#lol coven 2023
Champions that would have been a better fit for Coven than Akali
Renata Glasc (she would have been perfect I have no idea why she still hasn't gotten a Coven skin)
Illaoi (especially since the 2023 batch is kinda supposed to be water-themed)
Seraphine (I know this is a bit of a weird one, but I think Coven Seraphine could be really cool if she was a legendary)
This is just my opinion. If anyone has any other suggestions, feel free to add on ^^
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corruptimles · 1 year
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Anime North 2023 💀👍
More highlights and photos under read-more
I originally was going to have my Spamton plush with the ‘CRIMINAL’ sign but his head was too big and would make him fall
scene punk Rainbow Dash cosplayer passing by as I was strapping Reigen to my chest and saying I look amazing
people yelling ‘criminal!’ when seeing the Reigen plush
the two tabling that specifically said ‘Reigen in jail!’ (I bought a Mob pin from them)
the person who only took of photo of Reigen plushie, not me
migraine and forgot ibuprofen but Im so so strong and brave (my vision was going in and out all day)
seeing a golden guard Hunter cosplayer and we both pointed as a first reaction
another Hunter cosplayer who was a photographer so they asked for different poses
accidentally approached a table thinking the person was talking to me (they weren’t)
buying mp100 merch from a table and letting them know I was changing to Reigen later so they asked me to come back when I do
coming back and a lot of pointing and thumbs ups
being thankful I decided to bring two cosplays to switch between because wearing the coven scout cosplay meant 2-3 layers on my legs and I was melting
I walked HOW MUCH?
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being in a different cosplay so it doesnt feel as weird circling the same tables over as I do
I even thought to myself earlier that day “I wish I had an uu-chan”
people that specifically took selfies with me rather than just me (I find it endearing)
someone complimented my cosplay then asked to punch my Reigen plushie whoever you are, I felt that punch in my hand, I hope you had a good day
my eyesight is bad, and the sun made seeing my phone harder, so I kept accidentally taking videos instead of photos
didn’t want to keep the cosplayer waiting though so I opted to just screencap the videos later
two at a table called my attention for my Reigen cosplay, said I was the only Reigen they saw I said “well there’s TWO here” and pointing/posing with the plush they lamented that their Mob pins sold out just before I arrived it’s the Mob pin I bought earlier too so I let them know I actually bought it before in a different cosplay the recognition at the Reigen plushie and yelling “Reigen in jail!!” “yes, but he’s been freed!” just some silly cheering about it
anyway shout-out to @warddraws​​ because I think I’ll be using this Mob pin often
the guy that accidentally hit my shoulder:
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this Miku
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debating buying a poster I was staring at for a solid minute, coming back for it later and the artists being like “Reigen’s back :)”
seeing a sans and reigen magnet parody poster, panicking when ppl behind me started talking about it and heard “..he looks like-”, and sped-walked away
forgot to come back to that table.... I didnt get to actually look at their merch im sorry
I really don’t know why I felt so self-conscious there cuz I thought the poster was hilarious??
also lamenting a beautiful MP100 print I saw that was sold out, and pretty Hanzo merch because I have enough Hanzo
watched people playing DDR and being impressed and afraid of ppl that are good at it
someone who was cosplaying Mob but changed before we met (which is still :() but called my cosplay ‘crisp’
scribbled down requests from my friends when waiting (reigen kicked out of walmart) (reigen as a coven scout)
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reigen gets burger king
is burger king
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now scrolling through the Anime North tags and yelling at merch I didn’t see what I was there that I would’ve bought
my legs are still dead but this was one of the most fun AN trips I’ve had actually
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gremlinshenanigans · 1 year
Day 3: Coven heads
Wanted to do a little comparison of Hunter and Darius’ relationship as coven heads and now. So that’s what I did.
Darius skimmed the newest meeting brief, more out of courtesy than anything else.
Another meeting about the Day of Unity?
He sighed as he passed the brief over to Eberwolf. They growled as they read it.
“Seems so.”
If only the information given was of any use. As things stood, they had no idea what the Day of Unity actually entailed. All Darius knew was that it wasn’t as idyllic as Belos had told them, and the coven heads were an integral part of it.
We have to learn more, but how…
Eber hissed next to him. Darius looked down at them, then followed their gaze.
The Golden Guard limped down the hallway to their left, leaning on his staff for support. Blood stained his uniform, which was torn in places. His hood seemed to be completely gone, and he’d taken his mask off at some point, leaving the scratches on his face visible. Whatever mission he’d been on hadn’t been kind to him.
His eyes locked onto Darius and Eber, and he froze. He watched them, tense, as if waiting for them to strike at him.
“What?” he said, in what Darius assumed was an attempt at a commanding voice.
It only came off as scared.
Darius held his gaze for a moment longer. Then, he turned away and continued down the hallway to his office. Eberwolf followed, not sparing another glance towards the guard.
He wasn’t their problem.
Hunter limped through the door, leaning on Waffles’ staff for support. Finally, he was home. Now he only had to get himself to his room and assess the damage.
He grimaced at the stairs that stood between him and his goal. Climbing them would be a challenge.
He sat on his staff again, making sure to swing his bad leg over first, and floated off the ground. He studied the stairs. If he went slowly and carefully, he could likely fly up without damaging anything around. Darius wouldn’t be too happy about it, though…
Guess I’ll have to be extra careful, leave no trace.
The door opened behind him, almost startling him off. Hunter spun to face whoever, nearly hitting a wall as he maneuvered the staff around.
Darius stared at him from the door.
“Hi Darius…” Hunter said, giving Darius a little wave.
Darius sighed. “What are you doing?”
“Going to my room?”
“On your staff?”
“No. Get off.”
