#and plus why waste time dwelling in negativity lol
xhanisai · 2 years
People should be more like me and pretend that the character(s) they hate or really dislike just doesn’t exist at all. Just scroll past. Just block out the names. And create my content how I like it.
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Hey, I really love this blog! I think your characterisation of everyone is spot-on. I was thinking about this a while ago, and I think you would have a pretty cool take on it so- what does everyone think of Hanzo and Genji's dragons? like, do they trust them, think they're cool or just think "eff them, they don't science"?
Thank you so much for the request, anon! However, I'm going to use this to bring up some of my ideas and headcanons regarding the Shimada Dragons before I get into the character list.I have some very different headcanons than most of the fandom regarding the Dragons. I personally don't see the Dragons as animals, as cute as some of the fanon interpretations are. Rather, I think the Dragons are very representative of both the brothers' souls.First and foremost, in the short "Dragons", Hanzo is heard telling the story of the two dragons of the north and south winds. However, it is revealed later on that the story is a metaphor for his relationship with Genji. Hanzo is personifying himself as the dragon, which makes it hard for me to believe that the Dragons are some sort of separate, animal-like entity from the brothers.Plus, their dragons and how the brothers use them are very representative of their current emotional states. Hanzo, when using his ult., says "Let the dragon consume you", then expels the dragons from his body through the tattoo. Anyone who plays Overwatch knows that walking into the dragons is incredibly harmful to your health. This implies a negative connotation around the dragon, and this reflects Hanzo's view of himself. When visiting Illios, Hanzo says "Such beauty. . . wasted on the soul of a killer". This is Hanzo still regretting killing Genji, and being unable to forgive himself. Hanzo has a very negative view of himself. Contrast this with Genji's dragon. Instead of it exiting his body and causing harm, Genji's dragon stays near him, encircles him, and makes him more powerful. When activating this power, Genji says "The dragon becomes me". This gives the dragon a very positive connotation, in direct contrast with Hanzo's. This reflects Genji's newfound inner peace and acceptance of himself.To summarize:- Hanzo's dragon kills you with the power of self-loathing and depression.- Genji's dragon kills you with the power of confidence. This doesn't mean that the character interactions for this list won't interesting! These boys are still summoning some weird magic-type stuff. This is going to be fun.On to the list! What Overwatch thinks of the Shimada Dragons:    Tank:D.va just wants to know how it works! She's asking Genji all sorts of questions (as she's still a little intimidated by Hanzo,) and she's determined to get answers. When Genji starts getting annoyed though, she backs off. She'd just like to see it more often. It's so cool!Orisa is wracking her databases, trying to come up with some sort of explanation. At first she thought the dragons were some sort of technological illusion put on by Genji's armor, but when she found out Hanzo could do it to the idea was a bust. She's still deep in thought about it. She'll probably go ask Zenyatta about it later.Reinhardt is in awe of it, but he's not too surprised. He's always believed in a little bit of magic and the supernatural; he just didn't expect to be proven right. He's a little hesitant to ask Genji about it now, as the ninja was not up to talk about it during Blackwatch.Roadhog tries to avoid working on a team with them. He's half convinced he's seeing things, and half convinced that the brothers are conning the whole thing. Nothing like a big spirit dragon to intimidate your enemies. He's seen just about everything in his life, and he's not about to add something like magic to the list.Winston is intensely curious, but tries to avoid asking questions, as Hanzo is, and Genji used to be, very stand-offish about talking about them. Instead, Winston tries to gather data whenever the dragons come out. Whether it be by measuring the air when a dragon passes by, or making observations of Hanzo's tattoo, he'll find out some amount of truth one way or another.Wrecking Ball thinks the entire thing is some very impressive pyrotechnics. He asks Hanzo how to "make dragons". Hanzo now refuses to speak to him. Hammond is now coming up with a plan to break into Genji's room and find out what their secret is.Zarya at first dismissed the dragons as fake, mocking Genji endlessly about it and making snide remarks to Hanzo once in a while. That is, until she saw them in combat. She then apologized to Hanzo, at least. She's been rather quiet to Genji lately. She doesn't seem to ask any questions about them, perhaps out of respect.    Damage:Bastion in fascinated with the Dragons, and tends to get distracted when either of the brothers summon theirs. This can cause problems during battle whenever Bastion is expected to provide covering fire. Outside of battle though, it has asked Genji about the dragons. Genji explained them as best as he could.Doomfist is baffled on how such powerful a force could exist, yet have no records or evidence. He's seen the dragons first hand in battle, in an encounter with Hanzo, but he has yet to come up with a rational explanation for them. Moira couldn't provide answers, and Sombra was unable to come up with any prior history of spirit dragons. He hopes to recruit Hanzo, not just as an asset, but to get an answer on the Dragons as well.Genji isn't quite sure how he and his family have access to the Dragons. All he knows is that it is some sort of ancient power. It thrums constantly within him, and only in moments of true feeling can it be summoned. He used to summon it out of anger, in an almost uncontrollable force. Now he is able to summon it when he needs it most, and it greatly aids him in battle. He has Zenyatta to thank for that.Hanzo isn't nearly so trusting of his Dragons. They are linked to his negative emotions, and he can only summon them when he is overwhelmed by anger, fear, or sadness. He is shocked that Genji can summon