”
“Some kind of pastry cutter?” Declan replied sarcastically, but Hasan didn’t seem to bother and continued their speech without batting an eye.
“It’s called a pinwheel, or, if we want to be medically accurate, a Wartenberg wheel. In the early 20th century it was used to test nerve reactions by checking the sensitivity when rolled over a person’s skin. Like this…”
Declan could feel the spikes on his back, digging into his skin as Hasan moved the wheel down his spine; it didn’t really hurt, compared to what he was used to by now, but it was still anything but comfortable.
“Yeah, glad we’re not living in the early 20th century anymore and as far as I know I don’t suffer from any nerve damage yet, so you can totally put this down now.”
“Oh Dec, you can’t deny that it actually feels good…”
“Listen, if you’re trying to give me a shiatsu massage you have to use a blunt instrument, dumbass…AHHHHH!!”
The sharp spikes dug into his skin and he could feel them drawing blood immediately.
“I’m not here to give you a massage, darling,” Hasan whispered into his ear while still pressing the wheel into his back. “I’ll make your back look pretty…”
“Wh- what do you mean…?”
They lifted the wheel, just to set it down again on his left shoulder.
“I’m feeling artistic today, so I thought I might as well use this immaculate canvas to paint some beautiful patterns…”
With that, they trailed the pinwheel over his shoulder blade and down the left side of his body, only stopping when they reached his hip bone, making Declan scream as the blood started to seep from the tiny wounds and trickled down his back. He struggled and tried to get his hands off the hook, but Hasan immediately put one hand on his left shoulder, pressing down on the first few dots.
“Hold still, you’re not going to ruin my pattern or I’ll have to start over again until it looks good!”
“What sort of pattern are you talking about, you stupid-”
Declan’s complaints transitioned into screams as he felt the pinwheel pressing into his other shoulder, even deeper than on his left side. Hasan took their time trailing it down his shoulder blades, over his ribs, towards his spine and back down to his hip bone, just like they did on the other side of his body.
Every time they were done, they paused for a moment to look at the piece of art in front of them, nodded contentedly and continued to work on Declan’s back, tearing his skin open until it was nothing but a bloody mess. He had screamed himself hoarse and could barely keep his balance anymore, too tempted to just give in and let himself dangle from his wrists and eventually passing out. Hasan, of course, had other plans.
They left the room, but returned rather quickly with a package of alcohol wipes, ripped one of them open and started wiping the blood off Declan’s back. The burning sensation was way worse than the initial injury and even if just a few minutes ago he would’ve considered this impossible, Declan screamed his lungs out every time the wipe was pressed down, the alcohol burning the top layers of his skin long after the wipe was gone.
After what felt like an eternity, Hasan finally stepped back to take a proper look at the masterpiece they had created; if possible, their smile even brightened.
“You look amazing,” they praised, fishing their phone out of their pocket to take a variety of photos from different angles. “So proud of you for holding still like this, would’ve been a shame if I had to redo it on your chest, right? Well, it’s probably not deep enough to scar, but if it does and it turns out to look as lovely as I think it will, I might still consider doing it, but that’s something we can think about later. Sometimes it’s just about the aesthetics, you know? Oh, by the way - do you wanna see?”
They didn’t even wait for an answer but held out their phone, leaving Declan no choice but to acknowledge the horrible things Hasan had done to his body…
The tiny red dots covered his back from shoulders to hips, forming patterns that reminded him of tendrils, winding around his spine, following the outlines of his ribs and ending close to his tailbone in what looked like roots.
“What do you think?” Hasan beamed, running one hand over his back while still browsing through the photos they took, making sure Declan looked at each and every one of them, generously ignoring the tears welling up in his eyes and caressing his cheek instead of demanding an answer.
Steadying him with their arm around his shoulders, they carefully unlocked the handcuffs and pulled him into a tight embrace, purposefully putting pressure onto the fresh wounds.
