#her learning to hide her wings hehe
liviavanrouge · 5 months
Becoming Queen pt 1
Livia: *Walks through the rain, flicking her ear*
Kalim: *Follows behind her with Azul, a wheezing Ruggie leaning against him*
Ruggie: Re...st...ne....ed...res...t
Azul: There's a dry spot over there...
Livia: *Walks after Kalim and shakes herself off when she reached the tree*
Ruggie: *Coughs and wheezes, gripping his chest* Sor...ry...guy...s
Epel: Oh, he's getting worse...just great
Livia: *Perks up, noticing one of them was missing* Guys....where's Jack?
Azul: *Looks to his left then right* HE WAS RIGHT BESIDE ME!!
Livia: Kalim, did you see where he went?
Livia: *Looks over finding Kalim and Ruggie gone* Huh-
Azul: Epels gone too!
Livia: *Looks away sharply alarmed* Epel!? Kalim! Jack!!
Azul: *Perks up when a throwing dart flew past his shoulder* YIKES!!!
Azul: *Quickly hides in the strawberry bushes nearby, keeping low to the ground*
Livia: *Perks up remembering the Fae Jaguars from the Hidden Village did this*
???: That's quite violent...
Livia: *Gasps as an Oni human appeared in front of her*
???: I'm Jinx
Livia: *Snaps her teeth at him, forcing him back*
Jinx: Woah, feisty...
Livia: *Glares at him snarling, Azul peeking out from behind her wing* Where's. My. FRIENDS!
Jinx: *Points behind him at her unconscious friends cocooned in vines*
Livia: *Snarls at Jinx* You should know I don't like them touched.
Jinx: Apologies, let me reintroduce myself, I am Jinx one of the guards of the Yokai and Martial Arts Village
Jinx: I saw that you all were passing by so I planned on knocking you all out but seems I was caught...
Livia: I had an experience with the fae jaguars similar to this.
Jinx: Ah! I see!! No wonder you knew, we learned lots from that village they're very kind...
Livia: Kind isn't exactly in my dictionary for some of them
Jinx: Do you have family there
Livia: My grandmother, Honey, and my cousin, Lenia....
Jinx: *Perks up, his face reddening* H-Hehe h-how is Lenia?
Livia: *Perks up feeling a strong wave of love emitting from the male* She's good...
Jinx: Good! That's...that's good, I'm glad
Livia: Oh wait! YOU'RE JINX! The one she was rambling about!
Jinx: She...rambled about me...
Livia: *Nods* She's actually worried for you and your people and hopes she can see you again
Jinx: *Smiles slightly* She's always been like that....she has a right to worry..
Azul: What's there to worry about?
Jinx: Our current queen....well queens..only two though, they're very...incompetent and they don't care about the village....
Jinx: The martial arts school was shut down, Yokai are losing their homes, martial artists are losing their love for martial arts....there's no food, no money to buy things...
Azul: That's terrible! No money!? How could anyone live like that!??
Jinx: It's been ten years since they became rulers...
Livia: You said there's TWO queens, are they married-
Jinx: *Shakes his head* They're sisters, one takes the throne for half a year then the other gets it for the rest of the year...
Livia: I see...
Jinx: Anyone can become king or queen or prince or princess if you have the qualifications for it
Livia: Well, seems like ruler standards aren't that good if those two are on the throne
Azul: Agreed-
Livia: WAIT!!
Azul: *Looks at her alertly* What is it!?
Livia: Ruggie!! We were looking for the village to heal Ruggie!!
Jinx: *Glances at Livias friends* Which is Ruggie?
Livia: The hyena right there, with the brown ears...
Jinx: *Looks at her* What's wrong with him?
Azul: He got sprayed by some kind of flower, it was purple with red pollen inside, the stem was black with red thorns
Jinx: Oh a Deathberry Flower, yeah, he needs help and quick!
Jinx: *Whistles, causing several Oni to come out* The hyena needs medical attention STAT! Take the rest to the town square and wake them up!!
Livia: *Watches her friends get carried away, twitching uncomfortably at the sight*
Jinx: *Smiles at her* We can follow them, come on
Livia: *Rushes after her unconscious friends, Azul following behind her*
Jinx: *Catches up to the two*
Livia: Tell me more about what's going on?
Jinx: Well the queens have made several unfair decrees, it's worsening everything going on
Jinx: They've cut off trading, stopped us from celebrating special events, everything had gotten overly gloomy but nobody wants to leave because this is our home...
Jinx: If we leave we're abandoning the place we know best, where our roots were settled, we'd be cowards if we ran
Livia: You'd be surviving....but I understand..
Azul: *Perks up, his eyes wide* Holy Sevens..
Livia: *Looks forward, her eyes wide at the state everything was in* Oh....no..
???: *Runs up to Livia, looking hopeful* Hungry!
Livia: *Flattens her ears back looking down at the child guilty* I don't have anything, I'm sorry...
Livia: *Watches the child run off then looks down, gently kicking a rock away*
Azul: *Looks at Jinx* Livia is weak against kids, she just can't turn away from them...
Jinx: *Nods, looking understanding* Me neither....
Jinx: Come on, the medical station is over here
Livia: *Walks after him, looking at everything*
Azul: It's awful here....
Livia: *Nods, looking at the Yokai and Martial artists wandering about* Something needs to be done about this...
@queen-of-twisted @yukii0nna @zexal-club @pekoetiikapu @teddymochi
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mrs-lockley · 2 years
(I'm definitely not procrastinating)
I wanna learn more about your Kapangpangan fic! I need crumbs please I'm begging KAJHSDKJAS Anything you wanna share! (Also love love love your work and your support! Literally you are so kind HNNGGG)
Hehe thank you Nelly! I'm actually struggling with part 2 right now so this will help me sort my thoughts out! I'll do 9 facts for each star 😘
Where the Spirit Meets the Bones was partly inspired by the Little Mermaid. I was surprised I haven't seen a Little Mermaid AU for Namor, so I decided to write one! I debated on making her a Sirena because I did see a few Sirena/Mermaid fics in the tag, but after doing some research, I decided to settle on Sirena because I felt that a Sirena was right for her.
The title and premise of the fic is inspired by the song ivy by Taylor Swift, my favorite song from my favorite album by her (Evermore is her best work and completely underrated, imo). The entire song screamed Namor to me and if you look closely at the lyrics, it'll give many hints to more of the reader's backstory. 👀👀
Speaking of the reader's backstory, it's been hinted at throughout the first part, but she was human before she became a Sirena. How she became a Sirena and why the ocean spared her life will be revealed in part 2! She may seem sweet in part 1, but she has just as many skeletons in the closet and darkness like Namor. She's just better at hiding it.
Originally I was going to have Namor and our Sirena meet when she rescues him at sea because she was intrigued by the wings on his ankles and pointed ears. But I scrapped that idea because I wanted more of a slow burn and build up before that meeting. That’s when I got the idea of her finding Namor visiting his mother on the seashore and leaving behind the jasmine flowers as an offering.
Although he did not know what our Sirena looked like when she rescued him, Namor painted jasmine flowers in his cavern to mark that that was the first time he was nearly discovered by humans in a foreign land, but was saved by her.
His original intentions were to learn more about her to see if she was a princess or goddess that he could have diplomatic ties with, so he restored her necklace with vibranium and offered two Talokanil pearls as a possible token of diplomacy and courtship. But all that changed when he and the Sirena meet face-to-face for the first time. It was almost love at first sight, but it was definitely love at first sound. 
I went back and forth on having it be a standalone, but then I decided to make it a duet. I have several ideas for part 2 that I don’t want to spoil too much, and depending how long it is, I might make it 3 parts if people are still interested  👀 It would take place over the course of the 20th century and lead up to modern day 
Part 2 will go more in-depth about their relationship, and I may or may not be planning on incorporating the bakunawa as a metaphor for their relationship since I already did a lot of emphasis on them meeting under a bright moon 
Ultimately I made the reader a Sirena Kapampangan because while I do love reading Filipino!reader fics, I felt a little isolated because I don’t understand a lot of Tagalog. My parents only spoke Kapampangan at home (I can speak a little bit (but understand Kapampangan fluently), my mom made me speak English when she spoke to me in Kapampangan so I wouldn’t struggle with English) so I struggle with grammar sometimes and don’t really know which is my first language. I did pick up a little bit of Tagalog from watching TFC and most of my Filipino-American friends are Tagalog. We would do Taglish with each other but I’d get my Kapampangan mixed up with Tagalog words and get frustrated with myself for not knowing Tagalog, but also feel incredibly guilty because I’ve heard that back home, Kapampangan is slowly dying out and I want to preserve it. I can’t read or write Kapampangan and some of the Kapampangan terms I used in the fic, I had to double check the translations to make sure I spelled it right. This is getting a little personal but even among my Filipino friends, I always felt like the odd ball and a fraud because we don’t know any other Kapampangans here in the States (and a majority of my immediate family are in Pampanga). So this fic is really personal to me because for once, I feel a bit more included in the Filipino space. The Asian diaspora is real and even my Fil-Am friends feel it too, so we try to learn more about our history. It’s just even in the Asian-American community here in the States, Filipinos are still looked down on by our East Asian cousins that I still struggle with my Southeast Asian and Filipino identity. Doing research for this fic has made me want to learn more about my history, specifically Kapampangan history, which sadly I did not learn much about from my parents because  growing up they did not get a chance to teach us much about it since they were working to provide for my Ate and me. So in a way, this fic is really personal and self-indulgent because this is the kind of fairytale that Little Me would have wanted to read. This fic is a fairytale for my younger self and other Filipino girls, not just Kapampangan, to read. It’s a love story for our younger selves.
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3, 9, 11, and 23!!
3) What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Hmm... I think her main flaw is that she's very ruled by her emotions. She's quick to, well, all her emotions and can't hide them well, but spite is the dangerous one. See: her telling Emet-Selch the memory of Aumorat will die with him, and only showing Elidibus the crystals because she assumed his mind was so gone he believed his own bullshit about the ancients being real. You can... imagine how she felt when her ass landed in Elpis during Endwalker. She is aware of it, and is trying to work on it with the pixies, but change is slow when you've been doing that shit for almost 6 years of your life because you were too busy saving the world.
9) Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
it will NOT surprise you that most of these are fall out boy lyrics.
"Put on your war paint!" - the phoenix - this one should be obvious as to why HGJFHGJFHGHJGH, i've always imagined this to be the endwalker op if her msq journey was an anime :)
"'Cause you're the last of a dying breed!/Write our names in the wet concrete!/I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me?/I'm here in search of your glory/There's been a million before me/That ultra kind of love you never walk away from/You're just the last of the real ones!" - the last of the real ones - lowkey she's kinda a manic pixie dream girl and this is THEEE manic pixie dream girl anthem <3 and her "ultra kind of love" is her Friend Chip <3
"Sometimes the only payoff for having any faith/Is when it's tested again and again, every day/I'm still comparing your past to my future/They might be your wounds but they're my sutures" - immortals - THEY PUT THIS SHIT IN A DISNEY MOVIE AND NOW I'M PUTTING THIS SHIT IN MY BLORBO. for the most part she doesn't care abt the fact that she was azem (and has actively turned down learning any information about her, only knowing her real name and that she was hyth's sister bc hades and hyth respectively told her when she was caught a little off guard), but if she had to give a general feeling abt azem, it'd be the second half of the lyrics; it might be azem's soul, but it's her life. she's NOT aphrodite, she's ahrora. as for the first half. well you've played msq!! you know how it be on this bitch of an earf!!!
"So take the field, with a triumphant roar!/I won’t be swayed anymore/Even if this new power I’ve gained/Tries to test what I’m made of/Just raise your flag up high/And shout at the top of your lungs/And when I reach the next level/Then untold power will be in my hands!" - rise up your flag - HER CHARACTER SONG!!! YES I AM IN FACT STEALING FROM KAMEN RIDER <3
"Don't avert your gaze! Keep it straight/Nothing will stop us at this point/Until the magic wears off - until then,/Hold on tight to my hand, my hand!" - teo - i've always imagined this to be like. her anime ed.
at least we got ONE vocaloid song to balance it all out.
11) What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
to answer the second question first: No Shit <3
DNC - the level 90 artifact weapon you get in endwalker, Terpsichore!
SGE - Isnae Phis, aka the sage weapons that look like Feo Ul's wings!
DWN - in-game it's the Deepshadow Claymore, in lore it's the weapon Hades uses when he tanks for you in the Elpis dungeon, since the power is inherited from him.
23) What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
She uh. Doesn't have a hard time expressing her emotions (see above), but the hardest one for her to process is fear. She started being the WoL at 16, and only became an adventurer because of the fear of not being able to control her life/being shoved into a relationship she had no desire to be in. Any time she feels fear, she pretends she doesn't. She's only admitted to being scared to G'raha, right before he sacrificed himself in Ultima Thule, finally breaking down and saying she was scared she wasn't gonna be able to return home.
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baylardian-1 · 2 years
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Soon enough she gonna be howlin’ at the moon and sleepin’ in the middle of a summer afternoon. 
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summary: Because his girlfriend hates her body, Poe does everything he can to help her accept herself.
pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader
warnings: angst, fluff, insecurities so maybe trigger warning
words: 682
a/n: I‘M BACK BITCHES yeah after two months with a writers block this is my first piece of writing so expect the worst hehe STILL HOPE YOU LIKE IT :)
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She is perfect. She is the definition of perfection in Poes eyes. He would never find a mistake in her pure soul. (Y/n) means everything to Poe, therefore his heart skips a beat the moment he sees her tonight. A long black dress covers most of her body, still revealing enough skin to let his eyes wander.
There is a dreamy smile on Poes lips, and he stops in his tracks, just staring at his breathtakingly beautiful girlfriend. Now and then he has no explanation why she is still with him. And now is one of those moments.
It’s not because (Y/n) is wearing a dress, her hair as well as make up are done, that Poe admires her. It’s because she is his girlfriend, his everything and means so much to Poe. He loves literally anything about her - the way she smiles at his beloved droid, the moments with her in bed early in the morning, her laugh whenever he does something stupid. She is beautiful every second of the day.
But that’s not what (Y/n) sees. Her eyes focus so hard on every inch of her body that her sight becomes blurred after some time. Because of this, she does not notice Poe right behind her. Only when he takes a deep breath to come back into reality, does she flinch.
“Darling. You are the most-“
At last, (Y/n) turns around without looking Poe in the eyes and even wraps both arms around herself, covering her chest. Poe takes a step forward and places a hand on her cheek. Only now does he notice the tears filling her eyes.
“What‘s upsetting you?“
(Y/n) takes a deep breath. Then she turns back around, looking at herself in the huge mirror. Her hair has a bland color and strange texture. Her skin is not as clean as the one of others her age. Her boobs have the wrong size. Her legs show too many stretch marks. Her whole body is strangely formed. At least that is what she sees.
Poe sees a whole other version of her. She is perfect in his eyes and so lovely. He loves her so much, and no one compares to her.
