#and our queen mother still doesnt have a coven skin
So Renata didn't get a Coven skin, but Akali got TWO??
If Renata was never going to get one, then I can accept that, but Akali is just such a weird decision...
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anurean99 · 2 years
Life, Memoirs, & Thoughts
I now have reported 22 people from 3 statewide criminally wanted lists. If given a full bounty on them, Im looking at about 110,000$ being posted on my foodstamps. This probably wont happen. Policing agencies have always been quick to rip me off. It must be that I'm Mohawk or something. This series of reports also keeps me out of the company of various high profile dope addicts, who have always kept my classmate Venus in their company and scene. Mostly, because she's college educated and therefore a link & hack into the system. She has the ability to score the programming which can altar and correct databases. The programming used by the state of Kansas must be compatable with older computers, which means Windows 94. What I have, are those who actually work for the state in tandem with reports that I've written.
That's the social difference between me and other children from the bus in Jr. High.
My name seems to be in their mouths again.
I seem to be needed again to make a scape-goat of.
Emporia is the old crusty dusty drug scene. It's near a nuclear facility and theres a few opium and marijuana fields and groves. Its a farm town full of people who strive to escape the stench of certain death & impending doom. That stench comes from the meat processing plant. I used to live near the factory. I woke up one day with escaped cattle in my front yard all of whom where hiding in my trees & the fog from ranchers at a loss of four head of cattle.
My sister, is sort of a voodoo messiah & queen of the county. Her bones have started to turn into jelly due to drug abuse & bacterials. Her skin has turned grey and her teeth have fallen out. Im told she smells dead. I havent seen her since 2003. She's sat in a radioactive space most of her life making babies and chit chatting with scientists. Those Scientists are sort of a coven of witches.
I hope shes still alive, then too: I wouldnt wish anyone the torment of life once afflicted with what we call the "Demon Lice". The species might be a mutant. We don't know. They seem to take command of the nervous system at the spine and seem to have their own super intelligence: which is always sarcastic, condescending, & purely demonic. They go hand in hand with each demonic possession & levitation/ESP/Poltergiest report from our hometown.
I love her, but I am starting to hate these microbes she gave me. It's not so much that she gave them to me by sitting next to me: its moreso she had to of given someone a louse or ten in a vial & had them dropped on my head at a distance of 2,000 miles. It took me four years to get rid of them. I have color to my skin, which is indicative of unseen infection as well as radiation poisoning. I naturally avoid light due to radiation burn as a child. Wichita is now flush with what we call "Purple Wave" a faint light radiation that sometimes moves through the night air like water or the Aurora Borealis, but above the ground moreso than up in the sky.
It's spooky, but I like it. That light & radiation feels good. Not on the skin, but inside: its like having a lightswitch for the soul.
Im coming to love my tablet.
Im coming to love my technology, which is from an adverse market with adverse politic.
I wonder...
Now that we have Venus squared away: What is Odin up to?
Did someone kill & replace him?
Did someone steal his identity?
I can see that happening to him. He doesnt look like him online. It would have been over the mineral rights to a few silver mines in Colorado. Odin Dasko is not a common name. Then too I haven't seen them or spoken to them since 1989. I want silver for my bid to mine sulfur & coal to make gunpowder. This means Odin & the Dasko family need a call & social visit from the Government to strike me a few coins. I maybe want a silver dollar with the likeness of my mother's incarserated cousin on it.
She's in prison because someone done bombed Disneyland & the whole city of Los Angeles.
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