#and probably not any based on games? again no judgment I just can't play a lot of games because they make me dizzy
tj-crochets · 2 years
Hey y’all! I have a dilemma. Warning: talking about medical stuff
1. I might be finally getting a diagnosis for the adrenal problems! 2. It’s because I tested low on one thing, but it’s not the thing I thought I’d test low on 3. If I have the thing that being low on cortisol can mean, I not only *finally* have a diagnosis after more than a decade, I get the good meds 4. The good meds (a replacement for a different hormone than the one I’m already on) will almost definitely help literally all my other health problems, and there’s a chance that if I take them long term, I might not have allergies anymore?* 5. the problem: stress raises the levels of cortisol. Testing low on cortisol is how I get a diagnosis. I need to not panic before/during this blood test, and it involves being in a room for an hour and a bit because they have to take samples at different times to see how I react 6. It is very very difficult for me to not panic, knowing that if I *don’t* test low again, I will not get the diagnosis, and without the diagnosis I do not get the good meds (because if you don’t have Addisons, long term steroids are Very Bad for you in several ways, including messing up your immune system)  7. but if I DON’T have Addisons, and I am on the good meds, my immune system will be messed up in the middle of the pandemic 8. so I am stressing about potentially testing low, getting a diagnosis, having it be wrong and increase my covid risk, while also stressing about *not* testing low and being left a medical mystery again after coming so close to finally getting a diagnosis. It’s been twelve years since the first doctor told me I had salt issues, and nearly a decade since they got bad enough to affect my quality of life severely. I really, really want a diagnosis.  9. Either way, I really really need to not stress so that my levels are accurate, whatever they turn out to be So, tl;dr: I am stressing, and, for medical test reasons, it is very important that I not stress out for the next two days (so, until 6/22/22). To help me not stress, I am asking today for fanfic recs, and if y’all can send me like cute animal pictures and/or quilt inspiration on Wednesday morning? I’ll post about the cute animal pictures/quilt inspiration request tomorrow night so I can look at them in the morning *one of the roles of cortisol, as I understand it, is helping your body process histamines. I do not have IgE mediated allergies, I have “excess of histamine” allergies, so if I can process more histamine I might, functionally, be allergy free
#long post#medical mention#the person behind the yarn#I simplified some of this because I tend to go waaaaay into jargon when talking about my health issues#if anyone has any questions I'm happy to clarify I just wanted to de-jargon it as much as possible#Addisons disease is a kind of catch-all term for adrenal insufficiency. I have a family history of Addisons#I also have pretty severe stress reactions to most doctors for reasons I will not get into here#which means...my stress could have been tainting my test results the whole damn time (I have been tested for Addisons several times)#which is not helping my current stress levels lol#the 'good meds' I mentioned a few times are glucocorticoids (it could be one of a few different medications)#I am currently on a mineralocorticoid#both are steroids but are also artificial versions of hormones our bodies usually produce#if you take them and are low on them they have basically no impact on your immune system (as I understand it)#but if you take them and aren't low on them they are immunosuppressants (I am not a doctor though so don't take that as medical advice)#I unfortunately also get stressed out being in rooms with closed doors. Like rooms in doctor offices.#I have no explanation for that one? it doesn't bother me in bathrooms but absolutely does with kitchens/bedrooms/offices/etc#I think I read a lot of the major fandoms except anime ones (no judgment meant I just haven't watched them)#and probably not any based on games? again no judgment I just can't play a lot of games because they make me dizzy
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simpforfandoms · 2 years
can you please write a one shot based on your head canon that we walked in on billy getting yelled at by his dad
Of course! Hope you enjoy this! Also I made the reader a Wheeler, it fit for the story.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, swearing
Word Count: 1.2K
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hurt & Comfort
Summary: Request
part 2
Disclaimer: As a victim of parental abuse, I am not romanticizing abuse. If you are experiencing any type of abuse, you may be triggered by this. If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse please get help! You are not alone. My DMS is always open.
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
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You had been dating Billy for 2 months. You met him at one of your sister's parties. Of course, you've heard of him before. Who hasn't? He was the king of the school. He probably slept with every girl within a 10-mile radius. Your sister had warned you about him. But then again you didn’t trust her judgment. She dated Steve Harrington for crying out loud! Anyways, Billy came up to you. He tried to convince you to sleep with him upstairs. Instead, you took him upstairs to play on your new Nintendo gaming system. You two just hit it off from there.
You didn't really know anything about his personal life. You knew he moved to Hawkins from California. You knew he had a stepsister, Max. Other than the basics, you knew nothing about him. After school, you would hang out with him. He would pick you and his step-sister up. Then he would go to his house, walk Max in, come back to his camero and take you to some place. Billy always told you to stay in his car when he took Max inside. You didn't really know why. You just assumed that his dad and step-mom didn't know about you or he was embarrassed by you. Whatever. You were fine. Until one day he took longer than usual to get back to the car
It was a normal day. You walked over to Billy's car with him and waited for Max to get into the car. But she was nowhere to be found.