“I hate myself so much. My body-“, (Y/n) sobs and the tears run over her cheeks, wetting Poes hand which is still caressing her face. His second hand carefully grabs her neck and pulls his love closer.
“Stop! No, darling. You are beautiful the way you are. You are so perfect to me“, Poe interrupts (Y/n)s rambling about every insecurity she can find on her body. Every single insecurity she can think of only makes Poe love her more.
The moment (Y/n) sobs so hard that Poe believes his heart will break, he pulls her into a hug. She hides her face in his neck and wraps both her arms tightly around him. They stay like this for a long time. (Y/n) cries. Poe tries to reassure, whispering sweet nothings.
“Hey, you remember me being insecure about my ass?“, Poe asks after some time and can hear a soft giggle coming from his girl. He smiles and continues to stroke (Y/n)s hair.
“Stop that. You know I love your big butt“, (Y/n) whispers. Poes body shakes with laughter, so she raises her head and looks at her boyfriend.
“And that is my whole point, darling. I had a hard time accepting myself, even waited so long with letting the seat of my x-wing customize that I had sometimes bruises from it. But when I met you, and you accepted me the way I am, I learned to love even my insecurities“, Poe explains with passion. (Y/n) eyes glisten, not with tears but with appreciation. A smile starts to form on her lips, and she wipes away her tears.
“Thank you so much. I love you“, (Y/n) sighs happily and places one of her hands behind Poes neck, pulling him closer. Their lips finally meet in a sweet and passionate kiss. (Y/n)s free hand wanders from Poes chest to his back. “and your butt!“
taglist: @lightning-wolffe @gwenebear @caswinchester2000 @shadowfoxey @luvzoria @remmyswritings @periwinklehoney @maximumcoffeeme @jojos-trooper @starwarsworld-blog1
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volleychumps · 4 years
Congrats on 3k!! SO its canon that Osamu loves onigiri n even opens his iwn shop in the future, I want to request a scenario where Osamu meets this girl who chill n nonchalant n loves onigiri(n all food!) just like him and isnt interested in him like all the other fangirls yk n hes just slowly falls in love yk hehe (set in high school pls!) Thank you!! I love ur blog!
Aight bet- I’m finally working on this piece skfkjdsfkjsdf
Genre: Fluff, one-shot 
Warning(s): mild cursing, mild nsfw themes at the end 
Foodie. (Osamu Miya) 
- the one in which your love for food perks Osamu Miya’s interest- 
“Whoaa, Samu- why so much today?” Suna sweat drops at the sight of his friend’s lunch box as the gray-haired boy runs a hand through his fringe, shrugging lightly as his friend pulls up a seat to eat lunch with him at his desk. Breaking his chopsticks apart, his voice falls to a casual tone. 
“Took ‘Sumu’s.” 
“Why would you take your brother’s if you have the opportunity to get like six bentos a day?” Suna poked a straw into his juice, tilting his head with a lazy smirk. 
Osamu visibly shuddered, pretending not to see the group of girls peering around the corner and into his classroom, knowing better. The first time he had accepted a bento from any of them, it had obviously been store-bought and rearranged to make hearts and such. The gesture would have been ignored and eaten if he didn’t find a few stray hairs in the octopus weiners, and the thought of someone’s hands rearranging perfectly good food made him queasy.
“I wish ‘Sumu’s rejects didn’t come to me.” Osamu mumbles, and Suna chuckles lightly, setting down his juice before peering to his right at the classmate who had settled back down in her seat from having her lunch in the courtyard. 
“Oi, Y/N-san. That looks good.” 
“You want the rest?” You offer, having made too much onigiri the night before, stopping the movement to put the lid atop your bento. You were done with it anyways, and the leftovers usually got put in the fridge to be forgotten about. 
Suna glances at the onigiri, shrugging before taking the two left in the box as you smile cooly at his thanks, putting in your earbuds before laying your head on your desk to catch some much-needed shut eye before class resumed. 
Osamu looks up, not really paying much attention to Suna’s interaction, with a now cleaned out bento-box as his dark eyes land on the now outstretched onigiri in Suna’s hand. The middle blocker shrugs, eating the pointed top of the onigiri with a content look on his face: it was good. 
“Where’d you even get that?” Osamu’s voice was on edge as Suna rolls his eyes, pressing the ball of rice further. 
“Some place safe, I promise. If you weren’t too absorbed in your food you would know.” 
Osamu looks at the onigiri in his hand warily, seeing there were at least no hairs on it before sighing and taking a cautious bite. Onigiri was something he loved most, and he hoped taking this mystery rice ball wouldn’t ruin his- 
Suna swore he could see stars in his friend’s eyes as Osamu took a second, larger bite, snapping his head up to meet Suna’s what the hell expression. 
“Where did you even get this?” He repeated his last question, staring at the onigiri as if it had to be sheltered, protected, and loved under his care as Suna lazily finishes his last bite. 
“Tuna mayo. I used special seasoning in the rice when I formed them.” You interrupt, yawning with a stray headphone out of your ear. “Turned out good, no?” 
“Oh. I’m not interested in dating right now, sorry.” 
The beat of silence that followed Osamu’s blunt sentence was heavy, and you amusedly look at Suna, who had the bridge of his nose pinched between his fingers. 
“Oh. What a shame.” The teasing tone filled your voice as Osamu arched an eyebrow, and you glance at the slightly glaring group of girls before connecting the dots. Still, you couldn’t really find the meaning in explaining that his assumptions were surely not the case, settling for sticking your headphone back in and resting your head back on your desk. 
Suna sighs as Osamu blinks, realization dawning onto him. 
“Wait...she wasn’t-” 
“No. She wasn’t. Idiot.” 
The bell rang as Suna got up to return to his desk, and Osamu Miya casts a glance at the girl who sat next to him, tiredly pulling her earbuds out again to listen to the next lecture. A part of him wanted to apologize, but the thought of that had sent an unexplainable heat to the tips of his ears. 
Instead, he rummages in his bag-
and you blink when a can of coffee hits the corner of your desk with a slight tap, Osamu pulling his notes out as if he hadn’t in the first place. He sits forward, feeling your confused stare as he flips open his notebook. 
“For the onigiri.” 
“Again? Another one?” 
“Don’t act like you don’t get them too.” Osamu sighs to his brother, shifting the letters around in his shoe locker to get his actual shoes. “This is all your fault, anyways.” 
“The little pigs never learn, do they?” Atsumu grins, and his twin rolls his eyes at the brashness of his words as Atsumu’s shoulder touches the lockers. “You coming to practice today?” 
“Do I have a choice?” 
“Nope.” Atsumu pops the p, spinning on his heel. “I’m going ahead, sweet brother of mine.” 
“Bite my ass.” Osamu replies evenly, shoving the letters deeper into his locker.
“No, mine is better. Thanks for the offer though.” 
The wing-spiker runs a hand through his silver hair, seeing out of the corner of his eye a group of girls hyping up the girl in the middle, looking in his direction as he witholds a sigh. He didn’t hold the brashness of his brother, but he did get tired of the endless confessions sent his way, based soley on his looks- nothing else. 
His mental preparation for rejecting her was interrupted when a hand reaches out, and dark eyes widen slightly when you lean into him, your hand resting on the area of the side of his body. Osamu arches a brow at your easy smile as your face remains inches apart from his own. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Give it...twenty more seconds.” You reply, and Osamu blinks in utter confusion, about to ask what the absolute hell you’re talking about before a series of footsteps run away, a few whimpers in the mix as you pull back abruptly. 
“They’re gone.” You say, opening up your own shoe locker before slipping the pair out casually. “Sorry if that made you uncomfortable, hope it was at least better than having to deal with another crying girl.”
Osamu remains silent as you tap the point of your shoe against the ground twice before glancing at him, slinging your bag over your shoulder. 
“You don’t have to be so...emotionless about it, you know? A simple apology afterwards would be enough. But hey, you don’t have to listen to a stranger.” You wink, waving backwards. “Sorry again, I thought I’d thank you for the coffee. It woke me up, Miya-san.” 
Your footsteps stop when he finally speaks. 
You glance back in surprise. 
“You can call me Osamu.” 
“Y/N.” You smile a little, nodding your head before continuing to walk. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Osamu.” 
Osamu didn’t reply as you walked out of the school, watching from behind you as you untangled your headphones in the midst of walking-
not understanding the foreign feeling of being on the other side of a crush, usually being the one crushed on all this time.
“Y/N, got any free food for me today?” 
“Suna, I swear-” 
Suna grins lazily at you as you cross your legs, rolling your eyes playfully as Osamu scoffs at the audacity of his friend. Today, you ate your lunch with the two boys in your classmates you had somehow grown closer to, ignoring the heated stares on the back of your neck. 
“I’ll trade you a tamago for a kaarage.” Suna says finally, and your eyes light up at the offer.
“Deal.” You say immediately, Osamu hiding the beginnings of a smile at your love for food behind his hand as he continues to eat. Suna easily swipes one of the pieces of chicken from your box, putting into his mouth before nodding as he chewed in appreciation for the flavor. 
The silver-haired middle blocker found himself not eating anymore when Suna held a rolled egg up to you on that same pair of chopsticks. You look at him strangely, and Osamu, the quieter one of you three, could only watch as you ate it anyways. 
“It’s good, right? I made it.” 
“Tell your mom I send her my regards.” You reply nonchalantly, and Suna groans at how easily you had figured out his lie before you notice that the quiet Osamu had somehow grown even quieter. 
Did...did you two just indirectly...?
You and Suna exchange glances, and the dark-haired boy simply shrugs before going back to his lunch as an idea pops into your head. 
“You want to try, Osamu? I won’t make you trade anything for it.” 
“Favortism, much?” 
The middle blocker feels his chest swell when you lift your own chopsticks up to him, grinning when Osamu’s spirits immediately lift. 
“You and food, it’s abnormal-” 
“Suna, no one likes your commentary.” You bite back, and you tilt your head slightly when Osamu takes your wrist, steadying your hand as he eats the kaarage at the end of your chopsticks.
You’re wide-eyed when he pulls back, chewing with the beginnings of a smirk on his features at the doe-eyed expression on your face. The place where his hand held was warm. 
“ S’ delicious as always. Thank you.” 
The sky swirled with dark clouds forming over head as you looked up, frowning while tightening your hands on your grocery bags. Osamu glances at you, the light patter of rain hitting the pavement as you look at him guiltily. 
“Sorry ‘Samu, I shouldn’t have asked you to come shopping with me after school.” 
The unlikely friendship had developed to the point where you and Osamu were really good friends, the silver-haired boy even seeing you home on some nights after an unplanned hangout with Suna after their volleyball practices. 
You even called him ‘Samu, and he didn’t correct you. 
....In fact, he liked it when you called him that. 
“Mm. Yeah, you shouldn’t have.” 
“I hate you.” You pout, and Osamu puts a single hand atop your head, shrugging while smirking a little. 
“No you don’t. Got anywhere to be tonight?” 
“Nah, no one’s home right now.” You chewed on your lip, knowing Osamu was watching you as you stared at the coming rain. He knew you hated storms, and in all honesty wanted to get you somewhere safe with people as soon as he could. 
“Want to come to mine? ‘Sumu’s practicing extra and my parents are working.” 
“...are you sure?” You say in unease, and Osamu clicks his tongue before taking the bags from your hands and setting them down, shuffling in his practice bag for a second.
“Here. We’ll run to mine, it’s not far from here. Pull the hood all the way up.” 
“Awh, do you care about me?” 
Yes. “Nah, don’t get your hopes up.” 
Osamu watched as you slipped the oversized material over your head, coughing to hide the smile that came at the sight. 
“You’re telling me we’re going to run? In the rain?” 
“Do you want to protect the food you bought or not?” 
“...you’re right, let’s go.” 
He could definitely get used to this. 
Almost immediately, Osamu had shoved you into the bathroom after turning on the hot water, ignoring your whines about how you were fine before setting a folded pile of one of his shirts and sweatpants in front of the door. 
It felt comfortable, the pouring of the rain outside, as Osamu mixed broth in a pot while knowing you were here with him in the safety of somewhere he knew you’d be okay. Months of friendship hadn’t made him take any particular advances towards you, seeing as you hardly noticed his feeble attempts anyways. Suna’s advice to just go for it, rang in his ears, the silver-haired boy becoming so lost in his thoughts he doesn’t see you enter the kitchen. 
His breath hitches at the bareness of your legs, his shirt covering down your form to mid-thigh as he quickly returns his attention back to the pot. 
“I left pants there, you know. Real comfy.” 
“They don’t fit.” You shrug, approaching the sink. “Do you need me to wash the vegetables?” 
He merely nods once, fighting to keep his heart rate under control as you do so, continuing to bring the broth to a boil. Still, he physically liked the atmosphere of you here in his kitchen, wearing his shirt while making dinner. Your hair was damp and pushed to one side, and you hum a light tune to yourself as you begin to chop carrots. 
“My curry is going to knock your onigiri out of the water.” 
“I’m offended.” Osamu glares at you as you giggle, looking down at the final product after an hour. You offer him a bit of the broth on a spoon, rolling your eyes at the cautious look on his face when he sips it. 
A pleasant look crosses his face before he can stop himself, and you grin, not really thinking about it as you put the spoon in your mouth to get a taste for yourself. You cheer, jumping up and down cutely as Osamu leans against the counter, crossing his arms with a small smirk as you open up the rice cooker. 
“Man, wish Suna was here. We made way too much.” 
A spike of jealousy flits through his stomach as he watches you begin to plate the food, his jaw clenching. 
He wanted this. He wanted your banter, your cooking, your love for food, and your nonchalant personality.
 He wanted you. He wanted you with no risk of losing you to anyone else, no matter how platonic. 
Just go for it.
“‘Samu, can you grab the-?” 
You never finished your question. 
Osamu took two wide steps across the kitchen, hand grabbing your waist to pull you into him tightly while his other hand rested against the counter top on your side. He gripped onto the stone countertop as he kissed you, roughly and impatiently, as you sigh into it as if you had been waiting for it. 
He deepens the kiss, his tongue slipping your lips as the hand on the counter moves to entangle in your hair. He uses his weight to lean into you, lifting you slightly to sit you on the counter as he stands between your legs, the smell of your clean skin filling his lungs in the now heated kitchen. 
When a sound slips your lips, he’s pulling back, wide-eyed at the fact that he had let every bit of pent up emotion spill out of him. You bite your slightly swollen lips, pulling him closer to you with your hand on the side of his neck. 
“It’s about damn time.” 
“Whatever.” Osamu says, the corner of his lips quirking up as he kisses down your neck sweetly, loving the way your bare legs tightened around him. All the sexual tension, every moment of heavy silence that seemed to say all the words he had feared to say, all combusted in this moment. 
“Samu?” You pipe up, pouting when his hand begins to slip up your thigh. 
“Can we eat first?” 
