#and poofs her there YEEHAW
piduai · 2 years
(long ask, sorry! i just. need to talk to Someone about dungeon meshi yeehaw. tbh im not on anon bc i just went thru your dm tag so uh. not subtle lol) heyyyy, i've seen you rb dungeon meshi stuff and due to Circumstances decided to start it finally and. omfg. omg. how do i recover from this. it's so good??? Anyways. i feel like you have some really interesting takes so i was wondering if i could ask you abt what you think of the series?? like. idk it's so good?? you start and it's fun but then it just keeps building and building and then poof you now have a wonderfully crafted story and it's seamless and amazing??? also the designs. i LOVE the designs. tade is so agdjwgdhw and falin and marcille and namari and- anyways women <3. but yeah all the designs are so good, and the characters.... at first i was like. ok. abt laius but now i love him and just. wow ryoko kui is so skilled. manga so good it makes me forget abt the horrors even if there are horrors in it too lmao. anyways, i'm really excited to see how this story is gonna end!!!! and then ill make time to reread it slower too..... but yeah, i'd be happy to hear abt your thoughts on the series!!!
dungeon meshi is very nice :) i think it's as basic as it can get in terms of plot/writing but it excels in other categories. it's just pleasant to read, pleasant to look at, misses the rough around the edges feel a lot of obscure manga have (not that it's obscure lol it got awards and stuff. but it's taken a while to get an anime project) but doesn't feel forced & fabricated either, it's a rather intricate work, like a beautifully crocheted shawl done in vibrant shades... it strikes a good balance between feel-good and eerie. what i personally like the most is how you can see that the author is a very artsy person through her additional sketches, it's someone passionate about her craft who has depth of perception but also knows how to appeal to a wider audience without losing authenticity. i like how her sketches are individualistic and at times unsettling, but the manga itself has a very neat, rounded up, tidy style. another thing i like about the manga is just how diverse the character designs are, not in a "races have distinct designs" way, but that there's a wide variety of physiques, body types, skin colors, and it just does not feel forced or tokenized at all. it's just nice to see something different for a change! and like, i'm a person who really dislikes the setting itself (dungeons & dragons lol. and i don't like anthro stuff and human/animal hybrids either) but it's still easy to enjoy it even for someone like me. and it's rather funny! it has an up-beat optimistic tone overall, light-hearted, the comedy is always timed and delivered well. it's like a more nerdy less plot-heavy fma, comparison to which is always a huge compliment in my book. and yes, the characters are very lovable. marcille is the poster girl for classic main female character, it feels like they even stopped making those lol. everyone is just so different from each other and all have unique personalities explained by their circumstances, even rather episodic characters, and with that you can feel the tremendous care that went into creating them. as i said i don't consider it anything worth writing home about in terms of plot/character writing (it DOES have a video game setting after all...) and frankly in the beginning it was a bit boring but with time it becomes really fluid. "pleasant" is the perfect word for it, it's a good manga
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baylardian-1 · 2 years
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Soon enough she gonna be howlin’ at the moon and sleepin’ in the middle of a summer afternoon. 
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zombiesama · 5 years
It you watched me stream you might have seen my doodles of the kitten's gjinkas hut I rly like the concepts I have for them but cabt draw rn bc I killed my charger so I'm gonna ramble yeehaw
Zinnia first!! Since Zini is a tuxedo cat, like Cassim, I wanted to make sure I made them Not Similiar so it doesnt look like I'm lazy I gues??? Anyway.
She has the tiniest bit of white on her chin, which I'll be showing as a tiny little scar! Her chest and tummy are white too so I'm giving her a black dress shirt with white frills going down the middle. I'm giving her a big poofy skirt, held up with a hoop skirt, ofc.
One of her legs is mostly white and the other is mostly black, so shes getting a thigh high white boot with black tights underneath, and her other leg is going to have the black tights and a white shoe. She'll also have gloves! Her hair is gonna be poofy bc Zini gets staticky a lot.
Chai is mostly white, with black/brown/grey on her face, ears, tail and paws! I'll be giving her a vog mask and long, straight, white hair, with some black/brown accents, specifically some poofs of black to kinda look like her ears! I'm unsure about the majority of her outfit right now, but I think I'll give her knee high military style boots and give her black nails rather than gloves, since both Qassim and Zinia have gloves. Might give her bracelets and rings too!
