#and pidge could be while a stranger braids my hair back out on the street but like show her with long AND short hair
soulvtude · 4 months
i need a vld edit to 'Dear Arkansas Daughter'
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nightttdreamers · 7 years
You’re in the Band! (Klance fic)
Hi guys! Here’s the latest chapter for my fic, You’re in the Band. Hope you like it, feel free to show some love either here or on AO3
You’re in the Band! | 9,000+ words | 3/? Chapters
GUITARIST NEEDED! Join VOLTRON, an upcoming band who’s looking for YOU!
Lance McClain didn't know what to expect the day of auditions for the newest band member of Voltron. But he certainly wasn't expecting Keith Kogane, an enigmatic boy and his guitar, nor was he expecting to fall this hard for him.
“Hunk, Hunk, to the left!”
“I’m moving to the left!”
“Okay, wait, stay right there!” “I’m staying right here!”
“Wait, no, move forward!”
“Moving forward!”
“We died.”
Lance groaned, tilting his head back.”We never survive level 36!” He whined, tossing his controller onto the couch.
Hunk looked up from his spot on the floor, folding his arms. “This game is stupid,” he mumbled.
“Yeah,” Lance agreed, pulling himself up from the couch. “Are there any pizza rolls left?” Bending over, he rummaged through the freezer.
“Don’t bother, you’re not gonna find any.”
Lance perked up, looking towards his friend. “But we got a new box yesterday, how could they all be gone?” The freezer was mostly filled with ice cream and whatever frozen treats were discounted at Target. However, the 2-for-1 pizza rolls Lance had scored yesterday were nowhere to be found.
“Maybe if someone hadn’t eaten my poke bowl…” The Samoan boy mumbled
Lance whipped his head around, cocking it to the side. “Really? You ate two boxes of pizza rolls because I ate a container filled with tuna and lettuce?”
“No!” Hunk exclaimed. “I only ate one! You ate the other yesterday.”
“Come on, man! I’ll buy you another one if it matters that much, jeez.”
“It was from that bowl place uptown! I was saving it!”
With a groan, Lance walked past Hunk, shaking his head. “And I was saving those pizza rolls, douchelamp. Now we’re both suffering. Happy?”
After making a rather rude hand gesture towards Hunk, Lance grabbed his hoodie from the couch, slipping it on. “C’mon, let’s go meet up with Pidge and Keith.”
“And replenish the pizza roll supply.”
Lance chucks a pillow at the other. “Dick.”
“So, I got a question,” Lance said, looking over to Hunk, who was scrolling on his phone.
“Shoot,” the other replied, tucking the device away.
“Why didn’t you-” he was cut off by the sudden jarring of the subway train the two were in. Hunk stifled a laugh, grabbing a hold of Lance’s arm to keep him upright. “Thanks, man.” This is it, just ask him. “So, uh, why didn’t you tell me you had a date with Shay last week?”
Hunk pressed his lips together, taking his hand back. “I dunno, I just… Figured you’d freak out or something.”
“Freak out?” Lance repeated, quirking a brow.
“It’s stupid, I should’ve just told you.”
“But what do you mean, freak out?”
Hunk was never the best with words, and after years of knowing him, Lance could tell exactly when he was looking for the right ones to say. Hunk would clench a fist a little too tightly and look down, a telltale sign that he had no clue what to say. “I mean, you always get kind of jealous when you see other people in a relationship and you’re single so-”
“You thought I would get jealous?”
“Maybe,” but the forced smile across Hunk’s features said ‘definitely.’ “It was stupid, I should’ve just told you.”
“Yeah, but, it’s cool, man,” Lance said, which caused Hunk to ease, shoulders relaxing. “I get it. But, you can still tell me stuff. Even if you think I’ll get jealous or whatever.”
A smile spread across Hunk’s face as he nodded. “Yeah, totally. Sorry, dude.”