Osamu stares at you for a second before chuckling, resting his head on your shoulder as you kiss his temple. 
“Of course we can eat first. God, I love you so much.” 
General works: @takemetovalhalla @kasandrafaye @savemesteeb @dreebbles @yams046 @let-me-have-my-own-name @deadontheinsidebut @lifeisntjustblackandwhite @curiouslilbeast @aprettyfruit @wisepandaslimeland @h0ngh0ngh0ng @lmkjimin @therestless101 @orangegiraffe7 @dai-tsukki-desu @kac-chowsballs
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annarendellsa · 3 years
my heathers headcanons
it's the way i see them and draw them, you don't have to agree! this is based on both the musical and the movie
CW: mention of suic*de and e*ting disorders (bulimia) as well as various mental illnesses
Heather Duke
• heather duke is aromantic and yes its because she wears green, have you seen her socks in the off broadway musical? /hj
• more seriously, she IS aromantic but it took some time for her to figure out. she is allo but she doesn't label her sexuality, and she was always confused and frustrated to experience sexual attraction but never romantic attraction; she had a hard time accepting this part of herself.
• post heathers: maybe she discovers about non binary identities and asks her girlfriends to test out they/them pronouns on her? idk? aro-agender duke?
• she also struggles with empathy as she is naturally apathic
• and she's putting this image of a cold mean girl because she believes she can only be that given she's aro and ND
• post musical: she had no idea mcnamara actually tried to commit suic*de and when veronica tells her she breaks down in tears and spend a few days writing an apology letter to mcnamara
• post musical: mcnamara helps her to develop her compassion, knowing it's not her fault she's incapable of empathy. she didn't have to forgive her, but they did, and it really motivates duke to become a better person and be as nice as her
• post musical: she sees a doctor! she eventually recovers from her bulimia. veronica and mac are 100% supportive of her recovery, and very proud
• she gets bigger as part of her recovery and learns to embrace it
• duke is very pale with really dark and thick hair and eyebrows, soft features and quite a lot of body hair
• you know the bootleg where duke has blonde hair? when she's on the tv she speaks german and i vibe with german duke now
• duke Cannot say fuck and if someone is prude/innocent/idk it's her. the why are you pulling my dick was just to fluster veronica i think
Heather McNamara
• they use she/they pronouns!! just because. she still identifies as a girl though
• mac is autistic of course, it's like semi canon in the musical
• since she's very tall (movie) she stims while standing like being on the tip of her toes or rocking back and forth and the others can be quite annoyed because she moves a lot but they never snap at her
• post musical: veronica finds her stimming endearing and they know it's safe to stim around her, especially since veronica stims herself
• post musical: mac hums as a stim too and you can often find macnamawyer snuggling on the floor while humming in harmonies together
• she used to mask a LOT and it played a big part in her depression. she knows they had to stop themselves from stimming when she was a heather, she had been the weird kid in middle school but now that chandler took her under her wing, she has to pretend to be NT in order to stay in the lifeboat (😭)
• she's a lesbian!! of course she is
• she knows it since she is in middle school and has been """gal pals"""" with chandler since them but she still struggles with it she has comphet yk, but still less than chandler
• chanamara definitely practiced kissing together "to be ready when we'll have to kiss boys" 👀👀👀
• chandler always had a soft spot for mac and tried to hide it by being cruel to duke
• post musical: it took mac some time to understand that duke had nothing against her personally. she was chill with them until chandler died. from that moment she had to prove herself as the new queen bee and mac was a collateral victim
• duke definetely gave her trauma though and mac is in the process of trusting her again
• mac themselves is not a cinnamon roll just yet and she still has to make up for what they've done to others
• mcnamara has nicknames like mcNcheese or macaroni (veronica came up with those)
• they're also a vegetarian and she loves yellow food
• like she ever only eats yellow food actually (autistic thing). that girl is deficient! part of why she looks that fragile and thin
• also i see mcnamara as mixed race with golden/light brown skin and they have this type of curly curly hair but she straightens it all the time so it's only just wavy (once again, to blend in with the heathers)
• her natural hair colour is actually a dark strawberry blonde? her dad is irish and he's a redhead that's why (stole this from @cam-eats-candles hehe) but she dyes it so it's lighter
• post musical: she starts wearing her natural hair!! and goes with her mom to the afro hairdresser to start to get her curls done right (cornrows mac!!)
• their parents divorced (movie) and it's for the best. mac has daddy issues and only goes to her dad to get cute jewellery for their girlfriends 💖 (he doesn't just sell engagement rings. a lot of regular expensive rings, really)
• she's not a baby, she's not weak nor completely innocent and pure!! the girl is a head cheerleader, she's strong and flexible as hell.
Heather Chandler
• heather chandler is Also a lesbian BUT she is on the ace spectrum like demisexual? so yeah she's double disgusted when she "sleeps" with men
• as a queen bee she's also convinced that the only way to exist is through male validation :(
• chandler is taller than duke and veronica but shorter than mac
• chandler's skin is like rosy and it freckles very easily. i see her with the same cloudylike hair she has in the movie, dark blonde, with the red scrunchie only holding back some of her hair
• she is Buff and is genuinely into sports (lesbian jock like regina george)
• she has a sharp hourglass shape her shoulders are broad and her legs long and strong. she could lift veronica against a wall easily. and she did
Veronica Sawyer
• ADHD!! she's been diagnosed for a while but only became medicated post musical
• bisexual!! so bisexual!! without a preference. she's always been open and proud about it and her parents are supportive
• for me veronica is brown, with thick and dark hair and dark brown eyes, midsize, average height
Martha Dunnstock
• that's canon i know, but she's fat, and not the socially acceptable-hourglass kind of fat. big arms! big tummy! double chin! (i see fanart of her just being chubby quite often and it's ANNOYING like that's a big part of her character)
• she's perfectly healthy like this as are many fat people :))
• i also like the hc that her attempt at sewer slide made her permanently disabled and that she keeps using a wheelchair! because it happens, it's important to show it, and it gives me a lot of ideas for cute kindergarten girlfriends prompts 💓💓
• of course realistically being fat AND physically disabled in the 80's was and is not an easy thing to go through but it's in my head so
• she's also a tiny bit taller than veronica
• i don't hate the outfit she wears in the off broadway show, but I like her west end outfit better!! it's a lot more 80's inspired and i totally see her in kidcore/clowncore etc, even if pastels are cool too
• in the current west end version, martha is played by a black woman and she looks amazing! however I've been drawing and imagining martha as east/south east asian, for no reason really?? also idk kinda rubs me the wrong way that in the more official versions of heathers it's always duke that is black, or martha? not the others? hmm
• i'm not comfortable with hcs that exclusively babyfy her or patronise her like a bunny rabbit just bc she's a fat outcast who likes unicorns!! she's not just cute and giggly! martha can and does swear and she Fucks, like mcnamara
• big round glasses + big nose + long brown hair
• taking inspiration from the princess bride line but she's a huge movie nerd. yes she loves happy endings but she also loves horror movies, as long as they have a happy ending
• she never gets a makeover omg y'all just hate people with glasses and a childish aesthetic istg
• she takes this aesthetic further though and
• post musical and high school: she doesn't just wear baggy clothes anymore as she only did that to prevent more bullying. she develops an unique style with a lot of pink and glitter and she's awesome
ok this is getting long ill probably do more!! tell me what you think <3
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Charlotte, can we hear some stories about baby V?
(Charlotte chirps happily, closing her eyes with what appears to be a smile,)
Charlotte: Of course! Oh, where even to begin?
Charlotte: Little Virgil was very energetic, much like he is now when he's well-rested. He loved to climb and run and fly around— he’d even get himself caught in paralyzing zhaun'velkyn, and he’d be right back in the air in a few minutes~!
Charlotte: Virgil really liked to test his balance on the webs, too. When he still had his wings, he would stretch out his back limbs to mimic my eight legs, clambering around like a varostriel~ It hindered his balance more than it helped, hehe! Luckily, though, his feet and hands stuck to the webs enough that he never fell.
Charlotte: He learned to fly by following kiperu around, watching the way they flew and climbed around with their wing-claws. They didn’t seem to mind him much, and even let him pet their glowing feathers when their molts came! He got sick more than once just helping pull their broken feathers out, but I couldn’t stop him; once one of those little things screeched at Virgil with their big, yellow eyes, he would cry and cry until I let him help it.
Charlotte: He was a curious thing, always stalking and playing with any new creatures he’d encountered. He discovered haurchint herbs at young age, and we figured out that eating them helped him recover from wounds much faster than sleeping them off. But, even then he didn’t like to eat them. He’d just hunt the kivve masal hiding in them, he loved those little slugs — Olathbumbler honey, too, but he nearly got himself stung to bits every time he went after it!
(Charlotte laughs, thinking back to the cat-sized orange bees, and the giant spiders that liked to feed on them.)
Charlotte: Virgil started hunting the bumblers when he was a bit bigger, and would trade them to one of our neighbors — an old li'xin'drassaur spider, who couldn’t hunt on his own, but had a beautiful elemmiirei garden. In exchange, he would let Virgil play in his garden! Virgil would play with his little pond of fish and stare at the elemmiirei, and he would always come back out with a baby ocan in his arms and a capper on his head~
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D 🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Race to the Edge ✨
Tuffnut choked on a stun dart- I think I've seen it all regarding the twins HAHDHSHHA
Fishlegs really had Meatlug opening its mouth WIDE JUST TO SAY ABORT THE VERY LAST SECONDHAHSHGSGG
I love how Hiccup and Astrid can communicate without actually talking 🥺
I love how all dragons are a reflection of each of their owners like even tho Barf and Belch aren't the smartest they can be whenever they actually try
- Snotlout and Hookfang are both hotheaded and never really listen
- Fishlegs and Meatlug both are sweet, smart, resourceful and jealous sometimes hehe
- The twins and Barf and Belch are crazy and dumb but can be smart and strong whenever they need to be
- Astrid and Stormfly are both authoritative and badasses but also caring
- Hiccup and Toothless are both natural born leaders
Astrid built the ballista
Fun fact: Mala means bad in Spanish and it makes sense if you think about it cause Mala is BADASS HAHDHSHAHA😂 sorry I make bad jokes like that
Hiccup referring to Tuffnut as one of his best friends is adorable 🥺
"Flattery has no effect on me, mainly because I never hear any" dudeee ruff that's so saddd🥺😭
And then him actually fighting Gruffnut is pretty badass I mean they threw actual punches and kicks and everything 😳
Why was Hiccup so cold towards Astrid? When she was just trying to help with his bounty problem
The way Toothless prevented Stoick from killing Savage 🥺🥺🥺
Now that I think abt it Hiccup got kidnapped so many times
Stoick punching Ryker and threatening him is one of the best things I've seen 🤩
Dude poor Snotlout was just insecure in ep4 And I love how Hiccup tried to help him and even then Snotlout still tried his best to show that he can be a leader
- i really loved how he learned that he couldn't just stop covering someone, I mean even when Astrid told him to "peel off and help Hiccup" he was like "no way I'm not leaving your wing" 🥺🥺🥺
Submaripper - tidal class, super powerful, prefer deeper open water and typically very reclusive. Extremely territorial and dangerous.
I LOVE HOW THE SUBMARIPPER SAVED HICCUP, and Toothless's face whenever he couldn't get Hiccup out and Barf and Belch breaking the pod to get him 🥺🥺🥺I can't
𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕝𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕕𝕖𝕡𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕤𝕪𝕞𝕡𝕥𝕠𝕞𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤
- multifaceted disorder
Uncontrollable euphoria - Astrid
Lack of coordination - Heather
Mood swings - Snotlout
Complete catatonia
Cold ankles
Paranoia - Fishlegs
Stoick is so fine 🤩
JAHDHAHSHA HICCUP REALLY OUT HERE FAT-SHAMING HIS DAD when poor Stoick is just trying to tell him that going after Viggo only for revenge is neither safe nor the right thing to do
- "What? What do you mean? You love revenge. Revenge is your thing. Weren't they gonna name you Stoick the Vindictive before... Well you know." *signals to Stoick*
Shadow wings - ep7 they follow, herd and shadow. Big one isn't as fast or maneuverable. Small ones are smart and quick. The big one looks like the submaripper.
The Flying Shatter-Scatter move with Shattermaster and Windshear was so cool and it's also basically the only thing that has pierced through dragon-proof ships
Bro I really wanted to see Astrid saving Toothless when she saw he was in danger in ep8
Everyone's shocked faces whenever Hiccup and Fishlegs weren't thinking the same thing HAHDHSHABA
Toothless's facial expressions whenever he saw Astrid was in danger and the way he grabbed Snotlout and went down the volcano just to try and save her- I love their relationship 🥺
And how Hiccup was so worried when he saw Astrid in the lava and the way he grabbed her 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Dude I shipped Throk and Mala so harddd
And the red night terrors ufff we love them
Tuffnut just killed Macey
Ruffnut is so badass bro I love her she really had a sword to her neck and was like "take your best shot pal"
Project Shellfire: a weaponized dragon, Shellfire - tidal class, Titanwing, bigger than a submaripper, long range firing capabilities.
Hiccup just saved Astrid from falling to the water and the way he looked at her right after he put her down- he seemed so concerned I can't 🥺😭
First name Astrid calls out is Hiccup's 🥺
Her eyes omg
The way she started hyperventilating and the way he held her hand with both of his and the way he kneeled down next to her and made sure she knew that he was still there and the way Toothless's facial expression went 🥺😔 and the way he put his wing on her legs to try and cover her or protect her 🥺🥺🥺I can't
I mean Imagine how Astrid must've felt I just can't I'd be so stressed out and desperate and the next day she was just like I'm going to look for my dragon idc
No dude because the way Hiccup grabbed her by the waist to prevent her from falling off of Toothless and how both of their expressions softened whenever he told her not to apologize and whenever she hugged him 🥺
I love how the twins are trying to learn how Astrid feels but Ruffnut takes advantage of "blind" Tuffnut and has him run off of a cliff
AND HOW HE CAUGHT HER AND GOT SO NERVOUS WHEN THEY BOTH FELL DOWN 🥺 wait now that I'm watching it again he actually prevented her from getting hit in the head omg
"Of course she's not gonna hide. What was I thinking? She's Astrid."
MISTAKE whenever Astrid took the dragons out of their pens they weren't wearing their saddles and now that they've found them they have them on.
Them spending time with each other's dragons is so funny
Nonono I can't this is the beginning of it all! The beginning of Hiccstrid dating is HERE!!!! and that scene whenever he tells her that she's strong and they'll get through it and he holds her arm and then slowly moves down to her hand 🥺 I love them too much I can't- I want what they have. HE WAS GOING IN FOR THE KISS TOO I CANTTTTT OK THIS IS TOO MUCH
"There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Always."
