#and p sure i lowkey sprained my ankle???
im-a-lil-bitch-boi · 8 months
me readin a post bout how Jesus's birth was actually a tragedy: yea well these r the same ppl who ritualisticly "eat his blood and drink his flesh" . . . . wait-
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Alphabet Tag!
I was tagged by my love @sheisdreamingsheisdreaming I missss youuuuuuuuuuu
Sorry I didn’t do this earlier:((((
a // age: 21, gonna be 22 in March
b // birthplace: California
c // current time: It is 11:09 PM
d // drink you last had: Coca Cola (i really should drink more water, Noah Centineo would be ashamed of me)
e // easiest person to talk to:  @sheisdreamingsheisdreaming @miss-noo-na and @bluebanter also my mom, I can literally tell her almost anything
f // favourite songs: hnnnngg i have to many to narrow it down
g // grossest memory: One time I kissed a boy in high school and I was getting over a cold but I was still a little eh and um we kissed and my snot got on him and i didn’t know what to do so I wiped his face???? and he liked it????????
h // horror yes or horror no: NO, NO HORROR UNLESS I’M WRITING IT
i // in love? with my dogs? with my friends? platonic love yES
j // jealous of people: not really
k // kids of your own some day? if by kids you mean dogs then yes I will have plenty of kids (but lowkey I don’t know, as an asexual, the making kids part is ehgghhh)
I // love at first sight or should I walk by again? oh god no, I thought this in high school and even my first boyfriend was a “should I walk again” type thing, and he ended up being horrible so moral of the story get to know your potential lover and DON’T EVER DATE SOMEONE JUST BECAUSE PEOPLE SAY YOU LOOK GOOD TOGETHER and real life foreshadowing exists
m // middle name: technically Natalie is my middle name, but I’m going to switch it to my first
n // number of siblings: 2, but I don’t really talk to one of my siblings...
o // one wish: for all kpop fans to understand that EXO and BTS don’t hate each other, and that people aren’t better than other people because they’re paler??? (but a cultural anthropologist can dream)
p // person you called last: my aunt, but she accidentally called me so I returned her call BUT before that it was my childhood best friend @yagirldreezy
q // questions you’re always asked: Are you (every other ethnicity that isn’t Mexican)? Are you sure??? (Yes I’m suRE)
r // random fact about you: too many sockkkkksssss and I have a lot of hoodies lol
s // song you last sang: BOSS by NCT U (my lil brother loves kpop just as much if not more than I do and he chills to this song)
t // time you woke up: 9 AM but then I told myself I deserved 5 more minutes and then woke up at 10:42
u // underwear colour: I’m still festive, pink with cactuses dressed as christmas trees lol
v // vacation destination: Irelanddddddddd (i’m not sure why anymore) Japan, Australia (but like those big spiders YIKES NO THANKS), Virginia City in Nevada because Ghost Adventures
w // worst habit: I stab my nails harshly into my fingers or palm when I’m nervous or when I’m trying not to smile, not hard enough to break the skin but it does hurt. Also I literally can’t still sit, a part of me (mostly my legs) HAVE to be moving
x // x-rays: I sprained my ankle in middle school and got an x ray, I DISLIKED the lady who did it because she put pressure on my ankle and I was already crying over it and she over here hurting me more. Second x ray was for my right wrist but nothing came up so I had to get like 2 MRIs and I missed my follow up sooooooooo hnnnnnnnggg
y // your favorite food: Any Mexican food lol, sushi, kbbq, ramen, PIZZA, I started getting into Indian food and I’m in love
z // zodiac sign: Aries!
Tagging my babies! @miss-noo-na @bluebanter and whoever sees this and wants to do it!!!
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btsbloodtearssquees · 7 years
Y/N is Injured while BTS are on Tour
~ Requested
SEOKJIN: Jin would plague you with questions until he knew every single detail, making sure to subtlety slip in how to take care of your injury and also cracking a few terrible puns.
Instead of receiving a reply text to your news, the calling screen pops up on your cellphone. “What did you do?” Seokjin asks with a sigh. “I went over on my ankle playing tennis.” “Did you put ice on it right away?” “Well, as soon as I could, anyway.” “And you’ve got it checked out?” “Yes, Jin…” “You haven’t been walking on it, have you?” “Really?? What’s with the questionnaire?” “Just making sure that life rolls more smoothly for you.” He laughs out loud at his own dumb pun while you groan. “No, seriously, Jagi. I don’t want anymore strain on you.” You begin the threats of hanging up while his window wiper laugh vibrates through the phone.
YOONGI: He would be concerned but show it by scolding you and acting annoyed by your carelessness.