"Where the fuck is she, We're gonna be late!"
"Calm down she's just over there talking to that guy."
You point to where she is. Billy starts the car and drives over to where she is. Max seems to be telling the guy to 'fuck off'. When she notices Billy's car, she walks away from the guy and gets in the car.
"Who was that?" Billy asks her frustrated.
"No one"
"Was he causing you trouble"
"Stay away from him"
"Shut up, you can't control who I hang around. I don't ask you who this chick is. You haven't even introduced me to her!" Max exclaims.
You suppose she's right. You haven't introduced yourself to her. You've been riding home with her for the past 8 weeks and she doesn't even know your name! You turn to introduce yourself, but before you could Billy yells back at her.
"Shut the fuck up dipshit. I don't have to tell you shit. Be lucky I even give you a ride home, I could make you walk home!"
The rest of the car ride was filled with awkward silence. When Billy turned onto their street, you decided to talk.
"Hi, I'm y/n, nice to meet you" You turn to Max
"I know" Max replies
"Don't be fucking rude"
With that Billy parks. Max storms out of the car, grabs her skateboard and takes off.
"Don't slam my door!" Billy says as he goes inside the house.
Well, that was eventful. You can't believe that happened. You've never seen Billy so mad. He's always been kind to you. You checked the time.
That's odd. It's been 15 minutes. It usually doesn't take more than 5 minutes for Billy to come back. Should you go inside to make sure everything is okay? Technically he didn't tell you to stay in his car this time. What if you just go inside to have a quick peek? Yeah, that will be fine.
It took you serval minutes to gather the courage to walk up to the house. The door was wide open. Billy must've forgotten to shut it. The house is empty. It's quiet, except for the yelling upstairs. Should you go upstairs? Billy could be in trouble. After all, you came in to make sure everything was okay. You quietly walk up the stairs. The voices get louder.
"What the fuck were you thinking? You're in charge of Max. You have to get her home safely. Where the fuck is she? She's not here, I can tell you that, Billy! WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!" Billy is pinned up against the wall as a man, whom you assume is his father yells at him.
No wonder he doesn't talk about his dad. You're just watching the scene unfold. Suddenly Billy's father raises his to hit Billy. That's when you decide to speak.
"Hello, I'm y/n. You must be Billy's dad. Nice to meet you." You say.
Billy's dad drops Billy and turns to look at you. You can feel Billy's eyes on you. He never wanted you to interact with his father. He watches. Waiting for his father's reaction.
"I am. What are you doing here?" His father asks with a fake smile.
"I just came here to inform you that Max is at my house with my brother. The door was wide open and I heard voices coming upstairs. I hope you don't mind that I walked in"
"Not all. Thank you for informing me. Billy why don't you go with this young lady to retrieve Max."
Billy just stood still. He didn't know how to react. He was worried. His father was upset by you but didn't show it.
"Yes sir" Billy says as he moves toward you.
He places his shaky hand on your back and guides you back to his car. You two sit in silence for a minute. Til you break the silence.
"You want to talk about it?" you ask, sightly above a whisper
"What the hell were you thinking? You know to stay in the car. My dad couldve-" He let out a shaky breathe.
"You could've gotten hurt y/n." He says not able to look at you.
You grab his cheek and turn him towards you. You two just stare at each other for a moment. You lightly kiss his chapped lips.
"I'm sorry" you whisper
"Just don't do it again"
"I won't, I promise."
It pains you to say that. All you want to do is protect him, but you have to put his worries at ease. He looks so vulnerable and weak. God, it breaks your heart to see him like this. He turns his head back to the road and starts his car. You head to your house to get Max.
"I'll go in and get her" you say
"Y/n don't mention this to her"
"I won't"
You give him a quick kiss and say good bye. You walked up to your door. Your little brother, Mike, answers the door.
"I thought you weren't gonna be back til later."
"Plans change" You shrug "Can you tell Max to come out please?"
"I don't have to tell you"
He rolls his eyes and calls for Max. Max walks upstairs and looks at you.
"Oh my god what now?"
"I promised your dad you would go home"
Max looks out the door and sees billy in his car waiting for her.
"I don't want to be around him."
"I know but just please go home with him. You don't have to say anything to him."
"Ugh fine" She says as she grabs her skateboard and walks out.
You wave to Billy and go inside. But Mike stops you from going upstairs .
"So you and Billy?"
“Yeah and what about it?”