I love how Meatlug got so serious after she heard Toothless's distress call
Fishlegs riding Hookfang is HILARIOUS
That final scene is gold bro I just can they're too perfect I mean we get Toothless and Stormfly messing around in the background and then we get Hiccup scooting towards Astrid so that their shoulders were touching and also Hiccup asking Astrid if she's really ok and then him telling her that he never stops worrying about her and her saying that she feels the same way AND HER ASKING HIM ABOUT THE ALMOST-TO-BE-FIRST-KISS IN THE FOREST and him getting all nervous and being like "no it wasn't perfect" and telling her that he thinks abt kissing her a lot AND HER BEING LIKE "this seems pretty perfect to me" AND THEN BAMM THE KISS UGHHH IM NOT CRYING OK... yes I am😭
Hiccstrid kiss count: 2😘
I love how Astrid comforts Hiccup and puts her hand on his chest
Wait shit I completely forgot That Snotlout is actually the one that came up with ~Hiccstrid~ hehehehe -> also the first one to notice that they were acting kinda sus (nvm he thought one of them had a gambling problem)
Ruffnut's impression of Viggo is actually pretty accurate
Heather knowing about Hiccup and Astrid and just getting the gang away so that they can have a few seconds alone
OMG THE SUBMARIPPER I LOVE IT!! It is the natural and hated enemy of the Shellfire
The Triple Stryke let Dagur ride him
No and when they kissed IN FRONT OF THE GANG AND THEY WERE ALL LIKE 😳😦 AND "This. Changes. Everything." Iconic
I can't imagine watching this season by season and having to deal with that cliffhanger LIKE WHUT- the whole volcano just exploded and ur telling me that's IT!! Nope nope nope
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Tonight’s Showing
Part 1 [CURRENT]
Part 2
DT: @bargledblocks my beloved <3 and @snapdragonfirefly my beloved <3
------------The screaming and yelling tore into his mind, filling him with pain. The screams, Tommy’s screams, called out to him, begging for him to save him. He didn’t want to leave the boy there, he never even dreamed of such a thing! That stupid security issue that occured a week ago had started all this, and Sam hated every bit of it. He didn’t know what to do in the situation. What was there to do? 
His eyes widened at the tone of Tommy’s voice coming through to him from the communicator. Tommy sounded terrified. He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t wait any longer. Rushing through the halls towards the main cell, Sam was fully prepared to get Tommy out of there. Fueled by the screams, he stumbled into the room, flipping the switch to undo the lava. His fear and adrenaline only grew the moment the screams fell silent. Why was Tommy silent? Before he could even see the lava fall, however, a bright light momentarily blinded him. Upon regaining his sight and senses, he was quick to draw his weapon, only to realize he had no weapons or armor on him. The only thing he had were his everyday clothes.
“Why am I here? Where is here?”
He quickly turned around to see that he was not alone in this confusing predicament. Everyone from the server was appearing into the strange room, all panicked and confused. Ranboo quickly rushed to check on Tubbo, who appeared to be digging around his pockets for some form of protection. Ghostbur, Techno, and Phil stuck close to each other, the latter two wary and ready to fight. Heck, even Drista was there! Everyone was the same, armorless and weaponless. Everyone, including-
Everyone turned to watch as Sapnap’s fist flew threw the air, connecting to a familiar mask. Dream. Dream struggled against Sapnap for a moment, his mask as crazed as his movements. Before the two could exchange any more punches, an invisible force separated the former friends. As the two regained their senses, everyone could get a good look at the freed prisoner. Whether the blood on him was from the altercation with Sapnap or not, no one knew. Standing there, mask facing mask, Drista could only stare as she questioned her older brother.
“What did you do?”
“He did something despicable and disgusting.”
The unfamiliar voice caught everyone’s attention, causing them to turn and face the direction of it. Standing there was a petite woman, watching them. Studying all their expressions, she snorted as she turned to face Dream, who was trying to walk forward. 
“Don’t even try leaving that small area, Dream, you can’t. Then again, I’d enjoy seeing you struggle, Bitch Boy.”
“Who are you?”
“Didn’t Tommy tell you guys? Wait, I forgot that none of you ever took him seriously when he mentioned me. The name’s Clara, I’m the lady in the sky.”
Lani played with her fingers, unsure of what to say or do. Sticking close to her brother, she gathered her confidence before speaking to the mysterious “lady in the sky”.
“Excuse me? Clara? Did you bring us here?”
“Yes! Well, with a little help, of course.”
Clara smiled as a grand being glitched into the room, his white orb of a head spinning in delight. Stopping the orb from spinning, his shoulders shook in joy as his prominent ‘XD’ presented itself to everyone there. Techno and Phil pressed their lips together as they shared a knowing look, obviously not expecting to see the god once again.
“Oh, you make me blush, Clara.”
“I do no such thing, we both know that. Did you give unhacked access for the others to join us?”
“Yes, they should be here any moment now.”
Just then, a dark door emerged from the ground. Watched as the knob twisted and jiggled, the residents of the server didn’t know what to expect. When the door opened, however, they could only watch in confusion. Everyone, that is, aside from Phil and Techno, who happily rushed to her side.
Said woman smiled and giggled as Phil gathered her in his arms, planting kisses on her face as his broken wings flapped in excitement. Her own wings, white and pure, happily fluttered behind her as she returned the gesture. Pulling away, she turned to face Techno, a hand on his face as she smiled.
“And how is my eldest child?”
“Eh, you know. Here and there.”
“Here and there, indeed.”
“I’m sorry, what is going on here.”
Quackity watched the scene unfold in genuine confusion. Who was this lady named Kristin? Why was she so important to both Phil and Techno? Where did she even come from? He wasn’t the only one confused, pretty much everyone in the room was. Smiling as she stood in front of both men, Kristin hummed as she extended her arms in a welcoming manner.
“My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself! Hello, my name is Kristin! I’m the wife of Phil, as well as the mother of Technoblade, Wilbur, and Tommy! I’m also Death itself.”
“I’m sorry, Philza Minecraft fucked death?!”
“Wait, Techno is Phil’s kid?! I thought they were just business partners!”
“Business partners? I thought they were just besties!”
“I’m still not over the fact that Techno is related to Wilbur and Tommy.”
“I knew about Tommy being brothers with those two, as well as being Phil’s son, but I didn’t know about death being his mother! You’d think he’d tell me, given that I’m his best friend!”
“You knew?!”
“And you never corrected us?!”
“Thought it was just a dumb inside joke.”
Ignoring the chaos caused by those around her, Kristin made her way to Fundy, who was frozen in uncertainty. Smiling as she placed her hands on both sides of his face, Kristin gave the fox hybrid a sincere greeting.
“My my, what a lovely young man. It’s finally great to meet you, Fundy. Look at you, I’m so proud to call you my first grandchild.”
She knew that her words caused her husband to flinch, it’s what she intended. As much as she loved and adored her significant other, she did find it sad that Fundy was denied the right to be loved. He deserved to feel loved and important, because he was.
“I can’t wait to learn all about you during the free periods! Oh! Speaking of grandchildren, silly me.”
They watched as Kristin made her way back to her opened door. Peering in, she spoke out in a gentle voice.
“Twins? Can you two please come out? Grandma will make sure no one hurts you two.”
Everyone watched as two small figures made their way out of the door, tiny hands holding onto one another. Watching as the door disappeared back into the ground, the twins turned to face Kristin. Humming, she gathered the two in her arms as she presented them to the room.
“Family, not family, meet Clementine and William-”
“-I’m sorry, love. Meet Clementine and Wilbur! They’re technically Tommy’s children, born from the debris of his star.”
“I’m sorry, his star?”
“That will be revealed soon enough, no worries.”
Clementine just glared at the occupants of the room, her pigtailed hair bouncing as she turned to make sure everyone saw her expression. Wilbur, on the other hand, opted to hide behind his curled hair, painted in the same blond color as his sister’s. 
“Did he name his son after his dead brother? Because if so, that did not age well-”
“Fuck you!”
Everyone watched with apaled expressions as Clementine glared Dream down, flipping him off with her tiny fingers. Kristin shook her head in mock annoyance as Clara belted out in laughter, XD following in suit. Doing her best to regain her composure, Clara spoke up once again.
“Oh my Me, she certainly is Tommy’s daughter.”
“Well, as much as I don’t enjoy hearing my youngest son and my only granddaughter curse out their issues, she did do it in her brother’s and uncle’s honor, so I’ll let it slide.”
“Go on, go sit with your cousin.”
Kristin set the twins down back on the ground, smiling as Clementine immediately took her brother’s hand in her own. Pulling him along, the two happily ran up to Fundy, smiling as they did so. The moment was interrupted by Quackity, who was unsure of everything.
“As great as witnessing this family reunion was, why are we all here?”
Sam nodded as he agreed with Quackity, speaking up as he gave Dream a pointed look.
“Not to be rude, but I agree. Something happened back in the prison, and I haven’t been able to see what.”
“Ah, yes. That is exactly why we’re here. Kristin, XD, if you will.”
The two nodded at Clara before taking each other’s hands. Closing her eyes, Kristin began mumbling as XD stood there, waiting. Once Kristin finished her mumbling, XD released one of his hands from her, drawing invisible signs on the air. Once he was done, both deities gave a synchronized nod. Rumbling was heard as a tunnel emerged out of nothing. A train emerged from it, coming to a sudden stop. As the doors slowly opened, everyone froze as they watched the occupants walk out, confused and cautious. 
“And me, MD!”
Before anyone else could make a move or sound, Clara spoke up once more.
“As much as I want more of these sweet reunions to occur, we really do need to get a move on. Now, I am very tired of everyone treating my poor starchild with such unjust unfairness. Don’t get me wrong, Tommy does make mistakes and his narrative is in his perspective, but come on! Blaming everything on him? This is getting ridiculous at this point! Now, you are all going to sit here and feel and hear everything he did! I, alongside Kristin and XD, will be monitoring you all. And Dream? Don’t make me go over there.”
Without warning, the environment completely changed. The group suddenly found themselves in the vast emptiness of space. They didn’t know what they were looking for, no one but Kristin. Said woman could only grimace as she nodded to herself, unconsciously touching her stomach.
“I remember this.”
“Remember what-?”
The group turned to see another Kristin scream out in pain, her hand resting on the bump of the belly. They watched as she tried to take a step, only to double down in pain again.
Phil grimaced as he leaned away from his wife, who laughed as she kept sikeing him out with her fist. Wilbur snickered at the sight. Turning back to the scene before them, they watched as Clara quickly rushed to Kristin’s sign, obviously not enjoying her distress.
“Clara, I- Ah! I don’t think- think I can make it to the bo-OOOOOOAH! The boys! I know I promised, but I can’t.”
“Phil will understand, dear. Breathe with me, in and out, okay? I don’t know a thing about human childbirth, but I know starchildbirth. Allow me to help, okay? I don’t like to see you in pain, and neither would your husband or sons.”
Clara pulled out a small orb from her pocket, holding it in the palm of her hand. Gently holding it against Kristin’s belly. Closing her eyes, she mumbled as the dull like of the orb brightened, growing in size as it did so.
“What is she doing?”
“That orb in my hand? That’s a dying star that I collected that morning. I’m using it to dub Tommy a starchild so that Kristin wouldn’t struggle with giving birth.”
Kristin let out a sigh of relief, her screams and sobs subsiding. Taking deep breaths to try and calm herself, she rubbed her face as she tried to wipe away her tears. Mumbling out a thank you, she watched as Clara extended the bright orb to her.
“Here he is, a healthy little boy! He’ll shine brighter than the sun, I’m certain of it.”
Kristin smiled as she took the orb into her own hands, watching as the light dimmed, revealing the newly born child. Tufts of blond hair poked out of his head as she adjusted the blanket. Kristin couldn’t help but let more tears fall as she held him close, kissing his forehead.
“He already looks so much like his father. Oh, Phil will be upset that he missed this.”
“Go and see your family, I’ll cover your shift for you.”
“Thank you.”
Kristin summoned a door, adjusting her youngest son as she walked through it. Navigating through the dark void, she came across another door. Opening the door, she stepped outside into a secluded area in the woods. Walking down the path, she approached the cozy cottage that proudly stood there. Knocking on the door, she cooed at the child in her arms as she waited for the door to open.
“Meet your son, Phil. He looks so much like you.”
The group watched as Phil dropped everything in his hands, startling his sons from the other room. Holding his newborn son and wife in his arms, he wept tears of joy as a tiny Wilbur and Techno rushed in, prepared for the worst. Seeing that it was only their mother, their worried looks morphed into joyful expressions.
“My boys! Come, meet your new brother.”
The two boys staggered for a bit, eyes widening at the revelation of the newest addition of the family. Watching as Phil and Kristin stared down at the bundle with great love and joy, they couldn’t help but feel excited at the sight. 
“Can we hold him?”
“Of course, just be gentle with him, okay boys?”
The twins carefully cradled the bundle in both their arms, working together to keep him safe and secure in their arms. Watching the sleeping child, they were in awe at the sight.’
“He has golden hair! Just like papa!”
“Gold! Gold! Gold!”
Kristin and Phil both laughed as they watched, joy and love filling them. Humming, Phil spoke up in a gentle tone.
“Well? What’re you two gonna name him?”
The twins just watched their baby brother as he slept soundly in their arms. Suddenly, startling the twins, their new brother yawned and squirmed in their arms. Rubbing his eyes with his tiny fists, he blinked his eyes open for the first time. Blinking up at them, he tilted his head as he squirmed. It wasn’t until Wilbur spoke up that he reacted.
“Tommy. Let’s call him Tommy.”
Everyone gasped as the feeling of immense love and wonder filled them, something they weren’t prepared for. Doing their best to cope with the feeling, they watched as the baby let out gurgles of giggles, reaching for his brothers. It was only then that they realized that Tommy was a very emotion-driven person, and they were going to feel every bit of that.
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tuanyiems · 4 years
Ice Choco
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Yugyeom x Reader (f) fluff x smut words: 4k plot: you’re nervous about spending the holidays with his parents, but you should be more nervous about the boy who can’t seem to take his hands off of you, established relationship!au christmas!au warnings – fingering, teasing, slow sex, unprotected sex, creampie, this one’s extra fluffy I think, it’s Christmas after all :’) a/n – Christmas came early hehe enjoy! part of Le Chocolatier drabble series, which you can find the masterlist for in my blog. feel free to read this as a one-shot or part of the series, in any order you want <3
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You smile fondly at the twinkling fir tree, golden lights and sparkling red bulbs drape over its forest green body. Chocolate squares wrapped in silver foil that you and Yugyeom had hand wrapped yourselves hang on red ribbons throughout the tree. You pluck one off and pop it into your mouth. The peppermint chocolate melts on your tongue, coating your mouth in sweetness.
When Yugyeom first invited you to join his family for the holidays, you were anxious. It hadn’t even been three months since you started dating. You wondered if you were moving too fast. Would his family judge you? Would Yugyeom realize how awkward of a person you were? Would you be left sad and alone on your favorite holiday?