Hunter complied, wincing when his bad leg hit the ground. He shifted the weight to his other leg, using his staff for support once again.
Darius raised an eyebrow at him, looking him up and down. “Did something happen?”
Hunter waved his hand dismissively. “I fell during practice with the Emerald Entrails, it’s nothing.”
“It certainly isn’t nothing if you can’t stand properly. Doesn’t one of your friends know healing magic, or anyone else at school? Why didn’t you go to them?”
“Viney, yeah, she does, but she was busy and I didn’t want to make everyone wait, and after I wanted to get home and— it didn’t seem so bad, and it still isn’t, really! I’ve had worse, I can deal with… it…“ he trailed off. The frown on Darius’ face told him that was the wrong answer.
“Hunter, I know you’ve had worse, and you lived through it with no help, but that’s not a reason to keep doing it.” Darius sighed, and the look on his face softened “Next time, please tell your friends, ask someone for help, or call me to come get you.”
Hunter nodded, looking away from Darius. He should know all this by now. “I will, I promise.”
“Thank you.” Darius put a hand on his shoulder, and Hunter faced him again. He expected to see anger, or disappointment on Darius’ face. He was only met with worry.
“Let’s get you to a healer,” Darius said, “and then you can tell me how practice went.”
Hunter nodded. That sounded like a better idea.
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metalichotchoco · 11 months
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Day 25
Solar eclipse Mordekaiser
I really like drawing my eco brutualist haunted armor, I know we won’t get him like this but maybe one day we can get something close. Mechanics overtaken by plants is just so good
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beautys-abomination · 11 months
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Inktober 2023 Day 17: Demon
Coven Morgana already exists in the coven universe as a coven member. It was great to have references for her outfit, but also difficult because her outfit is complicated.
I really wanted an excuse to draw her because she’s my favorite champion. I’ll probably make an excuse to draw her again in this series.
Here, she’s summoning a “demon” owl because her patron is the Ashen Owl (whom I’d guess might be Ivern, based on Ivern’s old god splash art, but there’s probably a lore reason as to why I’m wrong). It’s a bit of a leap, but it had to be taken so I could feel like it fit.
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hedwig221b · 3 months
Do you have any fic recs that involve chasing? Like Derek gives in to the urge to run after stiles and catch him?
I kind of didn't really understand what you were asking lol so here are a few types of "chase" fics:
Mating Run Fics:
Wants & Needs by MadcapRomantic
Derek Hale has been participating in the Beacon Hills Mating Run for a decade, each year coming up without a mate. His mother, convinced this is his lucky year, persuades him to run one last time.
Enter Stiles, a young Omega with an unwanted Alpha nipping at his heels.
Family or not, Peter is determined to have Stiles. But convinced they are True Mates, there isn't anything Derek won't do to keep Stiles safe.
The Cursed Wolf by SinQueen69
2023 Suggestion Anon Wanted: Feral alpha Derek, who has been cursed and got in that feral state. The only way to lift the curse is the "sacrifice" of a pure heart. And Virgin Omega Stiles is willing to help him but the ritual has to be a mating run.
When Things Go Right by SylvieW
Stiles is nervous for the mating run. What if his soulmate is disappointed? Scott’s convinced that Allison will catch him, but Stiles isn’t so sure of his best friend’s girl, and the results could be upsetting for everyone.
Angel Choirs and Magic by LadyDrace
Derek has been very, very patient, and has shown frankly incredible self-control in the face of brutal teasing and flirting for two months. But now it's time for the mating run, and he's about to get his reward.
Except for how maybe it's actually Stiles getting a treat. Win/win.
Stiles gets kidnapped and Derek gives a chase:
Out of Focus by exclamation
Stiles was taken prisoner by a coven of witches. Now his only chance of getting home is if he learns how to control his own magic… and stops blowing stuff up by accident. With surging power inside him that he can't restrain, Stiles must deal with memories of the nogitsune, and fears that he might end up hurting those he cares about.
Meanwhile, his family and friends don't even know if he's alive. His father desperately searches for answers, and Derek will do anything in his power to find Stiles, even if it means asking an Argent for help.
of gods & monsters by Dexterous_Sinistrous
“I’m not the best at conversation. I’ve been told I have no finesse for it.”
Stiles took a step closer to Derek, pushing the billowing silk out of the way. “And what would you say if you looked at me now?”
Derek looked up, startled for a moment when he realized he was now looking at Stiles’ unveiled face. He was silent for a beat, taking in Stiles’ features for the first time, convinced he would never see such beauty unveiled for him alone.
Stiles runs away and Derek catches his ass:
between the click of the light and the start of the dream by thepsychicclam
A twig snaps, and then Stiles hears breathing and the rustle of leaves. He strains to get a better glimpse into the darkness, but it’s pointless. There’s nothing but a black void.
It's Stiles' senior year, and he's trying to concentrate on normal things - like the lacrosse championship, spring break, prom, graduation (and definitely not Derek) - when he starts having nightmares and waking up in the middle of nowhere. Oh yeah, and he's being haunted by a hag. Great.
My Wolf by Dexterous_Sinistrous
“If he wants to mate Stiles, why not let him?” Jackson asked, ready to part with Stiles if need be.
“Because if I did that, I’d be demoting Lydia,” Alpha Stilinski replied.
“We don’t even know how good of a Beta he is,” Lydia countered, bristling some that her status was being challenged.
“That’s because he’s not a Beta,” Alpha Stilinski stated. “He’s an Alpha.”
If you wanted fics with their own chasing scenes, I am sorry to inform you that I have a memory of a goldfish, and do not remember any in particular, though I am sure they exist somewhere in the wild. If someone knows some, please, feel free to add!
