#and please PLEEEAASE take care of yourself :3
wortverlust · 2 years
I LITERALLY GAVE UP SO FAST, i got to the first tutorial boss in like, the jail cell area and just, yeah nah fuck that, way too cumbersome for me, THIS FUCKER:
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i MUCH prefer the fast paced gameplay of Bloodborne and Sekiro. (HOW TF DID YOU GET INFINITE HEALTH AND STILL DIE IM SO MORBIDLY IMPRESSED)
GOD Bloodborne still hold up as a fantastic game even like, seven years later or however long it’s been. like, how do the graphics still look mind blowing??? Sekiro is in-SANE. like seriously. that game is so fun but oh my god i actually almost broke my controller. like i only kept playing after a CERTAIN OTHER FUCKING BOSS WHO IS SUCH BULLSHIT because the gameplay was so fun and smooth. really glad i stuck with it tho, but i’m refusing to finish it cuz i don’t want it to be over ;—;
no because i do truly believe i pissed of a vengeful god and you’re here to act out revenge, because there’s no goddamn way any human can so easily steal the lungs of those around them. or the breath. OR THE EYES MA’AM
OH MY GRANDMA USED TO SAY FUN THINGS LIKE THAT!!!! i think it’s probably where i get mine from andownxonziw (dw i was afraid of my grandma too, because i was 100% convinced she could make us forget my mum and we would be stuck with her. she was a very convincing lady. loved her to pieces tho)
you better be sleeping by the time i send these. i usually write them at the end of every day before midnight so YOU BETTER BE ASLEEP BY THEN ISTG
ESSA!!! I think…it was bc of INFINITE DAMAGE. So infinite damage against infinite health? DAMAGE WINS… good to know right? urgh…(not me laughing about the screenshot? naah… It's like ya see the enemy and thought:…'naah NOT TODAY' turn around and just walk until the invisible WALL hits the face)
STOP ESSA!!! I WANT TO PLAY SEKIRO!!! LIKE I REAAALLYYY WANT TO PLAY IT RIGHT NOW!!! (please…ewiwofhwhfw) BUT I CAN'T RIGHT NOW….shit exams…BUT after the 07.17. I'm off to play for like a week? The last game I played was A.O.T. 2…. uhm yeah ^^
If it ever happen…that I became a superhero. My name shall be >>Pickle Leg<< (I can't think of a superpower now….uuuurgh) what will be your name? EelWhisperer/Breathtaker/Emperor/PickleSpecialist/ThreatMaster/DragonTrainer/FortuneTeller? …I have no idea why my brain came up with THIS rn… I had coffee… A LOT OF COFFEE!!!!
And PLEASE…My younger sister believed for a VERY long time that I can see through walls…<_<
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pure-oddity · 9 months
Fast foodies know the deal
Ghost x reader
(not proof read, this is just fluff straight from the source
Warnings: none, ovulation mention maybe? Its brought up a single time.)
The craving hits around 3 in the morning, it's ovulation week so the idea of not getting chicken nuggets from the drive through makes you want to cry.
You turn towards the sleeping lug beside you. He's on his back, breaths deep and even. Still as a grave but at your movement he takes the arm you had been using as a pillow to drag you further into his side.
Your Simon, took you forever just to get the man to admit he did more than tolerate you. even longer to admit he cared for you. It took you almost using his toothbrush to realize that the man might actually (gasp) like you. That one you didn't push, figured he'd come to terms with it on his own.
As you look at how peaceful he seems you try to fight the urge, you really do, but as you prop yourself up on your elbows and move closer to Simon's ear you resign to begging his forgiveness later.
"Simon, my baby? You sleeping?"
You wouldn't have known he was a awake had it not been for the lone eye opening to check on you
"Was, love. I was. Whats wrong, bad dream? Y' Can turn on the telly to that duck cartoon or the robots - won't bother me none." He rubs a comforting hand up and down your back, he's being so sweet you really do start to feel bad.
"I want chicken nuggets."
Both eyes are open now.
The silence continues.
You smile sheepishly.
Wordlessly simon extracts his arm and turns so his back is to you.
"Nnooooooo! Simon pleeeaase. Pretty please? I want chicken nuggets so bad!"
"Go ahead. keys are on the rack, tanks full."