“He’s a dick”
“So are you”
Then you walk upstairs to your room. You try not to think about what you saw, what will happen to billy, and if he’s okay. But you just can’t stop worrying about it. You know Billy’s a big man and he can protect himself. But when his dad had him pinned against the wall, about to hit him, Billy looked like he was ready to take the hit. You wonder why he doesn’t want Max to know. She should know so she doesn’t sneak out anymore? Right? Then again she is just a child. Why is this so confusing? You just want Billy to be safe.
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Well anyway the game was pretty good from what I could gather with the small amount of time I got to play it. I mean I don’t like the duelling, let alone how often you have to duel. Also you can’t progress the story unless you’ve beat every duel. I guess it’s like HPHM but it’s more difficult imo. But the plot & characters are pretty cool, I really like the character designs & art style too. It’s just a shame they’re gatekeeping who gets to play so much. I know it’ll be available for everyone eventually but no one knows when that’s gonna be :/
I'll reserve judgment on the dueling until I actually play the game myself, but overuse of any mechanic can be a problem. Since there are always going to be players who just cannot stand said mechanic. I remember getting to a certain point of Deltarune CH2 and just laughing as I realized "Half of this chapter is just dodging traffic." Game design isn't something that I claim to know anything about, I can only speak from my experience as a consumer/customer of games. What really caught my attention was when you said that progress in the story was locked until every duel was finished. That...sounds a bit more like a red flag.
Again, if the duels wind up being easy, I may not think it's a big deal...but based on your feedback, it's not fun for you. So that's not a good endorsement. Plus, depending on how much you have to duel and how the duels are integrated...this has the potential to either be A) a lot of filler, or B) a game where the side-quests are required. Which, as someone who goes out of their way to do every side-quest in most games, I don't really object to that idea personally...but, by definition, side-quests are supposed to be optional. Requiring them probably won't be appreciated by the gamers who prefer to skip them.
The art style is, at least so far, my absolute favorite thing about the game. Seriously, this art style appeals to me very much. It just suits the potterverse tremendously, it's got a kind of magical vibe. Like it's all a spooky storybook. I'm not sure how to describe it but I just vibe with this visual style quite a lot. I haven't really gotten too invested in the characters just yet, but I'm sure that I will when the time comes. For me, characters are everything. They are what can easily make or break a story/fictional universe. If I can't get invested in the characters, my investment in the story is much harder to build. There's a reason Undertale is one of my top fandoms. Say what you will about that game/franchise, but the characters are top notch.
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torchholder247-blog · 5 years
Eric L Andrist-the man behind the curtain of baddoctordatabase, bad medicine database on fb, 4Patientsafety and The Patient Safety League
What follows is an exchange with Eric L Andrist (photo bust attached to this site), the man who runs the [email protected] blog where he re-posts articles about doctors accused of wrongdoing, often adding his own spin to the posts. In the exchange below we removed the doctors name and identifying information as the focus is Who is Eric Andrist? and the defamatory false exposure of Innocent doctors are posted on his sites.
Us: Charges were dismissed against Dr X and his medical license is active and unlimited. Dr X was and remains innocent of the charge.
Andrist: I already posted the newer articles. However, dismissal of charges does NOT necessarily equate to rendering someone "innocent." The article clearly says:
"In an unusual move, Circuit Judge X sealed the probable cause affidavit and case information at the request of Judicial District Prosecuting Attorney X the day before Dr X was taken into custody.
The Order to Seal Affidavit and Information document indicates the record was sealed on the grounds that if released to the public, it could compromise an ongoing investigation. In addition, the release of said information is sensitive, and it is necessary to withhold this information for a short time to ensure the investigations are not impaired."
So clearly there is an ongoing investigation.
Us: Your integrity is appreciated. The citation you post above are from reporters of Online & Bulletin articles of X date. Clearly from that date further 'ongoing' investigations transpired that the State dropped charges and reinstated Dr X's medical license 'in full without restriction'. Those two current legal actions verify 'Innocence' in that surely you are not suggesting that the State would permit the doctor to resume practice otherwise. You posted Dr X to your various social media Bad Doctor related sites solely on the basis of 'the Charge against him' yet 'the Charge against him' has been dismissed..and you now refuse to take down your negative posts. That decision defeats the otherwise good intention of your site. Since the ruling no further investigation of Dr X exists. IF you are suggesting that other persons are part of a current ongoing investigation, that has no relevancy to Dr X. Please reconsider and remove.
Thank you for posting the Online Dismissal article provided to you.
Andrist: Actually, they don't. That's not how the law works. Dropping charges does not equate to innocence. It just means there was not enough evidence to proceed with the charges. The state constantly lets doctors practice when they've done something wrong! We monitor the California Medical Board heavily. We have 3 doctors currently on the Sex Offenders Registry who are practicing with clear records!
My decision to keep up the information does NOT defeat the purpose of my site because he has not been proven innocent...they just gave up proving him guilty.