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | possessive Derek | smut | mafia
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waywardsunlight · 1 year
Post Hoot 4/28/2023
Cissy, Dana, Rebecca, Sarah, Avi, and Zelda Black
Reactions to the finale? 
Sarah cried really hard when she saw the Quincera (“a whole chapter in my life is over” line). Avi was excited to play a villain, Sarah said they were scary. Avi liked to play with character. Dana loved seeing Avi’s evil Raine, said it was intense. They said they wanted to see more evil Raine, but Dana wanted to avoid it. Rebecca’s birthday was the week the finale came out, talked about their appearance in the episode. Cissy started crying, said it was neat.
Continue reading below:
Cissy had been travelling, and got back right on time to see the finale, she was super tired. Cissy was crying, her kids were asking her if she was crying. Avi cried too. Sarah said she was choked up but she was more excited. Avi felt like it was surreal. Cissy said “no sequel” “we can hope” “It would be fun to do more but it would require Disney to agree” Dana. Sometimes Dana gets so pissed off about the cancelling. Rebecca said the finale aired and they were back to being angry. Wished they had gotten more episodes. Sarah was angry, upset and sad about the cancellation but she loved the finale. “It couldn’t have been more impressive”.“There’s always gonna be a thousand things we want to improve but it came out well” Dana
Dana loved the fight scene between Luz, Eda, and King v Belos. 
Music? How does it work? Brad has been on since season 2, he already knew the style of the show, so for every animatic, you put in temp music, and you send the composer the stuff and the spot notes, follow the concept of the temp music but add a horror genre spin on it. Brad’s first take on the episode was great. TJ did a remix for the epilogue, Dana cried hearing the remix for the epilogue. 
They brought back every single actor for the bye. Everyone’s last line is bye!!! Hooty originally had a line where he kept saying goodbye. Hooty coming out of Papa Titan’s eye? “I won’t say much, in hopes I get to do more in the future (slim chance), this youtube reviewer- The3rdBill got it right in an offhand comment”
“How did the writing change for season 2/season 3?” Dana had an ending she wanted, wasn’t able to do it bc too much set up. All of season 2A was written without the knowledge of the cancellation, Follies was the first episode fully written with the knowledge it was cancelled. Dana wanted to do more with galdorstones, coven heads, Bat Queen, it’s easy to see what we had to prioritize. It was a hard situation in the writer’s room. We did our best and we’re happy people still connected to it.”
“Keep being loud about how much you love the show”
“Support the Etsy artists!” Had a pin by SophieScrubs
“It’s not like we had whole episodes written that were trashed, they were one sentence ideas”- they were in Dana’s head “I’m just happy with what came out” 
“We kinda got to go out, 45 minute specials, it was fun to work with”
Cissy “There’s no way you can’t be a fan”, Cissy was wearing a King beanie and got recognized as a fan in Ireland!
Sarah met people who liked her shirt and the show lol (didn’t say if they knew who she was) Rebecca wore a king sweatshirt in DisneyLand, saw somebody else with a king sweatshirt and they side-eyed her lol “Anyone who ignores Rebecca can catch these claws”
Owlberts in the title of the show, Stringbean is there too, the L and S, when they made the pilot, they had a different logo, it wasn’t made intentionally but they saw it and they liked it.
Luz had a connection with snakes, having her reclaim snakes.
Sarah was a snake believer!!!
A lot of ppl had ideas in the writers room, Dana loves bad puns and loved snakeshifter (the guy who has Barkus named after him), Beastkeeping bc Dana loves animals, Oracle bc she could see the future of the show.
“Avi needs wrangling” Sarah, they joked around.
Raine’s Palisman: The Palisman was disguised as the violin, Raine smashes their violin- it was the staff part of the Palisman that was smashed.
Did they Clawthorne family ever discover they were descendants of Evelyn and Caleb? Eda and Hunter don’t know, the rest I won’t say.
Who had the old house? Who did that belong to? 
Sarah has a Stringbean! 
“The artistry of the fandom is inspiring” Cissy
Somebody’s making Cissy a Lilith one.
Caleb, Evelyn, Flapjack? “Save it for the spinoff” Dana: “One detail I like to think of, is when we were writing TTT, Flapjack is not Evelyn, to Belos he saw Flapjack as the culmination of the corruption in his brother “if it weren’t for you”, you can see a hint at it in the halloween decorations, Evelyn’s hand had Flapjack. First magic Caleb was introduced to, Evelyn was hiding her ears and pretending to be human, follow this bird into this portal? “Dog owners passing eachother and becoming friends and bonding over dogs”. I like to think that Evelyn and Caleb was sweet- platonic curiosity to romantic, it was good for a bit.
“Who did the shack belong to?” We never got to explore this, it was originally the home of Caleb and Philip, Eda comes out there for the first time when coming out of the portal door. Eda fixed it!!! Everything doesn’t matter, google death of the author, I am just a fan now bc the show is finished. If you prefer your version, it’s valid rn.
Eda becomes the owl beast before getting Owlbert. There was going to be an episode where they showed her reclaiming the image of the owl and learning to carve palisman with Dell.
When Luz and Hunter went down to the basement originally, there were graves down there for Philip and Caleb, based off old buildings in connecticut (no story purpose)
Belos concepts when he was taking over animals, didn’t end up in the show, Belos animal designs, alluded to but not shown
Eye on the portal is Papa Titan? Yes. 
Hunter is bisexual, Willow is pansexual.
Amity and Lilith rekindled mentor relationship, Lilith has a lot of history, Amity likes history + reading. They liked the blueprints for the library.
Cissy hadn’t seen anything she didn’t speak lines for, Cissy just got her lines/scenes.
