#and ppl saying ‘nature destroyed orels innocence’ just feels like kind of a weird way to explain it to me when he was being abused long b4
matoitech · 2 years
For me personally, Nature is the straw that broke the camel's back in the way it took off Orel's mask of repression.
Remember how he is taught to repress all of the bad things he had done along with getting gaslighted by his own dad and misled by the entire town? Me thinks it's cause of that that orel still thinks with an innocence due to learning to make up excuses for the adults.
yeah i agree! i think the episode served that purpose for orel as well as the audience, i def wasn’t trying to say it didn’t like change anything for him, i guess it just depends how ppl r using ‘innocence’. i was thinking more like, i disagree w the ppl who use nature less like the straw that broke the camels back situation (cuz that’s true) and more like a Orels Dad Becomes Mean which feels rly like missing the point lol. but yeah overall i do agree with you!
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