"Nooo you have to take me! come on baby please, for me?"
"My love. Sunshine. Light of my life. If you're hungry i made a perfecly good roast last night. Heat that up and let a man rest."
"I dont want a perfectly good roast! I want chicken nuggets. And a burger. And fries - oh maybe a shake?" You lean over him, hair purposely hung over into his face. He turns quickly and you're nose to nose
"So youre gonna have me get up at 3 fucking a.m. to get you a greasey, artey clogging, cholesterol raising gastrointestinal disaster of a meal - when we have a perfectly good home made dinner in the fridge."
A deep suffering sigh.
An ecstatic squee
"Just get your fuckin shoes on"
You lean back over into the passenger seat, simon grumpy faced as you insisted that you should be the one to order.
You pat your thighs in glee as he pulls up to the window, gives you a dirty look , and hands the cashier his card.
The second window delivers your meal and drink quickly, you dig in like a starved animal. You're mid chew when he gives a grunt. A snooty sounding eh hem.
You grin and giggle, slowly airplaning him a nugget.
"Give me the chicken or i'll take the whole box"
You squeak and shove it to his lips quickly. His jaws snap around the nugget and it's gone within a single bite - you retract your fingers, still intact but wet with spit.
You give an 'eeeech' and look for somewhere to wipe your hand.
"Any of this ends up in or on my interior and it'll be your arse."
You roll your eyes and reach in the bag for a napkin, knocking the fries over in the process.
The car drifts slowly to the left and is parked along the side of the road.
Not a word spoken.
You try to shove as many back into the carton as possible.
He stares at you.
You smile sweetly at him before leaning over the center console and kissing him. You meet his lips, they're stretched into a dangerous grin.
"Love" kiss "did you" kiss "spill salt" kiss "in my truck?"
You might not know a lot, but you know that voice means you're in trouble, which means it's distraction time.
You continue your sweet onslaught of kisses.
"Thank you for taking me baby, I love you so much. ", another smooch
is delivered.
"Youre my person, my favorite guy, love of my life."
He bites at your lip and you barely manage to slip it from his teeth
"Wanna spend the rest of my life with you, grow old with you"
He grips the back of your head and maneuvers your ear to his mouth, in a deep rumble he asks
"Are there fries on my floor, love?"
The dangerous smile still present.
"No of course not baby! i cleaned those up."
"So my truck is fry free?"
"Well - no didn't say that. there's a, a few under the seat"
He's grappling you into his lap now, the man looks a hint deranged.
"And why, my love, are you telling me about them instead getting them?"
he presses.
"'Cause I - hehe - I can't reach!" You giggle out as his hands slink towards your sides.
He pokes and prods at you, growling not unlike a bear while you squeal and squeak out little laughs.
"Gets a man up at ass o'clock-"
"Oh please, you get up early anyway!"
"makes him drive to get congealed grease-"
"you had a nugget too!"
"Then trashes his truck."
"Oh please it's like a handful of fries, I'll get them, i'll get them!"
He frees you with a huff and you dive back over to your side of the car. You pop open your door and hop outside to get a better angle at the underside of the seat. He gets impatient as you fish around for the last few fries, giving a little hurrah as the last one is snatched.
Clambering back into the truck you grin at him, happy as can be. He hums a short laugh, and you're off to home again.
He makes a beeline for the bedroom and you trot over to the counter to finish your meal, most of it having been shared and eaten in the truck. You sit back a moment to enjoy the feeling of fullness when you see Simon emerge again.
"Bed. Now. Kept me up long enough" he's already on you before you can think of a reply, slung over his shoulder. He makes quick work of getting you both situated in your proper spots.
You're snuggled into his side for the night, full and content. He breathes in deep and exhales slowly. you draw nonsensical patterns on his bare chest, playing with the hair there. As sleep overtakes you, your palm flattens over the spot where his heart resides; and you feel him relax just a smidgen more.
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wortverlust · 2 years
I have a bit of a crack request that came to me a minute ago, if that's ok; Levi dressed like Snufkin from The Moomins.
I have no idea why I wanna see this but the idea of him in the green hat and coat, with the lil smoking pipe makes me giggle.
I absolutely adore your art btw, and i turned on notifications for you 😁
t-the...lil...smoking pipe your request send me straight to heaven…amen THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!
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