Apparently they’re not supposed to bring the scripts home, before the pandemic they got full scripts
“Excuse me I’m talking” Avi (joking), Avi and Sarah are high energy
Avi didn’t have time to read the script, Sarah was confused when Luz died
Sarah got the script when Flapjack died, she said “no! Take me!” and they said “you’re going too”
Avi had trouble with the “you’re fluffy” line
Rebecca sent animatics to help the actors, it was easier for them to see the animatics
“It’s always up to the showrunner to show as much as they can” we go pitches in house with our own voices, Dana did Terra in For the Future animatic.Dana hates hearing her own voice, she talks really fast in her reads. When you pitch, you also do the sound effects. When they did the pitch for the finale (hour and a half), the line that got Rebecca choked up when Dana did Luz’s “Eda, King, thank you” “we got you kiddo”
There’s a recording of all of season two b  and season three of Dana pitching doing the lines.
If the show had not been cut short, would Amity and Hunter have had more time? Everyone would’ve gotten more of a chance to talk to each other- yes. Hunter would’ve talked to more characters like Vee and human realm kids, Camila. Literally everyone would’ve had more time. Dana loves the sibling relationship.
Luz and Raine barely interact, they’re bickering jokingly. “I’m sorry you didn’t get to hang out” Dana, “we can’t get the hexsquad to hang out”
Where did Luz attend school after WAD? She went to human realm high school, she had renewed motivation, even if high school was difficult, she had a goal, having a safe space for her and a family outside of the human realm made high school more bearable (that was the cause for Dana, having that escape was good).
Gus’s hair!! :D Emmy designed him. Dana designed Emira, Skara, Eber for the finale. Dana had two others but she forgot. 
King’s dad’s name is unpronounable. 
Does the Collector visit often? Has their relationship with their siblings improve? (STRONG LAUGHS) Dana can’t say much about the Archivsts, the Collector didn’t have a flashforward design bc they didn’t grow up that much, got a little taller but not really. Immortal space child. Dana was inspired by creepy dolls, and a nightmare. JBO had a google folder with cool references of creepy dolls, liminal nightmare scapes, stars. We know who is the Collector is gonna be but what’s their vibe. That was one of the most fun parts after the shortening. The Collector was always a part of it, not solidified, but yeah they were a part of it. The Collector has stayed connected, visits. Dana loves fan comics about King and the Collector. 
Won’t answer questions about the archvists. 
Hooty doesn’t have to be vacated from the owl house if he doesn’t want to, the door has a star motif on it, when the door isn’t active, Hooty can be there, but the portal door can fold up but Hooty is buddy. 
Who are the current residents of the Owl House? Raine and Eda’s business is their business, not all love stories end in marriage, that doesn’t diminism any kind of love? They live together in the owl house. Raine moved in.
Zach Markus invented Matt so he gets to answer Matt questions.
Vee and Masha dating? It’s hard to say, bc we didn’t include Masha in the finale, Vee has a crush on them. Yeah! Maybe.
Sarah’s husband is texting saying hi lol.
Odalia? Divorced. The kids happily live away from her. They see her when they have the energy to, they recognize she’s toxic and they don’t have to put up with her if she’s being awful. May have been explored if more episodes. Rachael MacFarlane (VA) is great. She’s not British, she’s just pretentious.
King’s Tower? Dana’s thinking… “dumb answer. The plans we had, it had something to do with… it was related to someone who you all know who may have amnesia
There was gonna be a moment for other characters to get eye glow (strong emotions)
What’s the mouse that looked like alador? In the boards, Dawn animated the scene, he has a pose where he looked like a t-rex, Dana saw it and thought he looked like Remy from Rattatoue, when they got to the scene with the lab, he remembered that convo and drew in the rat and Dana laughed so hard “keep it, don’t change it” “It’s his palisman”
“A show should be enjoyed as is, knowing how it’s made is also cool” “when the show got darker- we got to do the fun stuff we got to do, if we all tried to force ourselves to write a happy go-lucky show they’d be unhappy, we’re gonna put our feelings into this” It was a dark writers room for a bit.
Sarah likes the darker elements, mentioned the masks (maybe TTT?), not totally removed from reality
“It clearly struck a chord, we lived through a global quarantine, we’re feeling the fallout of it”
“What was extremely hopeful for the crew was that the characters would have a happy ending, Luz gets to study magic, the characters stay together and form a community” 
They got questions they couldn’t answer like about the quince 
They don’t know if this is the last post hoot
They opened presents but they didn’t get one for Avi bc they didn’t know they’d be there until 2 days before. Rebecca got them funko pops of Lilith and Luz. Rebecca said thank you.
“Hey disney, if you’re watching, this could be you”
Elizabeth (Camila VA) called her mom to translate stuff into spanish. 
Said byeeee!
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thehallstara · 9 months
year in review
wanted to reflect on the things i've made this year. here goes nothing!
ghost story is a point-and-click mystery made in unity as my final project for code coven's IGM course!! I genuinely think we managed a pretty solid concept and execution in two weeks, and if you like murder mysteries, this is for you!
lungs to burn is a short poem game made for the may 2023 bitsy jam, talking about wildfires, grief, and queer connection. featured in both indiepocalypse #43 and hand eye society's SUPERFestival. in general, the response i got for this one was kinda overwhelming (and a little confusing), but i'm glad it resonated with people! still very proud of it.
no postage required is another bitsy game, this time made for the trans game dev server jam. a somewhat-sequel to the end is near; or a letter to a lost love. there are definitely things i'd redo with this one but all in all, not too bad!