“You rolled your ankle playing tennis?” Yoongi asks with a scowl. Secretly you hope that he won’t pick up on your blush through the computer screen. “It’s not that bad…” “What did you do such a stupid thing for?! I leave you for five minutes and you go and get yourself hurt.” “You’ve been gone for ages,” you whine, trying to change the subject. “Well we’re in the last country now. No more getting hurt or I won’t come and visit you when we get back.” “Sure you won’t,” you begin to smile. Your boyfriend looks to the side as someone else enters the room. “Guess what Y/N did. She sprained her ankle.” Hoseok’s head appears at the top of the screen as he stares at you with big eyes, and Yoongi returns his attention to you also. “Don’t expect me to be helping you when I get back.” You knew that wouldn’t last five minutes.
HOSEOK: Hobi would be very loud and dramatic about it, worrying if you would be okay until he got back. ----
“Yah! Can you walk?” “I have crutches, Hobi, it’s fine.” “Yeah but how can you get in and out of bed?? Get changed?? Have a shower?? Reach things from the top cupboard??” You roll your eyes but smile at him through the screen. “I manage. Stop being so dramatic.” Your boyfriend still looks majorly concerned; eyebrows furrowed over wide, open eyes, and mouth open in an ‘o’ formation.  “Stop worrying, Hoseok,” you repeat softly. “How can I stop worrying?!! My girlfriend almost broke her leg and I’m not there to help!!!!” “It’s just a sprain,” you laugh back. NAMJOON: Namjoon would be the most calm about the situation but still caring; sending you lots of love and cute romantic gestures. ---- U sprained ur ankle, Jagi? Joonie     11:05pm Yeah. DW, doc said it’d be fine in 2 weeks. You     11:06pm That’s gud. Heal quickly tho. I’ve got a big surprise 4 u 4 when we get back :* <3. Joonie     11:07pm Ya, u should rest when u get back! You     11:07pm Hanging out with u is the most relaxing thing I could do :*.  Joonie     11:08pm Aww <3. I miss u!!!! You     11:08pm I miss u 2, but knowing I’m coming home 2 u makes it all worthwhile. Take it easy sweets, don’t want u upsetting it more :* :) <3. Joonie     11:09pm JIMIN: He would at first be concerned, but once he learnt that it wasn’t serious he would become playful; using the situation to his advantage. ---- Y/Nieeee!!! Ur hurt?! Jiminie     10:17pm My ankle is soreeee :((. You     10:17pm Call me RN!!!! Jiminie     10:17pm Jimin’s profile picture pops up on your phone screen with the incoming video call. Obviously he hadn’t waited for you to call him. “Jagi!” He lies down on his bed, holding his phone above him. “What happened?” “I was just playing some tennis with a few of my friends and then when I tried to run backwards to hit the ball, I went over on my ankle and sprained it.” “Awww, babe.” He pouts at you but starts to smile a little. “You look so cute when you’re all pouty and sad.” You pout more as he sends you some kisses. “So that means you’re on crutches now?” “Ughh yes. They’re so annoying! It takes me centuries to stand up and get the freaking things in the right position, and by that stage I’ve usually almost fallen over half a dozen times...” His lips curl up into a smirk. “So you won’t be able to escape when I come and kiss you?” “Jiminnn...” You blush while he cackles and winks.  “I love you, cutie.” TAEHYUNG: Tae wouldn’t be too concerned because he knows that you’re going to be alright soon. Instead he’d find the entire situation a novelty and even be a little excited by it. ---- “Did you get a cast??” “What? No. It’s not broken, Taehyung.” “But you have one of those weird sock things on right?” “Yeah...” “Can I sign it when I get back??” You sigh, slightly annoyed that he was more excited than concerned, but lowkey finding it adorable.  “If you really want to.” “Yusss!! Don’t worry, Jagi. When I get back you can just stay in bed or on the couch all day watching movies, and I’ll bring you snacks and rub some cream into your ankle every few hours, and make sure it’s elevated and not swelling, and then I can piggyback you anywhere that you want to go!” “Taehyung,” you laugh. “You sound like you’re going to be playing Doctors and Nurses.” His eyes open wide. “Hey! I could put on a costume!” You bury your face in your hands. JUNGKOOK: Kookie would be mostly fascinated by the situation, and then proceed to tease you. ---- “Did anything crack when you rolled on it?” He asks with large, interested eyes. “No, or I wouldn’t have come away with just a sprain!” “But you felt your muscles ripping, right? What did it feel like?” “Do we really have to go through this?” You winced over his disturbing descriptions. “Can I see it?” Jungkook asks instead, leaning closer to the screen as you sigh and carefully lift your foot into his view, pushing down the bandages. “Wahhh so cool!! It looks all green and your foot is like three times the size!!!!” “Really? Who’s side are you on here?” You pout at him. “Can I use your crutches when I get back?” Your boyfriend was such a child. “We’ll see.” Jungkook sat back a little again, his teeth showing in a wicked bunny smile. “You’ll look so funny hopping along with one leg.” “Yah, it’s harder than it looks!” He grins wider. “We should have race. One crutch each. Try to keep up, Hop-Along.” You groan at his teasing face. ---------- Hopefully this is kinda what you envisioned :P. Have some feels, anyway :P. - Dolceice
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