It was only after plenty of reassurance from Yugyeom that you decided to just go for it. You liked Yugyeom, a lot, and despite the short time you’ve been dating, every day has been full of happiness. And if his family was anything like Yugyeom, you would probably like them too.
And that’s how you found yourself here, in the Kim’s living room on Christmas Eve. Unlike what you had imagined, his parents welcomed you with open arms. You learned exactly where Yugyeom got his warmth and kindness.
And as if this moment couldn’t be more picturesque, a full moon hung in the night sky like a shining ornament.
“Pretty,” Mrs. Kim interjected, stepping beside you.
“It is,” you smile, looking out the window.
“No, I was talking about you dear,” she grins, squeezing your arm.
“O-oh,” you stutter, feeling your cheeks heat.
Laughing, Mrs. Kim tilts her head back the same way Yugyeom laughs when he’s teasing you. “Aren’t you a cutie! Yugyeom did good finding you.”
“T-thanks,” you sputter, not sure what to do with yourself. You fix at the red plaid pajamas the Kim’s gifted you with this morning. “I’m glad you invited me…or, well, I don’t know if you invited me. I don’t know if you knew about me. Maybe Yugyeom just brought me without notice. Oh, I hope he didn’t-”
Giggling, Mrs. Kim pulls you into a side hug.
“Sorry,” you apologize, taking a deep breath. “What I mean is, you’ve been so nice. I’m happy to spend the holidays with you and your whole family. Really, thank you.”
“Not at all,” Mrs. Kim scrunches her nose, smiling. “It’s nice to have another woman in the house. Tomorrow, my daughter-in-law will be joining us too!”
“I can’t wait to meet her and your eldest son!” You agree, “I’ve heard so many great things from Yugyeom.”
She nods, giving your arm another squeeze. “Yeah, Yugyeom dotes on his brother so much. But until then, you can use Euigyeom’s old bedroom. I’ve prepared fresh sheets so you can get a good night’s sleep.”
“Fresh sheets won’t feel as cozy as my bedsheets though,” Yugyeom interrupts, coming up beside his mother.
Your eyes widen at his comment.
Mrs. Kim frowns, slapping Yugyeom on the arm. “No babies until you two get married!”
Yugyeom laughs at his mom and when he sees your mortified face, laughs even harder. You aren’t even sure which part of her sentence to be more flustered about—the fact that his mom just insinuated you two possibly having sex under her roof or that you’ve been dating for less than three months and she was already considering marriage! 
Your skin feels like hot lava and you wonder if you might even hive up from embarrassment. That would be a first.
“Oh, I think we broke her,” his mom chuckles.
“Honey,” Mr. Kim interrupts, resting his hands over Mrs. Kim’s shoulders. “Let’s head to bed and let the young one’s talk.”
He sends you a wink before ushering his wife into their bedroom. When you hear their door shut, you let out a sigh, shoulders slumping. Yugyeom chuckles softly beside you, patting you on the back.
“I told you, you had nothing to worry about,” he says. “My parents love you already. I think they love you more than they love me.”
“Impossible!” you scrunch your nose, but your lips curl up anyways. “This afternoon when I was helping your mom in the kitchen, she kept talking about all the awards you won in high school. Class president, co-president of the dance club, winner of the youth dance competition. How come you never talk about dance? What else are you hiding from me?”
Yugyeom’s eyes crinkle into half moon shapes. “I also won first prize in the science fair in primary school,” he grins, winking at you playfully. “Your man made a pretty mean volcano back in the day.”
“Oh wow, a volcano? That beats the boy I dated for his solar system model,” you joke.
He smirks, putting his arm around you, “Definitely an upgrade, babe.”
“Tomorrow, I’ll ask to see the baby photos,” you tease, leaning into his embrace as you poke his chest.
Yugyeom tilts his head cockily to the side. “Not to brag, but I was a pretty cute baby. Just a warning, but you might fall in love with me.”
You roll your eyes. A little too late for that, you think to yourself, but that is a confession for another day.
“We should probably clean up and head to bed soon,” you smile, pulling away.
“Don’t wanna see Santa?” he teases.
You chuckle, clearing the living room of the abandoned mugs and plates with the exception of one plate of chocolate chip cookies. “I think it’s cute that your mom still keeps out cookies.”
He smiles, helping you empty the dishes into the sink. “Back when we were kids, they’d wake up at midnight and eat the cookies too.”
Lips jutting out, you stare at Yugyeom with big doe eyes, completely endeared. He glances at you before chuckling and slipping on the bright pink dishwashing gloves.
“On the downside, I got bullied for being the only kid in the neighborhood who still believed in Santa,” he adds.
“Aww, poor baby,” you coo, brushing the stray hair out of his eyes. “Tell me their names, I’ll go beat them up for you.”
“Bambam,” he quips making you laugh.
“Sorry, Gyeom, you’re on your own.”
He chuckles. “S’alright, I had my mom fight that battle.”
You let out a deep breath, leaning your elbows on the center island of the kitchen and admire Yugyeom from behind. He’s only in a plain grey t-shirt and matching red plaid pajama pants, and yet, he still looks handsome. Your eyes travel across his broad back. There is the faint hint of his tattoo underneath the thin cotton material.
When you first saw Yugyeom’s back tattoo, you were surprised but also found it very fitting. Black ink bled wings across his shoulder blades. In a way, Yugyeom came into your life like an angel. Your guardian angel, he liked to joke, saving others from your clumsiness. 
You scoff at the memory, making Yugyeom turn to you with narrowed eyes.
“What are you snickering about back there?”
“Nothing!” you squeak, pursing your lips together like a child caught red handed. 
He looks at you for a moment longer before turning back to the dishes, smiling to himself. 
“I was just thinking,” you finally add after a pause. “I really enjoy the relationship you have with your parents.”
You watch his shoulders lift and you imagine he’s smiling. “Yeah, they’re my best friends,” he tells you over the sound of the running faucet.
“I’m jealous,” you confess softly. You assume he doesn’t hear you.
Unlike Yugyeom, you grew up in a strict household. The only memories you have of your biological father were all associated with fear and while you got along with your mother, you weren’t exactly close either. Of course, the two of you loved each other as most families did, but after experiencing a marriage of struggle, as soon as you were of legal age, your mom went off to chase her own freedom. Back in your late teens, this had put a strain in your relationship, but now that you are older, with your perspective matured, you grew to understand your mom and you’re glad that she’s found a happier life of her own.
Now, the two of you can talk openly about the ups and downs of adulthood and womanhood and everything in between.
But this was why you weren’t spending the holidays with your own family. The two of you had decided a few years back that New Year’s would be for family, Christmas is for love and adventure.
You watch as your love and adventure turns off the faucet and shakes the pink gloves off his arms. “Done!” he declares triumphantly, turning to you now.
“Looks like you’re going to make the nice list this year,” you compliment, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He grins down at you, “How about you sneak into my room and we can both make the naughty list.”
Your eyes widen, feeling your cheeks flush at the thought. Yugyeom laughs, throwing his head back.
“I’m just kidding, don’t have a heart attack!” 
Slapping his chest, you pout. “Let’s go to sleep. I’m going to need the energy to deal with you tomorrow.”
But when your head finally sinks into the fresh sheets Mrs. Kim had prepared for you, sleep never comes. After washing up and saying goodnight to Yugyeom, it was like all the exhaustion washed away too. You are wide awake when the clock hits midnight.
It’s probably because you’re in a new environment. It’s been a while since you last slept in a stranger’s bed. You haven’t even slept at Yugyeom’s place yet! You always go home before it gets too late, or it’s him staying at yours.
Anyways, the nerves of meeting Yugyeom’s family along with the new environment and the thrill of Christmas combined is probably what’s keeping you up.
Sitting up in bed, you decide to fix up a warm drink. That should calm you, right?
Slipping out of bed, you sneak out of your bedroom on tiptoes, twisting the doorknob so slowly one might think you’ve been frozen. One thing about the Kim’s house is how eerily quiet the whole place is. Unlike your apartment where everything seemed to buzz—the fridge, the walls, the ceiling, you name it—this house was cloaked in silence.
It feels like an eternity when you finally get the door open big enough to walk through. Looking both ways in the dark hallway, you make a turn and tiptoe your way into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, you flick the island lights on, casting a dim spotlight at the center of the room. You squint, eyes adjusting to the lights before making your way towards the cabinets.
Helping Mrs. Kim with dinner this evening had paid off. You were already familiar with the kitchen setup.
Plucking a hot chocolate packet between two fingers, you swivel back to the island to boil the water. Pouring the brown powder into a mug, you let out a breath, waiting for the water to boil.
In the open window across from you, you are delighted to find a flurry of white illuminated by the dim light of a single lamppost. The snowflakes fall in fat clumps, as if in slow motion. The quiet realization that you will have a white Christmas after all, brings a soft smile to your lips.
“Hello, Santa,” a sudden voice breaks the silence, making you jump up in a silent shriek.
Standing in the shadows, at the doorway of the kitchen is a very amused Yugyeom, his hands clasped around his mouth to muffle his laughter.
“You scared me!” you whisper yell, one hand on your beating chest.
“Sorry,” he apologizes, not at all sorry, as he walks to your side behind the island. “What are you doing up anyways?”
“Making hot chocolate,” you explain, hands coming to fix at his bed head. “I couldn’t fall asleep. Want one?”
You’re already grabbing another packet from the cabinet before he can answer you.
“I can make you an ice choco,” you smile up at him, eyes forming crescents. They look shinier under the lights. He feels a flutter in his stomach.
Smiling quietly, Yugyeom nods. For a moment, the two of you stand in easy silence. Only the sound of the water boiler can be heard. Yugyeom’s eyes follow where yours are staring and his heart warms. You look so happy, it’s endearing. You must be the only person in this city who hasn’t been jaded from the snowstorms that hit every winter.
Coming from behind, Yugyeom wraps you in his arms, bending to rest his chin in the crook of your shoulder.
“Merry Christmas,” he whispers into your ear, gazing out at the falling snow.
“Merry Christmas,” you reply, turning, you hold his face in one palm and press a kiss to his cheek. He squeezes you tighter in his arms.
When the water boiler clicks off, water now hot and bubbling, you move to grab it but Yugyeom holds you tight, pulling you closer to his chest. You giggle softly, tilting your head at him curiously. He answers you with cold fingers sliding underneath your shirt. It sends you shivering all over.
“Yugyeom!” you squeak in surprise, making futile attempts to escape his grasp.
“I know something else we could do to get you sleepy,” he whispers, breath on the shell of your ear.
“Y-your parents are right down the hall!” you stutter, gulping back the whimper that threatens to escape your throat.
Yugyeom licks a stripe up the shell of your ear, “And sleeping.” You can feel his smirk against your ear.
“I-w-we can’t,” you whine, unconvincingly.
“But you want to,” he says matter-of-factly, hands sliding up your skin. You feel him inhale when his palms come around the supple flesh of your breasts. “No bra? You naughty girl.”
Your protests catch in your throat when he begins to knead at your breasts, rolling both nipples between his thumbs. You whimper, head falling back onto his shoulder at the sensation. His fingers brush against the sensitive buds gently, barely there. It makes your knees weak and your core throb with want.
Yugyeom presses himself into your back and you can feel him hard against you. “You don’t know how hard it was for me to control myself today. Do you know how many hard ons I had to hide from my parents?”
You break into a smile, grinding your ass harder into him. “Is that why you were hugging that throw pillow all day?”
“Don’t you dare laugh at me,” Yugyeom warns, pinching you between his thumbs. “I saw the way you were looking at me. I can read you like a book, baby. Bet you’re already wet.”
Yugyeom presses a kiss to your jawline before sucking down your throat. Your breath skips at the fluttering feeling. “G-gyeom, I-I can’t have hickeys.”
He groans softly against you, biting softly at your jugular before letting go. “You don’t get to call the shots, babe.”
The sternness of his voice makes you whimper, which he catches easily with his own lips on yours. Yugyeom kisses you roughly, tongue overpowering yours just the way you like it. When his hand dips down past the waistband of your pajama pants and panties at once, your eyes fall shut, relishing the sudden intrusion.
“Fucking wet,” he smirks, dipping two fingers between your folds. He gathers your slick, spreading it in circles around your sensitive bud. You whimper, knees going weak.
All too soon though, his hand leaves you, making you whine. He holds his fingers up in the light, admiring the glistening web of arousal. As if practiced, you open your mouth for him and he slides his fingers into your mouth. You whimper at the tang of yourself melting on your tongue.
“Tell me you want me,” he mutters, lids heavy as he slides his fingers in and out of your mouth. You run your tongue around his fingers expertly until you’ve licked him clean.
Yugyeom swallows, watching you suck on his fingers and imagines you sucking other things of his. The very thought makes him shiver. Reluctantly, he pulls his fingers out of your mouth, letting you speak.
“Please Gyeom,” you whine, breathless. “I want you. Need you inside me already.”
It’s music to his ears and he wants to tease you more, but his patience has already run out. Having spent the better half of this day sporting blue balls, Yugyeom just wants to fuck you senseless.
It catches you by surprise when he slips his thumbs down your waistbands and pulls, leaving your ass bare behind the kitchen island. Before you can even feel embarrassed about the sudden exposure, Yugyeom’s finger are back on you, making you whimper while his other hand makes quick work with his own pants and boxers. His cock springs free, red and throbbing.
“You look so delicious like this,” he whispers into your ear, hands squeezing your ass. Oh, how he would have loved to slap your ass until you were red with his fingerprints. Biting his lips, he pushes his dick between your thighs instead.
“Ooh,” you let out a satisfied sigh, your clit rubbing along the length of his cock. Your thighs are soft and warm around his length, it’s unfair, Yugyeom thinks. Your pussy is weeping with desperation, the arousal drips down, coating his dick so that each time he thrusts between your legs, it is deliciously smooth. Everything about your body is heavenly, like it was made for him.
Already, you’re panting, a thick whine straining in your throat. His hot cock rutting between your thighs just teases at your sensitive bud. Your pussy lips clench around nothing and only succeeds in making the ache in your core more despairing. 
“Gyeom, please,” you breathe out, hands coming up to run through his hair, your fingers thread around his black strands, before pulling into your fists. Yugyeom enjoys the ache in his scalp.
When he pulls his cock away, you almost yell out loud, lips pouting from the lost sensation. He answers you with a smirk, nudging his foot between yours, he forces your legs apart. Your hands grip at the counter for support, fingers pressing down hard when he slides two fingers into you without warning.
Immediately, you bite at your bottom lip, fighting the moan that threatens to escape you as he dips his fingers into you over and over, stretching at your velvety walls. His fingers are long and practiced, finding the rough, spongy patch inside you quickly.
Your eyes squeeze shut, the ghost of a whimper panting from your lips as he curls his fingers, sending shivers straight to your core. Over and over, he does this, until you’re tightening around his digits. All too soon, your knees are buckling, mind going numb from the sensation.
And then, he pulls out of you.
You gasp, eyes opening wide while Yugyeom chuckles darkly. 