Kriah: a personal zine about some of my experiences with antisemitism over the years. definitely a heavy read but honestly i stand by it just as much as when i wrote it? idk as someone who has a lot of trauma from years of antisemitic harassment, this has been a WEIRD fucking year, and it's weird to revisit something i wrote at the beginning of the year that feels even more relevant now.
how to the hold the pain is a collage/web weaving zine i did for this year's blaseball zine jam, using blaseball narratives as a way to view crip theory and vice versa. i spent a LOT of time reading through articles for this (both academic and other) and every second of it was worth it. genuinely one of my favourite things i made all year.
i wrote a lot less fic this year than the previous two for a multitude of reasons but i still put out a few bangers!! here's a brief selection of my favourites:
swallow your guilt (blaseball, 13.2k), a story about the new seattle garages, the old chicago firefighters, grief, and finally growing up, all through the biased eyes of one baby "ruthless" triumphant
spectroscopy, or a snapshot of a light and that which it absorbs (blaseball, 2.6k), the coda to my bright zimmerman series. i technically wrote this in the fall of 2022 but posted it in march so it still counts.
somewhere there's a fire burning (rogue one, 1k), a character study of bohdi rook between the destructions of nijedha and scarif. my first non-blb fic! and still a banger imo
i play dead, come alive (hatchetfield, 12x100), character study of stephanie lauter during the events of npmd. now officially my most popular fic and honestly i'm good with that!!! i think it's a solid little fic.
just all of corona borealis. i did some good stuff about grief and growth this year y'all.
the back half of this year was mostly filled with portfolio updating, job hunting, and just generally struggling with everything lol but!!! i still made some cool stuff and am hoping to get more back to making stuff next year! it's where i feel most at home. have fun checking these out if you do!
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hasturstoad · 2 months
sometimes I feel like I should redraw my 2023 WoF! the owl house stuff (yeah Darius I'm talking about you)
I don't really have any ideas on the WoF! AU (the reason is I haven't thought about it much) buuut maybe someday I will actually draw something. maybe covenheads who I'm thinking about. maybe Hettie (hello @daughterthethird sorry I'm still not sure how to make the mask stuff but I'm contemplating the design)
soooo the Covenheads Ideas™
- I think Raine would be a leafwing or a rainwing (actually I like leafwing one more. I dunno, with the AU stuff I already have and sure in, most of the Plant Coven members are leaf dudes, which is kinda... basic? I mean, leaf dudes' abilities (I forgot what they're called heeeelp) already make a 'perfect PC member'. like, for example, night dudes should be in the Oracle Coven, rain ones in the Illusions, hive dudes in the Potions and stuff. don't really like this tribe-coven idea, so I thought making Raine a leafwing would be somehow more diverse)
- Mason would be a mudwing. well, pretty much obvious
- Darius?? night/rain? I have already drawn him and so I'm sure that I see him as a night/rain
- Vitimir. hivewing. I guess he'd have that stinky tail stuff (Scarab reference) plus toxic saliva
- Adrian? a rainwing? a silkwing? a seawing? some hybrid? I dunno
- Terra, pretty much a leafwing
- Hettie, sea/ice or mud/sea/ice or mud/ice (hello again) or stuff
- Eberwolf? I don't even know what to say here lol. to me, witches and some of demonic species are WoF! dragons as they are canonically, some other demonic species don't belong to any of the WoF tribes, but they still have something dragon-like in their appearance (mostly) as well
- Osran. personally I think of him as a seawing (so Kikimora is also sea dude. non canonic scale colors go brrrrrrr)
- I feel like Lilith would be a skywing (Eda as well). probably using some scale paint stuff or a concealment stone if they have that stuff in WoF! AU (I'm pretty much sure they do)
- Hunter? a sandwing. like Caleb, like all other grimwalkers (though I feel like some of the grimwalkers would not be entirely sandwing cuz of Philip making mistakes in making them), like Belos
- aaaaand Scooter Crane would probably be a skywing, or a mudwing, or a sky/mud hybrid. 'Crane' really speaks for it lmao
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Jessicka vs Mark Ryden ft. Lynz: Friendships and Falling Out Part II
Hey, long time no post. So, a few years ago I made a post about the Jessicka and Lindsey Way fall out, and the role artist, Mark Ryden played in their friendship breakdown. Link here!  Here’s a quick recap if you don’t feel like reading the full original 2018 post (although I recommend you do as I’ll be referring to a lot of it here):
Long before Jessicka (or anyone else) knew who Lynz Way was, she had struck up a friendship with pop surrealist, Mark Ryden. Ryden is a well-respected modern artist, perhaps one of his most famous works is the cover of Michael Jackson’s ‘Dangerous’ record released in 1991. Mark Ryden married fellow pop surrealist painter, Marion Peck in 2009. Ryden and Jessicka have known each other since at least 1999, when he created the album art for Jack Off Jill’s album, ‘Clear Hearts, Grey Flowers’ released in July 2000.
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Mark Ryden even attended Jessicka and Christian Hejnal’s wedding in 2007. If you read the post linked above, you’ll see they had a well-established relationship before the Indian Bass Queen, Lindsey Way came on the scene.
At some point, Jessicka introduced Lindsey to the Ryden/Pecks which would later turn out to be one of the worst things she could’ve possibly done to herself. When the shit hit the fan, and the coven broke up, Ryden and Peck seemingly took Lindsey’s side. Ryden and Peck were happy to sell the Ways their home and even graced them some original artwork to adorn it.
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Why did Jessicka and Mark Ryden/Marion Peck fall out? Well, Jessicka obviously loves fighting on the internet and this sometimes spills into her personal life. Jessicka told a rando on the internet some details of previous coven shenanigans:
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The important thing to note here is Chantal Claret convinced Jessicka to confront Marion Peck about rumors that Mark Ryden was in love with her. I kid you not, Chantal Claret (a grown woman and friend to Jessicka) convinced Jessicka (another grown, married woman) to tell Marion Peck (a friend of Jessicka’s, and a grown married woman) that her husband, Mark Ryden was in love with her, as in Jessicka. Like wtf? Why would anyone, ANYONE think that was a good idea? But apparently Jessicka did, and she confronted her. LOL, facepalm. “So Marion, I think your husband is in love with me”.