I think I'll have them have the same curse as Qassim, and all 3 of them will handle the curse differently. Zinnia stays cheerful so she doesnt switch, Chai chooses to hide her emotions, and Qassim changes frequently because he hasnt figured out how to keep his emotions in check/later on doesnt want to bother lol.
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g1prowl · 5 years
discord allows me to go live and show my entire discord fam princess and the pauper YEEHAW!! here are some of their highlights under a read more because theyre legit over the whole movie:
•multiple comments on the early 2000s cgi
•“this dog is hideous”
•insert tangent on one of these idiots thinking hes got salmonella
•agreement that premingers vocals are on point!! hitting those notes
•“this dog is traumatizing me”
•“what do you think king dominick will be like” “dumb”
•calling julian a broke ass
•erika started singing and someone said shes about to go off
•again more comments on the animals faces and how bad they are guys please let it rest
•“princess and the thotter”
•anneliese sang her part in girl like you and there was a loud smack of lips and someone saying “OKAY”
•everyone has heard girl like you. iconique
•laughing at julians outfit
•they finally noticed that midas’ back legs are facing the wrong way and started WHEEZING
•with no prompting “stupid useless ass cat”
•the horse is not free from ridicule either
•theyre loving all the preminger reaction image opportunities
•“i always thought preminger was snooty and french” ONE OF MY HEADCANONS YEAH BOY (tho theres more to it than that whoops)
•giggling at julians voice crack
•imitating premingers gasp lmao
•erika falls and immediately i hear “she just got fucked up”
• “BRUH” when preminger kicked wolfie and then calls to “KILL HIM KILL HIM”
•losing their minds over nick and nack’s screams when serafina dropped down
•the most pained groan at nick’s disguise
•i legit just noticed the guard has similar colors to ro’s mom in island princess? wild
•madame carpe has been declared toxic
•“time to use up one of your lives” @ serafina when she snuck out. harsh 😔
•tiny apples tiny apples tiny apples
•another erika x dominick shipper!! fuckin gottem boys pack it up and go home my job is done
•manlet preminger.
•“we’re in the barbieprime fandom now” wow i really love these fuckers huh!!
•pausing whenever midas comes on screen makes everyone groan in pain and ive never had so much fun pausing something in my life
•in a whisper “preminger supports blue lives...”
•the queen is trans no i dont accept constructive criticism
•“preminger is transphobic” “you know what? id believe that”
•insert tangent here on racist kirby?? i dont understand either
•erika is legit getting thrown in the dungeon and these idiots are talking abt the cats shitty anatomy!! bro i cant
•erika started crying and the only comment is “same”
•preminger has little man syndrome. described as “like when little dogs try to act big when theyre not.” accurate tbh
•heel click. cue wheezing
•preminger legit is a head shorter than the queen. got his hair poofed to high heaven and heels on and hes still tiny!! manlet supreme indeed
•preminger admired himself in the mirror and there was a loud “OH MY GOD” this dude sounds like hes about to cry
•midas is now getting bullied for his voice. this dog getting clowned on left n right
•the ending has earned a “bruh” and horrified noises at how many kittens serafina and wolfie have had
•“im glad i watched it was worth”
i lov this movie and i love these people :o) thats all i got for now, see ya folks!
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isaacathom · 7 years
serren gets beat up by Endlyn (with her ghost-punchin’ arm) and genuinely believes shes gonna be totally dead because at this point, she’s vaguely aware of the whole ‘kiss to come back’ thing (not sure from where) and shes like ‘fuck fuck fuck FUCK IM A GHOST’ and probably spends her last moments desperately reaching for Endlyn even though she knows thats.... pretty pointless actually. she’s desperate, yknow.
then, poof, she jolts awake in her tower in derse. its incredibly confusing all around. theres probably noone on derse to actually help her make sense of the situation either... or any way for her to leave.......... uh. thats actually an issue. though i suppose she should have a computer in her room (given jade did, right) so she could possibly contact someone. not sure how theyd help, exactly. this is the issue. she’d be essentially stranded on derse until one of the other derse dreamers - Endlyn, Dahnte, and Tsitas - wakes up and offers to fly her home. the only candidate for that is Tsitas. Dahnte would refuse unless he could possibly wrangle a favour out of it, though if Serren mentioned shed ‘visited his hive’ as a ghost he’d do it immediately. he hates ghosts. this boy is terrified of ghosts.