If you have documentation PROVING innocence, by all means send them to me and I'll post them. But again, dismissing charges does not mean he's innocent. There's a big difference.
In court, even a "not guilty" verdict by a jury does not equate to "innocent" As we saw in the OJ Simpson case, he was found not guilty by a jury, when he was clearly guilty, and later found guilty in a civil trial.
Us: I am trying hard to understand. I get what you are saying about other cases, but am only informed about the case of Dr X. Your website states "'Innocent' until proven guilty", the 'one' charge against Dr X was dismissed, not by the Judge, not by Statute of Limitations, but by the State Prosecutor..resulting in Dr X having no charges against him. He cannot be proven 'guilty' when there is no charge against him..nor any further investigation of him. Therefore based upon your site claims, Dr X is innocent...supporting removing your posts on social media. To take any action otherwise contradicts your website virtue of Innocent Until Proven Guilty...and becomes Guilty Until Proven Innocent. Our legal system is not perfect, but it is based solely upon that same legal system that your website exists.
Andrist: You don't seem to understand what "dismissed" means. Why do you think it relates to innocence? If someone murders their spouse and they get arrested just because they were there at the time, but later the charges are dropped because they simply couldn't find more evidence linking them to the murder, does that mean to you that the person is innocent and didn't kill someone?
Innocent until proven guilty is a phrase that only has meaning in a court of law. In the real world, not so much. People judge people guilty all the time. It's on my website as a disclaimer, not as my own personal belief. I don't put information in my blog personally, I only link to stories that other reporters have already written. The stories about Dr X are other people's words, not mine. It's there for informational purposes.
In the eyes of the "law," he is considered innocent until proven guilty. But in real life, that's not the case. We as people are not bound by the laws of the court to read the facts and make a judgment based on them.
IF he is guilty, don't you think his patients have a right to know the details of this story?
What is your relationship to him?
Us: I understand both 'dismissed' and 'innocence' in both lay terms and legal terms. I also understand human nature as it relates to judging/harming others on an emotional platform. Additionally I saw that your sites were merely re-posting articles written by others. The dialogue between you and I could go on exchanging philosophical views but cutting to the chase..what evidence do you accept to prove 'innocence' of anyone posted to your baddoctor related websites?
Andrist: First, who are you and why are you asking for this? Why isn't the doctor asking me?
Us: No story here, just trying to understand how, as the site manager, to work with you to remove the post and would appreciate your guidance on what is required. Please advise.
Andrist: Well, I won't continue the conversation until I know who you are and your motives. I've been contacted by companies before who did this same thing who were paid by the doctor to clean the internet. They gave me all kinds of lies trying to get me to take a post down including bribe money. They told me the doctor was proven innocent. Then I checked with the DA's office and it was all lies. So if you want to continue the conversation, come clean.
Us: I can't be held accountable for what others do. As you can attest, I have done nothing but provide you with updated Source data (articles, legal docs) to support a reasonable request. You claim you have 'no relationship' with the folks that submit to your sites, accordingly it is illogical to require otherwise of me. My request of what constitutes 'Proof of Innocence' to you is straight forward. Without knowing your requirements, the tasks is unreachable...as from a legal platform I have already provided you adequate documentation to satisfy my request.
Andrist: Sure it is. It's my blog, I can do what I want with it. I need to know where information comes from and if it's from a person, the motives for it. You could be lying for all I know. And no, you have not provided me anything to satisfy your request. You seem to think that a dismissal equates to innocence.
If he did the things he's accused of, why should his patients not have access to the information so they can decide for themselves? Why would you want to take that away from them?
Us: With all due respect, I ask again, what would satisfy you to establish Proof of Innocence? or is your site unamenable to ever removing a post?
Andrist: Sorry, I'm done talking if you're not going to tell me who you are.
Have the doctor contact me himself.
Us: I am sorry also. You could have simply told me that you never remove anyone once you make a post.
Andrist: Why would I say that if it's not true. I've taken a doctor down when he was able to convince me of his innocence. You've convinced me of nothing except being a busy body.
Us: Name calling, really? If what you now say was true, you would easily provide your site requirements to prove innocence. There would be no motivation not to produce the requirements, yet you refuse.
Andrist: What's wrong with name calling if it fits? I don't have to provide anything. I'm a patient safety advocate, my allegiance is to the public not the bad doctors. You're asking me for a favor, I gave you the requirements for me to proceed, and you've chosen not to. You'r choice. I've refused nothing...you just don't want to play.
Us: You are partially right, this is not a game. Your site while it does serve a great public good when the doctor is 'guilty', it is negligent to have no clear protocol for the wrongly accused to clear their name, given the harm your site causes the innocent..who are 'also' part of the public you say you serve. For that portion of the posts, the innocent, however small it may be, your website does a great injustice. But that does not matter to you, it's all about the game and power. Sad.
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