And why was Chantal even involved in this? Apparently, Chantal thought it would be a good idea for Jessicka to “clear the air” with the Ryden/Peck household about Mark’s unrequited love for Jessicka before they moved states. However, it was actually engineered by Chantal so that Jessicka looked crazy, the Ryden/Pecks would fall out with her, and the path would be clear for the Ways to buy Mark Ryden’s house as he would have been forced to choose a side in the coven wars. As far as I know, the Ways still live in the Ryden house to this day. Before Lindsey was chased off of twitter for being a racist who lies about being adopted and having an Indian Grandmother (honestly, wtf?!), Lindsey would showcase elements of the Ryden (now Way) house. I’m not saying that she did this to wind Jessicka up, but she totally did it to wind Jessicka up.
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2023 update, Jessicka is still all cut up over Mark Ryden not being in love with her. July 15th, Jessicka decided to reveal more of what went down between her and Mark Ryden. Maybe Jessicka had too much wine or maybe she was reeling from this email Mark Ryden sent her.
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Either way, she was attacking everyone and anyone connected to the drama on her personal accounts and her Jack Off Jill band accounts, which she TOTALLY does not run! 😉
Important takeways from this email sent by Mark Ryden to Jessicka:
·       He seems to be comparing her to another woman. Lindsey? Marion?
·       The woman Jessicka is being compared to is, according to Mark, “spiritually evolved, intellectually intelligent, and a magically gifted artist”. Looking closely, we can assume that this refers to Marion as plagiarizing art hardly makes you a “magically gifted artist” *cough* Lindsey *cough*
·       “Intellectually intelligent” is like when you have to reach your word count on your assignment, and you add random words to pad it out. He may as well have said smart smart.
·       From 2016 until now, we have not heard the Ryden/Peck side of the story. All we’ve had is Lindsey’s less than subtle hints at her living situation, and Jessicka’s sloppy reveals to strangers on the internet. Obviously, Mark has tried to deal with this in a dignified and private way. This email seems to be a long time coming, a breaking point. Even then, he probably didn’t expect Jessicka to share this to her followers on Twitter and Instagram.
·       A friendship of 15 years ( as noted by Jessicka’s post above) between Mark Ryden and Jessicka works out about right for the time that Lindsey bought Ryden’s house in 2016.
·       Mark nails Jessicka’s existence when he calls out her constant self promotion. See any website where she is mentioned (including Wikipedia). She is always the sole author and editor.
·       The “ridiculous fantasies” probably refers to Mark being “in love” with Jessicka. Does anyone else think that maybe Jessicka was in love with him? I mean, her art is heavily influenced by his...
After the initial private email sharing, Jessicka went on a rampage:
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The picture above is the portrait Mark Ryden created for the Addams’ when Jessicka married Christian (Xtian). Notice the classy ‘Fuck @.MarkRyden’ in the corner? Never mind, Jessicka I’m sure you’ll be able to flog it on Ebay. Should be able to get some $$$ for the Ryden name alone, even if nobody knows who the people in the picture are.
After shitposting about Mark Ryden and Marion Peck, Jessicka then hopped onto her Jack Off Jill account and started to shitpost some more while arguing with a Lynz account. A highlight from this exchange is “she did not .. raie is sexual intercourses.. She played a shoe where two grifters claimed assault.” Um, ok, Jessicka.  Also, Jessicka spilling the tea that Lindsey and Gerard were overcharged by Marion and Mark on the house LOL!
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She then began commenting on a coven former friend, Jennifer Emil. Jennifer Emil was another major bully of MCR fans in the 2010/2011 twitter days. Oh dear, it’s a shame that all of these women eventually fell out.
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So there you have it, a tale as old as time... Girl meets boy, girl claims to be boy’s muse, boy marries someone else, girl tells wife that boy is in love with her, they fall out, someone who claims to be adopted/Indian and a bass player and was previously girl’s friend buys boy’s house (at an overpriced rate) and girl goes on a rampage about it 7 years later.
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gimmethatagustd · 11 months
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jai’s ao3 recommendations: age gap au
#jai’s recs ○ all fic recs
disclaimer: not all of these are true age gap fics (aka the differences in age aren't very significant), but i decided to be flexible with the trope cuz idk why not. so some of them are more like "one character is in a more mature stage in life than the other" even if they're maybe only like 2 years apart or something.
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Updated November 7, 2023
Anything Lovely by deepslowpanic
explicit, college au, first love (!!), soulmates
↳ Yoongi feels like spring, and then he feels like summer. And sometimes he feels almost like home.
the castle on the hill by bellamees
explicit, SAD!! SO SAD!!, based on hyyh
↳ jungkook is a lonely, lonely boy, until he isn't.
trying my best by gimmethatagustd
explicit, rock band au, hurt/comfort, shameless plug LOL istg i will finish it one day
↳ Forced to attend Alcoholics Anonymous by his manager, Yoongi, a washed-up frontman recently kicked out of his band, struggles to come to terms with the fact that he needs help. Jungkook doesn’t know much about music but knows how to be a good sponsor.
The Sweet Taste of Orange by 2019_0201
explicit, vampire jungkook x human yoongi, maknae yoongi (!!)