“You’ve been so good for me, dearest, so good…”
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kepnerandavery · 2 years
I was going through Fran's tag and saw that there is a whole discourse about her hair colour and I got to get something out ouf my chest: I always thought it was lazy writing the whole "blonde sister/brunette sister" trope with Daphne and Eloise to highlight how different they are. Imo it would have been much more interesting they having different personalities and similar looks (at least in coloring), because now it is like "the blonde one is popular and likes pink and boys while the brunette one is brainy and likes books and politics"
You’re absolutely right, and this is exactly how I feel about this too. I have been trying to understand their decision to recast Ruby, and even though I’ve been able to make peace with it, I still can’t stop questioning certain things about it. Hannah is a wonderful actress and she’s also insanely beautiful. She might be able to portray Frannie really well and add something of her own to the character, so my problem isn’t with her but with the costume & hair/make-up departments. Let’s say that they cast Hannah for her talent (which is understandable), but why would they try to take away everything that Ruby’s portrayal of Fran represented in the first two seasons? (I’m talking about the aesthetics of the characters not the acting ofc).
I have no issues with any of the characters being blonde, but as you said, it’s the deep meaning and implications of that choice that make me question things. Francesca is supposed to be this extraordinarily beautiful character (at least in Michael’s eyes) and I’m wondering why she has to be blonde to be considered as such. Isn’t Ruby (who is a brunette) just as beautiful in her own way? And if she had to be recast for whatever reason, why couldn’t the new actress they chose have the same colored hair? I get what you mean about Daphne and Eloise too. And they’ve made things more confusing by changing up Eloise’s hair color and making it lighter now that she’s embraced her femininity a bit and seems to show an intrest in men.
They made some progress with the addition of Sharmas in season two when it comes to representing and celebrating many kinds of female beauty. But even then it wasn’t done properly because they butchered the representation of their culture a lot. And now they’ve taken another step back by setting a standard for beauty in this fictional world by insinuating that women with a certain body type and lighter hair are considered more beautiful (even if that notion is confined to the older sisters of the Bridgerton family). I know none of this was confirmed by the writing of the show, but if you and I can see it, the general audience (which is made up of many young girls who are influenced by the media they consume) must be able to see it too. And that is what’s wrong with this.
With that being said, I think we have to have an open mind when it comes to Hannah’s casting. It’s not her fault that the hair and make-up department has made certain choices for her character. And I hope that the casting directors will branch out more when it comes to the casting of future female leads and try to celebrate all kinds of beauty (no matter the shape, color, and size). But like I always say, I’m not expecting much from this show.
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tharkilm · 2 years
Hello, it’s Vala!
I never thought I’d open up an Ask blog since I’m usually extremely picky about what I’m going to write, but I thought that this might as well be good writing practice for me. Being forced to sometimes write about situations and themes I never thought about might prove to be helpful, though I’m going to be honest, I’m still going to be a little bit picky. I just can’t help it, so sorry about that in advance.
I am extremely shy and still very insecure about my own writing, so please, don’t expect super fast replies from me. I’ll try my best to answer in a day or two, but I cannot promise anything other than me trying my best!
I only write for the Undertale fandom on this blog.
I only take requests for a selected few characters that I already write for (or plan to write) in my stories on ao3. I might have moments where I can do challenges and try to write for different au’s and such, but for now I’ll stick to the ones I’m comfortable with.
Lilac/Dust - Dusttale sans
Orion - Horrortale sans
Lantana - Horrortale Papyrus
Charm - Underlust sans
Peony - Underlust Papyrus
Garnet - Fell!Lust sans
Dream - Dreamtale
Nightmare - Dreamtale 
Error - Errortale 
Reaper/Grim - Reapertale sans
Blue - Underswap Sans
Stretch - Underswap papyrus
➜ Note: You may request for no more than four characters in one Ask at a time. This is mostly for detailed answers.
Please also note that these characters might not be a hundred percent canon. I try my best to stay faithful to what they’re really like, but I also enjoy putting my own little creative spin on them so as to make them more fun to write about; for me that is.
I accept NSFW. It won’t be too detailed, but you’ll get the picture.
I accept yandere related asks.
No extreme gore, frans, sanscest, papcest, fontcest or incest. No hate towards these themes/ships, I just want to focus on the self-insert part on this blog.
No RP.
➜ Note: I can write about mild blood, broken bones and violence.
If I feel uncomfortable with a request, or said request just feels too odd to fit any of the skeletons, then I won’t answer it.
tharkilm info - general information about the blog.
tharkilm writes - the main tag I will use for everything I've written.
tharkilm ask - Asks that I've replied to.
tharkilm headcanon - for the headcanon posts.
tharkilm challenge - for different challenges I might do.
tharkilm event - for various events I might have.
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