“It’s okay, we cool?” Lance asked, sticking out the universal sign for being cool, a fist. Hunked bumped his.
“Yeah, we cool.”
For once, the band didn’t meet inside the rehearsal space, opting for some hipster cafe instead. Perks of living in the city was that every street had a hipster cafe, most of them had free wifi, and there was always plenty of places to sit. Pidge’s favorite was Kerberos Brews, which was a good mix of 9-5 workers just trying to get along and millennials with too much time on their hands. That meant plenty of room and cool chairs, like bean-bags (Lance loved these that hung from the ceiling there). Plus, the coffee wasn’t too bad.
Lance walked in first, a smile spreading across his face as he inhaled the bitter smell of fresh coffee. Hunk followed behind him, with the same expression, except he spotted some freshly made donuts at the counter.
“I’ll grab you a drink and meet you guys,” he said to Lance, heading towards the counter. With a nod, the Cuban boy stepped towards the back area, which was for hanging around. In the corner was Pidge, hunched over her laptop, headphones in as Keith peered over her shoulder, sipping a drink and- wait,
Is his hair in a ponytail?
A slight turn of his head confirmed, yes, he was wearing a ponytail, and he looked good. Lance couldn’t help but imagine how nice he’d look with his bangs pulled back, maybe he could braid his hair…
“Lance!” He was snapped back to reality by a hand on his shoulder, Hunk, who was trying to balance a cupholder of drinks and snacks. “C’mon, man, they’re right over there.”
Lance nodded, walking over to the other two.
“Hey, guys,” Hunk said, plopping down opposite Pidge. She was at a small table, where her laptop took a good amount of the space, but left enough room for Hunk to set his tray down. Lance grabbed the one with the most whipped cream, assuming it was his, and pulled over a chair, straddling it.
“Whatcha workin’ on there?” He asked, pushing her screen down to have a better look.
Instantly, Pidge swatted his hand away and tilted it back up, greeting him with a slight glare. “I’m sending the final songs to Shay, I finished layering everything.”
“It sounds really good,” Keith said, putting down his beverage. Lance saw a tag sticking out from the side- is he drinking tea?
“Yeah, but we still need an album cover,” Pidge closed her laptop now, resting her headphones on it.
Hunk groaned, toying with the straw in his drink. “Why can’t we just do what we did last time? We never agree on covers.”
“What did you guys do last time?” Asked Keith, who was drinking tea! Who the fuck drinks tea anymore?
Lance, dipping his finger into the whipped cream and licking it, said, “It was a picture of the city at night on a black background, and then it said Voltron. I made it on my phone.” It was hideous, but the only thing they could manage to agree on. Plus, the album (is that one an EP too?) did pretty well, so it wasn’t that bad.
“It was heinous. I wanted to die and burn every copy,” Pidge said, snatching one of Hunk’s donuts. If it was anyone else, there probably would have been a riot. But, as put by Hunk, “tiny Pidge” needed it more than he did.
“You always want to do that,” he quipped instead, rolling his eyes.
Lance put his hands on the table, straightening up. “Okay, but this time, it can’t be ugly. It’s gotta be cool, but also give a feel for what we’re about. Who we really are.”
“Lance in those stupid sunglasses, Hunk making out with Gordon Ramsay, I’ll flip everyone off, and Keith is shredding the guitar,” Pidge suggested.
“First of all, they’re clout goggles, you gremlin,” Lance spat, pointing a finger towards the smug Pidge. “Second of all, keep everything else. It’s perfect.” That earned a triumphant smile from the girl.
“What if we, like, made it look like a record? But, make it cool somehow?” Hunk asked, and Lance could practically see the gears working in his brain.
“Boring,” Pidge shot him down. “We need something that’s going to catch people’s attention.”
“A shirtless guy.”