↳ On a scale of 1 to 10, Jeon Jungkook would rank his coven's inability to treat him like a fully functional adult vampire a 20. At 300, he was well past the age where it made sense to be babied. Even before he died, he'd been an adult with responsibilities, even if his coven didn't see it that way. Min Yoongi didn't look at him that way though. As a human pushing 30, Yoongi was fascinated with Jungkook and everything he was. He thought he was, dare Jungkook say, cool, and honestly, he couldn't get enough of it.
skip a step and back by exarite
explicit, bdsm, strangers to lovers, slowburn, this fic is incomplete but i love it and idk maybe one day they'll finish it, you need an account to read it
↳ Jungkook tries to transition his and Yoongi's purely d/s relationship into more.
La Vie by veat
explicit, strangers to lovers, A/B/O, you’ll need an account to read it
↳ Taehyung is an Omega in his 30’s and he’s still single, that thought would haunt him quite often. But it's ok, he’s used to it. He’s even used to spending his heats all by himself. But then one time his friend Jimin suggested he should hire a partner for his upcoming heat and Taehyung got curious about it..
If I'm Not the Only One Like This by fadetomorrow
explicit, strangers to lovers
↳ Taehyung meets Yoongi and tries to be his sugar daddy, except he's the younger one and Yoongi rejects all of his gifts. It doesn't really work out until it does.
Morningtide by tonghua
explicit, A/B/O, sugar daddy yoongi x sugar baby taehyung
↳ With tuition bills piling up, Taehyung gets roped into signing up to get matched with a sugar daddy. An omega named Yoongi reaches out to him and soon Taehyung isn't sure how transactional he can keep their agreement.
My Playlist #27 by ourdesertrose
explicit, frenemies to lovers, humor, slowburn
↳ In which Yoongi unintentionally dredges Taehyung out of a bad breakup. And they maybe fall in love too.
set me free by veat
explicit, strangers to lovers, A/B/O, religious content, rock band au, tbh idr if their age is actually mentioned but it feels like tae is younger than yoongi imo, this is restricted so you'll need an account to read it
↳ Taehyung is a young omega who was raised in a strict catholic family. Yoongi is an alpha and the singer and leader of a rock band in Seoul. Their lives would start to change when their worlds collide.
tolerate it by calicovkoo
explicit, enemies to lovers, taekook are actors playing two characters in a relationship
↳ The way Taehyung looks from this angle–hair fanned across a field of flowers and the sun kissing his lashes, lips a tad rosier than before–has Jungkook’s heart skipping a beat. He almost forgets they’re acting. And he completely forgets that kiss isn’t in the script until the director finally calls ‘cut’.
bullet with butterfly wings by locks
explicit, strangers to lovers, dilf jungkook x college kid taehyung, the first mxm fic i ever read and one of my ult favorites 🥹
↳ Jeongguk hires Taehyung to teach his son how to play the guitar, but Taehyung ends up teaching Jeongguk something about himself.
Nefelibata by dovekook
explicit, strangers to lovers, hurt/comfort, writer taehyung x recent college grad jungkook, this is a good one if you love #literature, one of my FAVORITE fics
↳ Kim Taehyung’s reputation as an author comes in three parts: award-winning, troubled, and completely reclusive. When recent graduate Jungkook receives a letter inviting him to interview for a literary residency at the enigmatic writer’s home, two hidden lives are laid bare.
The Give and the Take by JKDoYouLoveMe
explicit, dom/sub, college au, roommates to lovers
↳ Young and inexperienced college student Jeongguk thinks he is a dom. His older and considerably more experienced roommate Taehyung is quite determined to show him that he is, in fact, not a dom. Drama ensues.
anoesis by honeybeams
explicit, strangers to lovers, vampires, college student jungkook
↳ As a new fledgling, Jeongguk doesn't know to keep his own feelings in check, sure his sire can feel everything across the bond they share: the desire, the affection, how flustered he gets when they spend time together. What he doesn't realize is how badly Taehyung wants him back.
Hungered for Your Touch by Books_and_Peonies
explicit, i haven't read it yet but it's on my to-read list
↳ Relationship after relationship, Jungkook finds himself with men that don't treat him the way he longs to be. Home from college for the summer, Jungkook meets his dad's new friend, Taehyung, and the longing grows more and more each time he's near.
Turn the Page by Books_and_Peonies
explicit, college au, i haven't read it yet but it's on my to-read list
After leaving a lucrative career, Taehyung goes back to college to earn a degree in art, and meets Jungkook, an art major more than a decade younger. When Jungkook discovers that Taehyung never experienced a "real" college experience, he makes it his mission to show Taehyung everything college has to offer.
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So Renata didn't get a Coven skin, but Akali got TWO??
If Renata was never going to get one, then I can accept that, but Akali is just such a weird decision...
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Read in December 2023
what better way to end the year than with a reading spree 🥰 I got through so many wonderful books this month and was able to give my TBR a good clear out before the new year too. I even managed to write some reviews lol
here's to more wonderful reads in 2024!