Before you can complain, he kisses your temple sweetly. “Not yet, baby,” he whispers soothingly.
You feel Yugyeom stepping closer between your legs and then the head of his cock teases at your entrance, sliding up and down your folds, spreading your slick on him.
You’re about to whine for him to stop teasing when you hear the creak of a door opening. Eyes widening, your heart jumps to your throat when the sound of footsteps shuffling against the floors, echoes like a blaring drum from down the dark hallway.
Your breath hitches when Yugyeom sinks his cock into you slowly. Your palm flies to your mouth, just as he slides all the way in, balls pressed to your ass. He leans into you so that his chest is hard-pressed against your back. You can feel his breath on your skin as his lips press against the nape of your neck.
The door of the bathroom opens and closes.
“Shh,” he mumbles against you, slowly pulling out of you. The friction is so delicious, you can’t help the whimper that muffles against your palm. “Wouldn’t want to get caught with my dick inside you…would you?”
He fucks into you, one hand coming to your throat at the sound of your muffled moan. He squeezes at your throat, softly at first. When he feels the way you clench around his cock, he bites into your shoulder, hiding his groan.
“Are you gonna be a good girl?” he whispers into your ear, fingers tapping at your throat. You nod your head eagerly, rutting yourself onto his dick.
He bites at his lip, squeezing around your neck. At the sound of the water faucet running, Yugyeom ruts into you hard, his free hand coming to rub circles around your clit. You pant, breath constricting and eyes rolling. You love the way he fills you entirely. His slow thrusts hit you deep every time, keeping you at the edge of euphoria.
When the bathroom door opens, Yugyeom’s fingers rub at your bud even faster, sending your heart facing and electric currents straight to your core. You’re so close, it hurts. Tears brim at the corner of your eyes, your voice threatening to break as your ears strain to hear the footsteps coming closer.
You can feel your vein pulsing against your forehead as Yugyeom continues to thrust his cock into your sopping hole, sliding deep into your cunt.
The door of his parents’ bedroom squeaks like slow motion. Please, please go back to bed. Shut the door. All you can hear is your heart pounding in your own ear and Yugyeom’s stifled breathing. 
And then you hear the click.
Yugyeom lets go of your throat to hold the edge of the counter instead and the air that invades your lungs while he fucks into you hard send you off the edge.
“Mmmmm,” a strained moan escapes your throat as you collapse onto the island, body jerking as your orgasm hits you in waves. Yugyeom continues his ministrations on your clit, his own balls straining at the way your pussy pulses around him, impossibly tight.
“That’s it, baby,” he soothes, rocking himself into you as you slowly come down from your high. He caresses your throat lovingly, placing soft kisses to your jawline until he’s spilling into you with a quiet groan.
You shiver, his moan tickling the shell of your ear as your pussy pulsed around his cock, sucking up each hot spurt of cum that shot into you.
“God,” he sighs, sweaty forehead pressing into your shoulder. He all but collapses on you. “I love you so much.”
Both you and Yugyeom freeze. His softened cock slips out of you and he rushes to help clean the cum that drips out of your pussy. Stumbling, Yugyeom haphazardly pulls the band of his pants back up while grabbing a towel from behind him.
You barely even notice the stickiness that drips down your thigh as Yugyeom wipes the damp towel across your skin. Instead, you stare down at his fluffy hair, a smile stretching across your face.
“Gyeom,” you say softly as he fixes your pants back up, still refusing to look at you. Your fingers thread through his hair softly, “Gyeom.”
When he tilts his head up, he looks so worried. You feel your heart squeeze.
“Gyeom,” you smile softly, helping him back up to his feet. “I love you too.”
He blinks like he’s heard you wrong. “You love me too?”
You nod, giggling now. “I do. A lot.”
Yugyeom pulls you into a kiss.
“You love me!” he repeats against your lips and then he is kissing you again until you are both giggling against each other.
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yeochikin · 4 years
butterfly & puppy. | j. yunho
a/n: i had this idea for a while now and i’m glad that i finally have a full idea on how to do it aaa enjoy reading! and feedbacks are very much appreciated 🥺💖 also, tagging @closer-stars bcs she asked me to hehe
word count: 3.6k
main focus: yunho x fem. reader
warning(s): none really, just strangers to friends type of plot ehe.
lithe digits curled themselves into small fists upon having both arms being stretched out, y/n released a quiet noise underneath her breath at how the tight knots that had formed in her back slowly came to loosen themselves with the stretching after the long hours of sleep in her worn out mattress from the few years of usage. with a and rubbing her face, the young woman slowly got out of bed before letting her legs lead her to the window, pulling the curtains back. 
the action, however, managed to let the morning’s brightness fill itself into the small dim bedroom of hers. with how she had only just roused from her sleep, her eyes immediately shut tight out of instinct before they blinked a few times to adjust themselves to the day’s way of greeting her. despite how painfully bright it was, a fond smile made its way over her tiers as soon as her irises were finally able to focus on the scenery right in front of her.
the skies weren't gloomy by all means, yet y/n could still see how the sun was hiding itself behind the slow-passing clouds, reminding the young woman of some type of cotton candy being hung on the sky. the bright flowers from her little garden she had proudly created ever since last year somehow became a contrast to the skies above, varying from the colours of yellow, red, purple, and green. looking closely, she could tell that there was a brief shower from last night due to the fact how damp the leaves looked and how her pots seemed to darken with their shade of colour. 
breathing in a sigh out of content, y/n pulled herself away from her window to go on about her morning routine, already making a mental plan of making a trip to the marketplace, where people from different districts would come together during the weekends to sell their produce in the city. though, it would be best to leave her house as early as possible. 
she wouldn’t want to miss out on the best items being sold for being late due to the long minutes of waiting for the second train. 
giving herself one more glance in the mirror, y/n’s fingertips gingerly brushed some of the stray hairs away from her face before clipping them with a simple hairclip in the shape of butterfly wings, the corners of her lips turning up ever so little with how satisfied she looked in the mirror. with one final brush of her hands along the creases of her dress, a low hum vibrated against the back of her throat.
she’s all ready to head to the train station.
upon arriving in the train station, her eyes widened ever so slightly at how there was quite a crowd. though, she should have expected it sooner knowing how the marketplace was very much known to attract visitors from all over the place, her area was no exception. glancing up at the sign, the bold red neon letters and numbers in the sign indicated that there was still a few more minutes to kill for the train to arrive. 
tugging her self-made knitted bag close to her side, the young woman decided to wait just near the sides where there were less crowds but close enough to give her access near the doors in case the train arrives soon. a clear lesson she had taught herself after the occasional times of standing quite a distance away from the automatic sliding doors of the train during the crowded times. 
while waiting, she noticed heavy footsteps making their way to where she was standing. as if on reflex, y/n turned her head to the side in wonder who it could be. much to her surprise, a tall young man, most likely around her age more or less, stood just a few steps away from her with both hands in the pockets of his trousers paired with a light blue flannel, a white t-shirt underneath it, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. she even noticed the slight waviness of his onyx strands, reminding her of the midnight sky she would see during one of her sleepless nights.
however, something had caught her eye. something was sticking on the back of his flannel, it wasn’t large though it certainly wasn’t that small to go unnoticed either. with her teeth digging against the inside of her cheek, y/n contemplated whether to tell him or leave it be, thinking that the male would notice it sooner or later as he went about his day. 
but of course, the urge to tear to pick the item away was bothering her mind, taking a deep breath as she  approached the tall stranger. 
giving his arm a couple of pokes to gain his attention, y/n couldn’t help but to feel her breath hitch at how undeniably attractive he is. however, admiring the stranger is not her biggest objective for now. timidly smiling up at the taller man, her index finger pointed out at the said item stuck on the back of his top. 
“excuse me, i couldn’t help but notice something stuck on your shirt.” she said, the timbres of her voice all soft. 
y/n noted how the male’s eyes blinked down at her widely before his hand came up to lightly feel around his back for the item, eyebrows furrowing once the tips of his fingers came in contact with the unknown object. finally able to take it off, the both of them looked down to see it was a sticker.
a sticker of.. a puppy?
it was when the taller male released a sheepish laugh that brought her attention back to his features, watching at how his free hand rubbed the back of his neck. she couldn’t help but to wonder if it was even possible for someone’s eyes to shine with a certain twinkle in them while smiling before their gazes met once again.
“ah, it must have been my little brother. he recently had a hobby of collecting stickers, i guess he somehow stuck one on me.” he explained, earning a quiet titter from the young woman, a hand over her lips as she did so. 
“and here i thought it was some type of fashion item.” she said in a playful manner.
once again, the two shared another round of brief chortles before the male pointed at the butterfly hairclip on her hair.
“believe me, it wouldn’t rival against your hairclip right there.” he said, playfully sending the young woman a wink, to which effectively made her cheeks grow warm from the compliment. 
“why thank you…?” she trailed off, head tilting to the side in question.
the onyx haired male seemed to catch the questioning tone in her voice, lips forming a small ‘o’ in realisation as he stretched out his hand towards her. though, before he could even tell her his name, the familiar rumbling noise echoed throughout the train station, both of their heads looking up at the source.
suddenly, a crowd came out of nowhere as soon as the doors of the train slid open, causing the two to separate so the others could pass. though disappointed that she didn’t get his name, y/n quickly made her way into the train, immediately looking around for a feat considering how she wouldn’t arrive after a few more stops to her destination. 
disappointed with how she noticed most of the seats were taken, the young woman decided to just stand, hoping that she’ll be able to sit during the stops at the stations ahead before the marketplace. though she couldn’t help but to wonder.
will the stranger stop at the same station as her? or will it be another fleeting conversation she would have with the number of strangers she had met? 
y/n concluded that the answer would be the latter. 
while she was too deep in her thoughts, the young woman failed to notice the beeping noise of the train, indicating that it will start its journey to the next station. it was when the sudden jerk of the train that had her emit a sharp gasp, losing her balance. her eyes quickly shut as she waited for the impact, yet it never came.
“careful there, butterfly.” a familiar voice reached her ears, making y/n’s head snap up. 
it could be the universe playing its tricks on you or the coincidence for the day is just too strong. 
“i have a name, puppy.” she retorted, causing both to chortle as she finally regained her balance, her hand quick to grab onto the pole near her for balance with how the train kept reaching the slight curves of the railways. 
“and i’m pretty sure the last time i checked, jeong yunho, was my name. not puppy.” the man, who she finally learned to be yunho, bit back with a gentle poke of his index finger against her arm. 
“well, jeong yunho, i’m y/n. l/n y/n.” 
from there, the both of them talked briefly as they waited for their stops. much to the female’s surprise, she learned that yunho is visiting the marketplace as well, claiming that he hasn’t been to one in a while due to having a tight schedule as of late, which y/n completely understood. 
y/n didn’t know what it was but she could feel a warm aura radiating off of the tall black haired male, it could be due to the fact that whenever he released a light laugh at a little joke they shared somehow made her feel safe at his side. she even took notice at how he tends to cover his lips with his hand whenever he laughed as they playfully bantered back and forth, finding it endearing. 
if she was being honest, she expected yunho to not spare another word to her because… well.. they were strangers. though, the young woman wasn’t complaining. she quite enjoyed his company, especially during their journey to the marketplace.
“is it just me, or has the marketplace grown a lot bigger since i last visited?” y/n heard yunho say as the two stepped foot to the marketplace, the female’s eyes glinted with interest at the various items being sold from different vendors.
“oh it definitely grew.” she laughed, tugging her bag close to her as the both yunho and y/n started walking further into the market.
it was never a dull moment whenever she stepped foot to the marketplace. other than having a huge variety of food, drinks, plants, or even antique items being sold in the marketplace, the colours of the place will never fail to make her admire just how pretty it looked in its own way.
standing at a distance where she wouldn’t block anyone’s path, the young woman fished her phone out of her bag, immediately opening the camera app as she did so. her tongue poked the inside of her cheek as her eyebrows furrowed in concentration to make sure that the image of the potted plants that held a variety of colours were in the frame, the corners of her lips twitching up once she got the perfect angle. 
but before she could even press the shutter, a certain tall black haired male suddenly came into the frame with both of his hands up in the form of two ‘v’ signs, a large cheeky grin plastering itself over his handsome features at the sight of her dumbfounded expression. in return, her eyes squinted at the male as if glaring at him, to which yunho simply laughed before his own eyes widened at the sight of her charging towards him, and quickly side stepping as soon as the young woman neared him. giggling to himself, yunho immediately caught her in his arms so she wouldn’t crash into a random stranger. 
“careful there, butterfly. don’t want you to be the center of attention instead of this place, hm?” he said, a teasing tone was laced in his words, then letting her go afterwards. 
with a click of her tongue, y/n nudged his side before looking down at the picture, yunho peeking down at the picture as soon as she lifted her phone up ever so slightly so the male wouldn’t bend down as much to see the picture, only to burst out into a brief chortle.
“you’re lucky you look cute in here, puppy.” she laughed, motioning for the both of them to continue their little adventure in the marketplace. 
and with that, the two spent their time in the place admiring the different things on display, sometimes stopping by from vendor to vendor that offered free samples of food and drinks being promoted. yunho even decided to buy a few snacks that he thought his family might like, especially a couple of sweets for his little brother with how he has quite a sweet tooth, as yunho had mentioned it to you. 
while he was busy waiting for the vendor to pack his snacks, y/n had wandered to the little vendor where they sold handcrafted accessories that piqued her interest with how adorable each of them looked. the vendor, a middle aged lady with a kind beam plastered over her lips along with eyes that held so much kindness in them, greeted the younger woman. 
the young woman couldn’t help but to admire each and every accessory being displayed, ranging from rings, to necklaces, to earrings, and even bracelets! it seemed like they were all carefully handcrafted with how intricate the designs looked, making it seem like they held their own personality that the middled aged woman had made. 
“feel free to browse through, my dear. i hope one or two could catch your eye.” the older woman said, eyes crinkling as she grinned over at y/n. 
the female merely smiled back in return before focusing her gaze back to the accessories, complimenting the designs of the other’s craft, much to the middle aged woman’s delight. it was then, a certain accessory caught her eye, reaching out for the item to inspect it a little closer. 
it was a simple bracelet. the band around it was in the colour of a green that reminded her of the leaves from her little garden, and throughout the little crevices of the bracelet were little faux flowers that would make it seem flowers would circle the wearer’s wrist if they wore it. and to complete the look, a single butterfly charm with its wings painted in the shade of light blue decorated the middle of the bracelet. 
without a heartbeat, y/n immediately told the vendor that she had made her choice, the middle aged lady grinning in return as she took the chosen item in her wrinkled hands, that held many years of experience in crafting, to pack the little bracelet up. while doing so, y/n busied herself to pull out the appropriate amount of bills to pay. however, before she even had the chance to hand the money to the older woman, someone had beat her to it. 
“will this be enough?” yunho grinned as the vendor took the money to count.
at the gesture, y/n’s eyes widened as she gently hit yunho’s arm in return, immediately telling the vendor she will pay for it instead. yunho, seeing this, merely protested and pulled the other back.