Everyone went silent now, their gazes turning to Keith and causing him to shrink down. “What?” He asked, turning his hands upwards. “Always catches my attention…”
Pidge broke the silence with a loud snort, which then caused everyone to break into laughter. This was to the annoyance of some other patrons in the store, especially since Hunk had a loud, bellowing laugh. It made Lance happy just to hear it, but other people just trying to get their morning drink didn’t care for it. Keith was quiet, a mixed look of confusion and panic across his face. He really needs to stop furrowing his brows so much, he’s gonna get wrinkles.
But, he looked like like a kid who’s being left out a joke, (which is kind of what’s happening, but whatever) and Lance felt pretty bad for him. So, while Pidge cackled between “That’s gay”s, Lance pulled himself together.
“That��s actually a pretty good idea.” Now, it was everyone’s turn to stare at him. But, he did see a small smile tugging at Keith’s lips. “I’m serious. It catches attention. Plus, we could, like, paint ‘Voltron’ on it.”
Hunk nodded, pressing a finger to his lips. Pidge opened up her laptop and started typing away. “Lance,” she said, glancing up from it. “Do you still have body paint?”
He likes music festivals, and he likes letting strangers there paint his chest. Don’t judge.
Pidge closed her laptop. “Shirtless guys get a lot of recognition,” Lance doesn’t want to know how she figured that out so fast.
“Okay, but, do we need to hire a model or something? Who’s abs are we gonna use?” Hunk asked, looking around the table.
Simultaneously, both Keith and Lance spoke.
“You can use mine-”
“Mine, duh-”
Both boys stared at each other, then glanced down at the other. Lance felt pretty confident about how he looked shirtless, mostly because he worked hard to specifically look good without a shirt on. Keith was never spotted without a hoodie (seriously, did he own anything else?) so Lance just assumed he had nothing to show off.
Pidge snorted, holding a hand over her mouth. “Sorry, this situation is just too good.”
“Well, I know this rockin’ bod catches the eye of anyone who looks my way, so,” Lance trailed off, folding his arms and delivering his best intimidating look to Keith, who was unphased.
“I mean,” Keith began, looking around at the cafe. “I can’t really pull my shirt off and show y’all, so you can go with Lance.”
“Well, maybe we should, you know, check?” Hunk asked, nervous gaze flickering from Lance to Keith.
“Like, see who looks better without a shirt?” Lance asked, a smirk tugging at his lips. For some reason, he just really wanted to be better than Keith right now.
Keith shoved his hands in the pockets of his hoodie (why was he always in it if he felt so confident about his abs?) and shrugged. “I don’t really care who you pick, I was just offering-”
Lance cut him off, dismissing him with a wave of his hand. “Let’s do it!”
And that’s how they ended up back at Casa Del Hance, Lance and Keith both shirtless in the living room, Pidge wildly snapping pictures with her phone, and Hunk poking Lance’s stomach.
“Hey, buddy,” Lance said, pushing Hunk’s hand away. “It’s solid, no need to test.”
Hunk straightened up, nodding with his nose slightly upturned. They probably should’ve asked Pidge to judge, he took this way too seriously. “Of course.” Hunk cleared his throat. “As the official judge for this hot bod off,” he placed his hands on Keith and Lance’s shoulders. I just want to say both of you have beautiful bodies and you should be very proud of your hard work.”
That was true. Turns out Keith was somewhat of a gym rat, and beneath his hoodie was a torso that could’ve been sculpted by a sexually-frustrated, gay renaissance artist. Lance was lean and slim, with not much visible muscle, but he still looked good. However, Keith had the V. That’s right, those two little lines guys get above their waist when they’re really ripped. Keith fucking had it, and Lance couldn’t help but stare.
“Yeah, yeah, we know,” Lance said, rolling his eyes (partially out of annoyance, partially to pull them away from Keith’s chest).
“However, in my unbiased opinion, Keith should be the album cover.”
“Seriously?” Keith asked, brows raising.
Lance crossed to the couch, picking his shirt up and putting it back on. “It was rigged, anyway.”