his so easily. However, Hanzo also uses his dragon much more as a tool; he purposely brings up bad emotions (especially over Genji's death) during battle and sometimes even hurts himself in order to summon them. This horrifies Genji.Junkrat totally thinks that the Dragons are fireworks. He keeps asking the brothers where they buy them. When he finds out they can't be bought, he spends days experimenting with his own explosives. He can't quite get the same results.McCree knows better than to ask about the Dragons. He's been on a team with Genji before, and back then, he was not in a place to talk about it. Because the Dragons aren't quite so surprising to him anymore, McCree is rather casual when it comes to talking about them, though. He'll explain them to the newbies if questions are asked.Mei is absolutely fascinated with the Dragons! She wants to know what they are- animals? Spirits? Magic? Either way, she's come up with cute names for them (Genji's is Wasabi, Hanzo's are Soba and Ginsing). She sometimes helps Winston try and study them, but she usually lets the brothers know if they're taking readings. Hanzo hates it. Genji doesn't mind.Pharah didn't believe her mother's tales of Genji, and thought the whole "Dragons" thing might just be a metaphor for a battle stance or something like that. When she actually saw the Dragons for the first time, she couldn't believe her eyes. She asks McCree about it later, but doesn't bring it up to anyone else.Reaper knows a lot more than he lets on. During Blackwatch, he had Moira gather information on Genji's Dragon. He took this information and used it to plan tactics to utilize it. Nowadays, he uses what he knows to avoid it. He knows what a powerful weapon it is. He has yet to tell anyone else in Talon the extent of what he knows.Soldier 76 doesn't know nearly as much about the Dragons. Though also a strategist, he hasn't asked Genji or Hanzo about it. He figures that the brothers know when and where to use their abilities. Genji usually communicates and coordinates with his team before using it. Hanzo does not. This can lead to some mishaps during battle, which annoys Soldier to no end.Sombra has searched the web inside and out, but has found no information on anything like the Dragons. Heck, she can barely find records of the Shimada clan. She figures that the family has a closed internet system. She would love to get into it sometime, but that would require an on-site hack, and as of current plans involving the heir, Talon does not want to make the clan mad.Symmetra thinks that the Dragons are nothing more than hard-light structures. She can create similar illusions, but not on the scale of either of the brothers. She wonders if they secretly are masters of hard light, or if they have some sort of technology that allows them to create such constructions on the fly. However, she sees that the Dragons are of spiritual importance to the brothers, so she does not ask. Torbjorn hates, hates, hates even acknowledging the Dragons' existence. He pretends that they don't exist most of the time. However, back in the day, he helped to build Genji's cyborg armor, and he had to build an entirely separate cooling system to deal with the energy surge that the Dragon creates, so he knows that it's real; the logical part of his brain just refuses to admit it. (Basically, "eff them, they don't science", lol.)Tracer thinks that the Dragons are wicked cool. She asks a lot of harmless questions, mostly to Hanzo (for some reason), such as "What makes them go through walls?" or "Why do you have two, but your brother only has one?". Hanzo usually refuses to respond, but she has gotten an answer or two. She usually tells the answers to Winston, as to help him with his study.Widowmaker doesn't have time to dwell on the nature of the Dragons. All she cares about is that they're inconvenient to deal with, often forcing her to move positions and interrupting her usual sniper dual with Hanzo.    Support:Ana doesn't ask many questions, as she sees it as a breach of privacy. She only knows what information the brothers openly say and what she has seen in battle. She does, however, ask the brothers if they would like to be nanoboosted when they summon their Dragons. Genji accepts. Hanzo refuses.Brigitte didn't believe Reinhardt's tales of Genji's Dragon, chalking it up to her mentor's active imagination. All that changed when she saw them in battle for the first time. She's especially fascinated with how Genji's cyborg parts handle the energy surge. She tried to ask her father about it, but all he would give her is the blueprints. Since then, she's come up with several upgrades for the system. Genji, however, politely declines them every time she brings them up.Lucio thinks they're super cool, but he doesn't ask questions, and often is the one to stop others (read: Tracer and D.va) from asking them as well. He understand that the spirit dragons may be a personal thing, so he only knows what information is volunteered. However, this doesn't stop him from creating sick remixes inspired by the Dragons. Mercy knew about the Dragons from the very beginning- it was a medical miracle that Genji survived, and she attributes a small part of that to the dragon spirit inside of him. She's always been intensely curious about it, but she can never bring herself to ask questions. Instead, she focuses on getting to know Genji as a person more. Perhaps with time she may learn more.Moira is also intensely curious. Back in Blackwatch, she was able to study Genji in her laboratory whenever he was injured. She had many theories about the Dragons, but none of them turned out to be true. Regardless, she was able to get many useful data readings as to how they function. Nowadays, she would love to get her hands on Hanzo to further her study, and that is one of the driving forces in the plan of recruiting him to Talon.Zenyatta sees the Dragons as spiritual entities that reflect the brother's relationships with their inner selves. He knows more about the Dragons than anyone else, as he is Genji's closest confidant when it comes to such things. He was able to see how the Dragon changed throughout Genji's spiritual enlightenment. Zenyatta wishes he could help Hanzo with his troubles, but the bowman always refuses.
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