“consider this as a gift for telling me about the sticker earlier.” yunho said, laughing at the way y/n’s eyes were glossed with guilt as her teeth sank down into the plush muscle of her lower lip, still insisting to pay for the bracelet. 
“i didn’t even get you anything.” she murmured, causing yunho to soften his features.
“you can treat me to…” he trailed off as he looked around the place, spotting a vendor that sold crepes.
“you can treat me to those crepes in return, so it’s all fair!” he pointed out, y/n following his gaze before giving him a faint nod of her head.
“crepes it is, puppy!” 
and with that, the two of them went to said vendor right after y/n had received her bracelet. along the way, she couldn’t help but to feel a tingle of giddiness at the gesture, feeling touched at the gesture by the taller one. 
seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned to hours as the two explored the marketplace, yet the concept of time was long gone from their minds with how the two of them shared little facts of each other and even silly stories that the two couldn’t talk about during the train ride here, that the two of them almost missed the fact that most of the sellers had started packing their stuff for the day. 
and from there, the both of them decided to head back. 
during the train ride home, yunho stared blankly out the window as the both of them were able to find seats this time. while he was admiring the scenery outside, he couldn’t help but to be reminded of the events that had occurred today. who knew that a puppy sticker that was stuck on the back of his flannel managed to create a new friendship between him and the other.
speaking of the young woman, she was awfully quiet during the train ride. tearing his gaze away from the window to the other, yunho couldn’t help but to release a quiet chortle at the sight next to him. 
y/n seemed to have fallen asleep next to him with how her head was tipped down, occasionally tipping back up as if a small part of her yelled at the young woman that she was about to fall off her seat. 
biting his lip, yunho quietly pulled her head so she was leaning against him, knowing how much her neck would feel sore in the aftermath of keeping it in that position if he didn’t pulled her in so she could rest against him. he held his breath as he watched the other shifted ever so slightly in her sleep, only then releasing a sigh out of relief once her features relaxed once again. a small gentle smile made its way over his lips as he was sure you were comfortable before looking back out the window.
it took a little while more until the speakers announced that the train was nearing their station, the announcement enough to make the sleeping girl rouse from her sleep. however, she didn’t expect to feel something soft press against her cheek. 
confused, her eyelids fluttered open sleepily before looking over to her side. it took her a few seconds for her brain to finally register that all this time, she was leaning against the black haired male, immediately sitting up properly. the sudden action was enough to make yunho switch his attention from the windows to the girl next to him, laughing lightly at her wide eyes yet somehow they still hinted some sleepiness in them. 
“slept well, i reckon?” he teased with a quirk of his brow. 
with a sheepish grin playing on her lips, y/n apologised, to which yunho waved off in a dismissive manner and telling her it was quite alright. it was when the train came to a stop that the two of them gathered their things and stood up, making their way out of the compartment along with other passengers.
once outside, yunho turned around to face the young woman, smiling down at her. “i guess this is goodbye?” 
she didn’t know why, but y/n could feel a slight twinge of disappointment with the idea of them separating. to be quite honest, she enjoyed spending the unexpected time with the taller man. yunho, who managed to mask his disappointment, felt the same way before his features brightened ever so little. 
y/n watched in confusion as yunho felt around his pockets, wondering if he had left anything behind in the train before they stepped off. but instead, yunho pulled out his phone and made quick work of unlocking it, before handing it to her.
there, an option to add a new contact was shown on the screen of his phone.
“i enjoyed having you as my company today, and it would be a shame if we stopped talking immediately.” yunho started, tilting his head to the side.
“if you want, can i have your number? i would like to get to know you better.” he added.
honestly, y/n had wondered if this day could get any more surprising than it already has been. grinning up at the male, y/n agreed and immediately typed in her number. her thumbs hovered over the keyboard of his phone for a brief second, lips pursing as if she was in thought, before typing something in, then handing the device back to the tall man. 
“i had fun today. and once again, thank you for the bracelet.” she said, eyes mimicking small crescents as she smiled up at yunho. 
“i guess, i’ll talk to you later?” she added, her hands now playing with the fabric of her dress, yunho nodding immediately in response.
“of course!”
with the two bidding farewell, yunho stayed behind for a few more seconds to watch the young woman’s retreating figure until she was finally gone from his line of sight. looking down at his phone, he couldn’t help but to emit a low chortle from the name she had decided to put in her contact. 
“i knew ‘butterfly’ suited you.” he said to no one in particular. 
putting his phone away, yunho decided that it was finally time to go home, the corners of his lips tilting up as he made his way home, mentally making a note to himself to send a certain owner of a butterfly hairclip a text message as soon as he reached home. 
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juricha-art · 3 years
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I recently learned that there's a species of very small bats that build tents from leaves and live there and I. Could. Not. Resist. Meet my new OC Heidi the Bat (get it? Hide-y, hehe), in Sonic style. She is a Honduran white bat. Despite her youthful, cutesy and innocent appearance (as well as her small size), she is older (around 13-15 years old) and more capable than she looks.She is a skilled builder and survivalist, able to build things from, utilize and even control (in a very limited way) a wide variety of leafy plants, including - of course - tents and camouflage. She is said to be a relative of Rouge - whether she is her cousin or her niece is yet to be determined - and she shares her relative's love of adventure and sparkly things as well as being potentially talented in the way of espionage if one is to take her skills into account.
Gets along well with the younger members of Sonic's cast, including Cream (she's quite a well-mannered girl, if a bit simple-minded in the more mundane things and can be blunt at times, she likes Chao as well, plus Vanilla teaches her to cook), Tails (both love building things), Marine (loves to explore, though she doesn't like sea travel all that much, as she feels exposed in all that wide open space) and Charmy (both have plant-related powers and are bundles of energy, but don't always see eye to eye due to their age difference and Charmy's loud personality).
As mentioned before, due to her size (she's about the same size as Charmy, even a bit smaller), she is weaker and has a smaller wing span. She can, however, climb any surface that has greenery on it (even ceilings!) using her claws and boots. enhance her vision even further with her goggles (they are actually Tails' old night-vision goggles he had in Tails' Adventure that he gave to her) and has a heightened sense of smell that allows her to detect some things even faster than Rouge, Knuckles or Tikal can (though she has a harder time detecting some things - like the Chaos Emeralds - and others she can't detect at all).
Her overall frail stature makes her a very, very poor fighter. When she was on her way to see the Mystic Ruins' pyramid, she got attacked by a weak stray Badnik and crashed in the jungle not far from Big and Froggy's home. Big found her and carried her to Tails' house to get help. And the rest, as they say, is history. I hope you enjoyed both my art, my character and the little story I just made up for her! Done with ShinHanArt and Copic markers, Copic Multiliner and white Uni Posca pen. Cleaned up in Clip Studio Paint. Heidi's design, idea and artwork - Juricha. Sonic the Hedgehog - Sega. 31.03-04.04.2021
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wavesmp3 · 4 years
eye choose number 13 + anyone you want! i tried to choose the driest one mwhahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaagaga
[breaking the rules]  13. the first glass of fresh water - sangyeon (the boyz) x reader - dystopian au | wc. 1.3k - a/n: hehe choco i’m actually really glad you chose this prompt for the reason you did, it sort of became a challenge for myself like how much can i twist the prompt into something wild and tbh i had wayyy too many ideas for what this could be, but the one I went with is set in the same world and loosely related to “you hide; i’ll seek”
sangyeon is a rule follower. 
so when someone above his pay grade tells him to give you, the capital’s most recent prisoner and alleged arson of the embassy building, a glass of water and nothing else, he does exactly that. of course it doesn’t help that you down the glass too fast, too eagerly. as if it’s the first glass of fresh water you’ve had in years. it doesn’t help that you hold the empty glass upside above your mouth, waiting for even the very last drop to fall in. and it certainly doesn’t help that you meet his eyes from across the cell, hold out the dry glass, and whisper, “please. one more.” 
sangyeon is a rule follower. even when every ounce of his consciousness tells him not to be one. 
sangyeon learns pretty quickly that you’ll probably never grow to like him. 
he figures that when you refuse to get up as he brings you food for the third day in a row, it’s probably better that you’re ignoring him completely rather than screaming in his face or throwing glass at his feet like some have done before. 
and there’s one particular morning where you must be too hungry to wait, that you meet him by the door of the cell as he slides the tray towards you. 
“the least they could do,” you mutter scornfully reaching for the glass of water first, “is give us some good food.” 
sangyeon doesn’t say anything in the moment, isn’t even sure you wanted him to hear. and yet despite that, he finds himself sneaking some of the guard food onto your tray before handing you your next meal. 
“you know there’s this saying,” you murmur one day when sangyeon comes to deliver you a meal and a glass of water as he’s told to do, “down in the basing district. people say that if you end up at the peaks, you’re as good as dead.” 
sangyeon had heard the lanier prisons called that before. he assumes the name comes from the mountain range surrounding it. a prison in between the peaks. but he’s less surprised by the name you call his dreaded place of work, and more surprised by the fact that you’ve even spoken to him with what sounds like a little less venom than before. 
“are you from there?” he asks swiping his id tag against the scanner to open the tray slot of your cell door. “the basing district?” 
“yeah.” you return, standing up from the corner of the cell. you reach for the water first. “just one glass?” 
you down the entire drink before he can even respond. “it’s the rule.” and after a moment of your blank stare taunting him further, he adds: “not really my call to make.” 
“and so what? you just blindly follow every rule you’re told?” 
“well, no i-“ he stops himself. suddenly noticing something different about your hair. between the cell bars, just barely, sangyeon can see that you’ve made the effort to style it today. “yeah.” he finally responds. “i guess i do.” 
you laugh, a low sound that reminds sangyeon of spite more than anything else. you grab the tray from the slot, and walk back to your corner muttering, “must make for an easy, privileged life then.” 
and with the way you say it, sangyeon can’t say for sure he knows what you mean. 
“i had this friend back in basing,” you tell sangyeon on his break as he pours you a second glass of water, “who made the best cookies and tea.”
he hands you a cracker and takes one for himself. “what’s his name?”
“if i told you i’d have to kill you?”
sangyeon stops mid-bite, sits back slightly, and stares at you staring at him gravely. for a second, he’d forgotten that you’re technically a prisoner. “oh.”
your face suddenly crumbles in laughter. “i’m kidding. his name was jacob.” 
sangyeon’s never heard a laugh die so quickly. 
walking you to your daily interrogations is one of sangyeon’s newer responsibilities. it’s a job he’s done before, definitely not one he’s fond of. but for some reason, making the walk from the cells to the interrogation rooms, feels inexplicably foreign when he does it with you.
sangyeon’s been told time and time again to never initiate conversation with the prisoners, and yet today he almost doesn’t resist the urge to ask how you feel. luckily, you start talking before sangyeon can break one of his rules. “these interrogations are pointless really.” you mutter, and as impossible as it seems, he thinks you sound a little bit sad. he frowns. “it’s always the same questions.”
you reach the door to the room before sangyeon can make out a response. 
the interrogation rooms are small. tiny really. with four black walls, a small table in the middle, two plastic chairs, and a two-way mirror on the farthest wall. usually, after dropping the prisoners off, sangyeon leaves from this wing of the lanier prisons, scurries away from his least favorite part of the peaks as fast as he can. but today, sangyeon finds himself seated alone on the other side of the two-way mirror, watching you fiddle uncomfortably in between your handcuffs. you both wait for the interrogator to come. 
she does eventually, and she looks exhausted more than anything. she follows the rules, almost as precisely as sangyeon does, first hooking you up to the lie-detector, test-running the signals, and finally starting the recorder before having said a single word. 
“okay,” she gruffs, flipping a page in her binder, “let’s just get this over with.”
the interrogation goes faster than sangyeon had imagined it would. he finds himself thinking back to what you had said before entering the room, about the questions being the same, and realizes that you were telling the truth. sangyeon feels like a spectator to a dance of some sort, like he’s watching you both run through a routine that you’ve been practicing for too long. 
“your id number?” she asks. 
“319507.” the machine flashes green. 
“your name?” 
“don’t have one.” red. 
“are you from the mei district?” 
no, sangyeon thinks to himself remembering the conversation you once shared. 
“you mean the wastes?” you scoff. 
the interrogator sighs. “are you from the mei district, also known as the wastes?”
“yes.” green. 
“do you know someone by the name of yoon jeonghan?”
“no.” red.
“were you ever in contact with joshua hong?”
“no.” green.
“is jacob bae dead.”
“no.” red.
“have you ever heard of the Resistance?”
“yes.” red. 
“are you a member of the Resistance?”
“are you a member of the Resistance? yes or no?”
“yes.” green.
“did you know they had plans to infiltrate the lanier prisons?”
“yes.” red.
“did you know they had plans to set fire to the embassy building in the basing district?”
“no.” green.
“did you set fire to the embassy building?”
you falter at that. pausing for the first time since beginning. hesitating for what the interrogator must think is a second too long. suddenly, you look up, eyes glazed over as if watching your reflection in the two-way mirror. it just so happens that your eyes find sangyeon. 
finally, you answer: “no.” 
and with the way you say it, sangyeon knows it’s the truth 
(the machine flashes red.) 
it’s a few days after that particular interrogation that sangyeon has the guts to ask. 
“did you do it?” he begins timidly.
“do what?”
“burn the embassy building?” 
he meets your eyes, and for a while you don’t answer, you just stare back. 
finally, taking a sip from your glass of water, you say to sangyeon, “i think you already know.”
sangyeon takes a sip from his own glass, and somehow, it feels like the first. 
you’re right, about a lot of things really, but concerning this, specifically, you’re right: sangyeon does know. he also knows that he’s a rule follower. except that when he finds himself sneaking back towards your cell after his shift with a stolen set of keys and an id tag that doesn’t belong to him, he supposes he hasn’t been much of a rule follower since the day he met you. 
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
Headcanons of what would be the children of boys with MC ???
Probably more than two, but they'd have a gap in between. Two sets of twins. And in full moon Aaron would be apprehensive.
Three boys and one girl, maybe? He is a very present father and the kids absolutely adore him! But they wonder where daddy goes in full moon... You tell them the truth, but hey, they're worried!
One day, however, Aaron turns and goes for his usual hunt in the forest, but then he hears something faintly familiar in the woods. Yelling.
"Aaron! Aaron!" He sort of knows who this is. It's his mate. He is wary, but stays put until you're in sight... With two cubs. His eyes widen comically and he snorts, jumping in surprise. He sniffs the air wildly and realizes those are his cubs. He accepts them, nodding at you and turning his back to you. You sigh in relief, knowing you can count on him, but god... They're going to eat the shoes.
You thought the other two were normal children, until Ivan yells your name into the distance and when you run to see them, well. There are four little holes on Ivan's hand while he holds a diaper. You can only sigh. Good luck, mc.