unless someones.... god tier? which could work. my candidate is Lyndel or Junzha. Having Junzha do it seems like overkill considering he is already responsible for Serren not being dead (and thus responsible for her existing as a ghost, because he woke up her dream self way fucking early) so having him also ‘save’ her by picking her up seems too much. since Lyndel’s role in the slightly rewritten sage of Rhiana Tasiai has her relegated to buying serren a laptop, having her ascend reasonably early and then going to collect Serren from derse seems... fair enough. and she’s a doom player, so dying way early on seems completely justifiable. have her die early on as a sort of ‘sacrifice’ that allows the players of the session to know that in this new world, death isn’t the finale. Which gives Serren a lot of hope, which can then be briefly crushed when Endlyn accidentally finds out she exists and beats the crap out of her. i think that works?
which then begs the question of how Lyndel dies. it’d have to be a quest bed death in order for it to work properly whiiiiichhh begs a lot of questions, to be honest. Zekari could help be a part of that, perhaps accidentally self fulfilling by seeing her death in the clouds (for those keeping score [me] thats the second time hes seen a death in the clouds) and deciding to forewarn her, resulting in her deciding to do a sweep of the area around her home to ensure its safe. resulting in her getting blindsided and totaaaaaled. in a big ol pyre-looking mfucker. nice. though if she’s a Page and we’re going Active Serve on this bitch.... imma have to reread the thing, hold up. if she’s a page, arguably she should be forcing (accident or otherwise) someone to serve her doom - to act as the sacrificial pony upon which the session new understanding of death can be built off. whose the candidate for that? Junzha, probably. he’s not all that strong, his telekinesis isnt even very powerful and in fact pales in comparison to his two other psychic friends (serren has pretty decent telepathy and zekari is a gold blood telekinetic with a more versatile set, while junzha can only manipulate momentum and not direction). so him accidentally dying earlier, as a result of something Lyndel told him to do, allows him to do all the shit. and it works really well because their classes mesh together REALLY well here, and in fact would manifest in similar ways. as Junzha is Knight of Life, and so being killed and brought back to life sorta fits that mold - passively serving (giving, whatever) life to the session, with Lyndel actively giving death to the session by showing them how it can be used. they fit together here. so, ok, Junzha dies early on as a complete accident that Lyndel takes the responsibility for. She’s the one who called him to her planet or whatever, she put him in that place, she accepts her place, and finding out he survived after she kissed him is literally one of the best things she’d heard all day. then she allows Zekari to serve her Doom later when she doesn’t cut off a conversation with him (aka she was busy but stopped for her when she couldve ignored it) and to tell her where she should go in order to get herself killed (that wasnt his intent - its a Page thing. it also ties into him being a Bard, though not into his aspect). serves doom to the session by again showing Good Death and shit. yeehaw.
ok. junzha dies early. whiiiich would then strand him on skaia????? Zekari IS on Skaia though, and has been awake for ages, so its wholly possible for Zekari to, if convinced to fucking go to bed (you dumbass) to give Junzha a lift. way easier than convincing The Crew to do the same thing on Derse, due to the shenanigans involved in those folk.
yeaaassss...... i think that works. Junzha dies early in an accident that Lyndel caused (by accident, she didn plan this), Lyndel is later killed in her quest cocoon (or Pyre, really, thats what her world is Full of) and ascends, which allows her to then collect Serren after Serren gets the absolute shit kicked out of her by an enraged Endlyn, who was angry that Serren had tricked her by pretending to be a Cobalt (again, Endlyn is kinda weird about this shit, and if Serren were a more manipulative person and had done it deliberately to earn favours, like.... endlyn’d be right to be miffed).
the loop successfully closes.
admittedly Junzha dying because of Lyndel doesn’t have any real place in the Ancestral Karmic Cycle but its an accident, so its not a huge deal. i dont think Junzha can even die as part of that cycle..... he could kill Tsitas, but thats about it. and there are a good chunk f folk who would kill Tsitas. so its literally whatever. he’s a Life player, he’s not going around killing his friends, yknow.
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