“What a sore loser,” Pidge said, crossing towards the kitchen.
“Right?” Keith grabbed his shirt off of the coffee table, looking at Lance. Turns out, beneath the hoodie was also a black tank top, which wasn’t too surprising.
“I’m not a sore loser!” Lance snapped, whipping his head around to meet an image of Keith he will never get out of his head. The fact that he looked good shirtless was already established, but he had the most smug expression on his face- lips curled up in a smirk, one brow quirked as he shook his head. It made Lance very pissed off and mildly turned on. Wait, what?
“Where the fuck are all the pizza rolls?” Pidge shouted from the kitchen, accompanied by the slam of the freezer door.
“Hm, I dunno, maybe SOMEONE ate all of them,” Lance said, glaring at Hunk. He, of course, was not happy to be blamed for this, and instantly went into Petty Hunk Mode. This is when he paces, speaks with his hands a lot, and complains about everything and everyone.
“Really? You’re gonna blame me? Maybe if someone hadn’t eaten my poke bowl that they knew I was saving-”
“How could I have known you were saving it?”
“There was a post-it on it! That means it’s marked specifically for me!”
“Well I’m sorry I came home mildly baked and was hungry!”
“We have a drawer of cheez-its for the munchies! We do not eat expensive raw fish!”
“And we also do not enact revenge by finishing the pizza roll supply!”
“Oh my god, shut up!” Pidge stood between the two, reaching a hand up to cover both of their mouths. “You’re both idiots, we get it. Go make some popcorn or something, I’m fucking hungry.” Keith chuckled, covering his mouth. His shirt was back on (aw man). Pidge plopped down on the couch, and he followed after.
“You’re so petty,” Lance said, still glaring at Hunk as he headed to the kitchen to make some popcorn. Also, to put soap in his eyes to get that image of Keith out of his head.
Keith is hot, that’s a fact.
He pulled out a bag of popcorn, throwing it in the microwave as he heard the rest of the group chatter in the living room.
But I don’t even know him. Also a fact.
The muted rhythms of whatever music mixing program Pidge used could be heard, she was always making beats when she was bored.
So, I can’t catch feelings. Mega fact.
“Lance! Gimme a melody!” She shouted, turning up the volume on the laptop. Waiting for the popcorn to finish, Lance pulled out his phone, searching for some lyrics he had scribbled down earlier (definitely not while thinking about Keith).
“Hold on!” He shouted back, trying to hear the two simple chords Pidge was alternating through. The beat was kind of cute, shouldn’t be too hard to sing along with. The microwave beeped and Lance grabbed the popcorn, walking into the living room.
“Let’s hear this freestyle, Lance,” Keith said, and Lance averted his gaze. Don’t you dare fucking catch feelings now.
Lance took a breath, waiting for a good moment to come in. “Sometimes I feel like I just wanna go back to my old ways. You're telling me I'm silly, ‘it's no fun in the old days,’” he began to sing, glancing up from his phone and tossing the popcorn over to Hunk. “I'm such a romantic, I never remember how things truly happened, I guess you're attractive.” He didn’t even try to hide the side-eye towards Keith. “Or something.
"Boyfriend" or ‘boy, that's a friend’? It's easy just to pretend That we don't have something real, it's just how we feel.”
Pidge continued with the music as Lance vocalized a little bit, now sitting on the couch. Keith had the slightest smile across his lips.
“I'm feeling something, right? I wanna be the one you think about at night. And I wanna be the one that you would put up a fight for. You know that I adore, that even when you're bored I'd buy you anything and everything I can't afford.”
That’s where his lyrics ended, and Pidge noticed, stopping the music. “When did you write that, man? I’ve never heard it before,” Hunk asked. Lance simply shrugged, putting his phone down.
“Yeah, it was really good,” said Keith, and for some reason that meant a lot more than it usually did for Lance.
Okay, maybe just some feelings.
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