The third boy and the girl are the little bats. The boy is a little weird but that's how Aaron likes it. Hehe. Like, he's just so cute! One time he'll be right here in daddy's arms, and in the other... Huh? WhERES MY BABY? HE TELEPORTED.
And the girl! Oh, she's so sweet! Once Aaron danced for her and when she swung her fat little arms, she created a shockwave that made him fall on his bum! That's it, daddy's little warrior!!!!
He's a great dad and he'll train his kids from the beginning. He's gentle yet strict, and your kids seem to love training with him. He also likes reading with his kids and teaching them about nature and how to hunt in their human forms. (The kids like it bc the actual rewards are fruit for the cubs and frozen bunny blood popsicle for the vampires.)
Just a little boy.
He's tiny, and no talk him bc he angy. Yes, he's got some bite to him. He likes wearing big hats and he paints. Biggest garden assistance for Vlad. (He likes Aaron more. He has a plan of owning the garden when Vladimir dies, but he doesn't know yet... ToT)
He's very educated and supportive of people with disabilities and he learned to paint with different textures and layers so his daddy can feel his work!!!! Raphael cries every time.
Raphael is comprehensive and tends to pay his head way too much every time he does some "oopsie". He also supports his kid and teaches him how to do stuff without seeing because he thinks of the day his kid will have to fend for himself and walking at night in the dark wasn't good when he first started.
Raph trusts his kid with the boys, but Aaron and Vlad are his go-to if he can't spend some time with his kid because he knows they'd only do what they think it's best for the kid. He also eggs his son on when it comes to exploring and running around. No sun though!
(You often catch him walking around during daytime. Y'all just Do. Not. Know. How y'all can't see where he is hiding until you realize this kid can literally conceal himself anywhere. Also he's very good at not burning himself so you stop worrying at some point and he'll just start sleeping during day)
Was he doing that just to scare Raph? Oh, he'll see what's scary. No kisses tonight >| |(
He's also extremely protective of his kid even though he tries to get him to see the world. A minute late and he'll be lectured severely, so please step in sometimes or they'll fight and raph tends to cry. It's gonna take him time to realize his kid can handle himself because he's fragile in your vampire's eyes.
You can see her ANYWHERE. She has two beautiful curled horns and an extremely ravishing purple hair full of curls. She isn't stoppable. She's confident, smart, social, a business woman! She's five! she's not only Beliath's daughter. She is fashion itself.
Beliath is her number one fan, supporter and manager. He'll spend the rest of his life moisturizing washing combing and zipping things up and down if that means his daughter is the most ravishing kid in this city.
One day you'll wake up panting to your kid sitting in bed looking at you as if she was a psycho though. You were dreaming just now of your kid waving at you. Yep, she's got her daddy's powers. A few months later, she's going to be itching her back like crazy. Beliath is going to be jealous because hey! He had no wings! >:(
One day he'll wake up with her appearance all twisted and then she'll create the sickest illusions like a goose head and a penguin wearing glasses. You'll have a lot to teach.
Beliath scolds her A LOT and she gets grounded A LOT because she's him but smaller and they fight a lot over how she should learn how to be humble and try her best instead of just thinking she's the best but she won't listen bc... She's the best?
She's the greatest performer ever. Knows how to dance and that's what she does the most. Another party animal for you. Now turn them Barney songs on!
For some reason, she absolutely LOVES Raphael. I think it's because he's got shiny outfits and he's chill so she can brush his hair however she likes AND read her books for him. Lives rent free on the library reading princess stories and complaining about the princes.
A boy. He's shy, sweet and super articulated. His hair is blonde and he loves to wear nice clothes. Another one who'll bicker with his dad like he's talking to a kid his age.
Also he can hipnotize others in a specific way that turns him invisible when he wants and he can be persuasive, but it's hard to develop your powers when your dad is always complaining about the millions of cars you left on the floor and you're grumpy so every time you hide on the walls and turn invisible he complains and you go "tch, old hack" and he hears you. Tough life, grrr.
Even though they fight SOMETIMES, all they talk about when they're together is cuddles, studying and gardening. Vladimir is the actual mom if you wanted to be addressed to as the mom, just forget it lol, if not it's fine, you have a mom for your son.
He grounds your kid and talks it out calmly because even if they fight, your kid is a very good listener and he knows when words are well-meaning.
They sleep together a lot like two old grandpas and you have the advantage of Vladimir not knowing about modern cameras. Have fun!!!
Your kid ends up growing up to be an ABSOLUTE gentleman. He's funny, smart, handsome and really educated. Momma owl Daddy is proud!!!
They're trouble. Trouble.
Ethan yells, rips his hairs off, jumps and rolls on the floor but these kids, they're absolute raccoons! The girl literally can control minds Neil style and the boy is a tracker just like his father.
Honestly they're smart, but they just like to use it to make his dad go crazy!
They love each other tho, they rarely get in trouble and they behave when you say so. They're scared *laughs evil laugh*
Ethan teaches them many things and since he can't fight so much, he sends them to train with whoever they like. The girl usually hangs into Beliath's sleeve and they get along super well. He teaches her hand in hand and the boy goes with Aaron because his tracking skills are developing. Sometimes he takes both of them and teaches them knife combat and how to be a good medical support because again, being a vampire is tough.
The boy likes embroidery and Ethan thinks he's weird because he makes some sick Dinosaurs but he tells him to go off. He likes how well made they are.
The girl enjoys violence fighting more so she trains extra hard.
This is the sweetest kid of the bunch. Your little girl. Is the shy baby you see clinging to their companion's shirt/pants in the street. She likes gardening herself, not with anyone else. She plants some flowers in a space Vladimir didn't use and she shoos everyone off, but gently bc babygirl is never mean... Until she finds out she has fangs
She's going to run to you crying and pull her lips up and squint as if struggling and then BAM, fangs are out! You'll have to explain with Ivan what's going on. She understands *sniff*.
Ivan is head over heels for her. They read together, they play board games and she's extremely skilled at every single one. She loves to pursue education on her favorite themes and she likes fiction.
Little girl also loves fashion and she wants someone to teach her how to sew. If you don't know it's okay, she'll put extra effort in learning to teach you!! "You'll see, we'll be sewing in no time, I'll teach you too!"
Sometimes you wonder if you're being a parent right because she just doesn't get grounded. You speak once, she never does it again. Is she really Ivan's daughter? "Hey!" "Shut up, go back in the hole or I'll use the stick!" "Ouch, stop!"
She turns very aggressive when she fights though, to the point where you're worried about the others when they teach her, because she fights like her life depends on it and she doesn't hold back until she overexerts herself. Turns out your daughter can use some sort of gravitational field and if you don't stop her, she might send one flying or pull them right into her clutches, so be careful.
Overall 100/10 great kid. Ends up designing hundreds of clothes and lives her life peacefully.
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Regain Your Starlight
A Discord text game inspired by Philippine folklore
How you wish you could return home to the night sky.
You are a STARMAIDEN, and you've just lost your WINGS after a night of frolicking along the waters of LAGUNA LAKE. As such, you are unable to reunite with your fellow Stars until you recover your wings.
You’re standing on the shore of the lake. It’s the middle of the night. What do you do?
>retrieve arms
Thankfully, your arms are still intact. You take the form of a beautiful native maiden, with a star-shaped mole underneath your eye to signify you are BORNE OF THE NIGHT SKY.
>retrieve wings
Obviously, you can't! You've misplaced them. You remember leaving them right here, on this shore of the lake! Or was it that other shore? No no. Hmm.
You decide to seek refuge in the parish of a nearby TOWN, which you learn is called KUBLIHAN.
"May I assist you, miss...?"
It's a young SACRISTAN, an assistant helping around with the tasks of the church. It seems he was in the middle of sweeping the floors and counting the money in the coffers. He introduces himself as CRISANTO.
What do you tell him?
>just a normal human maiden who has lost something
"Hmm, alright then. Although... I can tell you're different from most women. I don't know, just my intuition."
"Why are you here so late at night? Have you no family?" you ask him.
"My mother lives on the far reaches of the town. I stay here on most nights. It's alright, I can visit her tomorrow, as I don't have work!" he says cheerfully.
It's the following day. Crisanto says he'll accompany you back to the bay to search for what you've lost, as his mother lives along the lake!
Before you arrive, you pass through a dark neck of the woods. The sunlight doesn't seem to shine through the tree branches, and there's a chill in the air and a scent of something rotting.
"Heeheehee. You shouldn't have come here, boy."
A withered crone in a black shawl shows herself, and points a bony finger toward you two.
Crisanto jumps, and hides behind you.
"Ahhh! It's Barang the Witch! Please, do something!"
>stand protectively in front of him
You do so. Crisanto cowers behind you, clearly afraid of the witch.
>do we know any magic???
>look around for any potential smack-witch-object
You can do magic, sure, but it's incredibly weak. Basically, you can take existing moonlight and fashion it into something physical, but it's the middle of the day!
There's a BRANCH nearby, if you can keep her distracted long enough to get to it.
You give her a swift KICK. By the light of the moon, you'd have punished her by now!
You nod to Crisanto, and he fetches the branch. You give Daluyong a good smack, which renders her unconscious and thus down for the count. You then flee back to the safety of the forest's edge, where Crisanto reunites with his mother.
"Mother! Oh, oh, it was so scary! But she saved me, Mother!"
"Oh... how wonderful," Crisanto's mother says as she turns to you. "What is your name, dear miss?"
"Sara," you tell her.
[ Bookmark added. ]
>head back to daluyong and beat the everloving crap out of her while you still can
You return to the forest, but she's gone! That wily witch.
You instead head back to the town parish. Crisanto informed you that the gossipy SISTER MINANG could tell you who's who in town.
When you get there, the church is empty. It's suddenly sweltering hot inside, and there's a dry wind that enters the windows. One of the statues of the saints moves. It's the Sto. Niño, an image of Christ as a young boy. He has porcelain skin and coarse, curly hair. He's also dressed in an elegant gold and crimson robe.
He yawns.
"Well, that nap took forever. Oh dear, is that a crack? That's new. Oh, and this outfit."
The Sto. Niño turns to you. "Ah! It seems I have a devotee today. How do you do, fair Star? I'm El Niño, the Heat Haze Wind."
"Small G, please! Hehe. I used to go by Santonilyo, but then those pesky conquistadores went and turned me into a saint! So I just go by Santo Niño nowadays. What year is it? Ah, 1895. Man, that was a long nap. Are these islands like, still under Spanish rule? Sorry, I'm babbling. Hahaha."
You inform him of your current dilemma. He says he's willing to help, but he can only move when exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise, you'll have to carry him.
>stay somewhere open with sunlighty
>can we destroy the ceiling to let in a LOT of light?
"Why didn't I think of that!! You're pretty smart."
The sunlight seems to shine even brighter, until the ROOF of the church caves in. You're able to get out in the nick of time, holding El Niño's tiny hand in yours.
"Oopsies," he says.
You're now in the middle of the town square. As it's the middle of the day, everyone is taking their midday nap (siesta).
After some time, you decide to take El Niño somewhere safe, and transfer him to a nearby grotto. That way, when the sun sets and he reverts back into a statue, he'll at least have a place to stay where people can find and worship him.
It's now the witching hour. You hear a guttural growl, and turn to find a nun.
"So... so hungry... Need... flesh..."
Before your very eyes, she grows bat wings, and looks at you with crazed eyes.
"Sister Isidra!" El Niño says. "I always knew there was something fishy about her. She's a vampire!! We need to do something. Oh, by the way, since it's sunset, my powers are limited and we have around fifteen minutes before I turn back into a statute. Good luck!"
You charge at her with a STICK, but it proves useless. She instead snaps it like, well, a stick!!! Dammit.
El Niño tries to use his powers, and summons the Heat Haze. Cracks form around the earth, and there's a sweltering wind. Alas, it doesn't do much.
"Oops, guess it's time," he says as the sun sets. "Did I tell you that vampires get stronger as night falls? You'd best be getting outta here."
You stall Isidra until the MOON comes out. Yes, you can use your powers!!
Unfortunately it's waning. Therefore your powers are nigh-depleted. You hold out your hands a bit, but all you can manage to muster is a ball of moonlight as hard and dense as a large rock.
>scream: why the fuck the moon so weak? Git good, moon what are you, moon moon?
You decide to FLEE, throwing some SALT at Isidra. You keep forgetting that Crisanto's mother packed you a lunch of SALTED FISH. That counts, right??
Isidra lets out a shriek of pain. You book it back to the forest, and find Crisanto's home.
"Miss Star! You've come back," Crisanto's mother, SINTA, says. "Did you eat my packed lunch?"
"Vampire. On her way," you tell her, wheezing. You're exhausted from all that running.
Isidra finds you, and starts flying towards the hut!
"I'll take care of this, dear."
Sinta does some chants while dancing around with a candle on her head. She takes her loyal ROOSTER, which starts to crow. A miniature ball of FIRE appears, and heads straight toward the Vampire. It screeches in horror at the light, and flees.
"That was something, Sinta! How were you able to do that?!" you ask her.
"Well, back in the day before I gave birth to Crisanto, I was something of a shaman," she says. "Don't tell him, though. I wanted to give him a good life, free of the shackles of the magic world."
>hug her
>thank you!!
>cry a lil
"Thank you so much, Nay Sinta! I was so scared!!" you say.
"No need to thank me, dear. We're all people in need, at one point or another."
You get a good night's sleep, and head back to the town church to assess the damage done. Hopefully you can help with repairs, as the town curate, PADRE BENEDICTO, will be angry.
As you arrive, there's already someone there. It's a snobbish-looking young woman in a frilly dress.
"Oh dear. Who brought the riffraff? Pedro, fetch me some water please," she says, fanning herself. Sinta tells you this is the wealthy Doña Ambrosia, a cruel and spiteful woman. She's the richest person in town, and looks down on everyone.
What do you do?
[ Bookmark added. ]
>is there water anywhere near?
There's a river flowing a little ways west. You could easily walk to it and be back within half an hour.
>do we have any containers to store water?
Sinta brought over a bowl made of banana leaves that she's woven together, and bound with magic. It will never leak.
>start walking towards the river
"That Doña Ambrosia is a real snob, huh?" you ask Sinta.
"She sure is. You know, I heard she even threw a plate at one of her servants! I don't see why poor Pedro puts up with her. That's some real devotion."
You take some river water, and put it in Sinta's banana bowl. What do you do next?
>sinta, on a scale of one to ten, how amazing would it be if i brought ambrosia this water just to dump it on her head?
"Yes, I'd like that very much! And I know a way we can do it."
You and Sinta go back to where Ambrosia is, and volunteer to give her water. You rush over, bowl in-hand, and Sinta pretends to trip you as a prank! As intended, you spill water all over Doña Ambrosia.
"ARGH! You simpletons, unable to even get me some water! My uncle will be hearing about this!!!" she says, storming off.
You're still a long ways away from finding your wings, but you're HAPPY. Being a human is nice.
[ End of Session 1. ]
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