Series read:
Monk and Robot by Becky Chambers
A Psalm for the Wild Built - DNF
A Prayer for the Crown Shy - DNF
Familiar authors:
Imogen Obviously by Becky Albertalli - 4/5 (audio)
The Lightness of Hands by Jeff Garvin - 5/5
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo - 5/5 (audio)
A Scatter of Light by Malinda Lo - 5/5 (audio)
You’ll Be The Death of Me by Karen M McManus - 3/5 (audio)
Heartstopper Volume 5 by Alice Oseman - 5/5
The Vermilion Emporium by Jamie Pacton - 4/5
Wild and Crooked by Leah Thomas - 4/5
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White - 5/5 (audio)
Other reads:
To Break a Covenant by Alison Ames - 3/5 (audio)
After Dark With Roxie Clark by Brooke Lauren Davis - 3/5 (audio)
I’ll Let Myself In by Hannah Diviney - 5/5 (audio)
All Eyes On Us by Kit Frick - 3/5
The Return by Rachel Harrison - 3/5
It Will End Like This by Kyra Leigh - 3/5 (audio)
Starlings by Amanda Linsmeier - 4/5 (audio)
The Drowned Woods by Emily Lloyd-Jones - 4/5 (audio)
Some Kind of Animal by Mar Romasco-Moore - 4/5 (audio)
Even Though I Knew the End by CL Polk - 4/5 (audio)
Accidental by Alex Richards - 2/5
You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao - 3/5 (audio)
Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner - 4/5
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chimcess · 2 years
Sanguine Addiction || myg (Teaser)
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader Other Tags: Vampire-Hybrid!Yoongi, Vampire!Reader, Vampire Hunter! Reader, Werewolf Hunter! Reader, Vampire!Taehyung, Oracle!Jungkook, taekook undertones (brief), Werewolf!Jimin, Demon!Hoseok Release Date: TBD Word Count: TBD (~20-30k lol I literally just started writing and we’re already at 3k) Genre: Enemies to Lovers (e2l), Exes to Lovers, Soulmates AU (like mating), Vampire AU, Supernatural AU, Angst, Smut, Fluff (little bit) Summary: As long as you’ve been alive it has always been your mission to hunt the creatures of the night. Your parents were prolific hunters, the best in North America, but it did not become your passion until you were attacked and turned by a well-known coven. It’s been 30 years since you were turned and you’ve become an assassin for the biggest fish in the pond. When an old friend asks you for a favor, you have to rely on a Yoongi, the man you left behind.  A/N: A WIP drop! I’ve had this idea for months, have had the story planned and played out over and over again, and I have finally started to write it. Since we’re still in the writing phase/planning process, I have no idea when Sanguine Addiction will be posted. I am hopeful it’ll be done and ready to go within the coming months so I can share it with all of you. I’m going to take my time and be sure to put everything I can into this bad boy upon dropping. Who knows? I might have a new series on my hands!
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© chimcess, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission.  
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metalichotchoco · 11 months
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Day 17
Broken covenant Kennen
This idea is fun because kennen deserves to be more than a ninja. Keeping his silhouette in mind, things like a nun are perfect due to the cowl, also it fits kennen’s character of being in an order that has dissent within it
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writernopal · 9 months
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{Nopal's 2023 Writing Round Up}
I will start by saying that 2023 was a pivotal writing year for me because it marked the start of sharing my writing online and starting this blog! With all of that came of course, the formation of my own little community 🥺 I've made so many lovely friends along the way, fallen in love with their characters and stories, and I just feel so privileged and honored to experience the worlds they've created. I'm so glad I took the plunge and met all of you, even if it was really scary at first! Thank you all for being so welcoming, kind, supportive, and for making space in your hearts and days for my silly little characters and their stories 💙 That said, lets take a look at some of my writing highlights from this past year! Throwing this under a cut because it got long (of course it did lol)
{Total Words Written}
160,512 (as of 12/27)
This excludes tumblr posts, miscellaneous notes, and outlines. It includes WIP work (AASOAF 3, M.O.W), WIP adjacent work (AASOAF 2 companion/release material and side stories like Chanterelles), and miscellaneous prose pieces (Pare, Fetch, and Bowl of Brown). I don't have much to observe here other than holy shit that's a lot LOL.
{Longest Chapter}
7043 (AASOAF 3: Axtapor - 16 First Seed)
This chapter is the first battle sequence of AASOAF 3 so it makes sense for it to be the longest so far! This category's runner up is the Part I finale of M.O.W, Halcyon, at 6663 words.
{Shortest Chapter}
638 (AASOAF 3: Mariel - 3 First Seed)
This chapter is a little go between chapter with a tiny bit of whump in the mix. It might get longer after I get to editing it, we'll see! For this one I excluded the prologues of both AASOAF 3 and M.O.W because it kind of felt like cheating otherwise. Both are <300 words.
{Most Loved by the Author}
Some Lines! (Snippet from AASOAF 3: Mariel - 27 Sun's Dawn)
I limited my choices to snippets I'd posted since it felt weird to make a new post and be like that one! I like that one! lol Appropriate content warnings have been listed on that post as, unsurprisingly, it contains body horror who could have guessed lol. The runner up in this category are the cryptic little monologues I wrote leading up to Tierra Madre (linking to the AASOAF 3 masterpost for ease if you want to check out all four pieces!). These link up the overarching story the prologues of each book are telling and hints at how they come into play in AASOAF 3.
{Most Loved by the Readers}
Covenant (AASOAF 3's Prologue)
For this category I excluded meme posts and the like, ranking the winner based on notes that piece received. As for the runner up, its actually a tie! It's between AASOAF 3's WIP Intro and, surprisingly, Lexlar's character intro lol. He would be so proud and flattered that he's more popular than his other Lizardfolk counterparts!
{AASOAF Original Telling vs. AASOAF Canon Telling}
475,524 (OT) | 381,725 (CT)
Now I know this wasn't all done in this year but it felt right to put in here since I'm getting closer and closer to finishing the canon telling of AASOAF with each day that passes so I can't help but look back to where it all started. These word counts include words in each version of the WIP and the dead darlings of each while excluding Fay's discovery writing (120k+), side stories, WIP adjacent work, spin-offs, and oneshots. I'm really not sure if canon AASOAF will surpass original telling but that's because the story back then was a lot of Fay and Wilkes origin story work and the tale of their romance which isn't explored in canon and also includes Mariel and Axtapor's stories. Two reasons for this, Fay and Wilkes getting together all happens before canon begins and because canon focuses primarily on Mariel and Axtapor's romance. In any case, those are some FAT numbers holy mama. Putting this post together was actually the first time I saw them side by side like that.
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